Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources...

Conto Resources Limited Conto Resources Limited (Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited) AGM Presentation AGM Presentation 29 NOVEMBER 2013 The Phillip Room The Ro y al Automobile Club of Australia 89 Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000 1 For personal use only

Transcript of Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources...

Page 1: Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited (Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited) AGM PresentationAGM

Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited(Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited)

AGM PresentationAGM Presentation

29  NOVEMBER  2013 The  Phi l l ip  RoomThe  Royal  Automobi le  Club  of  Austra l iay89  Macquar ie  StreetSydney  NSW  2000





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Page 2: Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited (Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited) AGM PresentationAGM

Important Notice

This presentation may contain certain forward-looking statements that have been based on currentThis presentation may contain certain forward looking statements that have been based on currentexpectations about future acts, events and circumstances. These forward-looking statements are,however, subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause those acts, events andcircumstances to differ materially from the expectations described in such forward-looking statements.These factors include among other things commercial and other risks associated with estimation ofThese factors include, among other things, commercial and other risks associated with estimation ofcopper, zinc, gold and silver resources, the meeting of objectives and other investment considerations,as well as other matters not yet known to the Company or not currently considered material by theCompany.Th i f ti i thi t hi h l t t E l ti R lt d Mi l R i b dThe information in this report which relates to Exploration Results and Mineral Resources is based oninformation compiled by Mr Stewart Capp, who is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining &Metallurgy. Mr Capp is a full time employee of Matai Holdings (Fiji) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiaryof Conto Resources Limited, and has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisationand t pe of deposit nder consideration and to the acti it hich he is ndertaking to q alif as aand type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as aCompetent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting ofExploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”. Mr Capp consents to the inclusion in thereport of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.Conto accepts no responsibility to update any person regarding any error or omission or change in theinformation in this presentation or any other information made available to a person or any obligation tofurnish the person with further informationFor



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Page 3: Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited (Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited) AGM PresentationAGM

Capital Structure

Conto Resources Limited (ASX Code: CNO) has exercised it’s option toConto Resources Limited (ASX Code: CNO) has exercised it s option to acquire 100% of Dateline Resources Pty Limited and is expected to be renamed Dateline Resources Limited (ASX Code: DTR).

Shares on Issue: 60.05M

Unlisted Option: 4.5M

Number of Shareholders: 386

Top 20 Shareholders: 65.39%

Directors and Management: 50.47%

Cash ($M as of September 2013) 0.67

Market Capitalisation (at $0.05 share): A$3.05M

Debt: No DebtFor



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Page 4: Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited (Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited) AGM PresentationAGM

Board of Directors

Mark Johnson Executive Chairman

• Mark has worked in banking and corporate finance for more than forty years.Mark is senior adviser to Gresham Partners, chairman of Alinta Energy,director of Westfield Group and Chairman of the Australian Financial CentreTaskforce. Previous directorships include Macquarie Group (DeputyChairman), AGL Energy, Pioneer International, GPG Plc., Santos and theSydney Futures Exchange.

• Steve Gemell has more than 30 years' experience in the mining industry,Steve GemellNon-Executive Director

having worked throughout Australasia and in Africa, North and SouthAmerica, Asia, Eastern and Western Europe. He is a fellow of the AusIMM,a Chartered Professional (Mining), a member of the Valmin Committee and amember of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and PetroleumEngineers

George NiumataiwaluNon Executive Director

• A Fiji citizen, George is a highly experienced mining engineer and mineraleconomist, with broad expertise in corporate finance and government-business relations. George has been involved in mine operation, regulation


Non-Executive Director g p gand developments in Australia, Fiji, and PNG. He attained an Australian FirstClass Mine Manager’s Certificate of Competency whilst working for WesternMining Corporation in Kambalda.F

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Stewart CappExploration ManagerMD Matai Holdings

o Stewart is a geologist with 25 years experience in gold and base metal exploration and project development in Australia, Africa, and Fiji. He has previously held positions as Geology Manager for Delta Gold Ltd in Zimbabwe, Senior Resource Development Geologist with Aurion Gold Limited at Kanowna Belle Gold Mine and managed his own company as a consulting geologist for 10 years until 2013.

o Seven years managing the Udu Project. In depth technical understanding, strong community and government relationships and operating experience.

