Contact Report For Design Investigation

and made me understand more what Branding is all about, because its one thing read about company doing Branding but I think your able understand more if you directly speak to someone who in the industry. Michael Horsham gave me some really good advice because he actually explained the difference between Branding and Branding Identity, which makes a lot more sense. Michael Wolff also answered all of my questioned but he went that one step further and gave me four of his booklets on Branding for which I was extremely grateful and excited about. Reading those replies and doing this project has made me realise more that this is what I want to do, this is what I’m interested. With a bit more confidence and improvement of my skills I will start to look for work placement to build up my professional portfolio.


Contact Report of my investigation

Transcript of Contact Report For Design Investigation

Page 1: Contact Report For Design Investigation

and  made  me  understand  more  what  Branding  is  all  about,  because  its  one  thing  read  about  company  doing  Branding  but  I  think  your  able  understand  more  if  you  directly  speak  to  someone  who  in  the  industry.  Michael  Horsham  gave  me  some  really  good  advice  because  he  actually  explained  the  difference  between  Branding  and  Branding  Identity,  which  makes  a  lot  more  sense.  Michael  Wolff  also  answered  all  of  my  questioned  but  he  went  that  one  step  further  and  gave  me  four  of  his  booklets  on  Branding  for  which  I  was  extremely  grateful  and  excited  about.    Reading  those  replies  and  doing  this  project  has  made  me  realise  more  that  this  is  what  I  want  to  do,  this  is  what  I’m  interested.  With  a  bit  more  confidence  and  improvement  of  my  skills  I  will  start  to  look  for  work  placement  to  build  up  my  professional  portfolio.    

Page 2: Contact Report For Design Investigation

Contact  Report  


Branding  and  Corporate  Identity  


For  this  design  investigation  I  wanted  to  look  at  Branding,  Corporate  Identity  and  Information  Design.  At  the  beginning  of  the  project  while  I  was  starting  to  get  research  I  realised  that  I  wasn’t  interested  in  Information  Design,  as  much  as  I  thought  I  was  because  I  didn’t  even  collected  any  research  on  Information  Design.  I  didn’t  do  it  on  purpose  I  just  found  that  I  was  paying  more  attention  to  Branding  and  Corporate  Identity.  To  start  my  research  I  wanted  to  find  out  what  Branding  and  Corporate  Identity  means  and  the  history  behind  them  because  I  know  that  they  both  have  a  lot  of  similarity.    After  doing  that  piece  of  research  things  became  much  more  clearer  for  me.  Even  though  I’ve  always  been  interested  in  Corporate  Identity  I  felt  that  Branding  had  more  stuff  that  I  wanted  to  do,  that  I  found  interesting  and  it  had  more  things  that  I  could  relate  to.    

So  I  started  focusing  more  on  Branding  trying  to  learn  and  understand  the  many  different  part  to  that  industry.  Researching  and  looking  at  existing  successful  Branding  companies  in  Britain  and  the  rest  of  the  world.  I  also  didn’t  want  to  look  just  companies  I  wanted  to  look  at  designers  that  were  successful.  I  list  of  companies  and  designers  that  I  found  interesting  and  I  wanted  to  look  at  them  in  closer  detail.  The  companies  and  designers  on  the  list  were  Tomato,  Red  Graphics,  Wolff  Ollins,  Paul  Rand,  Saul  Bass,  Chermayeff  &  Geismar,  Rufus  Leonard  and  ‘i-­‐am’  Associates  and  any  other  that  I  may  come  across  during  my  investigation.  I  was  glad  I  decided  to  have  I  closer  look  at  those  particular  companies  because  I  was  able  to  see  the  different  approaches  that  each  companies  and  had  to  Branding.  I  also  looked  at  some  of  their  recent  works  and  was  able  to  see  the  working  progress  and  the  thought  process  behind  each  project  and  I  also  able  to  see  what  their  interpretation  of  Branding  is  and  what  part  they  focus  on.  While  I  enjoyed  looking  at  the  companies  I  really  enjoyed  looking  at  Paul  Rand  and  Saul  Bass  work  because  even  though  they  have  both  died  quite  a  while  ago  their  work  is  still  relevant  to  today  Branding  Industry  and  is  still  effective.    

After  looking  at  and  researching  those  very  different  and  interesting  Branding  companies  taking  in  their  different  ways  of  working  within  the  Industry,  I  started  compiling  some  questions  I  could  email  them  to  gain  a  better  understanding  from  someone  on  how  the  Branding  industry  work.  My  only  worry  was  would  I  get  a  reply.  I  sent  an  email  to  all  of  the  companies  that  I  researched  and  extra  one  I  found  along  the  way  such  as;  Big  Fish  and  Firedog  Design.    I  think  I  sent  an  email  to  10  companies  and  out  of  that  10  only  2  replied  back  to  me.  I’m  very  happy  with  the  replies  that  I  got  because  first  one  came  from  the  company  called  Tomato,  from  a  man  called  Michael  Horsham  and  the  second  one  came  from  Michel  Wolff  who  co  started  Wolff  Ollins  but  now  works  by  himself.  Then  replies  I  got  was  very  helpful