Content portfolio

CEVA CONSULTANTS (WEBSITE CONTENT EXTRACT): CEVA Consultants, incorporated in 1996 is a premier Civil Engineering consulting organization. We have always worked our best to upgrade our expertise and provide the best, state-of-the- art technology and cost effective solutions to our clients. This helped us build reputation and recognition for service excellence. We hold unmatchable expertise in DGPS/ETS survey and mapping and accordingly preparation of detailed report for highways and railways. CEVA consultants follow its in house quality management system which resulted into some great projects like: finalizing railway properties, slums redevelopments, irrigation of lands etc. This quality adherence is followed in every sphere of the organizational activities starting from acquiring of business to the end products. Each individual activities and its resulting product undergoes thorough quality checking both in process and at the end, before delivery to the client. This ensures the best quality service to the client. CEVA is staffed by eminent, experienced and well qualified multi-disciplinary professionals. CEVA’s staff strength is leaded by a team of 19 professionals who can be made available for successful completion of any of our projects. This has in effect led to an integrated approach to planning, particularly for projects, which have multi-disciplinary ramifications.


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CEVA Consultants, incorporated in 1996 is a premier Civil Engineering consulting organization. We have always worked our best to upgrade our expertise and provide the best, state-of-the- art technology and cost effective solutions to our clients. This helped us build reputation and recognition for service excellence. We hold unmatchable expertise in DGPS/ETS survey and mapping and accordingly preparation of detailed report for highways and railways. CEVA consultants follow its in house quality management system which resulted into some great projects like: finalizing railway properties, slums redevelopments, irrigation of lands etc. This quality adherence is followed in every sphere of the organizational activities starting from acquiring of business to the end products. Each individual activities and its resulting product undergoes thorough quality checking both in process and at the end, before delivery to the client. This ensures the best quality service to the client. CEVA is staffed by eminent, experienced and well qualified multi-disciplinary professionals. CEVA’s staff strength is leaded by a team of 19 professionals who can be made available for successful completion of any of our projects. This has in effect led to an integrated approach to planning, particularly for projects, which have multi-disciplinary ramifications.

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Morgan MMS (Website Content Extract):

MorganMMS offers one of the industry’s most extensive ranges of crucibles and is supported by unmatched technical expertise. This enables us to offer customers the perfect crucible for their specific application.

With a worldwide network of sales experts, hundreds of distribution partners and the global reach of five international manufacturing locations, MorganMMS products can be found in every corner of the globe. MorganMMS is driven by multiple end-use markets, including:

Non-ferrous castings for the automotive, aerospace, marine and rail markets; The recycling and refining of precious metals; The production of metal powder for the cosmetics, aerospace and defense markets; Copper and brass castings for the construction, chemical processing and oil and gas

sectors; The production of pure aluminum for electronics applications; Production of zinc and zinc oxide required in the production of plastics, ceramics, glass,

cement, rubber and pharmaceuticals; Alternative energy applications including wind and solar;

While best known for our market-leading position in the supply of crucibles, MorganMMS also offers a wide selection of foundry consumables such as thermocouple sheaths, coatings, tubes, launders, cements and special shapes.

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Cryoshape Patient Brochure Content Extract: The extraordinary breakthrough solution for treating annoying and embarrassing Keloids and Scars:

A truly innovative, first-of-its-kind procedure for minimizing scars and keloids.

The ability to dramatically improve the quality of life for tens of millions.

A simple procedure offering unprecedented results with minimal discomfort.

CryoShape is a revolutionary new procedure offering a proven and permanent treatment for sufferers of unsightly and annoying keloids and hypertrophic scars. Its deep penetration and extremely fast freezing and thawing blocks circulation in unwanted tissue and dramatically improves fibroblast destruction. It is the only patented FDA-approved solution that is safe, cost-effective, and easily administered with a minimum of risk. There is no efficient alternative available today - surgical or non-surgical – that compares to CryoShape. Significant Benefits for Patients: CryoShape offers significant advantages to long-time sufferers who have been frustrated with years of failed methods of keloid and scar treatments. Benefits include:

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Significant reduction in scar volume after one treatment,

Minimal wound care and recurrence: -- No scar worsening, no infection and no increased discoloration -- Resolution of the problem, often in a single treatment - once and forever.

