Contextual thinking and language

Do you know what this is?



Take a large step backwards in order to see. Using words to describe ideas is limiting. Understand purpose and idea - and don't cling to words, structures, categories and definitions.

Transcript of Contextual thinking and language

Page 1: Contextual thinking and language

Do you know what this is?

Page 2: Contextual thinking and language

How about now?

Page 3: Contextual thinking and language

How about now?

Page 4: Contextual thinking and language

How about now?

Page 5: Contextual thinking and language

How about now?

Page 6: Contextual thinking and language

How about now?

Page 7: Contextual thinking and language

How about now?

Page 8: Contextual thinking and language

As it moves, as you move, as the view changes, as the (technology/implementation/manifestation) changes, as time changes –

The idea stays the same.