Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning Chapter 4 Developmental Assessment.

Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning Chapter 4 Developmental Assessment

Transcript of Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning Chapter 4 Developmental Assessment.

Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning

Chapter 4

Developmental Assessment

Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning

Competencies Identify the defining concepts and principles of

major developmental theories. Assess patients’ developmental levels by applying

the major developmental theories. Incorporate appropriate developmental tasks

associated with each life stage into a patient’s assessment.

Select appropriate developmental assessment tools for use in screening a patient for developmental difficulties.

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Developmental Theories Ages and stages

Developmental stage Developmental tasks

Life event/transitional

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Ages and Stages Developmental Theories Piaget’s theory of cognitive

development (1952) Stages

Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete operations Formal operational


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Ages and Stages Developmental Theories Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of

personality development (1946) Personality

Ego Superego


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Ages and Stages Developmental Theories Psychosexual stages

Oral Anal Phallic Latency Genital


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Ages and Stages Developmental Theories Erikson’s Epigenic theory of

personality (1974) Stages

Trust vs. Mistrust Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt Initiative vs. Guilt Industry vs. Inferiority (continues)

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Ages and Stages Developmental Theories Stages in Erikson's Epigenic theory

(cont.) Identity vs. Role confusion Intimacy vs. Isolation Generativity vs. Stagnation Ego integrity vs. Despair


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Ages and Stages Developmental Theories Kohlberg’s theory of moral

development (1981) Levels

Preconventional Conventional Postconventional

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Developmental Stages, Tasks, and Life Events Stages

Infancy (birth to 1 year) Toddler (1 to 3 years) Preschool (3 to 6 years) School-age (6 to 12 years) Adolescent (12 to 18 years) Young adult (18 to 30 years) Early middle age (30 to 50 years) Late middle age (50 to 70 years) Late adulthood (70 years to death)

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Stage 1: Infancy Rapid physical, motor, cognitive,

emotional, and social growth Major task is weaning Sensorimotor (Piaget) Oral (Freud) Trust vs. Mistrust (Erikson)

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Growth and Development During Infancy Gross motor Fine motor Language Sensory

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Stage 2: Toddler Steadily increasing motor

development and control Intense activity and discovery Rapid language development Increasingly independent behaviors Marked personality development


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Stage 2: Toddler Gross motor Fine motor Language Sensory

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Developmental Theories During Toddlerhood Sensorimotor to preoperational

(Piaget) Anal (Freud) Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt

(Erikson) Preconventional level—moral stage


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Stage 3: Preschool Focused on developing initiative

and purpose Preoperational (Piaget) Phallic (Freud) Initiative vs. Guilt (Erikson) Individualism, instrumental

purpose, and exchange (Kohlberg)(continues)

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Stage 3: Preschool Fine motor Gross motor Language Sensory

Copyright 2002, Delmar, A division of Thomson Learning

Stage 4: School-age Reduce dependency on family for

socialization, begins to socialize with peers Preoperational to concrete operations

(Piaget) Latency (Freud) Industry vs. Inferiority (Erikson) Conventional level—mutual expectations,

relationships, and conformity (Kohlberg)


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Stage 4: School-age Fine motor Gross motor Language Sensory

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Stage 5: Adolescent Period of struggle and turmoil Formal operations (Piaget) Genital (Freud) Identify vs. Role confusion

(Erikson) Conventional level—social system

and conscience (Kohlberg)(continues)

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Stage 5: Adolescent Fine motor Gross motor Language Sensory

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Stage 6: Young Adult Time of separation and independence from the

family Marked by new commitments, accountability,

responsibilities Key developmental tasks Formal operations (Piaget) Intimacy vs. Isolation (Erikson) Postconventional level—social contract or

utility and individual rights (Kohlberg)

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Stage 7: Early Middle Age Settle into career, lifestyle, relationships Develop political, civic, social,

professional, religious affiliations Key developmental tasks Generativity vs. Stagnation (Erikson) Postconventional level—social contract

or utility (Kohlberg)

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Stage 8: Late Middle Age Development of chronic disease Changes in relationships, affiliations Key developmental tasks Generativity vs. Stagnation

(Erikson) Universal ethical principles stage


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Stage 9: Late Adulthood Time for adjustments Changes in health, relationships,

affiliations Key developmental tasks Ego integrity vs. Despair (Erikson) Universal ethical principles stage

continues (Kohlberg)

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Stages of the Family Life Cycle Leaving home Joining of families Families with young children Families with adolescents Launching children Families in later life

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Developmental Assessment Tools Infants to young school-age children

Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment (BNBAS)

Denver II Revised Prescreening Developmental

Questionnaire (R-PDQ) Early Language Milestones Scale


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Developmental Assessment Tools

Carey Infant and Child Temperament Questionnaire

Washington Guide to Promoting Development in the Young Child

Stress Scale for Children Adolescents

HEADSS (home, education, activities, drugs, sex, and suicide) adolescent risk profile


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Developmental Assessment Tools Children with disabilities

NGAGED (now, growth and development, activities of daily living, general health, environment, and documentation)

Adults Recent Life Changes Questionnaire Life Experiences Survey


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Developmental Assessment Tools

Everyday Hassles Scale (EHS) Stress Audit Sense of coherence (SOC) Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

Older adults Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) Folstein Mini-Mental Status Examination



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Developmental Assessment Tools

Functional Assessment Screening in the Elderly (FASE)

Nursing home residents Minimum Data Set for Nursing Facility

Resident Assessment and Care Screening

Families Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) Friedman Family Assessment Model