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Article for dating website Extract: Come on! No one would like to be the chump who ends up watching the tube while your friend’s at play enjoying the beautiful picturesque view of an azure sky set against the crystal blue of the sea on a warm breezy sun-kissed day. It could be you at the beach, or on an action packed holiday, or on a romantic get-away with your significant other. Well now is your chance to truly ‘eat your cake and have it too’. Sign up with any one of our quality partners and we will give you a 3 day 2 night vacation at the destination and resort hotel of your choice, a win-win situation by my definition. Not only do you find someone to have fun with, you are sent to fun beautiful locations and all for nothing. Get away; better yet get away with your partner and enjoy the beauty and joy of spending time together cocooned in love and nature. Dating is much easier enjoyable experience on the internet. It can get pretty addictive too. It’s fun to meet new interesting, fun, creative, eccentric people on the internet. Whatever works is what I say, so go ahead and find the best date possible. A wonderful thing about internet dating is the relaxed and leisurely environment it is set in. You can browse myriad profiles of potential partners or friends and enjoy healthy conversations with them via dating chat available on most top grade dating websites.

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“Art and identity”, is chosen as the starting point and base for creating an artist. The magnitude of cultural collaboration between artists from diverse backgrounds with their own cultural context will make it possible to imitate the diversity within the society.

Art has no borders and can overcome differences. In order to stimulate a positive dialogue, the medium of Art is chosen. This exhibition provides the platform for the same. We bring together artists from diverse cultural backgrounds, which through their dialogue will bring consumers of art in contact with other cultures.

The fair provides an international platform for artists, collectors, curators and the public to view and buy artworks in this thriving and advancing field. The artists will not only share their views and ideas but also will enchant the audience by presenting a blend of vivid colors. It could imply to examine the role of migration in art, because art plays a role in the way people express themselves, their feelings and ways of communicating.

But it is also possible to try to understand the art from an empathic point of view. This could be done even if the artist has never been outside India.

A unification of creative ideas and a mixture of distinct questions will be continuously being approached from different angles in this exhibition. We are convinced that the professional artists will give their own interpretation, in a free atmosphere, which facilitates the theme and the exchange.

Through this, a platform can be created where several cultures can come together and the diversity of those cultures can be celebrated. With this we hope to exchange ideas, cooperate and have mutual respect through art, intercultural dialogue and exchange.

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Article Writing for a Financial Institute (Extract): A huge number of people in India, who draw a lump sum salary, are unaware of how to manage their finances. Failing to manage finances is a typical shortcoming which is seen more in individuals who have just graduated from their colleges and introduced to a world of incomes and taxes. This brings to need, something or someone that can help individuals manage and achieve their financial goals through streamlining their wealth in the proper direction and in an efficient manner. Today, we call this as Financial Planning. The basic aim of Financial Planning is to achieve financial goals through intelligent investments. From a layman point of view, financial planning is how to save future income on a long term basis and this can be incorporated through processes ranging from keeping some money in a safe which is now considered passé to investing in short term or long term funds which can be beneficial and yield returns in future. However, there is more to financial planning than just mere investments. Some of the technical aspects in which financial planning can be divided are cash flow management, education planning, retirement planning, investment planning, risk management and insurance planning, tax planning, estate planning and business succession planning. However, an office-going individual is less aware of all these things and this makes him turn a blind eye towards planning his finances. This gives a dire need for a person who is dedicated to help people with their financial issues and help them make intelligent financial decisions which is proactive enough to any major unexpected financial event. Such a financial planning practicing professional is called Financial Planner or Financial Advisor.

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Get committed (a dating portal) Brochure Content Extract: JUST ENJOY & RELAX!

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Puerto Plata: Puerto Plata is a beautiful scenic area with picturesque beaches and a breathtaking mountain backdrop. Punta Cana: Travel to Punta Cana and be swept away into a secluded paradise with forty miles of pearly beaches studded with palm trees; dance the night away if you like - you may even spot a few A-list celebrities in this hot destination for the jet set. Bavaro: Take advantage of bountiful buffets, convenient services and extensive amenities included in this valuable package. Families searching for an ideal vacation for every member have found a Caribbean paradise where endless options for excitement and adventure await. MEXICO Puerto Vallarta: With ample opportunities for activity at every turn, your adventurous side will never go unfulfilled unless, of course, you want to give it a rest. In that case, Puerto Vallarta is the ideal location for glorious, sun-soaked inactivity. Cozumel: Adventure travelers, divers and nature lovers are discovering Cozumel. Bathed by the blue waters of the Caribbean Sea, experience the true meaning of luxury and fun. Cancun: Cancun is the ultimate vacation and resort destination whether your idea of a good time is surfing, kayaking, fishing and swimming, or just laying in the tropical sun. JAMAICA Negril: Negril’s pristine white sand beach with crystal clear water, leave visitors with a sense of euphoria. Dubbed “The Capital of Casual”, visitors to Negril feel little restriction and can relax completely on this piece of heaven on earth.

