Construction Strategy revised.4 - Northumberland

1 Elizabeth Landmark: Construction Strategy Statement Simon Hitchens 10 January 2019 This statement is based on initial advice received from two fabricators/contractors, which is appended. (SH Structures Ltd – appendix 1, and Seymour Civil Engineering Contractors – appendix 2) The construction period is anticipated at between 8 and 12 months. Traffic on public highways will be minimised and routes selected to reduce any impact on local communities. Construction methods and access will be planned to achieve a minimum disturbance to the natural landscape, habitats and topography, with existing site topsoil retained for reinstatement of all temporary compound areas and access tracks, and ecological advice followed on reseeding of the indigenous grassland habitat. Site Compound and Temporary Access Track A temporary site compound will be established on the site of the proposed visitor car park (see Southern Green drawing 1131-012) adjoining the public highway SSW of Cold Law. This will provide space (approximately 75 x 75m) for contractor’s office, materials and plant and fuel storage, staff facilities, deliveries drop off and turning area; and construction staff parking A temporary access track will be laid from this compound to follow the proposed footpath to the sculpture, anti-clockwise NE around to the top of hill for the rockslot excavation machinery and sculpture foundations construction. This route will also provide access to a temporary assembly area/construction compound for the sculpture on the flatter east shoulder of Cold Law. (see Southern Green drawing 1131-012) All site accommodation will be removed at project completion. The 5m wide access track and site compound will be constructed in compacted stone using locally sourced stone and excavated material from site. Topsoil will stored within the site for reuse. (Note: contractors consulted at this stage have suggested alternative temporary access routes and site compound locations; however those described above, referred to in appended Contractor information as access route Option A are the preferred options and both this route and the site compound location on the proposed carpark will be included as a requirement at construction tender stage.) Construction of the sculpture foundations, rockslot, paths and visitor viewing area Topsoil removed during construction will be stored at the site compound for re-use in landscape re-instatement. Excavation of the rockslot will be by flush-cut circular saw mounted to the hydraulic arm of an excavator. This will cut the sides of the rock slot and the internal material will be removed by a

Transcript of Construction Strategy revised.4 - Northumberland

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shstructures limited Elizabeth Landmark - Construction Statement

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shstructures limited Elizabeth Landmark - Construction Statement

1. IntroductionTheElizabethLandmarkisaproposedcontemporarymonumentwhichcelebratesHerRoyalHighnessQueenElizabethIIandTheCommonwealth.

2. Location



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shstructures limited Elizabeth Landmark - Construction Statement

3. SiteAccess

Thesiteliesapproximately2.5milesalonganexistingtarmacroadwhichisaccessedofftheA68atRidsdale.The same access route has been used successfully in recent years for the Vattenfall Ray Wind FarmdevelopmentwhichopenedinJuly2017

4. Construction


Initscurrentformthemonumentisafabricatedweatheringsteelstructurewhichis85mlongand3mwidetaperingto1.5mwideatthetip.Weatheringsteelhasadistinctiverustyappearanceandhasbeenusedonsimilar projects in the UK such as the Angel of the North in Gateshead and the International BomberCommandMemorialSpireinLincoln.Thematerialhasthebenefitthatthedistinctiverustypatinaprotectsthesteelandassuchrequiresnoappliedtreatmentsandthusnoongoingmaintenanceduringitslifespan.Thestructurewillbemanufacturedbyanexperiencedandsuitablyqualifiedfabricatorwhowillproducetheassemblydrawings,3dModelandinstallthecompletedmonumentonsite.Themonumentwouldbefabricatedfromweldedsteelplateofthicknessesrangingfrom15mmto100mmandwouldbeassembledonitssideinaworkshopservicedbyoverheadcranesofanappropriatecapacity.

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shstructures limited Elizabeth Landmark - Construction Statement


The 85m long structure would be assembled in sections all of which would bematched during the trialassembly.Thesizeoftheindividualsectionsandthelocationofthesitejointswouldbedeterminedduringthe design development of the structure. As each elementwould be transported to site by road in sizesacceptabletocurrenttransportregulations.

The jointsbetweeneach sectionwouldbealignedduring the trail assemblyand theweldgapsandprepswouldbeset.Itisanticipatedthatthesitejointswouldhaveboltedinternalsplicesaswellasexternalweldsbetween each plate. All bolted and plate connections would be aligned during the trial assembly.Appropriate temporary liftingattachmentsandalignmentguideswouldbe fittedat this timeallowing thestructuretobeaccuratelyre-alignedwhenbeingassembledonsite.


