Copenhagen Central School April, 2011 Newsletter

a little bit ahead of schedule. The following is what has been accom- plished to date: All wells for the geother- mal heating and cooling system are complete and the grouting is in place. They are just waiting for the ground to thaw to continue. Dear District Residents: Spring is just around the corner and with that will come warmer weather, birds singing, and green grass. Well, in most places we will have green grass, except for the front of our beauti- ful building. Unfortunately, that looked much better this winter covered with snow. As you know, we are in the middle of ex- tensive renovations to our building and the addition of a geothermal heating and cooling system. I am happy to say the pro- ject is going very well and actually FROM THE DESK OF THE SUPERINTENDENT: Copenhagen Central School April 2011 Newsletter April 1, 2011 Volume 47, Issue 8 The new water-to-water heat pumps have been installed, as well as much of the piping. Renovation of the six classrooms above the cafeteria is progressing well and grades 3—5 will be moving in the week of April 4th. The new district offices are nearing completion and will be used for OT/PT service providers for the remainder


Newsletter Copenhagen April, 2011

Transcript of Copenhagen Central School April, 2011 Newsletter

a little bit ahead of schedule. The following is what has been accom-plished to date: All wells for the geother-mal heating and cooling system are complete and the grouting is in place. They are just waiting for the ground to thaw to continue.

Dear District Residents: Spring is just around the corner and with that will come warmer weather, birds singing, and green grass. Well, in most places we will have green grass, except for the front of our beauti-ful building. Unfortunately, that

looked much better this winter covered with snow. As you know, we are in the middle of ex-tensive renovations to our building and the addition of a geothermal heating and cooling system. I am happy to say the pro-ject is going very well and actually


Copenhagen Central School April 2011 Newsletter

April 1, 2011 Volume 47, Issue 8

The new water-to-water heat pumps have been installed, as well as much of the piping.

Renovation of the six classrooms above the cafeteria is progressing well and grades 3—5 will be moving in the week of April 4th.

The new district offices are nearing completion and will be used for OT/PT service providers for the remainder

Page 2 Copenhagen Central School

The new gym lobby has much work left to do, but we are told it will be ready for the annual vote on May 17th.

The elementary wing is getting prepared for the major work to start the week of April 18th.

If you have any questions concerning the building project, please give me a call, and as always, thank you for your continued support of our district. Sincerely,

Superintendent of Schools

KINDERGARTEN SIGN-UP: Kindergarten registration will be held on Tuesday, May 24 and Wednesday, May 25, 2011. Children may register if they will be five years old on or before December 1, 2011. Because of the academic nature of our kindergarten program, we recommend that parents put careful thought into enrolling youngsters who will not be five years old by September 1, 2011. Registration information will be sent to all parents listed on our census. If you do not receive a registration pack in the mail by April 18, 2011 please contact the Main Office office at 688-4411. Proof of birth and the following vaccines are required before your child can attend school: 3 doses of diptheria-containing toxoid (usually administered as DTP or TD) 3 doses of oral polio virus vaccine (OPV) or enhanced inactivated polio virus

vaccine (EIPV) 2 doses of rubella mumps administered after 12 months of age 1 dose of rubella vaccine administered after 12 months of age 2 doses of measles vaccine, the first administered after 12 months of age and

second after 15 months of age Hepatitis B-children born on or after January 1, 1993 must show proof of

immunity to Hepatitis B disease prior to entering kindergarten 1 dose of varivax (chicken pox) as of 2003. Any questions concerning these vaccines, can be directed to our school nurse.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of the inhabitants of COPENHAGEN CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, qualified to vote at school meetings in said district, will be in the school cafeteria in the VIL-LAGE OF COPENHAGEN, NEW YORK, on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. for the transaction of such business as is authorized by Education Law. Voting on all issues will take place on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. o’clock in the gymnasium lobby. NOTICE is also given that a copy of the statement of the amount of monies that will be required for the ensuing year for school purposes, exclusive of public monies, may be obtained by any taxpayer in the district on each day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday during seven (7) days immediately preceding the annual budget hearing at the Co-penhagen Central School Business Office. NOTICE is also given that the following vacancies are to be filled on the Board of Education:

Ø Five Year Term (July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2016) Tracey Thomas Last Incumbent Ø Five Year Term (July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2016) Robert F. Stackel Last Incumbent Ø Four Year Term (May 17, 2011 – June 30, 2014) Irene S. Wilder Last Incumbent Ø Three Year Term (May 17, 2011–June 30, 2013) Kim R. Vogt Last Incumbent

NOTICE is given that petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of Board of Education must be filed with the Clerk of the District no later than Monday, April 18, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Each petition must be directed to the Clerk of the District, must be signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified voters for the District, and must state the name and residence of the candidate. Candidates for election are required to submit expenditure statements to the Commissioner of Education and the School District Clerk the tenth day before the election. A second form must be submitted within twenty days after elec-tion. Also, an Affidavit of Qualification must be signed and notarized. These forms are available in the District Office.

PROPOSITION NO. 1 Shall the District be authorized to provide transportation of Head Start children from Copenhagen Central School to Lowville Head Start Center and return on an existing BOCES bus route? Shall the District be authorized to provide transportation of Head Start children from the Copenhagen Central School to their homes in the afternoon on an existing p.m. bus route? This will demand no additional costs to the District.

PROPOSITION NO. 2 Shall the District be authorized to purchase one (1) 66-seat school bus at a maximum estimated cost of $109,000.00 or so much less as may be necessary, said sums to be raised by a tax upon taxable property of said School District to be collected in annual installments, and to issue obligations of the District therefore in accordance with the Education Law and Local Finance Law?

ABSENTEE BALLOTS Education Law 2018-a&b has been amended by Chapter 109 effective July 1, 1999 that absentee ballots must be made available. QUALIFIED VOTER is eligible for an absentee ballot if he/she: 1. is absent from district while polls are open due to business, occupation or studies 2. is confined to a hospital or jail 3. Has a physical disability or illness preventing appearance at polls 4. is absent due to vacation (includes retirees) Applications will be available in the District Offices for qualified voters on April 20, 2011.

Page 3 Copenhagen Central School

Cast Your Vote for Stu-dent Success Your local school Board makes the decisions that determine how your community’s children are educated and how your tax dollars are spent. Voting for school board members is a simple but powerful way to support student success and strengthen your community.

The Power to Pursue Excellence The decisions made by the school board affect virtually every impor-tant aspect of local schools, from boundaries to bus schedules, cur-riculum to clubs, funding to field trips.

The school board hires the super-intendent, the “chief education officer” responsible for manag-ing district staff and operations.

The school board sets the priori-ties and adopts the budget that determines how millions in fed-eral, state and local tax dollars are spent

The school board sets goals for student achievement and evalu-ates progress toward those goals.

The school board decides how school boundaries are drawn and whether schools are constructed or closed.

The school board sets the poli-cies that determine which courses and programs are offered and what texts, tools and tech-nology are purchased

The school board, as the commu-nity’s elected representatives and fiscal stewards, ensures the dis-trict education program is in compliance with New York State laws and regulations.

Voting in school board elections means your voice is represented in those choices.

You Have Everything To Gain — or Lose Good schools are good busi-

ness—they attract employers, strengthen the local economy and enhance property values.

Good schools ensure our stu-dents will be prepared to keep our nation competitive in a global economy.

Good schools keep the American Dream alive with an opportunity for every child to receive a world-class education.

Good schools keep the quality of life in a community high by pro-ducing citizens who pay taxes and obey the law.

Good schools teach students from all backgrounds how to live and participate in our democracy.

Voting in a school board election is an investment in the future of kids, of our community and of the nation.

The Right Person Makes a Difference What qualities, skills, and experience should you look for in a school board

candidate? Here are some questions to consider.

What are the candidate’s vision and goals for high academic achievement for all students?

Does the candidate inspire par-ents and other stakeholders to have confidence in the local pub-lic schools?