John SmithJoint Company Secretary

o John is a Fellow of CPA Australia and a Chartered Secretary with over 30 years experience in management of both private and public companies.

Simon PenneyJoint Company Secretary

o Simon is a Chartered Accountant with substantial experience in the auditing and financial reporting of ASX listed and unlisted companiescompanies.




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Udu Project Location




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Udu Project - Setting

74km2 of ten re 100% o ned b the compan• 74km2 of tenure, 100% owned by the company.

• Excellent access to the project area is via boat, utilising a wharf and road infrastructure left by the previous mine operators.road infrastructure left by the previous mine operators.

• Mineralisation at the historic Udu Mine is a hybrid VMS/epithermal system.

• Mineralised sequence is largely blanketed by younger Ignimbrite rocks which mask it from classical surface prospecting and geochemistry.

• JORC Inferred Resource of 4.5mt at 1.2% copper, 3.9% zinc, 0.3g/t gold and 29 g/t silver.

• Operated in Fiji since 1996 Fiji has an effective and favourable• Operated in Fiji since 1996. Fiji has an effective and favourable mining regime.




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Page 8: Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited (Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited) AGM PresentationAGM

Exploration Model




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Page 9: Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited (Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited) AGM PresentationAGM

Exploration Strategy

• Udu Inferred Resource• Revisit the resource estimate• Complete a scoping study early 2014 the outcomes will direct

further work. • Near Resource Targets

• Prioritise Udu “lookalike” targets• Follow up drilling early 2014• Follow up drilling early 2014

• Porphyry Copper Targets• Integrated assessment of geophysics data, December 2013

I iti t d illi fi t h lf 2014• Initiate drilling programme first half 2014.• Greenfields Porphyry Targets

• Continue geochemical follow up to define priority target areas early 2014.

• 3DIP surveys over targets later 2014• If a significant discovery is made the focus of expenditure will be

redirected to that project area.




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Page 10: Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited (Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited) AGM PresentationAGM

Udu Inferred Resource

4 5 MT at 1 2% C 3 9% Zn 29g/t Ag 0 3g/t A in the icinit of the• 4.5 MT at 1.2% Cu, 3.9% Zn, 29g/t Ag, 0.3g/t Au in the vicinity of the historic Udu Mine, which operated in the 1960’s.

• Inferred Resource estimated in 2008 using 3,717m of drilling in 37Inferred Resource estimated in 2008 using 3,717m of drilling in 37 diamond drill holes, dominantly PQ and HQ. Mineralisation is shallowly dipping, less than 100m deep.

• Drilling of 2,200m in 22 holes of NQ core completed in 2012/13 to test expansion targets and areas of geological complexity.

• Recent drilling demonstrated continuity of mineralisation is better than• Recent drilling demonstrated continuity of mineralisation is better than previously thought and open in some areas.

• Revised geological model currently in development will lead into an g g y pupdated resource model and a scoping study due for completion in Q1 2014.

R i ht id l tf f l h fl t t f• Resource might provide a platform for early cash flow, or a start up for a larger project if exploration proves successful.




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Udu Inferred ResourceDrilling




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Udu Inferred ResourcePit Area – section A1 to A2




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Udu Inferred ResourceEast Area – section B1 to B2




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Page 14: Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited (Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited) AGM PresentationAGM

Near Resource ProspectsUdu Analogies

• Soil sampling and p gmapping of the region around the Udu Mine completed.

• 3DIP survey covering 685Ha over geochemical targetsgeochemical targets.

• Potential analogies of the Udu VMS

i li ti d fi dmineralisation defined

• Follow up planned for early 2014




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Near Resource ProspectsCopper in Soils




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Near Resource ProspectsIgnimbrite Cover




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Page 17: Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited (Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited) AGM PresentationAGM

WaidereUdu Analogy

• Udu analogy located 3km to the east of the Udu Mine.

• Strong Cu & Zn geochemical anomalism.

• 3 holes drilled in 2012 one of which3 holes drilled in 2012, one of which intersected strong argillic alteration and anomalous Cu.

3DIP h d fi d d t l• 3DIP survey has defined a moderately chargeable zone to the east of the drilling.

• Further analysis of the data is being undertaken, follow up scheduled for 2014.F

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Page 18: Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited (Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited) AGM PresentationAGM

Porphyry Copper Exploration

• 3DIP survey completed over 685Ha by Search Exploration.

