Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

Cool Latin Phrases aut viam inveniam aut faciam I will either find a way or make one. Latin Phrases on Achievement beneficium accipere libertatem est vendere To accept a favour is to sell one's freedom. Philosophical Latin Phrases adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit (Ovid) Add a little to a little and there will be a great heap. Latin Phrases on Perseverance castigat ridendo mores One corrects customs by laughing at them. Latin Phrases on Criticism de gustibus non est disputandum In matters of taste, there is no argument. Latin Phrases on Tastes & Preferences legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus We are slaves of the law in order that we may be able to be free. Philosophical Latin Phrases non omnis moriar (Horace, Odes) Not all of me shall die.

Transcript of Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

Page 1: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

Cool Latin Phrases

aut viam inveniam aut faciam I will either find a way or make one. Latin Phrases on Achievement

beneficium accipere libertatem est vendere To accept a favour is to sell one's freedom. Philosophical Latin Phrases

adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit (Ovid) Add a little to a little and there will be a great heap. Latin Phrases on Perseverance

castigat ridendo mores One corrects customs by laughing at them. Latin Phrases on Criticism

de gustibus non est disputandum In matters of taste, there is no argument. Latin Phrases on Tastes & Preferences

legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus We are slaves of the law in order that we may be able to be free. Philosophical Latin Phrases

non omnis moriar (Horace, Odes) Not all of me shall die.

parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus Mountains will be in labour, and an ridiculous mouse will be born (all that work and nothing to show for it) Funny Latin Phrases

Page 2: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

crede quod habes, et habes Believe that you have it, and you do. Latin Phrases: Believing, Trusting

absentem laedit cum ebrio qui litigat To quarrel with a drunk is to wrong a man who is not even there. Latin Phrases: Alcohol

dulce bellum inexpertis War is sweet to those who have never fought. Latin Phrases: War

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English Phrases Latin Phrases


English Greetings Latin Greetings:

Hi! Heus!

Good morning! Salvē!

Good evening! Salvē!

Welcome! (to greet someone) Salvē!

How are you? Quid agis?

I'm fine, thanks! Valeō!

And you? Et tū?

Good/ So-So. Bene / admodum bene.

Thank you (very much)! Grātias (multas)

You're welcome! (for "thank you") Salūtātiō!

Hey! Friend! Heus! Amīcus (male) / Amīca (female)

I missed you so much! Tē dēsīderāvī tantum!

What's new? Quid novī?

Nothing much Nullum multum.

Good night! Valē!

Page 3: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

English Phrases Latin Phrases

See you later! Valē!

Good bye! Valē!

Asking for Help and Directions

I'm lost Intereō.

Can I help you? Te adiuvāre possum?

Can you help me? Me adiuvāre potes?

Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)?Ubī sunt lātrīnae? / Ubī est taberna medicāmentāriī?Ubī sunt lātrīnae? / Ubī est pharmacopīlium?

Go straight! then turn left/ right! Vāde rēctā. Tunc verte ā sinistrā / dextrā!

I'm looking for john. Iōannem quaerō.

One moment please! Parumper exspectā!

Hold on please! (phone)(no telephones in Ancient Rome)Parumper exspectā!

How much is this? Quantī cōnstāt?

Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) Ignōsce!

Excuse me! ( to pass by) Excusā!

Come with me! Mēcum venī!

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How to Introduce Yourself


Do you speak (English/ Latin)? Loquerisne (Anglicē / Lātinē)?

Just a little. Modo paululus.

What's your name? Quid est teum nōmen?

My name is ... Meum nōmen ... est.

Mr.../ Mrs.…/ Miss… Dominus ... / Domina ...

Page 4: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

How to Introduce Yourself

Nice to meet you! Suāve tē cognōscere est!

You're very kind! Tū benignissimus (m) / benignissima (f) es!

Where are you from? Quid dēfluis?

I'm from (England / Rome)I'm from (the U.S/ Vatican City)

(Angliam / Rōmam) dēfluō. (Americam / Cīvitātem Vāticānam) dēfluō.