Does the candidate understand that the school board’s role is about the big picture—setting the direction for the district, and pro-viding oversight and accountabil-ity—rather than day-to day man-agement?

Does the candidate focus on one issue or discuss a broad range of school district concerns?

Does the candidate’s approach make it likely that he or she will be able to work effectively with the rest of the board to get things done?

Will the candidate enhance the mix of skills and backgrounds on the board and help represent the diversity of the community?

Does the candidate have the com-mitment to do what is right for all children, even in the face of op-position?


Page 4 Copenhagen Central School

A Message from New York State School Boards Association

Page 5 Copenhagen Central School

April Events to Mark on Your Calendar April 7 - YAC Talent Show April 8 - Grades 6-12 Dance April 14 - Spring Concert Apr 15-20 - Senior Trip Apr 18-25 - Spring Vacation

Principally Speaking Copenhagen Central School

Congratulations, FFA!

On March 8, Copenhagen FFA students travelled to Indian River for their district competition. Ashley Willits placed first in the Prepared Public Speaking cate-gory. Ryan Willits placed fourth in the Extemporaneous

Speaking category while Madison Furgison placed tenth in the People in Agriculture com-petition. Other competitors included Derek Nicol, Zachary Nicol and Brian Freeman. Great job to all!

Skills USA Winners

Many of our BOCES students participated in the Regional Area II SkillsUSA competition at Delhi. Timothy Sullivan placed first in the Diesel Equip-ment Technology category. Travis Bennett won first place in the Visual Communications 2 Promo-tional Bulletin Board competition. Congratula-tions, Travis and Tim!

Would You Like to Host an Exchange Student Next Year?

We have information from CCI (Center for Cultural Interchange) for families who would like to open their homes to an exchange student. This is the same organi-zation that has placed students in our district for the past few years. Students come from Spain, Hong

Kong, Norway, Colombia, Japan among many other global countries and cities. If you are in-terested, contact Nancy Sandersen at 222.6042 or [email protected]. For more information about CCI please go to their website http://w w w . c c i - e x c h a n g e . c o m /usprograms_home.aspx

Have a GREAT vacation!

A. Moser

J. McConnell

L. Martin

L. Fitzpatrick P. Harmych

R. Harris

H. Moser

Dear Parents/Guardians,  Recess update  Spring is in the air and mud is on the ground. Well, around here I’m told that it is actually Snirt! Regardless, we are excited about the possibility of spending more time outside but we need to be realistic. While the temperatures have risen, we don’t want students ruining their clothing. Recess will be outside when our grounds allow. Parent/Grandparent Luncheons Tentatively Rescheduled Last month, I informed you that our longstanding tradition of Parent/Grandparent Luncheons was not going to be able to happen this year as a result of parking difficulties. This month, I’m informing you that we hope that we will be able to continue this tradition this year. Pending approval from the Copenhagen Volunteer Fire Department, staff members will be parking at the Fire Department on the days of the Luncheons, freeing up room in the parking lot for parents and grandparents. Pending unforeseen events, luncheons will take place on Wednesdays as follows:

Thank you for you to all the staff and community members that are helping keep this tradition going. While not here at Copenhagen, I still remember my days as an elementary student when parents and grandparents came in to eat with us. It’s a very big deal to students. Please make every effort to make it in on these dates. Dental Poster Contest Winners Congratulations to our Poster Contest winners! The contest, sponsored by Sunshine Dental in Watertown, was an effort to promote dental hygiene. The following students were top winners and their posters were sent to Sunshine Dental for further judging!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 688-4411 or email me at [email protected]. Sincerely,

Director of Student Services

A Message from Mr. Munn, Director of Student Services and Special Programs

Page 6 Copenhagen Central School

UPK and Kindergarten: April 13th 1st Grade and Mrs. Turck: April 27th

2nd Grade: May 4th 3rd Grade: May 11th 4th Grade: May 18th 5th Grade: May 25th

Halynn Russell, Kindergarten Joey O’Brien, Grade 1 Meaghen Fitzpatrick, Grade 2

Page 7 Copenhagen Central School

Copenhagen Counseling Center Scholarships

Danielle Ames, daughter of Ms. April (Rothfuss) Ames and Mr. Jeffrey Ames, has been accepted at Crouse Hospital School of Nursing and at SUNY Canton into the Nursing Program. Congratula-tions, Danielle!

Taylor Church, daughter of Russell and Carol Church, has been accepted at Daemen College into the Physical Therapy BS/DPT Program. Congratulations, Taylor!

Danielle Eisel, daughter of Stephen Eisel and Renee Eisel, has been accepted at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences into their Doc-tor of Pharmacy Program. Danielle has also been accepted at Clarkson University into the Chemical Engineering Program. Congratulations, Danielle!

Taylor Church, daughter of Russell and Carol Church, will receive the Daemen College Dean’s Scholarship, at the rate of $7,500 per academic year of study. This award is based on Taylor’s scholastic achievements over the past four years. Congratulations, Taylor!

College Acceptances

Sara Hovendon, daughter of Thomas and Vir-ginia Hovendon, has been accepted at Wells Col-lege. Congratulations, Sara!

Ryan Jackson, son of Laurie and Thomas Jack-son, has been accepted at Utica College into the Cyber security & Info Assurance Program. Con-gratulations, Ryan!

Randi Montalvo, daughter of Victor and Tamie Montalvo, has been accepted at Rochester Insti-tute of Technology (RIT) into the Marketing Pro-gram and at Russell Sage College. Congratula-tions, Randi!

Alex Moser, son of Wendell and Kay Moser, has been accepted at Clarkson University into the Civil Engineering Program. Congratulations, Alex!

Danielle Eisel, daughter of Stephen Eisel and Renee Eisel, is the recipient of the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Dean’s Scholarship, valued at $48,000 ($8,000 annually). She will also receive the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Valedictorian Scholarship and be awarded $5,000 annually. The Scholarship Selection Committee based their selection for these prestigious awards based on Danielle’s sustained academic success throughout her high school curriculum. Congratulations, Danielle!

College Scholarships

Page 8 Copenhagen Central School

College Acceptances and Scholarships Continued

Sara Hovendon, daughter of Thomas and Virginia Hovendon, has been selected to receive a Henry Wells Scholar award from Wells College. This award, in the amount of $80,000 ($20,000 per year), will also include a guaranteed intern-ship during the January Intersession of her freshman year and a $3,000 paid in-ternship in her upper-class years. Congratulations, Sara!

Randi Montalvo daughter of Victor and Tamie Montalvo, will received the Rus-sell Sage College Trustee Excellence Award in the amount of $15,000. Con-gratulations, Randi!

Danielle Eisel Receives 2011 Jill Bruce-Wiley Sportsmanship Award

Senior Danielle Eisel received the 2011 Jill Bruce-Wiley Sportsman-ship Award. This award is given in honor of Outstanding Charac-ter, Dedication, Leadership and Teamwork and is presented by the Jefferson-Lewis BOCES, as chosen by referees from the league. Danielle received a plaque and will receive a $200 check at graduation. Shown pre-senting this award is Natalie Scott, Girls Varsity Basketball Coach. Congratulations, Dan-ielle!

Page 9 Copenhagen Central School

Clarkson University is offering a challenging one week program for high school students (will be en-tering tenth, eleventh or twelfth grade as of September 2011) from July 10th to July 16th, 2011. Each year, projects related to real world-issues challenge students from a variety of perspectives. This year’s project will be “Branding the Adirondacks.” Young Scholars students will learn about market-ing and entrepreneurship along with how to develop effective leadership, critical thinking and team-work skills. For more information, cost and an application, see Mrs. Gillette in the Guidance Office. Space is lim-ited for this program to 25 students and you are encouraged to apply on or before April 2011. Dead-line to apply is June 11, 2011. You can visit Clarkson’s website for additional information and an ap-plication, as well as a list of requirements, at

“Learning From The Pros”

T hroughout the year, Copenhagen Central School has been hosting informative speaking engagements by local Career Pros. Students in grades 8-12 participate in this program. We are looking for presenters. If you or someone you know would be interested in informing students about your career, we would be interested in hearing from you! Please don’t hesitate to contact Pat Jolliff at 688-4411 or [email protected] for more information. On February 17th, Cara Peebles, Marketing Coordinator at Otis Technology spoke with students about her job qualifications, duties and benefits associated with her career.

