Conventions of Artists' Websites


Transcript of Conventions of Artists' Websites

Page 1: Conventions of Artists' Websites



Page 2: Conventions of Artists' Websites


• The websites I will be analysing are all of the pop genre like mine will be for my artist, Sia.

Page 3: Conventions of Artists' Websites

BEYONCÉ• Homepage – a very simplistic, wide screen. Immediately the viewer is shown promotional photos of

the artist. Small font in the centre takes us to a screening of her latest music video on another page.

• The title of the page ‘Beyoncé’ is placed in the centre at the top of the page in a neat white bar. There are no bright logos or advertising, it is all very modern and subtle.

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BEYONCÉ• We are taken through to the music video, which fans will use to keep up to date with her. The

size of the clip is dominant on the page and grabs the audiences eye.

• On the right hand side we are given the option to move left or right using arrows. We can also use the social media links to post about her website; a clever way to get more users of the website.

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BEYONCÉ• On this next page we can see that Beyonce has started a Christmas line of merchandise. This is a

way of appealing to current affairs, and making clothing that is in demand, and will in turn sell well.

• The colourful clothing stands out amongst the monotone background of the website, drawing the audience’s eye in furthermore.

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BEYONCÉ• On the following pages, we are given exclusive photographs from a photoshoot for her Ivy Park range at

Topshop. The photos are against a bright background, so again, they contrast well with the background.

• The viewer is also given the option to click the (+) sign and enlarge the photo to get a better view.

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RIHANNA• The home page of Rihanna’s website does not feature a title in the header as we might

usually expect to see. We can however see a collage of photos that promote her work.

• On the other hand, we are given a clear menu on the left hand side of the page, directing us to a range of useful links.

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RIHANNA• The ‘Now’ link takes us to a timeline of significant events that Rihanna is involved with, for

example the top event 8/12/16 is the release of a new shoe for her collection with Puma.

• The photo at the top of the page is professional and includes the artist herself, making the page more specific for her fans and users of the site.

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RIHANNA• The ‘Video’ link takes us to a selection of the artist’s music videos and also some exclusive

footage like diaries from her ‘Anti’ Tour.

• Having all music videos in one easy to access place makes it seem almost like an art gallery whereby all the work is displayed for a keen audience, in this case: her fans.

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RIHANNA• There is also a link to here shop where viewers can purchase her merchandise like clothing

and fragrance.

• Still in the left menu, there is a shopping cart where wanted products will be moved to before purchase along with links to social media to share news about her products with the internet.

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LITTLE MIX• The home screen for Little Mix’ website features a music video – styled image as the

background along with the band’s name and menu titles in the centre.

• Conveniently, there is also a link to purchase the album on the left hand side of the page which eager-eyed fans will spot.

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LITTLE MIX• The menu option in the centre of the top of the page links us to a cleaner view of the menu

titles and also more options such as merchandise and music store to purchase their songs.

• On this page we are also given the option to change the language from English to something else. This is a great way of catering to their international audience.

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LITTLE MIX• The ‘Video’ page is a long list of their music videos, along with exclusive interview clips,

starting with the most recent and dating back to their first video ‘wings’.

• There is no written information on this page other than the music video titles which overlap the videos themselves in a faint white type-writer styled font. Not even a title is existent here.