Contractors Commission and

t 6 MTVtTV L J Ear ff 7n r SI ! f VIIL-N- O. 80 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 28. L888. PRICE 5 CENTS. vol rZv. DAILY justness Qante. INTERESTING ITEMS. JSusinesS awards. ninl idvftPtiSftP UjPrUai au.v Walker & Eedward, s. n. castle. J. B. ATHERTON. a. P. CASTLE. Except Sundays. .piitt ' srBScSS10SS! CASTLE & COOKE, Eighty out of ninety hills oh the order paper of the New Zealand Legislature, Aug. 11, had to be dropped for the ses- sion owing to want of time. Senator Sherman, in opposing the Fisheries Treaty, declared that Canada, within a decade, would either be repre- sented by the British Parliament or the American Senate, probably the latter. . It is learned from London that the LEWIS & CO.; FORT STREET, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions. Contractors & Builders .... 3 00 ... 50 Shipping and Commission Merchants, per iuuu"' 6 00 contract has been signed for the con- struction of the Midland Railway. This -- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN- - u Advance. -- riBbiy Brick, 8tone and Wooden Building Estimates Oiven. i Jobbing- - Promptly Attended to. 76 KING STREET. r.iZETTE CO., Gheneral VIerch.aiidise. ALSO, AGENTS FOR iknu nolttlu n.l. M Bell Telephone No. 2. P. O. Box 423. 211 tf Grove Ranch Plantation, j Kohala Sugar Co., t3" Ice House Goods a Specialty 18Mf d. Mckenzie & co., Commission Merchants, SHIP CHANDLERY, Naval Stores and Groceries, Bricks, Lime and Cement. Haiku Sugar Co.. Paia Plantation, Papal kou 3u,gar Co. R. Halatead's Plantation. A. II. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai, G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. Park Beach Hotel j. H. RASEMAN, Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. K BINDER, Opposite Kaplolani Fark, Walklkl. Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford. BBler and Blank Book flsuiifaciurer. The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. "The New York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Ltne, Honolulu and San Fancisco. Dr. Jayne & Sous Celebrated Medicines. Finest Bathing Plaoe on the Islands. (UP talra) Uf .iUu ' WERS & COOKE, ...-i- 0n to Lewers Dickson) Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson line is to connect the districts of Canter- bury, on the east coast of the South Isl- and", with the mining districts on the west coast. Senator Gorman has charged that Levi P. Morton, Republican candidate for the Vice-Presidenc- y, is a director of the Canadian Pacific Railway, which ia al- leged to be carrying American commerce through Canadian subsidies. Morton de- fers reply, promising early disclosure of the facts. Sir George Stephen has resigned the Presidency of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way Company in order to take up hia residence in England and represent the Company there. Mr. Van Home suc- ceeds Mr. Morton, Republican candidate for the Vice Presidency, who has retired from the New York Board of Directors. The United States Department of State does not expect to hear finally from the Emperor of China concerning the new treaty until Chang Yen Hoen, the Min- ister to this country, returns from his trip to Peru. He is not expected for several weeks yet. If the treaty be ac- cepted he must ba present at the ex- change. If rejected, he will notify Sec- retary Bayard in person. The Premier of Victoria, Mr. Gillies, has interviewed Admiral Fairfax with the object of urging him to lay before the Lorda of the Admiralty the desirableness of expediting a survey for the Pacific cable. The Admiral replied to the ef- fect that, although the number of sur- veying vessels is limited, he thought two or three might be spared, if the Imperial Elegant Rooms, gas and water In e&oh, Extensive Grounds, well shaded; L and Deftlera In tnmber Families and Ships supplied on most reason-abl- e terms. Island orders solicited. Mutual Telephone 292. P. O. Box 479. No. 26 FORT STREET, opposite Oceanic Steam-shl- p wharf. 21 6-- 1 y B. LEVY & SON, Importers, Wholesale Dealers and Commission Merchants In Foreign and Domestic FRUITS'AND produce. SEWI1STO jM-CHIJST- ES. The Table is supplied with the best tf the market affords. Kisiiof Building Materials. I3IBEET. Hocoluln- - Billiard Room and Bowling Alley $0LULU MARKET, Gh "WEST & CO. 3 mora to William McCandless.) Attached. i Dtklers in No. 105 Fort Street, Honolulu. 4 beef, Veal, Mutton, Etc., Full information given to tourists as to the New Pianos, New Organs, New Parlor Sets, best routes of travel, for scenery and curiosities; also current rates for horse hire and guideB on Ccmb Street, man aiaracv, We pr ed to flH order8 of iU kinds In r orders oBnfiiiiv.ttnded I our line, and make a specialty in packing all a of fruit for distance markets. the other islauds. la m.t short I kinds long jNTEW tables, Hawaiian Island patronage will receive special ta of HI supplied to Rii a a arti-- iaitlsrraa will Ka 4n i rH a V a A a crtA. Itf New Bedroom Furniture, jitoan No. 12 cial rates for excursions. Busses and baggage New Dinmgroom t urniture, New Picture Mouldings and Frames, Easels, Brackets, Etc. attention. 523 and 630 San some St., San Francisco. P. O. Box 1742, E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu, 118-6- m Agent for Hawaiian Islands wagons will meet every steamer. Special rates for permanent boarders. A wagonette will be I. ALFRED MAG00N, 1 I -- W-T We have in our employ a first-clas- s Upholsterer just from the States, who provided for the use of gueata at special rates. C. N. ARNOLD, Prop. 30-l- ui PIONEER thoroughly understands all ot the latest iasmons in lus line ot work. Government could be convinced ol the urgency in the matter. tiXtrcUnt Street. Honolulu. Itf n.. .1.. t jITVAILLAKCOURT ASHF0RD, Steara mi Ex. " DEUTSCHLAND." by, Solicitor, Atfent to TaKe Lambrequins a Specialty. We have in our employ as good a Piano Tuner and Polisher as ever did work of this kind here. :o: Furniture and Mattresses of all kinds made to order and repaired. Lambrequins Cornices and Cornice Poles and Picture Frames made to order. A ND ItknoHleUtfiuenls, t,tf. iCcitd Buildiug, adjoining General Post Office. J3 A. K E H Y T H 35 WHITE BROS ' M T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in .EEAL MERCHANDISE. National Brewery ! We have the exclusive Agency for the VERY BEST GUITAR made in this country, of Native Woods, equal to a1 Martin! o All of Our Goods Sold on the Instalment Plan. G. WEST & CO., 105 Fort Street. Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam. 71 Hotel Street. ISo tli Teleplioises 74. jc.S-3- Queen Street, Honolulu. Itf l HACKFELD & CO., KALIHI VALLEY, Portland Cement. BLACKSMITH COAL, FIRE BRICKS, FIRE CLAY. COAL TAR. STOCKHOLM TAR ! STEEL RAILS, F. W. STAPLES, WIRE NAILS. FILTER PRESSES. Sugar Coolers. IRON TANKS, ad Commission Agents JUST RECEIVED f FOR SALE ! -- INVOICES OF- - fe.Fortfc Queen Sta., Honolulu. Itf BEAVER SALOON, Is now one of the Permanently Established Industries of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and the Company to whose Enterprise its Existence is due have for the first time solved the problem of Brewing in this Country a . pwt. Opposite Wilder fc C'os, Iron, Gak wmk H. I S0LTE, PROPRIETOR. lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, 2 filter, Ginger Ale or Milk. EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE, And Jut Lauded In Fine Order. Pure, Wholesome, Palatable 'N From 3 a. in. till 10 p. m. 1 . P. CLOTH, HUBBOCK'S PAINTS, CORRUGATED IRON. ETC. terRtquisite8 a Specialty. Itf 6, 7 and 9 Feet Long. For Sale by v H. HACKFELD & CO. R. W. FRAZER, BEER, -- For Sale By- - Barrel Shooks and Heads, Ax Handles, Pick Handles, Hoe Handles, Cana! Baarows, Nests Trunks. Galvanized Barb Wire, Galvanized Cut Nails, Galvanized Cut Spikes, Galv. Clinch Boat Nails, Iron Cut Nails (asst'd) Horse Shoe Nails. Itf ;rn m tt nu H. HACKFELD & CO. King and AlakeaSts., Honolulu. 215 H. G. CRABBE, fa charge, good workmanship and a rTbat it possesses .these qualitieelln a very marked degree, and is a beverage admirably adapted for consumption in a tropical climate, is admitted by all who have tried it. It waa pre- dicted at the outset that A. H. RASEMAN, ttflANIA MARKET. CPP, . . . PROPRIETOR. HAY & GRAIN Second-han- d Iron Safes. Oak Lumber, Aah Lumber, White Pine Lumber, Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, ItalianPacking, Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Duet. BOOK BINDER, fort Street, Honolulu. THE STEAM BEER S MUTTON AND VEAL. Honolulu, King Street, fro Sausage, Pork, Etc., ; OF THE ! "Electric55 Kerosene Oil. -- '"loahand. Shipping served on short Itf 32-- 1 m Opp. the old Police Station. jUJ IRON WORKS CO., National Brewery Co. "Downer's" Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil, Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each). Plaster. Bosendale Cement, Portland'Cement, Dairy Salt, Balen Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns. am Engines, it '4 nSr Mill,. m..ipr. n-U- B Would soon find favoi In the community after it bad been given a trial. n Leaa t anting,,. Paper Killer and Blank Book Manufacturer, Wishes to notify the public that he has removed to larger quarters, No. 13 Eaahumana Street, ' Upstairs. 185 1212 Marine Meat Market Fort St., opp. O. S. S. Wharf, P. MILTON Proprietor. SUN FIRE OFFICE. OF LONDON . Established 1710. . atry of ?.,,. in x Job n uennon Paid t0 8biPs' black- - executed on the shortest Itf Cumberland Coal. Stravr Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones, Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., LampBlack, Tbree-quart- er Rubber Hose, y, Ox Bows, Frauklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks), Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 incheB. In the course of a few short months the pre diction has been amply realized. THE ROYAL SALOON, t ffcted unon every description of anQ ami ..... property at current rates of premium. Total Sum Insured In 1885 827.833,700 -- "the Management of The Reason Why It Ha Achieved Success Are Not Far to Seek. 5" F- - Wolter, Claims arranged the Local Agents, and paid mtitudeand liberality. The junsaic- - tion of the Local Tribunals reunited. ft IK varlety of beet Wines. gS? coU beers ou draujht at Hand Carts, Baby Cairiages, Bishes, Blinds, Doors, and Five Extension Top Carriages the best ever consigned to us and a First-clas- s Carriage. C. BEEWER & CO. Scientific Experience and Practical Skill began G. W. Macfarlane & Co. X lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands. the ork and have carried it through. Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton, Fish, Sausage, and Vegetables Also, a tnpply of Salt Meats on hand at all times. ILRPRISTH U' THOMAS LINDSAY. Has Removed His Manufacturing H. E. iVIelntyre & Bro., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hi T'W0M 84. 1 jarSblpplng and Families supplied at shortest notice and with best attention. 45-t- f P. McKENZIE. Manager. A Cool and Healthy Site waa selected for th Works. An Absolutely Pure Water Supply baa been ob- tained from an artesian source 670 feet deep. The Ingredients used In the manufacture are the best "which the 31 ARRETS OF THE WORLD AFFORD. THE MACHINERY is of the most modern and Improved type. GILBERT-WALL- ER, Bell Telephone 6. Mutual Telephone 17, , p,0. Box No. m. Jewelry Establislimen .J,c Marchant QroceTies3 Provisions and Feed) EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS. W 3 From Kanana Street to H. HACKFELD & CO received by e W . - i fro:. Eastern States and Europe, fresh Californ'a Thomas Block, King Street. Allor ....Wuliy aea to.&na uooas awiyereo to any pari oi ?7?i,efJL Island oid-.i- . viwd. action guaranteed. Postoffice Box o. 416 COSIZ2ISS4IOI! AGENTS SVCllAL G" 23 Queen St., Honolulu Telspbone No. 82 . JflSg Stj6. Honolulu. Particular attention paid to tepalrlng. Wit

