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This recovery manual is dedicated to all counsellors, psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, health practitioners and many others involved in the mental health community, who are doing their very best day-in-day-out to restore emotional and mental well-being to the hearts of our communities.

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All Rights Reserved

This programme contains proprietary content and must not be duplicated, distributed, or trained from without written permission.

No portion of this material may be shared or reproduced in any manner under any circumstance whatsoever without advance written permission from Wale Oladipo.

For permissions requests, contact:

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The 7-Week Generalised Anxiety & Panic Attacks Recovery Breakthrough


Wale Oladipo

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Table of Contents 1. Welcome

2. What is Generalised anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

3. What is Panic Disorder?

4. Chapter 1 - Key Explanations About The 3 Crucial Elements For GAD and Panic Recovery

5. Chapter 2: The Interactions that Perpetuate Anxiety Disorders: Negative Emotions, the Subconscious mind and the Amygdala.

6. Chapter 3: How The Brain Tries To Help To Regain Some Control….In Its Own Extreme Way

7. Chapter 4: How The Brain Regulates A full Reservoir of Repressed Negative Emotions

8. Chapter 5 - How To Stop the Emotional Brain From Sending Out Anxiety Outlets

9. Chapter 6 - Harnessing The Power of Guided Imagery

10. Chapter 7: Guided Imagery Screed For Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks

11. Chapter 8 - 43 Helpful Coping Strategies As You Journey Towards Full Recovery

12. Chapter 9 - The 7 Master Steps For Anxiety Panic Recovery

13. Chapter 10: Breaking The Underlying Compulsive Habits

14. Chapter 11: Protect Your Transformation With The 6 Mind-Powers

❖ Final Note

❖ Personalised Support

❖ Your Feedback

❖ About

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Congratulations on your purposeful investment on your continuous professional development!

Regardless of the therapy approach that you adopt, this programme is designed to be one of the most cherished tools in your therapy toolbox.

The spine of the MindBody Breakthrough Recovery Programme for GAD and panic attacks is integrative, shaped by various therapy models and techniques, especially the two of the most effective psychotherapy modalities available today. This programme refines and combines, among other therapy modalities, the best of the Mind Body Connections approach made famous by Dr John E. Sarno, the author of the Mind Body Prescription, and the Internal Family System modalities by Richard Schwartz, the pioneer of the IFS therapy method.

One of the ways this recovery programme is different from any other is the fact that it’s been specifically tailored and tested for generalised anxiety and panic attacks. Before creating this programme, I had spent hundreds of hours treating clients using various therapy techniques and modalities while documenting the recovery rates and the longevity rates of each client. This programme is therefore the product of this personal research and observation.

If you want a recovery programme that fully deals with the root-causes and then transforms them completely, this is the programme that you need. It is pure psychotherapy, meaning that it is an intensive programme that is perfect for those clients who have tried other treatment methods with little or no improvement.

The MindBody Breakthrough programme guarantees a shift within the psychic elements responsible for sustaining and breeding anxiety-related disorders for your clients.

The programme has been arranged in an easy-to-read-and-apply way so that you can deliver its entirety in your therapy sessions without any fuss. It is packaged as a 7-Week recovery programme as most clients prefer a well defined time frame for therapy before they commit to buying. However, you can go at your client’s pace or at the best possible pace for each peculiar situation.

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Some therapists have delivered this programme to their clients in 12 sessions at a stretch while others have been able to deliver the programme and achieve transformation a lot less than 12 sessions. In any case, you have at your disposal a structured, tested and effective programme that can take your results to a new level. You can have a credible and highly effective alternative to the therapy sessions which are solely based on spontaneity.

Every part of this programme is designed to fulfil a unique role in the overall results of your therapy sessions with clients. Therefore, take your time. Read purposefully! Read for transformation; not just for assimilation. Then deliver the programme to your clients with confidence and great expectations!

I wish you all the very best,

Wale Oladipo

P.S: This programme is written as if a therapist is directly talking to his client. This is so that an individual as well as a therapist can find the programme equally engaging and adaptive.

A client using this programme as a self-help material can engage with it a lot better. Likewise, a therapist who is taking his/her client through the programme can easily get into a therapist’s role as though he/she was directly addressing the client.

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The MindBody Breakthrough Restoring Control, Inspiring Success

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What is Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

Generalised anxiety disorder is persistent anxiety, fear and worry that often lasts for at least six months. It is called generalised anxiety because you can experience it without the accompaniment of other notorious outlets of anxiety disorders such as panic attacks, phobias or OCD. However, this is not always the case as untreated GAD can easily develop into other forms of severe anxiety disorders.

When suffering from GAD, it is common to spend a lot of time of the day worrying uncontrollably. You feel like you cannot stop your mind from obsessive worrying and anxiousness. Also, the intensity of your worry is often disproportionate to the actual probability of the feared situation becoming a reality.

Common Triggers:

Stressful life situation is the common trigger.

This includes:

❖ Health❖ Relationships❖ Work-related problems❖ Finances❖ Unsatisfactory performance at school or in sports❖ And other sources of emotional stress, such as rejection, disappointment, separation,

loss etc.

Common Symptoms:

❖ Insomnia (inability to sleep)❖ Constant tiredness❖ Muscle tightness❖ Headaches❖ High blood pressure

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❖ Poor concentration❖ Confusion❖ Feeling all tensed❖ Back pains and other bodily pains❖ Depression

GAD is also connected to other physical symptoms such as high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches. Generalised anxiety disorder has a strong connection with depression. A sufferer of GAD can easily get into depression and vice versa.

Generalised anxiety can happen both in childhood and adulthood. In children, the trigger is often performance - be it at school or in sports. However, in adults, there are varieties of triggers as already discussed.

Common Underlying Fears:

❖ Fear of not being able to cope❖ Fear of failure❖ Fear of losing control❖ Fear of rejection❖ Fear of death and disease

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What is Panic Disorder?

Panic disorder can be described as sudden episodes of intense and crippling fear, often without noticeable reasons. A full blown panic attack often lasts for about 3-10 minutes and can return in waves within a three-hour period.

Common Symptoms:

❖ Sweating❖ Shortness of breath❖ Palpitations❖ Shaking or trembling❖ Abdominal distress❖ Dizziness or faintness❖ A feeling of unreality❖ Chest pain❖ fears of dying❖ Hot and cold flashes❖ Numbness or tingling❖ Fear of losing control

Most sufferers develop panic disorder in late adolescence or in their twenties, often before the age of twenty-five. Panic attacks have a strong link with other anxiety outlets such as agoraphobia and social anxiety.

Smoking, alcohol intake, and drug abuse can intensify panic disorder with time.

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Chapter 1

Key Explanations On the 3 Main Elements for Generalised Anxiety & Panic Attacks Recovery

There are three main elements you must understand very well at the start to transform anxiety disorders. These three elements interact with each other in a complex way to produce and sustain GAD and panic attacks.

The following are the three elements:

❖ Negative emotions

❖ The Subconscious mind

❖ The Amygdala

Let’s quickly look into each one of them as related to your anxiety.

Negative EmotionsNegative emotions are the unpleasant feelings generated from unpleasant life challenges or experiences. Whenever we face difficulties, adversities, rejections, abuses, losses or any other unpleasant life circumstances, negative emotions are produced.

Unprocessed negative emotions are harmful to the human psyche. If negative emotions are fully processed and accepted, they will cause no harm. But if they are not adequately

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processed and expressed, they will become repressed negative emotions which are harmful to human psychological well-being.

The accumulation of unresolved negative emotions are often responsible for deep-rooted psychological disorders such as generalised anxiety disorders, panic attacks, depression and other anxiety related conditions. The stockpiles of repressed negative emotions cause more anxiety today than any other factors.

Unfortunately, few people are aware of this key fact. Even many anxiety experts tend to underestimate the impacts of negative emotions within the human psyche in relations to psychosomatic conditions. This explains why many treatment plans that are available today are more or less coping mechanisms as opposed to providing long-lasting cure by tackling the root-causes of anxiety.

The word “emotion,” is two words joined together: “energy” and “motion” (e-motion), which literally means “energy-in-motion.” In other words, emotions are energy in motions that must be expressed and not to be repressed. But when they do become repressed, this when the problem starts. Emotional, psychological and psychosomatic conditions become inevitable.

The Most Deadly Negative Emotions

There are several negative emotions which have been identified over the years. But the most deadly of all is anger. If there is constant anger in your life, consciously or subconsciously, you’ve got a real killer in your system. And unless this is dealt with appropriately, you cannot separate anxiety disorders from your life.

Humans are only capable of two emotions: Love and Hate. Or you can say Positive or Negative. In other words, whatever has happened to you in the past, whatever is currently going on with you in the present, and whatever is going to happen to you in the future will fall into any of these two categories of emotions; love or hate.

As a result, the life experiences that you love to think and laugh about will go on to interact with your emotional brain to produce good feelings. On the other hand, those experiences that you hate to think about will also go on to interact with your emotional brain to produce bad feelings.

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Since it is the feelings that control our joy, peace, health, wellness, happiness, and fulfilment, if you manage to produce only good feelings throughout your life, you are going to be OK, emotionally healthy and happy.

Unfortunately, nobody has ever managed to produce only good feelings in their entire life-time. We are all carrying loads of bad feelings (knowingly or unknowingly), most of which are stored up below the surface of our conscious awareness. This is why we have no perfect peace, health, wellness and every other emotional virtues possible to men.

But if we can get rid of as much bad feelings as possible, and then reinstate good feelings, we’ll certainly restore order to our mind, soul and body. The body is naturally designed to heal itself. Perfect health and wellbeing is the natural state of the body. The reason why the body often loses its healing power to restore internal order is because of the accumulation of bad feelings that exists within our psyche.

This is one of the key areas this programme intends to focus on; restoring internal ORDER. Anxiety is a proof of internal DISORDER. This is why it is called anxiety disorder.

Important Well-Being Equations

Now, here are some useful wellbeing equations: Think about these equations because they form an important foundational part of this programme.

Thought + Emotion = Feeling

Positive Thought + Positive Emotion (love) = Positive Feeling

Negative Thought + Negative Emotion (Anger or hate) = Negative Feeling

Repressed negative feelings = Subconscious rage

Negative Thinking Pattern + Repressed Negative Emotions (rage) = Emotional Disorders (such as anxiety, panic, OCD, social anxiety, depression, just to mention a few)

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This understanding is expected to help you narrow things down until you identify the main suspect for most of the anxiety-related disorders that we have today; repressed negative emotions!

You may find it hard to believe that repressed negative emotions are largely responsible for anxiety disorders. If you can keep an open mind as you go through this programme, you will find out for yourself, especially through the personal results that you get out of this course.

Repressed Negative Emotions are the Biggest Culprits

The main roots of deep-seated anxiety lie in the repressed negative emotions. And until one deals with this intensively, there can be no lasting solutions for anxiety. Therapists should bear this in mind.

As already mentioned, there are several coping mechanisms and distracting strategies for anxiety disorders around today. They may make people feel better for a little while by helping to keep their anxiety in check. But they cannot totally rid them of anxiety. With all the coping mechanisms in use, you can still lose control when faced with some unexpected real life situations.

Can a Person Be Totally Free from Negative Emotions?

It is extremely difficult to totally empty human emotions within the psyche, negative or positive. It may be possible but will prove incredibly difficult to achieve.

You can make them inactive or reduce their levels in the subconscious reservoir or convert them to something different, or even channel them to different directions. But you cannot totally drain them or destroy them.

The reason for this is simple and has its origin in meta-physical studies. Metaphysics proposes that everything is energy. This also includes emotions. And modern science tells us that energy can never be created nor destroyed.

With that in mind, your focus is to learn:

❖ how to release the energy of the repressed negative emotions as much as possible.

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❖ how to refine the remaining energy of the negative emotions.

❖ how to channel them in the right directions for the benefit of yourself, clients or others in your world.

Everyone requires what is called the “normal” level of anxiety to fully function and be productive in life. We all need some residual charged emotions that has been purified and appropriately directed to drive us to meet deadlines, develop our talents, build compassion, overcome challenges and become useful to our world.

Do not get me wrong. You will have to adequately process all your hurts, disappointments, rejections and other negative emotions before their residual energy can be fit for good purposes. Otherwise, they will weaken your mind and make your body sick.

Here is what I am saying: After you have processed your negative emotions, the emotional scars are still there, although they no longer pain you as they used to, because they have been processed, treated and no longer control your life negatively. But because these residual emotional scars still contain emotions, they can now be channelled positively for the good of humanity.

Anger is Simply Energy Requiring Appropriate Focus

In 1980, Candy Lightner saw her child killed by a drunk driver. She became broken ,devastated and embittered. But after she got through the grieving process, she decided to start a movement that fights against drunk drivers. This movement is called MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving).

This is exactly what I am talking about. This woman used her residual negative emotions positively. She channeled her anger for a good course. Anger is simply energy requiring appropriate focus!

This kind of positive channelling of anger and negative emotions is very important for our happiness and self-fulfilment as human beings. Most of us find our paths in life through the pains and hurts that we have been through in the past.

Bringing one’s repressed negative emotions from a “critical” level to a “normal” level is often enough to achieve full recovery from anxiety disorders, panic attacks and any others anxiety outlets that you currently have.

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The left-over negative emotions (the normal level of anxiety or the non-dangerous emotional scars) will then be converted to a passion that you can later use to help others in the future. This passion, for example, can help you develop a positive anger towards anxiety disorder, leading to you developing a strong interest in assisting those who are still living with anxiety.

Quick Summary:

1. Negative emotions are the unpleasant feelings generated from unpleasant life challenges or experiences.

2. Unprocessed negative emotions are harmful to the human psyche.

3. The accumulation of unresolved negative emotions are often responsible for deep-rooted anxiety disorders.

4. Out of all the negative emotions that have been identified, anger is the most deadly.

5. Humans are only capable of two emotions: love and hate.

6. Where there are excessive repressed negative emotions, the body will fail to heal or repair itself adequately.

7. Once the repressed negative emotions are eliminated, the body regains its natural ability to restore internal order.

Can a person be totally free from negative emotions?

❖ It may be possible but difficult. Why? Because:

❖ Humans are 100% emotional.

❖ Emotion is energy.

❖ Our focus is to assist others to release as much of their repressed negative emotions as possible.

❖ Bringing one’s repressed negative emotions from a “critical” level to a “normal” level is often enough to achieve full recovery from anxiety disorders.

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The Subconscious MindAnother important element for anxiety recovery is the subconscious mind. Why is it important to GAD or panic attack recovery? It is important because negative emotions are repressed in the subconscious mind, which then eventually produces anxiety as you will find out very shortly.

Anxiety is grown in the mind-arena, often below the conscious level of awareness. As such, the mind must be studied and understood if we must develop sufficient self-awareness necessary for full recovery.

The human mind is divided into two: The conscious and the subconscious.

Your conscious mind is your intellectual, reasoning or thinking mind. It is the first layer of the mind that interacts directly with the environment. This is the mind that you use for conscious decision-making, such as the clothes you wear, the food you eat, the movie that you watch or the car you choose to buy.

On the other hand, your subconscious mind is the second layer of the mind below the conscious mind. This is where the entire affairs of your life are run and influenced. It is where the human behaviours, thinking patterns, attitude and actions are decided. The subconscious mind is also referred to as your “Deeper self.”

Focusing on the subconscious mind, let’s quickly look as some of the functions of subconscious mind as related to your anxiety disorder recovery:

5 Functions of the Subconscious Mind

1. As a Life Database. Like a computer hard-drive, your subconscious mind stores all your emotions (negative and positive), including experiences, memories and habits. It holds the full database of all your life experiences, including all your disappointments, rejections, losses, failures, abuses, injustices, inferiority, fears and so on.

In fact, studies show that by the age of 21, the subconscious mind will have collected more than one hundred times the contents of the Encyclopaedia Britannia. Your subconscious mind has in its memories all your customary thoughts patterns, reactions, likes, dislikes and all your habitual behavioural patterns, hidden or obvious.

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The subconscious mind never sleeps. It is always in a perfect state of awareness – even while your conscious mind is asleep. Also, Your subconscious mind is not in time. It does not operate by time. The experience it stored 20 years ago is still as fresh as if it was just recorded today.

It does not differentiate or compartmentalise stored data, based on the times they occurred. Everything is kept new and active. That is why negative emotions derived from something that happened to you 20 years ago can still be generating fresh anxiety today as though it had just happened.

2. As a Protective Mechanism. Your subconscious mind works tirelessly to ensure that the beliefs that you have accepted as truth in your mind are maintained and protected from any other opposing beliefs, regardless of whether it is positive or negative.

It protects your established belief system, life-philosophies or mind-set from any other contrary ideologies. For example, if you believe that you have to worry about everything in order to feel like you are in control of things, then your subconscious mind will protect that belief from any other beliefs that might want you to stop worrying.

The subconscious mind somehow looks for a way to help you maintain the status quo of your beliefs (negative or positive) as long as you want. It simply does as it is told by your habitual thinking and emotions.

3. As a Regulator. The subconscious mind regulates all of the biological functions of your body, including your heart rate, lungs, kidney functions, digestion, breathing, etc. Whether you are awake or asleep, your subconscious mind works relentlessly to control all the essential functions of your body.

Also, the subconscious mind is the builder of your body. It rebuilds and repairs damaged or weaken body components. It heals you. It is your natural body healer.

When we allow it to do its job without the unhelpful interference of our negative thoughts, emotions or feelings (in a form of anxiety or stress), we experience peace, health and wholeness.

But in the presence of too much repressed negative emotions, the subconscious mind cannot function correctly. Repressed negative emotions are the biggest saboteurs of the healing power of the subconscious.

4. As a Magnet. Your subconscious mind is like a magnet. It attracts conditions and circumstances into your life which are in agreement with your dominant thoughts, feelings, words and mental images. Your subconscious mind has an obligation to magnetise into your life that which you have embraced in your mind through your habitual thoughts.

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In his magnificent book, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Joseph Murphy emphatically said,

“…When the thoughts deposited in your subconscious mind are constructive, harmonious, and peaceful, the magic power of your subconscious will respond and bring about harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, and the best of everything.”

The quality of your thought processes decides the quality of your life’s inner conditions and outer circumstances. Whatever you continue to focus on, your subconscious mind will attract into your life. If you focus on your fears all the time, you will attract more fearful thoughts or situations.

Likewise, if you keep thinking that your anxiety will eventually overpower you, that is what is going to be attracted to you. You can attract into your life calm, peace, health, and happiness, if only you start thinking about those positive outcomes all day long.

5. As a Mind-Set Sculptor. Your subconscious mind sculpts and chisels your mind-set into place. Your mind-set is simply a bunch of beliefs or principles that determines how you interact with the world around you. Your mind-set is responsible for your behaviours, actions and reactions to life’s events, situations and challenges.

The subconscious mind sculpts your mind-set programming by paying attention to your past experiences and dominant thought patterns. If there is a particular thought that you have been dwelling upon too much, there comes a time when the subconscious will permit this particular thought to be filtered through into your deeper self where it becomes part of your ingrained belief system.

The subconscious simply assumes that whatever you are repeating in your mind, that is what is important to you. Therefore, it works tirelessly to make that thing to be part of your ingrained mental operating system. Once the subconscious mind carves your mind-set or your belief system on its powerful internal surface, it becomes very hard to undo.

If you worry all the time, for example, the subconscious will eventually make obsessive worrying to be a part of your ingrained operating command, meaning that you’ve now developed a worry-habit. This is why taking control of one’s thoughts is a core secret to mental health.

Here is the mindset golden rule:

“Whatever thought you don’t want to form your mindset, stop thinking about it all day long!” - Wale Oladipo

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Real Or Imagined Makes No Difference

The subconscious mind never differentiates between what is good and what it is bad, or between what is real and what is imagined. Once thoughts are filtered through and become ingrained in the subconscious, they turn to “attitudes of mind” – the seat of all our reactions and behaviours.

