i CONSUMER ACCEPTABILITY OF SPICED COMPOSITE BREAD BY AKINPELU OLAYINKA RIGHTEOUS Matric Number: 04/0949 A project report Submitted to the Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Food Science and Technology Department of Food Science and Technology College of Food Science and Human Ecology University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria October, 2010





Matric Number: 04/0949

A project report

Submitted to the Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria

In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Food Science and Technology

Department of Food Science and Technology College of Food Science and Human Ecology University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria

October, 2010



This project is dedicated to the Almighty God, the Alpha and Omega of my life and to my

dearest parent Mr. and Mrs Ola-Akinpelu.



My profound gratitude goes to God Almighty, the Alpha and Omega of my life who has been

my sustainer, protector, comforter, the all sufficiency; who has kept me this far.

My sincere gratitude goes to my supervisor, Dr. T.A. Shittu, for his fatherly support, helpful

suggestions, understanding and ever attentive attitude during the execution of this research

work and to all lecturers in the department.

Am sincerely grateful to my wonderful family, my parents Mr. and Mrs. Ola-Akinpelu, they

did all they can to see me being successful in life. I pray that you will eat the fruits of your

labour. Also to all my siblings, thanks so much.

To my housemate; Akindipe Biodun (Bgreat), Olajide Olawole, Adekunle Isiaka, thanks for

your care, encouragement, patient and love during our stay together. I love you all.

I can’t but appreciate Dania Oluwafemi for his support towards me for the completion of my


I also appreciate the support and encouragement of my friend both in FST and other

department. Kujore Oluwafemi, Ogunsade Tosin, Aremu Tosin, Aborisade, Emmanuel,

Isinyemi, Peju, Doyin, Deebam, Chuks, Osagie, Tallest, Wunmi, Dipole, Dipo, Freeway, Femi,

Olusesin, FM, Ayodeji, Akinbola, Kemi, Folakemi, Toyin (wonderful HOC),

Finally, to my family, friends, executives and members of The Redeemed Christian Fellowship

(UNAAB) my prayer for you all is that God in His infinity mercy will continue to guide and

protect you all.



Table of content Page

Title page i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of content v - vii

List of tables viii

List of figures ix

Abstract x


1.0 Introduction 1


2.0 Literature review 4

2.1 Wheat 4

2.1.1 Original and distribution of wheat 4

2.1.2 Composition of wheat grain 5

2.1.3 Wheat milling 6


2.1.4 Nutritional value of wheat 7

2.2 Botany and Classification of Cassava 9

2.2.1 Processing of cassava 9

2.2.2 High quality cassava flour 10

2.3 Spices 12

2.3.1 Nature of spices 12

2.3.2 Forms of Spices 14

2.4 Ginger 14

2.4.1 Ginger oleoresin 15

2.4.2 Uses 16

2.5 Bread 16

2.5.1 Function of bread baking ingredient 16 Fats or shortenings 16 Yeast 17

2.5.3. Sugar 17

2.5.4. Salt 17

2.5.4. Water 17

2.5.5. Bread improvers 18



3.0 Materials and Method. 19

3.1 Raw Materials 19

3.2 Methods 19

3.2.1 Preparation of oleoresin from ginger 19

3.2.2 Production of bread 22

3.2.3 Consumer Survey 25

3.2.4 Data Analysis 25


4.0 Result and discussion 26

4.1 Socioeconomic status of bread consumers interviewed 26

4.2 Occupation of Respondent 26

4.3 Bread Purchase Pattern 29

4.4 Consumption pattern of bread 29

4.5 Sensory acceptability of the product. 29

4.6 Bread purchase intent 30


5.0 Conclusion 35

5.1 Recommendation 35




Tables Page

1. Dough recipe used 23

2. Socio-economic status of consumers 27

3. Occupation of consumers 28

4. Bread Purchase Intent 31

5. Bread consumption pattern 32

6. Sensory perception of spiced composite bread by

consumers expressed as percentage of total response 33

7. Purchase Intent for Composite bread 34



Figure Page

1. Flow chart for the production of wheat flour 8

2. Production of High quality cassava flour in Nigeria 11

3. Flow Chart for the extraction of ginger oleoresin 21

4. Flow chart for bread production 24



This study was conducted primarily to evaluate the consumer acceptability of spiced composite

bread. The socio-economic characteristics, spiced composite bread consumption pattern of the

consumer and the purchase intent through the use of questionnaire were also determined using

a structured questionnaire. The bread samples were evaluated in terms of appearance, taste,

texture and overall liking using nine-point hedonic scale. Interestingly, over 95% of the

consumers (N=200) rated sensory attributes above average acceptability. The frequency of

consumer’s rating of likeness for the product as being extreme, very much and moderate was

about 34.5, 34.1 and 26.5%, respectively. The results further obtained shows that the socio-

economic status of consumers did not have significant correlation (P=0.05) with overall

acceptability except the educational qualification (r = -0.196, p<0.010). Most consumers with

tertiary educational qualification indicate an extreme likeness of the product. Above 90% of

the consumers were ready to buy the spiced composite bread. Notably 35% were ready to pay

N 45-50, and 24.5% were ready to pay N 50-55. It can be concluded that spiced composite

bread has potential of being consumed more among singles especially male in which their

salary is between N 10,000 to above N 20, 000 per month and had attained a tertiary level of





Bread is a popular food in most societies. It is a staple food prepared by cooking dough of

flour and water and possibly more ingredients. It is universal food products that provide

carbohydrate (starches) which are important sources of energy especially in low fat diets and

bread itself is a low fat food (USDA Food Guide: Pyramid Booklet, 1996). It may be

leavened or unleavened. Salt, fat and leavening agents such as yeast and baking soda are

common ingredients, though bread may contain other ingredients, such as milk, egg, sugar,

spice, fruit (such as raisins), vegetables (such as onion), nuts (such as walnuts) or seeds (such

as poppy seeds).

