Maine Constitution - Contents Skip Maine state header navigation Agencies | Online Services | Web Policies | Help State Search: CONSTITUTION of the STATE of MAINE Codification of 1993 - Contents PREAMBLE Article I. DECLARATION OF RIGHTS Article II. ELECTORS Article III. DISTRIBUTION OF POWERS Article IV. LEGISLATIVE POWER Part 1 House of Representatives Part 2 Senate Part 3 Legislative Powers Article V. EXECUTIVE POWER Article VI. JUDICIAL POWER Article VII. MILITARY Article VIII. EDUCATION; MUNICIPAL HOME RULE Article IX. GENERAL PROVISIONS Article X. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS Index - Parts A-I J-Q R-Z Return to the Maine State Archives home page. Return to the Department of the Secretary of State home page. [8/18/2005 5:39:29 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Preamble

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As Amended and Revised by the Chief Justice, 1993


Objects of government. We the people of Maine, in order to establish justice, insure tranquility, provide for our mutual defense, promote our common welfare, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of liberty, acknowledging with grateful hearts the goodness of the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe in affording us an opportunity, so favorable to the design; and, imploring God's aid and direction in its accomplishment, do agree to form ourselves into a free and independent State, by the style and title of the State of Maine and do ordain and establish the following Constitution for the government of the same.

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Maine Constitution - Article I

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As Amended and Revised by the Chief Justice, 1993

Article I.

Declaration of Rights

Section 1. Natural rights.Section 2. Power inherent in people.Section 3. Religious freedom; sects equal; religious tests prohibited; religious teachers.Section 4. Freedom of speech and publication; libel; truth given in evidence; jury determines law and fact.Section 5. Unreasonable searches prohibited.Section 6. Rights of persons accused.Section 6-A. Discrimination against persons prohibited.Section 7. No person to answer to certain crimes but on indictment; exceptions; juries.Section 8. No double jeopardy.Section 9. Sanguinary laws, excessive bail, cruel or unusual punishments prohibited.Section 10. Bailable offenses; habeas corpus.Section 11. Attainder, ex post facto and contract-impairment laws prohibited.Section 12. Treason; testimony of 2 witnesses.Section 13. Suspension of laws.Section 14. Corporal punishment under military law.Section 15. Right of petition.Section 16. To keep and bear arms.Section 17. Standing armiesSection 18. Quartering of soldiers on citizens.Section 19. Right of redress for injuries.Section 20. Trial by jury.Section 21. Private property, when to be taken.Section 22. Taxes.Section 23. Title of nobility prohibited; tenure of offices.Section 24. Other rights not impaired.

Declaration of Rights.

Section 1. Natural rights. All people are born equally free (1 of 5) [8/18/2005 5:39:49 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Article I

and independent, and have certain natural, inherent andunalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying anddefending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing andprotecting property, and of pursuing and obtaining safety andhappiness.

Section 2. Power inherent in people. All power is inherentin the people; all free governments are founded in their authorityand instituted for their benefit; they have therefore anunalienable and indefeasible right to institute government, andto alter, reform, or totally change the same, when their safetyand happiness require it.

Section 3. Religious freedom; sects equal; religious testsprohibited; religious teachers. All individuals have a naturaland unalienable right to worship Almighty God according to thedictates of their own consciences, and no person shall be hurt,molested or restrained in that person's liberty or estate forworshipping God in the manner and season most agreeable to thedictates of that person's own conscience, nor for that person'sreligious professions or sentiments, provided that that persondoes not disturb the public peace, nor obstruct others in theirreligious worship; -- and all persons demeaning themselvespeaceably, as good members of the State, shall be equally underthe protection of the laws, and no subordination nor preferenceof any one sect or denomination to another shall ever beestablished by law, nor shall any religious test be required asa qualification for any office or trust, under this State; andall religious societies in this State, whether incorporate orunincorporate, shall at all times have the exclusive right ofelecting their public teachers, and contracting with them fortheir support and maintenance.

Section 4. Freedom of speech and publication; libel; truthgiven in evidence; jury determines law and fact. Every citizenmay freely speak, write and publish sentiments on any subject,being responsible for the abuse of this liberty; no laws shallbe passed regulating or restraining the freedom of the press;and in prosecutions for any publication respecting the officialconduct of people in public capacity, or the qualifications ofthose who are candidates for the suffrages of the people, orwhere the matter published is proper for public information,the truth thereof may be given in evidence, and in allindictments for libels, the jury, after having received thedirection of the court, shall have a right to determine, attheir discretion, the law and the fact.

Section 5. Unreasonable searches prohibited. The peopleshall be secure in their persons, houses, papers andpossessions from all unreasonable searches and seizures; and nowarrant to search any place, or seize any person or thing,shall issue without a special designation of the place to be (2 of 5) [8/18/2005 5:39:49 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Article I

searched, and the person or thing to be seized, nor withoutprobable cause -- supported by oath or affirmation.

Section 6. Rights of persons accused. In all criminalprosecutions, the accused shall have a right to be heard by theaccused and counsel to the accused, or either, at the electionof the accused;

To demand the nature and cause of the accusation, and have acopy thereof;

To be confronted by the witnesses against the accused;

To have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in favor ofthe accused;

To have a speedy, public and impartial trial, and, except intrials by martial law or impeachment, by a jury of thevicinity. The accused shall not be compelled to furnish or giveevidence against himself or herself, nor be deprived of life,liberty, property or privileges, but by judgment of thatperson's peers or the law of the land.

Section 6-A. Discrimination against persons prohibited. Noperson shall be deprived of life, liberty or property withoutdue process of law, nor be denied the equal protection of thelaws, nor be denied the enjoyment of that person's civil rightsor be discriminated against in the exercise thereof.

Section 7. No person to answer to certain crimes but onindictment; exceptions; juries. No person shall be held toanswer for a capital or infamous crime, unless on a presentmentor indictment of a grand jury, except in cases of impeachment,or in such cases of offenses, as are usually cognizable by ajustice of the peace, or in cases arising in the army or navy,or in the militia when in actual service in time of war orpublic danger.The Legislature shall provide by law a suitable and impartialmode of selecting juries, and their usual number and unanimity,in indictments and convictions, shall be held indispensable.Section 8. No double jeopardy. No person, for the sameoffense, shall be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb.

Section 9. Sanguinary laws, excessive bail, cruel or unusualpunishments prohibited. Sanguinary laws shall not be passed;all penalties and punishments shall be proportioned to theoffense; excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessivefines imposed, nor cruel nor unusual punishments inflicted.

Section 10. Bailable offenses; habeas corpus. No personbefore conviction shall be bailable for any of the crimes which noware, or have been denominated capital offenses since the (3 of 5) [8/18/2005 5:39:49 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Article I

adoption of the Constitution, when the proof is evident or thepresumption great, whatever the punishment of the crimes maybe. And the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall notbe suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasionthe public safety may require it.

Section 11. Attainder, ex post facto and contract-impairmentlaws prohibited. The Legislature shall pass no bill ofattainder, ex post facto law, nor law impairing the obligationof contracts, and no attainder shall work corruption of bloodnor forfeiture of estate.

Section 12. Treason; testimony of 2 witnesses. Treasonagainst this State shall consist only in levying war against it,adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Noperson shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of2 witnesses to the same overt act, or confession in opencourt.

Section 13. Suspension of laws. The laws shall not besuspended but by the Legislature or its authority.

Section 14. Corporal punishment under military law. No personshall be subject to corporal punishment under military law,except such as are employed in the army or navy, or in themilitia when in actual service in time of war or public danger.

Section 15. Right of petition. The people have a right at alltimes in an orderly and peaceable manner to assemble toconsult upon the common good, to give instructions to theirrepresentatives, and to request, of either department of thegovernment by petition or remonstrance, redress of theirwrongs and grievances.

Section 16. To keep and bear arms. Every citizen has a rightto keep and bear arms and this right shall never be questioned.

Section 17. Standing armies. No standing army shall be keptup in time of peace without the consent of the Legislature, andthe military shall, in all cases, and at all times, be instrict subordination to the civil power.

Section 18. Quartering of soldiers on citizens. No soldiershall in time of peace be quartered in any house without theconsent of the owner or occupant, nor in time of war, but in amanner to be prescribed by law.

Section 19. Right of redress for injuries. Every person, foran injury inflicted on the person or the person's reputation,property or immunities, shall have remedy by due course oflaw; and right and justice shall be administered freely and withoutsale, completely and without denial, promptly and withoutdelay. (4 of 5) [8/18/2005 5:39:49 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Article I

Section 20. Trial by jury. In all civil suits, and in allcontroversies concerning property, the parties shall have aright to a trial by jury, except in cases where it hasheretofore been otherwise practiced; the party claiming theright may be heard by himself or herself and with counsel, oreither, at the election of the party.

Section 21. Private property, when to be taken. Privateproperty shall not be taken for public uses without justcompensation; nor unless the public exigencies require it.

Section 22. Taxes. No tax or duty shall be imposed withoutthe consent of the people or of their representatives in theLegislature.

Section 23. Title of nobility prohibited; tenure of offices.No title of nobility or hereditary distinction, privilege, honoror emolument, shall ever be granted or confirmed, nor shallany office be created, the appointment to which shall be for alonger time than during good behavior.

