Content Repurposing: The New Reality of Content Marketing


Transcript of Content Repurposing: The New Reality of Content Marketing

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Batman without


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Batman without


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smartphone without a

data plan…

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peanut butter n' jelly without jelly… or peanut butter…

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I know!!!

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content marketing

content repurposing

that ’s

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content marketing

content repurposing without

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I am Ana Hoffman

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…even the back of my head to reveal the new branding for Traffic Generation Café!

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Why on earth?

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because I know the power of repurposed contentknow

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CONTENT REPURPOSINGis a marketing strategy

that puts your business message in every format and on every platform

your potential customers  are looking for it.

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every formatevery platform everywhere

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just might be the NEW REALITY of content marketing


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Content repurposing is to content marketing what marketing automation is to email marketing.“~ Neal Schaffer

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BUT… not everyone agrees

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I'm NOT into content repurposing.

When I see it, it tells me that the person is struggling to be creative and have enough varied and unique perspective to bring information to the world on a regular basis.

~ Chris Brogan


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That ’s OK, Chris…

We love you anyway! 💋

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I say folks who think that aren't clear on

what content repurposing is.

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reusing, recycling, syndication.

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“~ Ann Handley


DON’T just repurpose your content. Reimagine it.

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Let’s repurpose the misunderstood content repurposing into…

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repurposed content =


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RECONTENT is NOT about reusing an old piece of content again and again.

It's content REimagined and REinvented…

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RECONTENT is NOT about reusing an old piece of content again and again.

It's content REimagined and REinvented…

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…and it has to be every bit as epic, creative, & compelling as the content it's based on.

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Repurposed c o n t e n t

~ Ana Hoffman#RECONTENT

IS OUTpizzazz


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As a prospect  discovers your recontent across various channels, she forms an impression of you and your brand.

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That overall impression is what determines whether you get the sale.

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“I think businesses that invest a lot in creating valuable content but don't think of creative ways to slice and dice it in different mediums are doing themselves a disservice.

~ Michael Stelzner


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“If you bought an expensive pair of shoes, would you show them off once, then hide them in your closet never to be seen again? No way! Same goes for your best content. Show it off multiple times, in multiple places, in multiple ways. It's just too good to take it for a spin once!

~ Amy Porterfield

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“Stop creating content for content sake! Create great content and up-cycle it uniquely for each network to reach your audience where they engage.

~ Brian Fanzo


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Learn how to repurpose content like the marketing elite does

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text RECONTENT to 444999 to download the FREE PDF “How to Repurpose Content

for Traffic & Leads”

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to 444999

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What are the benefits of

using recontent in your business?


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Did you know?

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30% of people are visual thinkers

45% of people use both visual thinking and thinking in the form of words

25% of people think exclusively in words

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So… if you’re primarily communicating with your

audience in words (like blog posts), you are only reaching about

25% of them EFFECTIVELY.

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CONTENT REPURPOSING allows you to do that.

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“The content you make is not THE thing, it’s just the FIRST version of that thing.

~ Jay Baer


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“Repurposing is important because it opens up different entry points for potential readers and customers to discover you.

~ Henley Wing


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The more you recontent, the more visible you become.

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Your potential prospects  see you everywhere -

they now perceive you as a niche expert.

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That’s the TRUE power of recontent: being recognized as

THE one with a solution to a problem.

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The by-products of growing your brand and niche expertise through recontent are

• mentions on other sites • backlinks • referral traffic • higher domain authority of your site • higher overall search engine rankings

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content repurposing

that ’s

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content repurposing traffic

traffic traffic

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music to my ears!!!and that’s

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~ Eric Enge

From an SEO perspective, content repurposing helps create a lot of additional exposure for your content, and this can lead to more links and traffic back to your site.

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“It's the savvy business owner who sees that repurposing their content into a variety of ways and channels can significantly amplify and accelerate how they receive traffic, leads and sales.

~ Mike Allton


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‘The rule of 7’ says that your prospects need to

see your message  at least 7 times before they

really notice it and take action.

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“Repetition increases the chance that you get heard.