Fresh bread is prized for its taste, aroma, quality and texture. Retaining its freshness is

important to keep it appetizing. Bread that has stiffened or dried past its prime is said to be

stale. During storage, bread undergo staling, staling at bakery food generates major concerns,

economically losses to the baking industry from stale unsaleable bread which are estimated in

the order of 8 % of total production.

In Nigeria, bread is one of the most widely consumed food product that is readily available.

Over the years, bread in Nigeria is made from 100% Wheat flour, which has been

organoleptically accepted by consumers. The ban placed on importation of grain between

1987 and 1990 drastically reduced the consumption of wheat products. According to

Djoussou and Bokanga, wheat import recovered when the ban was lifted but overall trend for

wheat imports in Nigeria is one of decline. They attributed the decline in wheat imports to a

combination of high prices of imported foods including wheat and wheat products, currency

devaluation and a continual fall in real per capital incomes. These circumstances created a


favourable environment for the development and adoption of cheaper locally produced

alternatives to wheat flour and also increased the nation’s savings in foreign exchange.

During this period especially, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)

carried out a lot of research work on the utilization of cassava flour, which was readily

available for baking purposes. The IITA enabled small-scale primary processors to produce

high quality unfermented cassava flour that meets industrial users’ specifications. This led to

the Federal Government mandate on he inclusion of 10% cassava flour into wheat flour in

2004. The introduction of bread made from composite flour is therefore relatively new to

Nigerians. In bakery products, fungi are the most common spoilers. In unpreserved bread, a

shelf-life of 3-4 days may be expected especially if the hygiene in the factory is not

sufficiently high.

In wheat bread, Penicillum commune, P.solitum, P. corylophylum and Aspergillus flavus

dominate. Also the yeast commonly known as chalk mode is important spoilers of bread. The

most important of these species is Endomyces fibuliger.

Raw and processed foods are prone to contamination during production, sale and distribution

(Daek and Beuchar, 1996). At present, a wide variety of chemical preservation are used

throughout the food industry to prevent growth of food spoiling bacterial (Davidson, 2001)

however, food owing to the commercial input of spoiled foods and consumers growing

consumer’s concern over the safety of food containing synthetic chemical, much attention are

being paid to naturally derived compound of natural compound (Alzoreky and Nakahara,

2003). Spices have been used in the seasoning of food since time immemorial. The flavour

imparting plant material called ‘spice’ are derived from a Latin word Spices which means

fruit of the earth (Dziezak 1989). Spices have been defined, by the Food and Drug

Administration (USA) as aromatic vegetable substance used for seasoning of food. Fowler


and fowler (1964) defined spices as tropical aromatic or pungent vegetable substance used to

flavour food for examples; pepper, cinnemera, ginger, cloves, garlic and pimento. They are

valued not only as flavouring agents but also for other properties like stimulation of appetite

by increasing salvation, carminative action and preservation and antioxidant action with some

foods. They are incorporated in food only in small amount, they make important contribution

towards the odour and flavour due to the presence of the volatile (essential oils). Essential

oils are extracts obtained from many plant which have recently gained in popularity and

excited Scientific interest. Antimicrobial properties of herb and spices have been recognized

and used since ancient time for food preservation and in medicine (Zaika 1998, Conner

1993). Several studies revealing result on the preservation action of species or their essential

oils have been made (Azzous et al., 1982) and Conner and Beucart, 1984; Zaika, 1998).

Screening experiment of essential oils and major active components against 5-25

micoorganisms (Corner and Beuchat 1984; Dean and Ritchie 1987; Palmer et al., 1988,

Hammer et al., 1999, Derman and Deans 2000) have reported thyme, clove, cinnamon, bay,

urgano, garlic, ginger and lemon grass to be some of the best bread spectrum candidate for

inhibition of food pathogens and spoilage organism.

A study had been carried out by (Abioye, A.S, 2009) on determining the effect of extract

from spices and method of application on microbial stability and sensory acceptability of

composite cassava-wheat bread. The result revealed that increasing concentration of spice

powder and Oleoresin increases the inhibition of mould growth. Also the addition of spices

improved the flavour, taste, crust colour and crumb colour and the product was accepted

sensory wise but the consumer acceptability has not been done.

Therefore the objective of this present study is to determine the consumer acceptability and

commercial feasibility of Spiced white bread.





