Contents page evaluation

Contents Page Evaluation College Magazine

Transcript of Contents page evaluation

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Contents Page Evaluation

College Magazine

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In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

• I have carried the main designs from my front cover such as; Masthead, font, colour scheme, and model, through to my contents page to create a house style. I have also included extended information on my lead and cover lines, and added an introduction to the magazine written by the publishers. I have also included sections such as regulars and features as it is a popular design.

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Here I have used my mast head, colour scheme and main image to create a kind of house style. As most magazines have a house style and in some form include there mast head on their contents page I believed if I demonstrated that knowledge on mine it would make it more realistic.

I have included a regulars and features section as it is a popular design as it keeps it simple and more organised making it easier for readers to find what they are looking for.

For my main image I have used a different image but the same model to make it more interesting but also carrying on the attractive and intriguing design.

I have added two new images related to the other articles as it is well known that an audience are more attracted to pictures. It also makes it more eye catching.

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How does My media Product represent a particular social group?

• I have used a different main image but the same model, and added a few new images for more interest. I have kept it simple and attractive so I can keep a wide age range. There is not so little going on that the younger generations will be discouraged but also not so mush that those older will find it to loud but instead will be intrigued.

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I have kept the same model as my front cover but used a different image to keep it more intriguing. I kept his happy persona by pulling funny face enticing my male audience and again the attractive model I believe will attract my female audience. I have placed a cigarette in his hand as it is a stereotype that the current adolescent generation is addicted to smoking and drinking. It is a popular topic within my target audience so I believe some may take an interest or relate to the image.

I have carried my Mast head through as I believe it represents an image about university's and colleges that all students can agree on.

I have included a female model and another image of wellies. I believe the simple images show that It dose not distinguish between sex’s as there is nothing to imply that the images represent anything particularly feminine or masculine.

I believe the simple layout and design is a fairly open one. I do not wish it to be too crowded or to simple that some may not be interested in it. My target audience is students but my age range is very large so I didn’t want it to be to loud and discourage some people.

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How did I attract/address my audience?

• I have attracted my audience by creating a house style and using visually stimulating images, colours, type face, and a clear yet simple layout and design so as to keep the large target audience interested. I have also interpreted my mast head into my title as It adds to the house style.

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My main image is a young and handsome young man. I have kept the friendly persona from the front cover image, yet I have also extended it to make it more funny and inviting. I have also placed a cigarette in his hand as our generation smoking has become a popular and frequently discussed topic and I believe those who enjoy it will relate and be more interested. Those who do not might be questioning why it has been included and would like to read further to discover if there is a topic on it

I have again used a serif font as it is stimulating and easier to read hopefully attracting my audience. I have also added some effects to my writing giving the smaller text and outline to make it clearer and the headings an outline to make it more eye-catching. This I believe will make it more striking.

I believe my audience will be attracted to my design and layout as I have tried to make it visually stimulating.

I have kept the same colour scheme from my front cover but instead of interpreting it into the images I have tried to include it in my text. Using the more striking red through the main headings. Yet my main image still has the natural colours I use as I believe it creates a clear contrast making it more noticeable.

My layout is simple keeping my text in the left third with some attractive images but I kept my main image and mast head in the top right third so to keep it clear.

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What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this


• Through this process I have learnt a general understanding of InDesign. It is a programme I have never used before and although I found it difficult and very different to what I am familiar with I believe I have gained basic skills which I hope I can develop further.