Coping With Criticism As A Web Marketer

Coping With Criticism As A Web Marketer
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Page 1: Coping With Criticism As A Web Marketer

Coping With Criticism As A Web Marketer

Page 2: Coping With Criticism As A Web Marketer

It's a myth that a business can be 100% loved and admired. This is true both on the internet and off of it.

Even if you believe your company is great, you'll have to deal with some criticism.

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It is actually what you do when you find out that criticism that is vital. This is especially crucial to do when

you do your business on the internet -- where people don't have a lot of chances to interact with you

personally to counteract the criticisms they read. These are the things you should do.

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Respond to every criticism you see quickly. This is extremely crucial. You don't want to just let a negative review sit somewhere without responding to it. If the critique was left in a public forum, leave a response on

the same thread thanking the person for his or her feedback.

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Tell him or her that you are looking into it and ask them for permission to talk about their concerns privately.

This indicates to people that your first priority is making the best product possible and that you don't react badly

to reviews. It will help encourage respect from other individuals.

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Actually invest some time looking into whether or not a complaint is about something that actually has to be

resolved. Everyone knows how to tell trolls and honest feedback apart. "You suck" is not going to require an


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"I found a 404 page" or "the format appears weird" are things you must check out. Check everything out and if the change is something you'll need (or want) to make,

make it. It will demonstrate that you really do pay attention and will do something only when it's called for.

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Your replies should be individualized. If you opt to make a change or a fix, tell the individual who posted the

complaint that you are making the changes they asked you to make. Additionally, you can post things like this

publicly in forums.

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It shows that you do not have an anger response if you are criticized. It demonstrates that you work hard to give people what they want. This is a great idea--even when

you decide not to make a change that was asked for. State that you looked into it but decided to leave things

as they are. Then explain exactly why you did that.

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Try to bear in mind, beyond everything else, the way in which you react to critiques is all about taking care of your reputation. If you simply criticize somebody for

criticizing you, you appear foolish. If you pay no attention to peoples' criticism and try to insist that it is

all fine, you will look like you don't understand your own business all that well.

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Keep your vanity under control. People are not attacking you as an individual (hopefully). They basically had a less than good experience with your product or service. This

implies that you have to improve the product so that they will not have a repeat of that same experience.

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How you deal with criticism says a great deal about you and about your biz. Make an effort to be as optimistic as

you can about it!

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