Section 24. Other rights not impaired. The enumeration ofcertain rights shall not impair nor deny others retained bythe people.

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Maine Constitution - Article 2

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As Amended and Revised by the Chief Justice, 1993

Article II.


Section 1. Qualifications of electors; written ballot; military servicemen; students; Indians.Section 2. Electors exempt from arrests on election days.Section 3. Exemption from military duty.Section 4. Time of state election; absentee votingSection 5. Voting machines.

Article II.


Section 1. Qualifications of electors; written ballot;military servicemen; students. Every citizen of the UnitedStates of the age of 18 years and upwards, exceptingpersons under guardianship for reasons of mental illness,having his or her residence established in this State, shallbe an elector for Governor, Senators and Representatives,in the city, town or plantation where his or her residencehas been established, if he or she continues to reside inthis State; and the elections shall be by written ballot.But persons in the military, naval or marine service of theUnited States, or this State, shall not be considered ashaving obtained such established residence by beingstationed in any garrison, barrack or military place, in anycity, town or plantation; nor shall the residence of astudent at any seminary of learning entitle the student tothe right of suffrage in the city, town or plantation wheresuch seminary is established. No person, however, shall bedeemed to have lost residence by reason of the person'sabsence from the state in the military service of the UnitedStates, or of this State. (1 of 2) [8/18/2005 5:40:03 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Article 2

Indians. Every Indian, residing on tribal reservations andotherwise qualified, shall be an elector in all county,state and national elections.

Section 2. Electors exempt from arrests on election days.Electors shall, in all cases, except treason, felony orbreach of the peace, be privileged from arrest on the daysof election, during their attendance at, going to, andreturning therefrom.

Section 3. Exemption from military duty. No electorshall be obliged to do duty in the militia on any day ofelection, except in time of war or public danger.

Section 4. Time of state election; absentee voting. Theelection of Senators and Representatives shall be on theTuesday following the first Monday of November bienniallyforever and the election of Governor shall be on the Tuesdayfollowing the first Monday of November every 4 years. TheLegislature under proper enactment shall authorize andprovide for voting by citizens of the State absent therefromin the Armed Forces of the United States or of this Stateand for voting by other citizens absent or physicallyincapacitated for reasons deemed sufficient.

Section 5. Voting machines. Voting machines, or othermechanical devices for voting, may be used at all electionsunder such regulations as may be prescribed by law,provided, however, the right of secret voting shall bepreserved.

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As Amended and Revised by the Chief Justice, 1993

Article III. Distribution of Powers.

Section 1. Powers distributed. The powers of this government sxhall bedivided into 3 distinct departments, the legislative, executive and judicial.

Section 2. To be kept separate. No person or persons,belonging to one of these departments, shall exercise any of thepowers properly belonging to either of the others, except in thecases herein expressly directed or permitted.

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Maine Constitution - Article 4, Part 1

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As Amended and Revised by the Chief Justice, 1993

Article IV.

Part First. House of Representatives.

Section 1. Legislative department; style of acts.Section 2. Number of Representatives; biennial terms; division of the State into districts for House of Representatives.Section 3. Submission of reapportionment plan to Clerk of House; Legislature's action on commission's plan.Section 4. Residency requirement.Section 5. Election of Representatives; lists of votes delivered forthwith; lists of votes examined by Governor; summons of persons who appear to be elected; lists shall be laid before the House.Section 6. Vacancies.Section 7. To choose own officers.Section 8. Power of impeachment.

Article IV.

Part First. House of Representatives.

Section 1. Legislative department; style of acts. Thelegislative power shall be vested in 2 distinct branches, aHouse of Representatives, and a Senate, each to have a negativeon the other, and both to be styled the Legislature of Maine, butthe people reserve to themselves power to propose laws and toenact or reject the same at the polls independent of theLegislature, and also reserve power at their own option toapprove or reject at the polls any Act, bill, resolve orresolution passed by the joint action of both branches of theLegislature, and the style of their laws and Acts shall be, "Beit enacted by the people of the State of Maine." Section 2. Number of Representatives; biennial terms; divisionof the State into districts for House of Representatives. TheHouse of Representatives shall consist of 151 members, to beelected by the qualified electors, and hold their office 2 yearsfrom the day next preceding the first Wednesday in Decemberfollowing the general election. The Legislature which convenesin 1983 and every 10th year thereafter shall cause the State to (1 of 4) [8/18/2005 5:40:15 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Article 4, Part 1

be divided into districts for the choice of one Representativefor each district. The number of Representatives shall bedivided into the number of inhabitants of the State exclusive offoreigners not naturalized according to the latest FederalDecennial Census or a State Census previously ordered by theLegislature to coincide with the Federal Decennial Census, todetermine a mean population figure for each RepresentativeDistrict. Each Representative District shall be formed ofcontiguous and compact territory and shall cross politicalsubdivision lines the least number of times necessary toestablish as nearly as practicable equally populated districts.Whenever the population of a municipality entitles it to morethan one district, all whole districts shall be drawn withinmunicipal boundaries. Any population remainder within themunicipality shall be included in a district with contiguousterritory and shall be kept intact.

Section 3. Submission of reapportionment plan to Clerk ofHouse; Legislature's action on commission's plan. Theapportionment plan of the commission established under ArticleIV, Part Third, Section 1-A shall be submitted to the Clerk ofthe House no later than 120 calendar days after the convening ofthe Legislature in which apportionment is required. In thepreparation of legislation implementing the plan, the commission,following a unanimous decision by commission members, may adjusterrors and inconsistencies in accordance with the standards setforth in this Constitution, so long as substantive changes arenot made. The Legislature shall enact the submitted plan of thecommission or a plan of its own by a vote of 2/3 of the Membersof each House within 30 calendar days after the plan of thecommission is submitted. Such action shall be subject to theGovernor's approval as provided in Article IV, Part Third,Section 2.

In the event that the Legislature shall fail to make anapportionment within 130 calendar days after convening, theSupreme Judicial Court shall, within 60 days following theperiod in which the Legislature is required to act, but fails todo so, make the apportionment. In making such apportionment,the Supreme Judicial Court shall take into consideration plansand briefs filed by the public with the court during the first 30days of the period in which the court is required to apportion.

The Supreme Judicial Court shall have original jurisdiction tohear any challenge to an apportionment law enacted by theLegislature, as registered by any citizen or group thereof. Ifany challenge is sustained, the Supreme Judicial Court shall makethe apportionment.

Section 4. Residency requirement. No person shall be a memberof the House of Representatives, unless the person shall, at thecommencement of the period for which the person is elected, have (2 of 4) [8/18/2005 5:40:15 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Article 4, Part 1

been 5 years a citizen of the United States, have arrived at theage of 21 years, have been a resident in this State one year; andfor the 3 months next preceding the time of this person'selection shall have been, and, during the period for whichelected, shall continue to be a resident in the district whichthat person represents. No person may be a candidate for election as a member of theHouse of Representatives unless, at the time of the nominationfor placement on the primary, general or special electionballot, that person is a resident in the district which thecandidate seeks to represent. Section 5. Election of Representatives; lists of votesdelivered forthwith; lists of votes examined by Governor;summons of persons who appear to be elected; lists shall be laidbefore the House. The meetings within this State for the choiceof Representatives shall be warned in due course of law byqualified officials of the several towns and cities 7 days atleast before the election, and the election officials of thevarious towns and cities shall preside impartially at suchmeetings, receive the votes of all the qualified electors, sort,count and declare them in open meeting; and a list of the personsvoted for shall be formed, with the number of votes for eachperson against that person's name. Cities and towns belongingto any Representative District shall hold their meetings at thesame time in the respective cities and towns; and such meetingsshall be notified, held and regulated, the votes received,sorted, counted and declared in the same manner. Fair copies ofthe lists of votes shall be attested by the municipal officersand the clerks of the cities and towns and the city and townclerks respectively shall cause the same to be delivered intothe office of the Secretary of State forthwith. The Governorshall examine the returned copies of such lists and 7 days beforethe first Wednesday of December biennially, shall issue asummons to such persons as shall appear to have been elected by aplurality of all votes returned, to attend and take their seats.All such lists shall be laid before the House of Representativeson the first Wednesday of December biennially, and they shallfinally determine who are elected.

Section 6. Vacancies. Whenever the seat of a member shall bevacated by death, resignation, or otherwise the vacancy may befilled by a new election.

Section 7. To choose own officers. The House ofRepresentatives shall choose their speaker, clerk and otherofficers.

Section 8. Power of impeachment. The House of Representativesshall have the sole power of impeachment.

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Maine Constitution - Article 4, Part 1

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Maine Constitution - Article 4, Part 2

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As Amended and Revised by the Chief Justice, 1993

Article IV. Part Second. Senate.

Section 1. Number of Senators.Section 2. Submission of reapportionment plan to Secretary of Senate; Legislature's action on commission's plan; division of State into Senatorial Districts; division by Supreme Judicial Court.Section 3. Election of Senators; lists of votes delivered forthwith.Section 4. Lists of votes examined by Governor; summons to persons who appear to be elected.Section 5. Determination of Senators elected; procedure for filling vacancies.Section 6. Qualifications.Section 7. To try impeachments; limitation of judgment of impeachment; party liable to be tried and punished in court. Section8. To choose own officers.

