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Copyright © 2006 George Johnson All rights reserved.


American History (Selected Events)

American Government (Selected Events)

African American History (Selected Events)

Eastern Woodlands


Great Plains


Great Basin


Northwest Coast


1607—English Political Documents 1607—English Colonial Governments 1620—Mayflower Compact 1638—Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 1643—New England Confederation 1651—Navigation Acts 1733—Molasses Act 1754—Albany Plan of Union 1763—Proclamation of 1763 1764—Sugar Act 1765—Stamp Act 1765—Quartering Act 1765—Nonimportation Agreements 1766—Declaratory Act 1767—Townshend Acts 1770—Boston Massacre

1472—Benin 1500—Atlantic Slave Trade 1500—Triangular Trade Route 1518—Middle Passage 1619—First African Slaves 1600s—Slave code 1711—Jupiter Hammon 1723—Crispus Attucks 1731—Benjamin Banneker 1743—Toussaint-Louverture 1745—Jean Baptiste Pointe Du Sable 1745—Olaudah Equiano 1753—Phillis Wheatley 1760—Richard Allen 1783—Abolition movement 1785—David Walker


985—Erik the Red 1001—Leif Eriksson 1492—Christopher Columbus 1513—Juan Ponce de León 1524—Giovanni da Verrazzano 1529—Amerigo Vespucci 1534—Jacques Cartier 1539—Hernando De Soto 1540—Francisco Vasquez de Coronado 1565—Pedro Menéndez de Avilés 1598—Edict of Nantes 1607—Jamestown 1609—Henry Hudson 1612—John Rolfe 1620—Separatist 1630—Massachusetts Bay Colony 1634—Roger Williams

1773—Tea Act 1774—Intolerable Acts 1774—Continental Congress 1775—Second Continental Congress 1776—Articles of Confederation 1776—Constitution 1776—Declaration of Independence 1778—Franco-American Alliance 1783—Treaty of Paris

1787—Northwest Ordinances 1787—Federalist papers 1787—Constitutional Convention 1787—Supreme Court


1636—Harvard University 1637—Anne Hutchison 1673—Jacques Marquette & Louis Joliet 1675—King Philip’s War 1676—Bacon’s Rebellion 1681—William Penn 1690—John Locke

1692—Salem witch trials 1700s—Enlightenment 1702—Cotton Mather 1702—Queen Anne’s War 1717—French found New Orleans 1729—Separation of the Carolinas 1730s—Great Awakening 1732—Poor Richard’s Almanac 1735—John Peter Zenger 1744—King George’s War


1748—Elias Hicks 1754—French and Indian War 1760s—James Otis 1763—Mason-Dixon Line 1763—General Thomas Gage 1763—Proclamation of 1763 1763—Pontiac’s War 1770—Boston Massacre 1773—Boston Tea Party 1774—Samuel Adams 1774—John Dickinson 1774—Suffolk Resolves 1775—United States Marine Corps 1775—Patrick Henry 1775—Battles of Lexington and Concord 1775—American Revolution 1776—Benjamin Franklin


1776—John Hancock 1776—Thomas Jefferson 1776—Nathan Hale 1776—John Dickinson 1776—Elbridge Gerry 1776—Thomas Paine 1776—Independence Day holiday 1781—Siege of Yorktown 1783—Treaty of Paris 1783—Noah Webster 1784—Jedidiah Morse 1786—Shay’s Rebellion 1786—Arthur Tappan 1787—James Madison 1787—Alexander Hamilton 1787—Federalist papers


George Washington 1789 – 1797 President of the United States

1789—Georgetown University 1789—Federalist 1790s—Second Great Awakening 1791—John Fitch 1791—Bank of the United States 1792—Democratic-Republican 1793—Citizen Genet Incident 1793—Samuel Slater 1793—Lucretia Mott 1794—Eli Whitney 1794—Whiskey Rebellion 1794—Battle of Fallen Timbers 1796—Edward Jenner

1789—Constitution ratified 1789—Proclamation 1789—Hamilton Tariff 1789—Judiciary Act 1790—Naturalization Act 1790—Patent Act 1790—Southwest Ordinance 1790—Copyright Act 1790—Residence Act 1791—First Bank of the United States 1791—Bill of Rights 1792—Postal Service Act 1792—Coinage Act 1794—Neutrality Act 1794—Jay Treaty 1795—Pinckney’s Treaty

1793—Fugitive Slave Law


George Washington (Page 2)

Supreme Court appointments:

John Jay – Chief Justice – 1789 James Wilson – 1789 John Rutledge – 1790

William Cushing – 1790 John Blair – 1790

James Iredell – 1790 Thomas Johnson – 1792 William Paterson – 1793

Samuel Chase – 1796 Oliver Ellsworth – Chief Justice - 1796

States admitted to the Union:

North Carolina – November 21, 1798 Rhode Island – May 29, 1790

Vermont – May 4, 1791 Kentucky – June 1, 1792

Tennessee – June 1, 1796


John Adams 1797 – 1801 President of the United States

1798—Levi Coffin 1798—Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions 1800—Library of Congress 1801—Eli Whitney

1797—XYZ Affair 1798—Alien and Sedition Acts 1799—Nullification

Supreme Court appointments:

Bushrod Washington – 1799 Alfred Moore – 1800

John Marshall – Chief Justice - 1801

1797—Sojourner Truth   1798—James Pierson Beckwourth 1799—Richard Allen 1800—Nat Turner 1800—Gabriel Prosser conspiracy


Thomas Jefferson 1801 – 1809 President of the United States

1801—Aaron Burr 1802—Lydia Maria Child 1803—Theodore Dwight Weld 1804—Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804—Sacagawea 1805—Angelina Grimke 1805—William Lloyd Garrison 1805—Aaron Burr Conspiracy 1805—Impressment 1806—Zebulon Pike 1807—John Colter 1807—Gamaliel Bailey 1807—Robert Fulton

1801—Tripolitan War 1803—Marbury v. Madison 1803—Louisiana Purchase 1806—Nonimportation Act 1807—Embargo Act 1809—Non-Intercourse Act

Supreme Court appointments:

William Johnson – 1804 Henry Brockholst Livingston – 1807

Thomas Todd - 1807

State admitted to the Union:

Ohio – 1803

1804—York 1808—Abolishment of Atlantic Slave Trade


James Madison 1809 – 1817 President of the United States

1809—Fanny Kemble 1810—Elbridge Gerry 1810—War Hawks 1811—Francis Cabot Lowell 1811—Harriet Beecher Stowe 1812—War of 1812 1812—Old Ironsides 1812—Tecumseh 1813—Battle of Thames 1813—Harriet Ann Jacobs 1814—Francis Scott Key 1815—Battle of New Orleans

1810—Macon’s Bill Number Two 1811—Cumberland Road 1814—Treaty of Ghent 1816—Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee

Supreme Court Appointment:

Gabriel Duvall -1811 Joseph Story - 1812

States admitted to the Union:

Louisiana - April 30, 1812 Indiana - December 11, 1816

1810—Underground Railroad 1812—Martin Robinson Delany 1813—Harriet A. Jacobs 1814—William Wells Brown 1815—Henry Highland Garnet 1816—American Colonization Society


James Monroe 1817 – 1825 President of the United States

1817—Rush-Bagot Agreement 1817—Seminole War 1818—flag of the United States of America 1819—Tallmadge Amendment 1819—Washington Irving 1820—Henry Clay 1821—Santa Fe Trail 1821—Benjamin Lundy 1821—Clara Barton 1823—James Fenimore Cooper

1819—Transcontinental Treaty 1819—McCulloch v. Maryland 1820—Missouri Compromise

1823—Monroe Doctrine

1824—Gibbons v. Ogden

Supreme Court appointment:

Smith Thompson – 1823

States admitted to the Union:

Mississippi - December-10, 1817 Illinois – December 3, 1818

Alabama – December 14, 1819 Maine – March 15, 1820

1817—Samuel Ringgold Ward 1818—Frederick Douglas 1820—Harriet Tubman 1822—Denmark Vessey 1823—Alexander Twilight 1825—Frances E.W. Harper


John Quincy Adams 1825-1829 President of the United States

1825—Erie Canal 1826—Jedediah Smith 1827—Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 1827—Sigma Phi Society

Supreme Court appointment:

Robert Trimble – 1826

1827—Freedom’s Journal


Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 President of the United States

1829—spoils system 1830—Emily Dickinson 1830—Peter Cooper 1831—Merriam-Webster 1833—Lucretia Mott 1834—Whig Party 1835—Texas Revolution 1835—Sam Houston 1835—Santa Anna 1835—Mark Twain 1835—Alexis de Tocqueville 1836—Alamo 1836—Colt revolver 1836—William Holmes McGuffey 1837—Horace Mann

1830—Indian Removal Act 1832—Worcester v. Georgia 1832—Nullification crisis 1833—Force Bill 1834—Indian Reorganization Act 1836—Specie Circular

Supreme Court appointments:

John McLean – 1830 Henry Baldwin - 1830

James Moore Wayne – 1835 Roger Brooke Taney (Chief Justice ) –

1836 Philip Pendleton Barbour – 1836

John Catron - 1837

States admitted to the Union:

Michigan - 1837 Arkansas – 1838

1829—John Mercer Langston 1831—Nat Turner 1832—Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society 1933—Harper 1833—American Anti-Slavery Society 1835—Seminole 1835—Maria W. Stewart


Martin Van Buren 1837-1841 President of the United States

1838—Samuel F.B. Morse 1839—Charles Goodyear 1840s—Wilmot Proviso 1840s—Oregon Trail

1838—Aroostook War 1839—Trail of Tears 1840—Liberty Party

Supreme Court appointments:

John McKinley – 1838

Peter Vivian Daniel – 1842

1837—Elijah P. Lovejoy 1838—John Willis Menard 1839—Robert Smalls 1841—Amistad case


William H. Harrison 1841- President of the United States

Harrison died of an illness one month after the Inauguration.


John Tyler 1841-1845 President of the United States

1841—Edgar Allan Poe 1842—Dr. Crawford Long 1843—Jim Bridger 1843—Dorothea Lynde Dix 1844—Samuel F. B. Morse

1842—Webster-Ashburton Treaty 1842—Dorr Rebellion

Supreme Court appointment:

Samuel Nelson - 1845

State admitted to the Union:

Florida – 1845

1841—Blanche Kelso Bruce 1842—Prigg v. Pennsylvania 1842—Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin


James K. Polk 1845-1849 President of the United States

1845—Manifest Destiny 1846—Elias Howe 1846—Mormon Migration 1846—Bear Flag Revolt 1846—Smithsonian Institution 1847—Hermann Melville 1847—Thomas Edison 1847—American Medical Association 1847—postage stamps 1847—riparian rights 1848—Elizabeth Cady Stanton 1848—Free Soil Party 1848—California Gold Rush 1849—Elizabeth Blackwell

1846—Walker Tariff Act 1846—Wilmot Proviso 1846—Oregon Treaty 1846—Mexico-American War 1848—Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1849—Gold Coinage Act

Supreme Court appointments:

Levi Woodbury – 1845 Robert Cooper Grier – 1846

States admitted to the Union:

Texas – 1845 Iowa – 1846

Wisconsin – 1848

1845—Edmonia Lewis


Zachary Taylor 1849-1850 President of the United States

He was stricken with cholera and died on July 9, 1850. Milton Fillmore completed Zachary Taylor’s term.