Transcript of Contractors Commission and


L J Ear f f

7n rSI ! f


rZv. DAILY justness Qante. INTERESTING ITEMS.JSusinesS awards.ninl idvftPtiSftP

UjPrUai au.vWalker & Eedward, s. n. castle. J. B. ATHERTON. a. P. CASTLE.

Except Sundays..piitt' srBScSS10SS! CASTLE & COOKE,

Eighty out of ninety hills oh the orderpaper of the New Zealand Legislature,Aug. 11, had to be dropped for the ses-sion owing to want of time.

Senator Sherman, in opposing theFisheries Treaty, declared that Canada,within a decade, would either be repre-sented by the British Parliament or theAmerican Senate, probably the latter.. It is learned from London that the


Importers, Wholesale and RetailDealers in

Groceries and Provisions.Contractors & Builders.... 3 00

... 50 Shipping and Commission Merchants,per iuuu"'

6 00contract has been signed for the con-struction of the Midland Railway. This--IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN- -

u Advance.-- riBbiy

Brick, 8tone and Wooden BuildingEstimates Oiven.


Jobbing- - Promptly Attended to.76 KING STREET.r.iZETTE CO., Gheneral VIerch.aiidise.


iknu nolttlu n.l.M Bell Telephone No. 2. P. O. Box 423.211 tf

Grove Ranch Plantation, j Kohala Sugar Co.,

t3" Ice House Goods a Specialty18Mf

d. Mckenzie & co.,

Commission Merchants,SHIP CHANDLERY,

Naval Stores and Groceries,Bricks, Lime and Cement.

Haiku Sugar Co..Paia Plantation,

Papal kou 3u,gar Co.

R. Halatead's Plantation.A. II. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai,

G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.Park Beach Hotelj. H. RASEMAN,

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.K BINDER, Opposite Kaplolani Fark, Walklkl. Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.BBler and Blank Bookflsuiifaciurer.

The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

"The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Ltne, Honolulu and San Fancisco.

Dr. Jayne & Sous Celebrated Medicines.Finest Bathing Plaoe on the Islands.(UP talra) Uf

.iUu '


...-i- 0n to Lewers Dickson) Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson

line is to connect the districts of Canter-bury, on the east coast of the South Isl-and", with the mining districts on thewest coast.

Senator Gorman has charged that LeviP. Morton, Republican candidate for theVice-Presidenc- y, is a director of theCanadian Pacific Railway, which ia al-leged to be carrying American commercethrough Canadian subsidies. Morton de-fers reply, promising early disclosure ofthe facts.

Sir George Stephen has resigned thePresidency of the Canadian Pacific Rail-way Company in order to take up hiaresidence in England and represent theCompany there. Mr. Van Home suc-ceeds Mr. Morton, Republican candidatefor the Vice Presidency, who has retiredfrom the New York Board of Directors.

The United States Department of Statedoes not expect to hear finally from theEmperor of China concerning the newtreaty until Chang Yen Hoen, the Min-ister to this country, returns from histrip to Peru. He is not expected forseveral weeks yet. If the treaty be ac-cepted he must ba present at the ex-change. If rejected, he will notify Sec-retary Bayard in person.

The Premier of Victoria, Mr. Gillies,has interviewed Admiral Fairfax withthe object of urging him to lay before theLorda of the Admiralty the desirablenessof expediting a survey for the Pacificcable. The Admiral replied to the ef-

fect that, although the number of sur-veying vessels is limited, he thought twoor three might be spared, if the Imperial

Elegant Rooms, gas and water In e&oh,

Extensive Grounds, well shaded;L and Deftlera In tnmber

Families and Ships supplied on most reason-abl- e

terms. Island orders solicited.

Mutual Telephone 292. P. O. Box 479.

No. 26 FORT STREET, opposite Oceanic Steam-shl- p

wharf. 21 6--1 y

B. LEVY & SON,Importers, Wholesale Dealers and

Commission MerchantsIn Foreign and Domestic

FRUITS'AND produce.

SEWI1STO jM-CHIJST-ES.The Table is supplied with the best

tfthe market affords.Kisiiof Building Materials.

I3IBEET. Hocoluln- -

Billiard Room and Bowling Alley$0LULU MARKET, Gh "WEST & CO. 3mora to William McCandless.) Attached.i Dtklers in No. 105 Fort Street, Honolulu.4 beef, Veal, Mutton, Etc.,

Full information given to tourists as to the New Pianos, New Organs, New Parlor Sets,best routes of travel, for scenery and curiosities;also current rates for horse hire and guideB onCcmb Street, man aiaracv, We pr ed to flH order8 of iU kinds In

r orders oBnfiiiiv.ttnded I our line, and make a specialty in packing alla of fruit for distance markets. the other islauds.

la m.t short I kinds long jNTEW tables,Hawaiian Island patronage will receive specialta of HI supplied toRii a a arti-- iaitlsrraa will Ka 4n i rH a V a A a crtA.Itf New Bedroom Furniture,jitoan No. 12 cial rates for excursions. Busses and baggage New Dinmgroom t urniture,

New Picture Mouldings and Frames, Easels, Brackets, Etc.attention.

523 and 630 San some St., San Francisco.P. O. Box 1742,

E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu,118-6- m Agent for Hawaiian Islands

wagons will meet every steamer. Special ratesfor permanent boarders. A wagonette will be


1 I --W-T We have in our employ a first-clas- s Upholsterer just from the States, whoprovided for the use of gueata at special rates.

C. N. ARNOLD, Prop.30-l- uiPIONEER thoroughly understands all ot the latest iasmons in lus line ot work. Government could be convinced ol the

urgency in the matter.tiXtrcUnt Street. Honolulu. Itf

n.. .1.. tjITVAILLAKCOURT ASHF0RD, Steara mi Ex. " DEUTSCHLAND."by, Solicitor, Atfent to TaKe

Lambrequins a Specialty.We have in our employ as good a Piano Tuner and Polisher as ever did work

of this kind here.:o:

Furniture and Mattresses of all kinds made to order and repaired. LambrequinsCornices and Cornice Poles and Picture Frames made to order.


ItknoHleUtfiuenls, t,tf.iCcitd Buildiug, adjoining General

Post Office.



Importer and Dealer in

.EEAL MERCHANDISE. National Brewery !

We have the exclusive Agency for the VERY BEST GUITAR made in thiscountry, of Native Woods, equal to a1 Martin!


All of Our Goods Sold on the Instalment Plan.G. WEST & CO., 105 Fort Street.

Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker.Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam.

71 Hotel Street.ISo tli Teleplioises 74.

jc.S-3- Queen Street, Honolulu. Itf








Sugar Coolers.IRON TANKS,

ad Commission Agents JUST RECEIVEDfFOR SALE !

-- INVOICES OF- -fe.Fortfc Queen Sta., Honolulu. Itf


Is now one of the Permanently EstablishedIndustries of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and theCompany to whose Enterprise its Existence isdue have for the first time solved the problem ofBrewing in this Country a .

pwt. Opposite Wilder fc C'os, Iron,Gak wmkH. I S0LTE, PROPRIETOR.lunches Served with Tea, Coffee,

2 filter, Ginger Ale or Milk.EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE,

And Jut Lauded In Fine Order. Pure, Wholesome, Palatable'N From 3 a. in. till 10 p. m.1 . P. CLOTH,


CORRUGATED IRON. ETC.terRtquisite8 a Specialty. Itf 6, 7 and 9 Feet Long. For Sale by v

H. HACKFELD & CO.R. W. FRAZER, BEER,-- For Sale By--

Barrel Shooks and Heads,Ax Handles,

Pick Handles,Hoe Handles,

Cana! Baarows,Nests Trunks.

Galvanized Barb Wire,Galvanized Cut Nails,

Galvanized Cut Spikes,Galv. Clinch Boat Nails,

Iron Cut Nails (asst'd)Horse Shoe Nails.

Itf;rn m tt nuH. HACKFELD & CO.

King and AlakeaSts., Honolulu. 215H. G. CRABBE,fa charge, good workmanship and a

rTbat it possesses .these qualitieelln a verymarked degree, and is a beverage admirablyadapted for consumption in a tropical climate,is admitted by all who have tried it. It waa pre-

dicted at the outset that


CPP, . . . PROPRIETOR. HAY & GRAINSecond-han- d Iron Safes.