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shstructures limited Elizabeth Landmark - Construction Statement

SiteActivitiesTransportarrangementsandlogisticswouldbeplannedtominimisetheimpactontheresidentsandusersoftheA68andtheroadthroughtoKnowesgateandKirkwhelpingtonontheA696.Thesizeoftheproposedmonumentmeansthatthestructurewillneedtobeassembledonsitebeforebeingliftedintoplacewithalargecapacitymobilecrane.Tofacilitatethistherewillbearequirementforsometemporaryaccessroadsandaconstructioncompound.Therearetwopotentiallocationsfortheproposedconstructioncompound,onetothenortheastofthesite(CompoundA)ortothewestofthesitewheretheproposedpermanentvisitorcarpark is tobesituated.(CompoundB)

ProposedsiteplanCompound A would be set back from the nearby road which would minimise the visual impact of theconstructionactivities.Securitycouldbeprovidedintheformofagateattheentrancetotheaccessroad.Thisarea,alongwithanyadditionalaccessroadsneededwouldbetemporaryandassuchtheareawouldbeclearedandlandscapedaftertheworkswerecompletetominimisetheimpactontheenvironment.






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shstructures limited Elizabeth Landmark - Construction Statement

Compound A would house the temporary office and welfare accommodation during the constructionprocess.Compound B is in the areawhere the permanent visitor’s car park is to be situated. The areawould bepreparedand laidoutwithsuitablecompacted fillmaterialandbeusedduringtheconstructionperiodtoprovide further access and possible storage. At the end of the construction works the compoundwouldbecomepartofthepermanentworksandbesurfacedandlandscapedaccordingly.Inadditiontothestorageandtemporaryaccommodationanassemblyareaofaround120mlongand20mwide?wouldbeneededtofacilitatethejoiningtogetherofthesectionsofthemonument.Theareawouldneedtobelevelanddrywithasuitablebasematerialtoallowthesafeoperationofplantandequipment.Inaddition, there would be a requirement for approximately 12 stable pad foundations on which thetemporarysupportframescouldbebuilt.

Typicalassemblyareashowingtemporarysupportsforstructure.Theinstallationcranewillrequireasuitableaccessroadandstablecranepadfortheliftingofthecompletedstructure.Thismaybeconstructedonpiledfoundationsand/orsuitablecompactedfillsupplementedwithcranemats.Thesizeoftheareawouldbedeterminedbythechoiceofcranebutisanticipatedtobeintheorderof60mlongby15mwide?Furthersiteinvestigationwillneedtobeundertakentodeterminethefinalsolutionthefinalsolutionforthetemporaryworks.Therearetwomethodsthatmaybeusedtoinstallthestructure.Thefinalmethodologywillbedeterminedduringthedesigndevelopmentoftheproject.Eachmethodhas itsmeritsandthefinal installationmethodologywouldbedeterminedduringthedesigndevelopmentofthescheme.Priortoanyworkbeingcarriedoutonsiteadetailedmethodstatementwhichwould include a logistics plan, step by step installation process details and programme along with theassociatedriskassessments,liftingandaccessplansandcranelayouts.

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shstructures limited Elizabeth Landmark - Construction Statement


The first option would be to lift the complete 85m longstructure in one piece. This would require two cranes, onewhich would take the bulk of the load and the second cranewouldbeused tocontrol thebottomof theassemblywhile itwasbeingliftedintoplace.

Thisprocesswouldeliminate theneed tocarryoutanyof theconnections in situ however this method would potentiallyrequirealargercapacitycrane.



Thesecondoptionwouldbetoinstallthestructureintwosections.Thismethodwouldintroduceajointorspliceintothestructure.Thiscouldbesituatedapproximatelytowthirdsupthestructurewhereit isat itswidest. The splice could take the form of a bolted connectionwith access provided to the inside of thestructureviaahatchinthetopsurface.Theconnectionwouldbefullyboltedandthentheexternalplateswouldbeweldedtogether.Thisprocesswouldrequiretheadditionofatemporaryaccessplatformatthesplice,sotheweldingcouldbecarriedoutandmayalsorequiresomeadditionaltemporaryworksintheformofsupportingpropsandguyswires.

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shstructures limited Elizabeth Landmark - Construction Statement


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From: Karl Brennan [email protected]: RE: Landmark Sculpture: rock slot and groundwork

Date: 22 November 2018 at 13:32To: Simon Hitchens [email protected]: Jon Robinson [email protected]

Gooda&ernoonSimon,Mythoughtsinrela6ontoyourques6onsarebelow.ThedetailsIeludetomaynotbeachievableduetothetopographybuthopefullytheapproachworks/makessense.PleasefeelfreetocallmeifyouwishtodiscussKindRegardsKarlBrennanPreConstruc6onDirectorSeymourCivilEngineeringContractorsLtdSeymourHouseHarbourWalkHartlepoolTS240UXCompanynumber:1374637RegisteredinEngland&WalesEmail:[email protected]:01429233521Fax:01429239185Mobile:07970081203Website:h`p://

