Contains VeriSign Confidential and Proprietary Information Recent Threat Trends and a Look Ahead...

Contains VeriSign Confidential and Proprietary Information Recent Threat Trends and a Look Ahead Buck Watia iDefense Security Intelligence Operations

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Contains VeriSign Confidential and Proprietary Information

Recent Threat Trends and a Look Ahead

Buck Watia

iDefense Security Intelligence Operations

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Presentation Agenda

I. Today’s Threat Environment

II. Progression of Threat Motives & Impact I. A Look BackII. Current & Future Trends, Motivations

III. Recent Malicious ActivityI. StatisticsII. Notable Malcode

IV. Where Do We Go From Here?I. Threats in Context

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Today’s Threat Environment

+ Enterprise Environment is Increasingly Complex▪ Critical System Explosion▪ Asset Criticality isn’t Enough to Prioritize▪ Increase in Vulnerabilities▪ Constant Updates and Patches

+ Sophistication of Threats▪ Increasingly Advanced Malicious Code▪ Increase in Communication/Teamwork Among Hackers▪ Time to Exploitation Drastically Reduced▪ Stealth Attacks

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Progression of Motives & Impact

+ 2003 Year of the Worm▪ Notoriety▪ Dawn of code for cash▪ MSFT Bounty program established

+ 2004 Worm War & Criminal Code▪ Bounty program curbs notoriety actors▪ Bounty program hardens criminal gain actors▪ Hundreds of variants, source code releases

+ 2005 Year of the Bot & Ad/Spyware▪ Criminalization and commoditization well developed▪ Target Attacks: Espionage and hacker for hire quickly escalating

+ 2006 Threat of the Unknown: Stealth for Survival▪ Increase in innovation, organization and sophistication▪ Targeted attacks to defeat specific authentication protection


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Creating Code for Cash

Millions of Stolen Credit Cards

Money Mules

Stolen CD Keys


Phishing& Pharming

Industrial Espionage Hackers for Hire

Millions of Stolen Account Credentials

- Fedex Account #!


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2005: Vulnerability Activity

+ 2,954 unique vulnerability reports

+ 13,550 re-versioned reports

+ 598 new exploits

Source: VeriSign iDefense Vulnerability Team

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Exploitation Frameworks

+ Metasploit Framework▪ Open-source project created in mid-2003 by H.D. Moore▪ Created for pen-testing and research; a free alternative to others▪ Widely used by hacking community since it is free

+ CANVAS▪ Offered by Immunity Inc., started by Dave Aitel in 2002▪ Aimed at promoting exploit development and providing a penetration

testing platform

+ Core Impact▪ Core Impact was developed by CORE Security Technologies in 1996▪ Dubbed as the first fully automated penetration testing product▪ Expensive product used mainly by corporations

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2005: Top Exploited Vulnerabilities

# of Codes Vulnerability Exploited

1,357 LSASS

526 WebDAV

469 Cumulative Update for Microsoft RPC/DCOM

404 Microsoft ASN.1 BERDecBitString() Buffer Overflow

368 Workstation vulnerability

357 Microsoft Plug-and-Play Buffer Overflow

220 Microsoft Windows DCERPC DCOM Heap Overflow

216 UPnP

172 SQL Server

113 IIS5 SSL DoS vulnerability**Multiple other Microsoft vulnerabilities exploited to a lesser degree

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2005: Malcode Activity





0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000






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Total Reports

Source: VeriSign iDefense Malcode Team

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Notable Attacks and Vectors

+ MS05-039/Zotob

+ Google Adword Attack

+ DNS Poisoning

+ WMF File Format Vulnerability

+ Metafisher

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MS05-039 - Zotob

+ Zero Day Exploit▪ MSFT Discloses Vulnerability – August 9th

▪ Public exploits Released –August 11th▪ More exploits released including one by HOD –

August 12th

+ Why is PNP/ZoTob Important▪ Speed of attack▪ Intel gathering and analysis is key▪ Actors are important and threat is critical

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Innovation: Google Adwords Attack

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Operations: Organized Criminal Groups

Earn thousands of dollars with a part time job at work

– apply today!

Private Financial Receiver  

Money Transfer Agent

Country Representative

Shipping Manager

Financial Manager

Sales Manager

Sales Representative

Secondary Highly Paid Job

Client Manager

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Sophistication: DNS Cache Poisoning

+ 2,000 or more DNS servers poisoned after hacked through AWStats/Other vectors

+ Over 17 families of code, upwards of 20 MB of files, and 45+ malicious files silently installed

+ Mostly adware, spyware, Trojans, and fraud identified as the primary focus of attacks

+ Long term success, not being easily identified or mitigated

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.WMF File Format Vulnerability

+ Graphic File Format

+ No User Interaction Necessary

+ Originally Developed to Promote a “Pump and Dump” Stock

+ Originally Downplayed by MSFT▪ Came out with out of cycle patch 4 days before Patch Tuesday

