Continuing Education Workshop for Program Planners Wednesday, May 29, 2013 Boston, MA ACHA 2013...

Continuing Education Workshop for Program Planners Wednesday, May 29, 2013 Boston, MA ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Transcript of Continuing Education Workshop for Program Planners Wednesday, May 29, 2013 Boston, MA ACHA 2013...

Continuing Education Workshop for Program Planners

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Boston, MA

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Goals for this Workshop

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Review the CE Application Process Resources & Website Directions

The Practice Gap Assessment Rationale & Examples

Preventing Commercial Bias/Influence Maintenance of National Accrediting Body

Standards Promotion of Products and Services

New Directions in Nursing CE Approval ANCC Decision Alternative Resources

Resources for Program Planning & CE Applications

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

ACHA Continuing Education Committee: Clinical Medicine: Eleanor Davidson, MD Nursing: Kathy MacLachlan, ANP-BC Health Promotion: Kathy Saichuk, MA, MCHES Psychology: Michael Malmon, PhD. Cert. Counselors: Joy Himmel, PsyD. Consultants:

Social Work: Drayton Vincent, MSW, LCSW Family Medicine: Yvonne Mark, MD

ACHA National Office Resources

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

ACHA Office: Phone: 410-859-1500 Fax: 410-859-1510

Susan Ainsworth, Director Member Programs & Services Phone: 410-859-1500 ext: 222

Lisa Pitrone, Continuing Education & Exhibits Manager Phone: 410-859-1500 ext: 221

Kevin McGinnis, Program Assistant Phone: 410-859-1500 ext: 258

Navigating the Electronic CE Application

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Navigating the Electronic CE Application

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Navigating the Electronic CE Application

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

CE Application Format Pre-Electronic - Entire

application due 60 days pre-program

Electronic - Sections due at staggered time frames

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Section Deadlines – Prior to Making Public

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Part Deadline

One: Program Planning Information

120 Days Pre-Program

Two: Program Content Information

90 Days Pre-Program

Three: Evaluation Methods, Certificates &


60 Days Pre-Program

Four: Draft of Final Program (pre-print)

30 Days Pre-Program

Five: Post-Program Report

**Prior to Part One:

6 Weeks Post-ProgramACHA approval of CFP and Sponsor/Exhibitor forms

Part** Deadline

Tips for Getting Started

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Maintain consistency on Planning Committees Envision all elements of the CE application

while planning Establish deadlines for collecting information

vital to the CE application e.g., Speaker & Program data, Sponsor & Exhibitor Agreements, final publicity input, etc

Soliciting Speaker information Persistence Identify an Office Manager/Contact

Tips for Getting Started

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Planning Committee Suggestions: One person to act as Program Planner and author

of the CE application The “sectioned format” of the electronic

application lends itself to sharing responsibilities Committee members can take individual

accountability for contacting speakers, obtaining the program/speaker information, and completing that person’s program submission form

Critical CE Elements: Fee Structure

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Fee Per REVIEWED Session: $30 per session, per discipline

• Take Home Message:Consult with CE Rep’s on your Planning Committee to determine what might be considered for CE credit within each Discipline

Application Fee Application Fee

Affiliates & Specialty Groups

Institutional ACHA Members

$500 $250

What’s New

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Practice Gap Analysis as an Essential Element of Program Planning

Prevention of Bias in Program Planning

Nursing Continuing Education review and approval following January 1, 2014

Practice Gap Analysis

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

What is a Practice Gap

Definition: (in Health Care) The Practice Gap identifies areas

needing further development for optimal performance in a given professional environment

Components: Knowledge Skills Strategy Performance Patient Outcome

Practice Gap Analysis in Program Planning

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Identify Target Audience Requirements: Attendee Evaluations -Need for Information Clinical Practice -Improved Outcome

Consider Evidence-Based Practice Data: Public Health Data -New Information Peer-Reviewed Journals -National Data

Develop Programming for Best Practices:

Needs + Data + Refinement = Practice Gap

Developing a Practice Gap Analysis

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Speaker Issues with Practice Gaps

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Question requires an answer and is clearly stated on the Call For Programs form (CFP): Many do not complete this portion of the CFP

correctly due to one (or more) of the following reasons: Comprehension of the question/term Current Self Practice

Personal contact can help clarify Practice Gaps: What does this audience need to eliminate the

Gap: Knowledge? Skills? Change in System of Care?

College Health Practice Gap Examples

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

NCAA recommendations for Varsity Athletes: Varsity athletes require screening for Sickle Cell

Trait (2012) Problem: Current System of Care for Athletes

Solution: Adjustment to the current system to accommodate the new requirement

Changes implemented at Case Western University

Practice Gap Recommendations

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Speaker Information on anticipated Practice Gaps is Vital to Approval

Take Time for Personal Contact to Obtain This Information: Often, a simple phone conversation can lead to

the information needed (also saves valuable time) The conversation can serve as learning experience

for the Speaker

Preventing Commercial Bias/Influence

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

The potential for introducing bias in educational programming continues to be an ongoing concern for ACHA Maintenance of National Accrediting Body


ACCME: Providers [ACHA] are expected to ensure that their CME programs and activities advance the public interest without bias that would influence health professionals to overuse or misuse the products or services of a commercial interest.

Preventing Commercial Bias/Influence

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Maintenance of National Accrediting Body Standards

ANCC: The Accredited Provider [ACHA] is responsible for ensuring that all activities awarding contact hours meet the following criteria: evidence-based content, meet the continuing education needs of the professional registered nurse, and are presented without promotion or bias. The fundamental principle is that an organization should not be using a CE activity as a mechanism to promote products or services.

