COOK S THEATR - DigiFind-It .pdf · ' I • *f'•" K JP"— *** w>P»«Ma4»ter thing, b tK - ;...

HJge^W^aw;^ CRANBQRp. N, J., Why You -Should Bank _W-lth_4he Cranford National Bank FEWER OFFICES AT! TRENTON SESSION KI(SHT1I . _ ^ . THuiniiiintT'i, working ramtul "PplyinKit.nben. uwdcd- for the promotion ..f biisitiesH and the IUUT.-MU of '«.(ir people rini. i- a Sound Bank, a Solid Bunk, » Safe B.u.k fur \ou td bo Parties on Hand With —Hefonn-BBfsr In H«.unilnk- (lit- nfflv» Mr ,VL «h» bonir WwrVrt" ,„!,', ,',"", */n,| **"' •" OU|J llt! tiln wiil M,,.r to t.r..V,i wv«by of th* tm.t ».nn.M t,. |,i,,, He lontlnuml: ELECT ACKERMAN PRESIDENT. R.pUW.c. Bi , Trur to Pr«l,.tlon^Off., ft. COOK S THEATR North Avenue and EastmanStreet - . mill KUll.rle. crowd™, , »iiu Talr ixoiiipu uud admlrliig ran-' ,""' I'm 1 hundred nud thirty. HIIM lift , in Ul.,,,1 f,.V'uiii,-l" W. T. SPAETH, Manager . _ ; iv ^ < _ Why Pay "Carfare to] Elizabeth, Newark and New York, when you can get Refined Vaudeville ' AND ' Motion Pictures .... _ • ' IN CRANFORD. _ . . • .•riim.i'i ,- . "'"I*"™" 1 "* 1 «l'l"«fl , •" lu.«t f,,, „„ •uim.ii umci-mu l«rt n.i|ut'iitwl| • IM »" tlmt (hw lirnuiiiki-iN Ki't tui:vlht>r Wj i h | "'i,,*!* 'i'jjl ' r:ir I'liimul, I( , „(.,,[ Hhu.f tliu,. aft.T tlmt ln.ur 'Ih.. iH'iiIiH-ratlc .najurity "f Hi.-' lmd t<i liuld a o,jiif,.rt'iiCu or lam-UH ii|K,i, w , llle »,f the .IftnllH u f tin- »rKnuljiitl.!ii, tmd It WHO \U-II after- noon uhi-n Ih.,. 4 U«1> Ku t to wurk Providing for ihe Future TRUST COMPANY *l"i elated Sp..h.r-Al| Minor Offlo.. > r „„„, F.ILd Aft.r Sharp C«U.t. | .£"•««?»«-«.••. •••W. --.thr ..... "'"! "'"" tm HI in tlv« ..r f»|r :- In wlio«,. Iteimhllraii ..|i|«.n,.|it. Mr. Ma- thins, .supn-mn I ,,urt Justl,,. Vuurbvra Propoi. l'ra>i>r «u, t| u. Rul.. thai county ^ntrn dlwioaed.«» . uf the b HfttT the Mil., hll.l l.c-n .Ollllted t 'i. aud In la.inr r lui-t <:.n i-i i,.,r I ..In HI d (< Htukr lu |llfVfl|t ||i, I'livtlull, of , ,"'. •uotdliiK i,, n,,. Itul'.ul'i'l^an'liiMjWni uu,.i.' lh - IViii.«iau pr,,,.,.,,,,,,, nt -„„,.,,;, IH-IIIIIII tlyriU nlft from Vaudeville Aets. EXTHA A1TUACTION I n rom .UUIB of lili loinlHuuiiU wlilili iov,(.r«l n,t. i,,,, ,„, llle )uill tj'w uf |..|ii'H left, nijUc ji r Low I,,,M. ,1,,. flUj(u w l J^1>OI . of rart. IIOW.-M "fruuj Tom» iUavr and o.TOir ...uiity frleudu" whlelJTnVum- ocrfd J,N , on Hieoppualtv «ld« of (lie roi.m ' -NfCi>ii 1 tllHl tin, Hrlt|,.M « Voiiiiiiiu,., tbc K i im>iir<iii l . ri-fi-ir.-ii | o i t ..HIH'I "*"'•'> f" l"l,iTH|.|y n i,,| n|j llw Hi, ihu o.M.1, . ogil ,j tuuMiu mu(Ju ltM be K i»,. u ,i| t . |K)w<;r . lo . dk ., H ,,, tll 'Hi.' Ili.pii1jll.niw •|iiuii.,|i,, lHty 0| 7 om-d lh<- prupiwd i u|,., ,:iHimU>u Iliii ii- inajortrj- of ili.f «>„„,,, si,,,,,,,] ru |, ud tbut u MUHII . N£/U. Propnrtof. Japant-se - Service H*V $»2l50 to . ,, IllHIIllI ^ il f i i • •• „.„„„ ! Matineo- porforwi j. .i •' , ,-—iy ~-~. Aj-u»—"-*»»-*> liim-n-iien.'auor~Ui7n~i 7 TI\ Entire Lower Floor, 15 cents Balcony, 10 cents. •«r Htjilann BliMuuoliHly nd\M>nti<.1 iln adgptlou .,f tl,,. ml,., and tbe Ml.ldl. AARON D. CRANE, - , * . . * - CRANFORD, N. J. I - Btevator?and Warehouse, ROSBLLB.PARK, N, J. gcVTallkiiid8. Harness and Stable SupplieH always ou hdiul. Crane's Celebrated Old-Fashioned Buckwheat Flour will wake delicious cakes. Be sure and tr,v it! Chicken Peed Mixed-to Order. ' ' /, der. To make your hens lay feed Crane's Mjied Grain. iluulnuiiiLi... Sfimtyr Jolin U of I'niwili, rlu- i|.,,,r l.'i,der of 1il "•'•'! » majority of „ . ..ijuj.itt.M- ^ t«".T«."•]'. tors »lmuld br |it-ri v ]i||.d t.. l«. trii.i *'«•' P<Jwer td d.K Id,. t|,,. futl . u f u l ) v uf lu,, I'HI. no matt-r ho« Important It » n » III Illim' I to tllf Ut'O|llH .,f (In. n b,'| ( . II,,. „„, lluu wan d.-ffiitcd |,y"H ,, ur ,j, , otp ,, -• """I , lV * I>eriio.-iaf« (MIMI II IIKI.II, rm..r »;a: .^:i::irj::;;,:rr,™,:;:'. I-uw \'- >lr l,,.n |,, f ,| II, in;,,,(g p. lg .. |,, ft-- """""wpw ,md. i.n. " ""•.la^Zld',"" 111 " """ "" ' 1!* fflr '""" •»« ''1>.H.K,,1 ,M V.,. ---"- 1 tw "'' ll>lllllUl!w '^p t ^«irl^ajuio»b;.r-«f-, u «j u » MoU1 ,,. r , No Wrt, Heat, or A;rf,e» to Carry Out. >••»••« - T R e Cranford - * \ ' Gas Light Company Specialties : I Senator .[oliiiHtuii Curuisb of War reu Wan pta.iwl.ln iiuminatloii for tbe onjtta-WiH'iU atoX-that theri- WB^^ i^ftsJttWJlfe^iwli^i „,,„, -~- | - -— "-~».uiiuu called f.»r ''ihP sifted ^ ^" W Offlc(>r " P^^'ded for lu th.- Ackerman S.n.t. Pre.fd.nt. wert- ,,e«l«l to carry on ..(IklHiitl, tl,,. Somilor ( i « . w . Mljit-r. lieuiofrat. of "U.lue** of the W-iiate. aild thr uiotJon •Mlddlewx HI,, made"temporary preil- waa.adopted by tb« IMUU) party 101.1 * :-^.&. i r,ra£ £r>j«z -77 -— of olnierJ ««» proceeded wltn., ••, V ^ * Uia<Je '""' w ^rf*t lu placing Senator Erneat R. Aeker- a Kepub " c "" *'"«f"r» wouKJXu mau of Union lu uonilnallon for nr«. ae * rm ~ to ««««cf reform ui»-a«urp% i l<J«,t .Mr-frtnc p.Td r deLrvta T " ""* Vt>uW WMt) '"'^V trlhiiie to tbut Kentleuiun. Hb» entire v «rW«<l *t lbl» wmlun. I »-' litlM? .-ureer. lie declared, bad DllU were '"'todiited liy Itep«Kk-4ii one of abHolulH IndependenOeSlid tvla *, Ull! V»l>Uv utlJltlea- vominiavlon ...... Krltj and Jliat bt> trail a man »^bo l "' ww regutatM raff*, , tt vorrttH »>y lif» nbllltj nud atrlvt devotion to » )ni «H*« "it. abolfablUK the county duty had mm Hn;..^ie(.m and cimfl- bo " rdl1 " f taxation oud.•..IUJK-•*•-- * dM«(» uf hjH(ollniirues yu both aides J Pu'j'lratloij of < 1 HjyJpulxy vx[>r of tlw .IUIUIIMT Mr I'rlnce recalled ««n«t<»r Oebbardt of limit-..,,,,. ,,.~, Mr AikerrnanlK ralualile cervices t o I Introduced a rate rcKulnUnis inii..nd 4 ''" " '*'' (l ie »tat« In *w.ujy,ijf tbe lndoraeihent I "MM to tt|e public uUIUl-« l.,w tt,,,| I °" 1h(t or tin' rlrll »«;rilcc law and tbe otb«r Benatw Edna put In - '" me«,ur«. -of _ »snrflL_$o__UiB , people | rKlprneai THE BEGINNING of the NEWYEAR i cillzeus of other -talof •nfp.«l» tb« act of last y*»r n'li [ot«l tbi> olBce.of r<Kl»lr»r li, TJn« net. It nun nn\ ! 8«r(en'"couuTy tor Spt-jker Ward, but no imi<i. ._ - - - pgr cent. mterffet. a^onM /•" r ne U acooun t I of tb« acbvuie Has arunnH Hint Mr accounts of non^rem'denta at their death, makes New Jersey. We Will collect on Janiaarj l«t, your ,New "iork savings account. Write for COMPANY I Ut. wlil to j elected regl»tr»K, ha* divlltu^i t., take tbe office, nhylug ft-wau an u/ijwch*- j«ary one. Tb« law rounty, but <* it U n,,t wann^l there The" boo«e-Waii called to order by j James Parker.- cicrfc of tbe last ftMetel- It-!/, and tbe entire nixty nwnnbenr j were sworn In li?«tl«/s, Kdwgid fh inxai H- RadelUte of Pmntdlr. A4 -> " -TISWAIth. It will tm j».,rti Wfatcmi&g i.rnv M.r -n-.-.«:S.-.J enfari nlw/ ri| ; nj " I " I " > - "'nt-n.lli. t|, M ,„„),„„, ,, White Goods -'->tr,H.,t\y at 'White Skirte « Sale Price,$1,001 Night Shirts _ 50t aad 98c / to M.-n-»r frh cy "Told-fiw what m/ Mlary m". letrtanatad mw A* JV|. SHAPIRO'S ° STORE; J7-IJ»

Transcript of COOK S THEATR - DigiFind-It .pdf · ' I • *f'•" K JP"— *** w>P»«Ma4»ter thing, b tK - ;...

Page 1: COOK S THEATR - DigiFind-It .pdf · ' I • *f'•" K JP"— *** w>P»«Ma4»ter thing, b tK - ; *Ma world than a mrtalted coal bin. Till* U a great little country, ai It It said

1 iFsr£s%^jn^^vvvtt^'^f^^£F^ffj^^' y^ffSrV^ffi^njft-jfeJ^^ |is«wfsi»M*r#F« ' *








_ ^ . THuiniiiintT'i, working ramtul

"PplyinKit.nben. uwdcd- for the promotion ..fbiisitiesH and the IUUT.-MU of '«.(ir people rini.i- a Sound Bank, a Solid Bunk, » Safe B.u.k fur\ou td bo

Parties on Hand With—Hefonn-BBfsr

In H«.unilnk- (lit- nfflv» Mr ,VL

«h» bonir WwrVrt" ,„!,', ,',"", */n,|* * " ' •" O U | J l l t ! tiln wi i l M , , . r to t.r..V,iwv«by of th* tm.t ».nn.M t,. |,i,,,He lontlnuml:


R.pUW.c.Bi, Trur to Pr«l,.tlon^ Off.,


North Avenue and Eastman Street

- . mill KUll.rle. crowd™, ,»i iu Talr ixoiiipu uud admlrliig ran-'

,""' I'm1 hundred nud thirty.

HIIM lift , in Ul.,,,1 f,.V'uiii,-l"

W. T. SPAETH, Manager. _ ; i v ^ < _

Why Pay "Carfare to] Elizabeth, Newark andNew York, when you can get

Refined Vaudeville' AND '

Motion Pictures.... _ • ' I N C R A N F O R D . _ . . •

.•riim.i'i ,- . "'"I*"™"1"*1 «l'l"«fl , •" lu.«t f,,, „„•uim.ii umci-mu l«rt n.i|ut'iitwl| •IM»"tlmt (hw lirnuiiiki-iN Ki't tui:vlht>r Wj i h | "'i,,*!* 'i'jjl '

r:ir I'liimul, I(, „(.,,[ „ Hhu.f tliu,. aft.Ttlmt ln.ur 'Ih.. iH'iiIiH-ratlc .najurity"f Hi.-' lmd t<i liuld a o,jiif,.rt'iiCuor lam-UH ii|K,i, w , l l l e »,f the .IftnllH uftin- »rKnuljiitl.!ii, tmd It WHO \U-II after-noon uhi-n Ih.,. 4U«1> K ut to wurk

Providing for ihe Future



elated Sp..h.r-Al| Minor Offlo.. > r „„„,F.ILd Aft.r Sharp C«U.t. | .£"•««?»«-«.••. •••W. --.thr.....

'• J

"'"! "'"" '«

tm HI intlv« ..r f»|r

:- Inwlio«,. Iteimhllraii ..|i|«.n,.|it. Mr. Ma-thins, .supn-mn I ,,urt Justl,,. Vuurbvra Propoi.

l'ra>i>r « u , t|u.Rul..

thai county ^ntrn dlwioaed.«». uf the b

HfttT the Mil., hll.l l.c-n .Ollllted t

'i. aud In la.inr r

lui-t <:.n i-i i,.,r I ..In HI d (< Htukr

lu |llfVfl|t | | i , I'livtlull,


, ,"'. •uotdliiK i,, n,,. Itul'.ul'i'l^an'liiMjWniuu , . i . ' l h - IViii .«iau pr,,,.,.,,,,,,, n t - „ „ , . , , ; ,

IH-IIIIIII tlyriU nlft from

Vaudeville Aets. EXTHA A1TUACTION I

n rom.UUIB of lili loinlHuuiiU wlilili iov,(.r«l

n,t. i,,,, ,„, l l l e )uill tj'w uf

|..|ii'H left, nijUc j i r Low

I,,,M. ,1,,. f l U j ( u w l J ^ 1>OI.of rart. IIOW.-M "fruuj Tom» iUavr ando.TOir ...uiity frleudu" whlelJTnVum-ocrfd J,N , on Hie oppualtv «ld« of(lie roi.m '


1 tllHl tin, Hrlt|,.M« Voiiiiiiiu,.,


K i im>iir<iii l . r i - f i - ir . - i i | o i t . . H I H ' I

"*"'•'> f" l " l , i T H | . | y n i , , | n | j l l w Hi,

i h u o . M . 1 , . o g i l , j t u u M i u m u ( J u ltM be K i » , . u , i | t . | K ) w < ; r . l o . d k . , H , , , t l l

'Hi.' Ili.pii1jll.niw •|iiuii.,|i,,lHty 0|7om-d lh<- prupiwd iu|,., ,:iHimU>u Iliiiii- inajortrj- of ili.f «>„„,,, si,,,,,,,] r u | ,ud tbut u MUHII

. N£/U. Propnrtof.


- ServiceH * V

$»2l50 to .



^ i l f i i • ••

„.„„„ !

Matineo- porforwij . • . i •' , , - — i y ~-~.Aj-u»—"-*»»-*> liim-n-iien.'auor~Ui7n~i7TI\

Entire Lower Floor, 15 centsBalcony, 10 cents.

• « r Htjilann BliMuuoliHly nd\M>nti<.1 ilnadgptlou .,f tl,, . ml , . , a n d tbe Ml.ldl.


- , • * . . * -


I - Btevator?and Warehouse,


g c V T a l l k i i i d 8 .

Harness and Stable SupplieH always ou hdiul.

Crane's Celebrated Old-Fashioned Buckwheat Flour will

wake delicious cakes. Be sure and tr,v it!

Chicken Peed Mixed-to Order. ' '/ ,


To make your hens lay feed Crane's Mjied Grain.

iluulnuiiiLi... Sfimtyr Jolin Uof I'niwili, rlu- i|.,,,r l.'i,der of


" • ' • ' !

» majori ty of „ . ..ijuj.itt.M- ^ t«".T «."•]'.tors »lmuld b r |it-riv]i | | .d t.. l«. trii.i*'«•' P<Jwer td d.K Id,. t|,,. futl. u f u l ) v

uf lu , , I'HI. no m a t t - r h o « Important It » n »III Il l im' I to tllf Ut'O|llH .,f (In. n b, ' | ( . II,,. „„ ,

lluu wan d.-ffiitcd |,y"H , , u r , j , , o t p

, , -• " " " I ,lV* I>eriio.-iaf« (MIMI II IIKI.II, rm..r

» . ~ r . c i ; a : . :i::irj::;;,:rr,™,:;:'.I-uw \'- >lr l , , .n | , , f , | II , in ; , , , (g p . l g . . | , , ft-- """""wpw , m d . i.n.

" ""•.la^Zld',""111" """ "" ' 1 ! * f f l r '""" •»« ''1>.H.K,,1 ,M V.,.

- - - " - 1 t w "'' l l > l l l l l U l ! w '^p t^«irl^ajuio»b;.r-«f-,u«ju»M o U 1 , , . r ,

No Wrt, Heat, or A;rf,e» to Carry Out.


- T R e Cranford -* \ '

Gas Light Company

Specialties :

I Senator .[oliiiHtuii Curuisb of Warreu Wan pta.iwl.ln iiuminatloii for tbe

onjtta-WiH'iU atoX-that theri- W B ^ ^i^ftsJttWJlfe^iwli^i

„,,„, -~- | - -— "-~».uiiuu called f.»r ''ihPsifted ^ ^"W Offlc(>r" P^^'ded for lu th.- r»

Ackerman S.n.t . Pre.fd.nt. wert- ,,e«l«l to carry on ..(IklHiitl, tl,,.Somilor ( i « . w . Mljit-r. lieuiofrat. of "U.lue** of the W-iiate. aild thr uiotJon

•Mlddlewx HI, , made"temporary preil- waa.adopted by tb« IMUU) party 101.1

* :-^.&. ir,ra£ £r>j«z -77 -—of olnierJ ««» proceeded wltn., ••, V ^ * U i a < J e '""' w ^ r f * t

lu placing Senator Erneat R. Aeker- a K e p u b " c " " *'"«f"r» wouKJXumau of Union lu uonilnallon for nr«. a e * r m ~ to ««««cf reform ui»-a«urp% il<J«,t .Mr-frtnc p.Td r deLrvta T " " " * V t > u W W M t ) ' " ' ^ Vtrlhiiie to tbut Kentleuiun. Hb» entire v«rW«<l *t lbl» wmlun. I»-' litlM? .-ureer. lie declared, bad D l l U w e r e '" ' tod i i ted liy Itep«Kk-4ii

one of abHolulH IndependenOeSlid • t v l a * , U l l ! V»l>Uv utlJltlea- vominiavlon......Krltj and Jliat bt> trail a man »^bo l " ' w w <° regutatM raff*, , tt vorrttH»>y lif» nbllltj nud atrlvt devotion to » )n i«H*« "it. abolfablUK the countyduty had mm Hn;..^ie(.m and cimfl- b o " r d l 1 " f taxation oud .•..IUJK-•*•-- *dM«(» uf hjH (ollniirues yu both aides J Pu'j'lratloij of <1HjyJpulxy vx[>rof tlw .IUIUIIMT Mr I'rlnce recalled ««n«t<»r Oebbardt of limit-..,,,,. , , .~,Mr AikerrnanlK ralualile cervices t o I Introduced a rate rcKulnUnis inii..nd 4 ''" " '*''(l

ie »tat« In *w.ujy,ijf tbe lndoraeihent I "MM to tt|e public uUIUl-« l.,w tt,,,| I °" 1 h ( t

or tin' rlrll »«;rilcc law and tbe otb«r Benatw Edna put In • - '"me«,ur«. -of _ »snrflL_$o__UiB , people | rKlprneai


i cillzeus of other -talof

•nfp.«l» tb« act of last y*»r n'li[ot«l tbi> olBce.of r<Kl»lr»r li,

TJn« net. It nun nn\

! 8«r(en'"couuTy tor Spt-jkerWard, but no imi<i.

._ - - - pgr cent. mterffet. a^onM /•"rne Uacooun t I of tb« acbvuie Has arunnH Hint Mr

accounts of non rem'denta at their death, makesNew Jersey. We Will collect on Janiaarj l«t,your ,New "iork savings account. Write for

COMPANYI Ut. wlil t o

j elected regl»tr»K, ha* divlltu^i t., taketbe office, nhylug ft-wau an u/ijwch*-

j«ary one. Tb« lawrounty, but <* it U n,,t wann^l there

The" boo«e-Waii called to order byj James Parker.- cicrfc of tbe last ftMetel-It-!/, and tbe entire nixty nwnnbenrj were sworn In li?«tl«/s, Kdwgid fh

inxai H- RadelUte of Pmntdlr.

A4-> " - T I S W A I t h .

It will tm j».,rti

Wfatcmi&gi.rnv M.r

-n-.-.«:S.-.J ^ " 4 . v - ? ^ " - ^ - " " ™ --•~?J-j

enfari nlw/


" I" I"> - "'nt-n.lli.t|,M ,„„),„„, ,,

White Goods

-'->tr,H.,t\y at

'White Skirte• «

Sale Price, $1,001

Night Shirts _50t aad 98c

/to M.-n-»r



"Told-fiw what m/ Mlary m " .letrtanatad



tei*±:^~; *: •


Page 2: COOK S THEATR - DigiFind-It .pdf · ' I • *f'•" K JP"— *** w>P»«Ma4»ter thing, b tK - ; *Ma world than a mrtalted coal bin. Till* U a great little country, ai It It said

' I

• *f'•" K JP"— *** w>P»«Ma4»ter thing, btK - ; *Ma world than a mrtalted coal bin.

Till* U a great little country, ai

It It said that a new' United Statesp m la the moat powerful Surely.—v"? not?

A Brailllan revolt hai como to txabout as serious aa a hunting seasonfa this-country.

A Maryland man wants a divorcebecause b« ta afraid of ~bla> wife. Uul"Who of us Isn'tr

Under a new law It Is a crime tctreat tn Taroma. Tacoma must be'.ho original tightwad town.

A woman gets a place u i wtre-_teu ope.rator_beeause—th<

leroea are said to be lasy.

They are planning to keep tab on»be people who havo domestic..roubles. Just tas If that would stopthem I

Xn advertIsrmtnt says that everyfcome should have" irtalklhg machineevidently the man who wrote It Is nutmarried.

A man In Mlcb'lgan dislocated hisAw by laughing ovvr his wlk'i Joke.The rovorso never would* or rouldhave,happened.

^«p ffg&a


A Philadelphia man committed sui-cide with a safety raior. hut no far Wohaven't heard of a woman cutting burtorn* -with1 one.'

If lnst summer's geranium pot wore»ol so heavy It might bo covered withrelvet nnd thu* ooromo a very stylishtat for your daughter.

What did Woodrow Wilson mean' when he told_th«jj!>y_<!marA aasembl«d.

In Louisville that they had come toKentucky for "stimulation r"


A Minnesota mnn. Just aa -the' on-JerUkbr v u ,about to embalm him.•at up and cried: "Heijo, Illlli" Suchconduct la almost lndveorous.

When tho Ohio river tnkea a notionto ail up and go on a prolonged sproethere Is nothing to do but stand backand let tho old thing havo JU way..

X St. Louis mad' baa Invented n~soundloas soup apoon. Tli|» nolabknaddition to the elegancies of aoctotymay be followed In the knlfo-leu pie. , - . ; *"

Is It worth while to deiilgnnto theexact status of tho porsoa wbo mor-alises on tho blowings of poverty anddoes nothing to relievo the curse of


- Now that the long hatpinassailed by bostllo legislators, out'raged femininity will probably take to'wearing machetes or siilckorsnees In.ipubllo, places.