+ Still being Exploited Today by Several Codes Including Metafisher

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Metafisher – Sophisticated Phishing Attacks

+ A Highly Sophisticated Bot for Financial Fraud▪ The IceBerg threat

– Under the radar for months– Encryption cracked

▪ Web-based command-and-control server – Large numbers of Bots

▪ professionally built – suite of tools– user-friendly administration interface

▪ Professional software lifecycle management comparable to many professional software products

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Metafisher – Known Attack Structures to Date

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Metafisher – PHP Configured Bots

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Metafisher – Searchable Stolen Log Files

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Metafisher – Form.txt – Keylogger and Phished Data

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BrizTrojan Targets US Banks+ Briz Trojan Family

▪ Not new, family has been around for several months▪ Targets Argentina, Australia, France, Germany, Spain, and US▪ Banks in the US: Bank of America, wellsFargo

+ Sophisticated Attack▪ BHOs combine to make complex credential stealing unit▪ Downloads configuration files to inject HTML and JavaScript into pages to steal

credentials that otherwise would not be requested▪ Screenshots taken on every initial page load and at each mouse click▪ Logged data is stored with time stamps to determine user usage profiles to trick anti

fraud devices▪ Trojan injected verification questions after a successful login▪ Challenges banks customized authentication systems

+ US Banks were not previously a threat to sophisticated financial attacks▪ Increasing Trend▪ Intelligence, Sophistication, Custom code injection▪ Similar path as MetaPhisher▪ Used in combination with money mule operations to move money to off shore


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Browser Helper Object

Home User

Spammed links via fake windows update sites/porn

Installs BHO in IE

Initial Compromise

+Trojan can take on multiple layer authentication systems

+i.e. Site Key- BOA

+ Steals all forms

+Injects custom code for targeted attacks against specific banks

+Trojan can take on multiple layer authentication systems

+i.e. Site Key- BOA

+ Steals all forms

+Injects custom code for targeted attacks against specific banks

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Biz Trojan

Home User

US Banking Servers

Installs BHO

Downloads Javascript to inject SSL verified pages

Screen Shots Taken, Data Logged and saved

Initial Compromise

Command and Control Servers

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SNATCH: Russian Advanced Banking Malcode

+ Sophisticated malicious code targeting financial services

+ Created by Russian SE-Code’s #Rock group

+ Sophisticated threat similar to Metaphisher and Briz Trojans

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SNATCH: Russian Advanced Banking Malcode

+ Targets European and American transactions

+ Grabs:▪ SSL Forms and Logs▪ E-gold, ebay, paypal, Casino accounts, bank accounts▪ TANs▪ ITANS

+ Search Engine▪ Spoofs queries to redirect users to sites of its choice

+ Currently being sold for profit as a sophisticated tool for financial gain, here is the pricing▪ Enhanced Builder Version for $600.

– AV Updates for $50 to get around all new anti-virus engine builds to extend the life of the product

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Threat Context is King: MS05-039 & MS05-051

MS05-039 (UPnP)

+ Unprecedented Underground Activity and Chatter

+ Public exploit code in 2 days

+ Rooters and bots within 5 days

+ Leading bot author, Diabl0, releases first bot on day 5, ZoTob.A.

+ Workarounds and Emergency Patch Procedures Implemented

MS05-051 (MSDTC and COM+)

+ No Underground Activity or Chatter

+ Privately Traded Exploit Code▪ Not in the hands of known

actors. Not in the wild.

+ No Functional Malicious Code in the Wild

+ Deploy MS05-051 at normal speed (ID# 425064).

+ Do Not Go into Emergency Patch Procedures

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Threats in Context

+ Vulnerabilities▪ Is this a real threat to my critical systems?▪ Example: What exactly is vulnerable to MS06-001 WMF exploitation?

+ Malicious Code & Exploit Code▪ Is there malicious code or exploit code in the wild?▪ Is it public or private?▪ Is it limited to a specific operating system or application?▪ Is it highly functional or only work part of the time?

+ Threat Environment▪ Where did the malicious code come from?▪ What actors or groups are responsible?▪ Is there underground chatter?▪ Is the exploit code being traded or sold?

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iDefense Background

+ The Leading Security Intelligence Research Team ▪iDefense provides pro-active notification of impending threats,

including vulnerabilities and malicious code

+ Industry-Leading Services Offerings▪Intelligence is all the iDefense team does▪Completely vendor-agnostic

+ Marquee Customer and Partner Base▪Government, financial services, insurance, healthcare, retail▪Security software and services

+ 5 Experienced Intelligence Teams▪VAT, Labs, Malcode, RRT, Threat

+ Actively Gathering Cyber Intelligence Since 1998

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Thank you

If you have any questions regarding this presentation please contact Buck Watia at [email protected]