Oak Lumber, Aah Lumber, White Pine Lumber,Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum,

Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, ItalianPacking,Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Duet.

BOOK BINDER,fort Street, Honolulu. THE STEAM BEERS

MUTTON AND VEAL.Honolulu,King Street,fro Sausage, Pork, Etc., ; OF THE

!"Electric55 Kerosene Oil.-- '"loahand. Shipping served on shortItf

32--1 mOpp. the old Police Station.jUJ IRON WORKS CO., National Brewery Co."Downer's" Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil,

Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each).Plaster. Bosendale Cement, Portland'Cement,

Dairy Salt, Balen Excelsior, Tubular Engines,



nSr Mill,. m..ipr. n-U- B Would soon find favoi In the communityafter it bad been given a trial.

n Leaa t anting,,.

Paper Killer and Blank BookManufacturer,

Wishes to notify the public that he has removedto larger quarters,

No. 13 Eaahumana Street,

' Upstairs. 185 1212

Marine Meat MarketFort St., opp. O. S. S. Wharf,

P. MILTON Proprietor.


Established 1710.. atry of ?.,,. in x

Job nuennon Paid t0 8biPs' black- -

executed on the shortestItf

Cumberland Coal.Stravr Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones,

Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., LampBlack,Tbree-quart- er Rubber Hose, y, Ox Bows,

Frauklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks),Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 incheB.

In the course of a few short months the prediction has been amply realized.THE

ROYAL SALOON,t ffcted unon every description of

anQ ami ..... property at current rates of premium.

Total Sum Insured In 1885 827.833,700-- "the Management of The Reason Why It Ha AchievedSuccess Are Not Far to Seek.5" F- - Wolter, Claims arranged the Local Agents, and paid

mtitudeand liberality. The junsaic- -

tion of the Local Tribunals reunited.ft IK varlety of beet Wines.gS? coU beers ou draujht at

Hand Carts, Baby Cairiages, Bishes, Blinds, Doors, and Five Extension Top

Carriages the best ever consigned to us and a First-clas- s Carriage.

C. BEEWER & CO. Scientific Experience and Practical Skill beganG. W. Macfarlane & Co.X

lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands. the ork and have carried it through.

Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton,

Fish, Sausage, and Vegetables

Also, a tnpply of

Salt Meats on hand at all times.ILRPRISTHU' THOMAS LINDSAY.

Has Removed His ManufacturingH. E. iVIelntyre & Bro.,


1jarSblpplng and Families supplied at shortest

notice and with best attention.

45-t- f P. McKENZIE. Manager.

A Cool and Healthy Site waa selected for thWorks.

An Absolutely Pure Water Supply baa been ob-

tained from an artesian source 670 feet deep.

The Ingredients used In the manufactureare the best "which the 31 ARRETS OF THEWORLD AFFORD.

THE MACHINERY is of the most modern andImproved type.



Bell Telephone 6. Mutual Telephone 17,, p,0. Box No. m.

Jewelry Establislimen.J,c Marchant QroceTies3 Provisions and Feed)EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.W 3

From Kanana Street to

H. HACKFELD & COreceived by eW . - i fro:. Eastern States and Europe, fresh Californ'aThomas Block, King Street. Allor ....Wuliy aea to.&na uooas awiyereo to any pari oi?7?i,efJL Island oid-.i- . viwd. action guaranteed. Postoffice Box o. 416

COSIZ2ISS4IOI! AGENTSSVCllALG" 23 Queen St., Honolulu Telspbone No. 82 .JflSg Stj6. Honolulu. Particular attention paid to tepalrlng.Wit


Kinnev, Maguire, Horner, Kawainui, AS. WilcoxTHE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.I3 Uitl)oritir Tiiyw-Th- ird reading of the bill toamend internal tax laws. (The proposed'imomlment was printed in lull in the 1'n A. reoort of proceedings of the 24th

Seventy-fift- h Day. inst.1Minister Green moved to amend by in

serting the word "agent" before "trustee.Carried.

The bill, so amended, passed.Monday, Aug. 27.

The House met at 10 o'clock a. m., thePresident. Hon. W. It. Castle, in thechair. Opened with prayer by the chap

Traveling Agents Third reading of thehill relating to traveling agents. Passed.

Spirituous Liquors Third reading of the. . , . . t a.a. a. :n::t ;

Act, whereby the efficiency of thatstatute may be increased. The report issigned by the Attorney-Genera- l, Messrs.Nakaleka, Young and Townsend. Theminority report by the Hon. "W. O.Smith offers certain amendments to theoriginal bill, striking out the fee for thelicense, the requisition of a photograph,and section 4, altogether. The difficultyabout this recommendation is that itleaves some of the most offensive featuresof the bill untouched, while it deprivesit of everything which could make itserve the use intended. The report saysthat these amendments would make itpractically a registration Act. Theoffensive license is retained, however,and the penalty would. still be, not a finefor failing to register, but for working

mil: to ueiier uxeveni, illicit namu insnirituou3 liquors. Passed.

Suits with Government Third reading( fourth time) of the bill relating to the

man that must and will drink if liquoris within reach. This class as well astheir families, friends and employerswould be greatly benefited by prohibi-tion. I have known drinkers come tothese islands for the express purpose,they said, to get away from their drinkassociates, believing if they could leavethem behind they could stop drinking,but so far I have known only one thataccomplished it, as the' found theseislands even worse drink-hole- s thanCalifornia. There, one had to go for it ;here in Hamakua it is thrust under thenose of every drinker, but if prohibitionhad prevailed here these poor fellowswould have escaped the drink curse bycoming.

Man's appetite for strong drink whenonce established is hard to control aswell as the man himself when drunk,so it is easier, more effectual and . morehumane, to remove the temptation thanto remove man. out of temptation, orpunish him for the sin he commits whendrunk. Prohibition ! prohibition ! Pre-vention is better than cure. Prevent themischief and . there will be nothing tocure.

No law nor government can give lib-erty to man to do wfong. That, fortun

bringing of suits by or against the Governraent. Passed.

Noble Smith said to burv this bill out ofsight, he would move "reconsideration."

The motion was put and lost.Fish Protection Third reading of the

fish protection bill.Rep. Nakaleka moved indefinite post-

ponement. The motion was lost on thefollowing division :

Sealed TendersWill be received at the Interior Office un-

til WEDNESDAY, August 29, 1888, at 12

o'clock noon, for construction of darn andreservoir to connect with reservoir justcompleted in Nuuanu Valley.

Plans and specifications can be seen andall required information be had at the of-

fice of the Superintendent of Public Works.The Minister ot the Interior does not

bind himself to accept the lowest or anybid.

L. A. THURSTON,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, Aug. 24, 18SS.78-- 4t aug25,27,28,29

lain, Rev. E. S. Tiruoteo. Minutes readand confirmed.


Jioble Smith presented the certificate ofelection of Hon. W. C. Wilder, as a Noblefor the Island of Oahu.

Mr. Wilder was conducted to his placeby the Sergeant-a- t Arms, and his creden-tials referred to the Judiciary Committeeand reported correct.

Nobles Smith and Richardson and Rep.Naone were appointed to wait upon theChief Justice and request his attendance.The committee brought in Vice-Chancell- or

McCully, who administered the oath ofoffice to Noble W. C. Wilder.


Rep. F. Brown reported the HonoluluFire Department bill printed.

Noble Townsend read the report of theEducation Committee on the petition ofMr. J. M. Herring. Committee find aues- -

Ayes Waterhouse, Luhiau, Notley.Richardson, Kalaukoa, Naoue, Kauhi,Kamauoha, Nawahine, Daniels, Heleku-nih- i,

Kawainui, Rice, Gay, Nakaleka, Pae-hao- le

16.Noes Thurston, Ashford, Wilder,

Young, Smith, Wight, Wall, Townsend,Hitchcock, Bailey, G. N. Wilcox, Dole,Hustace, Dowsett, ir.,C. Brown, F. Brown,

without a license. Moreover, the failureto require a photograph would make theAct useless, or nearly so, for the purposeof identifying Chinamen, and that wasthe only object in view of which it wasintroduced. As Mr. Kinney said, theamendments take the stomach out of thebill, though why he should have selected ti"na rif in tVtalaw and equitv involved Absolutely pUrthe stomach for the purposes of his illus-- subject matter of the petition, and recom- -

itration. it would be hard to say. We niend that it be referred to the Judiciary, i A I Committee. Adopted.

would preier to say mat me amenumeius Tlie same Noble read the Education

ately, is beyond the the rights of govern-ments. Their duties are to restrain thewrong-doe- r and encourage the right.Give no license to man to do wrong,however much money he is willing" topay for it. The licensing the sale ofstrong drink is as much a relic of thedark ages as the license-indulgenc- e soldby the church in former ages, and gov-ernments have no more right to sell thesesin indulgences than the church had tosell others.

Grogshops are hotbeds of corruption.

t or quick raising, fPsuperior to all leaveS aWn P

olutely pure and vhoieSLTleavening power, u thi

take the brain, or intelligence, out of thebill.

Irrigation Notice.Office Watek Works, )

Honolulu, July 27, ISSS.f

Holders of water privile es or those pay-

ing water rates are hereby notified thatthe hours for using water for irrigatingpurposes are from G to 8 o'clock a. m., andfrom 4 to G o'clock p. m.

CHAS. Ii. WILSON,Supt. Water Works.

Approved :

L. A. Thurston,Minister of the Interior.

51-t- f

strength and quality a .ayg .

Deacon, Maguire, Kauhane, Paris, Horner,A. S. Wilcox 22.

The bill passed.Alcohol Third reading of the bill for

the importation of alcohol for medical, etc.,purposes.

Noble Wight moved indefinite post-ponement. Lost.

The bill passed.Homestead Second reading of the bill,

introduced by Minister Thurston, toamend the Homestead Act. Parsed, withamendments, to be read a third time onTuesday.

Civil Service Reconsideration, moved,24th inst., by Noble Makee, of the indefi-nite postponement vote on the Civil Ser-vice Reform bill, introduced the previousday by' Noble Townsend. Lost.

