Contiguity Theory

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Transcript of Contiguity Theory

  • 8/19/2019 Contiguity Theory



    Edwin GuthrieEdwin Guthrie



    Prepared By ShuhudhaRizwan

  • 8/19/2019 Contiguity Theory



    "a combination of stimuli which"a combination of stimuli whichhas accompanied a movementhas accompanied a movement

    will on its recurrence tend to bewill on its recurrence tend to be

    followed by that movement".followed by that movement".––Guthrie (Guthrie (1952)1952) 

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    According to contiguityAccording to contiguity


    all learning is based on a stimulus-responseall learning is based on a stimulus-responseassociationassociation

    each stimulus-response combination produceseach stimulus-response combination producesa small movement.a small movement.

    these movements make up an actthese movements make up an act a learned behavior is a series o movements.a learned behavior is a series o movements.

    it takes time or the movements to developit takes time or the movements to developinto an act.into an act.

    behavior involves repetition o movementsbehavior involves repetition o movements

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    ccordin! to conti!uity theoryccordin! to conti!uity theorywhat is learned are movementswhat is learned are movements

    not behaviorsnot behaviors

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    #ovement $ %earnin!#ovement $ %earnin! !earnt movements!earnt movements are minuteare minute

    responses made by the muscles andresponses made by the muscles and

    are based on stimulus responseare based on stimulus response


    A learned behaviorA learned behavior "act# is based on"act# is based on

    a number o learnt movements puta number o learnt movements put


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  • 8/19/2019 Contiguity Theory


  • 8/19/2019 Contiguity Theory


    Guthrie&s 'perimentGuthrie&s 'periment

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  • 8/19/2019 Contiguity Theory



     $he %uthrie&s e'periment tells us that an $he %uthrie&s e'periment tells us that an

    animal learns an association between aanimal learns an association between a

    stimulus and a behavioral act ater onlystimulus and a behavioral act ater onlyone e' e'perience.

    (umerous trials are not duplications) but(umerous trials are not duplications) butlearning to respond to similar stimuluslearning to respond to similar stimulus

    comple'es. *nly ater we orm severalcomple'es. *nly ater we orm several

    associations can the behaviour be learnt.associations can the behaviour be learnt.

    hat do we learn fromhat do we learn from

    Guthrie*s eperiment+Guthrie*s eperiment+

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    +hat about orgetting,+hat about orgetting,

    ,onti!uity theory,onti!uity theory implies thatimplies that

    orgetting occurs when one habitorgetting occurs when one habit

    prevents another due to some strongerprevents another due to some strongerstimuli.stimuli.

    %uthrie stated that orgetting is due to%uthrie stated that orgetting is due tointererence because the stimuliintererence because the stimuli

    become associated with new responsesbecome associated with new responses

  • 8/19/2019 Contiguity Theory



    -rinciples of conti!uity-rinciples of conti!uity

    theorytheory n order or conditioning to occur) the organismn order or conditioning to occur) the organism

    must actively respond "i.e.) do things#.must actively respond "i.e.) do things#.

    Since learning involves the conditioning o specicSince learning involves the conditioning o specicmovements) instruction must present verymovements) instruction must present very

    specic tasks.specic tasks. 

    /'posure to many variations in stimulus patterns/'posure to many variations in stimulus patternsis desirable in order to produce a generalizedis desirable in order to produce a generalizedresponse.response.

     $he last response in a learning situation should be $he last response in a learning situation should becorrect since it is the one that will be associated.correct since it is the one that will be associated.

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    0+e learn only what0+e learn only what

    we ourselves do0we ourselves do0

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    Problems with 1ontiguityProblems with 1ontiguity

     $heory $heory

    learning is immediate and one-trial) learning is immediate and one-trial)

    why are learning curves gradual,why are learning curves gradual,