Pleaseconsidertheenvironmentbeforeprin6ngthise-mailFrom: Simon Hitchens [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 15 November 2018 17:08To: Karl BrennanCc: Jon RobinsonSubject: Landmark Sculpture: rock slot and groundwork Dear Karl and Jon All is going well with the Elizabeth Landmark sculpture in Northumberland, all be it slowly.We have received back advice notes from the pre-planning application which are favourable,and now need to get some further thoughts together prior to submitting the actual planningapplication by the end of this year. The focus we now have is putting enough information intothe planning application so that the planning department can see we have shown due diligencewith regards to mitigating the inevitable disturbance to the local environment, which will theninform the ecology, highways and archaeology assessments which are also to be in theplanning application. To this end, would you be able to pull together a construction strategystatement which focuses on the following?

1. Temporary access road needed for all works (I’d like to talk this through with you abouthow you can get a decent understanding of the topography of the land and where might

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how you can get a decent understanding of the topography of the land and where mightbe best for your construction site and therefore where an access road would need to sit.Maybe google street view would work? This would be a lot more time efficient for thepresent planing application requirements than a site visit, although that can be arranged).This is difficult to say from google earth. Seymour would propose to create an accesstrack from the proposed compound area up to the work area on the hill and the route ofthis would ideally follow any naturally shallow gradients up the side of the hill to avoidany significant cutting into the hill or filling exercise as may be required to provide asuitable track. There will likely be prescribed gradients or maximum inclines providedto us from a piling contractor that their proposed rig can travel on, this can typically bein the region of 10% but it depends on the specific foundation rig. With this in mind Iwould guess we make a track from the compound and decide whether the best route upto the top is in an clockwise or anti clock wise direction and design it around that. Thisis something that I cannot determine without going to site. Perhaps you could commenton this?

2. Size and location of the construction compound/site. (This needs to take into account allplant movements, welfare facilities, access to rock slot during excavation, foundationsetc.). I have looked on google earth and street view and would suggest a compound ispositioned somewhere between the highway and the hill as indicated below. Exactlywhere is difficult to say but I would suggest it is on higher ground toward the top of anynatural slope to prevent the compound base becoming waterlogged due to any inclementweather/meltwater etc. The size of the compound could typically be in the order of 50mx 50m and would provide office accommodation, welfare, storage for plant andequipment and adequate turning room for delivery vehicles. This location is also awayfrom any drawn water courses such as Risey Burn and mitigates the potential forcontamination from fuels and hydraulic oils etc.

3. Estimates for construction traffic, movement of plant/people etc. (So we can get anunderstanding of increased road traffic throughout the entire project). I would say fromwhat we know of the project the main reason for plant movement will be associated withthe wagons used to remove the excavated rock from site to the disposal facility. Ourestimate was based on 1150m3 of rock being removed which equates to approximately140 to 150 loads or say 300 movements ‘there and back’ and this will be over a periodof say 8 weeks so could be 7 to 8 per day based on 5 day working. However if we crushthe material and use it in the car park then construction traffic to and from site will beminimal in the form of small vehicles used to transport the workforce and project teamon a daily basis. There will also be deliveries of fuel, other materials such as concreteand then the sculpture so perhaps there will be less than 10 construction plantmovements a week.

4. The preferred method of excavating the rock slot using a flush cut saw and the removaloff the waste. (We will be constructing a visitor car park, and the present line of thoughtis that this could nicely double up as site access, plant storage, removal point ofexcavated material etc. during the building of the project. We will be able to crush a lotof the excavated stone and use it as paving material, also use it for probable land buildup regarding the car park, but I expect that we may need to take some off site anddeposit on the clients land nearby?). This seems a sensible approach that we wouldcertainly condone. We aim to divert material from landfill wherever possible so ifcrushed material can be utilised in footpaths and carparks it will certainly reduce thecarbon footprint and environmental impacts.

5. A layout plan to identify the areas of disturbance on the land. (If I provide a map of thearea can you mark it up to indicate what areas you would need access to for your

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area can you mark it up to indicate what areas you would need access to for yourduration on the site, including any site facilities etc.) Please see image below

I know you have covered a lot of this within your document Rock Slot Sculpture - BOQBudget Price dated 5 June (attached below), but I’d be grateful if you could pull it alltogether in one e-document, specifically focusing on the above points with regards to the nextstage of this project - the planning application submission. I haven’t forgotten your email dated 18th July regarding a discussion about pitching for LeadContractor role on this project - I’ll be in a better position to focus on that when the planningapplication is in. I’ll give you a call tomorrow to talk this through as you may well have some questionsregarding it.

Best regards Simon

Simon Hitchens +44 (0)7941

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