Recess at 3:52 to 7 o'clock.

ngnt, sweet, most palatal. 1 Wls tBread, biscuits, 1Cak"J(1futr:Royal Baking Pntt,it.! Cniiidistressing results ;;tr',e."tboti

the best of them. H. Greeley says " tosell rum for a livelihood is bad enough,but for a whole community to share inthe responsibility and guilt of such atraffic seems a worse bargain than that

Committee's report on the petition, pre-sented 6th inst., for the removal of thePresident and Secretary of the Board ofEducation. Charges against the gentle-men referred to were found to be of soserious a character that the committeecited a large number of the petitioners be-fore them. The first man called hastenedto explain that Mr. Geo. Glendon inducedhim to sign the petition, with the under-standing that it related to the improve-ment of a street, and summed up his testi-mony with,"Before your honor and beforeAlmighty God I declare that I do not wishthese things done at all. Please erase myname from that petition." The secondman called said he signed the petitionwhen its prayer was for a street from Niu-helew- ai

to Wailuakio. He was also in-duced by Mr. Glendon to sign. The nextman found his name signed to the petitionin two places, on different pages. Signedthe petition knowingly on the assurance ofMr. Glendon that it was all right. As to

of Eve or Judas!' '

The recommendation of the majorityof the committee seems to us to embodyall that can profitably be done at presentwith the Chinese question. The Chi-

nese can be nagged a little and otherlaborers too by troublesome laws, butnothing can really be done with theChinese who are here, to get at theroot of the difficulty, without a constitu-tional amendment, and it will be nomore than fair to put it within thepower of the electors to express theirwishes on that question. The power todeal with a race untrammeled by any

(To be continued.)

powders of the coilutry. repoJeJ

Jowl aveflof"d itinmanytecompany and the United &J"Because of the facilities thit I

Inl nbininS Ptly imrMV1depeudentproportions of the same, aU0 tSf1?1doubtedly the purest and most rehSv


2UrotniSimfnis.Pacific Commercial Advertiser.

yuwuer uuerea 10 tne rutilicUR. Ut.SKY A VOTT .

6 1221-I- yHewett's Bookstore.Be just and fear not:Let all the ends thou aim'st at be

Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's. constitutional limitations is a dangerouspower, doubly so when those to whom itis entrusted are the rivals, not to say

his second signature, he says it was at-tached to a petition relating to a doctor.Nuintier four recognizes his signature butsays he did not sign tiiis petition. Hesigned a petition to allow Meekapu andKealoalii to doctor lepers. It appears

ING TO THE CONTEMPLATED DEPART-- fthe undersigned by the Octoberenemies, ot uie class wnose lortunes areTUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 18S8.

steamer, all indebted to hiiu are requested tothus made the creatures of legislation. I from the testimony of the above and other settle their accounts before the 30th of September.witnesses that the method ofI getting sig- -No doubt Hawaii furnish Leg--nei can a natureswaa to take slips around to the Fish All books, stationery and other goods in bis

Evening.Re-assembl- ed at 7 o'clock, the Hon. J.

Kauhane, Vice-Preside- nt, in the chair.THE APPROPRIATION BILL.

Consideration of the Appropriation Billin Committee of the Whole, Noble Water-hous- e

in the chair.The following items passed :

Circuit Judge, Maui, $4,000. travelingexpenses, $200; Circuit Judge, Hilo andKau, $3,000, traveling expenses. $200; Cir-cuit Judge, Kohala and Kona, $3,600,traveling expenses, $200: Circuit Judge,Kauai, $3,000, traveling expenses, $200;Clerk, 2d Judicial Circuit, $!00; Clerk, 3dJudicial Circuit, $1,000; Clerk, 4th Judi-cial Circuit, $(X)0.

Running expenses Honolulu ElectricLight, $2,100.

Inspector of Immigration, $4,800.Minister Ashford moved, with a view to

referring the matter to a committee forinvestigation, return by Wong Kim ofopium, . destroyed in the burning ot theold Station House, $700.

Minister Thurston moved the committeerecommend the house to refer the matterto the Judiciary Committee.

Rep. C. Brown moved the house be re-commended to lay the item on the table.Carried.

Minister Ashford moved to insert anitem: Sundry expenses in aid in carrvinir

islature intelligent enough and just I Market and to other places where people store are offered to close at cost, orw mm A LIThere is another case of mania in last

night's Bulletin a man called Jakorooor Kangaroo or something of the eort.

A l 1 1 i . .were ai woric aim inauee mem ro sign w:tnenough to deal with the question in a fair the paper was tothe understanding that HO per cent, reductionand moderate spirit, but whether the be attached to a petition later on. TheAll the usual symptomsof rabies are preThefrom regular prices until the above date.sent, foaming at the mouth, etc., etc. stock in every line is new and fresh.

Hie lJulletin is becominir a sort ot a80-t- f A. M. HEWETT.Hospital Register for diseased intellects. 55

character of the hypothetical petitionvaried to suit the minds of the signers.Mr. Glendon's testimony was diametricallyopposed to that of every witness who testi-fied on any of the same matters. Of the11G signers of the petition, committee findbut two who acknowledge to having signedknowingly. One of them says he signedon the direct and personal assurance ofMr. (ilendon that it was all right and that


Auction Sale.Mr. Frank Winter favors us with theclipping elsewhere reproduced from the




electors will actually choose such a Leg-

islature is a very different question. Thatmust be left to time to settle. In themeanwhile, the Restriction Act can beamended in a way calculated to increaseits efficiency, and the committee haveintroduced a bill to embody the desirablefeatures. It is to be hoped that hastewill not prevent the House from dealingwith the question as its importance de-

mands, and that before an adjournmentis reached the bill will be passed.

Paper World of New York, giving Hon. THERE WILL. HE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUC- - ojgz tion, THIS DAY (Aug. 2sth). at 12 o'clock M.J7I a the auction room of J. F. Moreran. those

AViiliam D. Kelley's conclusions as tothe vast importance of jute and ramieculture to the Gulf States, after exten out the Chinese Restriction Act, $2,000.




Lands described in Itoyal Patent No. 4732, atManowai, Molokai. and the Land in Royal Pa-tent No. G042, at Ohia, Molokai aforesaid. Samelands which Luukla (w.) and her husband mort-gaged to Raymond Reyes, on the 2d day of July,1885. 80--lt

sive study of the subject by that gentle- -

the charges were true; the other signedafter a consultation with the first. Re-commend that the petition be laid on thetable. The report was signed by H. S.Townsend, A. P. Paehaole, H. Water-hous- e,

E. Ilelekunihi, W. H. Rice, andadopted.

Rep. Paehaole read in Hawaiian a re-port of the special committee appointedJune 7th to visit Molokai.

Interpreter Wilcox read report of thesame committee, in English.

The reports are similar though not iden-tical. Accompanying the. English report it iy uouotiui u any country inthe world can grow ramie with morefacility than these Islands, and there is for the

by ouiWe do not hold ourselves responsible

statements made, or opinions expressed' correspondents. Cottage to Let.difficulty in conjuring up any reason why

this country should not be one of thefirst and most formidable competitors inthe world's markets with this article ifexception be made of possible slowness

THE FINK COTTAGE ON .THEcorner of Pilkoi and Beretaniastreets. For further particulars

is a draft of a new bill, relating to Kokuas,which was read a first time.

The reports are signed, .A. P. Pnehaole,J. Richardson, W. A. Kinney, W. H.Daniels, E. Ilelekunihi, F. (Jay.

Ordered to be published in two nativepapers and 400 copies to be printed in pam

in our people's realizing what a good

A Former Musical Itesirient.Few people here are aware that the

composer of the beautiful Schottische,"College Boys" frequently played bythe band of late was for some time aresident of this country. Mr. C. O.Fosgate arrived here early in the sixtiesfrom San Francisco with a DramaticCompany, that had a very successfulseason in the old opera house. Mr.Fosgate was so well pleased with thecountry that he let the troupe go on toAustralia without him. During his resi-dence here of over two years he com-posed a number of our best nativemeles. Some of his compositions have

apply at K. MORE & CO.'a, 73 King street.40-- tf

Uuties of Governments Prohibition.Mk. Editor: The duty of govern-

ments and the law's aim, is to protectlife, liberty and the property of the peo-ple, so it seems to be the first duty ofgovernments to prevent the waste ofhuman life in a broad sense, extendingto removing the dangers menacing hu

thing is when they see it. Mr. Winterhas taken a praiseworthy interest in thecausfi of ramift culture here, havim NOTICE.amassed an invaluable fund of informa Planters' Month!1tion upon the subject. man life as much or more than taking

man out of danger, and as more humanlife is wasted by the use of strong drink

4 LL T$ITLS TMTNVTNO SIV MOKTIIdV over, and not paid by August 22. 1S88. willThe Legislature has killed the bill to rpiIE FOLLOWING IS THE TAI'LE OF d

X tents of this sterling periodical for Ai:.;be placed in the hands of a collector withoutfurther notice. (G8-l- . N. S. SACHS.since been claimed Dy otners as com-

posers or as having been arranged byabolish the hospital tax, so the countrywill continue to pay strangers that hos them. Mr. fosgate was always welpitable (jompliment for a couple of years comed to the Palace by Kamehameha V.

phlet form.Rep. Rice reported two bills engrossed.Noble Dole presented a report of the

Public Lands Committee on the bill toamend the homestead Act, recommendingamendments, and with them that the billpass. Laid on the table to be consideredwith the bill.

Noble Smith read the report of the specialcommittee to whom were referred, 18thinst., the amended amendment to the Con-stitution, submitted by the anti-Asiat- ic

Committee, on the 7th inst. Committeerecommend a further amendment. Thedoubly amended proposed amendment wasreferred to the Printing Committee, withinstructions to have it printed by Tuesdaymorning.

RESOLUTION.Rep. Kamauoha moved that the Attor-

ney-General be instructed to take pro-ceedings against Mr. Glendon for sending apetition containing malicious statementsto the House,and that the report of the Ed-ucation Committee on said petition be re

to come. It seems a pity that strangers His Maiestv offered Mr. F. a good position under him, but he declined and acshould be denied the hospitality of thecepted the position of Secretary to the

Notes.With our Readers.

