Corey Rossi for Sportsmen for Wildlife

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Transcript of Corey Rossi for Sportsmen for Wildlife

  • 8/2/2019 Corey Rossi for Sportsmen for Wildlife


    There was a time in Americas his


    tory when natural resources were so

    abundant that the thought of ever de-

    pleting them seemed absurd. However, with

    the Industrial Revolution and increased hu-

    man population, it became obvious that

    people not only were capable of harming

    the environment, but they were doing so

    at an alarming rate. As we depleted our re-

    sources, competition to exploit the few re-

    maining resources predictably escalated.

    From these excesses was born an

    awakening that came to be known as the

    Conservation Movement. Under the guid-

    ance of great visionaries such as Teddy

    Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot, we began

    a process of conserving and restoring our

    once great natural resources. Fundamental

    to this model was the concept of managing

    on a sustained yield basis. Sustained yield

    is the application of time-tested agricultur-

    al principles to the natural environment. In

    other words managing the yield (harvest)

    of renewable natural resources in such

    away that they are available at the same (or

    better) level to future generations.Some 25 years later, as the fram-

    ers of Alaskas constitution contemplated

    the proper management of Alaskas vast

    natural resources, they took the sustained

    yield principle to a new level. Not only

    would they protect these precious assets

    for future generations, they would do so for

    the maximum benefit of Alaskas people

    (Article VIII, Sections 1-4, Alaska State

    Constitution). Upon this foundation, the

    concept of abundance-based management

    was built. Such management requires man

    to work with the land to produce a yieldthat is not only sustainable, but is also

    maximized for human benefit.

    To further define and promote this

    concept, the Alaska Legislature passed the

    Intensive Management Law. This impor-

    tant statute defines intensive management

    as management of an identified big game

    prey population consistent with sustained

    yield through active management measures

    to enhance, extend, and develop the popu-

    lation to maintain high levels or provide

    for higher levels of human harvest, includ-

    ing control of predation and prescribed

    or planned use of fire and other habitat

    improvement techniques. AS 16.05.255

    (j) (2)(4)(5).

    At this point, it is important to note that

    sustainable yield is a range of production,

    rather than an exact defined quantity from

    a population at maximum carrying capac-

    ity every year. For example, a given piece

    of land may produce a long-term averageharvest of 25 moose per year. In perfect

    years this land might produce 50 moose, and

    in horrible years perhaps none. The produc-

    tion depends on the annual effects of envi-

    ronmental resistance to population growth.

    In addition, if the land has the capacity to

    yield 25 moose per year on a sustainable

    basis, that same piece of land can yield only

    one moose, as well. Thus the range of sus-

    tainable yield for moose on that particular

    piece of land is 1-25 moose per year.

    Critics of Alaskas Constitution an

    Intensive Management Law theorize th

    managing fish and wildlife populatio

    for maximum harvest (often referred

    as maximum sustainable yield, or MSY

    could be problematic. Their theory argu

    that managing at maximum is a bad ide

    because it assumes that all individuals

    a population are identical, and that natur

    fluctuations and data gaps make it di

    ficult for managers to determine the exapopulation of a species at a given momen

    Consequently, many prefer the concepts

    optimum sustainable yield and/or max

    mum average yield, as both terms attem

    to apply factors that allow managers

    maintain populations at a level that is hig

    but is still somewhere below MSY.

    Yet, their argument ignores the oper

    tive word within the MSY concept su

    tainable. The sustainability of a manag

    ment strategy is paramount. Any strateg

    The author with a small portion of Alaskas sustainable yield.

    Producing A Bounty For All Users To Enjoyby Corey Rossi

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  • 8/2/2019 Corey Rossi for Sportsmen for Wildlife

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    that produces frequent collapses in a stock is by definition, not sustainable. Perhaps

    more importantly, any true management strategy requires active hands on par-

    ticipation by a manager to compensate for periodic environmental resistance (e.g.,

    weather, poor habitat, over-hunting, predation, etc.). Simply put, the maximum

    sustainable yield principle requires that managers be willing to assume the risks

    and responsibilities of trying to maximize human benefits by intervening in naturalsystems over the longer term.

    Whether or not one supports the concept of MSY, it is quite apparent that

    the intent of Alaskas Constitution and the Intensive Management Law is to

    maintain our fish and game populations at the upper end of the range of sustain-

    ability. In other words, we are to manage for abundance, rather than mediocrity

    (or worse yet, scarcity).

    The concept of managing for abundance is also deeply rooted in the culture

    and traditions of Alaska. Throughout the state, Alaskans rely heavily on the bounty

    produced by their natural resources. Central to these traditions is the premise that

    mankind has not only the ability, but also the obligation to manipulate natural

    systems for the benefit of people, as well as for the benefit of the resource itself.

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    Naturally, when resources become scarc

    increased competition for the remaining resourc

    exacerbates the challenge. Throw in rising energ

    costs and a high unemployment rate, and the sta

    is set for impassioned human conflict, as well

    further resource depletion. This is precisely wh

    the Palin Administrations emphasis on manag

    ment of our renewable resources (especially fi

    and game) to produce abundance is so importan

    It has been said, A rising tide raises all shipsWhen properly applied, abundance-based fish an

    game management benefits all user groups in th

    true tradition of multiple use management.

    So, how does Alaska apply this concep

    The first step is a public process where the Boa

    of Game, working with the Department of Fi

    and Game, identifies the species and populatio

    that need to be increased to meet the huma

    need. Next, they identify the environment

    resistance inhibiting the growth/maintenance

    the population. Finally, a plan is developed an

    implemented to mitigate the identified resistan

    to the extent possible.A well-conceived plan defines the measure(

    of success, and provides a mechanism to monit

    success over time. The plan may involve th

    manipulation of several factors and employ se

    eral techniques simultaneously. Selection of the

    techniques must always consider humanenes

    selectivity, efficiency, and cost effectivenes

    While some techniques are more controversi

    than others, all are management tools and shou

    be used appropriately with proper respect for th

    resource(s) involved.

    For example, reducing the number wolves

    a given area should never become a war on wolve

    any more than harvesting moose should becom

    a war on moose. It is important to remember th

    moose are to wolves, what vegetation is to moo

    food. As we manage for abundance, we mu

    realize that if we have more moose than the habit

    can support, we must reduce the number of moos

    or increase the habitat, or both. The same is true

    moose and wolves. All are important componen

    within the abundance management concept.

    Alaskan abundance management embo

    ies the realization that humans are not mere

    intruders in the environment, nor are they mereguardians. In Alaska, the role of humans is one

    thoughtful intervention to produce abundant an

    sustainable populations of fish and game for a

    user groups to enjoy.

    Corey Rossi is a the Assistant Commission

    of the Alaska Department of Fish & Game,

    well as a former Assistant State Director

    USDAs Wildlife Services Program in Alask

    Portions of this article appeared on Februar

    21st, 2009 as a COMPASS: Other points

    view article in the Anchorage Daily News.