A New Jersoy girl advortlses that•be will not marry any of her acquaint-ances but wnuta a stranger for n hus-band. Doesn't sho even want lo h» In-tptoducod to him llrstr

4 Tho man charged with cruelty bytils wife, on-Uio ground that ho madobbf shavo him, 1» no doubt an Innocent martyr. It' the racerroTftf'irnwirJ'robably bo WAS merely adopting thismeans of Inflicting a penanco—upon

• nlmsolf That bo. enjoyod tbo opera-_Hlon IsTnconcolvable.

> :.

,-. fi

Sato* and*~«ano'~c!cent' ot Maesackusctls havo Just fin-,Isbed a tbroe-yeaf*o\d_ pool «anio.'Poplomanla, although_not' violent ordangerous tot&e Innocent bystanders,Is well nigh Incurable Its ono ro-Seemlng feature Is that the victim!tabor under the Illusion that they are

: themselref.

The-Now Jersey mayor who wasborsowhlppod by an Irritated lady ap-

" i d before tho graad jury to havedludlutwl fur "unladylike" 'beha-

It she had been content witha tonguo laahlng h6 would probablyhavo conceded'-her Iho privilege ofher sex. but her. rudeness In using ahorsewhip In addition hurt hit feel-ings too much for meek endurance.

t Dr.- Ljd*ton asserts that grafting Is"' " Ma U»,pr|.

, . _ ., jrmueh~3$enpted -with your paper aa tho condue-lof-wnes along for th* tare. On thattheory the pay-a»-you-«oter car shouldlet at a aterllUer for that particular

'"> Microbe- At all event*,'If tho bujr canv t«rsdppTfWBd'th» Tltal question "la""' whether It will cur* the more .violent

Ute Inside of I I contracts and r *

, „ .._.'Invented a substitutethe hooore skirt, the new'arrango-

i-ment being Tiilegtd to he-Just aa

U f dsjj-er^s'"what"m

. - • • > • ' -


When Elolse's lover remarked. thatbe abominated blue eye* In women>e they were often tricky and de-ceitful, u was not to be marr<4*d atthat Elolse's big violet orbs wMenrtfflrst ln surprise, then la Indignationand finally In the worst sort of wound-ed lovn and pride IIow~dld sbe knothat Iloyce was color blind?

8h» would not 1ow*r hc-ruir u> de-mand an explanation of floyce'* rude-ness; that It waft dellb*rate~and cruelwas obvious, Furthermore. • sneh aaobservation could have t*>on promptednnly by aome hidden mutlte—wbt-tbrr)t rcituntnient or |mr« tiiallr<- sbe <ll<not know and did not care. The resulwas tho same, and self mprct left her

at once and "without thenba»nmi>nt nf wonli or a nrenc. Thissh« iltil tiy t>y rxprens a drygorilla bo«"» full of tho ncrumuatnipresents or six months and tbe be-trothal ring by registered mall.— Tno-frlKl.l fsr>w«-H-*h* had arriirded him th" night If fore had prepar<nlnnyrn In part for what was comingIlut ho Ml very niurh Ilkn rubbing his

were natty aw.aki> r>r drramtng whenth« blow actually foil. He bad notsupposed for an Instant that Klnlsvrwould carry a petty -fit of Irritation tosuch llmltm -

How hail ho ofTcndod her? Theylind hiul Innumerable differences dur-Ing the brlof period of their engagc-hielit, but Ihcac Iia3~l>i!fin TuIIowcd ln :

ovltably by explanatlttni and ecstaticadjustment* Biie waa leaving no avo-imc open tn him now. HJio had dis-mlaaod him, with a r»M formality thatKlgnlllod win thing— shr bad made ainlatako In her choice and wanlcl It

and* tnuit Mnd a telegram to her j Tbero has been established l.cro nfriend stating when to expect her. jlix" national capital an urgBho ran to tb telephone only to and ' W>wn AS the national Jointthat U was "dead " The nearest neigh ' '•-'«. wnoan funttlou Is to i<ersuaijtier waa a blork away, but that tele- I sougress, if possltile. to onat i a laigram was essential, and, snatching up milch wnrnralre"iTinrpt5SHthtP-for-tha scarf, the wound It about her hco<l I P°*( offlro department to contract foand hurried down to the Keloeys. |» new supply of thfs* f-nrelopcB.Anita Kelcey met her at tbe door | Tl>l* so-called national joint com

Hhe wore a mammoth bunch of vl'ilf'ts ' m l ( l ° " represents tho AuierWan KnIn her belt Tho odor of tbem came In ' 'elope Manij(arlurers' anfoflutlun, th_» sickening runh to Klolse's «en»e», > liittrimUfnial _Amo«_latIi>n_ ^f I'lwitbut she tramplod down her-fooling, j Emtraieri, ttia Nwtiqnal Aanoclniliinas sbe said, lightly: 'f HUtlotjrrs and Manufacturers, Ih

"What^nnulslto blossoms! Whero' N'-itlcnal UdllorUI anH»(i(itl<in,' tin

It wi>» twi laly BBedid not lovn htm—that waa manifest

nothing_Tor a long tlmo tlnyr« sat In

thought. Tlhould he go to -her, force

, t c1 CAR- OVBti- THEH4S---'*

bur lo show her hand and take his,like a man? -Or ought bf to

arcn|.it hor rebuff as final, maintainvimicthliut of her own- slUnl proud-no»B, niul go his wayT

At tliln pblll't VnUi uolrcd tHrptvrTTlem for him In tho shape of an urgent*U'legfam summoning a him west atonce on lm|iortaut businpss. Ho- \\tu\i


offlco lo keop him buly the entire aft-ernoon. Perhaps by the time he re-turned his nebulous thoughts wouldhave nsBumod rational form. Pcrh»|i»Kloiio horuolf might reponL -lVsalblyl'rovtilonco would coma to tho rescueand show him the way! With, a sighand an -undisguised heart-pang, belocked away the discarded treasuresand went fiercely to .work on hisbook's. ,

Two hours Inter; on the way toluncheon, Itoyce's 'feelings had underK.OHO tt olmmi^. I'mtHlllK—a •famHlar-florlst'a shop, ho pan»od almost uncoa-scloualy nnd bought a hnga 'bunch of-violet*. Klolse hail worn violets thefirst tlmo ho saw her; he had, carriedthnrj~ to her on tho night of her be-throthal and—well. It couldn't niattvrso much one way or the .other If he•acttt-hemmiBe-now.-hy war of farewell,with a brief lino regarding his depart-

It nothing more, and iwot'« to her thathe »tlU_cherls.ljqd something ot the oldaentimont It she did not - „ „ ,

Ho scribbled a ahort message •eroaaon* of bis .flatting cards, paid for htapiirchaarand Jeft the addrew for de-livery, Then, i with hU bearl several

true, that .he- had stopped raring torher after all, otoa the Mjutary stepabj had taken -would have ^ elicitedtamQ proiest, aome inquiry. H^~Ba3"stung her-lnto the act br a contempt-ible tnnuenilo and shown further howneatly the bad fallen Into the trap. He"waa glad" of J t , glad to be free— re.Jolbed. »o,doubt, at the ctorcracaa

i a h t 0 he fiad forced her to end

jj•J(^ir«m^thft<wTwTh»rt»i t ta*;heflw,,comft Jo Oncinnau tw the•owsx u*U™«-' The Utter was from

*a old Mhoot friend, and Velna Pres-ton's name at the end of It suggestedno. end of glittering possibilities for a«»r—perhaps a 'desperate—fo.tfilght.mused Elolse gbe waited six hoursf h '

Would Bar Government fromStamped Envelope Business.

Be »rttl«dThis Sewion.


Washington.—Tbe question as toebether cotigrrs* sbail take tbe gov-

liritmexit out of tbe business of deal-ng In stamped envelopes Is likely toto definitely settled at this «p»elon

far some shadow of response fromIloyce to tbe packages she had sent:then, with a broken beart-and a braJnterming with reckless resolutions, abe.' r b e r 0 !»»•» been considerable agltatio

to take out her clothes and pack '•• • » « -lhe_ g,usstion._ petition* _eItlT«rlor or mfainst legislation on theTuTF|ect have U-ea romtng in by tho thou-lands ovary (lay^lnco congrrsi met.

Boys andgirta eesa* tmt eC< oaOtevw «tta • amattartt*

of "" ir things, l«t with lew kaowl-sdge of their bodUy stmctara and howto take care of It than of aaythlM

Th helse Unght them. The tow eflife, egcleuej and happln»a» <the Ignorant eating of food and at-

But the inrreasios co«t of llring hasl[he jgueaticn __<rf proper


SptdtBf Am<««4 lor Ibis Pwer

LESSON TEXT-J Chrontctca 1S:1-I*.

xsmt-vmrtr it. \ ton. and/cair" ro\jr warfour


tot oot your band* b» wtak; forwork shall tw rewsrded.^-4 C h '

people ar« beginning to considerWhere hygiene failed to make l uheard, bacon at it cents a pound U , - T i M R _ A j a te<rin w reign B. C: Kt (orattracting attention to the need'-of IV)> ^ t h e ciose of j-roboun'i nlcn larh"on«r and better fuel for the human o>« 20O1 year of the klugiam of Judata.^ . j JMjipB—The WmJom of JudaK and

When the American consumer Is EpBrelai-" to tie point where be will h .

l L A e B T h e Wm *r«n»al«n Ita capll»L ifith excurslOM la-

"A#4'» (treat Tlctory overEthlopl»M w«»- gained

h ( J

them for tbe trip.At.four o'clock she suddenly remem-

bered that she had not time to write

did you get them?"*PWE

NntlanaL1'npur.Trado a8wicl.ill''n. th;siItTf^liW^»r?hTng«'i*^rSF"tle^^

other girl. "A boy brought tbem up | t'nlted TyKothelac of Ainerlw Tl l*nlmut uoon from Mllford Uoyc, It JrK'liilzation i« KLL-IIH; lo It 'liiit cu>ryswtns ho'» going off on a business trip j l°b prliilf/r In the nmnfry tun\.ir<U ;tf> b« absent Koino tlmo. Ilut I can't ' petition asking that thu go%enimenIrnaxlnti why hn shoiitil havo seDt melJ^t-PO lougnr penuillid to \'un.anu Iny stho (lowers efcept that wo used to b«-*UlS*Jtauip« rt- invrlopo IIUSIIU-HH Ongo&i friends and I had a sort of half- i lll<> o l l l u ' ' »I<1<4 »f lhe# comnmrpy

to go with him-to the ; ''lll; '''K nitrcanUk- lMilii'th »f liuj f.<um-

^ t rF. and,' Ruin-fully ipcaktaR. the putop<-ra tiKxt wofk. But of course "you"krow all about his going—"

"Oh—or—yi-a—>es, of course. IlutHc

th u s e of your phpno Jfor » moment , dear. Ours la out or j b ° l ' e l n a t " l l ) guvornmt-nt will cwi-

| l l ' l

Of rtio thoiiHui.ds of ktlerathjH nro uiniluij In. tunnyy y , of course. Ilut

I camo to ask tho use of your phpno J *ru ' r o m Individual ^foo expreHa thef j b°l l n t " t will cworder and I'm rushed to death to got j l l u u« t 0 llt-'°1

ar tin that »U o'clock1 tialii ful C'lu , ""' '"'" ""' " stamped i>melop*s


through with horniciisagv nor how shegot out of tho hmiso without betray

'(nelLn.Anita Kercpyi-_ Of--all(rlrilTtn tKo vorfd she wui the veryla«t ;ho would have, droameil of as arival. A JoalotlK lian»{ shot throughher; In a 'flash shn remembered Jillford tolling her onco that Anita anilho w»'r» -»w[>et'h«art« ln~*thii .boy-atulgirl daya—nnil—«i(d_Anlta had blackryttl Ho had repented of tils hastydeclaration of love to her and gonoback ta bis first,choice. , r" Klolsc staggered up tho steps andrent Mindly cm to hor unfinished pack>Ing In tho disordered room, everynerve tingling with mortification, theoutraged Wood pound Ing In hor lenv_f" lM- . A !

At 8:30 she was roady for the Jour-ney, At 5;S5 she stopped Into a taxicab and was whirled toward tho statton She took up her position ln lino \

prevailingl.nm innn wuat_ls-knmva—aa—tha.

l"ou Vk'lli" N'nlson Mil, which prohibitsthu printing nf n|*'clu! rdiui'iiH or

_ +»n-v«|ujv j uOf llin i)"»t 'ofllrn 'I lino no,- 1B1I, piiHsi'il the liouso ofropri"u-iilatlv('-s bj a. \ule uf-192 for(ml 27 agnliHt TI1I1, bill Is mm pe.niling, IK fon* tlu> bfii.ijo rninniffleo onpost t<nTi fit and post rtmfls, and It IHIn lli« tii'lKhborhocul (if thin luumiltU'o tlint the Hi;lit Is now raging

Tho tv«ii1nK loulrai't with tho Mer-santlli* <iir|Hirailon of Dnjtau.iO, WUH/ntcn-ii Into In Mitrch.TSTn.'atui tookrffert July 1 of thnt >ear .It expiresby liiiiltuliun Juno'30, next )-eilr Withthe view nf linltlnit couipitltlon illthn nianufiuturo of tlifat' envelopes,iho pcmttiLihter general itaknl for bidsthat were to bo opened Sv-ptembur 2i)Jf tills year Ho cxplalmil in theipccincnllun that imichlnery of a par-tli'iilar kind was necvhsiry to the

and -getrain.

As sho turned from tho wlmlow tho ihot blood splurged to her cheekB; hergate tromblvd t>owllderlng1y Into tho 'earnest, alt at onco entreating eyes nf ,bo man who had yesterday lietm dear- '.-r than nil others. I

"Klolse!" Tho nomo oscaped hlnfmolunlarlly; ho took a qulck«Rtep'

her, every resolution ot thomorning fonrelte-n, •

tho-girl llfte.l hor hnail «lth n ,snltt touch of illxnlty,and panned himwith a cold 1101J of recognition. In n.

' \w wt\» bcslJa hur. Her in.Ut^-

her j Ing hldn go far In "iulvanru new eon-I terns nould hniu on opportunity to^«iijji_tlioir plantit In tnw they werelui-ii'SRful bidders Tin; apet mentionsMilled for thn ik'lhery tcr tho post of-Bee<d{i>|inrtiiii<ut of I.CUO.IidO.'OOO print-ed rnvoln|>i>s iturlui; a fourn-nr pe-riod Tlu' MtuoiHIlo corporation ofDajtnn wan flu"Only bidder

'lmniedUlfly after- Iho bid -wasop-'tiwl, tho national Joint commlltce,ct'prfxontlu^ .lhi» oriiunlzntlon'i Hint»re llijlitliit; tho (U'p.trtincnt on thisain'ilhin,( pi<tliluiied tho jio><ttua^UTceit nil lo ilifcr ii»:irillUK tlu> con

Ir.qulrv of the butcher bow • many Uarnbaa, M mile* southwest o( J«ru-taltjrli-a of energy pork Is running , wlIenl- _ ^ —npw^lnjtigj of asking how_much It j A l l M F M . y i e . g r a a d s o a ^ « t e 1 f o b o « n rt. a pound tho era. of sclentlflc feed- | granamother. the queen-mother ating w i l l W . . come, and tho bugaboo beginning of his reign, was Maa-of hlifh prlr«-i may no longer Lave j __, "terror for I'm man who must, eat j

^ ^ w n o h a d M u p

• d b d w o r , n l

f,.r a man of full vigor and engaged In , lbm - t w e n t y e a r a o U U

jimderatP muscular work at 3J0O , A M ||TWJ ) n a < .o r r u p t e o u r t j u n d e r

H K " I . ? V T^*hi T V S r ' S ! the Influence, of an" Idolatrous grind-h,. should derive from his dally bread s u r r { m n d e d by Idolatry, flat-<h, jrram. of protein O» ' c o u r t l e r B . HI. father and

^T£T££??££ [^r^T rre TX^Z- • «"« »> * — » "f'«>d'u»' ' t T l S S ^ : auVsome ^

Irom godrymen

times pr_l self the

and tn criminal ways herInvention hare many timethe acma of- perfection.- .1devices resorted to by womc

j tBo'wool over the eyes .ears of the law are frequemlBleading and dimcult tothan tho most scientific rag


fuel forin the

form of hint and muscular power*The mlnrfal mailer goen to' formbf'nn" T.iktng' mnats first, there will befnutul In itttnb chops 17 6 per cent, ofprutnln uhlrh IH a fair ylolil, althoughmoro tJinrl half this chop will be wa-lot That, lioviover, is true of most

.fat .the chop has 2S .1 per

that followed*In their, train, and tbe heathen na-tions' ahd tbo fruits ot Ido'latry latbem. His heart burned within him,and" urged him on to reform.

There are 'two possible effects* of

evils. Some-are overwhelmed by their (power and attractions, and become a.part of their downward tide. Others.

» • IF1 - * r - | — - - * — r — - ~~ r ~" "

cent, and of mineral matXcr but 1 percent Its fuel value is 1.510 caloriesa pound Two pounds of lamb chops ,

j - 'The several hotel expedlefed to by the widow Wo;

known In police circlesNaughty- Little Milliner." IIng dust Into the eyes oftlves. Is Indeed a marvelouj

Hcatlon of female IngonultyIt was along In. the early:

when It became known thatcirculating about New OrloagerouB counterfoil flTo dollqi

•ttUutu* nn»

I a perfect hatred, and arouse all theirI being to destroy them. We all know-instances ' of.. thisr—rtna nf yhw best

amount of energy prescribed" forday'ti tifte; bnt no" ono^carcs to- pnt~»o pounds of Iamb chops every day,

and thero aro plenty of other,food ar-

buslneBs men o? my acquaintance)HUM! whqp a boy amid the vilest gur-roundlngs. Hut be had open eyes.He saw tbo effect of laziness, and re-

"noteTllkewiso a pretty goodof sUver half doUars. A nthese bad five dollar billsoalTed at thn h^nks—and -mpassed along undetected ha<

TT t ro 8 S ITSr nlso is larRer_fhirn any of H10

live—9 1 per cent • Dried beef, there-lore, ia'n good tissuo and bono build-i', bt|t does n6t supply mueli licat or

muscular power.

BREAKS RECORD FOR BILLSAll records wllj_ be brokin when

Iho present houso of representativesscores a totnl of approximately 35 000)ut>lic and private hills Introduced upo Its close on Mnrch 4 next. Tills is

leap of more than 7,500 over the•ecord established by tho last con

3f the Lord, as did David hisAba iminediately-bcgan his reforms*

There was" a period of ten years pfrest from external attack. In theso-years' Asa hlraseJJ^dld right- and."obeyed God. tils example stood outbefore all hid people. It Is athing to have rulers~who are trueamptes of goodness. This IBlource ot the* greatest powerton can havo over another.

Ho taught his people the word to-God. to seek God, to keep His com-mandments. Education, knowledge.of

>renc« maddonvd him, and eastingprudence to tho winds Doyco CTUrtcdilut tho first thing that came Into' h!»

-rtnrrtTpoTnTi'il vut thnt tho wnate ouulit to havoKht to havo»n opportunity lo p.isa on the TouVellu-Nclsuu hill before tho contractRIM dU

Those violets! Could It-be possiblehat tlu>y_ had boon inoant for hor In

"stead ot Anita KoloeyT. Her mlnilworked rapidly. Ah! That explnlnuOthn dozen American beautie^ nont tcher by J'oung tX>ctor ttrcan thijt/WornIng-—they were Anita's; tho uelltoryboy had got things mixed, Sbo baitopened her lips to speak, vhen ah«suddenly, rcmem'bet'ed that Indlgnfly ol;bo prorioua utsht. They^-sho bogar

to-w*ik rapUl;- down tho plaRoyce keeping lmperturbablo step ather,

^"'£lie--j5jsuuttstct- ^neral- M11^min^^wra^ffi'o-irifioTvir.Trd3f tin) contract in occordnnce with Uiopetition of tho so-cnlled nntlonal Jointrominlttoe, hut ho has not annrtled Itup to Ihi- time this Is written, Whllohe «)ll not-sny wluit ho profoses toiv\ tho undorMnndlng .»lwut tho postatlico department is lhat-ho will holdsff until Uii!_j>.enato lma an opportu-nity to express |ta %low of the con-trol Orsy

CHARTINQ>OQD VALUES.ilojiartinent^ of . ngrlcufturo,

nan b««i IX-IK rliut'iitlag lo do-tcnulns tho nutrltho value of thofood th A i»zx&% z s ^ 0 «

nh°at z J r z t P r r

t'r rktnst- _ — ^ - . h l n - v™. „«:« n,; «ftn,n trl "". MVi. "' P l H ! r t"bl<". h ^ '«Ued "a—ejrcrythlng, you owe me somo trlfllnK—"

••Cincinnati!" she cut ln.'tho-green car-over-therc-B-" s— —

"Tho blue car, with the dluor at

Klolse stood stock still and starchInto Mllford Koyce'a perplexed face,"MUford!" the exclalmod, relief andamusement atruggUhg for" the masttcyot ner pretty features, "look at^mei.What color are my""eyes?" -""

"Ynur.eyeaT Why, Drown.<?t course.1'T& "llfoKtfd -' a t Mvi s l u y l u i j . ' 1'oH

rood tins ito imrpese Ono part re-palr« thci-tissuc«, another forms thubonea and another assists In diges-tion. The \aluo of apy food article,therefore, IB measured by iu wrfprm-anco of thc-so -fimctlons Tho nutrientsln foml are 'protein, fats. m r M . .

"Oh. dear!" cried the girl, aa thetrain palled out. *"thla car'to going,u Chlcagoi*1

we, tittle glrl="But—but you dont understand. I

nave aa engagement 'with—" ."Tou haTa'nrlqr one—with, me. 1

shall take YOU. straight-to my broth-er's house. He'sja^lsaop.youknow."—The Trorldr gr«w"-faddwi|y~b]«ck.v

When thef^emerged from the' tunnel

her cheeka were ptak and'hwarm strangely bright. '

•erics of charts which show tho re-lulis of Us ln\ebtlg,iilons "

Sclonllllcall}. food. Is that whichL<« lulo the bod},-builds. builds t lssrow

yMatter or nah.

linfi^teversl iMirts of thev. inftCWna.take_nha4- th ? r re- entombed In New -Orleans. -

Scientific fociHnfrof cntUe. and hogsIs -nothing new,. Tho eecrct-of-U »«s<llscow>i:ed «arly. because It was found

waa money lu It. f ^

made the same progress because thestake was only- human Wo, which hasbeen chean,lff all agea of the world. «

J i J. Waters,' ptcaldent ot the Kan-sas state' fcgTtcuUural college. dlaVturbed many people. when-hTe-Baldtbattotj much attention vu'-bcing mi- to

tho three Besslons of iho presentlongress havo numbered 8SJ simple•£solutians, 27S Jolnt-=rciiolut.lons-BndIftyslx concurrent.

Uack In the earlier congresses therevcro comparatively few measures.pre-•ontod, but, with the extension of thoiwny of tho American (lag to varlom[ntuiar jiossestlons and with the hostjf river -and harbor nnd public buildinc dc\ejnpiiipnts, with pet projectsor n multitude -of streams almost

uMpr before hoard of, tho bulk .ofbills nnd resolutions has been incre.tsIng rapidly

\ ^ o m Egypt ln the southwest there/< camc> up nn Immense host, ono million

Mlth_llirea_hundrad JI and like all 'early Oriental anniee,> living on tbe country, consuming tho1 irops, burning tho houses, capturing1 [tunnies, and leaving- devastation and> ruin behind them, like-a Ore on tbo, rralfieb, or tho grasshoppers 'oil a

[arm. They had rencbed Mareshah,| twenty Ihu miles from Jerusalem. No-' KondiT tho people were terrified. Hut

Aej usod_ butfi faith and works. Honeni uui» uith Jiia army, and like

^Qj»nJtBr8^_mare^dlscentho others, mado the discotheoo notes wero counterfeith«y Wore well, calculated tith« average :•fradesmani••V?-1P;hall dollars had been coined ;

dies and woro exact facslmllgenuine In all except the mcontained. They passed read!the foreigners, ospeclally -jFrench market.

