Constitution Secretary-1 receives Deputy Minister of …2009/08/28  · Chavez said on Tuesday there...

Established 1914 Volume XVII, Number 134 9th Waxing of Tawthalin 1371 ME Friday, 28 August, 2009 * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integ- rity and preservation and safeguard- ing of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution Four economic objectives Four social objectives Four political objectives NAY PYI TAW, 27 Aug—Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo received Deputy Minister Mr Chen Jian of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China at the SPDC Office here at 9.30 am today. Also present at the call were Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha, Minister for Industry-2 Vice-Admiral Soe Thein, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Maung Myint, Deputy Minister for Finance and Revenue Col Hla Thein Swe, Director- General Col Kyaw Kyaw Win of SPDC Office and Secretary-1 receives Deputy Minister of Ministry of Commerce of PRC Director-General U Kyaw Kyaw of Protocol Department under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Chinese Deputy Minister and party were accompanied by Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Ye Dabo.—MNA Words of thanks expressed on Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway) Byline: Tin Win Lay (Kyimyindine); Photos: Htay Aung (Kyemon) Now, the distance between Minbu and Magway is just a 15-minute drive. The Tatmadaw government has constructed a huge number of river-spanning bridges across the nation. Due to Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway), the second longest of its kind in Myanmar, the regions on the east and west banks of the Ayeyawady River are now easily accessible from other parts of the nation, (See page 9) Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo receives Deputy Minister Mr Chen Jian of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China.—MNA 28-8-09 NL 7/29/18, 12:26 PM 1

Transcript of Constitution Secretary-1 receives Deputy Minister of …2009/08/28  · Chavez said on Tuesday there...

Page 1: Constitution Secretary-1 receives Deputy Minister of …2009/08/28  · Chavez said on Tuesday there is no possibility of repairing ties with the Colombian government and told Foreign

Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 134 9th Waxing of Tawthalin 1371 ME Friday, 28 August, 2009

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-rounddevelopment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting participation interms of technical know-how and investments fromsources inside the country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be keptin the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality ofthe entire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integ-rity and preservation and safeguard-ing of cultural heritage and nationalcharacter

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State

Constitution* Building of a new modern developed

nation in accord with the new StateConstitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

NAY PYI TAW, 27Aug—Secretary-1 of theState Peace andDevelopment Council ofthe Union of MyanmarGeneral Thiha Thura TinAung Myint Oo receivedDeputy Minister Mr ChenJian of the Ministry ofCommerce of the People'sRepublic of China at theSPDC Office here at 9.30am today.

Also present at thecall were Minister forNational Planning andEconomic DevelopmentU Soe Tha, Minister forIndustry-2 Vice-AdmiralSoe Thein, DeputyMinister for ForeignAffairs U Maung Myint,Deputy Minister forFinance and Revenue ColHla Thein Swe, Director-General Col Kyaw KyawWin of SPDC Office and

Secretary-1 receives Deputy Minister ofMinistry of Commerce of PRC

Director-General UKyaw Kyaw of Protocol

Department under theMinistry of Foreign

Affairs. The ChineseDeputy Minister and

party were accompaniedby Chinese Ambassador

to Myanmar Mr YeDabo.—MNA

Words of thanksexpressed on Ayeyawady

Bridge (Magway)

Byline: Tin Win Lay (Kyimyindine);Photos: Htay Aung (Kyemon)

Now, the distance between Minbu andMagway is just a 15-minute drive.

The Tatmadaw government has constructed ahuge number of river-spanning bridges across thenation. Due to Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway), thesecond longest of its kind in Myanmar, the regions onthe east and west banks of the Ayeyawady River arenow easily accessible from other parts of the nation,

(See page 9)

Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo receives Deputy Minister Mr Chen Jian of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China.—MNA

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 28 August, 2009

Friday, 28 August, 2009 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy


Produce quality items capable

of penetrating markets

Development of the industrial sector

plays a pivotal role in building the nation

into a modern and developed one. For the

development of the industrial sector the

State-run sector and the private sector are

striving together in unison. The government

has been establishing the State-run

industrial zones and the industrial regions

with the setting up of 18 industrial zones for

the development of private industrial sector.

Meanwhile, efforts are being made for

the State-owned industries to run at full

capacity while building new import-

substitute factories. As part of the

establishment of factories and mills with

high technology and performance, the

bulldozer and excavator factory in Thagara

Industrial Region, Bago Division and

machinery and accessories factory in Myaing

Township, Magway Division were opened.

Moreover, work is well under way for

setting up of boiler factory in Thagara

Industrial Region, advanced machinery

factory in Padaung Industrial Region and

automobile accessories factory in Magway

Industrial Region.

The emergence of import-substitute

factories and advanced machinery factory

has brought about new technology for

production, thus enabling local people to

enjoy more job opportunities.

At a time when efforts are being made

for boosting production of export items and

bringing about import-substitute items

priority will have to be given to running the

factories and mills at full capacity,

manufacturing quality products and

enhancing performance of staff.

With the emergence of a cluster of

factories and mills across the nation steps

are to be taken to exceed the production

target and to produce quality items capable

of penetrating markets. Only then, will the

industrial sector develop all the more.

YANGON, 27 Aug —

Chairman of Yangon City

Development Committee

Mayor Brig-Gen Aung Thein

Lin inspected upgrading of

roads and inspected fulfilled

the requirements.

Accompanied by

Secretary of the YCDC U

Mayor inspects upgrading

of roads

Aung Than Win and Joint-

Secretary U Kyaw Soe,

the mayor went to Bahan,

Mayangon, Thingangyun

and Yankin townships and

looked into upgrading of

roads to prevent flood in

rainy season and attended

to the needs.—MNA

TV Guide Volume 1, No. 8 in circulationMTV channel on 29

August, forecasts on

matches of English

Premier League through

MRTV-4 international

channel, the seven-day

programmes for other

TV channels and their

highlights, one-week

programmes for 5

Movies and 5 Series

channels, summaries of

cartoon network and 5

cartoon, interviews with

academy Thu Maung and

Shi to be broadcast

through Mandalay FM

and songs and fashions

of Sandi Myint Lwin,

Tun Tun (Examplez) and

Saw Nyi Nyi (Too Big)

in FMF programme.

TV Guide is available

at Novel Light Express

(Tel: 391186 and

243983) every Friday.



NAY PYI TAW, 27 Aug—The State Peace and

Development Council has transferred Managing

Director U Thein Swe of Road Transport under the

Ministry of Rail Transportation as Managing Director

of Myanma Railways under the same ministry from

the date he assumes charge of his duties.—MNA

YANGON, 27 Aug —

Yangon Command

Commander’s Shield

Boxing Championship for

2009 was opened at the

stadium in Hline

Township today. It was

attended by Chairman of

Commander’s Shield Boxing

Championship commences

NAY PYI TAW, 27 Aug—

Minister for National

Planning and Economic

Development U Soe Tha

received a Chinese

delegation led by Deputy

Minister of Commerce Mr

Chen Jian at the ministry

here this morning. They

held discussions on matters

related to economic

cooperation between the

two nations.

Next, Deputy

Minister for National

Planning and Economic

Development Col

Thurein Zaw and Deputy

Minister of Commerce Mr

Chen Jian signed MoU on

construction of schools in

rural regions of Myanmar

with the assistance of the

Minister U Soe Tha meets Chinese delegation

PRC and implementation

of small rice mills project

meant for rural use.

Also present at the

signing ceremony were

Deputy Minister for

Commerce Brig-Gen

Aung Tun, Deputy

Minister for Finance and

Revenue Col Hla Thein

Swe, Chinese Ambassador

to the Union of Myanmar

Mr Ye Dabo and

departmental per-sonnel.


Yangon Division Peace

and Development Council

Commander of Yangon

Command Maj-Gen Win

Myint, senior military

officers and boxers.

The commander

delivered an openingaddress. The commander

and senior military

officers watched the

boxing matches. — MNA

YANGON, 27 Aug—

TV Guide Volume 1,

No. 8 comes out on 28

August (today).

The book carries

three programmes in

memory of late Pop

King Michael Jackson

to be telecast through

Commander Maj-Gen Win Myint delivers speech at opening ceremony of Commander’s Shield

Boxing championship.—MNA






Zaw and




Mr Chen





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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 28 August, 2009 3

Japanese Ground Self Defence Force’s tanks fireduring an annual live-firing exercise at theHigashi Fuji training range in Gotemba,

southwest of Tokyo, on 27 Aug, 2009.INTERNET

Planned US military bases inColombia increase regional tensions

BEIJING, 27 Aug — AUS deal on military basesin Colombia is pittingBogota against manyneighbouring countries,which feared the baseswould threaten theirnational security andheighten regional tension.Venezuela, which bordersColombia to the north, isthe most vehementopponent of the plan. Itspresident Hugo Chavezon Tuesday instructed theforeign ministry to getprepared to sever ties

with Bogota. BolivianPresident Evo Moralesproposed on Wednesdaythat South Americansvote in a continent-widereferendum on theissue. Others,includ-ing Uruguay, Ecuador,Argentina and Brazilsupported the Union ofSouth American Nations(Unasur) to intervene inthe case.The Unasur hasdecided to meet on Fridayin Argentina to discuss theissue.

Chavez said on

Tuesday there is nopossibility of repairingties with the Colombiangovernment and toldForeign Minister NicolasMaduro to “beginpreparing for the rupturewith Colombia.” Chavezhas frozen diplomatic tieswith Colombia on 28 Julyafter the deal ensuringWashington’s access to atleast seven Colombianbases by the year 2019. Inreturn, Bogota will getsome 5 billion US dollarsin aid.—Xinhua

Fresh explosion rocks Afghan cityKABUL, 27 Aug—A blast has been reported in the

southern Afghan city of Kandahar, a day after thecountry’s deadliest bombing for a year killed some43 people there. The explosion was reported close tothe site of Tuesday’s car bomb attack.