Your outer life is only a reflection of your inner life. The only way to change your outer life is by altering your inner life, right at the subconscious level, through repetition of positive thoughts, feelings, mental pictures and words. This programme will help you do this!

Quick Summary:

• The human mind is divided into two: The conscious and the subconscious. • The conscious mind is the intellectual, reasoning or thinking mind. It is the first layer of

the mind that interacts directly with the environment. • The subconscious mind is the second layer of the mind below the conscious mind. It is

where the human behaviours, thinking patterns, attitude and actions are decided.

5 Functions of the Subconscious Mind:

1. As a Life Database. Like a computer hard-drive, your subconscious mind stores all your emotions (negative and positive), including experiences, memories and habits.

2. As a Protective Mechanism. It protects your established belief system, life-philosophies or mind-set from any other contrary ideologies.

3. As a Regulator. The subconscious mind regulates all of the biological functions of the body, including your heart rate, lungs, kidney functions, digestion, breathing, etc.

4. As a Magnet. It attracts conditions and circumstances into your life which are in agreement with your dominant thoughts, feelings, words and mental images.

5. As a Mind-Set Sculptor. The subconscious mind sculpts your mind-set programming by paying attention to your past experiences and dominant thought patterns.

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The AmygdalaPerhaps you’ve already heard about the role the amygdala plays in the activation of your stress response. This section aims to explain some important information that are crucial to GAD and panic recovery.

The human brain consists of three systems: Cortex, Limbic and Reptilian. Each of these brains has different functions. Also, all of them work very closely together.

Relating to anxiety, we’ll concentrate on the limbic system. This is because it is the system that is responsible for forming emotions and memories. As already pointed out, “human emotion” is a big suspect in our anxiety recovery investigations. Also, “memories” are involved, simply because they hold the records of our past negative emotions, such as anger, guilt, fear, etc,.

The limbic system has four main parts:

Hypothalamus, Thalamus, Hippocampus and Amygdala


Hypothalamus’s duty is to receive information from inside the body system. If it picks up any threatening alert, it starts the stress response (the body's natural defence mechanism for dealing with danger) by informing the adrenal glands to get you additional energy to fight or fly.


The task of this part of the limbic system is to receive information from the outside of your body through your senses and passes that information to certain parts of the brain, such as the cortex or the amygdala in order for them to take relevant actions.


Hippocampus simply records facts and data, without any emotions. It does not do emotions, only factual details. It then sends this data to your thinking brain to be analysed.

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Amygdala The amygdala is the one in charge of strong emotions. It registers the seriousness and intensity of emotions and quickly informs the hypothalamus to start the stress response.

Amygdala is like a smoke detector in your home that goes off immediately it detects a serious danger to your life and property.

Quick Summary: ❖ The amygdala is a part of the brain that is responsible for emotions and memories. ❖ The human brain consists of three systems: Cortex, Limbic and Reptilian. ❖ The limbic system has four main parts: Hypothalamus, Thalamus, Hippocampus and

Amygdala.❖ Hypothalamus. Hypothalamus’s duty is to receive information from inside the body

system. ❖ Thalamus. Thalamus’s task is to receive information from the outside of your body. ❖ Hippocampus. Hippocampus records facts and data, without any emotions.❖ Amygdala. The amygdala registers the tone and intensity of emotions and informs the

hypothalamus to start the stress response.

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Chapter 2

The Key Emotional Interactions that Perpetuate Anxiety Disorders In this session, we’ll look at the key interactions between the three psychic elements already discussed that greatly influence transformation from GAD and panic attacks: Negative Emotions, the Subconscious mind and the Amygdala.

The amygdala regularly searches the subconscious contents to identify any repressed negative emotions that you find painful and may be unwilling to confront. It then registers the negative emotions that are most painful to you and that you try to avoid the most and label them as “very dangerous.” The next task of the amygdala is to begin to protect you from those so called “very dangerous” emotions.

It does this by sending a red alert message to the hypothalamus to start the stress response. The stress response is the body’s natural defence mechanism to protect your psyche from any negative emotions which have already been identified as “very dangerous.”

You may recall one of the functions of the the subconscious mind as being your life’s ultimate database where all your emotions, negative or positive, are stored? With that in mind, if you have a lot of negative emotions repressed in the subconscious mind, whenever the amygdala searches for the intensity of emotions, it straightaway finds those repressed emotions and then identifies them as dangerous. Then, it notifies the hypothalamus to start the stress response.

Where there are excessive repressed negative emotions, it’s possible for the amygdala to continuously send distress signals to the hypothalamus, leading to a complicated emotional disorder.

The Psychic Consequences of Working Over-Time

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If you’ve lived with strong repressed negative emotions for at least five years or more, for example, this means that your amygdala has been working over-time for the past five years sending red alert messages to the hypothalamus almost non-stop. This explains why some anxiety disorders can be very severe.

Consequently, various irregularities can happen when the limbic system has too much repressed negative emotions to constantly react to. Any part of the limbic system can start to malfunction because the amygdala has been working too hard, treating almost everything as emergency. This is a system that is meant only to work occasionally whenever a serious threat to our wellbeing is identified.

The amygdala or hypothalamus or the thalamus can develop internal faults where neurones are sending confusing messages to each other. Or the neurones can start misinterpreting messages received from neurotransmitters (chemical substances that transmit messages from one brain cell to another).

Internal malfunctions caused by excessive repressed negative emotions can also lead to a scenario where messages are not getting through at all to the right neurones. In this case, if a message such as “calm down” is being sent, it will not be received by the appropriate neurones, leading to prolonged anxious episodes. If this is not resolved quickly enough, it can get to a stage where the body’s stress resistance can no longer maintain its internal balances, leading to a breakdown that can further complicates matters.

Non-Stop “Flight or Fight” Mode

People whose amygdala fires false alarms without reason feel tensed, on edge and stressed all the time. They are basically on a “fight or flight” mode all the time without having any physical danger to fight or fly away from. People in this category worry over every little thing. They overreact emotionally to something that is absolutely nothing.

Chronic stress syndrome can also set in as a result of the failure of the body to perform homeostasis. The people in this category may not be able to cope with the normal day-to-day demands of life anymore, and may find it difficult to switch off their mind.

These internal imbalances and malfunctions then force the brain to look for an alternative way to protect your sanity. The brain suddenly realises that you have lost control of your emotions. But the brain will do anything within its capability to ensure that you do not totally lose control of your mind.

Quick Summary:

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• The amygdala searches the subconscious contents to identify the repressed negative emotions that you find very painful and are unwilling to confront.

• After registering the most painful negative emotions, it begins to protect you from them or from any other similar emotions.

• It does this by sending a red alert message to the hypothalamus to start the stress response.

• Where there are excessive repressed negative emotions, it’s possible for the amygdala to continue to send distress signals to the hypothalamus, leading to a complicated emotional disorder.

• Consequently, various irregularities can happen when the limbic system has too much repressed negative emotions to constantly react to.

• Irregularities can include the misinterpretation of messages received from neurotransmitters, messages not getting sent, failure to perform homeostasis.

• These internal imbalances then forces the brain to look for an alternative way to protect your sanity.

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How the Brain Tries to Help to Regain Some Control in its Own Extreme Way If you have read my ebook, entitled, The Essential Guide To Anxiety Panic Recovery, you probably understand this concept already. If, for some reason, this is the first time you are reading about this, make sure you understand this, as it forms the strong foundations upon which your full recovery or those of your clients’ are to be built.

How does the brain try to help out to ensure that total control of your mind is not lost to the overwhelming repressed negative emotions?

Here is the explanation…

For the purpose of clarity, imagine the subconscious mind as a huge reservoir that stores all our past negative emotions generated from our unpleasant life experiences; such as, disappointments, rejections, losses, betrayals, failures, humiliations, etc. With this in mind, there comes a time as you journey through life when your negative emotions reservoir within the subconscious mind begins to fill up until it reaches a level where it threatens to overflow (this occurs to most people in their late teens or early twenties).Now, the last thing your brain wants is to see all the repressed negative emotions in the subconscious mind spill over to the conscious mind. Your brain has an enormous responsibility to protect your sanity. It works really hard to make sure you continue to be in your right mind.

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Realistically, it is self-preservation on the part of your brain as it knows that if you lose your mind, it, itself, becomes useless. Without the mind, the brain is pointless, it does not matter how brilliant that brain is. This is why your brain will do anything to stop the overflow of the subconscious negative emotions from exploding to the conscious mind and overwhelming it. By the way, the brain I am referring to here is your Emotional Brain, part of the limbic system discussed in chapter one. Permit me to sometimes refer to the “Emotional brain” as “your brain.”

In order for the emotional brain to stop your conscious mind being inundated by the threatening negative emotions, it creates outlets for these fuming negative emotions in the subconscious reservoir to divert into, so that they can express themselves in different forms without having to overflow and risk the danger of exploding into your conscious mind.

The outlets created by your brain are the various physical symptoms of anxiety disorders that you may know about or may have experienced yourself. These disorders include:

• Panic Disorders

• Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

• Bipolar Disorders

• Social Anxiety

• Severe Depression

• Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) also known as “Imagined Ugliness Syndrome”

• Compulsive Hoarding

• De-personalisation

• De-realisation

• Insomnia

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• The Three types of phobias: Agoraphobia, Social Phobia, Specific Phobias.

• And many more…

All of these anxiety disorders mentioned above are simply channels or outlets of repressed negative emotions that the brain sets up so that the negative rage of the subconscious will not overflow and explode to the conscious mind. Anxiety disorders therefore are the outlets through which repressed negative emotions express themselves.

Quick Summary:

• The subconscious mind as like a huge reservoir that stores all our life experiences, including disappointments, rejections, losses, betrayals, failures, humiliations, etc.

• Within the subconscious mind is a reservoir-like compartment where all the repressed negative emotions and rage are kept.

• There comes a time when the rage reservoir within the subconscious mind begins to fill up until it reaches a level where it threatens to overflow ( This occurs to most people in their late teens or early twenties).

• The last thing your brain wants is to see all the repressed negative emotions in the subconscious mind spill over to the conscious mind.

• As a result, the brain creates outlets for these fuming repressed negative emotions in the subconscious reservoir to divert into in order to lower the overall level of the rage reservoir.

• The outlets created by the brain are the various physical symptoms of anxiety disorders.

• Anxiety disorders therefore are the outlets through which repressed negative emotions express themselves.

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How the Brain Regulates a Full Reservoir of Repressed Negative Emotions Let’s use a reservoir and water to illustrate this process. The subconscious mind represents a large reservoir while water represents repressed negative emotions. Now, imagine that this reservoir is now filled up and ready to start spilling over.

To explain what the brain actually does in this process, imagine that several large water pipes with dead ends are now plugged to the bottom of this full reservoir, allowing tons of gallons of water to leave the main reservoir from the base region.

What do you think will happen to the overall level of the main reservoir?

The level will certainly drop. Absolutely!

Just like the water level of any reservoir can be lowered by simply creating multiple outlets, the overflowing level of negative emotions in the subconscious is also lowered when the brain creates other channels where some of the negative emotions can be diverted away and expressed.

Although the diverted contents are not permanently drained away, they make the overall level of the main reservoir to drop, simply because extra spaces have been created, thereby reducing the danger of localised flooding.

This is how the brain regulates the level of the rage reservoir within the human psyche. This is the logic behind the activities of the emotional brain. Anxiety disorders are the

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diversion waterways through which the emotional brain controls the levels of the negative rage in the subconscious mind.

Therefore GAD and panic attacks are products of the activities of the emotional brain attempting to maintain internal balances in order to help us keep our sanity. Of course, the brain does this in its own extreme way that leaves humans with horrifying consequences to endure.

Quick Summary:

• Imagine the subconscious mind has a large reservoir and repressed negative emotions as water.

• As we interact with life, the reservoir gets filled up and threatens to overflow.

• Now, imagine that several large water pipes with dead ends are now plugged to the bottom of this full reservoir, allowing tons of gallons of water to leave the main reservoir from the base region.

• What do you think will happen to the overall level of the main reservoir? The level will certainly drop!

• Although the diverted contents are not permanently drained away, they make the overall level of the main reservoir to drop to avoid localised flooding.

• Anxiety disorders therefore are the diversion waterways through which the brain controls the levels of the negative rage in the subconscious.

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Chapter 5

How to Stop the Emotional Brain From Sending Out Anxiety Outlets When you relieve your brain from its counterproductive tasks of being your personal therapist, you have positioned yourself for freedom from anxiety-related disorder.

It’s time you relieved your emotional brain of the task of being your personal therapist. For so long, the brain has been helping you deal with your negative emotions in its own counter-productive ways.

You must now take full responsibility for processing and flushing out your own negative emotions in the subconscious reservoir. If you do this properly, the outlets (your generalised anxiety or panic attack) will stop and you’ll become a free person.

It is about intensified self-awareness, self-evaluation and becoming your own mental detective agent and therapist.

Becoming your Own Therapist

The emotional brain is never designed to single-handedly process negative emotions. It lacks the right tools to deal with them. The brain’s greatest strength is to process, analyse

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and organise truth and facts. It does a lousy job as your personal therapist, especially if you have left all your life problems for it to figure out all alone.

When you relinquish the responsibility of dealing with your negative emotions to the brain, it becomes overstretched and stressed; thereby entering into a self-preservative mode to simply protect itself and yourself from being overwhelmed.

This is why it generates anxiety outlets and shows some kinds of weaknesses in its functionality. You might have noticed, anxiety disorders often decrease one’s ability to learn and memorise effectively.

Human negative feelings can only be adequately handled by himself (his deepest Self). Our deepest self is revealed through self-awareness and our ability to take a step back and evaluate our emotional condition.

This is, basically, taking charge of your own emotional destiny and healing, instead of trying to bury them all in the ground (the subconscious) while relying on the brain to figure it all out for you. The rest of this course will detail how you can stop the brain from generating more anxiety outlets.

Quick Summary:

What Every Client Should Bear In Mind:

1. When you relinquish the responsibility of dealing with your negative emotions to the brain, it becomes overstretched and stressed; thereby entering into a self-preservative mode to simply protect itself and yourself from being overwhelmed.

2. Once you decide to relieve your brain of its counterproductive tasks of being your personal therapist, you have positioned yourself for freedom from anxiety disorders.

3. The brain is not designed to single-handedly process negative emotions. It lacks the right tools to deal with them.

4. Human negative feelings can only be adequately handled by himself (his deepest Self).

5. Our deepest self is revealed through self-awareness and our ability to take a step back and evaluate our emotional condition.

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6. The level of your repressed negative emotions in the subconscious reservoir can be lowered from critical level to normal level by following a certain process.

7. Your full responsibility and self-discipline is required to follow all the instructions on the programme in order to get the maximum results possible.

Chapter 6

Why Generalised Anxiety and Panic Attacks Can Increase In Intensity With Time

Some clients with chronic anxiety disorders may have started off experiencing symptoms of panic attacks such as rapid breathing (hyperventilating), feeling hot and sweaty, feeling sick, etc. To them, this can be referred to as their first outlet created by the brain.

As time goes on, it is not uncommon that they develop other anxiety outlets such as social phobia, claustrophobia or agoraphobia. If all these extra outlets are not properly dealt with, they can lead to other serious types of phobias or even severe depression.

There is a solid chance that two out of 10 people who start off with panic disorders or GAD to go on and develop other anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia or other types of generalised phobias.

…But the question is why do the negative emotions outlets increase?

Here is a reason: While your first outlet (let’s say it is panic disorder) might have been enough for the brain to maintain the so called “healthy” level of the subconscious negative emotions, it is unlikely that it will remain so.

This is because the subconscious mind is still storing fresh negative emotions that are currently being generated as a result of your interactions with the world. This then makes your subconscious reservoir level to rise higher.

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As long as you are alive, your negative emotions in the subconscious reservoir will keep receiving fresh negative emotions. Emotions will continue to be deposited and stored away. It is not your fault at all. It is just how it is. The rejection that you suffer today, as well as any other bad feeling and negative emotion generated as you interact with your world everyday are making your rage reservoir to rise.

As a result, the brain will continue to create more outlets or intensify some of the existing outlets in order to protect your negative emotions reservoir from filling up and spill into your conscious mind. The result of this is the generation of other outlets of anxiety. Until you yourself learn how to lower your rage reservoir, your existing outlets of anxiety will continue to increase in intensity and often times in quantity.

Quick Summary:

• The subconscious mind is still storing new negative emotions that are currently being generated as a result of your interactions with the world.

• This then makes your subconscious reservoir level to rise higher.

• As a result, the brain will continue to create more outlets or intensify some of the existing outlets, until you yourself learn how to lower your rage reservoir.

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Chapter 7

Harnessing the Power of Guided Imagery

It has proven very helpful to introduce clients early in the sessions to guided imagery so that they can begin to take advantage of its enormous power for anxiety recovery.

Guided imagery is a therapy technique where the brain and the subconscious mind are reconditioned for wellbeing through images, mental pictures, metaphors and repetition. This is to unlearn the negative associations of the psyche with the old anxiety habit and its unhelpful influences.

Guided imagery combines the forces of the three of the most important therapeutic tools for emotional wellbeing and behavioural changes: Imagination, dissociation and imagery. This is one of the factors that makes it special and effective.

The most extraordinary relaxation effects and positive changes occur when the power of imagination is engaged alongside the powers of dissociation and imagery. These three tools help you to imagine yourself, in a state of relaxation, as though you have already possessed the feelings, attributes, conditions, behaviours and healing that you intend to physically produce.

If you imagine yourself anxiety-free, and un-blend from your anxiety disorder and begin to visualise all your body muscles unwinding with all the negative emotions flushing out, your physiology will respond to your imagination and you will begin to relax and feel better.

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Positive Imagination – A Key to Inner Healing

A key to the wellbeing of your mind and body is positive imagination. “Imagination is more important than knowledge,” said Albert Einstein. Knowledge is information, but imagination is the attitude of the mind.

Positive Imagination is the inner picture of the mind that accurately and vividly portrays your intended outer expectations. Words are important, but not as important as the images of your mind. You can say what you do not mean, but you cannot continue to hold a mental picture of something you do not mean in your mind. The real truth about you is not what you say to others about you. Rather it is the mental picture of yourself that you hold in your mind. It is called your “self- image”.

You can tell others that you are confident, but if the mental picture of yourself is contrary, the reality about you is that you are not confident. This is why positive imagination delivered in state of relaxation is crucial to well-being. Everything responds to the power of imagination, whether visible or invisible.

Why? This is because mental imageries are products of thoughts. We all think in pictures through our imagination which is ten times more powerful than the power of words. Mental-picture or imagination runs man’s reality, simply because mental pictures are pictorial expressions of our thoughts, as well as the preview of life’s coming attractions.

Thought is a powerful electromagnetic field of energy moving at an unimaginable high rate of vibration. It also connects to a form of universal power that converts our thoughts to their physical equivalent. This why Emerson said “Man becomes what he thinks about all day long.”

This should give you a clearer picture about how powerful your imagination can be. Thinking and imagining are inseparable. Thinking becomes imagination when we start to put our thoughts into pictures, which we often do anyway. Therefore, your entire life is being controlled by your imagination.

Imagination and Relaxation

Imagery is the special language of the subconscious mind. That is why your mental pictures are taking more seriously than your words by the subconscious mind. When in a relaxed state, your subconscious mind can be reconditioned either by direct suggestions (plain and straightforward instructions) or by indirect suggestions (imageries or metaphors).

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The latter (imageries or metaphors) is a lot more powerful as it is a natural coding language for the subconscious mind. In order to get the best out of your therapy sessions, your imagination must be positively engaged. A mental picture of the outcome that you expect must be portrayed vividly and focussed on during relaxation. You can paint your own mental pictures of being free form GAD or panic disorder. You can decide to visualise yourself having a power-bath through which all your tensions, anxiety and panic are washed away.

In my practice, I found that the most powerful imageries for behavioural modifications are often those which clients come up with themselves. When a client understands my explanations about the importance of imagery in relaxation and is able to carve his own image of his desired results upon the platform of his imagination, it is unbelievably effective. There is a strong sense of ownership. The image means a lot more to the client and stays longer on his mind. The clients develop a positive feeling of being on the driver seat of his destiny.

