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I. I NTRODUCTION 1. Introductory

2. Acknowledgments


3. Scope of Bibliography .

4. Bibliographies

5. Books (a) Dye Chemistry

(b) E lectrochemistry

(c) Industrial Chemistry

(d) Organic Chemistry

(e) Pharmaceutical Chemist ry

(f) Physical Chemistry

(g) History of Chemistry

(h) Chemical Dictionaries

(k) Metallography

(1) Polarography

6. Reports .

7. Author I ndex of Laboratory Manuals

8. Author Index of Articles

9. Author Index of Dissertations
























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1. Introductory.-Research in the application of electrolytic meth­ods to the synthesis of organic compounds has been in progress in this laboratory since 1928. In connection with the research it has been nec­essary to maintain as complete a bibliography as possible. It is pur­posed in this circular to make available all references in this field up to January, 1940, which are not included in a previous bibliography by Knobel and Brockman, published in 1926 by the National Re­search Council.

2. Acknowledgments.-The author desires to express his apprecia­tion to the reference librarians of the University and, in particular, to MISS FANNY DUNLAP for assistance in locating the rarer publications.

The titles of the references have been checked by MISSES THETA SPOOR and ROBERTA LANGENSTEIN. The author index was assembled by MISs LANGENSTEIN, Miss PATTY JEAN CAMPBELL, and Mas. W. DEAN FRASER and checked by Ma. HowARD MARSHALL and MR. M. E. JOHN­SON. The subject index was assembled by MRs. FRASER, Miss GLADYS LIVELY, and MR. M. E. JOHNSON.

The author found it necessary to rely upon the bibliographies by HEYROVSKY et al. and by 0. H. MULLER for some of the articles on polarography.

The work was performed as part of the regular program of the Engineering Experiment Station of the University of Illinois and has been under the administrative direction of DEAN M. L. ENGER, Direc­tor of the Engineering Experiment Station, and of PROFESSOR D. B. KEYES, former Head of the Division of Chemical Engineering, and PROFESSOR H. F. JOHNSTONE, now Head of the same Division.


3. Scope of Bibliography.-This bibliography includes reports, books, articles, and unpublished dissertations. The publications are listed under the names of the authors in the text.

Part II will consist of further references and also the subject index. The lists of books and unpublished dissertations are, naturally, in­

complete. Furthermore, many of the dissertations listed by title were unobtainable.


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4. Bibliographies.-

Knobel, Brockman, and National Information Service, National Research Council. Bibliography of Electro-organic Chemistry. Out of prin t .

5. Books.-(a ) Dye Chemistry

Beacall, Challenger, Martin, and Sand. Dyestuffs and Coal Tar Products. Chap. I . Industry of Coal Tar and Coal Tar Products; Appendix I. Preparation of Or­ganic Compounds by Electrical Processes. Crosby, Lockwood, London (1926).

Bucherer . Lehrbuch der Farbenchemie, pp. 180-1. Otto Spalmer, Leipzig (1914).

Georgievics . Kurzgefasstes Lehrbuch der Farbenchemie, p. 23. Deuticke, Leipzig (1 921) .

Martin. Les matieres colorantesartificielles. Chap. IV. Les matieres in termcdiaires. Colin, Paris (1935).

Martinet. Matieres colorantes. L 'indigo et ses derives, p. 464. Baill iere et Fils, Paris (1926).

P anizzon. Trattato di chimica delle sostanze coloranti artificiale naturali . H oepli , Milan (1918).

Thorpe and Linstead. The Synthetic Dyestuffs and Thei1· Intermediate Products. Chap. V. Griffin, Lond on (1933).

(b) Electrochemistry

Allmand and Ellingham. Principles of Applied Electrochemistry. Chap. 20. Long-mans Green, New York, and Arnold, London (1924).

Arndt. Technische Elektrochemie. Enke, Stuttgart (1929).

Baborovsky and Plzak. Elektrochemie, p. 314. Wiesner, Prague (1905).

Barclay and Hainsworth. Electroplating. Chap. XI. The Deposition of Copper. Chap. XII. The Deposit ion of Nickel. Arnold, London (1912) .

Bary. Ou en est l'elcctrochimie. Chap. 3. Gauthiers-Vil lars, Paris (1931).

Billiter. Techn.ische Elektrochemie. Vol. II. Elektrolysen mi t unliislichen Anoden ohne Metallabscheidung. Chap. 1 a nd 2. Knapp, Halle (1929).

Blount. Practical Electrochemistry. Section VII. Archibald Constable, West­minster , and Macmillan, New York (1903) .

Brockman . Electro-crganic Chemistry. Wiley, New York (1926).

Creighton and Koehler. Electrochemistry (1935) . Vol. I . Chap. XI; Vol. II. Chap. XI. Wiley, New York (1935).

Danneel. Elektrochemie und ihre physikalisch-chemischen Grundlagen. IV. Elek­trolyse. de Gruyter, Berlin (1928).

Escard. Les industries clectrocrumiques. Bcranger, Pa ris. Chap. 10.

v. Fehling. Neues Handwiirterbuch der Chemie Elektricitat. B. Eigentliche Elek­trolyse. Vieweg, Braunschweig (1875).

F erchland. Die elektrochemische Industrie Deutschlands. Par t 12. Knapp, Halle (1904).


Fichter and Erlenmeyer . Engelhardt's Handbuch der technischen Elektrochemie. Volume II. P art II. Die technische Elektrolysc wiisscnger Liisungen. 2. Organischer Tei!. Akademische Verlaggesellschaft, Munich (1933).

Glasstone and Hickling. Electrolytic Oxidation and Reduction . Chapman a nd Hall, London (1935).

Goppelsroeder. Farbe!ektrochemische Mitteilungen. Wenz and Peters, Miihl­hausen (1889).

Grube. Grundzi:tge der angewandten Elektrochemie. Chap. 8 and 9. Steinkopff, Dresden (1930) .

Haber. Grundriss der technischen Elektrochemie auf theoretischer Grundlage. Chap. 13. Organische Chemie. Oldenbourg, Mi.inchen and Leipzig (1898).

Hale. The Applications of Electrolysis in Chemical Industry. Chap. VIII. Produc­tion of Organic Compounds. Longmans Green, London (1918).

----. .Manufacture of Chemicals by Electrolysis. Chap. VII. Oxidation and Substitutions of Organic Compounds. Van Nostrand, New York (1919).

Kremann and Miiller, R. E lektrolyse and Polarisation (Handbuch der allgemeinen Chemie). Vol. VIII: Part 2. Chap. IV. Die Vorgange bei der Elektrolyse an der imbesonderen K athode. Part 7. Die Depolarisationserscheinungen an der Kathode. Die elektrochemischen Reduktionen. Chap. V. Die Vorgange bei der Elektrolyse an der Anode. Part 9. Die Depolarisationsvorgange an der Anode; Die elektrochemischen Oxydationen. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H., Leipzig (1931).

Landis. Manual of Industrial Chemistry. Edited by Rogers. Chap. XL Electro­chemical Industries. Van Nostrand, New York (1931).

LeBlanc. Lehrbuch der Elektrochemie. Part VIII. Akademische Verlagsgesell­schaft m .b.H., Leipzig (1925).

----. Elektrochemie. Handwiirterbuch der Natunvissenschaften. p . 418, 2nd Ed. Fischer, Jena (1931-35).

Vol. 3,

Lob. Die Elektrochemie der organischen Verbindungen. Knapp, Halle (1905).

----. Unsere K enntnisse in der Elektrolyse und Elektrosynthese organischer Verbindungen. Knapp, Halle (1896).

Liipke-Muir. E lements of Electrochemistry. Par t I. Recent Theories of Electrolysis; Chap. I. The Phenomena of Electrolysis. Greve!, London (1903).

Luepke-Bose. Grundziige der Elektrochemie auf experimenteller Basis. Part I. Die Erscheinungen und die neuere Theorie der Elektrolyse; Chap. I. Die Er­scheinungen der Elektrolyse. Springer, Berlin (1907).

Mantell. Chemical Engineers Handbook. Edited by Perry. Sec. 25. Electro­chemistry, p. 2337. McGraw-Hill , New York (1934) .

Matsui. Yuki Denki Kwagaku (Organic Electrochemistry). Shokwa-bo, Tokyo (1921 ).

Minet. Traite theorique et pratique de l'electrocrumi e. Beranger, Paris (1900).

Millier, R . Allgemeine und technische Elektrochemie nichtmetallischer Stoffe. Springer, Vienna (1936).

Peters. Angewandte Elektrochemie. Vol. 3. Hartleben, Leipzig (1898) .

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P onsinet. Principes de l'electrochimie. Chap. 7. Colin, Paris (1927).

Rius y Miro. Introducion a la electroquimica. Calpe, Madrid (1924).

Semerano. II polarografo, sua teoria e applicazioni. Padova. Libreria Editrice A. Draghi di G. Randi Fu C. C. (1932).

Smith, E. F . Elements of Electrochemistry, pp. 217-43. Winston, Philadelphia (1913).

Stoermer . Die Met hoden der organischen Chemie. Edited by J. Houben. Vol. 2. Oxydation und Reduktion . Urban and Schwarzenberg, Vienna (1925).

Thompson. Theoretical and Applied Electrochemistry. Chap. 10. Macmillan (1939).

Vigneron. Electrochimie, pp . 117-9. Geisler, Paris (1911 ).

Walden. Elektrochemie Nichtwii.ssriger Liisungen. Barth, Leipzig (1924).

(c) Industrial Chemistry

Baud. Chimie industrielle, pp. 643-4. Masson, Paris (1927).

Burwell. The Science of Petroleum. Vol. II. The Industrial Oxidation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Oxford Univ. Press, London (1938).

Levy. An Introduction to Industria l Chemistry, p. 163. McGraw-Hill , New York (1926).

Martin. Industrial and Manufacturing Chemistry. Vol. I, p. 380. Appleton, New York (1915) .

(d) Organic Chemistry

Barnett. Preparation of Organic Compounds, p. 44. Blakiston, Philadelphia (1920).

Barrowcliffe and Carr. Organic Medicina l Chemicals. Bailliere, Tyndall, and Cox, London (1921).

Bauer. Chemie der Kohlenstoffverbindungen . de Gruyter, Berlin (1919).

----. Chemie der Kohlenstoffverbindungen . Vol. I. G6schen, Leipzig (1904) .

Behal and Valeur. Traite de chimie organique d 'apres !es theories modernes. Doin, Paris (1909).

Bernthsen-Sudborough. Textbook of Organic Chemistry. Van Nostrand, New York (1933).

Bloxam and Lewis, S. J. Chemistry- Inorganic and Organic. Chap . on Hydro­carbons. Blakiston, Philadelphia (1913) .

v. Braun. Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie. Hirzel, Leipzig (1925).

Brooks. The Chemistry of the Non-Benzenoid Hydrocarbons, p. 50. Chemical Catalog, New York (1922).

Cazeneuve and Morel. Resume analytique du cours de chimie organique, p. 40. Bailliere, Paris (1922).

Colber t. Laboratory Technique of Organic Chemistry, p. 242. Century, New York (1933).

Coles. An Introduction to Modern Organic Chemistry, p. 99. Longmans Green, London (1929).

Conant and Tishler . The Chemistry of Organic Compounds. Macmillan, New York (1939).


de Coninck. Cours de chimie organique. Masson, Paris (1907).

Constable. A Concise Summary of Elementary Organic Chemistry, p. 5. Methuen, London (1929).

Diels. Einflihrung in die organischen Chemie, p . 20 . Weber, Leipzig (1907).

Ellis. The Chemistry of Petroleum Derivatives. Vols. I and II . Chemical Catalog and Reinhold, New York (1934) and (1937).

Fittig. Wiihler's Outlines of Organic Chemistry, p. 28. Translated by Ira Remsen . Lea, Philadelphia (1873) .

Francis. Notes on Organic Chemistry. Longrnans Green, New York (1935).

Garzuly. Organornetalle, p. 351. Sammlung chemischer und chemischtechnischer Vortrage 29, 319 (1927).

Gautier and Delepine. Cours de chimie organique. Masson, Paris (1906).

Gerhardt. Chimie organique. Vol. II, p . 634 . Diderot Freres, Paris (1862) .

Gibson. Essential Principles of Organic Chemistry, p . 266. Univ. Press, Cambridge, England (1936).

Gilman. Organic Chemistry, pp. 478-9. Wiley, New York (1938).

Gregory. A Handbook of Organic Chemistry, p . 255. Walton and Maberly, London (1856) .

Grignard. Precis de chimie organique. Masson, Paris (1937).

Hammett. Physical Organic Chemistry, p. 146. McGraw-Hill, New York (1940).

Henle. Anleitung fur <las organisch-chemische Praktikum, p. 26. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig (1927).

Hickinbottom. Reactions of Organic Compounds, p. 204. Longmans Green, London and New York (1936).

Holleman and Richter. Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie, p. 338-40. de Gruyter, Berlin (1935).

Holmyard. Outlines of Organic Chemistry. Arnold, London (1925).

Huntenburg. Querschni tt <lurch die organische Chemie, p. 9. Voss, Leipzig (1935) .

Klein. Chemie ; Organischer Tei!. Giischen, Leipzig (1902).

Krafft. Organische Chemie, p. 68. Deuticke, Leipzig (1905).

Krause and von Grosse. Die Chemie der metall-organischen Verbindungen. Born­traeger, Berlin (1937).

Lamirand and P ariselle. Cours de chimie. III. Chimie organique. Masson, Paris (1938) .

Laubenheimer . Grundziige der organischen Chemie. Winter, H eidelberg (1884).

Lewis, H.F. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry. Chap. XXII. Reduction of Nitro-benzene, Aniline and Related Products. McGraw-Hill, New York (1930).

Lowig. Grundriss der organischen Chemie, p. 86. Vieweg, Braunschweig (1852) .

Lucas. Organic Chemistry. American Book, New York (1935).

M eldola. The Chemical Synthesis of Vital Products, Chapter on Hydrocarbons . Arnold , London (1904).

M enshutkin. Carbocyclic Compounds. Nauchno-Tekhnicheskii Otdel V.S.N.Kh., Leningrad (1926).

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M oureu. Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry, p. 112. Translated by Braunholtz. Bell and Sons, London (1921 ).

Norris . Principles of Organic Chemistry, p. 427 . McGraw-Hill , :New York (1931).

Pinner. An In troduct ion to the Stud>· of Organic Chemistr,v. Transla ted by Austen. Wiley, :New York (1883).

P osner. Synt hetische :\Iethoden der organischen Chemie. Veit, Leipzig (1903).

Purnmerer. Organische Chemie, p . 165. Steinkopff, Dresden (1923) .

Quilico. Chimica organica. Tamburini fu Camillo, Milan (1928) .

Read. T extbook of Organic Chemistry . Bell , London (1930).

Rice , F. 0 ., and Rice, K . K . The Aliphatic Free Radicals . J ohns H opkins Press . Baltimore (1935).

v. Richter-Anschutz and Reindel. Organic Chemist ry. Vol. I , p. 84. T ranslated by Allott . E lsevier , Amsterdam, and Nordeman, New York (1934).

Runge. Chemie in Einzeldarstellungen. Edi ted by J . Schmid t . 16. Organometall Verbindungen. 1. Teil. Organomagnesium Verbindungen. Wissenschaftl iche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart (1932) .

Saunders. The Aromatic Diazo Compounds. Longmans Green, New York ; Arnold , London (1936).

Schlenk and Bergmann. Ausfi.i hrl iches Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie. Vol. I, p . 16. Deuticke, Leipzig (1932).

Schmidt, Gurney and Rule. A Textbook of Organic Chemistry. J ackson, London (1936).

Schmidt. Synthetisch-organische Chemie der Neuzeit. Chap. 18. Synthesen ver­schiedener organischer Verbindungen auf elekt rochemischem ' Vege . Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig (1926) .

Schotz. Synthetic Organic Compounds, pp . 147, 215. Benn, London (1925) .

Stoddard. Introduction to Organic Chemistry, p. 29 . Blakiston, Philadelphia (1918).

Taylor, F . S. Organic Chemistry. Heinemann, London (1933) .

Taylor, T. C. Reactions and Symbols of Carbon Compounds. Century, New York (1930).

Vogel. Das Acetylen, p . 38. Spamer, Leipzig (1923).

Wade. Int roduction to t he Study of Organic Chemistry . Allen and Unwin, London (1925).

Walden. Chemie der freien R adikale, p . 13. Hirzel, Leipzig (1924).

Waters. Physical Aspects of Organic Chemistry. Van Nostrand, New York (1937).

Werner. The Chemistry of Urea, p. 70 . Longmans Green, London (1923) .

Wertheim. Organic Chemistry, p. 431. Blakiston, Philadelphia (1939).

Whiteley. Organic Chemistry. Longmans Green, London (1895). Whitmore. Organic Chemistry. Van Nostrand, New York (1937).

Williams. Introduction to Organic Chemistry. Van Nostrand, New York (1935).

Wislicenus. Adolph Strecher 's Short Textbook of Organic Chemistry. Translated by Hodgkinson and Greenaway. Appleton, New York (1882).


(e) Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Lebeau and Courtois. T raitc de pharmacic chimique. Vol. I. Chap. XL. Masson, Paris ( 1938) .

Lespagnol. Pharmacie chimique, p . 215. Vigot, Pa ris (1936) . May and Dyson. l\Iay's Chemistry of Synt hetic Drugs, p. 259. Longmans Green,

London (1939) . (f) Physical Chemistry

Dole. E xperimental and Theoretical Electrochemistry. Chap. 28. McGraw-Hi ll, Xew York (1935).

Getman and Daniels. Out lines of Theoretical Chemistry, p . 483. Wiley, New York (1937).

J ellinek. Lehrbuch der physikalischen Chemie. Vol. 5. Book 8. Enke, Stuttgart (1937).

Jones. E lements of Physical Chemistry, p. 490. Macmillan, New York (1910).

MacDougall. P hysical Chemistry. Chap. X IX . Macmillan, New York (1936).

Mee. Physical Chemistry. Heinemann , London (1934) . Meldrum and Gucker. Introduction to Theoretical Chemistry. Chap. 13. American

Book, New York (1936). Traube. Grundriss der physikalischen Chemie, pp . 313-4 . Enke, Stuttgart (1904) .

Walker, James. An I ntroduction to Physical Chemistry. Macmillan, London

(1922). (g) History of Chemistry

Hjelt. Geschichte der organischen Chemie. Vieweg, Braunschweig (1916).

v. Meyer. Geschichte der Chemie, p. 253. Veit, Leipzig (1889).

Moore and Hall. History of Chemistry. Chap. XV. McGraw-Hill, New York (1939).

(h) Chemical Dictionaries

Bauer. Dehalogenieren, p. 3025. Handbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden edited by Abderhalden, Abt. I , Teil II , H alfte II (1924).

Behaghel. Aliphatische Kohlenwasserstoffe. Handworterbuch der Na turwissen­schaften. Vol. I , p . 163, 2nd Ed. Fischer, Jena (1931-35).

Bertha. Oxydation. H andworterbuch der Naturwissenschaften. Vol. VII , p. 511, 2nd Ed. Fischer, J ena (1931-35).

- - --. Reduktion. Handworterbuch der Naturwissenschaften. Vol. VIII , p. 249, 2nd Ed. Fischer, Jena (1931-35).

Cohn. Oxydieren. Reduzieren . Ullmann 's Enzyklopadie der technischen Chemie . Urban and Schwarzenberg, Vienna (1920 and 1921).

Dammer and Rung. Chemisches Handworterbuch. E lektrolyse. Union D eutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart (1892).

Gar~on. T raite general des applications de la chimie. Vol. II, p. 798. Dunod et Pinat, Paris (1907) .

Henrich. Ludwig Gattermann. Handworterbuch der Naturwissenschaften, Vol. IV, p . 728, 2nd E d . Fischer, Jena (1931-35).

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Kautzsch and Schmidt. Heterocyclische Verbindungen. Die biologisch wichtigsten heterozykli schen Grundverbindungen. Handbuch der biologischen Arbeits­methoden edited by Abderhalden . Abt. I., Tei! IV. Urban and Schwarzen­berg, Vienna (1924).

Sachse. Elektrolyse und Polarization. Handworterbuch der N aturwissenschaften. Vol. III, p. 438, 2nd Ed. Fischer, Jena (1931-35) .

Seka. Alkaloide, p. 1071. Handbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden edited by Abderhalden. Abt. I, Tei! ll2. Urban and Schwarzenberg, Vienna (1936).

Ullmann. Enzyklopadie der technischen Chemie. Urban and Schwarzenbach, Ber­lin (1921).

Wienhaus. Nitroverbindungen. Handworterbuch der Naturwissenschaften. Vol. VII, p . 297, 2nd Ed. Fischer, Jena (1931-35).

(k) M etallography

Berglund-M eyer. Handbuch der metallographischen Schleif-Polier- und Atzver­fahren. Springer, Berlin (1940).

Burns and Schuh. Protective Coatings for Metals. Am. Chem. Soc. Monograph, Reinhold, New York (1939).

Edwards, Frary, and J effries. The Aluminum Industry. Vol. II. Aluminum Prod­ucts and Their Fabrication. McGraw-Hill , New York (1930) .

Fuss. Metallographie des Aluminiums und seiner Legierungen. C. Anhang, (c) Schutzi.iberzi.ige. Springer, Berlin (1934).

----. Metallography of Aluminum and Its Alloys. Translated by Anderson. Chap. XVIII. Corrosion Protective Coatings. Sherwood Press, Cleveland (1936).

Grard. La corrosion en metallurgie. Chap. VII, A.-Passivations chimiques et electro-chirniques. B.-Passivations par oxydations electro-chimiques. b


sivations anodiques de !'aluminium et de ses alliages. Berger-Levrault, Paris (1936).

Greaves and Wrighton. Practical Microscopical Metallography. Van Nostrand, New York (1940). •

Guillet and P ortevin. Precis de metallographie microscopique et de macrographie annexe. I. Les r ecents progres de la metallographie microscopique et de la macrographie, p. 342. Dunod, Paris (1932) .

J enny. Die elektrolytische Oi..'}'dation des Aluminiums und seiner Legierungen . Steinkopff, Dresden (1938).

K ehl. The Principles of Metallographic Laboratory Practice, p. 35. McGraw-Hill, New York (1939) .

Krause. Metallfarbung. Dri ttes Kapitel: Galvanische (elektrolytische) ~ieder­schlage und sonstige elektrochcmische Metallfarbungen. B. Elektrolytische Metallfarbungen. II . Anodische Metallfarbungen und Schutzi.iberzi.ige. 5. Anodische Oxydierung des Aluminiums. Springer, Berlin (1937).

(1) P olarography

Heyrovsky. Chemisch-technische Untersuchungsrnethoden. Erganz . Band I. Tei! I. Edited by d 'Ans. Polarographie. Springer, Berlin (1931).



. Physikalische Methoden der analytischen Chemie. Edited by Bottger. Part III. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig (1939). Fortschri tte der Polarographie (1936-38).

Semerano. II polarografo, sua teoria e applicazioni. Padova Libreria Editrice A. Draghi di G. R andi Fu C. B . (1932).

6. Reports.-Allmand. Electrochernistry. Annual Reports of the Society for Chemical Industry

on t he Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 4, 249 (1919).

Anon. Die Elektrochernie im Jahre 1898. Elektrochem. Z. 5, 205 (1899). Fortschritte der Elektrochemie im Letzten Jahre. E lektrochern. Z.

17, 68 (1910). ----. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Elektrochemie. Elektrochem. Z.

18, 70 (1911) . Arndt. Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1914. Chern. Ind . 38, 242 (1915).

Blumberg. Organische Arbeitsmethoden. Fortschritte Chem. 4, 177 (1910-11).

Borchers. II. Angewandte Elektrochemie. Organische Verbindungen. Jahrbuch Elektrochern. angew. physik. Chem. 1, 240 (1894).

----. II . Angewandte Elektrochemie. Organische Verbindungen . Jahrbuch Elektrochem. angew. physik . Chem. 2, 250 (1895).

Borns. Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1894. Chem. Ind. 18, 293 (1895).

Die Elektrochemie im J ahre 1895. Chem. Ind. 19, 38 (1896).

Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1896. Chem. Ind. 20, 459 (1897).

Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1897. Chem. Ind. 21, 414 (1898).

Die Elektrochemie im J ahre 1898. Chem. Ind . 22, 510 (1899) .

Die Elektrochemie irn J ahre 1899. Chem . Ind. 23, 393 (1900).

Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1900. Chem. Ind. 24, 657 (1901).

Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1901. Chem. Ind. 25, 377 (1902) .

Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1902. Chem. Ind. 26, 562 (1903).

Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1903. Chem. Ind. 27, 528 (1904).

Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1904. Chem. Ind. 28, 558 (1905).

Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1905. Chern. Ind. 29, 499 (1906).

Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1906. Chem. Ind. 30, 506 (1907).

Die Elektrochemie im J ahre 1907. Chem. Ind . 31, 699 (1908).

Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1908. Chem . Ind. 32, 728 (1909).

Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1909. Chem. Ind . 33, 671 (1910).

Die Elektrochemie im J ahre 1910. Chem. Ind. 34, 776 (1911).

Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1911 . Chem. Ind. 35, 846 (1912).

Britton. Electrochemical and Electrometallurgical Industries. Annual Reports of the Society for Chemical Industry on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 13, 312 (1928).

. E lectrochemical and E lectrometallurgical Industries. Annual Reports of the Society for Chem ical Industry on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 14, 316 (1929) .

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Britton and Robinson. E lectrochemical and E lectrometali urgical Industries. Annual Repor ts of the Society for Chem ical Ind ustry on t he Progress of Applied Chem­istry. Vol. 15, 295 (1930).

----. Electrochemical and E lectrometaliurgical Ind ustries. Annual Reports of t he Society fo r C hemical Industry on t he Progres~ of Applied C hemistry. Vol. 16, 331 (1931).

Brockman. Survey of American Chemistry. Vol. 2. Chap. X . E lect ro-Organic Chemistry (1926-27).

Cuthbertson. E lectrochemical a nd E lectrometallurgical Industries. Annua l R eports of the Society for Chemical Industry on the Progress of Applied C hemistry. Vol. 19. 379 (1934).

. E lectrochemical a nd E lectrometaliurgical Ind ustries. Annua l R eports of t he Society for Chemical Industry on t he P rogress of Applied C hemistry. Vol. 20, 369 (1935).

E lectrochemical a nd E lectrometallurgical Ind ustries. Annual R eports of t he Society fo r C hemical Industry on t he P rogress of Applied C hemistry. Vol. 21, 384 (1936).

E lectroc hemical a nd E lectrometaliurgical Ind ustries. Ann ua l R epor ts of the Society for C hemical Industry on t he Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 22, 408 (1937) .

E lectrochemical a nd E lectrometallurgical Industries. Annual R epor ts of t he Society for Chemical Industry on t he P rogress of Applied C hemistry. Vol. 23, 381 (1938).

E lectrochemical and E lectrometaliurgical Ind ustries. Annual R eports of t he Society for C hemical Industry on t he P rogress of Applied C hemistry. Vol. 24, 317 (1939).

Danneel. I. Wissenschaft licher T eil. Polarisation und E lektrolyse. J a hrbuch Eiek trochem . angew . physik. C hem. 7, 221 (1900).

----. I. Wissenschaft licher T ei!. P olarisation und E iektrolyse, p. 319. Ja hr­buch Elekt rochem. a ngew. physik . C hem. 8, 286 (1901).

. I. Wissenschaft licher T ei!. Pola risation und E lektrolyse. Ja hrbuch E lekt rochem. a ngew. physik. C hem. 9, 322 (1902) .

. I. Wissenschaft licher T ei!. P ola risation und E iekt rolyse. Ja hrbuch E iek t rochem. a ngew. physik. Chem. 10, 378 (1903).

----. I. Wissenschaft licher T ei!. Polarisation und E iekt rolyse. Jahrbuch E lekt rochem . a ngew. physik . Chem. 11 , 403 (1904) .

----. I . Wissen.schaftlicher T ei!. Polarisation und E iektrolyse. Jahrbuch E lekt rochem . a ngew. physik . Chem. 12, 470 (1905).

E!bs. Fortschri tte auf dem Gebiete der E lektrochemie. Chem. Ztg. 19, 619 (1895).

----. II. Angewa ndte E lektrochemie. Organische Verbind ungen. Ja hrbuch E iektrochem. a ngew. physik. C hem. 3, 289 (1896).

----. II. Angewa ndte E lekt rochemie. Organische Verbind ungen. Jahrbuch E lekt rochem. a ngew. physik. Chem. 4, 347 (1897).

----. II. Angewand te E lektrochem ie. Organische Verbind ungen . Ja hrbuch E lekt rochem. angew. physik. Chem. 5, 409 (1898).


----. IL Angewandte E lektrochem ie. Organische Verbind ungen. Jahrbuch Elektrochem. angew. physik . Chem. 6, 371 (1899).

---- . II. Angewandte E lektrochem ie. Organische Verbindungen. Jahrbuch Elektrochem. angew. physik . Chem. 7, 454 (1900).

----. II. Angewandte E lektrochemie. Organ ische Verbindungen. Jahrbuch Elektrochem. a ngew. physik . C hem. 8, 577 (1901 ).

II. Angewandte E lektrochemie. Organ ische Verbindungen . Ja hrbuch Elektrochem. angew. physik . Chem. 9, 581 (1902).

----. II. Angewandte E lektrochemie. Organ. ische Verbind ungen. Jahrbuch Elektrochem. a ngew. physik. Chem. 10, 749 (1903) .

----. II . Angewa ndte E lekt rochemie . Organische Verbind ungen. Ja hrbuch Elektrochem. a ngew. physik. Chem. 11 , 736 (1904).

----. II . Angewa ndte E lekt rochemie. Organische Verbind ungen. Ja hrbuch E lektrochem. angew. physik . Chem. 12, 853 (1905).

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Ellingham. E lectrochemical and E lectrometaliurgical Industries. Annua l Reports of the Society for C hemical Industry on t he P rogress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 12, 283 (1927) .

Grossman. Organische Arbeitsmethoden. Fortschritte C hem. 6, 33 (1912-13).

Hale. E lectrochemistry . Annual R eports of t he Society of Chemical Industry on the P rogress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 2, 276 (1917).

----. E lectrochemistry. Annua l R eports of t he Soc iety for C hemical Industry on the P rogress of Applied Chemistry, Vol. 3, 238 (1918).

Herrmann. Die Fortschr itte der E lektrochemie in der letzten 6 J a hren. Chem.­Ztg. 37, 811 (1913).

Heyrovsky. A polarographic study of t he electro-kinetic phenomena of adsorption, electro-reduction and overpotent ial displayed at the dropping mercury cathode. Actualites scient if. et industr., No. 90 (1934) .

---. Polarographie. Agenda Chimistului (1939) 319.

Kriiger. Die E rfolge der organischen E lek t rochemie. Anhang: E lek t rolyse ver-mi ttelst Wechselstrom. E lekt rochem . Z. 6, 29 (1899) .

Die Elekt rochemie im J ahre 1899. E lektrochem. Z. 6, 258 (1900) .

Die E lekt rochemie im J ahre 1900 . E lekt rochem. Z. 8, 36 (1901 ).

Die E lekt rochemie im Ja hre 190 1. E lektrochem . Z. 8, 275 (1902).

Die E lek t rochemie im Jahre 1902. E lekt rochem. Z. 10, 8 (1903).

Die E lektrochemie im J ahre 1903. E lektrochem. Z. 11 , 36 (1904).

Die E lektrochemie im Ja hre 1904. E lektrochem. Z. 12, 96 (1905).

Die E lektrochemie im J ahre 1905. E lektrochem. Z. 13, 170 (1906).

Lobley. E lectrochemical and E lectrometallurgical Industries. Ann ual Reports of the Society for Chemical Industry on t he Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 10, 276 (1925) .

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Lobley. Electrochemical and E lectrometallurgical Industries. Annual Reports of the Society for Chemical Industry on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 11 , 281 (1926).

Lowy. Reports of Committee on Organic Electrochemistry of the Electrochemical Society. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc . 65, 17 (1934).

----. Report of the Committee on Organic E lectrochemistry of the E lectro­chemi cal Society. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 69, 21 (1936).

Report of the Committee on Organic E lectrochem istry of the Electro­chemical Society. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 71 , 22 (1937).

----. Report of the Committee on Organic E lectrochemistry of the E lectro­chemi cal Society. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 73 , 32 (1938).

----. Report of t he Commi ttee on Organic Electrochemistry of t he E lectro­chemical Society. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 75, 44 (1939).

Meingast. Fortschritte der elektrochemischen Industrie in den J ahren 1920-24. Chem.-Ztg. 49, 606 (1925) .

Meyer. I. Wissenschaftli cher Tei!. Polarisation und E lektrolyse. J ahrbuch Elektrochem. angew. physi k . Chem. 13, 407 (1906).

----. I. Wissenschaftlicher Tei!. Chap . IX. P olarisation und E lektrolyse. J ahrbuch Elektrochem. angew. physik. Chem. 14 (1907).

. I. Wissenschaftlicher Tei!. Chap . IX. Pola risation und E lektrolyse. J ahrbuch E lektrochem. angew. physik . Chem. 15 (1908).

Miiller, W. Organische Arbeitsmethoden . Fortschri tte Chem. 8, 27 (1913).

Nordmeyer. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Physik und physikalischen Chemie im Jahre 1906. Chem .-Ztg. 31, 463 (1907).

Pamfilov. Electrochemical Methods in the Varnish and Pigment Industry. Trans. Inst. Chem. Tech. I vanovo (U.R.R.T. ) 1, 132 (1935).

Pring. Electrochemical and E lectrometallurgical I ndustries . Annual Reports of the Society for Chemical Industry on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 9, 250 (1924).

Redaktion der Chem.-Ztg. Die chemische Industrie und ihr verwandten Gebiete am Ende des 19 Ja hrhunderts. Chem .-Ztg. 24, 165 (1900) .

Shorygin. Achievements of Soviet Organic Chemistry . Org. Chem. Ind . (U.S .S.R.) 5, 455 (1938) .

Snelling. Metall-Woche (1936) 409 . Beitrag zur elektrolytischen Verzinnung vou Drahten.

Swann. Electro-organic Chemistry . Survey of American Chemistry Vol. 10. Chap. 11 (1935) .

Wernick. Electrochemical and Electrometallurgical I ndust ries. Annual Reports of the Society for Chemical Industry on the Progress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 18, 350 (1933).

West. E lectrochemical and Electrometall urgical Industries. Annual Reports of the Society for Chemical Industry on the Prog.ress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 17, 317 (1932) .

Weyer. Die Elektrochemie im Jahre 1895 . Elektrochem.

Die Elektrochemie im J ahre 1896. Elektrochem.

. Die E lektrochemie im J ahre 1897. Elektrochem.

Z. 2, 255 (1896).

Z. 3, 249 (1897).

Z. 4, 246 (1898).


7. Author Index of Laboratory Manuals.-1. Arndt. Die :\Iethoden dcr Organ ischen Chemie. Edited by Houben, Vol. 2,

p. 1120. Thieme, Leipzig (1925). 2. Cohen, Julius. Practical Organic Chemistry . :'l lacmillan, London (1924).

3. Cumming, Hopper, and Wheeler. Systematic Organic Chemistry, Chap. XXVIII. Van Nostrand, New York (1937).

4. Delacre. Traite de chimie pharmaceutique. Vol. I. Derives halogenes des hydrocarbures. D oin, Paris (1921).

5. Dony-Henault, Gall, and Guye. Principes et applications de l'electrochimie. Lois fond amenta les de l'electrochimie. Chap. VII . La t heorie de la de­composition e'ectrolytique. II . Les applicatiOJ)S de l'electrochimie. Chap. IX. L'oxydation et la reduction e'.ectrolytiques a u point d.e v ue industriel. Sec. lb and 2b. Beranger, Paris (1914).

6. Eichwald. Die D arsteilung der Alkohole. Handbuch der bio!ogischen Ar­beitsmethoden. Edited by E. Abderhalden. Abt. I, T ei! IV. Urban and Schwarzenberg, Vienna (1936).

7. Elbs. Preparation des produits ch1miques par l'clectrolyse. Translated by Leriche. Dunod and Pinat, Paris (1918).

8. Evers. The Chemistry of Drugs, p. 48. Van Nostrand, New York (1933) .

9. Field, Samuel, and Weill . E lectroplating. Chap. 12, Deposit ion of Copper; Chap. 13, Deposition of Silver. Pitman, London (1938).

10. Fischer, Ferdinand. Handbuch der chemischen Technologie. 2. Band : Organischer Tei!, p. 39. Wigand , Leipzig (1902).

11. Fischer, Franz. Praktikum der Elektrochemie. Chap. M. Organische Bei­spiele. Springer, Berlin (1912).

12. Hopkins. Experimental Electrochemistry. Chap. XV. Van Nostrand, New York (1905).

13. Ingersoll. Hydrocinnamic Acid . Organic Syntheses Collective. Vol. I , p. 304. Edited by Gilman. Wiley, New York (1932).

14. Ingersoll, Bircher, and Brubaker. Semicarbazide sulfate. Organic Syntheses Collective. Vol. I , p. 472. Edited by Gilman. Wiley, New York (1932).

15. Keane. Modern Organic Chemistry. Chap. XI. Laboratory Methods of Organic Chemistry. Chap. IV. The Application of E lectrolysis to t he Prepa­ration of Organic Compounds. Scott, London (1909).

16. Kempf, Richard. Halogen-Verbindungen. Methoden der Organischen Chemie. Edited by Houben . Vol. 3. Thieme, Leipzig (1930).

17. Lorenz and Hostelet. Traite pratique d 'electrochimie. Gauthier-Villars, P aris (1905).

18. Marie. Manuel de manipulations d 'clectrochimie. Part II. Chap. III. Manipulations de chimie organique. Dunod et Pinat, Paris (1906).

19. Mueller, E. A Laboratory Manual of E lectrochemistry. Translated by Ellingham. Routledge, London (1931).

20. Miiller, E. La pratique electrochimique. Translated by Barbaudy. Beranger, Paris (1923).

21. Noyes. Organic Chemistry for the Laboratory, p. 292. Chemical Publishing Co., Easton, Pa. (1926).

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22. Oettel. Practical Exercises in E lcctrochemistry. Translated by E . F. Smith. Blakiston, Philadelphia (1897).

23. . E lect roehemische Ubungsaufgaben. Chap. X. Organisch Elec-trolyse. Knapp, Halle (1897).

24. Portevin and Bastien. Reactifs d 'attaque metallographique. Dunod, Paris (1937).

25 . Schmidt, Julius. Alkaloide. H andbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden. Edited by Abderhalden. Abt. I. Tei! 9. Urban and Schwa rzenberg, Vienna (1920).

26. Seka. Alkaloide. H a ndbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden. Edited by Abderhalden. Abt. I , Tei! II. U rban and Schwarzenberg, Vienna (1936).

27. Stoermer. Oxydation und Reduktion. Methoden der organischen Chemie. Edited by H ouben. Vol. 2, Thieme, Leipzig (1925). Handbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden. Edited by Abderhalden . Abt. I. T ei! II. Halfte I. Urban and Schwarzenberg, Vienna (1927).

28 . Sudborough and James. Practical Organic Chemistry. Blackie, Glasgow (1931).

29. Ullmann. Organisch-Chemisches Praktikum, p. 216. Hirzel, Leipzig (1908).

30. Weygand. Organisch-chemische Experimentierkunst , pp . 146-8. Barth, Leipzig (1938) .

8. Author I ndex of Articles.-31. Aarland and Carstanjen. Zur Elektrolyse der ltaconsaure. J. pr. Chem. (2)

4, 376 (1871).

32. Achmatowicz and Bochwic. Strychnine and Brucine. Catalytic D ecompo­sit ion of Quaternary Brucine Salts. Roczniki Chem. 14, 1330 (1934).