1849—George Washington Williams


Millard Fillmore 1850-1853 President of the United States

1850s—Know-Nothing Party 1850—Nathaniel Hawthorn 1850—Walt Whitman 1851—Herman Melville 1853—Harriet Beecher Stowe 1853—Matthew C. Perry

1850—Compromise of 1850 1850—Fugitive Slave Act

Supreme Court appointment:

Benjamin Robbins Curtis – 1851

States admitted to the Union:

California – 1850

1852—Jan Ernst Matzeliger


Franklin Pierce 1853-1857 President of the United States

1853—Charles Loring Brace 1854—Henry David Thoreau 1854—John Greenleaf Whittier 1855—King Cotton 1856—Pottawatomie Massacre 1856—John Charles Fremont

1853—Gadsden Purchase 1854—Republican Party 1854—Ostend Manifesto 1854—Kansas-Nebraska Act 1855—Know-Nothing Party

Supreme Court Appointment:

John Archibald Campbell – 1853

1854—Charlotte Forten 1854—James A. Bland 1855—Fannie Barrier Williams 1856—Booker T. Washington 1856—T. Thomas Fortune 1857—Dred Scott case


James Buchanan 1857-1861 President of the United States

1857—William Kelly/Henry Bessemer 1858—Frederick Law Olmsted 1859—Constitutional Union Party 1859—Harpers Ferry 1859—Charles Darwin 1859—Edwin Laurentine Drake 1860—Crittenden Compromise 1860—Pony Express 1860s—Cornelius Vanderbilt

1857—Lecompton Constitution 1856—Harris Treaty 1858—Lincoln-Douglass Debates 1860—Secession 1860—Confederate States of America

Supreme Court appointment:

Nathan Clifford – 1858

States admitted to the Union:

Minnesota – 1858 Oregon – 1859 Kansas – 1861

1858—Charles W. Chesnutt 1858—Daniel Hale Williams 1859—Henry Ossawa Tanner 1859—Harriet E. Wilson 1859—Ableman v. Booth 1859—Pauline E. Hopkins


Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865 President of the United States

1860s—Emily Dickinson 1861—Transcontinental telegraph line 1861—Jefferson Davis 1861—Radical Republicans 1861—Civil War 1861—Copperhead 1861—Stonewall Jackson 1861—George B. MClellan 1862—Julia Ward Howe 1862—Richard Jordan Gatling 1863—draft riots 1863—Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1863—Thanksgiving Day holiday 1863—Battle of Gettysburg 1863—Kit Carson 1863—William Quantrill

1861—Confiscation Acts 1861—Medal of Honor 1862—Morrill Acts 1862—Federal Income Tax 1862—Homestead Act 1862—Pacific Railway Acts 1863—False Claims Act 1863—Emancipation Proclamation 1864—Mottoes on coins 1864—Wade-Davis Bill 1865—Freedmen’s Bureau 1865—John Wilkes Booth

1860s—33rd U.S. Colored Troops 1860s—Samuel Chapman Armstrong 1860s—62nd U.S. Colored Infantry 1862s—Ida B. Wells-Barnett 1863—Mary Church Terrell 1864—George Washington Carver 1864—Fort Pillow Massacre 1865—Martin Robinson Delany


President Lincoln (Page 2) 1864—William T. Sherman 1864—Sand Creek Massacre 1865—Ulysses S. Grant 1865—Robert E. Lee 1865—William J. Hardee 1865—John A. Logan 1865—Appomattox Court House

Supreme Court appointments:

Noah Haynes Swayne – 1862 Samuel Freeman Miller – 1862

David Davis – 1862 Stephen Johnson Field – 1863

Salmon P. Chase – Chief Justice – 1864

States admitted to the Union:

West Virginia – 1863 Nevada – 1864


Andrew Johnson 1865-1869 President of the United States

President Lincoln is killed by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865. 1865—Reconstruction 1865—scalawag 1865—John D. Rockefeller 1865—Mary Surratt 1866—Ku Klux Klan 1867—Emily Greene Balch 1867—Typewriter 1867—William Cody 1868—Memorial Day 1868—Louisa May Alcott 1869—Prohibition Party

1865—Reconstruction Act 1865—U.S. Secret Service 1865—Thirteenth Amendment 1866—Civil Rights Act 1867—Alaska Purchase 1867—Midway Island 1867—Tenure of Office Act 1868—Fourteenth Amendment

State admitted to the Union:

Nebraska – 1867

1865—black codes 1866—Matthew A. Henson 1866—Ku Klux Klan 1866—New Orleans Race Riot 1866—Memphis Race Riot 1866—Buffalo soldier 1866—racial segregation 1867—Sarah Breedlove Walker 1868—Elizabeth Keckley 1868—Scott Joplin 1868—W. E. B. Du Bois


Ulysses S. Grant 1869-1877 President of the United States

1870—Andrew Carnegie 1870s—Gilded Age 1871—National Weather Service 1871—William Dean Howells 1871—James McNeil Whistler 1873—Samuel Colt 1873—Adolph Zukor 1874—Woman’s Christian Temperance Union 1874—DDT 1874—Joseph Farwell Glidden 1874—Levi Strauss 1874—Philadelphia Zoological Garden 1874—Greenback Party 1875—John Wanamaker 1875—Thomas Eakins

1869—Black Friday 1870—Civil Rights Act 1870—Fifteenth Amendment 1870—Hepburn v. Griswold 1870—Force Act 1871—Ku Klux Act 1871—Civil Rights Act 1871—Indian Reorganization Act 1872—Yellowstone National Park 1873—Comstock Act 1873—Slaughterhouse Cases 1875—Civil Rights Act

1870—Bill Pickett 1870—Hiram Rhodes Revels 1870—Joseph Hayne Rainey 1871—James Weldon Johnson 1871—Fisk Jubilee Singers 1872—Paul Lawrence Dunbar 1873—W.C. Handy 1874—Arturo Alfonso Schomburg 1875—Carter G. Woodson 1875—Mary McLeod Bethune 1877—Jim Crow laws


Ulysses S. Grant (Page 2) 1875—Whiskey Ring 1876—Battle of Little Bighorn 1876—Sitting Bull 1876—Alexander Graham Bell 1877—Emil Berliner

Supreme Court appointments:

William Strong – 1870 Joseph P. Bradley – 1870

Ward Hunt – 1873 Morrison Remick Waite – Chief Justice

– 1874

State admitted to the Union:

Colorado – 1876


Rutherford B. Hayes 1877-1881 President of the United States

1877—Chief Joseph 1880—Lewis Wallace

1876—Munn v. Illinois 1877—Socialist Labor Party 1878—Bland-Allison Act 1878—Posse Comitatus Act

Supreme Court appointments:

John Marshall Harlan – 1877 William Burnham Woods – 1881

1877—racial segregation 1877—Benjamin O. Davis, Sr. 1878—Jack Johnson 1880—Claude McKay


James A. Garfield 1881 President of the United States

On July 2, 1881, he was shot by Charles J. Guiteau. He died on Sept. 19, 1881.