Repetition also increases … the authority and believability of what you have to say. Listeners go from awareness of the message to understanding to trust.

~ Seth Godin

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How are YOU going to expose the prospect to

your content on a repetitive &

consistent basis?

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By creating even more content?

…that quickly drowns in your blog archives?

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“You put a lot of work into your content. Why not make sure your

audience can see it wherever they want? I like to do live videos,

edit them in iMovie and repurpose them to YouTube, Facebook, my

blog and iTunes.

~ Joel Comm


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Recycle your content! Else it gets old, stale — and you've wasted all your time and money using a multi-use product just once! #contentcrimes“

~ Sam Hurley


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83% of global consumers are

constantly plugged in, using, on average,

2.23 devices at the same time.

recontent breaks through multi-screen reality

source: Adobe

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Yet, almost half of global device

users admit feeling distracted by


recontent breaks through multi-screen reality

source: Adobe

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Yet, almost half of global device users

admit feeling distracted by


recontent breaks through multi-screen reality

source: Adobe


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What’s a

to do?content marketer

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Your prospects might not want to read an in-depth blog post

on their mobile devices…

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…but they might watch a 2-3 minute recap

of the post,

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…or flip through a slide deck,

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or listen to the audio version of the post.

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Content repurposing is a multiplier. It's the triple word score on Scrabble, except you're not limited by triples. The possibilities are limitless.“

~ Rich Brooks


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~ Rebekah Radice

The beauty behind content repurposing? You get more mileage out of your content, a higher impact, and all at a lower cost. In other words – more bang for your marketing dollar.


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You might be thinking right about now…

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Content repurposing sounds great!

AND time consuming…

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Let me ask you this…

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What’s the alternative?

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Creating more content that’s doomed to rot

in your archives?

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~ Ana Hoffman#RECONTENT

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What’s a

to do?content marketer

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MORE~ Ana Hoffman


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creating new content.Stop

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Promoteyour existing content

by repurposing the ish out of it.

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We are in an era where advertising, promotion, and distribution strategies may eclipse the importance of the content itself.“

~ Mark Schaefer


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“If your content is good, you should be able to ride it until the wheels

fall off. Re-sharing and reposting the good stuff is a critical distribution tactic that can help you get the

best mileage and is a key to unlocking the content puzzle.

~ Ted Rubin


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“~ Ann Handley


Creating ridiculously good content is hard, which is why you have to squeeze every drop of juice out of whatever content you create.

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“Spend more time on bigger pieces of content and then work out how you can distribute this content in as many relevant places and in as many different ways as you can.

~ Ian Cleary


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Here are my personal recontent results from

using just ONE platform:


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slideshare✓ The ‘Sleeping Giant of Content Marketing’

✓ the largest presentation hosting platform

✓ owned by LinkedIn and now Microsoft

✓ has about 70 million active users

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✓ 30 days

✓ 9 presentations✓ over 243,000 views

✓ several first-page Google rankings

✓ over 400 new Facebook fans

✓ my second largest referral traffic source

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Yeah, baby!

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I am even beating SlideShare for the keyword ‘SlideShare’ on Google!

(proportionally speaking…) 😉 3.53% of organic traffic

from keyword ‘SlideShare' 1.05% of organic traffic

from keyword ‘SlideShare', 2017

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Not too shabby, right?

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And the best part?

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And the best part?I can teach

you how to do the same for

your business.

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Download the FREE bonus PDF “How to Repurpose Content

for Traffic & Leads” (including my personal

Recontent Ecosystem process)

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STEP 1 blog post

STEP 3 outline into slide deck

STEP 4 slide deck into video

STEP 2 turn post into outline

STEP 5 video into


STEP 9 embed elements into blog post

STEP 7 images into infographic

STEP 6 slide deck into images

STEP 8 images into

social media updates

STEP 10 embed elements into articles

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to 444999

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OR go to

“Content Repurposing: Multiply Your Content... Maximize Your Reach”

to download the FREE PDF from there

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this is a link

“Content Repurposing: Multiply Your Content... Maximize Your Reach”

click on it