Article IV.

Part Second.


Section 1. Number of Senators. The Senate shall consist of anodd number of Senators, not less than 31 nor more than 35,elected at the same time and for the same term asRepresentatives by the qualified electors of the districts intowhich the State shall be from time to time divided.

Section 2. Submission of reapportionment plan to Secretary ofSenate; Legislature's action on commission's plan; division ofState into Senatorial Districts; division by Supreme JudicialCourt. The Legislature which shall convene in the year 1983 andevery 10th year thereafter shall cause the State to be dividedinto districts for the choice of a Senator from each district,using the same method as provided in Article IV, Part First,Section 2 for apportionment of Representative Districts.

The apportionment plan of the commission established underArticle IV, Part Third, Section 1-A shall be submitted to theSecretary of the Senate no later than 120 calendar days after (1 of 3) [8/18/2005 5:40:26 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Article 4, Part 2

the convening of the Legislature in which apportionment isrequired. In the preparation of legislation implementing theplan, the commission, following a unanimous decision bycommission members, may adjust errors and inconsistencies inaccordance with the standards set forth in this Constitution, solong as substantive changes are not made. The Legislature shallenact the submitted plan of the commission or a plan of its ownby a vote of 2/3 of the Members of each House, within 30 calendardays after the plan of the commission is submitted. Such actionshall be subject to the Governor's approval as provided inArticle IV, Part Third, Section 2.

In the event that the Legislature shall fail to make anapportionment within 130 days after convening, the SupremeJudicial Court shall, within 60 days following the period inwhich the Legislature is required to act but fails to do so, makethe apportionment. In making such apportionment, the SupremeJudicial Court shall take into consideration plans and briefsfiled by the public with the court during the first 30 days ofthe period in which the court is required to apportion.

The Supreme Judicial Court shall have original jurisdiction tohear any challenge to an apportionment law enacted by theLegislature, as registered by any citizen or group thereof. Ifany challenge is sustained, the Supreme Judicial Court shall makethe apportionment.

Section 3. Election of Senators; lists of votes deliveredforthwith. The meetings within this State for the election ofSenators shall be notified, held and regulated and the votesreceived, sorted, counted, declared and recorded, in the samemanner as those for Representatives. Fair copies of the listsof votes shall be attested by the clerks of the cities and townsor other duly authorized officials and sealed up in open meetingsand such officials shall cause said lists to be delivered intothe office of the Secretary of State forthwith.

Section 4. Lists of votes examined by Governor; summons topersons who appear to be elected. The Governor shall, as soonas may be, examine the copies of such lists, and at least 7 daysbefore the said first Wednesday of December, issue a summons tosuch persons, as shall appear to be elected by a plurality of thevotes in each senatorial district, to attend that day and taketheir seats.

Section 5. Determination of Senators elected; procedure forfilling vacancies. The Senate shall, on said first Wednesday ofDecember, biennially determine who is elected by a plurality ofvotes to be Senator in each district. All vacancies in theSenate arising from death, resignation, removal from the Stateor like causes, and also vacancies, if any, which may occurbecause of the failure of any district to elect by a plurality (2 of 3) [8/18/2005 5:40:26 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Article 4, Part 2

of votes the Senator to which said district shall be entitledshall be filled by an immediate election in the unrepresenteddistrict. The Governor shall issue a proclamation therefor andtherein fix the time of such election.

Section 6. Qualifications. The Senators shall be 25 years ofage at the commencement of the term, for which they are elected,and in all other respects their qualifications shall be the sameas those of the Representatives. Section 7. To try impeachments; limitation of judgment ofimpeachment; party liable to be tried and punished in court. TheSenate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments, andwhen sitting for that purpose shall be on oath or affirmation,and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of 2/3of the members present. Their judgment, however, shall notextend farther than to removal from office, and disqualificationto hold or enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under thisState. But the party, whether convicted or acquitted, shallnevertheless be liable to indictment, trial, judgment andpunishment according to law. Section 8. To choose own officers. The Senate shall choosetheir President, Secretary and other officers.

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Maine Constitution - Article 4, Part 3

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As Amended and Revised by the Chief Justice, 1993

Article IV. Part Third. Legislative Power.

Section 1. To meet annually; power of Legislature to convene itself at other times; extent of legislative power.Section 1-A. Legislature to establish Apportionment Commission; number of quorum; compensation of commission members; commission's budget; division among political parties.Section 2. Bills to be signed by the Governor; proceedings, in case the Governor disapproves; allowing the Governor 10 days to act on legislation.Section 3. Each House the judge of its elections; majority, a quorum.Section 4. May punish and expel members.Section 5. Shall keep a journal; yeas and nays.Section 6. May punish for contempt.Section 7. Compensation; traveling expenses.Section 8. Members exempt from arrest; freedom of debate.Section 9. Either House may originate bills; revenue bills.Section 10. Members not to be appointed to certain offices.Section 11. Persons disqualified to be members.Section 12. Adjournments.Section 13. Special legislation.Section 14. Corporations, formed under general lawsSection 15. Constitutional conventions.Section 16. Acts become effective in 90 days after recess; exception; emergency bill defined.Section 17. Proceedings for people's veto. 1. Petition procedure; petition for people's veto. 2. Effect of referendum. 3. Referral to electors; proclamation by Governor. Section 18. Direct initiative of legislation. 1. Petition procedure. 2. Referral to electors unless enacted by the Legislature without change; number of signatures necessary on direct initiative petitions; dating signatures on petitions; competing measures. 3. Timing of elections; proclamation by Governor. Section 19. Effective date of measures approved by people; veto power limited.

Section 20. Meaning of words "electors," "people," "recess of Legislature," "statewide election," "measure," "circulator," and "written petition;" (1 of 11) [8/18/2005 5:40:33 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Article 4, Part 3

written petitions for people's veto; written petitions for direct initiative.Section 21. City council of any city may establish direct initiative and people's veto.Section 22. Election officers and officials, how governed.Section 23. Municipalities reimbursed annually.

Article IV.

Part Third. Legislative Power.

Section 1. To meet annually; power of Legislature to conveneitself at other times; extent of legislative power.

The Legislature shall convene on the first Wednesday of Decemberfollowing the general election in what shall be designated thefirst regular session of the Legislature; and shall furtherconvene on the first Wednesday after the first Tuesday ofJanuary in the subsequent even-numbered year in what shall bedesignated the second regular session of the Legislature;provided, however, that the business of the second regularsession of the Legislature shall be limited to budgetarymatters; legislation in the Governor's call; legislation of anemergency nature admitted by the Legislature; legislationreferred to committees for study and report by the Legislaturein the first regular session; and legislation presented to theLegislature by written petition of the electors under theprovisions of Article IV, Part Third, Section 18. TheLegislature shall enact appropriate statutory limits on thelength of the first regular session and of the second regularsession. The Legislature may convene at such other times onthe call of the President of the Senate and Speaker of theHouse, with the consent of a majority of the Members of theLegislature of each political party, all Members of theLegislature having been first polled. The Legislature, withthe exceptions hereinafter stated, shall have full power tomake and establish all reasonable laws and regulations for thedefense and benefit of the people of this State, not repugnantto this Constitution, nor to that of the United States. Section 1-A. Legislature to establish Apportionment Commission;number of quorum; compensation of commission members;commission's budget; division among political parties.A Legislature which is required to apportion the districts of theHouse of Representatives the Senate or, or both, under ArticleIV, Part First, Section 2, or Article IV, Part Second, Section2, shall establish, within the first 3 calendar days after theconvening of that Legislature, a commission to develop inaccordance with the requirements of this Constitution, a planfor apportioning the House of Representatives, the Senate, orboth.

The commission shall be composed of 3 members from the politicalparty holding the largest number of seats in the House of (2 of 11) [8/18/2005 5:40:33 PM]

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Representatives, who shall be appointed by the Speaker; 3members from the political party holding the majority of theremainder of the seats in the House of Representatives, whoshall be appointed by the floor leader of that party in theHouse; 2 members of the party holding the largest number ofseats in the Senate, who shall be appointed by the President ofthe Senate; 2 members of the political party holding themajority of the remainder of the seats in the Senate, to beappointed by the floor leader of that party in the Senate; thechairperson of each of the 2 major political parties in theState or their designated representatives; and 3 members fromthe public generally, one to be selected by each group ofmembers of the commission representing the same politicalparty, and the third to be selected by the other 2 publicmembers. The Speaker of the House shall be responsible fororganizing the commission and shall be chairperson pro temporethereof until a permanent chairperson is selected by thecommission members from among their own number. No action maybe taken without a quorum of 8 being present. The commissionshall hold public hearings on any plan for apportionment priorto submitting such plan to the Legislature.

Public members of the commission shall receive the same rateof per diem that is paid to Legislators for every day'sattendance at special sessions of the Legislature as definedby law. All members of the commission shall be reimbursed foractual travel expenses incurred in carrying out the business ofthe commission. The Legislature which is required to apportionshall establish a budget for the apportioning commission withinthe state budget document in the fiscal year previous to thefiscal year during which the apportioning commission isrequired to convene and shall appropriate sufficient funds forthe commission to satisfactorily perform its duties andresponsibilities. The budget shall include sufficient fundsto compensate the chairperson of the commission and thechairperson's staff. The remainder of the appropriation shallbe made available equally among the political partiesrepresented on the commission to provide travel expenses,incidental expenses and compensation for commission members andfor partisan staff and operations.

