Conwy Estuary Strategic Route Project Progress Photographs.

Conwy Estuary Strategic Route Project Progress Photographs

Transcript of Conwy Estuary Strategic Route Project Progress Photographs.

Page 1: Conwy Estuary Strategic Route Project Progress Photographs.

Conwy Estuary Strategic Route Project

Progress Photographs

Page 2: Conwy Estuary Strategic Route Project Progress Photographs.

RES0403A – Conwy Quay Wall Extension (Phase 1 Works)

Photograph showing the the inside of the dilapidated sheet piled Training Wall, including large volumes of silt material.

Area of proposed mass concrete gravity wall, and existing restricted access to the foreshore. Please note the areas of large silt material within the foreground

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Reclaimed area to the rear of the newly constructed mass concrete gravity wall being Infilled with granular material.

RES0403A – Conwy Quay Wall Extension (Phase 1 Works)

Drilling and piling works continue on the new sheet piled to assist with achieving required toe depth to satisfy the design. Drilling works were necessary due to the hardness of the rock.

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RES0403A – Conwy Quay Wall Extension (Phase 1 Works)

The below photograph highlights the complexity and constrained nature of the works

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RES0403A – Conwy Quay Wall Extension (Phase 1 Works)

First coping stone is placed. Sorting of the materials on the foreshore continues for potential reuse within the works.

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RES0403A – Conwy Quay Wall Extension (Phase 1 Works)

Works nearing completion.

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RES0404A – Marine Crescent, Deganwy Enhancement Works (Phase 1 Works)

Photograph showing Marine Crescent before the commencement of works. Note timer marker posts which were used to highlight the top of the proposed masonry flood wall.

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RES0404A – Marine Crescent, Deganwy Enhancement Works (Phase 1 Works)

New precast concrete masonry wall units being secured to new foundation. Landward side of new wall is to be dressed with masonry.

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RES0404A – Marine Crescent, Deganwy Enhancement Works (Phase 1 Works)

Works were substantially complete in June this year. The photographs highlight new flood wall, lighting, wider footway and formalised parking arrangements.