Supreme Court appointment:

Thomas Stanley Matthews – 1881


Chester A. Arthur 1881-1885 President of the United States

1880—Thomas Edison 1880s—Presidents’ Day 1881—Clara Barton 1882—Sam Rayburn 1884—Standard Time 1884—Carl Koller 1884—Helen Hunt Jackson

1882—Chinese Exclusion Act 1883—Pendleton Civil Service Act

Supreme Court appointments:

Samuel Blatchford – 1882 Horace Gray – 1882

1881—Tuskegee Institute 1882—Jessie Redmon Fauset 1883—Civil Rights Cases 1884—Moses Fleetwood Walker


Grover Cleveland 1885-1889 President of the United States

1886—The Coca Cola Company 1886—Aluminum processing 1886—Statue of Liberty 1886—Samuel Gompers 1887—National Institutes of Health 1888—National Geographic Society

1886—Haymarket Riot 1887—Dawes General Allotment Act 1887—Interstate Commerce Act

Supreme Court appointments:

Lucius Q. C. Lamar – 1888 Melville Weston Fuller (Chief Justice)

– 1888

1885—Hudson William Ledbetter 1886—Ma Rainey 1886—Alain LeRoy Locke 1887—James Hubert “Eubie” Blake 1887—Marcus Garvey 1888—Horace Pippin


Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893 President of the United States

1889—Hull House 1890—Wounded Knee 1890—United Mine Workers of America 1890—Populist Movement 1890—National American Woman Suffrage Association 1890—Louis Sullivan 1890—Jacob A. Riis 1890—James Jerome Hill 1892—Susan B. Anthony 1892—Ellis Island 1892—Mary Cassatt

1890—Sherman AntiTrust Act 1891—Forestry Legislation 1891—Judiciary Act 1893—Railroad Safety Appliance Act

Supreme Court appointments:

David Josiah Brewer – 1890 Henry Billings Brown – 1891

George Shiras, Jr. – 1892 Howell Edmunds Jackson – 1893

States admitted to the Union:

North Dakota – 1889 South Dakota – 1889

Montana – 1889 Washington – 1889

Idaho – 1890 Wyoming – 1890

1889—A. Phillip Randolph 1890—Jelly Roll Morton 1890—Claude McKay 1890s—Voter restrictions 1891—Nella Larsen 1891—Zora Neale Hurston 1892—Anna Julia Cooper 1892—Ellis Island 1893—Bessie Coleman


Grover Cleveland 1893-1897 President of the United States

1893—Florence Kelley 1893—Eugene V. Debs 1894—Labor Day holiday 1895—Richard Olney 1895—Jose Julian Marti 1895—George B. Selden 1895—Stephen Crane 1895—J. Edgar Hoover 1896—Gifford Pinchot

1894—Wilson-Gorman Tariff

Supreme Court appointments:

Edward Douglass White – 1894 Rufus Wheeler Peckham - 1896

State admitted to the Union:

Utah – 1896

1893—Walter White 1893—Charles S. Johnson 1894—James Price Johnson 1894—Jean Toomer 1895—Florence Mills 1895—William Grant Still 1895—Booker T. Washington 1895—Melville J. Herskovits 1895—Atlantic Compromise 1895—Charles Hamilton Houston 1895—Hattie McDaniel 1896—Plessy v. Ferguson 1896—Mary Church Terrell 1896—Ethel Waters 1897—Elijah Muhammad 1897—Marian Anderson


William McKinley 1897-1901 President of the United States

He died of an assassin's gunshot wounds on September 14, 1901. 1897—John Philip Sousa 1897—Klondike Gold Rush 1897—John Jacob Abel 1898—New York City 1898—Hawaiian Islands 1898—Spanish-American War 1898—De Lome Letter 1898—Edward Henry Harriman 1899—Winslow Homer 1899—Wake Island 1899—Frank Norris 1899—Martha M. Place 1899—John Hay 1900—Boxer Rebellion

1897—Dingley Tariff Act 1898—Treaty of Paris 1898—Teller Amendment 1899—Philippine-American War 1899—Open Door Policy 1900—Gold Standard Act 1900—Foraker Act

Supreme Court appointment:

Joseph McKenna– 1898

1897—Fletcher Henderson 1898—Bessie Smith 1898—Paul Robeson 1944—Gunnar Myrdal 1898—Florence Mills 1899—Percy Lavon Julian 1899—Thomas Andrew Dorsey 1899—Aaron Douglas 1899—Duke Ellington 1900—Ethel Waters 1900—restrictive covenant


Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909 President of the United States

1900s—Thomas Edison 1900—Carrie Chapman Catt 1901—John Pierpont Morgan 1903—Wilbur and Orville Wright 1903—Helen Keller 1904—Panama Canal 1904—Ida M. Tarbell 1904—Lincoln Steffens 1905—Mother Jones 1905—Industrial Workers of the World 1906—Muckrakers 1906—Roosevelt’s Nobel Prize 1906—Women’s Trade Union 1906—San Francisco earthquake 1907—George Washington Goethals 1908—Henry Ford

1901—Platt Amendment 1904—Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty 1904—Big Stick Policy 1904—Roosevelt Corollary 1905—Dollar Diplomacy 1905—Treaty of Portsmouth 1906—Pure Food and Drug Act 1906—National Park Antiquities Act 1907—Gentlemen’s Agreement 1908—Muller v. State of Oregon

1901—Frederick Douglass Patterson 1901—Louis Armstrong 1901—Roy Wilkins 1901—Sterling A. Brown 1902—Langston Hughes 1902—Arna Bontemps 1902—Wallace Thurman 1903—Countee Cullen 1904—Coleman Hawkins 1904—Count Basie 1904—Dr. Charles R. Drew 1904—Ralph Bunche 1905—Chicago Defender 1905—Niagara Movement 1906—Sachel Page 1907—Robert C. Weaver


Theodore Roosevelt (Page 2)