. Is this Reciprocity?Orange Culture in Louisiana.Jamaica Laborers.The Foreign Sugar Market.Future ot the Cane Industry.Sultana Raisins How to Cure them.

Pruning Citrus Trees.Sugar Cane Culture in India.Different Uses of Cement.

Hospital as a partial return for their in

than by pestilence, war or any other onecause, strong drink should be at once re-

moved to the fullest extent of prohibi-tory law, vigorously enforced, and thusprotect the weak-minde- d man who isshortening and wasting his own life bythe use of rum, as well as protect hisneighbor's life that is threatened by hisdrunken crazy freaks. This would seemas much the duty of governments as toprevent crazy persons from destroyingthemselves and others. Drunken men

American Legation at the Court of St.

The Liverpool and Lon-

don and Globe


vestment. The reason undoubtedly why. ,a a m m

James. Afterwards he served four yearsas Secretary to the U. S. Legation inthe Dili failed to pass is that the tax is aRussia, and later, was offered the posieource of considerable revenue and passtion of Consul-Gener- al of Japan, butdeclined on account of poor health. the bill would have necessitated in-

serting another item in an Appropriation tosgate at the present time is in themusic trade in Boston and often sends

AssetsNet IncomeClaims Paid

Bill which is already over-itemize- d. ConS 40,000,000

079,000112.5CU.OOOsidering the dimensions to which that

Irrigation in California.How to Plant Ramie.

. New Departure in Sugar.Irish Potato and its History.Ants and Plants.Pearl Fishing.The Casaniajor Process.Beginning a Rural Home.TniornnHnrml fTinfeience on Bounties

out some of his music, showing that hislong absence has not dimmed his recol-lections of the many happy hours spentin Hawaii.

once fragile bill has grown, it is no wonder that the Legislature are averse to

Takes Risks against Loss or Damage by Fireon Buildings, Machinery, Sugar Mills.Dwellingsand Furniture, on the most favorable terms.

Bishop & Co.1188-6- m

touching it. . As for the strangers, let us

ferred to His Excellency for his guidancein the matter.

Noble Townsend said he would have tovote against the resolution. Mr. Glendonundoubtedly deserves punishment for hisaction, but we cannot afford to be vindic-tive. Aside from this matter Messrs.Bishop and Smith have information whichthey could use to put him in prison, yetthey have been too magnanimous to pushthe matter. Even if we do not pass the

Jute and Ramie Culture in the South.go for them, they haven't any friends.They are natural objects of plunder. Hon. William D. Kelley has devoted

much time to a study of jute and ramieI'roviuence, wnicn nas piaceu tnem in aPresent Position and Prospects of Fiji- -


should be in tie bi:Tbe Planters' Monthly

of every person interested ia agricultnnlj

are more or less senseless, hence crazyand dangerous, and their own families,as well as the community, should beprotected, and prohibition would be ashort cut to safety, and show a willing-ness on the part of the government todo what it could to abate the evil andprotect life.

If savage beasts or banditti invadedthese Islands and committing depreda-tions on persons and property thoughnot as destructive as rum, but killingoccasionally the whole powers of theGovernment, the rifle clubs and othervolunteers would be aroused to exterm-inate those dangers that threatened thelives and property of the people. Suchacts would be commendable. Why notact as wisely when dealing with themore familiar, at the same time moredestructive and dangerous beast rum ?

culture in the Gulf states. He says:defenceless condition, evidently intended For San Erancisco.that some advantage should be taken of hnrtlrnltiiral pursuits, or in an)'r ;

Files from JaDii7- -it. If they had any votes the case would I gave the South a monopoly of cotton cul--- -

in the sugar industry,be supplied.

resolution they or the AttorneT-Gener- al

can prosecute the case if they deem it ad-visable to do so. This is not so importanta matter as to require any binding actionon the part of this House." He moved thatthe resolution be laid on the table. Carried.


Rep. Naone asked the Minister of Inte

be very different. Besides, as Noble ture, has there been a time when theYoung has shown, we have done more I introduction of new plants and the adop--

Terma ? 2 50 P("r- -

.. 3 00Foreign subscriptions.

The New and Fine American

Bktne. S. G. Wilder,now than tne case ingrates deserve. tion of new sources of supply and new

methods of manufacture promised suchAddress"What with "S oleano roads, and Punch-

bowl roads, and advertising, all for their HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO-- .


profits to our farmers as do the domesti-cation of jute and ramie in the Gulfstates, and of sugar from cane in Florida,or from sorghum, beets or corn in allparts of our countrv at this time. The

especial benefit, they are rapidly becom Willlien governments act wiselv tbv d(.

Captain A. H. PAUL,

Sail for the above Port on orabout Sept. 6th.

rior, (1) if it is true that Mr. Gribble hadnot filed his tender for the grading of Ala-ke- a

and Halekauila streets when the othertenders were opened, (2) if it is. true thatthe tender was awarded to Mr. Harrison,and afterwards withdrawn and given toMr. Gribble, (3) what is the reason thecontract was given to Mr. Gribble if histender was not in at the advertised time ?

ing the most pampered class in the com-munity, and it is time thev were sat

. Election of Officers.upon. Forsuperior.&5T Cabin accommodations

Freight or Passage apply to

cultivation and manufacture of jute andramie would increase the price of landthroughout the Gulf states, and bring tothe people thereof more than $100,000,000annually as the market value of an aver-age crop ; and that the location in theirmidst of factories which would soon rival

The fact of the matter is that almost LEAVE OF ABSENCE. A. SCHAEFER & CO.,Agents. OF THE JMEETING (a T THE ANNUAL77-- tf

nolulu Cham her of "cers wevery traveler looks upon the paymentof the two dollars as an imposition, and

- Nobleleave of

Townsendabsence for

asked and obtainedthe remainder of the room August 15, 1888, tne

elected for tbe ensuing year :

ideaOceanic Steamship Co.he puts up with it, partly from good na .Presweek.Noon recess, one hour. Hon.C. R. Bishop.

not punish those that get injured bymad-dog- s, poisonous serpents or mid-night marauders, but go for the dog, thesnake or the assassin. But when thevact outrageous'y foolish, thety licensethe sale of rum and punish by fine, im-prisonment or death, those that get bitby the snake of the still, according tothe degree of the crime committed whileunder its influence, thus punishing thechild that gets bit instead of the dogthat bites. Wre say, act wise, kill thedog that bites, and abolish the rum thatruins. Then none would get bitten byit or injure others while under its in-fluence.

PERSONAL LIBERTY.It is conceeded that the fullest libertv

.Vice-rre- fi

those of Calcutta and Dundee wouldmore than double this annual income.And I sav without reservation to the

F. A. Schaefer. Es- q-and Tre9suirSecretaryJ. R. Atfaerton...

ture and chiefly because hq lias to. Wehave the power to impose the tax, but itseems to us that it is a very short-sighte- d

J Ji. ATUtr.i-'- . "70--enterprising men who are shaping the

destinies of and assuring prosperity and Honolulu, Aug. 15,

policy to make use of it. It amounts to wealth to the JNew bouth that it willa petty persecution of strangers for the I need only the announcement that our

fields furnish jute and ramie as well as FOB SAN FRANCISCO.sake of a petty advantage, and we loseFor Kent or For Sale.cotton to bring northern and foreign

capital to their midst to share the enorby it more than we gain, in the long run.The AI steamshipshould be granted to man to pursue lifemous profits of the manufacture of the.

newly-domesticat- ed fibers into threadand fabrics. ' Paper World.

The special committee to which the ottage(CJ and happiness, but that liberty meanslife and happiness, not death and miserv. --A.TJS T EALIA," A PLEASANT

In ivrft,fgo Orlfrlaborers' license bill was referred, havepresented two reports. The majority

the Post OfficAt Brisbane, Queensland, the oldA few minutes' 'rQB

Liberty in tins sense is not license, butliberty to do right, not liberty to dowrong. Jlence man must not think hislawful liberty invaded because he can'tdrink and get drunk if he will, and do

practice is maintained of tiring a time Wl leave Honolulu for the above port onthink the bill cannot be put into anyshape which' would make it a practically


led at 1 o'clock.REPOKT OF COMMITTEE.

Rep. C. Brown read a report of the Ju-diciary Committee on bill No. 12G, relatingto tax appeals, referred to them, 22d inst.,submitting amendments with which theyrecommend that the bill pass. Laid onthe table to be considered with the bill.

Laborers' License Consideration of theLaborers' License bill, submitted, 7th inst.,by the Special Committee appointed, June19th, on the Anti-Asiat- ic Union petitionand other matters relating to Chinese.

Rep. C. Brown moved the bill be indefi-nitely postponed.

Noble Smith moved it be taken up andconsidered with amendments proposed bythe minority report of the Special Commit-tee, submitted 25th inst.

Indefinitely postponed on the followingdivision:

A vies Green, Ashford, Wilder, Young,Notley, Wall, G. N.Wilcox, Kalaukoa, Na-one, .Kauhi, C. Brown, Deacon, Kauhane,Kamauoha, Paris, Nawahine, Daniels, Ile-lekunihi, Gay, Paehaole-2-0.