Section 2. Bills to be signed by the Governor; proceedings,in case the Governor disapproves; allowing the Governor 10days to act on legislation.Every bill or resolution, having the force of law, to which the concurrenceof both Houses may be necessary, except on a question of adjournment,which shall have passed both Houses, shall be presented to theGovernor, and if the Governor approves, the Governor shall sign it; ifnot, the Governor shall return it with objections to the Housein which it shall have originated, which shall enter theobjections at large on its journals, and proceed to reconsider (3 of 11) [8/18/2005 5:40:33 PM]

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it. If after such reconsideration, 2/3 of that House shallagree to pass it, it shall be sent together with theobjections, to the other House, by which it shall bereconsidered, and, if approved by 2/3 of that House, it shallhave the same effect as if it had been signed by the Governor;but in all such cases, the votes of both Houses shall be takenby yeas and nays, and the names of the persons, voting for andagainst the bill or resolution, shall be entered on thejournals of both Houses respectively. If the bill orresolution shall not be returned by the Governor within 10 days(Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to theGovernor, it shall have the same force and effect as if theGovernor had signed it unless the Legislature by theiradjournment prevent its return, in which case it shall havesuch force and effect, unless returned within 3 days after thenext meeting of the same Legislature which enacted the bill orresolution; if there is no such next meeting of theLegislature which enacted the bill or resolution, the bill orresolutionshall not be a law.

Section 3. Each House the judge of its elections; majority,a quorum. Each House shall be the judge of the elections andqualifications of its own members, and a majority shallconstitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number mayadjourn from day to day, and may compel the attendance ofabsent members, in such manner and under such penalties aseach House shall provide.

Section 4. May punish and expel members. Each House maydetermine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members fordisorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of 2/3, expel amember, but not a 2nd time for the same cause.

Section 5. Shall keep a journal; yeas and nays. Each Houseshall keep a journal, and from time to time publish itsproceedings, except such parts as in their judgment mayrequire secrecy; and the yeas and nays of the members of eitherHouse on any question, shall, at the desire of 1/5 of thosepresent, be entered on the journals.

Section 6. May punish for contempt. Each House, during itssession, may punish by imprisonment any person, not a member,for disrespectful or disorderly behavior in its presence, forobstructing any of its proceedings, threatening, assaulting orabusing any of its members for anything said, done, or doing ineither House; provided, that no imprisonment shall extendbeyond the period of the same session.

Section 7. Compensation; traveling expenses. The Senatorsand Representatives shall receive such compensation, as shall beestablished by law; but no law increasing their compensation (4 of 11) [8/18/2005 5:40:33 PM]

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shall take effect during the existence of the Legislature,which enacted it. The expenses of the members of the House ofRepresentatives in traveling to the Legislature, and returningtherefrom, once in each week of each session and no more,shall be paid by the State out of the public treasury to everymember, who shall seasonably attend, in the judgment of theHouse, and does not depart therefrom without leave.

Section 8. Members exempt from arrest; freedom of debate.The Senators and Representatives shall, in all cases excepttreason, felony or breach of the peace, be privileged fromarrest during their attendance at, going to, and returning fromeach session of the Legislature, and no member shall be liableto answer for anything spoken in debate in either House, inany court or place elsewhere.

Section 9. Either House may originate bills; revenue bills.Bills, orders or resolutions, may originate in either House,and may be altered, amended or rejected in the other; but allbills for raising a revenue shall originate in the House ofRepresentatives, but the Senate may propose amendments as inother cases; provided, that they shall not, under color ofamendment, introduce any new matter, which does not relate toraising a revenue.

Section 10. Members not to be appointed to certain offices.No Senator or Representative shall, during the term for whichthe Senator or Representative shall have been elected, beappointed to any civil office of profit under this State, whichrequires the approval of the Legislature for appointment orwhich shall have been created, or the emoluments of whichincreased during such term, except such offices as may befilled by elections by the people.

Section 11. Persons disqualified to be members. No member ofCongress, nor person holding any office under the UnitedStates (post officers excepted) nor office of profit underthis State, justices of the peace, notaries public, coronersand officers of the militia excepted, shall have a seat ineither House while a member of Congress, or continuing in suchoffice.

Section 12. Adjournments. Neither House shall during thesession, without the consent of the other, adjourn for morethan 2 days, nor to any other place than that in which theHouses shall be sitting.

Section 13. Special legislation. The Legislature shall, fromtime to time, provide, as far as practicable, by general laws,for all matters usually appertaining to special or privatelegislation. (5 of 11) [8/18/2005 5:40:33 PM]

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Section 14. Corporations, formed under general laws.Corporations shall be formed under general laws, and shall notbe created by special Acts of the Legislature, except formunicipal purposes, and in cases where the objects of thecorporation cannot otherwise be attained; and, however formed,they shall forever be subject to the general laws of theState.

Section 15. Constitutional conventions. The Legislatureshall, by a 2/3 concurrent vote of both branches, have the power tocall constitutional conventions, for the purpose of amendingthis Constitution.

Section 16. Acts become effective in 90 days after recess;exception; emergency bill defined. No Act or joint resolutionof the Legislature, except such orders or resolutions aspertain solely to facilitating the performance of the businessof the Legislature, of either branch, or of any committee orofficer thereof, or appropriate money therefor or for thepayment of salaries fixed by law, shall take effect until 90days after the recess of the session of the Legislature inwhich it was passed, unless in case of emergency, which withthe facts constituting the emergency shall be expressed in thepreamble of the Act, the Legislature shall, by a vote of 2/3 ofall the members elected to each House, otherwise direct. Anemergency bill shall include only such measures as areimmediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace,health or safety; and shall not include (1) an infringement ofthe right of home rule for municipalities, (2) a franchise ora license to a corporation or an individual to extend longerthan one year, or (3) provision for the sale or purchase orrenting for more than 5 years of real estate.

Section 17. Proceedings for people's veto.

1. Petition procedure; petition for people's veto. Uponwritten petition of electors, the number of which shall not beless than 10% of the total vote for Governor cast in the lastgubernatorial election preceding the filing of such petition,and addressed to the Governor and filed in the office of theSecretary of State by the hour of 5:00 p.m., on or before the90th day after the recess of the Legislature, or if such 90thday is a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday, by the hourof 5:00 p.m., on the preceding day which is not a Saturday, aSunday, or a legal holiday, requesting that one or more Acts,bills, resolves or resolutions, or part or parts thereof,passed by the Legislature but not then in effect by reason ofthe provisions of the preceding section, be referred to thepeople, such Acts, bills, resolves, or resolutions or part or partsthereof as are specified in such petition shall not take effect until30 days after the Governor shall have announced by publicproclamation that the same have been ratified by a majority of the (6 of 11) [8/18/2005 5:40:33 PM]

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electors voting thereon at a statewide election.

2. Effect of referendum. The effect of any Act, bill,resolve or resolution or part or parts thereof as arespecified in such petition shall be suspended upon the filingof such petition. If it is later finally determined, inaccordance with any procedure enacted by the Legislaturepursuant to the Constitution, that such petition was invalid,such Act, bill, resolve or resolution or part or parts thereofshall then take effect upon the day following such finaldetermination.

3. Referral to electors; proclamation by Governor. As soon asit appears that the effect of any Act, bill, resolve, orresolution or part or parts thereof has been suspended bypetition in manner aforesaid, the Governor by publicproclamation shall give notice thereof and of the time whensuch measure is to be voted on by the people, which shall beat the next statewide election not less than 60 days after suchproclamation, or in case of no statewide election within 6months thereafter the Governor may order such measuresubmitted to the people at a special election not less than 60days nor more than 6 months after proclamation thereof. If theGovernor fails to order such measure to be submitted to thepeople at the next statewide election, the Secretary of Stateshall, by proclamation, order such measure to be submitted tothe people at such an election and such order shall besufficient to enable the people to vote.

Section 18. Direct initiative of legislation.

1. Petition procedure. The electors may propose to theLegislature for its consideration any bill, resolve orresolution, including bills to amend or repeal emergencylegislation but not an amendment of the State Constitution, bywritten petition addressed to the Legislature or to eitherbranch thereof and filed in the office of the Secretary ofState by the hour of 5:00 p.m., on or before the 50th day afterthe date of convening of the Legislature in first regularsession or on or before the 25th day after the date ofconvening of the Legislature in second regular session. If the50th or 25th day, whichever applies, is a Saturday, Sunday, orlegal holiday, the period runs until the hour of 5:00 p.m., ofthe next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.

