Copy of MB Task List Spring 2012_task Discussions

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Transcript of Copy of MB Task List Spring 2012_task Discussions

  • 8/12/2019 Copy of MB Task List Spring 2012_task Discussions


    Row 2 Discussion Title General Meeting Minutes [email protected] 02/14/12 2:04 PMComments Will upload soon [email protected] 02/14/12 2:04 PM

    Row 3 Discussion Title Executive Committee Meeting [email protected] 02/08/12 10:52 PM

    CommentsI think it'd be a good idea, just so I can update myself on what's goingon and what you guys might need of me.

    [email protected]/09/12 3:06 AM

    Since Monica is stepping down and the Leadership luncheon is this

    Sunday evening, are we still meeting this Sunday in Fairchild at 7pm?

    [email protected]

    02/08/12 10:52 PMb

    Row 4 Discussion Title Follow up with Lisa Baxter re: meat pricing error [email protected] 02/21/12 7:16 PM

    CommentsFollow up with Lisa Baxter re: meat pricing error (she believes we hadthe wrong price charged to our account) [email protected] 02/21/12 7:17 PM

    Row 5 Discussion Title Collect unaccounted Raffle funds [email protected] 02/21/12 7:17 PM


    Alex, when you receive the funds from Lisa & Ismaila, we will alsoneed to submit the fundraising form to campus life. If you need moretime, you may need to post date the ending date for the fundraiserbecause we're supposed to submit the report within 5 days after theclose of the event.

    Monica [email protected] 02/23/12 12:29 PMFollow up with Ismaila & Lisa regarding funds collected for raffletickets [email protected] 02/21/12 7:17 PM

    Row 7 Discussion Title Shinn's photo shoot [email protected] 01/28/12 11:06 AM

    CommentsConfirmed with Larry Shinn but still needs to becoordinated w/ Judy Richards [email protected] 01/28/12 11:06 AMto present Nancy Shinn community partnership awardpics with Ivan & Catherine& photo in front of Presiden't home w/ selected invitees [email protected] 01/28/12 11:06 AM

    Row 12 Discussion Title Tapping [email protected] 01/16/12 4:23 PMComments I can tap. [email protected] 02/07/12 9:48 AM

    upon approval of national office [email protected] 01/16/12 4:23 PM

    Row 15 Discussion Title End of the Year EC Reports [email protected] 01/31/12 12:27 PMComments during an EC meeting? [email protected] 02/07/12 9:49 AM

    I can only swing thursday, before 5 on friday, or monday. [email protected] 02/01/12 9:08 AM

    It would be best for me to meet either Friday anytime after three,anytime this Saturday, or anytime Sunday. [email protected] 01/31/12 11:38 PMWe need to have an official officers' meeting to discuss duties &responsibilities for this semester b/c this is the thing that ruined oureligibility this year & we're not even getting consistent officerattendance.

    Please let me know when you will be available to meet. [email protected] 01/31/12 12:27 PM

    Row 16 Discussion Title Officer Transition [email protected] 02/06/12 10:54 PM

    CommentsWe need to make sure that all documents are updated and in oneplace so that it will be useful when we pass the information on. [email protected] 02/06/12 10:54 PM

    Row 18 Discussion Title Succession plan [email protected] 02/06/12 10:53 PM


    If we have any returning members of the chapter it would be useful tohave them involved in this process so scheduling will most likelyreflect the availability of these members. [email protected] 03/04/12 4:02 PMThe responsibilities of the committee will be teaching next year'smembers about the chapter, existing policies, facilitation training &familiarizing them with the roles & responsibilities that need to betaken on in order to make the chapter successful. This committee willalso be responsible for assessing what worked well this semester inorder to incorporate them into the chapter best practices for theincoming class as well as working with the new class to plan andorganize improvements for the following year so that things can worksmoothly. [email protected] 03/04/12 4:01 PMWe need to earmark next year's EC [email protected] 02/06/12 10:53 PM

    Row 19 Discussion Title Induction Alumni Transition Committee [email protected] 03/04/12 4:37 PM

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    Comments This will be tied closely with external communications [email protected] 03/04/12 4:39 PMWe will need volunteers to work on member recognition preparationsfor Initiation of the new members and Induction of the old members.This group will finalize the spring newsletter which will include the listof new initiates, a summary of all of our chapter events, & coordinatingthe social media info into an interactive platform so that next year'sclass can post chapter activities, we can keep the chapter updatedwith our progress & continue the upkeep of job postings, fellowshipopportunities, and coordinate/ promote other alumni benefits that are

    either created through the alumni chapter or through the Mortar BoardNational network. [email protected] 03/04/12 4:37 PM

    Row 22 Discussion Title Facilitation Training [email protected] 01/16/12 12:55 AM

    CommentsWould anyone be interested in learning how to conduct meetings, etc.from Kennaria Brown? [email protected] 02/14/12 2:18 PMconfirm date for training session [email protected] 01/16/12 12:55 AM

    Row 24 Discussion Title Raise funds for T shirts [email protected] 01/16/12 4:14 PMComments follow up with Tierah for pricing list [email protected] 01/16/12 4:14 PM

    -need to find fundingmaybe some of the raffle money

    -possibly talk to Student Services Account Manager about charges toaccount for t-shirts (if charged more than $85)-Everyone needs to know that $75 of their dues went to the Nationaloffice and $10 were for chapter fees [email protected] 01/16/12 4:14 PM

    Row 25 Discussion Title T-shirt Funds [email protected] 02/05/12 9:07 PM

    CommentsI remember at one of our first meetings signing which tshirt size Iwanted, and indicating that I had already paid.