Wheat (Triticum aestivum) belongs to the genus Triticum and family Graminae. It provides

the world’s largest source of plant food and protein. The protein content and functionality

differ for different wheat types. The flour produced from them is used for different food

purposes. It is common to produce flour from hard wheat and cakes flours from soft wheat


It is harvested at different months of the year in different parts of the world. Various types of

wheat include hard red winter, hard red spring, durum, soft red winter, spring or winter white

wheat, Manitoba, English soft wheat.

It is a temperature crop and thrives well under low temperature thus making its cultivation in

Nigeria restricted to the Sudan Savannah and Sahel Zones (Okoh, 1988).


At the beginning of recorded history, wheat was already an established crop whose origin

was unknown (Anon, 1953). There is however some evidence that cultivation of wheat

started about 6000 years ago in the Syria-Palestine area and spread to Egypt , India, Russia,

Turkey and Central Europe from where it spread to other countries and continents. According

to Shellenberger, (1969) and Olugbemi, (1992) countries that produce wheat today include

Russia, Switzerland, the United States of America, Belgium, Canada, Norway, Sweden,

South Africa, Peru, Australia, Argentina, Chile, New Zealand and Nigeria. It is a temperate

crop and thrives well under low temperature thus making its cultivation in Nigeria restricted


to Sudan Savannah and Sahel Zones (Okoh, 1998). There are different types of wheat, these

include the hard red spring, hard red spring, hard red winter, durum, soft red and

spring/winter wheat. Others include Manitoba and English soft wheat (Nnenne, 1998)

Wheat grains are ovoid in shape. The wheat is a seed, which is fitted for reproducing the

plant from which it came. The germ is an embryo plant, with a radicle, which can grow into a

root system and a plumule, which can develop into stems, leaves and ears.


Like any seed, the wheat kernel is a complex structure with many individual components.

However with respect to processing (i.e., milling) the wheat kernel is divided into three

general anatomical regions. The outer protective layers of the kernel are collectively called

the bran. The bran comprises about 14% of the kernel, by weight, and is high in fiber and ash

(mineral) content. The germ, the embryonic wheat plant, comprises only about 3% of the

kernel. Most of the lipids and many of the essential nutrients in the kernel are concentrated in

the germ. The remaining inner portion of the kernel is the starchy or storage endosperm,

which provides the energy and protein for the developing wheat plant. It is characterized by

its high starch and moderately high protein (i.e., gluten) content.

The endosperm constitutes the major portion of all kernels and is the primary constituent of

flour. Finally a single, highly specialized layer of endosperm cells forms a border between the

starchy endosperm and the bran. This layer, called the aleurone, is usually considered part

of the endosperm, but it is biologically much more active and, subsequently, contains high

enzyme activity. Because of its composition, activity, and location, it can exert a variety of

negative effects on the acceptability of flour. Consequently, it is generally removed as part of

the bran during most flour milling operations; in fact, millers consider the aleurone to be

part of the bran.



Present-day milling processes begin with the cleaning of kernels. Wheat arriving at a mill is

generally mixed with such matter as straw, chaff, pebbles, earth, and seeds of various kinds.

Coarse and fine material is removed by passing the wheat through sieves, but seeds and other

objects that approximate wheat grains in size must be extracted by special means. Cylinders

and disks that have perforations of various sizes not only separate remaining foreign particles

but also segregate wheat kernels by size. Next, the wheat is scoured by being passed through

an emery-lined cylinder. Tempering, a process by which the moisture content is adjusted for

easiest separation of kernel from husk, is the last step in preparing the grain for grinding.

Because of the development of wheat varieties that do not require the heavy friction provided

by millstones, most grinding is done in roller mills. Corrugated rollers gradually reduce

wheat kernels to powder, effecting separation of kernel and husk. Initial rolling takes place in

three to six stages, the last stage of which yields bran, middlings, and flour. Finished flour

consists almost entirely of endosperm, or nutritive tissue. Middlings are composed of

fragments of endosperm, fragments of husk, and husk fragments with adhering particles.

Bran, the broken husk of the grain, is used as feed for livestock and to provide roughage in

some types of breakfast cereals.

Between each of the stages of rolling, and following the final stage, the ground product is

sifted, a process referred to by millers as bolting. Three types of sifters are in common use:

the plansifter, composed of a series of sieves arranged one above another; the reel, covered

with silk bolting cloth or wire of a gauge that retains middling; and the centrifugal, an

adaptation of the reel equipped with beaters that hurl the product the length of the reel.


The finest grades of flour are obtained from the middlings that are left over from the bolting

process. The flour is extracted by a process called purification. A purifying machine is

usually a sieve through which a stream of air is passed, separating the flour particles by

passage through the meshes of the sieve and by flotation in air.

The grades of flour removed at successive stages of the milling process vary widely. For

commercial purposes the milling grades are blended to produce standard grades or special

commercial brand.


Flour contains from 65 to 70 percent starch, but it’s most important nutrient value lies in its 9

to 14 percent protein content. Gliadin and gluten are the principal proteins, constituting

approximately 80 percent of the gluten. Cellulose, fats, and sugar total less than 4 percent.