I must say, however, that not everyone is comfortable at creating their desired mental imageries and impress it vividly upon the surface of their imagination. But the good news is that you can always use the imagery suggested by the experts – including the ones provided in this course.

Know the Language of the SubconsciousUnless you speak the language of the subconscious, you cannot make it to part ways with its stored negative paradigms and ingrained anxiety habits. As already emphasised, imageries, in an atmosphere of focused relaxation, are codes of the subconscious. When you know the codes, you can unlock the vault.

The guided imagery included in this programme is purposefully designed to be used alongside the recovery programme to galvanise clients’ recovery. It has proven extremely helpful to many people. Of course, you can create and record your own guided imagery and relaxation audios.

Regarding the use of the guided imagery in this programme, please carefully adhere to the following instructions for maximum effectiveness.

Guided Imagery Guidelines for Clients

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1. Ensure that you are in a place where you can not be interrupted or disturbed.

2. Be in a comfortable position. You can sit or lie down. Just make sure you are very comfortable.

3. Play the audio and relax your mind and body totally.

4. Allow your powerful subconscious mind to help you follow all the imageries in the audio. Make sure you move step-by-step with me as I take you, using imageries and metaphors, from a place of anxiety attacks to a place of peace, personal power and self-confidence. (Do not worry if you occasionally fall asleep in the middle of it all - that’s absolutely fine for your recovery).

5. Use the guided imagery at least once a day for 21 days without missing a day. Psychologists found out that it takes at least 21 days for the brain to totally rewire itself and build new neurological pathways for new habit formation. This guided imagery is designed to destroy the embedded powers of the old anxiety habits and reduce the symptoms of generalised anxiety and panic attacks. It re-programmes the brain and nervous system to work together to build new habits of calm, relaxation, peace and confidence.

6. Try and learn to do the condensed or short version of the guided imagery on yourself without playing the audio. Learn the framework so that you can visualise it and guide yourself into relaxation, using some of the imageries in the audio.

7. Continue to set aside some time to super-charge your mind daily with the guided imagery, even after you have finished your 21 day programme. Make it your power foxhole and quiet-room where you are empowered, recuperate, strengthened, and protected against any crippling anxiety symptoms, negative thinking, fatigue and unexpected disturbing circumstances. This discipline can literally transform your health life.

8. You can start to use the guided imagery audio immediately you receive it. However, it is recommended that you use it alongside this compete programme.

9. The very best you can do for yourself is to let go of all tension. Relax. Concentrate on the sound of my voice and on the imageries. Then at the end of the programme, evaluate your results and progress. You will surely be amazed.

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Quick Summary:

❖ Guided imagery is a therapy technique where the brain and the subconscious mind are reconditioned for wellbeing through images, mental pictures, metaphors and repetition.

❖ Imagery is the special language of the subconscious mind. This is why your mental pictures are taking more seriously than your words by the subconscious mind.

❖ Guided imagery combines the forces of the three of the most important therapeutic tools for emotional wellbeing and behavioural changes: Imagination, dissociation and imagery.

❖ Positive Imagination is the inner picture of the mind that accurately and vividly portrays your intended outer expectations.

❖ When in a relaxed state, the subconscious mind can be reconditioned either by direct suggestions (plain and straightforward instructions) or by indirect suggestions (imageries or metaphors).

❖ Unless you speak the language of the subconscious, you cannot make it to part ways with its stored negative paradigms and ingrained anxiety habits.

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Chapter 8

Guided Imagery Screed For Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks

You can use the following guided imagery script during sessions. You can also record it and give it to your clients as part of their home exercises between therapy sessions.

Take a deep breath… and begin to relax….. now close your eyes…. and start thinking about relaxing every muscle in your body….As you listen to my voice… will begin to relax more and more…….my voice will help you to relax very deeply…. and as you relax deeper and deeper…you will begin to separate yourself…from the stress, tension and the anxiety of the day…..

Now begin to notice how very comfortable your body is beginning to feel….you feel calm….safe…supported… and in control.. so, you can just let go…….. and allow your entire being to drift into complete relaxation….breathe in………and breathe out…breathe in……. and…… breathe out…..and then begin to notice your breathing…..notice the rhythm of your breathing…. and as you do that…. you are drifting more and more into relaxation….

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Now be aware of any noise or sound around you….. these sounds or noises are now unimportant…..just let them go….. let them part ways from you as natural as possible…..whatever you hear from now will now help you relax…. taking you to a deeper level of comfortable tranquility.

As you breathe out….release any stress….tension…. from any part of your body…..mind and thoughts…. just let them go….. let them fly away…. and as they fly away… you become even more relaxed, like never before….let every stressful thoughts moving through your mind just fly away like a wind….. never to return again, leaving you feeling totally relaxed and in control.

Now pay attention to all the muscles in your face….let them begin to relax…use your powerful imagination to imagine them unwinding and relaxing……especially your jaw….let your teeth part a little bit…. allowing the comfortable flow of tranquility to move in this area….let all the tension, stress and the stiffness of anxiety that often gather in your jaw area just dissolve and evaporate….

As you think about relaxing all the muscles in your face…they will obey you and relax….you will feel deeply in relaxation…..a perfect atmosphere for peace…where anxiety cannot grow…..

Now begin to relax all the muscles in your forehead….feel those muscles smooth…smooth and relaxed….now let this relaxing feeling move gently to your eyes… relax your eyelids…feeling so comfortable, so heavy… heavy….so relaxed…..that’s really good.

Now let all the muscles in the back of your neck and in your shoulders relaxed…..visualise them untwisting and getting into a comfortable position and relaxing…..feel a heavy weight being lifted off your shoulders…..and you feel relieved, lighter, happier and in control…

Now begin to feel that soothing relaxation travel down your back… to the lower part of your back and just let those muscles go… let them go…and with every breathe that breath in… you feel your body drifting…… and floating…… and drifting down deeper…..down deeper…..down deeper into total relaxation.

let this feeling of calm and total relaxation move from your shoulders down your arms and the way to your finger-tips. Let your arms feel so heavy…so heavy….so heavy…so comfortable and relaxed……you may even have tingling in your finger tips…..that’s perfectly fine…… you may also have warmth in the palms of your hands….and that is also very normal…they are signs of relaxation… And you may feel that you can barely lift your arms… that is absolutely fine…they are so heavy and totally in relaxation.

Now breathe in deeply and begin to relax your chest muscles…..begin to feel your stomach muscles relax… start to visualise those stomach muscles relaxing….making you drifting into total relaxation….now let this great feeling of tranquility flow to all the muscles in your legs…. feel them relax….. so deeply relaxed right to the tips of your toes….that is really good.

Now begin to notice how very comfortable your body feels….you are now so relaxed… so comfortable, drifting and floating and drifting and floating, deeper, deeper, and deeper into total relaxation…………….now as you enjoy this complete tranquility, let your mind drift for a moment…..and begin to imagine a beautiful staircase…. there are ten steps….and these ten steps lead you to a very special, peaceful and beautiful place…..

In a moment, you can begin to imagine taking a peaceful, safe and comfortable and easy step down….down and down on the staircase…. leading you to this very special place….a very peaceful place…just for you………….You can imagine this special place to be any place of your choice………perhaps you might enjoy a beach or fresh air or a mountain with a stream……any

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place of your choice is just perfect……it could even be an old caravan in a country side….so comfy…so peaceful…so cosy….so safe. You can choose anywhere in the world…..let your powerful subconscious mind lead you to a perfect special place for you.

In a moment, I am going to count backwards from ten to one….. and you imagine taking the steps down….. and as you take each step………feel your body relax…..more and more….feel it drift down into deeper relaxation….now I will start counting from ten…..get ready to take the first step…… TEN……NINE…..EIGHT…..SEVEN….SIX….FIVE….FOUR…THREE….TWO….and ONE…….deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper into relaxation

Now imagine yourself in this special and peaceful place….it is so special… peaceful….no disturbance whatsoever……it is the most peaceful place in the world for you……feel that sense of peace and tranquility…….enjoy this special feeling of total calm and relaxation and keep them with you long after this session is completed…..allow this feeling of total relaxation in your special place linger in the deepest part of your being and let it grow stronger and stronger and stronger….feeling a huge sense of total wellbeing, peace, and tranquility

Now connect with this awesome environment of your special place……feel it…..smell the air….hear the sounds……..sense the peaceful sensation……feel the inner transference of calm, peace, happiness, control and personal power…..And every time you choose to relax in this way… you will able to relax deeper and deeper… will ow remain more at peace….more in control and more in tranquility….this is the new you….. you are now a place of peace where anxiety and stress and panic attacks have no place…. Yes…that is right….

And this positive feelings will stay with you .., and continue to grow stronger and stronger throughout each time take some time to use this audio to relax…….

Positive Re-OrientationNow, as you become aware that anxiety disorders happen because the negative emotions in

your subconscious mind have reached a critical level…………and that means that now that you have decided to process your own negative emotions……anxiety disorder and all its outlets in your life are no longer needed………your brain can now stop generating anxiety outlets…….your brain can now start working together with you to increase your relaxation, peace and tranquility…….after all, your brain has been trying to help all along… ensuring that the negative emotions in the subconscious did not explode into the conscious mind where they can cause more damage………but now you have taken charge of your emotions and you no longer require anxiety outlets to be produced…….your brain is now helping you to flush out the old anxiety storage………….all the anxiety are now going…….they are evaporating……..yes they are evaporating………the panic attacks are now over……..the palpitations are now over…….the agoraphobia is now over……….mild and severe depression are now over…….there is nothing else to fear……after all, all these anxiety outlets are simply trying to help you maintain a balance in the subconscious……so they are nothing fear………. they are nothing to fear………and even now they are all gone……..your total strength has return…..your internal peace and tranquility has returned……. your mind is clearer, cleaner and more creative…….you are now a different person…….you can now do what what you love to do………go out to places you love to visit…….see what you love to see…..and be the way you have always to be……you are now more confident…..your self-esteem is now risen… are now calm person, with a huge sense of gratitude, happiness and peace…

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Power-Dissociation, Imagery and Positive Suggestions

Now I wonder if you can just allow your mind to drift for a moment…….imagine yourself on a beach and maybe you can imagine, or remember, lying on a beach.... just a nice sandy beach somewhere... and no one to bother you... and there are gentle splashing waves... the smell of suncream lotion... And in the sky... there are clouds….. drifting slowly from one side to the other.... And those clouds drift slowly….one after the others….and go down towards the horizon.... and as they go... you watch them.... gently floating...  and you count the clouds going by... ….And as these clouds go off one after the other…. you notice that there are ten of them left…drifting from your left hand side to your right hand side……. and then one disappears... and there are nine left.... and another one disappear to the horizons and there's now eight left...  and now there's seven.... and then there's six... and those clouds are drifting gently…………. five are left..…….. and each disappearance of these clouds make your feel more relaxed and in control…….and now four left... and with each cloud disappearing... you feel more and more relaxed... more at ease.... and……. three.... and……. two………. and there's just one cloud left... And now you can imagine yourself  in that cloud... being completely surrounded by a lovely, cosy, warm soft cloud... and you can feel yourself... gently supported...... floating, drifting.... just going down and down and down ... inside that cloud... very safe and secure... strong….peaceful and anxiety free…

And in that cloud you can dream many things…you have an incredible ability to use you power of imagination….. You can dream of a boy on a beach... looking at clouds.... And as he watches the clouds, one particular cloud comes across... and he can see it coming from one side.... and it comes across the sky until it appears to be stationary above him... and as he looks….he becomes aware of a connection with that cloud... …and he is just lying relaxed…. looking at the cloud... he becomes aware that there is a connection between him and the cloud... and as he looks at the cloud... the cloud begins to get darker... and bigger... and he becomes aware that there is energy coming out of him and going up into the cloud.... and he can imagine lines or threads.... connecting the cloud to him....

…And as he watches... that cloud gets darker still... he becomes aware... that he is feeling lighter and lighter.... that all his worries are just drifting away.... all his concerns are being sucked up into that cloud…all the panic attacks and old memories of anxiety, rejection, stress and depression are being sucked up into that cloud…..

And as he is lying on that beach.... he feels lighter and younger, peaceful and happier... because... things he has been worrying about for a long time are just loosening ... lifting... and detaching.... and he can feel them drifting from his toes... up his legs.... from his fingers... up his arms.... and going up past the shoulders.... and drifting out and away... and still the cloud takes more and more of these negative emotions away………cloud is sucking up the all his fears, doubts, concerns, angers and all the stored away rage that has been making the brain to generate anxiety outlets…..

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all of these unneeded emotions are being sucked away…..and he is becoming lighter, stronger, peaceful and thankful….

Now the cloud is getting darker... and that boy feels.... so much lighter.... suddenly…….he feels it's time to let go... of the fears and distorted thoughts, feelings and negative emotions that have been there for such a long time and those one he has been holding unto... …….now he is letting go…….so that they can just drift up and up also away.... now he is letting go of all the emotions such as the un-forgiveness, the anger, resentment, guilt, disappointment…. and all other negativity…….they are now drifting up and up unto the clouds…….and as he lies there... all those things that made him feel out of control are disappearing... and he realises that he is now free from anxiety disorders….he now has total control over his emotions thoughts, mind and his life…

He can control the thoughts he allows into his mind.... he can control the feelings he permits to influence him. He can control what he does second by second…… and minute by minute……..

….He now realises that he has the power to choose his response to any life events….and he is now choosing to be emotionally heathy….he is now choosing to process his emotions….he is now choosing to let his brain cooperate with him so that they can both create courage and confidence….instead of fear, anxiety outlets and low self esteem…

And he is choosing now to take control of himself…….he’s choosing now what he is going to allow to affect him... and what things in the past and present he is rejecting and forgetting .... things from the past that he doesn't need any more... are just loosening and lifting... drifting....and as he watches more and more things are sucked up... away... just removing themselves.... and the cloud is getting darker and darker…….

And at last….. the cloud begins to puff and fill out and change shape... and all those things that went into the cloud ... have been transformed... they have been changed somehow... and things start coming down from the cloud that are different.... that are valuable... that are useful.... that are attractive... and those things begin to come down and that boy begins to feel himself being filled... being fulfilled....

And at last ... those feelings of fear, of panic attacks, lack of control, emptiness, discouragement, anxiety and depression ... that have been there so long ... are beginning to change .... and as more and more of those things come back changed from the cloud.... those feelings of panic attack agoraphobia, self-destruction, stress, anxiety emptiness and all other negative feelings and emotions…. including that feeling of not being good enough.... begins to shrink…….

And that boy can now imagine his panic attacks and anxiety disorders...  as a picture of some sort .... as a ball or a bag or a bucket or something else... and as the cloud transfers more and more of these changed things.... that image of panic attacks and anxiety disorders begins to shrink.... it begins to fade.... and it's changed for ever.... yes it is changed forever…. he is free from the tyranny of anxiety attacks.

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And as he watches….. that image breaks up.... breaks up into smaller images... and smaller pieces still... and that internal belief and feelings of living with anxiety and depression is now lifted off him... and all those tiny pieces disappear…… and in its place…….. he notices a different feeling growing.... and he realises that he is ready.... ready to change... ready to live a healthy life emotionally and physically…..he is ready to live the perfect life he has always desired….he is ready to do what he wants to do…go to where he wants to go……….he is ready to enjoy life to the full…..he is ready to take control of his life... of what he thinks... what he believes about himself…..what he feels….and what he chooses to be and the good life he chooses to create…..

…And he can see himself reflected in that cloud... and he sees a man who is totally free of anxiety and panic attacks….totally free of all destructive habits……he now see in himself someone who is peaceful and good inside.... a person whose inner beauty shines out.... a person who is intelligent, attractive disciplined, knowledgable, creative and resourceful...

Because he can see beneath the skin... beneath the bones.... right inside... in that reflection.... he can see an image or picture of that anxiety-free little boy….. that little boy on the inside…..who is full of peace, tranquility, hope and joy... that little boy who loved everyone without reservation... who loved life to the full….who gave peace... who felt peace... and who felt peaceful.... who wanted calmness and tranquility... who deserved to be anxiety-free and panic attack free... that little boy is still there...

And as he watches.... that little boy is also growing and changing.... and that little boy begins to fill out.... and that little boy grows.... and as he grows.... that image of him cracks and splits and he steps out of the old picture.... just like a lobster in the sea shrugs out of its old shell... as he grows he sheds the old shell and replaces it with a shiny strong new shell.... and the old shell with all its dents and blemishes…with all its old memories of fears and anxiety….. is swept away..

And that boy on the beach can see how that little boy grows and changes.... and become strong, healthy, peaceful, stable... and determined... and as he changes and grows... constantly he is shedding the old battered shell and replacing it with a new smooth shiny one...  and he is changing and growing inside that boy on the beach.... growing up... growing strong... and he is filling the last little bits of emptiness, created by fear and anxiety that was there...

That peaceful and loving little boy.... is now growing stronger and firmer... and completely pushing out the little bit of anxiety and fear that is left…And as that remaining anxiety and irrational fear is pushed out and the vacuum created is file with tranquility, courage, faith and self-belief….. that boy on the beach... realises that things have changed.... that he doesn't have to experience anxiety disorders and panic attacks any more... and that… that picture broke up.... those images have been shattered... like a mirror that can no longer hold an old idea...

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And all that old anxiety,… the broken pieces... just gets taken up into the cloud... and he sees himself reflected in the cloud.... a loving peaceful little boy peeping out  laughing inside a peaceful and anxiety-free man....

….And as he sees himself he sees that little boy…. who has now grown up... and has taken his rightful place... where he belongs... and brought with him all that fun, peace, courage, faith and curiosity and ambition and strength and that boundless sense of possibility that children have in them….

And that cloud just continues to suck up all that old feelings of anxiety depression and fear…. all the memories of old anxiety and fear... all the hurts and knocks... all the anger and bitterness and sarcasm…all the humiliation, all the inferiority complex….all the self-doubts…. just like the lobster sheds its skin... all that debris has been sucked up.... away….

And as he watches... that boy on the beach sees it going into the cloud... and then the connection gets thinner and thinner.... and breaks... and as it breaks the cloud begins to drift away.... that dark, anxiety-filled and angry cloud... with flashes of lightening in it... and a rumbling... like people arguing because they have been defeated... As it drifts away... and that cloud begins to drift over the sea ... and the winds blow it ... and it drifts on and on... further and further.... and it gets smaller... and that grumbling and the noise and the flashing and boiling.... gets smaller until you can't hear it any more... you can't see it... it fades into the distance..

And the cloud continues to drift far out to the sea.... and it gets as far as the horizon... and still the cloud moves on... getting smaller and smaller... and it passes over the horizon and out of sight.... and that cloud begins to get mixed with the air currents far away... and is forced to change.. and suddenly the cloud opens... dumps all its contents into the sea... and that rain mixes... dilutes... with the vast oceans and is no more.... gone completely... carried away by the currents... and far away….

The next day... a bright new sun shines on an ocean where it once rained.... but the ocean has no memory… the anxiety is gone forever……

And that boy on the beach... lying there…can now begin to enjoy the life….he can begin to enjoy that peace and happiness that he is due... that peace and happiness that is owed to him..... and as he lies there he can feel that change.. he can feel it spreading... and coming from the forehead and down the cheeks... and down the neck and spreading and spreading... warming and relaxing.... comfortable.. …And as he becomes aware of certain things in his body... the feeling of wholeness, confidence, self-belief, faith and certainty…. the feeling of taking back control.... the feeling of the ability to choose the thoughts he permits and what he pays attention to.