    [email protected]/07/12 9:36 AM

    My understanding was that I paid $75 for the national membership and$10 for chapter fees. If there had been a $10 fee for a T-shirt, I wouldnot have paid it because I do not like to wear unisex T-shirts.

    [email protected]

    02/06/12 12:39 AMThanks for heading this up. I'll get you the documents as soon as Ican get them to you. Would you mind following up with members tosee how they would like to move forward? [email protected] 02/05/12 10:46 PMPlease comment whether you felt that the additional funds were fortshirts or an additional membership fee.

    [email protected]/05/12 9:07 PM

    Row 26 Discussion Title Chapter Improvements [email protected] 02/06/12 1:18 AM


    So I have created a google document (I know, I know, --eye roll) forpeople to include their ideas and suggestions for improvements thatwe could make that will allow us to use our time more effectively. Thebest way I see for that to happen is that we continue to take an activerole in perhaps revisiting some of the old solutions for how to makehow we communicate more efficient & how we plan things so that wedont have to invest as much time hashing out internal issues and

    spend the rest of our time focusing on things that are going to betterserve us. I believe that now that weve opened up the dialogue and

    weve gotten most of our events out of the way, were in a really good

    position to finish up strong & there are a lot of lessons that we havegained from going through this experience. [email protected] 02/06/12 1:42 AMmore to follow [email protected] 02/06/12 1:18 AM

    Row 31 Discussion Title Google Docs [email protected] 01/29/12 9:44 PM

    CommentsDeclutter & update info from chapter minutes to the appropriate googledoc and section on Smartsheet [email protected] 01/29/12 9:44 PM

    Row 32 Discussion Title Access Table of Contents Here [email protected] 01/05/12 11:11 PM


    Correction: The "not named section down below" will actually be

    converted into a separate tab of documents to make the platform lesscluttered [email protected] 01/05/12 11:13 PMThis attachment will take you to all of the Mortar Board Documents* You can also access each individual document in the section labeled"not named yet" down below. [email protected] 01/05/12 11:11 PM

    Row 35 Discussion Title Make MB Merit Badge Tab [email protected] 01/16/12 4:22 PM

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    Mortar Board Merit Badge System Idea:-rather than mandatory events-you will receive credits toward service, leadership, and literacy byplanning your own events-goal would be to have three initiatives in order to be inducted-looking for more participation and engagement-would encourage people to be accountable-each event has prep and planning, set up, clean up, etc.-trying to make it fair

    -level the playing field so that everyone can do what is manageable forthem-have a list of what the events will count forchairs can also help

    communicate this [email protected] 01/16/12 4:22 PM

    Row 36 Discussion Title Meeting time management w/ Doodle [email protected] 01/29/12 9:47 PM


    This app can be used to find a common meeting time by keeping trackof all of the times for you. [email protected] 01/29/12 9:47 PM

    Row 39 Discussion Title Linked In [email protected] 01/29/12 9:49 PM

    CommentsPremila will be responsible for uploading flyers about events,newsletters, etc. to FB and linkedin [email protected] 01/29/12 9:49 PM

    Row 43 Discussion Title Graduation Fundraiser (Selling roses) [email protected] 02/05/12 7:16 PM


    This would be a great activity for members of the incoming class if theyare interested, to get them acquainted with fundraising, especiallysince we won't be leaving them with much money after we pay ourchapter fees for next year's conference delegate. It could beconducted in a similar manner as we did with the brownies. [email protected] 02/21/12 7:21 PMEmail Curtis to set up a meeting to get permission for new chapter tosell flowers for graduation [email protected] 02/21/12 7:20 PMthis is not for real [email protected] 02/05/12 7:16 PM

    Row 44 Discussion Title Kentucky Refugee Ministries Book Drop Off [email protected] 01/30/12 11:26 PM


    Do we have any volunteers to go to Louisville to drop off books to theKentucky Refugee Ministries?Candis said that she could drive. We would just need to coordinate atime with the director. [email protected] 01/30/12 11:26 PM

    Row 45 Discussion Title Fundraiser [email protected] 02/21/12 12:19 PM


    We still need to raise money to send our chapter delegate to thenational office since we didn't sell very many tickets for the raffle.We'll discuss it more at the next meeting. [email protected] 02/21/12 12:19 PM

    Row 49 Discussion Title Empty Bowls [email protected] 02/14/12 2:12 PM


    Still waiting on details, but historically Mortar Board has helped outwith this event and it is listed in the chapter action plan and isapproved by the national office [email protected] 02/14/12 2:12 PM

    Row 50 Discussion Title Ag Union Pig Roast [email protected] 02/14/12 2:14 PM


    Every year the AG Union hosts an annual pig roast & this year they willbe short handed. Lisa wondered whether or not some people from MBwould be willing to volunteer to help out with games, and of course youwould be fed. This might be an excellent way to thank them foreverything they donated to help make some of our events a success;including letting us use their kitchen facilities as well as donated haybales & corn shocks for the Appalachian ball (that they delivered andpicked up free of charge). Email Lisa if you think you may beinterested in helping. : ) [email protected] 02/14/12 2:14 PM

    Row 51 Discussion Title Senior Swap Meet [email protected] 02/21/12 7:14 PM

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    We're seniors, most of us are graduating and reslife has reported aproblem with people dumping. We could contract with dorms to set upcollection bins and host a swap meet. Leftover items can either beresold at the beginning of the year or donated to goodwill. This wouldbe a great activity to do with the incoming class, to get themacquainted with event planning especially since we won't be leavingthem with much money after we pay our chapter fees for next year'sconference delegate. [email protected] 02/21/12 7:14 PM