Noes Thurston, Smith, Waterhouse,Wight. Townsend, Bailey, Richardson,Dole, Hustace, Dowsett, jr., F. Brown,

AppiyHUGOgun at noon. The gun is fired from 158 tf

useful measure, witnout eitner imposing Spring Hill, in the centre of the city. miscniei 10 nimseit and others aroundtoo much hardship on the Hawaiian and I Complaint is made that at present the him. lliis misc:hief is not intended by TUeSdaV, AUff. 28. 1888,drinking, but it is the 'the drinker whenforeign laborers, or else contravening the J report is a nuisance, shaking houses so as ft!Drovisions of the Constitution, The ma- - ,10 "amage meir structure, frightening Berksliire1 nnraaa inn acnamn ( . I w 1 - Choice,1 K TT I "vioi--, um vouiaii; uiaiuiuuiK UIIY At Xoou.joruy rccuVimenu iwa, mC xxuusc puss whoperson is ill. In the hon.W hp,. . 1 i 1 1 .1 A. .1 i I " . . , ..tne consiituuonai umeiiuuieni, so iaai 1 windows nave to De kept open in allweathers to prevent their beiner broken

effect of the drink, and such should beprohibited, not by keeping man awayfrom the drink but by keeping drinkaway from the man, and prohibition isthe tool to use. One that pleads " per-sonal liberty" to drink and get drunk ifhe chooses may be a man of strong mindand can drink or let it alone. Such ofcourse can't realize the position of the

by the concussion. Surely, in these davs.2TFor Freight or Passage apply to


that question can be submitted to theelectors in '90, and that for the presentthey content themselves with passing when a good timekeeper can be purchas &

It.ed for a few shillings such a practice is aremnant of barbarism.certain amendments to the Restriction



DAILY PAOIFIO OOM i t ADVERTISER. AUGUST1 2g, 1888.LOCAL AND GENERAL.H. I. Portuguese Independence Dav.

sVfivjrfisemjnts.Some of the Portuguese demur to theopposition raised by the Luso Hawaiiano...IS.

,hEffm :. .....This CELEBRATED BEER

SilTl',:,':Sf fif' ,vay. Aug. 27.


S. S. Australia sails for San Francisco atnoon.

Mr. Justice Dole sits at Supreme CourtChambers this week.

There was no business in Supreme CourtChambers yesterday,

S. S. Arabic may be expected from SanFrancisco early to-da- y.

The prohibition letter begun elsewhereis signed by John M. Horner.

A large gang was working on the streetrailroad at Palace Square yesterday.

Mr. Morgan holds a sale of Molokailands elsewhere noted at noon to-da- y.

U. S. F. S. Vandalia anniversary recep-tion on board from 2:30 to 5:30 this after-noon.

Mr. V. H. Sea was sworn as interpreter

tftv" fnr Maui and

tt,usl lue Project of celebrating Portu-gal's independence day on Dec. 1st.According to their version that paperopposes the celebration on the groundthat other foreigners and natives do Hotrealize the importance of the anniversaryand would not sympathize with a move-ment for its observance. This the advo-cates of " a time" hold is a poor reason,asking what other nationalities realizetully, for instance, the significance toAmericans of the Fourth of July. Thersay further that the Portuguese paper'sreal objection is to the supporters of acelebration on personal or factionalgrounds. This statement is the sub-stance of a verbal communication madeto our reporter with a request for ventila-tion. This manner of conveying outsideVieWS is as lpuritimoto ?fr

Lorenzo"k for Waianae

Comes all the va ICE fromSt. Louis.

Highest $rfmttimfKVeason.forKoolau.: McGregor, wr

Tueen, Winding, for San Awarded Wherever Exhibited- -THIS SPACE IS RESERVED


Popular Milliners House,

X. S. SACHS, Prop.,

104 Fort Street, - - - Honolulu.

'.LvInK To-da- y.m the Folice Court for yesterday's proceedings.

The Central House twin buildings arebeing repaired after the fire on a single

;Ttra!ia, HouJlette, for San

Sf. Pavies' fr Kahului'

Campbell, for Kilauea,

:na Weir, Hamakua, 3 p m.

" u 1 nml.. ... .r nil

S'dark, for Hamakua, at 5

Vf.r Waimea, Kauai.k'llilU.

mi for Koolau.

for Koolau.--V , V . .. .1 'ill"b'l'VWI

..4 for N aimaiialo.

1'orts.r.mK.te.1 from Foreign 60-2- W

u'hfpf f rom. Due

" guiuimv, 1 1J CLy uc IJCUCiS"sary to say, as a written communication.When any -- person with a grievance isdisinclined to write a letter for publica-tion, it is fair for a public journal to givehim a hearing by interview, withoutcommitting the paper itself to any sideof the question at issue.

Another Fire.Mr. Manuel E. Silva's house, near.the

old ice works, Nuuanu Valley, took fireat 2 :30 Monday morning and by a few-minut-

past 3 o'clock was burned tothe ground. According to the Bulletinit was insured for $1,600. A member ofour staff with two neighbors, includingCapt. Larsen of the police, saw the firefrom Palama. Recourse to the telephonefailed to elicit information as to theproperty being destroyed until after theflames had done their work. No alarmwas sounded, and, owing to the distancefrom any engine house, it would havebeen useless to awake the town. Thefire lit up the clouds above and themountains on either side very strikingly.

Advertising the Country.Paradise of the Pacific for August

(Graenhalgh & Williams, publishers)will be ready for distribution this morn-ing. It is far ahead of preceding num-bers in appearance, being embellishedwith artistic illustrations of Hawaiianviews, such as the lolani Palace, Gov-ernment building, Nuuanu Pali, etc. Apoem on Waianae by Mr. T. R. Walkeris the opening contribution to the letter-press. An article by Rev. Dr. Hyde an-nounces a forthcoming new edition ofthe late Judge Fornander's " PolynesianRaces," to be published by Mr. W. II.Graenhalgh of this city.

story plan.Yesterday was a whittfagloved day in the

police register, there having been no ar-rests made up till 11 p. m.

The city was in Egyptian darkness againlast night, no street electric lights and themoon absent till 11 o'clock.

The weekly Gazette may be had thismorning at the office and book-store- s. Agood number to send abroad.

A party was given at the JapaneseLegation Monday night, at which promi-nent residents were in attendance.

There was a large attendance and ex-

hilarating music at the weekly practice ofthe Honolulu Social Club last night.

Mr. Daniel McKenzie having made anassignment to Mr. F.M. Swanzy, the lattergives the notice due in such cases to allconcerned.

" Bos'n Ben" says everything wrong thatis done these times is charged to his ac-

count. If the bank was robbed it wasBos'n Ben did it,

Her Majesty's gold watch when recoveredafter being stolen had the outer case, con-

taining inscription of presentation by HisMajesty, missing.

H. B. M. S. Kspiegle, on getting out ofport for British Columbia on Monday,spent some time in gun practice beforebearing away from the coast.

v'e an

'.j I't Town-end- .. Augan Francisco. Aug


Vj,ria.San Francisco. Aug.Nov CHAS. J. HSHEL'S PRICE LISTUreiiien

vra.... . .Nov 1G

... July 25Sept 15

. . . Sept 30. .uncertain

..New YorkBremen . .

Liverpool .

New York.kS America

FOR THIS::r.ifr--

.... it.San Francisco Last Week of Our Inventory Sale !Newcastle July.Newcastle July

an Francisco. Sept


152 dozen Ladies' colored bordered Handker-chiefs 50 cents per doz

84 doz Ladies' unbleached Balbrigan Hose, silk

220 doz Gents' full finish Balbrigan Under-shirts, either loug or short sleeves, allsizes 45c each

Gents' white cotton Undershirts 25cGents' full finished silk clocked Hose

3Ji.i5 per doz

clocked and lull finished at 25cGents' white linen Shirts, linen bosoms and




cuffs JS1

j HiMiiir- - ivjiHongkong Aug

uoiY.higet Sound . .AugV. an Francisco. Aug

Callao Francisco.Sept,

yjrM Srui Francisco. SeptJ4""!i.aii Francisco. Sept

.Kureka Aug;!i,hire.Newcastle.. . . Sept

San Francisco. AugSYork China Aug

San Francisco. Septai;oii San Francisco.Sept

l'ujjet Sound . .SeptEureka Sept

A Very Large Stock of School Hats at 25c. Each.The Auckland Star says that ' Mr.Booth, the well-know- n temperance

For Sale on Draught, atGents' linen Collars (standing) lOc eachlecturer, has decided to leave the temper-- . Linen hand made Tidies 15c eachBlack silk stripe Greua'liue Oc per yardLadies' Jersey Waists from 75c upMisses' and children's Hose, full finish and silk

clocked in pink and blue, from size 4 to 8,at 25c per pair

A full line of all wool Overshirts and all woolUndershirts from fl up

Gents fine Pajama Suits from $3 up176 doz Children's colored Hose lOc pr pairFine Turkish Bath Towels 3 for 50c



.!j Kereipts of Produce.Jfei's snuar. Hags rice. Mia. pkgs.

'lii... 50 200

a 130 .... 50..dHull 1st)JHliza . 5J7

431Lrris ... 300

C7"We have made a REDUCTION in all our Departments.


Grreat Inventory Sale

The 3 lisdonIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,

San Francisco California

W. H. TAYLOR PresidentR. S. MOORE Superintendent




Sound, per .ship S F Ilersey,S:s Appletoii and Miss Apple--

iaiuUIawaii, per stmr Kinau,-- 'or Volcano: Miss Herman,4 Mrs OJell, Miss Ingoll and

Fur Hilo and way ports: HonJr.o Wise, F Lyman, Mr

'juriK-- and about 00 deck pus- -

stmr Mokolii, Aug 275i Master Rose, Misses Rose (2),

61-t- fCorner of Fort and Hotel Streets.

FOB, SALE. City Market.

Received per S. S. Australia, August21st: Two large refrigerators containinggrapes, pears, apples, plums, peaches,celery, frozen oysters, white heart cab-bage. Also, a consignment of potatoes,onions, nuts, dates, barrels pickles, oliveoil in and I gallon cans, vinegar, primequality.

California Fruit Market.Drink Moxie at the Elite."Horn's genuine Butter Scotch.Genuine Butter Scotch (Horn's) for

coughs.Magazines, at Graenhalgh's, 100 Fort

street.Horn's Butter Scotch, the best lubricator

for the throat.Get your newspapers at Graenhalgh's,

10G Fort street. ,

New novels, by the most popular au-thors, at Graenhalgh's, 100 Fort street.

Extra Fine Cream Cakes and Eclairsevery Tuesday and Friday at the Elite.

W. H. Graenhalgh has all the papers andmagazines upon his counters for sale atSan Francisco prices.

It has been proved by unanimous verdictthat the San Jose Lager Beer on draughtat the Royal Saloon is the best.

Irritated throats and annoying coughsare quickly relieved by the genuine ButterScotch, only to be found at the PioneerSteam Candy Factory of F. Horn. Plentyof testimonials.