Young Scholars Program – Summer 2011 Clarkson University  

Page 10 Copenhagen Central School

Attention Seniors—Financial Aid Reminder!

College acceptance and financial aid letters are in the mail in April, if you have not already received the infor-mation, what happens next is up to you: CONTACT the colleges you applied to if you have not received your financial aid award letters by mid-April. READ your financial aid award letters carefully; decide which college best fits your needs. Note: If you did not yet file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and wish to be considered for financial aid, it may be too late for some programs. After you file, you’ll receive a Student Aid Report (SAR). Review it and submit corrections as needed. CONTACT the colleges’ financial aid office listed on your FAFSA form IMMEDIATELY if your in-come information has changed from what you originally submitted on the FAFSA form! (You may have estimated your 2010 income when initially filling out the FAFSA.) This may greatly effect the award granted and your EFC. If, for example, a parent has now been laid off, or hours cut back, or family business has taken a big hit, you may be able to get more financial aid by explaining your current situation to the financial aid of-fice. I encourage you to call the office as soon as possible while they are still making decisions re: financial assistance. If you have any questions, contact the Guidance Office or call 1-800-FED-AID. REVIEW TAP Application if planning to attend a New York State College. TAP application is generated by the FAFSA.

This is a DRAFT of the June Regents Schedule. Please be advised that the Regents Exams are given at these times across the state and may not be made up if absent. Attendance is mandatory.

Wednesday June 15th

Thursday June 16th

Friday June 17th

Monday June 20th

Tuesday June 21st

Wednesday June 22nd

Thursday June 23rd

8:15 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 8:15 a.m.

Global History & Geography

U.S. History & Government

Comprehensive English

Global Studies Living Environment

Algebra 2/Trigonometry

Comprehensive Regents Examina-

tion: Spanish

RCT in U.S. History and Government

12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. NO PM REGENTS

Physical Setting/Physics

RCT in Science

Integrated Algebra

Physical Setting/Earth Science

RCT in Writing

Physical Setting/Chemistry

RCT in Reading


RCT in Mathematics

Page 11 Copenhagen Central School

Most of our juniors will be taking the SAT, ACT or both this spring. Here are a few tips for taking college entrance exams: BE PREPARED: Pick up a copy of the registration booklet from your counselor’s office. The booklet will include complete details and instructions about what will happen before, during, and after you are tested. Register for the test, read the instruc-tions, and do the samples in an environment similar to that in which you will be tested. Additional sources with test tips, ex-planations, and practice questions are available at your library. Practice! Practice! Practice! PLAY IT SMART: When taking the test, read all possible answers to be sure you are choosing the best one. Mark off those that are obviously incorrect; and if you’re taking the ACT, always choose and answer, even if you’re not certain. (Incorrect responses will not count against your score.) When taking the SAT, be cautious about which questions you choose to answer, but don’t be afraid to answer a question of which you are reasonably certain. WATCH THE TIME: Bring a watch to the exam to monitor how much time you spend on a section. Take your time when answering questions, but do not let yourself get hung up on a particular problem. More than likely you will have time to come back to it after you complete those questions you know. BE GOOD TO YOURSELF: Your mom always said breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and on test-taking day this is especially important. Eat a real breakfast (no soda or doughnuts!) on the morning of the test, and bring along a snack to eat during the break to keep your energy level up. Wear comfortable clothing, and take advantage of breaks during testing to move around and use the restroom. RELAX: Though important, how you do on the ACT or SAT will not determine the course of your entire life. Keep it in perspective, have confidence in your abilities, and simply do your best. After preparing, that’s all anyone can do!

Test Taking Strategies for the SAT and ACT

Please note: You will need picture ID to be admitted to any test. If you don’t have one, you may pick up an identification letter in the Counseling Office.

Test Date: May 7 June 4

Registration Deadline:

April 18 May 6

Fee: $47.00 $47.00

Where can I take the exam?

Watertown (33-962) Lowville (33-570) Carthage (33-300)

Watertown (33-962)

Test Date: April 9 June 11

Registration Deadline:

March 4 May 6

Fee: $33.00 ($48.00 if taking Plus Writing)

$33.00 ($48.00 if tak-ing Plus Writing)

Where can I take the exam?

JCC (027-750) Carthage (196-410)

JCC (027-750) Lowville (181-500)

Page 12 Copenhagen Central School

It is strongly recommended that high school students and parents plan a visit to colleges that interest them. Visiting potential col-leges will expose a student to all aspects of a school’s atmosphere including its campus lay out, buildings, programs, and career placement services.

Many colleges welcome student/parent visits throughout the year and are busiest in the late summer and early fall. Usually, col-leges are willing to accommodate your schedule and will set up an appointment that is convenient for you. Some schools host college informational days in the fall and spring where several question/answer sessions are available and may group events are planned. Either way, visiting on your own or attending a planned day, is a great way to gain valuable information.

Remember that summer can be a good time to visit when families have more flexibility to take these trips and students don’t have to miss school. However, be aware that many campuses are quiet during the summer, when many college students are home on break and can be very different when classes are in session. It’s a good idea to visit during our school breaks, like in April.

Parents and students should call individual college admission offices to find out when they would suggest visiting. If you need a phone number, call Mrs. Gillette and she’ll be happy to provide it.

When making an appointment to visit, be sure to ask if an admissions interview is an option. If you are having an interview, it is usually a good idea to bring a copy of your past report cards. If you don’t have these, stop into the Counseling Center a few days prior to leaving and request an unofficial copy of your transcripts (a cumulative record of your course, grades, and SAT/ACT scores). This way, the admissions person will be able to comment on what their admissions criteria is and possibly, what they think your chances are for acceptance into that college.

Another good idea is to go prepared with some questions that you might have. Mrs. Gillette has a list of typical questions, so feel free to call and ask if you need help. Be sure to write down the names of the admissions people that you meet with so that you can communicate with them directly in case you have questions later. Also, consider sending a thank you note.

Along with an interview, be sure to request a campus tour, a meeting with a financial aid officer and ask if it’s possible to sit in on a class. Before you leave the campus, remember to ask for a copy of the college’s application if they are a private school, so that you don’t have to request one later.

April Vacation is a good time to visit colleges!

4th Annual MASH Camp

The Fourth Annual MASH Camp will be held this sum-mer. The Northern New York Rural Health Care Alli-ance, Inc., is again partnering with the Jeff/Lewis BO-CES, Carthage Area Hospital, Lewis County General Hospital, the Northern Area Health Education Center, Samaritan Medical Center, River Hospital, and Jeffer-son Community College and Jeff/Lewis Public Health and EMS to offer this program (which is at no cost to students to attend) to our local 8-11 grade students. Students participate in a 5-day on-site training and in-formation program. If you are interested in health ca-reers, this is a great opportunity! Information packets and applications are available in the Guidance Office. Space will be limited at each of the sessions. Deadline for application submission is Friday, April 8th.

Page 13 Copenhagen Central School

College Open House Dates April 2 - St. John Fisher College Clinton Community College April 9 - St. John Fisher College April 10 - Alfred State April 11 - Houghton College April 16 - Keuka College Environmental Science & Forestry ((Syracuse) SUNY Plattsburgh April 19 - Clinton Community College April 20 - University at Buffalo (North Campus) April 21 - University at Buffalo (South Campus) April 23 - SUNY Canton SUNY Delhi April 29 - Onondaga Community College April 30 - St. John Fisher College Environmental Science & Forestry (Ranger School)

For more information or to register to attend an Open House, visit for a complete listing of upcoming New York State Private College and University visits. Also check out for State University of New York (SUNY) Open Houses.