And that boy on the beach... is peaceful…anxiety-free, intelligent… and confident.... and he is admired because he is passed through very difficult life situations and he has come through it

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all….he is now free of anxiety and panics and all their other outlets……he is now confident… and strong...... the old anxious and panic self has gone for ever... because he has been filled by the spirit of that little boy... his tranquility, peace and faith….his bright sparkling intelligence... and his sense of wonder... of limitless possibilities... looking forward to a life full with appreciation, wonders and calm…

And that boy on the beach can remember all that.. and is remembering it now... and it makes a difference... as if a bright memory has swallowed up the dark one... he gets in touch with that bright memory as it fills him completely... like a light shining into dark corners... showing that there is nothing there now.... and as he looks around his body... his brain...his chest.... his stomach... there's no room left for darkness OF ANXIETY... for emptiness…for panic attacks….and for depression…..

That cloud took it all away... and replaced it with something like a bright sun... banishing the dark forever... so now he feels that he can do anything he wants to do……and lead a kind of life he wants to lead…And that boy on the beach knows that he is strong and good enough for anything… he knows that no matter what happens in life he can use focus on the positive….. and that he can choose to magnify only positive thoughts in his mind…. he can decide to banish anxious thoughts, irrational fear and pointless worrying and ruminating…..he can take full control of his mind……he can dream of positive things and a positive outcome in every challenge….

And that boy on the beach begins to think back over his life... begins to think back to what was good .... and what was not so good... and he spends some time... as much time as he needs.... because he has lots of time.... and he takes each of these things from his past .... and he examines them... turns them over... like shells on the beach... you pick them up... you look at it…. and decide whether you want to keep it .... or not. And the ugly shells of anxiety, the broken shells of panic disorders, the damaged shells of palpitation, stress, worry and fear are just thrown to one side…

But the good shells, the well formed shells, the polished ones... the happy ones... those peaceful, confident and healthy shells… well,…. he gathers them beside him.. and gradually he works his way through all the shells.... and he keeps the good ones beside him... and he throws the broken, the diseased, the anxious, the panicky, the ugly, the angry and pointless... all of those he throws down the beach...

…And he can see them tumbling... rolling down the beach away from him.... and he watches... he works through all those shells... and the day wears on ... and as the sun gets lower... and the tide begins to come in .... and the tide is lapping at the edge of the beach... and the waves begin to pick up those ugly broken shells ... and it rolls them around... and it rolls them this way and that... back and forward in the surf...

….And as they roll they get broken... they break down into tiny tiny bits and those little bits get rounded and smoothed... and they begin to mix with the sand on the shore... and the little round

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pebbles...and those pebbles.... will just grind away some more.... and all those ugly broken  shells get broken down and recycled....

And as the day wears on…. the tide comes in... more and more of those old shells get broken up…………..but you know what? As they get broken up they turn into beautiful sand. Beautiful smooth polished sand. And when you think of it... so what makes a beach attractive is all the old stuff that has been rolled around and worn away... by time and tide...and the tide begins to pile the sand and swish it this way and that... and there are ripples on the the memory of waves passing and fading...

And the tide begins to come up the shore and still the boy lies there... happy... content... having sorted through so much... he is ready to go on... and so he gathers all the beautiful perfect shells .. he puts them in a bag... he looks through them... counts them... feels the smooth shiny surface in his fingers... and there are hundreds... each one a masterpiece... a miracle of nature... and some of them are white and some of them are brown.... and many of them glow with wonderful colours...

…And he holds them up to the light and the sunlight glances off them... and maybe they reflect yesterday's rainbows... and some he can hold up to his ear and hear the far off sea and waves falling on distant shores.... washing gently on other beaches far away... and it is as if those waves are washing away his cast-away anxiety disorders and panic attacks… like those discarded old shells... washed away and broken up. He is now totally free……

Power-Bridging….And this boy on the beach is you… are the boy on the beach who is now free form anxiety disorders and panic attacks…..and who is now been reconnected to his inner little child who is peaceful, anxiety-free and confident…..this is a new life…….and a beautiful life…..and a new positive experiences..

Now let your mind drift again back to that special place that your powerful subconscious mind created for you earlier on……rest there for a moment…… feel happy because of the changes that have occurred in you….be excited….joyous and thankful for a brand new experience of life…..

Bringing Back to Full AwarenessAnd in a moment….I will bring you back to full consciousness… the count of five……..then this feeling of peace and triumph will continue….making you refreshed, happy and in control at all time…free to enjoy life to the full…………………..five……….four……………three……you are now beginning to be aware of the room you are in……..all the day-to-day notices are returning to you…celebrating with you of the battle won and the victory achieved…………two………..and…………. you can now open your eyes…feeling in control………free…….peaceful and confident…

Well Done!

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Chapter 9

43 Helpful Coping Strategies As You Journey Towards Full Recovery I have been frequently asked by my clients to provide some coping strategies that can be deployed immediately to reduce anxiety and panic symptoms while they are actually on their way to completing the 7-Week Recovery Programme For Generalised Anxiety and Panic Attacks. I thought it was a good idea too!

There should be a way of coping with anxiety while you are working towards conquering it. We are all different. Also, the triggers and the intensity of our anxiety disorders differ. Therefore, it is vital for some people to be able to have some guidelines or pieces of information very handy, just in case they need them. This is especially for those who are constantly looking out for tips and coping strategies to stay on top of anxiety and panic.

Below are selections of general anxiety recovery advice and some effective coping techniques that have worked really well for many people to reduce generalised anxiety and recurring panic episodes .

It is possible that it is not all of them that is relevant or applicable to you. In that case, just pick out a couple or a few that most resonate with you and make them part of your daily routines.

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43 General Tips & Coping Mechanisms for Generalised Anxiety & Panic Recovery

1. Upon encountering a worrying thoughts or situation, identify what the worst case scenario could be. After identifying the worst case scenario, accept it. After accepting it, identify three things only you can do to ensure the worst case scenario does not happen. Then move quickly to take action on those three things.

2. Get a good sleep. If your sleep is often disrupted due to insomnia. Try napping during the day if possible until you recover and can sleep well.

3. Analyse and bring to the surface what you are avoiding. Never ignore or push aside any underlying negative emotions that your mind is trying to avoid. If you do, your subconscious negative emotions reservoir will fill up quicker - and that means more outlets of anxiety for you.

4. Expose yourself to your fears and not shrink away from them. Break everything you are afraid of into small pieces. Then take a small step at a time to conquer your fears.

5. Don’t expect to be perfect; your imagined expected outcomes about anything will always be better than the real outcomes you will eventually physically produce.

6. Build your inner resilience by constantly telling your subconscious mind that you are now in control and have outgrown your anxiety disorders. If you say it long enough and with belief, so shall it be.

7. When a negative thought comes to your mind that can potentially cause anxiety, do not jump to negative conclusion from little (if any) evidence. Instead just allow the negative thought to flow away as easily as it entered your mind. If it’s negative, just let it go, do not wrestle with it or try to fully explore it.

8. Never be controlled by your brain or by what is happening around you. Rather take control of your brain and your circumstances. Decide what positivity your brain should focus on, even in challenging times.

9. Avoid magnifying things. Do not give greater weight to a perceived problem, failure, weakness or threat. Do not make a mountain out of a molehill.

10. Don’t reason with your emotions, rather reason with your mind. Refuse to think that something is true, solely based on a feeling.

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11. Schedule an appointment with a good therapist.

12. Design an exercise programme to keep fit and healthy.

13. Maintain a healthy diet. Reduce the intake of the so called “the three white devils” - salt, flour and sugar.

14. Spend time often in prayer and in personal meditation.

15. Become a music lover, especially those music which are connected to your heritage - your culture, place of birth, childhood or any other music that has a positive nostalgic emotions about them. This is powerful. When you listen to shuck music, they will calm your mind down and time-travel you to a world of delight where you no longer feel anxiety but happiness, positive energy and tranquility.

16. Take B and C vitamins. When your body is under stress, it depletes your reserves of B and C vitamins very quickly. Deficiencies in Vitamin B can lead to restlessness, fatigue, irritability, which can then fuel your anxiety. Vitamin C is also known to be beneficial as it enhances the immune system and helps the adrenal glands to function well. Properly functioning adrenal glands help you cope with stress better. Here are the daily recommendations from most of the experts in the field: B-Complex: 50 to 100 mg (of all eleven B vitamins) once a day (twice a day when extremely stressed). Vitamin C: 1000 mg (in a time release form) twice a day.

17. Accept the unknown and uncertainty. Do not worry about what you do not have control over. Everything good in life can simply be achieved by being proactive in effectively maximising those things we have control over. Leave the unknown and the uncertainty alone and train your mind to live creatively in the present moment.

18. Focus on the positives all the time, and not the negatives. More often than not, people think themselves out of calm and confidence into stress and anxiety. Thoughts are powerful electromagnetic forces vibrating at an inconceivable rate of high frequency, attracting into your life the physical equivalence of the contents of your thoughts.

19. Avoid catastrophising your situations. Do not give greater weight to the imagined worst possible outcomes. Do not start thinking about a situation as unbearable or impossible when it is just uncomfortable.

20. Avoid over-generalising. Try not to make a very broad conclusion based on a single incident or a single piece of evidence. Refuse to see a one-off thing or temporary situation as continuos or permanent. For example, if something bad happens only

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once, do not start expecting it to happen over and over again. Or if one man hurts you, don’t start seeing every man on the earth as very bad.

21. Always be in the now. Connect to the present moment. Do not get stuck to the past in guilt or race into the future in fear.

22. Know yourself. Know your feelings and what can trigger your anxiety. Then find out any negative emotions connected to what triggers your anxiety. The go ahead to process them using the process we have already discussed.

23. Anticipate any possible problems that might develop at anywhere you are going or in something that you are doing. Then tell yourself before hand that you will stay in control and deal with any unexpected situation calmly and confidently. Sometimes, it only takes a little of mind-preparation to avoid huge emotional catastrophes.

24. Visualise yourself as calm, relaxed and confident before you attempt anything that could potentially make you nervous.

25. Identify your cognitive distortions (your irrational or untrue thinking). It is said that the average person carries with him up to 500 distorted and limiting beliefs about himself through out his life time. So identify any personal belief that is limiting you to advance to total well-being or maximise your potential. Then turn those negative beliefs to positives and repeat those positives to yourself for 21 days in order for your subconscious mind to filter them in as your new beliefs.

26. Keep an open mind and rational outlook towards life. Learn continuously. Read all the books. Attend all the relevant seminars! Then let your inner wisdom guide you to come up with your own conclusion. Being too legalistic, rigid and close-minded generates so much internal stress to humans.

27. Identify what your weaknesses are. Identify three action-steps you can start doing every day to improve your biggest weakness. Justifying your weakness also generates internal stress which increases your repressed negative emotions.

28. Practice deep breathing. Breathe in deeply, hold it for 3 seconds, then release it slowly and make sure you enjoy it as you release it. Repeat this ten times to create an instant calm and confident feeling.

29. For your habitual negative thoughts, pick out your dominant negative thought. Visualise it as if it is coming out from an old analogue radio with a big volume knob.

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30. Then visualise that you are turning the volume of your negative thought down slowly until you can no longer hear it.

31. Now, turn that particular negative thought to positive, and imagine that you are turning up that new positive thought from low to very high. Keep repeating this until there is a sense of tranquility and personal power developing within you. Repeat these above three steps for all your dominant negative thoughts. If you do this long enough, you will break the habit of your habitual negative thinking. And your mind will start experiencing calm and peace.

32. Set a weekly goal, monthly goals and annual goal. Know exactly what you are to be doing at every given time. Lack of clear goals causes restlessness and generates tremendous anxiety.

33. Set aside time frequently to maintain order in your home and office. Tidy up your closets and clear your desks. There is so much internal and external stress that we experience when things are not tidy in our environment. Notice, we feel really good when everywhere around us is neat and tidy.

34. Distract yourself from worrying or stressing by picking up something you enjoy doing. This kind of distraction technique has been proven to be helpful. As long as you are not using it as a way of not dealing with your problems. If you just use it to take your mind away from anxiousness until you regain your calm, then it can be a useful coping mechanism.

35. Read or use self-help materials to find out more about the causes and treatment of anxiety or depression.

36. See a doctor or health care practitioner to discuss what treatments might be helpful to you.

37. Stay connected. Maintain activities that provide support and pleasure such as meeting up with friends, doing hobbies, playing sport or going for a walk.

38. Take a realistic approach when you set your goals for overcoming your anxiety. The rule is this: Set a deadline that you want to be anxiety free, then choose to double the time. Anticipate that the process may take longer. This protects you from getting frustrated for failing to meet your goals, thereby generating more anxiety.

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39. Be persistent and consistent with your recovery plan. Allow time for change and not abandoning a proven anxiety programme if immediate results are not seen. Sometimes, persistence is what is required.

40. Avoid destructive habits such as misusing alcohol or drugs, self-harming, over-eating, isolating yourself from friends and family or compulsive spending to reduce your anxiety. All these unhelpful habits will perpetuate your anxiety.

41. Use positive affirmation. When you feel anxious, say something like this; “ I am calm and fully in control. I am relaxed and anxiety free.: It is important that you verbalise this. Your words are very important here to shut down negative thoughts and produce positive feelings.

42. Stop disqualifying the positive: Do not disregard positive events or comments of others towards you any more. For example, when you receive a congratulation, don’t dismiss it outrightly, believing it to be undeserved, or interpreting it as mere flattery. Stand tall and bold to receive complements and appreciation. You are really worth it!

43. Become comfortable in receiving negative feedback or comments from people. Whether you like or not, you will get negative comments or gestures from others. Negative remarks are simply springboards to high productivity and excellence. See them as stepping stones and not as stooping stones.

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The 7-Week

MindBody Breakthrough Programme for GAD and Panic Disorder Recovery

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Chapter 10

The 7-Week Recovery Programme for GAD and Panic Disorder This seven-week programme was specifically and strategically designed to treat repressed negative emotions, reprogram the subconscious mind for calm and normalise the workings of the amygdala and the body’s stress response.

Even though, the programme is designed for seven weeks, you can approach it at your own pace or at you clients’ paces. What is most important is to ensure that you work the programme effectively. Get through every single step according to the instructions given.

If you administer the entire programme as instructed, below are the expected outcomes, among other things:

10 Benefits of the MBB Recovery Programme

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The programme is designed to:❖ Stop anxiety disorders outlets such as GAD, panic attacks and other anxiety-related

disorders.❖ Get rid of anxiety-generated pains and physical symptoms.❖ Eliminate irrational fear, guilt and low confidence.❖ Flush out destructive negative emotions that often sustain generalised anxiety and

panic attacks❖ Rewire the brain for calmness, peace and happiness.❖ Improve memory and learning.❖ Replenish and repair distressed body tissues that often cause early degeneration.❖ Build self-confidence and higher self-esteem.❖ Recondition the subconscious mind for positive mental attitude.❖ Improve performance and productivity.

The 3 Components Crucial for Generalised Anxiety and Panic Attacks Recovery

In this programme, there are three relevant parts of the human psyche which I’ll like to further highlight here before we proceed to the recovery steps. I have discussed two of the three (emotional brain and negative emotions) to some extent in the previous sessions. However, this session will give them different emphasis and focuses that are specifically relevant to this programme. I will also introduce you to the third element which I am yet to discuss.

Here are the three components:

• The Emotional Brain• Negative Emotions• The Self.

1. The Emotional Brain.

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This is the part of the human psyche that is mainly responsible for protecting you from feeling pain. The human psyche is arranged around avoiding pain. So, the ultimate goal of the emotional brain is to shape your entire life and your mind in such a way that you are shielded from any hurt, fear, shame, and pain of your past, present and even your future.

Those hurtful memories and painful incidents of your past which are often wanting to re-invent themselves into your present or trigger other emotional outburst are what your emotional brain deals with 24/7. It ensures that the past and buried pains of our childhood, adolescent-hood and even adult-hood are blocked off or dealt with in its own counter-productive way so that we are not overwhelmed by their pains.

Another important thing to know about your emotional brain is that, it does not realise that you are now fully grown up and can rationalise things a lot better or deal with your past pain a lot more resiliently. Likewise, it doesn’t know that you are probably not in imminent danger today as you used to be when you were a child.

As far as your emotional brain is concerned, you are still a very vulnerable child who requires constant protection from disturbing past memories and emotions.As a result, it keeps every experience as fresh as possible, it does not matter how long ago you were involved in a distressing situation that caused you the emotional pain.

Your emotional brain is also very alert and sensitive to any present events in your life, so that it can easily detect any developing event that may trigger your past repressed emotions.

In a nut-shell, whether it’s a distressing relationship, the loss of a loved one, various kinds of abuses (physical ,emotional, sexual etc), redundancy, abandonment, betrayal, rejections, divorce, separation, or disabilities, or any other incident which has inflicted some kind of emotional pain on you, the primary assignment of your emotional brain is to try to protect your conscious mind from the emotional pains these past experiences carry with them.

Therefore, your emotional brain is referred to as the Main Protector of the psyche.

Now, in order for the emotional brain to protect you from threatening or dangerous emotional pains of your past or present, it deploys two key sub-protectors:

These two sub-protectors are:

A. Defence mechanismsB. Outlets

These two phenomena are called “sub-protectors” because they are the means by which the main Protector (the emotional brain) prevents you from pain.

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Next, let’s look at each of the sub-protectors in detail and how they connect to your anxiety-related conditions:

Defence mechanisms

Defence mechanisms are the various defences that the emotional brain deploys to shield you from facing emotional pains. Most defence mechanisms that the protector uses adopt distractions as their main strategies (diverting your attention away from your repressed pain). Defence mechanisms include: excessive eating (indulging in eating as a way of blocking off pain), excessive drinking or substances abuse and any other addictions that can anaesthetise you against emotional pain).

Other defence mechanisms that a protector can deploy include:

a. Becoming a workaholic (working excessively in order to shrug off any chance to face one’s emotional pains).

b. Self-criticism (becoming very critical of yourself and over-trying to attain perfection simply because of your subconscious fear of being judged and criticised by others - this is what the “the critical inner voice” does).

c. Superiority complex (trying too hard to create an impression of what you are not in order to cover up your feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, and inferiority complex).

d. Over-controlling others or situation (so as to guide against any un-foreseen threats of being dominated).

e. Rebellion against authority or rules (in order to guide against your fear of being told what to do and controlled).

f. Over-pleasing others (trying too hard to please people in order to avoid the pain of being rejected).

g. Avoiding intimacy (to protect yourself against being hurt again or abused). The lists are by no means exhaustive.

All these defence mechanisms of the emotional brain are all about protecting your conscious mind from your subconscious pain.


As already discussed, outlets are created by the emotional brain in order to lower the repressed negative emotions in the subconscious mind. In order for your emotional brain to keep your mind sane and in full working order, it must ensure that the repressed

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negative emotions in the subconscious mind do not become too full that they begin to overflow and spill unto your conscious awareness.

Some people have gone through distressing and traumatic experiences in the past and if all those agonising emotions (which have now turned to rage in the subconscious) could escape at once unto their conscious mind, it can be very devastating to their emotional and physical well-being.

The emotional mind (main protector) recognises this potential danger, and that’s why it tries its very best to lower the level of the repressed negative emotions in the subconscious mind so as to avoid the already mentioned potential catastrophe.

In a view to protect you, the emotional brain creates external outlets where those repressed emotional rage in the subconscious can be diverted to - so that, in the process, it can reduce the level of the repressed rage in the subconscious.

The only thing the emotional mind is concerned about is your protection, so it’ll do whatever it can to protect you, even if what it does eventually generates other un-foreseen negative consequences for you.

2. Negative Emotions

As discussed earlier on, negative emotion can be described as the emotional pain generated from a distressing experience of the past or present which still remains unprocessed, active and raw.

Now, this is important;

Each negative emotion represents a part of you that is either:

❖ In pain because of the past unpleasant experiences. Or…❖ In pain because of the unpleasant situations that you are currently going through.

An unprocessed and repressed negative emotion is therefore referred to as an “Exile-in-Pain” or `Child-In Pain.’ This psychic representation was first developed by Richard Schwartz, the pioneer of the IFS therapy (Internal Family System).

Each unique repressed negative emotion represents a past negative memory or experience that is still painful to the psyche because it has not been fully processed. This is why it is referred to as “Child-In-Pain.