33. Achmatowicz, Clemo, Perkin, W. H., and Robinson. Strychnine and Bru­cine XVI. Neostrychnine. J . Chem. Soc. (1932), 767 .

34. Achmatowicz, Fawcett, Perkin, W . H., and Robinson. Strychnine and Brucine X I. Note on Dihydrobrucine and Some Derivatives. J . Chem. Soc. (1930), 1769.

35. Achmatowicz, Lewi, and Robinson. Strychnine and Brucine. Part XXXV. Hofmann Degradation of Dihydrobrucidine. J. Chem. Soc. (1935), 1685 .

36. Achmatowicz, Perkin, W. H ., and Robinson. Strychnine and Brucine. Part XV. Neostrychnidine and Its Derivatives. J . Chern. Soc. (1932), 486.

37. . Strychnine and Brucine. Part XVII. N'eobrucine and Neobruci-dine. J . Chem. Soc. (1932), 775 .

Adachi. See Matsui.

38. Adams, E. Q. Decompositio:1 Voltage of Grignard Reagents in Ether Solu­tion .. J. Am. Chem . Soc. D7, 2005 (193.'S) .

Adams, F. H . See Wallis.

3!l . Adcock. Prefers Electrolytic Etching for Metals. Foundry 53, 227 (1925).

40. Adickes. Organische Verbindungen mit schweren Wasserstoff. Angew. Chem. 51, 89 (1938).

41. Adickes, Brunnert, and Liicker. 'Ober die Herstellung einiger Saureester. J . prakt. Chem. 130, 163 (1931 ).


42. Adkins and Cox. R elative Oxidation-Reduction Reactivities of K etone and Aldehydes a nd Applications in Synthesis . J. Am . Chem . Soc., 60, 1151

(1938) .

Adkins. 8ee Borcherdt. ----. See Mozingo.

Adler. See Fichter. 43. Agde and Schimmel. Untersuch ungen iiber die e'.ektrochemische Regenerie­

rung von Viskose-Abfall-Presslaugen. Eunstseide 17, 438 (1935).

44 . Ahrens and Gorkow. Uber Steinkohlentheerbasen. Ber. 37, 2062 (1904).

45 .

Aizenberg. See Katznel'son. Albert with Lowy. The E lectrochemi cal

E lectrochem. Soc. 75, 367 (1939).

Reduction of Furfural. Trans.

Albitzkaia. See Kirkhgof. 46. Alles. Di-13-phenylisopropylamines. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 54, 271 (1932).

47. Allmand and Puttick. The E lectrolytic Oxidation of Para-Toluic Acid m Alkalin'e Solution . T rans. Faraday Soc. 23, 641 (1927) .

48. Altpeter. Fortschritte in der D arstellung organischer Verbindungen auf elekt rochemischen Wege in den J ahren 1925-1931. Metallborse 21 , 1515,

1563, 1611 , 1658 (1931). 49. Alvarez. La preparation electroquimica de! acido antranilico. Mon . farm.

therap. 34, 121 (1928). 50. . La preparation electroquimica de la anestesina . Mon. farm. t herap.

34, 281 (1928). 51. Andrews. The Optical Activity of Cysteine. J . Biol. Chem. 69, 209 (1926).

52. Angel and Mellquist. Versuche um einen Ersatz fiir das P latin als Anoden­material bei elektrolytischen Oxydations-verfahren zu finden. II. Mit­teilung. Versuche mit Bleisuperoxydanoden. Z. Elektrochem. 40 , 702

(1934). 53. Anon. E lectrolytic Decomposition of Cellulose. \V oriel 's Paper T rade Rev.

56, 290 (1911). E lectrolytic White Lead. Paint, Oil , and Chem. Rev. 84, No. 8, 54. ---

10 (1927). 55. . Die elektrolytische 0J<.'Ydation des Aluminiurns. Aluminium 14,

N'o. 6, 3 (1932).

56. --- Fabbricazione elettrolitica dell 'acido acetico. Ind. Chim. 12, 230

(1912). 57. Walther Lob. Chem.-Ztg. 40, 145 (1916) .

Anziegin and Gulewitsch. Uber die D arstellung der Aminosauren durch E lektroreduktion der Oximinosaurenester. Z. physiol. Chem. 158, 32


(1926). Arakawa. See Matsui.

Araki. See Kondo. 59. Aranjo. Fatty Acids Produced by Electrolytic Oxidation of Petroleum Hydro-

carbons. C himica (Brazil ) 1, 281 (1933) . 60. Archibald. Anodic Oxidation of Benzene. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can . (3), 26,

III, 69 (1932).

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Armendt. See Bircher.

Armstrong. See Butler.

Arni. See Stenz!.

61. Arnold. The Testing of Objects Plated with l\'Ietals. Chem. Listy 27, 73 (1933).

62. Asahina and Hayashi with Tasaka. u ntcrsuchungen i.iber Flechtenstoffe, LXXVIII Mitteil. Uber Psoromsiiure (II. Mitte il. ) . Ber. 70, 810 (1937).

Ashkinazi. See Finkelstein.

63. Atanasiu. Electrolytic Oxidation of Paraffin and of Mineral Oils. Bui. chim. soc . romana stiin te 31 , 7.5 (1929).

64. . E lektrochemische Oxydation von Paraffin. Ber. 64, 252 (1931).

65. . Uber die elektrochemische Nitrierung der Kohlenwasserstoffe. Bui. chim. soc. romane chim. 39, 71 (1937-38).

66. Atanasiu and Babor. E lektrolytische Abscheidung des Cers aus Wasser­freien organischen Losungsmitteln . I. Bui. chim . soc. romane chim. 37, 67 (1934).

67. . Die elektrolytische Abscheidung des Cers aus organischen Losungen in Gegenwart von Reduktoren. II . Bui. chim. soc. romane chim. 37, 115 (1934).

68 . . The Electrodeposition of Lanthanum and Thorium from Organic Sol utions. Bui. chim. soc. romane chim. 38, 83 (1935-36).

69. Atanasiu and Belcot. Das elektrolytische Nitrieren der aromatischen Kohlen­wasserstoffe. I. Teil: Das Nitrieren der Xylens in Methyl Alkohol. Bull. sect. sci. acad. roumaine 19, 28 (1937).

70. . Das elektroly tische Nitrieren der arornatischen Kohlenwasserstoffe . II. Tei! : Die N itrierung von Benzol und Toluol in Methyl Alkohol. Bull. sect. sci. acad . roumaine 19, 101 (1937).

71. . Das elektrolytische Nitrieren der aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffe. III . Tei! : Die Nitrierung von Xylol, Toluol, und Benzol im wiisserigen Medium. Bull. sect. sci. acad . roumaine 19, 106 (1937).

72. Aten. Electrolytische Oxydatie. Chem. Weekblad 18, 65, 83, 140, 171, 271, 287 (1921).

73. Audrieth, Long, and Edwards, R. E. Fused "Oniurn" Salts as Acids. Re­actions in Fused Pyridiniurn Hydrochloride. J . Am. Chem. Soc . 58, 428 (1936).

74. Audrieth, Meints, and Jukkola. Non-Aqueous Solvents as Media for Chemical Reactions. T rans. Ill . State Acad. Sci. 24, 248 (1931) .

75. Audrieth and Nelson, H. W. Electrodeposition of Metals from ::-l'on-Aqueous Solvents . Chem. Reviews 8, 335 (1931).

Audrieth. See Long.

----. See Yntema.

76 . Auerbach and Zeglin. Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Ameisensiiure. II. Mittei­lung : Die elektrolytische Dissoziation der Ameisensiiure. Z. physik. Chem . 103, 178 (1922).

77 . Auwers and Eisenlohr. Untersuchungen i.iber intramolekula re Vorgiinge bei acylirten Verbindungen. Ann. 369, 209 (1909) .


Awe. See Feist. 78. Aymaretto. Ricerche sulle diossime. XLIV. Gazz . chim. ital. 57, 648

(1927). Babcock. See Wells.

79. Babicka, J. Determination of the Protein Content of Flour . Pfiroda, 26,

62-4 (1933) . Babor. See Atanasiu.

Bacci. See Mazzucchelli. 80. Backer. Sur la nitration de la methyluree. Rec . trav. chim. 34, 187 (1915).

81. Bagster and Steele. Electrolysis in Liquefied Sulfur Dioxide. Trans. Faraday

Soc. 8, 51 (1913). 82. Bahr. Versuche uber die elektrochemische Reduktion von Phenolen. Ges .

Abhandl. Kenntnis Kohle 11 , 246 (1934) . 83. Baier. E lectrotinning. Int. Tin Research and Development Council. Pub­

lication No. 92 (1939) . 84 . Baier and Hoar. Porosity Test for E lectrodeposited Coatings of Tin on Lead.

J . Soc. Chem. Ind. 58, 69 (1939).

Balabukha-Poptsova. See Gavrilov.

Ball. See Clark. Ballauf. See Schlubach.

85. Ballay. Le depot electrolytique du nickel en milieux de pH superieur a 7,0 .

Compt. rend. 198, 1494 (1934). 86. Bally and Dumas. Protection et decoration de !'aluminium et de ses alliages

par oxydation anodique. Rev. aluminium 12, 2983 (1935).

Balyasnuii. See Plotnikov. 87. Bancroft and George . Reduction of Phenol. Trans. Am. E lectrochem. Soc.

57, 399 (1930). • 88. Bancroft and Magoffin. Energy Levels in E lectrochemistry. I. J . Am. Chem.

Soc. 57, 2561 (1935). 89. . Energy Levels in Electrochemistry. II. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 58,

2187 (1936). The Energy Hump in Chemistry. I . J . Franklin Inst., 224, 283 90.

(1937). The Energy Hump in Chemistry. II . J. Franklin Inst., 224, 475 91. ---

(1937). 92. Barger, Eisenbrand, G., Eisenbrand, L., and Schlittler. Die Konstitut ion des

Laurotetanins . Ber. 66B, 450 (1933).

Barmashenko. See Plotnikov. 93. Barth. Die Elektrolyse der Fehlingschen Losung. Z. physik. chem . Unter-

richt. 38, 204 (1925). 94. Bartoli and Papasogli. Sul modo di formazione della melli te. L 'Orosi 6,

73 (1883). 95 . . Su l'elettrolisi della glicerina con elettrodi di carbone di storta, di

grafite e di platino. L'Orosi 6, 145 (1883).

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96. Bartoli and Papasogli. Sui prodotti della elettrolisi di varie soluzioni ac idi eel

a lcaline con elettrodi di grafite. L'Orosi 6, 22.5 (1883).

97. . Xuova cont ribuzione a lla istoria de! carbonio. L'Orosi 7, 37 (1884). Ann. Phys. Bcibl. 8, 71 2.



- - - . Sull 'elettrolisi dell 'acido melli tico con elett rodi di platino. L 'Orosi 7, 172 (1884).

---. Elettrosintesi di alcuni nuovi composti derivanti dal mellogeno per incompleta ossidazione. L'Orosi 8, 145 (1885) .

100. . L'elett ricita, ii carbonio e la generazione 264 (1886). spontanea. L'Orosi 9,

101. . E lettrolisi di va rie soluzioni con correnti rapidamente interrotte e dirette nello stesso senso o invertite, impiegandovi elettrod i di grafite o di carbone di storta. L'Orosi 9, 409 (1886).

102. --. Sull 'elettrolisi delle soluzioni di acido Ruoridri co e di a ntimoniato potassico con elettrodi di carbone. L'Orosi 11, 397 (1888) .

103. Baumann. Wechselstromuntersuchungen an anodisch oxydiertem Aluminium Z. Physik. 102, 59 (1936).

104. --. Entstehung und Struktur elektrolytisch erzeugter Aluminiumoxyd­schichten. Z. Physik. 111, 708 (1939).

Baumberger. See Miiller, 0. H .

105. Baumgarten and Dammann. Oxydation von Pyridin zu einem 2-Pyridyl-pyridinium-salz. Ber. 66B, 1633 (1933).

106. Baur. Notiz iiber die E lektrolyse wasserfreier Ameisensaure. H elv. Chim. Acta 11, 372 (1928).





--. Uber die Bildung von Formaldehyd bei der Acetat- E lektrolyse. Helv. Chim. Acta 22, 1120 (1939).

--. Notizen zur E lektrolyse der Essigsaure und der Oxalsaure. Z. Elektrochem. 37, 254 (1931) .

--. Uber die elektrolytische Reduktion und Oxydation von Glykokoll und Alanin . Z. Elektrochem. 42, 285 (1936).

--. Uber die elektrolytische Reduktion von Glykolsaure und Milch­saure. Z. Elektrochem. 43, 821 (1937) .

111 . Baur and Miiller, Emil. Uber die E lektrolyse der Benzoesaure. Z. Elektro­chem. 34, 98 (1928) .

Bausch. See Brand.

Beach. See Stern.

112. Bechard. Sur le depot electrolytique d 'a lliages de cu ivre et d 'etain. Compt. rend . 200, 1737 (1935).

113. --. E lectrodeposition of Bronze with Bimetalli c Anodes. J . E lectro­depositors' Tech . Soc. 11 , 15 (1936) .

Beckwith. See Wagner.

Beer. See Meyer, H .

Beglinger. See Fichter.

Be!cot. See Atanasiu.


114. Bell. On the Anodic Solution of Lead. T rans. Faraday Soc. 11 , 79 (1915).

115. Belyaev and Birman. E lectrodeposition of Lead-Tin Alloys. N' ovosti Tekh­niki (1936), No. 42-43, p. 21.

116. Belyaev, Valeeva, and Helman. Production of Lead-Copper All oys by E lec­trolysis of Solutions of Their Benzenedisulfonates. Vestnik J\Ietalloprom. 15, 117 (1935). Chimie et lndustrie 35, 855 (1936).

Bendetzky. See Plotnikow.

117. Benedicks. Uber das Acetatkupfer (das sogen. a ll otrope Kupfer) . Met. 4, 5, 33 (1907).

118. Bennett and Gudgeon. Derivatives of the Aliphatic Glycols. Part IV. J . Chem. Soc. (1938), 1679.

119. Benson. Auxiliary E lectrochemical Developments for Hydroelectric P lants. Met . Eng. 25, 1004 (1921).

Benz. See Karrer.

120. Bergamini di Capua. Un metodo elettrolitico di ossidazione de! l'arsenico e de! fosforo per la loro determinazione nei composti organici. Atti X 0

congr. intern. chim. 3, 401 (1939).

121. Bergh, Henriques, and Schousboe. The Prague Sero Reactions for Cancer . Nature, 141, 751 (1938).

122. Bergh, Henriques, and Wolffbrandt. The Prague Sero Reaction for Cancer . Nature, 142, 212 (1938).

Bergstrom. See Fulton.

123. Berkenheim and Dankova. The Synthesis of P iperylene from Furfural. J . Gen. Chem. (U .S.S.R. ), 9, 924 (1939).

Berkowitz. See Brown, 0 . W.

124. Berl. Fritz H aber. J . Chem. Education 14, 203 (1937).

125. Bermejo and Blas. E lectrosintesis de hidrocarburos. Anales soc. espaii.. fis . y quim. 27, 228 (1929).

126. . E lectrosintesis de hidrocarburos. Anales soc. espaii.. fis. y quim. 28, 706 (1930).

127. Bernhard. Erfahrungen mit mehreren Methoden die E rkennung des Carcinoms durch Blutuntersuchung und die Beurteilung des Verlaufs nach chirurgischer Behandlung. Arch. klin. Chir. 193, 543 (1938).

128. . Ziele und Wege der Karcinomdiagnose und Blutuntersuchung. Deutsche medizin Wochenschr . 65, 596 (1939).

129. Bernhauer and Irrgang. Zur Kenntnis der Zuckercarbonsaure. IL Mitteil­ung. Uber die D arstellung der d-Mannon-saure. Biochem. Z. 249, 216 (1932).

130. Berthelot. Methode universelle pour red uire et saturer d 'hydrogene Jes com­poses organiques. Bull. soc. chim. (2) 9, 8 (1868).

Bettinelli. See Semerano.

Beyer, H. See Leuchs.

131. Beyer, P. H. La nitration, la chloruration et la bromuration de l'acide meta­m..-ybenzoique . Rec. trav. chim. 40, 621 (1921).

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24 I LLD/O le; E'.'\G l!\" EER I :\G EXP EH I ~I El'\T i<TATIO!'\

132. Biehringer. Uber die E lektrolyse organischer Korper. Natun v. Rundschau 11 , 622, 637, 649, 661 (1896).

Bieloff. See Rodionow.

133. Bihet. Methode electrolytique de separation des inclusions non-metalliques dans !es aciers. 15emc Congr. chim. ind . (Bruxelles) (1935), 257.

134. Bihet and Willems. Die Anwendung der E lektrolyse zur Bestimmung nicht­metallischcr E insch! Usse in Stahl. Arch. E isenhii ttenw. 11, 125 (1937).

135. Biltz. Uber die Oxydation des Benzaldehydphenylhydrazons und des Sal­icylaldehydphenylhydrazons mi t atmospharischer Luft. Ann. 305, 165 (1899).

Bindschedler. See Le Blanc.

136. Binz and Schickh. Zur K ennt nis des 3-Amino-pyridins und seiner Derivate. Ber. 68, 315 (1935) .

137. Bircher, Ingersoll, Armendt, and Cook, G. E lectrolytic Preparation of Semi­carbazine Sulfate. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 47, 391 (1925).

138. Birckenbach and Kolb. Uber Reaktionen und die Tautomerie von Cyanaten (XXIII. Mitteil. ) zur Kenntnis der Pseudohalogene. Ber. 66B, 1571 (1933).

139. Birett. BegrUndung der technologischen Bedingungen fur die E loxal- und Elytal-Verfahren, sowie Erorterung der fUr die P raxis wichtigsten Gesichts­punkte. Korrosion u. Metallschutz 12, 290 (1936).




Birman. See Belyaev.

Blas. See Bermejo.

Bloch. See Fichter.

Blockey. See Cohen.

Blue and Mathers. Directions for Electroplating Aluminum. Metal Cleaning and Finishing 10, 114 (1938) .

---. Electrodeposition of Metals and Alloys from Formamide. Trans . Electrochem. Soc. 63, 231 (1933).

---. E lectrodeposition of Aluminum from Non-Aqueous Solutions. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 65, 339 (1934).

143. . Aluminum Plating from Organic Baths. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc .





148 .

69, 519 (1936).

---. E lectrodeposition of Alwninum Alloys. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 69, 529 (1936).

Bochwic. See Achmatowicz.

Boekenoogen. See Ruzicka.

Bogacheva. See Shorygin.

Bohm. Uber die Reduktion des Formisobutyraldol und sein Oxim. Monatsh. 27, 947 (1906).

Bottger. Berichtigende Bemerkungen Uber die Bildung von Antimonsuboxyd und selbst entzUndli chem Antimonwasscrstoffgas, auf galvanischem Wege. J . prakt. Chem. 68, 372 (1856) .

Bonhoeffer. Fritz H aber. Chem .-Ztg .. 58, 205 (1934).

Bonino and Scaramelli. Sul potentiale elettrochimico di riduzione delle aldeidi pirroliche. Ricerca scient. 6, 11, 111 (1035).


149. Borcherdt and Adkins. Tautomeri zation of an Optically Active Azomethine.

J. Am. Chem . Soc. 60, 3 (1938). 150. Borcherdt, Meloche, and Adkins. The Use of Polarographs in Determining

Ketones. J . Am. Chem . Soc. 59, 2171 (1937). ·

Borghello. See Sandonnini.

Bose. See Wieland. 151. Bourgoin. Sur Jes radicaux orgariiques. Bull. soc. chim. (2), 8, 74 (1867). 152. Electrol yse de l'acide succinique. Bull. soc. chim. (2) 9, 301 (1868).

153. E lectrolyse de l'acide oxalique. Bull. soc . chim . (2) 10, 3 (1868).

154. Note au sujet de !'electrolyse de l'acide benzoique. Bull. soc. chim.

(2) 10, 209 (1868). 155. . Sur l' identite du dimethyle et de l' hydrure d 'ethylene. Bull. soc.

chim. (2) 10, 108 (1868). 156. . Electrolyse de 1':1Cide tartrique. Com pt. rend . 65, 1144 (1867).

157. . Electrolyse de l'acide malonique. Com pt. rend. 90, 608 (1880).

158. . R echerches electrolytiques. J. pharm. chim. (4), 8, 81, 161 (1868).

159. . De !'electrolyse des acides organiques et de leurs sets. J . pharm.

chim. (4) 7, 20 (1868). 160. Bourion and Courtois. Sur la formation de chlorure de Julin dans la prepara­

tion du chlore electrolytique. Compt. rend . 172, 1365 (1921).

161. Bowman, M. I . The Chlorination of Carbon Chains . Proc. S . Dakota Acad.

Sci. 19, 112 (1939). 162. Bowman, R. G. Pioneer Work in Development of White Lead Manufacture

by Sperry E lectrolytic Process. Eng. Mining J . 128, 318 (1929).

163. Bowman. Anaconda Electrolytic White Lead. Trans. Am. Inst . Min . Met. Eng. No. 1504 (1\)25). Issued with Mining and Metallurgy.

Bradt. See Kirk. 164. Bradt and Brown, 0. W. E lectrolytic Preparation of 2, 4-Diaminophenol.

Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc., 56, 429 (1929). 165. Bradt and Erickson. The E lectrochemical Reduction in Acid Solution of p­

Nitrophenetole. Trans. Electrochem. Soc., 75, 401 (1939).

166. Bradt and Fallscheer. The Electrochemical Oxidation of Copper Lactate.

Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 71 , 505 (1937). 167. Bradt and Hart. Electrolytic Preparation of 3-Amino-4-hydroxytoluene.

Trans . Electrochem. Soc. 60, 205 (1931). 168. Bradt and Linford. The Effect of Addition Salts on the E lectrolytic R eduction

of 3, 5-Dinit ro-o-cresol. Trans. E lectrochem . Soc. 69, 353 (1936) .

169. Bradt and Opp. E lectrochemical Oxidation of Ketones. Trans. E lectrochem.

Soc. 59, 237 (1931) .

Braithwaite. See Evans. 170 . Brand. I~arl E lbs. Z. E lektrochem . 39, 923 (1933). 171. Brand and Collischonn. Dber Pyrogallol-dimethylather-1 ,3. J. prakt . Chern.

103, 329 (1922).

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172. Brand, Horn, and Bausch . Die elektrochemische Darstellung von 1, 1, 41 4-p, p', p", p"'-Tetraphenetyl-butin-2 und von 1, 1, 4, 4-p, p', p", p"'­

Tetra- (chlorphenyl)-butin-2. J. prakt. Chem. 127, 240 (1930).

173. Brand and Krucke-Amelung. Dber die kathodische Reduktion von l,l­Bis-(4-brom-phcnyl)-2,2,2-trichlor-athan. XII. Mitteil. Dber die Re­duktion organischer Halogenverbindungen und uber Verbindungen der Tetraarylbutanreihe. Ber. 72, 1029 (1939).

174. Brand and Leyerzapf. Dber 3,3'-Azo-phenyl-methylsulfid und andere Ab­kommlinge des 3-Nitro-phenyl-methylsulfids. XIII. Mitteil. Dber Thio­phenole. Ber. 70, 284 (1937).

175. Brand and Reuter. Dber die Reduktion von 2-(y,y,y-Trichlor-/'l-oxy-propyl)­pyridin. XIV. Mitteil. "Uber die Reduktion organischer Halogenver­bindungen. Ber. 72, 1668, 1674 (1939).

Braun. See Fichter .

176. v. Braun and Sobecki. Darstellung und Aufspaltung des Dihydroindols. Ber. 44, 2158 (1911).

177. Brdicka, R. Serologische Untersuchungen mit Hilfe der polarographischen Methode und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Krebscliagnostik. Acta intern. Ver. Krebsbekiimpf. 3, 13 (1938).



--. Critical Remarks Concerning the Nature of the Polarographic Serum Reactions for Cancer. Acta radiol. et cancerol. Bohemiae et Mora­viae, 2, 7 (1939).

--. Biol. Listy, 21, 217 (1936).

180. . Wielands labiler Wasserstoff bei der schwermetallkatalytischen Oxydation von Sulfhydrylverbindungen. Biochem. Z. 272, 104 (1934).

181. . Polarographic Investigation of the Action of Air of Liquid Salvarsan Preparations. Casopis Ceskoslov. Lekarnictva, 13, 51 (1933).

182. . Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode. Part XXXI. A New Test for Proteins in the Presence of Cobalt Salts in Am­moniacal Solutions of Ammonium Chloride. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 5, 112 (1933).

183. . Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode. Part XXXII. Activation of Hydrogen in Su!phydryl Group of Some Thioacids


in Cobalt Salt Solutions. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 5, 148 (1933).

--. Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode. Part XXXIII. The Microdetermination of Cysteine and Cystine in the Hydrolysates of Proteins, and the Course of the Protein Decomposition. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 5, 238 (1933).

185. . Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode. Part LV. The Influence of Air on Solutions of the Salvarsan Derivatives. Col­lection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 7, 457 (1935).

186. . Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode. Part LXI. The Effect of Buffer Solutions on the Reaction of Proteins. Collec­tion Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 8, 366 (1936). Rozpravy II tf. Ces. Akademie, 46, No. 25 (1936) . Bull. internat. acad. Boheme (1936).


187. . Polarographische Studien mit der tropfenden Quecksilberkathode. LXXXV. Dber Grenzstriime der Katalysierten Elektroden vorgiinge. Collection Czech. Chem. Commun. 11, Gl4 (1939).

188. . :Etudes polarographiques des proteines du senun et leur signification pour le diagnostic du cancer. Com pt. rend. soc. biol. 128, 5 (1938).

189. . Recherches polarographiques sur Jes proteines. J . chim. phys. 35, 89 (1938).

190. . The Kinetics of Saponification of Iodoacetic Acid by Sodium Hydroxide and by Certain Alkaline Buffer Solutions. J. Gen. Physiol. 19, 899 (1936).

191. . The Kinetics of the Reaction Which Takes Place Between Iodo-acetic Acid and Glycine. J . Gen. Physiol. 19, 843 (1936).

192. . Zur Frage nach der N atur der polarographisch feststellbaren Se-rumveriinderungen bei Krebs. IGin. W ochschr. 18, 305 (1939).

193. . Serological Experiment and the Diagnosis of Cancer by the Polaro-graphic Method. Lekafsky svet. 2, Part 6 (1937).

194. . Polarographische Mikrobestimmung von Cystin and Cystein in Hydrolysaten von einigen Proteinen. Mikrochemie, 15, 167 (1934).

195. . The Application of the Polarographic Effect of Proteins in Cancer Diagnosis. Bull. intern. acad. sci. Boheme, 38, No. 4 (1937). Nature, 139, 330 (1937). Rozpravy II tr. Ces. Akad., 47, No. 4 (1937).

196. --- Biol. Listy, 22, 39 (1937). 197. --- The Polarographic Sero Reaction for Cancer. Nature, 142, 617


198. Polarographic Reactions of Blood Serum and Their Significance for the Diagnostics of Cancer. Prakticky lekar, 18, 370 (1939) .

199. . Die Anwendung der polarographischen Methode Prof. Heyrovsky's fur die serologische Diagnostik des Krebses. Rev. des Gesundheitswe­sens, 20, 1 (1938). Czech. republic. Ministerstvi vei'ejneho zdravatnictvi a telesne vychovy . Vestnik 20, 12 (1938).

200. . Mikroserologische Krebsdiagnostik mittels der polarographischen Methode. Wochenschrift fiir prakt. Arzte "Medizinische Klinik," 33, 1186 (1937).

201. Brecht-Bergen. Korrosionsuntersuchungen an Zinn-Silber-Amalgamen. Z. Elektrochem. 39, 927 (1933).

202. Bredt. V"ber Camphozean-aldehydsaure (tert .-sek.) Halbaldehyd der Cam­phersaure). J. prakt. Chem. 95, 63 (1917) .

203. . V"ber Camphen-epi-sec-carbonsaure, ihre Entstehung aus Bornylen-epi-carbonsaure und ihre Umwandlung in sec-1'/-Hydroxycamphan-epi­carbonsaure und o-Hydroxycamphan-epi-carbonsaure (ortho- und para­Borneolcarbonsaure) . J . prakt. Chem. 104, 1 (1922).

204. Bredt, Drouven , Schumann, and Scholl. V"ber rac-Camphocarbonsaure, rac­Borneolcarbonsiiure, rac-Bornylencarbonsaure und rac-Epicampher sowie uber rac-Epicamphermono- und dibromid. J. prakt . Chem. 131, 132 (1931).

205. Breteau. Methode d 'hydrogenation en presence de palladium divise (II) . Hydrogenation en presence de noir de palladium. Bull. soc. chim. 9, 764 (1911).

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Bretschneider. See Spath. Breusch. See Spath. Brewer. See Brockman.

206. Breyer. Uber den E influss der Kernsubstitu tion auf das Reduktionspotential, die Dissoziations-konstante und die Oberfliichenaktivitiit der Phenylarson­siiure. Ber. 71 , 163 (1938).

207. Brezina and Heyrovsky. Polarographic Studies with t he Dropping Mercury Kathode. Part LVIII. The E lectro-reduction of Dicyanogen and Oxamic Acid. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 8, 114 (1936). Casopis Ceskoslov . Lekarnictva, 17, 274 (1937) .

208. Brigham and Lukens. E lectrolytic Preparation of p-Amido phenol. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc., 61 , 281 (1932).

Briscoe. See Dirkse.

209. British Aluminum Co. Surface Treatment of Aluminum and Its Alloys. In­telligence, Memorandum No. 16. Metal Ind . (London) 38, 648 (1931).

Brittlebank. See Kohlschiitter.

210. Brochet and Petit. Contribution a l'etude de !'electrolyse par courant alter­natif. Ann. chim. phys. (8) 5, 307 (1905) . Beitriige zu unseren Kenntnissen iiber die elektrolyse mit Wechselstromen. II . Z. E lektrochem. 11 , 441 (1905).

211. Brockman. Short Circuit Cell for Electro-Organic Reactions. Trans. Am. E lectrochem. Soc. 52, 445 (1927).

212 . . Teaching of E lectro-Organic Chemistry. J. Chem. Education 7, 66 (1930). Trans. Am. E lectrochem. Soc. Pamphlet, May (1929).

212A. . Recent Progress in E lectro-organic Chemistry. Trans. E lectro-chem. Soc. 62, 161 (1932).

----. See McKee, R . H.

213. Brockman and Brewer. Alkaline Plating Baths Conta ining Ethanolamines. Part I. Copper Plating from Triethanolamine Solutions. Trans. Electro­chem. Soc. 69, 535 (1936) .

214. Brockman and Griffin. The E lectrolytic Formation of Azo Dyes. T rans . E lectrochem. Soc. 75, 377 (1939).

215. Brockman and Tebeau. Alkaline Plating Baths Containing Ethanolamines. Part 6. Copper Plating from Monoethanolamine Solutions. Trans. Electro­chem. Soc. 73, 365 (1938).

216. Brockman and Whitley. Alkaline Plating Baths Conta ining t he Ethanola­mines. Par t 5. Copper Plat ing from Diethanolamine Solutions. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 71, 251 (1937).

Brown, A. E . See Brown, 0. W.

217 . Brown, B. K., and Storey. E lectrochemical Production of Graphi tic Oxide. Trans. Am. E lectrochem. Soc . 53, 129 (1928).

218 . Brown, 0. W., and Berkowitz. The Electrolytic Preparation of 5,7-Di-Iodo-8-Quinolinol. T rans. E lectrochem. Soc. 75, 385 (1939).

219 . Brown, 0. W., and Brown, A. E. The Electrolytic Preparation of 2,4-Dinitro­benzoic Acid from 2,4-Dinitrotoluene. T rans. E lectrochem. Soc . 75, 393 (1939).


Brown, O. w. See Bradt.

Bruch. See Wrede. 220 . Bruckner . Uber das Pseudonitrosit des Asarons. J . prakt. Chem. 138, 268

(1933) . 221. Bruckner with Kardos. Uber die Verwenclung der Pseuclo-nitrosite pro-

penyl-halt iger Phenol-ather zur Synthese von a-arylierten {'l-Hydroxy­amino- uncl {'l-Aminopropanolen. Neue Beitrage zur K enntnis cler Acyl-

wanderungen. Ann. 518, 226 (1935). 222 . Bruckner and Kramli. Uber die Verwendung der Pseudonitrosite propenyl­

haltiger Phenol-ather zur Synthese von a -arylierten {'l-Hydroxylamino- uncl {'l-Aminopropanolen. Neue Beit riig.e zur Kenntnis der Acylwanclerungen. II. I soeugenol Derivate. J . prakt . Chem. 143, 287 (1935).

223. Bruckner, Kramli, and Vinkler. -Ober die e!ektrolytische R ed uktion cler aliphatischgebunclenen Nitrogruppe. Acta Li t. Sci. Regiae Univ. Hung. Francisco-Josephinae, Sect. Chem. Mineral Phys. 6, 145 (1938).

Bruckner. See Kriimli.

----. See Vinkler. Zur Kinetik cler Bromierung. Anzeig. Akad . Wiss.

224. Bruner and Czarnecki. Cracow (1909), 322.

225. Bruner and Galecki. Uber die E lektrochemie cler Halogene (Chlor, Brom, Joel, Chlorjocl , Bromjod und Jodtrichloricl) in N itrobenzol. z. physik.

Chem. 84, 513 (1914).

Brunner. See Fichter.

Brunnert. See Adickes.

Bruns, B. See Pavlov. 226. Bruns, B. P. Untersuchungen iiber die elektrochemischen Eigenschaften der

Bromiithergemische. Z. anorg. allgem. Chem. 163, 120 (1927). 227. Bruylants. Contribu tion a l'etude des composes cycliques t rimethylenique.

Bull. soc. chim. Belg. 32, 358 (1923). 228. Bryans and Rowe. Electrolytic R eduction of Vat Dyes. J . Soc. Chem. Ind.

46, 335T (1927) . 229 . Buchner. Verwendung von elektrochemisch hergestellten 01'-ydschichten auf

Aluminium (Eloxalverfahren) fiir die Meta\lfiirbung und fiir galvanische

Uberziige. Oberflachentech. 10, 233 (1934).

Biirgin. See Fichter.

Buess. See Fichter.

Bull. See Fuson.

Burger. See Spath. 230. Busch and Weber. E lektrolytische H yclrierung von Brombenzol. Ber. 70,

744 (1937). 231. Butler and Armstrong. The Kinetics of E lectrode Processes. II . Reversible

Reduction and Oxidation Processes. Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A139, 406

(1933). Butler. See Leslie .

232. Cady and Taft. Oxidation and Hecluction. J . Phys. Chem. 29, 1057 (1925).

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30 lLLJ.'\Oi1' E.'\GJKEERI.'\G EXPERL\lENT :0,TAT IO.'\

233. Caeser. The Electrolytic Preparation of p-Aminophenol. Trans. Am. Electro­chem. Soc. 52, 95 (1927).

234. Cahn, P enfold, and Simonsen. 1,4-isoPropyl-Ll 2-Cyclohexen-1-one. J. Chem. Soc. (1931) 1366.

235. Calhane and Wilson, C. C. Formation of Organic Nitro Compounds by Electrolytic Action. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 63, 247 (1933).

Calhoun. See Shipley.

236. Calvert. A Study of the Preparation of Synthetic Rubber Hydrocarbons. India Rubber and Tire Rev. 26, No. 9, 48, 52, 54 (1926).

Calvet. See Jacquet.

237. Campbell, Haworth, and P erkin, W. H . Synthetical Experiments in the Iso­quinoline Group. Part VI. A Synthesis of Derivatives of Paraberine. J. Chem. Soc. (1926) 32.

Cappon. See Sborgi.

238. Carpeniseanu. Sur l'oxydation anodique de ]'ion lactique en ion pyruvique. Compt. rend. 198, 460 (1934).

Carstanjen. See Aarland. Ceva. See Toja.

239. Chakravarti and Ganapati. Synthesis of Paraberberine. I. Synthesis of 8,17-Diketo-6,17-dihydroparaberberine. J. Annamalai Univ. 3, 208 (1934).

240. Chakravarti and Perkin, W. H. Synthesis of 3,10-Dimethoxy-tetrahydro­protoberberine. J. Chem. Soc. (1929), 196.

241. Chang and Sah. Electrolytic Preparation of Semicarbazide Hydrochloride. Science Repts. Natl. Tsinghua Univ. 2, 157 (1933) .

242. Chang and Wang. Electrolytic Reduction of m-Halogen-nitro-benzenes to the Azo-compounds. J. Chinese Chem. Soc. 3, 218 (1935).

243. Charmetant. Sur l 'electrolyse des chlorures de nickel et de cobalt en solution dans Jes melanges d 'eau et d 'alcool ethylique. Compt. rend. 201, 43 (1935).

244. . Sur !'electrolyse des bromures et des iodures de zinc, de nickel, et de cobalt dans Jes melanges d 'eau et d 'alcool ethylique. Compt. rend. 201, 1174 (1935).

245 . Charters. The Aluminum Rectifier. J. Phys. Chem. 9, 110 (1905). Cherkasova. See M el'nikov.

246. Chilesotti. Sulla riduzione elettrolitica dei nitrocorpi aromatici nelle ammine corrispondenti. Gazz. chim. ital. 31, II, 567 (1901) .

Chisini. See Semerano, G. Christen. See Fichter.

Christlieb. See Kindler. Cizek . See Cupr.

247. Clark and Ball. Cathodic Halogen. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 54, 119 (1928).

248. Clark and Streight. Electrolysis of Cyanogen Halides. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. (3), 22, III, 323 (1928).

249. Clemo, Perkin, W. H., and Robinson. Strychnine and Brucine. Part II. J. Chem. Soc. 125, 1751 (1924).

250. 251.



----. Strychnine and Brucine. Part IV. J. Chem. Soc. (1927), 1589.

Clemo, Raper , an d Tenniswood. Lupine Alkaloids. III. J. Chem. Soc. (1931),4.29.

Clemo and Smith , J . M . The Reduction of p-Dimethylamino-benzaldehyde and the Preparation of p-Dimethylaminobenzyl Alcohol. J . Chem. Soc. (1928), 24.23.

Clemo. See Achmatowicz.

253 . Clifford and Fargher. "Oxycellulose:" Its Formation and Reactions. A Summary of the Literature. J. Textile Inst . 13, 189 (1922).

Clusius. See H olemann.

254. Coates. The Haber Memorial Lecture. J . Chem. Soc. (1939), 1642.

Cockrum. See Mathers.

Cohen, F. See Mosettig.

----. See Small.

255. Cohen, J., Dawson, Blockey, and Woodmansay. The Chlorination of Toluene. J . Chem. Soc. 97, 1623 (1910) .

Collett. See Lynch.

Collins. See Nelson, J. Collischonn. See Brand.

Commessmann. See Freund.

256. Conant. The Electrochemical Formulation of the Irreversible Reduction and Oxidation of Organic Compounds. Chem. Revs., 3, 1 (1926).

257. Cone. Salts of Acridine, Pyridine, and Quinoline. II. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 36, 2101 (1914).

258. Conn and Lowy. The E lectrolytic Oxidation of para-Bromotoluene and ortho­Nitrotoluene. Trans. Am. E lectrochem. Soc. 50, 333 (1926).

Conrad. See Wittig.

259. Contardi. Alcune trasformazioni de! triossimetilene. Gazz. chim. ital. 51, I, 109 (1921).

260. Cook, E. S. Purification of Piperidine. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 59, 2661 (1937).

261. Cook, E. S., and Rider. The Purification of Piperidine and Its Physiologic Significance. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 59, 1739 (1937).

