Copernicus Connecting markets 2014€¦ · Copernicus Connecting International Markets From Market...

Copernicus Connecting International Markets From Market Research to after Sales Support Profitable Internaonal match-making, distributor idenficaon, partnering, joint ventures, acquision idenficaon, due diligence, strategic planning and integraon

Transcript of Copernicus Connecting markets 2014€¦ · Copernicus Connecting International Markets From Market...

Page 1: Copernicus Connecting markets 2014€¦ · Copernicus Connecting International Markets From Market Research to after Sales Support Profitable International match-making, distributor


Connecting International Markets

From Market Research to after Sales Support

Profitable International match-making, distributor identification, partnering, joint ventures, acquisition identification, due diligence, strategic planning and integration

Page 2: Copernicus Connecting markets 2014€¦ · Copernicus Connecting International Markets From Market Research to after Sales Support Profitable International match-making, distributor

Copernicus International Consulting Email: [email protected]



Copernicus International Consulting Ltd is a strategic planning consultancy which takes the service available to government bodies, trade organisations and the SME sector to a new level.

There are many planning or management consultancies active in this market however Copernicus has key differentiators over any competitors in the scope, range and cost effectiveness of the services we offer to our clients

Copernicus International has six core services for our clients

Business Development

Strategic Planning

Market Research including location analysis

International market introduction & development service

Outsourcing production or services to international markets

Succession Planning & Training

Acquisition Identification, Due Diligence & Implementation

B2B Event Management

Trade mission organisation

Trade event management

International Business Day coordination

Copernicus has successfully completed hundreds of projects across multiple industries, details of several can be found on the case study pages of our website. We are local and international, we believe that people do business with other people and that at the heart of all successful business relationships are mutual respect, integrity, a common goal and profit for all parties involved. The unique structure of CIC encourages and promotes our client’s engagement with each overseas market at a time when it is right for their individual business, in each individual market sector.

Historical business performance cannot be changed, yet still too many businesses base their decisions on past events and outdated trends. The future though is what we make it. Every day, every hour we can influence our own personal and professional destiny, and lets face it, we are going to spend the rest of our lives in the future, not the past. Copernicus therefore looks ahead on behalf of our clients, providing detailed, factual research on which to base strategic decisions and investments. We help you shape your business future in the image that you would like to see.

Who We Are

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Copernicus International Consulting Email: [email protected]


Copernicus began it’s business life in 1999 as a strategic planning consultancy, returning under performing business back to profit. An inevitable element of restructuring and reorganizing a business was and is, existing customer retention and new customer development. With an established network of contacts in Scandinavia, Copernicus began to introduce UK businesses to this early adopter, sophisticated market with considerable success. It was not long before demand emerged from Scandinavian clients for assistance entering the UK market, and so our connecting market service came in to being. What we could do in one market we knew we could replicate in others. The Copernicus network began to be developed. Offices opened initially in The Netherlands and throughout Scandinavia. By 2009 Copernicus was able to offer services across the whole of the European Union and had gained a foothold in Asia, North America, South America and Africa. The range of services had developed to include acquisition identification, a full market research portfolio, trade event organization and franchise development. Copernicus Training expanded operations to be able to offer over 100 high quality UK and international bespoke management and personal development courses. Today with an increasing number of country offices, 20 affiliates in additional markets operating under the brand and a client base that includes numerous government bodies, trade organizations, listed companies and a long list of private enterprises, the company is able to provide a wide range of cost effective, results orientated commercial services that are all designed to increase trade opportunities and improve business performance. The future will see the continued expansion of the brand and global representation. The emerging markets of Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa will all benefit from the trade opportunities that Copernicus will continue to create. While an increased presence in North, Central and South America, in addition to planned development along the Pacific Rim will ensure that our clients will continue to have access to a complete platform for international success. Share in the success. Contact us today.

Company History

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Copernicus International Consulting Email: [email protected]


Taking Global Opportunities

International Match Making

The Copernicus Connecting-Markets Service

Would you like to expand into new international markets or simply

improve the results from your current export efforts?