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I-Blithe Event Content Extract: i-Blithe ’09-10 concluded with the statement “if i-blithe ’09-10 left you speechless, the next season is sure to blow your mind away…” As said, i-blithe, this time named: i-blithe carnival is equipped with a team of 250 i-Blithians and has reloaded all its weapons to blow people’s mind away!!! i-Blithe this time is the Indian version of carnival and is dedicated to the most colorful, powerful and diverse culture on planet… The Indian Culture. Celebration plays a vital role in Indian Culture, so i-Blithe this time celebrates the culture itself!!! Events as versatile and colorful as the Indian culture itself… i-Blithians taking proper care to blend fun, culture and serious events, have designed i-Blithe as follows.

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Organic Almond Oil (Website Content):

The luscious taste of almond cakes, the satisfying crunch of choco-almonds, the rich flavor of almond puddings, aren’t they mouth watering? As enticing as it may seem, most of us are unaware of an important part of this nutty ingredient – the health maker – Almond Oil.

Almond oils are extracted from sweet almonds (prunus amygdalus) and from bitter almonds (aprunus amygdalus amara). The presence of Amygdalin in bitter almonds, which produces cyanide in our bodies, makes only the sweet variety edible. The almond oil is very rich in Omega Six and Omega Nine fatty acids, thus giving you numerous reasons to embrace it.

Since the Greek mythology to the Shakespeare era and into the modern times, almond oil is one of those health secrets whose history dates long back. With its ability to provide overall health rewards, this oil is highly recommended for an optimal living. This oil can be used for health, beauty, overall nourishment and is also prescribed by many homeopathic doctors for its medicinal factors. However, those allergic to nuts, use this oil with caution as it might cause severe reactions. Here are some reasons why you should consider almond oils as a definite formula to boost up your vigor and have a sound life.

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JOB GUARANTEE (Corporate Profile Extract): VMC is one of the country's leading integrated groups of companies, with subsidiaries that conduct business throughout India. Our success is driven by our people and their unrelenting focus on delivering results the right way—by operating responsibly, executing with excellence, applying innovative technologies and capturing new opportunities for profitable growth.

VMC has been tracing its existence into wide domains like healthcare, education and infotech since a decade and above. VMC, a company having an annual turnover of Rs. 150 Crore provides products and services at the most nominal rate possible.

JobGuarantee.Biz, VMC's next and big venture which aims at an integrated growth of confident and self dependant individuals and thereby bringing about growth of the country on a whole. JobGuarantee.Biz provides an ultimate platform for individuals with long term goals and aims to attain great heights on career front. JobGuarantee.Biz firmly believes there is no age, sex or any such barrier when it comes to making money and living life luxuriously and in a way one have always dreamt to. If a 90 career growth is what you are looking for, you are at the right place and just a click away.

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Article for Keloids Treatment Extract: How to get rid of a keloid may sound easier in theory but when it comes to deal with keloids removal, things won’t appear that easy. Keloid treatment is very frustrating; the patients may not get an easy and safe way to get rid of a keloid. As there is no surefire cure for keloids and the patients hit a road block and live a life with their disfigurement. A growing population of keloids patients had lost all hope due to repeated and unsuccessful conventional treatments. But not anymore! Now that Ornaki has been invented, the keloid patients need not endure any more. Ornaki is a revolutionary procedure for keloids and hypertrophic scars that is already impacting and changing the lives of patients. In most cases, one session, is all that is required to get rid of your keloids, permanently. No external wound care, negligible post operative care, no hypo-pigmentation, no infection and no pain at all. Apart from this, Ornaki gives quick relief, rapid healing, unprecedented results and helps regain the cheerful lives of the patients. And the most impressive part about Ornaki is that, the treatment is very cost effective and about 97% of the people who have tried Ornaki show no scar recurrences. Ornaki is the only patented FDA (United States) and CE (Europe) -approved solution that is safe, cost-effective and easy to use with an absolute minimum of risk. There is no efficient, non-recurrent alternative available today - surgical or non-surgical - that compares to Ornaki. It is definitely said that prevention is better than cure, and earlier keloids prevention was the best way to keep you away from the miserable life of keloids. But now, even if you have keloids, there is not much to worry, as your life is not going to get wretched; we have Ornaki now!