The Pioneer Steam Candy Factory, Bak-ery and Ice Cream Parlor is the only estab-lishment that can afford tosell the best Ice Cream at $2 per gallon, andno others can. ,

F. Horn, Proprietor.I beg to call the attention of my friends

and the general public to my fine stock ofgoods just received. A careful inspectionwill convince you that better goods in myline have never been offered in this city.Please give me an early call.

Max Eckart.

wui o uaK jassengers.Fraiu-isco- , per bark Forest

I'T- -R H Weeks and W L

Joseph Tinker, Family ButcherWe have again on hand a few of our exception-

ally superior

SURF BOATS,In sizes from 18 to 24 feet.


'Sir Kiliino-- i IT. I, i,.n.K

Builders of Steam MachineryIn all its branches.

Steamboat, Steamship. Laud Engines & Boilers,High Pressure or Compound.

STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,with hulls ot wood, iron or composite.

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-visable.

STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con-structed with rei'ereuce to the trade in whichthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS aud'sugar Making Machinerymade after the most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work 1 on nee ted therewith. ...

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made iu suitable lengths for connecting

' together, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground. . ,

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork beins far superior to baud work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificCoast of the Home Safety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation orcity works' purj oses, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any other'pump.

J. N. S. Williams .Honolulu.Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckc. Block.

41-3- m Agent for the Hawn. Islands. .

Filter PressesJust Received.

HMn Mikahala will sail

rtrs Lavinia, Josephine and-- oruuirht loads of algeroba fire-"l'a.Uuh- u.

VJenwith coal from Australiator Cahforn

As these boats speak for themselves, we Inviteinspection. Price as low as any.

We have also several 70-l- b. Clinker, Copperfastened Recreation Boats, with oars and row-locks complete, capable of holding three per-sons; just the thing for an impromptu regatta,spin round the harbor, lake or river. Price irom$50 to $60.

Also, a light Baggage Express with two shortportable cushioned seats; handy for business ora family out of town; and one strong hand cart.Cheep for cash at

J. A. DOWER'S,Printer's Lane, Punchbowl st.

Mutual Telephone 325. P. O. Box 409.252-l- m

TO NOTIFY HIS FRIENDS AND THEBEGS that he has improved facilities fordeli veeing the Choicest Meats, etc.,and he herebysolicits those families he has not served beforeto give him a trial.

Promptness, dispatch and cleanliness ishis motto, serving the best Beef, Mutton, Veal,Lamb, Pork, etc, the market affords. His CornedBeef and

Cambridge Sausages,Fresh daily, and cannot begot at any shop in

town but the City Market.

gN. B I am prepared to deliver meat with-in a radius of three miles of the city.

Telephone 289, both Companies.

38-3- m CITY MARKET, Nuuanu St.

Itr Moi wahine has beenj

v wnart to be laid up for

ance platform, and settle in business inMelbourne.

Seventeen Chinese immigrants detainedon board the German bark'Printzenberg,


owing to irregularity in passports held bythem, escaped from that vessel on Saturdaynight last.

A quantity of whiskey was on view inthe Police Court yesterday, being results ofa raid on the Kapiolani bath-hous- e. Chas.Molteno, keeper of the house, was remand-ed to Sept. 1st.

Work is being vigorously prosecuted bya large force of men in cutting down thehill on King street at Leleo. A tabu inHawaiian nailed on a telephone post an-

nounces the closing of the road to traffic.Mr. Graenhalgh will be in New York

when displays are making there ot Christ-mas goods, and will be glad to accept com-

missions from Honolulu dealers to pur-chase for them in any line.

From the corner of the Opera Houseabout four o'clock yesterday afternoon wasplainly descried a pretty large party, main-

ly in white raiment and carrying parasols,toiling up toward the summit of Punch-bowl.

Hon! Dr. J. Mott Smith and lady weremet on the occasion of the farewell con-

cert in their honor, by a large number ofladies and gentlemen in evening attire.The Hawaiian Hotel and grounds weregorgeously illuminated for the event, andthe Iloya'l Band played one of its mostsuperb programmes.

Hon. W. C. Parke leaves for the Fastby the Australia, intending to bring Mrs.Parke home with him in November. Theestimable lady was left in Boston in ratherpoor health when her husband returnedfrom their trip last year, but it is pleasingto learn that she has greatly improvedduring the past few months.

A correspondent of the Bulletin hasmade the "thrilling discovery" that Massa-

chusetts ,4is generally known as the wooden-nu-

tmeg State." What has become of

the appellation, "Old Bay State," in whichthe people of Massachusetts have hithertorejoiced? Massachusetts has never beenknown as the " Wooden Nutmeg State."

A British tar was doing the best hecould in navigating his own defense againsta minor charge in the Police Court. Ashe was in danger of missing stays in cross-examinin- g,

Judge Dayton kindly suggested

that Mr. Neumann might come to his re-

lief. That gentleman cordially assentedand piloting the almost derelict throughthe legal straits got him offwith a repri-

mand. 4

Mr. W. H. Graenhalgh, who leaves forthe coast by this day's steamer, takes withhim samples of Hawaiian tobacco (a baleof leaf and cigars and cigarettes), also

samples of castor bean, vanilla bean andcoffee. The tobacco will be placed in theexhibition of that product to open in New

York in September. There are 200 tons of

castor beans ready for export, "pendingreport upon the sample going forward asabove.

The total exports from San Franciscoduring June to ports bordering on thePacific Ocean amounted in value to $1,250.-00- 0.

Of this amount the exports to theHawaiian Islands were of the value of$245,233, or nearly one-fift- h of the whole.This result shows all the stronger for Haw-

aiian trade when it is known that the ex-

ports from San Francisco to Australia,China and Japan all showed a heavy in-

crease over the previous months.

ana also to receive herreceived per barkentine W.

Iok?lii brought, brides, Jlsewhere. 15 head cattle,

and 503 W olokai and 100

rVlrfbic an,i CMy of New4o .n,t0,r.nve fromStS?Ph-ln- resPeively.

Sugar Plant For Sale.

avttti$tmtxit$.Opportunity for an Investment !

MR. GEORGE W. C. JONES y53 offers For Sale the well-know- n

ZL Kaluiku Ranch Property,siluated in the District of KAU, HAWAII.


FEW FILTER PRESSES, 30 CHAMBERED,1 . extra heavy frames, aud with the latest im-provements for facility in handling and cleaning.

Prices and reference on application to the

Ag:ent Rlsdon Iron & Loco. Works.of San Francisco.

Spreckels' Block, Honolulu. ' 3227 41-l- m

Notice of Assignment.Mckenzie of Honolulu, oahu,Daniel this day made an assignment to F.

M. Swanzy, all persons having any claims).t y,a cnii rn.nial MrKenzie are hereby0UjUOVI UV " -

notified to present the same to the undersigned

ahsa n 've next Ihurs-Heu- d

r SaiV where she will

;'rale. ch t0 transported

!feamship Australia, Cap- -

lare cargo of;i:!fSns,stll'Kof sugar, rice,

an J f,ussegers.

ie. t Jl e shippers were:

at the onice oi ineo. ii. uavieu u.. i"months from this date; and all persons indebtedto the said Daniel McKenzie are requested tomake immediate payment to the undersigned.

F. M. SWANZY.Assignee of D. McKenzie.

Honolulu, Aug. 25, 1838. S0-- 3t

Boat For Sale.

The Entire Plant of the

STAR MILL CO.Kohala, is offered for sale. The machinery is

in perfect working order, and consists of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine, Trash-carrie- r,

etc., complete.One pair of boilers, 6x20.One Double Effect, 6 and 7 ft. Pans.One Vacuum Pan 6 with Blake Pump.Three Weston Centrifugals and Engine.

Together with the usual assortment of ClarifieiCleaning Pans, Coolers and other Machineiusually found iu a well appointed Mill.

Also, a number of

California and Island MulesCane Carts and General Plantation Implements.

Delivery will be given after next crop hasbeen harvested, say about July 1. 1889.

For further particulars apply to

J"ohn Hind,Manager Star Mill,

tf Kohala, Hawaii.

;3er i ruas.U'lG.800 lbs.)

avies & Co..!19 lbs.)THE DUNNOTAR CASTLEBoat (six tons) has been re-

fitted, decked, housed, cop-pered, and copper fastened,

sugar: F. A.bags (333 .Ml E. B. RYAN, and is now for sale at his shop.

4 If-l-W

The Ahupuaa of Kahuku, being Royal PatentNo. 2791, issued to Chas. C. Harris, containingan area of 184.628 Acres, by actual survey,boundaries having been settled, forms the majorpart of this ranch.

The land has over six miles of sea coast withRood fishery and boat landing, and extendsfrom the sea to the crater ef Mokuaweoweo,summit of Mauna Loa.

The upland country is suitable for the raisingof sheep, goats or cattle, there being open tractsoi two to three miles in width by miles inlength.

The Ranch Buildings are situated on the Gov-ernment road from Kau to Kona and are aboutseven miles from the Kaalualu landing, towhich there is a good cart road.

The Stock now on the Ranch consists of aherd of remarkably gentle

CATTLE,most of it being from milking stock, numbering2O0O head, more or less, of the followingbreeds: DURHAM, from "Cherry Prince," im-ported by Theo. H. Davies; "Martin Bolton."imported by Thos. Cummins; "Ohelo," im-ported by Hon. L. McCully, and "Romeo." im-ported by Bowley Bros. AYRSHIRE, from Dukeof York. POLL ANGUS, from the importationsof Chas. G. Hopkins, and' Hon. Jas. I. Dowsett.HOLSTEIN. from importations of Hon. L. Mc-Cully. And

HORSES,among which are 30 well broken saddle horses,'20 brood mares and 40 colts from the follow-ing well-know- n Stallions: "El Capitan," im-ported by W. H. Bailey, Esq., "Kossuth," and"Jupiter."

All the buildings and implements for a com-plete ranch will be found on the estate.

J3 For further particulars apply toJ. O. CARTER.

Honolulu, August 7, 1888. C4-- 5t 1231-- 3t

LOSTt CT f ..,"ll . All CPU erf 0 .r-- .

