Coordinator Portfolio- February 2014

Professional Por,olio: Ryanne Early


Professional Portfolio

Transcript of Coordinator Portfolio- February 2014

Professional  Por,olio:  

Ryanne  Early  

Academic  Coaching  Philosophy  

Philosophy Statement- Academic Coach Coordinator

My philosophy of academic coaching encompasses the desire to impact a student in an overwhelming and permanent way. It is an honor to be the

person that a student trusts with their academic future and it is my duty to provide the best of myself to assist each and every student that relies on

me to provide them with accurate and timely information. Finally, it is important, as an academic coach, to seek my own divine counselor. An academic coach’s faith, values, and morals are an invaluable compass

during times of turmoil.

Career  Descrip:on:  Brief  

As an experienced Academic Advisor with proven skills working with students from diverse academic, socioeconomic, and cultural background. I have been responsible

for planning, developing, and conducting individual advising assistance with admissions, academic advising, class scheduling, degree plans and graduation. I had

the honor to teach a freshman seminar that discussed many topics pertinent to success in college. This course was created for students that were not placed at

college level classes. This course allowed me to create and alter curriculum specifically for that student population. I have continued to teach and lecture outside

the classroom by providing numerous presentations to different departments on campus. Those lectures have included campus orientation for the advising department

and learning style presentations for the Trio program. I have strong organizational skills which have been shown through tracking and monitoring all my students through various courses as well as developing reports that illustrate excellent student/advisor

communication and retention.

As a new Academic Coach Coordinator, I am exploring my leadership style and new ways to relay important information to the Academic

Coaches in such a way as to impact our student population. As a role that works with students more indirectly, it is imperative to inspire my coaches to meet our goals as a team and as a grant funded program. My focus this year will be to have all policies and procedures be data


I am working toward two future goals. First, I seek to combine my passion for high school to college student population and program creation.

Second, I wish to train future coaches and coordinators at an official level. Third, I wish to learn more about grant budget creation and monitoring

I. Personal Information

Ryanne Early 891 Goldenrod St.

Kyle, TX 78640 512-636-7660

[email protected]


University of Phoenix- Online June 2007- November 2009 Master of Education- Adult Learning and Training The University of Texas at Austin May 2002- May 2005 Bachelor of Arts- Sociology Minor- Psychology

Lone Star College System, Adjunct Faculty Certified- Tomball, TX December 2011 National Academic Advising Association, Member July 2012 NACADA Region 7- TEXAAN, Texas Academic Advising Network, Member July 2012 Texas Association for College Admissions Counseling, Member July 2012

Certifications and Memberships



Proven graduate coursework in grant writing, program development, effectiveness, and enhancement Demonstrated ability to develop and present creative, informative seminars Analyze, interpret, and explain test scores Excellent organizational skills, time management, and ability to multi-task Proven interpersonal and presentation skills Ability to manage and lead change

  Texas State University- San Marcos, TX Academic Coach Coordinator, PACE October 2013- Present Provide case management of Academic Coaches Relay financial education to students via Academic Coaches, presentations, and workshops  Collect and interpret data according to grant Creation and implementation of needed, up to date, and modern presentations and workshops Assist students with academic and social skill building Texas State University- San Marcos, TX Academic Advisor, PACE May 2012- October 2013 Assist students with decision-making in choosing majors Guide students in completion of admissions requirements for majors Attend orientation sessions to provide advising and give group presentations Assist with recruiting and retention initiatives Provide data regarding number of students advised and other information   Lone Star College System- Tomball, TX Adjunct Faculty, Human Development August 2011- May 2012 Develop and utilize course syllabus Plan, develop, and uses of variety of teaching methods and materials Create strategies for working with students that are not yet college ready Evaluate students to measure course progress Submit reports and forms in a timely fashion Advise students in academic matters Maintain quality contact with student in a timely manner


 Lone Star College System- Tomball, TX Academic Advisor March 2011- May 2012 Advise new/returning/graduating students on academic matters Assist with admissions and registrar questions and/or concerns Implements, interprets, and advises on district/state policies regarding testing and placement Provide career counseling Advise students on appropriate course selections, semester course load and workload ratio   The Greensheet- Austin, TX Community Relations and Promotions November 2010- March 2011 Promote in-kind trades with local business Immerse The Greensheet into local events Conduct writing workshops for K-12 students Encourage creativity and independent thinking by K-12 students University of Phoenix- Austin, TX Academic Counselor August 2007 – October 2008 Advise students about programs offered Assist with admissions and financial aid questions and/or concerns Counsel students to be successful in their classes Maintain student retention Assist with graduation policies and procedures

Coaching Materials:

- One on One Meeting Form - Academic Coach Coordinator Intervention Chart

- Flow of Academic Coach meetings - Intake survey

-  Success Plan -  Active Livebinder with student resources/links


Students Served:

- Traditional Freshman - E-Stars

- Special Select - Probation Students - Academic Coaches

Philosophy Reference:

My philosophy involves providing the best service to the students and coaches.

The best service is accurate, thorough, provided in a timely fashion, and easily accessible.