I’m (English / Roman)I'm (American)

(Anglicus (m) / Anglica (f) / Rōmānus (m) / Rōmāna) sum.(Americanus (m) / Americana (f) / Cīvis Vāticānus (m) / Cīvis Vāticāna (f) ) sum.

Where do you live? Ubī habitās?

I live in (England / Rome)I live in (the U.S/ Vatican City)

In (Anglia / Rōma) habitō.In (America / Cīvitāte Vāticāna) habitō.

Did you like it here? Hīc tibī placuitne?

Rome is a wonderful city.Vatican City is a wonderful country

Rōma urbs mīrābilis est. Cīvitās Vāticāna mīrābilis est.

What do you do for a living? Quid lavōrās quaestum facere?

I work as a (translator/ businessman)

(Interpres / negōtiātor) sum.

I like Latin Mihī placet lingua latīna.

I've been learning Latin for 1 month

Linguam lātinam mensem ūnum didicī.

Oh! That's good! Ōh! Hōc bonum est!

How old are you? Quotōs annōs habēs?

I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old. (Vīgintī, trīgintā ...) annōs habeō.

I have to go Mihī abeundum est.

I will be right back! Cōnfestim reveniō!

Wish Someone Something

Good luck! Fēlicitās!

Happy birthday! Beātum Diem Nātālem!

Page 5: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

How to Introduce Yourself

Happy new year! Annum Faustum!

Merry Christmas! Nātālem Hilarem!

Congratulations! Grātulātiō!

Enjoy! (for meals...) Ēsurī!

I'd like to visit Rome one day.I'd like to visit Vatican City one day

Mihī libet ōlim Rōmam vīsere.Mihī libet ōlim Cīvitātem Vāticānam vīsere.

Say hi to John for me Prō mē Iōannem salvēre iubē.

Bless you (when sneezing) Salūtā!

Good night and sweet dreams! Valē habēque somnia suāvēs!

Solving a Misunderstanding

I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something)


Sorry (for a mistake) Mē miseret!

No Problem! Quaesītiōnem nullam!

Can You Say It Again? Iterum dicere potes?

Can You Speak Slowly? Lentē dicere potes?

Write It Down Please! Id scrībe sīs!

I Don't Understand! Nōn intellegō!

I Don't Know! Ignōrō!

I Have No Idea. Nulla imāgō habeō.

What's That Called In Latin? Quōmodo Lātinē hōc dīcitur?

What Does "gato" Mean In English?

Quid Anglicē "..." significāt?

How Do You Say "Please" In Latin?

Quōmodo Lātinē "..." dīcitur?

What Is This? Quid hōc est?

Page 6: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

How to Introduce Yourself

My Latin is bad. Mea lingua latīna est mala.

I need to practice my Latin Mē oportet exercēre meam linguam latīnam.

Don't worry! Nōn sollicitāre!

Latin Expressions and Words

Good/ Bad/ So-So. Bonum / malum / admodum bonum.

Big/ Small Māgnum / parvum

Today/ Now Hodiē / nunc

Tomorrow/ Yesterday Crās / herī

Yes/ No Ita / Nōn

Here you go! (when giving something)


Do you like it? Tibī placet?

I really like it! Mihī vērē placet!

I'm hungry/ thirsty. Ēsuriō / sitiō.

In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night.

Māne / vespere / noctū.

This/ That. Here/There Hōc / illud. Hīc / illīc.

Me/ You. Him/ Her. Ego / tū. Is / ea.

Really! Vērē!

Look! Aspice!

Hurry up! Properā!

What? Where? Quid? Ubi?

What time is it? Quota hōra est?

It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm. Hōra decima est. Hōra septima minūta tricesima vespere est.

Give me this! Mihī hōc da!

I love you! Te amō!

Page 7: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

How to Introduce Yourself

I feel sick. Nauseō.

I need a doctor Opus est mihī medicō.

One, Two, Threeūnus, duo, trēs( I, II, III )

Four, Five, Sixquattuor, quīnque, sex(IV, V, VI)

Seven, Eight, Nine, Tenseptem, octō, novem, decem(VII, VIII, IX, X)

French Phrases

Here you can either watch the French phrases in this video or read them as text in the table below:

French Phrases

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English Phrases French Phrases


English Greetings French Greetings:

Hi! Salut!