There are reports of casualties. A local official toldthe BBC the injured were being taken to hospital.Kandahar, a Taleban stronghold, has seen a numberof attacks in 2009. It comes as counting continuesfollowing on Thursday’s presidential election.

“This is a terrorist attack but we are trying to findout more details,” a senior government official in thecity told the BBC.”It’s very dark and confusing tounderstand what happened. But our forces are out onthe streets.”The blast was said to have happened nextto Kabul Bank. Shops were in flames next to thebuilding, an al-Jazeera journalist reported from thecity, and mobile phone footage sent to the BBC shotfrom a location 500m (a third of a mile) from the sceneshowed a fire burning. —Internet

12 Talebanmilitants killed in

E AfghanistanKABUL, 27 Aug—A

dozen Taleban militantswere killed in clash withsecurity forces in theeastern Paktika province,a press release of thelocal administration saidon Thursday.

“The incident occurredon Wednesday when agroup of Talebanmilitants entered ahospital in Sarozadistrict,” the press releasesaid.

It said that police forceimmediately surroundedthe hospital afterreceiving report fromlocals. “Clash eruptedduring which 12 rebelswere killed,” it added. Itnoted that those Talebanmilitants secretly broughtone injured commanderalong with three others formedical treatment. Sixmore militants werecaptured by police duringthe operation, it furthersaid.— Xinhua

Iraqi Shi’ite party leader dies, successor eyed

Israeli, Palestinian leaders likelyto meet soon

BERLIN, 27 Aug—The Israeli and Palestinian leaders are likelyto hold their first meeting in the coming weeks, both sidesindicated on Wednesday, in what would be an important steptoward a formal resumption of peace talks and a signalachievement for President Barack Obama.

The indications came as Israeli Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu held four hours of talks with Obama’s Mideast envoy,George Mitchell, in London on Wednesday. Mitchell has beenpressing Israel to halt construction of West Bank settlements asa confidence-building gesture toward the Palestinians, and theissue has turned into an unusually public disagreement betweenthe two allies. Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, hassaid he would not resume peace talks until Israel freezessettlements, and reiterated that position in a speech on Wednesday.But the Israelis have been strongly hinting that Netanyahu couldmeet Abbas next month at the UN General Assembly, andon Wednesday, Palestinian officials in the West Bank said forthe first time that such a meeting was likely.—Internet

Edward Kennedy dies;towering figure in US Senate

HYNNIS PORT, 27 Aug—US SenatorEdward Kennedy, a towering figure in theDemocratic Party who took the helm of oneof America’s most fabled political familiesafter two older brothers were assassinated,died at age 77.

Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancerin May 2008. After a funeral mass in Bostonon Saturday, he will be buried at ArlingtonNational Cemetery outside Washington, nearthe graves of his brothers, President John FKennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy.

One of the most influential and longest-serving senators in US history, Kennedy wasa liberal standard-bearer who recoveredpolitically from a string of personal scandalsto become known as a consummatecongressional dealmaker.— Internet

Childrenrush to get

their plates atthe DawoodJabarkhyl’s


centerin Kabul, on26 Aug, 2009



BAGHDAD, 27 Aug—Theleader of one of Iraq’s mostpowerful Shi’ite Muslimpolitical groups and mostimportant religiousdynasties died onWednesday, adding touncertainty in a violentrun-up to an election nextJanuary.

Abdul Aziz al-Hakim,who headed the SupremeIslamic Iraqi Council(ISCI), a major partner in

the Shi’ite-led govern-ment, died while un-dergoing treatment forcancer in Iran, ISCIsaid.”It is a painful eventand a great tragedy,” theISCI-owned televisionstation quoted Ammar al-Hakim, his son and likelysuccessor as party leader,as saying.

ISCI officials said twofunerals would be held, inIran and in Iraq.Born in

1950, Hakim lead ISCIsince 2003 after hisbrother, Grand AyatollahMuhammad Baqer al-Hakim, was killed by a carbomb. ISCI is part ofIraq’s ruling Shi’itealliance, which includesPrime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s Dawa party, butit said this week it wouldlead a new group tocompete in January’s pollswithout Maliki.—Internet

Sudanese gather in a flooded area following torrential rains in the capitalKhartoum, Sudan, on 26 Aug, 2009.—INTERNET

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 28 August, 2009

People view a robot saleswoman displayed at a new jewellery shop inQianmen Street in Beijing, China, on 26 Aug , 2009.— XINHUA

Girls perform during the opening ceremony of the 18th Grape Festival ofTurpan on China’s Silk Road, in Turpan, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur

Autonomous Region, on 26 Aug, 2009. The festival since 1990 includessinging and dancing galas, symposiums on Silk Road tourism and on China’s

grape cultivation, cuisine contests for local snacks, and trade fairs as well.XINHUA

Workers are seen at the construction site of theWorld Expo Axis in Shanghai, east China, on 25Aug, 2009. The landscaping of the World Expo

Axis started recently.—XINHUA

ISTANBUL, 27 Aug—More than 40,000workers lost their jobs inthe past 10 months due tothe world-wide economiccrisis, according to alabor union reportreleased here onWednesday. The reportwas made by theConfederation of TurkishLabour Unions, whichmonitor the effects of theeconomic crisis onworkers between October

Over 40,000 workers losejobs in Turkey

2008 and July 2009.The total number of

union members laid offsince October 2008reached 40,755 with thenumber of members senton unpaid leave ofabsence reaching 44,340,the report said. More thanhalf of the unionmembers who lost theirjobs or stayed unpaidwere members of theTurk Metal Union andemployed in sectors likeautomotive or the metalindustry.

The Turkish economywas severely hit by theglobal economic crisis.

Its industrial outputwas down 9.7 percent inJune compared with thesame month a year ago.

The unemploymentrate, after reaching arecord high of 16.1percent in February, hasimproved thanks to thetourism season, althoughMay data indicated thatthe figure was still atworrying 13.6 percent.


BERLIN, 27 Aug—German industrial con-glomerate Siemens AGbought majority stakes intwo small Chinese metalcompanies on Wednes-day. Siemens, based inMunich, said its energydivision acquired themajority stakes in twometal companies based inHangzhou, ZhejiangProvince. One is Yangt-zeDelta Manufacturing, ametalworking company,and the other is aluminumfoundry GIS Steel&Aluminum Products, acc-ording to local mediareports.

Siemens said the twocompanies had a totalworkforce of 600 em-

LOS ANGELES, 27 Aug— To avoid possible brake-related problems, Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc(TMS) announced a voluntary safety recall involvingabout 95,700 vehicles on Wednesday. The recallaffects certain 2009 and 2010 Toyota Corolla andCorolla Matrix and 2008 and 2009 Scion xD vehiclesequipped with 1.8 liter engines.

These brands were sold in 19 US states wherecold weather could cause brake-related problems.However, none of these brands were sold inCalifornia, TMS, based near Los Angeles, announced.The recall was being done in conjunction with theNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA).—Xinhua

Dollar at lower 94 yen in TokyoTOKYO, 27 Aug— The US dollar stood firm at the

lower 94 yen level early on Thursday in Tokyo.The dollar bought 94.07-12 yen at 9 am, down from

94.20-30 yen in New York and 94.17-18 yen in Tokyoat 5 pm on Wednesday.

The euro was quoted at 1.4235-4240 dollars and133.93-98 yen, against 1.4250-4260 dollars and134.28-38 yen in New York and 1.4337-4340 dollarsand 135.02-06 yen in Tokyo late on Wednesday.


HOUSTON, 27 Aug— US carrier ContinentalAirlines said on Wednesday it will charge a 50-USdollar fee for the second checked bag on trans-Atlantic flights, joining its competitors in imposingthe new fee.

The new charge applies to travelers on all flightsoperated by Continental Airlines between the UnitedStates and Europe, and takes effect for ticketspurchased on Thursday for travel on or after 15 Sept,the Houston-based carrier said in a statement. Thefirst checked bag will remain free, it said.—Xinhua

SINGAPORE, 27 Aug— Singapore must go on toimplement structural changes so as to bring abouteconomic recovery, a senior Singaporean official saidon Wednesday. According to local TV broadcasterChannel News Asia, Singapore’s National TradesUnion Congress (NTUC) Secretary-General Lim SweeSay said that Singapore has done well under the firstphase of the economy recovery campaign, but thereis still more work to be done.

He said that it is too early to declare success becauseanything can happen in the fourth quarter, adding thatsustainable economic recovery requires structuralchange in various economies. “We are fully awarethat this world is not going to get out of this globalrecession in a sustainable manner unless the individualeconomies, collectively as a global economy, makethe structural change,” Lim was quoted as saying inthe report.

The NTUC chief said in the next phase of upturningthe downturn, the government will be working closelywith companies to enhance their productivity, andcontinue to upgrade the skills of workers so that theycould better respond to changing economic conditions.Singapore’s gross domestic product (GDP) contractedby 6.5 percent in the first half of the year.—Xinhua

Singapore needs to make structuralchanges for economic recovery

Toyota announces safety recall in US

Continental Airlines imposes $50trans-Atlantic checked-bag fee

Siemens bought two Chinese metal companiesployees, with combinedrevenue of 65 millioneuros (about 93 millionUS dollars) in 2008, butit did not release howmuch it paid to boughtthese two companies.

Siemens made thesetwo acquisitions toexpand its global pro-duction network for

high-voltage circuitbreakers in China and itsfoundry capabilities frommachining through finalproduct assembly,according to the localmedia reports, as China isnow the world’s largestmarket for power trans-mission equipment.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 28 August, 2009 5

Cyber-criminals target small companies

China becomes world largestexporter for first time

Sony’s e-reader challengesAmazon’s Kindle

Hong Kong Disneyland plans“Alien invasion” for Halloween

Fairing problem behind S Korea’s satellite launch failure

WASHINGTON, 27Aug—Organized cyber-criminals from EasternEurope are targetingsmall and mid-size UScompanies, transferringmoney out of theiraccounts, a task forcereported.