    Row 54 Discussion Title Better World Book Drop Off [email protected] 01/11/12 11:18 PM

    CommentsThanks to Kathryn & Nahkitta for coming out the book drop off for theBetter World Books for Africa Book Drive! That was really helpful. [email protected] 01/14/12 3:49 PMKathyrn confirmed. [email protected] 01/12/12 12:28 AMThe drop off and photo op will be Friday, January 13th at 11:30am [email protected] 01/11/12 11:18 PM

    Row 57 Discussion Title Next EC Meeting [email protected] 01/10/12 8:24 PM

    CommentsAccess poll for available times to meet here. [email protected] 01/10/12 8:24 PM

    Row 58 Discussion Title Book Drive [email protected] 01/11/12 12:12 AM

    CommentsI need a volunteer to Pick up books from library & volunteers to holddonated books until we can deliver them to Louisville. [email protected] 01/16/12 4:08 PMWe need to try and get more books between the 3rd & 5th grade

    reading level to donate to the Kentucky Refugee ministries. [email protected] 01/11/12 12:12 AM

    Row 60 Discussion Title Wrap up loose ends [email protected] 01/29/12 11:13 PM

    CommentsAmanda is dropping off undistributed certificates to cpo tomorrowmorning. [email protected] 01/29/12 11:13 PM

    Row 61 Discussion Title Thank You letters [email protected] 01/29/12 11:13 PMComments this is being covered today. I will get you the list this evening. [email protected] 02/01/12 2:10 PM

    I need to pick up cards from Walmart [email protected] 01/29/12 11:13 PM

    Row 62 Discussion Title Appalachian Ball Sign in Sheet [email protected] 01/22/12 7:31 PM


    the time for the event should have been updated to 7pm. I'm not surewhether the chapter has been updated to receive the news of the timechange, but that information needs to be conveyed. The sign up sheethas been updated to reflect the new times, but people will need to sign

    up again. [email protected] 01/22/12 7:31 PM

    Row 63 Discussion Title Guest list [email protected] 01/07/12 2:36 AM


    39. is the official count for guests.Add whatever the chapter attendance is tomorrow (approx 20-30) andthat should be close to our projection for 70 people. [email protected] 01/27/12 11:12 PMI received an updated rsvp list this evening. I will get you semi officialnumbers in the morning [email protected] 01/25/12 1:18 AMAs of yet, Candis has not received any rsvps (confirmed via email tomonica). All invitations have been sent. [email protected] 01/25/12 1:18 AM5.Invitations (alums and non-members)Who: KatherineProgress made: Invitations to alums have been sent out.Help needed: We need to find out from Candis who has RSVPed. Thiswill help our catering target too, and those to list for recognition on theprogram content.Lastly, campus nominees (not sure if invitation for these group havebeen sent out, update required, thanks) [email protected] 01/25/12 1:17 AMI found a file in the mb email that had a list of faculty MB alumni. I willcheck with Candis to see whether an invitation has been forwarded tothem as well. Dreama Gentry, Susan Henthorn, Judy Ann Rector,Amy Sheehee, Miriam L. David, Barbara Power [email protected] 01/20/12 6:40 PM-Invitations must be sent out this week! -Katherine Caldwell is doing an e-invite to the alumni for the state ofKentucky -Grace will email invitations by Friday or earlier-people who are invited include nominees, nominators, andcommunity partners-we need someone to monitor the responses to the invitations [email protected] 01/16/12 3:56 PMspoke with grace & matt. updates to follow [email protected] 01/12/12 8:27 PM

  • 8/12/2019 Copy of MB Task List Spring 2012_task Discussions


    So... nominations requests were sent & THEN I discovered that I waslocked out of the MB account. As soon as I hear from IS&S guy onhow to fix this, I will give you the password and Katherine's templatefor her E invite so that you can intercept the nominations and send outelectronic invitations to the nominees. [email protected] 01/11/12 12:11 AMprobably set a deadline by Wed. I will probably send these Sundaynight using blind copy.

    Student org Presidents (minus CELTs)

    SGA; Amos Prophete; Shauni R. Nichols; Jeffery C. Bazemore; SeanP. Ware; Hannah J. Worcester; Ivan A. Titaley; Ashley Short; CeciliaM. Albers; Jonathan C. Davis; Shai C. Anderson; Joshua G. Callahan;Dylan A. Gorski; Elizabeth L. Quay; Solomon A. Alolga; Krystal L.Williamson; Megan R. Whisenant; Christopher W. Dodson; RaymondE. Crenshaw; Collis R. Robinson; Lydia C. Pope; Katherine E.Hollstein; Jacob M. Hart; Janice S. D'Souza; Kendel M. Arthur; CrystalR. Rudd; Brian M. Easterday; Taylor L. Pipkin; Versi B. Reeves; DanielM. Miller; Sarah S. Shaneyfelt; Valerie A. Morency; Brittany N. Smith;Jackie Burnside; Ali T. Abdulsamea; Florence Anyabuonwu; Brittany J.Stowers; Christopher B. Yaluma; Yeshi Tsomo; Sean L. Litteral; AustinDelph; Tierah Ellard

    Student Org Advisors

    Heather Schill; William H. Turner; Bob Harned; Adanma Barton; DawnAnderson; Sarah Downs; Rebecca Bates; Chris Lakes; RobertCornette; Gordon Gray; Kristine I. Petersen; Beth Crachiolo; Candis [email protected] 01/07/12 2:36 AM

    Row 64 Discussion Title E-invite [email protected] 01/16/12 12:50 AM


    I've uploaded the e-invite and the updated guest list. So lets get theseinvitations sent out. If you send out the email please just place an x inthe column beside the name so that I know who has received aninvitation. [email protected] 01/19/12 6:49 PMI need an update on this ASAP. If I don't hear anything by 5 today(Thurs), this will be reassigned. [email protected] 01/19/12 1:17 PM-Invitations must be sent out this week! -Katherine Caldwell is doing an e-invite to the alumni for the state ofKentucky [email protected] 01/16/12 3:58 PM

    hope to send out to alumni Monday (Tuesday at the latest).