ENDOSPERM: The inner part of the wheat kernel (about 83% of the kernel), consists

mostly of starch and is the source of white flour. Of the nutrients in the whole kernel, the

endosperm only contains about 43% of the pantothenic acid, 32% of the riboflavin,

12% of the niacin, 6% of the pyridoxine, 3% of the thiamine, and 70-75% of the protein

BRAN: Of the nutrients in the whole kernel, the bran (in addition to vital unabsorbable

fiber or roughage) contains about: 86% of the niacin, 73% of the pyridoxine, 50% of the

pantothenic acid, 42% of the riboflavin, 33% of the thiamine, and 19% of the protein

GERM: Of the nutrients in the whole kernel, the germ contains about: 64% of the thiamine,

26% of the riboflavin, 21% of the pyridoxine, 7% of the pantothenic acid, 2% of the niacin,

and 8% of the protein.










Source: Ihekoronye and Ngoddy (1985).


2.2 Botany and Classification of Cassava

The origins of cassava (Manihot esculenta) have long been obscure but it is believed to have

originated to Brazil and Paraguay. It is grown in the tropical and subtropical area of the world

and the most important staple food which has the ability to grow on marginal lands where

cereals and other crops do not grow well. It is a perennial structure with edible root; it

belongs to the family Euphorbracea (Onwueme, 1978). The edible parts are the tuberous root

and leaves. The tuber (root) is somewhat dark brown in colour and grows up to 2 feet long.

Cassava is ranked the sixth most important source of calories in human diet and can tolerate

drought and grow well in low nutrient soils. The world output of cassava in 1998 was 162

million tones, out of which Africa produce 88 million tones making her the world leader in

cassava. The other 4 major cassava production countries are Brazil, Thailand, Zaire and

Indonesia (FAO, 1999).

Cassava thrives better in poor soils than any other major food plant. As a result, fertilization

is rarely necessary. However, planting cuttings on well drained solid with adequate organic

matter can increase yields. Cassava is a heat loving plant that requires a minimum temperate

of 80oF to grow. Since many cultivars are drought resistant, cassava can survive even during

the dry season when the soil moisture is low, but humidity is high.

2.2.1 Processing of cassava

The shelf life of cassava is for some few days. Removing the leaves two weeks before harvest

lengthens the shelf life to two weeks. Dipping the roots in paraffin or wax or storing them in

plastic bags reduces the incidence of vascular streaking and extends the shelf life to three or


four weeks. Roots can be peeled and frozen. Traditional methods include packing the roots in

moist mulch to extend shelf life.

The flour can be used for baking breads. Dried roots can be milled into flour. Typically,

cassava flour may be used as partial substitute for wheat flour in making bread. Bread made

wholly from cassava has been marketed in USA to meet the needs of people with allergies to

wheat flour. The fresh cassava roots can be sliced thinly and deep fried to make a product

similar to potato chips. They can be cut into larger spear-like pieces and processed into

product similar to French fries. Roots can be peeled, grated and washed with water to extract

the starch, which can be used to make breads, crackers and pasta. The unpeeled cassava roots

can be grated and dried for use as animal feed. The leaves add protein to animal feed.

Industrial uses where cassava is used in the processing procedures or manufacture of products

include papermaking, textiles, adhesives, high fructose syrup and alcohol.

2.2.2 High quality cassava flour

High quality cassava flour is simple unfermented cassava flour. It can be used in the

production of noodles, biscuits, and snacks food. Industrial user of cassava flour by

substituting cassava flour for wheat in Nigeria has been due to economic factor. As long as

wheat was readily available at low cost, it remained the favoured raw materials for bakery in

Nigeria. The experience gained in during the period when importation of cereals was ban

between1987 and 1990 has led food manufacturers to more readily cassava flour as cheaper

alternative to wheat flour if the processor can provide the necessary quality.


Harvest/sorting of cassava roots

Peel and wash


Mechanical grater

Dewater (screw and hydraulic press)


Sundry in a thin layer

Mill finely

Cassava flour


Figure 2: Flow chart for the Production of High quality cassava flour in Nigeria.

Source: Onabolu et al., 1998


2.3 Spices

Spices are one or other of various strongly flavoured aromatic substances of vegetable origin

obtained from tropical plants, particularly dried roots, seeds, buds, berries, fruits and bark.

Spices, aromatic flavorings made from parts of plants. They are valued not only for their

flavouring agent but also for other preparation like stimulation of appetite by increasing

salvation carminative action and preservation and antioxidant action with some food

The term spice is usually applied to pungent plant products, especially plants native to

tropical Asia and the Moluccas, or Spice Islands, of Indonesia. It frequently also includes

herbs, which are the fragrant leaves of herbaceous plants, many of which are native to

temperate regions. With few exceptions, the spices and herbs known today were being used

early in human history.

The discovery of many spices probably predates the earliest civilizations, when primitive

humans were attracted to the aromatic effects produced by what are now called essential oils,

which are found in various plant parts

Besides their long use in preserving foods and enhancing food flavour, spices and herbs

played important, sometimes magical, roles in medicine. Before the advent of industrially

prepared medicines, herbal remedies were commonly prescribed and were often effective, as

some practitioners are now rediscovering.

2.3.1 Nature of spices

The great varieties of herb and spice flavors are produced from nearly all parts of plants, from

the leaves to the roots. Among those producing fragrant leaves are basil, rosemary, sage,


savoury, tarragon, and thyme, all of which are small annual or perennial plants. Bayleaf, or

sweet laurel, used to flavour meats, sauces, and vinegars, comes from a shrub or tree.

