Conveyancing services Victoria

Tips to Increase Selling Your House Online

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Tips to Increase

Selling Your House Online

Some people go the traditional way and sell their property through a realtor.

Once you have decided to sell your house online, you need to lose your emotional tie to the house and start to pack up 50-60% of your personal belongings.

Your house needs to become a house that shows how well furniture fits, but not how much 'stuff' you can fit into the house.

A chipped door to the master bedroom is a cheap and easy job to do.

The missing front door bell, fix it so you know when people have arrived to look at your house.

These are so important! After you've de-cluttered and tidied up your house, made it into a display house' take and then as many photos as possible.

When people read the listing they understand how many bedrooms the house has and that it has a 'modern' kitchen, etc.

But a photo will either turn people away, as your house isn't what they are after or get people interested to contact you to organise a viewing.

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