The financial industrytask force sent out an alertlast week, the Los AngelesTimes said on Wednesday.The companies beingvictimized are too smallto trigger the notoriety

that followed breaches atlarge retailers andgovernment agencies, butsome companies have losthundreds of thousands ofdollars, the newspapersaid.

Scammers sendtargeted e-mails to acompany controller ortreasurer with a virus or alink that installs softwaredesigned to stealpasswords, the task forcesaid. They then initiate aseries of wire transfers in

fairly small increments soas not to triggersuspicions, and hirepeople to set up accountsto hold the money untilthey can wire it to EasternEurope.

The alert was sent tomembers of the FinancialServices InformationSharing and AnalysisCenter, an industry groupcreated to share dataabout threats to thefinancial sector, the Timessaid.—Xinhua

Laureates with the title of the country’s top 10 best self-strong girls, appearon stage during the awarding ceremony for China’s Top 10 Self-Strong Girls,Growing Up under Solicitude and Love, sponsored by the State Commission

for Population and Family Planning, in Guilin City, southwest China’sGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on 26 Aug, 2009.— XINHUA

A man dallies with abull in San Sebastian, atown in central Spain,

on 26 Aug, 2009.Different from bull

fighting, dallying withbulls is to seek fun byrunning and dodgingbulls instead of killing

them. XINHUA

BEIJING, 27 Aug —China’s rise as the worldlargest exporter, thoughsignificant, does not meanChinese exports will be ofas high a quality asGermany’s goods, expertssaid.

The Chinese govern-ment should seriouslyconsider ways to improvethe quality of goods forexport and create morevalue-added products tostrengthen its com-petitiveness, they said. Forthe first time, China tookthe lead as the world’sexport champion, sur-passing Germany by aminimal amount in thefirst half of the year.

A report releasedyesterday by the WorldTrade Organization(WTO) shows that fromJanuary to June, Chinaexported goods worth$521.7 billion. Germany,which has been the world’sbiggest exporter since2003, exported goodsworth $521.6 billion.

Despite the fact thatChinese exports havedeclined for nine months,

“China’s economic poweris still rising, andexcluding the exchangerate factor, China isexpected to surpass Japanas the second-largesteconomy this year,” saidCai Haitao, inspector ofthe Department of PolicyResearch under theMinistry of Commerce.


China rises as the world largest exporter.—XINHUA

BEIJING, 27 Aug —Sony’s newly launchedDigital Reader DailyEdition, together withthe Pocket Edition andTouch Edition announcedearlier this month, hasundoubtedly strengthenedits competitiveness against

Amazon’s Kindle in the e-reader war. In terms ofprice, the Sony said, itsproduct line fills gapsbetween Amazon’s twoKindle offerings. Sonyhas currently three e-readers at different pricepoints: 199 US dollars forthe Pocket Edition; 299for the Touch Edition; and399 for the Daily Edition,while Amazon sells onlytwo, one at 299, the other489. Sony’s lineup givesconsumers the option ofan under-200 e-reader andone priced between thetwo Kindles.Sony addedits touch screens areconsidered by theconsumers more con-venient than Kindle’buttons. When the old-schoolers lament how e-reader lacks the tactilepleasure of a print book,the touch screens mightbe a good consolation.


HONG KONG, 27 Aug—Hong Kong Disneylandhas planned a newattraction featuring thealien invasion theme forthis year’s HauntedHalloween events that areexpected to run from 18Sept to 31 Oct, the parksaid on Wednesday.

“The (Alien Intelli-gence) Agency reported

that a gigantic spaceshiphas landed inside HongKong Disneyland withsigns of alien life detectedonboard,” it said in a pressrelease announcing theadded attraction for theupcoming Halloween.Some other attractions,such as the Main StreetHaunted Hotel and theDemon Jungle, will alsocome back to the themepark to be part of theHalloween events.

Together with the Glow

in the Park HalloweenParade and the SpaceMountain — GhostGalaxy, they are expectedto bring scary and spookysensation back to the parkaround Halloween.Disney villains includingpumpkin men, gate-keepers and pirates willalso appear at the ScaryPhoto Fun locations andMickey will also put onspooky Halloweencostumes.


All items from Xinhua News Agency

SEOUL, 27 Aug—Aproblem of the payloadfairing system made arocket-carrying satellitefail to enter its expectedorbit, the South Koreangovernment said onWednesday. The satellite,carried by NARO, the first-ever space launch vehiclein the country, got lostshortly after the onTuesday blastoff.

One of the two fairingscovering the satellite didnot fall offproperly when

the first and second stagerockets separated, theMinistry of Education,Science and Technologyreported. Kim Jung-hyun,vice minister of theministry, said thefairingsweighed four timesmore than the satellite,making it impossible forthe second stage rocket togenerate the necessarythrust to keep the satellitein the right orbit.

He said the extra weightaffected stabilization and

navigational control,causing the rocket to flyupwards and the satellite tobe freed at an altitude of387 km instead of thescheduled 302 km. “Thesecond fairing fell off 540seconds after launch but bythis time, the speed of therocket and satellite hadfallen to 6.2km persecond,” the vice ministerexplained. A satellite had tofly at least 8 km per secondto stay in orbit.


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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 28 August, 2009


In this 17 Aug, 2009 photo, Dr Kevin

Chung moves a medical robot,

nicknamed the ‘Chungbot,’ into

position to be re-charded, at Brooke

Army Medical Center in San

Antonio. The robot is controlled with

a laptop and joystick and wirelessly

transmits images and sound between

the user and the patient, allowing

for follow-up from around the world

or quick diagnosis from a far-off


Abdurrahman, 21, holds a boy bythe teeth before his computer at hishouse in southern Gaza Strip townof Khan Younis, on 15 Aug, 2009.

Workers at the Sanssouci Palace inPotsdam near Berlin prepare twostatues that are to return to their

original place on the façade of theorangery. After years of restoration,

the two sculptures along with 10others have now been put back within

the magnificent palace garden.The statues depict scenes ranging

from the four seasons to the sciencesand were made in the 19th century.

Combo photo taken on 25 Aug, 2009 shows the actresses of varied Chinese operaperform “Romance of the Western Chamber” during a Chinese opera jointperformance held in Yongji City, north China’s Shanxi Province. —XINHUA

KATHMANDU, 27 Aug— Climate change hasput at risk many ofmountain glaciers ofNepal and if timely stepsfor minimizing the illeffects of climate changeare not taken, they willburst anytime, state-rundaily The Rising Nepalreported on Thursday.

Nepali environmentexperts on Wednesdayexpressed their views ata talk programme on“Increasing danger fromthe glacier and the

BEIJING, 27 Aug— Researchers saidthe risk of cancer caused by cumulativeexposures to radiation in regular medicaltests is growing in recent years,according to a study in the New EnglandJournal of Medicine as quoted by newsreports on Thursday.

Nearly 70 percent of more than950,000 adult patients surveyed had atleast one imaging procedure thatexposed them to radiation doses doublewhat would be expected from naturalsources in the environment over a three-year period. Low-dose radiation frommedical imaging procedures has been

Climate change increases glacial burst danger in Nepalmeasure to be taken tominimizing the glacierburst” held in capitalKathmandu.

At the programme,Udaya Raj Sharma, Se-cretary at the Ministry ofEnvironment, said thatthe problem of the gla-ciers bursting has notbecome an issue for othernations who possessedbig industries thatproduced harmful gases.These nations have notshown any interest inaddressing the problems

of glaciers’ eruption.Therefore, Sharma

urged the government totake necessary steps toinform the big nationsabout the Nepal’s pro-blems. From the govern-ment level, the bignations and their bigindustries should be toldto decrease the pro-duction of greenhousegas. If the glaciers ofNepal burst, it would beTsunami for Nepal,Sharma added.


Minor dispute causedAfghan gunfire

KABUL, 27 Aug—Gunfire in theAfghan capital on Thursday morningcame from a dispute between a soldierand a private security guard, a policeofficial said.

Repeated gunfire and the sound ofsirens raised fears of a commando-styleattack by Taleban insurgents who havestruck the capital twice this month.

A senior police official told Reutersthat an Afghan soldier and a privatesecurity guard had been embroiled in adispute, tempers flared and shots werefired in the air. There were no reports ofinjuries.—Internet

Quake hits eastern IndonesiaJAKARTA, 27 Aug—A moderate

quake measuring 5.7 on Richer scalerocked eastern parts of Indonesia onThursday morning, with no initial reportof damage or casualties, Meteorologyand Geophysics Agency said here.

The quake struck at 06:27 am Jakartatime (2327 GMT Wednesday)with theepicenter 87 km southeast of Gorontaloprovince and 95 km in depth, the agencysaid. The archipelago country with apopulation of over 230 million is laidon a vulnerable quake-hit zone calledthe Pacific Ring of Fire, where twocontinental plates, stretching fromWestern hemisphere to Japan, meet,which causes frequent seismic andvolcanic movements.— Xinhua

Radiation in medical tests maylead to cancer

linked to cancer, research lead authorReza Fazel said.

Doctors should prescribe the testsonly when the benefits outweigh therisks, he said, adding while health-careworkers are monitored to restrict theirrepeated contact with radiation, patientsdon’t receive that same scrutiny. “Itsounds small, but when you translate itto the whole adult population, that’s anestimated 4 million people getting highdoses of radiation every year,” Fazel said.The study added more fuel to an ongoingdebate over whether some doctors over-prescribe imaging tests to guard againstpatient lawsuits and to make money.


Golf course groundskeeperfinds mammoth tooth

A golf course groundskeeper re-cently stumbled onto something unex-pected on the greens: A tooth from a10,000-year-old mammoth. Ground-skeeper Patrick Walker found the 10-pound tooth on Tuesday when he wason the greens about 30 miles east ofGrand Rapids at Morrison Lake Coun-try Club.

The recent high school graduate toldThe Grand Rapids Press he knew thetooth exposed by recent rains was froman extinct elephant because he paid at-tention in his science classes.

Research assistant Scott Beld fromthe University of Michigan’s Museumof Paleontology visited the course andconfirmed that Walker’s find was amammoth tooth.