Spices have been classified into various ways depending on their agronomic, morphological

or chemical grounds.

A. (i) Tru as tropical spices: Pepper, ginger, capsicum, turmeric.

(ii) Spicy seed: Mustard, celery, fennel, and coriander

(iii) Herbs: Sage rosemary mint marjoram

(iv) Aromatic vegetable: Onion garlic, Chives

B. (i) Major spices: capsicum, pepper, and ginger, formelic cardoman.

(ii) Tree spices: Cinnamons, cassia, cloves, Pimento, nut may, mace, star anise.

(iii) -Umbelliferous fruit: Aniseed, caraway, celery, commander, cumin and dill


-Other seed: Mustard fenugreek.

-Coloured spices: Paprika Saffron, safflower.

(iv) Leafy spice: sweet bay, rosemary, sage dime, marjoram, oregano savoury,

basilterragon, parsley and mind.

C. (i) Pungent spices: capsicum, pepper, ginger.

(ii) Aromatic fruits and seeds: Nutmeg, Cardoman, Fenugreek.

(iii) Umbelliferous fruit: Arised caraway, Cumin.

(iv) Aromatic banles: Cinnamon and Cassia

(v) Phenolic spices: Cloves, Primento

(vi) Coloured spices: Paprika, Saffron, Turmeric.

Spices have been found to posses preservatives antioxidant, antimicrobial and flavouring

properties (Parry, 1969). When natural product was from plant origin, it is considered as


spices while when natural product is from plant of temperate climates, it is considered as herb

(Aurand et al., 1987).

2.3.2 Forms of Spices

Products range from whole and ground spices in many different granulations to extractives

such as essential oils, oleoresins, liquid and dry soluble, spray-dried or encapsulated flavour

and an infinite variety of bland of these products.

Each spice form is prepared by different method. The choice of form of spice to be used is

based on the product to be seasoned, the physical and chemical characteristics of each form

and other factors such as cost and label declaration (Williams and Brown, 1987).


Ginger, an herbaceous perennial Zingiber officinale Roscoe belonging to the family

Zingiberaceae is grown commercially in most tropical regions (Pieris, 1982). The plant is

native to tropical South East Asia from where it was later introduced to Jamaica, Africa and

other tropical regions of the world (Pieris, 1982). Several varieties such as Sidda (a local

variety) Chinese, Cochin and Calicut are cultivated in Sri Lanka as a home garden crop, an

intercrop under coconut, coffee, cocoa and betel and a monocrop.

Its complicated, irregular flowers have one fertile stamen and a usually showy labellum,

formed from two or three sterile staminodes. The family is cultivated widely in the tropics for

its showy flowers and useful products, derived mostly from the rhizomes. These products

include the flavoring ginger; East Indian arrowroot, a food starch; and turmeric, an important

ingredient in curry powder.


The rhizome, which is valued for its flavour, contains two classes of constituents such as the

essential oils and oleoresins (Balladin et al., 1998). The essential oil consists of monoterpenes

and sesquiterpenes, which contribute to the characteristic flavour of ginger and the more

volatile oleoresin, is responsible for the pungent flavour of ginger, which is also a source of

anti-oxidants (Balachandran, 2005). Essential oil and oleoresin are internationally

commercialized for use in food and pharmaceutical industries. Moreover, ginger is well

known all over the world especially as a remedy for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

such as constipation, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting (Ghayur, 2005). Ginger is

also recommended by the traditional healers in South Asia for use in cardiopathy, high blood

pressure and palpitations and also as a vasodilator (Ghayur, 2005)

2.4.1 Ginger oleoresin

Ginger oleoresin can be extracted from ginger roots using suitable solvent like acetone,

alcohol or ethylene dichloride and subsequent removal of solvent gives a pleasant smelling

dark brown, viscous liquid. This liquid contains both the essential oil responsible for the

aroma of ginger and ginger oil responsible for its pungency.

Commercial dried ginger has been reported to contain oleoresins in the yields of 3.5 -10 %

(Purseglove, 1981), and the pungent principle accounting to 25 % of the oleoresins. The rhizome,

which is valued for its flavour, contains two classes of constituents such as the essential oils and

oleoresins (Balladin et al., 1998). The essential oil consists of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes,

which contribute to the characteristic flavour of ginger and the more volatile oleoresin, is responsible

for the pungent flavour of ginger, which is also a source of anti-oxidants (Balachandran, 2005).

Beside ginger oil, ginger oleoresin contains resins, fat carbohydrate and colouring matter (Connel,

1970). For extraction, the dried rhizomes or chips are ground to a coarse powder (30-40 mesh) and


extracted with a suitable solvent like acetone or ethylene dichloride, using cold percolation method

(Lewis et al., 1972). The quality of oleoresin obtain using acetone is better than from alcohol.

2.4.2 Uses

Ginger oleoresin is used in the flavouring of all kinds of meat products, pickles, and

chutneys. It is used in baked foods such as bread, biscuit and cakes.


It is universal food products that provide carbohydrate (starches) which are important sources

of energy. An excellent source of vitamins, protein, and carbohydrates, bread has been an

essential element of human diets for centuries in all regions.