Operator James ; FlUpatrlw u at that time In charge oment socret service affairs Inleans^. began _an Jnvestlgatioipurposoof forrctlng out~lho itola bad money. After week:loufl watching, it- was leirncyonng girl. who "dally 'via

market for the pufamily provisions had,

as she camo, loft a bodollar.'; Sho~woro a tattered dthere was a- Borrowful exprestied about hor pallM TBI In


the fifty-fourth congress lt>,0fl0bills Introduced outdistanced all otherrecords. This wns ra'lsed by A thouj;ond n little later and fbur years anothe houso Hies wero flooded

^ BJected ezprcaalon of her couithat first attracted the. atteOfficer .Fitzpatrt'ck.. Tho Case

-Italian dooUors aDouttno msi' never, mado a complaint In h

the bad money, as they couldpass It off on ono another oicoffeo houses along the river

Fallowing tho girl. ono dayflcor traced hor. to a, Jlttlestore on S t Joseph Btrcot, r

- corner, of Tchbupltoulas streoa short tlmo had--elapstMl"camo out of the shop. Sho v'attirod ln somewhat abovo t

unto thy^kord his Go^jyid said, 'lard, . •It Is nothing wltir*. Jlice to help,whether with many, or \i|th tbem thathave no .power, help us, O Lord miruod, for-a.0 xesl_on-Uie8r and,ia-tljy-'-r,

naoDgSrvtSl'"Dy; 1officer ' watchod- her mdvomesshe finally wont into a smallstore. Whan she came out i

~rlel a package. It waa plain i

sessions of this congress 27.2SJ bills«ero presented and up to today thopresent "session has registered 3.011A. flood ot measures probably will be"introduced In Uio fojr days followingtho reassembling qHrongt/'ss' on. Jan-

,uary_5. and then tho tida will, rccedo"

Is Watching the Pennies.'Undo Sam has got mighty saving

Stamped envelopes bought .ono at atime moke q return to tho governmentyt.u«arly WW.000 above wha,

rO Tird.'ihou art our Qod; let not manI prevail against thee.'" It was God's*

cause-as nelL as the people's, and theywere strorig In that trust. .The Ethl-TplaiiH woro overthrown, and theirtporl -fell Into the hands Of the Judah-Ites.

Ttfe 'people entered into a covento seek the- Lord. This was likepublic profession of serving Jesus>Christ n ben Joining the church. Some-teom. to think that they can be as.good and, as useful without a profes---

tho government wouliTgtt for them IIpcoplo bought them In packages of 23.You can buy 2-L. two-cent stamped en-volopos -for 64 ofnts, but If the postmaster -soils them at three cents eachor two for live cents'5ou can,see that

pennies aro realized on each

1 nivu M 1 iiu tuv covctl&Ut roiuuua.1 *iih others, and public vows to obeyI Jes-us Christ and our Father ln heaven. .

Hut tjiis Is a mistaken feeling. A"j public covenant gives one v'a far

p-tatt-r Influence fo.r good. It'makea-j known your valuntlon--of theI It makes eachI Tlu*,principles In thn un'rt nf King-

— , Is "on army-—

^ o Y i h T o i h ^ U e d S U t e T ^ j "^Jul eVtb*™' SV*? C h r l S t ^roent. which is Just a trifle over t7t ! £? .ZP- TS *° ^ l 0 T l n e f a l t h*ceuu for each twoKient stamp and en ' - . - " . . - • a r c & e a t e v l l s t o °«"velope. -•Postmaster Genera] Hitchcock, Jhowever, has changed the old order-things, and requires postmaster» to

sort 01 Kerplng;. -Ijooks on fractionalpa."ts of a cent a dayr but they havebectr shown that the 60,000 post offices.yleldTenough on these smalltqroducc.tibo post offlce deficit shusdred thousand a year.

, • " ^ TAe*e Swift Times."What Is" that -building yon are- puV

Uwj.ap "on the corner' of yoor TotT"ire'aak^Df ouc,AeI*h.bor; whose wlfB

id"" '

aM ptC:that'« going to be oar- " — " h b > x n l l J d '

jays need of awakening new reform-

"-TragriwilFiatepped-tato tho llttlo- store;quested tho Creolo boy In attto-let him seo tho money thatreceived from, the girl that I

Meft iho placo." it; was a n<dollar note that tbe boy han<T / **!"f It.ovo.c weto'tib'ono "of the bogus kin J.

Tno oDlcer mado ,i piaus!jplaoatlbxi that ho Ibough-t sufllaatlafr^Uie curiosity of the bwas now quite certain^that hetha-faaefc-of-tho sourco <if tim 1xelts and. that tho occupants oftie variety store, werb tja: diBtief tho bogus stuff..

Opposite the -variety s.torothe street .was the' sign "VuBooms-to -Rent," aid Fltzpatr

„ fty*"*n!«» enough to be. able tcfroat room where ho could sitTlndpw and__Vatch' tho su

that the occopants were'moildangb.ter.7 Tho mother was aquite • pretty, about thirty yage. Her daughter was^not mo

. twelre.or fonrteoa. ,As the wltime rolled on-it-was learned.that the husband had died but-Oiwr-befo

—__ious consecration to- GodV andJtte kmgdom Is needed not only'flourselves, ,but for onr country-

arws sajsr "To fail-to Blve mir>6iSTneApa'sense and app_recjatirn"dvnamic force of religious faTta"progress of human Affoirp. ia ton]-...them igaorant of U* greatest ,13most profound fact of Mstorj- ^

-would bear -watching. "Tbo oSUoad tlkat the womatu io was

' " left this [ket-

1and that she was alwavsl-OfW-.lier shoulder and peering

^ onspected Bho'wasiied.v Tracking her one d

idjthe war-to fbo^St Loula-ct- ^BaatT 'street Approact

by i«W Jcnelt down before"head aa If enga

1 app» one, AB. the

jr. sauntered ale>stranges.an4»»

Page 3: COOK S THEATR - DigiFind-It .pdf · ' I • *f'•" K JP"— *** w>P»«Ma4»ter thing, b tK - ; *Ma world than a mrtalted coal bin. Till* U a great little country, ai It It said


By CoL H. aWhitley. Former Chief United States Secret Service

i —

HE, sympathy ofthe public Is usu-ally bestowed up-on the weaker BOX.although Heavenknows i t is a ml»taHe to supposethat the weaknessof humanity Is con-fined—toalone. Certainly inmatters of love and


.so he m i slgnal'of recognition b*-.tween. the man and. the .woman. TheijtUr, having completed her s.eemlngerrand at lovw

tlmes proves her-— . . M . ^ M ^ self the stronger,ind in criminal ways .her powers, ofnventlon have many times reachedhe acme of' perfection.- .Tho^piitlolevices resorted to by women for puli

around for a moment and retired fromthe cemetery. The detective ihougnt-she,might have come thrre to meetthis man, but had tfen-foiled in. herlnteitlona "by the appearance of

It was Sunday that the occurrencedescribed- took-place. On the samed»y f thnf I following tha d«tire, disguised as a decrepit old manapparently almost blind, went Into.thecemetery early and-took a seat bestdna tomb-Hot -far from the one uponwhich tho woman bad placed the flow-era ihe Sunday before. U w»« nenyl„...„,_ I v n l l w o u v u U7 wuuicu lor pun- » " JU° ounnay oerore. It was nearly

nc tnewool over the eyes of the offl- noon-day when the suspected woman•r» of the law are frequently more with her basket upon her arm cameatateading and difficult to penetrate '" """ "-'l1--' " -•• -ban the most scientific roguery plan-

'The several hotel expedients resort-d to by the Widow Wood, bettersown in . police circles as "Toeranghtr" Little Milliner," for throw-IK dolt Into the eyes of the. detec-Ives, la Indeed a marvelous .exempli--cstlon of female Ingenuity. .It waa along In. the .early' seventieshen It became known that thero wasIrcnlating about New Orloana a dM-arena counterfeit five dollar treaauryWe, llfcewlao a pretty good Imitationt silver half dollars, A number ofleso bad flve dollar'bills were re-l lit Hin h»nk« nnrt might

asket upon her arm camjn. The basket was ailed, with flowers as before, she was d

a: sorrowful, errand. This time .'shedid not kneel, but sat down beside thejtomb and-bowed her head as If In con-templation. After- a abort time thestranger of the week previous enteredtho-cemetery* and approached.the sor-rowing woman by a circuitous' route;Neither of tbeaojerjons Beeci«d totajie any notice of the-old man lean-ing upon the nearby tomb.->TheBtfanger and woman met and engaged

only stava off- the trouble forshort ilme—, ,

The good hearted BOBtnerner's synv•patfcy—aleae. He west at once to her littlestore and paid the I30O demanded bythe ketpor and teft her""flod betidesio,-relieve-her immediate, wants.

^ l t^ltJ3*s_o»ly_a—f#w—dftys-ftrttowinthis when 13ote*tl*e Fttjpatrick • con-cluded to enter j h e ' Widow Woods'place or bus ip** a i d make a tbor-

new evidence in regard^to bar dealing with "queer" money.

When he entered^ the suspectedplaco he discovered that it was nearlyempty. Everything of value had beenremoved. A gHmbel^-of—cheap'-^-a'rti-ficlal flowers,'bits of worn ribbon andlace and empty bandboieg constitutedthe.8f.Gck: It was all appearance and

used along undetected had.not ony^sJuudceis^jnore^dlaceraiss^tbaiFlo others, mado the dlscovory that-ieoo notes wero counterfeit, though

r Woro-WoU-calculated- to-.Jacelvu'-'averaipi -fradesmani ^Tha '• "bogusj

df dollars hod been coinedTwitirBleoTe« and wero exact facsimiles of themulno In all except the -metal theymtalned. They passed readily. amonge forolgtiera, especially about the•ench marketOperator James Fltzpatrlck, whou at that time In charge of govern-rat secret service affairs In Now Or-inatbegan_an investigation for-thojpoaoof forrctlng outrtho aouxce'ofla bad monejr. After, weeks., of. anx-.jfl watching It was leiurqcd that a.nng girl > who dolly visited theeach market for the purpose ofling family provisions had, aa rcgu-•ly as eho came, left a bogus halfliar.: Showoro a tattered dress andsre was a- Borrowful expression cot-d about her IIM > i

Th conversation. They were' pftrtloilyconcealed from the view, of the oldman, wtib now stralghtanod up and

.hohhlf/1 tfngnrrfwi thfm tfpon f h

stranger suddenly bolted o\rr itn ad-j^fi^fe lookThordlsguised officer rushed tip to thowidow and.demanded to see what »hocarried In her bojskc!t> . Upon-a^j fex;ajaitontiori It wan!) found "t j cnotaln 'a6e,t-of-dIcs^orcolnlnB'ltnltstfpn*«Tlv«r

half dollars. . . • . . '. . "The woman was arrested. Her lit-

tle atoro was searched, but nothing <|fon,.,Incriminating nature was foundthere. Tbo vbmau said wasWood,' and tytt. her Jinsband haiLilJedbu^ a short time before SUeTh^djsince .his death regularly vialted.tbecemetery overy Sunday Sot Uie pur-,

.pose Of decorating his tomb. Sho had-}a young daughter to support and hadbeen sorely pressed for-money. > Thedlos which she curried In her boskethad bpen left.wltu her by a man. whoasked her to Hell them fur him. Onsecond thought she had regolved-notto' comply with*', his "request 'as shefeared such an act-might Do wrong.Sho had gone, to tlio

been tbo Madam'squarters;.It'also wsjrtmpty '<*•

r<>pt a few tattured garments strewnabout"' .: " ' -

What, puzzled th« dete-etlvo mostwas to acfount for tbo: removal-of theRoods'without attracting 'his attention.The mbvaaents of the woman hadbeen -carefully watched- and ;the' do-tectlve had recognized tho Carrondo-.tette"-street, broker as ho vlsltod the

after of a mun very much resemblingthe stranger, who had met the .WidowWood |n the cemetery on tho occnulmi"f *"?r ^rr^rl - tt -flnuiu- rfinn i..

or : mor». aftsr t t e owvuTeaee ofthe incident Just r*iat*4. wfeca th»l>IB> d«U«.Uv» nhtti ramHUC^~aB5uT

chanced IQ

or*«Md woman who boraturned her bant and gave him a aid*glanc* m» he piwted. Jle_k

a«»bi<riSH«oce T«E* ,Just In time to catch sight of her as•he stepped, iato Johnson's millineryestablishment .Taking UD, a IHHiltliinat a point \}UcaMUy across th« atrvct,and shelteringOBis»elf a little in adoorway, he Waj t\njibU>d to distln-

..gjjUh persons., as jtjfey passed In andout of the shon,^T "While ho • stoodwatching,' a. bright looking boy camsalong with a bundle at newspaper*under his arm. Tha dsttjctlrc' called

dotip and with hlci ib

a little "piping" for him. Whenthe suspected woaian came out of thomillinery store she was pointed outto the boy who was told to follow n«rBirtrirT>oa»mrer'tr«f<f ner to herhome. The boy was promlned | 5 fortbe job If his Information proved to

correct, and he was to m w t the

lac lady ran* t» k*N « M daytrfd on my besots;. «h» wantnlc* one but I could not nt b * r S h e

A Brutti WltH M*t!».-n.m. tt

that mint lc i»

^,*"£ ™?1*^±*Z iUtk- - 4««SSt- ^ " ^ 1 ta^rvOw...Bh» i&aIrrTtt»«-Mt 6n» and »)Ud Itwould do w«U enough-for site, but (he


Nothing an)U»«« the av«ra«« manu.ore than to t i n r w n w woman bo-l l e v ^ b e Is bowing him,

but hav* not »e*n her *tne* I bat*niad* Uounrti for a number of wealthypeople. Sum* of mv customer* rtdaid thru- cAirtagvs. Tlthln a block nfmy store and walk the rest of th«way, as It would not do fur them tobe seen In a little store like this Th#yhave- recognised th« fact that I tn»k«the sweilpst bonnet* and mitt UMSBI at ! A veld Jiuahln* -tn the front by joins;about buvlf th«. pric« amked In the Urc* | back on your frtends • . : *millinery parlor*."

. ? • : ' • •

lM l t l i A Ct«,I) IX O?«r DAT

It It f»il.i.. .an. B.W.. \

smejer later and-reixirt. When th«boy came back tn .the officer ho hadfollowed th.8 woman to a little »hopon Ninth ayenue.; He said, the wpntin and took off her bonnal as thoughsba belonged there. •' . . ••

UY« reported mwtinjriUiowoman who had so nicely escapedhim and bad located her In a smallstore on Kthth avenue, where them

"Fine Millinery Work tkmo Huro."It was quite reasonable l-o bolle-vnthat tho woman was none othof thanthe naughty llttlo milliner from NewOrleans and that xho was then doing"lURlnoss In Now -York.. Officer^ Flu'-mtrlrk of New' Oriuans-was tlie'only

detectivo "on the force that could pos-Itirely- ldenU^/ii '*, ': bill It wouldn'tla to bring him for'tltiit purpuse aniho would bo .Bure_tQ_.«efl.Jinjj first,!ad haying be II put* iiV'uii In.'i' KUIIIIIho might fly awar.

Idea was to plan a raw for thourposo of s;apturlng her wltlt pvl-eni'U to coiivlct Kor this., purpose

-Well, l declarn,"'sold the old g«n- jtinman; "that Is about tho kind of • j 'bj'nnct 1 want" / • • — - fv

"I ^thought you^ would tall in "lov»'j"wltn It," said -th»: little nilHtlwr, "aa is beautiful. - Tho woninn haant icallm) fur it. Tot rvra'lf I thought she {»ould. I will sell It inasmuch aa It to' '' out of tow

• \

d I »«ano'thcr juiit Uko It" ~ -^ ___. j

After haggling about tho priro f<» ja time tho old guntleman oourluded to ibuy It ''. _ -:.\, _.-...•..:___.;_. 1

•I will tako It alnng; wlUt me." saidhe. as he laid down a twenty dollar

SarsaparillaJures all humors, catarrh and, • • „ . . . . : • • , , V.WILII .I

"rheumatism, relieves tlvaFtirod•feeling,'restores the" upju-titi1,cures paleness, nervousness,l)Uilils" up the whole system.

• < 7 « t i t t m l i T m » * l I i 4 fbin of the National WHW A leatherbank Jo pay for i t - - • - , . . .

Tho cilllliier plrktid up tho note and

aarvasin. as she aald, "l.fiok. hem, oldfellow, thin Mil won't dci."

The curious eiprctiainn upon hetface was certainly atminlng, tihd thecountrymaa thought-he npth»d a lurkIng smllo upon hAr CMiinU'nanct; thatbetokened sympathy-and indlcuMthat aho was posted on that kind oiraonoy. -..' - ' - . • • ' • r

"Ux)k hure. I know that Stiiff. ajwell nil ymVIo •»• yon |tj«l) imp II.I

ye inn wimethlnjf clno."They stood and loiikiid nach

In tho face. Thorn was a u

ited expression of her countenancoit flrst attracted the. attention ofleer .Fitzpatrick. Tho Gascons andlian doajorrabbur the roirkbt • hoTrer. mado a complaint In regard to>bad money, as they could readily.a it oft on ono another or. at thol e e houses along the river front.fallowing the girl.ono day tbo erf.;at traced hor to a ilittlo varietyro on S t Joseph streot, neaT" th.Brl•rier. of Tchbupltoulaa street 4 ? ' e r

short, time had^-elapfleTl^tbn gli;lno out of the Bhop. Sho' w~Sg> now\toA In somewhat "above tho com-

y; th"S"leer Vatchod- hor movoments untli finally wont Into a small groceryIre.- When sho canio out eho car-V a package. It wan plain that she

"~.ilor explanation was not altogethernatlsfa'ctory to the intnd of FTtipatrlck.

The Widow Wood, notwithstanding

ppod-lato tho llttlo store and re-nted tho Creolo boy In attendancelet him seo tho money that ho- had-elred from tho girl that had justt Iho place It was a new Ihe-tar note ihat the boy handed out.iking It. ovpr" carefully, ft w as found<Sa ono of the bogus kind"ho oDlcer mado ,i plausible ex>nation that ho thought sufficient-CoIsfy^lho curiosity of the boy, andI now quite certain_tbut he was on*tmclc of tho BOL"""" /if-iK.> umiwinfa and.that tho occupants of the litvariety store, were tho distributorstbo bogus 'stuff.. •'••' . .' \opposite tho variety ctoro across

street ,was the" sign "Purnlshednna-to Jient," and Fltzpatrlck » a iinnate enough to be. ablo to hire alit. room where bo could sit at -tiredpw and watch' tho suspected

t the occopants were'mother audghter.7 Tho mother was aT~wldo»,a - p r e t t y , aboat thirty years df. Her daughter waa'"not more UmnIre or foorteon. <As the -wheels of

on-it-was learned &t the husband had died but a short

befo dm b e d to Now Orleans, - t t

Jd bear watching. "Tbo officer no-di {hat the w e m a r u i o was UICLPL.

sionally left this place ofTyteg-

;»Od that she was always. looking^^|«JSaild^-''i|iuJ"pe«ring.';.'aboatltf:"sio.4onBPOCtedBho waa beingSlSiS&r»iad^Iher. .one,;'daK :sheilm'iw^ri-to/ ihe^. JLqaUrcem'cteFyr^ t e i i f i f : BboetS?' .App.rpa<?hlng> \? a:p^a ie | »ne l t^ flown; before it and•i|;het';",>hpadi a s ; l f eiigaged- In

j p | w S l t % f » w t ' ^ a n ' appjtfentiy'" *'**'-' ""* ": lAsV-tne'idjte^

Banntered alone A«

placetl upon trlul charged with baringcounterfeit dlos in her. possession.There was no.question in regard totho possession of these .dies—but' didshe have knowledge of their nature,ar w*S' sho ;'a '-victim' of n c.unninglydovlsed schemd of .a person who was; dlBpose of^ .- >:'

There, were at that time exlstlng"(nNew".Orloana as In other-.cities AIleast two classes, of iKJrsons subject1

«fc-on^^rlCT. ,|i3-fme.,hnnd.,UtoTJwas tho fellow with tha dark' bro'..who thought ithero was no-great harmin passlnB conntertolt money, •pin. tb

" '!L-i)ie}S,.'.wajtihip,.pj»ia^h^aijB)aUL.

* ^Rftw5y*esou engaged In swindling (ho publiryet whoso fcyisipathy mij ln get thibrst-^sl him whoti culled upon tp nupon a Jury, and try a" woman far aoffenso

Tho Widow Wood totd a'l'.imp stor.In regard to tlio cmrntorfolt dle«rb»Wt!io tolo of her struggles t.o maiatal^ifrself and konp-iipf head abovwater was touthinK In tbo extJ-emeIt (brought sympathrtlc tears to tht>)ea of tho warm-hearted and chlvatrous southerners 'ihcy> could no

ThTnk oT"cT5bVICl!ng tier.—OIH; evening a few months subse-

cjuent to the widow's honorable exoaerntlon. a good-natured gentlemana member of the Jury that" had 'ati,ultted hrr, wus on Iii3 way to his

' Yes, Madain, at youif Bertrico," re-sponded the gentleman gallantlyhomo from his offlco on Carrondolettestreet -He suddenly felt liSf coat


of tbe lecret Eer%lce In tho vaxlouicities of the country

s first recognized in Cipcinnatl » h i r e "he had offerwl a flve-doilar counterfeit, bill When arrcflte

t_j_and_Bfarched. no other

4>irt pulled. Turning around he wasnot a l l - t i e astonished tU-find himselfconfronted by a> prepossessing worn-

whom, ho 'couid not rememVr «verhaving seen b f

Aroyou Mr. Cbappelaf «bo askedIn a swoet 'voice.

further* ceremony she In-trbiluced.,herself- aw Mrs. Wood» the


aho had lilm temiuc aaehbad turned l i a t h o was a benefactorto the worthy'"poor axuf that sho now

In need of Jisslstaacfl- Her'story was that she and her daughterof tender agp Bad Tbeen keeping _tasmaft variety store and had becomehcaytty involved y p j lehV _-Throughhumiljation.'•'aai'JSnui^ 'sherhaainian-aged (q'.attuggle-^Iong;- and"ekfc otfiaa;.exist8Sce;. ^ ' . a^chnTent hadr-—"bjeen jssned' aod, a keeper, pat. In;

"' ^pltifujAtale2^he:ih^v^v<vy>v™».r^giilil goon come to nor'proof, nor


n/iuiiiiuijr—IWII Bums with uut nuiinglethought ' • ••• •""" "-^_ £i'/i^y::'nVme'Vtf::'iittyld"~KlFkb3deifJnanilnK o weII knoWn counterfeiter.. "tJ(N)d graclouH," . eiclnlmiNj theWomai!.'' .why didn't; yoli ijiny. r no *liavtf iiBvorrtneti'OU"bwfurtvl»itri:havenfUin hnnrd my friend ICvti Cqlu. taikabout you. What worn you thinkingabout when you came. In'honi?" • •- "O i. Just uljout 'what I told -ynu;

!(!<.'« 1 ".Uiinmht-It. wan.' u KWid ,chnnrn lo nhuvn it. twonly.1,'; ,. '• j

"Why," Biild Khtr, "I buy thijrfii bon-iiotju ill JohiiNon'ii [und keop/'tlh-'nt for jn bta'li. If yourtmlly want thin ctxui;ynu nro wnlcome lo i t" . '

An .nil"? r bnrniiiij -niom , ronndontlal,;slie-^ald. putting'mt (i: peculiar smile, "Huppodo 1 liaif glVim you your (.'hangn. jin a hill Ilktt thlfi one," as stiVi (iro |diic«Ml n l l y e ilnliai; Iilll. • ' '^'Woll, • wi-U;"- eald tho old follow,!

"It-w-okld lia'vn been all right wllh nio. iHut I nm kerpliiK'pretty alindy nt this]time; I carry my stuff coneenlod In j

"f fe l l ami sprainoij my armand WJU in tcniblo p.iui. Icuulil riot use my^.-initul oj armwithout inlrjiMJ .sulTering lintil -n neighbor told m« to uso

.Ski.uv's Liniment; 'ITieriitUn[i(>licatlon gave rno'^iii'itntitrelief and I can now usi: myarm as well j i s e v e r . " — M K S . II.

' II. $»Ki.v<ifcK, f)it Flora St.,Eluabcth, N. J. . .-, ..


