Coping with Natural Disasters with Survival Food Storage

10 Food Storage We cannot deny the fact that our life nowadays is full of uncertainties. Weather conditions are unpredictable, natural disasters left and right, crimes and other fortuitous events. Even with enough money in bank, some people cannot survive crisis as money are not accessible. During natural disasters, we do not need money – we need things that money can buy such food, water, medicines and utilities.

description We do not want to see our family starve for food. Comforting them with deliciously packed meals sometimes help calm a troubled family member. Having good food storage does not only benefit your family but as well as your neighbors.

Transcript of Coping with Natural Disasters with Survival Food Storage Food Storage

We cannot deny the fact that our life

nowadays is full of uncertainties. Weather

conditions are unpredictable, natural disasters

left and right, crimes and other fortuitous

events. Even with enough money in bank,

some people cannot survive crisis as money

are not accessible. During natural disasters,

we do not need money – we need things that

money can buy such food, water, medicines

and utilities. Food Storage

These are the necessities that we should have

at home to survive any calamities or disasters

that may come our way.

Food storage for survival is a wise investment

to secure our family for any unforeseen

disasters. In these days, it is imperative that

each household have a ready food supply.

During calamities, some people survived the

natural disasters but were unable to survive

the events after it. Food Storage

This is because due to lack of food to eat

which made them weak and vulnerable to

diseases. Calamities such as earthquake,

flood, storms and hurricane that destroyed

roads will make the relief unable to reach the

casualties. Most of the relief team reaches

them at least after 3 days. That is why. We

should have a food supply that can last for at

least 3 days, so that we can survive any

calamities that may happen. Food Storage

Nowadays, there are many food supplies

available in the market. You need to choose

wisely. The things that you need to

consider are the shelf life, price, how to

prepare it, and the necessary nutrients you

get from it. Food Storage

You need to get a food supply that does

not compromise the health benefits of

the food that we eat. Necessary vitamins

and minerals are what we need to stay

strong and healthy and keep us from

becoming ill during calamities. It is the

least thing that we want to happen,

getting sick or contacting viruses when

natural disaster strikes. Food Storage

Most of the times, in cases of calamities

and natural disasters, we are confined in

the comfort or our own home. Especially

when roads are blocked making it

impossible to go out and buy food.

Having a stored food at home will make

surviving a lot easier. Food Storage

We do not want to see our family starve

for food. Comforting them with

deliciously packed meals sometimes help

calm a troubled family member. Having

good food storage does not only benefit

your family but as well as your neighbors. Food Storage

Being able to help feed other people

during difficult times indeed is a very

humbling experience. Another key to

survive is helping each other, together, as

a community. Food Storage

It is better if we can disseminate

preparedness information to our

community so that all of us are prepared

when calamities strike our place. Helping

each other prepare for difficult times is

easier than seeing them suffer when

crisis hit us.