• Initial processing completed to highlight shallow targets with similarities to Udu.

• Reprocessing to highlight deeper targets in progress.

• Preliminary results of this work have been received.

• Completed report incorporating all available geophysical data sets due in Decemberdue in December.




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Page 19: Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited (Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited) AGM PresentationAGM

NagasauvaPorphyry Copper Exploration

• Located 3km to the south of the Udu Mine.

• Broad Cu & Zn geochemical anomalism.g

• 3DIP survey has defined a circular magnetic and resistive feature, potentially ythe undisturbed silica cap on a porphyry copper system at depth.

• Some shallow 3DIP anomalies associated with soil geochemistry.

• Further analysis of the 3DIP data is being undertaken to refine deeper targets.

Nagasauva Malachite Mineralisation




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NagasauvaResistivity 250m depth

• Located 3km to the south of the Udu Mine.

• Broad Cu & Zn geochemical anomalism.g

• 3DIP survey has defined a circular magnetic and resistive feature, potentially ythe undisturbed silica cap on a porphyry copper system at depth.

• Some shallow 3DIP anomalies associated with soil geochemistry.

• Further analysis of the 3DIP data is being undertaken to refine deeper targets.F

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NagasauvaResistivity 400m depth




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NagasauvaShallow Targets

• Some shallow 3DIP anomalies associatedanomalies associated with soil geochemistry.




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NagasauvaCopper in Soils

• Some shallow 3DIP anomalies associated with soil geochemistry.

• Mineralisation outcropping in fault zone

Nagasauva Malachite Mineralisation




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Nagasauva Exploration Model

Evidence of potential for shallow Udu analogies

Current Land Surface

Udu Resource

500m to top of Mineralised system




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Nagasauva Summary

• Classic Porphyry Target at depth:

• Geophysics is consistent with an undisturbed porphyry mineralising system the top of which is 500m below surfacemineralising system, the top of which is 500m below surface.

• A magnetic resistive body with a chargeable halo is consistent with the silica cap on a porphyry system.p p p y y y

• Shallow VMS/Epithermal targets associated with:

• mapped alterationmapped alteration

• outcropping shear hosted mineralisation

• Copper and zinc soil anomalism the same tenor as Udu Mine.Copper and zinc soil anomalism the same tenor as Udu Mine.

• Interrogation of integrated geophysical data sets in progress – over coming weeks.For



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Page 26: Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited (Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited) AGM PresentationAGM

Regional ProspectsConceptual Porphyry Copper Targets

• VTEM and magnetics used to delineate regional targets with similar i t t Nsignatures to Nagasauva

• Anomalous Cu and sub-cropping gossanous pp g gveining identified in preliminary regional soil sampling traverses.

• Work is at grass roots stage

P i f ll i• Progressive follow up is planned for 2014, geochemistry, mapping and 3DIP3DIP.




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Nakula – SPL1494Conceptual Porphyry Copper Target

• Historical stream• Historical stream sediment anomalism confirmed by recent workwork.

• Regional magnetics signature similar to Nagasauva

• Mapping and regional soil sampling traverses p ghave located mineralised porphyry

• 2014 focus on defining• 2014 focus on defining prospects for drilling in 2015.F

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Community Development

• Community Development Projects are a• Community Development Projects are a key part of maintaining our relationship with the landowner groups.

• We will continue to support health and educational projects in line with our budgetsbudgets

• Our policy is to purchase and employ locally wherever possible.




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Page 29: Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited For ... · Conto Resources LimitedConto Resources Limited (Note: Intended change of name to Dateline Resources Limited) AGM PresentationAGM

Key Objectives

• 2013 has been a year in which great advances have been made on a y gnumber of fronts.

• We now have a strong pipeline of projects, at a variety of levels of exploration

Immediate Medium 2015

exploration.• 2014 will determine the focus of our future development plans.

Immediate Priorities

MediumTerm (2014)


Inferred Resource VMS/E i h l

Scoping study Pre‐feasibility FeasibilityVMS/Epithermal

Shallow VMS & Epithermal Targets

Prioritise Drill to Inferred

Nagasauva Porphyry Target

Integrate Geophysics

Drill to Inferred Pre‐feasibility

Greenfields Porphyry Ground Work 3DIP DrillGreenfields Porphyry Targets

Ground Work 3DIP Drill




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