262. Cook, E. W., and France. Electrolytic Preparation of the Isoindolines. J. Phys. Chem. 36, 2382 (1932).

263. . The Electrochemical Preparation of the Tolylhydrazines. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 56, 2225 (1934).

264. Cook, E. W., and Major. Preparation of 5-Keto-gluconic Acid by Bromine Oxidation of Glucose. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 57, 773 (1935).

Cook, G. See Bircher .

265. Couch. Lupine Studies. XIII. Octalupine, a New Alkaloid from Lupinus Sericeus var. Flexuosus C. P. Smith. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 61, 1523 (1939).

Courtois. See Bourion.

Cox. See Adkins.

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Cozzi. Sulla determinazionc de! l'acido ascorbico nei 8ughi di frutta. Ann. chim. applicata 29, 434 (1939).

Craig. Synt hesis of a Series of a-Substituted K-i\Iethylpyrrolines. J. Am. Chem . Soc. 55, 295 (1933).

Creighton. Electrolytic Waterproofing of Textile Fabrics: the Tate Process. J. Franklin Inst. 192, 497 (1921 ).

--. The Electrochemical R ed uction of Sugars. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc. 75, 289 (1939).

Croco with Lowy. Electrochemical Chlorination and Bromination of Benzene. Trans. Am. E lectrochem. Soc. 50, 315 (1926).

Crossley. The Chemistry of Intermediates. J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 14, 802 (1922).

Cueni. See Fichter.

Cummings. See Norris.

Cupr and Ciiek. Polarization of the Quinhydrone Electrodes. II. Collec tion Czech. Chem. Commun. 11 , 494 (1939).

273 . Curry. Electrolytic Corrosion of Bronzes. J. Phys. Chem. 10, 474 (1906).

274. . E lectrolytic Precipitation of Bronzes. J. Phys. Chem. 10, 515 (1906).

275. Cuthbertson. The Anodic Oxidation of Aluminium. J . Inst. Metals 65, 95 (1939) .

Czarnecki. See Bruner.

276. Dakin. Synthesis of a Substance Related to Adrenalin . Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) 76, Series B 491 (1905).

Dammann. See Baumgarten.

277. Danil.ila and Soare. La preparation de la chloropicrin a partir du gaz methane. Bui. chim. soc. romane cbim. 35, 53 (1932).

Dankova. See Berkenheim.

278. Dann. Organic Electrochemistry. Chem. Eng. Mining Rev. 21, 444 (1929).

279. Darmstiidter. Verfahren zur Oxydation organischer Substanzen mit Chrom­siiure im electrolytischen Bad . E lektrochem. Z. 7, 131 (1901).

Daur. See Wedemeyer.

280. Davidson . Recent Advances in the Electrochemistry of Nonaqueous So­lutions. J . Chem. Education 14, 218 (1937).

281. Davies and Evans, D . P . The Depolarization Potentials of Phenyl Alkyl Ketones in Acid, Neutral, and Basic Media at the Dropping Mercury Cathode. J . Chem. Soc. (1939), 546.

282. Davis, Yelland, and Ma. Studies in the Urea Series. XIV. Structure of the Guanidonium Ion, Evidence from Electrolysis. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 59, 1993 (1937).

283. Dawson. See Cohen .

D ecans and Dufour. Red uction eletrolytique a !'ebullition zoique. Bull. soc. chim. 37, 1167 (1925).

Deditius . See Swann.

Degrugillier . See Doumer.

de l'acide ben-


28-!. Dehn. Reactions of the Arsines. Am. Chem. J . 40, 88 (1908) . 285. Delfino and Soml6. Sulla riduzione elettrolitica dell 'acido ftalico. IX Congr.

intern . quim. pura apli cata 4, 360 (1934).

286. Demyanov. Electrolysis of P olymethylene Carboxylic Acids. J . Russ. Phys.­Chem. Soc. 61, 1861 (1929).

287. Demyanov and Doyarenko. Two l'vlethods of Obtaining Cyclobutanol and Some of Its Transformations Accompanied by Isomerization. J. Russ . Phys.-Chem. Soc. 43, 83.5 (1911 ).

288. Denina. La sintesi di Kolbe nella elettrolisi dell 'acido butirrico. Gazz. chim. ital. 68, 443 (1938).

de Ponte. See Semerano. 289. Dewar and Read, J. A Study of Catalytic Dehydrogenation in the Bibenzyl

Series. J. Chem. Soc. Ind. 55, 347T (1936). 290. Diaz de Plaza. Los isobutilxantogenatos cuprosos. Anales soc. espan. fis .

y quim. 15, 54 (1917).

Diechmann. See Karrer.

Dinelli. See Piutti. 291. Dirkse and Briscoe. The E lectrodeposition of Metals from N onaqueous

Solutions. Metal Ind. (N .Y.), 36, 284 (1938) . 292. Dobrinskaya and N eimann. The Polarographic Method in Organic Chemistry.

I. The Electroreduction of Peroxides. Acta Physicochim., 10, 297 (1939).

Dobrinskaya. See Gnyubkin.

Domo. See Morschock. 293. Doumer. Electrolyse des dissolutions aqueuses d 'acide oxalique pur. Compt.

rend . 184, 747 (1927). 294. Doumer and Degrugillier. Electrolyse des acides phtaliques. Bull. soc. chim.

4, 37, 821 (1925). 295. Dover and Helmers. Synthesis of Tetratriacontadiene. lnd. Eng. Chem. 27,

455 (1935). 296. Downie. Aluminium Bromide. Metall urgia 18, 134 (1938) . 297. Doyarenko. I somere Umwandlungen cyclischer Verbindungen un ter dem

Einfluss von Katalysatorem, II. Dehydration der Alkohole C5H 1o0 ; Zer­setzung von Alkoholen C4Hs0 mit Al203 als K atalysator. Ber. 60, 1530 (1927).

Doyarenko. See Demyanov.

Drane. See French . 298. Drees and Kowalski. Die Zerlegung, von Phenolatlaug,en mittels elektrischen

Stromes. Brennstoff-Chem. 16, 268 (1935) .

Drissen. See Williams.

Drouven. See Bredt . 299. Drozdov, N. S. Electrochemical R eduction of Pyridine. J . Gen. Chem .

(U.S.S.R.) 3, 351 (1933) . 300. Drozdov, N. S., and Drozdov, S. S. Electrolytic Oxidation of Anthracene to

Anthraquinone. J . Applied Chem. (U.S.S .R.) 6, 897 (1933).

Drozdov, S. S. See Drozdov, N. S.

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301. Dubose. L 'acide fo rmique. Bull. soc. ind. (Rouen) 38, 128, 328 (1909). Dufour. See Decans.

Dumarevs'ka. Hee Yakubson.

Dumas. See Bally.

302. Dussol. Preparation electrolytique du dii odoacetylene et du dii odoform e. Bull. soc. chim . 35, 1618 (1924) .

303. Preparation electrolytique de l' hexabromocthane. Bull. soc. chim.

37, 161 (1925) .

304 . Duval. Sur la constit ution des composes organomagnesiens mixtes. Compt. rend . 202, 1184 (1936) .

305. . Action du cou rant eiectrique Sur l'hemoglobine

differents electrolytes. Compt. rend. 204, 728 (1937). en presence de

Ebihara. See Miyata.

306 . Edwards, J. D. New Uses for Thin Films. Ind . Eng. Chem., News E d . 11 , 328, 336 (1933).

307 . . Anodic Coating of Aluminum. Metal Ind. (N .Y.) 37, 513 (1939). Edwards, R. E. See Audrieth.

308 . Eeckhout. Pola rographic R eduction P otentia l of Dini t ro Compounds. classe sci. acad. roy . Belg. 23, 295 (1937) . Bull.

Eilers. See Small.

Eisenach. See Henrich.

309. Eisenbrand, J., and Picher. Uber dem polarographischen Nachweis von biologisch wichtigen Ketonen der Steringruppe. Z. physiol. Chem., 260, 83 (1939).


Eisenbrand, J. See Barger.

Eisenbrand, L. See Barger.

Eisenlohr and Hill . Die Gewinnung von d- and 1-Isohydrobenzoin . 942 (1937).

Eisenlohr. See Auwers.

Eissner. See Hein.

Ber . 70,

311. Elbs. Der Einfluss der Elektrochemie auf die chemische Industrie. Ztg. 18, 1563, 1637 (1894) . Chem.-

312. . Zur Kenntnis der Lactylverbindungen primarer aromatischer Amine. J. pra kt . Chem. 83, 1 (1911).

313. . Uber die elektrochemische R eduktion a romatischer Nitrokiirper zu Azokiirpern . Z. angew. Chem . (1899), 389.

314. ----. Uber die Bedeutung der E lektrnlyse die pra parative organische

Chemie. Z. E iektrochem . 9, 727 (1903).

315. Elbs and Gaumer . I. Uber die elektrochemische R eduktion von Nitro­benzylanilinen in schwach aikalischer Liisung. J . prakt. Chem . 108, 234 (1924) .

316. E!bs and Kirsch. Uber m-Azophenol. J . prakt . Chem. (2), 67, 265 (1903).


317. Elbs and Wohlfahrt. Uher einige Benzidinc. J . prakt. Chem. (2), 66, 558 (1902).

318. Ellinger . Oxa li c Acid as an E lectrolytic Etching R eagent for Stainless Steels. T ran&. Am . Soc. l\Ietals 24, 26 (1936).

319. Elssner . Oberft achenveredlung von Aluminium und Aluminium-legierungen. II. Chem.-Ztg. 59, 235 (1935) .

320. . Das E loxal-verfahren. Oberftiichentech . 12, 67 (1935).

321. . Das E loxai-verfahren. Oberftachentech. 15, 139 (1938).

Elssner. See Schmitt.

322. Emi. E lectrolytic Substitution of N aphthols. I. E lectrolytic Preparation of Nitroso-~-naphthol from ~-1\aphthol , and of ~-Nitroso-a-naphthol from a-Naphthol. R epts . Imp . Ind. R esearch Inst. Osaka, Japan, 15, No. 1, 1 (1934).

323. . E lectrolytic Substit ution in Naphthois . II. E lectrolytic Intro-duction of t he Nitroso Group in to Naphtholsulfonic Acids. Repts. Imp. Ind. Research Inst. Osaka, J apan, 16, N o. 9, 1 (1935).

324. . Electrolytic Substitution of Phenol Ether. Repts. Imp. Ind. Re-search Inst. Osaka, Japan, 19, No. 8, 1 (1938).

Emmanuel-Zavizziano. See Haissinsky.

English. See Mayer, Fritz.

325. Erdelyi. Production of Tetrachloroquinone, Trichloroquinon e, and s-Tri­chloroaniline by Electrolysis of Aniline. Magyar Chem. Folyoirat (Buda­pest ) 34, 180 (1928).

----. Darsteliung von T etrachlor-chinon, Trichlor-chinon und Symm. Trichlor-anilin a us Anilin d urch E lekt rolyse. Ber. 63B, 1200 (1930).

326. Erdtman. F ormation of Complex Oxidation and Condensation Prod ucts of Phenols. Origin and Nature of Humic Acid . II. Coupling of Simple Phenols and Quinones to Biphenyl D erivatives. P roc. R oy . Soc. (Lond on) A143, 91 (1934).

Erickson. See Bradt.

327. Erlenmeyer. Treten bei der K olbe'schen elek trochemischen K ohlenwasser­stoffsynthese freie Alkylradikale auf'? Helv. Chim . Acta 8, 792 (1925).

328. . Uber den reakt ions Mechanismus der pyrogen Zersetzung von Di-benzoylperoxid. Helv. Chim. Acta 10, 620 (1927) .

329. Erlenmeyer and Schoenauer. tl'ber die thermische Zersetzung von Di­acylperoxyden . H elv . Chim. Acta 19, 338 (1936).

330. . Uber die K olbe'sche elektrochemische Synthese in Deuteri umoxyd. Helv. Chim. Acta 20, 222 (1937) .

Erlenmeyer. See Fichter.

Esin. See Levin.

Etzrodt . See Feist.

Evans, D. P. See Davies.

331. Evans, W. V., and Braithwaite. The E lectrolysis of n-Propylmagnesium Bromide and Isopropylmagnesium Bromide in Ethyl Ether. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 61, 898 (1939).

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332. Evans, W . V., and Field, E. Electrolysis of lVIethyl Magnesium Halides in Ether Solutions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 58, 720 (1936).

333. Electrolysis of l\ Iethyl l\Iagnesium Iodide in n-Butyl Ether. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 58, 2284 (1936).

334. Evans, W. V., and Lee, F. H . Electrolysis of Ether Solutions of Grignard Compound. Isolation, Identification, and Quantitat ive Determination of Anodic Products. J. Am . Chem. Soc. 56, 654 (1934).

335. Evans, W . V., Lee, F. H ., and Lee, C. H. Decomposition Voltage of Grignard Reagents in Ether Solution. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 57, 489 (1935).

Evering. See Rice.

336. Eyspamer. History of Tin Plating. Monthly Rev. Am. E lectroplaters' Soc. 23, 25 (1936).

337. Fairweather. Electrolysis of Salts of Alkyloxy Acids. Proc. Roy. Soc. Ecfinburgh 45, 23 (1925) .

338. . E lectrosynthesis in the Series of the Normal Dibasic Acids. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 46, 71 (1926).

339. . The E lectrosynthesis of n-Duotriacontane Dicarboxylic Acid. P roc. Roy. Soc. Ed inburgh 45, 283 (1926).

340. Fairweather and Walker, 0. J. The Mechanism of Kolbe's E lectrosynthesis . J . Chem. Soc. (1926), 3111.

Fallscheer. See Bradt.

Fargher. See Clifford.

341. Farmer and Kracovski. The E lectrolytic Synthesis of Tetramethyl-Adipic Acids. J. Chem. Soc. (1926), 2318.

342. Faust and Thomas. E lectrodeposition of Silver-lead Alloys for Bearings. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc. 75 , 185 (1939).

Fawcett. See Achmatowicz.

343. Feist and Awe with Etzrodt. tlber einige Homologe des Berberins. Arch. Pharm. 271, 36 (1933).

344. Feist , Awe, and VOlksen . Versuch in der 2-Aminopyridinreihe. III. Sal­izoyl-2-aminopyridin und seine elektrolytische Reduktion zu o-Oxy-benzyl-2-aminopyridin. Arch. Pharm. 273, 476 (1935).

Feldman. See Swann.

345. Felkel. Polarographische Untersuchungen des Serums Krebskranker. Med. Jilin. 34, 840 (1938).

346. . Erfahrungen iiber die polarographische Untersuchung des Serums von Frauen mit Genital Karcinom. Zentr. Gynakol. 63E, 647 (1939).

347. Fester and Schivazappa. Ensayos de reduccion electro-catalitica del monoxido de carbono. Rev. facultad quim. ind. agr. 1, 53 (1930). Anales asoc. quim. Argentina 22, 23813 (1934).

348. . Versuch zur elektro-katalytischen Reduktion des Kohlenoxyds. Z. anorg. allgem. Chem. 171, 163 (1928).

Feuerriegel. See Wrede.

349. Fichter. E lektrochemische Oxydation und Peroxyde. Chem. Weekblad 23, 302 (1926).


350. La situation technique de l'electrochimie organique en Suisse. Compt. rend. congr. intern. elec. 9, 217 (1932).

351. Elektrolyse von Gemischen von Alkali :\itraten mit fettsauren Salzen . Atti X 0 congr. intern. chim. 3, 140 (1939).

352. La situation technique de l'electrochimie organique en Suisse. Congr. intern . elec. Paris, Sec. 7, Rapport No. 19, (1932).

353. . Versuch einer indirekten Temperaturbestimmung an a rbeitenden E lectroden. Helv. Ch im. Acta 13, 89 (1930).

354. . Nouveaux aspects de l'oxydation electrochimique des corps or-ganiques. J. chim. phys. 23, 481 (1926).

355. . New Aspects of the E lectrochemical Oxidation of Organic and In-organic Compounds . I. E lectrochemical Oxidation of Aromatic Com­pounds. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 48, 325T (1930).

356. . New Aspects of the E lectrochemical Oxidation of Organic and Inorganic Compounds. II. The E lectrochemical Preparation of Vanillin , Saccharin and Dyestuffs. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 48, 329T (1930).

357. New Aspects of the E lectrochemical Oxidation of Organic and Inorganic Compounds. H I. E lectrochemistry and Biochemistry. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 48, 341T (1930).

358. . New Aspects of the E lectrochemical Oxidation of Organic and Inorganic Compounds. IV. Kolbe's Synthesis of Hydrocarbons. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 48, 347T (1930).

359. . New Aspects of the E lectrochemical Oxidation of Organic and Inorganic Compounds. V. Action of F luorine on Inorganic and Organic Compounds. J . Soc. Chem. Ind. 48, 354T (1930).

360 . . New Evidence in Favor of the Peroxide Theory of Kolbe 's Electro-synthesis. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 56, 467 (1929) .

361. ----. E lectrochemical Experiments with Various Organic Acids. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc. 75, 309 (1939).

362. . Neue Versuche iiber die E lektrolyse von Salzen organischer Sauren. Z. Elektrochem. 35, 710 (1929).

363. . Der Nachweis organischer Diacylperoxyde an der Anode. Z. physik. Chem. 130, 49 (1927).

364. Fichter and Adler. Elektrochemische Oxydation von im Kern chlorierten aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen. Helv . Chim. Acta 9, 279 (1926).





Fichter and Bloch. Elektrolysen von Salzen zweibasischer organischer Saurcn (Bernsteinsaure, Glutarsaure, Brenzweinsaure, Athylmalonsaure) mit Nitraten. Helv. Chim. Acta 22, 1529 (1939).

Fichter and Brunner. Oxydationen mit Fluor. XIII. Einwirkung von Fluor auf alkalische Acetat losungen. Helv . Chim. Acta 12, 573 (1929) .

Fichter and Burgin. Die Elektrolyse der Salze der normalen Buttersaure und damit zusammenhangende Fragen. Helv. Chim. Acta 14, 90 (1931).

Fichter and Buess. Das Peroxyd aus Adipinsaure-monoathylester und der Nachweis seiner Bildung bei der Elektrolyse. Helv. Chim. Acta 18, 445 (1935).

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38 l LLl :-:or:-; E :\Gl:\ EER I :\G EXPERJ;\IE;\T wr ATIO"-'

369. Fichter and Buess. Uber die Einwi rkung von Saltpetcrsiiure auf Di-propionyl­perox~'d. Helv. Chim . Acta 18, 549 (1935).

370. Fichter and Christen. Uber die elektrochemischen Oxydation von Anethol und faoeugenol. Helv. Chim. Acta 8, 332 (1925).

371. Fichter and Cueni. Uber elektrochemische Bromierung von Indigo. Helv. Chim. Acta 14, 651 (1931).

372. Fichter and Erlenmeyer. -Ober die thermische Zersetzung unsymmetrischer Diacyl-Peroxide. Helv. Chim. Acta 9, 144 (1926).

373. Fichter and Gunst. Elektrochemische Oxydation von 5,5'-Azo-m-xylol (3,5,3',5'-Tetramethyl-Azobenzol). Helv. Chim. Acta 22, 267 (1939).

374. . E lektrolysen von Mischungen von Pivalinaten mit Nitraten. Helv. Chim. Acta 22, 1300 (1939).

375. Fichter and Heer. Die Oxydation von Dimethyl-malonsaure-mono-athylester (Dimethyl-malon-athylestersaure) mit Kaliumpersulfat. Helv. Chim .







Acta 18, 1276 (1935).

- - -. Die Oxydation von Monomethyl-malonsaure-mono-athylester und von Bernsteinsaure-monoathylester mit Kaliumpersulfat. Helv. Chim. Acta 19, 149 (1936).

Fichter and Herszbein. Elektrochemische Oxydation des a-Methyl-naphta­lins . Helv. Chim. Acta 11, 1264 (1928).

Fichter and Holbro. Die Elektrolyse der 7,0- und der tl,7-Hexensaure. Helv. Chim. Acta 20, 333 (1937) .

- --. Elektrosynthese des Di-cyclo-hexyl-di-carbonsaure-(4,4')-dimethyl­esters aus t rans-Hexahydro-tere-phthalsaure-monomethylester. Helv . Chim. Acta 21, 141 (1938).

Fichter and Humpert. Oxydationen mit Fluor. V. Die Einwirkung von Fluor auf Alkaliacetate und die Kolbe 'sche Kohlenwasserstoffsynthese. Helv. Chim. Acta 9, 692 (1926).

Fichter and Kern, W . E lektrochemische Oxydation in der Puringruppe. Helv. Chim. Acta 9, 429 (1926).

382. Fichter and Lapin, H . V-ber die oxydation von Salzen einbasischer Fettsauren mit Kaliumpercarbonat und Kaliumpersulfat. Helv. Chim. Acta 12, 933 (1929).

383. Fichter and Leupin. Elektrolyse von Salzen der Onanthsaure sich oder im Gemisch mit Nitraten. Helv. Chim. Acta 21, 616 (1938).

384. Fichter and Lindenmaier. E lektrolyse von Ammoniumacetat und Ammo­niumcapronat. Helv. Chim. Acta 12, 559 (1929).

385. Fichter and Lotter. V-ber die elektrochemische OA-ydation von Jodbenzol, o-Jodtoluol und p-Jodtoluol. Helv. Chim. Acta 8, 438 (1925).

386. Fichter and Lurie. Chemische und elektrochemische Oxydations-versuche mit Lavulinsaure uncl mit o-Propionyl-n-valeriansaure. Helv. Chim. Acta 16, 885 (1933) .

387. Fichter and Maritz. Trimesinaure-triathylester als Nebenproduct bei der Elektrolyse von Bernsteinaure-monathylester. Helv. Chim. Acta 22, 265 (1939).

388. Fichter and Metz. Elektrolyse von :\Titrat-Acetat-Cemischen. Helv. Chim. Acta 18, 1005 (1935).

C IRC. 50. BlBLlOGRAPll\" 01" ELECTRO -OUG .\:\I C CHE~l l 1iTRY 39

389. . Elektrolyse von i\Jischungen von n-Butyraten mit Nitraten. Helv. Chim. Acta 19, .597 (1936).

390. . Elektrolysen von i\fischungen von Isovalerianaten uncl ::\'itraten. 1-Ielv. Chim. Acta 19, 880 (1936).

391. Fichter and M eyer, J. Die elektrochemische Oxydation der Benzolhomologen . I. m-Xylol. Helv. Chim. Acta 8, 7-± (1925).

392. . Die elektrochemische Oxydation der Benzolhomologen. II . Cymol. 1-Ielv. Chim. Acta 8, 285 (1925).

393. Fichter and M eyer, Robert. E lektrolyse von Acetaten in absoluten Methyl­alkohol. Helv. Chim. Acta 16, 1408 (1933).

394. . E lektrolyse der Benzoesaure und cler 2,6-Dimethyl-4-tert. butyl-benzoesaure zusammen mit ihren Salze in absolutem Methylalkohol. Helv. Chim. Acta 17, 535 (1934).

395. Fichter and Miiller, Oskar. Die elektrochemische OA"}'clation der Benzol­homologen. VI. Mesitylen. Helv. Chim. Acta 18, 831 (1935).

396 . Fichter and Miiller, Paul. Chemische und elektrochemische OA"}'clation des as.-m-Xylidins und seines Mono- und Di-1\!Iethylderivats. Helv. Chim. Acta 8, 290 (1925).

397. Fichter and Panizzon. Die Oxydation von Essigsaure und Ace tat mit Per­sulf at. Helv. Chim. Acta 15, 996 (1932).

398. Fichter and Pliiss. Die elektrochemische Nitrierung des Naphtalins . Helv. Chim. Acta 15, 236 (1932).

399. Fichter and Rinderspacher. Die elektrochemische Oxydation der Benzol­homologen. III. p-Xylol. Helv. Chim. Acta 9, 1097 (1926).

400. Die elektrochemische Oxydation der Benzolhomologen. IV. o-Xylol. Helv . Chim. Acta 10, 40 (1927).

401. . E lektrochemische Oxydation der Phenole. Symm.-m-Xylenol, Thymol, und isoeugenolschwefelsaures Kalium. Helv. Chim. Acta 10, 102 (1927).

402. Fichter and Rosenzweig. E lektrochemische Versuche mit p-Fluortoluol und p-Fluorbenzoesaure; Di-p-fluobenzoylperoxyd und seiu Zerfall. Hclv. Chim. Acta 16, 1154 (1933).

403. . Die Elektrolyse der Crotousaure uud der thermische Zerfall des Di-crotouyl-peroxyds. Helv. Chim. Acta 18, 238 (1935).

404. Fichter and Ruegg. Elektrolysen von Gemischeu fettsaurer Salze mit Halo­geniden und Nitrateu. Helv . Chim. Acta 20, 1578 (1937).

405. Fichter and Schetty. Die elektrochemische Oxydation der Benzolhomologen. VII. Pseudocumol(l ,2,4-Trimethylbenzol). Helv. Chim. Acta 20, 150 (1937).

406. . Die elektrochemische Oxyclation des 2,4-Di-methyl-benzo-nitrils-(l). Helv. Chim. Acta 20, 563 (1937) .

407. . Die elektrochemische Oxydation des Pinen's. Helv. Chim. Acta 20, 1304 (1937).

408 . Fichter and Schlager. Die elektrochemische Oxydation der Hydrozimtsaure. II . Helv. Chim. Acta 10, 406 (1927).

409 . Fichter and Schnider. V-ber die Kolbe'sche Synthese bei der Cyanessigsaure. Helv. Chim. Acta 13, 103 (1930).

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40 lLLl:'\ 0 1:-i E:'\G l:'\EER l:'\ G EXPEHJ:\lE:'\T ,.;TAT IO:'\

410. Fichter and Schnider. Uber die I\:olbe'sche Synthese bci dcr l'l-lsoamyloxy­propionsaure. Helv. Chim. Acta 14, 857 (1931).

411. Fichter and Schiinmann. Uber elektrochemische Rhodanierung aromatischer Am ine and Phenole. Helv. Chim. Acta 19, 1411 (1936).

412. Fichter and Schonlau. Uber m-Nitrorhodan-benzol und verwandte Ver­bill<lullgell. Ber. 48, 1150 (1915).

413. Fichter and Senti. Die elektrochemische Oxydatioll der H yd ro-zimmtsaure. Tschirch Festschrift (1926), 410.

414 . Fichter and Siegrist. E lektrochemische Versuche mit Cyclo-hexancarbonsaure. H elv . Chim. Acta 15, 698 (1932).

415 . Uber <las Peroxyd der Cyclohexallcarbollsaure (Hexahydrobenzoe-saure). Helv. Chim. Acta 15, 1304 (1932).

416. . E lektrolysell VOil Mischullgen VOil Propionaten 11nd Nitraten. Helv . Chim. Acta 18, 18 (1935) .

417 . Fichter and Simon, C. E lektrolysen mit p-Toluylsaure und mit Hexahydro­p-toluysaure (p-Methyl-cyclohexancarbonsaure). H elv. Chim. Acta 17, 717 (1934).

418. . E lektrolysen mit Hexahydro-phtalsaure-monomethylester . Helv . Chim. Acta 17, 1218 (1934).

419. . E lectrolysen mit Hexahydro-phtalsaure-monomethylester. Helv. Chim. Acta 17, 121!) (1934).

420. Fichter and Spiegelberger. Elektrolyse von Salzen der cis-Cyclopropan-1,2-dicarbonsaure und der cis-Cyclopropall-1 , 2-dicarboll-estersaure . Helv. Chim . Acta 12, 1152 (1929).

421. Fichter and Stein. Beitrag zur elektrochemischell Reduktion der Benzoesiiure . Helv. Chim. Acta 12, 821 (1929).

422 . Fichter and Stenzl. Reduktionen mit Bleinatrium. IV. Alkylierte Barbitur­sauren. Helv . Chim. Acta 17, 665 (1934).

423. . Anodische Oxydation von Brucin und Nicotin. Helv. Chim. Acta 19, 1171 (1936).

424. . Die E lektrolyse der lndane-carbonsaure (2) . Helv. Chim. Acta 22, 425 (1939).

425. . Die Kolbe'sche E lektrosynthese mit aromatischen Siiuren: Ben-zoesaure, Phenyl-essigsiiure, l'l-Phenyl-propionsiiure, Phenoxy-essigsaure. Helv . Chim. Acta 22, 970, 1540 (1939).

426 . Fichter, Stenzl, and Beglinger. E lektrolyse der 2,4-Dimethyl-benzoesiiure zusammen mit ihrem Natriumsalz in Met hyl-alkohol. Helv. Chim. Acta 21, 375 (1938).

427. Fichter and Stem, S. Uber neue Salze des Jod (III) Katione . Helv . Chim. Acta 11, 121:6 (1928).

428. Fichter and Suenderhauf. Die Oxydation von Propionsiiure und K aliumpro­pionat mit Persulfat. Helv . Chim. Acta 16, 338 (1933) .

429 . Fichter, Suenderhauf, and Goldach. Uber angebliche elektrochemische Sul­fonierung eines aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffe. H elv . Chim. Acta 14 , 249 (1931).


430. Fichter and Sutter. Elektrolyse von l\Iischurg.en voa Propionaten mit Sulfaten und mit Perchloraten. Helv . Chim. Acta 20 , 156 (1937).

431. Elektrolysell von Mischungen von I sobutyraten mit Nitraten.

Helv. Chim. Acta 21, 891 (1938). 432. . Elektrolysen von Mischungen von Nitraten mit Salzen der Methyl-

athyl-essigsiiure. Helv. Chim. Acta 21, 1401 (1938). 433 . Fichter and Willi. Die Zerlegung von Acetyl-benzoyl-peroxyd <lurch ultra­

violettes Licht. H elv. Chim. Acta 17, 1173 (1934). 434 . . E lektrochemische Darstellung aromatischer Hydrazinverbindung.en.

Helv . Chim. Acta 17, 1416 (1934). 435. Fichter and Zumbrunn. Dber Di-capronyl-peroxid und Capronpersiiure und

iiber den Nachweis von Peroxyden bei der E lectrolyse des K alium-cap-ronats. Helv . Chim. Acta 10, 869 (1927).

Fichter. See Stenzl. Field, E . See Evans, W . V.

Field, E.W. See Swann. 436. Fieser and Martin. A Comparison of Heterocyclic Systems with Benzene. V.

The Benzotriazole(Azimidobenzene) Series. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 57, 1835

(1935). 437. . A Comparison of Heterocyclic Systems with Benzene. VI. Quinones

of the Quinoline and lsoquinoline Series. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 57, 1840

(1935) . Filippovich. See Monblanova.

438. Fink and Summers. Electrolytic Preparation of Calcium Gluconate and Other Salts of Aldonic Acids. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc. 74, 625 (1938).

Finndorf. See Kindler. 439 . Finkelstein. Zersetzungsspannung einiger nicht wiisserigen Losungen. Z.

physik. Chem. 115, 303 (1925). 440. . Elektrocbemische Studien iiber das System Benzamid-Brom. Z.

physik. Chem. 121 , 46 (1926). 441. . E lectrolysis of Nonaqueous Solutions. Ukrain Akad. Nauk Inst.

Khim. Sbornik Trudov Pervoi Vsesoyuznoi Konferentzil Nevodnuim Rast-

voram (1935) 54. 442. Finkelstein and Ashkinazi. Relation Between Complex Formation, Solvation

and Formation of an E lectroconductive System. Electrochemical Properties of the System: Acetamide-bromine-nitrobenzene. The Ampboteric Nature of Bromine. J . Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 2, 790 (1932).

443 . Finkelstein and Kudra. E lectrochemistry of the System: Benzamide-Bromine­Nitrobenzene. J. Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc . 60, 783 (1928) . See 444.

444. . E lekt rochemie des Systems Benzamid-Brom-Ni trobenzol. Z. physik.

Chem. 131, 338 (1928). 445 . Finkelstein and Ust'yanova. Electro'.ytes Whi ch Show no P olarization During

Electrolysis. J . Phys. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 9, 773 (1937). 446 . Fischer, F., and Hom. Versuche zur E lektrolyse von Montansiiure. Ges.

Abhandl. J(enntnis Kohle 9, 305 (1930) .

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42 ILLT.'\Ol::i E .'\G !:-I EE RL\ G E XPERn!E XT STA T IOX

4-!7 . Fischer , F. , and Kriinig. Uber die anodische Oxydation cler .\ meisensiiure. Ges. Abhandl. 1\:enntnis Kohle 7, 2-l-l (192.'5).

448. Fisch er, H . :\loclerne elektrochemische Verfahren zum Schutz metallischer Oberfliichen, ihre chemisc hen und physikalisch-chemischen Grundlagen. Ange\\·. Chem. -19, 493 (1936) .

Fischer, ]. See Foerster.

449. Fischl. Uber die Einwirkung von konzentrierter Schwefelsaure auf das Tetra­methyldiamido-benzhydrol und i.iber das Pinakon des Michler 'schen Ketons. Monatsh. 34, 337 (1913).

Fitter er . See H erty.

Fleischer. See Freund.

Fletcher. See Read, R. R.

450. Florenskii and Metelkin. Elec troly tic Oxidation of Anthracene to Anthra­quinone. Anilino Krasochnaya Prom. No. 8, 9; No. 9- 10, 7 (1931).

451. Foerster and Fischer, J. Uber die Form elektrolytisch abgeschiedener Metalle. Z. E lektrochem. angew. physik. Chem. 32, 525 (1926).

452. Foerster and Piguet. Die E lektrolyse des Kaliumacetats. Z. E lektrochem. 10, 924 (1904).

453. Fokin. The Role of Hydrogen Metals in Reduction Reactions and New Con­tributions to the Clarification of the Question of the Composition of Fats and Blubber. J. Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. 38, 419 (1906). Same as 162.

Fontana. See Perkin, F. M. Fortey. See Young.

454. Fosse. Sur Ia synthese de l'acide cyanhydrique et de !'aldehyde formique par oxydation des substances organiques. Compt. rend. 202, 445 (1936) .

455. Foster and Hooper. Electrolysis of Liquid Ammonia Solutions of Sodium Triphenylgermanide. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 57, 76 (1935) .

France. See Cook, E. W.

----.See Wells.

456. Francis, King, and Willis. Long-chain Carbon Compounds. n-Tetratriacon­tanoic and n-Hexatetracontanoic Acids and Their Derivatives. J. Chem. Soc. (1937), 999.

Frank. See Wegler.

457. Franks. Report on Metallographic Examination of 18% Chromium-8% Nickel Steels. Proc . Am. Soc. Testing Materials 39, 203 (1939) .

458. Franta, J., and Gosman, B. Polarographic Determination of Cystine in Len­tils. Cs!. Ofthalmologie 1, No. 1 (1933) .

459. Frederiksen. Electrochemical Synthesis of Phenylhydroxylamine. J . Phys. Chem. 19, 696 (1915).

Freer. See Read, R . R.

460. French, H . E., and Drane. Electrolysis of Grignard Solutions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 52, 4904 (1930).

French , H. E . See Gad<lum.

French, K . S. See lddles.


461. Freund. Method of Producing Pure Solution of the Effective Principle of the Suprarenal Gland or Paranephros. Chem. Kews 99, 89 (1909).

462 . Freund and Commessmann. -Ober Methyldihydroberberin und seine Ab­kommlinge. Ann. 397, 52 (1913).

463. Freund, Fleischer, with Herminghaus and Walbaum. Untersuchungen iiber <las Berberin. Ann . 409, 188 (1915).

464. Freund and Fleischer. Untersuchungen iiber <las Berberin. Ann. 411, 1 (1916).

465. Freund and Gauff. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Cytisins. Arch. Pharm. 256, 33 (1918).

466. Freund and Mayer , Fritz. -Ober a-Methyltetrahydroberberin. Ber. 38, 2652, (1905).

467. Freund, Melber, and Schlesinger. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Kodeins. J. prakt. Chem. 101, 1 (1920).

468. Freund and Speyer. Untersuchungen iiber das Kod.ienoxyd. Ber. 44, 2339 (1911).

469 . . -Ober die Umwandlung von Thebain in Oxycodeinon und <lessen Derivate. J. prakt. Chem. 94, 135 (1916).

Fridman. See Plotnikov.

Fries. See Ziegler.

Frush. See Isbell. 470. Frydlender. Chromatographie et polarographie. II. Polarographie. Rev.

prod. chim. 41 , 513, 545 (1938) . 471. Fulton and Bergstrom. The Kolbe Hydrocarbon Synthesis in Liquid Am­

monia. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 56, 167 (1934).

472. Furness and Perkin, W . H . cl- and dl-Epicamphor. J. Chem. Soc. 105, 2024 (1914).

Furter. See Ruzicka, L. 473. Fuson and Bull. The Haloform Reaction. Chem. Revs . 15, 275 (1934).

474. Gaddum and French, H. E. The Electrolysis of Grignard Solutions . J. Am. Chem. Soc. 49, 1295 (1927).

Galecki. See Bruner.

Galinovsky. See Spath .. 475. Gambioli. Protezione dell'aluminio e duralurninio con revestimenti elettrol­

itici di zinco e di cadmio. Aerotecnica 12, 313 (1932). l\Iet. Abstracts (in Metals and Alloys) 4, 216 (1933) .

Ganapati. See Chakravarti.

476. Gand. Recherches sur Ia dissocia tion ionique des hologenurcs alcooliques en solutions aqueuses. Ann. facult6 sci. Marseille (2), 12, 134 (1939).

477. Ganguli. The Redox Potential of Lactate-Pyruvate System. J . Indian Chem. Soc. 14, 656 (1937).

----. See Ghosh. 478. Gamer, Van Bibber, and King. The J\Ielting Points and Heats of Crystal­

lization of the Normal Long-chain Hydrocarbons. J. Chem. Soc. (1931), 1533.

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479 . Gasparini. Uber Oxydationen bei quantitativen Analysen vermittelst Elek­trolyse. Chem.-Ztg. 31, 641 (1907). ---. See Scurti.

480 . Gasparini and Savini. Ossidazioni elett rolitiche titativa. Gazz. chim. ita l. 37, II, 437 (1907).

481. Gattennann. Synthesen a romatischer Aldehyde. Gauff. See Freund.

Gaumer . See Elbs. 482 .

applicate all 'ana lisi quan-

Ann . 347, 347 (1906).


Gavrilov and Koperina. Reduction of Certain Simple and Substituted Acid Am ides. I. E lectroreduction of Cyclic and Open-chain Peptide Groups. J. Gen. Chem. (U .S.S.R.) 9, 1394 (1939).

Gavrilov, Paradashvili, Baiabukha-Poptsova, and Lyapuntsova. Sur la methode de separation des dicetopiperazines et des acicles amines dans les hydrolysats proteiques a !'aide de l' ionophorese. Bull. soc . chim. (5) 5, 973 (1938).

484. Gawalowski. L 'equi libre proteique dans la syphi lis scro-resistante. Bull. soc.

fran c. dermatol. syphil. 39, 1125 (1932). 485.

Gebhard. Wirkung des Lichtes a uf Farbstoffsysteme. (3. Mittei lung) Nach­weis der prirnaren Bildung von Farbstoffperoxyden. Z. angew. Chem. 23, 820 (1910).

Geiger. See Tropp.

George. See Bancroft.

486. Georgi. Uber das anodische Verhalten des Kobalts. 209 (1933).

Gerastopolou. See McKee, R . H .

487 . Ghosh and Kappana. Electrodeposition of Antimony. 149 (1924).

Z. Elektrochem. 39,

J . Phys. Chem. 28,

488. Ghosh , Raychaudri , and Ganguli. Studies in Oxidation-Reduction Potential. Part I. Cystine. J . Indian Chem. Soc. 9, 43 (1932).

489. Giacomello. L'elettrolisi di alcune sostanze organiche in ambiente non acquoso. Gazz. chim. ital. 65, 546 (1935).

490. Giacomello and Lentini. L'elettrolisi di alcune sostanze organische in am­biente non acq uoso. Gazz. chim. ital. 66, 3.50 (1936).