2. Referral to electors unless enacted by the Legislaturewithout change; number of signatures necessary on directinitiative petitions; dating signatures on petitions;competing measures. For any measure thus proposed by electors,the number of signatures shall not be less than 10% of thetotal vote for Governor cast in the last gubernatorialelection preceding the filing of such petition. The date each (7 of 11) [8/18/2005 5:40:33 PM]

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signature was made shall be written next to the signature onthe petition, and no signature older than one year from thewritten date on the petition shall be valid. The measure thusproposed, unless enacted without change by the Legislature atthe session at which it is presented, shall be submitted tothe electors together with any amended form, substitute, orrecommendation of the Legislature, and in such manner that thepeople can choose between the competing measures or rejectboth. When there are competing bills and neither receives amajority of the votes given for or against both, the onereceiving the most votes shall at the next statewide electionto be held not less than 60 days after the first vote thereonbe submitted by itself if it receives more than 1/3 of thevotes given for and against both.If the measure initiated is enacted by the Legislature withoutchange, it shall not go to a referendum vote unless inpursuance of a demand made in accordance with the precedingsection. The Legislature may order a special election on anymeasure that is subject to a vote of the people.

3. Timing of elections; proclamation by Governor. The Governorshall, by proclamation, order any measure proposed to theLegislature as herein provided, and not enacted by theLegislature without change, referred to the people at anelection to be held in November of the year in which thepetition is filed. If the Governor fails to order a measureproposed to the Legislature and not enacted without change tobe submitted to the people at such an election by proclamationwithin 10 days after the recess of the Legislature to whichthe measure was proposed, the Secretary of State shall, byproclamation, order such measure to be submitted to the peopleat an election as requested, and such order shall be sufficientto enable the people to vote.

Section 19. Effective date of measures approved by people;veto power limited. Any measure referred to the people andapproved by a majority of the votes given thereon shall,unless a later date is specified in said measure, take effectand become a law in 30 days after the Governor has made publicproclamation of the result of the vote on said measure, whichthe Governor shall do within 10 days after the vote thereon hasbeen canvassed and determined; provided, however, that any suchmeasure which entails expenditure in an amount in excess ofavailable and unappropriated state funds shall remaininoperative until 45 days after the next convening of theLegislature in regular session, unless the measure provides forraising new revenues adequate for its operation. The vetopower of the Governor shall not extend to any measure approvedby vote of the people, and any measure initiated by the peopleand passed by the Legislature without change, if vetoed by theGovernor and if the veto is sustained by the Legislature shall (8 of 11) [8/18/2005 5:40:33 PM]

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be referred to the people to be voted on at the next generalelection. The Legislature may enact measures expresslyconditioned upon the people's ratification by a referendumvote.

Section 20. Meaning of words "electors," "people," "recess ofLegislature," "statewide election," "measure," "circulator,"and "written petition;" written petitions for people's veto;written petitions for direct initiative. As used in any ofthe 3 preceding sections or in this section the words"electors" and "people" mean the electors of the Statequalified to vote for Governor; "recess of the Legislature"means the adjournment without day of a session of theLegislature; "statewide election" means any election heldthroughout the State on a particular day; "measure" means anAct, bill, resolve or resolution proposed by the people, or 2or more such, or part or parts of such, as the case may be;"circulator" means a person who solicits signatures for writtenpetitions, and who must be a resident of this State and whosename must appear on the voting list of the city, town orplantation of the circulator's residence as qualified to votefor Governor; "written petition" means one or more petitionswritten or printed, or partly written and partly printed, withthe original signatures of the petitioners attached, verifiedas to the authenticity of the signatures by the oath of thecirculator that all of the signatures to the petition were madein the presence of the circulator and that to the best of thecirculator's knowledge and belief each signature is thesignature of the person whose name it purports to be, andaccompanied by the certificate of the official authorized bylaw to maintain the voting list of thecity, town or plantation in which the petitioners reside thattheir names appear on the voting list of the city, town orplantation of the official as qualified to vote for Governor.The oath of the circulator must be sworn to in the presence ofa person authorized by law to administer oaths. Writtenpetitions for a people's veto pursuant to Article IV, PartThird, Section 17 must be submitted to the appropriateofficials of cities, towns or plantations for determination ofwhether the petitioners are qualified voters by the hour of5:00 p.m., on the 5th day before the petition must be filed inthe office of the Secretary of State, or, if such 5th day is aSaturday, a Sunday or a legal holiday, by 5:00 p.m., on thenext day which is not a Saturday, a Sunday or a legal holiday.Written petitions for a direct initiative pursuant to ArticleIV, Part Third, Section 18 must be submitted to the appropriateofficials of cities, towns or plantations for determination ofwhether the petitioners are qualified voters by the hour of5:00 p.m., on the 3rd day before the petition must be filed inthe office of the Secretary of State, or, if such 3rd day is alegal holiday, by 5:00 p.m., on the next day which is not a (9 of 11) [8/18/2005 5:40:33 PM]

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legal holiday. Such officials must complete the certificationof such petitions and must return them to the circulators ortheir agents within 2 days, Saturdays, Sundays and legalholidays excepted, of the date on which such petitions weresubmitted to them. The petition shall set forth the full textof the measure requested or proposed. Petition forms shall befurnished or approved by the Secretary of State upon writtenapplication signed in the office of the Secretary of State by aresident of this State whose name must appear on the votinglist of the city, town or plantation of that resident asqualified to vote for Governor. The full text of a measuresubmitted to a vote of the people under the provisions of theConstitution need not be printed on the official ballots, but,until otherwise provided by the Legislature, the Secretary ofState shall prepare the ballots in such form as to present thequestion or questions concisely and intelligibly.

Section 21. City council of any city may establish directinitiative and people's veto. The city council of any citymay establish the direct initiative and people's veto for theelectors of such city in regard to its municipal affairs,provided that the ordinance establishing and providing themethod of exercising such direct initiative and people's vetoshall not take effect until ratified by vote of a majority ofthe electors of said city, voting thereon at a municipalelection. Provided, however, that the Legislature may at anytime provide a uniform method for the exercise of theinitiative and referendum in municipal affairs.

Section 22. Election officers and officials, how governed.Until the Legislature shall enact further laws notinconsistent with the Constitution for applying the people'sveto and direct initiative, the election officers and otherofficials shall be governed by the provisions of thisConstitution and of the general law, supplemented by suchreasonable action as may be necessary to render the precedingsections self-executing. The Legislature may enact laws notinconsistent with the Constitution to establish procedures fordetermination of the validity of written petitions. Such lawsshall include provision for judicial review of anydetermination, to be completed within 100 days from the dateof filing of a written petition in the office of the Secretaryof State.

Section 23. Municipalities reimbursed annually. TheLegislature shall annually reimburse each municipality fromstate tax sources for not less than 50% of the property taxrevenue loss suffered by that municipality during the previouscalendar year because of the statutory property tax exemptionsor credits enacted after April 1, 1978. The Legislature shallenact appropriate legislation to carry out the intent of thissection. (10 of 11) [8/18/2005 5:40:33 PM]

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This section shall allow, but not require, reimbursement forstatutory property tax exemptions or credits for unextractedminerals.

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Return to the Maine State Archives home page.Return to the Department of the Secretary of State home page. (11 of 11) [8/18/2005 5:40:33 PM]

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As Amended and Revised by the Chief Justice, 1993

Article V.Part First. Executive Power.

Section 1. Governor.Section 2. Term of office; reelection eligibility.Section 3 Election; votes to be returned to Secretary of State; Secretary of State to lay lists before the Senate and House of Representatives; provision in case of tie.Section 4. Qualifications.Section 5. Disqualifications.Section 6. Compensation.Section 7. Commander in chief.Section 8. To appoint officers Procedure for confirmation. Affirmative vote of 2/3 of members required. Governor or President of Senate may call Senate into session. Nomination by Governor made 7 days prior to appointment of nominee.Section 9. To give information and recommend measures.Section 10. May require information of any officer.Section 11. Power to pardon and remit penalties, etc.; conditions.Section 12. Shall enforce the law.Section 13. Convenes the Legislature on extraordinary occasions, and adjourns it in case of disagreement; may change the place of meeting.Section 14. Vacancy, how supplied. Mental or physical disability of the Governor continuously for more than 6 months.Section 15. Temporary mental or physical disability of Governor.

Article V.

Part Second. Secretary.

Section 1. Election.Section 1-A. Succession to the office of Secretary of State.Section 2. Records of State; deputies.Section 3. Attend the Governor, Senate, and House.Section 4. Records of executive and legislativedepartments. (1 of 8) [8/18/2005 5:40:38 PM]

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Article V.

Part Third. Treasurer.

Section 1. Election.Section 1-A. Succession to the office of Treasurer.Section 2. Bond.Section 3. Not to engage in trade.Section 4. No money drawn except upon appropriation or allocation.Section 5. Bonding regulations; prohibiting use of proceeds from sale of bonds to fund current expenditures. Article V.

Part First. Executive Power.

Section 1. Governor. The supreme executive power of thisState shall be vested in a Governor.

Section 2. Term of office; reelection eligibility. TheGovernor shall be elected by the qualified electors, and shallhold the office for 4 years from the first Wednesday after thefirst Tuesday of January next following the election and untilthe successor to the Governor has been duly elected andqualified. The person who has served 2 consecutive popularelective 4-year terms of office as Governor shall be ineligibleto succeed himself or herself.