A woman is suing a Chicago-areazoo for a 2008 fall near a dolphin ex-hibit, accusing zookeepers of encourag-ing the mammals to splash water andthen failing to protect spectators fromwet surfaces, local media reported onThursday. In her suit filed earlier thisweek, Allecyn Edwards said she wasinjured while walking near an exhibitat Brookfield Zoo, where a group of At-lantic bottlenose dolphins were perform-ing, media said.

Officials “recklessly and willfully

Woman sues zoo over splashing dolphinstrained and encouraged the dolphins tothrow water at the spectators in thestands, making the floor wet and slip-pery,” but failed to post warning signsor lay down protective mats or strips, thesuit said, according to the reports.

Edwards is demanding more than$50,000 for lost wages, medical ex-penses and emotional trauma from theChicago Zoological Society and the For-est Preserve District of Cook County,which operate the zoo in Chicago’ssouthwest suburbs.

Police said a suspicious package ata shipping store turned out to be a boxof live boa constrictors. Fairfield Town-ship police said they were called onTuesday after FedEx Office employeessaw two pillowcases moving when theygot curious and opened the parcel at astore about 20 miles north of Cincinnati.

Officer Justen McDade said helooked in one pillowcase, saw a snakeand quickly tied the pillowcase closed.

A reptile rescue group was contactedand took custody of the snakes.

A local man was listed on the ship-ping label, and the package was ad-dressed to a man in Phoenix, Ariz. He’sbeen told he may not get the snakes.

Suspicious FedEx packagecontains live snakes

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Rejected watermelons: the newestrenewable energy source

SCIENCEDAILY, 27Aug— Watermelon juicecan be a valuable sourceof biofuel. Researchershave shown that the juiceof reject watermelons canbe efficiently fermentedinto ethanol.

Wayne Fish workedwith a team of researchersat the USDA-AgriculturalResearch Service’s SouthCentral Agricultural Re-search Laboratory in Lane,Oklahoma, US, to evalu-ate the biofuel potential ofjuice from ‘cull’ water-melons – those not solddue to cosmetic imperfec-tions, and currentlyploughed back into the

Watermelon juice can be a valuable source of biofuel. Researchers haveshown that the juice of reject watermelons can be efficiently fermented into


field. He said, “About20% of each annual wa-termelon crop is left in thefield because of surfaceblemishes or because theyare misshapen. We’veshown that the juice ofthese melons is a sourceof readily fermentablesugars, representing aheretofore untappedfeedstock for ethanolbiofuel production”.

As well as using thejuice for ethanol produc-tion, either directly or as adiluent for other biofuelcrops, Fish suggests thatit can be a source of

lycopene and L-citrulline,two ‘nutraeuticals’ forwhich enough demandcurrently exists to makeextraction economicallyworthwhile. After thesecompounds have been re-moved from the ‘cull’juice, it can still be fer-mented into ethanol.

The researchers con-clude, “At a productionratio of ~0.4 g ethanol/gsugar, as measured in thisstudy, approximately 220L/ha of ethanol would beproduced from cull water-melons”.


Singapore showsdownward trendof dengue cases

SINGAPORE, 27 Aug —Singapore’s dengue situ-ation has shown a down-ward trend in 2008 and2009, the first time in threedecades, local media re-ported on Thursday.

According to local TVbroadcaster ChannelNews Asia, Singapore’sNational EnvironmentAgency (NEA) said thatdespite a global surge indengue cases, Singaporeis on track to buck thecyclical increase in den-gue cases, particularlyduring the warmer monthsfrom April to July period,when Singapore can typi-cally register up to 150cases a week.

But for April to Julythis year, Singapore hadonly about 100 cases aweek. The NEA said 2008saw a 20 percent dip in thenumber of dengue cases,compared to the previousyear.—Internet

Tiny ancient shells — 80,000 years old —point to earliest fashion trend

Perforated Nassarius gibbosulus from archaeo-logical layers dated to between 73,400 and 91,500

years ago at Taforalt—INTERNET

SCIENCEDAILY, 27Aug.— Shell beads newlyunearthed from four sitesin Morocco confirm earlyhumans were consistentlywearing and potentiallytrading symbolic jewelryas early as 80,000 yearsago. These beads add sig-nificantly to similar findsdating back as far as110,000 in Algeria, Mo-

rocco, Israel and SouthAfrica, confirming theseas the oldest form of per-sonal ornaments. This cru-cial step towards modernculture is reported thisweek in the Proceedingsof the National Academyof Sciences (PNAS).

A team of researchersrecovered 25 marine shellbeads dating back to

around 70,000 to 85,000years ago from sites inMorocco, as part of theEuropean Science Foun-dation EUROCORESprogramme ‘Origin ofMan, Language and Lan-guages’. The shells haveman-made holes throughthe centre and some showsigns of pigment and pro-longed wear, suggestingthey were worn as jewelry.

Across all the loca-tions shells were foundfrom a similar time periodfrom the Nassarius genus.That these shells wereused similarly across somany sites suggests thiswas a cultural phenom-enon, a shared traditionpassed along through cul-tures over thousands ofyears. Several of the loca-tions where shells havebeen found are so far in-land that the shells musthave been intentionallybrought there.—Internet

UFO hovers over Chongqingfor half an hour

At about 10 pm on the evening of August 23, aUFO appeared in the sky above Beibei Binjiang

Road in Chongqing.—INTERNET

BEIJING, 27 Aug—At about 10 pm on the eveningof August 23, a UFO appeared in the sky above BeibeiBinjiang Road in Chongqing. The UFO was “V”shaped and its color changed in the order of red, blue,green, yellow and white at short intervals. Hundreds ofpeople watched but no one heard any sound producedby engines or propulsion equipment.

During the half hour that the UFO appeared, a civilairplane passed by. Witnesses compared the civilairplane to the UFO and discovered that the UFO wasobviously flying at a higher attitude.

After hovering for about half an hour, the periph-ery of the UFO began to twinkle and then it disap-peared in the night sky.


Confined electrons live longerSCIENCEDAILY, 27

Aug.— Electrons that aretrapped in very smallstructures of only a fewnanometer, demonstratefascinating features.These could be useful fornovel computers or semi-conductor lasers. Re-searchers from the Uni-versity of Sheffield, theEcole NormaleSupérieure in Paris, andthe Forschungszentrum

Dresden-Rossendorf re-search center measured forthe first time the exact life-time of excited electronsand published their find-ings in the journal NatureMaterials.

For many applicationsit is highly desirable thatelectrons, excited to a higherenergy state, take a longtime until they relax back tothe ground state. This is akey ingredient for any kind

of laser, but also would bedesirable for modern appli-cations in quantum infor-mation processing (wherealso the phase coherenceshould be conserved). Start-ing about 20 years ago, re-searchers have been able togrow so-called quantumdots on standard semicon-ductor substrates, such asgallium arsenide (the mate-rial used e.g. in CD play-ers).—InternetArt Taipei 2009 opens at Taipei World Trade Centre.—INTERNET

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Coordination Meeting (24/2009) of Nay Pyi Taw TrafficRules Enforcement Supervisory Committee held

NAY PYI TAW, 26A u g — C o o r d i n a t i o nMeeting (24/2009) of NayPyi Taw Traffic Rules En-forcement SupervisoryCommittee was held in the

meeting hall of Nay PyiTaw Command Head-quarters on 21 Augustevening, with an openingspeech of Patron of theCommittee Commander

of Nay Pyi Taw CommandMaj-Gen Wai Lwin. Hegave necessary instruc-tions after hearing reportson the progress of tasks.


Deputy Health Minister meetsVietnamese Ambassador

NAY PYI TAW, 27Aug—Vietnamese Am-bassador to the Union ofMyanmar Mr Chu ChongPhung called on DeputyMinister for Health DrMya Oo at the ministry

here this afternoon.They discussed cur-

rent health undertakingsin Myanmar, future coop-erative health measures ofthe two countries, devel-opment of traditional

medicines, and food anddrugs administration mat-ters.

Also present at thecall were directors-generalof Ministry of Health andpersonnel.—MNA

Kayah State completes ploughingmonsoon paddy fields

NAY PYI TAW, 27Aug—Kayah State held aceremony to mark thecompletion of ploughingits all fields to growmonsoon paddy for 2009-2010 along with trans-planting contest at the fieldof U Shwe Phe in PankanVillage, Loikaw Town-ship, on 25 August, at-tended by Minister forForestry Brig-Gen TheinAung.

Chairman of KayahState Peace and Develop-

ment Council Brig-GenWin Myint delivered aspeech.

Loikaw, Bawlakhe,Dimawhso and Meiseiparticipated in the con-test.

The minister and thechairman of Kayah StatePDC observed fertilizers,saplings, seeds and natu-ral pesticides at the pa-vilion of the MyanmaAgriculture Service, andpower-tillers, combineharvesters and reapers at

the pavilion of the Agri-cultural MechanizationDepartment.

They awarded thewinners of the contest.

In the afternoon, theypresented gifts and servedthe aged meal at KayahState Home for the Agedin Loikaw, and inspectedthe construction of a newbuilding.

Next, the minister andthe chairman visitedLoikaw University.


Industry-2 Ministry holds technical orientation

NAY PYI TAW, 26 Aug— Ministry of Industry-2conducted the TechnicalOrientation at the minis-try here yesterday.

Minister for Industry-2 Vice-Admiral SoeThein, deputy ministersand departmental offi-

cials attended the sympo-sium.

Deputy DirectorDaw Aye Aye Win ofthe ministry read thepaper on the Logisticand Strategy for CostEfficiency and ServiceEnhancement and

Deputy Director DawThein Thein Oo on In-tegrated ManagementSystem for Enhance-ment Performance andProductivity.