    The template can be used to send to those on the guest list as well. [email protected] 01/16/12 12:50 AM

    Row 65 Discussion Title Monitor rsvps [email protected] 01/16/12 3:58 PMComments Thanks Felicia, you rock! : ) [email protected] 01/24/12 12:10 AM

    -we need someone to monitor the responses to the invitations [email protected] 01/16/12 3:58 PM

    Row 66 Discussion Title Food [email protected] 01/07/12 2:41 AM


    The baker flaked, i don't know how to make this stuff & haveappointments tomorrow, so it appears we won't be having cookies fordessert after all.

    Monica [email protected] 01/27/12 11:04 PMLisa, you have my number, and if there is a desperate need for morehands on food Friday, give me a call. I have a group meeting for aclass but they will understand if I need to leave early. ~Connie

    [email protected]

    01/26/12 7:43 AM3.Food

    Who: Lisa (in charge of coordinating the preparation. This will takeplace at the Agriculture Building, 7pm this Friday)

    Progress made: Cooking ingredients have been bought. A fewvolunteers including TeQuilla and Alex are in place to help with this.Kelsey will be getting some cutlery from Food ServiceHelp needed: Spoons will be needed (except Food Service includesthese in their cutlery supply to us, not certain)

    About two more volunteers needed to help out with cooking Friday at7pm (Ag. Building) [email protected] 01/25/12 1:14 AMI will be available to help with the food. [email protected] 01/25/12 12:32 AM

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    Ismaila has volunteered to take care of the things we need from theInternational Center--the serving platters, vases, and table cloths andhe will contact campus life to set up the tables for us.

    [email protected]

    01/22/12 9:51 PMGrace is checking with the learning center about borrowing spoonsand other utensils. I am checking with Ismailia about borrowing someserving platters from the international center.

    [email protected]

    01/22/12 9:40 PMKelsey has emailed Catering Manger and will be waiting for aresponse.

    [email protected]/22/12 9:36 PM

    email Catering Manager from Dining Services about cups & spoons

    ask international center about use of platters [email protected] 01/22/12 7:42 PMgood has been purchased. someone will need to email monica toarrange to pickup food from the dorm. by tuesday. [email protected] 01/22/12 7:39 PM

    I emailed Gus & Joe to see whether we can get funding for additionalhors'd oveures if we get more rsvps than the projected number [email protected] 01/16/12 3:59 PM

    Lisa will ask the Ag department if they can donate plates and things-the food budget is about $80.00-menu: cheese, sausage, crackers, vegetable soup, a vegan option-Lisa will need help with the cookingprep work and fixing it (Grace

    offered to recruit some of her people)-Kelsey and Monica will go buy the supplies needed for the food thiscoming weekend [email protected] 01/16/12 3:59 PMDo you have a written copy of the budget? I'm wondering if some ofthe stuff (not the chicken) might be cheaper if we do ourselves. Itmight be a good idea to coordinate with Lisa to figure out how to getthe most food (good food) for the least amount of money. She has a

    lot of experience preparing large amounts of food for the Agdepartment. [email protected] 01/07/12 2:41 AM

    Row 67 Discussion Title Music [email protected] 01/07/12 2:39 AM


    Um, who is Megan Osborne? Were you thinking Megan Nasemanfrom sugar tree? There's an update about the band cancelling thatwas posted January 22nd. [email protected] 01/25/12 1:16 AM4.MusicWho: Monica (assigned)Progress made: Monica, Matt, & Kelsey have taken some actions inthis area. So far, seems the Bluegrass Ensemble wont be able to play,

    however, we need to hear from Megan Osborne.Help needed: Somebody to confirm who will be playing, MeganOsborne or ? [email protected] 01/25/12 1:15 AM

    The Bluegrass Ensemble will not be playing for us. Kelsey contactedSamantha Cole and she is working on putting together a playlist.

    [email protected]

    01/24/12 10:13 PM

    Ismaila is reserving the sound system with media services [email protected] 01/22/12 10:59 PMkelsey will check with samantha cole to do a playlist as a backup [email protected] 01/22/12 7:39 PMsomeone needs to confirm with Al White on Tuesday evening whetherthe bluegrass ensemble will be able to perform [email protected] 01/22/12 7:38 PMSugartree had a time conflict so they're out. I spoke with Al about hiscancellation & he will check with the band on Tuesday to see whetherthey still want to perform after he cancelled, but I will work withSamantha Cole to put together a suitable playlist in the event thatdoesn't work. If someone from CELTS wants to volunteer to do thiswe can reassign the task to them just in case the band decides not toparticipate in our event. I'll send a notification to Omo to send out anemail requesting a volunteer. Their name can be edited in the"assigned to" column of the smartsheet [email protected] 01/19/12 12:52 PM

    Bluegrass band cancelled, but Sugartree might be able to able to play.Perhaps it would be less complicated to manage with only one band. [email protected] 01/18/12 7:27 PM