It is a staple food prepared by cooking dough of flour and water and possibly more

ingredients. Bread is fundamental formed gluten (Kent, 1983) and it is made by baking dough

which has wheat flour, water, yeast and salt as its main ingredient, other ingredients include

fat, sugar, cassava flour or other cereals, vitamins, milk an gluten content cause a low level of

blood cholesterol to be associated with its consumption. As a result of these advantage, bread

is widely used as a snacks, part of the course meal for breakfast.

2.5.1 Function of bread baking ingredient Fats or shortenings

Fats such as butter, vegetable oils, lard, or that contained in eggs affects the development of

gluten in breads by coating and lubricating the individual strands of protein and also helping

hold the structure together. If too much fat is included in bread dough, the lubrication effect

will cause the protein structures to divide. A fat content of approximately 3% by weight is the

concentration that will produce the greatest leavening action. In addition to their effects on


leavening, fats also serve to tenderize the breads they are used in and also help to keep the

bread fresh longer after baking. Yeast

Yeast is a leavening agent added to have desirable dough.

Most leavened breads are made with yeast, a microscopic organism that feeds on

carbohydrates in flour, converting them into alcohol and carbon dioxide in a process called

fermentation. Breads made with yeast must be allowed time to rise before baking

2.5.3. Sugar

Sugar is broken down by the yeast to form CO2. It gives a slightly sweet taste desired in the

product. It contributes to the browning of the crust of the product when baked. It reduces the

strength of gluten and creates certain textural effects such as hardness.

2.5.4. Salt

Salt acts to improve the flavour, texture and colour of the bread. It stabilizes yeast

development and toughens the dough, which results in improvement in texture. The gluten

structure is strengthened and prevented from baking during fermentation.

2.5.4. Water

This helps to develop gluten, dissolve sugar and causes chemical leavening compounds to

start a reaction. It helps the yeast growth during heating and promotes the gelatinization of

starch (Maud, 1990).


2.5.5. Bread improvers

Bread improvers are frequently used in the production of commercial breads to reduce the

time that the bread takes to rise, and to improve the texture and volume of bread. Chemical

substances commonly used as bread improvers include ascorbic acid, hydrochloride, sodium

metabisulfate, ammonium chloride, various phosphates, amylase, and protease.




3.1 Raw Materials

The raw materials used include Wheat flour (Nigerian Eagle Flour mills, Ibadan), Shortening

(Simas Margarine PT Initiboga. Jakarta, Indoresra), Salt, Sugar (Dangote, Nig. Ltd), EDC

2000 (Alensinloye market in Ibadan), Ginger (Kuto market, Abeokuta). N-Hexane, baking

pans and other apparatus (Dept. of Food science and Technology, UNAAB).

Apparatus and Equipments used:

Pipette, Measuring cylinder, Knife, Milling machine, Soxhlet apparatus, tray, bowl, Mixer,

kneading machine, oven.


3.2.1 Preparation of oleoresin from ginger

Soxhlet method of extraction was used to obtain the oleoresin from milled ginger spice.

Fresh ginger root was washed, peeled and sliced into small pieces. It was dried in the Cabinet

drier to reduce the moisture content to the minimum; thereafter the dried ginger was milled

into powder and packed into thimbles.

The extraction thimble was lightly plugged with cotton wool. The thimble was fitted to the

extractor which consist of random bottom flask and a influx condenser all placed in electric

heater 500 ml solvent (N-hexane) was then poured into the extraction via the thimble until it


siphon over, more solvents were added until the barrel of extractor was half full, the

condenser was fixed and all joints were tightly fixed. The source of heat was adjusted to

ensure that the solvent boils gently. The whole process too 6 hours and the procedure was

repeated 4 times with new samples of milled spices. The oleoresin obtained was kept in a

cool dry place until it was used.


Ginger roots

Sorting and Grading

Peeling and Slicing (ginger)




Soxhlet extraction with N-hexane


Fig 1: Flow Chart for the extraction of ginger oleoresin (Adesanya, 2005)


3.2.2 Production of bread

All ingredients were weighed using manual scale. The mixing was done manually for 15

minutes prior kneading which was done with a kneading machine adding very little amount

of flour to prevent sticking. The proofing was done at ambient temperature for 2 hours.

Thereafter, the dough was divided into pieces of 0.3 g each moulded into a cylindrical shape

and placed in an already oiled baking pan.




Wheat flour 90 %

Cassava flour 10 %

Sugar 3 %

Salt 1 %

Yeast 1 %

Water 5 %

EDC 0.3 %

Ginger oleoresin 500 ppm


Raw materials

Recipe preparation/measurement

Mixing (15mins)




Proofing (32ºC, 90 mins)

Baking (180ºC, 40 mins)



Fig 2: Flow chart for bread production (Adesanya, 2005)


3.2.3 Consumer Survey

Bread samples were presented to consumers in some part of Abeokuta, Ogun State (Camp,

Obantoko, Fajol, Adatan and Ijaiye) for evaluation within 12 hours after baking.