491. Gibson. The Mechanism of Kolbe's Electrosynthesis. J . Chem. Soc. 127, 475 (1925).

492. ---Electrolysis of Mixtures of Acetates and Trichloracetates. Proc.



Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 44, II, 140 (1924-). Giese. See Kindler .

Gillespie, M acbeth, and Swanson. Reactions of a, !'I-unsaturated Cyclic AJdehydes and Ketones. Part III. The Reduction of Cryptonc cis- and t rans-Dihydrocryptol. J . Chem. Soc. (1938), 1820.

Ginbayashi. See Katagishi .

Ginsberg. Verkupferung von Aluminium . Aluminium 14, 4 (1932) .


495. . Gruncllegende Vorgange bei der elektrolytischen Oxyclation von Aluminium. Hausztschr. V. A. W. u. Erftwerk Aluminium 2, 81 (1931 ).

496. Giordani. Ricluzione elettrolitica clella ni t rosoant,ipirina . Ann . chim. ap­plicata 18, 289 (1928).

497 . Glasstone. The Preparation of Organic Compounds by Electrolytic Methods. Part I. The Principles of Electrolytic Reduction. Ind. Chemist 5, 423 (1929).

498. . The Preparation of Organic Compounds by Electrolytic Methods. Part II . Electrolytic Reduction Processes. Incl. Chemist 6, 20 1 (1930).

499. . The P reparation of Organic Compounds by E lectrolytic Methods. Part III. E lectrolytic Oxidation Processes. Incl . Chemist 7, 139 (1931) and 7, 209 (1931).

500. . Some Recent Developments in E lectrolytic Oxidation . Register P hi Lambda Upsilon 24 , 14 (1939) .

501. . The Cathodic Behavior of Alloys. Iron-nickel Al loys. Trans. Faraday Soc. 19, 574 (1923).

502. Glasstone and Hickling. The Hydrogen Peroxide Theory of E lectrolytic Oxidation . Chem. Revs. 25 , 407 (1939) .

503. . Studies in Electrolytic Oxidation. Part VI. The Anodic Oxida-tion of Acetates. The Mechanism of the Kolbe and the Hofer-Moest Re­action in Aqueous Solution. J . Chem. Soc. (1934) , 1878.

504. . Studies in E lectrolytic Oxidation. Part VII . The Electrolysis of Acetates in N onaqueous Solutions. J . Chem. Soc. (1936), 820.

505. . The Mechanism of the Kolbe Reaction . Nature 133, 177 (1934).

506. . The Hydrogen Peroxide Theory of Electrolytic Oxidation and the Influence of the Electrode Surface on Anodic Processes. Trans. F araday Soc. 31 , 1656 (1935) .

507. . The Mechanism of the J(olbe Electrosynthesis and Allied Re-actions. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 75, 333 (1939).

508. Glazunov. Corrosion Protection of Aluminum by Anodic Oxidation. Chem. Listy 32, 317 (1938).

509. Gleu and Pfannstiel. Benzisoxazolon-4-carbonsaure und lndazolon-4-car­bonsaure. J . prakt. Chem. 146, 129 (1936).

510. Gluud, Lopmann, and Keller. Benzolreinigung clurch elektrolytische Oxy­dation . Ber. Ges. Kohlentech. 4, 82 (1931).

511 . Gnyubkin, Dobrinskaya, and Neiman. The Polarographic Method in Organic Chemistry. II. Correction for Losses of Volatile Substances Removed by the Flow of Inert Gases Through the Electrolyte. Acta Physicochim . U.S.S.R. 11, 701 (1939).

Goldach. See Fichter.

Goldberg. See Ruzicka, L.

512. Goldschmidt and Nagel. Elektrolysen in fltissigem Ammoniak: Reaktions­fahige Formen freier Radikale. Ber. 64, 1744 (1931).

Goniev. See Lapin.

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513. Gorenbein. Electrochemical Invest igation of Antim ony Tri bromide Ill

Chlorobenzene and Nitrobenzene Solutions of Aluminum Bromide. J. Gen. Chem. U.S.S.R. 8, 233 (1938).

514. . Die E iektrochemie dreifacher Systeme in Losungsmitteln mi t gcringen, Dielcktrizitiitskonstantcn. Univ. etat I\iev, Bull. sci., Rec. chim. 1, 101 (1935).

515. Gorenbein. Electrochemical Investigat ion of Bromides of the II and V Group of the Periodical System in a Bromide Solution of Aluminum Bromide. Univ. ctat Kiev., Bu ll. sci., Rec. chim. 2, 115 (1936).

Gorenbein. See Plotnikov.

Gorkow. See Ahrens.

516. Gosman. Analysis of Crude Oil, Its Distillates and Residues for Unsaturated Hydrocarbons and Surface-Active Matter by Means of the Dropping Mer­cury Cathode Method. Am. Petroleum Inst. Bull. 10, No. 55, 24 (1930).

517. . Analysis of Crude Oil, Its Distillates and Residues for Unsaturated Hydrocarbons and Surface-Active Matter by Means of the Dropping Mer­cury Cathode Method. Am. Petroleum Inst. Bull., 11, No. 53, 22 (1930).

518. . Etude du pouvoir adsorbant des charbons actifs par la methode polarographique. Chimie et industrie, Special No. 199-203 (June, 1933).

519. . Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode . Part LVI. Investigation of the Purity of Ethyl Ether. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 7, 467 (1935). Almanach II. sjezdu slovank keho lekarnictva, Prague (1931).

520. Gosman and Heyrovskj. Analysis of Petroleum and Its Distillates for Re­ducible Substances and Adsorbable Matter by Means of the Polarographic Method with the Dropping Mercury Cathode. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc. 59, 249 (1931).

Gosman. See Franta.

521. Goto and Mitsui. Sinomenin und Disinomenin. XXI II. Ober die Identitiit von P-Tetra-hydrodesoxycodein und Dihydrothebakodin. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 6, 33 (1931).

522. Graham. Anodic Behaviour in Alkaline P lating Solutions. Monthly Rev. Am. E lectroplaters' Soc. 25, 905 (1938) .

523. Graham and Read, H . J. Rochel.le Salt-Copper Cyanide Plating Bath. I I. Effect of Current Density and pH on Anode Behavior. Metal Ind. (N.Y.) 35, 617 (1937).

Graham. See Read, H . J.

524. Gratton and Ramage. Electrolytic Reduction of a,a'-Dicyano-P,P'-Dimethyl Glutarimide. J. Chem. Soc. (1935), 539.

525. Grave. Attempts to Prepare 1-Methyl-2-Methoxypiperidine. The Hydro­genation of Certain Pyridine Derivatives. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 46, 1460 (1924).

526. Greenberg and Schmidt, C. L. A. Studies on the Formation and Ionization of the Compounds of Casein with Alkali. I. The Transport Numbers of Alkali Caseinate Solutions. J. Gen. Physiol. 7, 287 (1924) .






Gree.nleaf. Experiments on the Electrolytic Production of Hydroquinone. Met. Chem. Eng. 14, 560 (1916).

Griessman, Kohler, and Sohnel. Blutuntersuchungen fftr die Diagnose und zur Prognose des Carcinoms nach Operation sowie ftir die Behandlung rezidivgefiihrdeter I< ranker. Chirurg. 10, 609 (J 938).

Griffin. See Brockman.

Groesbeck. Metallographic Etching Reagents. III. For All oy Steels. Bur. Standards, Sci. Paper No. 518, 527 (1926).

Gruminski. On the Glow of the Barrier Anodes of Aluminum. Bull. intern. acad . polon ., Classe sci . math. nat. (1936A), 145.

531. . On the Glow of the Barrier Anodes of Aluminum. Bull. intern. acad.







polon. sci., Classe sci. math. nat. (1936A), 457.

Gudgeon. See Bennett.

Giinzel. Ober die Alkaloide der Columbowurzel. Arch. Pharm. 244, 257 (1906).

Guillet. Les recents progres de la metallographie microscopique et de la micrographie. Rev. met. 19, 614 (1922).

Guinot. Oxydation de la liqueur de Cadet. Preparation de l'acide cacodylique. J. pharrn. chim. 27, 55 (1923).

Gulewitsch. See Anziegin.

Gulland, Perkin, W. H., and Robinson. Strychnine and Brucine. Part V. J. Chem. Soc. (1927), 1627.

Gunst. See Fichter. Gurewitsch. See Orecho:ff.

Gurney and Plant. Substitution in Hexahydrocarbazole Derivatives. J . Chem. Soc. (1927), 1314.

Gutin. E lectrical Properties of Oxide Insulation. J. Tech. Phys. (U.S.S.R.) 3, 1185 (1933).

Gutin. See Valter.

538. Gwyer and Pullen. Pell icules d 'oxydation sur !'aluminium et ses all iages; leur production et leurs proprietes. Rev. met. 32, 658 (1935).

539. Haber. Bemerkungen zur Richtigstellung der Ausftihrungen des Herrn Binz. J . prakt. Chem. (2) , 64, 289 (1901).

540. Habermann. Ober die Elektrolyse organischer Substanzen in wiisseriger Losung. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschafftlichen Klasse der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien (2), 81, 747 (1880). Same as 185.

541. . Ober dir Elektrolyse organischer Substanzen II. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschafftlichen IGasse der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien (2) 94, 533 (1886). Same as 186.

Haebler. See Karrer.

542. Hiiussermann. Zur Kenntnis der tertiaren aromatischen Amine. Ber. 39, 2762 (1905).

543. Haggerty. The Electrolytic Reduction of Acetone at a Mercury Cathode. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc. 56, 421 (1929) .

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48 ILL!i'.\O!;; E:\Gl:\EEIU!\'G EXPERlJ\lE!\T STAT IO:\

544. Haissinsky. Recherche electrochimique sur le polonium . J . chim . phys . 30, 27 (1933).

5-15 . Haissinsky and Emmanuel-Zavizziano. Recherches electrochimiques sur le titane. J. chim. phys. 34, 641 (1937).

546. Haissinsky and Sanielevici. Sur la formation electrolytique du peroxyde de bismuth . J . chim. phys. 36, .54 (1939).

Hakozaki. See Ochiai.

547. Hale. Modern E lectrolytic Cells. Cells fo r Producing Various Compounds. Chemistry and Industry 43, 1291 (1924).

548. . The Rise anq Progress of E!ectrochemistry. Chem. World 3, 323 (1914).

549. Halla. Uber die elektrochemische Oxydation des o-Toluol-sulfamids zu Saccharin. Z. Elektrochem. 36, 96 (1930).

550. Hallie. E lektrolyse mit stromender Fliissigkeit. Rec. trav. chim. 57, 152 (1938).

Hallonquist. See Streight.

551. Halls. Corrosion and Protection of Light Alloys. Metal Treatment 2, 110 (1936).

Hammett. See Plump.

----. See Rosenthal, R.

552. Hamonet. Contribution a l'etude des glycols normaux bi-primaires. Bull. soc. chim. (3), 33, 513 (1905).

553 . . Sur !'electrolyse des acides gras. L'Electrochimie 2, 132 (1896). Same as 187.

554. . E lectrolyse des oxyacides. Preparation de l'acide t!-amyloxypro-pionique et de la diamyline du butanediol-1 ,4. L 'E lectrochimie 7, 18 (1901) . Same as 188.

555. . Action du sodium sur le phenoxypropane iode( l,3). Diphenoxyhex-ane. Compt. rend. 136, 96 (1903).

556. Handovsky and Hauss. Le rH de quelques harmones. Bull . soc. chim. biol. 21, 112 (1939). Determination of rH in Endocrine Extracts of a Pro­tein Nature. Nature 143, 283 (1939).

557. Hannerz. Spaltung der a-Jod-propionsaure in die optischen aktiven Kom­ponenten. Ber. 59B, 1367 (1926).

558. Hanriot and Kling. Action des agents de reduction sur Jes chloraloses. Ann. chim. 12, 129 (1919).

Hanusch. See Philippi.

Harada. See Takayama.

Harrison. See Lauer.

Hart. See Bradt.

559. Hartley, D. D., and Lyons. Syntheses in the Biphenyl Series. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 44, 124 (1934).

560. H artley , H ., and Stuart. Miscibility of Azobenzene and Azoxybenzene in the Solid State and the Supposed Existence of a Sterio-isomeride of Azoben­zene. J . Chem. Soc. 105, 309 (1914).



Harvey. Studies on Bioluminescence. VIII . The :\ Iechanism of the Pro­duction of Light During t he Oxidation of Pyrogallol. J. Biol. Chem. 31,

311 (1917). 562. Oxidation of Luciferin Without Luciferase and the Mechanism of

Bioluminescence. J. Biol. Chem. 78, 369 (1928). 563. . Studies on Bioluminescence. XV. E\ectroreduction of Oxy-

Juciferin. J. Gen. Physiol. 5, 275 (1923). [In Knobel, Brockman]






Hatcher and Holden. Hydrogen Peroxide as an Oxid izing Agent in Acid Solution. III. Trans. Roy. Soc . Can. (3), 19, III, 11 (1925).

Hauss and Kockelmeyer. Premier memoire sur l'etude polarographique des serums. Rev. act. therap. No. 2 (1939).

Hauss. See Handovsky. ----. See Kockelmeyer . Haworth, Koepfli, and Perkin, W . H. New Synthesis of Oxyberberine and a

Synthesis of Palmitine. J. Chem. Soc. (1927), 548. Haworth and Perkin, W. H. Synthesis of Cryptopine and Protopine. J .

Chem. Soc. (1926), 1769. Haworth, Perkin, W. H ., and Pink. Synthetical Experiments in the Iso­

quinoline Series. V. Synthesis of Substances Allied to Oxyberberine. J . Chem. Soc. 127, 1709 (1925).

569. Haworth, Perkin, W . H ., and Rankin. Synthesis of dl-Dicentrine. J. Chem. Soc. 127, 2018 (1925).

Haworth. See Campbell.

Hayashi. See Asahina.

Heard. See McKee, R. H.

Hechelhammer. See Ziegler.

Heer. See Fichter.

Heidelberger. See Jacobs.

Heil. See Speyer. 570. Heilmann. Les principales applications directes et indirectes de l'electrochimie

a l'industrie organique moderne. Rev. chim. ind . 45, 63, 100, 133, 164

(1936) . 571. Hein. Neuere Erkenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der Metallorganoverbindungen.

Angew. Chem. 51, 503 (1938). 572. . Chrom-organische Verbindungen. II. Mitteilung. Die Abnorme

Salzbildung des Pentaphenyl-chromhydroxyds: Tetraphenyl-chrornsalze (Abstossung einer Phenyl-gruppe) . Ber. 54, 2708 (1921).

573. . Chrom-organische Verbindungen. III. Mitteilung. Uber das Triphenyl-chromhydroxyd und seine Salze. Ber. 54, 2727 (1921) .

574. . Uber die Salznatur des Natriumathyls; indirekte Elektrolyse des Zinkathyls. Z. E lektrochem. 28, 469 (1922).

575. H ein and Eissner . Uber das Tetraphenylcrom (C6H ,)4Cr. VI. l\'1i tteilung iiber Chromorganische Verbindungen. Ber. 59B, 362 (1926).

576. H ein and Markert. Uber das Triphenylchrom , sowie zur Kenntnis des Tetra­phenylchroms, und Diathylt halliums. Ber. 61, 2255 (1928).

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577. Hein, Petzchner, Wagler, and Segitz. Uber das Alkalialkyle in l\Ietall a lkylen als Losungsmitteln. 141, 161 (1924).

salzart ige Verhalten der Z. anorg. all gem. Chem .

578. Hein and Segitz. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Natur der Metallalkyle. Z. anorg. allgem. Chem. 158, 153 (1926).

Heinrich. See Leutgoeb.

579. Heise. Porous Carbon E lectrodes. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc. 75, 147 (1939) .

Heiss. See Willstatter.

580. Heller. Mikrobestimmung von Schwefel, Phosphor und Arsen in organischen Substanzen nach der Methode von 0. Gasparini. Mikrochemie 7, 208 (1929).

581. Heller, Willingshofer, and Sadrawetz. Uber H alogen bestimmungen nach





der Methode von 0. Gasparini . Z. anal. Chem. 79, 256 (1929).

Helman. See Belyaev.

Helmers. See Dover.

v. Hemmelmayr. tl'ber die E lektrnlyse des Brechweinsteins. (1902).

Monatsh. 23, 262

Henrich and Eisenach. tl'ber die Einwirkung von saltpetriger siiure auf Resorcinmonomethylather. J . prakt. Chem. (2), 70, 332 (1904).

Henriques. Uber die Polarographie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung von biochemischen Untersuchungen. Kem. M aanedsbl. nord. H andelsbl. Kem. Ind. 20, 142 (1939).

--. See Bergh.

Herasyrnenko. Polarographic Studies wi th the Dropping Mercury Kathode. Part LXVI. General Formulae for the Potenti al of E lectroreduction of Fumaric and M alic Acid. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 9, 104 (1937).

586. . Wasserstoffiiberspannung und Reduktion von Oxalsaure an Queck-silberkathoden. Z. E lektrochem. 34, 129 (1928).






--. The Adsorption Phenomena Displayed in Anodic Oxidation of Formic Acid. Ukraln. Khem. Zhur. 4, 439 (1929).

Herasyrnenko and Slendyk. Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mer­cury K athode. P art XL. Lowering of the H ydrogen Overpotential by Some Organic Substances. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 6, 204 (1934).

Herasymenko and Tyvonuk. On the Rate of Formation of Fumaric Acid in Molten Malic Acid. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 2, 77 (1930).

--. Die Reduktionspotent iale der Malein- und Fumarsiiure an einer tropfenden Quecksilberelektrode. Z. E lectrochem. 34, 74 (1928).

Herrninghaus. See Freund.

Herrmann, E. Chemische und elektrochemische OberAachenbehandlung von Aluminium. Werkstatt u. Betrieb 71, 323; 72, 54, 93 (1939).

Herszbein. See Fichter.


592. Hertel and Kruger, F . Vorgiingc an der Anode hei der Elcktrol,·se von Pikraten in nichtwiissrigen Losung,smitteln . Z. Elektrochem. 41 , .564 (1935).

593. Hertel and Lenz. I\:athodische Reduktion aromatischcr Xitrnsoverbindungen unterhalb des \\'asserstoffabscheidungspotentials. Z. E lektrochem. 45, 395 (1939).

Herterich. See Tafel. 594. Herty, Fitterer, and Marshall. Theoretical Considerations in t he E lectrolytic

Determination of Non-metallic Inclusions in Steel. Mining and Met. Investigations, U. S. Bur. Mines Carnegie Inst. Tech . and Mining and Met. Advisory Boards Coop. Bull. 144 (1929).

595. Hess, R. H ., and Taft. The E lectrodeposition of Tin from Solut ions of Its Complex Salts. T rans. K ansas Acad. Sci. 41, 171 (1938).

Hess, W. C. See Sullivan.

Hesse. See Kindler. 596. Hey and Waters. Some Organic R eactions Involving t he Occurrence of Free

R adicals in Solut ions. Chem. Revs. 21, 169 (1937).

597. Heyrovsky. Die Anwendung des Polarographen. Bui. Laborato Arelor 5, 22, 67, 106 (1939).

598. . The Usefulness of the Polarographic Method in Pha rmacy. Casopis Ceskoslov. Lekarnictva 14, 285 (1934).

599. . The Use of the Polarographic Method in Applied Chemistry. Chem. Listy 24, 419, 447 (1930) .

600 . . Applications industrielles de la methode polarographique. Chimie et industrie Spec. No. 29, 204 (1933) .

601. . Application du Polarographe. Chiroie et industrie, 40, 1043 (1938).

602. . Bibliography of Publications Dealing with t he Polarographic Method in 1938. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 11, 98 (1939).

603 . . Bibliographic der im J . 1939 Veroffentlichten Polarographischen Abhandlungen. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 11, 667 (1939).

604 . . Anwendung der polarographischen Methode in der Mikroanalyse. Mikrochemie 12, 25 (1932).

605. . Polarographic Research on Cancer . Nature 142, 317 (1938).

606. . The Theory of Overpotential of Hydrogen and Its Catalytic Lower­ing at the Dropping Mercury Cathode. Trav. congr. jubilaire Mendeleev

2, 299 (1937). 607. Heyrovsky and Klumpar. Bibliography of Publications D ealing with the

Polarographic Method. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 10, 153

(1938). 608. Heyrovsky and Smolef. Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury

K athode. Part XXX. The E lectroreduction and Estimation of Fructose and Sorbose. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 4, 521 (1932).

609. Heyrovsky, Smolef, and Stastny. Recherches sur les vinaigres par la methode polarographique avec la cathode en gouttes de mercure. Vestnik Ceskoslov. Akad. Zemedelske 6, 490 (1930).

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H eyrovsky, Smolef, and Stastny. Recherches polarographiqucs des produits de fermentation . Vestnik Ceskoslov. Akad. Zcmedelske 9, 599 (1933).

H eyrovsky. See Brezina.

----. See Gosman. Hibbert. See Read, R. R.

611. H ickling and Westwood. Studies in Electrolytic Oxidation. Part X . The Anodic Oxidation of Acid-Ester Salts: The Mechanism of the Crum-Brown­Walker Synthesis in Aqueous Solution. J . Chem. Soc. (1938), 1039.

612. . Studies in Electrolytic Oxidation. Part XI. The Electrolysis of Acid-Ester Salts in N onaqueous Solutions, and the Mechanism of the Crum­Brown-Walker Synthesis. J . Chem. Soc. (1939), 1109.

H ickling. See Glasstone.

613. H igasi. On a Yellow Pigment Isolated from Sake-Kasu (Sake-grains). Bull. Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) 15, 1060 (1936) .

614. . On Some Constituents of Sake, Especially Those Contained in Minute Quantities. Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) No. 727, 33, 1 (1937) .

Hill. See Eisenlohr.

Hillel. See Spath.

Hinovker. See Ruggli.

Hirschberg. See N euberg.

Hirsjiirvi. See Toivonen.

615. Hoang. La reduction de I' orange 2 et du jaune metani le a !'electrode a gouttes de mercure. Compt. rend. 207, 989 (1938).

--. Influence de la concentration sur le potentiel de reduction, a !'elec­trode a gouttes de mercure, des colorants monoazoiques sulfones. Compt. rend. 208, 1979 (1939).


617. --. La reduction de !'orange 2 a !'electrode a gouttes de mercure etude polarographique. J . chim. phys. 35, 345 (1938).

H oar. See Baier. 618.

Hockett. The Chemistry of the Tetrose Sugars. I. A Crystalline Triacetate of d-Threose from the Degradation of Strontium Xylonate with Hydrogen Peroxide. Nomenclature in the Tetrose Group. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 57, 2260 (1935).

619. v. H oefft . Erganzung zur Mitteilung: Calorimetrische Melaninen . II. Biochem. Z. 106, 207 (1920).

Hoel. See Browne.

Untersuchungen an



H olemann and Clusius. Zur Elektrolyse deuteriumhaltiger Fettsauren . II. Mitteil; Der Mechanismus der Athylenbildung bei der Elektrolyse der Propionsaure. Ber. 70, 819 (1937).

--. Zur Elektrolyse deuteriumhalt iger Fettsauren. I. Z. physik. Chem, B35, 261 (1937).

H olscher . See Wieland.

Holbro. See Fichter.

H olden. See Hatcher.


622. Holmes and Robinson. Strychnine and Brucine. Part XLI. Re-examination of the Action of Bromine on Diketonucidine and Its Bearing on the Structure of the Alkaloids. J . Chem. Soc. (1939), 603.

623. Holroyd and Rhodes, J. Electrolysis of Potassium Oleatc. J. Chem. Soc. 124, 438 (1924).

624. Hood and Imes. Reductivity of Hydrogen : Chloroacetic Acid. J . Phys. Chem. 36, 927 (1932).

Hoog. See Wibaut.

Hooper. See Foster.

625. Horioka and Kyogoku. Electrolytic Corrosion of Lead Cable Sheathing. Re­searches E lectrotech. Lab. Tokyo No. 323 (1931). Science Abstracts 35B, 182 (1932).

Horn. See Brand.

----. See Fischer.

626. Hothersall. Adhesion of Electrodeposited N ickel to Brass. J. Electroplaters' and Depositors' Tech. Soc. 7, 115 (1932).

Howard. See Swann.

Howe. See Lincoln.

Hozaki. See Shikata, M.

627. Hubbuch with Lowy. The Electrochemical Reduction of Azo Dyes to Their Respective Amino Compounds. Trans. Am. E lectrochem. Soc. 55, 227 (1929) .

Hiirbin. See Ruzicka, L.

628. Hugony. Studio sull' applicazione de! metodo di lucidat ura elettrolitica ai metalli ferrosi . Atti XO congr. intern . chim. 4, 360 (1939).

Hukamauti. See Takagi.

Humpert. See Fichter.

Hiini. See Willstatter.

629. Hunter and Whitney. Catalytic Decomposit ion of Certain Phenol Silver Salts. VI. Intermediate Stages. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 54, 1167 (1932).

630. Hunter and Stone. Studies on Organic D epolarizers. J . Phys. Chem. 39, 1139 (1935).

631. Huth. Versilbern und Vergolden von Aluminium, Duraluminum, U .S.W. Deut. Goldschrniedeztg. 37, 31 (1934).

Huyser. See Ruzicka, L.

632. Iddles, French , K. S., and M ellon. Synthesis of a-2-Methoxyphenyl-/l,/l,/l­Triphenylethane. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 61 , 3192 (1939).

633. Illari. Sulla determinazione degli alogeni nelle sostanze organiche. Ann. chim. applicata 19, 443 (1929) .

634. . Determinazione contemporanea di mercurio e alogeni nelle sostanze organiche. Ann. chim. applicata 22, 261 (1932).

Imes. See Hood.

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635. Ing. The Alkaloids of the Anaguris Foetida and Their Relation to the Lupin Alkaloids. J. Chem. Soc. (1933), 504.

Ingersoll. See Bircher.

Inoue. See Shiba.

lofinov. See Pamfilov.

Irrgang. See Bemhauer.

636. Isaacs and Wilson, C. L. Electrolytic Reduction of Organic Compounds. Part I. Analogies Between Cathodic Reduction and the Action of Dis­solving Metals. Reduction of Sorbic Acid. J. Chem. Soc. (1936) , 202.

637. . E lectrolytic Reduction of Organic Compounds. Part II. Catalytic Hydrogenation of Sorbic Acid at Prepared Cathodes of Nickel and Plati­num. J . Chem. Soc. 574 (1936).

638. . Electrolytic Reduction of Organic Compounds. Part III. {3-Vinylacrylic Acid. J. Chem. Soc. (1936), 810.

639. Isbell. Preparation of Calcium Lactobionate and Lactobionic IJ-Lactone. J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards 11, 713 (1933). Research Paper No. 618.

640. . Preparation and Properties of Calcium Lactobionate-Calcium Bromide. J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards 17, 331 (1936).

641. I sbell and Frush. The Oxidation of Sugars. I. The Electrolytic Oxidation of Aldose Sugars in the Presence of a Bromide and Calcium Carbonate. J. Research Natl. Bureau Standards 6, 1145 (1931).

642. . Preparation and Properties of Aldonic Acids and Their Lactones and Basic Calcium Salts. J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards 11, 649 (1933). Research Paper No. 613.

643. . Electrolytic Oxidation of Xylose in the Presence of Alkaline Earth Bromides and Carbonates. J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards 14, 359 (1935).

644. Isbell, Frush, and Bates. Manufacture of Calcium Gluconate by E lectro­lytic Oxidation of Dextrose. Ind. Eng. Chem. 24, 375 (1932).

645. Ishibashi. Electrolytic Reduction of Oximes. II. 'Y-Isonitrosovaleric acids and a-Isonitrosopropionic acids. Mem. Coll . Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. A8, 37 (1925).

646. . Electrolytic Reduction of Oximes. III. Benzi! Dioxime. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. 8, 383 (1925).

I shii. See Kondo.

Ishikawa. See Yokoyama.

I shiwata. See Kondo, H .

647. Itomi. Electrolytic Reduction of o-Nitrobenzene Azo-phenol. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. 12A, 343 (1929).

648. . On the Electrolytic Reduction of 3-N-Phenyl-4-ketodihydroqui-nazoline. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. A13, 311 (1930) .

Ivanov. See l zgaruishev.

649. lzgaruishev and Ivanov. Electrodeposition of Lead on Metals. Mineral'noe Suir'e i Tzvetnuie Met. 4, 1048 (1929).

650. l zgaryshev and M aiorova. Electrodeposition and Solution of Metals as a Function of the Nature and Concentration of the Ions. J. Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 6, 1208 (1936) .


651. Jacobs and H eidelberger . Amides, Uramino Compounds, and Ureides. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 39, 2418 (1917) .

652. Jacobson. Ludwig Gattermann. Ber . 54A, 115 (1921).

653. Jacques. Introduction a l'etude de !'electrolyse organiquc. Bull. assoc. ing. elec. Liege 54, 325, 355 (1939).

654. Jacquet. Sur le polissage electrolytique de !'aluminium. Compt. rend. 205, 1232 (1937).

655. . Electrolytic Polishing of Tin and Its Application to Microscopic Examination. Intern. Tin Research Development Council, Pub. No. 90 (1939).

656. Le polissage electrolytique de !'aluminium. Son application a l'etude micrographique du metal et de ses alliages. Premiere partie. La technique du polissage electrolytique. Metaux et corrosion 13, 86 (1938).

657. . Le polissage electrolytique de quelques alliages renfermant du nickel et du chrome. Metaux et corrosion 14, 127 (1939).

658. Jacquet and Calvet. Le polissage electrolytique de !'aluminium. Son appli­cation a l'etude micrographique du metal et de ses alliages. II. Metaux et corrosion 13, 121 (1938).

659. Jacquet and Rocquet. Application du polissage electrolytique a !'examen micrographique du fer et des aciers. Compt. rend. 208, 1012 (1939).

660. Jaeger. Uber Ameisensiiurebildung bei der E lektrolyse wiisseriger Salz­liisungen oberhalb der kritischen Temperatur. Ges. Abhandl. Kenntniss Kohle 7, 201 (1925).

661. Jahoda, F. G. Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode. Part LIV. The Electroreduction of Formaldehyde. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 7, 415 (1935) .

662. J akubson. Die elektrische Leitfiihigkeit in Benzollosungen. Z. physik. Chem. 118, 31 (1925).

663. Jansen. tJ-2,4,5-Trimethoxyphenylethylamine. An Isomer of Mescaline. Rec. trav. chim. 50, 291 (1931).

664. Jayles. Sur la chloruration electrolytique du benzene. Compt. rend. 189, 686 (1929).

665. Jeffery. Electrolysis with Aluminium Anode, the Anolyte Being: I. Solutions of Sodium Nitrite; II. Solutions of Potassium Oxalate. Trans. Faraday Soc. 19, 52 (1923) .

J enny. See Schmitt.

666. Jeunehomme. Mecanisme de la chloruration electrochimique du benzene. Compt. rend . 199, 1027 (1934).

667. . :Etude cinetique de la chloruration electrochimique du benzene. J. chim. phys. 32, 173 (1935).

668. Jirkovsky. Elektrographische Methoden. Mikrochemie 15, 331 (1934) .

Jirovec. See W enig.

Johnson. See Mathers.

669. Jones, H . C. Electricity Applied to Chemistry. Eng. Mining J. 93 , 1041 (1912).

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670. J ones, T. G. H ., and Smith, F. B. Olefinic Terpene K etones from the Volat ile Oil of FlmYering T agetes glandulifera. Part I. J. Chem. Soc. 127 , 2530 (1925).

J ones, T. R. See K ern.

671. Jordan. Preparation of Metal Surfaces for Painting. Chemistry and Industry 361 (1937).

672. Joseph and Stadie. The Simultaneous Determination of Total Base and Chloride on the Same Sample of Serum by E lectrodialysis. J. Biol. Chem. 125, 795 (1938).

673 . Joslyn. E lectrolytic Production of R ancid F lavor in Sherries. Ind . Eng. Chem. 30, 568 (1938) .

674. J owett. The Constitution of Pilocarpine. J . Chern. Soc . 83, 438 (1903) .

675. Jiihling, Tropp, and W ohlisch. Polarographische Eiweissuntersuchungen II. Polarographische Untersuchungen iiber Zustandsanderungen des Fibrino­gens. Z. physiol. Chem. 262, 210 (1939).

Jiihling. See Tropp.

Jukkola. See Audrieth.

676. Juneja, Narang, and Ray. The Constitution of Vasicine. J . Chern. Soc. (1935), 1277.

Juneja. See Ray.

677. Jurka. Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Electrode. LL'CIX. Investigation of the Simultaneous Occurrence of the Two Known Protein Effects Produced in Buffered Cobalt Solutions. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 11, 243 (1939).

678. Jurs and Noller. Saponins and Sapogenins. IV. The I solation of Amolonin and Determination of t he Products of Hydrolysis. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 58, 1251 (1936).

Kabai. See Tachi.

Kakemi. See Sugasawa.

679. Kakutaui. Synthesis of Acetic Acid from Acetylene. II. Oxidation of Acet­aldehyde. Chem. Rev. Japan 4, 205 (1938) .

Kal' e. See Povarnin.

680. Kameyama. The Electrolysis of the Aqueous Solution of Cyanamide. J . Faculty Eng. Tokyo Univ. 13, 271 (1924).

681. Kameyama and Takahashi. Electrolytic Oxidation or Reduction with Alter­nating Current. J. Soc. Chem. Ind . Japan 36 (Suppl. binding) 174 (1933) .

682. Kaneko and Nemoto. Formation of Aluminum Oxide Film and Its Coloring. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. J apan 36 (Suppl. binding) 116 (1933).

683. Kanner. Physico-chemical Studies of Enamel. II. Organic Constituents of Enamel. A Polarographic Study. J . Am. Dental Assoc. 26, 598 (1939).

684. Kanner and Reed. A Polarographic Study of Insulin . Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. and Med. 42, 387 (1939) .

Kappana. See Ghosh.


685. Kaplansky. -Ober die Elektroreduktion von K etoximen und Aldoximen der aromatischen Reihen. Ber. 60, 1842 (1927).

Kardos. See Bruckner. 686. Karr. Historical Review of Aniline Black. Am. Dyestuff Reptr . 26, 631,

642 (1937). 687. Karrer , Benz, M orl , Raudnitz, Stoll , and Takahashi. Kons tit ution des Saf­

ranfarbstoffs Crocetin, Synthese des Perhydro-bixin-athylesters und Per­hydro-norbixin.s. Helv. Chim. Acta 15, 1218 (1932).

688. . Pftanzenfarbstoffe. XLVI. Konstitution des Crocetins und Bixins. Synthese des Perhydro-Norbixins. Helv. Chim. Acta 15, 1399 (1932).

689 . Karrer, Benz, and Stoll . Pftanzenfa rbstoffe. XLIX. Synthese des Perhydro­crocetins. Helv . Chim. Acta 16, 297 (1933).

690. Karrer, Diechmann, and Haebler . Weiteres iiber D arstellung und Um­wandlung der Isonitrosoacetanilide. Helv. Chim. Acta 7, 1031 (1924).

691. Karrer and Haebler . Eine Methode zur D arstell ung von Aniliden des Gly­kokolls. H elv . Chim. Acta 7, 534 (1924) .

692. Karrer and Stoll. Versuche iiber die Elektrolyse von Halbestern ungesattiger Dicarbonsaure. Helv . Chim. Acta 14, 1189 (1931).

693. Karrer, Stoll, and Stevens. Pftanzenfarbstoffe. XXXVII. Hochmolekulare Kohlenwasserstoffe mit zahlreichen Methylseitenketten. Helv. Chim. Acta 14, 1194 (1931) . •

694. Katagishi, Ginbayashi, and Matsui. The Anodic Behaviour of Substituted Acetic Acids. Part I. Diphenyl Acetic Acid. Mem. Coll . Sci. Kyoto Imp.

Univ. Al2, 57 (1929). 695 . Kato, Sugino, Koidzumi, and Mitsushima. Application of Calcium Cyana­

mide. II. Ammonolysis of Dicyanodiamide. J . Soc. Chem. Ind. J apan 26 (Suppl. binding) 133 (1933) .

696. Katznel'son. E lectrochemical Investigation of the Systems AlBr3-C2H5Br and A1Br3-C2H5Br-KI. Mem. Inst. Chem., Acad. Sci. Ukrain.S.S.R. 4,

393 (1938) . 697. Katznel' son and Aizenberg. Electrochemical Investigations of t he Systems

A1Br3-Etl-Li, Na, K-Halides. Mem. Inst. Chem., Acad. Sci. Ukrain.S.S.R.

5, 137 (1938) .

Katznel'son. See Plotnikov. 698. Kauffmann and Weisse!. Die Fluorescenz in der Terepht halsaurereihe. Ann.

393, 1 (1912) . 699. Kawada. Preparation of Benzaldehyde by Electrolytic Oxidation of Toluene.

J . Pharm. Soc. J apan No. 521, 628 (1925).

700. Kawada and Kon. Electrolytic Reduction of 3-n-Phenyl-4-ketodihydro­quinazoline. Bull . Imp. Hyg. Lab. (Japan) 35, 131 (1929).

701. Kawada and Y osida. Preparation of Salicylaldehyde by Electrolytic Reduc­tion of Sodium Salicylate. Bull . Hyg. Research Inst. (J apan) 35, 261


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702. Kawata. Electrolytic Reduction of Aromatic Nitro-compounds. I. Prepara­tion of Ethyl p-Aminobenzoate by Electrolytic Reduction of Ethyl p­:\'"itrobenzoate. J. Electrochem. Assoc. (Japan) 1, 51 (1933).

703. Keats. The Configura tion of Some p-Menthane Deriva tives. J . Chem. Soc. (1937), 2003.


Keil. See Wrede.

Keller. See Gluud.

Kemula. "Ober Heyrovsky's electroanalytische "Polarographische Methode und ihre Anwendung in der theoretischen und praktischen Chemie. " Z. Elektrochem. 37, 779 (1931) .

" 705. Kern, E. F. Electrodeposition of Tin. Trans. Am. E lectrochem. Soc . 23, 193 (1913).

706. . The E lectrolytic Refining of Tin. Trans. Am. E lectrochem. Soc. 38, 142 (1920).

707. Kern, E. F., and Jones, T. R. Addition Agents in Bismuth Electrolytes. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 57, 255 (1930).

Kern, W. See Fichter.

708. Kerns. Electrolytic Reduction of Nitrobenzene to Azoxybenzene. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 62, 183 (1932).

Kesztyiis. See Went.

Kethur. See Slotta.

709. Keyes and Swann. Studies in the Electrodeposition of Metals. Bull. No. 206 , Eng. Experiment Station, Univ . of Illinois (1930).

710. Keyes, Swann, Schicktanz, and Klabunde. The Electrodeposition of Alu­minum. Ind. Eng. Chem. 20, 1068 (1929).

Kharlamov. See Lapin.

711. Kheifetz and Vainer. E lectrolytic Tin Plates. Repts. Central Inst. Metals (Leningrad) No. 16, 165 (1934).

712. Kikets. Electrochemical Study of the Systems KCI-AIBr3, KBr-AIBr3, and KI-AIBrs in Benzene. Mem. Inst. Chem. Ukrain . Acad. Sci. 3, 489 (1936).

---- . See Plotnikov.

K.iketz. See Plotnikov.

Kikez. See Plotnikov.

713. Kiliani. Elektrolytische Gewinnung von d-Galaktonsii.ure. Ber. 65, 1269 (1932).

714. . Zur elektrolytischen Gewinnung der Aldonsii.uren. Ber. 66, 117 (1933).

Kilianova. See Moravek.