Summer Programs

Cornell University Cornell University is offering a Summer College for interested juniors and seniors. Areas of explorations in 24 different subject areas include Architecture, Art, Business, College Success, Computing and Information Science, Engi-neering, Humanities, Law and Politics, Life, Environmental, Agricultural, and Applied Social Sciences, Media, Medicine, Science, and Biological Research, Psychology, Veterinary Medicine, Writing, and Dual Explorations. To be eligible for Summer College, you must have completed your sophomore, junior, or senior year of high school by June 2011 and have the demonstrated maturity, academic ability, and intellectual curiosity necessary to un-dertake college-level work. You can earn an average of 3 to 6 college credits. Applications for most programs are due by May 6th. Applications for Research Apprenticeship in Biological Sci-ence (RABS) are due by March 18th. Cost of tuition for three weeks is $5,790 and six weeks is $9,575. Architecture and Art as Experience stu-dents must pay an additional $50 studio fee. Financial Aid is available for students for the Summer College program. F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n v i s i t or by calling 607-255-6203. You can also send an e-mail to [email protected]. Alfred College Alfred College’s summer programs include: Art Portfolio Prep, Astronomy, Creative Writing, Equestrian Camps, Swim Camp, Chemistry, Computer Engineering, Theater, and Sports Camps. For more information call 607-871-2612 or visit their website at

Summer Employment Summer Youth Employment: There are several job opportunities for youth ages 14—21 under the Work-force Investment Act (participation by Lewis County Employment & Training) and through the Jefferson County Youth Employment Program. Eligibility guidelines are based on family size and not necessarily family income. If your student is interested in a sum-mer job, please have them see Mrs. Prince in the Counseling Center as soon as possible. Applications will be available in early April for both of these pro-grams.

Your child should have received a copy of the 2011-2012 Course Catalog in his/her classroom. Please remember to call the Counseling Center at 688-2573 to set up a time for your child’s Individual Four Year Plan conference with Mrs. Gillette. During the conference, we will review di-ploma and graduation requirements, your child’s goals, and create a high school plan.

Attention Parents of 8th Grade Students

11th Annual Lewis County College Fair

On Tuesday, March 22nd, South Lewis Central Schools will be hosting the 11th Lewis County Col-lege Fair. More than 30 colleges from all over New York State will be in the South Lewis Middle School gymnasium from 6:30 –8:00 p.m. to offer college admissions information and answer your questions. All students in grades 9-12 and their par-ents are encouraged to attend. Please contact Julie Burmingham 348-2530 with any questions.

Page 14 Copenhagen Central School

High School Students May Earn College Credits

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), is the most widely accepted credit-by-examination program in the United States, help-ing students in a wide range of ages earn credit for what they al-ready know. By receiving a satisfactory score, students can earn from 3 to 12 college credits toward a college degree.

Quick facts about CLEP:

Exams are available in 34 college-level introductory subjects;

More than 2,900 colleges grant undergraduate credit for CLEP;

Institutions grant 3-12 college credits for each CLEP exam taken;

More than 1,300 colleges administer the exams;

CLEP is administered on computer and exams are available year-round;

The tests are timed and 90 minutes long;

With the exception of English Composition with Essay, exams are composed primarily of multiple-choice questions. Some mathematics exams include fill-in type questions.

All exams are scored on a scale of 20 to 80 and the recom-mended credit-granting score for all exams is 50, a score rep-resentative of a grade of C.

Each exam costs $77. Test centers usually charge $15 to cover administrating costs.

JCC is the closest test center, and gives over 120 CLEP exams to high school students. Some typical exams are language, Literature, Biology, Pre-Calculus, and History. For more information go to or call the Guidance Office at 688-2573.

Study Skills Are Really Important!

They can help you do better in school and reach your goals! Here are 2 great ways to build your study skills:

Get—and stay—organized. For example, it may help to: write down assignments (tests, homework and projects)

in an assignment book or planner; keep your backpack, desk and locker (if you have one)

neat; keep a notebook or a section of a 3-ring binder for each

subject—try color-coding them; have a folder for each subject and label each one (for

homework, handouts, etc.); create a study space at home that is neat, quiet and well

lit and that has plenty of study supplies.

These skills can help you succeed now—and in the future.

Use your time wisely. If you don’t, time can easily slip away from you—which can cause a lot of stress! Try to: set a regular time for homework (and stick to it!); get your clothes and backpack ready the night before; study for tests a bit each night; break up big projects—for example, for a research pro-

ject, you can find books one week, take notes the next week and begin writing the third week.

The better you get at using your time, the more time you’ll have for fun, friends and activities.

You can take steps to improve your study skills!

© 2009 Channing Bete Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

Michelle Hutchins, CCS Class of 2009, Addresses Students Rep-resenting Russell Sage College

Michelle Hutchins, Copenhagen Class of 2009, spoke with interested juniors and seniors about the benefits of attending Russell Sage College in Albany. Michelle is a sophomore at Russell Sage, and has a double major in Sociology and Women’s Studies (a major that she created!). Michelle spoke with juniors: Nicole Henry (shown on the bottom left), Brittany Tanner (shown on bottom right), Kristen Salisbury, Hayley Moser, SaRena Eves, and seniors: Sara Hovendon and Randi Montalvo. Michelle spoke about The Sage Colleges (Russell Sage College and Sage College) with the stu-dents and answered questions about college life in gen-eral.

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Sophomore JCC Visitation Day Mrs. Gillette and all sophomores spent the afternoon at Jefferson Community College on Thursday, March 3rd. The eventful afternoon started with lunch at the college cafeteria, and progressed to a presentation on col-lege entrance requirements for all colleges/universities. After a campus tour, students participated in a work-shop which helped them match their personality with a career choice.

Jefferson County Alcohol and Substance Abuse Council Visits Copenhagen Central School

Alice Smiley, a counselor and educator at the Jefferson County Alcohol and Substance Abuse Council was here on Thursday, March 10th. She presented “Marijuana Facts & Myths” to the 9th grade, and “Alcohol Use/Abuse/Dependency” to the 10th grade. In April, Ms. Smiley will return to present “Inhalant Awareness and Prevention” to the 7th grade, as well as “Alcohol Pre-vention” to the 8th grade. It is our hope that knowing the facts, the dangers and risk involved in such behavior will deter teens from using and abusing such substances. Research has also shown that ongoing talks with parents has also been a deterrent from these risky behaviors, so continue to reinforce your concerns and expectations with your children on a regular basis. (Ms. Alice Smiley is shown in the photo to the right, addressing our 9th graders.)

Chris Rowland, JCC Admissions Counselor, speaks with Sophomores.

Part of the JCC Visitation Day included a tour of the campus.

Universal Pre-K Miss Farney, Mrs. Kristy Sullivan

and Mrs. Kathy Sullivan March started off marvel-ously for Pre-K! We began the month by celebrating the zany author Dr. Seuss (it was his birthday on the 2nd). We read his books and sang songs with silly rhymes in them. We were visited TWICE by the Cat in the Hat, sorted (and ate) different colored goldfish crackers, painted dreams and our feet, and hopped on and popped some bubble wrap. Next was a week all about maple syrup. We examined the tools used to ex-tract sap and even constructed a sugar shanty in our classroom! We were able to enjoy some real maple syrup (thank you again to Caleb G. and his family) on some hot pan-cakes in the shape of the letter “P”. We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by planning and constructing a lepre-chaun trap to capture the wee little man. Alas, he evaded us once again, but left us some of his scattered gold! Following this week of green, we rocked and rolled to music and geol-ogy. We made and enjoyed some delicious dirt cups complete with edible “pebbles”, danced to different songs, made our own pet rocks, and played musical chairs. The last week of this busy month was centered on the author Eric Carle, whose books we featured. We learned about things that glow in the dark, made cute caterpillars, frosted and ate lady-bug cookies, and crafted animal body collages. During the month of April we look forward to learning about dino-saurs. We also will be celebrating the Week of the Young Child. The theme this year is “Early Years are Learning Years.” This is a national celebration by childcare and educa-tion centers across the U.S. We will have special activities with guest

readers all week that will reveal the importance of play as a key to learn-ing and having fun. After Spring Recess we will be welcoming the spring season by learning about the weather we experience during this time of the year.