Good morning! Bonjour! (also used in the afternoon)

Good evening! Bonsoir! (After 06:00pm)

Welcome! (to greet someone) Bienvenue!

How are you? Comment vas-tu?/ Comment allez-vous? (polite)

I'm fine, thanks! Je vais bien, merci!

Page 8: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

English Phrases French Phrases

And you? Et toi?/ Et vous? (polite)

Good/ So-So. Bien / Comme-ci, comme-ça.

Thank you (very much)! Merci (beaucoup!)

You're welcome! (for "thank you") Il n'y a pas de quoi

Hey! Friend! Hé ! L'ami!

I missed you so much! Tu m'as tellement manqué!

What's new? Quoi de neuf?

Nothing much Pas grand chose.

Good night! Bonne nuit!

See you later! A plus tard!

Good bye! Au revoir!

Asking for Help and Directions

I'm lost Je suis perdu

Can I help you? Puis-je vous aider?

Can you help me? Peux-tu m'aider? Pouvez-vous m'aider? (polite)

Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? Où sont les toilettes? Où est la pharmacie?

Go straight! then turn left/ right! Allez tout droit! Puis prennez à gauche/ droite!

I'm looking for john. Je cherche Jean

One moment please! Un moment s'il vous plaît.

Hold on please! (phone) Un moment s'il vous plaît / Ne raccrocher pas!

How much is this? Combien cela coûte?

Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) Excusez-moi ...

Excuse me! ( to pass by) Pardon!

Come with me! Viens avec moi!/ Venez avec moi! (polite)

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How to Introduce Yourself


Do you speak (English/ French)? Parlez-vous (Anglais/ Français)?

Just a little. Juste un petit peu!

What's your name? Comment t'appelles-tu?/ Comment vous appelez-vous (polite)

My name is ... Je m'appelle …

Mr.../ Mrs.…/ Miss… Monsieur.../ Madame.../ Mademoiselle…

Nice to meet you! C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer!/ Enchanté!

You're very kind! Tu es très gentil!/ Vous êtes très gentil! (polite)

Where are you from? D'où viens-tu?/ D'où venez-vous? (polite)

I'm from (the U.S/ France) Je viens (des USA or Etats-Unis / de France)

I'm (American) Je suis américain/ américaine (female)

Where do you live? Où vis-tu?/ Où vivez-vous? (polite)

I live in (the U.S/ France) Je vis (aux Etats-Unis / en France)

Did you like it here? T'es-tu plu ici?/ Vous êtes-vous plu ici? (polite)

France is a wonderful country La France est un pays merveilleux

What do you do for a living? Que fais-tu dans la vie?/ Que faites-vous dans la vie? (polite)

I work as a (translator/ businessman)

Je suis (traducteur/ homme d'affaires)

I like French J'aime le français

I've been learning French for 1 month

J'apprends le français depuis un mois.

Oh! That's good! Oh! C'est bien!

How old are you? Quel âge as-tu? Quel âge avez-vous? (polite)

I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old. J'ai (vingt, trente ...) ans.

I have to go il faut que je parte.

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How to Introduce Yourself

I will be right back! Je reviens tout de suite!

Wish Someone Something

Good luck! Bonne chance!

Happy birthday! Joyeux anniversaire!

Happy new year! Bonne année!

Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël!

Congratulations! Félicitations!

Enjoy! (for meals...) Bon appétit!

I'd like to visit France one day J'aimerai bien visiter la France un jour.

Say hi to John for me Passe le bonjour à Jean de ma part.

Bless you (when sneezing) A vos souhaits!

Good night and sweet dreams! Bonne nuit et fais de beaux rêves!

Solving a Misunderstanding

I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something)


Sorry (for a mistake) Je suis désolé

No Problem! Ça n'est pas grave!

Can You Say It Again? Pourriez-vous répéter?

Can You Speak Slowly? Pourriez-vous parler un peu moins vite ?

Write It Down Please! Est-ce que vous pourriez l'écrire?

I Don't Understand! Je ne comprends pas!