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My Aashiyana (Profile Extract):

A journey endeavored by two young enthusiasts, Santosh Singh and Vimalesh Vijayan, molded into “My Aashiyana”. The rising Real Estate problems in Mumbai reinforced their will to find a solution for the “Aam Janta”. My Aashiyana presents a solution for both builders as well as new property buyers. The Indian Housing/Home finance market has boomed up extensively in the recent years due to the speedy growth of Indian Realty Sector. Whether it is purchasing a home, financing a home, home equity, or even debt consolidation; the home finance concept deals with all of it. My Aashiyana aims to serve these needs and helps you to make the best decisions for your dream property. In summary, My Aashiyana aims to lift real estate problems by:

1. Guiding realty buyers through their property financial worries

2. Assisting builders through extensive advertising & marketing support

3. Making available status updates of construction site via photographs and videos.

With property prices touching the sky, My Aashiyana aspires to the make the “Aam Janta’s” desire for the dream property be converted into reality with minimum difficulties. It also develops new possibilities/ avenues for builders to sell their property and survive both the competition and the real estate market.

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WEBISTE CONTENT FOR PANSOFT EDUCATION: (Extract) Pansoft Educations Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai’s first classical animation school is spread across India and is primarily based in Thane. Pansoft Educations, instituted in the year 2004 has been conferred upon by an ISO 9001:2008 certification for its exceptional quality of service in the field of education. Since then, we have been integral in improving the lives of thousands of students with our dedication to educational excellence and career placement services. Pansoft has been continuously working towards its vision to revolutionize the field of animation by providing students with world class facilities and superior training. Pansoft offers you a curriculum meticulously designed by industry experts with the view of transforming students to professionals.

An artistic inclination of mind towards creativity along with the support of an institute which knows the industry is all it takes to make an ace animator. ‘Animation’ as an art is not only limited to people with technical or fine-arts background but also to those beginners who love to visualize, tell stories and are innovative in describing. Pansoft readily trains all such students and makes them capable of competing at the global stage. This is achieved through a range of activities organized by a dedicated team of staff both within the Institute and its associate companies.

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VMC DIGITAL CLASSROOM (Corporate Profile Extract): As one of India’s leading integrated group of companies, VMC Group’s main objective is to reach maximum sections of the society and bring about their all-round development through innovative solutions. We have always had a progressive approach towards investing in technology and workforce, thus aiding the holistic development of not only the firm but also the nation at large. Our unrelenting strive to deliver results with utmost excellence makes us one of the most preferred service providers in the various domains we cater, namely healthcare, education and InfoTech. VMC’s Digital Classroom offers all it’s learners with interactive content, in-depth explanations, comprehensive coverage, audio-video lessons, 2D & 3D animations, colorful graphics and user friendly interfaces and tools. Our unique and tailor-made educational solutions are a blend of interactivity and a collaborative learning experience. Each chapter in every subject has its own introduction, summary and questions with answers. Thus, a new light of understanding dawns on the young minds. With our unmatched spectrum of courses, we not only want you to gain skills but also acquire the confidence to survive the competitive global platform. Our original training methods linked with the most competitive prices makes us an enviable choice for your educational enhancement cum self-development. So with coalesce of the core education fundamentals, VMC aims to revolutionize this genre’s education. The proliferation of computers and related technologies makes this initiative exciting, effective and productive. And with this quality-driven and technology-centric educational service, we support the young individuals to fully explore their potential and tap an endless fount of knowledge.

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Alu Glass Systems (Brochure Content Extract): Alu Glass Systems was set into motion in the year 2001 as a specialist in the design, supply, and installation of high performance facade systems. We provide quick and affordable installation of various types of glass to both the commercial and domestic markets. Alu Glass Systems offers a wide range of services which focuses on fulfillment of client’s detailed specification. Our team of dedicated professionals specialized in time bound delivery of services of superior quality. Alu Glass systems have always been acknowledged for converting difficult-to-practicalize concepts into unbelievable practical solutions which is not only technically but also economically feasible. We have successfully delivered our services to numerous clients since the day of our existence and Alu Glass is extremely proud of its supreme level of Customer Satisfaction and is glad to assist clients in developing a solutionary methodology that answers even the most complicated of specifications.