Kindergarten Mrs. Scholler and Mrs. Graves

The month of March was very busy with literacy centers, daily review of vocabulary words and counting aloud to 50. The school year is passing quickly and our kin-dergartners are preparing for first grade. Please continue to read with your child every evening and point out vocabulary words in the books you read.

The Book-It! Program ended in the month of March. Congratula-tions to those students who partici-pated in this program. It is an excel-lent opportunity for children offered by Pizza Hut. The Kindergartners will be sponsoring a Popcorn Sale as a fund-raiser for RIF in late April or the be-ginning of May. Our date has changed since our last newsletter article. If you are able to help with our fundraiser, please let Mrs. Graves or Mrs. Scholler know. The RIF program allows your child to bring home books to keep throughout the school year. We would like to thank the Copenhagen Fire De-partment and Ladies Auxiliary for the donations of supplies, popcorn machines and volunteers to help us with our fundraiser. At this time, we have had no volunteers to help with our fundraiser.

The letters for the month of April will be Yy, Qq and Jj. The sight words for the year have all been introduced at this point. Please con-tinue to practice sight words daily, as our list is very large. Practice at

home will help with reading books in the classroom. Thank you for your help.

Please work on shoe tying at home. We are more than half way through the year and we have a ma-jority of students who cannot tie still. A few minutes daily would be very beneficial to your child.

Grade 3

Mrs. Ratliff and Mrs. Morgan A great big THANK YOU to all the parents / guardians that helped out by baking and/or selling for our third grade R.I.F. bake sale. We made ap-proximately $130.00 for this very worthwhile program. Math: Please continue to practice the harder multiplication facts for 6’s through 9’s with your child. It can be extremely difficult for any student when they are doing two and three digits multiplied by a single digit and they do not know their facts. These simple multiplication facts also help them when they are working on their long division with remainders. Reading: Students in Mrs. Morgan’s room are reading novels and writing reports about some of their favorite careers. Mrs. Ratliff continues to study the historical fiction genre and is writing how-to reports. Your child should also be reading at home daily to help with their fluency. Science: We are starting a new chap-ter on Simple Machines. After read-ing, taking notes, and drawing a poster illustration of the various sim-ple machines, each student will be assigned to make a simple machine at home. Please watch for this note to soon be coming home with all the information about simple machines on it and the date it is due. Mrs. Ratliff and her class have wel-comed a guest teacher! Mr. Michael Niles, from Lowville, will be joining Mrs. Ratliff’s class until the middle

The Classroom Connection

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of May. He is currently a graduate student from SUNY Potsdam. Both Mrs. Ratliff and students are enjoying his enthusiasm for teaching and for learning. Please keep these dates in mind. ELA Tests for third grade: May 5th and 6th. Math Tests for third grade: May 11th and 12th. Additional reading and math reinforcement at home will cer-tainly be beneficial to your child.

Grade 4 Mrs. McCabe and Mrs. Carlson

Our students have been very busy in the classroom with many interesting topics. In math, we are doing long division and working on geometry. Social Studies topics have included explorers and early NY Dutch and English settlements in Mrs. Carlson’s room and studying the American Revolution in Mrs. McCabe’s class. Both groups are studying matter and exploring ways to measure matter in science. We are deciding what kinds of science tools we need to measure mass, volume and length. The state tests will be given to 4th graders in May. ELA tests will be May 3-5 and math will be given May 11-12. We have been preparing our students with review and practice. We would like to ask you to give as much support as possible with checking homework and looking for ways to keep your child on track with correc-tions and completing writing assign-ments. The 4th grade tests are bench-mark tests and therefore longer and more thorough in assessing your child. We are providing lots of oppor-tunities to sharpen up skills and feel the students will perform well if they put forth their best efforts! We would like to thank Mrs. Shelly Waugh for allowing our stu-dents to work in the cafeteria during the months of March and April. The chance to serve food, clean the

kitchen and even wash dishes has been quite a learning experience!

Spanish Mrs. Donna Zehr

National Foreign Language Week in March brought many crea-tive displays and posters into our school. Spanish 4 classes created displays and the banner. Spanish classes had special activities such as researching countries, food, and danc-ing the Salsa. Students in grades 6 through 10 made posters with the theme “Languages make the world go ‘round.” The winners of the poster contest are:

Middle School - 6th grade 1st Erica Sawyer 2nd Hope Woodruff 3rd Hallie Freeman & Jonna Kloster HM Michaela Thomas Middle School -7th and 8th grade

1st Kevin Carroll 2nd Christy Thomas 3rd Brooke Spaulding 4th Mackenzie St. Louis HM Emma Roberts & Alexis Trainham

High School 1st Lindsey Fitzpatrick 2nd Logan Wheeler 3rd Erika Eddy& Heidi Moser HM Summer Free-man Sydney O’Shaughnessy Tyler St. Louis & Elizabeth Smith

Music News Mrs. Gleason and Ms. Cross

On March 26, Sara Goutre-mout, Randi Montalvo, Rachel Muncy, Taylor St.Louis, and Jacob Shew performed with the Senior High Bi-County Chorus at General Brown High School. Kelly Furgison, Chey-enne Garza, Autumn Moser, and Syd-ney O’Shaughnessy played in the

Senior High Band. This festival en-ables the students to play with many other students from all over Jefferson and Lewis Counties. Students are chosen based on their NYSSMA scores and it is an invaluable experi-ence for all involved.

The Classroom Connection. . .continued

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Chorus participants: Taylor St. Louis, Sara Goutre-mout, Rachel Muncy, Jacob Shew and Randi Montalvo

Second graders are sharing their Flat Stanley adventures with the whole school. He has been everywhere this year. Did you know he visited the home of the “King”? Yes, he saw Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee. Stanley also spent time in Boston, Massa-chusetts and Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He enjoyed a day at Sea World in San Diego, California. Every time a Flat Stanley gets returned we have share time. This is a fun way to learn about many interesting places in our world. Did you know that there is a space center in Alabama? Flat Stanley had a chance to visit it in Huntsville. The U.S. Space and Rocket Center is recognized as one of the most comprehensive U.S. manned space flight museums in the world.

Stanley also went to Afghanistan to help our U.S. soldiers. He gave an anthrax shot and gazed at the beautiful Hindu Kush Mountains. He also got to ride on an ambulance and sat on the huge Chinook carrier. While in Sarasota, Florida, he sat in the cockpit of a 757 and then sat on a huge Dinosaur at Dinosaur Land. In Titusville, Florida, he lived on a sailboat and sailed in the Atlantic Ocean. Later he went to see a rocket lift off at Cape Canaveral. How excit-ing! Stanley went to visit Enterprise, Alabama where all the peanuts are grown. He drove home to New York and just missed a tornado. He didn’t have to travel far to have fun. He even went to Carthage, Speculator, the St. Lawrence River, and Onondaga Lake. As you can see our second graders have learned many things about our country and the world, and it just took a little flat boy to take us there.

Flat Stanley Returns

Page 18 Newsletter Title

Annabelle Sweet, daugh-ter of Erick and Lisa Sweet, who skates for the Figure Skating Club (FSC) of Watertown par-ticipated recently in the Cicero Skate Challenge 2011 Competi-tion and she received a Silver Medal in the Basic Skills Snow-plow Sam and also the Silver Medal in Special Badge Show-case. Annabelle is in Mrs. Graves’ kindergarten class.