I Don't Know! Je ne sais pas!

I Have No Idea. Je n'en sais rien.

What's That Called In French? Comment dit-on cela en français?

What Does "gato" Mean In English?

Comment dit-on "gâteau" en anglais?

Page 11: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

How to Introduce Yourself

How Do You Say "Please" In French?

Comment dit-on "Please" en français?

What Is This? Qu'est-ce que c'est?

My France is bad. Mon français est mauvais.

I need to practice my France J'ai besoin de pratiquer mon français.

Don't worry! Ne t'inquiètes pas! Ne vous inquiétez pas! (polite)

France Expressions and Words

Good/ Bad/ So-So. Bien or Bon/ Mal or Mauvais/ Moyennment

Big/ Small Grand/ Petit

Today/ Now Aujourd'hui / Maintenant

Tomorrow/ Yesterday Demain / Hier

Yes/ No Oui / Non

Here you go! (when giving something)


Do you like it? Est-ce que tu aimes?

I really like it! J'aime beaucoup!

I'm hungry/ thirsty. J'ai faim /soif

In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night.

Le matin/ Le soir/ La nuit

This/ That. Here/There Ceci / cela. Ici / Là-bas.

Me/ You. Him/ Her. Moi /Toi. Lui/ Elle

Really! Vraiment

Look! Regarde!

Hurry up! Dépêche-toi!

What? Where? Quoi? Où?

What time is it? Quelle heure est-il?

Page 12: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

How to Introduce Yourself

It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm. Il est 10 heures. Il est 19h30.

Give me this! Donne-moi ça!

I love you! Je t'aime!

I feel sick. Je me sens malade

I need a doctor J'ai besoin d'un docteur

One, Two, Three Un, deux, trois

Four, Five, Six quatre, cinq, six

Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten sept, huit, neuf, dix.

Survival Phrases

Emergency! Urgence

We need a doctor! Il nous faut un médecin !

Distress signal Signal de détresse

Help! A l’aide!/Au secours !

Evacuate the area! évacuez les lieux !

Antibiotics Des antibiotiques

Bandage Un pansement

Blood Du sang

Burn Brûler (une brûlure)

Clean Propre/nettoyer

Dead Mort

Doctor Docteur

Fever Fièvre

Hospital Hôpital

Infection Infection

Injured Blessé

Page 13: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

How to Introduce Yourself

Malnutrition sous-alimenté t

Medic Médecin

Medicine médicament

Nurse Infirmière

Poison Poison (pronunced : powazon)

Sick Malade

Vitamins Vitamines

Wound blessure (open wound : plaie)

I am a doctor. Je suis docteur.

I am not a doctor. Je ne suis pas docteur.

I am going to help Je vais vous aider

Can you walk? Vous pouvez vous marcher ?

Can you sit? Vous pouvez vous assoir ?

Can you stand? Vous pouvez vous lever ?

Are you in pain? Avez-vous mal ?

You will get a shot. Nous allons vous faire une piqûre.

I will take you to the hospital. Je vais vous emmener à l’hôpital.

What is wrong? Qu’est ce qui ne va pas ?

Are you injured? Êtes-vous blessé ?

Can you feed yourself? Vous pouvez manger tout seul ?

Open your mouth. Ouvrez la bouche.

Are you pregnant? Êtes-vous enceinte ?

It hurts !/It’s painful ! J'ai mal !

Page 14: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

How to Introduce Yourself

Take care ! Faites attention !

It’s dangerous. C’est dangereux

It’s cold. C’est froid.

It’s hot. C’est chaud.

Don’t go this way ! N’allez pas par là !

Did you felt ? Vous êtes tombé ?

It's poisonous food. C’est un aliment toxique.

The water is drinkable. L’eau est potable.

It’s an infectious disease. C’est une maladie contagieuse.

You will have to undergo surgery.

Vous allez devoir être opéré/Vous allez devoir subir une opération chirurgicale.

Stop that ! Arrêtez !

Give me a break !/Leave me alone !

Laissez-moi tranquille !

Go away! Partez !

Call the police. Appelez la police/appelez la gendarmerie.

I’ve just been robbed. Je viens d’être victime de vol.