Are budget constraints, lack ot time, knowledge or expertise holding

you back?

Copernicus offers our clients an extremely cost effective opportunity

to outsource their export drive without detracting from their core day

to day business activities.

The economic centre of gravity within global markets is shifting.

Shouldn’t your business be proactive in the markets that have a

growing future rather than competing on price and seeing margins

decline in traditional markets via established channels?

Copernicus Steps to International Success





Build the relationship

Meet the people

Start the business

Create long term, sustainable and profitable trade

Prosper, grow, enter the next market

Enjoy the success

Page 5: Copernicus Connecting markets 2014€¦ · Copernicus Connecting International Markets From Market Research to after Sales Support Profitable International match-making, distributor

Copernicus International Consulting Email: [email protected]


“Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work.

But if you're not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just

as great today as they ever were” David Rockefeller 1915

Commercial results driven—your profit, our goal

Client specific market entry research and strategy

Highly cost effective

Solutions for the markets where we have a physical presence and local knowledge

Customer oriented - no standard solutions

Qualitative research – Market Research Society Members

Dynamic projects delivered in 90 days

From strategic planning to implementation

Connecting markets – creating opportunities

Extensive growing global network

Mutual trade and opportunities from market to market

Own market presence with our own Copernicus consultant team

Linguistic competences—over 40 different languages spoken

Working with local inward investment agencies on 4 continents

A dedicated team bringing new ideas and increased profitability to our clients

Why? Because business is people and our people are local!

Your business can be local and international too. With the Copernicus Connecting-Markets and Interim Key Account Manager after sales support team Win new business and develop it—with Copernicus

Why Copernicus?

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Copernicus International Consulting Email: [email protected]


The Process

A logical step by step process that takes your brief, your ambitions, and helps to turn them in to reality. Working with your own Copernicus consultant, locally in your country, while their counterpart works on your behalf in the target market in the local language, the local business culture. No travel costs until a deal is there to be done. No time out of your core business on speculative trips. No missed opportunities due to lack of resources, internal capabilities or skill set. Copernicus—guiding our clients to international success

”In the business world, the rear view mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” Warren Buffet

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Copernicus International Consulting Email: [email protected]


Why Research?

Market information collated through Desk and Field Research

“When Christopher Coumbus set sail he did not know where he was

going. When he got there he did not know where he was. When he

came back he did not know where he had been.“

This is a business without a plan or strategy

Copernicus systems and methodology are simple, straightforward,

logical and undertakem professionally, by experienced, enthusiastic

consultants. Our goal is your success.

Client Analysis

In an independent survey undertaken January 2014 97% of Copernicus

clients would recommend our services to other non-competing

businesses. 94% have used or will use us again to enter further markets.

98.5% gave us a score of either 9 or 10/10 in terms of value for money.

87% gained a return on their investment with us in under 9 months

Market check

Market analysis

Telephone Interviews

Competitor Benchmarking

Face to face client meetings

Report & strategic options

Investment required

Action Plan


Market entry support via Interim KAM

Page 8: Copernicus Connecting markets 2014€¦ · Copernicus Connecting International Markets From Market Research to after Sales Support Profitable International match-making, distributor

Copernicus International Consulting Email: [email protected]


Why Research?

Market information collated through Desk and Field Research

“The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in

fact, a return to the idealised past .“Robertson Davies

Fact based decision making

At Copernicus we believe that our business destiny and that of our

clients is in our own hands and minds. In order to shape that destiny we

need to make decisions, and those decisions need to be based on locally

gathered facts that either support, or redirect qualitative and

quantitative desk research.

That is why, on your behalf, we

Speak to potential customers on the phone

Speak to your potential competitors on the phone

Benchmark competitor USP‘s, routes to markets, distribution

channels—the quality of their salesforce

Analyse potential substitute products that could impact on your

future business success

Visit exisiting clients, lost clients, potential new clients

Create a meangingful, concise report that is relevant—not padded

with irrelevant information available on-line that does not impact on

your strategic options

From this we work with you to calculate and create...