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While the main protector (your emotional brain) is trying to protect you from feeling pain, exiles are the parts of you that is in pain. Therefore, it is these repressed negative emotions called exiles-in-pain that the main protector (your emotional brain) is trying to protect you from.

These exiles-in-pain (repressed negative emotions) are often fixated or stuck at a certain period in childhood and at a certain age, depending on when you experienced the traumatic or distressing experience that generated a particular negative emotion. So, they can be fixated at 2 years old, or 4 or 6 or 8 and so on.

Also, they can be as old as you are right now because they are developed as a result of the unpleasant situation you are currently going through that is generating fresh negative emotions. From the time when you were a child, every single unpleasant experience that you went through generates some negative emotions that became fixated from that time onward.

From being abandoned as a child to being hit repeatedly by your parents; from being bullied at school or abused by others to loneliness or abject poverty; from getting divorced or separated from your partner or spouse to losing a loved one; all of these produce a bunch of exiles-in-pain that now required the protection of the emotional brain within the psyche.

Characteristics of the Exiles-In-Pain

A single person can have several exiles-in-pain which the protector will be constantly keeping him away from. Exiles also tend to carry with them negative beliefs about themselves or about the world they live in, based on how they interpret their ordeals. You may have an exile that believes that you are worthless or unlovable. You may also have another that is filled with guilt and self-condemnations.

Some exiles may believe that you are not good enough to succeed or do anything meaningful with your life. Another exile might believe that you deserve to be punished, harmed and trampled upon by others.

Because exiles are in pain, they are constantly being pushed away and basically alienated from your inner life by the protector, ensuring that the emotional pains that they carry are locked away in the dark and never to be exposed to the lime-light of your conscious awareness.

Here is another important thing to be aware of about the exiles: The emotional pains that the exiles carry can be suddenly triggered and reactivated whenever something happens that is similar to what produced the exile in the first place. In such cases, all the repressed negative emotions and pain can come rushing up to the surface. At this point, your main

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protector will have to find extra energy to prevent you from feeling those pains in a devastating way.

This explains some of the anxiety relapses that you may have sometimes experienced, or the unexpected panic attacks or other strange emotional experiences that threatened to overwhelm you.

3. The Self

This is the part of the human psyche that I am yet to introduce in this programme. The Self represents your true and real self. The Self has the enormous ability to heal and eliminate the burdens that other elements of the psyche carry. It can also serve as a galvanising agent that unites all the elements of the psyche for total well-being.

The Self is the agent for psychological transformation. It can help change the painful emotions of the exiles and the anxieties of the main protector (the emotional brain) and bring about total transformation.

The Self is calm, grounded, and compassionate. This is who we are whenever the other elements of the psyche such as negative emotions or the emotional brain are not controlling our lives. When you are in Self, you are relaxed, loving, open, unmoved and accepting of yourself and others.

In difficult circumstances, the Self is undisturbed and not frightened by events. When you are in Self, you possess the strength and understanding to relate well in the world with pure compassion. You exhibit a caring, loving and non-judgemental attitude towards yourself, others and towards even the other elements of the psyche within you.

The Self is the natural leader within the elements of the psyche. It has the most holistic and clearest perspectives of reality. It has a unique quality to heal and find solutions to many problems. The tragedy is that if you have anxiety disorders or any other emotional distresses, your exiles and protector are in control. They’ve basically relegated the Self to the background and that’s why there is a disorder and unrest within.

Once you are reconnected to Self you begin to regain control and transform other elements in distress. Simply because other elements of the psyche trust the Self and count on it for leadership. The main protector often takes over to protect you from pain when

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you were a child. This is because the Self of a child has not developed enough to handle any distressing situations experienced.

But now as an adult, you no longer need the protector to be running the show for you in its extreme manners. Those extreme defence mechanisms and outlets are no longer required. And this is the purpose of the MindBody Breakthrough Recovery Programme - to get you back the control.

In this programme, you will learn how to connect to the Self and start taking total control of your emotional life. This will lead to total recovery from your anxiety outlets.

The 2 Big Objectives of the Recovery Programme

This following recovery programme, therefore, has two important objectives to accomplish:

A. To heal the exiles-in-pain and the sub-protectors within the psyche, so that the emotional brain can stop generating anxiety outlets.

B. To help all the elements of the psyche live harmoniously with one another, under the able leadership of the Self.

Quick Summary

The 3 Components of The Psyche As Related To Generalised Anxiety and Panic Attacks Recovery1. The Emotional Brain 2. Negative Emotions3. The Self

1. The Emotional Brain

❖ This is the part of the human psyche that is mainly responsible for protecting you from feeling pain.

❖ It ensures that the past and buried pains of our childhood, adolescent-hood and even adult-hood are blocked off so that we are not overwhelmed by their pains.

❖ It does not realise that you are now fully grown up. ❖ Your emotional brain still sees you as a very vulnerable child who requires constant

protection from past disturbing memories and emotions. ❖ Therefore, your emotional brain is referred to as the Main Protector of the psyche.

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❖ In order for the emotional brain to protect us from dangerous emotional pains, it deploys two key sub-protectors: Defence mechanisms and Outlets.

Defence mechanisms: • Defence mechanisms are the various defences that the emotional brain deploys to shield you

from facing emotional pains. • The emotional brain adopts distraction techniques as its main strategy for protecting the psyche

from emotional pains. • Defence mechanisms include: A. Excessive drinking or substances abuse and any other

addictions that can anaesthetise you against emotional pain). B. Excessive eating (indulging in eating as a way of blocking off pain). C. Becoming a workaholic (working excessively in order to shrug off any chance to face one’s emotional pains), etc,.

Outlets: • Outlets are created by the emotional brain in order to lower the repressed negative emotions in

the subconscious mind. • The emotional brain creates external outlets where those repressed emotional rage in the

subconscious can be diverted to. In the process, the level of the repressed rage in the subconscious can be reduced.

2. Negative Emotions

❖ Negative emotion can be described as the emotional pain generated from a distressing experience of the past or present which still remains unprocessed, active and raw.

❖ Each negative emotion represents a part of you that is either: In pain because of the past unpleasant experiences. Or… in pain because of the unpleasant situations that you are currently going through.

❖ An unprocessed and repressed negative emotion is referred to as a `Child-In Pain” or “Exile-In-Pain.”

❖ Each unique repressed negative emotion represents a past negative memory or experience that is still painful to the psyche because it has not been fully processed. This is why it is referred to as “Child-In-Pain.

❖ Therefore, it is these repressed negative emotions called exiles-in-pain that the protector (your emotional brain) is trying to protect you from.

❖ These exiles-in-pain (repressed negative emotions) are often fixated or stuck at a certain period in childhood.

❖ It is also possible for a single person to have several exiles-in-pain which the protector will be constantly keeping him away from.

❖ Exiles also tend to carry with them negative beliefs about themselves or about the world they live in, based on how they interpret their ordeals.

❖ The emotional pains that the exiles carry can be suddenly triggered and reactivated whenever something happens that is similar to what produced the exile in the first place.

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3. The Self

❖ The Self represents your true and real self. The Self has the enormous ability to heal and eliminate the burdens that other elements of the psyche carry.

❖ The Self can help change the painful emotions of the exiles and the anxieties of the protector (the emotional brain).

❖ The Self is calm, grounded, and compassionate. This is who we are whenever the other elements of the psyche such as negative emotions or the emotional brain are not controlling our lives.

❖ The Self is the natural leader within the elements of the psyche. It has the most holistic and clearest perspectives of reality.

❖ The Self is the natural leader within the elements of the psyche. It has the most holistic and clearest perspectives of reality

Recovery Step 1:

Identify the Outlet You Want To Start Working

On. This is the starting point. What anxiety outlet does the client desire to get rid of first? It is possible for one person to have more than one anxiety outlets. For example, someone who suffers from panic attacks might also be suffering from OCD, irrational fear, addictions, agoraphobia or intrusive thoughts.

While all these outlets are interconnected, it is vital that the client starts with the one that negatively affects him/her the most. What is your dominant outlet? As the client overcomes this dominant outlet, it will weaken other outlets that may be present and make them a lot easier to overcome.

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In a situation where a patient feels that he is only dealing with one anxiety outlet, then he does not need to identify anything else. However in a case of multiple anxiety-related issues, follow the below 2 steps:

1. Get a note book. Start to make a list of all the anxiety outlets that you have and would love to overcome.

2. From the list, identify the one that currently disturbs you the most. Ask yourself following question; “If I had an extraordinary power to miraculously get rid of one outlet fast and forever, which one would I get rid of first?”

3. Whatever you come up with, this is the one you should work on first. The identified outlet is called your target outlet.

Quick Summary:

1. What anxiety outlet does the client desire to get rid of first?

2. It is vital that the client starts with the one that negatively affects him/her the most. This is known as the dominant outlet.

3. As the client overcomes this dominant outlet, it weakens other outlets that may be present and make them a lot easier to overcome.

4. The identified outlet is known as your Target Outlet.

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Recovery Step 2:

Detach from the Target Outlet

Detachment or dissociation simply means a state of separation from your anxiety-related condition that you intend to transform.

Why do we need to un-blend first? First, the target outlet is a potent personality within the psyche. It has its goals and purposes. It has feelings, emotions, concerns, doubts and fears. Above all, it it very committed to its protective role. It will do anything within its power to protect the child-in-pain from further exposures to hurts, even at your own personal detriment.

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Second, more often than not, people with anxiety disorders are already fully blended with their outlets in such a way that they are almost inseparable. An anxiety patient sees himself only through the eyes of his anxiety outlets - no more no less.

Perhaps you have heard patients make the following statement in the past as they refer to their anxiety outlet, “ “This is me… this is my life; anxiety is my life…” This is a sign of full identification with the outlet.

In order for the therapy sessions to be successful, you will need to assist the client to un-blend from the outlet and reconnect to the Self. To be present with the target outlet is to be absent with the Self, and vice versa. The session will show you how to go about this.

The un-blending step uses the psychotherapeutic technique called dissociation to protect an anxiety patient from getting overwhelmed by disturbing feelings and pains of the exile or child-in-pain.

Therapist Explanation:

Unless you detach from your outlet, you’ll will continue to feel its pains and negative emotions. But once you separate yourself from your target outlet, you can no longer be overwhelmed by any repressed negative emotions that might be triggered in the process of your therapy.

Why is this so? This is because you’ve unblended with your outlet and its burdens. In this way, you’ve put yourself in the power position to be able to positively transform this outlet from negative to positive. Dissociation is one of the most powerful instruments in psychotherapy for mind-programming and behavioural changes.

The best way to understand and effect change in our psychological conditions is to first come out of them and un-blend. Then, with the help of the greater sense of self-awareness acquired through dissociation, we can transform the child-in-pain into whatever our heart’s desires may be.

There is an effective way to detach from your target outlet. Now, follow the below steps to un-blend from the target outlet:

Steps To Detach from the Target Outlet

1. Make sure you take your most comfortable position. Close your eyes and engage the power of your imagination.

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2. Visualise this target outlet as a burden being carried by a poor child (This child could be a boy or a girl, depending on your gender). This child is a metaphoric representation of your own psyche. The burden that he/she is carrying is the target outlet.

3. Imagine that this child as being separated from you and relocating to somewhere safe, but not too far away from you. Visualise the child to move away from you to a distant place where you can be able to see her face, sense her feelings and help heal her pain.

4. Ensure that you use your imagination to create a secure place for her while you are still maintaining your state of un-blending or disconnection. This is the key to change.

5. Reassure her that you are here to help and not to harm her.

IMPORTANT: ❖ It is vital that you go through the programme in a state of detachment from your target

outlet if the programme is to be successful. When you are attached to your target outlet, you are detached from the Self. But, you must be present in the Self while undergoing this programme so that the healing can take place.

❖ You may also use any other metaphor (symbol) to represent your target outlet. It does not even have to be a child. It could be a cartoon character or an object that best represents your anxiety disorder. I often recommend using a metaphor of a little child as it’s a powerful representation of the source of most of our repressed negative emotions. Most of the negative emotions that are causing us anxieties in adulthood were repressed as a result of our unpleasant childhood experiences.

Quick Summary ❖ Why do you need to detach or un-blend?

1. The target outlet is a potent personality within the psyche. 2. You need to first un-blend from the target outlet in order to positively transform it.

❖ Detachment simply means a state of separation from the anxiety-outlet that you intend to transform.

❖ The un-blending step uses dissociation to protect an anxiety patient from getting overwhelmed by disturbing feelings and pains of the exile or child-in-pain.

❖ To be present with the target outlet means to be absent with the Self, and vice versa. ❖ Steps To Detach from the Target Outlet

1. Take a comfortable position. Close your eyes and engage the power of your imagination. 2. Visualise this target outlet as a burden being carried by a poor child. (Note: This child is a metaphoric representation of your own psyche. The burden that he/she is carrying is the target outlet.) 3. Imagine that this child as being separated from you and relocating to somewhere safe, but not

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too far away from you. 4. Create a secure place for her away from yourself while you maintain your state of un-blending or disconnection. 5. Reassure her that you are here to help and not to harm her.

Recovery Step 3: Develop a Trusting

Relationship With the Child-In-Pain

Now that you have un-blended with the child-in-pain that carries the burden that represents your target outlet, the next task is to let the child-in-pain trust you. Let him or her feel that you are there to help and not hurt.

Why is trust necessary?

No child-in-pain trusts others easily any more. Trust is necessary because the child-in-pain has been hurt in the past and does not want to get hurt again. She’s fragile, insecure, sceptical and finds it hard to trust again. Therefore, it is your responsibility to develop a trusting relationship with her.

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The purpose of this is so that the child-in-pain can allow you to help her unburden her repressed negative emotions. Like all trusting relationships, the investment of time is crucial. So, you need to do a good job to reassure the child-in-pain that you can be trusted.

Meanwhile, bear in mind that your target outlet, say your panic attacks or GAD, is simply a protector that your emotional brain has put in place to prevent you from being exposed to the full-blown pains and distress emotions that this child has been carrying. It also protects the child-in-pain from being exposed to further external hurts.

This means that once you’ve been able to help this child unburden her negative emotions and pains, then your own target outlet is no longer required to keep protecting you. Therefore, it will be weakened and eventually vanish. This is when you achieve a state of transformation from you anxiety outlet. But before you get to that stage, the child-in-pain has to trust you enough to want to open up and confide in you.

Now, using your imagination and while still in a state of relaxation and comfort, follow the below steps to strengthen your relationship with the child-in-pain.

Steps to Developing a Trusting Relationship with the Child-in-Pain

1. Ask the child-in-pain if you could befriend her and provide emotional support for her and all that she needs.

2. Listen to what she says to you. If she says no, ask her what she is afraid would happen if she trusted you?

3. Whatever her answer may be, make sure that you reassure her that you can be trusted and that you are there mainly to help and not harm.

4. Pay attention to her expressions and sense her feelings to determine her decision. If her expression reveals agreement and love, then that is a sign that she has accepted your offer.

5. If you feel a sense of withdrawal from her, this means that she’s yet to fully trust you. In this case, ask her again what she is afraid of and continue to reassure her until you get a positive signal.

6. Continue to build relationship with the child-in-pain until she fully trusts you and invites you into her world.

7. After each session with the child-in-pain, write down your observations about the child; what she says, her countenance and attitude.

8. Show empathy towards her. Acknowledge her struggles and pains.9. Before finishing each session, let her know that you’ll be back soon to continue

working with her.

Quick Summary

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❖ Why is trust necessary? • No child-in-pain trusts others easily any more. She has been hurt in the past and does

not want to get hurt again. ❖ The purpose of a trusting relationship is so that the child-in-pain can allow you to help

her unburden her repressed negative emotions. ❖ Once you’ve been able to help the child-in-pain unburden her burdens, your own target

outlet is no longer required to keep protecting the her.

Recovery Step 4: Work with the Child-In-Pain to Unburden Her Repressed

Negative Emotions. After you have the permission to befriend and assist the child-in-pain, follow the below steps and instructions to help her unburden her repressed negative emotions.

1. Ask her if she would like you to help her unburden her repressed negative feelings and emotions.

2. Listen to what she may say to you. If she says no, ask her what she is afraid would happen if she let go of her past anger, resentment and frustration that she’s been carrying.

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3. Whatever she says to you, do a good job to reassure her that you’ve got what it takes to help her as safely as possible to unburden her repressed negative emotions. Continue to persuade her and build relationship with her until you get her permission.

Once you’ve got permission to help her unburden her repressed negative emotions, there are three stages to follow to transformation:

1. The identification stage 2. The unburdening stage 3. The transformation stage

Let’s look at the overview of each stage briefly.

1. The identification stage

The identification stage is when you try to help the child-in-pain by first identifying any past unpleasant experiences that you have been through yourself which may have generated significant negative emotions and distressing feelings. ❖ Bear in mind that you used to blend together with this child-in-pain until earlier in this

programme when you detached and un-blended with her. So, the negative emotions that you felt in the past as a result of your negative life experiences were felt by both of you. Therefore, you can help her here to identify some of your past experiences which might have caused your repressed negative emotions.

❖ Now that you have unblended from the child-in-pain, you’ll will not be overwhelmed with any painful memories of the past. You can feel them to some extent, but you will be able to handle them without being consumed by them. This is simply because you are now in the Self. You are well connected to the true You, which is secure, powerful, grounded, wise and always in control.

2. The unburdening stage

The unburdening stage is when you process all the past unpleasant memories that you have identified in the first stage. You will find the step-by-step guide in the next chapter (the recovery step 5).

3. The transformation stage

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This is the stage that you finally help the child-in-pain achieve transformation. This stage also includes unburdening a child-in-pain of any other repressed rage that you may not be aware of. In this stage, you will use the Unburdening Code to help transform the child-in-pain (The recovery step 6).

Quick Summary:

Recovery Step 4: Working with the Child-In-Pain to Unburden Her Repressed Negative Emotions.

1. Ask her if she would like you to help her unburden her repressed negative feelings and emotions.

2. If she says no, ask her what she is afraid would happen if she let go of her past repressed rage.

3. Continue to persuade her and strengthen your relationship until you get her permission.

There are 3 stages of recovery after you get permission: • The identification stage • The unburdening stage • The transformation stage

The identification stage

The identification stage is when you try to help the child-in-pain by first identifying any past unpleasant experiences that you have been through yourself, which may have generated significant negative emotions and distressing feelings.

The unburdening stage

The unburdening stage is when you process all the past unpleasant memories that you have identified in the first stage.

The transformation stage

This is the stage that you finally help the child-in-pain achieve transformation. This stage also includes unburdening a child-in-pain of any other repressed rage that you may not be aware of.

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Recovery Step 5: Unburden the Child-In-Pain of Her Repressed Emotions

The Identification and Unburdening Guidelines

In this session, we will be combining the two stages of recovery; the Identification and the Unburdening Stages.

I have identified some common sources of negative emotions which are often necessary to examine and release yourself in order to give the child-in-pain a better chance of experiencing total transformation.

Below are the instructions to follow to complete the first two stages: The Identification and Unburdening stages:

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❖ Past Suppressed Bad FeelingsThese are the negative emotions that are suppressed as a result of our past traumatic or unpleasant experiences, especially in childhood. Every traumatic experience that you went through in childhood generated some negative emotions or bad feelings. And because children are not capable of adequately understanding, processing and coming to terms with their ordeals, the only thing they know how to do is to repress those bad feelings. They bury them in the subconscious to avoid ever having to be tormented by them.

Unfortunately, every single of these repressed bad feelings is a painful burden for the child-in-pain to endure until she’s unburdened of them. And it is these repressed feelings and emotions that eventually force the deployments of anxiety outlets.

Now use the following steps to help the child-in-pain unburden her past suppressed bad feelings:

The Unburdening Guideline

1. Identify your most painful past experiences. Scan through your entire life, from childhood until the present moment, what single incident seems to have the biggest negative impact on your emotions? What unpleasant experience(s) can you recall that has generated more anger, resentment and frustration within you more than anything else? Identify them and write them down. Remember, whatever bad feelings you can remember and feel, the child-in-pain feels it the most. and your job is to help her let go of those bad feelings. And as she lets go and heals, you are healed too.