1907—Dorothy West 1908—Springfield Race Riot 1908—Ray Stannard Baker 1908—Richard Wright 1908—Thurgood Marshall 1908—Ann Petry 1909—NAACP 1909—Chester Himes


William H. Taft 1909-1913 President of the United States

1909—Robert Edwin Peary 1909—Gertrude Stein 1910—Glacier National Park 1910—Americanization Movement 1911—Bull Moose Party 1913—Richard Milhous Nixon

1910—Mann Act 1913—Underwood Tariff 1913—Federal Reserve Act

Supreme Court appointments:

Horace Harmon Lurton – 1910 Charles Evans Hughes – 1910

Edward Douglass White Jr. (Chief Justice) – 1910

Willis Van Devanter – 1911 Joseph Rucker Lamar – 1911

Mahlon Pitney - 1912

States admitted to the Union:

New Mexico – January 6, 1912 Arizona – February 14, 1912

1909—Matthew A. Henson 1910—Howlin Wolf 1910—National Urban League 1910—Bayard Rustin 1911—Romare Bearden 1911—Robert Johnson 1911—Mahalia Jackson 1911—Josh Gibson 1912—Gordon Parks 1912—Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. 1913—Jessie Owens 1913—Rosa Parks


Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921 President of the United States

1914—Mother’s Day 1914—World War 1 1914—Minimum Wage Scale 1914—Nellie T. Ross 1915—Lusitania 1915—D.W. Griffith 1915—Rocky Mountain National Park 1917—Zimmermann Note 1917—Edward Vernon Rickenbacker 1917—Jeannette Rankin 1917—Red Scare 1918—Woodrow Wilson 14 points 1918—General John J. Pershing 1919—League of Nations 1919—Treaty of Versailles 1919—Prohibition

1913—Federal Reserve Act 1914—Clayton Antitrust Act 1914—Harrison Narcotics Tax Act 1915—Federal Trade Commission Act 1916—National Park Service Act 1916—Keating-Owen Child Labor Act 1916—Adamson Act 1917—Cloture Rule 1917—Selective Service Act 1917—Espionage Act 1918—Fourteen Points 1919—Schenck v. United States 1919—Volstead Act 1919—Ninteenth Amendment

1913—Robert Hayden 1914—Joe Louis 1914—Ralph Ellison 1914—Billy Eckstine 1915—Margaret Walker 1915—Muddy Waters 1915—Billie Holiday 1915—John Hope Franklin 1916—Great Migration 1916—black nationalism 1917—Fannie Lou Hamer 1917—Ossie Davis 1917—Thelonious Monk 1917—East Saint Louis Race Riot 1917—Jacob Lawrence 1917—Nate King Cole


Woodrow Wilson (Continued – Page 2) 1919—Jack Dempsey 1920—League of Women Voters 1920—Thompson submachine gun 1920—Isaac Asimov 1920—John L. Lewis 1920—Sacco-Vanzetti Case 1920—Roaring Twenties 1920s—Knute Rockne 1920s—Mary Pickford 1920s—Charlie Chaplin 1920s—Greta Garbo 1920s—Rudolph Valentino 1920s—Douglas Fairbanks 1920s—Ernest Hemingway

Supreme Court appointments:

James Clark McReynolds – 1914

Louis Dembitz Brandeis– 1916 John Hessin Clarke - 1916

1917—Ella Fitzgerald 1919—Chicago Race Riot 1919—Jackie Robinson 1919—Edward Brooke 1919—Peter Abrahams 1920—James Leonard Farmer, Jr. 1920—Charlie Parker 1920—Negro National League Baseball 1920s—Pan-Africanism


Warren G. Harding 1921-1923 President of the United States

1921—Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 1921—Veterans Day 1922—Willa Cather

1922—Cable Act 1922—Teapot Dome Scandal 1922—Colorado River Compact

Supreme Court appointments:

William H. Taft (Chief Justice) – 1921 George Sutherland – 1922

Pierce Butler – 1923 Edward Terry Sanford – 1923

1920s—Harlem Renaissance 1921—Whitney Moore Young Jr. 1921—Alex Haley 1921—Tulsa Race Riot 1921—Constance Baker Motley 1922—Charles Mingus 1922—Dorothy Dandridge 1922—Harold Washington


Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929 President of the United States

1927—George Eastman 1924—Red Grange 1924—Progressive Party 1924—Nellie Tayloe Ross 1925—F. Scott Fitzgerald 1925—Theodore Dreiser 1925—Scopes Trail 1925—William Jennings Bryan 1925—F. Scott Fitzgerald 1925—Clarence Darrow 1926—Robert Goddard 1927—Transatlantic Telephone Service 1927—Charles A. Lindbergh 1927—Helen Wills 1927—Babe Ruth 1929—St. Valentine’s Day Massacre

1924—Immigration Act 1924—National Origins Act 1924—Snyder Act 1928—Kellogg-Briand Pact

Supreme Court appointment:

Harlan Fiske Stone - 1925

1924—James Baldwin 1924—Shirley Chisholm 1924—Sarah Vaughan 1924—Dinah Washington 1924—Patricia Roberts Harris 1925—Charles Gordone 1925—Carl Thomas Rowan 1925—Sammy Davis, Jr. 1925—Malcolm X 1925—Benjamin Hooks 1926—Miles Davis 1926—Hosea Williams 1926—John Coltrane 1926—Chuck Berry 1926—Harlem Globetrotters 1927—Althea Gibson


Calvin Coolidge (Page 2) 1929—Academy Award 1932—Amelia Earhart

1927—Sidney Poitier 1927—Carl Stokes 1927—C. Delores Tucker 1927—David Dinkins 1928—Maya Angelou 1928—Fats Domino 1929—Martin Luther King, Jr.