    -Matt will go talk to Al White by Wednesday-the Bluegrass Band??? [email protected] 01/16/12 4:01 PMJosh Slaton, Sugar Tree & Unihorse have been emailed. Awaitingconfirmation [email protected] 01/09/12 5:45 PMIf we can't get Al, we could try and get Unihorse, Mud Pi and/or SugarTree. The contacts for those bands are Glen, Jesse Wilhite & MeganNaseman. [email protected] 01/07/12 2:39 AM

    Row 68 Discussion Title Decorations [email protected] 01/07/12 2:38 AM


    To make sure all i tems are returned, please email Monica after youhave returned items so that we can make sure we have thatdocumented in case there is a problem later. [email protected] 01/29/12 11:11 PMCenterpiece jars are done! [email protected] 01/26/12 9:25 PM

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    we still need people to help with making arrangements for thedecorations. see the decorations smartsheet tab or the google docuploaded in the attachments column for more details. you can accessthe smartsheet by going to the home tab and clicking on shared to me.then right click the sheet called decorations and then left click open.

    email monica if you have any questions about how to do this. [email protected] 01/24/12 8:09 PMyou can also find instructions here: [email protected] 01/23/12 11:41 PMyou can find the sheets that are shared with you on the home tab. [email protected] 01/23/12 11:25 PMinformation for specific tasks can be found on the decorationssmartsheet tab [email protected] 01/23/12 11:24 PMsee google doc in attachment column for more info about what's goingon with this [email protected] 01/23/12 9:52 PMFelicia agreed to email the chimes photographer& kelsey agreed to speak with App Center [email protected] 01/22/12 7:40 PMcheck up with Forestry about maps and a cross cut sawSeabury agreed to loan backdrop for pictures -- we would needsomeone to help pick that upchimes photographer neededneed to know from lisa what's going on with the hay bales & cornshocksdid anyone talk to App Center or return Country Dancer's email aboutthe caller? [email protected] 01/22/12 7:37 PMthis content was moved to a a google doc....

    (found in the attachment column) [email protected] 01/22/12 7:35 PM34 invitees confirmed (6-8 round tables) 4 long tables (2 for food) to forthe collage & displayhow are we keeping the collage up? [email protected] 01/22/12 7:35 PMSeabury Center Manager agreed to let us use his media backdrop forphotographs. We will need someone to contact the chimes and see ifwe can find a photographer. The effect would be similar to photos likeyou see at a red carpet event. Does anyone know wherewe could borrow a red carpet? Collis said CAB rented theirs fromsome place in Lexington. [email protected] 01/19/12 7:02 PMSet-up:-We will need to figure out how we want chairs and tables set up [email protected] 01/16/12 4:01 PM-Kelsey made a collage out of images found in the Ag building [email protected] 01/16/12 4:01 PMgrace has stuff we could use but needs transportation, nature-ycattails, holly, berries, dulcimermatt has castiron stuffmason

    Appalachian Crafts professor (gourds)skittles from ky/tal -- collegiumalumni relations -- quiltsmatt will talk with Appalachian Center Director & Appalachian CraftsProfessortea lightsseating arrangment -- tentative

    monica (factoids) [email protected] 01/15/12 7:36 PMhay bales & corn shocks [email protected] 01/15/12 7:28 PMlighting ideas? [email protected] 01/09/12 5:58 PM

    I asked Matt if he would be will ing to speak with Appalachian CenterDirector.

    We need someone to check with Ag Union President (possibly themember we have in the Ag program) to see whether the Ag Unionwould be willing to loan us some square hay bales and corn shocks todecorate the stage.

    Is there a way that we could find a common meeting space to work outdetails for the event?

    Kelsey and Monica met with Forestry Supervisor and he offered to letus use a crosscut bandsaw and perhaps historical maps. We alsofound historical Agriculture magazines that had old Appalachianpictures on it that we're using for an Appalachian collage. We'llprobably need volunteers to help put this together. I also have a bookat PR that has historical facts about Berea that we could include. [email protected] 01/09/12 5:52 PMDid you have a time that would be best for you out of the options thatGlen sent us for Monday? I want to go on ahead and confirm a timewith him. [email protected] 01/07/12 2:38 AM

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    Row 71 Discussion Title Caller [email protected] 01/16/12 4:00 PMComments we canceled this. [email protected] 01/26/12 10:01 PM

    Aaron will see Country Dancers Coordinator in the office tomorrow [email protected] 01/22/12 11:00 PMdid anyone talk to Appalachian Center Director or return CountryDancers Coordinator's email about the caller? [email protected] 01/22/12 7:37 PM-too expensive-Aaron will contact Country Dancers Coordinator [email protected] 01/16/12 4:00 PM

    Row 72 Discussion Title Emcee [email protected] 01/19/12 7:19 PMComments Monica, Kelsey, Grace... split the stuff up and present? [email protected] 01/26/12 10:02 PM

    I will need help planning this portion. I will need a personal andresponsible volunteer to help me out with the portion concerning theemcee. Did we ever find someone for this? It's been posted on herefor someone to update me on the progress regarding this for over aweek. [email protected] 01/25/12 1:11 AM1.Program content/agendaWho: Monica (assigned)Progress made: (update will be required no later than 10pm,Thursday)Help needed: as deem necessary [email protected] 01/25/12 1:11 AMMonica will print the awards, since she has the print card [email protected] 01/22/12 7:38 PMHow are we presenting the awards? [email protected] 01/22/12 7:37 PMUm, we probably need to discuss emcees for the event [email protected] 01/19/12 7:19 PM