Student Celebrations

During March the STARS program hosted three events! Elementary Activity Day was held on

Saturday March 5 in the school gymnasium. Our Maple Ridge trip was cancelled again! We will try next year to make a tub-ing trip to Maple Ridge during February Break. STARS also hosted an Activity Night for the

students where they participated in different games and activities in the gym. On Saturday, March 26 STARS hosted the annual Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt where youth in grades Pre-K-3 used their flashlights to find goodies around the school. In April the STARS staff will be planning a trip to Watertown’s Showtime Roller Skating Rink,

and Activity Night for the youth. As the events get closer informa-tion will be posted on our web-page at un-der Extra Curricular and sent home with the students. Just a reminder student’s are asked to come prepared to go outside dur-ing regular STARS program.

STARS News, Mrs. Anna Steele

Page 19 Volume 1, Issue 1

On March 15th, Claire Stackel competed in the Scripps Regional Spelling Bee. Twenty-seven top spellers from Jeffer-son, Lewis and St. Lawrence Counties competed at General Brown High School. Claire fin-ished in 2nd place after many rounds between her and the

eventual winner Jane Wang of Potsdam. Claire is not new to winning Spelling Bees. She has competed many times at the Lewis County Fair and won. Congratulations Claire, Copen-hagen is very proud of you! Claire is the daughter of Robert and Katherine Stackel.

Congratulations Claire Stackel

On February 28th the ad-vanced art classes traveled to Syra-cuse and viewed the Scholastic Art Show as well as taking a small tour of the Everson Museum in Syracuse. At the Exhibit we were able to see the work of students from Copenha-gen as well as student work from all over northern and central New York. While at the Everson we saw many original Joseph Albers paintings as well as many famous pieces the stu-dents had learned about last year in studio art. The Everson has an in-credible ceramic section which was greatly enjoyed by the students.

Also, during vaca-tion the design class redesigned the music room. This project, inspired by HGTV’s design shows gives stu-dents the opportunity to face a pro-ject that almost all of us face at one point of another in life, “how do I redesign a room in my home.” At school students had to interview their prospective client, Mrs. Gleason. They had to prepare a presentation for a panel of teachers and school professionals, and they had to see the project through. This includes paint-ing, sometimes sewing, constructing and cleaning. The project was a suc-cess and Mrs. Gleason and her stu-dents seem happy with the outcome.

Page 20 Copenhagen Central School

Art News, Mrs. Hovendon

L to R: C.C.S. students at the Everson: Jaryn Waugh, Rachael Corey and Elizabeth Martin pictured in front of their work.

Varsity Boys Basketball Coach Scott Randall

The Varsity Boys’ Basketball team ended their 2010-2011 season with an overall record of 6-11 and a league record of 5-10. Although there were some tough losses throughout the season, there were also highlights worth men-tioning. The boys swept league rival LaFargeville and split regular season contests against both Belleville-Henderson and Alexandria. The team played well enough to force a Frontier League Playoff play in game at home, which they lost to Alexandria. Scoring leaders included senior Josh Spaulding who averaged 8.6 ppg, including a team high twenty 3 point field goals, and junior Justin Selley who averaged 6.9 ppg. Eighth grader Anto-nio Figueroa, who was added to the ros-ter halfway through the season, averaged 6.4 ppg. Josh Spaulding was named as Frontier League Honorable Mention. Other members of the team included: Connor Berrus – Junior Austen LaBarge - Senior (4.1 ppg) Collin Hess - Junior (3.4 ppg) Kody Petrus - Sophomore (2.1 ppg) Jacob Shew (Capt.) - Senior (4.6 ppg) Caleb Moser - Manager Jacob Graves - Manager Thank you to all of the players for their hard work throughout the sea-son. Even though there were many tough games, the boys kept their heads up and always played with effort no mat-ter the score. I would like to extend a special thank you to all the parents and family members for their support throughout the season. Thank you to assistant coaches Zach Shambo and Troy Buckley for your dedication to the pro-gram. Thank you to Renee Eisel for your tireless work as scorekeeper for both the boys’ and girls’ basketball pro-grams.

Varsity Girls Basketball Coach: Natalie Scott

Assistant Coach: Tamie Stephenson League Record: 14-0 Overall Record: 18-1

The Varsity Girls Basketball Team had a great season! They took first place honors of the Frontier League Division regular season and the Frontier League Division Playoffs. As a matter of fact, they went undefeated in the league this season which is a task the program had not accomplished in a long time. The determination in the returning girls’ play was tremendous and the effort and contributions made by the fresh faces to the varsity level were critical to the team’s success. The ride was great, but it took a lot of hard work, effort, team-work, and a strong, positive attitude!

The regular season was chal-lenging but the girls were up to the task for every performance. The girls went 14-0 overall in the league. They had very decisive victories over their other division opponents. The cross-over games also were won handily. The high-lights of the season were victories both home and away over Sackets Harbor and a victory again in the Frontier League Playoffs Championship at JCC. Also, the team’s wins in the Lewis County Christmas Tournament were big because it was a program first, taking the Cham-pionship. Morgan Kiernan was named the Tournament MVP and Danielle Eisel was named to the tournament all- star team. The girls did a fantastic job against some pretty stiff competition. Other important wins to the team were against Harrisville, Thousand Islands and two against Rome Catholic, a team that seemed to be a thorn in this particular team’s side since last year. This goes to show you how hard the girls worked in the off-season as well as during the sea-son.

The playoffs were played at home (first round) and J.C.C. (second round) this year. In the first round, we played Lyme. In the second round, we played Sackets Harbor. We were victori-ous in both games, and came out of it the Frontier League Playoff Champions! Named Frontier League All-Stars were Morgan Kiernan, Danielle Eisel, and Taylor Church! Rachel Griffin was also named an Honorable-Mention All Star! Congratulations to All!!!

Sectional play started off with a

bye in the first round. The Lady Knights, as a one seed, would have a home quar-terfinal game vs. 9 seed, Rome Catholic. The Knights played with a lot of heart and hustle and finally this year it was enough to defeat them and move on to the semi-final round. The semis brought us back to play a familiar opponent, Sackets Harbor, a team we had beat three times during the season. It was not meant for a fourth time, as we were upset by the 4th seed and our season ended abruptly.

Morgan Kiernan was honored with some great awards this season. Ear-lier she was chosen as the WWNY TV 7 Athlete of the Week, she is a three- time Frontier League all-star, she was named the Frontier League “D” Division MVP for the second year in a row, and she was named to the Section III All- Star Team. Danielle Eisel was also honored winning the Jill Bruce-Wiley Sportsmanship Scholarship given at the playoffs at JCC and she is a two-time Frontier League all-star. Taylor Church broke through this year as a frontier league all-star, up-grading from an honorable mention pick from a year ago. All these girls have had tremendous careers in basketball at Co-penhagen and will sorely be missed.

Copenhagen was led this year by senior captains, Morgan Kiernan, Danielle Eisel and Taylor Church. Jun-iors, Rachel Griffin, Taylor Murtha and Sara McNamara gained much experience and really improved and stepped-up their games during the season. Newcomers Logan Wheeler and Rachel Muncy gained much experience as sophomores and will be a vital part to our future suc-cess.

The team would like to thank the many fans that came out and sup-ported them throughout the season. The turn-outs at the games were spectacular! Tamie Stephenson as always thank you for all your help. Also, a thank you for your dedication in keeping score needs to be said to Renee Eisel! Of course we can’t forget to thank our managers Sam Kallen, Karlee Herzig, Mackenzie Wheeler and Laura Graves for the time they put into helping out with the team.