It’s him who attacked me. C’est lui l’agresseur.

It’s no me ! Ce n’est pas moi !

I didn’t did it on purpose. Je ne l'ai pas fait intentionnellement.

This is not my fault. Ce n’est pas ma faute.

Italian Phrases

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Page 15: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

English Phrases Italian Phrases


English Greetings Italian Greetings:

Hi! Ciao!

Good morning! Buongiorno!

Good evening! Buona sera!

Welcome! (to greet someone) Benvenuto!/ Benvenuta! (female)

How are you? Come stai?/ Come state (polite)?

I'm fine, thanks! Bene, grazie!

And you? e tu? e lei? (polite)

Good/ So-So. Bene/ così e così.

Thank you (very much)! Grazie (molto)!

You're welcome! (for "thank you") Prego!

Hey! Friend! Ciao! Amico!

I missed you so much! Mi sei mancato molto!

What's new? che c'è di nuovo?

Nothing much Non molto

Good night! Buona notte!

See you later! A dopo

Good bye! Arrivederci!

Asking for Help and Directions

I'm lost Mi sono perso/ persa (feminine)

Can I help you? Posso aiutarti?/ posso aiutarla (polite)?

Can you help me? Potresti aiutarmi?/ potrebbe aiutarmi? (polite)

Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? Dove posso trovare (il bagno/ la farmacia?)

Go straight! then turn left/ right! Vada dritto! e poi giri a destra/ sinistra!

Page 16: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

English Phrases Italian Phrases

I'm looking for john. Sto cercando John.

One moment please! Un momento prego!

Hold on please! (phone) Attenda prego!

How much is this? Quanto costa questo?

Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) Scusami!/ Mi scusi! (polite)

Excuse me! ( to pass by) Permesso

Come with me! Vieni con me!/ Venga con me! (polite)

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How to Introduce Yourself


Do you speak (English/ Italian)? Parli (inglese/italiano)?/ Parla (inglese/italiano)? (polite)

Just a little. Solo un po'.

What's your name? Quale è il suo nome?

My name is ... Mi chiamo ...

Mr.../ Mrs.…/ Miss… Signor …/ Signora …(usually for both Mrs. & Ms)

Nice to meet you! è un piacere conoscerti!/ è un piacere conoscerla (polite)

You're very kind! Sei molto gentile!/ lei è molto gentile (polite)

Where are you from? Di dove sei?/ Di dove è? (polite)

I'm from (the U.S/ Italy) Sono (statunitense, italiano).

I'm (American) Sono americano.

Where do you live? Dove vivi?/ Dove vive? (polite)

I live in (the U.S/ Italy) Vivo (negli stati uniti / in Italia)

Did you like it here? ti piace qui?

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How to Introduce Yourself

Italy is a wonderful country L'italia è un paese meraviglioso.

What do you do for a living? cosa fai per vivere?

I work as a (translator/ businessman)

Lavoro come (traduttore/ uomo d'affari)

I like Italian Mi piace l'italiano.

I've been learning Italian for 1 month

imparo l'italiano da un mese.

Oh! That's good! Grande!

How old are you? Quanti anni hai?

I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old. Ho (venti, trenta …) anni.

I have to go Devo andare

I will be right back! Torno subito!

Wish Someone Something

Good luck! Buona fortuna!

Happy birthday! Buon compleanno!

Happy new year! Felice anno nuovo!

Merry Christmas! Buon natale!

Congratulations! Congratulazioni!

Enjoy! (for meals...) Buon appetite!

I'd like to visit Italy one day Mi piacerebbe visitare l'Italia un giorno di questi!

Say hi to John for me Saluta John da parte mia!

Bless you (when sneezing) Salute!

Good night and sweet dreams! Buona notte e sogni d'oro!

Solving a Misunderstanding

I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something)

Sono spiacente!

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How to Introduce Yourself

Sorry (for a mistake) Scusami!/ Mi scusi! (polite)

No Problem! Non c'è problema!