    Row 73 Discussion Title Certificates [email protected] 01/24/12 8:08 PMComments We still have some stragglers that need to be distributed. [email protected] 02/01/12 2:10 PM

    Kathryn has printed the certificates. Monica will sign and send toCandis Friday [email protected] 01/26/12 9:38 PMCheck with Kelsey about card stock.Refill print card [email protected] 01/24/12 8:08 PM

    Row 74 Discussion Title Event Reminders [email protected] 01/25/12 1:20 AM

    CommentsFelicia sent out an event confirmation to those invited. You may wantto double check with Felicia to see what her plan is. [email protected] 01/25/12 1:20 AM6.Member reminderWho: OmoProgress made: secured substantial response (over two-third) onpreferred communication means from membersHelp needed: To get those yet to reply to do so. Might send TAGleaders list of their members yet to respond so they can

    encourage/remind them to do soWill be sending out reminders to members who have volunteered todo stuff as well as a general invitation to the program to all memberslater tonight [email protected] 01/25/12 1:20 AM

    Row 75 Discussion Title DAP deadlines [email protected] 01/16/12 4:19 PM


    -All TAG chairs and EC members have been paired with an at riskmember on a Disciplinary Action Plan to mentor those who havespecial needs to increase accountability for participation andinvolvement. Mentorship includes: -weekly check-ins or meetings -find out what is going onprior to events, etc.

    -looking for more engagement-figure out how they can contribute, maybe require some help with

    Mortar Board week-Monica will talk to them after the meeting on Feb. 5she will cc us in

    the emailtheir responsibility to contact us first [email protected] 01/16/12 4:19 PM

    Row 76 Discussion Title Alumni Newsletter [email protected] 01/22/12 10:51 PMComments does anyone know where we're at on this? [email protected] 01/22/12 10:51 PM

    Row 77 Discussion Title February leading leaders luncheon [email protected] 01/16/12 12:48 AM

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    Place: CommonsTime: 5-6:30 PMDate: February 12, 2012.Topic: Challenges in LeadershipSpeakers: Shai Anderson, Amos Prophete, Raymond Crenshaw

    Menu: Chili (meat), chili (vegan) [onions, cheese, Fritos, sour creamfor sides], cornbread, house salad.Drinks: Pink lemonade, water

    Bethanyplease secure tablecloths

    Omo here are the food items. We would like Food Service to donate

    as much as they can. Bargain with them and tell them (if they deny yousome things, ask for ingredients instead!).Matt- secure place and utensils/plates, cups, coolers.Kukui can you ask Raymond and Amos to speak? Ill ask Shai, no

    problems [email protected] on February 3, 2012 2:52 AMUploadAttach from [email protected] 02/04/12 5:37 PMI never saw an EPF for this. I need to know how you want thispromoted, budgets, who is responsible for set up/ clean up etc. so thatI can get this info to Omo & emailed out to the group in a timelymanner. [email protected] 02/01/12 2:05 PMPlace: Commons or Activities RoomTime: 5-6:30 PMDate: February 12, 2012.Topic: Challenges in Leadership

    Speakers: Shai Anderson, Amos Prophete, Raymond Crenshaw, orSean Litteral.

    Menu: Chili (meat), chili (vegan) [onions, cheese, Fritos, sour creamfor sides], cornbread, house salad.Drinks: Pink lemonade, water

    Bethanyplease secure tablecloths

    Omo here are the food items. We would like Food Service to donate

    as much as they can. Bargain with them and tell them (if they deny yousome things, ask for ingredients instead!).Matt- secure place and utensils/plates, cups, coolers.Kukui can you ask Raymond and Amos to speak? Ill ask Shai, no

    problems there.Courtney I think well just need you to help on the day of. [email protected] 02/01/12 2:04 PMIf we are preparing food, I can also check out utensils and such frommy office (International Center) (large pots for the chili we decided on,etc)

    [email protected]

    01/23/12 4:28 PM

    I will be securing table cloths. -Bethany [email protected] 01/23/12 9:51 AMselect theme, food, site, decor, etc. [email protected] 01/16/12 12:48 AM

    Row 78 Discussion Title Leadership Luncheon [email protected] 02/03/12 2:52 AMComments The location has changed to Baird Lounge. Sorry for the confusion! [email protected] 02/07/12 6:47 PM

    Place: CommonsTime: 5-6:30 PMDate: February 12, 2012.Topic: Challenges in LeadershipSpeakers: Shai Anderson, Amos Prophete, Raymond Crenshaw

    Menu: Chili (meat), chili (vegan) [onions, cheese, Fritos, sour creamfor sides], cornbread, house salad.Drinks: Pink lemonade, water

    Bethanyplease secure tablecloths

    Omo here are the food items. We would like Food Service to donate

    as much as they can. Bargain with them and tell them (if they deny yousome things, ask for ingredients instead!).Matt- secure place and utensils/plates, cups, coolers.Kukui can you ask Raymond and Amos to speak? Ill ask Shai, no

    problems there.

    [email protected]

    02/03/12 2:52 AM

    Row 79 Discussion Title Cookies [email protected] 02/01/12 2:07 PM

    CommentsWe have some cookies. Hopefully we will be able to finish the resttoday. [email protected] 02/11/12 1:28 PM

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    We have ingredients for regular & gluten free/ vegan cookies:

    chocolate chipoatmeal raisinchoco-cran

    I'm going to try & reschedule with the BC&T baker to have thesemade. [email protected] 02/01/12 2:07 PM

    Row 80 Discussion Title Alumni Appeal letter [email protected] 01/17/12 6:21 PM


    As it turns out, we won't be able to do this after all. Even though thiswas done in the past, it wasn't authorized. I apologize for theinconvenience. Thanks again for all of your efforts.