C.C.S. Winter Sports Wrap-up

Page 21 Copenhagen Central School

Junior Varsity Cheerleading Modified Girls Basketball

Coach Nancy Henry The Modified girls basketball team finished their season last week with two really competitive games. Their pro-gress was especially evident during the season. The girls were able to take what they had practiced and put it into their game. Their outside shooting, passing, layups and team defense got better with every day. The girls finished the season with a 5-5 record. The Knights were led by 8th graders Summer Patrick, Mackenzie St.Louis, Nicole Gardner, Morgan Young, Emily Sipher, Justine Malbouf, Courtney Steen and 7th grad-ers Emma Roberts, Alex Veihl, Claire Stackel, Christie Thomas, Mackenzie Wheeler, Sydney Greene and Laura Graves. Thanks to our managers Olivia Carroll and Lexie Greene for keeping us ready to go at all times. Many thanks to Carol Church who served as our hair-dresser, coach and scorekeeper. I would also say thank you to Mr. Randall who helped out the team when necessary. . Pee Wee, Junior Varsity, Varsity Cheer-

leading Coach Darcy Waugh, The 2010-2011 Junior Varsity Cheerleaders were: Makenzie Carr, Bre-anna Helfrich, Emily Griffin, Tessa Tan-ner, Mackenzie St. Louis, and Nicole Henry. This year’s group of girls worked very hard on their floor cheers, jumps and stunts. I know they will never forget the “Could It Be You” dance, the torture bands, putting up their first prep on the game floor, or Tessa thinking I spelled “Beaver”. Thank you for this year, you girls did such a great job this season. You should all be proud of yourselves, as I am proud of you. Keep working hard to achieve your goals; I know you can achieve anything you put your heart in to. To the Varsity Cheerleaders: although this was a trying year, ladies you definitely rose to the challenge. You had a phenomenal season. I am so proud of you and all of your Championships this year. You earned those titles with

all of your hard work and dedication. You are always striving for the best, and to be the best. Thank you to our Captain Jaryn for writing and choreographing our floor cheers this year and for all of your additions to our winning routine. I wish all of our Seniors the best of luck in their future endeavors, I know you will go far.

Modified Boys Coach Zachary Shambo

The 2011 modified boys basket-ball team developed and showed great improvement throughout our season. Our main focus for the year was team-work. Everyday we concentrated on growing and improving as a team, and not on an individual level. We believed that if each of us got a little better, then the team got a lot better. A couple of moments stuck out and made our season special. Our first win came after taking a beating against General Brown. We had just lost by a large amount and came back the next game and did the same to another team. This showed the teams toughness both mentally and physically. But, the biggest moment of the year came to our rivals Sackets Harbor. We were playing in Sackets and ended up losing the lead and having to go into overtime. From there, we went on to win the game. The team consisted of Ian Sawyer, Ryan Smith, Brandon Buckley, Garrett Munden, Theron Lauber, Kevin Carroll, Corey Moser, Connor Eddy, and last but not least, Nate Freeman. Also, a special thanks to Antonio Figueroa who was our scorekeeper and many times our tenth player in practices to allow us to scrimmage.

This team continued to keep things light even during rough practices and games. I have tremendous respect for each of these boys and the effort they put forth every day. I see a bright future for them ahead. I wish them the best of luck going forward. I am very proud to have been able to coach each of these boys.

Varsity Wrestling

Coach Neil Freeman This year could be described as

the “Youth Movement”. The team was led by Senior Captains Phillip Clarke and Jacob Frith, but with only one junior the remainder of the team was filled out with two eighth graders, two freshmen, and a whole bunch of rowdy sophomores. These boys really kept me on my toes! These young men should give us some great wrestling in the next few years.

Jacob Frith had his best season yet. He was able to achieve a career first by going undefeated at the Dominick Kossmann Tournament in Schoharie. Jacob has always been improving quietly in the background, going the extra mile for the team and coming through in the clutch. He placed 4th at the Class Tour-nament this year and qualified for the Sectionals. Jacob’s greatest wrestling moment was his key pin at the South Jefferson dual meet two years ago that helped the team to defeat South Jefferson for the first time in 29 years, their only loss in the Frontier League that season.

Phillip Clarke has had a stellar career at Copenhagen. He is a quiet, hard working young man who managed to earn a few accolades along the way. As a Junior he earned his 100th win, a Frontier League Championship, and ended the season as the Section III run-ner-up at 152. He attained his 100th pin halfway through his Senior year, and became the “winningest” wrestler in Co-penhagen history when he broke the school record for career wins—160, for-merly held by Jasin Carroll. Phillip re-peated as a Class D Champion, qualify-ing for the State Tournament in Albany. He finished his season by placing 4th at the NYSPHSAA Wrestling Champion-

(Continued on page 23)

Winter Sports Wrap-up

Page 22 Copenhagen Central School

January 24, 2011 Regular Meeting:

Approved minutes of previous meetings (December 15 and January 11)

Approved the Treasurer’s Report, the Warrants and the School Lunch Report

Approved resolution to authorize the issuance of $110,553 or so much less as may be necessary, serial bonds of the Copenhagen Central School District, Lewis and Jefferson Counties, New York, for the purchase of one 66 passen-ger school bus

Approved the appointment of the fol-lowing substitute teachers: Erin Shambo, Kyle Zehr, Kyle Overton

Approved request from elementary art/AIS TEACHER, Rachel Rarick, for a maternity leave commencing on or about March 15, 2011 for four (4) weeks

Approved the appointment of two Chemical Hygiene Officers, as follows: John McGraw and Robert Cooper

Approved the recommendations from the Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Pre-School Special Education

February 8, 2011 Special Official Meeting:

Approved recommendations from the Committee on Pre-School Special Edu-cation

Approved request from the Village of Copenhagen to exempt from the tax rolls the village’s new water plant located on Stoddard Road, Town of Denmark, along with the pipeline from the plant to the village and water tower, located on Route 194, Town of Denmark.

Approved conversion of the school’s van, a 2010 Chrysler, to comply with New York State DOT regulations in order to legally transport students.

March 3, 2011 Regular Meeting (rescheduled from February 28, 2011):

Approved minutes of the January 24, 2011 regular meeting as well as the Feb-ruary 8, 2011 special meeting.

Approved Warrants and School Lunch Report, submitting all for audit.

Approved budget transfers (#2) as pre-sented by the District Treasurer.

Accepted revised agenda.

Approved recommendations from the

Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Pre-School Special Edu-cation.

Approved spring coaching staff, as fol-lows:

(a) Varsity Baseball—Jim Spaulding (b) JV Baseball—Jared Spaulding (c) Modified Baseball—Scott Randall (d) Varsity Softball—John Cain (e) JV Softball—Tamie Stephenson (f) Modified Softball—Cathy Snyder

Approved the appointment of the follow-ing substitute teachers, Blair Kiernan and Sean Jolliff

Approved Service Request and contract with Madison Oneida BOCES for the 2011—2012 school year.

Approved the 2011—2012 Instructional calendar, as presented.

Approved contract with The Omni Group for third party administrative services for employer sponsored 403(b) plan 2011—2012 renewal. The contract is the same amount as 2010—2011 ($3,700.00).

Approved the reappointment of Amber Bradley, substitute teacher.

Board Actions:

Page 23 Copenhagen Central School

ships at 160 lb. with a career record of 169 wins and 32 losses. Joe Murtha (27—13) had an up and down year, but he worked hard and highlighted his season with a Frontier League Championship at 110 lbs. This is a tremendous accomplishment as the Frontier League Tournament is one of the toughest that a wrestler ever enters. With 78 wins to his credit, Joe is poised to join the 100 win club next year. He will be the only returning senior, and should have an outstanding season. The team is rounded out with some very dedicated, hard working, young, and sometimes challenging un-derclassmen, Najib Quinones, Matt Woodruff, and Travis Clarke all im-proved their skills and records this sea-son. Abe Gingerich improved through-out the season and always wrestled where the team needed him. Jake

(Continued from page 22) Nadelen returned to the wrestling mat this year and was a welcome addition. Robbie Harris (28 –10), and Scott Ham-blin (19-22), placed 2nd at the Class Tournament while Wyatt Lyndaker placed 3rd to qualify for the Section III Interclass Tournament. Breven and Brenden Jacobs moved up from manager ranks and made their presence known on Varsity. Both made it to the finals of the Class Tournament. Brenden placed sec-ond to move on to the Sectionals. Bre-ven won the Class Tournament and placed 6th at the Sectionals. I was very proud of the team this year. Since the section decided to add 96 and 285 weight classes to the dual meets, small schools like Copenhagen had an even bigger challenge filling teams and being successful. The rela-tively young team managed a respectable 13—15 season and earned some very high honors. They will only get better!