Section 3. Election; votes to be returned to Secretary ofState; Secretary of State to lay lists before the Senate andHouse of Representatives; provision in case of tie. Themeetings for election of Governor shall be notified, held andregulated and votes shall be received, sorted, counted anddeclared and recorded, in the same manner as those forSenators and Representatives. Copies of lists of votes shallbe sealed and returned to the secretary's office in the samemanner and at the same time as those for Senators. TheSecretary of State for the time being shall, on the firstWednesday after the first Tuesday of January then next, laythe lists returned to the secretary's office before the Senateand House of Representatives to be by them examined, togetherwith the ballots cast if they so elect, and they shalldetermine the number of votes duly cast for the office ofGovernor, and in case of a choice by plurality of all of thevotes returned they shall declare and publish the same. Ifthere shall be a tie between the 2 persons having the largestnumber of votes for Governor, the House of Representatives andthe Senate meeting in joint session, and each member of saidbodies having a single vote, shall elect one of said 2 personshaving so received an equal number of votes and the person so (2 of 8) [8/18/2005 5:40:38 PM]

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elected by the Senate and House of Representatives shall bedeclared the Governor.

Section 4. Qualifications. The Governor shall, at thecommencement of the Governor's term, be not less than 30 yearsof age; a citizen of the United States for at least 15 years,have been 5 years a resident of the State; and at the time ofelection and during the term for which elected, be a residentof said State.

Section 5. Disqualifications. No person holding any officeorplace under the United States, this State, or any other power,shall assume the office of Governor, nor shall any such personexercise the office of Governor except as provided by thisConstitution.

Section 6. Compensation. The Governor shall, at stated times,receive for services a compensation, which shall not beincreased or diminished during the Governor's continuance inoffice.

Section 7. Commander in chief. The Governor shall becommander in chief of the army and navy of the State, and ofthe militia, except when the same are called into the actualservice of the United States.

Section 8. To appoint officers. The Governor shallnominate,and, subject to confirmation as provided herein, appoint alljudicial officers, except judges of probate and justices ofthepeace if their manner of selection is otherwise provided for bythis Constitution or by law, and all other civil officers andmilitary officers whose appointment is not by thisConstitution, or shall not by law be otherwise provided for.

Procedure for confirmation. The procedure for confirmationshall be as follows: an appropriate legislative committeecomprised of members of both houses in reasonable proportionto their membership as provided by law shall recommendconfirmation or denial by majority vote of committee memberspresent and voting. The committee recommendation shall bereviewed by the Senate and upon review shall become finalaction of confirmation or denial unless the Senate by vote of2/3 of those members present and voting overrides the committeerecommendation. The Senate vote shall be by the yeas andnays.

Affirmative vote of 2/3 of members required. All statutesenacted to carry out the purposes of the second paragraph ofthis section shall require the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the (3 of 8) [8/18/2005 5:40:38 PM]

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members of each House present and voting.

Governor or President of Senate may call Senate into session.Either the Governor or the President of the Senate shall havethe power to call the Senate into session for the purpose ofvoting upon confirmation of appointments.

Nomination by Governor made 7 days prior to appointment ofnominee. Every nomination by the Governor shall be made 7days at least prior to appointment of the nominee.

Section 9. To give information and recommend measures. TheGovernor shall from time to time give the Legislatureinformation of the condition of the State, and recommend totheir consideration such measures, as the Governor may judgeexpedient.

Section 10. May require information of any officer. TheGovernor may require information from any military officer, orany officer in the executive department, upon any subjectrelating to the duties of their respective offices.

Section 11. Power to pardon and remit penalties, etc.;conditions. The Governor shall have power to remit afterconviction all forfeitures and penalties, and to grantreprieves, commutations and pardons, except in cases ofimpeachment, upon such conditions, and with such restrictionsand limitations as may be deemed proper, subject to suchregulations as may be provided by law, relative to the mannerof applying for pardons. Such power to grant reprieves,commutations and pardons shall include offenses of juveniledelinquency.

Section 12. Shall enforce the laws. The Governor shall takecare that the laws be faithfully executed.

Section 13. Convenes the Legislature on extraordinaryoccasions, and adjourns it in case of disagreement; may changethe place of meeting. The Governor may, on extraordinaryoccasions, convene the Legislature; and in case of disagreementbetween the 2 Houses with respect to the time of adjournment,adjourn them to such time, as the Governor shall think proper,not beyond the day of the next regular session; and if, sincethe last adjournment, the place where the Legislature were nextto convene shall have become dangerous from an enemy orcontagious sickness, may direct the session to be held at someother convenient place within the State.

Section 14. Vacancy, how supplied. Whenever the office ofGovernor shall become vacant because of the death, resignationor removal of a Governor in office, or any other cause, thePresident of the Senate shall assume the office of Governor (4 of 8) [8/18/2005 5:40:38 PM]

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until another Governor shall be duly qualified. When thevacancy occurs more than 90 days preceding the date of theprimary election for nominating candidates to be voted for atthe biennial election next succeeding, the President of theSenate shall assume the office of Governor until the firstWednesday after the first Tuesday of January following thebiennial election. At the biennial election, a Governor shallbe elected to fill the unexpired term created by the vacancy.When the vacancy occurs less than 90 days preceding the dateof a primary election the President of the Senate shall fillthe unexpired term.

Whenever the offices of Governor and President of the Senateare vacant at the same time, the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives shall assume the office of Governor for thesame term and under the same conditions as the President of theSenate.

Whenever the offices of Governor, President of the Senate andSpeaker of the House of Representatives are vacant at the sametime, the person acting as Secretary of State for the timebeing shall exercise the office of Governor and shall forthwithby proclamation convene the Senate and the House ofRepresentatives which shall fill respectively the vacancies inthe offices of the President of the Senate and the Speaker ofthe House, and by joint ballot of the Senators andRepresentatives in convention choose a person who shall assumethe office of Governor for the same term and under the sameconditions as the President of the Senate.

Mental or physical disability of the Governor continuously formore than 6 months. Whenever for 6 months a Governor inoffice shall have been continuously unable to discharge thepowers and duties of that office because of mental or physicaldisability such office shall be deemed vacant. Such vacancyshall be declared by the Supreme Judicial Court uponpresentment to it of a joint resolution declaring the groundof the vacancy, adopted by a vote of 2/3 of the Senators andRepresentatives in convention, and upon notice, hearing beforethe court and a decision by a majority of the court thatground exists for declaring the office to be vacant.

Section 15. Temporary mental or physical disability ofGovernor. Whenever the Governor is unable to discharge thepowers and duties of that office because of mental or physicaldisability, the President of the Senate, or if that office isvacant, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, shallexercise the powers and duties of the office of Governor untilthe Governor is again able to discharge the powers and dutiesof that office, or until the office of Governor is declared tobe vacant or until another Governor shall be duly qualified. (5 of 8) [8/18/2005 5:40:38 PM]

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Whenever the Governor is unable to discharge the powers andduties of that office, the Governor may so certify to theChief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, in which case andupon notice from the Chief Justice, the President of theSenate, or if that office is vacant, the Speaker of the Houseof Representatives, shall exercise the powers and duties ofthe office of Governor until such time as the Governor shallcertify to the Chief Justice that the Governor is able todischarge such powers and duties and the Chief Justice shallso notify the officer who is exercising the powers and duties of the office of Governor. When the Secretary of State shall have reason to believe thatthe Governor is unable to discharge the duties of that office,the Secretary of State may so certify to the Supreme JudicialCourt, declaring the reason for such belief. After notice tothe Governor, a hearing before the court and a decision by amajority of the court that the Governor is unable to dischargethe duties of the office of Governor, the court shall notifythe President of the Senate, or if that office is vacant theSpeaker of the House of Representatives, of such inability andthat officer shall exercise the functions, powers and dutiesof the office of Governor until such time as the Secretary ofState or the Governor shall certify to the court that theGovernor is able to discharge the duties of the office ofGovernor and the court, after notice to the Governor and ahearing before the court, decides that the Governor is able todischarge the duties of that office and so notifies theofficer who is exercising the powers and duties of the officeof Governor. Whenever either the President of the Senate or Speaker of theHouse of Representatives shall exercise the office ofGovernor, the officer shall receive only the compensation ofGovernor, but the officer's duties as President or Speakershall be suspended; and the Senate or House shall fill thevacancy resulting from such suspension, until the officershall cease to exercise the office of Governor.

Article V.

Part Second. Secretary.

Section 1. Election. The Secretary of State shall be chosenbiennially at the first session of the Legislature, by jointballot of the Senators and Representatives in convention.

Section 1-A. Succession to the office of Secretary of State.If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Secretary of State,the first deputy secretary of state shall act as the Secretaryof State until a Secretary of State is elected by theLegislature during the current session if in session, or atthe next regular or special session. (6 of 8) [8/18/2005 5:40:38 PM]

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Section 2. Records of State; deputies. The records of theState shall be kept in the office of the Secretary, who mayappoint deputies to that office, for whose conduct theSecretary shall be accountable.

Section 3. Attend the Governor, Senate, and House. TheSecretary of State shall attend the Governor, the Senate andthe House of Representatives, in person or by the deputies ofthe Secretary of State as they shall respectively require.

Section 4. Records of executive and legislative departments.The Secretary of State shall carefully keep and preserve therecords of all the official acts and proceedings of theGovernor, Senate and House of Representatives, and, whenrequired, lay the same before either branch of theLegislature, and perform such other duties as are enjoined bythis Constitution, or shall be required by law.