The ceremony endedwith concluding remarksby the minister.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 27Aug—Director-GeneralU Myo Myint of Devel-opment Affairs Depart-ment on 22 August heardreports on supply of wa-ter from the Inbyainspring to Kalaw presentedby the executive officerof Kalaw Township De-velopment Affairs Com-mittee of Shan State

Development tasks carried outin Shan State (South)

NAY PYI TAW, 27Aug—Chairman of Man-dalay City DevelopmentCommittee MandalayMayor Brig-Gen Phone

Mandalay Mayor inspects housingproject in Yatanarpon Myothit

Zaw Han inspected highstandard private housingproject in YatanarponMyothit (North),PyinOoLwin Township

on 17 August evening andgave necessary instruc-tions to responsible per-sons.


(South).He viewed growing of

flowery plants along thetraffic island ofPyidaungsu Road, thelandscaping tasks and thenursery and gave neces-sary instructions.

At the office of Town-ship DAC, the director-general inspected tasks forproper flow of water at the

drain and met with staff ofthe Township DAC.

At the office of ShanState (South) DAC, thedirector-general met withstaff, executive officersand engineers of Loilem,Lankho, Yaksawk,Hopon and Namsan town-ships and Paunglong andattended to the needs.


Tobacco KillsMembers of Social Organizations carrying out sanitation tasks atWorkers’ Hospital of Mandalay on 14 August.—MNA

Minister Brig-Gen Thein Aung looks round the pavilion of MyanmaAgriculture Service.—FORESTRY

Deputy Minister Dr Mya Oo receives Vietnamese Ambassador Mr ChuChong Phung.—MNA

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(from page 1)and the commodity flowis getting swift withbetter socio-economiclife of local people.

On Magway sideof Ayeyawady Bridge(Magway) constructedby the Ministry ofConstruction is MingalarRoad and on Minbu side,approach road close toKywe Thoe HmyaungVillage. The main bridgeis 6969 feet long, and theapproach road, 2020 feetlong, accounting for8989 feet in total length.

A y e y a w a d yBridge (Magway) has a28 feet wide motorwayand two six-foot-widewalkways on it. It canwithstand 60 tons ofloads.

Words of thanks expressed on Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway)Byline: Tin Win Lay (Kyimyindine);Photos: Htay Aung (Kyemon)

Ayeyawady Bridge (Magway) is seen from Minbu side.

Daw Tin Tin Myat telling the Kyemon.

Ko Myo Zaw Wai, a merchant from Minbu.

Driver U Aung Khaing of aMagway-Malun bus.

Ayeyawady Bridge(Magway) Project began20 January 2000, and wascompleted on 7 November2002. It was put intocommission on 24November 2002. Owingto the facility, local peopleof Magway Division,southern Chin State, lowerSagaing Division andRakhine State can passthrough Sittway-YangonUnion Highway, andcommodities from thewhole nation can betransported through thebridge.

In order to knowwords of thanks that camestraight from the heart oflocal people, we

interviewed sometravelers on the bridge. Adriver of a Magway-Malun bus bound fromMagway that stopped fora while to pay toll fee saidthat he was U AungKhaing; that previously,there were no suchhighway buses plying inthe place every day; thattravelers had to rely on thewaterway to get across theriver; and that at presentbus drivers and localpeople did well in theirwork due to the bridge.

Another inter-viewee was Ko Myo ZawWai steering a Van. Hesaid that he was amerchant; that he was onhis way back fromMagway Chambers ofCommerce to get

information about pricesof peas and sesame; thatunlike in the past, theycould transport goods bycar directly, so it wasconvenient both formerchants and forcustomers to do tradeactivities; and that thebridge contributed tocommodity flow andhelped stabilizecommodity prices.

On our way to theapproach road on MinbuSide, from the bridge, weenjoyed great beauty ofthe natural paintingfeaturing the AyeyawadyRiver, and farmersgrowing crops in thealluvial lands.

We approached thefemale driver of amotorcycle that haltedbeyond the approach road.When asked about thebridge she said, “I’m DawTin Tin Myat. My nativetownship is Minbu. I livein the compound of thehospital. It took us a long

time to get across the riverbetween Minbu andMagway in the past.Firstly, we had to take apony cart or a trishaw toget to Setteinte port fromdowntown Minbu. Then,we took a motorboat toget to other bank. We hadto go on foot on the bankif the tide was out in our

trip. At that time, to getacross the river was verychallenging. Now, thedistance between Minbuand Magway is just a 15-minute drive. So,sometimes I take severalround-trip to Magway in aday.”

District Chief

Engineer U Toe Khaingexplained that theycarried out work formaintenance of thebridges at two phases—the lower structure andupper structure; that theychecked the bottoms ofthe pillars of the bridgesto find out if they wereeroded or were still in

good conditions; that if apillar was found eroded,they reinforced it withconcrete; and that theyhad to constantly checkthe upper structure toknow if it moved a littledue to weather ormovements.

So far, MagwayDivision has seen 45above 180 feet longbridges, some of which

have been constructedand some, underconstruction. Theexpressions that camefrom the heart of thepeople reflect that localpeople of MagwayDivision are enjoyingbetter living conditionsthanks to the bridge.

*****Translation: MS

Kyemon: 27-8-2009

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(from page 16)We went to the

manager’s office of theInland Water Transportof Kachin State. In aninterview, Manager USaw Hla Tun of KachinState Inland WaterTransport said that ves-sels could be moored atShwe Bhamo port fromJune to October in therainy season; that ves-sels were docked atTatkalay port, two milessouth of Bhamo, whenthe water level was low;and that the Water Re-sources Utilization andImprovement of RiverSystems Department hasbeen carrying out tasksfor improvement of thewaterway since 11 July.

He said that Ves-sel Pyigyi Dagun pliedbetween Bhamo andMandalay three runs aweek; that the vessel de-parted Bhamo port at

Inland Water Transport vital fortransport sector of Bhamo District

Byline: Myint Maung Soe; Photos: Myo Min Thein (Mayangon)

Powered schooners moored at Bhamo Port.

Speed boats ply between Bhamo and

Mandalay.U Saw Hla Tun,

Manager of KachinState Inland Water

Transport.7:30 am on Monday,Wednesday and Friday,that special cargo vesselruns once a week onBhamo-Mandalay routeunder the guidance of theHead of State and it leftBhamo for Mandalayevery Thursday.

The ship fare is K1,380 for ordinary classand K 4,950 for upper classper head. Bhamo-Manda-lay vessel and cargo ves-

sel depart for Bhamo, 275knots from Mandalay,every Tuesday. The ves-sel docks at halt jetties ofShwegu, Katha,Htigyaing, Tagaung,Kyaukmyaung.

The vessel that de-parts Bhamo for Manda-

lay arrives at Mandalay thefollowing evening. Thedown run takes two daysand the up run, three days.

Apart from watertransportation service ofthe Inland Water Trans-port between Bhamo andMandalay, private vessels

have provided transportservice since May.Sanphar Company is pro-viding Bhamo-Mandalaywater transport servicewith Inland Water Trans-port as partner.

Although there aredifferent modes of trans-

portation between Bhamoand Mandalay, the serv-ice of Inland Water Trans-port still remains the keyone in transporting pas-sengers and goods.

Translation: TKKMyanma Alin:


NAY PYI TAW, 27Aug—Minister forElectric Power No.1 ColZaw Min receivedVietnamese Ambassadorto Myanmar Mr ChuChong Phung at theMinister's office hereyesterday evening.

The minister alsoreceived ActingManaging Director MrP r u t i c h a iChonglertvanichkul ofEGAT InternationalCompany Limited,Managing Director MrZhang Lei of Sinohydro(Thailand) Co., Ltd andparty at the same venue.The meeting focused onjoint-projects.

Also present at thecalls were Deputy

Electric Power No. 1 Ministerreceives Vietnamese Ambassador

Minister U Myo Myint,Directors-General and

Managing Directors of theDepartments and Enter-

prises under the ministryand officials.—MNA

Minister Col Zaw Min receives Vietnamese AmbassadorMr Chu Chong Phung.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 27 Aug—Patron of Kachin StateWar Veterans Organization Chairman of Kachin StatePeace and Development Council Commander ofNorthern Command Maj-Gen Soe Win addressedKachin State War Veterans Organization preliminaryconference (2009) at the city hall of Myitkyina on 20August morning.

The commander cordially greeted members ofthe War Veterans Organization.—MNA

Northern CommandCommander attends

Kachin State War VeteransOrganization preliminary

conference (2009)

YANGON, 27 Aug—Patron In-charge of theMyanmar Swimming Federation and the Table TennisFederation Daw Mu Mu Win, Patron Daw Soe Wut Yiand members met athletes selected for XXV SEAGames at the National Swimming Pool on U WisaraRoad here yesterday afternoon.

They spoke words of encouragement to theathletes and donated K 300,000 each to the twofederations.—MNA

Cash donated to sportsfederations

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MOGADISHU, 27 Aug—One of two French securityadvisers kidnapped by insurgents in Somalia last monthhas escaped from his captors, Somali police said onWednesday.

The hostage was believed to be held by militantsof the al Shabaab Islamist group and senior policeofficer Abdiqadir Odweyne told Reuters he killedthree of his captors before fleeing to the presidentialpalace.

“One of the two Frenchmen escaped from alShabaab and now he is in the palace,” Odweyne said.

“We understand he killed three al Shabaab guyswho were guarding him. I cannot understand how thisgood story happened but now he is in the hands of thegovernment.” The two Frenchmen were seized from aMogadishu hotel. The UN-backed government inSomalia has been facing a stubborn insurgency fromal Shabaab and another group called Hizbul Islam.

An al Shabaab source confirmed three of itsmembers were killed, but it was not known by whom.


FRESNO, Calif, 27Aug—Geologists aremonitoring the cliffsbehind Yosemite NationalPark’s majesticAhwahnee Hotel aftertumbling boulders fromthe Royal Archesformation forced theevacuation of all 300guests Wednesday.

A series of fallingrocks, some as large asmicrowave ovens,tumbled at least 100 feetfrom the base of the cliffand into the valet parkinglot, where several carswere damaged, parkspokesman ScottGediman said. No injurieswere reported.