LEWIS & CO.Have Just Received ex S. S.


N. Z. Smoked HaddockAND

New Zealand Potatoes3f-t- f


And For Sale at Unusually Low Rates,


Milwaukee BeerWM. J. LEMP'S

ST. LOUIS BEERIn Pints and Quarts.


DAVIS & WILDER,4 GOLD WATCH WITH THE MONOGRAMA II. M. G. on case. The finder will be lib-

erally rewarded on leaving the article at theHawaiian Hotel. f

( j He t. "WADAVf Alio- - 7

,r,h.: ld drunk tn . 52 FORT STREET.

Walker & ReIward,!.V ria,'.' larcenv of w,ft,i0 .i IMP ORTB US:y ,i0U,in

carriage reeu- - Grocers & Provision Dealers.


183 yContractors & Builders

Brick, Stone and Wooden BuildingEstimates Given.

Jobbing Promptly Attended o.


5 battery on

Neumann foriL--..

"V8 V heardandV continued.

Ten Dollars Eewarcl.ABOVE REWARD WILL BE PAID ONTHE of any person found stealing

the Daily Advertises or "Weekly Gazette" fromthe store or residence of subscribers.

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.Honolulu, March 80, 1888.

The strike of the Locomotive Engin-eers has caused a loss to the BurlingtonRoad of about three million five hundredthousand dollars.

The Democratic State ticket in Ala-bama was elected by 100,000 majority.The election was for State officers andLegislature.


TISINGIS AGENCY, 64 and 65 Merchant's Ex-chan- ge,

San Francisco, Cal., where contracts foradvertising can be made for it.

W. C. Peacock & Go.,p. O. Box 423. Merchant St., Honolulu.66--1 wBell Telephone No. 2.

211 tf


s. foster & oo.J Australian. Mail Service. B.REHLEES & CoImporters and Wholesale Dealers In

FOR SAN FRANCISCO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED COMPLETE LINES OF m ACCOUNT OPGroceries & Provisions rbo new and fine Al steel steamship








j the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat IIoululu from Sydney and Auckland

on or about

Sept. 23d, 1888,5 CLEAEAICE SALfii7" Being overstocked in LACES, we will sell them at GREATLY

REDUCED PRICES. l"fSAN FUANCISCO.and 23 California St.,


An will leave for the abve port with malls andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Win. (j. Irwin & Co.,SPECIAL ATTENTION Paid to Selecting and

Faoklng Good en Foreign Orders.

iKnnkx -- fafiniiAiAGENTS. and - FancHAWAIIAN GAZETTE

Book and Job Printing EstablishmentiAfn 1 IHantf An nlvan all (m m I aafnn a

isl golT u"a,J"ed Bo1T,fi20PMI70E For Sydney and Auckland.COMPRISINQ- -27 Merchant Street, Honolulu, IT. I.


So. 73 Xutiauu Street.

J1RS. BOBT. LOVE, ... Proprietress,METROPOLITAN Plush Sets, Ladies' Work Baskets

In Plush and Leather;

PACIFICHardware Company, 11


The new and fine Al steel steamship

"ALAMEDA"Ot the Oceanic Steamship Company . will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

August 31, 1888.

Every Description of Plain and Fancy

Bread and Crackers, Bisque, Glass and Parian Ware, Opera and Marine Glasses, tJFBESfl- - Meat Company,

New Lines ofIVTnsio Boxes,


oda CrackersA N D 1

Saloon BreadAlways on lland.


Island Orders Promptly Atteiadelto.172-3- m

And will have prompt dl3patcn with malls anassengers tor the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC-


Wni. GL Irwin & Co.,AGENTS


113 Nuuanu Street, opposite Emma Hall


G. J. WALLER, And other things too numerous to mention, All the above GoI

Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns,

At Lower Prices than ever before !

New invoice of

ShelfHardwarePlows and

General Merchandise.

win ru nTTrfn of tha t


Fire Craokers, New Designs in Cups andS&uceea, Tea, Cigars, and all kinds of FancyGoods

AC Greatly Reduced Prices.-- JUST RECEIVED- -

The above Goods ar Nf.vo PVah th t !WHOLESALE AND RETAILNEW' GOODS A3D DESIGNS. .Novelties and Fancy Goods ! been imported ex recent arrivals and were selected expressly tor the trade I

Regular sbipxaents by every steamer. 60 In large variety.


W A. TCHES,Gold Chains, Lockets, Pins,

Diamonds, Plated Ware.

Kukui and Shell Jewelry.

W. H. Graenlialgh, 106 Fort StrcJOHN MOLAINI1



g I I VUGMlO UUJC1 K UU VWW UVohP.Wflrft Or llTliTllT.lflTlN. aim. ort street.

Particular attention paid to all orders, andWnlch are being put upon tbe market. satisfaction guaranteed. 33


Have Just Received an Assortment of jTHE GENUINE BUHACH G0 T0 MAX ECKART'S

Navy Contractors.

CHU ON & CO.,Importers unit Dealers In

Chinese & Japanese Goods


sold onlj by

Groceries, Provisions and Fet-- FOR YOCR

WENNER fc CO.,92 Fort Street. 100 tf






SUCH ASJEWELRY ! Dupee Hams and Bacon, Kits Pig Pork, Kits Salmon Bellies,Kegs Holland Herring, Kegs Sauerkraut, Limberger Cheew,

Mettamurets, Smoked Sausages, Green Cheese, Pork and Beans,

Where you will find Silver, Gold and Have n ,nn.l Silt fio . "BLUU rown reaa, rencii ana American re, K

f:J7.r'u iCt.!r "'J curreis sprouts, salmon, Uxtord Sausage. Curried Fowl.Crape, ann Table and Pie Fruits, Olive Oil, Pickled Olives, Oysters,Germea, Rolled Oats, Pearled Wheat, Oat Meai, Corn Meal, f

Cracked Wheat, Oats, Bran, Corn, Wheat, Barley

Hemstitched Silk and Grass ClothHandkerchiefs, Silk and Crape Shawlsand Scarfs.


Made up in a neat, artistic fashion.

LtT t1f4sUaBrnonleaanndJSc." Fresh Gl'aPes picked every day and sold for 25 cts perj


P. C. Jones. Jr President and ManagerJ. O. Carter. Treasurer and SecretaryJBon. W. Allen Auditor quered WaresAll goods are warranted to be all that la claim as i.eve if our orders, or Kins- - up 194 or 319.ed for them, viz; the very best goods made.

Bison, Smith d Go.

Sole Agents In tbe


Buliacli Producingand Mfg. Co.

STOCKTON, CAL.78 augl2tf

Claus Spreckels Wm. G. Irwin.



He has also received,DIRECTORS:

Ho n. C. R. Bisbop. lion. II. Vaterhouse

B0MMEAL!! A New Invoice of Clocks J O 1 1 TsT NOTTWhfch are very ornamental as well as useful.

Ivory, Sandalwood and Tortoise ShellCard Cases, Paper Cutters, Fans andJewelry Cases.

Gold and Silver Jewelry, setting withTiger Claws, Cats' Eyes and Amber,such as Scarf Pins, Earrings, Bracelets.Necklaces; Etc.

An assortment of Chinese and Japa-nese Nick-Nack- s and Curiosities too nu-merous to specify.

Chinese Matting a specialty.Ebony and Marble Furniture in sets-Ta- bles,

Chairs and Settees.A full assortment of Flower Pots, Arti-

ficial Flower Baskets, Lacquered andBamboo Goods, Etc.New Goods received byeverv steamer.The public are respectfully invited toinspect nnr goods. ll-3- m

The undersigned are now prepared to reooiva orders for thia Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Buck & OhlandtSan Francisco:

The following is a report of the compo-nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy-sis:

Water 8.10 per cent

iST Prices all adjusted to suit the times.41

urganio Matter 29.18Bilicious Matter 4.65 'Lime 31.70Phosphoric Acid 23.11

: Oxide of Iron 85 '. iTCarbonic Acid i q

Draw Exchange on the principal parts ot theworld. wmmlm Mw4 m ;



Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a genera banking andexchange business.

Mercury on Vessel Bottoms.

MAEIN EGermicide Paint

jUka Salts 52 "(100.00

Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders deceived mill have Prom

and Careful Attention.

W. Gt. Irwin & Co,,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.


Deposits bearing interest received In their Savlngs Department subject to published rules andregulations. 17oc3tf

Best Roller FlourMADE IN AMERICA.

Meals Superior to all OthersStoves, Itanges and Housekeeping Goods.


or Wood, an absolute protection against Barna-cles, Coral, Sea Grass, Teredoi, and all MarineParasites, and an unfailing preventive ot rust

HONOLULU MAEKET.(Successor to Wm. McCandless.)

No. 6 Qneen Street, Flsli Market, Ho.Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet ironThe success of the Germicide TintGonsalves & Co., San Francisco. New York and thoWpsf ti ft?

20 tf Sole Agents Hawaiian Islands.has been phenomenal. Tbe U. S. Navy Yard atMare Island is using Germicide exclusivelyafter testing ii against the best paint. Of 450tests In 1886, they find that Germicide came outnineteen to one better. It is stateJ that

uoluld, 11. 1.

authorities at Washington are about adopting italtogether for the U. S. Navy. We have numer-ous testimonials to prove Its efficiency.

1876. GEO W. LINCOLNSorenson & Lyle,

Agents for the Uawn. I.

Choicest Beef, Motion, Pork, Fish


Always Kept on Hand.

28-- 1 m



100 Small Bags

0AMARU POTATOESThis lot is from a sew district and are advised

as being excellent. Also,

20 Kegs hoic

FAMILY C0KNED BEEF100-l- b. each.

EL May & Co.



Bark Deiitscliland,From Europe, an assorted cargo of

NEW GOODS,Which they offer to the trade

At Lowest Market Bates.209 tf


T AILOE,Family and Shipping orders CarefullyAttended to.

to'No. 46 1.8 Merchant Street. 75 and 77 KlillC. Street,Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at shortnotice. ' White and Flannel Pants.

nunc auu vauco cjnins, anaUnderclothes, mad cheap.Telephones ISTo. 212 riv

15eU Teleptaooe Ifo. S75.