ACHA Current Policy on Awarding CE

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Since ACHA is obligated to adhere to the ACCME and ANCC polices regarding preventing bias in educational sessions, the only way we can ensure this is to deny all credit for sessions where there is a potential for bias.

ACHA will not tell an affiliate that they cannot include a specific speaker, but we can give guidance on the potential for receiving credit if you speak with us prior to inviting the speaker.

ACHA Current Policy on Awarding CE

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

ACHA awards credit to affiliates and institutions in accordance with the current ACHA policy for Annual Meeting Speakers. The association shall not award credit to sessions

when a speaker has a direct financial relationship with a for-profit business and the topic of the presentation is directly related to the products or services of the for-profit business.

ACHA Current Policy on Awarding CE

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Direct financial relationship = a relationship held by an individual that results in wages, consulting fees, honoraria, or other compensation (in cash, in stock or stock options, or in kind), whether paid to the individual or to another entity at the direction of the individual, for the individual’s services or expertise.

This includes owners/sole proprietors, employees or consultants, major stockholders or recipients of royalties.

We typically do not consider it to be an issue if the speaker is on a Speakers’ Bureau or is an author of a for-sale book, as long as they have no other relationships that would be considered biased (evaluated on a case-by-case basis).

ACHA Current Policy on Awarding CE

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

For-profit business = this does not include nonprofits, government agencies, private practice, foundations, etc.

Topic of the presentation is directly related = Example: The speaker is employed by an insurance company and is presenting a session on how to choose an insurance plan for your campus

ACHA Current Policy on Awarding CE

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Promotion of products and services is strictly prohibited in a room where an educational session is taking place. For-sale books cannot be promoted, nor can

excerpts be read or distributed There can be no mention of a consulting business

or any related company Exhibitors may attend sessions but may not

distribute or display promotional information or business cards in the meeting room

Critical CE Elements: Commercial Support/Sponsors

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Funding used to defray meeting costs must be: Disclosed and itemized in Final Program Separated from educational programming material

(i.e., session content/handouts cannot be placed in a sponsored tote bag)

Included in the Final Budget report ACHA encourages:

General meeting support (not earmarked or tied to a specific event or item)

Local resources for donations e.g. attendee bags

Critical Elements: Commercial Support/Sponsors

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Speaker Honoraria: Primarily through the hosting organization Cannot accept speaker support from

pharmaceutical or medical device companies(ACCME and ANCC)

Must be noted in the Final Publicity & Final Program Material

Stated during Speaker introductions

Future Changes to Nursing CE Approval

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

On March 5, 2013, ACHA received a formal notice from our national credentialing agency for Nursing Continuing Education from Kathy Chappell, ANCC Accreditation Director:

ACHA “no longer meets the definition of an SNO (Specialty Nursing Org) which is defined as a national or international nursing body with the majority (>50%) of voting members who are registered nurses practicing in a specialized area of nursing….”

The ANCC Decision Does Not Mean

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Negative Effects on Other Disciplines: Clinical Medicine or Family Medicine Psychology or NBCC Health Promotion Pharmacy Social Work

Loss of Continuing Nursing Education for ACHA national activities e.g. Annual Meetings, On-Line educational programs, etc: ACHA will submit a reaccreditation application for

Provider status to the ANCC in July, 2014 under a different status (Health Related Organization/HRO)

Next Steps….

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Conference Calls with ACHA leaders regarding the ANCC decision

Determination that ACHA cannot meet the current ANCC requirement for SNO status

Inquiry to the ANCC regarding the feasibility of adding an Interdisciplinary SNO for Approval status in the future

Outreach to several ANCC accredited State Nursing Organizations to serve as resources for ACHA Program Planners

Current Status

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

ACHA Affiliates & Member Institutions will be able to seek Nursing CE approval through 12/31/2013 This would include applications completed pre-

program for events planned for early 1/2014

ACHA is working with the Maryland Nurses Association (MNA) as a potential resource for ACHA Affiliates & Member Institutions following 12/31/2013

Working Points with the MNA

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

MNA Office is located in Baltimore, MD

CE Applications are Similar: Format differs but content is largely the same ACHA is working to incorporate several MNA

initiatives within our CE application documents Concerted emphasis on the application process

will occur in the months following the ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting

MNA Policies

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Application Submission & Deadlines: One hard copy and one electronic (CD or Flash

Drive) copy of the application (with all pages numbered)

Due to MNA Office 60 Days pre-program Application Fee Structure:

Application Approval Review: $100 Fee for each Nursing Credit (or portion): $10 per/CE

Reciprocity: MNA approved credits are accepted by all

organizations accredited by the ANCC

For Now……………….

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

ACHA can continue to offer Approval for Continuing Nursing Education through 12/31/2013

Concerted efforts are in place to assist with Continuing Nursing Education Approval beyond 12/31/2013

ACHA will communicate progress in this direction over the months following the ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting

Contact Information

ACHA Office CE Committee

ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

S. Ainsworth: [email protected]

L. Pitrone: [email protected]

K. McGinnis: [email protected]

CE Consultants: Y. Mark:

[email protected] D. Vincent:

[email protected]

N. Davidson: Medicine [email protected]

K. MacLachlan: Nursing [email protected]

K. Saichuk: Health ED. [email protected]

M. Malmon: Psychology [email protected]



ACHA 2013 Annual Meeting - Boston, MA

Thanks for Coming!