Construction Operation and Maintenance of Plumbing System

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Transcript of Construction Operation and Maintenance of Plumbing System

  • 7/28/2019 Construction Operation and Maintenance of Plumbing System



    PLUMBING SYSTEM(Drain, Waste and Vent )

    By :

    ALBERTO T. CABAEL, fnampap

  • 7/28/2019 Construction Operation and Maintenance of Plumbing System


    Plumbing Terminologies and its Function thatwe must understand:

    1. BUILDING DRAIN Part of the lowest

    horizontal piping of a drainage systemwhich receives the discharge from soil,waste and other drainage pipes inside thewalls of the building and conveys it to thebuilding sewer beginning 0.6 meter outside

    the building wall.

    2. BUILDING SEWER Part of the lowesthorizontal piping of a drainage systemwhich starts from the end of the buildingdrain and which receives the discharge ofthe building drain and conveys it to a publicsewer, private sewer, individual sewagedisposal system, or other point of disposal.

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    3. SOIL PIPE Any pipe, which conveys thedischarge of water closet, urinal or fixturehaving similar functions, with or

    without the discharge from otherfixtures to the building drain or buildingsewer.

    4. SEWER PIPE Any pipe, or conduit whichconveys the discharge of solid waste andliquid waste to the building drain orbuilding sewer.

    5. WASTE PIPE A pipe which conveys onlywastewater or liquid waste free of fecalmatter.

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    6. STACK The vertical main of a system ofsoil, waste or vent piping extending

    through one or more stories andextended thru the roof.

    7. VENT STACK the vertical vent pipeinstalled primarily for providingcirculation of air to and from any partof the soil, waste of the drainagesystem.

    8. VENT PIPE a pipe or opening used forensuring the circulation of air in aplumbing system.

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    9. VENT SYSTEM pipes installed toprovide flow of air to or from a drainage

    system or to provide a circulation of airwithin such system to protect the trapsseals from siphonage and back pressure.

    10. YOKE VENT a pipe connection upwardfrom a soil or stack below the floor andbelow horizontal connection to anadjacent vent stack at a point above the

    floor and higher than highest spill oflevel of fixtures for preventing pressurechanges in the stacks.

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    11. CIRCUIT VENT a group of vent pipe which startsinfront of the extreme fixture connection on ahorizontal branch and connects to the vent stack.

    12. WET VENT a portion of vent pipe through wherewastewater also flows through.

    13. BRANCH VENT a horizontal vent connection one

    or more individual vertical back vents with the ventstack or stack vent.

    14. BACK VENT part of a vent line, which connectsdirectly with an individual trap underneath or

    behind the fixture traps in serves. This issometimes called an individual vent.

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    15. STACK VENT the extension of a soil or wastestack above the highest horizontal drainconnected to the stack. The upper most endabove the roof is called stack vent thru roof(SVTR).

    16. SECTION 907.1 of the RNPCP states that, eachsoil or waste stack which extends ten (10) ormore storey above the building drain shall be

    served by a parallel vent stack which shallextend undiminished in size from its upperterminal at the roof and connect to the soil orwaste stack at the ground level and at every 5thfloor levels with a yoke vent at a point belowthe horizontal soil or waste branch connection to

    the stack and at the nearby vent stack and samefloor to provide a relief vent.

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    The size of a yoke vent shall not be less indiameter than either the soil stack or the ventstack, whichever is smaller.

    17. SECTION 907.2 The yoke vent connection with

    vent stack shall be placed not less than 1.0meter above the floor level, and the yoke vent

    connection with the drainage stack shall be bymeans of a wye branch service connection only.

    18. LATERAL in plumbing, a secondary pipeline. Insewerage, a common sewer to which no other

    branch sewer is connected. It receives sewagefrom building sewer service connection only.

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    19. PRIMARY BRANCH of the building drainis the single sloping drain from the baseof the stack to its junction with the

    main building drain.

    20. BRANCH any part of the piping systemother than a main, riser or stack.

    21. BRANCH INTERVAL a length of soil orwaste stack corresponding in general toa storey height, but in no case less than2.43 meters within which the

    horizontal branches from one (1) floor ora storey building are connected to thestack.

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    22. TRAP a fitting or device designed andconstructed to provide, when properly

    vented, a liquid seal which prevents thebackflow of foul air or methane gaswithout materially affecting the flow ofsewage or wastewater through it.

    23. TRAP ARM that portion of a fixturedrain between a trap and the vent.

    24. TRAP SEAL the maximum vertical depthof liquid that a trap will retain,measured between the crown weir andthe top of the dip of the trap.

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