"Oh,'.' niilil sho; "ynu riion think yiiva1

nro.omart at ilo'lng t'hlngii, but you'r«nrri'Btod In -filrir.lfihatiKIOW.

by th« city il<»tectiv<> because I.o.ffrA-n rountiirf"" blli In pnyindtit for rpnlr of gloves, but they (luarc lied -m«ut thn polite KtAtlon mid oouliln't findany of the 'qufer' about mo I put upa nii'U npli'l and wan vury'indignant,«nd ,11cu Htiflin, thn the i hlef of \xhlit e. got Kiarud and turufMl we. loonc '

killer— JicaU cuts, .•liurnv, wounil?; and "

,draw-tl»o p o i s o nfrom Ming of poi-

SCc. COo and ft.00

that the broker had been done outfour hundred dollars by tho wkjo'. y

bad [ilanruvl »4ip.' kee

tbe*d.ete.ctlv«s.. wcru uriablo 16 learjthe whereabouts of tbo uldow, whhad nkipped out frjr pnrts unkno»nnetccti^o Fitzijutrrck wos> fortunatecnougli to »ecurei'a photograph of heand a nunYbvr of .copies of It wonmade and fuijwardedlo tile br.mche

f b

was tound upon.her person, and s bwas' released for the want of sufflclentyidence.;: .. ,: •-.;.':'. •'-.,' .",'•;A -secret:.serrlc^, officer . carrying

the ..widow's .photograph was,sure hehad met fher. white^on his say'-fromWashington to _Xew-.-York." lie wasnot quite captain*, but was sure enoughto attempt to follow, her for. the-pur;

jMjrfectly natural-to; him,, Ho rt'p-penrod Blmplo In hisi-ways, but was Inreality romarkably. ulirowd. Tho little.milliner might Qavn b«un KUrurlnedone niornlrig.-Jto receive a .visit ffein.a country dresstid old geiitli.iinan, aiid»h<j.'blinked her )arK(i;b.rown eyes aaho entered her llttlo Bhop. Hut 'he*Up* liRBumed- a business' umllfl as .rfausaid, "lie soatod, sir." • . . . .r t h e room was neratly • fiirniihed,and there "was < a dlaploz of roody-

Inin^e bonjets^floweriin^B.:. Toft

IT nt T<mrprobably vtumble'd" to tho detectivewbRe be was eyeing her Intently. Shadid not affect, to n0ti?e him, but man-aged, however, to give him the

Just before "the Uraln arrived at Jer-cy Cltj. the suspected woman got

up from her. seat and stepped Into theadles retiring room at the front

T i e detective was keeping his eag-h>tW ( i h h>jf«-4n

tit ear. He'

Ida iiajry'as poMble towards the froot'exlt,

and rusblBg to t i e firry landing, heoolc a. position wherw h« pnn'lit carr.-ally view.the ffacet?ot™tfefr'''woman.nt^E''»»«!j|^-rb^7Ndpseeffii

» tptiagf asBar B.;: ;' .i)ie;SSfeir;fitatk' ;ide where he^Bgaln scanned the facesif t ie women as they passed- He was[Isap^lnlc^'nnd ready to kick blm-

»eU when'be 'reaJlied bow^ieady; he

fmnmlest corerm for allelase* of crlmlnala.

"Wliat do you 'think!. .1 tinit'.niurv.than a thousand (Mlam of -Mi'mii'llvailoltarvlinis wKjtli •rao.'at' tho tliut'i Ijiit *^li^ir.V.'iM'^'^-^-^HW^o^'^.^fiiok"liSre,''". RITO n a i d ; . and reai-hiiigher .hand lhto>nji opening; lu ber" <lr«sii

It was neccBaary 'io'jirJng H now »naa'|.«?>P'.P"110'1 .-*• "trl"K lln'!, <>r«w; b u * |

Dr. Earl 8. Sloan,B Haw., D\« A.

juto tho (Void, and 1 jiri eldorly j i u '" <ho frontl i 7 l " Th"fs~on b'-i The Army _of_


Df her llttin trlrrjmin'g ropHl Jn tha rearstood open, and It was plainly nuenthat tho floor was littered with bit*of ribbon, clippings, of Hilvjt- Anc]

ll f ilk d T, g , Anc]

small ronmams of silk and lace. Theold gentleman smiled pleasantly; thewoman grace'rully sank Into her chairSho folded her hands In her lap andInclined her hi;ad cnqwsttishly to ono

klrkbrido Inquired, , iI "You can,put your hand Into U.and, j

C l i c V . . ' • • ' " . . ' . ' .. .: . - •

; l io pulled out a imndful' offlvo .lioUarcoiint'erff^lt notes.-. A s . hsdid BO he expruBmtd great ninaijat the itigBnuHrTif"h^rplan. —

'"\ ha-vo carriod^phouoy1 with .mo- foryearn," nli« «ild,_';tmt no,one )/iw everdlBCoverod'ior even' Btii'pectvdilt-" •

At-'"this momimt the Jornwr farm

la Growing'Smmllmt Ev«ty Day.CARTER'S UTTLEUVER PIUL5

U dbeyiM \-

rogation point The old^geDUomsn•splalntd ttat talrd-omur wlro Ilvedover in Jersey bad naked him to pur-Chase a nice bonnet for her, and asbe passed along tho. sidewalk he hadread her sign nnd just stepped In. U«told her'that the novelty of-a bonnetmaking concern- had always'attract©!

rondied out and grabbed (jio widow'sbuntle, fnbucklfug the belt that. heldIt, Repulled it from her person. 8h«;was grputly surprlst-d wberl BUM real-ized that sbojvas at last fairly caughtr«d-handed. . . • ; . . . / ' , •• '

"V This cbarrhjng little wlddw was' how.escort«<r; to my branch pfflc^ on

street . Aftey a long and t*

SMUX ITU,' SMAltPOSg. SMM1HUCJGenaine «—1«» Signature

There Is No OpiumNoraartMaf tojrtwtfa

mr p a r ' "h e

This little woman "with ttte uparfc-JlnKjtirown e » t was A fair sample or*xqufslt« female abr«wdne»s.— Tix» littie dodge she played" upon the intectlvs who in parlance was "gun.

- -^t--^—Of-


his attention aiid thiil he would Mi\ car. was tms. Sh»

iUisu 1 t«U 'you ail aboutt," she" said good humorediy. "1 gueas

^get through*"She was a good talker and appeared

to be a jroman of ref)n«m«nt and edu-cation aa she prattled along. She•aid she bad once bees rich but hadbees, unfortunate; her husband haddjed frp/n- diseaseind a young andonly daughter had- been -killed in arailroad wddent,,-_ _A» .she talked.

Ing h« o tpat * small worsted cop on her head.

specially made tot the purpose andartistically arranged so .ar to mil*it- long or short) Inside oat, she bor*tboapptaroace of a- school girl. A»-;•uming a look of iunocont childhood,'she could' meet the gaxe of tbe officerand- pasa-»Jott6 without discovery.

Bb t C Ip 6 it

Bbs was oov.tna enCwIngto the arrWt of a number of-



HaFe's Honey

Tbcie i* notliiiiff MU--r- - for wwglis, cold* and W »

thrimt All DroggML


•mm* 'mm


Page 4: COOK S THEATR - DigiFind-It .pdf · ' I • *f'•" K JP"— *** w>P»«Ma4»ter thing, b tK - ; *Ma world than a mrtalted coal bin. Till* U a great little country, ai It It said



Oraated, I .

C«rfor*J O w l * Notes.Greater InUre.t than ef«r

fore u U i i i g Ukea in liowlwg byTumifay and Friday

night* each week finds many of the

y p X T I,interesting to tbe lady bowlers.

_ _^_ ^_ TJIiOiStiL Jtofc,JM billiawl-ind\«eew« publication communicant foot labl?if IiaTS tjeu'n arranged"^**«toa«4orawomj»at i frd»v f*"1 very up-to-date and effifiient.

faith.i t i

o> a guarantee ofThe OitUen iciil print

_„ nu On any tutyett of• gt»mtHnUrutto the people of Cran-

JordlfMt doe*-not thereby attune anytttpinulbiUtf for -opinion* vhtch may-os. tfjsprasMcl.


Some month* Hince TownshipCotntnitteenian Droesobor in con-versation suggested the ilomrnbili-

~ l y j u d - gcneraijuliajita^c to—Onwi-ford"of a Town Clock which couldat all times bo relied upon to fitrn-iah correct time. At the mime.time- the question arose as tO-whare


KENILWOttTH NOTES.8.J. Beckfcf b « leawd\he K.nil-

Itealty Build,".* on tbel


A-Hetra vEffa Mar.PT. Ftor-

Hornlnpf wotsbip at 10.30. E»enloKworthlp at 8 o'clock.. Preaching both Indiana Found _

Coo Icingt tho »onlr«,,

lay School at 13 o'aiof k.

o't'loclc Sotijftrt, "OurwlthOoe Another."

^ p

into mrvicn.In tlio Handicap Pool Tourna-

ment C. E. -Greoa Tiroveil U10 win-ner, heating 11. I t ilaroton ° forfirst place in DIP final gamp*, ployedlast Saturday. The coiisolijluinroun<l-i« now in progrcfta.

In nil Club matters the intercutof tlm tneinJiurH IIBH lieen awakened

to a'groaUtr oxtotit thanH i K iu, (Treat in

nocial 'enjoyment nndd

such a clock could bo plnnoil. Theanswer, wan, build - n clocktower Which nhoulrt at once bouseful atxl ornamental to tho town:

, Following out tbe RiiKKeNtioiiBf ~ marie then, Mr.-Druewlwr ban bad

hdprepared plans for atower U> bo erected ou

handsometho public

utrgct, "-and•boat F#b»l. -

H. Jabber in making extensiveon his property on

tbe rcorntiz~uBonlerartl.—.A

and ib»larg<r .'addition- ta

* nf jyiniitual bt-nplit nil around, and thisshown no sifrii uf dinliniiation tinthe aoaNou rown older It augurs

prosperity forwell forthe Cluli in every way.

_ __ M, ,»• _

Dircttors Re-Bcded.—At- thn—annual rnnoting-of- thrHtockhold'irH of the Crnnforil Nn-tiounl Hank hold on Tuesday all

Ilia store in about completed, onenew house iK e»,c)o«ed aud anotheris in rourtte of construction.

Tho Natlianitou Binldiug oil tbecorner of 29th HL.nud WashingtonAvfc., -IH m-aring completion andwill be rcaily for occupancy • withina f>«. dttjH. Thi) Hiller buildingfronting on 20th atrret, with tlic<foundation complete'm ready forthe timber* and a good portion j>ttho luinlior in on the ^roumlti,awaiting thn carpe.ii tern.

The James Arthur mansion onth'n crt-8t of Newark Ave. , in nowcompleted and occupied by tboowner nnd IIIH family, nnd the four•tore and=~ "npartrnpnt ul—-"tuffnnlrancc. to Nownrk Ave. , by tliosame owner, will bo completed mulready for Uinnno) by April 1.

Tho ndjournod meeting of theBorough Council uns h«>ld in liorvoiigh Hall ou Tuexdny evening, niliiieinberti except F. II. Kraut/,

avenue.Oakleys, architect* of Elisabeth,and aliow a well pi oportiopedatructure about 20, feet each wayat 'he bane with a height of about40 feet The ii'ain conHtructimiwill bo of rough atono and fronttho drawingH at would neoin thattho tower, if built, will add veryniuoii to tbo architortual beaut.v

- —of,Graufor4.— .—. ...The cost of the towor-nnd olook

IB estimated at about fOTSO.ouUiiliJof tho atone required IH


ill HO in lurn wore ro-uloctod at thoI^Jrc'clorit^inecling" Uetd~ in^theevening of tbo xanie day, a* fol-'biwa: I'rcnidont, T. A. Sperry; Vice1 ' i d N U F t C l i

tion ahoutH are now being einmlnt-t'd aud it ia to be hoped that thoji'ioticy'roiiuirerti.will tjuiclfly be

i d J M ^ f U u ^ propOHodnt tlio l

, W7T : TLa<Ik»' Tea Prl4«y-nf(ert»»i<in from

3 to a. at tbe p«r»ona««.Tu» reipitiir miiiiihly roe»tln« of- tbe

Epwurth hbfigun »lll \n> lld'l Prt/inrevening at in* home of Mr*. C. L Ufll,North Avenup, Riun.

Th« Laities' MtHiloDiiry H<x'l»ty heldon Jutere«t1i)K milling in itif chapel onTuesday afteriiooti. l(ein« wldrewM-dby Mm. J. W. Conklinp. of NewaTk.anaunt or MISR Oonklln, thn Sii|»-rluted-dent of the KinderKarttn C4im'» of theHunJay Hcliuol. Ttwlmiy n|Mik« aboutthe women and children of 'lint ooiin-try. Hh« toin«MlMi"»orlior tKVi "mi«-slori «ch'xj|»' iherii anil th« Kreatamount <if good th«y hi«J accompllah-«d. Mr». Oinklln wiw formerly of tin-

p1'rpnident, N U Fohter;(1. M. HondriekH. Thn BtatVtnentof thi! bank'tt condition ahowod thelai gp«t depoMitu in th'e hiHtory oftho bank aud a larger mirpliiM (hanaliowji by avy_pr«viqiiN report. Al-togutUor the Crunford Hank Hanrealised the greatent nxpoctntintmof itK fouudorK and baa proved aniiiui Mihmliln .awnut-for ('ranford'H

mlernkU nwwell »W Inuring

lead and approved, HIBO a letterf J h E J 3 b C i i dPublic Accountant, who wan re-ongnged to nudil thn boroughbooks, wax rend by tho clerk, inwhich Hinted he. WIIH. prepared to

give the work iiniiiodmUi attcmtiouAn application from 1'iinl Johnnonfor financial aid fronMho borough,for the car«_uf IIIH brothel Jobu,who came-to Kcnirnorth from NowYork City a couple, of iiiuntliH ago,Wnn referred to the I'oor (liiiumitteowith power to act in tho matter.WilliauLl'alny wan nj

Hpent mnu yearn In order t» Illnatrntef8ur children weri Rnwowl

for the occasion nnil presented Bi*Vernlpretty tableau*. Th« children wereMargarnt mid Helen Conklln, Ioniannnd Helen Cos. While the tiiblnWiH

>' pn-diinti-il Mrs K IS Horton,, Joncti, Mrs. Cox nnd Mrs Conk-

New Books in^Cranford Library.

'Uiwer way be- noen poflico, tho drug Htoren and in othor

' jtabli? plaooH.

jnovo),) a profitablo inventine-iit forilH stockholder!1. The Board*- ofDirector* - i« . as faljby-a-_^'f. A..Sporry, N. it. Foster, F. H. Crary,E I[rArilIoT7".7r C. DoninanTT.TJ.Ryan, « . It. ProcHchor, W. M.HpoitT and It. J. Mix.

appointeetho (oil,

.'Trinity Church Notes.At a mMtlng nf Ihtf Vwary or Trimly

C»urcllL,held on th« Hiah bl Dncvinbur,Itfio, tbe fulluwiDK ranulutioiH on Uic(JIONWU! Mr. Augu«tut *P. DtiUwli, B

unanimously ai]o|iUul:, Our lleuvauly FathM, In

Hialuflitewlwroiu. hiuiwwii III to re-move from tb* aoilvi^iM »f tlim • mortallife our aMooiaU, Auguitu* Kraprullabouok, therefore be It

ltcaoLVKD, That In th» departur* orqur aaaoolata and friend U> bin «t«rii»ltmiug, we tuouru ttip-luna »f a lw»M«»rWotflrb»*lr'*K«w**1U all, wbowr-ohanumg unUquall red n l a o utxituoianded our rMprol; the Churoh,«IIOM atrvioes fr* {OTMI, ba* IIMI a

*• valued number; tii« wife and olitlurenh«ve»UBUln»d tho irroparublw lowuf i»UevoUwl aud ralttiful hutbaud and llie

'cam autf protection of a fouil auil duli-ful favijer; Mie outumuoity hai loet anupright ciliten, anil his louuiuvcablefrleuda will miaathe vital lutlueuuo uf Kcheerful piirlatlan Reollin<«u>

JUMOLVED, ' That, tin* Vestry,»» furaa uoMibla, attend the (un*r«l to a txxl)and that a oopy of them raluulra bo MuitU his family, wllb whom « • dreplj•jmpaltilieln-thU their hour of iimal

l f r « * o » » w e i n v o h ^ U > »

Wednesday Morning Club.A ineoting of ilie Wodneadny

Morning Club uai held kt theIjibinry, yeatpmlBy, tbo l'luaident,•lobn H. flurr^Hon, in the eliair.'I'he impecx at tbe luoruiu^'woredcttorip.tivo .and inteieating—thetirat on ForiuoHii by Mrat Plunimer,the Hocond by Mra. Ilrymer unCanton aud tho Boat People. AHIIOII debate followed. Koaolvod,"That HappinuwH « a HUto of

|it)vii iicirn Mm. Howler mil

Hale; for tho negative Mn^John-•on mid MIH. Dohrniau. Tioketnhavo beau plnocd on Halo for Iheluunioale-tliat in to be-given JHUT17th, under the direction of MraLaotoute, aaaistnd by talent fioni

Cranford, \YoHttl»Id and

otigh Marshall nndatnnding ooiiiniitteen fur thn yearweni autuuincod by Mkyor' HOIICH;Financlt, Kraliti?, NiHelike. uiid'Httl-er. --Fiiiffttr Light*—and—f "Hillor, Kipling anilPoor, Kipling, Jnli«jHon mid Sluill-cro.HB. Police, ShnllcroMH,and Krantz. Oiilinancu.Hillor and' Kipling. Tho Majornailed the attention uf thn Councilto an aijoumiilalioii (if uulicniiHoddi^gs, wliioh we're roaming at willabout tho xtreetH and- lccomtnondud.thnt an onlinauop pLoviilin-.for tiioir oxtcriuiuntio.ii, bn iminmliatoly put into effect. The rocordnof all tax Rain property hoiight MIby the liurough xiuco tlt()7, wereordered"turned ovor to thn FinanceCouiuiittee for their inHpcotion

(Illdor, It. » ' , <Jrov"r- t'li-v<-liiiiA n-cW'l fif frluu lthl|r, AiMmifS, JitTwenty years ut Hull llmiii* /

rllTION.Jacnha. W W. Hnilnf'i KiinliT:- -Tl'hlii-S K Th» Uuli-inf Ilii* gninHlititrtj- U M .Hnniiy'i fatlitrAIlin, J. Ii Tki> ilucliit's C'lui-lllliaH

KYI-',,1. i) . The iireilin (|tnl tl»'thn

Ilnrhen, I. ,N. Oh


i rr«rt

minnow.nlm> Porter- At



,JHti> Kr»«n diwr ,n H1 Tlu<KinoraliU;ity-nfU7

I'IIIUI-, \ l \ Tim Hollow Treer b k

coneolatlon of the Mao of tiorrowsvaa acquainted with grief.

Sunday eWJDloB, til*

who who saw tho show Mr. lloyt gave uslast year havo sonin Idea of th« lieut

" .•"-*l«s|* t'rjhenia—Ia

gram:Prooe^Jonal Hymn ,.. .541

Furwartl-SaOttrVfatohwunl "Prayers and Vnmolwi T.llwOlona. . . . - - KttudallMajioiiioat and Nuoc OimitUt Fli>hlAntbwm after 3rd Collect.. UeftMissoIni

"I W»iUwl Fur the LorJ."Srmo » . . ' . . . . , , U)

•One With God the Kalher." .Offerton Aolbam Woodward"The ItadleptUoro Uaih Paawd Away."Sevenfold Auwp , .Hwlner

ttaDtenoe Clauder

A general lmrttallob ii obrdially M-tended. The sitting* at ibis avrvioe ej»all free. ^ .

V. t A. Notes.A large attendance greeted Dr. I*wig

, LJU. V., the frlutT. h j £ i i | '

16»~*'l<h* -fectuteroolo^ioal

Cranford* Canoe Club - -TheOlub linn secured Mr. Add Hoyt

and his famous MuiBtroi Troupe of

Show anil .VaudttVllle, Mr.

fll-emon'it Ball," Tloketa will be onwile In a few days At all tbe Drugstore* anil may ftt«o be obtained fromthe members of the Club

Preparation* are already under wayforacamivnl to bn-held on tho rlvoruest July'- All ibdlcatlona point to arroonUiroffkliut turnoutrn«-th©ro aremore caaoe* In town tbna ever l>efoit>and tb«t« l» more enthusiasm evidenton the part of their*owners.—Tha-hoya are all on a diet in ahtiel-patlon2ot tbs "Annual Feed"- wbloh Is<a»dule<l for, Saturday, Feb. 4. Atour worthy friend H". B. ,T»ft hasawoinofj 00 'poMUra for the timebeing, tbo club-has been ablo to re-serve a few choice specimens for thinoccasion. Humor has It that the caterlUK will be by Sherry, under the dlreo-l f m y h M r t ^Tbe

, al aod sporting teatunM of the Doctor'sraoeotUipof,explorations io U(jand«and Eaat A'nca. It wsr Illustratod -hinumerous plctnrae talteo from photojrrajDbe taken in- that' wild country by

-ir"-tlMi«rtur«rand-t»»8-bltbl|f '

atraam a game wllbSuren's Institute

*4ema«wairtia<i,at, t ie bom*

mKyohnMjertTstilti'Vlctory- oi HXS

won Hatunlay by Uie Onuiford Cauo*Club Hockey Team. Tbo game wasI>1«)«HI OD. rather uoaaf* ioe. causingfour df the ]>lay«n to take a oohl p!un«e.Tbe Orantor^ goal was never \n -danger,the »our» btlog t-C1 at the and of the

Manager Wiottlorts trying

lector. The. iFinnncii tJommitteeroportud that the\ hud not yet,completed tho work of mljuHtuigMm iliHjiiitnil tan iiBHCHHini'ltlH nJ (lie.Keuilworth Hi'alty ('iM^xirHtinn,but would be- ready to Hiibinit ureport nt the noxt legulnr iuee|ii|g.liotidH of CoiiAtnblcH in thu Hor-nigli woio plnpud at t'i.00 as huio-

toforo. Fred it. Hitler the newColloclor ropoifnd tiio'T-uuefpr of$141 UT on nooount of 11*10 taxuuainco Jan. 1st, and a bill of'

[lrufeH'ir. C WrMin't'OunoH foraional Bor\ico» in the Uoronghapproved and orde.rcd paid. Thuolork_waR nmtriiotoil to pumliaHotho

ing in February,

GARWOOD NOTES. '* Tho regular numthlr mooting of

the Hall Signal Iioliu) AHNOcintiouwaa belli last Friday night nt Ilritzhall._i! About sixty x»i"»i!,<ir* .w°Efipreiiout. Tho report of tlfu Tioim-urcr showed tho AnHoeintioii to bein a tlouritihiug ^condition for the•year ending Deo. Ill, ID10. It has192 members on-itn-books-Aud-haa.paid out I4T4.CS for nick benefits',975 for one death benefit aud lwsa balaueu on band of t4»S.'2a. llillsto thojiDiuunt of $3103 were or-dered paid. At thn OIOHO of busi-neas' rofroihiuents wore served.Tbe AseOoiation adjourned to mt>*toir^WayL,Fobnjiary 8, at 8 o'clock.- . l ibertyrHb»o Qpnipuuy, N o . J ,will hold a ball SQUIB tiiuo in Fob-

ru»ry. ^Recorder Harry 'Colon ,is ill at

W»bonie with tbo grip.

Proctor's Newark Theatre..The Boatonlau O.cbMt'ro. rro"

ftefeatad tbit team two years ago by th«•ooreof 31.--A gwd game-is promleedamJ.U>» b>>ya wish all their friends to b*

(allowing UU>> line utofUe M*ja«b*cpOrsaford

TtBWVfgMyiif»Bw>tewhole under the direction of MlmTaatoQ.Stenrraw, a Uoaton KOOIMVwotnaa and one of the moel ih»tln«irl«h-•d mntlolana In the country, will bn the*>D lin

country, wil te t»' r>r""l"r'ir~ Parfc

PlW Tb*at«,k b l l

Newark, daring lh«M l Jin. Iff, One

o t l b » B w r t r r tprodaeUou at a drtmatiaW Ath M O l


prodaeUou at a drtmatia I b C i ^ n t b yW. Aathony MoOulre entlU-d " f h aD.«il,Tb« Servant and ih» M ; « a . o i J ito a w»ll iaown faM fbet Proctor atanO*tor quality A word tu vh« wia* Is•uffldMt

BtprtMtatlvea <of iba .DHfoanoy «»L usltt Uj U»t tn««Run-

Mated.Any on* with half an eye could set

that be n-ss madly In lovu nrlth burbut h9 bad not cuuraiie cnuuich to pulIlls fnte to tb» tesL Hut «he nil* ayoung lady who knew bur w»y abutuas the •uylng'goes, and one nlnlit >hi!sutcKentitl u Knme of chess. IIo. poorfelluw, euiii-rjy »nallowed the halt II-he" wns (unnvlce at loveiualclus h e waicertainly uo no vice at cliess. unil hosoon had tbo fair mold hopelesslybeaten.

"Alii" ha exclnlmcd ns ho put ber Ina hopeless corner. "You're In a tightcorner now. Miss Msbol."

Rlio lookwl at him with those beaut!

twdoU—wotlcgd any-coninrMalon,George, llnvo I no

"Nono whatever," said tboGeorge. "I shall innto you next move.'

cooling buiMi. "Er-nndu't you betterask fnther Uret?"

They aru married now, am) (leoreooften vovkdors If sbo la ns drime ntchi-89 as >h« would make Win bollcv

' Uniioln With Hit Children.' . It was n rroquent custom of Uucolo,thl« of carrying his children ou ,blaahmildvr.. lie rlirely went down Btret'tThat he did not tinro one of his young-cr boys mounted on his sboulder, whllVanother liung to-the tall of o'ls longcoat Tho antics, of the boys with'tbcrr~fnlbcr~and th« si>eclcs of tyranny

itInnil DlHorVWho was a neighbor "ofMr. Uncoln. told one of tho beat oftho* stories. He was called to the door

-pne day by hearing a great nqlse ofchildren crying, and tbeftj was Mr.Uncoln striding by wl(h tbo boys, bothof whom went walling aloud. "Why,Mr. Lincoln, what's the matter wltl)the boysf'_he_ asked.