715. Killeffer. Alcohols from Sugar by Electrolytic Reduction . Ind . Eng. Chem ., News Ed . 15, 489 (1937) .

716. Kilpatrick and Simons. The Kinetics of the Formation of the Grignard Reagent. I. Preliminary Experiments. J . Org. Chem. 2, 459 (1937).

Kimmig. See Wieland.


717. Kindler with Giese, Hesse, Kording, Finndorf, and Christlieb. Uber neue und uber verbesserte Wege zum Aufbau von pharmakologish wichtigen Aminen I. Arch. Pharm. 265, 389 (1927).

King. See Francis.

----. See Garner.

718. Kippe and Meyer, 0. Die elektrolytische Bestimmung von nicht metallischen Einschlussen in Eisen und Stahl. Arch. Eisenhuttenw. 10, 93 (1936) .

Kirchhof. See Schenk.

Kirichenko. See Plotnikov.

719. Kirk and Bradt. Effect of a Direct Current on the Nitration and Oxidation of Toluene. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 67, 209 (1935).

720. Kirkhgof. Electrolytic Reduction of Nitro-compounds. p-Aminophenol, Dia­minophenol, o-Aminophenol, p-Phenetidine, and p-Anisidine. Phenacetin and Acetaniside from the Sulfates of the Bases. Khim. Farm. Prom. (1933), 326.

721. Kirkhgof and Albitzkaia. p-Aminophenol. Khim. F arm. Prom. (1934) No. 3, 15.

722. Kirkhgov and Korzina. Preparation of the Principal Medicinal Aromatic Arsenic Compounds. Org. Chem. Ind. (U.S.S .R.) 5, 282 (1938) .

723. Kirkhgof and Stepanov, A. D. Electrolytic Reduction of Acetone to Isopropyl Alcohol. Khim. Farm. Prom. (1932) No. 1, 21.

724. . Electrolytic Reduction of Salicyl Amide to Saligenin. Khim. Farm. Prom. (1934) No. 3, 14.

Kirsch. See Elbs.

725. Kishi. Opening of the Ring in a Cyclic Ammonium Base. J . Pharm . Soc. Japan 48, 141 (1928).

----. See Kondo, H.

726. Kishner. Concerning Aminocyclopropane. J. Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. 37, 304 (1905).

727. Kitaura. Kolbe Electrosynthesis of Several Organic Acids. Bull. Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) 16, 765 (1937).

Kittel. See Spath.

Kizaki. See Matsui.

Klabunde. See Keyes.

Klami. See Komppa.

728. Klason. Die Zusammensetzung des arsenhaltigen Gases, welches Penicillium Pilze entwickeln konnen. Ber. 47, 2634 (1914) .

Klein. See Lincoln.

Kleiner. See Wittig.

729. Klemenc. Die elektrolytischen Vorgii.nge an der Anode als Wirkungen des Hydroxyls. Z. physik. Chem. A185, 1 (1939).

Kling, A. See Hanriot.

730. Kling, K. t!ber den Paratolylazetaldehyd und seine Derivate. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Krakau (1907), p. 448.

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731. Kling, K. tlber die o-, m-, and p-Tol~·lathylalkohole. Anz. Akad. 'Wiss. l\rakau (1908), 632.

732. Klochko. Electrochemical Production of Light Metals from Xonaqueous Solutions. L Preliminary Experiments on the Electrolysis of Salts of the Alkali l\Ietals. J . Applied Phys. (U.S.S.R.) 9, 420 (1936) .

Klug. See Lauer.

Klumpar. See Heyrovskj.

Klyachko-Gurvich. See Kobozev.

Knapp. See Muskat.

Kobe. See Thurston.

733. Kobozev and Klyachko-Gurvich. A Theory of the Formation of Catalytically Active "Ensembles" on Surfaces. IL An Application of the Theory to the Synthesis of Ammonia and to the Catalytic and Electrocatalytic Hydro­genation of t he Ethylene Bond. Acta Physicochim. (U.S.S.R. ) 10, 1 (1939).

734. Kobozev and Monblanova. Activating Influence of Poisons in Electrocataly­sis. J. Phys. Chem. (U.S.S.R. ) 4, 395 (1936).

Kobozev. See Monblanova.

735. Kockelmeyer and Hauss. Le rapport entre Jes constantes polarographiques des differentes formes optiques de !'adrenaline, ainsi que du chlorhydrate d'adrenalone, et leurs proprietes pharmacoclynamiques. J. pharm. Belg. 21, 305 (1939).

Kockelmeyer. See Hauss.

Kodama. See Sugasawa.

736. Kodicek and Wenig. Pol arographic Estimation of Vitamin C. Nature 142, 35 (1938).

737. Koehler. Electroplating Methods. Metal Cleaning and Finishing 7, 227 (1935).

Kohler. See Griessman.

738. Koepfii and Perkin, W. H. Synthesis of Ketodehydrocorydaline. J. Chem. Soc. (1928), 2989.

Koepfii. See Haworth.

739. Koidzumi. Electrolytic Oxidation of Alcohols. II. Chlorination of Ethyl Alcohol. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. AS, 155 (1925).

740. . Electrolytic Oxidation of Alcohols. III. Benzyl Alcohol. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. All, 383 (1928).

741. . Electrolytic Oxidation of Alcohols. IV. Propyl Alcohol in Alka-line Solution. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. All, 391 (1928) .

742. . Anodic Behavior of Alcohols in Alkaline Solutions. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. A17, 329 (1934).

----. See Kato.

Kolb. See Birckenbach.

743. Kolbe and Schmidt, R. Directe Umwandlung der Kohlensaure in Ameisen­siiure. Ann. ll9, 251 (1861) .


744. Komppa. Uber ein neues bicyclisches lmin, das I sogranatanin . Ber. 65B, 792 (1932).

745. . Uber die Konsti tut ion einiger gesattigten Dicarbonsauren. Fest-schrift cl. Polytech. Inst. zu Finnland April (1899).

746. Komppa, Klami, and Kuyaja. Total Synthese des Pinens. Naturwissen­schaften 27, 197 (1939).

747 . Komppa and Wuorinen. Berichtigung zu den Abhandlungen von Gustav. Mattson i.iber: "Die obere Grenze der Brown-Walkerschen Elektrosynthese und ein verbessertes Verfahren zur Ausfi.ihrung derselben" und "Die E lectrolyse von Salzen der Halbamide einiger zweibasischen Sauren." Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae 19A, No. 12 (1923) .

Kon. See Kawada. 748. Kondo, H., and Ishiwata. Studien zur Synthese der Aporphin-Alkaloide. Ber.

64B, 1533 (1931). 749. . Uber die Konstitution des Lycoramins. Ber. 70, 2427 (1937).

750. Kondo, H., Kishi, and Araki. Constitution of Matrine. II. J . Pharm. Soc. Japan, No . 478, 1047 (1922).

751. Kondo, H., and Kondo, T. XX. Constitution of Coclaurine. III . J . Pharm. Soc. Japan 48, 324 (1928).

752. . Uber das Alkaloid "Coclaurin" von Coculus laurifolius, D. C. J. prakt. Chem. 126, 24 (1930) .

753. Kondo, H., Nakajima, and Murakawa. 4-Nitrosalicylic Acid. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan No. 483, 355 (1922).

754. Kondo, H., and Ui. Skraup's Quinoline Synthesis Applied to ~-Aminocou­marin. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan No. 498, 615 (1923).

755. Kondo, Tatsu, and Tanaka, S. o-Hydroxyphenethylamine and Its Deriva­tives. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 52, 608 (1932).

756. Kondo, Tohoru, and Shinozaki. Preparation of p-Hydroxyphenylethylamine. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 49, 267 (1929).

757. Kondo, Tohoru, Shinozaki, and Ishii. Preparation of ~-Phenylethylamine De­rivatives. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 48, 1166 (1928) .

Kondo, T. See Kondo, H. 758. Kondyrev. Elektrolytische Eigenschaften der magnesium-organischen Ver­

bindungen. I. Ber. 58, 459 (1925).

759. . Die Bildung des Magnesium-amalgams auf elektrolytischem Wege und <lessen Zersetzung an der luft. Ber. 61B, 208 (1928).

----. The Electrolytic Preparation of Magnesium Amalgam and Its Decomposition in Air. J. Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc . 60, 545 (1928).

Konig. See Weitz.

Konowalowa. See Orechoff.

Koperina. See Gavrilov.

Kording. See Kindler.

Korol. See Plotnikov.

Korolev. See Rutoviski.

Korzina. See Kirkhgov.

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760. Kostuk. Sur la methode polarographique de l"analyse chimique. Bull. assoc. suer. dist. 49, 444 (1932).

761. Kotljar, A. M., and Podrouzek, V. Polarographic Proof of Proteolysis in the Case of Serological Enzymic Reactions. Casopis Ceskoslov. Lekarnictva 18, 123-8 (1938). Nature 142, 872 (1938).

Kowalski. See Drees.

Kowarsky. See Stout.

Kraay. See Wibaut.

Kracovski. See Farmer.

762. Kramli and Bruckner. Uber die Verwendung der Pseudo-nitrosite propenyl­haltigen Phenolather zur Synthese von a-arylierten 13-Hydroxylamino- und 13-Aminopropanolen. J. prakt. Chem. 148, 117 (1937).

Kriimli. See Bruckner.

763. Kraus. Isolation and Properties of Some Electropositive Groups and Their Bearing on the Problem of the Metallic State . J. Am. Chem. Soc. 35, 1732 (1913).

Krauss. See Speyer.

764. Kravtzoff. Sur le comportement anodique des sels organiques de cuivre. Compt. rend. 202, 1036 (1936).

Kronig. See Fischer.

Krucke-Amelung. See Brand.

765. Kriiger, M. Die Erfolge cler organischen Elektrochemie. Elektrochem. Z. 5, 1, 31, 52, 72, 98, 185, 240 (1898); 6, 29 (1899).




Kriiger, F. See Hertel.

Kruta. See Spath.

Kudra. See Plotnikov.

----. See Finkelstein.

Kuffner. See Spath.

Kumpfmiller. See Miiller, R .

Kurenniemi and Tommila. Zur Kenntnis der elektrolytischen Oxydation von Alkoholen und Alclehyclen in alkalischer Losung. Suomen Kemistilehti 9B, 25 (1936).

Kuyaja. See Komppa.

Kyogoku. See Horioka.

Kyrides. The Condensation of Aldehycles with Ketones, and Some of the Products Derived from the Ketols. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 55, 3431 (1933).

Lacroix. Preparation de la 3,3'-cliamino-cliphenylsulfone par reduction elec­trolytique de la 3,3'-dinitro-cliphenyl sulfone. Compt. rend. 178, 483 (1924).

769. Landa and Landova. Electrolyse de l 'acicle palmitique et preparation du pentadecene. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 2, 31 (1930).

Landova. See Landa.

Langedijk. See Wibaut.




Lapin, H . See Fichter. Lapin, N. P., Kharlamov, and Goniev. Copper Plating of Iron at High Current

Densities. Trans. State Inst. Applied Chem. (U.S.S.R.) Xo. 21, 46 (1934).

Lapworth and Royle. Homocamphor. J . Chem. Soc. 117, 7-13 (1920).

Laqueur. See Schweitzer.

Larian. See Mann.

Larsen. See Piccard. 772. Larsson. Die elektrolytische Reduktion der Dithiodiglykolsaure. Ber. 61,

1439 (1928) . 773. . Preparation of Thioglycolic and Thiolactic Acids by Electroreduc-

tion. Svensk Kem. Tic!. 40, 149 (1928).

Lasch. See Meyer, H. 774. Lauer, Klug, and Harrison. The Alleged cis-trans I somerism of alpha- and

beta-p-Azophenol. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 61, 2775 (1939). 775. Law and Perkin, F. M. Electrolytic Oxidation of Hydrocarbons of the Benzene

Series. I. Hydrocarbons Containing the Methyl Group. Chem. News. 90,

232 (1904) . 776. . Electrolytic Oxidation of Hydrocarbons of the Benzene Series. II.

Ethylbenzene, Cumene, and Cymene. Chem. News. 92, 66 (1905).

Lawaczeck. See Tafel. 777. Lazzarini. Preparazione de! jodoformio. Industria chimica 4, 771 (1929). 778. Le Blanc and Bindschedler. Uber die Bildung schwer loslicher Niederschlage

bei der Elektrolyse mit loslichen Anoclen. Z. E lektrochem. 8, 255 (1902) .

Lee, C. H. See Evans, W . V. 779. Lee, F. H., and Li. Decomposition Potentials of Grignard Reagents in Ether

Solution. Nanking J . 4, 1 (1934).

Lee, F. H. See Evans, W. V.

Lee, N. See Sugasawa. 780. Lehmann. Die Fortschritte der organischen Chemie 1924-1928. VII. Neuere

Arbeitsmethoclen der organischen Chemie. z. angew. Chem. 43, 1142


Lejeune. See Marie. 781. Lemarchands. Les phenomenes de reduction et d'oxydation electrolytiques

en chimie organique. Chimie et industrie 9, 1180 (1923). Ann. Energie 2, No. 6, 225 (1922), 3, No. 9, 9 (1922) .

782. Lenoble. L 'electrolyse d'une solution colloidale d 'hemicellulose. Chimie et industrie 13, 560 (1925).

782A. . L'electrolyse d'une solution colloidale d 'hemicellulose. Russa 4,

1839, 1841 (1929).

Lentini. See Giacomello.

Lenz. See Hertel. 783. Leonhardt. Einige neuere physikalische und physikochemische Verfahren

zur vVertbestimmw1g VOil Arzneimitteln. Merck's Jahresber. 50, 141


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784. Leslie and Butler. The l\lechanism of E lectrolytic Processes. III. Irrever­sible Reductions. Trans. Faraday Soc. 32, 989 (1936) .

785 . Lethe by. On t he Production of a Blue Substance by t he Electrolysis of Sulfate of Aniline. J . Chem. Soc. 15, 161 (1862).

786. Leuchs and Beyer, H. Uber die Ox-ydationsprodukte des Tetrahydrostrych­nins und -brucins und ihrer Acetyl Derivate CU'ber Strychnos-Alkaloide, LXI. Mitteil. ). Ber. 64, 2156 (1931).

787. Leuchs and Overberg. Die Brom-Oxydation des Dioxonucidins; die Reak­tion dieser Base, des Brucins und des Strychnidins mit Bromcyan (tl'ber Strychnos-Alkaloide, LXV. Mitteil.). Ber. 65B, 961 (1932).

788. Leuchs and Wegener. Umwandlung des 2,3-Dioxo-nucidins, des 2,3-Dioxo­nucinsaure-Hydrats und des Carboxy-apo-nucins. (tl'ber Strychnos-Alka­loide, LVI. Mitteil. ). Ber. 63B, 2215 (1930).

Leupin. See Fichter.

789. Leutgoeb and Heinrich. The E lectroly tic Preparation of Glucuronic Acid. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 61, 870 (1939).

Levchenko. See Rodionow.

790 . Levin and Esin. Cathode P olarization During Deposition of Metals from Non-aqueous Solutions. J. Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 7, 1478 (1937).

791. Lewcock. Formation of Azoaniline Sulfoni c Acids. Study of Electrolytic Reduction. J. Soc . Chem. Ind. 44, 152T (1925).

Lewi. See Achmatowicz.

Leyerzapf. See Brand.

792. Lhotsky. Polarographic Determination of Acetaldehyde in Beer. Zpr. ust. kvasneho prum. Brno. 2, 51 (1936). Chem. Obzor 13, 155 (1938).

Li. See Lee, F. H.

793. Lieber and Smith, G. B. L. The Chemistry of Aminoguanidine and Related Substances. Chem. Revs. 25, 213 (1939) p. 215, 216.

794. Lincoln, Klein, and Howe. The Electrolytic Corrosion of Brasses. J . Phys. Chem. 11, 501 (1907).

Lindenmaier. See Fichter.

Linford. See Bradt.

795 . Ling and Nanji. Crystalline Glucose-Ammonia and Isoglucoseamine . J . Chem. Soc. 121, 1682 (1922).

Lintner. See Spath.

796. Lipp. Frei organische Radikale. Jahrb. Radioakt. Elektronik 12, 35 (1915). Lipschutz. See Sladek.

797. Liscomb. Introduction of Iron into Alkaline Cleaning and Plating Solutions. Monthly Rev. Am. Electroplaters' Soc. 18, No. 1, 17 (1931).

798. Lob. Die Elektrosynthese des Anhydro-p-amido-benzylalkoholes. Ber. 31, 2037 (1898).

799. . tl'ber die Elektrolytische D arstellung des Benzidins. Ber . 33, 2329 (1900).

Long. See Audrieth.


800. Long and Audrieth. lleactions in Fused Pyridine Hydrochloride. Illinois State Acad. Sci. 28 , 121 (1935).

Lopmann. See Gluud. Lorch. See Rosenthal, R.

Lotter. See Fichter.

Lowy. See Albert. See Conn.

See Croco. See Hubbuch.

See McClure.

See Nevyas.

See Phillips.

See Rasch. See White, E. G., and White, G. H.

Lucker. See Swann.

Ludmila. See Simek.

Liicker. See Adickes.



Lukens. See Brigham. 801. Lukes. E lectrolytic R eduction of P yrrolones and Li:i-Pyrrolines. Chem.

Listy 27, 392 (1933). 802. . Sur les pyrrolones alcoylees. Synthese des acides -y-cetoniques et

des acides gras. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 1, 119 (1929).

803. . Action des organomagnesiens sur la n-methylpyrrolidone. N ou-velle synthese de pyrrolines substituces. Collection Czechoslov. Chem.

Commun. 2, 531 (1930). 804. . Sur la reduction electrolytique des pyrrolones et des Liz-pyrrolines.

Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun . 4, 351 (1932). 805 . Lukes and Smetackova. Sur la preparation et la reduction electrolytique de

l' imide n-mcthylglutarique. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 5, 61

(1933). Nouvelle synthese totale des deux n-methylconicines antipodes.

Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 6, 231 (1934). 806.

Lurie. See Fichter.

Lutz. See Small. Lyapuntzeva. See Valter.

807. Lynch and Collett. E lectrolytic Oxidation of Coal. Fuel 11, 408 (1932).

Lyons. See Hartley, D . D.

Ma. See Davis. 808. McAllister. E lectrolysis of Soap Solutions. Oil and Soap 14, 39 (1937).

Macbeth. See Gillespie. 809 . McClure with Lowy. Electrochemical Preparation of Phenylhydrazine.

Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 56, 445 (1929).

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810. M acGillavry. Polarographic Investigations of Anhydrous Acetic Acid So­lutions. Trans. Faraday Soc. 32, 1447 (1936).

811. M cKee, J . R ., Mann, and M ontillon. Furfural as a Possible Ionizing l\Iedium. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 53, 333 (1928).

812. M cKee, R.H., and Brockman. New l\fethod for Electro-Organic Reductions. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 62, 203 (1932).

813. McKee, R.H., and Gerastopolou. Electrolytic Reduction of Nitro Compounds in Concentrated Aqueous Salt Solutions. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 68, 329 (1935).

814. McKee, R. H., and H eard. Electro-Organic Oxidations in Concentrated Aqueous Organic Salt Solutions. I. Stability of the Sulfonate Solvents


and the Oxidation of Benzaldehyde and Benzyl Alcohol. Trans. Electro­chem. Soc. 65, 301 (1934).

--. Electro-Organic Oxidations in Concentrated Aqueous Organic Salt Solutions. II. Reactions with Toluene, Oleic Acid, Benzoin, and Other Substances. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 65, 327 (1934).

McKenney. See Morton. Macy. See Stern.

816. Magnus. Richard Lorenz. Z. E lektrochem. 35, 815 (1929) . Magoffin. See Bancroft.

817. Mahlo. Die Bedeutung polarographischer Messungen bei chronischen Gas-tritiden. Deut. med. W ochschr. 65, 211 (1939).

Maiorova. See Izgaryshev.

Major. See Cook, E. W.

Maly. See Moravek.

Manca. See Vanzetti.

818. Mandeville. Permanent Surface Protection for Aluminum. Metallurgist (Suppl. to Engineer 164) 58 (1937).

819. Mann, Montonna, and Larian. Electrolytic Reduction of 2-Nitro-p-Cymene. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 69, 367 (1936) .

Mann. See McKee, J. R.

820. Mannich. Ober "offenes" Ekgonin und Tropin. Arch. Pbar::n. 272, 323 (1934).

821. Mantell. Electrodeposition of Aluminum on Other Metals. Metal Cleaning and Finishing 6, 397 (1934).

822. Marc. Dber den Einftuss von Kolloidzusatzen auf die kathodischen und anodischen Vorgii.nge bei der Elektrolyse von Metallsalzlosungen. Z. Elektrocbem. 19, 431 (1913) .

823. Marchand. Dber Antimonsuboxyd und Antimonwasserstoff. J. prakt. Chem. 34, 381 (1845).

Marchetti. See Sborgi.

824. Margot. Les progres de l'electrochimie en 1899. Electrochimie organique. L'Electrochimie 6, 95 (1900).


825. Marie. La reduction electrolytique des acides incomplets. L'Electrochimie 9, 103 (1903). Same as 262.

826. Marie and Lejeune. Oxydation electrolytique de !'ether en presence de l'acide perchlorique. Anales soc. espaii. fi s. y quim. 27, 447 (1929).

827. . Recherches sur J'oxydation electrolytique des substances organiques. Compt. rend. 187, 343 (1928).

828. . Reduction electrolytique de la pyridine. Preparation de la piperi-dine. J. chim. phys. 22, 59 (1925).

829. . Recherches sur l'oxydation electrolytique de diverses substances organiques. J. chim. phys. 26, 237 (1929).

Maritz. See Fichter.

Markert. See H ein.

Marshall. See Herty.

830. Martens. Decompositions clectrochimiques. L'Institut (1853), 117. Martin. See Fieser.

Maschovetz. See Rabinowitsch.

831. Mathers. E lectrodeposition of Lead from Lead Acetate Solutions. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 26 , 99 (1914) .

----. See Blue.

----. See Overcash.

832. Mathers and Cockrum. Electrodeposition of Lead from Lead Lactate and Lead Formate Solutions. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 26, 114 (1914).

833. M athers and Johnson. E lectrodeposition of Silver Alloys from Aqueous Solutions. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 74, 229 (1938).

834. Mathers, Webb, and Schaff. Alkaline Plating Baths for Cobalt and Nickel with High Throwing Power. Metal Cleaning and Finishing 6, 412, 418 (HJ34).

835. Matsuda. Relation Between Kolbe's Reaction and Hydrogen-ion Concentra­tion. The Mechanism of Kolbe's Reaction. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 7, 18 (1932).

836. . Relation Between Kolbe's Reaction and Hydrogen-ion Concentra-tion. VII. The :Mechanism of Kolbe's Reaction . Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 7, 297 (1932).

837. . Relation Between Kolbe's Reaction and the Hydrogen-ion Concen-tration. II. Electrolysis of Potassium Acetate Solutions in the Presence of Ammonium Carbonate. J . Chem. Soc. Japan 51, 632 (1930).

838. . Relation Between Kolbe's Reaction and Hydrogen-ion Concentra-tion. III. Comparison of the Electrolysis of Ammonium Acetate and Potassium Acetate. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 52, 249 (1931).

839. . Relation Between Kolbe's Reaction and Hydrogen-ion Concentra-tion. IV. Electrolysis of Potassium Acetate and Ammonium Acetate in Dilute Solutions. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 52, 756 (1931).

840. Matsuda and Morita. Relation Between Kolbe's Reaction and the Hydrogen­ion Concentration. J. -Chem. Soc. Japan 51, 126 (1930) .

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841. Matsui and Arakawa. Electrolysis of a Mixture of Two Fatty Acids. :\Iem.



Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. Al5, 189 (1932).

Matsui and Kizaki. On the Mechanism of Kolbe's Reaction. Part I. Elec­trolysis of Free Acetic Acid. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. Al6, 297 (1933).

Matsui and Sakurada. On the Splitting of the Sulfonic Group from the Aro­matic Ring by Electrolytic Reduction. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. Al5, 181 (1932).

844. Matsui, Sawamura, and Adachi. Electrolytic Reduction of Saccharin. Part I. Electrolysis in Acid and Alkaline Solutions. .Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. Al5, 151 (1932).

Matsui. See Katagishi.

845. Matsumiya and Nakata. Organic Compounds of Arsenic, Part VI. E lectro­lytic Reduction of Some Ary! Arsenic Acids. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. Al2, 63 (1929).

846. Mattson. Die obere Grenze der Brown-Walkerschen E lektrosynthese und ein verbessertes Verfahren zur Ausfohrung derselben. Ofversikt av Finska Vetenskap-Societens Forhiindlinger 53A, No. 5 (1910-11).

847. . Die E lektrolyse von Salzender Halbamide einiger zweibasischen Siiuren. Ofversikt av Finska Vetenskap-Societens Forhiindlinger 53A, No. 6 (1910-11).

Matusaka. See Takayama.

848. Mauthner. Die Synthese des Metadimethoxybenzaldehyds. J . prakt. Chem. 100, 176 (1920).

Maximova. See Orechoff.

May. See Mosettig.

Mayer, E. See Willstatter.

849. Mayer, F. Martin Freund. Chem.-Ztg. 44, 297 (1920).

850. Mayer, Fritz, and English. Zur Kenntnis der Pschorrschen Phenanthrensyn­these. Ann. 417, 60 (1918).

851. Mayer, Fritz, Schafer, and Rosenbach. Ober die Darstellung von Phthalidab­kommlingen. Arch. Pharm. 267, 571 (1929) .

Mayer, Fritz. See Freund.

Mayer, K. See Waldschmidt-Leitz.

852. Mayor. La fabrication et les emplois de l'acide oxalique. B. Les proprietes de l'acide oxalique. Rev. chim. ind. (Paris) 47, 73 (1938).

853. Mazzucchelli. Deposizione elettrolitica del cromo dal cromossalato ammonico. Atti accad. Lincei 12, 587 (1930).

854. Mazzucchelli and Bacci. La elettrolisi del cromossalato ammonico rosso. Gazz. chim. ital. 62, 756 (1932).

855. Mazzucchelli, Vivaldi, Bacci, and Rossi. La elettrolisi degli ossalati di cromo. Mem. reale accad. Italia, Chim. 2, No. l, 5 (1931) .


856. Medinskii. The Behavior of Some Aromatic Compounds at the Anode in :\itric Acid Solutions. Acta Univ . Asiae i\Iediae (Tashkent), Ser. VI, :\o.

6 (1933). Meints. See Audrieth.

Mejenny. See Plotnikov.

Melber. See Freund.

Mellon. See Iddles.

Mellquist. See Angel. 857. Mel'nikov. E lectrochemical Synthesis of Organic Compounds. Uspekhi

Khim. 6, 4 (1937). 858. Mel'nikov and Rokitskaya. The Electrochemical Preparation of Symmetrical

Mercury Compounds from Mixed Metallo-organic Mercury Salts. J. Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 7, 596 (1937).

859. Mel'nikov, Sklyarenko, and Cherkasova. The Electrochemical Introduction of the Thiocyanate Group into Organic Compounds. J. Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 9, 1819 (1939).

Meloche. See Borcherdt. 860. Menon and Simonsen. E lectrolytic Reduction of the Imides of Cyclic Acids.

Preliminary Note . J. Chem. Soc. (1929) , 302.

Metelkin. See Florenskii.

Metz. See Fichter. 861. Meyer, H., Beer, and Lasch. Eine Neue Synthese des Cumarins. .Monatsh.

34, 1665 (1913).

Meyer, J. See Fichter. 862. Meyer, L. Bermerkung zu der Arbeit von V. Sihvonen. Ober Primiirvor­

giinge bei der Graphit-oxidation. Z. Elektrochem. 40, 640 (1934).

Meyer, 0. See Kippe. 863. Meyer, Richard. Studien uber die Ringschliessung. Ann. 347, 17 (1906).

864. Meyer, Richard, and Wesche. Einige Reduktionsprodukte der 5-Nitro-i­phthalsiiure. Ber. 50, 442 (1917) .

865. . Notiz iiber Hemimellitsiiure. Ber. 50, 452 (1917).

Meyer, Robert. See Fichter. 866. Meyer-Heck. Polarographische Krebsreactionen und die Messung der Sulf­

hydrylaktivitiit von Seren gegeniiber .Methylglyoxalase. Z. Krebsforsch.

49, 560 (1939). 867. Mezhennii. Electrochemical investigation of t he systems A1Br3-CH3N02,

LiCl-AIBr3-CH3N02, KCl-AIBr3-CH3N02. Mem. Inst. Chem., Acad. Sci. Ukrain. S.S.R. 3, 361 (1936).

868. Electrochemical Properties of the Systems LiCl-AIBra-C2H,Br; NaCl-AIBr3-C2H5Br; KCl-AIBr3-C2H,Br; and AgCl-AIBra-C2H, Br. Mem. Inst. Chem., Acad. Sci. Ukrain . S.S.R. 4, 427 (1938).

869. . Electrochemical Study of the Systems Alkali Chlorides-Aluminum Bromide-nitrobenzene. Mem. Inst. Chem., Ukrain. Acad. Sci. 3, 211


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870. Michalski. Fortschritte in der analytischen Chemie. Polarographische Analyse.




Przemysl Chem. 23, 155 (1939). Midzuno. See Tanaka, Y.

----. See Takayama. Miedel. See Schlubach.

Millot. Produits d 'oxydation du charbon obtenus par !'electrolyse. Bull. soc. chim. (2) 37, 337 (1882).

Millyak. See Palladio.

Miolati and Semerano. Die Reduktion der Aconitsiiure an der Quecksilber­tropfkathode. Z. E lektrochem. 45, 226 (1939) .

Mitchell. E lectrochemical Oxidation of Toluene. Trans. Am. E lectrochem. Soc. 56, 495 (1929).

Mitsui. See Goto.

Mitsushima. See Kato.

Miyakawa. See Tomii.

Miyasaka. See Shiba. 874.

Miyata. Anodic Oxidation of Aluminum by Superimposing a Three-phase Alternating Current on Direct Current. Bull. Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) 14, 651 (1935).




--. Anodic Oxidation of Aluminum and Its Industrial Application . Chem. Eng. Congr. World Power Conf. II, 569 (1936). --. See Setoh.

Miyata and Ebihara. An Electrolytic Method for Coloring the Oxide Films on Aluminum. J . E lectrochem. Assoc. (Japan) 3, 60 (1935).

Miyata and Takei. Regulating the Dilute Oxalic Acid Solution for the Anodic Oxidation of Aluminum. Bull. Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) 13, 1285 (1934).

878. Mohrschultz. Zur Kenntnis der Darstellung von Glyoxylsiiure aus Oxalsiiure.

Z. Electrochem . 32, 434 (1926). 879.

Monblanova, Kobozev, and Filippovich. Activation Process and the Nature of the Active Centers in Electrocatalytic Hydrogenation. J. Phys. Chem. (U.S.S.R. ) 13, 326 (1939). Acta Physicochim. (U.S.S.R. ) 11, 317 (1939).


Monblanova. See Kobozev.

Montillon. See McKee, J. R. Montonna. See Mann.

Moorhouse. Electrolysis of Fused Acetates and Propionates. Trans. Faraday Soc. 28, 766 (1932) .

881. Moravek, Kilianova, and Maly. A Contribution to the Serodiagnostic of Malignant Tumors. Acta radiologica et cancerolica Bobemiae et Moraviae 1, 134 (1938).

882. Morf. See Karrer.

Morgan and Walton. New Derivatives of p-Arsanilic Acid . Part VIII . p-Arsono-oxanilic and p-Arsonohexadecanedicarboxylanilic Acids and Re­lated Compounds. J. Chem. Soc. (1938), 442.


Morita. See Matsuda.

883. Moritz. L 'clectricite en chimie organique. L 'Elec trochimie 4, 57, 106 (1898).

884. Morris, D . E., and Small. The Ethylthiococlides. Elect rolytic R eduction of a-Ethylthiocodide. J. Am. Chem. Soc . . 56 , 2165 (1934).

Morris, D . E. See Small.

885. Morris, H . E. Reactions of Ethyl Alcohol. Chem. Revs. 10, 465 (1932).

Morrison. See Penfold.

886. Morschock and Dorno. Brommethacrylsiiure und Isobrommethacrylsiiure. Ann. 342, 163 (1905).

887. Morton and McKenney. Triarylcarbinols . VIII. Occurrence of Color with Trixenylcarbonium Salts. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 61, 2905 (1939).

888. Mosettig, Cohen, F ., and Small. Desoxycodeine Studies. III. Constitution of the So-called a-Dihydrodesoxycodeine: Bisdihydrodesoxycodeine. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 54, 793 (1932) .

889. Mosettig and May. Studies in t he Phenanthrene Series. X II. Derivatives of Dibenzisoquinoline and Naphthisoquinoline. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 60, 2962 (1938).

Moyer. See Wieland.

890. Mozingo and Adkins. H ydrogenation of Pyrones. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 60, 669 (1938).

Miiller, Emil. See Baur.

891. Miiller, Erich. Uber die amphotere Natur der Carbonylgruppe. Z. angew. Chem. 35, 689, 698 (1922).

892. . Zur Theorie der elektrolytischen Reduktion am Beispiel des Acetons. Z. Elektrochem. 33, 253 (1927) .

893. . Zur elektrolytischen Oxydation der Ameisensiiure. Z. Elektrochem. 33, 561 (1927).

894. Millier, Erich, and Takegami. Elektrolytische Oxydation des Formaldehydes in alk.alischer Losung. Z. E lektrochem. 34, 704 (1928) .

895. Millier, Erich, and Tanaka. Uber clie pulsierende elektrolytische Oxydation der Ameisensiiure. Z. Elektrochem. 34, 256 (1928).

896. Muller, F. Zur Kenntnis der elektrolytischen Oxydation konzentrierter Ameisensiiurelosungen. Z. Elektrochem. 33, 173 (1927).

897. . Beitrag zur anodischen Oxydation freier Propionsiiure. Z. Elek-trochem. 33, 568 (1927) .

Muller, Oskar. See Fichter.

898. Millier, 0. H. Oxidation and Reduction of Organic Compounds at the Drop­ping Mercury Electrode and the Application of Heyrovsky's Polarographic Method in Organic Chemistry. Chem. Revs. 24, 95 (1939).

899. . Polarographic Investigations of Reversible and Irreversible Oxi-dations and Reductions at the Dropping Mercw·y Electrode. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia Quant. Biol. 7, 59 (1939).

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72 I LL! :'\OlS E :'\Gl:'\ EE RI:\ G E XPERL\JE:'\T STAT IO:'\

900. Milller, 0. H., and Baumberger. h':eto-enol Tautomerism of Pyruva te Ion Studied Polarographicall~-. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 61, 590 (1939).



903 .


---. Oxidation-Reduction Potentials l\Ieasured with the Dropping :\Ier­cmy Electrode. Part I. Studies with Quinhydrone and Estimation of Limits of :\leasurement. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 71, 169 (1937).

--- . Oxidation-Reduction Potentials Measured with the Dropping Mercury Electrode. Part II. Pola rographic Investigation. An introduc-tion to a new method. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc. 71 , 181 (1937).

Millier, P. See Fichter.

Millier, R., and Kumpfmiller. Studien zum elektrochemischen Verhalten des Azetylens. Z. E lektrochem. 34, 70 (1928).

Mulli and Werner. Uber eine physikalish-chemische Methode zur Wert­bes timmung von Insulin Praparaten. Deut. med. \,Y ochschr. 63, 1941 (1937).

905. Mumm. Die Anode einer elektrolytischen Zersetzungszelle als Akzeptor bei Autoxydationsvorgangen. Versuche mit Oxalsaure. Z. physik. Chem. 59, 497 (1907).

Murakami. See Tsuda, K.

Murakawa. See Kondo, H.

906. Murray and Taylor, T. W. J. The a,a'-Dicyclohexylsuccinic Acids. J. Chem. Soc. 1937, 1450.

907. Muskat and Knapp. Studies on Conjugated Systems. X . The Electrolytic Reduction of Vinylacrylic Acid. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 56, 943 (1934).

908. Mutchler. Surface Coatings for Aluminum Alloys. Metals and All oys 2, 324 (1931) .

Nasanen. See Sihvonen.

Nagel. See Goldschmidt.

909. Nakada. Electrolytic Reduction of Aromatic Arsonic Acid. Collected Lec­tures Inst . Chem. Research. (Japan) 1, 94 (1929).

910. Nakajima. Electrodeposition of Cuprous Oxide Film. J. E lectrochem. Assoc. (J apan) 1, 230 (1933).

---- . See Kondo, H.

Nakamura. See Ochiai.

911. Nakata. Electrolyti c Reduction of Dicarboxylic Acids. Anniversary Vol. Kyoto Imp. Univ. (1930), 49.

Nakata. See Matsumiya.

N anji. See Ling.

912. Narang and Ray. The Electrolytic Reduction of Vasicine. J . Chem. Soc. (1936) ' 686.

Narang. See Juneja.

----. See Ray.

913 . Nathansohn. Bemerkungen zu Fichters biochemischer und elektrochemischer Oxydation organischer Verbindungen . Z. Elektrochem. 28, 129 (1922) .


914. Nef. Dissociationsvorgange bei den eina tomigen Alkoholen , Athern , und Salzen. Ann. 318, 137 (1901 ).

Neimann. See Dobrinskaya.

----. See Gnyubkin.

Nelson, G. See Swann.

Nelson, H. W. See Audrieth.

915 . Nelson, J., and Collins. Electrolytic Introduction of Alkyl Groups. J. Am . Chem. Soc. 46, 2256 (1924) .

N emoto. See Kaneko.

916. Nenitzescu. Uber die Einwirkung von Joel auf aci-Nitro-alkaliverbindungen. Ber. 62B, 2669 (1929).

917. Neuberg. Chemische Umwandlungen <lurch Strahlenarten. II. Wirkungen des elektrischen Gleichstromes. Biochem. Z. 17, 270 (1909).

918 . Neuberg and Hirschberg. Abbauversuche in der Kohlenhydratreihe. Bio­chem. Z. 27, 327 (1910).

919. Neumann. Das E loxalverfahren. Osterr. Chem.-Ztg. 42, 247 (1939).

920. Neunhoeffer. Uber die Synthese und die Nitrierung des Phenylcyclohexans. J . prakt. Chem. 133, 95 (1932).

921. Nevyas and Lowy. Electrochemical Reduction of Indigo. Trans. Arn . Elec­trochern. Soc. 50, 349 (1926).

Noller. See Jurs.

Norkina. See Orechoff.

922. Norris and Cummings. Electrolytic Preparation of p-Phenylene-Diamine, Arninosalicylic Acid, Succinic Acid, and Hydrocinnamic Acid. Ind. Eng. Chem. 17, 305 (1925).

923. Novak. Polarographische Studien mit der tropfenden Quecksilberkathode. LXXXIII. Bestimmung von Spuren Nitrobenzol in Anilin . Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun . 11, 573 (1939).

Novodereshkin. See Taganov.

924. Nyman. Uber Epi-isofenchon. Ann. 537, 131 (1939).

925. Oakeshott and Plant. Derivatives of 7, 8, 9, 10-tetrahydro-a,13-naphthacar­bazole and of 8,9,10,11-Tetrahydro-a',13'-naphthacarbazole. J. Chem. Soc. (1928), 1840.

926. Oberhauser and Schormiiller. Uber das aktive Molekul der Oxalsaure. Ann. 470, 111 (1929) .

927. Ochiai and Hakozaki. Constitution of Sinomenine (Supplement II) . J . Pharm. Soc. Japan 50, 360 (1930) .

928. Ochiai and Nakamura. Substitution des arornatischen Ringes bei Morphin­Alkaloiden . Ber. 72, 684 ·(1939).

929. Ochiai, Tsuda, K., and Yokoyama, J. Ring-Erweiterung von lndolizidin zur Norlupinan-Reihe (II. Mitteil .) liber Pyrrolidin-Derivate. Ber. 68, 2291 (1935) .