Herbert C. Hoover 1929-1933 President of the United States

1929—Stock Market Crash 1929—Great Depression 1931—Star-Spangled Banner 1931—Nevada and Gambling 1931—Jane Addams 1932—Amelia Earhart 1932—Grant Wood 1932—Thomas Hart Benton

1930—Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act 1931—“The Star-Spangled Banner” 1932—Stimson Doctrine 1932—Norris-LaGuardia Act

Supreme Court appointments:

Charles Evans Hughes (Chief Justice) – 1930

Owen Josephus Roberts – 1930 Benjamin Nathan Cardozo - 1932

1929—Paule Marshall 1930—Lorraine Hansberry 1930—Derek Walcott 1930—Elias Blake, Jr. 1930—Ornette Coleman 1930—Nation of Islam 1930—Bobby Blue Bland 1931—Scottsboro case 1931—Douglas Wilder 1931—Alvin Ailey 1931—Toni Morrison 1931—Carl Brashear 1932—Clyde McPhatter 1932—Little Richard


Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-1945 President of the United States

1933—Eleanor Roosevelt 1933—Frances Perkins 1933—Dust Bowl 1935—Richter scale 1937—Edward R. Murrow 1938—Veterans’ Day 1938—March of Dimes 1939—Adolf Hitler 1939—Sir Winston Churchill 1939—World War II 1941—Douglas MacArthur 1941—Joseph Stalin 1941—Pearl Harbor 1942—Manhattan Project 1942—Manzanar Relcation Center 1942—Nisei

1933—New Deal 1933—Good Neighbor Policy 1934—Indian Reorganization Act 1935—Second New Deal 1935—Social Security Administration 1935—Works Progress Administration 1935—Wagner Act 1938—Fair Labor Standards Act 1938—Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act 1939—Hatch Act 1941—Smith Act 1941—Lend-Lease Act 1942—Manhattan Project 1942—Women’s Army Corps 1943—Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act

1933—James Meredith 1933—Ernest J. Gaines 1934—Arthur Mitchell 1934—Sonia Sanchez 1934—Amiri Baraka 1935—Eldridge Cleaver 1936—Marion Barry 1937—Bill Cosby 1937—Colin Powell 1938—Maynard Jackson 1938—Max Robinson 1938—Ishmael Reed 1939—Toni Cade Bambara 1939—Charles Fuller 1940—Wilma Rudolph 1940s—bebop


Franklin D. Roosevelt (Page 2) 1942—Bataan Death March 1942—Pan American Airways Pacific Clipper 1944—D-Day 1945—Cordell Hull 1945—Iwo Jima 1945—Victory in Europe Day 1945—Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1946—Tojo Hideki 1947—Congress on Television

1944—Korematsu v. United States 1944—Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (G.I. Bill) 1945—Yalta Conference

Supreme Court appointments:

Hugo Black – 1937  Stanley Forman Reed – 1938  

Felix Frankfurter – 1939  William Orville Douglas – 1939

Frank Murphy – 1940  Harlan Fiske Stone (Chief Justice) – 1941  

James Francis Byrnes – 1941 Robert Houghwout Jackson – 1941

Wiley Blount Rutledge – 1943

1941—Tuskegee Airman 1941—Executive Order 8802 1941—Ron Brown 1941—Stokely Carmichael 1941—Otis Redding 1941—Jesse Jackson 1942—Congress of Racial Equality 1942—Guion S. Bluford Jr. 1943—Muhammad Ali 1943—Arthur Ashe 1944—Alice Walker 1944—Angela Davis 1945—Ebony Magazine 1945—August Wilson


Harry S. Truman 1945-1953 President of the United States

1945—Cold War 1945—Fair Deal 1945—Yalta Conference 1945—United Nations 1946—Iron Curtain 1948—Berlin Airlift 1949—William Faulkner 1948—“Fair Deal” 1950—Red Scare 1950—Korean War 1952—Edward Teller 1952—NSA 1952—Jonas Edward Salk 1953—Hydrogen Bomb 1954—Joseph R. McCarthy

1945—Potsdam Conference 1946—Indian Claims Act 1946—Atomic Energy Act 1946—Containment

1947—Truman Doctrine

1947—President Succession Act

1947—Taft-Hartley Act

1947—National Security Act 1948—Executive Order 9981 1948—Marshal Plan 1949—North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1949—Exclusionary rule 1950—National Science Foundation 1950—Uniform Code of Military Justice 1952—McCarran-Walter Act

1947—Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 1947—Carol Mosely Braun 1948—Clarence Thomas 1948—Ntozake Shange 1949—Gwendolyn Brooks 1950s—Civil Rights Movement 1950—Henry Louis Gates, Jr. 1950—Gloria Naylor 1952—Rita Dove


Harry S. Truman (Page 2)

Supreme Court appointments:

Harold Hitz Burton – 1945

Fred M. Vinson (Chief Justice) – 1946 Tom Campbell Clark – 1949

Sherman Minton – 1949


Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953-1961 President of the United States

1953—Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg 1953—John Foster Dulles 1953—Oveta Culp Hobby 1953—Nikita Khrushchev 1954—Pledge of Allegiance 1955—Atomic Bomb 1955—Jonas Salk 1955—AFL-CIO 1955—Disneyland 1958—NASA 1958—Explorer Program 1958—Van Allen radiation belt 1958—Jack Kilby 1959—ICBM 1959—Fidel Castro

1956—Federal Aid Highways Act 1957—Eisenhower Doctrine 1957—Civil Rights Act 1959—Alaska 1959—Hawaii 1959—Landrum-Griffin Act 1959—Fair Labor Standards Amendment 1959—Antarctic Treaty

Supreme Court appointment:

Earl Warren (Chief Justice) - 1953

States admitted to the Union:

Alaska – January 3, 1959 Hawaii – August 21, 1959

1954—Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas 1954—Oprah Winfrey 1954—Al Sharpton 1954—Condoleezza Rice 1955—Marian Anderson 1955—Emmett Till 1955—Orval Eugene Faubus 1955—Rosa Parks 1955—Montgomery Bus Boycott 1956—Dr. Mae Jemison 1957—Southern Christian Leadership Conference 1960—sit-in 1960s—black nationalism


Dwight D. Eisenhower (Page 2) 1960—TIROS 1960—U-2 Affair 1960—Theodore H. Maiman 1960—John F. Kennedy 1960s—Hippies 1961—Diplomatic Relations with Cuba


John F. Kennedy 1961-1963 President of the United States

1961—Alan Shepard 1961—Peace Corps 1961—President's Commission on the Status of Women 1961—Bay of Pigs 1961—Vietnam War 1962—Cuban Missile Crisis 1962—George C. Wallace 1962—Linus Carl Pauling 1962—Rachel Carson 1963—Mercury Program