Best Professional Practices:

-  Creation and implementation of New Mentor Training- Academic Advising Section -  Assist with the Title V, Lending Library

-  Conduct fair and accurate evaluations of Academic Coaches -  Participate in interview selection process for Fall Academic Coaches -  Conduct one on one meetings with students and Academic Coaches

- Maintenance of necessary grant data -  Excel at monitoring co-workers stress: offer to assist with data input, difficult students/parents, etc

-  Idea generation/creation: input of opinions, experiences, reflections, and suggestions

Students Served:

- Traditional Freshman - E-Stars

- Special Select - Probation Students - Academic Coaches

Philosophy Reference:

My philosophy relays the importance I have on knowing/having someone/something to depend on during times of turmoil. I make all attempts to be the person a co-worker/supervisor can trust and rely on during difficult times.


PACE MAC Teams/Committees

PACE MAC Social Media Team: Creator, Lead, Facebook Lead

Professional Literature:

Behind Happy Faces by Ross Szabo and Melanie Hall The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

III. Professional Development & Service

Presentation Submissions:

PACE Transition Week 2014: Budgeting for Bobcats: Surviving the Sophomore Expenses Synopsis: Your transition from a Freshman to a Sophomore comes with many changes, one of which, will include additional expenses. Where will you live? How will you get to campus? Do I really need cable? This presentation will teach you the skills needed to reflect on wants vs. needs and to create a balanced budget that will make both you and your wallet happy.  

New Employee Orientation I New Employee Orientation II EEO Compliance Certification Ethics Compliance Certification In Limbo: Undocumented Students Fall ALLIES Training QPR- Suicide Prevention Training Beyond Stress Estate Planning Survival Spanish- Beginner Some Assembly Required: Networking From Foster Care to College Student Combat to Classroom FERPA College Mental Health: Understanding and Helping Your Students in Distress NACADA TechTalks: Trends & Future for Technology in Advising Survival Skills for Teaching Online

Mentoring Coffee 2013 PACE MAC Training Interpreting Nutrition Labels Facilitation Skills Training US1100, PACE, and e-Portfolio College Mental Health Effective Online Discussion


Professional Education:  

Within Department:

- Assist with the creation and implementation of the Fall Financial Education presentation

- Assist with creation and implementation of Fuel up for Finals - Assist with the Spring Student Organization Fair- PACE MAC table

- Creation and implementation of FAFSA Workshop

Campus Wide:

New Student Orientation 2014 PACE Transition Event- “Budgeting for Bobcats: Surviving the Sophomore


IV. University Service

V. Feedback

I  am  much  be@er!  Thank  you  so  much  for  checking  on  me!  I  got  to  go  home  and  see  my  family  for  Labor  day  so  that  was  a  really  good  thing!  That  was  a  great  sugges:on  about  the  football  games  and  we  can  certainly  try  to  do  that.  Now  that  clubs  are  star:ng  up  and  classes  have  started  I  have  had  no  problem  making  friends.    Again,  thanks  so  much!  


Thank  you  so  much  for  the  assistance  you  provided  me  during  my  registra:on  process.  The  mee:ng  was  both  informa:ve  and  entertaining.  I  apologize  for  the  late  reply.  Just  realized  today  I  had  a  txstate  email  address.  I  was  expec:ng  to  find  your  welcome  email  in  my  yahoo  mail  account.  I  was  able  to  get  classes  in  all  the  recommended  courses  you  gave  me  but  one.  MC  1301.  But  you  had  prepared  me  for  that  so  it  didn't  come  as  a  shock.  Thank  you  once  again  and  will  happily  take  you  up  on  your  offer  if  I  have  any  ques:ons  or  concerns.  


-­‐  Thank  you  for  all  you  help  and  concern  for  Sean!    He  has  an  appointment  with  you  on  Monday.  I  am  very  glad  he  is  star:ng  out  with  you  since  you  know  the  most  about  his  situa:on.  

-­‐  Thank  you  for  mee:ng  with  Sean!    He  said  very  li@le,  except  that  he  really  liked  you  &  expected  you  to  be  older.  

-­‐  Thank  you  for  all  you  do  for  Sean  &  his  fellow  lost  freshmen  students.  

Dear  Ryanne    ,  Now  that  the  dust  has  se@led  from  the  first  weeks  of  school,  I  wanted  to  thank  you  for  your  assistance  with  water  distribu:on  during  PAWS  Preview.  It’s  not  the  most  glamorous  job,  but  it  is  definitely  a  must  during  the  Texas  heat!  Without  you,  the  program  would  not  have  run  as  smoothly  as  it  did.  Thanks  again  for  giving  up  a  couple  of  hours  of  your  :me  to  spend  with  me  at  the  water  tents!  


Feedback  (cont.)  

Accomplishments: - Create reputation as a competent and compassionate Academic Coach Coordinator

- Continue personal and professional growth - Join organizations outside of my department, while maintaining a manageable workload

- Reflect dedication to Texas State University, while proving my desire to advance

VI. Accomplishments & Challenges

Challenges: Overcome this year - More structure to meetings

- Smooth transition from Advising to Coaching - Learned grant objectives and necessary data to be collected

Challenges- Current/Future: - Create/maintain lateral collaboration with PACE MAC team

- Meet goals of grant each semester/year



- Continue to grow as a leader and Academic Coach Coordinator - Gain/Improve my leadership skills

- Gain/Improve on my training and development skill - Create a thorough training and retreat for the Fall Academic Coaches

- Become a member of the Staff Council


- Attend at least 5 professional development opportunities - Request additional leaderships roles

- Request to train new academic coaches and/or create training material - Create a fun, learning centered retreat

VII. Goals and Objectives- 2013

Last  Updated-­‐  February  2014