Constitutional 1 Final Exam

Name: Alvin U. Pateres ID Number: 04177064 Subject: Constitutional Law I 1. What are the measures enshrined in the Constitution to check the power of the President to declare and implement martial law? 2. When a city has a population small than the minimum size required, how shall it be represented in Congress? 3. What is residence and what is domicile and how do they differ from each other? 4. What is the composition and function of the Commission on Appointments 5. Give 5 limits on Congress’ power to appropriate? 6. What are the limitations on the power of legislative investigation? 7. What is an item-veto and what instance/s is it allowed? 8. What is the power of impoundment? is it legal and constitutional?



Transcript of Constitutional 1 Final Exam

Page 1: Constitutional 1 Final Exam

Name: Alvin U. Pateres ID Number: 04177064 Subject: Constitutional Law I

1. What are the measures enshrined in the Constitution to check the power of the President to declare and implement martial law?

2. When a city has a population small than the minimum size required, how shall it be represented in Congress?

3. What is residence and what is domicile and how do they differ from each other?

4. What is the composition and function of the Commission on Appointments

5. Give 5 limits on Congress’ power to appropriate?

6. What are the limitations on the power of legislative investigation?

7. What is an item-veto and what instance/s is it allowed?

8. What is the power of impoundment? is it legal and constitutional?

9. Explain the principle that the executive power is the more than the sum of its specific powers enumerated.

10. How is a tie in presidential and vice presidential election broken?

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11. What are the two sets of rules in filling up a vacancy in the presidency and what are the grounds for each rule?

12. What is required when the president is incapacitated and when the president suffers from serious illness?

13. What is an ad interim appointment, when is it made and how is it terminated?

14. What are the three types of Martial law?

15. What are the limits on Executive Clemency?

16. Cite the differences between pardon and amnesty?

17. Under section 5 of Article VIII, what are the powers of the Supreme Court?

18. What are the requisites of judicial review?

19. What are considered political questions?

20. Who are the members of the Judicial and Bar Council and how long are their respective terms?

21. What is an enrolled bill? If after examination of the Journal there are errors discovered in the enrolled bill, can it be invalidated by judicial decree for being erroneous?

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22. What is the doctrine of inappropriate provision? Can the President veto a provision? If so, when is he allowed?

23. A death penalty has already been final and executory. The SC issued an injunction deferring the execution of penalty. Such act issuance was questioned and unconstitutional for being a derogation of Presidential power of reprieve (The executive power to defer the execution of penalty). Decide with reason.

24. Congress created an Electoral Tribunal with the Chief Justice as Chairman and 10 Associate Justices as member. This was questioned as unconstitutional for being in violation of Sec, Article VIII of the Constitution which provides for only one Supreme Court. Decide.

25. Under the Constitution, Member of the House of Representatives shall be elected for 3 years. Congress Cawtan filed his candidacy for governor. Under the Omnibus Election Act, he was ipso facto considered resigned from his Office. He questioned the constitutionality of such provision because it shortens his term under the constitution. Provide an argument that opposes his claim that his automatic disqualification is a shortening of his term.