1961—Mapp v. Ohio 1961—Peace Corps Act 1961—Bay of Pigs 1962—Cuban Missile Crisis 1963—Gideon v. Wainwright 1963—School District of Abington v. Schempp 1963—John F. Kennedy

Supreme Court appointments:

Bryon Raymond White – 1962 Arthur Joseph Goldberg – 1962

1960s—Race Riots 1960s—Aretha Franklin 1960s—Black Arts movement 1960s—SNCC 1961—Barack Obama 1961—Freedom Rides 1963—Birmingham, Alabama 1963—Medgar Evers


Lyndon B. Johnson 1963-1969 President of the United States

1963—Warren Commission 1963—Betty Friedan 1964—Gemini Program 1964—Jack Ruby 1964—Lester Maddox 1964—General William Westmoreland 1965—The Great Society 1966—Surveyor Program 1967—Lunar Orbiter 1968—Robert F. Kennedy 1968—Presidents’ Day Late-1960s—Students for a Democratic Society

1963—Warren Commission 1963—School District of Abington v. Schempp 1963—Affirmative Action 1963—Gideon v. Wainwright 1964—Civil Rights Act 1964—Twenty-fourth Amendment 1964—Escobedo v. Illinois 1964—Tonkin Gulf Resolution 1964—Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States 1964—Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 1965—Griswold v. Connecticut 1965—Social Security Act 1965—Voting Rights Act 1966—Freedom of Information Act

1963—March on Washington 1964—Head Start 1965—Malcolm X 1965—Watts Riot 1965—Moynihan Report 1965—Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 1966—Kwanzaa 1966—Black Panther Party 1967—Loving v. Virginia 1967—Newark, New Jersey Riots 1968—Martin L. King Jr.


Lyndon B. Johnson (Page 2) 1966--Miranda v. Arizona

1967—Age Discrimination in Employment Act 1967—Public Broadcasting Act 1967—Outer Space Treaty 1968—Nuclear non-proliferation Treaty 1968—Kerner Commission 1968—Civil Rights Act 1968—Indian Civil Rights Act 1968—Gun Control Act 1968—Green v. New Kent County, Va

Supreme Court appointments:

Abe Fortas – 1965 Thurgood Marshall – 1967


Richard M. Nixon 1969-1974 President of the United States

1969—Neil Armstrong 1970—Kent State University 1970—Norman E. Borlaug 1971—Amtrak 1971—Gloria Steinem 1971—Cesar Chavez 1971—Pentagon Papers 1971—Libertarian Party 1971—Women’s Equality Day 1972—American Indian Movement 1970s—Gay Rights Movement 1972—Equal Rights Amendment 1972—Space Shuttle 1973—Secret peace talks 1973—Pioneer 11 1973—Skylab

1969—Consumer Credit Protection Act 1970—Postal Reorganization Act 1970—Rail Passenger Service Act 1970—Bank Secrecy Act 1970—Controlled Substance Act 1970—Organized Crime Control Act (RICO) 1971—Federal Election Campaign Act 1971—Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education, N.C. 1972—Strategic Arms Limitation Talks 1972—Title IX

1971—Swann v. Charlotte-Meckleburg Board of Education


Richard M. Nixon (Page 2) 1973—Mariner 10 1973—Arab Oil Crisis 1974—Highway speed limit 1974—Watergate Tapes 1973—Secret peace talks

1972—Consumer Product Safety Act 1972—Watergate Scandal 1972—Furman v. Georgia 1973—Paris Peace Accords 1973—Keyes v. School District No. 1, Denver 1973—Endangered Species Act 1973—Roe v. Wade 1973—War Powers Resolution

Supreme Court appointments:

Warren E. Burger (Chief Justice) – 1969 Harry Andrew Blackmun – 1970

Lewis Franklin Powell, Jr. – 1972 William Rehnquist – 1972


Gerald R. Ford 1974-1977 President of the United States

1974—Ford Pardons Nixon 1975—Ella Grasso 1975—Viking program

1974—Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 1974—United States v. Nixon 1974—Milliken v. Bradley 1975—Safe Drinking Water Act 1975—Helsinki Accords 1975—Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 1976—Copyright Act of 1976

Supreme Court appointment:

John P. Stevens (Associate Justice) – 1975


James E. Carter, Jr. 1977-1981 President of the United States

1977—Voyager program 1977—Trans-Alaska Pipeline 1978—Seasat 1978—Camp David Accords 1979—Three Mile Island 1979—SALT II 1979—Susan B. Anthony 1979—Iran hostage crisis 1980—Miracle on Ice 1980—Joy Adamson

1978—Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 1978—Ethics in Government Act 1980—Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act 1980—Bayh-Dole Act

1978—Bakke decision 1980s—hip hop


Ronald W. Reagan 1981-1989 President of the United States

1981—Space Shuttle 1981—John Hinckley, Jr. 1981—PATCO 1981—supply-side economics 1981—Test-tube baby 1981—Heart-lung transplant 1982—Veternam Veternans Memorial 1982—American Telephone & Telegraph 1983—Strategic Defense Initiative 1983—A Nation at Risk 1984—Geraldine Ferraro 1985—Dian Fossey 1986—Space Shuttle Challenger 1986—Christa McAuliffe

1983—Nuclear Waste Policy Act 1984—Boland Amendment 1985—Iran-Contra Affair 1985—Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Balanced Budget Act 1986—Age Discrimination in Employment Act 1987—Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty 1987—Edwards v. Aguillard 1987—INF Treaty 1988—Civil Liberties Act

Supreme Court appointments:

Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. – 1981

William Rehnquist (Chief Justice) – 1986 Antonin Scalia – 1986

Robert Bork – 1987 (rejected by Senate) Douglas Ginsburg – 1987 (withdrawn)

Anthony M. Kennedy – 1988

1986—Martin Luther King Day


George H. W. Bush 1989-1993 President of the United States

1990—Manuel Noriega 1990—Hubble Space Telescope 1990—H. Norman Schwarzkopf 1990—Weapons of Mass Destruction 1993—Legal Hanging