Falling rocks at Yosemite force300 to evacuate hotel

“It’s all very mellowright now,” Gediman said.“We asked people to leaveas a precaution whilegeologists investigate.”

Dust from theavalanche, which startedaround noon, temporarilyobscured views of HalfDome.

Guests of the historic125-room hotel weredirected to the south lawnbehind the hotel whilegeologists checked thestability and assessed thelikelihood that more rockswould fall. Gedimanexpected they would beallowed to return to theirrooms by late afternoon.

Rockfall is a potential

danger in the park formedwhen retreating glacierscut dramatic formationsfrom solid granite. RoyalArches towers 1,600 feetbehind the Ahwahnee, amassive arts-and-crafts-style hotel with dramaticviews of Half Dome,Yosemite Falls andGlacier Point.

In October parkofficials permanentlyclosed one-third of CurryVillage under Glacier Pointafter the equivalent of 570dump trucks of rock hit 17cabins and forced theevacuation of more than150 youngsters on a fieldtrip. No one was seriouslyinjured.—Internet

Some 99 couples of newlyweds enter the nuptial site on red flowery sedans, duringthe 2009 large international collective weddings in traditional Chinese Custom,at the Pujiu Temple of Yongji City, north China’s Shanxi Province, Aug. 26,2009. A total of 99 couples of brides and bridegrooms from China and overseasjoin in experiencing the flamboyant mass nuptials in traditional Chinese customat the Pujiu Temple, where legendary romance of love in the Story of WestChamber occurred, to mark the Double Seventh Festival, the equivalent of

Chinese Valentine’s Day.— INTERNET

A vocal concert featuring patriotic songs is held inBeijing, China, on 26 Aug, 2009. Representativesfrom all walks of life in Beijing attended the large-

scale concert on Wednesday.—INTERNET

TOKYO, 27 Aug—The Japanese Government willpropose a budget of 26,413.3 billion yen in fiscal 2010,up by 5.0 per cent from the initial budget for fiscal 2009,to step up measures against the new influenza, theHealth, Labour and Welfare Ministry said Thursday.

The move came a day after the ministry reportedthe fourth new flu-related death in Japan as well as atotal of 794 cases of new-flu group infections wereconfirmed at educational, medical, welfare and otherfacilities in Japan in the week from August 17 to 23, upsome 20 per cent from the previous week.

The new-flu pandemic rebounded recently as thelatest data brought to 2,522 the total number of groupinfections, which has been rising for four weeks in arow since the ministry began collecting data on groupinfections late last month.

Up to 72 schools in six prefectures, includingOkinawa, were closed entirely, while five schools inthree prefectures including Shizuoka cancelled someclasses, according to the ministry.


BEIJING, 27 Aug—China launched its firstnational organ donationsystem in a bid to crackdown on organ traffickingand create a source fortransplants other thanexecuted prisoners, whocurrently make up themajority of donors.

Executed criminalsaccount for 65 percent oforgan donors, the ChinaDaily said on Wednesday,in an unusual admissionof the prevalence of thepractice. “(Executedprisoners) are definitelynot a proper source fororgan transplants,” ViceHealth Minister HuangJiefu told the paper.

Nearly 1.5 millionpeople in China needorgan transplants, butevery year only 10,000people can get one,

China cracks down on organtrafficking

according to the HealthMinistry’s website Theshortage means thatdesperate patients bid upthe price, and contributesto corruption andunfairness in organallocation.

China’s 2007 organtransplant law bans organtrafficking. The newdonation system, pilotingin 10 provinces and cities,will encourage post-deathdonations and start a fundto provide financial aid tothe needy and to donors’families. “The system isin the public interest andwill benefit patientsregardless of social statusand wealth in terms offairness in organallocation and betterprocurement,” Huangsaid.—MNA/Reuters

French hostage in Somaliaescapes from captors

Smoke billows fromthe chimneys at acoking factory inChangzhi, Shanxi

province on 13November, 2008.


Japan to seek larger budgetfor new flu in FY 2010

Dengue fever kills 245 people in Sri LankaCOLOMBO, 27 Aug—

The number of Denguecases has risen to 24,395while 245 people have diedof the disease in Sri Lanka

so far, officials from theEpidemiological Unit of theHealth Ministry said onThursday. Of the 24,395cases, the highest number of

patients were reported fromJune totalling 7,048. It isfollowed by July with 6, 858cases being reported. Thisrepresents a sharp increaseas only 4,156 Dengue casesand 85 deaths were reportedfor the whole year of 2008.

Health officials said themajority of these cases havebeen reported from the areasof Kandy, Kegalle,Colombo, Gampaha andKurunegala. The rapid risein the level of the epidemichas forced the healthauthorities to carry outextensive public awarenesscampaign to eradicate themosquito based epidemic.


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No flu vaccines before mid-October,CDC predicts

Brazil reports highest deathtoll of A/H1N1 flu in world

RIO DE JANEIRO, 27 Aug—Brazil’s A/H1N1 flu deathtoll reached 584 on Wednesday, making it the highestin the world, according to the health authorities.Brazil’s Health Ministry said the fatality rate of thevirus in the country was only the seventh highest inthe world despite the high death toll. The ministry also said the number of confirmed A/H1N1 flu cases, which stood at 5,206, decreased inthe past two weeks, indicating that the incidence ofthe disease may be falling in the country. So far, SaoPaulo state has registered the highest death toll of 223,followed by southern Parana state with 170 deaths andRio Grande do Sul with 98 deaths.


World braces for new A/H1N1 flu threat

Number of H1N1 cases in Jordanhit 150

A base jumper leapsfrom a alpine cliff in theLauterbrunnen valley inthe Bernese Oberland,Switzerland on 13 Aug,2009. Base jumping is

the sport of using aparachute to jump afixed object, eitherBuilding, Antenna,Span or Earth. The

Lauterbrunnen valleyhas been used by basejumpers since 1997.


AMMAN, 27 Aug—Thenumber of swine flu casesin Jordan rose to 150 byWednesday since the firsttwo cases were confirmedin mid June, according tohealth authorities.Jordan’s Health Ministrysaid in a statementWednesday that 17 newH1N1 cases have beenregistered within the pastweek, 11 of whom camefrom abroad. All discovered caseshave been treated anddischarged from hospital

having received cleanbills of health except fivenewly-discovered casesthat are undergoingrequired treatment at thePrince Hamzah Hospital.No death case has beenreported so far in Jordanbecause of the disease,which killed about 1,799by mid August, accordingto the World HealthOrganization (WHO). A total of 182,166cases of swine flu caseswere registered across theworld so far, according to

the WHO.Meanwhile,health and educationauthorities announcedthat they will embark ona campaign on Sunday,the first day of thenew academic year, toraise schoolchildren’sawareness of preventivemeasures and symptomsof the H1N1. Over 1.5 million flyerson the disease will bedistributed to about 1.6million schoolchildrenwho will head to schoolson Sunday.—Xinhua

BEIJING, 27 Aug —Although the A/H1N1epidemic wanes, manycountries still remain alertas the World HealthOrgan iza t ion(WHO)warns the world of a newwave of the deadly virus.

WHO Director GeneralMargaret Chan warnedthat there had been secondand third waves inprevious epidemics,adding that “we need to be

prepared for whateversurprises this capriciousnew virus delivers next.”While the seasonal fludisappears with warmweather, A/H1N1 flu iscontinuing to spreadduring the summer, whichproves the new flu is moredurable and infectious.

As cooler autumn andwinter seasons areapproaching, the NorthernHemisphere have to

therefore step up theirpreparations to track andtackle a likely newoutbreak of the A/H1N1 flualongside the annualseasonal flu battle. Thethreat of flu increases at thestart of the new school termin September. Some peoplefear that allowing childrento mingle in classroomsduring the regular fluseason would help the virusregain strength.—Xinhua

WASHINGTON, 27 Aug—Scientific advisers toPresident Barack Obamamay have asked thegovernment to speed upthe availability of swineflu vaccines, but theyare unlikely to be readybefore October, the newhead of the US Centresfor Disease Control andPrevention said onWednesday.

And imperfect tests forthe pandemic H1N1 virusmeans it will be

impossible to get precisenumbers on how manypeople are infected, saidDr Thomas Frieden.Nonetheless, swine flu isthe No 1 priority for theCDC, Frieden said in aninterview.

“We have literallymobilized more than1,000 people at CDC whowork on H1N1,” Friedensaid in the interview,conducted by Reuters and

Associated Press to beaired on the C-SPANtelevision network onSunday.

On Monday, thePresident’s Council ofAdvisors on Science andTechnology said thegovernment should speedup the supply of swineflu drugs and vaccines,making at least someshots available by mid-September.—Internet

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VVInitial testing on a malfunctioning valve thatgrounded the space shuttle Discovery is

encouraging and countdown will resume onThursday ahead of the next launch attempt, NASA


Ciudad Juarezcrowned world’s

deadliest city MEXICO CITY, 27 Aug — Mexico’s volatile border

city of Ciudad Juarez has the world’s highest murderrate, followed by Caracas, Venezuela and the US cityof New Orleans.Ciudad Juarez — the scene of regularand brutal score-settling between rival drug gangs -has 130 murders per 100,000 inhabitants, the Citizen’sCouncil for Public Security said.

Caracas has 96 murders per 100,000 inhabitantsand New Orleans registers 95, the Mexican non-governmental organisation said, basing its figures onmedia and FBI reports.Caracas was listed as the murdercapital of the world in the September 2008 ForeignPolicy magazine, quoting official figures of 130murders per 100,000 inhabitants.