Investment required

Action Plan

Anticipated ROI

Market entry support via Interim KAM

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Copernicus International Consulting Email: [email protected]



To succeed in your chosen target market you need to be local

as well as international. Copernicus can assist with

Development of a market presence

Location analysis

Market representation

Setting up a business


Local network and professional introductions

Inward investment identification

Legislative and complaince issues

Language, culture and documentation

In association with the local government inward investment agencies, trade development bodies and chambers of commerce globally

Together we create commercial opportunities for international business investment and growth

Page 10: Copernicus Connecting markets 2014€¦ · Copernicus Connecting International Markets From Market Research to after Sales Support Profitable International match-making, distributor

Copernicus International Consulting Email: [email protected]


Connecting Markets

In business to profit— a successful, proven track record

“Letting your customers set your standards is a dangerous game,

because the race to the bottom is pretty easy to win. Setting your

own standards--and living up to them--is a better way to profit. Not

to mention a better way to make your day worth all the effort you

put into it.“ Seth Godin

Copernicus has successfully connected businesses from the USA, Asia,

China and the Middle East to Scandinavia and Western Europe.

We have created opportunities for Russian companies in the UK, and

UK companies in Turkey.

Copernicus clients from Spain now trade profitably in Ireland, Poland

and Singapore.

Our US clients are making money in Russia, the Ukraine and Serbia.

How is all this, and more, possible?

We are local, international, cost effective and professional. We may

not be modest about our achievements but we are expanding our

reach at an increasing pace because we are good at what we do, and

our clients grow and prosper with us.

We are already well placed to assist our clients in the wider EU and

the emerging nations of the world. The powerhouse that is Asia has a

strong economic drive to enter the EU and use its recently developed

financial muscle. Where is the next opportunity for your business?

To find out just ask us [email protected]

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Copernicus International Consulting Email: [email protected]


Results driven Profit Focussed

“In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative

original thinker unless you can also sell what you create.

Management cannot be expected to recognize a good idea unless it

is presented to them by a good salesman.” David M Ogily

The research we make is practical and relevant to building a business

case for market entry—or otherwise. If you are wasting your time,

effort and resources we will tell you. The steps we take together with

you to reach our conclusions, identify the opportunities and create

the action plan required to capitalise on them are clear and logical.

Is the market there for our client?

Who are the competitors?

What is the price point in the market?

What are the competitors routes to market?

What USP does our client have?

Is the market mature, in decline or growing?

Why would potential customers change supplier?

We build a business case and calculate the investment resources

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Copernicus International Consulting Email: [email protected]


Connecting Markets

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” Andy Warhol 7 Reasons to consider Copernicus Connecting Markets 1. If your business has a product or service that you believe you

excel at 2. If you are reliant on your domestic economy and your business

fluctuates along with it 3. You are being squeezed for margin and cash flow in your current

markets as your product or service is increasingly becoming a commodity

4. You have ambition to see your business grow profitably, with minimal risk or call on capital

5. You would like to internationalise your business and realise that this takes some investment, and that Copernicus will help you to obtain whatever government subsidies and funding may be open to you

6. Business is a challenge, you recognise that you never stand still. You are advancing or retreating and that the business environment that you live and work in is ever changing, and that your decisions need to be based on what will happen in the future, not what has happened in the past.

7. You are a winner, and want to work with a winning team that has a proven track record and bring a positive, open-minded and imaginative approach to very project and an enthusiasm that galvanises clients towards their goals

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Copernicus International Consulting Email: [email protected]


Copernicus Commitments to you our client

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Copernicus International Consulting Email: [email protected]


Copernicus, at the root of International Business


Copernicus International Consulting Ltd

114 Courthill House

60 Water lane



United Kingdom

Phone: +44 161 262 1990

E-mail: [email protected]