1989—Whistleblower Protection Act 1990—Americans with Disabilities Act 1990—Human Genome Project 1990—United States v. Eichman 1990—Persian Gulf War (First) 1991—Strategic Arms Reduction Talks 1991—Board of Education of Oklahoma City v. Dowell 1991—Civil Rights Act 1993—Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START II) 1992—North American Free Trade Agreement 1992—Freeman v. Pitts

Supreme Court appointments:

David Souter – 1990 Clarence Thomas – 1991

1990—David Dinkins


William J. Clinton 1993-2001 President of the United States

1993—World Trade Center bombing 1994—Newt Gingrich 1995—Oklahoma City bombing 1997—Jody Williams 1997—hybrid automobile 1998—Ramzi Yousef 2000—Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 2000—Charles Schulz 2000—Elian Gonzalez

1993—Family and Medical Leave Act 1993—National Voter Registration Act 1993—Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act 1994—Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act 1994—Violence Against Women Act 1994—Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1996—Telecommunications Act 1996—Defense of Marriage Act 1997—Presidential Apology for the Study at Tuskegee 1998—Child Online Protection Act 1998—Copyright Term Extension Act 2000—Goals 2000: Educate America Act

2000—Hopwood v. Texas

1994—North American Free Trade Agreement 1995—Million Man March


William J. Clinton (Page 2)

Supreme Court appointments:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg – 1993 Stephen Breyer – 1994


George W. Bush 2001- President of the United States

2001—September 11 Attacks 2001—World Trade Center 2001—Pentagon 2001—Tony Blair 2001—Osama bin Laden 2001—anthrax attacks 2001—Enron 2002—9/11 Commission 2002—Yucca Mountain 2003—Space Shuttle Columbia 2004—NASA’s Mars rover, Spirit 2004—Pete Rose 2005—Spector v. Norwegian Cruise Line Ltd. 2006—Journalist Jill Carroll abducted 2007—Drought in United States

2001—United States-Jordan Free Trade Area Implementation Act 2001—Child Citizenship Act 2001—anthrax attacks 2001—USA Patriot Act 2001—Office of Homeland Security 2002—War on Terroism 2002—No Child Left Behind 2002—Homeland Security Act 2002—Help America Vote Act 2002—Yucca Mountain 2002—E-Government Act 2002—Homeland Security Act 2002—Help America Vote Act 2003—Do Not Call Implementation Act 2003—PROTECT Act

2001—National African American History Month 2001—African American Leaders 2001—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 2001—Kwanzaa Message 2001—National Museum of African American History Act 2002—Dr. Martin L. King, Jr., Federal Holiday 2002—National African American History Month 2002—Celebration of African American Music, History, and Culture 2002—Beltway snipers 2003—Black Music Month 2003—Grutter v. Bollinger 2004—Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site 2004—Minority Entrepreneurship at Urban League


George W. Bush (Page 2) 2007—Lincoln document found 2007—NYC Poor to Get Cash 2007—Mohegans Restore Ancient Burial Ground 2007—Democratic Presidential Candidates for 2008 Joseph Biden Hillary Rodham Clinton Chris Dodd John Edwards Mike Gravel Dennis Kucinich Barack Obama Bill Richardson 2007—Republican Presidential Candidates for 2008 Sam Brownback Jim Gilmore Rudy Giuliani Mike Huckabee Duncan Hunter John McCain Ron Paul Mitt Romney Tom Tancredo Tommy Thompson

2003—Second Persian Gulf War 2003—Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act 2003—Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act 2003—Gratz v. Bollinger and Grutter v. Bollinger 2004—Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act 2005 —Teresa Marie Schiavo law 2005—Rasul v. Bush 2005—Hamdi v. Rumsfeld 2005—Gonzales v. Raich 2005—Roper v. Simmons 2005—Cutter v. Wilkinson

2005—Death of Rosa Parks 2006—MLK Jr. at “Let Freedom Ring” Celebration    2006—African American History Month at the White House 2006—Coretta Scott King at Homegoing Celebration 2006—African American History Month at the White House 2006—American Competitiveness Initiative at Tuskegee University 2006—NAACP Annual Convention 2006—Voting Rights Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006 2006—National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week, 2006 2006—Death of James Brown 2007—Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday


George W. Bush (Page 3) 2006—Nation Security Letter

2006—Military Commissions Act 2007—Winkelman v. Parma City School District 2007—Ledbetter v. Goodyear 2007—Court Rules Against Combatant Policy 2007—S.B. 1104 2007—Brendlin v. California 2007—High Court Upholds Curb on Abortion 2007—Scott v. Harris 2007—Rulings Weaken Patents' Power 2007—Morse v. Frederick 2007—Court Bars Suit Against Faith-Based Plan 2007— Gonzales v. Carhart; Gonzales v. Planned Parenthood Federation of America

2007—National African American History Month 2007—African American History Month 2007—African American History at the White House East Room 2007—Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony Honoring the Tuskegee Airmen 2007—Mississippi civil rights-era case 2007—Parren Mitchell 2007—Slave Passage Unearthed at George Washington Residence 2007—Middle Passage Remembrance Day 2007—Illegal African Migration Intolerable 2007—Massachusetts Recognizes Juneteenth 2007—Amistad sails the Atlantic


George W. Bush (Page 4)

2007—Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency 2007—Marineau v. Guiles

Supreme Court Appointments:

John Roberts – 2005 Samuel Anthony Alito – 2006

2007—Presidential politics enters a new arena 2007—Black Church Targets Families 2007—Black College Enrollment in South Rising 2007— Meredith v. Jefferson County and Parents Involved v. Seattle Schools


Nobel Prize Recipients (Africans/African Americans)

Physics Chemistry Literature Peace Economics Medicine

Nobel Peace Prize 2004—Wangari Maathai 2001—Kofi Annan 1993—Nelson Mandela 1984—Desmond Tutu 1964—Martin Luther King Jr. 1960—Albert John Lutuli 1950—Ralph Bunche

Nobel Prize in Literature

2003—Toni Morrison 1986—Wole Soyinka

Nobel Prize in Economics

1979—Sir Arthur Lewis