Can You Say It Again?Potresti ripetere per favore?/ Potrebbe ripetere per favore? (polite)

Can You Speak Slowly?Puoi parlare lentamente? Potrebbe parlare lentamente? (polite)

Write It Down Please! Scrivilo per favore!/ Lo scriva per favore (polite)

I Don't Understand! Non capisco!

I Don't Know! Non lo so!

I Have No Idea. Non ne ho idea!

What's That Called In Italian? Come si chiama quella cosa in italiano?

What Does "gato" Mean In English? Cosa significa "scusami" in inglese?

How Do You Say "Please" In Italian?

Come dite “please” in italiano?

What Is This? Cos'è questa cosa?

My Italian is bad. il mio italiano è orribile.

I need to practice my Italian ho bisogno di fare pratica con il mio italiano

Don't worry! non ti preoccupare !

Italian Expressions and Words

Good/ Bad/ So-So. Buono/ Cattico/ Così e così

Big/ Small Grosso/ Piccolo

Today/ Now Oggi/ Adesso

Tomorrow/ Yesterday Domani/ ieri

Yes/ No Si/ No

Here you go! (when giving something)


Do you like it? Ti piace?

Page 19: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

How to Introduce Yourself

I really like it! Mi piace davvero.

I'm hungry/ thirsty. Sono Affamato/ Assetato.

In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night.Di mattina/ Di sera/ Di notte. (also Stamattina/ Stasera = this ~)

This/ That. Here/There Questo/ Quello. Qui/ Li.

Me/ You. Him/ Her. io/ tu, voi (you polite). Lui/ Lei

Really! Davvero!

Look! Guarda!

Hurry up! Sbrigati!

What? Where? Cosa? Dove?

What time is it? Che ore sono?

It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm. Sono le dieci precise. le sette e trenta

Give me this! Dammi questo!

I love you! Ti amo!/ Ti voglio bene!

I feel sick. Mi sento male!

I need a doctor Ho bisogno di un dottore!

One, Two, Three Uno, Due, Tre.

Four, Five, Six Quattro, Cinque, Sei.

Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten Sette, Otto, Nove, Dieci.

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English Phrases Spanish Phrases


English Greetings Spanish Greetings:

Page 20: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

English Phrases Spanish Phrases

Hi! ¡Hola!

Good morning! ¡Buenos Días!

Good evening! ¡Buenas Tardes!

Welcome! (to greet someone) ¡Bienvenido!

How are you? ¿Cómo Estás?

I'm fine, thanks! Estoy Bíen ¡Gracias!

And you? ¿Y Tú?

Good/ So-So. Bíen/ Así Así

Thank you (very much)! ¡(Muchas) Gracias!

You're welcome! (for "thank you") ¡De Nada!

Hey! Friend! ¡Eh! ¡Amigo!

I missed you so much! ¡Te Extraño Mucho!

What's new? ¿Qué Hay De Nuevo?

Nothing much Nada

Good night! ¡Buenas noches!

See you later! ¡Hasta luego!

Good bye! ¡Adiós!

Asking for Help and Directions

I'm lost Estoy perdido

Can I help you? ¿Podría Ayudarse?

Can you help me? ¿Puede Ayudarme?

Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)?

¿Dónde Está (el Baño/ la Farmacia)?

Go straight! then turn left/ right! ¡Vaya Ud Derecho! Pues Tuerza Ud por la Izquierda/

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English Phrases Spanish Phrases


I'm looking for john. Estoy Buscando A Juan.

One moment please! ¡Un Momento, Por Favor!

Hold on please! (phone) ¡No Cuelgue, Por Favor!

How much is this? ¿Cuánto Vale/ Cuesta Eso?

Excuse me ...! (to ask for something)

¡Perdone! / ¡Oiga!

Excuse me! ( to pass by) ¡Perdone! / Disculpe!

Come with me! ¡Venga Conmigo!

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How to Introduce Yourself


Do you speak (English/ Spanish)? ¿Hablas (Inglés/ Español)?

Just a little. Solo Un Poquito.

What's your name? ¿Cómo te llamas?

My name is ... Me llamo ...

Mr.../ Mrs.…/ Miss… Señor.../ Señora.../ Señorita...

Nice to meet you! ¡Tanto Gusto! / Medio Gusto Conocerte!