Article V.

Part Third. Treasurer.

Section 1. Election. The Treasurer shall be chosenbiennially, at the first session of the Legislature, by jointballot of the Senators, and Representatives in convention.

Section 1-A. Succession to the office of Treasurer. If avacancy occurs in the office of Treasurer of State, the deputytreasurer of state shall act as the Treasurer of State until aTreasurer of State is elected by the Legislature during thecurrent session if in session, or at the next regular orspecial session.

Section 2. Bond. The Treasurer shall, before entering onthe duties of that office, give bond to the State with sureties,to the satisfaction of the Legislature, for the faithfuldischarge of that trust.

Section 3. Not to engage in trade. The Treasurer shall not,during the Treasurer's continuance in office, engage in anybusiness of trade or commerce, or as a broker, nor as an agentor factor for any merchant or trader.

Section 4. No money drawn except upon appropriation orallocation. No money shall be drawn from the treasury, exceptin consequence of appropriations or allocations authorized bylaw.

Section 5. Bonding regulations; prohibiting use of proceedsfrom sale of bonds to fund current expenditures. TheLegislature shall enact general law prohibiting the use ofproceeds from the sale of bonds to fund current expenditures (7 of 8) [8/18/2005 5:40:38 PM]

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and shall provide by appropriation for the payment of interestupon and installments of principal of all bonded debt createdon behalf of the State as the same shall become due andpayable. If at any time the Legislature shall fail to makeany such appropriation, the Treasurer of State shall set apartfrom the first General Fund revenues thereafter received a sumsufficient to pay such interest or installments of principaland shall so apply the moneys thus set apart. The Treasurerof State may be required to set apart and apply such revenuesat the suit of any holder of such bonds. The prohibition onuse of proceeds from the sale of bonds to fund currentexpenditures shall only apply to those bonds authorized on orafter July 1, 1977.

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Maine Constitution - Article 6

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As Amended and Revised by the Chief Justice, 1993

Article VI. Judicial Power.

Section 1. Courts.Section 2. Compensation.Section 3. To give opinion when required by Governor or either Branch of the Legislature.Section 4. Tenure of judicial officers; 6-month holdover period.Section 5. Limitation on holding other office.Section 6. Judges and registers of probate, election and tenure; vacancies.

Article VI. Judicial Power.

Section 1. Courts. The judicial power of this State shall bevested in a Supreme Judicial Court, and such other courts as theLegislature shall from time to time establish.

Section 2. Compensation. The Justices of the Supreme JudicialCourt and the Judges of other courts shall, at stated timesreceive a compensation, which shall not be diminished duringtheir continuance in office; but they shall receive no other feeor reward for their services as Justices or Judges.

Section 3. To give opinion when required by Governor or eitherBranch of the Legislature. The Justices of the Supreme JudicialCourt shall be obliged to give their opinion upon importantquestions of law, and upon solemn occasions, when required bythe Governor, Senate or House of Representatives.

Section 4. Tenure of judicial officers; 6-month holdoverperiod. All judicial officers appointed by the Governor shallhold their offices for the term of 7 years from the time oftheir respective appointments (unless sooner removed byimpeachment or by address of both branches of the Legislature tothe executive, provided further that justices of the peace maybe removed from office in such manner as the Legislature mayprovide); provided, however, that a judicial officer whose termof office has expired or who has reached mandatory retirementage, as provided by statute, may continue to hold office untilthe expiration of an additional period not to exceed 6 months oruntil the successor to the judicial officer is appointed, (1 of 2) [8/18/2005 5:40:42 PM]

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whichever occurs first in time.

Section 5. Limitation on holding other office. No Justice ofthe Supreme Judicial Court or any other court shall hold officeunder the United States or any other state, nor under thisState, except as justice of the peace or as member of theJudicial Council.

Section 6. Judges and registers of probate, election andtenure; vacancies. Judges and registers of probate shall beelected by the people of their respective counties, by aplurality of the votes given in, at the biennial election on theTuesday following the first Monday of November, and shall holdtheir offices for 4 years, commencing on the first day ofJanuary next after their election. Vacancies occurring in saidoffices by death, resignation or otherwise, shall be filled byelection in manner aforesaid at the November election, nextafter their occurrence; and in the meantime, the Governor mayfill said vacancies by appointment, and the persons so appointedshall hold their offices until the first day of January nextafter the election aforesaid. Note: Section 6 of Article VIhas been repealed by Amendment which by virtue of Chapter 77 ofthe Resolves of the One Hundred and Third Legislature, 1967"shall become effective at such time as the Legislature byproper enactment shall establish a different Probate Courtsystem with full-time judges."

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Maine Constitution - Article 7

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Article VII. Military

Section 1. Officers, how appointed.Section 2. Qualifications and selection.Section 3. Adjutant General.Section 4. Standard of organization, armament and discipline.Section 5. Persons exempt from military duty.

Article VII. Military.

Section 1. Officers, how appointed. All commissioned officersof the militia shall be appointed and commissioned by theGovernor, from such persons as are qualified by law to hold suchoffices.

Section 2. Qualifications and selection. The Legislatureshall, by law, designate the qualifications necessary forholding a commission in the militia and shall prescribe the modeof selection of officers for the several grades.

Section 3. Adjutant General. The Adjutant General shall beappointed by the Governor. But the Adjutant General shall alsoperform the duties of quartermaster general and paymastergeneral until otherwise directed by law.

Section 4. Standard of organization, armament and discipline.The organization, armament and discipline of the militia and ofthe military and naval units thereof shall be the same as thatwhich is now or may hereafter be prescribed by the laws andregulations of the United States; and it shall be the duty of theGovernor to issue from time to time such orders and regulationsand to adopt such other means of administration, as shallmaintain the prescribed standard of organization, armament anddiscipline; and such orders, regulations and means adopted shallhave the full force and effect of the law.

Section 5. Persons exempt from military duty. Persons of thedenominations of Quakers and Shakers, Justices of the SupremeJudicial Court, Ministers of the Gospel and persons exempted bythe laws of the United States may be exempted from military (1 of 2) [8/18/2005 5:40:46 PM]

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duty, but no other able-bodied person of the age of 18 and underthe age of 45 years, excepting officers of the militia who havebeen honorably discharged, shall be so exempted.

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Maine Constitution - Article 8

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As Amended and Revised by the Chief Justice, 1993

Article VIII

Part First. Education.

Section 1. Legislature shall require towns municipalities to support public schools; duty of Legislature.Section 2. Authority to pledge the credit of the State and to issue bonds for loans to Maine students in higher education and their parents.

Article VIII.

Part Second. Municipal Home Rule.

Section 1. Power of municipalities to amend their charters.Section 2. Construction of buildings for industrial use.

Article VIII.

Part First. Education.

Section 1. Legislature shall require towns municipalities tosupport public schools; duty of Legislature. A generaldiffusion of the advantages of education being essential to thepreservation of the rights and liberties of the people; topromote this important object, the Legislature are authorized,and it shall be their duty to require, the several towns to makesuitable provision, at their own expense, for the support andmaintenance of public schools; and it shall further be their dutyto encourage and suitably endow, from time to time, as thecircumstances of the people may authorize, all academies,colleges and seminaries of learning within the State; provided,that no donation, grant or endowment shall at any time be madeby the Legislature to any literary institution now established,or which may hereafter be established, unless, at the time ofmaking such endowment, the Legislature of the State shall havethe right to grant any further powers to alter, limit orrestrain any of the powers vested in any such literaryinstitution, as shall be judged necessary to promote the best (1 of 2) [8/18/2005 5:40:53 PM]

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interests thereof.

Section 2. Authority to pledge the credit of the State and toissue bonds for loans to Maine students in higher education andtheir parents. For the purpose of assisting the youth of Maineto achieve the required levels of learning and to develop theirintellectual and mental capacities, the Legislature, by properenactment, may authorize the credit of the State to be loaned tosecure funds for loans to Maine students attending institutionsof higher education, wherever situated, and to parents of thesestudents. Funds shall be obtained by the issuance of statebonds, when authorized by the Governor, but the amount of bondsissued and outstanding shall not at one time exceed in theaggregate $4,000,000. Funds loaned shall be on such terms andconditions as the Legislature shall authorize.

Article VIII.

Part Second. Municipal Home Rule.

Section 1. Power of municipalities to amend their charters.The inhabitants of any municipality shall have the power toalter and amend their charters on all matters, not prohibited byConstitution or general law, which are local and municipal incharacter. The Legislature shall prescribe the procedure bywhich the municipality may so act.

Section 2. Construction of buildings for industrial use. Forthe purposes of fostering, encouraging and assisting thephysical location, settlement and resettlement of industrial andmanufacturing enterprises within the physical boundaries of anymunicipality, the registered voters of that municipality may, bymajority vote, authorize the issuance of notes or bonds in thename of the municipality for the purpose of purchasing land andinterests therein or constructing buildings for industrial use,to be leased or sold by the municipality to any responsibleindustrial firm or corporation.

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Maine Constitution - Article 9

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As Amended and Revised by the Chief Justice, 1993

Article IX. General Provisions.