"Juit what's the matter with tbewhole world," Uncoln replied. "1'vogot three walnuts and each wantstwo.'*-From TarbeU's "Ufa., of Lin

— • Paying For Extras.' In one of the luxurious -golf clubbouses In tbe south of-England a flattor approached the steward and askedfor a luncheon ticket

"Five ihllllngs," said the official.That's rather a lot, Isirt HI" Inquir-

ed tbo visitor.J*AJ0lT 'Phlnlr ^f ttn» jna» flf. tjile

cluK. 8ee, those pjcturca? ' They're>worU%thou»nnda or pounds*. And tbosa'tapeatnea? Their' valtM to—stmpryenormous."

On t^e folio wins "day tbe visitoragain asked tor a luncheon ticket andtendered oalf a* crown.

£ | > o already told you, air," said tbeatWard. "that tbe charge t» Ave sail-

only want halt a crown"* worth today,t saw the pictures and the, Upesrtjrtwy««terday."—World-ot Qolt- " — "

liloe* wauthad.stater and oej* Ja_

V T T ) r a tgagtmentt Uftk Kttiel-C|oM -aputth•01. .Ion <mgbt.-4»Lae* tbem tbgetb«rlotl*ht,^t»!


his Lov«.a v Of lore at Hrst algbt. « O r ^MGond tight A * Ant tbM IN

to flWni t M w ' * '

wittr luasi'lii-o' tli«- Indian iRmt funad in

ntiv k «Ii; 11 Iw t'wt i><fc»^wi'>n a id at" I-IHI "f iliv 5<-'if tl.e uui i i lT baii

not IH-I-11 ilinmliili.-.J HuliLiDS that|Mrhii|,H In- hiil nut dlw harsysV tl«_

oli' «li"> In tli" nidttt-r nf '

1 I 1 to

i> Nim 1» J"l< * Ith thr# njull-.. ill'- nu'nt l«-ijan miking

«.ff"rj« Ui JuiliKe til11 ri J jum,i- Ihi-iii ~ ~At tirxt It n.11 hanl wor'», l>ui by lilt?m- Iti- had Kl""'i <l"t n l « u n * » ilnz*n

ntiii-Lornr «_HU<li|in <-h.ine>- N-1_ aj |.a»>i-<I 'ii-whlili the a«fat IIJ<1 not

m i a|i|illi.ntinno f,,r at lia^t a down.mul ! h 1NI»)H«1 of nrlce


Kofarrt \«*>toi], Cliarlee Veotne, J t . ,llainun. KalboniM Bodat

AhulK l<wjoud' .,m£B*fd»»' Ti i men Xndt*r, .Violav^

_ _ _ ufih»oojt«eph TftfcbMTfc.WBbVr SSSrihilttr. K'bHt lAvar. Joseph -Uaaa. "->

First Clrade B - L w i f Hsilden, Maryiko»o , K>lmua Wr^xllioir, ArtburAcidvraun. AIK» (tuerurranlz. OwtrudeK>>«-lii-r, &,1»»rd Mi'iiLrtlr-courl, Sp«*ncer.Viir>,i^.Ail*!aide K>chvde. I'sul JuewJ.

Or«l»- Sam Hhapiro. Ru*d'man Stt-ifus, LuU htnlk, Kinina Ander-•ou.Jerk Il«tjcfx-k, lUrtltw Luvelabd,

Jl'iunt, KraMMH H»ru«ei»y.> Tajlnr. Kd*iu Ivwie, Yetta»iili^.'Ait--rt Mixltir. JenniDg

t->hia Mnnlvnecourt, SidneyKtlirleau 1 limuas. Gulden Tor-

MuruaretU DVCIDUD. Ed«_anL_LKrtiald Weizet, KliialwUi

<! ij 1 he I1NI»)H«1 of nrlce

ipplt-nn In Bliniii In* hail pri-rl"O»-

l> aHi-n iiitH .iinl mtiirully enough heIM>I .inn- u nlrtV MirlniH tu Itnuw That

Hi. t «i-r.' ni,ililn_' «f thfiii l i tHI JNIIT'II I'f t h i ' i n y n t n no

mi-, lint nt li'im'tli ii ynunc bucki finiiiiiijil'-nilM1 than the rwt itrneto iindiTiMiid ! if he wi»nMtilm

hfi tn-nnt far ,i» t> In- MOHiilrj -iniHiTt-d

Tli \t d'iv. tlicnjfore, the a("fiititi iHitu-jict-drrmli* "III III IhA Hlrii

Ahull! I«"> mill"* from tli*- "iKi'licy. lifiiotl'iil mi tin- <r<-it of 11 u.irnfT spurof. the 11111u11l.ini tlirif or fuiir lu]lnn««lm siirlilmli dl»i|i|ifarwl nn the <»|>-pi.-ll,. shlit K-f 1 ltt- cliljc At tl»' -am*Him- hi> lii-nrd faintly tho t ry • i r

On tiirnlni; tin- |mlm «f the rid.-.' he

illnntriacCil JnnMriil _ln_ IVmi.JUroliMCiulut,

i were Rti'iUllfiK a*iI'xclli'd Hi- imtlMil al-.ii si-ri-ral ••l«-J « K n h l i l i In1 *i llr^t •<uj>i>o<Ii>d to !«•Ltmlil-fH1 di'- iTii i l l i i - t l i i - i l d i - "f tt»-

j |Ju*n-iiil nf l ining frnm


SIIHH' In- i n " "til* r 'JHliorl dim* Itn> whole ulnmtlon wiwpin In in him.

llniliii! s,-ii-<-tfil (i lmiir. •iinonth "U>\t-iif 1 lit- iiiiniiitaln «lnri" tlu-rp v,.ri- 11 >Htom-M, tin- liidlniK hud convrrtiVl IiInto 11 »'irt "t rarlln»n tubtiKcan -Hdennd wen- i|tlll?liiK thi1 fryinK I'.!"" n*IOIHIKKOUI Wi'iitliii; ll»'iil-<o|»ps ih «ri.pun*, -tlu-y priijwMl thf hnmlti-i" withbotii linnd-i, rlti-u. i-riNtlnK thi-lr l.

di>wii tin- illili- u l t u jsri-alTho iiKi'iit li-t tlii'in l n v o tin- fi-w pai i -l.hnt rt'iiinlnoil In tho KturcbolMo. tun1II1I nut uriti-r ;i n o w s u p p l i —Har|H-r'>

4Advantaga of the Crinoline.. ( riniillno

odious.'On 0111'

hldi-irHM nnd duMRt-niUH nITalr.ui 1 nslmi I wilt :l- rimrl) .1-liiirmil tci dvalll uwltii; tn "in

I >VIIH Avi'iltiii; i-iiii-hlui; llro. uiid>'»d1 nut. IIIKI tin- pri-si'iiw of mind ti» Ikilnun mid mil uivm-jf in a rut 1ilinuld n'i tulnly liiiM' tHH'u Imruiil t<ili'iith. Kvi-n nt tlu> tlnif when i-rlnuIIIIOH Mi'io In fii-!iluii It n i n "rm-r-iMjiiiliiiltti-d Hint they wr<- iiionitmu.-IlllliKi, tluiuKh some W«UX"I1 th-fendrd

"llioui Oiu—of'tlio-f", it KIUV t n u u u .tia\liui nrrhly rrumrkitl thiit I'Um's hud mi HUH-P udvnnlncf «•» .it

-ini'it liv|i'i, IHT-JI nt n iljilaiici-.That nt you wlu nii'ullt"la"

an old bach" "To tbo nii-n,'*lor who wus uHwuV

Hf to his prosprct.s inone of his curly ulti-inptu to enter purllanient. Hertjvrt Smnuel cuosultnl lit*ncent. » ho HtitiJ tht> chaqcea won- notrosy, becnuiie IH' _nus a "carpetCsgHer." ' ' /

' Mr. Samuel thereupon promised tclive In the dlvulon If he werefUl/audthat "If Herbert Samuol Isnext 1'uosdny -ho will conic tu livehere."- Some of the other side, however,posted one of t!{e*>e*blll3 on a plgoty"—Mr-SitTrnirNld'uiJl wlu UIB t'liVtlou.—Ixmdou Tvlcgrnph.

-Taking Hie Medicine.He found bU hair was leaving the

top of his head and took* bU tiarber totusk about It.

"You sold nio.two bottles of stuff tumake this; hair i*row."—HU_i«.^4..r3t_«trause It-jmm't- en"tu a.ui." iuterruined the barber. "IcauTumlerslaud "It.*"""

'••Well, lwk liv'us" taU\ thudou't lulud drinking anottwr bottle,but this must b« the last"—Weslt-yanChrbrtlan-AdvocuteV

• Great Protp«t«.T i n at the end of my rttpe! TSmy <i

UrielMtWtaTgo"5§rSteiITB^rVB¥ V&¥Tbrn- - ^**** s*

Have you bbrrow-ed all vot1 "Borrowed? No;"" X baveu't triedthat"

you «ay Ton are at the endBianTTOu

, ^ Wanted Piirtieulaii.Motorron Senior-You kept tbe car out

rather Tale last evening, «<in - VfJatdeUyeajouf Motorton Jitnlo*-H«ld ablowout, tleaO. ilotorton Sentor-irio!

It* la better lo'^re rtcli than to die


UO-.tLUp. tn.

Hrc AlarmIB-Union AvaoiM. t WI K K l i l


AUania,Third (Joule -\I*-x. Ju88«*l, Margaret

(ioblinit. JHHICS Mnon, Carrie (Jaffney,lltihl>*r.l Xitt-hi*. iir) Httnwl. llnymopdTortju»li. LaMont^


_ 4 ~ -.Iactiin and 0 nluoll-Nortli Ai«nae. and(U—Ltoam awl Oranav1 I4.V-llamnoo anJ KaatJU— Arlington lUmi\ anXS& llulljr 8treal anil BHS-Um-ola ami W.lni

(Ir«a> Tflpp.Fourth (jrad«--IU>u«rt Alldmun, Pree-

tnn \T<HV)hnit. MorUiinT (Jrotw. MaryMilli-r, (le..r(fia Hai HM|, Jtnt>«rl LaVar,

-. (.ilhan lUlirock. I^eon.S)-hir.d!i>r. Tlnvi lirutiley, MuiRuerilaDullnud; Malcolm Drultun, lierbertUarlo-U

^ , Mmlfilini' AIIHIIIH, llar-Kar»t Mi-K«i»n, |{<»a Sink,' jnmph11,'in.fHi-i. Hi. 1*11 l-'ruiniiiu, Hol^nlV>bl*.lii>K, Jjan LiMuni., UutTi ll»3en-

rp. Mutticu Fi»h<*r, HnwunJ Ueadle,Sutli (";fiid*-«. Allen Clnrk, I'uutihci

V,-»lofi, Knnnr l'ottor, iMvld I'lumeLKnihryo Ituinlil-, Harold Snn.lford,It^tt) I.*MI.I t, Marion >V«t. 1

S.-VHnt|i (Jrnilf—Mary <Jorlx>tt, JackIVnioton, Unnitfi) Siuinnton, HadmM K U L , IUyinunil


It C. Plume ia nn aChicago. '

-Kmhlh" tirnTli*—"AinniHtn ,Culh Smith, Pl.ilip*McKi'n*n.

High H<-liiai|- Vinii Allen; Ciiarleailm.irc. llvli'U l<laii*',Jl''rwli> l<e»K

cab l>Uf(ile-«.

H. XL Uroescher li-rtfor a abort weatern bu

Mayor Helns left Onweek's business tripToronto, Cunada

1 bo stork has left ahome of Mr. and Mrs.on .North Ave., West.. J . Sr Ecclnstoii no

^one^to Tampa, Flor" will~reinaTn~nnlll Spill

Charles Mason, tbenl thy

Wntmni Onkt'y, Mltirtr

p Kuth

-, ^ - •• I

College PreparatoryAN|l'

Boarding School1115 Uniqiu^ve. . 1 Craitfort), N. J.

H^-lUn.i»rtnrti-n, I'nmur, fnt«r-lMtiticHtid t'.illt^a i'ri-jmrutiirj.

Day and Boaiding Pupils

n n.ti(><rt 411 HUH anil fMClmrflf «4Hrcjint/ilion. liy. will 'revtiivn p i

udaatef.-r •nu l l will. Mr Jim-frr Will Iw at Uie

liev. nnd Mra. Jo]Imvp aa their {?uost»,Edgccumbe and «on o• Mrs-. O O. Culiu will

Tit JI whist pnr.ty~liTon Holjyjslxei't, tomorj

Willium Crowlcy, wlwith n Turf's chimneycern.leuvert noxt week Ivihr>r*> the tlrnj host netploto. 1


pnli'rtiilnoil herTuesilttjUifteruoon. H

to tho gnmn nr

WHYSJio[> vls(inlicr« vfliijii ruu can get

many iiicful mul HvuHible arti-cles at tlio lycul lin'i ihvare HtorHere n_a purtinl lint to reiuifiduui :

l'ooki t of

Cburlos E. Dooley Iefficient 118 treasurer

n of. Uaion .he tins bpon it* clci-ti'il I

mtticr te


' Tlw auto allow at ,MOnrdi-ii, New York, Isnttcntlon of many ofeuthuslimts. Ovi-r'WXat the show which in<nf vehicle!! from plensu


Safely ltazors, -%, C'nr\iii{> W

Car|>cnter T

•> $ 5 .Counter Panplatich

recently ietu^ned/romstopping tit Van- Courtnrlpr_to_tlj.e jstiirn, ol


legible Flyer Sleds, etc.THY US*t

A. C. PIK5,Hardware, Paints, Etc.


CflMILLO MflSSfl,General Contractor.

uCBter Eoumnn, headL. Lehiiuin .t Co, of Iprominent cltlzori'of Ni

' that city last week foliotfon. lit!.was 55 years (

The Hoard of FreobThursday lust and appt

. tee la serve for the ensi— holder Teller wna app<

cotnaiittecs, viz: Statloof Pnsonera, Mlscellancbutli Drawbridge.

Qradinic, Concrete Work,.Cellars Excavkted,. <-i*-

Sewers, Sidewalks,- Etc.-

AN FORD, N. J.P.O. «M53 .

aunualI'nCililb or lUo First

occurs tliia evening Inihe church. Much intfeated by tho membcrB ithis yearly event and owill be a good repreaenlbers gathered about tU«The »peak«r8-"t-tbe_eiW. E._Capnv plijBlcsl ;Y. M. O.A.. Etfaabelh,7

org»H—»f -ClarPmoiit



- . Est imates Furniahed

Byrwlde AvmiExecutor's Sett lenient.

t!lEKBUV UlV-Mj/"itat'tl* ae-

irK vnmes i>. w i « i*Thepriiwlpaloffice is si

town midthe^tntutoryA Watson. The" autlntoea, K9SU,O0UdlvlUedeach of the par valueTht ubJectsTor which* tiIs forrni-d are to conducor atoc UJarmlng Tn all ibuy aell and deal la livemala of all fchXls and all

Waieoo and Berkley' D

1 * - ' *

Page 5: COOK S THEATR - DigiFind-It .pdf · ' I • *f'•" K JP"— *** w>P»«Ma4»ter thing, b tK - ; *Ma world than a mrtalted coal bin. Till* U a great little country, ai It It said

t ^


• „ f

Cnwfoni Port Offke



Mais Arrive.

rilOM KAMTKIILY'POINTS-&.UI.*8-lWa. xn. 12.41.3-tS, 4 46 p. nl.

ITBO¥ WK8TKIU.YB.18«_m. ».0l,7.(np in.


fire Alarm Bates.IB-Union Anno., ttw. Ninth AT»«in».l»—Klr» HfHiM.2J-Union »nd ('buwnunl A n n w(7—UucDla and-l'aauiintttl Amuue

, W11-Lincoln «n<i Union AvraiwaH—North Al«ni». u d Orchard Ht.U-Uacim and Or*u« At»oun.M.V-Hanilitoa unJ Kwtnian MlrnolsM1-ArllBcUia ltoul and North AtwimtS-Ilulir Strew anil Spring*.!.! AtanmatH-Urortla .n.l W.lnnl 1 . . . .M

J. V. DoratDM to En Boston t t t tweek OB a short stay.

O. Q. E r y t s d v i f s u * spending tb*»a«k at Atlantic Qty, '

f t * toe Stdety EkdsOTfic^AlTTrtjrular meeting of the Holy

. 1 ttw. T>»ri.h l l - l l M—wl . . .fotta taaetUng thick tripe boney

Sjjiota~i> quarts JSfj i i , Z. _the faltnwuift oflwora wr»

' Misa Gladys Hall ot N.w York,mlltug bet friend. Helen Sharp.

School wBI


It C. Plume ii on a business trip tChicago. '


H. It. Droescher left on M'eduesdafor a Bhort western busilneig trip.

Mayor Helns left on Monday for'week's buainesH trip to Ottuwa am.Toronto, Canada".

1 he. Mark has left a baby boy tit Hihome of Mr. and Mrs. F. Jon .North Ave., West.. 3. B, Ewlostoh IIDU family .hav

jjouejo Tarapu, Florida." where." they

will remain until Bpi

Cburles Mason, the colored porter,nt thp i"!*»ntfi i lap/^ \y confiued

Hev. nnd Mra, John Kilgecumhchtivoaa tbclr {?uost», Mrs,EdgpoumUe aod son of New York.

_ - Mrs-. O Q. Ciillu will be tlmat ii wtilst pur_ty lit fier residenceon Holjyjslreet, tomojirow nfteruoon.

Wdhum Crowlcy, who Is. connecterwitb a large chimney building eon-cern.leuvert next week for* Nou'Orleaniwhere the tlrnj boa ucoutrnct to com-plete. I

Tbe regular meeting of tbn Wninan'HAuxiliary of .Trinity Ohiuch will bobelli at the borao of Mm. Pabricl, \U

.Boatman Street on/fueadajvJan. IT,ut 3 }>. in / .

M M Wt&tn/ tJmilli of PIUBITPMstreet, entertained her utiiet club onTuesday/fifteruoon. Mix. tubles wete

I Loilift-CiltnfiJiml

proven' thu

J^ Cburlcs E. Dooley huaefficient iiH treasurer 'ofAasiioliUion of. Uaionhe lias beon le elected to that llnpnit-

""TratTjflrce for mmtlier term.

' Tlw auto allow at Madison SijuaroQtirtlen, New York,'In Httnictliiff the,nttcntlon of rouuy of our local untoenltinsliiHiB. •'Ovur'SOO, HXIIIIIUB urnut tlio show which include all rHtylesof vehicles from pleasure inafhineq to

. the, l«lg

Counter Paneliitichl-Bouclict' aimrecently letnrjied.frorn Europo, is'notv.atoppipg ttt \^iin' Cnuit Inn, ltoselle,I>rlpr_to_Uie^re.turn> of her husband

uCBter Cehman, bend of the firm ofL. Lelitniin .t Co.,. of tliin iilnctv und

• prominent cilizcrTnf Newark, died in' that city last week followlDK an opera-

tion, lit!.was 55 ycare of nge. a 'The Board of Freeholders met on.

Tbui'sday lust and appelntjHl comtnlt-' .tee to serve for the ensuing year.Frce^— holder Teller wna appoiuteil o'n "four

cornaiUtees, «iz: Stationery,Dischargeof PnsoQers, Mlscellpneoui •nO' Blizn-buth Drawbridge:.

•nO Blizn

uuouat banqtict of the. - 'Meo'n Cilub or lUo First M. E. Church

occurs tlii» evening In 'the chapel ofthe church.' Much interest Is rnaot-rested by the members of tU» club inthis yearly event and no- ilou>)t therewill be A Rood representation of roflin-bers gathered about tbB/estivjj. l>oan|.

— The »peak«n»-"t-tb»_e*enlnK_»Ul-b6-Vf. E._Capnv physical directnrj>r the

r""Y. M. O. A.. Effubeih, SnfTU». / . ' F.Jjorgnn of •C'»r*"'"'ft P r e a b i

«,qroh, Jersey City. " The' polled- 'Quartette of Jersey City wltl furnish

mualo.' ' A certlQeata of Incorporation for the" 'Sunnybrook Stock

Tbeprincipal office Is situated in thisf^town and thentatutorj; agent Is Oep.

A.. WatBon. The-authorized capital- . . atoolt U*6U,UXJ dlTiaed low buu al\ ' m c i i 6 f the Wir V&IUB of »'00 ieach.

rtned are to conduct the business^_„ _joclCfarinlng In all its Jbrattcbes, to*

'bi iyWiand deal la livestock aod ani-t t mala ot all kinds and air kinds of stock

Tla aecondF half year twn on Feb. 1st,> Uenmaa-frturtieil tn her

studios ot LaS«lle Seminar} <>n Moo-day.

W. T Wild has Rosoon a trip to theBomh Iu the iiiti-ri-si ot lb« 8 i II,(lr«en Stamp trml*

Dr K. c Irwln la HI at his home oolarenwnt I'lace, -_A Westfleld

phyalclau U aueniliov bin p;uleui«Cummencinf; ulth to^lnj's matliie*,

tbe manageiueul of CViok's Theatiit•(•mtnt"! an entire change of profrratnMrt E A. Muniizif TiiHailelpbTaTla

rt guest of her daughter, Mrt -J, L,l'eiktim."

V II Crar) of Lunleii Place, lefttimi) iffifuiorinufr, lor u tour of tlieTSpiilll__

Assessor 1' |; Swackbauier was avisitor to tbti uutoniublle HIIOW in N*ivYork today.-Me U—A^-Matboy ha* Iweu sto|>-

Ooyle, re-*leefed pte«kb>nt; Oharte*"E. Dooley, vioe-|>re*ideut, Kraok

4ln« wcwtury

plngjit J.b i s d

l )orbj'H


home during

atiford ttro pajit Itofi iiV ueasix'iamounted to t'.Hi, which wait nay b«-low the aalt«e a jenrnijo

Mfss» KiVtuit a nerles "iiflesson talks along New Thought linesat Mrs. J II. Senior's oo Uoiou Ave ,Fridays; at U,.'i() p. in. All are cordial lyinvited.

Mr. ami Alu. U Merxvr, and MissBeadle. L'orln'ti, i>f Cdliib<iro, Scotland.i.iSver~5irlveil Iu Clanfor<l. and »resjoprilufijit Mr- -Oeurtte—Carbttlt-'Sr-onWalnut avenue.

TheUoardof Trml«"< of tbn I-Yscublli; Uluraiyul Its liist iiieetiliK de-

clded to nflow patrons hereafter tcrtuko nut two, books, unn lk-tion and,tbo oUietuon lleiion.

The IIIKII Hchonl pupils wlio «erebarred fiom nttfiulliiu 'jchfiuLAiriutf.the prelimiiMiry Rinses of tbn tcuilutfever in town, were ulluwi-if tu lotumto their studies on Monday.

Among Jhc-1went real «Bt«t(« trani-'era reconle.l lir rllo nfllce ot the(v'oiintjIicKiuiriiivwiin ltj»t of WelliUK-t0n U.Uoty to Arthur w"' Rlnlie.wjufh-eoaterly Hide of Nnrib A\i |iiue , cornerof.C Nick properly.

liinnchTIH, Nntlonnl AsMiciulinn of>ttcr Carney, held their ineetiiiB Iii8t

Tuesday in the twiner room of theOanfnrd ptMlofllce mui elected ItolierlJ WI nuns, proaiilnnl mid August J,(Jrube lecretary fur the en»(ilnn jenr.

pWin. Ocrty, Ou^nciat M-civturr*, IWJLFather Muller, treasurer; M.J, \Wl.-hand TIKIS. Donahue, advisory com-nil«*o. KerKHbi were read by l¥r*»lileut DoyU showlug tb» wotk aiHvmp-lish«l by th« MK'li'ty during the pustyear which showed the 8<x'It<ty Ui U> iua nourishing condition After theiraosacilun of regular bu»ln<'»8,deot Doyle outliDMl the work hoplanned for the eueuing jeax andhe hopml.tbo stwlety «uulil givo


lha hwrty supptut iirxt )ear a* tln*>did last year, und after thanking tbnmembers" prewvit for iMmtiiiiiV- ofagniD clKroelng him as tjielr pit-tnlpboappiiiuttHt a spM-ial commltt<Himeet -Thursday KVening—Ur dlscii

»<>r»»*nt, 11. II. Mill»r,vie* i>nwM*nt. W. S

^ t i ylnth«op<*ia hoim> In the_iuontjL_(>fArid, The coiuiuitta appointed were

ruian Thomas Hammond, t'lmrlwey,,JameH Dockety. Wm lin'ty,

McMahnu, Flunk McMulion,McMnhun, .Aihn Preinlerj>a.-.t «inl

• /obi t (il<'H-.on. 'I lie detj|ilvdut ouc i i t o iig.'im en)tagt< e x p e r t illtiH titr

totnhtnreT ttl(-~'ciiiiUi diirlu« MarchMr Tuns'Moik HIOIIK these line'* N»ell known tn miuiy of this HCI II.IJI, he

trrpiliBtnieloj' foi 1lli> lust tiriT pliiyscii liy IIIH socii'lv A ccviiimniilcii

tinu wax ordeii'il m-ut tii Til"*., ItStcplieliBun ii member of tlm .Sneiiily,who is at prtwMiit In DKKVIM, (Nil ,

notifjluK him that lui hits Keen itniiU>an honorary iin-uiber of trje Hoiletlnriiitf IrttrntiiPurBunil trnpirf^fiiCfhiBspeedy roeovery ami return home. Mr.HtephnnHon was fur seveial jriir* presi-tl.-tit of the Soolely.