You're very kind! ¡Eres Muy Amable!

Where are you from? ¿De Dónde Eres?

I'm from (the U.S/ Spain)Soy De (los Estados Unidos/ España..) / Soy (americano)

I'm (American) Soy (americano/ americana)

Where do you live? ¿Dónde Vives?

I live in (the U.S/ Spain) Vivo En (los Estados Unidos/ España)

Page 22: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

How to Introduce Yourself

Did you like it here? ¿Le gusta a usted aquí?

Spain is a wonderful country España Es Un País Maravelloso

What do you do for a living? ¿A Qué Te Dedicas?

I work as a (translator/ businessman) Trabajo Como (Traductor/ Hombre de Negocios)

I like Spanish Me Gusta El Español

I've been learning Spanish for 1 month Tengo Un Mes Estudiando Español

Oh! That's good! ¡Oh, Qué Bíen!

How old are you? ¿Cuántos Años Tienes?

I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old. Tengo (veinte ...treinta) Años.

I have to go Me Tengo Que Ir.

I will be right back! Regreso En Un Momentito.

Wish Someone Something

Good luck! ¡Que Tenga Suerte!

Happy birthday! ¡Feliz Cumpleaños!

Happy new year! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Merry Christmas! ¡Feliz Navidad!

Congratulations! ¡felicidades!

Enjoy! (for meals...) ¡Que Aproveche!

I'd like to visit Spain one day Me Gustaría Visitar Algún Día Tu País

Say hi to John for me Dale Saludos A ( Juan ...) De Mi Parte

Bless you (when sneezing) ¡Salud!

Good night and sweet dreams! ¡Buenas Noches Y Dulces Sueños!

Solving a Misunderstanding

I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something)


Page 23: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

How to Introduce Yourself

Sorry (for a mistake) ¡Lo Siento!

No Problem! ¡No Problema!

Can You Say It Again? ¡Puede Repetirlo!

Can You Speak Slowly? ¡Puedes Hablar Más Despacio!

Write It Down Please! ¡Escríbalo, Por Favor!

I Don't Understand! ¡No Entiendo!

I Don't Know! ¡No (Lo) Sé!

I Have No Idea. ¡No Tengo Ni Idea!

What's That Called In Spanish? ¿Cómo Se llama a Esto En Español?

What Does "gato" Mean In English? ¿Qué Quiere Decir "gato" En Inglés?

How Do You Say "Please" In Spanish? ¿Cómo Se Dice "please" En Español?

What Is This? ¿Qué Es Esto?

My Spanish is bad. Mi Español Es Malo

I need to practice my Spanish me falta práctica en Español

Don't worry! ¡No Te Preocupes!

Spanish Expressions and Words

Good/ Bad/ So-So. Bueno/ Malo/ Así Así

Big/ Small Grande/ Pequeño

Today/ Now Hoy/ Ahora

Tomorrow/ Yesterday Mañana/ Ayer

Yes/ No Sí/ No

Here you go! (when giving something) ¡Aquí Tiene!

Do you like it? ¿Te Gusta? ¿Te Encanta?

I really like it! ¡Me Gusta/ Encanta Mucho!

I'm hungry/ thirsty. Tengo Hambre/ Sed.

Page 24: Cool Latin Phrases,Italian,French and Spanish

How to Introduce Yourself

In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night. Por La Mañana/ Tarde/ Noche.

This/ That. Here/There Eso/Ese. Aquí/ Allí

Me/ You. Him/ Her. Yo/ Tú. Él/ Ella

Really! ¡Verdad!

Look! ¡Mira!

Hurry up! ¡Date Prisa!

What? Where? ¿Qué? ¿Dónde?

What time is it? ¿Qué Hora Es?

It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm. Es Las Diez En Punto, Las Siete Y Media.

Give me this! ¡Dame Eso!

I love you! ¡Te Quiero!

I feel sick. Estoy Mareado

I need a doctor ¡Necessito Un Médico!

One, Two, Three Uno, Dos, Tres

Four, Five, Six Cuatro, Cinco, Seis

Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten Siete, Ocho, Nueve, Diez