2. Take a comfortable position. Close your eyes, relax and engage the power of your imagination. Visualise this painful past experience as a burden being carried by the child-in-pain (This child could be a boy or a girl, depending on your gender). As already mentioned, this child is a metaphoric representation of your own psyche.

3. Ask the child if she would like to let go of all these bad feelings which are sustaining her pains. Listen to what she says to you. If she says no, ask her what she is afraid would happen if she lets go? Whatever her answer might be, ensure that you reassure her that you are capable of unburdening her as safely as possible because you are connected and grounded in Self - which has the ability to adequately handle diverse situations.

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4. Continue to re-assure the child-in-pain until you sense a go-ahead signal. Do not proceed unless you are permitted to do so. This programme is purely a co-operative programme, and not a divisive one. And that is why it’s extremely effective.

5. After you get the permission, using your imagination, imagine this child’s repressed bad feelings as a balloon or any other object that comes naturally to your psyche. Then visualise her releasing this object into the air - and then imagine this balloon (or whatever object you use to represent her bad feelings) being blown away by the wind until it disappear into the horizon.

6. Now, observe the facial expression of the child-in-pain. If it reflects happiness, relief and playfulness, the burden of repressed bad feelings has ben successfully disentangled. But if it still remains sad, that might means she has not released all her burdens. Or may be there are other connecting repressed bad feelings which she needs to unburden as well. In this case, ask her why she has not fully unburdened those remaining ones - then listen to her answer. Whatever she says is the reason, ensure that you reassure her fears, concerns or any doubt she might have. Then ask her to unburden the rest of the bad feelings.

7. Continue to ask the child-in-pain if there is any other burden related to past repressed bad feelings that she would like to unburden and then go ahead and unburden them, until you now have a happy, playful and relieved child.

8. When the child has been fully unburdened, visualise her psyche as an empty bowl, meaning that her psyche is now free from all emotional toxins and repressed rage that has been forcing her emotional brain to send out outlets to protect her from the potential overwhelming rage.

9. Now, let her know that, from now on, she is free from her repressed bad feelings and overloaded negative subconscious activities.

10. Say to her that each time she is tempted to feel those repressed bad feelings again, she’ll remember that she’s been unburdened of them all.

11. When you are done, thank the child and let her know that you’ll be back soon to spend more time with her in your next session together.

Power Metaphor

Now it is your turn: Use this power metaphor throughout this week to release all the traces and duplicates of these past repressed bad feelings from your conscious and subconscious mind and free yourself from the attachments of past pain and inner rage:

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Close your eyes. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply three times. And relax your whole mind and body.

Imagine yourself standing in front of a large farmhouse barn (a large storage place for farm livestock) in the countryside somewhere. Now just open the large wooden doors of the barn, and let all the filthy and dirty balloons that have been locked in the barn for a long time escape.

As they escape into the air, watch some of them bursting in the air while others are being blown away by the winds into the horizon until they are all out of site.

Now the barn is clean and empty. It can now be used to store valuable farm produce and livestock, and not filthy and dirty balloons that belong somewhere else.


These filthy and dirty balloons represent your past negative emotions. But now they have departed from you and gone forever. You are now free! free from the weight of the past negative emotions! You are free from the repressed rage, resentment and anger which have sustained your anxiety for many years.

❖ Irrational Fear

Almost every emotional disorder and psychological bankruptcy can be traced back to some irrational fear that the mind eventually believed as rational. — Wale Oladipo

The next burden to help the child-in-pain get rid of is irrational fear. She’s been hurt and manipulated through fear in the past. As a result, her mind has been programmed for irrational fear of different forms, such as the “feeling that something really bad is going to happen.” As she feels this way, you are also directly affected because this child-in-pain leaves within your psyche.

The irrational fear, the fear of the unknown and the feelings of impending doom, enormously over-stretch the body’s stress response and fill up the subconscious negative emotions reservoir fast.

4 Major Targets of Irrational Fear

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The irrational fear of the child-in-pain can be expressed, acted out through various channels: The following are the most common target areas

1. Yourself: You can become irrationally anxious that something bad will happen to you, such as heart attacks, or life threatening illnesses such as cancer or multiple sclerosis, etc. Perhaps, your irrational fear might be about you failing your exam, losing your job, or that your boy friend, girl friend or spouse will leave you. It could also be that you are fearful that you will faint in the public or do something really stupid that will cause you big embarrassment.

Also it could be about your future - maybe you have come to believe that your future will be a big failure and that of disappointment and just the thoughts about it make you feel very fearful.

2. Others: Sometimes the irrational fear of the child-in-pain might be acted out towards other people that you care about. You may be anxious about something bad happening to people you care about, such as your children, friends, spouse, parents, or other people that matter to you.

3. Your belongings: Irrational fear can also be expressed towards your belongings. This is about excessively being fearful that something disastrous will happen to the valuable things that you own, such as your house, car, pets, savings, investments, and other items of yours that you value.

4. Objects, places, insects or animals: We call this phobias. It could be a phobia of spiders, flying, open space, confined space, height, wax works, certain animals, etc.

Now follow the below steps to help the child-in-pain unburden her irrational fear:

The Unburdening Guideline

The following steps are similar to the above steps under “suppressed bad feelings,” with just a little customisation. The underlying principles of unburdening a child-in-pain is the same across the board.

1. Make sure you are in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and engage the power of your imagination. Bring the child-in-pain close to you enough to have a caring conversation.

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2. Then ask her if she would like to let go of all her irrational fears which are sustaining her pains. Then listen to what she says to you. If she says no, ask her what she is afraid of would happen if she lets go? Whatever she gives as an answer, reassure her that it is very beneficial for her to let go of her irrational fear so that her pains and burdens can be alleviated. Let her know that you are capable of helping her and provide a secure and loving environment where her confidence and courage can grow as safely as possible.

3. Continue to re-assure the child-in-pain until she gives you her permission.4. After you get the permission, using your imagination, imagine this child’s irrational

fears as an object allow your mind to choose any object that comes naturally to your psyche). Then visualise her releasing this object into the air - and then imagine this object being blown away by the wind until it disappears into the horizon.

5. Now, observe the facial expression of that child. If it reflects confidence, boldness, happiness, relief and playfulness, the burden of irrational fear has been successfully disentangled. But if it still remains sad and shows fear and timidity, that might means she has not unburdened - or may be she unburdened in part, meaning that there are other irrational fears she is still holding unto. In this case, ask her why she has not fully unburdened those remaining ones - then listen to her answer. Whatever she says is the reason, ensure that you reassure her fears, concerns or any doubt she might have. Then ask her to unburden the rest of her irrational fear.

6. Continue to ask the child-in-pain if there is any other burden related to irrational fear she would like to unburden and then go ahead and unburden them, until you now have a a confident, happy and relieved child.

7. Now, the child has been fully unburdened, let her know that, from now on, she is free from her irrational fears. She does not need to be afraid of anything she used to be afraid of before. Visualise her psyche as being confident, bold, grounded and courageous.

8. Say to her that each time she is tempted to entertain irrational fear again, she’ll remember that she’s been unburdened of them all and that she now has power of irrational fear.

9. After you have done that, thank the child and let her know that you’ll be back soon to spend more time with her in your next session together.

Power Metaphor

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Now use this power metaphor to break the subconscious habit of irrational fear from your own mind.

Read This Through First, then Close your Eyes and Imagine It

Close your eyes. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply three times. And relax your whole mind and body.

Imagine yourself standing on a beach, your favourite beach ever. Right there on the beach, begin to visualise this particular irrational fear as a football. This football is just in front of you right there on the beach. Now pick up this football, and as you pick it realise that it becomes transparent, you can now see through it. And right in the middle of the football is that irrational fear which you are currently dealing with written on a piece of old and dirty paper. Now as you continue to look at the transparent football, you realise, there is a tube that now connects your head with this football. And the tube itself is transparent and you can see some black fluid-like substance flowing from your head, through the tube, into this football.... and the football begins to expand and expand....After a while the fluid stops....and the tube is removed.

This football is now beginning to shrink, and shrink and shrink.....until it becomes as small as a size of an egg. The wind begins to blow and this tiny football containing your irrational fear is caught up in the wind and begins to fly in the air and blows away. You keep watching it until it disappears into the horizon.....never to be seen again.


The tube that connected to your head has sucked up all the anxiety and the irrational fear in your mind into this football which has now shrunk and perished. You are now free from all negative emotions that are connected to this irrational fear. You are also free from this irrational fear itself.

❖ Guilt

The next thing to help the child-in-pain unburden is the guilt she may be harbouring. First, identify any guilt that is known to your conscious awareness and write them down

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on paper. Then follow the unburdening guidelines that we have already used in the previous sessions to unburden the child-in-pain.

Now follow the above steps for unburdening the child-in-pain to help the her unburden her guilt.

Power Metaphor

Now use this power metaphor to free your conscious and subconscious mind of the negative emotions of guilt. Read this through first, then close your eyes and imagine it vividly.

Close your eyes. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply three times. And relax your whole mind and body.

Imagine yourself time-travelling to the past. Then you find yourself in an old village where everyone was free to do anything they feel like doing. There is no law or law enforcement agents, such as the police. And there is no government or a ruler.

Everyone is simply governing his own life. Therefore, people, including yourself do things, act in certain ways, and make decisions that seem OK to them at the time...

But one day, you and the rest of the villagers heard the news that the lost king of this village has now returned. And because of his ruthless, unkind and strict nature, he is now holding people accountable for all their bad behaviours, decisions and actions they did when he was away.

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The king is now using his rules and regulations which the people cast aside when he went missing to judge the people. Also, surprisingly he had a full record of everything that every one had done during his absence.

The king began his judgment, and started to punish people for their sins and bad behaviours.

When it came to your turn, as you stood in bewilderment before the king, the king realised that you did not belong to the past, but to the present and future.

He noticed you were from a different era and according to the king's principles, he has no power or right to punish someone who does not belong to the past but to the present and the future.

The king then said to you these words:

 " Hello the one who belongs to the present and future, what are you doing here with us who belong to past? I have nothing to do with you, because you do not belong here, neither do I have any authority to punish you. Therefore, return now to the present and remain there.

Never come back to the past because your past errors and mistakes have now been wiped out.

I now leave you to your imagination so that you can forget the past, (as you can see that it is tough here for everyone living in the past). Go now! You are already released from the past. Now release yourself from the guilt of your past, so that you can connect and enjoy the present and the future where you belong."

All of a sudden, you are back in real time. You time-travelled back to the present moment. You have escaped from the past punishments.

You are happy, excited, and at the same time, sober for the kindness you received from the king of the past, who had let you off from all your punishments.

Now, you choose to let yourself off your own guilt hooks. You can now focus on the possibilities of your future, instead of the problems of your past. The past guilt is now all over. You can now move on.

You are free from all the guilt of the past!! Totally released from all the repressed negative emotions of guilt.

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❖ Self-Imposed Pressure

A client of mine did not realise that the main source of her anxiety panic attacks was the constant pressure she put on herself all the time. We call this "Self-imposed pressure". It was until she went through this programme that she became aware of this and then went on to became totally free from her panic disorder.

Many people do not seem to be aware that the pressures we put on ourselves are immense and could be deadly to the health of our mind. It is not totally our fault as self-imposed pressures are often defence mechanisms. You only mirror whatever the emotional brain is doing to protect the child-in-pain. If the child-in-pain is using over busyness as a protective or coping mechanism, that is exactly what you too will be doing in real life. Nothing will change until the child-in-pain herself is transformed.

Self-imposed pressure generates so much emotional stress that keeps our mind and body under immense distress. It messes up our nervous system and weakens the immune system, making up susceptible to physical and mental disorders.

If you are naturally someone who likes to get things done as soon as possible, or likes to be productive and busy all the time, you are more likely so suffer more from this condition than someone who never cares about getting anything done. Also, if you are a perfectionist, you can be sure you’ll have a really tough time.

Now use the above steps for unburdening the child-in-pain to help the her unburden her self-imposed pressures.

Power Metaphor

Now, use the below power metaphor for releasing yourself from self-imposed pressure and self-criticism.

Close your eyes. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply three times. And relax your whole mind and body.

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Now imagine seeing a movie in your mind. It is about a farmer who plants crops on his farm, and tries his best to get rid of all the weeds and keep the farm as tidy as possible. But everyday this farmer is anxious and worry about whether or not the rain will fall to water the farm.

He then begins to blame himself for his sins and those of his ancestors, thinking that, that might be the reason the gods are angry with him. He then starts to work too hard day and night and also wearing rags to punish himself,  perhaps the gods would be merciful to him, and send the rain.

But the more anxious he gets, the drier the land becomes - because the rain will not fall. One day the farmer, on his way to to the farm, met an old man who told him this: "You cannot try harder enough to make the rain fall. You can only try your very best on your farm and believe that all the blessings outside your control will be attracted to you at the right time.

Therefore, stop worrying yourself to death and start believing, that after you have done all you can, the universe will work to your favour and cause the rain to fall on you and of course on your farm. You do not even have to be perfect or do things right all the time. Also you do not have to try to please anyone or the gods - just do all you can, believe and leave the rest for the higher power.”

The farmer took the advice of the old man. He stopped worrying himself to death. He stopped blaming himself for the sins of his ancestors. He stopped trying to please the gods by his working day and night and by wearing rags as clothes. He stopped beating himself up for not being a good framer or trying hard enough to appease the gods.

He begins to try his very best on his farm. He starts to believe that the universe is on his side, and that he does not have to try too hard to please anybody, himself or even the gods. He just needed to believe, to be diligent and do all he has the ability to do, and the rain of favour would fall on him and his farm.

And this was exactly what happened. On the following day, the rain started to fall, until his crops got enough water and produced plentifully.


The universe will be more on your side, once you stop putting pressure on yourself. Stop trying to aim for 100% perfection in everything you do, as there is no such thing as perfection. A good is good enough. Mistakes are also allowed. " Better a diamond with a flaw, than a pebble without," rightly observed by Confucius, the ancient Chinese philosopher.

Release yourself from the hard standards of perfection and gruesome self-criticism, and your will release yourself into the abundance of well-being, happiness, joy and success.

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❖ The Built-Up Subconscious Rage Because of What The Child-In-Pain Do not Like About Herself (Self-Dislikes)

Due to her past unpleasant experiences, the child-in-pain may have been made to feel worthless, incompetent, inadequate and underserving of good things. As a result she now holds a belief system that resents anything about herself.

Of course if she feels this way, you too will feel the same way. So the fastest way to know how she feels is to start identifying what you do not like about you.

What is it about you that you dislike or hate or makes you feel angry or embittered?

This can be about:❖ Your physical appearance.❖ Your behaviour.❖ A certain bad habit(or habits) or weakness you are nurturing but don't really like.❖ Some decisions that you made in the past or are still making which you are

blaming yourself for.❖ lack of certain abilities, talents or privileges.

When you don't like something about you, there is a certain amount of anxiety that is released and stored in the subconscious anxiety reservoir.

For example, If you feel bitter towards your physical appearance or a certain part of your body, that bitterness creates some negative emotions which can then build up to fill up your anxiety reservoir. And as a result, more outlets of anxiety disorders are generated by the brain, just to be able to compensate for the extra negative emotions that are coming in.

Also, if you happened to dislike a few things about your habits, the choices you have made in the past or are still making, or a certain behaviour of yours that makes you very furious with yourself, then more anxiety is generated and make your subconscious anxiety reservoir to fill up. Again, it is not your fault. It is just how you have to feel because it is what the child-in-pain is feeling.

Another way the child-in-pain resents herself is the fact that she suffers from anxiety. Just exactly as you do, she hates the fact that she might just embarrass herself in the public place without little or no warnings at all. Even the whole seemingly unending painful

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experience of being incapacitated by anxiety panic disorders make her resent herself even more.

It is now your duty to help the child-in-pain unburden from her self-dislike. once this is done, you, yourself, will also be able to accept yourself, love yourself, be gentle on yourself, and become a very confident person.

Self-harm, self-criticism, self-hate, self-sabotage, self-condemnation are built-up negative emotions caused by you disliking yourself. If you hate yourself, chances are that you want to punish yourself at some point. And all these ways are subconscious means of punishing yourself.

Now follow the already discussed steps for unburdening the child-in-pain to help her unburden her self-resentment.

Power Metaphor

Then, use this power metaphor to release yourself from the internal anxiety that is attached to everything you don't like about yourself.

Close your eyes. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply three times. And relax your whole mind and body.

Now imagine yourself going for a walk in a very beautiful, quiet and peaceful woods. The birds are singing beautifully. And on your right is a peaceful pond…. where you see some beautiful fish jumping up and down…..

The air is fresh, ….and the calmness and peace of that environment is very refreshing...As you walk along, you begin to notice some butterflies flying around...... some fly high, while others fly low.

And all of a sudden, one butterfly lands on your right shoulder.... and walks its way to your harm….. As you stand to pay attention to this awesome creature.... you notice, right in the middle of its wings, these words, written in very small prints,…..

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"My main beauty is that I LOVE MYSELF, regardless of how I look or what other people think. I am a special creation....with plenty of things to give to this world.... and that is why I am happy to express myself and to be thankful."

As you look on with amazement, you realise there is a connection with you… and that butterfly. You then begin to feel that you are a wonderful creation,…. filled with special gifts and talents, …..who simply needs to express himself or herself to his or her world happily and confidently, regardless of what others think or do not think.


Each time you see any butterfly, remember how special, wonderful, gifted and talented you are, and how you were placed on the earth to make the earth a better place, and how you should now start expressing yourself with freedom, confidence, appreciation…..

It does not really matter what others think of you. …What really matters is what you think of yourself - this is what determines your emotional well-being and happiness.

Quick Summary

The Identification and Unburdening Guidelines

1. Past Suppressed Bad Feelings

These are the negative emotions that are suppressed as a result of our past traumatic or unpleasant experiences, especially in childhood. Guidelines:1. Identify your most painful past experiences. Scan through your entire life, from childhood until

the present moment, what single incident seems to have the biggest negative impact on your emotions?

2. Take a comfortable position. Close your eyes, relax and engage the power of your imagination. Visualise this painful past experience as a burden being carried by the child-in-pain.

3. Ask the child if she would like to let go of all these bad feelings which are sustaining her pains. Listen to what she says to you. If she says no, ask her what she is afraid would happen if she lets go.

4. Continue to re-assure the child-in-pain until you sense a go-ahead signal. Do not proceed unless you are permitted to do so.

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5. After you get the permission, imagine this child’s repressed bad feelings as a balloon or any other object that comes naturally to your psyche. Then visualise her releasing this object into the air.

6. Observe the facial expression of the child-in-pain. If it reflects happiness, relief and playfulness, the burden of repressed bad feelings has been successfully disentangled.

7. Continue to ask the child-in-pain if there is any other burden related to past repressed bad feelings that she would like to unburden.

8. When the child has been fully unburdened, visualise her psyche as an empty bowl, meaning that her psyche is now free from all emotional toxins and repressed rage.

9. Now, let her know that, from now on, she is free from her repressed bad feelings and overloaded negative subconscious activities.

10. Inform her that each time she is tempted to feel those repressed bad feelings again, she’ll remember that she’s been unburdened of them all.

When you are done, thank the child and let her know that you’ll be back soon to spend more time with her in your next session together.

2. Irrational Fear

1. Almost every emotional disorder and psychological bankruptcy can be traced back to some irrational fear that the mind eventually believed as rational.

2. The irrational fear, the fear of the unknown and the feelings of impending doom enormously over-stretch the body’s stress response and fill up the subconscious rage reservoir fast.

3. A child-in-pain may have been hurt and manipulated through fear in the past. As a result, her mind may have been programmed for irrational fear of different forms.

4 Major Targets of Irrational Fear

1. Yourself: You can become irrationally anxious that something bad will happen to you.2. Others: Sometimes the irrational fear of the child-in-pain might be acted out towards

other people that you care about. 3. Your belongings: Irrational fear can also be expressed towards your belongings. 4. Objects, places, insects or animals: We call this phobias. It could be a phobia of

spiders, flying, open space, confined space, height, wax works, certain animals, etc.