Oeda. See Takayama.

930. Ohman. Electrochemical Nitration . Svensk. Kem . Tid . 50, 84 (1938).

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931. Ohman. Darstcllung von Salpctcrsiiureestcrn auf elektrochcmischcn Wege. Z. Elektrochem. 42, 862 (1936).

932. . Darstellung von Salpetersii.ureestern auf elektrochemischen Wege. Z. Elektrochem. 43, 263 (1937).

933. Oertel. Zur Kenntnis der Oxycellulose. Z. angew. Chem. 26, Aufsatz 246 (1913).

934. Oettel. Die Entwicklung der Elektrochemischen Industrie. Samml. chem. u. chem. tech. Vortr. 1, 89 (1896).

935. Ogura. E lectrolytic Reduction of Nitriles. Part I. l\Iem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. Al2, 339 (1929).

936. Olivier. ~ote sur l'electroreduction de l'acide 2,6-dibromobenzoique. Rec. trav. chim. 43, 872 (1924).

937. Ono. Die elektrochemische Oxydation der Benzolhomologen. V. Athyl­benzol. Helv. Chim. Acta 10, 4.5 (1927).








. E lectrolytic Reactions of Naphthalene. (I L E lectrolytic Oxyda­tion of a -Naphtha!. ) J. Chem. Soc. Japan 42, 559 (1921). Same as 710.

Onuki. See Shoji.

Openshaw and Robinson. Strychnine and Brucine. XXVI. Preliminary Synthetical Experiments. J. Chem. Soc. (1937), 941.

Opp. See Bradt.

Orekhov. The Alkaloids of Anabasis Aphylla. X IV. The Structure of Aphyllidine and Aphylline. J . Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 7, 2048 (1937).

Orechoff and Gurewitsch. Uber Sophora-Alkaloide. IX. Mitteil. zur Kenntnis des Thermopsins. Ber. 68, 820 (1935).

Orechoff and Konowalowa with Tiedebel. Uber Senecio-Alkaloide, II. Mitteil. Zur Kenntnis des Platyphyllins. Ber. 68B, 1886 (1935).

Orechoff and N orkina with Maximova. Uber die Alkaloide von Anabasis aphylla. X. Mitteil. Uber die Reduktion des Aphyllidins. Ber. 67, 1845 (1934).

Orechoff, Rabinowitsch, and Konowalowa. Uber Sophora-Alkaloide. VI. Mitteil. Uber die hochsiedenden Basen des Krautes von Sophora pachy­carpa. zur Kenntnis des Sophoridins und Sophocarpins. Ber. 67, 1850 (1934).

945. Osamu. Synthesis of Compounds H aving a Long Chain or a Long Side Chain. Chem. Rev. (Japan) 4, 183 (1938).

946. Ostromuislenskii . New Methods of Obtaining Divinyl, Isoprene, Piperylene, and Dimethylerythrene. J. Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. 47, 1947 (1915).

Overberg. See Leuchs.

947. Overcash and Mathers. Electrodeposition of Magnesium. Trans. Electro­chem. Soc. 64, 305 (1933).

Overhoff. See Wibaut.

948. Oxford, P erkin, W. H ., and Robinson. Strychnine and Brucine. VI. The Catalytic Hydrogenation of Strychnine and Some Derivatives. J. Chem. Soc. (1927) , 2389.


949. Palladin and Millyak. Uber die Wirkung des elektrischen Stromes auf die Arbeit der Fermente der alkoholischen Garung. Z. Garungsphysiol. 4,

323 (1914). 950. Pamfilov. Oxidation of o-Toluenesulfonamide. Bull. Inst. Polyt. lvanovo­

Voznesensk 4, 167 (1921). 951. Pamfilov and Iofinov. E lectrolysis in the Manufacture of White Lead. J.

Chem. Ind. (Moscow) 4, 803 (1927). 952. Panizzon. La formazione di joduro di metilene per ossidazione dell'acido

jodoacetico. Helv. Chim. Acta 15, 1187 (1932).

----. See Fichter. 953. Panopoulos and Petzetakis. -Ober ein neues Verfahren zur Darstellung des



Methylenjodids. Chem.-Ztg. 54, 310 (1930).

Papasogli. See Bartoli.

Paradashvili. See Gavrilov. Parkin. The Haloform Reaction. Mendel Bull. 9, 3 (1936). Patten. An Analytical Study on the Deposition of Aluminum from Ethyl

Bromide Solution. J. Phys. Chem. 8, 548 (1904). 956. . On the Deposition of Zinc from Zinc Chloride Dissolved in Acetone.



J. Phys. Chem. 8, 483 (1904). Pavlov and Bruns. E lectrolytic Production of Copper Acetate. Ukrain.

Khem. Zhur. 2, 311 (1926). Pech. Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode . Part

XXXVIII . The Reduction of Some Aliphatic Amines, Quinolin and Saccharin . Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 6, 126 (1934).

959. . Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode . Part XXXIX. The Electro-reduction of Some Alkaloids. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 6, 190 (1934).

960. Penfold and Morrison. Preliminary Note on the E lectrolytic Reduction of Piperitone. J. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales 57, 215 (1923) .

Penfold. See Cahn. 961. Perkin, A. G. Purpurogallin. II. J. Chem. Soc. 101, 803 (1912).

962 . Perkin, A. G., and P erkin, F. M. Formation of Purpurogallin by the Elec­trolytic Oxidation of Pyrogallol. Chem. News 87, 139 (1903).

963. . The Electrolytic Oxidation of Some Hydroxybenzoic Acids. J. Chem. Soc. 93, 1186 (1908).

964. Perkin, F. M., and Fontana. The Electrolytic Oxidation of Anthracene. Chem. News 89, 236 (1904).

Perkin, F. M. See Law.

----. See P erkin, A. G. 965. Perkin, M. The Use of Electrolytic Methods in the Dye Industry. Oil

Color Trades J. 39, 457 (1910), Die Verwendung elektrolytischer l\lethoden in der Farbcnindustrie. Farben-Ztg. 16, 1938 (1910-11).

966. Perkin, W. H. A Study of Some Derivatives of Berberine Closely Allied to Derivatives of Cryptopine. J. Chem. Soc. 113, 722 (1918).

967. Perkin, W . H ., and Plant. 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8- Octahydrocarbazole and its De­rivatives. J. Chem. Soc. 125, 1503 (1924).

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76 lLL!:\O!;; E:\G l:\EER l :\'G EXPERil\!El'\T STAT!Ol'\

968. P erkin, W. H ., and Plant. Stcreoisomerism in Polyc.\·clic Systems. IV. Two Stereoisomerides of 2,3,4,5, 11,13-Hexahydroquinindene. J. Chem. Soc. (1928), 639.





Perkin, W. H ., and Robinson. Strychnine and Brucine. VIII. The Action of Hydriodic Acid on Strychnidine, Dihydrostrychnidine (B) and Substances Derived Therefrom. J. Chem. Soc . (1929), 964.

P erkin, W. H ., Robinson, and Smith, J. C. Strychnine and Brucine. XIX. Reduction of Strychnine Methosulfate by Means of Sodium Amalgam in the Presence of Carbon Dioxide. J. Chem. Soc . (1932), 1239.

---. Strychnine and Brucine. XXV. Reduction of !Vlethyl Strych­nidinium Salts by Means of Sodium Amalgam in the Presence of Carbon Dioxide. J . Chem. Soc. (1934), 574 .

Perkin, W. H., and Sedgwick. Tetrahydroacridine, Octahydroacridine, and Their Derivatives. J. Chem. Soc. 125, 2437 (1924).

Perkin, W. H . See Achrnatowicz.

----. See Campbell.

See Chakravarti. See Clemo.

See Furness.

See Gulland.

See Haworth.

See Koepfli.

See Oxford.

973. Peters. Fortschritte der angewandeten Elektrochemie. C. Organische Chemie. Dinglers polytech. J . 304, 283 (1897).

974. Petersen. Electrolysis of Alkaline Salts of Organic Acids. Bull. acad. roy. sci. et lettres Danemark (1897), 397.

Peterson. See Rodebush.

Petit. See Brochet.

975. Petrov. Synthesis of Dio!efinic Hydrocarbons. Uspekhi Khim. 7, 949 (1938).

976. P etrov and Vyakhirev. The Electrolysis of Potassium Tiglate. J. Gen . Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 9, 513 (1939).

Petzchner. See Hein.

Petzetakis. See Panopoulos.

Pfannenstiel. See Willstatter.

Pfannstiel. See Gleu.

977. Philip. Technische Anwendungen der Elektricitat in der organischen Chemie. E lektrochem. Z. 1, 11, 41, 60 (1894).

978. Philippi, Hanusch, and v. Wacek. Ringschli.isse bei Polycarbonsiiuren. II. Mitteilung: Verlauf der Amidierung beim Athantetracarbonsiiureester, Athan-hexacarbonsiiureester, Methan-tri- und Methan-tetracarbonsiiure­ester. Ber. 54B, 895 (1921 ).

979. Phillips with Lowy. The Electrolytic Reduction of Trinitro Aromatic Com­pounds to Their Respective Triamines. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 71, 493 (1937).


980. Piccard and Larsen. Oxidation of Diami nophenols. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 40, 1079 (1918).

P icher . See Eisenbrand, J. Piguet. See Foerster .

981. Pincass. Kalziumglukonat. Pharm. Zentralhalle 73, 469 (1932) .

Pink. See Haworth. 982. Pinter. The Brdicka Polarographic Method for the Serological Diagnosis of

Cancer. Lijeenicki vjesnik 60, No. 12 (1938).

983. Pirrone. Studio sui composti aliciclici. II. Ossidazione elettrolitica de! cicloesanone. Gazz. chim. ital. 66, 244 (1936).

984. P iutti and Dinelli. La microdeterminazione dell o zolfo nelle sostanze or­ganiche. Gazz. chim. ital. 67, 133 (1937) .

985. Planner. Cadmium als Rostschutz. Z. Elektrochem. 37, 33 (1931).

986. Plant and Rippon. Condensation of Hexahydrocarbazole and of Tetrahydro­pentindole with Cyclopentanone Cyanohydrin. J. Chem. Soc. (1928) ,

1906. 987. Plant and Rosser. Stereoisomerism in Polycyclic Systems. VII . Reduction

of 7,8,9,10-Tetrahydroheptaquinoline. J . Chem. Soc. (1930) , 1840.

988. . Stereoisomerism in Substituted 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroquinolines. II. J. Chem. Soc. (1930), 2444.

989. Plant and Tomlinson. Action of Halogens on Polycyclic Indole Derivatives. I. Reaction between Bromine and the Acy! Derivatives of Tetrahydro­carbazole and Benzopentindole. J. Chem. Soc. (1931), 3324.

Plant. See Gurney.

See Oakeshott.

----.See Perkin, W. H.

Platzer. See Spath.

Pleskov. See Frurnklin. 990. Plotnikov. Electrochemical Examination of Non-aqueous So!utions. X.

Shi.itzenberger's Ether-Bromide. J. Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. 44, 1919 (1913).

991. . Historical Review of the Development of the Study of Non-aqueous Solutions. Non-aqueous Solutions. Ukrain. Akad. Nauk Inst. Khim., Sbornik Trudov Pervoi Vsesoyuznoi Konferentzii Nevodnuim Rastvoram

(1935), 29. 992. Plotnikov and Balyasnuii. Thermal Analysis of the System: Aluminum

Bromide-Pyridine. J . Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R. ) 1, 823 (1931).

993. Plotnikov and Barmashenko. Electrochemical and Cryoscopic Study of the Systems Aluminum Bromide-Tin Bromide and Rubidium Chloride in Ben­zene. Mem. Inst. Chem. Ukrain. Acad. Sci. 3, 177 (1936).

994. . Electrochemical Investigation of the System Aluminum Bromide-Ammonium Halide-Ethyl Bromide. Mem. Inst. Chem., Acad. Sci. Ukrain.

S.S.R. 5, 363 (1938).

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995. Plotnikov and Bendetzky. Elektrochemie der Losungen von Aluminium­bromid in Nitrobenzol. Z. physik. Chem. 12, 225 (1927).

996. Plotnikov and Gorenbein. Electrochemical Investigation of the T ernary Systems Aluminum Bromide-Silver or Copper Halide-Ethy l Bromide, Ethylene Bromide or Benzene. Acta Physicochim. U.S.S.R. 4, 775 (1936).

997. . Electrochemical Study of t he System: Aluminum Bromide-Cuprous Bromide in Ethyl Alcohol. J . Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 4, 1042 (1934).

998. . Specific Conductivities of Solutions of the Bromides of Lithium, Rubidium, and Silver in Ethyl Chloride Solutions of Aluminum Bromide. J . Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 5, 1434 (1935).

999. . Electrochemical Study of Alkali Halides in Benzene and Nitro-benzene Solutions of Aluminum Bromide. Mem. Inst. Chem. Ukrain. Acad. Sci. 3, 471 (1936). J . Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R. ) 7, 372 (1937).

1000. . Electrochemical Investigation of Arsenic and Bismuth Bromides in a Nitrobenzene Solution of Aluminum Bromide ; and of Thall ium Bromide in an Ethyl Bromide Solution of Aluminum Bromide. l\tlem. Inst. Chem., Acad. Sci. Ukrain. S.S.R. 4, 249 (1938) .

1001. Plotnikov and Katznel'son. E lectrochemical Investigation of the System A1Br3-C2H5I-Cu or Ag Halides. Mem. Inst. Chem., Acad. Sci. Ukrain. S.S.R. 3, 303 (1936).

1002. Plotnikov, Katznel'son, and Fridman. Electrochemical Oxidation of Toluene in Ether-Water Solutions of Phosphoric Acid. Mem. Inst. Chem. All Ukrainian Acad. Sci. 1, 133 (1934).

1003. Plotnikov and Kiketz. Electrochemistry of the Systems: AgBr-AlBr3 and CuBr-AlBr3 in Ethylene Dibromide. J . Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R. ) 3, 52 (1933).

1004. Plotnikov and Kikez. E lektrochemische Untersuchung des Systems AlBra­KBr in Athylenbromid. Z. physik. Chem. A147, 215 (1930).

1005. Plotnikov, Kikets, and Korol. System AlBr3-BiBr3, in Benzene. Mem. Inst. Chem. Ukrain. Acad. Sci. 2, 235 (1935).

1006. Plotnikov, Kikets, and Radomskii. Electrochemical Investigation of the Sys­tem AlBr3-SbBr3 in Toluene. Mem. Inst. Chem. Ukrain. Acad. Sci. 2, 227 (1935) .

1007. Plotnikov and Kudra. Electrolysis of Benzene-Nitrobenzene Solutions of Potassium and Aluminum Bromides. Mem. Inst . Chem. Ukrain. Acad. Sci. 3, 147 (1936).

1008. . Electrolysis of Potassium and Aluminum Chlorides in Nitrobenzene. Mem. Inst. Chem., Acad. Sci. Ukrain. S.S.R. 4, 405 (1938).

1009. Plotnikov, Kudra, and Mejenny. Elektrocbemische Untersucbung der Alu­minium- und Kaliumbromide in Losungsmittelgemischen. Z. pbysik. Chem. Al 76, 154 (1936).

1010. Plotnikov and Podorvan. Electrochemical Investigation of Solutions of Aluminum Chloride and Potassium Chloride in Nitrobenzene. J . Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R. ) 3, 782 (1933) .

1011. Plotnikov and Scheka. Untersuchung des Systems AlBr3-SbBr3 in Benzol. Z. physik. Chem. Al66, 43 (1933). J. Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 3, 214 (1933) .


1012. P lotnikov, Sheka, and Yankelevich. Electrochemical and Cryoscopic In­vestigation of Triple Systems: Aluminum Bromide, Bromides of Li thium, Copper , and Silver, and Solvents, Benzene, Toluene, and Xylene. J . Gen.

Chem. (U.S.S .R. ) 3, 481 (1933). 1013. Plotnikov and Vaisberg. Electrochemical Investigation of the Chlorides and

Bromides of Aluminum and Antimony in Nitrobenzene. Mem. Inst. Chem., Acad. Sci. Ukrain. S.S.R. 3, 337 (1936).

1014. Plotnikov and Yakubson. Electrochemical Study of the System Aluminum Bromide-Potassium Bromide in Ethyl Bromide. Mem. Inst. Chem. All . Ukrain. Acad. Sci. 1, 43 (1934). J. Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R. ) 5, 224 (1935).

1015. . Electrochemical Examination of the System Aluminum Bromide-Sodium Iodide in Benzene Solutions. J. Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 6, 1690

(1936). 1016. . E lectrochemical Examination of the Aluminum Bromide-Arsenic

Bromide System in Ethyl Bromide Solutions . J. Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.)

6, 1694 (1936) .

1017. ----. Electrochemical Investigations of the Ternary System Aluminum Bromide-Arsenic Tribromide-Benzene. Mem. Inst. Chem. Ukrainian Acad . Sci. 2, 99 (1935). J. Phys. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 8, 159 (1936) .

1018. Plotnikov and Yakubson, S. I. E lektrochemische Untersuchung des Systems A!Br3-KBr in Toluol und Xylol. z. physik. Chem. Al47, 227 (1930).

1019. Plotnikov and Yankelevich. Electrochemistry of the System Aluminum Bromide-Cuprous Bromide in Toluene. J . Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 3, 208 (1933). Chimie et industrie 30, 857 (1933) .

1020. . Electrodeposition of Sodium from Non-Aqueous Solutions. Mero. Inst. Chem., Acad. Sci. Ukrain. S.S.R. 5, 39 (1938) .

1021. Plotnikov, Yankelevich, and Scheka. Combination of Aluminum Bromide with Toluene, Nitrobenzene, and Bromides of Metals. J. Gen. Chem.

(U.S .S.R.) 3, 802 (1933) . 1022. Plotnikov, Zosimovich, and Kirichenko. Electrodeposition of Silver from Non­

aqueous Solutions Containing Aluminum Bromide. Mem. Inst. Chem., Acad . Sci. Ukrain. S.S.R. 4, 15 (1937) .

Plotnikov. See Katznel'son. 1023. Plump and Hammett. A Study of Reaction Products and Mechanism in the

Electrolytic Reduction of Ethyl Iodide. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 73,

523 (1938).

Pliiss. See Fichter. Podorvan. See Plotnikov.

Podrouzek, V. See Kotljar. Podrouzek, W. Researches wi th the Dropping Mercury Cathode.

Some Organic Bases. Rec. trav. chim. 44, 591 (1925).

Part X . 1024.

Polacsek. See Semerano. 1025. Ponte. Studio comparativo di alcuni metodi analitici per la determinazione

del fosforo nei prodotti vegetali. Staz. sper . agrar. ital. 44, 459 (1911).

Popp. See Speyer. 1026. Pospekhov. Non-Aqueous Solutions. Uspekhi Khim. 6, 515 (1937).

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1027. Povarnin and Kal' e. Redurt ion of Acetic Acid and Its Deri,·at ives. .J. Russ . Phys.-Chem. Soc .. 5.5, 369 (192-l) .

1028. Prelog. Sm la preparation de quclqucs :icicles gras dimct hylamincs . Collec-tion Czcchoslov. Chem. Commu n. 2, 712 (1930).

Prokop. See Taussig.

Prokopp. See Spath. 1029. Proske . Anwendung der polarographischen Methode auf Fragen der Lebens­

mitteluntersuchung. Z. Untersuch. Lebensm. 71, 385 (1936). --. See Winkel.

Pullen. See Gwyer.

Puttick. See Allmand.

Pyhrr. See Swann.

Pylkkiinen. See Sihvonen. 1030 . Rabe and Wilhelm. Untersuchungen in der Pyridin- und Chinolinreihe. J .

prakt. Chem. 151, 65 (1938). 1031. Rabinowitsch and Maschovetz. The Electrochemical Production of Formates

from Carbonic Acid. Ukrain. Chem. J. 6, (Sci) 217 (1931). 1032. --- E lektrochemische Gewinnung von Formiaten aus Kohlensiiure. Z.

Electrochem. 36, 846 (1930).

Rabinowitsch. See Orechoff. 1033. Radchenko. Electrochemical Oxidation of n-Butyl Alcohol. J. Applied Chem.




U.S.S.R. 10, 683 (1937).

Radomskii. See Plotnikov.

Ramage. See Gratton.

Rankin. See Haworth.

Rao. See Semerano.

Raper. See Clemo.

Rapson and Robinson. Experiments on the Synthesis of Substances Related to the Stero!s. Part VII . J . Chem. Soc. (1935), 1533.

Rasch and Lowy. E lectrochemical Oxida tion of Anthracene to Anthraquinone with a New Type of E lectrode. Trans. Am. E lectrochem. Soc. 56, 477 (1929) .

--. Electrochemical Oxidation of Anthraquinone. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc. 62, 167 (1932).

1037. Raub and Witturn. Das Verhalten von Blei in Nickelbiidern. I<orrosion u. Metallschutz 13, 261 (1937).

Raudnitz. See Karrer.

1038. Ray. Some Recent Developments in the Study of the Constitution of Natural Products. Proc. Natl. Inst. Sci. India 5, 205 (1939).

1039. Ray, Narang, and Juneja. The Constitu tion of Vasicin . Current Sci. 3, 352 (1935).

Ray. See Juneja.

----. See N arang.

Raychaudri. See Ghosh.


10-lO. Read, H . J ., and Graham. Anodic Behavior in Cyanide Copper Plating Baths. T rans. Electrochem. Soc . 7-l , -ll l (1938) .

R ead, H . J . See Graham.

- --- . See Swann.

Read, J . See Dewar. ----. See Wilson, N.

1041. Read, R. R., and Fletcher . The Electroreduction of Diacetone Alcohol. Trans. Am. E lectrochem. Soc. 47, 93 (1925).

1042. R ead, R. R., and Freer. E lectrolytic Reduction of Acrolein . J . Am. Chem. Soc. 48, 1401 (1926).

1043. Read, R. R. , and Hibbert. Studies on t he Reactions Relating to Carbohy­drates and Polysaccharides. IX. Synthesis of 2,3-Dimethyl-Cyclopentene Aldehyde. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 46 , 1281 (1924).

Reed. See Kanner.

Reimann. See Walker, A. C. 1044. Reimers. Polarographische Studien mit der Tropfenden Quecksilberkathode.

Mitteilung LXXX. Die Polarographische Bestimmung von Strychnin in Strychnin-Chinin Priiparaten. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun.

11, 377 (1939). 1045. Remington. Notes and Observations on Cellulose. Ind. Chemist 2, 402


Reuter. See Brand. 1046. Reynolds and Robinson. Strychnine and Brucine. Part XXXIII. Metho­

xymethylchanodihydrostrychnanic Acid and Its Resistance to Facile De­hydrogenation. J. Chem. Soc. (1935), 935.

1047. Rhodes, H. Production of Hydrocarbons from a Solution of Sodium Stearate by E lectrolysis. Chem. News 108, 201 (1913).

Rhodes, J. See Holroyd. 1048. Riccoboni. Comportamento elettrolitico di alcuni composti metallorganici

dello stagno. Atti reale ist . Veneto sci. 96, II, 183 (1937) .

1049. Rice and Evering. The Thermal Decomposition of Organic Compounds from the Standpoint of F ree Radicals. IX. The Combination of Methyl Groups with Metallic Mercury. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 56, 2105 (1934).

1050. Richard. Sur la preparation electrolytique des composes halogenes des ace­tones. L'Electrochimie 8, 10 (1902) . Comp. rend. 133, 878 (1901) .

1051. Richardson and Smith, F. W. The Reduction and Hydrolysis of o-, m-, and p-Nitrophenetoles. J . Chem. Soc. (1932), 2955 .

1052. Riche. Recherches sur !'acetone. Compt . rend. 49, 176 (1859). L'Institut (1859) 248. Untersuchungen Uber <las Aceton. Ann. 112, 321 (1859).

1053. Rideal. Cathodic Reduction of Organic Nitro-Compounds. Chem. W oriel 3, 76 (1914) .

Rider. See Cook, E. S.

Rinderspacher. See Fichter.

Rippon. See Plant.

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1054. Robertson. Anode Phenomena in the E lectrolysis of Potassium Ethyl l\Ialo­nate. J . Chem. Soc. 127, 2057 (1925).

1055. --. The Influence of Temperature on the Products of E lectrolysis of Acetate Solutions. Trans. Faraday Soc. 30, 1007 (1934).

1056. Robinson and Sugasawa. Synthetiral Experiments in the Morphine Group I. J. Chem. Soc. (1931), 3163.





Robinson. See Achrnatowicz.

See Clemo.

See Gulland.

See Holmes.

See Openshaw.

See Oxford.

See Perkin, W. H.

See Rapson.

See Reynolds. Rocquet. See Jacquet.

Rodano. See Ulpiani.

Rodden. See Smith, E. R.

Rodebush and Peterson. Electrolysis of Metallo Organic Compounds. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 51, 638 (1929).

Rodionow, Bieloff, and Levchenko. Recherches sur !'electrolyse des acides aromatiques. I. L'electrolyse de l 'acide opianique. Bull. soc. chim. (5), 2, 1336 (1935).

Rodionow and Levchenko. Electrolysis of Aromatic Acids. III. E lectrolysis of Benzaldehyde-o-carboxylic Acid. J . Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R.) 6, 1563 (1936).

Rodionow, Levchenko, and Zvorykina. Recherches sur !'electrolyse des acides aromatiques. IV. L'electrolyse de l 'acide phtalique. Bull. soc. chim. (5) 4, 464 (1937).

1061. Rodionow and Zvorykina. Recherches sur !'electrolyse des acides aromatiques.

II. L'electroJyse de l 'acide opianique. Bull. soc. chim. (5), 3, 1836 (1936).

. Recherches sur !'electrolyse des acides aromatiques. V. L'elec­t rolyse de l'acide hemipiniques. Bull . soc. chim. (5) 4, 473 (1937).


1063. . Recherches sur I' electrolyse des acides aromatiques. VII. L'elec-t rolyse des semiethers-sels de l'acide phtalique. Bull. soc . chim. (5), 5, 840 (1938).

1064. --. The Electrolysis of Aromatic Carboxylic Acids. VI. The Electrol­ysis of Opianic Acid. J . Gen . Chem. (U.S .S.R. ) 7, 2633 (1937).

1065. Rohler. Untersuchungen i.iber Formamid als Losungsmittel anorgan­ische Salze und i.iber die Elektrolyse dieser Li.isungen. Elektrochem. 16, 419 (1910).

1066. Rohrig. Ueber die Tiefenwirkung der beider anodischen Aluminiums zur Anwendung gelangenden E lektrolyten. 585 (1937).

Oxydation des Aluminum 19,


1067. . Oberfiachenbehandlung und Oberfiachenschutz von Aluminium und Aluminium Legierungen . Korrosion u. l\letallschutz 10, 135 (1934).

1068. . Elektrolytischerzeugte oxydische Schutzschichten auf Aluminium. z. E lektrochem. 37, 721 (1931) .

Rogers. See Shipley.

Rokitskaya. See Mel'nikow. 1069. Roncato. Studi polarografici applicati alla biochimica. Nota II. Sulla

riduzione della cistina mediante ii catodo a goccia di rnercurio. Arch. sci. biol. (Italy) 20, 146 (1934).

1070. Roncato. Risultati prelirninari su alcune applicazioni alla biochimica di studi polarografici con ii catodo a goccia di mercurio. Boll. soc. ital. biol. sper. 8, 1163 (1933).

Rosenbach. See Mayer, Fritz .

Rosenfeld. See Speyer. 1071. Rosenthal, H . G. Uber die Polarographische Bestirnmung der Disulfidischen

und der Sulfhydrylgruppe in biologischen Substanzen . Mikrochemie 22, 233 (1937) .

1072. Rosenthal, R., Lorch, and Hammett. The Kinetics of t he Quinhydrone Electrode Reaction . J. Am. Chem. Soc. 59, 1795 (1937).

Rosenzweig. See Fichter. 1073. Rosetti. L 'ossidazione anodica per preservare l'aluminio e le sue ' ieghe.

Fonderia 12, 408 (1937).

Rosser. See Plant.

Rossi. See Mazzucchelli. 1074. Roth. Zur Kenntnis der Zimt-o-carbonsaure und o-Benzhydryl-essigcarbon­

saure. Ber. 47, 1597 (1914).

Rouve. See Stoll.

Rowe. See Bryans. 1075. Rowland. The Electrolytic Corrosion of the Copper Aluminum Alloys. J .

Phys. Chem. 12, 180 (1908).

Royle. See Lapworth . 1076. Ruban. E lectrochemical Study of the Ternary System AlCl3-NaCl-C6HsN02.

J . Gen. Chem. (U.S.S.R. ) 7, 1419 (1937).

Rudin. See Schwarzenbach.

Ruegg. See Fichter. 1077. Ruggli and Hinovker. Uber die Darstellung von m,m'-Diamino-azobenzol,

m, m'-Dioxy-azobenzol und analogen Verbindungen. H elv. Chim. Acta 17, 396 (1934).

1078. Rule. Amidine Salts and the Constitution of the So-called I minohydrins. J . Chem. Soc. 113, 3 (1918).

1079. Rushton. Anodic Oxidation of Aluminum and Its Alloys. J. Electrodepositors' Tech. Soc. 14, 191 (1938).

1080. Rutovskii and Korolev. E lectrolytic Reduction of Salicylic Acid. Trans. Sci. Chem. Pharm. Inst. (Moscow). No. 19, 177 (1928) .

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1081 . Ruzhentseva. l sofenchone I. Isofenchocarboxyli c Acid, Jsofen cholcarboxylic Acid, and Fenchylenecarboxyli c Acid. J. Gen . Chem. U.S.S.R. 7, 1343 (1937).

Ruzicka, J. See Tokuoka.

1082. Ruzicka, L. Zur Kenntnis des Kohlenstoffring,es XX. 'Ober ungesattige 16-und 18-gliedrige Kohlenstoffringe vom Typus des Zibetons. Helv. Chim. Acta 15, 1459 (1932).

1083. Ruzicka, L., Goldberg, Hiirbin, and Boekenoogen. Vielgliedrige hetero­cyclische Verbindungen I. Das Cyclo-octamethylenimin, <las Cyclopenta­decamethylenimin, <las Cyclo-hexadecamethylenimin, und <las Di-cyclo­pentadecamethylendi-imin. Helv. Chim. Acta 16, 1323 (1933).

1084. Ruzicka, L., Goldberg, Huyser, and Seidel. Hohere Terpenverbindungen. XLVIII. 'Ober die Konstitution der <lurch Oxydation der Abietinsaure gewonnenen Tricarbonsauren CuH 160 6 und C12H1s05. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Kohlenstoffgerustes der Abietinsaure. Helv. Chim. Acta 14, 545 (1931).

1085. Ruzicka, L., Hiirbin, Goldberg, and Furter. Vielgliedrige heterocyclische Verbindungen VII . Herstellung 7-bis 18-gliedriger gesattigter und un­gesattigter cyclischer Imine <lurch Reduktion von Thio-isoximen. Helv. Chim. Acta 18, 659 (1935).

1086. Ruzicka, L., and Stoll. Zur Kenntnis des Kohlenstoffringes. XXIV. 'Ober den 23-gliedrigen Kohlenstoffring. Helv. Chim. Acta 16, 493 (1933).

1087. . Zur Kenntnis des Kohlenstoffringes XXVIII. 'Ober die Herstellung von 2-Methyl-, 3-Methyl- und 7-Methylcyclopentadecanon-(1) . Beitriige zur Synthese des d,1- Muscons. Helv. Chim. Acta 17, 1308 (1934).

1088. Ruzicka, L., Stoll, and Schinz. Zur Kenntnis des Kohlenstoffringes XI. 'Ober den 10-, 11-, 20-, und 22-gliedrigen Kohlenstoffring und uber die Bildung aliphatischer Ketone neben den cyclischen bei der Zersetzung von Metallsalzen der Polyrnethylen-dicarbonsiiure. Helv. Chim. Acta 11, 670 (1928).

1089. . Zur Kenntnis des Kohlenstoffringes. XIV. Die Ketone des 19-, 21-, und 29-gliedrigen Kohlenstoffrings. Helv. Chim. Acta 11 , 1174 (1928).

Ruzicka, L. See Staudinger.

1090. Sacher. Zur elektrolytischen Herstellung von Bleiweiss. Chem.-Ztg. 55, 189 (1931).

Sah. See Chang.

Sakurada. See Matsui.

1091. Sakurai, B. Electrolytic Reduction of Phthalimides. Part I. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 5, 184 (1930).

1092. . Electrolytic Reduction of Alkylphthalimides. II. Phthalic An-hydride. Bull. Chem. Soc. J apan 7, 127 (1932).

1093. . E lectrolytic Reduction of Alkyl-phthalimides. III. Reduction of Phthalic Anhydride. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 7, 130 (1932) .

1094. . E lectrolytic Reduction of Alkyl-phthalimides. IV. Complete Reduction. Bull. Soc. Chem. Japan 7, 155 (1932) .


1095. Electrolytic Reduction of Succinimide. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan

10, 311 (1935). 1096. . Electrolytic Reduction of N-l\Iethylsuccinimide and N-Ethyl-

succinimide. Bull. Chem. Soc. J apan 11, 41 (1936) . Electrolytic Reduction of Pyrrole. Bull. Chern. Soc. Japan 11,

374 (1936) . ----. Electrolytic Reduction of Maleimide and Pyrroline. Bull. Chem.


1098 . Soc. Japan 12, 8 (1937).

1099 . . Electrolytic Reduction of N-Phenylsuccinimide. Bull. Chem. Soc.

Japan 13, 350 (1938).

1100. ---. Electrolytic Reduction of Glutarimide and Its Derivatives. Bull.

Chem. Soc. Japan 13, 482 (1938). 1101. . E lectrolytic Reduction of Naphthalimide and Its Derivatives .

Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 14, 173 (1939). 1102. Sakurai, B., and Tamura. E lectrolytic Reduction of Camphoric Acid Imide.

J. E!ectrochem. Assoc. Japan 1, 139 (1933).

Sakurai, K. See Sugasawa. 1103. Salac. Polarograph in der brautechnischen Analytik. Bohm. Bierbrauer 63,

383 (1936). 1104. Salauze. E lectrolyse des sels alcalins de l'acide acetique en dissolution dans

l'alcool methylique. Bull. soc. chim. (4), 37, 522 (1925). 1105. . Electrolyse des acetates alcalins en dissolution dans l'alcool methyl-

ique. Compt. rend. 180, 662 (1925) . 1106. Sand and Singer. Mercuri-Verbindungen aus Terpineol und Dimethylhep-

tenol. Ber. 35, 3170 (1902) . 1107. Sandonnini and Borghello. Dealogenazione elettrolitica di sostanze organiche

semplici. Nota I. Atti Accad. Lincei 20, 334 (1934).

1108. ---. D ealogenazione elettrolitica di sostanze organiche sernplici. Nota

II. Atti. Accad. Lincei 21, 30 (1935). 1109 . . E lettrolisi del monocloruro di iodio in solventi diversi. Atti accad.

Lincei, Classe sci. fis., mat. e nat. 25, 46 (1937).

Sanielevici. See Haissinsky. 1110. Sarabia. La oxidacion anodica del aluminio. Anales soc. espaii . fis. y quim.

Revista 34, 323 (1936).

1111 .


Sarre. See Speyer. Sartori. See Seroerano.

Satoda. See Sugasawa.

Savini. See Gasparini.

Sawamura. See Matsui. Saxon. Electrolysis of Lead Chloride. Chem. News 132, 102 (1926). Sborgi and Cappon. Sul comportamento anodico <lei metalli in soluzioni non

acquose. III. -Fe, Co, Cr in soluzioni etilalcooliche di nitrati. Nuovo

cimento (6) 23, 303 (1922).

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86 ILLI'.\OlS E'.\G I '.\EER!'.\G EXPEBll\lE'.\T STATION

1113. Sborgi and Marchetti. Sul comportamento anodi co <lei metalli in soluzioni non acquose. II-Comportamento di vari metalli in soluzioni acetoniche. Kuovo cimento 22, 151 (1921).

1114. Scaramelli. Sulla applicazione del metodo polarografico all o studio degli olii da trasforrnatore. Atti xo congr. intern. chim. 4, 394 (1939).

----. See Bonino.

Schiifer. See Mayer, Fritz .

Schaff. See Mathers.

1115. Schafmeister. Korngrenzen Korrosion und Gefugeatzungen bei Stahl mit 18% Cr und 8 % Ni. Arch. Eisenhi:ttttenw. 10, 405 (1937) .

Schall, B. See Schall, C.

1116. Schall, C. tlber die Moglichkeit wechselnder Zwischenstuffen der Kolbeschen Reaktion und einen Fall anodischer Esterbildung bei arornatischen Sauren. Z. E lektrochern. 28, 506 (1922).

1117. . Bemerkungen zur Abhandlung von Goro Shima: tlber die elek-trolytische Reduktion von Ketonen. Z. E lektrochem. 38, 31 (1932).

1118. Schall, C., and Schall, B. tlber E lektrolyse von Silberacetat in Essigsaure und Pyridin (Si lberdiacetat und Reaktion nach Kolbe). Z. E lektrochem. 40, 5 (1934).

1119. Schall, C., and Thieme-Wiedtmarckter. Anodisches Nickel- (Kobalt-) Triace­tat und Kolbe's Reaktion. Z. Elektrochem. 35, 337 (1929) .

1120. Schaum and Schneider, H . tlber die Darstellung von Cyanursaure und Allo­phansaure-estern aus Formamid auf elektrochemischem vVege. Ber. 56, 2460 (1923) .

Scheka. See Plotnikov.

1121. Scheller. tlber die Oxydation aus Paraffin hergestellter olefine zu Fettsauren. Ber . 72B, 1917 (1939).

1122. Schenck and Kirchhof. Zur Kenntnis der Gallensauren. XV. Mitteil. Z. physiol. Chem. 163, 120 (1927).

Schetty. See Fichter.

Schickh. See Binz.

Schicktanz. See Keyes.

1123. Schild. tlber ein Alkaloid der Stemona sessilifolia . Elektrolytische Reduktion der Base C22H 330 4N. Ber. 69, 78 (1936).

Schimmel. See Agde.

Schinz. See Ruzicka, L.

Schirm. See Winterfeld.

Schivazappa. See Fester.

1124. Schlagdenhauffen. Observations sur quelques decompositions cbimiques au moyen de la pile. J . pharm. Chim. (3) 31, 410 (1857).

Schlager. See Fichter.

Schlesinger . See Freund.

Schlittler. See Barger.


1125. Schlubach and Ballauf. tlber das Tetraathylammonium (Il). (2. Mitteilung uber Arnmonium-R adikale). Ber. 54B, 2811 (1921).

1126. Schlubach and Miedel. tlber Oniurn-R adikale. (5. Mitteilung i.iber Am­

monium-Radikale). Ber. 56, 1892 (1923) . 1127. Schlubach and von Zwehl. tlber das Tetraathyl-ammonium. Ill. Die

Ahnlichkeit mit den Alkalimetallen. (4. Mitteilung i.iber Ammonium-

R adikale). Ber. 56, 1889 (1923). 1128. Schmidlin. Schwefelhaltige basische Triphenylmethanfarbstoffe. Ber . 39,

4204 (1906). Schmidt, C. L. A. See Greenberg.

Schmidt, R. See Kolbe. 1129. Schmidt, O. T., and Simon, A. tlber den Gi.iltigkeitsbereich optischer Dre­

hungsregelnindex Zuckergruppe. J . prakt. Chem. 152, 190 (1939).

1130. Schmitt. Elektrolytische Glanzverfahren fo r Aluminium. Aluminium 19,

387 (1937). 1131. . D ie elektrische Oxydation des Aluminums. H auszeit. V.A.W.

