Copy Draft Ensure Ad


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Transcript of Copy Draft Ensure Ad

Page 1: Copy Draft Ensure Ad

Copy Draft

Your name: Macaela Jones

Client and product name: Ensure Original

Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 full page vertical magazine advertisement

Working title for ad: (often part of the headline)

VISUAL: The visual will have a large picture of a female doctor smiling with a bottle of Ensure

Original in front of her to the left.

HEADLINE: Improve Your Quality of Life

SUBHEAD: A Woman’s Delicious Source of Quality Nutrition

COPY: We value women’s lives here at Ensure. That is why we only hire the best in the medical

and nutrition field to produce our Ensure products. Our doctor recommended Ensure Original

contains all of the vitamins and nutrition you need to live a happy and healthy life. Treat yourself

to an Ensure Original nutrition shake. Enjoy the benefits without the added sugar. Let us give you

the doctor’s best.


TAGLINE/SLOGAN: Let us give you the doctor’s best.

MANDATORIES: © 2015 Abbott Laboratories