A total of 200 consumers were approached randomly. The study was done in two parts. The

first part investigated on the socioeconomic characteristics and bread consumption pattern of

the consumers using a structured questionnaire (Appendix I). In the second part, the

consumers were requested to evaluate the bread samples in terms of appearance, taste, texture

and overall liking using a nine-point hedonic scale (like extremely to dislike extremely).

Consumers were also asked about their purchase intent (Appendix II).

3.2.4 Data Analysis

The data generated were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. The software used is

SPSS version 15.0




4.1 Socioeconomic status of bread consumers interviewed

The summary of the socioeconomic data of the consumers that participated in the sensory

acceptability test is shown in Table 1.

The respondents randomly selected were mostly between 20 and 30 years of age with 51.5 %

being male. About 57% of the consumers were single. Over 40 % of these earn more than

N20, 000 per month. Majority 67.5 % of the consumers had attained a tertiary level of

education while very few 18% had lower than Secondary School Educational qualification. It

can be deduced that bread is mostly eaten among youths between 20 years to 30 years of age

earning N5, 000 to above N20, 000 per month.

4.2 Occupation of Respondent

The data on occupational involvement of the respondent are shown in Table 2. Majority 43 %

of the consumers are self employed. The remaining is either public servant 25%, traders 24%,

Artisan 7%. About 48.5% of them work for 6-10 hours per day. About 54.5% of the jobs of

the respondents are sedentary in nature.


Table 2: Socio-economic status of consumers (N=200)

FACTORS GROUP FREQUENCY PERCENT Age (yrs) 20-30 126 63.0 31-40 43 21.5 41-50 20 10.0 >50 11 5.5 Total 200 100.0 Sex Male 103 51.5 Female 97 48.5 Total 200 100.0 Marital Status Single 114 57.0 Married 85 42.5 Total 199 99.5 Monthly Income <5000 55 27.5 5000-10000 64 32.0 10000-20000 52 26.0 >20000 29 14.5 Total 200 100.0 Educational Informal 23 11.5 qualification Primary 13 6.5 Secondary 28 14.0 Tertiary 135 67.5

Total 199 99.5


Table 3: Occupation of consumers


Occupation: Public servant 50 25.0 Trading 48 24.0 Artisan 14 7.0

Self employment 86 43.0 Total 198 99.0

Working hour:

<6 75 37.5 6-10 97 48.5 >10 25 12.5

Total 197 98.5

Occupational type: Sedentary 109 54.5 Mobile 87 43.5 Total 196 98.0


4.3 Bread Purchase Pattern

Table 3 shows the purchase pattern of bread among the consumers interviewed. Bread

purchase less than once a week is about 11.5% while about 20.5% purchase bread once in a

week. 27 % purchase bread twice a week and 49.5% of the respondent buy bread from shops.

The result shows that most respondent buy bread everyday.

4.4 Consumption pattern of bread

Table 4 shows the bread consumption pattern among the study population. Majority 51% of

the respondents eat bread at home. 40% consumes bread 1-2times a week while 19.5%

consumes bread 3-4 times a week. Most of the consumers 67.5% do not keep bread before

eating but about 31.5% keeps bread between 1-3 days before consumption. About 85.5% of

the respondent would naturally consume spiced, also 60.5 % shows interest in bread made

with two or more flour. Bread eaten in Nigeria is mainly made of wheat but when this study

was carried out, respondents were ready to buy bread made with 2 flours. This can also be

seen in the sensory acceptability were over 93 % of the respondent like the spiced bread.

Majority of the respondent 51 % eats their bread at home and this can be related to the nature

of their jobs since about 43 % of the consumers interviewed were self employed. Other

respondents eat their bread either at the restaurant, eatery, food vendor, work place or more

than a place which is due to the kind of the occupation (public servants, traders and artisan)

they are engaged in.

4.5 Sensory acceptability of the product.

The result of the sensory acceptability of spiced composite bread served the consumers is

shown in Table 5. Over 95% of the consumer liked the spiced composite bread in terms of


their sensory attributes (appearance, taste and texture). 1.5% neither like nor dislike. On the

overall, the acceptability was rejected by only 0.5% of the population.

4.6 Bread purchase intent

Table 6 indicates the result of bread purchase intent on the respondent. Notably 35% of the

respondents were ready to pay N45-50 per loaf. About 24.5% indicated N50-55 per loaf

while very few 4.5% were ready to pay above N60 per loaf. Majority 90.5% of the

respondent were willing to patronize the spiced composite bread while very few 8% were not



Table 4: Bread Purchase Intent


Frequency of bread purchased per week:

Less than once a week 23 11.5

Once a week 41 20.5

Twice a week 54 27.0

Three times a week 32 16.0

More than three times a week

49 24.5

Total 199 99.5

Where bread is bought:

Bakery 25 12.5

Shop 99 49.5

Cattery - -

Hawker 19 9.5

More than a place 57 28.5

Total 200 100.0

Frequency of bread consumption:

Once a day 43 21.5

More than once a day 13 6.5

1-2 times a week 80 40.0

3-4 times a week 39 19.5

5-6 times a week 25 12.5

Total 200 100.0


Table 5: Bread consumption pattern

ITEM FREQUENCY PERCENT Where bread is eaten: At home 102 51.0 Eatery 7 3.5 Restaurant 6 3.0 Food vendor 3 1.5 Work place 17 8.5 More than one place 66 33.0 Total 198 99.0