. , V M I H H > I .

deK-ttHt» to Stilt* (\in«epl|tH|, t1nn>nrt>ninkraliw.Cranrord; W .s,'* Jinior^m,WVatihUI. t*ti»rlr4 U K,,.,nE. Hit,uli-I'luln- Mini rjlrtur.l I" U'iut(i> ,•' WentHeld

Railroad Co. After More Room.'llm (Vuiml K It *»ur\i>.ir« *li<

lia»i< lircn «igag»,t i tin* lili-alil} ..Ul -^FTinirThif Uinl itdJliiniuK die railruKd tnu-Us h.n'e

•in.v fti Hmilh Klni#r i-triwt.

Tina imUHDii tlio |mrt ef I

livilljhtvl Wiwt-

II « nth«r


IIUTCHHt* 111*1

): n n»|IIIHI the y

l*i ratlnmdI'ltilcli f i

nf fr>'ri(liior,I Ju(



New-AUradion at CoOlTs Theatre.The opening »cok of CINIU'H UiiiritiH

nurrwswi) fill sanj(iiiuu, c>|>ecljil|i)i>4 inttin wny of uttrmlftom HIIII I>II< l< per-'

tnith tins

nt il KJ o'clock, there »ill beof vutidbvillc us writ tit) motililnm.r 1'ur lh« vntidi'rilln

rt HHIUI\"

a chj|iit!>'ion piciurt*

n of thnn. "lltilniinilin ' thH illiiHioniHt,« the. fiwituni Alt rift KMI fur [Hie

hint tlrri'H iluvs of week tl»r<i IH «|mithe NHW Yurlt L'llpp»r hits tn «ny ."l*fofOtto (.luriiiiiinn pri»ti£jittMl nn enllrelym>w liiOKic net nl Kmniny'R Tliild A«emix Theatre, Ifist wt>r>k, which wii«,recei\H«l with iiiontiul ap^huibi* \\'h>*pioductinii of II duck from an eiiiptypurl," ami the clmnni'"f Heiwrul ruta iiiUi

IK, that uxl« thriiHii IIIIIOIIK tliwice uei'^ eHpneially tfond IIIH I IIIIJ Hut; ,'mihiciimi llurniiilitiuefl credit for hrin^in^ out Home

Iiiirriil e\or> VI'IIIAiiiitherjiiii\i> nrr tlm

riillr.iikd fur i-Urn nmiii mlli<,< Jinn lion in \ldi>ni>.'•wnimiiy IIHH C luiiiiHiietnl!n,n |irne«><>i'(Hi njjnlnnt Itrnpropfrr) OfWltlTul Cidui'Kruf, II former rntiifimliLsiil' ut,_aud J w u l i - lifFtlutt -'rhurr|Tn|»<it) nil uilj .Inn the rmlritiiit

liist M. [. Ctnmli

; in I", II

. Men itJIIMeV IT Uin«i<

i, \UM It.iJidlipnoitii U-t'lem'fifiig

l'lif M,in ofthud "I a heii

-MrerrnK.-triSr-. - irtr-I or Uroukljn j,•II«II<< 7 p m, lij

ut 7 [', p, in,1" Subievt,lederiHii) " 'j'.liU n Hie

en of ^criniinn t^jihe [lieno cluck,l'ra>er meting Fiidw)

finiin \\ heoli'i K Lnmy lllnrvimlingi lop of ice from I'.clio I jjitc

PULLMANAND • . / '. . •;


i , A c a t i l wil l t>rli*K a d><ni.«D; »U i-"~ot.nh-Mti m..1 iiv ri


NEWTON A. BARNETT, Prop.'L'hone i l l 27 NORTH AVENUE. East.

•-«>"•- • - • - • • • • • • - • : « * * — -

Isleib & Miller,.fit I* •

PLUMBING"™Heating &. Tinning.


\v(u:u AMI. . f n i l I . H . . I - .

MILLER BLOCK-I V'» ItrnteNtlm-l


~~\{ 'K>"iT"F M

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • «

Goncretc Building MaTtenal. ! - Any DesJicn, Air Colors. "

GUARANTEED DAMP PROOF. Ii~'~ If yon want tln« bi'nl. « I . HIHLC il


• ••»»+••»»•••• i

he, hbrjjry Thursdny Current e,vpnu»was Kl\en by Mrn. Miller, a paper onhe ./npilniziug of (,'oreit und Chlnn

was rcHd by MHTSrtrnlotnon ni]d~SIr»,oitoriffiive n reading-Alfof flic; ii'iirlet fe»ur cnsei HI town

ire repotted veiy much Unproved, andono cn«', ihnytit Miss Kthel Woiul,.

be quarantine hni l«;en removed TheHheri me Mrs Charles Fraxor.uf C<MI-ral Ave., Miss Kuthenne Greene,Miti

Ifachel Ollinure alid Miss Qludys Alu

A cnJoreil couch man named WillisilplojmlbxH E. Atwater on North

\vpnue, east, was Qned W by Jitil«e.Tolicey on Monday for recentl) HtrikUr



Wifrft "Siteinu w "bo track when u train" was approach-

When stopped Williyaasaiillvdwhich r»SBited in bis

The Npw Jersey f^gislature conven-l'on Tuesday.' Tfio llausn Is-In con-

rot of the Domocrn'ta wjide the Senatelooked after/by the IUpubllcana. The

will bo reached onrun's ot thf«n. 24, whflii balloting will be beguno Meet li Demd?ratio auccossor to U.

make interesting i reading nnd TimOtriir.s has mnd« nrrrngemenU toeceiron Bpooliil letter weekjy'froraTrenton, which will contain concisen formation on the doings of the>Kislatur«. ' •

Mr. ami Mm * F. W. bangn enter-ialned-a-number •. of-thair—friends. an_

firemen's Ball;evem'ng of Jan -"

p ^ at J$id8*~at'-ome, 231' North Ave. W. Th

" rml hy thn pfohUI hnat whnppeared In full dress, and It was a

merry parry from tbn nhuffle of th«first pack to th« close of the evening*

Mr. B. Davis woo thn gent'snd honors for-the^ladwa- went


marriage license luw" beento Mr.' Frauk Sljtck of Kew

Walaon and Berkley C.; Attain

Yprk, anif^Tiss BesHio Sloff^e ofthis" place. The wertdiBg^ir~Betor the latter part of thia month.

The new PbIUd»lphi»-NB«ark, ez-preas train laariog Cranford at' 7jS$ p.

,mateaan"*«wll*ot tmla"tartnoatv

ark Thn Uata arrlTea »t*TJOootook


Ou the evem'rifr of Jim -"Uf, tin;Cr/ukfiird rjr^ineji. will Imffi theiranniKil In th'f apiTntlmrfie . Wltlithe Inrne adviiocn i"ule of/tickets ninlliberal pnlroniige of ifie- udvertituiKpto(iruin the «ucr#*HH/of the event Isaasuied 'All tin-iriiiiubers ure u<>ttliiKik-'tlve and nil^t'Kitulnly inak.1* theImfl th» lienli><er held by tint ilepiut-ment PJ-KF Wettoii »|ih H new tenei-tolro of p/fpuliir nieces will bn on ll'llllliS JCUrjjHrjLtftUHitfcUJiB ilimceiH 'Uj(!Kr»ii>l miiVeb will open tin* ball at 8 the jnnitor will .tie kept up>jnUI 4 o'clock tlio unit mornluK Thenommrtteo hi chargo are Mensnt. ,1Mardinan, C Orawley, Ii. Irving,

t>}' thoolifcers'atid otfieni 'tit tii"*" de-'partment. TIcKelo, 25 cents

Recital at Miss Wdimond's SchoolA recital will be glmu al Miss liiclj-

'mood's aciiool un Wednesday next.The pBrticipaota aro ill matructors althe school. They are Miss Viola f'al:

nior, plnnmt, Mrs, Olcolt, 1'nyiiB, readnr,nnd Misa Irmn Seibert, tmrpiat, 'Thnp rogrnui is as follows:

Sgbcrzo.B Hat minor, (Chopin); Harp,Legand of the MonlijB,_/abel; a, In-

M8TBt.eD, lCat\ Itainecka); b.^ndat.r.i'Mendelssohn), i?SUer-

reuse, d. March of th« liwarfat(Ori8((),I>>ading, "Th« Ij»Kend Ueautiful"iiongfellow, with musical witting byHwnley IfasJey: Btail«, Op. V>, Kt> I,Prelude, Op/z8f J}o. 30, Nwtunie, Op.i i , S o I, Fantasia laipromtu, (~'/Harp, Ma?urkn, (Haawlmane);Hap, M , ( Kl^pxics . fMiMafcowskiL. .


Real Estate Bought. Sold and ExchangedKeiitiiix ajul iniitiaxotueiit of pro;>er>y [n-rm.nally .iHcixled to

„; ; ^ ,

J. C. W. RANKINTelephone 160-J. M


NORTH AVEWUE.>••>># ooooodoooooooooooooooooocx


t - _•



' Mr. and Mr*. Tlieodori^ A. Crane'were, genuinely .surprised at theirhome on WnlnaO.*e., on MontUjnight by,the appearance bt a eon-KuUrmble party 1ft friends and

ntitmore thany » g i ?

two dayB notice";did Djotat all~de-

crease the pleaaqre ot toe eveningwhich w u thoroughly enjoyed by


, Included in the company, -wered frofi '?erpej CUy, Neif

X Brooltlyr^and-all joinedin congratulaiiug' Mr, and^Ura,

- wiatrirfglaaaj man tor tbaJntan. -


Schafer & NeumamT,"^Masons and Contractors,

Kurnlnlii'il ootiUcluhmMof work.

Oarwood, N. 3.T l h H l!io-J Granford.

y rxperienced withtjpewilter. to OHHIHI with ofllcn correa-[to»d«»(;u iu nearby factor)- • Mot uee-CfMsnrlly a att'i|'>Kr«plirr. Fair com*pr-rifMlimi and eauy bourn. Addrena:'•A, H. 0." cnr« of Itox 71, Cranford.

FOKS\t ,E . Old Triifty IncubatorUav. old rbkik*. li»x WJ, rKegttle|»J -

1 AtHa Wanttd Figa.

0 fuimll «tau dluuer tbe oo!juuil liuiiowwurtliy person pres-

ent' sut tliruui;ljout ttie iuoul cpuioiiin-Ing w Illi bin OH II bashful aoul, tfraldl«Kt by »i>(.aUnj; be betray tiU sopbl*-Ikullou Divert IJCIUK wrireil. be trtlbe mutt lime souia of ttie candledfruit nt tjie olber end of lba table

U Tolce, be flxtfii tbe nearest

called <m\ *t tbe \0p of bit v'ofce, "Pl»»,_Kb

Urn lyiiytpbyrd (aatoVtebyrd comtaIn un»ienuHr at 3 ay tn.)—You bare DOtncpitm tnr coming hhrrfr at IhlJ h*""1..

ID thb i condition. LajtebynJ—I

but I cAB't iblak woal It w«*.The aflair wka hastily arr»ng*di<?ft

d ' Th* H«*J of ttw Family.—In Oeriniiny the faiber la,the b«ad ot

fanilljr. IK Frante 'tinErjftUncL (lie «ldeft son. In Ajnarlcatb<»-da<igbt«r^P<w» C. Belts - - • - - ->

'- J(i» Priiaint'TfaiavNow b IB*' oaif potot of tint* of,

t t p r < x k Jtt ; o9 te t to


Chalmers^Betroitland HUDSON GARS

Byf»tt* B«Pnj|»!»« (or l<>m: la irnnim) Oam

ACTHOMP^ONAUTOCO.No. 413. Park' Ave. le i . 99IJ Plain field, N. J.


Do You Want a Home?.If no, took u« up.

Have Pl«na Mid Money

For partleuIaiB, see


22 Eastman S t .




Bawnann's 71,Photograph Studio

Broad Street, opp. Central Ave.

WBTfltlD, N. i .


One of trte-tJest Studios InSUit«.




_Kodaks. Film* and Picture_ Frame*. U.K -

Tn -BUiUJJNa . viaLOTS on the tbrtto traoU t b e / i r „.nwreu^MBfe Ibev* tit& 'oflentfff Tov^h«aJ» choice SUBURBAN H 0 M B 5 -


Page 6: COOK S THEATR - DigiFind-It .pdf · ' I • *f'•" K JP"— *** w>P»«Ma4»ter thing, b tK - ; *Ma world than a mrtalted coal bin. Till* U a great little country, ai It It said

gffc-r -.. . .


THAT WILLSattsctoctory Devlc* lUastratad That PrsrramtaFjrom Eating Eggs—How It'. ,

Energy as Thrse-Quart*ra.of Pound of B*ef. TDWOMENThis leaves a two-loch spaceg g g

ot hens U ta* on* used by J. T.l ot Delaware' county,-N. ...

£ft ts so attnple and so satisfactory tn' •*>•? way* as well that It should be-

a m * widely popular, not only withMoltrrmen whose hens have acquiredlol l haBIt, but with all who with to ob-

^WaU It and ta hav» ci«a.n > t n , *Kf;, ta* American Agriculturist Mr. Me-1 Donald'* flock of about 600 ben* had

. ' oerejoped a taste for fresh eggs to-._ such an extant that scarcely any eggs, war* being gathered, so be built a.tilted past, with a sacking bottom,which passed under a semi-partition of

_ food to a coveref part, into which the- eggs roll as sS&n ~**-teld.-• , Th* drawing shown herewith gives

a •good Idea of the plan. A frame fourtache* wld* is mad* of half-Inch stuff.

nailed on one-half the box. th* othathalf being left vacant. Above thscleat a -strip' three or four Indieswide Js nailed, and to this a hingeddoor is fastened so as to lift upwardThen an old sack Is lacked»aroundthn upper edge* of the tram* at th*3yen end, drawn under the cleat andUcked around the other end.ot theframo, to as to make a slight pocketI thb d hIn thbL end chaff is placed; Inp ;the open or oest end some chin* eggsare fastened by strings three or fourinches long, so they will move freely.Mr,. McDonald uses glas* e*jgs- withsmall knobs' on them, or real eggsfilled,with plaster parts. In whichknotted cords art Imbedded while theplaster. Is wet. The.ntst Is then placed

-The Hie will depend upon tho weed offowls kept, but about 14 inches wldo*nd 18 long will be found satisfactory(or leghorns. In the center aud on,the-upper half of , the long stdb*. an but'*wry^egg .was clean*

with a Bttgntttlt~towar.fl th* coveredend, so the newly laid legg will roll outof harm's way. Not only did Mr.-Mc-Donald secur? plenty, of eggs at once.


O s T Winter Months LittleRodettta Gnaw Bark About Base

of Tnes Which FrequentlyResult* in Complete Girdle.

OJy-CHAS. K TIIQUNK, _Ohlo Agricul-tural Experiment Stnlion )

For Bomo years catnlpa,. mulbocryand other trees commonly grown, havesuffered consldortiblo injury by tho at-tacks of Hold mice. During the win-

_lar - months thorn .rodent* .'gnaw -tho.

ng a few thovolfuls ot dirt nho&t thetroes has given satisfactory resuli

Trot* which have been morehalt glrdfod should be cut off an Inchabout tho root collar and sprouts al-lowed to grow from th* stumps. Intho case of trees over thro* or fouryours of ago all sprouts may be per-mitted to stand the Brst season, andall but tho most thrift/ removed thewinter following, tn somo cases all

;. tho most thrifty-may Iwt removedwhen a foot high. Tho one remainingmust ho staked In order to prevent Itsbreaking oft or becoming distorted.

Mice injury In some cases baacaused a large percentage in loss of"trees,"" i>artieularly~-fif catatpa grove*.

or !«••whloh frequently results In a completegirdle. When girdling occurs bolowthe root 'crown tho trees usually die.The amount-of Injury varies with the

~ 'severity of tho winter, although a sea--son rarely passes-without reports ofoccurrence. During tho winter of

' 1D09-10, charactorlced by deep snows«nd tovore cold, ravages jto on extentheretofore unknown we're reportedfrom all sections of thp state. i

•There are no practical means oT.exterminating field mlco, although cor-

.tain operations ore holpfui in pro-• - - - JU

•r-observed that injury Is greater

general where dead grass.' - • - Ucs closo

nafureaf'V,^?jft>4ttijlcb, or debris,of any.,klndiv5'4™Vtnetrees:>Materlsl ot this

Before 'winter sets* mulch "material ot any kind should be

raked away from the trees tor *B~rvdlus .of at least two feet, leaving tho

' ~* (round as bare as possible. Where, mulch culture Is: used a toot or two

f about each tree should be left bare.-_• Iflltur is more severe on those trees-^jjfhote', root systems set high on the

r'—Tgfbund.;;-that is, In cases where frees-Inf and thawing have caused heaving.""^-trd** 'afford"cavities Itt whioh

harbor, and'• oomplet6glrdlo»_ ? , results .fatalljr It below *heit where root and stem Join. Throw.

ft Is a eonunonplaoe saying thaiJillk, or, to be more specific, cow'ssillk. Is a perftcrtood. This may b*iaken- to mean that,It contains, first,materials which children need forrrowtn; second, material which youngand old alike need for the repair oftheir bodily machinery; aad, third,materials which both, need for fuel.I- ••, Xo provide with heat andwith the energy necessary forwork. It should not b*.-understood,however; t«rm«airih«tif tsnrttie*a ln-gredlents In such-proportions that It»an serve satisfactorily as anexcluslrefood for a grown person or even tat aehlld^-Thotith-it-isthe-best-stibsti-tute for mother's, milk. It most-be"modified" more or lets before it canbe used oven for Infant, feeding with'food results. . . >~ . - • ,.—Iris likewise a commonplace sayingthat milk Is a cheap as w;nll as a nu-tritious food/ -Just at present, :«lthprices of all kinds of foods rapidly

was to make the comparisons that

tar foods are really cheap, but whilethe prices of food matorlalt -vary,-thecomposition of most of them remainsonchsngedj and it Is always possibleto romp*ro'their'nutritive values. A"luart of milk supplies practically asmuch of both protein and energy asthree-quartets of a )>ound of beef ofaverage cdniposltlo'n or eight averoge«¥R»i and ran generally t>e_bQuglit-foi_less money1. In caae milk" Is eightsonls a quart, beef 20 cents a pound,and eggs 24 cents a'doxen, ten cents•pent for milk, will, buy a little moreprotein, and much 'more energy thanten contg spf nt for Jiflot or 'ten rents

wta-douhtlcss-pron't-by-taktng precautlonary' measures In preventing as faras possible the attacks of these ro-dents.

tpcnt'for eggs. Thus, whllo other ani-mal foods than milk (meat, eggs andcheese) aro desirable to glvo varietyU) the diet It assumed that-mtlk' may bo tisrd as "an- oconom(cnl-suli«tltute-for-auy one of them.- - -

Of the vegetable roods, many (flour,for -exnmplo) are found to. bo muchcheaper'than milk, when, both priceind 'nutritive value aro taken Into con

n, and, as a matter of fac$,nys form the utoater. port of

the'bnHc of human food; but of (heanlmsrfuqdt which aro usually com-bined wltliiho vegetable foods, milki s ono of the olienpcst.

In splto of the Tact that milk l« TGOognlsed as a uutrlUtKis uiul- a cheapfood, thero scorns to\bo n generaltendency-to think of it hot AS n posyslblo- substitute for othor mWo expehslvo foods, but rathor us an nddltlonto the bill of fare. < To lllastrato^U*1* ireuucutly used onjjJ>i'Yi!fJlB»--Wl!k^out tho ''reduction of tho amount ol

"nftsrt "or"otb(jf- •protfrltt-'towJB-


Majority ot F«llnr»m D M to Lackof Itxswrienu With AnlroaU*- .Habits— Nfach Tttri* and

Snersry Ne*d*4-

-sffers an opportunity to rut down th«allp^nneo of meats and ogga—Cnroline U Hunt -• .

(By IE. K.Prom time to time skunk (arms

have been established, but from somecause, Ptqbahjy_Jack_of experience.


discontinued. . .The majority ot peophTwbo start In

this business seem to think that theanimals will take care'of themselves,and do not.appreciate that, to makea success, they will have to devotea great deal of time and energy.

This is .true In th* domes-ticated animals and Is doubly sowaere wild ones are. concerned. Therots no reason why a man abould not•succeed In the skunk business. If heIs fond of animals and Is willing toget we.ll acquainted with their habits.


tho body, this may bo considered, extravagant and tho serving- of a Blastof milk or of a' bowlful of soup «r olsuch desserts as ruataxds nml hakec1

mtlk. or tho uso or generous qunntltlrtof milk or white saueo on

METHOD OF CLARIFYING FA1Objtetlonabts Flavors Can Be Re


Excepting where tho- "purpose dclorlf}_lng_fat;j»J«_roniovo flavors. I

tah "topper fa. l o M a e i V

A Jolly Out-Door Party.This wss a decided success, for ths

children were so enthusiastic. The af-fair took place In the country,~ but'1to not think a city back yard or *Jark would fall short of, the xequlre-jnents. Of course, alt depend* uponthe weather, for this party requiresCAOW and a frown pond,' If possible.'.•• -The- hours were- from five _lo fight,and It was quite dark when the garyoungsters assembled. The mothers-feadbeen Instructed to dress the little«*uecU, who were from ten to. fourteen,very warmly with sweaters and mit-tens. Japanese lanterns were strungaU over the lawn 'and twinkled bright-ly In the'darkness;. then.there werehage-bonflres built;along-tb* edge ofth* pond with caretakers to watch forsparks.' There" were skating races,running races, tobogganing and a merrygame of Hare -and Hounds, with 'red

being divided Into "two sides, whitemen and "Indiana;" After this.excite-;ment they wore called In to a supperconsisting of "piping- hot oyster so.up<hot; buttered crackers, olives, turkoy*fto4wlches, then ice cream In shapetf.tnow balls'With a little flag In, thetop of each ball; tho cake» were "balls,loo, rolled In cocoanut form and thenin ftweot chocolate KrBte(I- A b l K

sfotRh took hit tho children hdmo, eachwith a tin horn which was tlod withtcarlet rlbhow Tho horns were pre-sented when good bys wero said.

A January Luncheon.—Till* pretty ^wt^heeB wan haBtlty-ae-rangocl In honor of a friend who wasgoing away, and by accident thehdntOBH learned tho day net for hor«nU'rJ«^ntnont wan also' lief friend's,bithday; As the guetitiiarortt nil Vikj"y; As the guetitii_arortt nilIntimate friends and only too glad ofthe opportunity to show some atten-tion to tho departing guest, they allcontributed n small °aum with which,tho hostess purchased a charming gar-not bar1>ln, It wns lied to a bouqurtof red ro"»i<;B On the card was writ-ten this coliplut, nllotttkl to tho monthOLJjumary:Hy her, whn tn lhl» month In horn,No ftpms unto- Burnrlii nliiiuld bo worn:Thoy will Innurc her conittnncjr,Truo frlpni)»hll> unU nJulHy.

The (lower for- thu month Is thepearly show drop, mid there was a.huKO.buhcli of them In n red JlohomlanKIBHS bdwl fo'r the tnblo centerpiece,lied randies wore, usod with Bhades of

Jho_'saniejrplor, anil a loVoly fire blaiodin the grnto"~AitOK6nicr~ir««s a most

the po^-otJ-frotcn-puddlns-eamo-a blr«idny-e«k*

with (ha namo of tho gueut picked .out

In small red candles. The rake wason a candle board surrounded by, a cir-cle of blazing red candles. Bach guestmade a wish and .blew one out hsfor*the cake was cut. After this tb*maid brought. In the bouquet on a allver tray yid the pin'tied in a weewhite box with garnet ribbon was dis-covered. .. •• v. • •_•- - • .:;.••. .