    M. [email protected] 02/02/12 2:22 PMI spoke with Joao. He should be contacting Aaron soon. [email protected] 01/22/12 10:04 PM

    An alumnus asked me when we were sending out an alumni appealletter. Evidently he wants to give us money. I've never even heard ofit before, but I liked the idea, so I told him I would forward the idea onto you. Could you have Joao work on this & just check it for edits? [email protected] 01/17/12 6:21 PM

    Row 81 Discussion Title Toiletry Drive [email protected] 01/14/12 3:47 PM


    Hey Tequila,

    This was supposed to be one of the Mortar Board week promotionsbut I didnt hear any confirmation from anyone the first time I emailed

    them. If you know of anyone who would be interested in collectingtoiletries as part of increasing visibility and doing this act of service forthe NOSW, please have them email me. We kicked quite a few itemsoff the agenda last night and unfortunately this was one of those itemsthat actually has the potential to help people, but it isnt really

    reasonable to make this a mandatory service event. If there isnt any

    interest there, Ill try to find some other volunteers.

    Monica [email protected] 02/06/12 12:49 PMHello Monica,

    I have spoken with our supervisor and he agrees that this would be a

    great opportunity to engage in service for a worthy cause. We wouldbe more than happy to have a collection area for toiletries during theMens game this Friday. However, since Blue Crew is conducting All

    Sports Night this Friday it is up to your organization to provide the boxfor collection and staff the table. All of our people will be busy working,but we will make sure to provide you with a table during the game andmake an announcement.

    As for you February 18th request, we are fine with you announcing thewinner of your raffle during the game. However, no part of the actualraffle (i.e collection of tickets) can take place during the game. If theseterms work for you we are more than willing to be a part of yourorganizations programs. [email protected] 02/06/12 12:42 PMI emailed Athletic Director yesterday. I'm sti ll awaiting a response onwhether or not this is something the blue crew would be interested inhelping us promote. [email protected] 02/01/12 1:57 PM

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    Would anyone be interested in coordinating sign ups for people tocollect toiletries at the February 10th basketball game? This could bea good opportunity to create visibility for the chapter, would requireminimal effort i f you already attend the games & would supportsomething meaningful all at the same time.

    Tasks would include:Emailing Athletic Director to see whether we could get permission to

    collect toiletries for the New Opportunity School for Women at thegameEmailing me once he confirms so that I can forward a news release tothe local papersCoordinating a sign up sheet on google docs and emailing the time forus all to meet with Omo so that she can notify the rest of the groupGetting a box to collect the toiletriesMaking a flyer to send to Seabury Center Manager, Alumni RelationsCommunication Coordinator & Berea College PR Media RelationsManager for the Blue Crew promotion [email protected] 01/30/12 11:25 PMthe photos have been uploaded to facebook [email protected] 01/26/12 4:45 PMthe flyer was sent out to the papers Sunday evening. I'm still awaitingword from member who volunteered (who also happens to be aninjured basketball player) to see whether he would be interested incoordinating a drive at the basketball game. [email protected] 01/22/12 10:18 PM

    photo was taken. we will need to send the flyer and a press release tothe richmond register and berea citizen. possibly Tennessee papers? [email protected] 01/20/12 6:41 PM

    -will be extended a bit-the Pinnacle is doing an article on it-PR will do a photo shoot [email protected] 01/16/12 4:20 PMkeep your eyes open for an email announcing when the photo shoot isfor the toiletry drop off for the NOSW. The Pinnacle will be publishingan article to help us with the drive. [email protected] 01/14/12 3:47 PM

    Row 82 Discussion Title Raffle Drawing at Feb 18th basketball game [email protected] 02/06/12 10:50 PM

    Commentsnot mandatory. i just want to follow through with it since it has alreadybeen initiated. If you're going to be around you are welcome to join. [email protected] 02/06/12 10:50 PM

    Row 83 Discussion Title General Meeting [email protected] 01/16/12 12:54 AMComments work on icebreaker & agenda-- ML [email protected] 01/23/12 10:20 PM

    -We need a new membership chair (possibly a junior because they willbe here next year-they will hopefully be an officer next yearGrace will

    email returning member)-We need to find out who will be here next year [email protected] 01/16/12 4:13 PMConfirm room reservation with projector [email protected] 01/16/12 12:54 AM

    Row 85 Discussion Title Campus Raffle [email protected] 01/10/12 11:26 PM

    CommentsWe will send out a campus wide email as soon as we get the updatedflyer [email protected] 01/30/12 10:39 PMThe tickets have already been dropped off with Candis at alumnirelations and can be sold starting now. [email protected] 01/30/12 9:38 PMWe will be having a Mortar Board competition to see who can sell themost raffle tickets. Highest earner gets an award. Each member willreceive 10 tickets. Tickets are $2 a piece. When you need moretickets, you can go see Candis in Alumni Building to turn in yourmoney and sign out 10 more. We hope to have a flyer ready byThursday. It would be beneficial when selling the tickets to mentionthe words prizes; including a parking decal or an overnight stay plus

    dinner for two at Boone Tavern. [email protected] 01/30/12 9:37 PMdoes connie have the raffle tickets? [email protected] 01/22/12 7:43 PMwill start January 28 and end February 18th-we need to get tickets and figure out a distribution system (havepeople set up during lunch time) (Aaron will coordinatethe service

    and scholarship groups can help out) [email protected] 01/16/12 4:17 PMBookstore manager said that the college store might be willing to offerbookstore discounts & public safety has agreed to donate a studentparking decal (valued at $50).