Erftwerk A.G. Aluminium 4, 79 (1932). 1132. . Die elektrolytischen Oxydations-verfahren . Oberflachentech. 10,



199 (1933). Schmitt, Jenny, and Elssner. Das E loxal-Verfahren. z. Ver. deut. Ing. 78,

1499 (1934).

Schneider, H. See Schaurn.

Schnider. See Fichter. Schoch. Mechanism of Anodic Reactions and the Behavior of Iron and Nickel

Anodes. Trans. Faraday Soc. 9, 272 (1914).

Schoenauer. See Erlenmayer.

Schiinmann. See Fichter.

Scholl. See Bredt.

Schonlau. See Fichter.

Schormiiller. See Oberhauser.

Schousboe. See Bergh. schwefelsaurer Losung.

1135. Schreiner. Anodische Oxydation der Essigsaure in

z. Elektrochem. 36, 953 (1930) .

Schumann. See Bredt. Schwaer. The Reduction of Unsaturated Organic Acids at t he i\1 ercury Drop

Cathode. Chem. Listy 26, 485 (1932). 1137. . Polarographic Studies with the Dropping i\Iercury Kathode.

Part LI. The E lectroreduction of Some Unsaturated Acids. Collection

Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 7, 326 (1935) . Schwarz, K . Polarographische Analysenvorschriften. Z. annl. Chem. 115,


1138. 161 (1939).

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1139. Schwarz, R. Ludwig Gattermann. Chem.-Ztg. 44, 513 (1920).

1140. Schwarzenbach and Rudin. Der Mechanismus von Substit utionseinflussen auf die Reakt ionsfahigkeit von Benzolderivaten. Helv . Chim. Acta 22, 360 (1939) .

1141. Schweitzer and Laqueur. Die Reduktion von Benzophcnon an der Quecksilber­Tropfkathodc. Rec. trav. chim. 55, 959 (1936).

1142. Schwyzer. Fabrikationsmethoden von Vanillin. Chem.-Ztg. 54, 839 (1930).

1143. Scurti and Gasparini. Sulla distruzione della sostanza organica per ossidazione elettrolittica nell 'analisi delle sostanze alimentari ed agrarie. Staz. sper. agrar. ital. 40, 150 (1907).

Sedgwick. See P erkin, W . H .

1144. Sedo. Electrolytic Oxidation of Aluminum, and Its Applications. Soc. Mech. Eng. (J apan) 34, 973 (1931).



Segitz. See Hein.

Seidel. See Ruzicka, L.

Selig. See Speyer.

Semerano. Studi polarogra fici con il catodo a goccia di mercurio. II. La riduzione dell 'acetone. Gazz. chim. ital. 62, 959 (1932).

----. La riduzione della desossibenzoina e della benzoina al catodo a goccia di mercurio ed i problemi ad essa relativi. Gazz. chim. ital. 65, 273 (1935).

1147. . Applicazione de! metodo pola rografico. Giorn. chim. ind. applicata 14, 608 (1932).

1148. . Ricerche polarographiche nell ' industria degli zuccheri. Ind. saccar. ital. 29, 196 (1936).

1149. ---. La ricerca e il dosamento dell 'acido fumarico in presenza degli acidi maleico, itaconico, citraconico, cis- e trans-aconi tico. Mikrochemie 24, 10 (1938) .

1150. . Labile organische Molekule und Grenzfliichenvorgiinge. Z. Elek-trochem. 44, 598 (1938).

1151. Semerano and Bett inelli. II potenziale elettrochimico di riduzione degli acidi maleico e fumarico. Gazz. chim. ita l. 66, 744 (1936) .

1152. . La dissociazione dell 'acido aconitico in molecole labili CH . COOR allo strato interfasale mercurio-acqua. Mem. reale accad. Italia 8, 243 (1937).

1153. . La constante di dissociazione elettrolitica dell'acido labile CH· CO-OR ed il grado di depolimerizzazione degli acide maleico, fumarico ed acon­itico. Mem. reale accad. Italia 8, 255 (1937).

1154. Semerano and Chisini. Influenza esercitata da sostituenti nel nucleo benzenico sull'energia di riduzione della benzaldeide. Gazz. chim. ital. 63, 802 (1933).

1155. . L'analisi polarografica nello studio de! fenomeno di tautomeria ceto-enolica. Gazz. chim. ital. 66, 504 (1936).



---. L'energia di riduzione elettrolitica di alcune sostanze con i gruppi atomici C= O e C = C. Gazz. chim. ital. 66, 510 (1936).

Semerano and de Ponte. Studi polarografici con ii catodo a goccia di mercurio. III. La riduzione della benzaldeide. Gazz. chim. ita l. 62, 991 (1932).


1158. Semerano and P olacsek. II meccanismo dell a riduzione dell'aldeide acetica al catodo a goccia di mercurio. Gazz. chim. ital. 68, 292 (1938).

1159. . Polarographic Detection and Determination of Biacetyl. Magyar Chem. Folyoirat 64, 75 (1938) .

1160. Semerano and Rao. La microanalisi quantitativa delle miscelle degli acidi fumarico e maleico. Mikrochemie 23, 9 (1937).

1161. Semerano and Sartori. L'analisi polarografica delle mi scelle degli acidi cis­e trans-aconitico. Mikrochemie 24, 130 (1938).

1162. . Studi sull 'acido cis-aconitico. Gazz. chim. ital. 68, 167 (1938).

Semerano. See Miolati.

Senti. See Fichter.

1163. Serono. Sopra la decomposizione delle proteine mediante l'elettrolisi. Soc. ital. chim. (1910) No. 2. Zentr. Biochem. Biophys. 11, 699 (1911) .

1164. Setoh and Miyata. Chemical Resistance of Aluminum Coated with Anodic Films. Bull. Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) 8, 900. Abstracts 2, 105 (1929).

1165. . Effect of Anodic Treatment on the Abrasion and Corrosion of Aluminum Alloys. Bull. Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) 11, 48 (1932).

1166. . Effect of Concentration of E lect rolyte on t he Formation of the Anodic Film on Aluminum. Bull. Inst . Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) 11, 317 (1932).

1167. . Anodic Films of Aluminum and Their Applications. J. Electro-chem. Assoc. (J apan) 1, 15 (1933) .

1168. . E lectrolytic Oxidation of Aluminum and Its Industrial Applica-tions. Proc. World Eng. Congr., Tokyo 1929, 22, 73 (1931).

1169. . Effect of Superposing Alternating Current on the E lectrolytic Oxidation of Aluminum. Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) 12, 268 (1930).

1170. . Researches on the Anodic Film of Aluminum. I. Effect of Concen-tration of Electrolyte on the Formation of Anodic Film. Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) 19, 189 (1932) .

1171. . Researches on the Anodic Film of Aluminum. II. Anodic Be-





haviors of Aluminum in Aqueous Solutions of Oxalic Acid. Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. R esearch (Tokyo) 19, 237 (1932).

Seuberling. Eiweissuntersuchung im Liquor cerebrospinalis mit elem Polaro­graphen. Klin. Wochschr. 16, 644 (1937).

Shakhov. The Use of the Polarograph in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Far­matsiya i Farmakol. No. 5-6, 15 (1937).

Sheka. See Plotnikov.

Sherlin and Vasilievskii. Allyl-/l-oxathylsulfid und seine Derivate. J . Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. Chem. 60, 1629 (1928). J. prakt. Chem. 121, 173 (1929).

Shiba, Inoue, and Miyasaka. Electrolytic Reduction of Nitrobenzene in Liquid Ammonia. Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) 35, 455 (1939).

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Shiina. Synthesis of Higher Dicarboxyli c Acids of the Type H02C(CH


C02H. Preparation of H02C(CH2)16C02H, and H02C (CH2)18


J. Soc. Chem. Ind. J apan 40, Suppl. Binding 324 (1937).

Shikata. Part I. Electrolysis of Nitrobenzene with the Dropping Mercury Cathode. Trans. Faraday Soc. 21, 42 (1925).

--. Part II. The Influence of the Cathodic Potential on the Adsorption of Nitrobenzene. Trans. Faraday Soc. 21, 53 (1925).

--. Researches on the E lectrolytic Potentials of Organic Compounds. Part I. General Introduction to the Polarographic Method. Mem. Coll. Agr. Kyoto Imp. Univ. 13, 1 (1937).

Shikata and H ozaki. Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. Part VII. Reduction Potentials of Dinitroben-zenes. Mem. Coll. Agr. Kyoto Imp. Univ. 17, 1 (1931). J. Ag. Chem. Soc. Japan 7, 674 (1931) .

--. Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. Part VIII. Reduction Potentials of Dinitrophenols. Mem. Coll. Agr. Kyoto Imp. Univ. 17, 21 (1931).

Shikata and Shoji. Applications of the Polarographic Method. Part III. Application to the Microanalysis of Reducible Substances in Fermentation Products. Mem. Coll. Agr. Kyoto Imp. Univ. 4, 75 (1927).

--. Studies of Fermentation Products by the Polarographic Method. II. On Ketones. J. Ag. Chem. Soc. Japan 4, 475 (1928).

--. Studies of Fermentation Products by the Polarographic Method. III. (1) On Reducible Products in Vinegar. (2) On Diacetyl and Acetoin. J. Agr. Chem. Soc. J apan 5, 212 (1929).

Shikata and Tachi. Reduction Potential of Isovaleraldehyde. Proc. Imp. Acad. (Tokyo) 2, 226 (1926).

--. Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potential of Organic Compounds. Part III. Reduction Potentials of Pyridine. Mem. Coll. Agr. Kyoto Imp. Univ. 4, 19 (1927). J. Ag. Chem. Soc. Japan 3, 746 (1927).

1187. . Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. Part IV. Reduction Potential of Nicotinic Acid. Mem. Coll.





Agr. Kyoto Imp. Univ. 4, 35 (1927).

--. The Influence of t he Ammonium Ion on the Quinhydrone Electrode Potential. J. Biochem. (J apan) 10, 115 (1928).

--. Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. IV, V. The Reduction Potential of Ketones and the Influence of the Ketone Radical. J . Ag. Chem. Soc. 4, 91 (1928) 771.

--. Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potential of Organic Compounds. VII. The Reduction Potential of Oxygen, Iron Salts, Hemo­globin, Metahemoglobin, Hematin. J. Agr. Chem. Soc. J apan 5, 352 (1929).

--. Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. Part X. Reduction Potential of Azobenzene. Mem. Coll. Agr. J(yoto Imp. Univ. 17, 45 (193 1).


1192. . The Electrolytic Reduction Potentia l of Organic Compounds. XVI. p-Aminoazobenzene. Bull. Agr. Chem. Soc. J apan 8, 154 (1932).

1193. . Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. Part XIX. On the Limiting Currents of Current Voltage Curves. J. Electrochem. Assoc. J apan 2, 201 (1934) .

1194. . Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. Part XXI. On the Ascending Part of the Current Voltage Curve of Electrolysis Adsorption Current. J. Electrochem. Assoc. Japan 2, 275 (1934).

1195. . Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode. Part LXXIV. The Electronegativity Rule of the Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 10, 368 (1938).

ll96. Shikata and Taguchi. Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. XX. Reduction Potential of Quinine. J . Electro­chem. Assoc. Japan 2, 234 (1934).

1197. . Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. XI. Reduction Potentials of Nitroanilines. Mem. Coll. Agr. Kyoto Imp. Univ. 29, 1 (1934).

1198. Shikata and Watanabe, M . Researches on Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. VI. The Reduction Potential of Nitro Phenols. J. Agr. Chem. Soc. Japan, 4, 924 (1928). Bull. Agr. Chem. Soc. Japan 4, 99 (1928).

1199. . Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. VIII. The Reduction Potential of Camphor and Fenchone. J. Agr. Chem. Soc. J apan 5, 904 (1929).

Shilov. See Zelinsky. 1200. Shima. On the E lectrolytic Reduction of Aldehydes. Part I. Formaldehyde

and Acetaldehyde. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. 9, 183 (1925).

1201. . On the Electrolytic Reduction of Aldehydes. Part II. m-Nitro-benzaldehyde. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. All, 1 (1928) .

1202. . On the Electrolytic Reduction of Aldehydes. Part III. o- and p-Oxybenzaldehydes. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. All, 407 (1928).

1203. . On the Electrolytic Reduction of Aldehydes. Part IV. Vanillin and Piperonal. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. All, 419 (1928).

1204. . Electrolytic Reduction of Aldehydes. V. Cinnamaldehyde. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. A12, 69 (1929) .

1205. . Electrolytic Reduction of Aldehydes. VI. Complete Reduction of the Carbonyl Group. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. A12, 73 (1929) .

1206. . On the Electrolytic Reduction of Ketones. Part I. Reduction of a,(3-Unsaturated Ketones. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. A12, 327 (1929).

1207. . Electrolytic Reduction of Aldehydes. Part VII. Crotonaldehyde. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. 13, 85 (1930).

1208. . On the Electrolytic Reduction of Ketones. Part II. The Fonna-tion of Hydrocarbons. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. A13 , 315 (1930).

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1209. Shinozaki. Preparation of p-l\fethoxyphenylethanolamine. Reduction of p-Methoxyphenylnitroethanol. J . Pharm . Soc. J apan 50, G66 (1930).

1210. . Preparation of Phenylpropanolamine. E lectrolytic Reduction of Phenyl ::-\itropropanol. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 51, 720 (1931).

See Kondo, T .

1211. Shipley and Calhoun. The E lectrolytic Preparation of Anthranilic Acid. Can. J . Research 13B, 123 (1935).

1212. Shipley and Rogers. The Electrolysis of Some Organic Compounds with Alternating Current. Can. J . Research 17B, 147 (1939) .

1213. --. The Production of Ethane, Quinhydrone, and Potassium Cupric Cyanide by Alternating Current Electrolysis. Can. J . Research 17B, 167 (1939).

1214. Shoji. Synthesis of Acetaldehyde from Acetylene. J. Chem. Ind. Japan 22, 2S (1919) .

1215. . The Polarographic Studies on t he Fermentation Products . Part IV. Bull. Inst. Phys. Chem . Research (Tokyo) 9, 69 (1930) .

1216. ----. The Polarographic Studies on the Fermentation Products . Part V. Bull . Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) 9, 621 (1930).

1217. . Studies of the Flavour of "Kasutorishochu. " Scient. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Research Tokyo 20, S7 (1933) .

----. See Shikata. 121S. Shoji and Onuki. The Polarographic Studies on the Fermentation Products.




Bull . Inst. of Phys. Chem. R esearch (Tokyo) 11, 277 (1932).

Shoruigin. Synthesis of Sugar Substances. Research Inst. Tech. Agr. Ind. Kiev 3, 137 (1926).

Shorygin and Bogacheva. The Synthesis of Vanilla!. Sintezy Dushistykh Veshchestv, Sbornik Statei (1939) , 7: Khim Referat Zhur. (1940) , 110.

Shukla and Walker , 0 . J. Formation of Methane During the Electrolysis of Potassium Acetate, and t he Mechanism of Kolbe's Electrosynthesis. Trans. Faraday Soc. 27, 35 (1931) .

1222. . Anode Phenomena in the Electrolysis of Potassium Acetate So-lutions. II. Discharge Potential of the Acetate Ion. Trans. Faraday Soc. 27, 722 (1931).

1223. . Anode Phenomena in the Electrolysis of Potassium Acetate. III. Formation of Methane. Trans. Faraday Soc. 2S, 457 (1932).

1224. Sidersky. Polarographie. Bull. assoc. chim. suer . dist. 50, 400 (1933).

1225. Siebert , H . Die Reduktion der Aconitsaure an der Quecksilbertropfkathode. Z. Elektrochem. 44, 76S (193S).

1226. . Erwiderung auf die vorstehende Mi tteilung von A. Miolati und G. Semerano. Z. Elektrochem. 45, 22S (1939).

----. See Winkel.

Siebert, S. See Speyer.

Siegrist. See Fichter .

1227. Sihvonen . Oxydationsmechanismus des Kohlenstoffs. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae A51, No. 4 (193S).


122S. . Der Primii.rvorgang bei der alka lischen Ta rtratoxydation unter hohem Anodenpotcntial. Suomen Kemistilehti, Acta Chem. Fcnnica 6B, 64 (1933).

1229. . zur Kenntnis der Oxydationsvorgii.ngc am Graphit. Acta Chem. Fennica 6B, 6S (1933).

1230. . Uber die elektrolytische Oxydation des Graphits. Acta Chem. Fennica A7, 25 (1934) .

1231. . Eine Kurze Zusammenstellung der Hauptvorgange bei der Oxy-dierung des Graphits. Acta Chem. Fennica 7B, 75 (1934).

1232. . Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Reaktionsmechanismus an einer Graph-itanode. Suomen Kemist ilehti SB, 35 (1935).

1233. . E rganzende Zusatze zu meiner Theorie der Graphitverbrennung. IV. Suomen Kemistelehti SB, 47 (1935).

1234. . Eine vorlaufige Mitteilung tiber die Reduktionsfahigkeit der Ketogruppen am Graphit. Suomen Kemistilehti 9B, 26 (1936).

1235. . Uber den Reaktionsmechanismus bei der elektrolytischen Oxyda-tion der Weinsaure. Suomen Kemistilehti 9B, 32 (1936) .

1236. . The Influence of Keto- and Ketene Groups, Adsorbed Molecules, and Ions on the Mechanism of Carbon Oxidation. Trans. Faraday Soc. 34, 1062 (193S).

1237. . Eine Notiz zu Bemerkung von L. Meyer. Z. Elektrochem. 40, 743 (1934) .

123S. Sihvonen and Nlisii.nen. Uber die Ent ladungsvorgange bei der Graphit­oxydation mit hochgespanntem Gleichstrom. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae A4S, No. 12 (1937).

1239. Sihvonen and Pylkkii.nen. Uber die Natur einer oxydierenden Graphitanode und vergleichende Elektrolysen an der Rechtsweinsaure und Mesoweinsaure in der Natronlauge . Suomen Kemist ilehti SB, 37 (1935) .

1240. Sihvonen and Veijola. Uber die elektrolytische Oxydierbarkeit des Koh­lenoxyds. Suomen Kemistilehti, Acta Chem. Fennica 6B, 63 (1933).

1241. Simek and Ludmila. The E lectrochemical Separation of Brown Coal Tar Which Has Not Been Superheated. Chem. Listy 30, 29S (1936).

Simon, A. See Schmidt, 0. T.

Simon, C. See Fichter.

Simons. See Kilpatrick.

Simonsen. See Cahn.

----. See Menon.

Singer. See Sand.

Sjostedt. See Fichter.

Skalickova. See Taussig.

Sklyarenko. See M el'nikov.

1242. Skossarewsky. Sur la dissociation electrolytique de !'acetylene et de ses derives metalliques. Compt. rend. 159, 769 (1914).

1243. Sladek. Electrolytic Oxidation of Ani line. Casopis Ceskoslov. Lekarnictva 7, 299 (1927).

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94 JLL!l\01::; E.:\Gl"1EER1"1G EXPERJl\1ENT STATJOl\

1244. Sladek and Lipschutz. Polarographic Effects of Some Amino-acids. Roz­pravy II tf. Ces. Akademie 44, No. 29 (1934). Bull. intern. acad. sci. Boheme 35, 216 (1934) .




--. Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode. Part X LIII. Specific Effects of Some Amino-Acids. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 6, 487 (1934).

Slendyk. See Herasymenko.

Slotta and Kethur. Zur Synthese sympathomimetisch wirkender Local­anii.sthetica. Ber. 71, 59 (1938).

--. Synthese der Terephthal- und Isophthal-aldehydsaure-ester. Ber. 71, 335 (1938).

1248. Slotta and Szyszka. tlber tl-Phenyl-athylamine. J . prakt. Chem. 137, 339 (1933).

1249. Small and Cohen, F. D esoxycodeine Studies. I. The Desoxycocleines. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 53, 2214 (1931).

1250. --- Desoxycodeine Studies. II. The Dihydrodesoxycodeines. J.



Am. Chem. Soc. 53, 2227 (1931).

Small and Lutz. D esoxycodeine Studies. V. The So-called Dihydrodesoxy­Codeine-A. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 56, 1738 (1934).

--. Chemistry of the Opium Alkaloids. U. S. P ub. Health Repts. Suppl. No. 103 (1932).

1253. Small and Morris, D. E. The Desoxymorphines. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 55, 2874 (1933).




Small, Yuen, and Eilers. Catalytic Hydrogenation of the Halogeno-morphids: Dihydrodesoxymorphine-D. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 55, 3863 (1933).

Small. See Morris, D. E.

--'----. See Mosettig.

Smetackova. See Lukes.

Smith, E. R., and Rodden. Effects of Methionine, Djenkolic Acid, and Ben­zoylcysteine on the Estimation of Cystine by the Dropping Mercury Cathode. J . Research Nat. Bur. Stand. 22, 669 (1939).

Smith, E. R. See Sullivan.

Smith, F. B. See Jones, T. G. H.

Smith, F. W. See Richardson.

Smith, G. B. L. See Lieber.

Smith, J . C. See Perkin, W. H.

Smith, J.M. See Clemo.

Smittenberg. See Wibaut.

Smolef, I. Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode. Part XVI. The Electroreduction of Acetaldehyde. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 2, 699 (1930).

----. See Heyrovsky.

Soare. See DiiniiiliL

Sobecki. See v. Braun.


1257. Sobotka. The Chemistry of the Bile Acids and Related Substances. Chem. Revs. 15, 311 (1934).

Sohnel. See Griessman. 1258. Som16. Zur Elektrolytischen Reduktion der Benzoesaure. Z. Elektrochem.

35, 264 (1939). 1259. . Dber die elektrolytische Reduktion einiger aromatischer Car-

bonsauren. Z. E lektrochem. 35, 769 (1929).

----. See Delfino. 1260. Sontag. tlber die Abscheidung Kohlenstoffhaltigen Eisens bei der E lektrolyse

von E isendoppeloxalat-Losungen. Z. E lektrochem. 30, 333 (1924).

1261. Spath and Bretschneider. E ine neue Syn these des Nicotins und einige Bemerk­ungen zu den Arbeiten Nagais iiber Ephedrine. Ber . 61, 327 (1928).

1262. Spath and Breusch. tlber die elektrolytische Reduktion von zyklischen Saureimiden zu hydrierten zyklischen Basen. Monatsh. 50, 349 (1928).

1263. Spath and Biirger. tlber Opium-Alkaloide. VIII. E ine neue Synthese des Papaverins. Ber. 60, 704 (1927).

1264. . tlber Opiumalkaloido. VI I. Mitteil. Synthese des Laudanums und des Laudanidins. Monatsh. 47, 7333 (1926).

1265. Spath and Galinovsky. Dber die Konstitution des Cytisins. Ber . 65B, 1526 (1932).



Spath and Hillel. N apht halimids. Buhei Sakurai.

Spath and Kruta. (1929).

Zur Kenntnis des Psoralens und der E lektroreduktion des Bemerkungen zu Arbeiten von Kunio, Okahara, and

Ber . 72, 1577 (1939). tlber eine Synthese der rac-Corydaline. Ber. 62B, 1024

1268. Spath, Kuffner, and Kittel. Dber die E lektroreduktion des Naphthalimids. Ber. 72, 1109 (1939).

1269. Spath, Kuffner, and Lintner. tJber Peganin-Derivate und ihre Pikrolonate. (XII. Mitteil. iiber Peganin). Ber . 69, 2052 (1936).

1270 . Spath and Platzer. Dber Derivate des Peganins und ihre R ing-Homologen. (VIII. Mitteil. iiber Peganin). Ber . 68, 222 1 (1935).

1271. . Zur Kenntnis des Pegen-9-ons-(l ). (XI. Mitteil. iiber Peganin). Ber . 69, 387 (1936).

1272. Spath and Prokopp. tJber das Galegin. Ber. 57, 474 (1924).

1273. Spath and Strauhal. Die Konstitution des Laurotetanins. Ber. 61, 2395 (1928).

1274. Speyer. Martin Freund. z. angew. Chem. 33, I, 121 (1920) . 1275. Speyer and Krauss. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Kodeins und seiner Isomeren.

Ann. 432, 233 (1923). 1276. Speyer and Popp. tlber die Einwirkung von Ozon auf Dihydrokodein und

Athyl-dihydro-morphin. (Ein Beitrag zur Aufspaltung des Morphin­molekiils). Ber. 59, 390 (1926).

1277. Speyer and Rosenfeld. Einwirkung von Natriumhydrosulfit auf Bromko­deinon. Ber. 58, 1117 (1925).

1278. . Dber das Dihydrothebenin und seinen Abbau. Ber. 58, 1120 (1925).

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1279. Speyer and Sarre. Uber die Einwirkung von Reduktions mitteln auf Brom­kodeinon. Ber. 57, 1404 (1924).

1280. Speyer, Selig, and Heil. Studien in der Oxykodeinon-Reihe. (1923).

1281. Speyer and Siebert, S. 54, 1519 (1921).

Speyer. See Freund.

Ann. 430, 1

Uber die Reduktion des Dihydrothebainons. Ber.

1282. Spiegel. Martin Freund. Ber. 54A, 53 (1921). Spiegelberger. See Fichter. Stadie. See Joseph.

1283. Stager. Zur Kenntnis von Elektrodenvorgangen . Uber den Einfluss von Temperaturerhohung und Depol:;irisatoren auf die Abscheidungsform des Nickels. Helv. Chim. Acta 3, 584 (1920).

1284. Staudinger and Ruzicka, L. Insektentotende Stoffe. VIII. Versuche zur Her­stellung von pyrethrolonahnlichen Alkoholen. Heiv. Chim. Acta 7, 406 (1924).

Steele. See Bagster.

1285. Steiger. Zur Herstellung von d-Ribose. Helv. Chim. Acta 19, 189 (1936). Stein. See Fichter.

1286. Stenz! and Fichter. Reduktionen mit Blei-Natrium. V. Zur Kenntnis der Tafel 'schen Umlagerung. Helv. Chim. Acta 17, 669 (1934).

1287. . Die Strukturformel des <lurch elektrochemische Reduktion von Methyl-benzyl-acetessigester gewonnenen Kohlenwasserstoffs C


H1s (Tafel 'sche Umlagerung III). Helv. Chim. Acta 20, 846 (1937).

1288. Stenz!, Fichter, and Arni. Elektrochemische Reduktion von Cyclo-pentanon carbonsaureathylester. Zur Kenntnis der Tafel'schen Umiagerung. II. Helv. Chim. Acta 19, 392 (1936).

Stenz!. See Fichter.

Stepanov, A. D. See Kirkhgof.

Stepanov, V. D. See Valter.

1289. Stern, A., Beach, and Macy. Polarographic Microdetermination of Cystine in Protein Hydrolysates. J. Biol. Chem. 130, 733 (1939).

Stern, S. See Fichter.

1290. Stern, V., and Polak. Polarographic Analysis of Mixtures of Aldehydes and Peroxides. Acta Physicochim. , U.S.S.R. 11, 797 (1939).

Stevens. See Karrer.

1291. Stoll and Rouve. Contribution a l'etude des combinaisons carbocycliques. XXX. La condensation interne de l'hexadecane-1,16-dial et de l 'octa­decane-1,18-dial. Helv. Chim. Acta 20, 525 (1937).

Stoll. See Karrer.

. See Ruzicka, L. Stone. See Hunter .

Storey. See Brown, B. K.


1292. Stout and Kowarsky. Barrel Plating \Yith Zinc-Cadmium Alloys. Metal Ind. (N.Y.) 29, 297 (1931).

Strauhal. See Spath.

1293. Streight and Hallonquist. Cathodic Halogen; the Electrolysis of Halogenyl Amides. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 56, 485 (1929).

Streight. See Clark.

Strub!. See Taussig.

1294. Stscherbakoff. Laboratoriumsapparat for einige Anodenprozesse (die Gewin­nung der Bichromate, Persalze, Chloroform, USW), Z. Elektrochem . 31, 360 (1925).

Stuart. See Hartley, H .

1295. Suenderhauf. -Ober die elektrochemische Oxydation von Acetophenone. Helv. Chim. Acta 14, 253 (1931).

----. See Fichter.

1296. Sugasawa. Synthesis of Succinic Dialdehyde. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan No. 545, 551 (1927).

1297. . Synthesis of Nitrogen-Ring Compounds. XI. Synthesis of Iso-quinoline Derivatives. 8. Synthesis of Benzeneazoquinoline Derivatives. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 58, 265 (1938).

1298. Sugasawa and Kakemi. Synthesis of Nitrogen-containing Hetero-ring Com­pounds. VIII. Synthesis of Quinoline Derivatives. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 57, 745 (1937).

1299. Sugasawa, Kakemi, and Tsuda. Synthesis of Nitrogen Ring Compounds. XII. Synthesis of Quinoline Derivatives. 2. Synthesis of 6,7-Dimethoxy­quinoline. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 58, 80 (1938).

1300. Sugasawa and Kodama. Synthese partiellhydrierter Phenanthridin-Derivate. I. Ber. 72, 675 (1939).

1301. Sugasawa and Lee, N. Synthesis of Nitrogen Ring Compounds. XVIII. Ser. 4. Synthesis of Condensed Nitrogen Ring Compounds. Pt. 3. Syn­thesis of Octahydropyridocholine. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 59, 326 (1939).

1302. Sugasawa and Sakurai, K. Synthesis of Compounds Related to Papaverine. V. Syn thesis of 1-(3' ,4'-Methylenedioxybenzyl)-3-methyl-6-7-methylene­dioxyisoquinoline. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 56, 563 (1936).

1303. Sugasawa, Sakurai, K ., and Sugimoto. Synthesis of Nitrogen Containing Heterocyclic Compounds. XVII. Synthesis of Some 1,2-Polymethylene­tetrahydroisoquinolines. Proc. Imp. Acad. Tokyo 15, 82 (1939).

1304. Sugasawa, Satoda, and Yamagisawa. Synthesis of Nitrogen-ring Compounds. X. Synthesis of Indole Derivatives. 1. New Synthesis of Indole. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 58, 139 (1938).

1305. Sugasawa and Tsuda, T. Synthesis of Papaverine Derivatives. III. Some Experiments on the Synthesis of Papaverine. J . Pharm. Soc. Japan 55, 194 (1935) .

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1306. Sugasawa and Yoshikawa. Synthesis of Papaverine-like Compounds. I. Synthesis of dl-Homolaudanosoline and Its Derivatives. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 54, 305 (1934).

Sugasawa. See Robinson.

Sugimoto. See Sugasawa.

1307. Sugino. Derivatives of Calcium Cyanamide. V. Formation of Guanidine from Dicyanodiamide. 1. Formation of Guanidine from Dicyanodiamide by E lectrolytic Reduction. J. Electrochem. Assoc. Japa n, 6, 292 (1938) . J. Chem. Soc. Japan 60, 111 (1939).

----. See Kato.

1308. Sullam. Composti molecolari dei sali di mercurio con l'etilene e con l'ossido dicarbonio. Atti reale ist. Veneto sci. Pt. II, Sci. mat. nat. 97, 221 (1937-38).

1309. Sullivan, Hess, W. C., and Smith, E. R. A Comparison of Colorimetric and Polarographic Methods in Relation to the Cystine Content of Insulin. J. Biol. Chem. 130, 740 (1939).

Summers. See Fink.

Sutter. See Fichter.

Sutton. See Willstrop.

Suzuki. See Takaki.

1310. Swann. The Electrolytic Reduction of Ketones. Part I. Reduction of Aromatic Ketones. Bull. No. 236, Eng. Experiment Station, Univ. of lllinois (1931).

1311. . Industrial Possibilities of Electro-organic Reduction . Ind. Eng Chem. 29, 1339 (1937).

1312. . The Electrolysis of Isomeric Caproic Acids. Trans. Am. Electro-chem. Soc. 56, 457 (1929).

1313. . Electrolytic Reduction of Aliphatic Ketones. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 62, 177 (1932).

1314. . Influence of Iron Salts on Electrolytic Reduction of Benzophenone. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 63, 239 (1933).

1315. . Electrolytic Reduction of Ketones in Glacial Acetic Acid. I. Reduction of Aromatic Ketones. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 64, 313 (1933).

1316. . Electro-organic Chemical Preparations. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 69, 287 (1936).

1317. Swann, Deditius, and Pybrr. Electrolytic Reduction of Ketones in Glacial Acetic Acid. II . Reduction of Aliphatic Ketones to Hydrocarbons. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 68, 321 (1935).

1318. Swann and Feldman. Electrolytic Reduction of Methyl-n-Propyl Ketone to n-Pentane. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 67, 195 (1935).

1319. Swann and Field, E. W. Electrolytic Reduction of n-Valeraldehyde to n­Pentane. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc. 72, 327 (1937).

1320. Swann and Lucker. The Electrolytic Reduction of Benzoic Acid to Benzyl Alcohol. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 75, 411 (1939).

1321. Swann and Nelson, G. Electrolytic Reduction of Acetophenone. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 67, 201 (1935).




Swann, Read, H. J., and Howard. Electrolytic Reduction of Or{!;anir Com­pounds of Alloy Cathodes. I. Reduction of Aliphatic Ketones to H ydro­carbons at Cadmium Amalgams. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 69, 3-15 (1936).

Swann. See Keyes.

Swanson. See Gillespie. Swarts. Sur !'electrolyse de l'acide triftuoracetique et de ses sels. Bull.

classe sci. acad. roy. Belg. 17, 27 (1931). 1324. . Contribution a l'etude de !'electrolyse des acides gras trihalogenes.

B1'1ll. soc. chirn. Belg. 42, 102 (1933).

1325 .



Symons. Notes on a New Method for the Electrochemical Manipulation of Oils and Other Non-conducting Liquids. Pharrn. J. and Trans. (3) 5, 325

(1874). Szarvasy. Electrolytic Preparation of Indulin Dyes. J. Chem. Soc. 77, 207

(1900). Same as 378. Szeki. tlber Opianyl und Phthalidylmethylamin. Ber. ungar. pharm. Ges.

13, 680 (1937). 1328. Szper. Essais de chloruration electrochimique de quelques ceto!1eS.

soc. chim. 51, 653 (1932).


----. See Tzentnershver. 1329. Szwarc. The Electro-oxidation of Glucose to Gluconic Acid. Arch. Chem.



Farm. 3, 119 (1936).

Szyszka. See Slotta. Taboury. Contribution a l 'etude des composes sulfures et selenies clans la

serie aromatique. Ann. chim. phys. (8), 15, 5 (1908).

Tachi. Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Com­pounds. Part IX. The Reduction Potential of Allyl Alcohol and Be­haviour of a Catalyser on Electrolytic Reduction. Mero. Coll. Agr. Kyoto Imp. Univ. No. 17, 35 (1931). J . Agr. Chem. Soc. Japan 7, 666 (1931).

1332. . E lectrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. XVII. Reduction Potential of Dimethylamino-azobenzene. Bull. Agr. Chem.

Soc. Japan 8, 155 (1932) . . Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic

Compounds. Part XIII. Reduction Potentials of Dimethylaminoazo­benzene. Mem. Coll. Agr. Kyoto I mp. Univ. 40, 11 (1937). J . Agr.

Chem. Soc. Japan 9, 227 (1933). 1333. . Electrolytic Reduction Potential of Organic Compounds. XVIII.

Electrolysis of Camphor. J . Agr. Chem. Soc. Japan 10, 330 (1934).

1334. . Electrolytic Reduction Potential of Organic Compounds. XXII. The Mechanism of the Electrolytic Reduction. J . Agr. Chem. Soc. Japan

11, 734 (1935). 1335. . Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic

Compounds. XXIV. Consideration of the Reduction Potential. J. Agr. Chem. Soc. Japan 13, 692 (1937). Bull. Agr. Chem. Soc. Japan 13, 71


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1336. Tachi. Researches on the Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Com­pounds. XXV. Standard Electrolytic Reduction Potential and Reduction­Oxidation Potential. J. Agr. Chem. Soc. Japan 13, 698 (1937). Bull. Agr. Chem. Soc. J apan 13, 72 (1937).

1337. . Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. XXVI. Standard Electrolytic Reduction Potential- pH Curve. J. Ag. Chem. Soc. Japan 14, 1286 (1938).

1338. . Polarographic Studies of Organic Compounds. Mem. Coll. Agr. Kyoto Imp. Univ. No. 42 Chem. Series, No. 22, 65 (1938).

1339. Tachi and Kabai. The Electrolytic Reduction Potentials of Organic Com­pounds. XXIII. The Reduction Potential of Quinoline. J. E lectrochem. Assoc. Japan 3, 250 (1935).

Tachi. See Shikata.

1340. Tafel and Herterich. 1-Methyl-desoxyxanthin. Ber. 44, 1033 (1911).

1341. Tafel and Lawaczeck. -Uber Thiopyrrolidon. II. Ber. 40, 2842 (1907).

1342. Tafel and Weinschenk. -Uber 3-Methyldesoxyxanthin und Desoxyheteroxan-thin. Ber. 33, 3369 (1900).

1343. . Elektrolytische Reduktion von Barbitsiiure. Ber. 33, 3383 (1900). Taft. See Cady.

- ---. See Hess.

1344. Taganov and Novodereshkin. Purification of Effluent Water of Generator Gas Plants. Org. Chem. Ind. (U.S.S.R.) 4, 543 (1937).

Taguchi. See Shikata.

Takagami. See Miiller, Erich.

1345. Takagi and Hukamauti. Electrolytic Reduction of Pyrocatechol. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 56, 455 (1936).

1346. Takagi, Tanaka, R. , and Suzuki. Electrolytic Reduction of Resorcinol. J . Pharm. Soc. Japan 58, 652 (1938).

1347. Takagi and Ueda. Electrolytic Reduction of Morphine and Codeine. J . Pharm. Soc. Japan 56, 44 (1936).

Takahashi. See Kameyama.

----. See Karrer.

1348. Takamoto. Electrolytic Synthesis of Tetrahydrofurylethylamine. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 48, 136 (1928).

1349. Takayama. Electrolytic Reactions of the Amino Acids and Related Com­pounds. I. Electrolytic Oxidation of Glutamic Acid. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 52, 155 (1931) .

----. Studies on Amino Acids and Related Compounds. Part I. Elec­trolytic Oxidation of Glutamic Acid. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 8, 125 (1933).

1350. . Electrolytic Reactions of the Amino Acids and Related Compounds. II. Oxidation of Pyrrolidonecarboxylic Acid. J . Chem. Soc. Japan 52, 544 (1931).

----. Studies on Amino Acids a nd Related Compounds. II. Oxidation of Pyrrolidone Carboxylic Acid. Bull. Chem. Soc. J apan 8, 137 (1933).


1351. . Studies on Amino Acids and Related Compounds. Part III. Elec-trolytic Oxidation of Arginine. Bull. Chem. Soc. J apan 8, 169 (1933).

Takayama and Tanabe. Electrolytic Reactions of Amino Acids and Related Compounds. III. Oxidation of Arginine. J. Chem. Soc. J apan 52, 765 (1931).

1352. Takayama. Studies on Amino Acids and Related Compounds. Part IV. Elec­trolytic Reactions of Leucic Acid. Bull. Chem. Soc. J apan 8, 173 (1933).

Takayama and Oeda. E lectrolytic Reactions of Leucic Acid. J. Chem. Soc. Japan, 52, 188 (1931).

1353. Takayama. Studies on Amino Acids and Related Compounds. Part V. Elec­trolytic Oxidation of Tyrosine and Phenylalanine. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 8, 178 (1933).

----. Electrolytic Reactions of Amino Acids and Related Compounds. IV. Electrolytic Oxidation of Tyrosine and Phenylalanine. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 53, 1197 (1932).

1354. . Studies on Amino Acids and Related Compounds. Part VI. E lec-trolytic Oxidation of 13-Imidazolylpropionic Acid. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 8, 189 (1933).

----. E lectrolytic Oxidation of 13-Imidazolylpropionic Acid. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 53, 1205 (1932).

