Content deconstruction

There is a very minute consistency of female images as composed to the majority of male. This may provide information on the readership of this magazine, yet the fact that some women are included indicates there is a gender variety of sorts, however the large male focus may attaract women to read it. The masthead is not present on the inside cover this could represent the popularity status of the music magazine and that it does not need to be present for readers to know what they are looking at. The only reference to it is on the scans of previous covers of the magazine directly in the centre of the page, this further highlights its infamous status of this music magazine. The title is large and is replicated in the same font presented on the front cover to keep in regularity and rhythm with consistency in the magazine. It is colored black to emphasize its importance and to attract the readers attention. The date is placed underneath the title to give a clearer indication to the reader what issue they have bought. Large numbers are alongside some of the more major articles to allow readers easy access to the page number which that story will be located at. The index here is small which gives reference to less important articles yet they are featured on the contents page to provide variety for different interests of some readers. These are the regular features that are always included in the magazine By presenting the main articles in columns it is easy reading for the audience and makes it simple to navigate There are many different images of bands throughout the contents to provide a variety of different music and genres to the reader and to indicate that this magazine focuses on many separate areas of popular rock/house music. The combination of live action and studio prepared shots also provides a sense of variety There is a consistent color use of black, grey and red on the main wording and background in relation to the rock/house theme that is running throughout the contents page

Transcript of Content deconstruction

Page 1: Content deconstruction

There is a very minute consistency of female images as composed to the majority of male. This may provide information on the readership of this magazine, yet the fact that some women are included indicates there is a gender variety of sorts, however the large male focus may attaract women to read it.

The masthead is not present on the inside cover this could represent the popularity status of the music magazine and that it does not need to be present for readers to know what they are looking at. The only reference to it is on the scans of previous covers of the magazine directly in the centre of the page, this further highlights its infamous status of this music magazine.

The title is large and is replicated in the same font presented on the front cover to keep in regularity and rhythm with consistency in the magazine. It is colored black to emphasize its importance and to attract the readers attention. The date is placed underneath the title to give a clearer indication to the reader what issue they have bought.

Large numbers are alongside some of the more major articles to allow readers easy access to the page number which that story will be located at.

The index here is small which gives reference to less important articles yet they are featured on the contents page to provide variety for different interests of some readers. These are the regular features that are always included in the magazine

By presenting the main articles in columns it is easy reading for the audience and makes it simple to navigate

There are many different images of bands throughout the contents to provide a variety of different music and genres to the reader and to indicate that this magazine focuses on many separate areas of popular rock/house music. The combination of live action and studio prepared shots also provides a sense of variety

There is a consistent color use of black, grey and red on the main wording and background in relation to the rock/house theme that is running throughout the contents page

Page 2: Content deconstruction

The masthead is located in the top, furthermost left hand corner of the magazine, displayed as the letter ‘Q’, which is also the name of the music magazine. Despite being placed in an area which is not particularly eye-catching, the fact that the lettering size compared to the rest of the articles textformat is fairly large indicates that the masthead does not need to be in a prominent area of the contents for the reader to notice it, this highlights the infamous nature of this music magazine.

The contents title is depicted in large font typing and the lettering style is repeated on the feature articles throughout the rest of the page, this also keeps the layout in harmony and consistency so it is easy for the reader to navigate and so they are informed there is regularity. The font is colored in white, which allows it to stand out on the black background emphasizing importance. The contents are placed in a very chaotic fashion with as much information included as possible. One large image takes up most of the reader’s attention whilst a smaller one is included at the bottom. This disorganized feel may bombard the reader with the amount of detail of articles that has been mentioned.

The date and issue number along with the magazine email address are also filled with the white coloring this makes it clearer to the audience which issue number they have purchased. There are clear headings incorporated, throughout the contents to separate the main features with the less major articles, this allows the reader to determine which are the more popular areas that may interest them. Less important articles are mentioned to provide a variety of different interests to the reader along with the regular stories, which are present throughout each issue

The main image takes up quite a considerable amount of space on the contents page, it appeals to the audience due to its size as it is attractive in nature, therefore enticing getting their interests and gives them the understanding that the issue will focus upon Oasis. The contents has been split into four main sections, which makes it much more presentable and professional upon the page, it is efficiently organized which allows the reader to quickly find the article they desire. Beside the name of each article there is essential information included about it, this gives the reader more knowledge about what they are viewing and provides reassurance the article will be about nothing else but what is stated.

Page 3: Content deconstruction

The contents title has been chosen by the writers to be placed in the right hand corner of the page. This allows more images of the popular articles to be scattered along the contents which is the main attraction to gain an audience, however the lettering of the font is large in comparison to the rest of the bodies which indicates it still has relevant importance of attracting reader attention, as indicated by the color choice of yellow against a black background which is the primary method of allowing it to stand out on the page. Yellow gives an ‘alerting’ feel since its associated with danger, this may grab the readers attention and get them to view what is in the magazine. The cover number and date have been placed underneath in white coloring which gives an advantage to stand out on a black background, the color choice is another method to gain interest and provides vital information to the reader about which issue number they have purchased. The color theme first nicely with kerrangs chosen genre of music as yellow and black are associated around rock and heavy metal which is the magazines main focus. The writing is fairly large and clearly and effectively informs the reader what page they are looking at

The contents page is split into sections, with the main images referencing to their articles they are revolving around making the centerpiece of the page with the remaining magazine features available on the right hand side By splitting everything into sections it makes the contents more composed and neat in comparison to something chaotic. This makes easy viewing for the reader as they can easily identify the more important articles of interest. It is efficient for the audience as it saves them time locating the desired areas as each article has a page number printed in bold accompanying it, so they can quickly find the article they want. By having the contents extremely well organized and constant it creates a professional vibe to the magazine. Typically the contents contains essential information about each article giving the reader a preview by briefly describing it, so they have knowledge of what to expect before reading, this is also efficient as it allows them to identify they will definitely be reading what they desire, giving them positive reassurance.

The writers have included as many images as possible to show a variety of bands to the reader and to create the idea they have as many areas of interest in rock music as possible within. The combination of live concert captures and studio prepared shots also indicates variety as the magazine imposes that they offer information about gigs as well.

There is a constant symmetry throughout the page and the front cover particularly the use of the colorpallet as the yellow, black and white is also included on the front. This creates a rhythm and fluency to the product and makes it more identifiable to the audience- in particular those who are interested in the rock music genre as dark color themes are generally associated with this certain style of music. Located in the top left hand corner is a brief note from the editor about what is involved in the issue, this gives a friendly feel to the magazine as if the editor is directly addressing the audience as friends, making them relaxed and comforted by this security.

Page 4: Content deconstruction