The Mexican NGO put another Mexican bordercity, Tijuana, in fourth place with 73.Cape Town,South Africa, was fifth with 62, and Baghdad, Iraq, isin 10th position with 40 murders per 100,000inhabitants.In Ciudad Juarez, 1362 people have beenmurdered so far this year up to August 21 as violencespirals among powerful cartels fighting for control oflucrative drug routes into the United States.—Internet

Beijing’s Forbidden City adds“virtual” attraction

‘Artificial trees’ to cut carbon

Artificial trees couldbe used in areas wherecarbon emissions are


LONDON , 27 Aug —Engineers say a forestof 100,000 “artificialtrees” could be deployedwithin 10 to 20 years tohelp soak up the world’scarbon emissions. Thetrees are among three geo-engineering ideas highli-ghted as practical in a newreport.

The authors fromthe Institution of Mechan-ical Engineers say thatwithout geo engineeringit will be impossible toavoid dangerous climatechange.

The report includes a100-year roadmap to“decarbonise” the globaleconomy. Launching thereport, lead author Dr TimFox said geo-engineeringshould not be viewed as a“silver bullet” that couldcombat climate change in

isolation.He told BBC News it

should be used inconjunction with efforts toreduce carbon emissionsand to adapt to the effectsof climate change.Manyclimate scientists calculatethat the world has only afew decades to reduceemissions before there isso much carbon dioxide inthe atmosphere that adangerous rise in globaltemperature is inevitable.


A girl plays with tomato pulp during the

annual ‘Tomatina’ tomato fight fiesta in the

village of Bunol, near Valencia, Spain.


Turkey discovers 2,500-year-oldsacred ruins

BUNOL, 27 Aug —Tens of thousands ofrevelers pelted each otherwith tons of ripe tomatoes

ANKARA, 27 Aug —Archeologists unearthedremains of a 2,500-year-old sacred area, includinga church, a graveyard anda temple, in westernTurkey, the semi-officialAnatolia news agencyreported on Wednesday.

The ruins were foundin the Myndos Ancient

City area, in Tavsanislandoff the Bodrum town inwestern Mugla province,the report quoted MustafaSahin, head of theexcavation team, assaying. He said there wereapproximately sixskeletons in each of thegraves near the churcharea.There were many

churches in the MyndosAncient City, a bishopriccenter in Byzantium orearly Christianity periods,he added.

Excavations in theMyndos Ancient Citybegan in the Gumuslukhamlet of Bodrum town in2004, according to Sahin.


BEIJING, 27 Aug — China’s 600-year-old Forbidden City is renovatingits website in a move to spice up itsofferings of Chinese culture, said theinformation chief of the Palace Museumon Wednesday.

Hu Chui, head of the museum’sInformation Department, told Xinhuathat the new version is planned to launchduring the National Day Festival in earlyOctober.

“It would give visitors richer andeasier access to the imperial city, theancient building complex with as many

as 8,707 rooms and 1.5 million artisticarticles,” said Hu, who is leading ateam of 60 to boost the museum digitaldisplay.

The Forbidden City is the world’slargest surviving imperial palacecomplex and served as the home of theemperor and his household, as well asthe ceremonial and political center ofChinese government from 1420 to theearly 20th century.

The new website is restructured tomeet the different demands of visitors,


Twins Mito and Tracker were created usingdonor DNA .—INTERNET

MELBOURNE , 27 Aug— A Revolutionary IVFtechnique creating babieswith three biologicalparents has beendeveloped byscientists.The research isdesigned to stop faultygenes causing early deathand blindness beingpassed to children — afactor that could occur inup to one in 250births.The US scientistsdeveloped theirtechnique using donorDNA on monkeys.

‘’It is exciting becauseit potentially offers a newway to allow any familywith mitochondrialdisease mutations to havea healthy child,’’ saidAssociate ProfessorDavid Thorburn, of theMurdoch Children’sResearch Institute inMelbourne.But experts

condition.Mitochondrial DNA is

passed on through thegenerations only bywomen, and it sits outsidethe nucleus of a fertilisedembryo which otherwisecontains a mix of genesfrom both the mother andfather.” The approachworks by essentiallytransferring the nucleusfrom the egg of a mother

Fruit Fight Fiesta: Tons of tomatoessplatter Spanish ‘Tomatina’ Festival

Bunol’s town hallestimated more than40,000 people, some fromas far away as Japan andAustralia, took up armson Wednesday with 100tons of tomatoes in theyearly food fight knownas the “Tomatina,” nowin its 64th year.

The event has its rootsin a food fight betweenchildhood friends and hasbecome something of acalling card for Bunol,which is 25 miles north ofValencia on Spain’s eastcoast.

The hour-long battle isso popular that traffic intothe town backed up nearlytwo miles Wednesdaymorning.


Donor DNA creates monkeys with three parents

at risk into an egg withhealthy mitochondrialDNA,” said ProfThorburn.

Mitochondria, oftenreferred to as the “cellpowerhouses’’, are foundthroughout the bodywhere they work totransform blood sugarinto the energy neededfor body functioning.


in a good-natured battlethat filled the streets of aSpanish town with riversof red pulp.

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 28 August, 2009


BUENOS AIRES, 27 Aug — Argentine soccer nationalteam’s coach Diego Maradona ironically requested onWednesday former Brazilian soccer player Pele “to stopbeing the second one” at the poll on the best soccerplayer of all the times or the most important Brazilianplayer in the history.

Maradona said “I played 10 years in Europe, Peleplayed in South America. He won world Cups and allthat ... but to play in Europe is another thing.

However, I am not better than him just because of

BEIJING, 27 Aug — Arsenal eased into the Champi-ons League last night, but the Scottish team Celtic wasangry of the referee’s misjudge of Arsenal strikerEduardo da Silva’s penalty, according to news reportson Thursday.

The Celtic midfielder Massimo Donati called forEduardo to receive a two-game ban, after accusinghim of diving to win the penalty. Even Arsene Wenger,the Arsenal manager, conceded that the officials madea mistake in awarding a penalty, although he sprangto the defense of his player.

The Croatia striker went down in the area undera challenge from Artur Boruc, the Celtic goalkeeper,but replays suggested there was little contact at all.Boruc’s protests to the referee, Manuel Gonzalez, werelong and loud, but Eduardo made the penalty in the28th minute to give Arsenal a three-goal cushion onaggregate.—Xinhua

MADRID , 27 Aug – Inter Milan have reached a dealto sign Dutch international midfielder Wesley Sneijderfrom Real Madrid for five years for around 16 millioneuros, Spanish radio reported Wednesday.

The 25-year-old, who had reportedly been refus-ing to budge from the Spanish giants, will earn fourmillion euros (5.7 million dollars) per year under thedeal compared to around 3.5 million euros at Real,radio Onda Cero added.—Internet

LONDON, 27 Aug—Tottenham managerHarry Redknapp insistsRoman Pavlyuchenkowill not be heading hometo Russia despite the 27-year-old striker beinglinked with a 10 millionpound move to SpartakMoscow.

Redknapp admittedthat the player, whoscored in the 5-1 LeagueCup second win atDoncaster on Wednesday,is desperate to cement hisplace in Russia’s WorldCup squad and needs to beplaying regular first teamfootball.—Internet

LISBON , 27 Aug—Bra-zilian striker Liedson,who recently became aPortuguese citizen, wason Wednesday named inthe Portugal squad forcrucial World Cup quali-fiers against Denmark andHungary.

Coach Carlos Queirozhas turned to the 31-year-old Sporting Lisbonplayer with his teamstruggling to make upground in the qualifyingrace for the 2010 finals inSouth Africa.

Portugal, World Cupsemi-finalists in 2006, arecurrently in third place inGroup One with ninepoints.


NEW HEAVEN , 27 Aug— Top-seeded RussiansNikolay Davydenko andSvetlana Kuznetsovabooked their quarter-finalberths Wednesday at thePilot Pen hardcourt tour-nament, last tune-up forthe US Open. Davydenko,who heads the men’sfield, defeated France’sFabrice Santoro 7-5, 6-3to advance.

French Open cham-pion Kuznetsova clawedher way past Belgianteenager Yanina Wick-mayer 6-4, 5-7, 7-6 (7/2).Defending women’schampion and second

JERSEY CITY, 27 Aug—Tiger Woods’ final-roundputting problems probably cost him the PGA Cham-pionship two weeks ago at Hazeltine. He was still try-ing to find his usual deft touch on the eve of TheBarclays.

In his pro-am round Wednesday at Liberty Na-tional, his first look at the $250 million course a cou-ple of par 5s from the Statue of Liberty, he struggledon the undulating greens, then spent about 45 min-utes on the practice green.” They are tough. They aregoing to be severe this week,” Woods said. “If thewind blows like this, it’s going to be tough — toughto get the ball close. Some of the more severe greensactually are the longest holes.”

Winless in the four majors for the first time since2004, Woods is playing the FedEx Cup opener for thefirst time — and making his first start in the eventsince 2003 at Westchester Country Club. He leads thetour with five victories, earnings of $7,688,163 andtops the Cup standings with 3,431 points.Asked whyhe was playing, Woods replied, “I qualified.”


ROME , 27 Aug— Fiorentina squeezed into theChampions League group stages on the away goalsrule following a 1-1 draw against Sporting Lisbon inFlorence on Wednesday.The first leg in the Portuguesecapital last week ended in a 2-2 draw meaning LaViola have qualified for the group stages for the sec-ond year in a row.—Internet

Sporting had to either win the match or force a

Emmanuel Eboue (Bottom) of Arsenal celebrateswith his teammates after scoring in the second leg

of their 2009/10 UEFA Champions League qualify-ing round against Celtic at the Emirates Stadiumin London, Britain, on 26 Aug, 2009. Arsenal won3-1 and entered the group stages of the Champions

League for the 12th consecutive season witha total of 5-1.— XINHUA

Celtic demands two-game banfor Arsenal striker Eduardo

Argentina’s nationalsoccer team coachDiego Maradona.


Maradona talks on his rivalrywith Pele

that.” “I lived a soccer erain Spain and Italy whenthe scores were dog’sprize. I had to stand themtill die!” Maradona said inan interview published onWednesday in FIFA’swebsite.

“Pele had CoutinhoandRivelin, who for me areover. And later he hadJairzinho, Clodoaldo,Gerson, Tostao ... wow!He had monsters.