    date for campus raffle to begin is January 28th [email protected] 01/16/12 12:49 AMGeneral Manager has agreed to donate an overnight stay and dinnerfor two, valued at $125. = ) [email protected] 01/10/12 11:34 PM

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    I emailed General Manager from Boone Tavern & Lavoyed Hudginsfrom public safety to see whether they would be willing to donate aroom/ meal & parking decal. [email protected] 01/10/12 11:26 PM

    Row 86 Discussion Title Tabling at cpo [email protected] 02/05/12 8:00 PM


    For those of you who are tabling this week, we've uploaded a MBweek powerpoint that we've updated for the year. Included with thebrochures, flyers and newsletters left in Candis's office, you will find a

    list of frequently asked questions and responses to those, which I willalso upload here & the banner. If you have any questions about howthe tabling works feel free to shoot Monica an email. We will bestealthily snapping photos for the rest of the week, so these resourcesshould at the very least help you appear to be prepared. : ) Have agreat week!

    M. [email protected] 02/14/12 1:37 PMThe dates are from Feb 13-17 and you can sign up for as many timeslots as you'd like. We would like for everyone to sign up for at leastone. [email protected] 02/10/12 7:58 AMWhat are the dates? [email protected] 02/09/12 4:45 PMThere is a chance I can do more if needed but I only signed up for theone spot to give others a chance.

    [email protected]/07/12 5:44 PM

    Sign up sheet has been posted [email protected] 02/06/12 2:48 PMwe need to make a sign up sheet [email protected] 02/05/12 8:00 PM

    Row 87 Discussion Title Mortar Board Pins [email protected] 02/01/12 1:52 PM


    Thank you all for doing that! I've had several people ask me what it is& have found it as a very useful tool to increase visibility. Also, theylook great!

    Monica [email protected] 02/14/12 2:20 PMPins have been made. They will be deposited in your CPO onThursday. Please pick them up and wear them every day next week topromote Mortar Board Week!

    [email protected]

    02/08/12 10:50 PMWork party will be Wednesday February 8 at 6:30pm at the SENSHouse.Connie, Amanda, and Erica have offered to help. No further help isneeded at this time.

    [email protected]

    02/06/12 12:29 AMin order to sign up to help with this email laura howard [email protected] 02/01/12 1:52 PMLaura is organizing a work party for people to work on the MortarBoard identification pins so candidates will know who to buy raffletickets from and to ask any questions about Mortar Board.

    She will be going to the store today to pick up the supplies. [email protected] 02/01/12 1:52 PM

    Row 88 Discussion Title Thank you cards [email protected] 01/31/12 5:23 PMComments still need to be mailed. [email protected] 02/14/12 2:02 PM

    Nahkitta has volunteered to buy the thank you cards & write them out. [email protected] 02/01/12 1:50 PMWould someone be willing to make a walmart run to buy thank youcards? If so email Monica so that I can give you money & the taxexempt card. [email protected] 01/31/12 5:23 PM

    Row 90 Discussion Title Timeline [email protected] 01/16/12 12:58 AM

    Commentsneed to designate junior to act as membership chair for new memberselection [email protected] 01/16/12 12:58 AM

    Row 91 Discussion Title Mortar Board Applications open [email protected] 01/29/12 8:14 PM

    CommentsApp has been uploaded to Facebook. And the list of eligibleapplicants is attached under row 18 [email protected] 01/31/12 12:28 PMI've emailed Wanda and I'm still waiting for a response. If you know ofsomeone who is interested in applying to Mortar Board here is the link:

    Membership RequirementsMust have at least Junior standing (over 15 credits)

    Must have a 3.0 or greater GPA

    Graduation date cannot be any earlier than December 2012. Active

    membership will be during your senior year. Note that this meanscurrent seniors who are graduating December 2012 or later areeligible. [email protected] 01/30/12 10:34 PM

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    monica will email registrar [email protected] 01/29/12 8:14 PM

    Row 93 Discussion Title Get list of eligible applicants [email protected] 01/29/12 9:34 PM

    CommentsThe list is uploaded. I would love any volunteers to help compile adistribution list to email the Apps out. [email protected] 01/30/12 11:16 PMemail registrar [email protected] 01/29/12 9:34 PM

    Row 94 Discussion Title Email Application [email protected] 01/29/12 9:35 PMComments To chapter & eligible invitees [email protected] 01/29/12 9:35 PM

    Row 95 Discussion Title Mortar Board Week [email protected] 01/11/12 12:22 PM

    CommentsSupplies for felt patches will cost about $9.00, possibly less,depending on where we get supplies.

    [email protected]/23/12 3:25 PM

    -we need a sign-up sheet for tabling at the CPO-Aaron suggested masks for a visibility thing (Grace will email AdonmaBarton, but we need a back-up plan in case they wont loan us any)

    -Laura suggested patches for Mortar Board members to wear thatweek (felt and paint)-possibly wear old graduation caps or make some [email protected] 01/16/12 4:13 PMInformation about Mortar Board Week can be found here: [email protected] 01/11/12 12:22 PM

    Row 97 Discussion Title Membership Selection [email protected] 01/16/12 4:10 PM


    I've had 6 people come up to me to tell me that they have heard frommembers of the Mortar Board that we've had selections. Pleaseremember the confidentiality protocol for selections and refrain frommentioning selections to anyone else. [email protected] 02/22/12 4:01 PMMonica will send out the membership selection handbook [email protected] 01/16/12 4:10 PM

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