Thanks go to my assistant coach, Ken Clarke, Chris and Mike McDonald, Hayden and Ben Freeman, and all the other former Knights who pass on their skills each year, and to Modified Coach Gerald Snyder, who always helps out at the end of his season. All of you make the program possible. Thank you, Alex LaBarge, our excellent scorekeeper. As always, thank you to the parents and our dedicated fans that follow our wrestlers all over the state to cheer us on, (and feed us). Thank you to the home town fans who turn out to support us.

Winter Sports Wrap-up. . .continued

Page 24 Copenhagen Central School

Date Team Opponent Location Time

April 4, 2011 April 4, 2011

Varsity Boys Baseball JV Boys Baseball

Alexandria Central Alexandria Central

@ Alex Bay @ home

4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

April 4, 2011 April 4, 2011

Varsity Girls Softball JV Girls Softball

Alexandria Central Alexandria Central

@ Alex Bay @ home

4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

April 5, 2011 Varsity Girls Softball Indian River-Scrimmage @ Indian River 4:00 p.m.

April 6, 2011 April 6, 2011

Varsity Girls Softball JV Girls Softball

Beaver River Central Beaver River Central

@ Beaver River @ home

4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

April 6, 2011 April 6, 2011

Varsity Boys Baseball JV Boys Baseball

Beaver River Central Beaver River Central

@ Beaver River @ home

4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

April 8, 2011 April 8, 2011

JV Boys Baseball JV Girls Softball

Belleville Henderson Belleville Henderson

@ Belleville-Henderson @ Belleville-Henderson

4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

April 9, 2011 Varsity Boys Baseball Sandy Creek Central @ home 11:00 a.m.

April 9, 2011 Varsity Girls Softball Sandy Creek Central @ home 11:00 a.m.

April 11, 2011 April 11, 2011

Varsity Boys Baseball JV Boys Baseball

Thousand Islands Central Thousands Islands

@ T.I. @ home

4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

April 11, 2011 April 11, 2011

Varsity Girls Softball JV Girls Softball

Thousands Islands Central Thousands Islands Central

@ T.I. @ home

4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

April 12, 2011 Varsity Girls Softball South Lewis Central @ home 4:30 p.m.

April 12, 2011 April 12, 2011

Varsity Boys Baseball JV Boys Baseball

South Lewis Central South Lewis Central

@ home @ South Lewis

4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

April 15, 2011 April 15, 2011

JV Boys Baseball JV Girls Softball

Sandy Creek Central Sandy Creek Central

@ Sandy Creek @ Sandy Creek

4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

April 27, 2011 April 27, 2011

Varsity Boys Baseball JV Boys Baseball

Sackets Harbor Central Sackets Harbor Central

@ home @ Sackets Harbor

4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

April 27, 2011 April 27, 2011

Varsity Girls Softball JV Girls Softball

Sackets Harbor Central Sackets Harbor Central

@ home @ Sackets Harbor

4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

April 29, 2011 Varsity Girls Softball Lyme Central @ Lyme 4:30 p.m.

April 29, 2011 Varsity Boys Baseball Lyme Central @ Lyme 4:30 p.m.

April 29, 2011 JV Girls Softball Carthage Central @ Carthage 4:30 p.m.

April 30, 2011 JV Boys Baseball Carthage Central-Double Header @ Carthage 10:00a.m. /1:00 p.m.

Page 25 Volume 47, Issue 8

After participating in fund-raisers since 7th grade, the fruits of their labors have come to pass as 32 Copenhagen Central School Senior class members accompanied by their chaperones, Nadine O’Shaughnessy, Cynthia Graves, Ron Trainham and Cathy Snyder will depart Copenha-gen Central School on Friday, April 15, at 12:00 noon bound for Orlando,

Florida. The group will arrive on Sat-urday, April 16, and stay at Disney’s All Star Movie Resort, Lake Buena Vista, taking in all Disney World has to offer on Saturday, Sunday and Monday of April vacation. The group will go to Cocoa Beach on Tuesday, April 19, attend a barbeque

and then head back to Copenhagen arriving at about 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 20th.

2011 Senior Class Trip to Florida

In recognition of the na-tional designation of April, as ‘Alcohol Awareness Month’, Mountain View Prevention Ser-vices is bringing attention to this societal challenge. Just as spring is a time to be reminded that na-ture is ready to experience hope-ful change, April also provides the opportunity to renew the un-derstanding of just how influential alcohol can be on the lives of so many. Culturally using alcohol has become a socially accepted

adult activity. The critical re-minder is the fact that the in-tended acceptance is for adults, who have the developmental ma-turity to make important life deci-sions. Unfortunately this adult activity too frequently becomes the social focus at teen events. In recognizing this teen behavioral fact it is critical to re-mind all adults of their responsi-bility to give attention to this awareness. Keeping teens and young adults safe is a definite adult priority, and knowing that

alcohol abuse significantly re-duces this safety is of utmost im-portance. Statistics may mean little to most people; however, saving the life of even one teen from an alcohol related incident should be important to all people. For more alcohol preven-tion and intervention information please contact Mountain View Prevention Services, 315-376-2321, or Sheryl Hutton, Student Assistance Counselor, 315-688-4411.

April—A Time for Renewed Awareness By Sheryl Hutton SAP Counselor

Frog and Toad

Practices will be Mondays Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:20 – 5. Starting with first practice on April 6th

Show Dates are May 20th and 21st at 7p.m.

Please pick up and return per-mission slips from Mrs. Graves BEFORE the first practice April 6th.

Direct all questions to Mrs. Graves at [email protected] or call 688-4411.

Elementary Musical For Grades 2—6

We’re on the web @

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Board of Education

Tracey Thomas, Presi-dent

Prudence L. Kunert, Vice President

Koreen G. Freeman

Robert F. Stackel

Alfred E. Tomaselli

Kim R. Vogt

Irene S. Wilder


Scott N. Connell, Superintendent

Nadine O’Shaughnessy, K– 12 Principal

Dale R. Munn, Jr., Direc-tor of Student Services

STUDENT SUBJECT TEACHER CRITERIA Drew Baker ELA & History Mr. Zaluski Scholarship Stevin Baldwin Study Hall Mrs. Zehr Citizenship Damian Green History Mr. Thomson Scholarship Sydney Greene Science 7 Mrs. Scott Scholarship Nicholas Harris Science 8 Mrs. Scott Scholarship Morgan Herbert English 10 Ms. Griffin Scholarship Brandon Moser Global History 9 Mr. Cain Scholarship Derek Moser Physics Miss Schermerhorn Leadership Heidi Moser English 10 Ms. Griffin Scholarship Zach Nicol Global History 10 Mr. Cain Scholarship Dylan Rose Math 6 Mr. Zaluski Scholarship Erica Sawyer History 6 Mr. Zaluski Scholarship Erica Sawyer Science 6 Mrs. Scott Scholarship Maci Spaulding Math 6 Mr. Zaluski Scholarship Tyler St. Louis English 10 Ms. Griffin Scholarship Michaela Thomas Math 6 Mr. Zaluski Scholarship Hope Woodruff Math 6 Mr. Zaluski Scholarship

Hi Everyone, It’s me, Flat Stanley. I am here in Afghani-stan with Shareef Stokely’s dad who is fight-ing with the United States Army to keep us safe. Can you see the beautiful Hindu Kush Mountains behind us? Please go to page 18 to read about my adventures!