1355. . Studies on Amino Acids and Related Compounds. Part VII. On the Oxidation of Various Amino Acids. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 8, 213 (1933).

----. Studies on Amino Acids and Related Compounds. VIII. Elec­trolytic Oxidation of Various Amino Acids. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 54, 531 (1933) .

1356. . Amino Acids and Related Compounds. IX. Electrolytic Oxida-tion of Proline and -y-Aminobutyric Acid. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 56, 781 (1935).

1357. Takayama, Harada, and Mizuno. Amino Acids and Related Compounds. XL Formation of Aldehydes by the Electrolytic Oxidation of a -Amino Acids. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 56, 449 (1936).

----. Studies on Amino Acids and Related Compounds. Part XI. The Formation of Aldehydes by the Electrolytic Oxidation of a-Amino Acids. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 12, 342 (1937).

1358. Takayama, Matusaka, and Tubuku. Amino Acids and Related Compounds. XII. Electrolysis of Phenylalanine and Its Derivatives in Nitric Acid. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 59, 1375 (1938).

1359. Takayama and Mizuno. Amino Acids and Related Compounds. X. E leo­trolytic Oxidation of Aspartic and Malonic Acids. J . Chem. Soc. Japan 56, 1460 (1935) .

----. Studies on Amino Acids and Related Compounds. Part X . Elec­trolytic Oxidation of Aspartic Acid and Malonic Acid. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 12, 338 (1937).

1360. Takayama and Oeda. Amino Acids and Related Compounds. VIII. Elec­trolytic Oxidation of Histamine and Histidine. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 55, 649 (1934).

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1360A. Takayama. Utilization of the Soy Bean. IV. E lectrolytic Oxidation of the H ydrolyzate of Proteins. J. Soc. Chem. Ind . Japan 34, Suppl. binding 31 (1931 ).

1361. Takayanagi. Electrolytic Preparation of Hydrazines. I. Phenylhydrazine. II. o-, m-, and p-Tolylhydrazines, o- and p-Hydrazinebenzoic Acids and t he Estimation of p-Hydrazinebenzoic Acid. J. Chem. Soc. J apan 53, 427, 430 (1 932).

1362. . Electrolytic Preparat ion of H ydrazines. III. 2,4-Dimethylphenyl-hydrazine and 4-Hydroxyphenylhydrazine. J . Chem. Soc. Japan 57, 64 (1936).

Takegami. See Miiller.

Takei. See Miyata.

1363. Talvitie. Catalytic Decomposition of Tartaric Acid. Suomen Kemistilehti 2, 166 (1929).

1364. . Uber die elektrolytische Oxydation und die Eigenschaftender Tartronsaure. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae Ser. A, 30, No. 18 (1930) .

1365. . Uber die elektrolytische Oxydation der Glym.-ylsaure. Ann . Acad. Sci. Fennicae A45 No. 6, (1936) .

Tamura. See Sakurai.

Tanabe. See Takayama.

Tanaka, R. See Takagi.

Tanaka, S. See Kondo, Tatsu.

----- . See Miiller, E.

1366. Tanaka, Y., and Midzuno. Preparation of Homopiperonylamine. J . Pharm. Soc. J apan 49, 255 (1929).

Tasaka. See Asahina.

1367. Tati. E lectrolytic Reduction Potent ials of Organic Compounds. XXVII. Furfuraldehyde. J . Agr. Chem. Soc. Japan 14, 1371 (1938).

1368. Taussig, Prokop, Skalickova, and Strub!. Polarography of Cerebrospinal Fluid. Sbornik Lekarsky 39, 113 (1937).

1369. . D etermination of Protein in Cerebrospinal F luid by the Polaro-graphic Method. Casapis Ceskeho Lekarnictva 77, 1314 (1938).

1370. Taylor, G. 0 . The Preparation of Light-metal Surfaces for Paint ing. Paint. Manuf. 6, 19 (1936).

1371. Taylor, R. L. Sorbitol from Glucose by Electrolytic Reduction . Chem. Met. Eng. 44, 588 (1937).

Taylor, T. W. J. See Murray.

Tebeau . See Brockman.

1372. Teisinger. Method for the Quantitative Determination of Minute Amounts of Nitrobenzene in Blood and Its Meaning in the Diagnosis of Poisoning by Nitro Compounds of the Aromatic Series. Casopis Lckaffi Ceskych 11, 325 (1937). Ber. ges. Physiol. exptl. Pharmakol. 101, 511 (1937).

1373. . 11ikropolarographische Bestimmung von Nitrobenzen im Blut. MikrocheO?-ie v. m. Microchimica Acta 25, 151 (1938).

Tenniswood. See Clemo.

Terpugov. See Usanovich.


1374. Thatcher. The Development of Organic Electrochemistry in t he Past Twenty­five Years. Trans. Am. Electrochem. Soc. 51, 175 (1927).

1375. Theiss . Electrolytic Precipitation of Alkaline Earth Carbonates from Aqueous Solutions. T echnikai Kurir 9, 71 (1938).

1376. Theorell. Uber die chemische !Constitution des Cytochroms c. Biochem. Z. 298, 242 (1938) .

1377. Thiele. The Oxidation of Carbon in E lectrolytes at Normal Temperature. Trans. Faraday Soc. 34, 1033 (1938).

Thieme-Wiedtmarckter. See Schall, C.

Thomas. See Faust.

1378. Thomassen, J. Polarographische Untersuchung des Wachstumhormons, des Insulins und anderer Hormone von Eiweisstruktur. Acta Brevia Neerland. Physiol., Pharmacol., M icrobiol. 9, 83 (1939).

1379. Thompson. Recent Advances in Applied Electrochemistry. J. Franklin Inst. 193, 775 (1922) .

1380. . Recent Foreign Original Research in Electroplating. Monthly Rev. Am. E lectroplaters' Soc. 19, No. 9, 15 (1933).

1381. Thurston and Kobe. E lectrolysis of Methylmagnesium Iodide in Pyridine. Philippine J . Sci. 65, 139 (1938).

Tiedebel. See Orechoff.

1382. Toivonen and Hirsjiirvi. Zur Reduktion der 2-dialkylierten 1,3-Diketone; elektrolytische Reduktion des Dimethylmethons. Suomen Kemistilehti. 12B, 2 (1939) .

1383. Toja and Ceva. La preparazione elettrolitica dell'acido glicolico. Giorn. chim. ind. applicata 8, 3 (1926).

1384. Tokuoka. Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode. Part LI I. The Electroreduction of Benzaldehyde. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun. 7, 392 (1935).

1385 . Tokuoka and Ruzicka, J. Polarographische Untersuchung iiber die Humus­saure Hymatomelansaure und Torf, mittels der tropfenden Quecksilber­kathode. Z. Pflanzenernahr. Diingung Bodenk. 35A, 79 (1934).

1386. Tomii and Miyakawa. The Oxide-film on Aluminium and Its Photometric Test. J . Electrochem. Assoc. J apan 3, 232 (1935).

1387. Tomita and Watanabe, H. Ullmann Reaction on the Nitrogen-containing Heterocyclic Compounds. J . Pharm. Soc. Japan 58, 223 (1938).

Tomlinson. See Plant.

1388. Tommila. Uber die elektrochemische Oxydation von a-Glykolen. Ann. Acad. Sci. FennicaeA39, No. 11 (1934) .

1389. . Elektrochemische Versuche mit a-Oxysauren. Ann. Acad. Sci.



Fennicae A46, No. 6 (1936).

----. Uber die elektrolytische Oxydation der Glykolsaure in alka lischer Losung. Acta .Chem. Fennica 6B, 70 (1933). Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae A38, No. 6 (1933).

----. Uber die elektroiytische Oxydation der l'J-Oxypropi onsaure. Acta Chem. Fennica 7B, 87 (1934).

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1392. Tommila. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des anodischen Vorgangs bei der Elek­trolyse von a-Oxysauren. Suomen Kemistilehti SB, 25 (1935).

1393. . The Dependence of Anodic Oxidation Reactions on the Electrode Material in Organic Electrolysis. Suomen Kemistilehti 9A, 76 (1936) .

----. See Kurennierni.

1394. Trabacchi. Interrutor elettrolitico per la corrente alternata. Atti reale accad. Lincei 24, II, 126 (1915).

1395. Travers. Plating on Aluminum. Details of a New Process. Metal Ind. (London) 54, 591 (1939) .

1396. ----. Plating on Aluminum. Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 75, 201 (1939).

1397. Tropp. Die Polarographie im Dienste der Medizin. IGin. Wochschr. 16, 374 (1937).

1398. . Polarographische Untersuchungen tiber Insuline. IGin . Wochschr. 17, 465 (1938) .

1399. . Polarographische Serumuntersuchungen in Beziehung zur Krebs-reaktion von Brdicka. Iain. Wochschr. 17, 1141 (1938).

1400. . Polarographische Eiweissuntersuchungen. I. Die Polarographie als Untersuchungsmethods. Z. physiol. Chem. 262, 199 (1939).

----. See Jiihling.

1401. Tropp, Jiihling, and Geiger. Polarographische Eiweissuntersuchungen. III. Albumin, Globulin, Fibrinogen, und Serum. Z. physiol. Chem. 262, 225 (1939) .

1402. Tsuda, K. , and Murakami. Constitution of Matrin. XIX. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 57, 307 (1937).

Tsuda, K . See Ochiai.

Tsuda, T. See Sugasawa.

1403. Tsunoya. Electrolytic Synthesis of Alcohol. Rept. Imp. Ind. Lab. Osaka 4, (4), 1 (1923).

Tubuku. See Takayama.

Tyvonuk. See Herasymenko, P.

1404. Tzentnershver and Szper. Electrolyse des cyanures alcalins fondus. Congr. intern. elec., Paris, Sect. 7, Rapport No. 4 (1932).

Ueda. See Takagi.

Ui. See Kondo, H.

1405. Ulpiani and Rodano. Elettrosintesi nel gruppo <lei cianoderivati. Rend. accad. Lincei (5), 14, I, 110 (1905).

1406. Usanovich . Elektrochernische Untersuchungen atherischer Llisungen. II. Das System: Arsentrichlorid-Athylather. Z. physik. Chem. A140, 429 (1929).

1407. Usanovich and Terpugov. Elektrochemische Untersuchungen atherischer Llisungen. VI. Das System Antimontrichlorid-Athyliither. Z. physik. Chem. Al65, 39 (1933). J . Gen. Chem. (U.S.S .R.) 2, 447 (1932) .

1408. Ushakov. On the Reaction Between Hydrogen Peroxide and Diphenylamine in Sulfuric Acid Solution. J. Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. 38, 959 (1906).


1409. Uspenskii. N. Ya Demjanov. Uspekhi Khim. 7, 781 (1938).

Ust'yanova. See Finkelstein .

Vainer. See Kheifetz. Vaisberg. See Plotnikov.

Valeeva. See Belyaev. 1410. Valter, Gutin, Lyapuntzeva, and Stepanov, V. D . Electrolytic Oxidation of

Aluminum with High-frequency Alternating Current. J . Phys. Chem.

(U.S.S.R.) 4, 295 (1933).

Van Bibber . See Garner. 1411. Van Loon. Conversion of Hydrazotoluene into Toluidine. Chem. Weekblad

5, 689 (1908). 1412. Vanzetti. Sul prodotto di disgregazione degli anodi di carbone in Jiquidi

acidi . Atti reale ist. Veneto sci. 72, VI, 445, 1057, 1065 (1912-13) ; 73,

II, 767 (1913-14). 1413. Vanzetti and Manca. Contributo alla conoscenza <lei processi elettrolitici in

chimica organica. Sulla scomposizione elettrolitica dell 'etiltartrato alcaline.

Gazz. chim. ital. 56, 112 (1926). 1414. Varasova. Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode. Part

XVIII. An Investigation of Soap Solutions. Collection Czechoslov. Chern.

Commun. 3, 216 (1931).

Varvoglis. See Wieland.

Vasilievskii. See Sherlin.

Veijola. See Sihvonen. 1415 . Vidal. Lenoir Vidal et le noir d 'aniline. Mon. scientif. (4) , 16, I , 218 (1902).

Vinkler. See Bruckner. 1416. Vinkler and Bruckner. tlber neue Falle der urnkehrbaren Acylwanderung

von Sauerstoff an den Stickstoff. J. prakt. Chern. 151 , 17 (1938).

1417 . . The Synthesis of Spasmolytic lsoquinoline Bases. Some New Reversible N-0 Acy! Migrations. Magyar Chern. Folyoirat 45, 147 (1939).

Vivaldi. See Mazzucchelli. 1418. Voerman. Recherches sur quelques anhydrides d'acides bibasiques satures, en

connexion avec la theorie de tension de v. Baeyer. Rec. trav. chirn. 23,

265 (1904). Volksen. See Feist .

1419. Vopicka, Edward. Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Ka­thode. Part LX. The Influence of Buffers and Kations in the Electro­reduction of Fumaric and Maleic Acids. Collection Czechoslov. Chern.

Commun. 8, 349 (1936).


Vyakhirev. See Petrov. VyskoCil. The Electrolytic Preparation of Iodoform without Platinum. Chern.

Listy 23, 212, 249 (1929).

v. Wacek. See Philippi.

Wagler. See H ein.

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1421. Wagner and Beckwith . Rochelle Salt Cyanide Copper Baths. Proc. Am. Electroplaters' Soc. (1938) 147.

Walbaum. See Freund.

1422. Waldschmidt-Leitz and Mayer, K . Erfahrnngen zur polarographischen Krebs­diagnose. Z. physiol. Chem. 261, 1 (1939).

1423. Walker , A. C., and Reimann. Polarographic Studies on Human Blood Sera. Am. J. Cancer 37, 585 (1939).

1424. Walker, J. Electrosynthesis in Organic Chemistry. Proc. Roy. Inst. Great Britain 23, 351 (1921) .

1425. Walker, J ., and Wood. Configuration of Camphor Acids. J. Chem. Soc. 77, 383 (1900).

1426. Walker, 0 . J ., and Weiss. The Effect of the Electrode Surface on Anodic Processes. Trans. Faraday Soc. 31, 1011 (1935).

1427. Walker, 0 . J ., and Wild. Decomposition of Acetyl Peroxide. J . Chem. Soc. (1935)' 207.

Walker, 0 . J . See Fairweather. ---. See Shukla.

1428. Wallis and Adams, F. H. The Spatial Configuration of the Valences in Tri­covalent Carbon Compounds. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 55, 3838 (1933).

1429. Walther. Synthese der Kohlenhydrate und darauf begrundete Erkliirung der Natur-processe. Chem.-Ztg. 26, 763 (1902).

Walton. See Morgan.

Wang. See Chang.

1430. Warren. Bleaching Effects Observed During the E lectrolysis of Acidified Water. Chem. News 60, 103 (1889).

Watanabe, H . See Tomita.

Watanabe, M . See Shikata.

1431. Waterman. Observations polarographiques .des hydrocarbures bien ou non­carcinogenes. Acta Brevia Neerland. Physiol., Pharmacol., Microbiol. 9, 143 (1939).





Waters. See Hey.

Webb. See Mathers.

Weber. See Busch.

Wedemeyer and Daur. Beitrag zur Frage dur Krebsdiagnose mittels polaro­graphischer Serumuntersuchung. z. Krebsforsch. 49, 10 (1939).

Wegener. See Leuchs.

Wegler and Frank. Spaltung tertiaren Amine <lurch Saltpetrigesaure, II Mitteil. Ein neuer Weg zur Synthese von iS-(o-Carboxy-phenyl)-athyla­minen. Ber. 70, 1279 (1937).

Wein. p-Aminophenol. Color Trade J. 3, 387 (1918).

Weiner. Die galvanische Verkupferung des Aluminiums. Z. Elektrochem. 37, 349 (1931).

Weinschenk. See Tafel.

Weiss, J . See Walker , 0 . J . ,. ::;·


1436. Weiss, M . Osservazioni sull a reazione di Berri . Bull. soc. ital. biol. sper. 3, 1002 (1928).

Weissell. See Kauffmann. 1437. Weitz and Konig. Ammoniumradikale, IV. lVIitteilung: Weitere Untersuch­

ungen i.iber das N,N'-Dibenzyl--y,·y'-dipyridinium und seine Homologen, sowie die sog. N,N'-disubstituierten Tetrahydro--y,-y' -dipyridyle. Ber. 55B, 2864 (1922).

1438. Wells, Babcock, and France. The Nature of Electrode Reactions. I. Factors Affecting the Electrochemi cal Reduction of N-Nitrosomethylaniline. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 58, 2630 (1936).

1439. Wenig and Jirovec. Uber die Polarographische Reaktion der mit ult ravio­lettem Licht best rahlten Eiweisstoffe. Biochem. Z. 295, 405 (1938).

Wenig. See Kodicek.

Wenk. See Fichter. 1440. Wenker. E lectrolytic Reduction of Imido Ethers. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 57,

772 (1935). 1441. Went and Kesztyiis . I. Mitteilung: Synthetische H erstellung eines Adre­

nal inantigens, Aminoadrenalin und Adrenalin-azo-proteine. Arch. exptl. Path. Pharmakol. 193, 609 (1939).

Werner. See Mulli. 1 1:1

1442. Wernick. The Protection and Decoration of Aluminum and Its Alloys by Anodic Treatment. Ind. Chemist 10, 179 (1934) .

1443. Wertyporoch. Die Leitfiihigkeit des Aluminium Bromids in nicht-wiissrigen Llisungen. Ber. 64, 1369 (1931).

Wesche. See Meyer, Richard. 1444. West. Use of Oxide Films on Aluminum and Its Alloys. I. Metallurgia 17,

137 (1938) . Westwood. See Hickling.

1445. White, E . G., and Lowy. Electrochemical Oxidation of Naphthalene Using a New Type of Electrode. Trans. Electrochem. Soc . 62, 223 (1932) .

1446. White, G. H., with Lowy. The Electrolytic Oxidation of Leuco-Bases of the Triphenyl Methane Series of Dyes. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc. 61, 305 (1932).

Whitley. See Brockman. 1447. Whitmore. Recent Development in the Chemistry of Organic Mercury Com­

pounds. Ind. Eng. Chem. 15, 417 (1923).

Whitney. See Hunter. 1448. Wibaut. Recherches quantitatives sur la nitration des chlorotoluenes. Rec.

trav. chim. 32, 244 (1913). 1449. Wibaut, Hoog, Landedijk, Overhoff , and Smittenberg. A Study of the Prep­

aration and the Physical Constants of a Number of Alkanes and Cyclo­alkanes. Rec. trav. chim. 58, 329 (1939) .

1450. Wibaut and Kraay. The Action of Bromine on a-Aminopyridine. Rec. t rav. chim. 42, 1084 (1923).

1451. Wiederholt. Chemische und elektrochemische Oberflachenbehandlung von Aluminium. Chem. Fabrik 7, 361 (1934).

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1452. Wieland, Holscher, and Bose. ·w eiteres zur Kenntnis des Vomicidins. Uber Strychnos-Alkaloide. X IV. Ann. 507, 69 (1933).

1453. Wieland and Kimmig. Desoxy-vomicidin und andere Reduktionsprodukte des Vomi cins. Uber Strych nos-Alkaloids. XVII. Ann. 527, 151 (1937).

1454. Wieland and Moyer. Uber Vomicidin. Strychnos-Alkaloids. VIII. Ann. 491, 129 (1931).

1455. Wieland and Varvoglis. Uber Desoxy-vomicin und Isonitroso-vomicin. Uber Strychnos-Alkaloide. XV. Ann. 507, 82 (1933).

Wiesler. See Stosius.

1456. Wietzel. Neue Ergebnisse auf dem Gebiete der Darstellung von Fettsauren durch Paraffinoxydation. Fette ·u. Seif en 46, 21 (1939).

Wild. See Walker, 0. J.

Wilhelm. See Rabe.

Willems. See Bihet.

Willi. See Fichter.

1457. Williams, J. W., and Drissen. Oxidation-reduction Potentials of Certain Sulfhydryl Compounds. J . Biol. Chem. 87, 441 (1930).

1458. Williams, R. C. Lubricants (for Copper). E lectrodeposition of Lubricants from Aqueous Dispersions. Ind. Eng. Chem. 31, 725 (1939).

Willis. See Francis.

1459. Willstiitter and Heiss. Uber die Konstitution des Purpurogallins. Ann. 433, 17 (1923).

1460. Willstiitter, Mayer, E ., and Hiini. Untersuchungen iiber Chlorophyll. XII. Ober Phytol. I. Ann. 378, 73 (1911).

1461. Willstiitter and Pfannenstiel. Uber Succinyldiessigsaureester. Ann. 422, 1 (1921).

1462. Willstrop and Sutton. Anodic Films on Aluminium and Its Alloys for P rotec­tion Against Corrosion. J . Electrodepositors' Tech. Soc. 15, 53 (1939).

Wilson, C. C. See Calhane.

1463. Wilson, C. L. · Analogies Between E lectrolytic and Chemical Methods of Re­duction . Experiments with Sorbic Acid. Remarks on Mechanism. Trans. E lectrochem. Soc. 75, 353 (1939).





----. See Isaacs.

Wilson, N., and Read, J. The Optically Active Diphenylhydroxyethylamines and Isohydrobenzoins. Par t VI. The Di-o-methoxyphenylhydroxyethyl­amines, and Related Substances. J . Chem. Soc. (1935) 1120.

Wilson, R . E ., and Youtz. Importance of Diffusion in Organic Electrochem­istry. Ind. Eng. Chem. 15, 603 (1923).

Winkel and Proske. Uber physikalische Methoden im chemischen Labora­torium. XXXIII. Anwendungs Miiglichkeiten der polarographischen Methocle im Laboratorium. Angew. Chem. 50, 18 (1936).

. Uber die elektrolytische Reduktion organischer Verbindungen an der Quecksilber-Tropfelektrode. (I. Mitteil. ). Ber. 69, 693 (1936).


1468. Uber die clektrolytische Reduktion organischer Verbindungen an der Quecksilber-Tropfelektrode. Ber. 69, 1917 (1936).

1469. . Uber die elektrolytische Reduktion organischer Verbindungen an der Quecksilber-Tropf elektrode. Ber. 71 , 1785 (1938) .

1470. Winkel and Siebert, H . Die Adsorption an der Quecksilbertropfelektrode im Zusammenhang mit den i\Iaxima der Polarographischen Stromspannungs­kurven. Z. Electrochem . 44, 402 (1938).

1471. Winterfeld and Schirm. Der oxydative Abbau des Phenylhydrosparteins. Ein Beitrag zur Konstitutionsaufklarung des Sparteins bzw. Lupanins. (Zugleich XV. Mitteilung iiber die Alkaloide der Lupinen. ) . Arch. Pharm.

275, 630 (1937). 1472. Wittig, Kleiner, and Conrad. Dber die o-Benzidin-Umlagerung des 3-Methyl-

4-phenylhydrazo-5-phenylisoxazols. Ann. 469 , 1 (1929).

Wittum. See Raub.

Wi.ihlisch. See Jiihling. 1473. Wohlfahrt. Zur Kenntnis der p- und o-Nitrobenzolsulfonsaure. J. prakt.

Chem. (2), 66, 551 (1902).

----. See Elbs.

W olffbrandt. See Bergh.

Wood. See Walker, J . Woodmansay. See Cohen.

1474. Wooster. Organo-alkali compounds. Chem. Revs. 11 , 1 (1932). 1475. Work. The Anodic Coating of Aluminum. Monthly Rev. Am. Electroplaters'

Soc. 22, No. 4, 32 (1935). 1476. Wrede, Bruch, and Feuerriegel. Konstitutionsermittlung von aus Eiweiss

dargestellten Basen. IV. z. physiol. Chem. 214, 63 (1933). 1477. Wrede, Bruch, and Keil. Konstitutionermittlung von aus Eiweiss darge­

stellten Basen. I. I solierung von substituierten Piperazinen und eine neue Methode zu deren Synthese. Z. physiol. Chem. 200, 133 (1931).

1478. Wright. Low-temperature Oxidation at Charcoal Surfaces. IV. The Active Areas for Different Acids and Their Relative Rates of Oxidation. J. Chem.

Soc. (1927) , 2323.

Wuorinen. See Komppa. 1479. Yakhilevich. E lectrolytic Synthesis of Some Aromatic Substances. Sintezy

Dushistykh Vestchestv, Sbornik Statei (1939) 146. Khim. Referat Zhur.

No. 4, 114 (1940).

Yakubson. See Plotnikov.

1480. Yakubson and Dumarevs'ka. Decomposition Voltage of the Halides of So­dium and Potassium in Ethyl Bromide Solution of Aluminum Bromide. Mero . Inst. Chem., Acad. Sci . Ukrain. S.S.R. 5, No. 3, 225 (1938) .

Yamagisawa. See Sugasawa. 1481. Yamamoto and Yokoyama, M . E lectrolytic Oxidation of Piperidine. J.

Electrochem. Assoc. J apan 1, 160 (1933) .

----. See Yokoyama, M.

Yankelevich. See Plotnikov.

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110 ILLIXO!:-; El\G fNEERl l\G EXPER!I\!El\T STAT!Ol\

1482. Yasui. Electrolytic Oxidation of Aniline Oil. Bull. Chem. Soc. J apan 10, 305 (1935).

Yelland. See Davis.

1483. Yntema and Audrieth . Acetamide a nd Formamide as Solvents for the Electro­deposition of Meta ls. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 52, 2693 (1930).

Yokoyama, J. See Ochiai.

1484. Yokoyama, M. Das Verhalten der Pyridingruppe bei der elektrochemischen Oxydation. II. Picolin. Bull. Chem. Soc. J apan 7, 69 (1932) .

1485. Das Verhalten der Pyridingruppe bei der elektrochemischcn Oxy-dation. Ill . Nicotin. Bull. Soc. Chem. J apan 7, 103 (1932) .

1486. . Das Verhalten des Cyclohexans und seiner Derivate bei anodischer Oxydation. Bull. Chem. Soc. J apan 8, 71 (1933).

1487. . Die elektrochemische Oxydation der 1,3-Xylol-4-sulfonsiiure. Helv. Chim. Acta 12, 756 (1929) .

1488. . Die elektrochemische Oxydation der 1-Methyl-benzolsulfsonsiiure-(4). Helv. Chim. Acta 13, 12.57 (1930).

1489. Yokoyama, M., and Ishikawa. Die elektrochemische Oxydation des Tolu-p­chinons. Bull. Chem. Soc. J apan 6, 275 (1931).

1490. Yokoyama, M., and Yamamoto. Das Verhalten der Pyridingruppe bei der elektrochemischen Oxydation. I. Pyridin. Bull. Chem. Soc. J apan 7, 28 (1932).

1491. . Das Verhalten des Pyridinringes bei der elektrochemischen Oxy-dation. IV. Piperidin. Bull. Chern. Soc. Japan 8, 306 (1933) .

Yokoyama, M. See Yamamoto.

Yoshikawa. See Sugasawa.

1492. Yoshitomi. Some Caffeine Derivatives . E lectrolytic Reduction of 8-Chlor­theophylline. J . Pharm. Soc. J apan No. 508, 460 (1924).

1493. . E lectrochemical Preparation of Theophylline. J . Pharrn. Soc. J apan No. 510, 649 (1924).

1494. . Electrolytic Dehalogenation of Halogen Xanthine Derivatives. J . Pharm. Soc. J apan No. 512, 839 (1924).

Yosida. See Kawada.

1495. Young and Fortey. Vapor Pressure, Specific Volume, and Critical Constants of Diisopropyl and Diisobutyl. J . Chern. Soc. 77, 1126 (1900).

1496. Youtz. Depolarization of the Chlorine Electrode by Organic Compounds. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 46, 545 (1924).

----. See Wilson, R. E. Yuen. See Small.

1497. Zaharia. The Solubility of Camphor in Hydrochloric Acid. Bui. soc. cl. sciin te Bucurcsci 8, 53, Chem. Zentr. 70, II, 308 (1899).

1498. Zapletalek. Polarographic Studies with the Dropping Mercury Kathode. Part LXXVII. A Test for the Presence of Methyl Alcohol in Ethyl Alcohol. Collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun . 11, 28 (1939).

Zeglin. See Auerbach.







Zehenter. Prof. Dr. Karl Hopfgartncr (1868-1921 ). Oesterr. Chem.-Ztg. 25, 67 (1922).

Zelinsky and Shilov. Electrolysis of Nitro-compounds. J. Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. 26, 608 (1894).

Ziegler and Fries. Zur Kenntnis des "dreiwertigen" Kohlenstoffs, IV. Uber n-Methyl-polyaryl-dihydropyridyle. (Vorlaufige Mitteilung). Ber. 59B, 242 (1926).

Ziegler and Hechelhammer. Uber vielgliedrige Ringsysteme. VI. Bei Bildungstendenz von Polymethylenketonen mit mehr als 20 Kohlenstoff­atomen. Ann. 528, 129 (1937).

Zlotowski. Sur la structure et Jes proprietes des couches isolantes formees sur !es electrodes d 'aluminium pendant la polarisation anodique. Bull. intern . acad. polon. sci., Classe sci. math. nat. 164 (1936A).

Zosimovich. See Plotnikov.

Zumbrunn. See Fichter.

Zvorykina. See Rodionov.

v. Zwehl. See Schlubach.

9. Author I ndex of Dissertations.-1504. Angelieff. Elektrolytische Oxydation des Formaldehyds in alkalischer Losung.

Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Dresden (1926).

1505. Azmi. Uber die elektrolytische Oxydation und Bromierung des Diphenylamins. Diss. Tech. Hochsch . Munich (1919).

1506. Bauer. Uber die Elektrolyse von Acetaten vershiedener Metalle. Diss. Giessen (1897).

1507. Becker. Uber kathodische Veranderungen des Phenols. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Berlin (1923).

1508. Bergander. Beitriige zur chemischen und elektrochemischen Reduktion des Formaldehyds. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Dresden (1926).

1509. Birett. Beitriige zur E lektrolyse organischer Salze. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Munich (1928).

1510. Boxler. Uber die Elektrolyse von Formamid und Acetamid. Diss. Giessen (1925).

1511. Buck. Uber die Herstellung von Kohleelektroden und deren Verhalten als Anodenmaterial bei der Darstellung von Hypochlorit, Chlorat, und Jodo­form. Diss. Tech. H ochsch. Stuttgart (1926).

1512. Buser. Elektrochemische Oxydation von p-Toluidin und Tri-methyl-p­tolylammonium hydroxyd. Diss. Basel (1926).

1513. Cahn. Der Acetaldehyd und seine Oxydation mit anodischen und molekula­rem Sauerstoff. Diss. Leipzig (1924).

1514. Christlieb. Uber das Auftreten von Radikalen bei elektrochemischen Reduk­tionen in saurer Losung. Diss. Hamburg (1927).

1515. Diirschner. Uber die elektrochemische Zersetzung organischer Karbonsiiuren. Diss. Erlangen (1922).

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1516. Engelhardt. Die E lektrolysc von Estersalzen der Malein- und Fumarsaure mi t K aliumazetat zur Feststellung der Konfiguration der beidcn Kroton­sii.uren. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. l\Iunich (1933).

1517. Fenimore. The E lectrochemical Oxidation of Benzene. I. Preparation of Quinone. Diss. Univ. of Pennsylvania (1928).

1518. Gaddum. A Preliminary Study of the Anodic Phenomena Occurring in Organic Electrolysis. Univ. Microfilms (Ann Arbor, Michigan) Pub. No. 226 (1941). Diss. Univ. of Missouri (1924).

1519. Giese. Uber die Elektrolytische Reduktion von Thioamiden und Amiden zu Aminen. Diss. H amburg (1925).

1520. Grosvenor. A Study in E lectrolytic Reduction. Diss. Univ. of Pennsylvania (1898).

1521. Hartmann. Die anodische Oxydation Acetaldehyd, Essigsaure und Ameisen­saure, ein Beitr. z. Herstell . v. Essigsaure aus Acetylen. Diss. Tech. H ochsch. Dresden (1926).

1522. Hay. Uber die Electrolyse und die t rockene Distillation einiger Salze der Pimelinsaure. Diss. Leipzig (1903).

1523. Heinemann. Uber eine prii.parative Darstellung von aromatischen Mona­minen <lurch elektrolytische Reduktion aromatischer Mononitrokorper bei Gegenwart von Vanadinsalzen. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Munich (1928).

1524. Heinzelmann. Uber die katalytische Zersetzung der Ameisensaure. Uber die elektrolytische Reduktion von Kohlenoxyd an Kupferelektrode in Kupfersalzlosungen. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Berlin (1924).

1525. Herrmann, C. Uber anodische Oxydation primarer Amine und Aminsulfon­sauren in saurer und a lkalischer Losung. Diss. Erlangen (1912).

1526. Herzog. Zur Elektrolyse der Carbonsauren. Diss. Zurich (1909).

1527. Hindemith. zur Elektrolyse der Ameisensii.ure. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Dresden (1928).

1528. Hoffmann. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der elektrochemischen Reduktion von Kon­densationsprodukten a romatischer Aldehyde und Ketone mit Aminen. Diss. Giessen (1914).

1529. Hoyennann. Uber die elektrolytische Oxydation und Bromierung einiger sekundii.rer Amine. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Munich (1926).

1530. Isberg. Uber die Bedeutung von Oniumionen bei elektrochemischen Re­duktionen in saurer Losung. Diss. Hamburg (1926).

1531. Jung. Uber die anodische Oxydation von Acetylen. Diss. Tech . Hochsch. Munich (1926).

1532. Kleine. Ein Beitrag E lektrolyse der Ameisensii.ure. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Dresden (1926).

1533. Klinz. Uber die Elektrolyse quartii.rer Ammoniumsalze. Diss. Wiirzburg (1924).

1534. Krapp. E lektrolyse von Harnstoff in geschmolzenem Zustande und in wii.s­seriger Losung. Diss. Giessen (1925).

1535. Kriiger, F. E lektrochemische Studien an Polyni trophenolderivaten. Diss. Bonn (1937).


1536. Lange . Untersuchungen Uber die elcktrolyt ische D arstcllung von N atrium­formaldehydsulf oxylat aus Natriumformaldehydbisulfi t. Diss. Tech. H ochsch . Darmstadt (1930).

1537. Langeloth. Uber Redukt ion von organischen Korpern mittels elektrolytisch­erzeugter Amalgame. Diss. Giessen (1925).

1538. Loebell. Uber die Oxydationsprodukte reiner P almitinsaure <lurch Salt­petersii.ure. II. D arstellung der Adipinsii.ure auf elektrosynthetischem Wege. Diss. Ti.ibing,en (1896).

1539. Macher. Uber die E lektrolyse der Estersalze einiger Trimethylenpolicarbon­sii.uren mit Kaliumacetat, sowie die E lektrosynthese der 1,2-Dimethyl­cyclopropan-l-mono-carbonsii.ure. Diss. T ech. Hochsch. Munich (1928) .

1540. Malzi. Uber ein Gesetz der E lektrolytischen Reduktion. Diss. Heidelberg (1903).

1541. Miiller, J. I. Uber elektrolytische Darstellung von Perphosphaten. II. Uber electrolytische Oxydation des Dimethylanilins. Diss. Basel (1918).

1542. Nauen. Uber die elektrolytische Oxydation der Cellulose. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Munich (1927).

1543. Nising. Vorgii.nge im Anodenraum bei der Elektrolyse von Salzen der Pikrin­sii.ure unter Verwendung von wasserfreien organischen Losungsmitteln . Diss. Bonn (1935).

1544. Peter. Uber die E lektrolyse von Estersalzen einiger Dicarbonsii.uren der Pyrrol-, Furan-, and Pyridinreihe. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Munich (1928) .

1545. Peters. Uber elektrolysen von organischen Korpern mittels Wechselstrom. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Munich (1926).

1546. Pfannmiiller. Uber die Elektrolyse von Estersalzen der Zitronensii.ure mi t und ohne Kaliumacetatzusatz. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Munich (1926).

1547. Poschenrieder. Uber elektrochemische Chlorierung organischer Korper in alkoholischen Losungen . Diss. Tech. Hochsch . Munich (1928).

1548. Potzsch. Beit zur quantitativen Bestimmung und anodischen Oxy­dation des Acetaldehydes. Diss. Tech. Hochsch . Dresden (1926).

1549. Riefstahl. Uber elektrolytische Reduktion aromatischer Arsinsauren. Diss. Tech. Hochsch . Munich (1931).

1550. Risch. Uber die elektrolytische Oxydation von organischen Korpern bei Anwesenheit von Manganosulfat als SauerstofI Ubertrii.ger. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Munich (1928).

1551. Schneider, 0. Die Elektrolyse von Essigsii.ure. Diss. Giessen (1924).

1552. Schonberg. Uber elektrolytische Zersetzung quaternarer Ammoniumjodide. Diss. Giessen (1895).

1553. Schulze. zur Reduktion des Acetons. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Dresden (1926).

1554. Schwab. Beit rag zur anodischen Oxydation freier Propionsii.ure. Diss. T ech . Hochsch. Dresden (1928).

1555. Scott. I. Abbau in der Kohlehydratereihe <lurch Elektrolyse. II. Uber J odospongin. Diss. Berlin (1908).

1556. Stanger. Studien Uber Reduktion cyclischer Ketone zu Kohlenwasserstotfen. Diss. Wiirzburg (1933).

Page 59: CONTENTS › download › pdf › 29152453.pdf · Grube. Grundzi:tge d er angewandt n Elektrochemie. Ch p. 8 nd 9. Steinkopff, Dresden (1930). Haber. Grundriss der technischen Elektrochemie


1557. Steh elin . Einwirkung elektrochemi schentwickelten Chlors auf aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe. Diss. Basel (1914).

1558. Steude. Uber die elektrochemische Oxydation von Pyrrolen und Pyrrol­farbstoffen. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Munich (1933).

1559. Struve. Studien uber die Darstellung von Glyoxylsaure, und Glycolsaure, unt. bes. Berlicks. d. Gewinnung bei der Sauren durch Elektroreduktion v. Oxalsiiure. Diss. Leipzig (1926).

1560. Von Thiingen. Uber die Reduktion quartiirer Pyridiniumsalze. Diss. Wlirz­burg (1933).

1561. Tolle. Uber die Darstellung und Elektrolyse der Estersalze einiger hetero­cyklischen Dicarbonsauren. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Munich (1928) .

1562. Uhl. Uber die Elektrolyse von Ketonesauren. Diss. Erlangen (1900). 1563. Wagner. Uber die elektrochemische Darstellung von Vanadyl und Vanadi­

salzen organischer Sauren. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Munich (1928).

1564. Waldenberger. Uber die Elektrolyse der Estersalze der Phenylbernsteinsiiure mit fettsauren Salzen. Diss. Basel (1901-02). [In Knobel, Brockman]

1565. Wannfried. Untersuchungen liber die elektrolytische Oxydation von Naph­thalinderivaten. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Munich (1928).

1566. Wenker. Die Elektroreduction der Imidoiither, der Arylnitroathylene, und des 3-0xy-pyridins. Diss. Freiburg i.B. (1921).

1567. Wimmer. Elektrolyse von Kaliumxanthogenat, Kaliumthioacetat und Rhodankalium mi t fettsauren Salzen. Diss. Tech. Hochsch. Munich (1928).

1568. Winter stein. Zur Kenntnis der Methylierung des Glutakonesters und zur elektrolytischen Zersetzung der Trans- a,a-Dimethylglutakonsaure. Diss. Erlangen (1922).

1569. Wipplinger. Uber die elektrochemische Reduktion einiger Chlornitrobenzole. Diss. Giessen (1901).

Page 60: CONTENTS › download › pdf › 29152453.pdf · Grube. Grundzi:tge d er angewandt n Elektrochemie. Ch p. 8 nd 9. Steinkopff, Dresden (1930). Haber. Grundriss der technischen Elektrochemie