For St. Agnes'Evs. . -Friday, the 20th. brings Saint Agnes

eve, a special day in. the old-time cal-endar. At this season, yonng glrlawere-j-Wont to peer into the future tadiscern the characteristics of their fu-ture husbands. They resorted to ansorts of tricks and used rosemary anuthy in*, as - custom, ortradition' ratbor,proclaimed them the flowers for thatday. It was the time for love proph-ecies, so It would be an' auspicioustime for an engagement announce-

far asT>ossibIe, would bo pretty,passing with detaerta tray.of marsh-mallows and a weo glaM candlestickcontaining a -Whits candle, one foreach guest to be taken" as souvenirs..Toasting tnarshmallows at the tableAnd watching to see whose candleburns the longest, makes a happyfinale to a luncheon or dinner. Thefirst candle to go.out foretells,, "nowedding for a year," the one with a'flickering flame denotes an inter-rupted courtship; ths one that burnsclean and clear to the socket meansa wedding within a year.


Imported French atomisers" wjth'Utcbulb sunken Into* a hollow Bide of thebottlo aro seven dollars. •

A pretty punchbowl In the domesticDeldora ware with Its odd green color-ing, is $19 and suggests a daintygift • - '

A semi fitted .blanket coat, with ashawl collar and rovers of plaid. Is$12, and might bo acceptable to thegirl who motors much during tho coldseason > *"

Fruit <rnys and trays for all uses.In tho fanlo'ut Swiss carving, aro Inmany odd designs and sell for two dol


tho handle^

ParisFrocks for Girls

oughly. and then to set It awny to cvolTho cold fat may bo .removed lu •iolULcako and any impurities cltnglntto it may bo ncrup»d off. as they wll'ba-fosnd- n't tho bottom of tho layorUy repeating 'this process two or thro*times a' ciiiko ot clean, whtto tat ma?be objained, - - "

A slight burned taste or similar obJoctlonablo flavor often can bo removed from Tat by means ot potatoesAfter melting the "fat. put into It thltflslices ot raw lift ta to; heat graduallyWhen tho fat ceases to bubblo and tinpotatoes aro brown, strain through idoth placed In a wire stralnor. ,

Cenesse Chocotata*.A* th.o _CoUfig«L girls nrojlolng it»

BolV for Avo minutes n cupful nni] shalt ot granulat«d sugar,i,half a capfulof milk, a teatpoontul of butter and


• * * - > , ;

horn tho fire, flavor with -vanilla.«ttnd~UnrT>«n TTJontnlnlng the slrtqin ft pan of "cold water and work" Isfour or five UbHispoonluls' ot confeoUonera' sugar, moldlnsLtho maist^rltbthe hand* Into balls. When the ball!at» cold dtp them one br"bno fatewelted chocolat* and drain on. WSJ

Pineapple CockfalU'One-halt doxoft oranges.,one lemon.

one pineappio, two oananas, two cupi(about)' powdered, sugar, ^Maratchlnc.cherries-to garnlsn>\Cut oranges Inhalf and carefully remove P&IP «o,th*Thalves"may be used |o* foxtail cupj.Save Ju|ce and.«a._i."^'«u*4kL ^ # » A*»sa

•Women suffering from any form ofIllness are Invited to promptly com-municate with Mrs. Flnkuam at Lynn,Mass. AU-iettors are received, opened,read and answered by women. A wo-

man can freely talk:of" her private 111-ness' to a. woman;thus has-been es-tablished this con-fidence b e t w e e nMrs. Pinkham andthe w o m e n ofAmerica which hasnever been broken.Never has she pub-

lished a testimonial or used a letterwithout the written consent ot thewriter, and never has the Companyallowed these confidential letters toget ont gf tbeir possession, as thehundreds of thousands of them Intheir files win attest •

Out of the vast volomeof experiencewhich Mrs. Pinkham has to drawfrom. It Is moxe.than possible that she

the veryMMMjIk/Blk

turn except your good will, and hertu^yjiy Ymi h«|iw^| ihnmmTirtil. Bunlyany woman, rich or poor, should beglad to take advantage of this gener-ous offer of assistance. Address Mis.*Pinkham, care of Lydla E. PinkhamMedicine Co., Lynn, llass.

Every 'woman oujrht to havetiydJjv E. Plnkham's 80-pag«Text Book.- I t Is not a book forgeneral distribution, as It la tooexpensive. It la. free and onlyobtainable by mall. Write forIt today.

President Arthur, RtpSenator Vest, Democ

IntlrqateXiompanlontBoth Were Pith*

During, the »hort p«more than a month—tbaArthur, as vice-president,sided over the senate oStates, he met Senator Gi»nly casually.- put durlnIng winter, wften Arthurad to the presidency andresidence ta theWbJte 1Ington gradually awaken*thatthere seemed to be illmacy between the heatlon and the jhjrslcally itel]ectus||y;_large. Dcintwearer from Missouri,capital made.up It's, mindmen bad become dofriends; thereafter the 'inotified of the fact, and tlM ? ? ' ' B H B t B


Vqrfmp3br?stalwart sort,jhould and ,wool Democrat sc>, congBOD at companion. Inde«Intimate personal friend tIdent made among pubWashington was Senatormost dally was a visltq:ecutive manslbn,• Two-winters-before-GT?left tKe \Vhite House to tvate cltliin I ventured tcator Yesnthe secret of tlthat existed"between hi:liresldent. adding that thethey sustained one to thnlways genmn.! mnra nr

cjtrwi-fwa- -.-J^toLfinU-that-n-BtStue of VjctoryjIt must havo been a hot fight."

to many persons.- -~^r.' "Yes," Bald Senator Ve;

"I know, that a great ,njatiM-f>nJcringvab6ut-. pur-fri

—tWT!rlginai;>ciaWoTTTH:»nd not at all inysterlouBhortly affer. General Aiinto tho Whlto. House It b<bent on me-tcr call uppn^hto. an offlclnl^nattcr. Atwe discovered that we wtremcly fond of .flBhlng, ju

• of that braid of fUtilng'tpatience! and some experta fish after It has made aWe at once had a comtiopposed though Mrs are

,/yom thp soil'of-this cpmi•' /)ur present-da^ friendship

and many A timq when. Iare suspected of talkingness, the president and Iengaged In telling each,choicest fish stories and dc

"ADtent-Mlrfdod. '. ' ~The professor had Juat sneered for

tho thirtieth time, and it naturally at- -traded some attention. *—!!\Vhat'a-tha matter with tho-profes*.sor?" aaked tho visitor. "Ho appearsto have a bad cold."

"Oh, no," said Madame la Profes-soress. - "It Is only hla tearful nbsent-nilndednesB. I left htm tn charge oftho baby for- a tew momenta this.morning,' and when he cried he gave'Wm tho pqpper-pot to play with\tn-~Btead ot his rattle."—Harper's Week-ly. -

A Poultry Problem. -"TVhlch la correctv"' ask tho sum-

mer boarder who wished to air .his-knowledge, "to speak of a Bitting hen—_or a setting hen?"

"Do you recall—of courthat the president took,through the northwest-lathat I was his sole 'cbnVna

-trip—tttTPaBt [or the eiitiiAlmost everybody thoughttaking a pleasure] cxcu'r'i

ed with .parts of tho com

membered Friend's ' Ciof That Position aod

enrc.. But there's ono thlng.I wouldllko to know: when a ben cackle*,has she been laying, or Is Bho

s"'" The DlWculty,' "Life ain't notVln'. but" dlsappplnt-ment," groanod the Chronic OnunWer..

"Cheer up," urged the CheerfulIdiot. "Didn't yor git 150 for puttln'-yer picture in tho pa.per as havin' bincured o' all yer Ills by n.unk'a pills?"

"Yes. 1 did. An' now alt my rela-ttfs are askln' me_.whx"! don't g»_iowork, now tht I'm Wired."'"


The Hajjpy Reply—,


B6aS«e<eaVptWsenate In 1872 and temaiuntil his death in 1908, wifered the treasury poitwice refused It. ThVflramade to him by Presldent-iV. Oarfleld, tho .second b>

^ 'HarrlgQn.«xtremfily anxious that S

" "SOBTaOould cousen'. 16 lieaury department, and each

' senator decided against acfer, made the late Wtlllasecretary of the treasur)dence that Is probably unhlstorj of American^ cabin

When Senator Allison w,Harrison, to become his sthe treasury, the Iowantempted .to any extent totoga, although Harrisonanxious that Allison sho

'•and did everything: posslt 'his-offldal dig

row-iir-wifat-hlgl_tteld_him, ^botlr personallypublic ser/ant. But AUUof mjnd was far differentfield'urged him to SlUhe s,bis cabinet. ' |

'AQisdn, was never so pmake a decision, he often

Until only, a dayd lnauguratlo;

1 VM dainty frock at vne loft iawhile—,»ar«ulsetle^ - T a e - - w

forifllng V "tiinler»U 'mthered at the

band ot the-ttatorial. 3fhicn-&irHomodwith tubular.pearl beads andortanitateft with- moUW composed of&«talibea?|LiM»d.5»J*,«t»««-. T h ' B ta

•^WJ^jS^"Mua"Mbattr «nd faltei^iounccs rf.'tne mar^uisettek

fl beads

ana uutuiavu *>«•>« utv uwuub»n «», *•• •land- ot little sink; roses finishes theround, low neck, and the'girdle U otthe light blue'liberty finished at theback with- fcuuttod..sash endsThe otboa'troek^is ot pale salmoncolored voile., The .corselet akirt ismade.ln'two pjsxta, both'plaltad. Th*lower part la attached underneath th««pperto.aptaln;aatjroke,j Bothars

A crisp, dainty tood-rJeaxaj-oungana old. ;

'Economical , '"'~ • Convenient

f<- -n thls^gtttiled frame,ofnight, camr on, and, dltc

.Idea of, sleep' fronj his mtermlned that .he would Joto decide. SS"' .qtesUon on

""'Shall I enter the cabinetIJT th* senate?" There 'temptations cither way.

Jo be" a'great' opportunity fsecretary rot the treasury.

' Important refunding operaJby the g

itaiesmanship daring the'

Page 7: COOK S THEATR - DigiFind-It .pdf · ' I • *f'•" K JP"— *** w>P»«Ma4»ter thing, b tK - ; *Ma world than a mrtalted coal bin. Till* U a great little country, ai It It said

Secret of Queer FriendshipPresident Arthur. Republican. " and

Senator Vest, . Democrat,' Were •

p p o » B e c « uBoth W«ra Pi»herm«aj

.. •-• Daring, me short ptrtod—a '•' little•tuonrthan a month—that Chester • A-Arthur, aa Vlce-prealdent, actuSHrpre-tided over the senate of the UnitthiStates, he met Senator George 0. Vert»nly casually.- put during the.follow-tog winter, wften Arthur had succeed-

. ad- to the presidency and taken up hisre«Wenceta the wisite;House, Wash,ington gradually awakened to the tactthatthere seemed to be a. growing In-limacy.. between the head of the na-

"Hon and the jhjrslcally small but In-_teUeotusUrI_large. Democratic - toga,

wearer from Missouri. At least theCapital made.up It's, mind that the twomen bad become close personalfriends; thereafter the country "was

. notified of the fact, and there was con

stalwart sort, shouldflnd a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat BO. congenial a per-sonal companion. Indeed, the mostIntimate personal friend that the pres-ident made among public men- InWashington was Senator Vest, who al-most dally was a visitor, at the eVeoutlve jnonsltm, .....' :______„.

—!Two-win ters-before-GT'BeraTTVrtnWleft ttte White House to become a prl-vnte citiiin I ventured to ask of Sen-ator Yesnthe secret of the friendshipthat "existed"between him and thepresident, adding that the" relationshipthey sustained one to the othsr hadalways seemed nnr. nr in,, tMt all

never visited: and there was •> gooddeal of wonder why a Democratic sen-ator Weat wttn.hlm. -Weil, the realreason for that trip was ju*t fiafc, andI was largely responsible for its be-ing made. ' -...-.. • - '• . - ' , . ''.-"It7 came about In this way. toApril. 48SVJ«st after congress hadadjourned, the president visited' Flor-ida. Shortly after his return to theWhite Honse I called upon him andwe talked until three o'clock Iri themorning about his experiences to thesouth, especially hta Baaing expert,eoees. "He told me. ajuong otherthings,'bow he went off one day witha guide in a rowboat in some of themysterious portions of KlsslmmeeIftke. cipectlng to have a d*y of blackbass ashing, and he had It—a mostglorious day of iport. iAnd he told roehow- he.,brought back his flsb" to thesteamboat npon which he was makingthat part of- the excursion 'and the

dent entertained me thua. Then, In aroonieht of "ehthusiaSFm^r suggested tohim that if'he Ranted to have a newexperience In flshtng he should makeo.,trip In the summer tio the* far north-west I described the fascination, thesport; of mountain trout fishing, andthe^presldent grew more and more en-thuslaatlc^as -1~ proceed *d~to~fiiy'"pproiration." Finally be cried: 'If you willmtwith- me I W{B. make, t i e trip sometime In July, or August - I replied thatI. thought I could arrange my affairs

so as to aecomiteny him. and he an-swered that it be could- be lore of an*be would begin to arrange for the tripthe very next day. That day I wave ableto let the president know that I couldmake the trip; he at. once got buirwith the arrangements.' In due coursewe started tor the northwest, andthere we bad abundant experience anda-glorious time. , •-..'.

"I don't1 like the president's poli-tics"—Senator Vest smiled wryly—"but I teJILjou, as a personalion and. if I may say- It. as a fishingcompanion especially, h# Is the rnontagreeable and lovable man I have evermeV • •':•'',. •• v .•...--. .. ' ' .

ICopjrrirtt. n\». br E. 3. Edward* AlllUctita Reserved.)

Would Ttsch Boys to MarketDr. Mather Sill, in a current nnn>

bw of a .medical magazine, speaks fa-vorably of the European plan of pro-viding breakfasts for :the school chil-dren and of-giving tickets to thosewho cannot pay, provided this, can be-done without the knowledge of

Howloiig would they have to: waitfor a kiss if you' were, thorp, dearboy? ' _ . • ' •


"Sotn« nine. years ago I- noticedsmall pimples breaking out on the.

boys learn to. market, and the girlsl o ..cook food. ' . ' - . ' ,~ . •_

Nothing to Llitiit lo.The Toneka (KJUI.) Journal, making

an excursion into pedagogy, says thatits "idea of nothing to listen to." Is aman school teacher telllnfc ft company.

woman 'teachor, «By« the Journnl.kqows more about the art tnBtlnctlvi«-ly than the he teacher will over beable to learn." .

worse, so »h»t I eouid not sloep t-BlsbL LennaultPrt a tihy»lclaa-J»Jto-treated ino a long time, but. It gotworse, and I could not put my -banditti water-. I was treated' at tho hos-pital, and It wan Just tho s<ini«, I witstold that It wan ft- vary bad casp ofecicina. Well, I Just kept on using


/to many persons.-7 " "Yes,'.' Baid Senator Vest, smilingly^.'Tknowitbat a great,many-Tiave been.

It Is veryr«nd not at nil mysterious. .You see,Bhor'tly after. General Arthur movedintotho White. Hbusfc It became Incum-bent on me-to call upprj,.hlm. In Vegardtq.'ari pfflclnlinattcr. At that nfeetlngwe:dlscbv«red that we wefo_both ex-tremely fond of-flBhlng, And especially

.' of ,<hat braid of ashing' that requirespatience! and'some gxpertness tqManda flsh after It has made a game fight.We at once had(n common interest,opposed though we aro- politically;

,/romthp soil of this common Interestjjur present-da)^ friendship has sprung,and.mony a tlmq when,' I- suppose, weare suspected of talking official busi-ness, .the president and I ore merelyengaged In telling .-each.'.'.other, ourchoicest flsh stories and describing burexperiences" at " Ashing in different

"Do you recall—of course"youthat the president took, a Irjng" tripthrough the northweBt last July andthat I was his sole 'companion on that

. . lit least lor the entire distance".Almost everybody thought that he wastaking a pleaxure excursion to fleoYellowstone'park and to p»t acquaint-ed with parts of tho country he had

Evarts was Slighted by Lowell

elght ycarB until I was ndvlopd to tryCutlcura Oinlmout. -I did so, and Ifound -after ^ few applications; nnd~ by:bandaging my bands well up that theburning sensations wore '"disappearing,I could sleep well, and did not haveany Itching'during the Bight, I beganHflOf a hil l" ij |~iStI

Reaeoed rather Frttit yand Preyed the FwtMtatltn.- »

ous IttUe charm tor his watch chainHe wouldat sell It for 11.000. no. nor

. tore*. -

LaUer, as jmnlatef;to JEngKrid.His bisttngutsfied FellowXoort-

tryman With ^Moat Ne*ic>abls. Coldness and IndlfTerente .- • .

'" "Sh

Against..not.m few'.rt'our formerdiplomatic -'.jitptesentatlves ' at; theCourt otVstT James the charge baabeen made that they w*re notL. alto-gether . American in their position; InEngland, of, minister or ambassador!Against no other diplomat was thischarge made In suchi high station asIn the case o{ James Russell Lowell,who froinJSSO to 1855 was in Londonas our minister. A*'.. - -asual' rute,i.thlscharge has been made by tourists,more or lesV dUgtsntled at not ob-taining tfie Impossible favors they,thought' due them as feHow<ltliens_pf

J££ir»JE£H5!£j!LJ^I^ite<1 °'1P'omaUc

representative In tho KrTtiiib cspitaL

WtlllaiiiIt was different—WhenHunt,.ln ISS2, was on his.way Ur faketip the posucf minister to Ruesla hestopped off at London to pay his re-

<u. Mlnbiyr Ijowell. II? nextmail be sont a letter to a friend- athomo suggesting that if the friendknew of any # prominent Ami'rit'sns«ho were planning to visit England

he qught 'to hint I- to' jtjMjm -that-"Should retrain from. caliiBg upon -Mr.Lowell. "I called fupon Mr.' Lowell,out of-c6urtesy>_hl«Ljrank and mind Inthe diplomatic 'service being the

"same," , wrote Judge Hunt."':.''Hut Igreatly regreettiatl did. JO, for I wwr-treated, with coot, damned > dlacourtr

While Mr. Lowell;,was minister, at.' " " V ' o u r " - - • • • • - ' - - " • • -consul general there wasE. A. Merrltt Some years alter Uen-eral Morritt had returned homo hewas told what Minister Hunt had*written home "concerning his trent-roont by. Minister Lowell, and ' wasnaked' If be could offer any satisfac-tory explanation of tho- letter. ...

."Well,"- said General Merrltt. nftor-a thoughtful pause, "1 have alwayshad the highest respect and adrnlrv-tteB-for-Mrr*fa>wtrlH>s' a gieat

__ "ui wnn r.-LOWCU. as i nato saiq. , . K ^ — , , , _ ; v...t _,_ -__. . . . : . . _ . . world mm not wide nor d«..n. but.who „.,„ •;!..„ „,. ..•,....,„..,..tchoianahlpj—but a/i »n«ufat London when Mr. "LoWell was sta-tlonod there as minister I soon came•to learn at first hand that the lli«ruryatmosphere-which—^wae-^lBscpnlnblr

was "dowu."1 had toat «v«ry cent I had ta the

world, and there at my d<s»», cty hoodon my arm*. I was thinking of a r»w»i-ule -way to «na It, w^vs. my little chttacame up to me and aaked: 'What diw*"rulnea" mean, p«pa?l And then Iknew I had be«n groaning loud^noughto be h«ard and understood. 'You »»t.l"ruined" paper. What di>>s It.meanr

•'." *H .means 1- haven't, any money,baby,.- I ' t p i ' i j poor tjan,' Thfi littlefeet pattered away, then back'a«ain.and here on' my watch charm t» whntshe itaye me. N'ot a.«r»at foftunn—no.buL tho foundation of eti».-Wfaater^f-I've not since came from it, for it c a wme courage."—The Christian Herald.


Joint* Stiff and Ankles Badly Swolltn.

Mrs. I* Skagg»x Loulga, .Kj^. gays;,rPi>r fjve years my kidnoys acted irreg-ularly und secretions were imlntuiand scanty. I was .uervnun, rcsllots

~ V «nd felt con»tani(ytired out. Drops!


; but they d okUrt. all - the sfcrvttnm of lb» lirtr «nd•tomwh in » wiy tliattoon" puts thi-w -of(an* , in a bralthycondition »n3 ' cor-Ttrti

Mnnyoot P«wr»* rJIt.-»a»e, » t>nwto tho •tonuch. l i«r tn<l ntim. Thrjrinng»r*t« iiutwd of wmi)tn; the) en-rich tb* bk>o\l thsteftd .M i^iniTeruh it,(Uy>ii«W«> tb» *toiw»t"h to-.|t<t all Ib*n<>uritHuicnt frutu ICXMI tlmt w put intoIX. . ' .'._

T l i « e . rill* - contAm, no ralonwl, • iv»<]<<(<<F, they *n KK'lhins, li™)ms (nil•tiumUlinM- Ttirr -ivhi^l. Iht U)ITVIB t o

and my joints ho-stiff. Hack:

BCh." limdc llfu julit-#r»l>lo. A/lor UHIMKother remedies with-out roltrf, 1 began,

taking Dean's Kidney Pills, uad cun-llnued with them until cured. Tli'uo

gHflOf a while lo" ij|o~iS)tIcura Soup fora waBh for them, and I think by usingtho Soap- and Ointment" I.was!u.flt(jdc.-j,,stuck- tQojtia Cutlcuwi

other reiaedU'S for over sove'n yuarswith no. result,' and after;-only havingft fow appllcntioiig add'" finding .caseIrani'Cuticurn'Ointment,:' ">o"«ht Itdeserved a fair trial ^JUMk"jMiveroftnd Stubborn ca«y. ""TiiieOiie" Otnt-,mcnt and "Soap for- nearly six months,and I am • gUd 4a. (Bay that I'have.'

ands as dear ns tinyono. ' •"It is my wish that you publish this

letter Jto all tbo worM, .aniMf: unybiiodoubts It, list them wrlto me and Iwill Rlv«j them- tho nania-.'of tuy puy'sl™clan, also tho Aoanltal 1 WOM trtatrdat" (Sailed) Mlna Jilary A. Hcntloy,83 ''TJnlvetslty' St,_:Motitft;aIt Que.,Sept.H, 1

''••:'. . Due F'rMaut'lons,Tn n. Inwn In fIj^jr^ln. t)inr>.

onoetved It to bo » |)laco\where^ ifone should trust hln fellow/^jjen, hiinhuuld at (he samn tlino kocp Rii tyoon his 'own IntfroMln • .'_ - X

Reincmber th.Tor sale by all 'dwiIiTH. fid rents a

F M < » » " II t 'o . Ilgffali

Burning Money. —did lio 'make . bis

money?oney? . .Slobbs-rln smoltlntr tobaoco. :.lllobbs—Is that so? •'•I've. b#en

smoking tobacco nearly.'all my life.But, I 'fltxvr . Jnad.0.any.,;njon«;jf s.t 11,^,

Important ta Mother* '"• Rxnmtncr carefully every bottlo ofCABT©niA, asafaandsuro remedy lorlufatitts and cMldrnu, and souylhat It'

L Iicuri tho" ""titKnuturo of

In tf$o f*er Over «O "Years, |Tho Kind Yon Ha,vo Alway

Parliamentary Quarrel. '„_J' | , sir. aim always lit the truth!"\ "Well; all 1 iiavo: to nay .'is, yo'u'roa vorylittd shot."—lju-HSeiirlre. r .__''

The Oci't tliiw yu» f*el . | | i»t *wiill.n*ioK'M'tttnltuit, tlur' iturt1' *tgn -ni- miifv Utr*Mit.Kfll*ul<} llmhltni M'tzaril D;l (ttittu'dlatrlywith' t l i n * p u n . n»ior . It willHiyv youdays in.l |irrli»ps .niiwn-,'

connected with Mr, Lowell, And Ills O'ne hot, dny lio .'pulled off his ci»u\

Allison Refused Cabinet Jobmembered Friend's ' Comparison

af That Position and a Seat

"v'car*."~-lrTras-r<<rtatir» -tbat- -thwrewould be tariff, agitation, and someImportant legislation of a ..financialcharacter, relating to refunding, was


^ S K ^ ^ ^ 4Bie^ i A J ^ i ^

sonato In 1872 and remained thereinuntil his death in 1908. wus twlc'eof-fered the treasury portfoliu andtwice refused It. The first offer wasmade to him by President-elect JnmesA. Oarfield, tho second by I'rcsldont-

,«l«fct Benjamin 'Harrison. Each -«asoxtrerajjy a'nxloiis that Senator Alll-"SOBTsOould cousen'. 16 lieacl"tho treas-ury department, and each, uhen thesenator decided against accept the of-fer, made the late William AVIndomsecretary of the treasury—a coinci-dence that Is probably unique in thehistory of America^ cabinot b.ulldlng

When Senator Allison was asked byHarrison, to become his secretary ofthe treasury, the Iowan was nottempted .to any extent to discard histoga, although Harrison was mostanxious that. Allison should accejK•and did everything: possible consls-U hts-offldal dlgnltFJo let

i, -JigUr persoiiatly and as-apublic ser/ant. But Allison's frameof mjnd was far different when Gar-field-urged him to SlUhe same post inbis cabinet. ' |

"AQlsd'n, was never so pat to 11 tomake a decision, he afterwards con-

Untll only, a day or two oe-


thnl Mr. I^well H conduct In this ro. t. t | ,e cdiUil Sll mw ,,, l t l (1 1J1K S|LVV, Y o r k

gard was unlntentlonal-wid nbHohitely I Hiinrt.iy i»ii|«TH «UR hero »1ini youunconscious on his part, but, Just th* I ,,uli,.d off your ruat "samp. It did occasionally causo prornl- ~i r , . tk ( l l l i k n t , w f t w e | | { Q r ^MM.MV^ JIHU*VMU»,I» ^v it"wiv w n » n r m i i "i ietnr"roiu ox It, Hald t h o p r e t u i i ^ rhurt. ,A enso In point Is Senator lalmly. • I don t bollovo- ho's ns-budUllllnm M. Evartjj. and it Is nno of n« he might bi>,.and anyvtay, I put myseveral Instances that, came under my ruat, on tliu chntr-clomn'iiy And liiifLlt.