The Unburdening Guidelines for Irrational Fear

❖ Identify all the irrational fear that you may have. Scan through your entire life, considering the 4 target areas that we discussed. Write them all down.

❖ Take a comfortable position. Close your eyes, relax and engage the power of your imagination. Visualise the irrational fears as burdens being carried by the child-in-pain.

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❖ Ask the child if she would like to let go of all her irrational fears. Listen to what she says to you. If she says no, ask her what she is afraid would happen if she lets go.

❖ Continue to re-assure the child-in-pain until you sense a go-ahead signal. Do not proceed unless you are permitted to do so.

❖ After you get the permission, imagine the irrational fears as a bunch of balloons Then visualise her releasing to the air and being blown away by the winds.

❖ Observe the facial expression of the child-in-pain. If it reflects happiness, relief and playfulness, the burdens have been successfully disentangled.

❖ Continue to ask the child-in-pain if there is any other burden related to irrational fear that she would like to unburden.

❖ When the child has been fully unburdened, visualise her psyche as an empty bowl, meaning that her psyche is now free from all the repressed rage of her irrational fears.

❖ Now, let her know that, from now on, she is free from her irrational fears. ❖ Inform her that each time she is tempted to surrender to irrational fears, she’ll remember

that she’s been unburdened of them all.❖ When you are done, thank the child and let her know that you’ll be back soon to spend

more time with her in your next session together.

3. Guilt❖ The next thing to hep the child-in-pain unburden is the guilt she may be

harbouring. ❖ First, identify any guilt that is known to your conscious awareness and write them

down on paper. ❖ Then follow the unburdening guidelines that we have already used in the

previous sessions to unburden the child-in-pain of guilt.

4. Self-Imposed Pressures❖ Self-imposed pressure generates so much emotional stress that keeps our mind

and body under immense distress. ❖ It is not totally our fault as self-imposed pressures are often defence mechanisms.

You only mirror whatever the emotional brain is doing to protect the child-in-pain. ❖ First, identify any guilt that is known to your conscious awareness and write them

down on paper. ❖ Then follow the unburdening guidelines that we have already used in the

previous sessions to unburden the child-in-pain of self-imposed pressures.

5. Self-Dislikes

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❖ Due to her past unpleasant experiences, the child-in-pain may have been made to hold a belief system that resents anything or something about herself.

❖ First, identify any self-dislikes that is known to your conscious mind and write them down on paper.

• physical appearance • certain behaviour • certain bad habits • bad decisions • lack of certain abilities, talents or privileges

❖ Then follow the unburdening guidelines that we have already used in the previous sessions to unburden the child-in-pain of all her self-dislikes.

Recovery Step 6: Transform the Child-In-Pain. After you have fully unburdened the child-in-pain of her repressed bad feelings and other negative emotions that we dealt with in recovery step 5, the next step is to transform her from being a child-in-pain into a child-in-pleasure. This basically involves you asking her if there is any hidden burden, pains, hurt she would like to unburden.

Notice that in recovery step 5, I gave you some common negative emotions that a child-in-pain often need to unburden. In other words, we are using our conscious intelligence, awareness and experience to assist the child-in-pain. But before total transformation can take place, the child-in-pain herself needs to tell us or lead us to unburden other pains or hurts which our conscious mind may not know about.

Now this is her opportunity to let go of her hidden pains, shame, fear, hurts and bad feelings and get transformed. Once she parts ways with her protected pains and negative beliefs, she can reconnect with her real Self, which is equipped with positive qualities. this is the ultimate transformation

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Now use the following steps to un-burden your target exile-in-pain:

1. Find out if the child-in-pain has any hidden burden as he wants to release.

Ask the child-in-pain if she’s ready to release her hidden pains and burdens. More often than not a child-in-pain has burdens and pains unknown to our own conscious mind. If she says yes, move to the transformation code below. But if she says no, there are few things that you might have to do first; she might need more time to bond with you or maybe she wants to unburden more things.Remember, the more delicate and sensitive a secret is, the more trust is needed before she opens up to you. So be patient. If you ask her why she’s not ready, she will let you know. Even sometimes you can pick it up with your own emotions, body sensation or mental images.

At times, the child-in-pain may not want to release her hidden burdens because she’s been overly attached to them. It may have become compulsive in a case of a deeply ingrained habit. Ask her what she’s afraid of. Because behind every compulsive behaviour is a fear, which can be a conscious one or subconscious. Then reassure her that you’ll take care of everything to her ultimate advantage.

Any reluctance and objections about going through the transformation process has to be settled amicably before you move on to the next time.

IMPORTANT: In some cases, the process of releasing the hidden pains of the child-in-pain may not actually be necessary. Some children-in-pain might decide to let go of all their hurts, pains, limiting beliefs and negative emotions during the time you are working with them to release their repressed bad feelings and negative emotions.

The unconditional love that they received from you since the start of the programme might have been so powerful that they’ve been healed and transformed as a result. This is called spontaneous transformation. Therefore, it is a good idea to ask the child-in-pain if she requires the releasing process of any hidden burdens before you embark on it.

If you find that the transformation process of hidden burdens is unnecessary, you can jump to step 7.

The Transformation Code

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Use the following steps to help release your child-in-pain’s hidden burdens and achieve transformation:

1. Find out if there are any hidden burdens to be released. 2. Also, find out if there are any other outlets of defences that are connected with the

hidden burdens the child-in-pain is about to let go of. Remember that we started with what I called your “target outlet.” And that is the main issue you want to overcome - which could be panic attacks, GAD or any other anxiety-related disorders. Now, it is important to ask the child-in-pain if there is any other outlets or defences within the psyche that are directly connected with the main target outlet which she’ll like to let go of as well. Sometimes, there are outlets or defences like depression, agoraphobia, stress, insomnia, specific phobias, withdrawal, loneliness, self-harm, procrastination, low-confidence and other physical conditions such as back pains, muscle aches, tommy aches, cramps, etc, - which might be directly linked to your main target outlet. Therefore it is important to be aware of all them at this stage.

3. After you’ve ascertained all the connected defences or outlets, ask the child-in-pain where she would like to release her hidden burdens to. There are a number of natural elements which can be very effective to release negative emotions into, as they metaphorically signify total elimination and transformation of whatever you empty into them. These natural elements include - fire, water, air and earth. So ask the child-in-pain if she would like to burn up her pains in fire, or have them blown away by the wind, or put them in the earth, or wash them all away by the water - in the ocean, or by any other means that feels right to the exile-in-pain. Sometimes, those who are spiritual or religious might even suggest if the child-in-pain want to release her hidden burdens, pains and negative emotions to God. Allow the child-in-pain to choose what she wants or alternatively you may choose the element of elimination by inner knowing or intuition. When it is done be inner knowing, it is more likely that it is going to be what the child-in-pain herself would prefer.

4. Now use your imagination to visualise the child-in-pain gathering together all her hidden repressed hurtful emotions, pains and burdens and releasing them into the medium of elimination she has chosen.

5. Make your imagination very vivid. Activate your creative mind to create a huge fire, or an ocean or a deep digging into the earth or a whirlwind that will whisk those burdens away for ever.

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6. Allow enough time for this significant act to take place. Usually, it lasts for about a couple of minutes. But it might be shorter or longer than that, as each situation is different.

7. While these hidden repressed pains, emotions and hurts are been released, see if you can sense what it feels like, through your body sensation, emotions or through your mental pictures, as they exit the body of the child-in-pain. See if you can make the experience somehow registered and memorable in your consciousness.

8. After you’ve observed all the above steps and have performed the releasing process of the hidden burdens, you might find out that the child-in-pain is still not releasing any of her hidden pains, let alone all of them. In this case, you will have to re-bond or deepen your trusting relationship with her a little bit longer. Make her feel more comfortable, loved and accepted. Then after you are satisfied with your re-bonding, try the releasing process again. Here is another possible situation you might encounter: In a situation where the child-in-pain only chooses to release a part of her hidden hurts and pains - say 40%, that’s no problem at all - at least progress is being made. You can let her release as much as she wants now, then return in a subsequent session for her to release more, if not all. Sometimes, a child-in-pain chooses to release her hidden repressed emotions in part, just to see if you will still stay and be their for her. In other words, a child-in-pain can test the quality of your affection. Do you really care or are you just looking for a quick relief of your own anxiety and then run? This shows that consistency of your loving tender care is necessary during and beyond the session. The moment the child-in-pain realises that you are not disowning her, she’ll be ready to let go and be totally free of hidden hurtful emotions and pains of her past which might be delaying her total transformation.

9. After the releasing process is fully completed, see if you can notice what positive feelings and qualities are now emerging from her. Check if you can sense joy, excitement, freedom, newness, love, lightness, playfulness and pleasure. Once those positive qualities are surfacing in her, that is a sign of transformation. She is been healed. She now ceases to be a child-in-pain. She is now called the “Child-in-pleasure.”

10. Take some time to enjoy these positive experiences yourself. Make it real to you! Celebrate on her behalf and visualise these positive changes within your psyche. This is not just the child-in-pain’s victory and transformation, it is your victory and transformation as well as you will soon be reaping the physical and emotional benefits.

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As those changes take place in her, they also take place in you. Also, notice how these positive experiences expand over time. They are going to be constantly increasing. Her energy which has been blocked by hurtful emotions are now being unleashed. She is now realising that she is absolutely fine the way she now is, leading to personal power, high self-esteem and heightened self-confidence. Likewise, it’ll start to occur to her that there is nothing to fear any more. No need to hide, withdraw, panicky, get stuck in a compulsive routine, become fearful of harm or feel worthless anymore.

11. Continue to follow up with the transformed “child-in-pleasure” after the transformation session is completed. Continued bonding and positive relationship is important in order to solidify and make permanent this new pleasurable experience and status, until they become her habitual and automatic responses to life. It is possible for a transformed child-in-pain to re-blend to her old burdens, if neglected, abandoned and disowned. So, check regularly on your “child-in-pleasure” to reaffirm your connection with her and her transformation.

12. If it seems like her hurts has returned for some reason, ask her what happened that made her pains to come back. Whatever she tells you, address those fears and re-run the transformation process again, using the Transformation code.

13. Also you must bear in mind that each child-in-pain only releases the hidden burdens, hurts and repressed negative emotions which are related to the target outlet you initially chose to work on. In other words, transforming one child-in-pain may not solve all your problems, regarding other anxiety outlets you may have. Therefore you must do the entire sequence of the programme again for any other major anxiety outlet you may want to overcome. Every child-in-pain requires to be treated separately.

Now the next step is to work with the target outlet itself and help it let go of its protective role. Then your physical or psychological outlet to anxiety disorder will heal - as it’ll no longer be required.

Quick Summary

Recovery Step 6: Transform the Child-In-Pain. ❖ The next step is to transform the child-in-pain from being a child-in-pain into a child-in-

pleasure. ❖ Before total transformation can take place, the child-in-pain herself needs to tell us or lead us to

unburden other pains or hurts which our conscious mind may not know about.

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❖ First, find out if the child-in-pain has any hidden burden that she wants to release. If she says yes, move straight to the Transformation Code session.

❖ But if she says no, it may be because she needs to trust you more or maybe she needs more unburdening.

❖ The more delicate and sensitive a secret is, the more trust is needed before she opens up to you. So be patient.

❖ If you ask her why she’s not ready, she will let you know. Sometimes, you may pick it up with your own emotions, body sensation or mental images.

❖ The child-in-pain may not want to release her hidden burdens because she’s been overly attached to them. reassure her that you’ll take care of everything to her ultimate advantage.

❖ Any reluctance and objections about going through the transformation process has to be settled amicably before you move on to the next time.

❖ In some cases, the process of releasing the hidden pains of the child-in-pain may not actually be necessary.

❖ If you find that the transformation process of hidden burdens is unnecessary, you can jump to step 7.

❖ If it is necessary use the “Transformation Code.”

Recovery Step 7:

Relieve Your Target Outlet Of Its Protective Role.

This is the last step of the programme. Like any other step in the entire programme, this step is very important because it’s about eliminating the anxiety condition that you first identified at the beginning of this programme - that is, your target outlet.

Just a quick recap here: Outlets are sub-protectors that protect a child-in-pain. The main protector of your emotions and psyche is your emotional brain. The outlets that your emotional brain sends out to protect you and the child-in-pain are called sup-protectors. These outlets are can be anxiety attacks, panic attacks, OCD, GAD, social anxiety, depression, inner critical voice, or your intrusive thoughts or any other anxiety-related disorders.

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Now that your child-in-pain has been unburdened of her pain and transformed, her sub-protector (which is your target outlet) is no longer required or necessary to maintain its role. It must therefore be released of its protective duty. This is the focus of the session.

A child-in-pain’s burden is its pains, but an outlet’s burden is its protective role. Your target outlet took on this role as an emergency protective measure. Therefore, the protective role of an outlet is not a role that is natural for it. It only took it up when it perceived some danger to your emotional well-being. Once this danger no longer exists, the outlet can be released from its protective role and your symptoms of anxiety should rescind.

Now there is something here you should be aware of before we move on: Your target outlet (panic attacks, or GAD, or whatever it may be ) has its own unique personality within your psyche. It is an entity that is trying its best to protect the child-in-pain from being swept away by overwhelming internal pains or further external hurts. So, you will have to treat it as a personality. On that note, you will need to ask its permission the same way that you approached the child-in-pain.

Now use the following steps to release your target outlet from its protective role:

5 Steps to Releasing the Target Outlet from Its Protective Role

1. Check-in with your target outlet.

• Check-in on your target outlet, using your imagination, emotions, mind pictures, or your body sensation and try to draw near to it as friends who are reconnecting after a short break. Remember that when you separated from the child-in-pain, her protectors also separated with you, as they must always stay close to the child they are protecting. If, for some reason, you can no longer easily access it, ask it with calmness and confidence to come forward so that you can re-establish your relationship with it. It can be helpful to use your imagination to form an image of it - an image you can work with based on what comes naturally to your mind. It could a cartoon-like character, or an object. You can also give a name or ask it what it wants to be called. Sometimes, you might want to call it “Hassle”(because of how it’s tormented your life), whereas it might want to be called an “Anchor.”

• After the outlet has resurfaced, find out from it if it’s aware of the transformation of its child-in-pain. Ask if it’s cognisant with the fact that the child-in-pain has been transformed and she’s now child-in-pleasure. What we do know is that sometimes the sub-protectors know that their child-in-pain have been transformed, while other times some of them seem not to be aware at all. Now, if the outlet is not yet aware of the

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transformation, your task therefore is to ensure that your target outlet is fully conscious of the transformation of the child-in-pain that it’s been protecting. So let the outlet be kept abreast of the fact that the child-in-pain is no longer in danger and vulnerable. Also let it know the new positive qualities of its “former” child-in-pain - such as freedom, happiness, joy, peace, calm, confidence, clear thinking decisiveness, motivation etc.

• Bring the two together. The best way to achieve this is to use your imagination to bring together both the transformed child-in-pain and its sub-protector (your target outlet) into one internal space in your mind so that they can be aware of each other. You could visualise them in the same room hugging each other or shaking hands, or you could envision the transformed child-in-pain explaining to her sub-protector about her transformation and thanking it for all its efforts and hard-work in protecting her from harm.

• Check from the outlet whether or not it’s happy with the good news. Ask it if it’s glad that its child-in-pain is no longer in agony.

• Also, ask the target outlet if it now feels that its protective assignment is no longer necessary.

• And if yes, would it let go of that role? More often than not, it’ll be willing to let go of its protective duties, since the child-in-pain is no longer in pain.

• Now, if the target outlet is not willing to let go of its protective role yet, ask it what it’s afraid would happen if it let go now. There are two common reasons an outlet may hold-on to its protective duty after a child-in-pain has been transformed: 1. First, the outlet may be scared that the transformation of its child-in-pain won’t last. In this case, reassure it that your work with the transformed child-in-pain is going to be continuous so that you can make sure that her healing and transformation is permanent and secure. 2. Second, it may be that this particular outlet is also protecting another child-in-pain within your psyche which is completely different from the one you just unburdened and transformed. In this case, ask it what the new child-in-pain is and you must unburden it too, using the same procedure in this entire programme, before the outlet can eventually let go of its protective role. Basically, whatever the concerns of the outlet maybe, make sure you resolve those concerns so that the outlet can go away, meaning that you have now overcome your anxiety outlet.

2. Release the protective role of your target outlet.

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• When the outlet is ready to release its protective role, it often does so by itself, and you can feel that through a sense of inner relief, joy and happiness that you feel through your internal channels such as your emotions, body sensations or mental pictures.

• Alternatively, you may want to ask the outlet if it’ll like to go through the transformation process. If it says yes, then facilitate the outlet to release its protective role the exact way you helped the child-in-pain got rid of her pains, using the Transformation Code. In this case, just follow the same procedure to finally relieve your target outlet of its burdens and get it transformed.

3. Assign your transformed outlet a new positive role within the psyche.

• Once the target outlet is transformed, you can then reassign it a new positive role which it can be responsible for within your psyche, from that time onwards.

• Sometimes, a new positive role for the outlet will emerge spontaneously and you will know this intuitively.

• If a new positive role has not emerged spontaneously, then ask the transformed outlet this question; “What positive role would you like to take on?” Inform it that it can choose whatever positive role it would like. For example, if your outlet’s old role was inner critical voice and health phobia, it might want to take on an encouraging role towards your self-image, work, and confidence, and also to provide calm, confidence and positive sensitivity towards the needs of others around you in social settings. This can be a healthy version of its old extreme role. Having said that, it’s important that you let the transformed outlet choose its new role, as it might be something positive which is unrelated to the old role. Refuse to decide for it what you think it should now be doing. The transformed outlet might even decide not to do anything but just play, as it’s glad it’s been unburdened. Choosing a new positive role is just an option. Every strength, joy, happiness, vitality and energy you need will be restored to you progressively as time goes on, once all the burdens have been released. What is most important is that the target outlet lets go of its counter-productive and dysfunctional role.

4. Integrate the rest of the elements of the Psyche.

• Once both the child-in-pain and its outlet have been unburdened and transformed, the final step is to re-integrate them in perfect harmony into the rest of the elements of the psyche, (with the emotional brain and the Self.) Why? This is so that the emotional

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brain (the main protector) can know for sure that there is no need to send out any more defence mechanisms or outlets concerning this issue, as the child-in-pain, as well as her sub-protector (your target outlet) have been freed.

• Likewise, reassure the emotional brain that the Self , the true YOU, who is grounded and well rooted in the centre of consciousness, is now in charge and can handle whatever might occur. Therefore, there is no need to panic any more. Let it know that even if there is any child-in-pain somewhere within the psyche that gets triggered, there is no need for the emotional brain to panic and deploy defences or outlets, as the Self is now totally in charge and he’s more than capable to deal calmly, confidently, compassionately and safely with whatever issue may arise.

5. Test your healing.

If possible, it’s always a good idea to test your healing by studying how you react when you come in contact with something that usually triggers your anxiety-related outlet. I recommend that you do this systematically - do it in your imagination first, then do it in real life situation. I must say that one of my clients was so fired up after she completed the programme that she asked her mother to come with her to the museum (her worst nightmare and ferocious trigger). When she got there - she was absolutely fine, relaxed and in control - with no triggers from the old child-in-pain or from its old sub-protector. She could hardly believe it - and that was the end of her phobia of museums.

Although there is no reason why you cannot test yourself directly in a real life situation after the transformation of the child-in-pain and her sub-protector, I’ll recommend that you try it in your imagination first.

Now follow the below guideline to test your healing.

