


PPT on Copper

Transcript of Copper

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Copperis achemical element. It is aductilemetal with very highthermal andelectrical conductivity. Pure copper is soft and malleable.What is Copper?

Name:CopperSymbol:CuAtomic Number:29Atomic Mass:63.546 amuMelting Point:1083.0 C Boiling Point:2567.0 C Number of Electrons:29Number of Neutrons:35Classification:Transition Metal Crystal Structure:CubicDensity at 293 K:8.96 g/cm3Color:red/orange

AtomicStructure CopperOf

History of CopperThe oldest objects made of copper are beads.

Tools for working with copper, made in about 5000B.C.

Bronze was one of the first alloys produced. It is primarily copper andtin.The two metals can be melted together. The symbol for copper, Cu, comes from the Latin wordcuprum. Cuprum is the ancient name of the island of Cyprus. The Romans obtained much of their copper from Cyprus.

An important physical property of copper is its color.Copper metal is fairly soft and ductile. Ductile means capable of being drawn into wires. Both heat and electricity pass through copper very easily. The high electrical conductivity makes it ideal for many electrical purposes.Physical Properties

ChemicalCopper is a moderately active metal. It dissolves in most in alkalis. An alkali is a chemical with properties opposite those of an acid. Sodium hydroxide, commonly found in bleach and drain cleaners like Drano, is an example of an alkali. Properties

Reaction with OxygenAn important chemical property of copper is the way it reacts withoxygen.In moist air, it combines with water and carbon dioxide. The product of this reaction is called hydrated copper carbonate.

The colour of the Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is covered with copper plates. When it was new, Lady Liberty was copper in colour. Over time, the plates slowly turned green. This green substances is formed due to the reaction of copper with carbon dioxide and moisture present in the atmosphere.


Uses of CopperElectrical wiringElectric clocksStovesPortable CD playersTransmission wires that carry electricityA large skyscraper Older telephone lines Computers depend on circuit boards imprinted with minute copper pathways.


CompoundsBasic copper acetate (Cu2O(C2H3O2)2): kills insects and kills fungi.A number of copper compounds are used as pesticides:Copper chromate (CuCrO4 2CuO): fungicide for the treatment of seeds.Copper methane arsenate (CuCH3AsO3): kills algae.Copper-8-quinolinolate (Cu(C9H6ON)2): protects fabric from mildew.Copper oxalate (CuC2O4): seed coating to repel rats.Tribasic copper sulfate (CuSO4 3Cu(OH)2): used as a spray or dust on crops.

Health Effects

Copper is an essential micronutrient for both plants and animals. A micronutrient is an element needed in minute amounts to maintain good health in an organism. A healthy human has more than 2 milligrams of copper for every kilogram of body weight.

Thank You

By, Tushara.M