Inter Milan reach deal to signReal’s Sneijder

Inter Milan have reached a deal to sign Dutchinternational midfielder Wesley Sneijder.—INTERNET

Redknapp vows to keepPavlyuchenko at Tottenham

Tottenham manager

Harry Redknapp insists

Roman Pavlyuchenko.


Portugal name newboy Liedsonto salvage World Cup dream

Brazilian strikerLiedson, who recentlybecame a Portuguese

citizen, was on Wednes-day named in the

Portugal squad forcrucial World Cupqualifiers against

Denmark and Hun-gary.—INTERNET

Kuznetsova claws into NewHaven quarter-finals

Svetlana Kuznetsova ofRussia.

seed Caroline Wozniackialso advanced to the quar-ter-finals, defeating risingRussian Anastasia Pavl-yuchenkova 6-1, 6-4.


Tiger Woods set for FedEx Cupopener at Barclays

Fiorentina oust Sporting on away goals

Fiorentina’s Stevan Jovetic(R) is celebrated withteammate Adrian Mutu after scoring against

Sporting Portugal during their second-leg Champi-ons League play-off football match at Artemio

Franchi stadium in Florence. —INTERNET

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Friday, 28 AugustView on today

7:00 am 1. awmifwef;omoemjyK



7:20 am 2. jrwf*kPfawmfocif

(oef; jrwfpd k ; ? aw;a&;-


7:25 am 3. To be Healthy

Exercise7:30 am 4. Morning News7:40 am 5. Nice & Sweet Song

Local Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* Let’s Decorate with Myanma Silversmith* Ancient City, Pakhangyi* Myanmar Traditional Pavilivon Painting* National Dance‘‘A Dance to the Harvest’’* Deaf School* Myanmar Modern Song ‘‘Our City’’* Travelogue (Taunggyi)* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights

Europe/ North America Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* Let’s Decorate with Myanma Silversmith* Ancient City, Pakhangyi* Myanmar Traditional Pavilivon Painting* National Dance‘‘A Dance to the Harvest’’* Deaf School* Myanmar Modern Song ‘‘Our City’’* Travelogue (Taunggyi)* Myanmar Modern Song ‘‘Creation of a love-

like Song’’* A Day in Yangon ‘‘The National Races Village

(Part-I)* Export Prawn* The Myanmar Turban Unique* Products made from Myanma Water Hyacinth* Song‘‘Golden Shangaing’’* The Great Bell of King Sintgu* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights



Local - (09:00am ~ 10:00am) MSTEurope - (15:30pm ~ 23:30pm) MSTNorth America - (23:30pm ~ 07:30am) MST


R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

MRTV-3Programme Schedule

(28-8-2009) (Friday)

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr MST:During the past 24 hours, weather has been partly cloudyin Kayah and Kayin State, rain or thundershowers havebeen isolated in Shan State, lower Sagaing and MagwayDivisions, scattered in Mandalay Division, fairlywidespread in Kachin and Mon States, Bago, Yangon andTaninthayi Divisions and widespread in the remainingareas with isolated heavyfall in Rakhine State. Thenoteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded wereNayPyiTaw(Yezin) (0.08) inch, NayPyiTaw(Lewe) (1.19)inches, Kyaukpyu (3.55) inches, Maungtaw (2.56) inches,Kalewa and Sittway (2.01)inches each, Ann and Homalin(1.85) inches each and Aunglan (0.55) inch.

Maximum temperature on 26-8-2009 was 92°F.Minimum temperature on 27-8-2009 was 70°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 27-8-2009 was 82%.Total sun shine hours on 26-8-2009 was (8.4) hours approx.

Rainfall on 27-8-2009 was (0.32)inch at Mingaladon,(0.47)inch at Kaba-Aye and (0.28) inch at Central Yangon.Total rainfall since 1-1-2009 was (83.70) inches atMingaladon, (95.00) inches at Kaba-Aye and (98.82) inchesat Central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon(Kaba-Aye) was (6) mph from Southwest at (18:00) hoursMST on 26-8-2009.

Bay inference: Monsoon is weak to moderate in theAndaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 28th August 2009:Rain or thundershowers will be isolated in Mon, Kayahand Kayin States, scattered in Shan State, lower Sagaing,Mandalay and Magway Divisions, fairly widespread inlower Sagaing, Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawady and TaninthayiDivisions and widespread in the remaining areas withlikelihood of isolated heavyfall in Rakhine State. Degreeof certainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Sea will be moderate in Myanmarwaters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Moderate monsoon.Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for

28-8-2009: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for28-8-2009: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for28-8-2009: Likelihood of isolated rain or thundershowers.Degree of certainty is (60%).

WEATHERThursday, 27thAugust, 2009

7:55 am 6. tuNydKifyGJ

8:05 am 7. Songs of Yester

Years8:20 am 8. 2009ckESpf? (17) Budrfajrmuf

jrefrmh½kd;&m,Ofaus;rI tqkd?

tu? ta&;? twD;NydKifyGJ?


(r[m*Dw) (tajccHynm

5-10E Sp f ) (trs K d ;om; ?


8:40 am 9. International News8:50 am10. Musical Programme4:00 pm 1. Martial Song4:10 pm 2. Dance of National

Races4:20 pm 3. twD;NydKifyGJ

4:30 pm 4. Musical Programme

4:45 pm 5. ta0;oifwuúodkvfynma&;


wwd,ESpf (yx0D0if

txl;jyK) (yx0D0if)

5:00 pm 6. Songs to Uphold

National Spirit5:10 pm 7. jrefrmpm?jrefrmpum;

5:20 pm 8. The Mirror Image of

the Musical Oldies5:30 pm 9. 2009ckESpf?(17)Budrfajrmuf

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5:40 pm10. ,Ofwpfukd,fr,f

]]oGm;qkdrSoGm;}} (tykdif;-9)

(vI di foZif jzL ? 0if;E k di f ?



6:00 pm11. Evening News6:15 pm12. Weather Report6:20 pm13. okwpkHvifa&TOmPf&Sif

6:45 pm14. ]]&wempkHnDaejynfawmfqD}}

(odv’mpkd;? arolatmif?



7:00 pm15. EkdifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ



8:00 pm16. News17. International News18. Weather Report19. EkdifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ

]]arwåmvrf;qkH}} (tykdif;-53)

20. oDcsif;cspfol

BRAZZAVILLE, 27 Aug—Five Ukrainian crewmembers and one Congolese passenger died onWednesday when an Antonov 12 cargo planecrashed near the capital Brazzaville, the CongoRepublic’s Ministry of Transport said.

The plane had taken off from Pointe Noire, thecountry’s economic capital, at 0500 GMT andcrashed an hour later about 20 kilometres (12miles) south of its destination, Brazzaville, TransportMinister Emile Ouosso told journalists onWednesday.

“The toll is six dead—five Ukrainian crew andone Congolese passenger ... whose name was noton the manifest,” Ouosso said, revising a previousstatement he gave saying two Congolese passengershad been killed in the crash.—MNA/Reuters

Six die in Congo Republicair crash

LA art : A young visitor looks at “Happy-Happy”,an installation by Choi Jeong-Hwa from SouthKorea at the LACMA in Los Angeles.—INTERNET

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9th Waxing of Tawthalin 1371 ME Friday, 28 August, 2009

★ Only with stability and peace will the nation develop★ Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

★ Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy★ Riots beget riots, not democracy★ Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire ■ VOA, BBC - sowing hatred among thepeople

■ RFA, DVB - generating public outrage■ Do not allow ourselves to be swayed■ By broadcasts designed to cause


■ We favour peace and stability■ We favour development■ We oppose unrest and violence■ Wipe out those inciting unrest

and violence

NAY PYI TAW, 27 Aug—A 15-year old boywho came back from Singapore was found to beinfected with New Influenza A (H1N1) after exam-ining his serum at National Health Laboratory inYangon yesterday. He arrived in Myanmar by FlightNo. MI 520 on 26 July. He was the 27th patient whosuffered from the virus and he was admitted toYangon General Hospital.

Three family members who came into contactwith the patient are being kept under home quaran-tine.

A total of 141 residents who live in the samebuilding with the patient, 133 staff who work thereand 400 students who go to the same school are alsobeing kept under active surveillance.

The number of patients infected with the virushas reached 27 in Myanmar and 23 out of whomwere discharged from the hospital as they had fullyrecovered from their illness. The remaining four arebeing given special treatment by the specialists.

Up to this date, National Health Laboratorydetected 200 flu-suspected persons and 27 werefound to have been infected with the virus.—MNA

One more found infected with

New Influenza A (H1N1)

Number of patients infectedwith the virus reaches 27

NAY PYI TAW, 27 Aug—According to the(12:30) hr MST observation today, the water level ofChindwin River at Mawlaik and Kalewa are (1210)cm and (1516) cm respectively. The water levelsmay reach the danger levels of Mawlaik (1230) cmand Kalewa (1550) cm during the next (48) hourscommencing this noon.


Flood warning

Inland Water Transport, vital fortransport sector of Bhamo DistrictByline: Myint Maung Soe; Photos: Myo Min Thein (Mayangon)

A double-decker vessel departing Bhamo Port for Mandalay.

Today, Bhamo District of Kachin State usesthe waterway widely in transporting passengers andgoods.

Long ago, the waterway was the major meansof transport between Mandalay and Bhamo. Only inthe time of Tatmadaw Government, would Bhamo bealso accessible by air and by car. In an endeavour tospeed up the development momentum in border ar-eas, the Tatmadaw Government gave top priority totransportation fundamental for regional progress.

On our tour of Kachin State to get facts for

some bylines on development of the region, ourMyanma Alin news crew dropped in the Inland WaterTransport of Bhamo under the arrangements of theDistrict Peace and Development Council.

It was at 6.30 am in the morning when wearrived at Bhamo port. Some passengers were alreadyseated on Pyigyidagun triple-decker while some wereembarking. We saw other power schooners moored atthe port. The Tapein River was found flowing con-tinuously.

(See page 10)

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