• Imaginary exposure. Imagine yourself in a situation that ordinarily would have caused your anxiety outlet to flare up, then pay attention to see if this same outlet will come forward and if you’ll be overwhelmed with anxiety, fear or any other emotions typical to that situation. This will give you a clue about whether or not the child-in-pain and the outlet has been fully unburdened. Suppose your anxiety outlet is triggered when you see anything that looks like blood, then vividly imagine your self in close contact with anything that looks like blood or blood itself, then see how you react to it. If the outlet and the child-in-pain have been fully released of their burdens, you should feel calm, confident and enlightened that

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those things now cause you no fear, harm or panic anymore. There should be an inner confidence and assurance that you have now outgrown your anxiety.

• Direct Exposure: After you are OK with the imaginary exposure, you can then see if you can try direct exposure. All things being well, you should be filled with relaxation, joy, confidence and a huge sense of ease and freedom on direct exposure to your old triggers.

• Allow yourself to enjoy the feelings of relaxation, calm and total control that you feel when exposed to your triggers. Take your time to internalise that conquering feeling as you celebrate your transformation. What if the outlet or the child-in-pain gets triggered?

• If the outlet or the child-in-pain gets triggered, no need to panic at all, just find out why it happens.

• If the child-in-pain is triggered, find out what is interfering with the full release of its burdens.

• Once you find out, re-run the transformation process, using the transformation code. This should not be a problem at all as you have already done the biggest job during the programme.

• On the other hand, if it is the outlet that gets triggered, explore why it is still holding unto its protective role, then re-run the transformation process for it also. Quick Summary:

Recovery Step 7: Relieve Your Target Outlet Of Its Protective Role.

• Now that the child-in-pain has been unburdened and transformed, her sub-protector (which is your target outlet) is no longer required to maintain its protective role.

• It must therefore be released of its protective duty. • A child-in-pain’s burden is its pains, but an outlet’s burden is its protective role. • The protective role of an outlet is not a role that is natural for it. It only took it up when

it perceived some danger to your emotional well-being. • A target outlet has its own unique personality within the psyche. Therefore it has to be

treated as such. • Therefore, before releasing a target outlet from its protective role, you will need to ask

its permission the same way that you approached the child-in-pain. 5 Steps to Releasing the Target Outlet from Its Protective Role

Step 1. Check-in with your target outlet.

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• Check-in on your target outlet, using your imagination, emotions, mind pictures, or your body sensation and try to draw near to it.

• After the outlet has resurfaced, find out from it if it’s aware of the transformation of its child-in-pain.

• Bring the two of them together under one roof using your imagination. • Check from the outlet whether or not it’s happy with the good news. • Also, ask the target outlet if it now feels that its protective assignment is no longer

necessary. • If yes, ask the outlet this question, “Would you let go of your role?” More often than

not, it’ll be willing to let go of its protective duties since the child-in-pain is no longer in pain.

• If the target outlet is not willing to let go of its protective role yet, ask it what it’s afraid would happen if it let go now.

• There are two common reasons why a target outlet may hold-on to its protective duty after a child-in-pain has been transformed: 1. The outlet may be scared that the transformation of its child-in-pain won’t last. In this case, reassure it that your work with the transformed child-in-pain is going to be continuous so that you can make sure that her healing and transformation is permanent and secure. 2. It may be that this particular outlet is also protecting another child-in-pain within your psyche which is completely different from the one you just unburdened and transformed. In this case, ask the outlet what the new child-in-pain is and you must unburden it too, using the same procedure in this entire programme.

Step 2: Release the protective role of your target outlet.❖ When the outlet is ready to release its protective role, it often does so by itself, and you

can feel that through a sense of inner relief, joy and happiness that you feel through your internal channels such as your emotions, body sensations or mental pictures.

❖ Alternatively, you may want to ask the outlet if it’ll like to go through the transformation process. If it says yes, then facilitate the outlet to release its protective role the exact way you helped the child-in-pain got rid of her pains, using the Transformation Code.

Step 3: Assign your transformed outlet a new positive role within the psyche ❖ Once the target outlet is transformed, you can then reassign it a new positive role which

it can be responsible for within your psyche, from that time onwards. ❖ Sometimes, a new positive role for the outlet will emerge spontaneously and you will

know this intuitively. ❖ If a new positive role has not emerged spontaneously, then ask the transformed outlet

this question; “What positive role would you like to take on?”

Step 4: Integrate the rest of the elements of the Psyche.

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❖ Once both the child-in-pain and its outlet have been unburdened and transformed, re-integrate them with the rest of the elements of the psyche ( i.e, the emotional brain and the Self).

❖ This is so that the emotional brain can know for sure that there is no need to send out any more defence mechanisms or outlets concerning this issue, as the child-in-pain, as well as her sub-protector have been freed.

❖ Reassure the emotional brain that the Self is now in charge.

Step 5: Test your healing. Imaginary exposure. Imagine yourself in a situation that ordinarily would have caused your anxiety outlet to flare up, then pay attention to your reactions. Direct Exposure. After you are OK with the imaginary exposure, you can then see if you can try direct exposure. Allow yourself to enjoy the feelings of relaxation, calm and total control when exposed to your triggers.

Chapter 10

Breaking the Underlying Compulsive Habits

There are some anxiety-related disorders which build compulsive neurological pathways or wirings into the brain. These pathways or wirings are capable of sustaining some certain compulsive habits even after their root-causes have been eliminated. Such disorders include obsessive worries, OCD, the inner critical voice or intrusive thoughts. In this case, you will need to break this ingrained habit, after you’ve completed this programme.

These recovery programme itself will have uprooted the root-causes of anxiety, but the connected habits which have been ingrained in the brain may need to be undone. So, your conscious positive action-steps are necessary here.

OCD and Obsessive Worry

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In the cases of OCD and other habitual or compulsive disorders such as obsessive worrying, the first action to take in breaking the compulsive habit is to start resisting the inner suggestions and urges of the habit.

You can start to refuse to follow your anxiety routines and demands, such as ruminating, washing your hands, checking or touching a certain thing in a certain way or at a certain number of times or in any other way that your OCD manifests itself. Interrupting your anxiety urges and routines is a powerful means of disrupting the wirings of the compulsive habit in the brain. Therefore, start to test yourself on how defiant you can be against your compulsive Habits.

If you correctly complete this entire programme, you will have developed the inner power to start breaking your obsessive habits. Your goal here is to force yourself to disrupt the patterns and routines of your OCD or your obsessive worries or thoughts. This is because they are now walls without foundations. You just need to resist them for a certain amount of time before they collapse and fall.

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP).

This process is known in CBT as Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). “Exposure” means confronting or exposing yourself to your anxiety trigger. Then “Response Prevention” means that you should not respond to its demands. In other words, make a decision not to do your compulsive behaviour at all, until you break the habit of compulsion. You keep resisting the urge to obey your OCD and obsessive worrying until you literally break the habit.

Regarding OCD and the habit of worry, if you can resist to carry out your OCD commands for 21 days, you will break the compulsive habit. It takes at least 21 days, of continuous refusal to carry out your habitual routines for the brain to start rewiring itself for positive changes.

The brain then goes ahead to dismantle the old cortex mappings responsible for maintaining the compulsive habit and re-constructs new mappings which are dedicated to your new positive changes.

In the meantime, start slowly but constantly to do those things you have not been able to do until your auto pilot habits are broken. Your mind and body are already used to reacting in a certain way. So, through persistent positive activities and actions, they will

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unlearn the old negative habits which are driven by fear, and begin to learn your new desired positive life experiences, driven by confidence.

Quick Summary:

❖ There are some anxiety-related disorders which build compulsive neurological pathways or wirings into the brain.

❖ Such pathways or wirings are capable of sustaining some certain compulsive habits, even after their root-causes have been eliminated.

❖ These recovery programme itself will have uprooted the root-causes of anxiety, but the connected habits which have been ingrained in the brain may need to be undone.

❖ The first action to take in breaking a compulsive habit is to start resisting the inner suggestions and urges of the habit.

❖ Interrupting your anxiety urges and routines is a powerful means of disrupting the wirings of the compulsive habit in the brain.

❖ Therefore, start to test yourself on how defiant you can be against your compulsive Habits.

❖ If you correctly complete this entire programme, you will have developed the inner power to start breaking your obsessive habits. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)

❖ “Exposure” means confronting or exposing yourself to your anxiety trigger. Then “Response Prevention” means that you should not respond to its demands.

❖ Regarding OCD and the habit of worry, if you can resist to respond to the anxiety commands for 21 days, you will break the compulsive habit.

❖ The brain will go ahead to dismantle the old cortex mappings responsible for maintaining the compulsive habit and re-constructs new mappings dedicated to your new positive changes.

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❖ The mind and body are already used to reacting in a certain way. Through persistent response prevention, they will unlearn the old negative habits which are driven by fear, and begin to learn your new desired way of living.

Chapter 11

Protect Your Transformation With The 6 Mind-Powers

There are 6 main activities of the mind that can help protect your recovery regardless of what of whatever life throws at you. All of these six mind-powers have been used in some ways in this programme. However, it is important that you incorporate them into your daily thinking routines, actions, conversations and behaviours for heightened emotional, psychological and physical wellbeing.

Now that you’ve gone through the programme and progressively on your way towards permanent transformation, you will have to continue to protect your healing from being corrupted by negative thinking, life challenges and other emotional baggage that might threaten your recovery.

Whether it is panic attacks, GAD or any other anxiety-related conditions, you can stay protected with the following 6 capabilities of the mind.

Below are the brief version of the 6 mind-powers you can use to stay in control of your emotions - and keep anxiety away: You can read the extended version for further comprehension below the brief version.

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1. Imagination. Continue to imaging yourself as healed, anxiety-free and liberated. Likewise continue to imagine the transformed child-in-pain as totally TRANSFORMED.

2. Affirmation. Affirm daily positive statements that reinforce your freedom from anxiety and panic. Create 3 positive affirmations about your transformation. Then say them loud twice a day.

3. Contemplation. Think positively all the time. Whenever you think negatively, quickly correct yourself and flip it to positive. Then hold unto the positive. Never allow any negative thoughts concerning your health or other areas of your life to grow in your mind. Choosing the positive over the negative will protect your mind from emotional stress.

4. Declaration. Pay attention to what you are saying with your own mouth about yourself or about your transformation. Say positive things about you and your transformation. Also, when you are with other people, do not pull yourself down.

5. Relaxation. I recommend that you continue to set aside time for regular relaxation. This is very important to your emotional wellbeing. Just like your body needs food everyday, your mind needs relaxation everyday to stay healthy. Continue to use regularly the guided imagery and the power metaphors included in this programme . Or you can create your own relaxation exercises. It is up to you.

6. Dissociation. Now that you have been separated from your anxiety outlet, ensure that you stay separated. Always engage your your imagination to reinforce your separation, as well as the transformed child-in-pain separation from rage and pains. Never visualise it blending again with you, or imagining that anxiety will always be yours. Stay disconnected with the anxiety outlet and stay connected with the Self- your real you - who is revealed in love, calmness, positivity, self-control and self-awareness.

The Expanded Version:

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All these power-instruments of the mind will keep crippling anxiety disorders away from you and increase your energy, motivation, and hope, with a greater sense of life satisfaction.

1. Imagination. Imagination is far from being an illusive platform that you use to fantasise or daydream. It is a serious and powerful instrument for change. You can alter the established anxiety programming of your mind by visualising yourself daily as anxiety-symptoms-free. You can imagine your anxiety and its symptoms as an object that is being detached from you and blown away be the winds. When you positively use your imagination in the way I just described, you engage your power of imagination for change. Visualise yourself being in control and anxiety-free twice a day continuously for at least 60 days - or until your subconscious mind forces your brain to rewire itself for calm and confidence. Do it before you get out of bed and before you fall asleep at night. It should only take about a couple of minutes. The result can be astonishing.

2. Affirmation. This is like a verbal version of what you did with imagination. Affirmation is the verbal declaration of your positive imagination. It is you saying repeatedly and with confidence to yourself that you are anxiety-free and in full control of all its symptoms. You affirm it as though it’s already happened. For example, you can say something like this, “I am totally in control of my emotions - I have the power to choose which inner voice I want to believe and focus on - I am free from the crippling symptoms of anxiety - I am now calm, confident, bold, secure and emotional and physically healthy - totally free from anxiety.” If you can say this kind of positive affirmation everyday of your life repeatedly with belief and deep feelings, you’ll eventually convince your subconscious mind to take these positive beliefs onboard as your new mental blueprint for living. This then means that you will start seeing positive changes physically the moment your subconscious mind filters-in your new positive affirmation. But you will have to keep repeating your affirmations everyday. Relentless repetition, with feelings, is the key here. Don’t just call it quit after a few weeks. Rather continue the discipline until you see results. Try it - you will be stunned.

3. Contemplation. Contemplation is another mind-power that you can use to your advantage as far anxiety-recovery is concerned. Since the breeding and perpetuating agent for anxiety is intrusive thoughts or what some know as inner critical voice, your task here is to begin to pay attention to your dominant contemplations or thoughts. Develop a high sensitivity to what you are thinking about most of the time and how

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you are thinking about them, as well as the kind of feelings they are generating within you. Then, begin to interrupt yourself when you realise that you are dwelling on the negatives and filtering out all the positive things in your life. Try and keep your contemplations positive - if you can do this as much as possible, you can halve the level of your anxiety symptoms in few days. It is our constant negative contemplations that breed our fears and complicate our anxiety. Once you are beginning to take control of what you are contemplating or thinking about all the time, you are on your way to gaining total control of your mind and circumstances.

4. Declaration. Your declarations are those things that come out of your own mouth concerning your circumstances. These are the remarks, comments and verbal observations about yourself that you say out and release into the universe. For example, “Anxiety is now my life - I can’t do anything about it anymore,” or “ No anxiety treatment can cure me- I have had anxiety all my life,” or “I am useless, horrible and deserve to have a terrible life that I am having.” All these negative statements are self-declarations which will eventually become self-fulfilling prophecies. There is tremendous power in our words. When you declare something about yourself, you authorise what you declare to increase in your life. The universe is a magnifier - whatever words you release into it, it will make them big and return them back into your life. So, from now on, instead of using your words to tear yourself down, why not start using them to build yourself up and attract good things into your life? Begin to say good things that you want to see in your life regarding your anxiety situation. Stop declaring negative things into the universe about you. When you are with friends or family, intentionally control yourself not to tear yourself down with your own words. Instead say good things like, “ I believe I will get over all my problems - I am already on my way - I will do something worthwhile with my life.” And if others say something bad about you, quickly let them know that that is not for you - because you are on your way to progress, recovery, opportunities and happiness. Only declare the good things you want to see materialised in your life.

5. Relaxation. Relaxation is the life-blood of the mind. It is to the mind what food is to the human body. Relaxation replenishes, reenergises and renews the mind for the new challenges of life it’ll have to deal with. When done regularly, it flushes out anxiety and stress and gives the mind the needed break from anxiety and obsessive worries. But the truth of the matter is that many of us never feed our mind with relaxation. “But I relax my mind when I am asleep!”, somebody said. Really!, the real truth is that your mind hardly relaxes when you are asleep. It is busy dealing with your repressed

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subconscious activities and that’s why you often wake up tired, anxious and moody in the morning - even though you thought that you have been resting all night. Real relaxation has to be done deliberately and consciously - while you are awake and aware of what is going on. It has to be done daily - just like you eat food deliberately and daily. There are many ways you can activate relaxation. You can relax by doing a few minute relation exercises daily, or go for a relaxing walk in nature, or listen to relaxation audio or calming music where you just allow your mind to connect to the present moment and calm. Whatever works for you - you must do it often - otherwise your mind will starve, burn out, become weakened, and succumb to worry, anxiety and stress. There are many relaxation and guided imagery audios in this programme that you can start using regularly.

6. Dissociation. Dissociation is one of the most powerful instruments in psychotherapy for mind-programming and behavioural changes. Dissociation simply means a state of detachment or separation from your anxiety-related condition that you intend to overcome. And this involves using imagination and metaphors. You can dissociate from your panic attack, OCD, GAD, social anxiety, PTSD or any other conditions by imagining it’s root as a little fragile child who is in pain and afraid of being hurt, humiliated and embarrassed by others in her world - and doing all that she knows to protect herself from dangers. Then you can imagine this child as being separated from you and relocated to somewhere safe but a bit distant from you where you can be able to see her face, sense her feelings and help heal her pain and become secure and confident - while you are still maintaining your disconnection with her. This is a vital key to making desired positive changes.

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Final Note I’m highly confident and optimistic that this programme will add to your therapy tools and produce for your clients the positive results I have seen and continued to see in my clients’ lives.

If you are careful and diligent enough to follow all the guidelines and instructions provided, you will definitely see the same positive results that this programme has produced for others around the world.

I wish you all the very best!!

Wale Oladipo

Personalised Support For questions, inquiries, or professional support, please send me an email on: [email protected].

Your Feedback Your feedback will be very valuable to me to ensure that I serve you better in the future. Likewise, your testimonial can be a deciding factor as to whether or not someone will

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choose to be better equipped to help others with their generalised anxiety and panic disorders.

Please send me your testimonial or feedback, after you have used this programme. Send your testimonial or feedback to: [email protected]

For appearances, private consultation, or one-or-one coaching, please contact me on: [email protected]

Other Resources By Wale Oladipo

• Overcome Intrusive Thoughts and the Inner Critical Voice (Online Course & Workshop)

• Overcome Chronic Stress and Stress-Induced Physical Symptoms (Manual, Online Course & Workshop)

• The Worry Instinct: How to Overcome Obsessive Worry, Stress and Anxiety ( Manual & Workshop)

• Treating Chronic Stress and Stress-Induced Pains and Illnesses Course: for Therapists (Manual, Online

Course & Workshop)

• Treating Obsessive Worry, Stress and Anxiety Course: for Therapists (Manual, Online Course &


• Guided Imagery For Overcoming Panic Attacks and Building Self-Confidence (Audio)

• The Power Of Optimism: How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want to Be (Audio & Seminar)

• How To Overcome Self-Doubt: Gain More Confidence and Release Your Creative Potential (Audio)

• The Millionaire Within (Book and Seminar)

• The Power of Optimism (Book, Audio and Seminar)

• The 4 Master Keys for Happiness and Success for TEEN (Book and Seminar)

• How to Turn Your Knowledge Into Profitable Information Product (Manual & Workshop)

• And more. Please visit

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Discover the Complete 7-Week MindBody Breakthrough Recovery Programme for Treating GAD and Panic Disorder in a Structured Step-By-Step Guide that You Can Follow from Start to Finish for Total Transformation.

This manual fully introduces you to a well-tested and proven programme that combines the MindBody Breakthrough psychotherapeutic modality with the best of the IFS approach to create a cutting-edge recovery programme that guarantees success.

In this recovery programme, you will:

1. Learn how to apply the seven weekly steps for the recovery of GAD and panic attacks. 2. Understand the three main psychic elements responsible for the cause and cure of

GAD and panic attacks.3. Master key emotional interactions within the psyche that perpetuate anxiety disorders. 4. Learn how to break the underlying compulsive habits that threaten full recovery.5. Learn how to effectively manage any counterproductive response of the emotional

brain as it tries to regain control during the recovery process. 6. Understand the 6 ‘Mind-powers’ necessary to protect clients from relapses and ensure

long-lasting recovery.7. Learn the most effective coping strategies for managing GAD and panic attacks. 8. Learn the technique of ‘Guided Imagery’ peculiar to GAD and panic attacks.

Author:Wale Oladipo is the director of MindBody Breakthrough - a training provider and online practice for anxiety

recovery, coaching and success solutions:

He is also the author and creator of various well-being and success materials, courses and online recovery programmes, which include: Overcoming Chronic Stress and Stress-Induced Pains Online Programme; Overcoming Intrusive Thoughts and the Inner Critical Voice Online Recovery Programme; Overcoming Intrusive Thoughts and

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the Inner Critical Voice; 200 Keys To Unlock Your Destiny; The Millionaire Within; The Power of Optimism; The PROM Model: 4 Indispensable Keys for Happiness and Success for TEENS; and The Worry Instinct.

Wale is a psychology writer and passionate speaker in the areas of restoring emotional control, maximising human potential, and achieving personal success.

MindBody Breakthrough Publication

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