Keep before eating: Yes 63 31.5 No 135 67.5 Total 198 99.0 How long: 1 day 40 20.0 2 days 19 9.5 3 days 4 2.0 Total 63 31.5 Acceptance of spiced bread: Accepted 171 85.5 Rejected 29 14.5 Total 200 100.0 Acceptance of bread made with two or more flours:

Accepted 121 60.5 Rejected 69 34.5 Total 190 95.0


Table 6: Sensory perception of spiced composite bread by consumers expressed as percentage of total response

Hedonic scale Appearance

Taste Texture Overall liking

Like extremely 39.0 33.5 33.0 34.5

Like very much 28.5 37.5 38.0 34.1

Like moderately 27.0 27.5 23.5 26.5

Neither like nor dislike 4.0 1.5 2.5 1.5

Dislike moderately 1.0 0.5 2.5 0.5

Dislike very much - - - -

Dislike extremely - - - -


Table 7: Purchase Intent for Composite bread


Price ready to pay (N):

<40 22 11.0 40-45 22 11.0 45-50 70 35.0 50-55 49 24.5 55-60 23 11.5 >60 9 4.5 Total 195 97.5

Patronage: Yes 181 90.5 No 16 8.0 Total 197 98.5




From the study conducted, over 95% of the consumers (N=200) rated sensory attributes

above average acceptability. The frequency of consumer’s rating of likeness for the product

as being extreme, very much and moderate was about 34.5, 34.1 and 26.5%, respectively.

The results further obtained shows that the socio-economic status of consumers did not have

significant correlation (P=0.05) with overall acceptability except the educational qualification

(r = -0.196, p<0.010). Most consumers with tertiary educational qualification indicate an

extreme likeness of the product. Above 90% of the consumers were ready to buy the spiced

composite bread.

From the bread consumption pattern, bread is consumed daily to only about 21.5% of the

respondent while more people consumed bread at least twice in a week and many

respondents buy their bread from shops.


Spices could be incorporated in the production of bread in order to increase its shelf life,

flavour, nutritional content and purchase intent.

Further work should be carried out on the consumer acceptability of bread made with other

spices different from ginger oleoresin.



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Appendix I



Dear Sir/Ma,

We would like to receive your comment about the acceptability of the pan bread sample presented to you by answering the questions below.

1. Please rate your acceptability of the bread sample in terms of the stated attributes


Hedonic Scale Appearance Taste Texture Overall liking

Like extremely

Like very much

Like moderately

Neither like nor dislike

Dislike moderately

Dislike extremely

Dislike very much

2. Would you normally buy this bread for consumption? Yes No

3. If yes to Q2, how much would you normally be ready to pay for the bread?

Less than N40

N 40-45

N 45-50

N 50-55

N 55-60

Greater than N60


Survey of People’s Perspective on Consumption of Spiced Bread.

Department of Food Science and Technology,

University of Agriculture Abeokuta,

Ogun State.


Dear Respondent,

This questionnaire was designed to find out the opinions of consumers on the consumption of spiced bread. Your response will be very useful in determining ways of improving shelf life of bread.

All personal information supplied will be kept confidentially.

Thanks for your cooperation.


Please indicate your response by ticking the options that best describe your response to the following questions.


Age (yrs): 20-30 31-40 41-50 above 50

Sex: Male Female

Marital Status: Single Married

Educational Qualification: Informal Primary Secondary Tertiary

Occupation: Public Servant Trading Artisan Self-employed

Number of hours worked per day: < 6 6-10 > 10

Occupation type: Sedentary Mobile

Monthly Income: Less than N5000 N5000 - N10000

N10000 - N 20000 above N20000


Appendix II


1. Consider the list of foods below. Which of these are you familiar with?

Pupuru Tapioca Gari Lafun

Cassada Bread Fufu Boiled cassava

2. Please indicate the one you have ever consumed.

Pupuru Tapioca Gari Lafun

Cassada Bread Fufu Boiled cassava

3. How often do you buy bread?

Less than once a week Once a week Twice a week

Three times a week more than three times a week

4. How often do you eat bread?

Once a day More than once a day 1-2 times a week

3-4 times a week 5-6 times a week.

5. Do you bake bread or have you ever baked bread at home? Yes N o

6. Are you concerned about nutritional quality of bread? Yes No

7. Are you concerned about the shelf life of bread? Yes No

8. Do you keep your bread before eating? Yes No

9. How long do you keep your bread before eating? 1 day 2 days 3 days

10. In making bread, if a spice is used as preservative, I will consider it


Not good enough, so I will pay less will not buy

Adulterated, so I will pay less will not buy

More nutritious I will pay more I am in different


As only providing variety, so I will pay more Am in different

11. Would you like to patronize bread made with mixture of two or more flours? Yes No

12. How do you decide if your bread is no longer edible?

Appearance (mould, colour)

Texture (too hard)

Length of storage


Other (nutrition, label)

13. Where do you buy your bread from?





More than a place

14. Where do you eat your bread?

At home



Food vendor

Work place

More than one place

15. Which other samples do you prefer to bread? Rice Yam

Amala Eba Semovita Fufu Iyan

State others…………………………………

General comment...............................................................................................................