>—^-rtghTm'mre'f my cyo all thu tlnio."—

senator as the night wore on. It gotto be midnight, and apparently hewas as far. from a decision, a* he everwas In bis life. One—two—threeo'clock earn* anil went and still nodecision. The senator was almost Indespair at hi* Inability to decMewhich political road to take.

But as the first faint rays of^ re-turning light began to posh their wayabove the eastern horizon. light<alsodawned in the troubled mind of theIowan. Allison was m w r given loseeking advice, but when It becamegenerally known that be htd beenproffered "th» treasurersbip by (jar-field a friend had gone" to him andsaid: • "Senator. In considering—thisQuestion, yoa want to bear In mindone thing. A cabinet officer, no* mat-ter bow able. Is, after all. no more"than a very high grade cleric for- thepresident, th« subordinate «iecttttve

^ ® ^ ^ S K u ^ ^ ^ 4Biegate by tho United States governmentto the Important International mone-tary conference held in Paris On hisway thither he stopped off at LoSdon

Their Last Hope Gone.Wlion the minister praised the rasp-

liorry Jnm at Mrs Cretin's bountifulSaturday night nuppcr, ho could hot

KHM'l' I . " , to «n> V » » t't lii'liiiij, Iliiul.ll«««llng ur I'MfLrutllim J Uo» in t uj U daj« ;^i

.glue CMtftst Brand•.LI.H. U A l l C

Illl Malt! W M I 1» O•r*a* win last •

Dead tsde ItvMMee et OwasMtyi-mtw, u, H. r. ii« tM,

urn nut M wn 1b.IV, mrf •!»••

••" "<^» «>• MM Mill H l f M n«iU I W•ST rt-v i n u i l i iu 11 M.itta >HIIUI.UI


I mx

T^-Most oldpeople must giveihb—bovycla gentle, con-stant help. One candy Cascartfteach day doesjhat. iiarsh^y»fe'--ti^--:r^lkriy.^1^i thi.bowelscallous. Caseareti rfanot.Nearly all old people, now use thlanatural, gentle help, _V « t iwc t * l (•••, is twall—at init i lora i . sSi


18-20-22 Wost 20th Street, New YorkHnart> Fj»bll.lio»'nl» iiiuilr HiilK NAMK tlI.RIi-7.lli , I.ONHOX. I'AIIIH.

llsmutli / ' — Ku«l«<ia fr«i«o- ll<i/tnj| «n4 mXUng -Ti'iir^wnlilUc* In alt \n*•«rl«i)t Ktrr Marhvta iif lli« Witrlil, dlatribitllnitw b «rf}<-]• tvh«n* lM>«t rrNulta «r« oblaln#i| rrt-

blflUMt tnirkcl



V(iit mako 111') inlslukc of clnlmliiKW. N. U., NEW VOBK, NO. 2-1911.


i -4



- . — „—rfr*.. w4* »v uuuuun j nuiuruay iiiRiii Hupner, no coum notfor a few days. Then It was that Ij Imagluu why Anglo und Horatio lh»discovered that Mr. Evarts was ono of ~>wLns, gazod at him so reproachfully.the best-known living Americana to, - • ...all England. • He was especially re-membered Jthero--e* tho- loading roun-

,scl for the" United States beforo tha

tor is supreme—responsible only.- tohis constituents; and yon have alreadybeen in the senate long enough torealize how dXgnlfled. how indepen-dent and how responsible the £o*t ofsenator l»-~ With- the suddennessand vividness of1 lightning; tiese -sea-t«OCfa» nuvt kctau t te sens-

Inauguration be trieid ) tor's mind; ana not Ion* thereafter he

'-n thls^n&xzlfd frame,of mtnd whenrdgkt, cam* on, and, dismissing altIdea of,sleep'from his mind, he de-termlned that he -would Jorce himselfto decide.'Se"' <ruesOofl once for ail:"Shall I enter the cabinet or remaintop the senate?" There were greattemptations either way. There wasto be" a."*reat' opportunity for the newsecretary rot the treasury, since veryImportant refunding operations Were

onjby the government.

*L. i*t* V -"^J",,, f" B*t—*»*« — • r Ti i ~— • IJ i i_ w i v e *

, mlnatlon to tf«UoeT!B'e™cioinet porv

a. great field, torlp daring the' "next few

Eight years later Senator Allisonwas again urged to becotne secretaryof tho treasury., Bat tfaia timeit waseosV for htm to decline the honor, for.In the years that had Intervened behad arrived at the opinion that' behad, not made a mistake in refusingto leave the senate '•*• GarfUldi re-quest. And. so-(ar. as I know, hr-nev^er regretted jti« choice. Oiarlie made

Geneva Court of Arbitration, whichdecided the famous Alabama.cases Infavor of 'our government, and In 'ofll*clal circles he WAS-also rememberedas secretary of state during the en-tire Hayes administration.

"Welt, as a result. Mr." Evarta washighly honored In London,'and was(he guest of distinction st two orthree brilliant functions.- At ofthese affairs he met Lowoll end was'speedily astonished and grl*r«d to dis-cover that Lowell's.manner towards

iwlns, gazod at htm so reproachfully."Don't you llk(> rtinpberry Jani, my llt-t!o man?" bu asked Horatio.

"Yes, sir. I do," and.. Anslo_ does,"nald Horatio, In distinctly r<-scntfultones, "and niulfacr told us that shewas afraid tho lnsl ubo modo wasn'ttjulte up to the mark, and if you didn'tpraise It, Anglo and I could have Ir forluncheon on our broad, for Mrs. Willisand Mrs. Shedd .never said a wordwhen tb«y nto It, and you've nnule tbothird; but now «li»'ll usn It for thechurch' suclflblcs," and Horatio Iook<-<1gloomily et-hts.twin, who returned thelook In kjnd



cool and Indifferent. Ifr. Evarts co'uIdT"not understaSnt; "nn"d~tHough"he"'iitfirst thought be had unJnteatloaallydone sometbln* to offend MA *e smetbln« to offend M/, I^owell.he oonld not think-of anything ha huddot>«-to merit such trestitect, noteven -when he. as sccroUry of stite,had Mr. LoweU reporting to hla•nJnlster to Jpoln._ And. JK* ..Syarta

was consoled by the reflection thatMr. Lowell bad vmintenUav&'Jr nndunconsciously treated him us in not'infrequently treated otterea trafeJeis ttvo^. Home.

-But I mn«t sdd tfci«," Want ea Gen-eral Merrltt, "My own reiaUoos. pcr-sonal^aad ogsjal. with Ur. Lowell•wersj eztramsly^ plasMst-tifaet bttdiuniasc to mUL-""?-*.'- « 'T^nf1'. ^

. OLD COMMON 8ctN9E,jChanoo Joed WbanJi

« Sorts.

. "A great deal depends upon yourselfsnd th,o kind of-food-you cat," thewise old doctor said to a man whocame to him sick with stomach troa-•bla and sick headache once or twico awoolr, anil who had b»nm tatlng p"1*and -different

•art of fried food or jneat, for break-fast, iand was pat oh Crape-Nuts andcream, leaving off aJl medicines.

Jo i a few days he fatean to get bat-






. CINVIKL ONE sm onvr. ran IALC SI AU. UAMOC= * » ^ I M imT*mt*£~~zt: ""mfM aOTTLC.'

\ "

matt or not AM> tuxst or icwu is UKOALLV A&UTXD TO THE KCIM orlAWO ANO CMLDRiN, AS n It MILD ANt> rtXAMNT. CLHTU. AND t/ftCTIVl, AXOAssotunLY-mc mow owecrioNAau tncumuax n i» touAUr ivanau,K)H WOMCN AND rOB MtN. YOUNG AMD OLD fO* l A t t SY A U UAMNC OHUCCttTI.,


DOUGLAS/•ter, and now be has entirely recover-ed and writes that he (s la betterhealth than be has been before tntwenty rear*. This man is IS years'ojd and cays be feels l i k e * sew

. pead "TneKasd to WePIBle," In,pkga, "There's a Reason,"


if, ' • / • •« , •'.'.:•'/};'' 1%**'

Page 8: COOK S THEATR - DigiFind-It .pdf · ' I • *f'•" K JP"— *** w>P»«Ma4»ter thing, b tK - ; *Ma world than a mrtalted coal bin. Till* U a great little country, ai It It said

the jrork on brigd> on Union raid

.nt in obildren mayr|ntal blindness in

ijldren have DO mean*VwBMaer rtelr elgbl la con)

,. ___ __i "«*lUi«if have you. Heedj / / T W e Warning I and let us eiamia*Efjroor children's «yea. We mnjnj»rt»

JOHN W. WIRTH," e. , 'Og»**Olem«m.

•" • 184 Broad Street. Rhzabetb.

i Evening* uiFtteo O'clock''


CRANFORD. N JTelephone:

.__ the IOWMI blddara at$187. ,AfUr thla work; bad beenstarted U T N - , discovered- That-theTnrtlrTrT»-TOTd'Tinrr":

* ' •

" ",«

JOHN T. KANANE,Real IMate anil taranccOlfoioe House? and Store for



Cor. Boulevard and 10th St . , !KSNILWORTH, N. J,

pt£ce», and It waa considered necea-u r y to rebuild the walla entirelyover the place that waa being recov-ered. This work was ordered Kerr * Son, the price to ha $110additional to their first bid. Thereare also two*cast-lron manhole headsIncluded In the new bid. , "

The recovering of the Grant ave-nue bridge was let to T. Foster Cal-lahan at $14».»5. be being the low-eat bidder for the work,


XLBTON DARBY.On motion of Freeholder Kroiise,

received and placed «a file.Gentlemen—Your Committee on

-B«coverJsg_Monroe Btreet Bridge,.Rabway,—would—rwpecttmiy reportthat It waa found Impossible to usethe patented wooden strip pavementon this bridge, aa was contemplatedtor a former resolution.

Your committee has therefore al-tered the plan for the work, so as toleave" the new street aurface at the•amp. level as It WM after setting the" " ' . . . ^ j

S3; Western Union Tel.

Hulakamper. -*

S I **'M'

leTOMpine planking.

Thework bin been Jet to Chartaa Arnv,of Blliabeth, at a toui coat of |J ( -326.60. '

The1 work of laying the*'new floorPlanking hat been let to John Wolke,i i fUahwajrata «oat oM«8S41

$17.»0; Brick-U 0 ; N. YfTel. Co.,

Election—D.*D. Bcbentk, $8- WH. Winter. $30; J. j . Gardner. $30;Chester Bplttlehouse, $30; JohnBadgley. $15.60;-Keon Farrar,$30;

$30; Herbert Acken,' $30; C. Ii!Wlnans, $31.60; O. J. Smith, $»•John Keron £ feon, • $1H; StanleyReed, $S0; Henry grhoppe, $54-Jamea Hnrley. $30; Fred Herman,$31; Nicholas Moonpy, $21; HenryCook, $8.75.

-JafJ—Rr T. fcrtti,-$24.2*r$387*ffl-Central Beer Co., $24.86, $84.28:lllldtbrandt Co., $49.85; J. o. Brolkaw, $15.44; Henry Srlimlilt, $7,76-H. R, Llvengood, $26; W.C. Tnbba$5.80; Wooilhull A Martin, $30.38;

$6.17: KannyO. W. Dodd, $125JJodd, $80; James Johnston, $76';

Iialf r n nTlw >m-kni>y Imtnlwl thr

half n iriiwii, «ml. nm> rMMisti, int««k lr In I>l* trunk and |i]«i-i<d It in „)»ii liixl^up-Mt ..r'r».ji<h

"Wrli rifiiK i . (erj- ll«trai,r(t|||nry-hiiMoitMiliiB. t r u l v - HHI.I tlit- irrwi'*Uf\. u'|K'lllliU IIIM i-vn - "_\HH t(.f* H,^tllU) lake It Klllfltid |iri('d » !.i'-|»"

'We m>i«- Imrui-d lilui Hint trl< k.returtod tljn kt*;*r walking

New Jersey CentralORuitrRUKAJti

AKK AND NRW KlhK.I ' " . ' . ! ' . " " 1 1 ' »»ltlii«i«h train u,N»»rklli.U. - aKJn an HMI *n> t Mi l. ! ' . " " 1 1 ' »»ltlii«i«h train uU. - a.KJn an. HMI, *n>, t Mi.

». in?, izu. iM, jw, <t|-.

J , $ ; Jamea JoP««aiu«le Orlando, $70.

Children'! Guardians—N. j , stateBoard of Children'. Oimrillana.

Lunary—\v, R. Codlnnton. $so.-4B: N. J. State HoapltaV. Trenton,

The original appropriation for tblawork waa $2,760. and aa aocbrtlngt o the aboye agreejuenU. the work

FRED ;|(Buooeeaor U)-phllipp Jithr.)

House, Sign, and"Fresco Painting,

„•--' flaln and Deeeratlv*

cost $3,O18,»1, your committeewould recommend that, the appro-priation for this work be Increasedfrom $8,760 to tbea'um of $8,018 "I.


Freeholder Jonea moved the-re-l>oH':h<p.tecerved and the reootnmen-datlon adopted, which on roll callwaa »o ofd'ered without dissent.

X '• New nusJnese >, By Freeho|der.M«isel; "

Resolved, That it Is the sense' ofthis board 4h»t all Hooka; ttinrand,vouchers be opened for Inspectionby any newspaper or.,ciy«en. Fur-|ther • '

Resolved, That all newspaper*, andcUUens are Invited to inspect all#111* the county for any pur-pose whatsoever, and that for theconvenience of such newspaper* andcUUens, who may desire • to inspectthem, the clerk of tb|s board Iehereby Instructed to be to the free-holdera' room for the nextiten day*between the hours of 9 Iff the morn-

Stationery—Elizabeth Novelty Co.,rfrras, $4.05, Henry Cook, $B.7.*i.

I'. Ifc-ehnrlork, $21..T4; .AdvocatePub. Co., $I2.C0, $5r.; C. C, Wobb..$3.00. $3.(10, $3.(10;'^W. .Vroom,$12.75.

I'ubllcatlona—Standard Pub. Coil^cern, $ 3 7 T 6 0 I — Courler-Newi~ Co.,$r74,_$_9g,,jr», $72.26, $76; BUta-beth Kvenlng Times, $10.80; Stand?ard IVib. Connern, |2.4fi: yjLeader, $2; N. J. Advocate, $2.60.

Incidentals—Colombia Trust Co..W. It. Codlngton. l inn- .1

,,»•'" •*'»I»*'W 1M.4MJSW.1M.7M9'* l i t ]11-1 A.Jj.u 17.IJ 4I?MI,<; («..> u(.< «,•».«., i ,

* * * ' l S 7 J l l * n * * » »ui«ll l u i ' l i i z«H

Corn ExchangeBank ^

*,** l'. lS7J l lJ.*n"**»• »ui«.ll lui'.li.iz«Huu-'"•}'. »«•» «•1 a.»iu.iu4V.ilrt A.M. i«in. 1 «.i

ror l/»k»w<mil-l 11,1111 B.. lli SIBu',r'111' (•nlji 14"l. i'Ji, wm H .......[. ..-t,v. m. mmii«M u IJ, a MI. A. M. I 411-. M

»*Sf AtUntla(V.)-IM.s«IA.M. f•> uuljrj. 3 SH p. II.I tlnuiuyt. tM A. W. 1 tlt Kxmpt N«w«rk.tHp»[>t Miuirln bnnk'ialuri\t) uul/. 1 h>c*|>l HMnnUit.

"•"^aii.s. - -Tii: sr:» :«

leJ — W. W.Mendell ,

M. Drahje, $27; lionry Krouae,$261.20;T F,' W. Westcott. $7«T»6;B. KlUff. $13.06; J. j . Savltz, $14.75.

Tax Board—Klorance Stllcn, $60,$6 ;-Sldn«y-Bldrld^e,-$ IOO7- -,-

T«l«phone 30-R.

. R Wheeler.ttoealerin; \

. *t-forwardtfd to

xopy-• the'reaolutlon* be

Jiewtpapert qfjhej5p_untt_^r___On motion of Freeholder Doane

the resolution waa adopted withouttllasent.

By Freeholder Doane:Reaolved, Thaf the County Col-

Jocior be and hereby la inatructed>,tapay to HIM, Daley thejum of $106>04 In full settlementof her, claimsagainst the County' of Unlon.fprdamagca for taking land,lor bridgeabutments, pursuant upon her e i -^ C U t ) W t a 6 l

CbuBty Itokfl -Rtmaih_~c. H; Win-an», $420.86, -$6t4, $39.00; J. ,UBauer, $80; K.J . Hubbard, 843.0O:Ira'Woodruff, $102.48; Weldon Con-tracting. Co., $828.00, $696.9S.

Now State Roads—J. U. Uauor$160, $307.04; C, II. Winiins, $2,-007.84, $5,363.18; F. J. Hubbard,$600, $82,881, > $40; Weldon Con.Co., $85,# $217.60, 113,336,80.

Surrogate—Rosabol Allin,'$100;Anna J)llks, $(i0i w . B. Parrot,$808,,a4;.O. T. Parrot. $468.33.

Membora' Pay—:Pcter MelBql, $34;JClston Uarby, $2«; S,,p. T. Wilbur,$84; W. H. Onrrlson, $42'; J. N.Cady, $30; Burton Hall, $18; Jo-seph Porry, $34; Thomas Havlland,Hi', JVII, Ooane, $30; A. II. Orucm^or, $60; A. O. Crano, $34; B. Jonea.

Carpenter and builder,

JDATRONS as*m«lcourteous and lib-'

er»l iftrvir.ft in crery :


Bonnes* and PersonalAccounts invited.


-•-•-•-•-•—e- • «-«-«••> •-•-•<t ;:

• * • • •

N. A. BAR NEXT,*••* ' • •

North Avenue, Cranford, N/J'.

Reaidanoe, -Walnut-ayeou

OrndiiHte Amttncan VHtenmiryCollege, N. V.


Pet Mnlmaja^a Specialty.< Itemiinnoo.'Dmlrner Hlront,

HI Bl-W, " WEfJTFIRLU, N. .1.

Carriage Repairingand Painting

"Il.-Raudolph, 4>80f . . .$22; K. K. Adams. $40.


O'Donnell Broa.

Contractors & TeamstersMoving Vani for City or County

Telephone Call or Portal rWill bring n

: to KCM Hl'lJEET,

of taid land and a releaefc td thecounty.

Attorney Codlngtontaddreatedboard, explaining .the natura ofclaim.



•V.\R. hottvltt, $250; /Jnnif-a Kink',$100.

Committee Bxponsoa—ThomasHavlland, $760; 8. P. Wilbur, $17.-16; Klstou Darrby, $6,75; A. D.Crane, $«,30: Peter Melsol,~$li.(c7Jacob Mnrtlq, $8.60; Johi) N, Cady,Jacob Martin, $8.G$O.'O5;" .B. Vones


•0; John 1- V - J . $7.»S;

Swalii(<$5rIO; xJohn Koron,II. Qarrlson, $22,16. $22.00;$6.5tt; Joseph - '

\V. JI.$9: W.

H. K, Adams, $13.66} J. H, Doane,$9.96. , • '

SberlS't Account—U. J.,Kirkiand.$381.48, $4fitl.83; W, ,11, Wright,

Ella Decker, $70; Jessie Qarthwnltor$ 70; '_E.velyn (lore-Kelly, $40; Mar-

, — . „„„„ . „ , . liODrdhon Swift, $60;-.Ida Courser, $70;adjourns, It adjourn jtoimee^M Frl-1 Louise (Juuiror,.$70; Irene DonftldTday. December 9,"at S.30 o'clock fiJ.aon, $70;- Charlotte Loea«vT40;»• ' - «earletu Meiucke, $70; Edward

The' following bllUpropertyaud — " — '" ~ • • ---


Lehigh Coal, LumberDI<A1N PIPE, /



t r «


Expert Horseshoeing. General Jobbing

GEORGE DITZELGeneral Contractor

H AN (MI K iniiT


Produced jind 8uM In C'ranronl..No brawrre grains, only pure r«ed

UNMI in •UiUle, which In »lway»o|M'D torinipeoliiio,

/ P. O. Vox 101


JflMES C. PARK,General

GontractarIt lirlk Ainu ftjifiri. ht tint}







"CrinTerd 'N'JT"


Lehigh Valley Goal.are

Kindling WoodO.11M>: Rforrj-JBIofk, im.m a.™-.Yunl:aOn1<ii)niiil Av*.^ (Jtnnford, N J


Civil tngincerand StfrVeyor . Jv af ir foi Cranford Tearnthl*.

Main Office, as • Olx Bulld/ng

Ella Decker, $70; Jessie Qarthwnltor$70 ' E l ( l K l l $

The' following bllU.propertyaud-ited and,approted, were read and

il l L d t d i d 'nd 00f ' J


"oondltiona,*«ti aftpolntmanta,.'JkTdrable olasa r r r

roll «alLftrdeted,BaldiCourts—Kdward 8. Atwatejr,

$640; C. AddlsonfiWUt,^$600: R.iJ.Kirkland. $2,080.40; W. L. Hetfleld-Jr.. f 2Q8.38; John A " ' 'Ul CoigroT, b e t e ^ W t e$$6.40; Robert I*. ^Haion." $8J.60jJohn A. aaiati»n^$lJ8t'J. 0. Ponl-majtt $10.71; R.1 J. ROurfce. | I 0 t H.

chropp«$Jioo; j pnttM«rM>;

Mobr, $3.95;.'OUllte Ueutor, $36.Oountj- Clerk—J. O, CatVert,

$46S.S3; N. MoLeod, 8*8.07; flelenWhelan, $35; Ireuo Calvert, $70;Frahcea'McCabe. $6f; Z. K. Norman,$208.34; C. W. Rtinybn, $100.' At "this _tlmo. Freeholder Swain

aUjed that Mr.' Rueeell, of the JBSllaReth, Evening, Times, wished to ad-dr,ea»;>the,/board, which permiaslonwaa'granted. ' ~,, Mrt//ftuseeli addressed the boardtn iftfard to h|s .ooiamnnjcaUonIng forpermiaslonjto eiamlne


Irwln, $174; W, B. Hamilton,tn iftfard to h|s .ooiamnnjcaUon a«fcIng,, for,,permiaslon.jto eiamlne the*-ook» ot the cotintjrjarid aa to theot the cotintjrjarid

V>«:'8i:PetAe, him, bpt atttedrthat thed l d

tiepted by him, bpt atttedrtnumber otr day« o« prolonged.

( l i e ' Introduced the roaoluUon.d not'know that ten daya^wM~~ ' i. and that he waa will-


, * . * . . * " " I l l " " p i - . T i l 1 Tf ""1 T r "~T" t f i -~ -

Co..' ssc.: F, J^Hubb»r4.r $18. f ID.- boardjlid not, maintain' a40: J. P.-QUaby.

••••^i ^ P • * •—** w ^


lowed to aUni and that aa the boardwould. m#£t #galn on Friday. Deoam-b*.r *• JK'-.wraJvepeBt could bem d e , tp extend the ti«o If JC

ncfeoUw'AaMU.aoTed to t £ur"? which Waa ewrled.

' ~ tart

Jacob Mtehmaa. $3; *

: i