Section 1. Oaths and subscriptions. Alternative affirmation. Administration of oaths to Governor, Senators, Representatives, and other officers.Section 2. Offices incompatible with each other; election to Congress disqualifies.Section 3. Commissions.Section 4. Elections on the first Wednesday after first Tuesday of January may be adjourned from day to day.Section 5. Removal by impeachment or address.Section 6. Tenure of office.Section 7. Valuation.Section 8. Taxation. 1. Intangible property. 2. Assessment of certain lands based on current use; penalty on change to higher use. 3. School districts. 4. Watercraft.Section 9. Power of taxation.Section 10. Tenure of sheriffs. Removal of sheriffs from office and replacement.Section 11. Attorney General.Section 12. Voting districts.Section 13. Bribery at elections.Section 14. Authority and procedure for issuance of bonds.Section 14-A Authority to insure industrial, manufacturing, fishing, and agricultural mortgage loans.Section 14-B. Authority to insure revenue bonds of the Maine School Building Authority.Section 14-C. Authority to insure mortgage loans for Indian housing.Section 14-D. Authority to insure Maine veterans' mortgage loans, and to appropriate moneys and issue bonds for the payment of same.Section 15. Municipal borrowing regulated by Legislature through general law.Section 16. Seat of government.Section 17. Continuity of Government in case of enemy attack.Section 18. Limitation on use of funds of Maine State Retirement System.Section 19. Limitation on expenditure of motor vehicle and motor vehicle fuel revenues.Section 20. Mining Excise Tax Trust Fund.Section 21. State mandates. (1 of 9) [8/18/2005 5:40:58 PM]

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Section 22. Revenues generated by fisheries and wildlife management.

Article IX. General Provisions.

Section 1. Oaths and subscriptions. Every person elected orappointed to either of the places or offices provided in thisConstitution, and every person elected, appointed, orcommissioned to any judicial, executive, military or other officeunder this State, shall, before entering on the discharge of theduties of that place or office, take and subscribe the followingoath or affirmation: "I,_______ do swear, that I will supportthe Constitution of the United States and of this State, so longas I shall continue a citizen thereof. So help me God."

Alternative affirmation. "I ______ do swear, that I willfaithfully discharge, to the best of my abilities, the dutiesincumbent on me as ______according to the Constitution and lawsof the State. So help me God." Provided, that an affirmation inthe above forms may be substituted, when the person shall beconscientiously scrupulous of taking and subscribing an oath.

Administration of oaths to Governor, Senators, Representatives,and other officers. The oaths or affirmations shall be takenand subscribed by the Governor before the presiding officer ofthe Senate, in the presence of both Houses of the Legislature,and by the Senators and Representatives before the Governor andby the residue of said officers before such persons as shall beprescribed by the Legislature; and whenever the Governor shallnot be able to attend during the session of the Legislature totake and subscribe said oaths or affirmations, such oaths oraffirmations may be taken and subscribed in the recess of theLegislature before any Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court andprovided further that, if the Governor shall be unable to appearand administer the oath to the Senators and Representatives,such oaths shall be administered by the Chief Justice of theSupreme Judicial Court or in the absence of the Chief Justice, bythe senior Associate Justice of said Supreme Judicial Courtpresent at the State Capitol on the first day of the term forwhich said Senators and Representatives shall have been elected.

Section 2. Offices incompatible with each other; election toCongress disqualifies. No person holding the office of Justiceof the Supreme Judicial Court, or of any inferior court,Attorney General, district attorney, Treasurer of the State,Adjutant General, judge of probate, register of probate,register of deeds, sheriffs or their deputies, clerks of thejudicial courts, shall be a member of the Legislature; and anyperson holding either of the foregoing offices, elected to, andaccepting a seat in the Congress of the United States, shallthereby vacate said office; and no person shall be capable ofholding or exercising at the same time within this State, morethan one of the offices before mentioned. (2 of 9) [8/18/2005 5:40:58 PM]

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Section 3. Commissions. All commissions shall be in the nameof the State, signed by the Governor, attested by the Secretaryor a deputy of the Secretary and have the seal of the Statethereto affixed.

Section 4. Elections on the first Wednesday after firstTuesday of January may be adjourned from day to day. In casethe elections, required by this Constitution on the firstWednesday after the first Tuesday of January biennially, by the 2Houses of the Legislature, shall not be completed on that day,the same may be adjourned from day to day, until completed, inthe following order: The vacancies in the Senate shall first befilled; and the Governor shall then be elected, if there be nochoice by the people.

Section 5. Removal by impeachment or address. Every personholding any civil office under this State, may be removed byimpeachment, for misdemeanor in office; and every person holdingany office, may be removed by the Governor on the address of bothbranches of the Legislature. But before such address shall passeither House, the causes of removal shall be stated and enteredon the journal of the House in which it originated, and a copythereof served on the person in office, that the person may beadmitted to a hearing in that person's own defense.

Section 6. Tenure of office. The tenure of all offices, whichare not or shall not be otherwise provided for, shall be duringthe pleasure of the Governor.

Section 7. Valuation. While the public expenses shall beassessed on estates, a general valuation shall be taken at leastonce in 10 years.

Section 8. Taxation. All taxes upon real and personal estate,assessed by authority of this State, shall be apportioned andassessed equally according to the just value thereof.

1. Intangible property. The Legislature shall have power tolevy a tax upon intangible personal property at such rate as itdeems wise and equitable without regard to the rate applied toother classes of property.

2. Assessment of certain lands based on current use; penalty onchange to higher use. The Legislature shall have power toprovide for the assessment of the following types of real estatewhenever situated in accordance with a valuation based upon thecurrent use thereof and in accordance with such conditions as theLegislature may enact:

A. Farms and agricultural lands, timberlands and woodlands;

B. Open space lands which are used for recreation or the (3 of 9) [8/18/2005 5:40:58 PM]

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enjoyment of scenic natural beauty; and

C. Lands used for game management or wildlife sanctuaries.

In implementing paragraphs A, B and C, the Legislature shallprovide that any change of use higher than those set forth inparagraphs A, B and C, except when the change is occasioned by atransfer resulting from the exercise or threatened exercise ofthe power of eminent domain, shall result in the imposition of aminimum penalty equal to the tax which would have been imposedover the 5 years preceding that change of use had that realestate been assessed at its highest and best use, less all taxespaid on that real estate over the preceding 5 years, andinterest, upon such reasonable and equitable basis as theLegislature shall determine. Any statutory or constitutionalpenalty imposed as a result of a change of use, whether imposedbefore or after the approval of this subsection, shall bedetermined without regard to the presence of minerals, providedthat, when payment of the penalty is made or demanded, whicheveroccurs first, there is in effect a state excise tax whichapplies or would apply to the mining of those minerals.

3. School districts. The Legislature shall have power toprovide that taxes, which it may authorize a SchoolAdministrative District or a community school district to levy,may be assessed on real, personal and intangible property inaccordance with any cost- sharing formula which it mayauthorize.

4. Watercraft. Beginning with the property tax year 1984, allwatercraft as defined by the Legislature shall be exempt fromtaxation as personal property, provided that certain watercraftas defined by the Legislature shall be subject to an excise taxto be collected and retained by the municipalities.

Section 9. Power of taxation. The Legislature shall never, inany manner, suspend or surrender the power of taxation.

Section 10. Tenure of sheriffs. Sheriffs shall be elected bythe people of their respective counties, by a plurality of thevotes given in on the Tuesday following the first Monday ofNovember, and shall hold their offices for 4 years from the firstday of January next after their election, unless sooner removedas hereinafter provided.

Removal of sheriffs from office and replacement. Whenever theGovernor upon complaint, due notice and hearing shall find thata sheriff is not faithfully or efficiently performing any dutyimposed upon the sheriff by law, the Governor may remove suchsheriff from office and appoint another sheriff to serve for theremainder of the term for which such removed sheriff waselected. All vacancies in the office of sheriff, other than (4 of 9) [8/18/2005 5:40:58 PM]

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those caused by removal in the manner aforesaid shall be filledin the same manner as is provided in the case of judges andregisters of probate.

Section 11. Attorney General. The Attorney General shall bechosen biennially by joint ballot of the Senators andRepresentatives in convention. Vacancy in said office occurringwhen the Legislature is not in session, may be filled byappointment by the Governor, subject to confirmation as requiredby this Constitution for Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court.

Section 12. Voting districts. The Legislature may by lawauthorize the dividing of towns into voting districts for allstate and national elections, and prescribe the manner in whichthe votes shall be received, counted, and the result of theelection declared.

Section 13. Bribery at elections. The Legislature may enactlaws excluding from the right of suffrage, for a term notexceeding 10 years, all persons convicted of bribery at anyelection, or of voting at any election, under the influence of abribe.

Section 14. Authority and procedure for issuance of bonds. Thecredit of the State shall not be directly or indirectly loanedin any case, except as provided in sections 14-A, 14-B, 14-C and14-D. The Legislature shall not create any debt or debts,liability or liabilities, on behalf of the State, which shallsingly, or in the aggregate, with previous debts and liabilitieshereafter incurred at any one time, exceed $2,000,000, except tosuppress insurrection, to repel invasion, or for purposes of war,and except for temporary loans to be paid out of money raised bytaxation during the fiscal year in which they are made; andexcepting also that whenever 2/3 of both Houses shall deem itnecessary, by proper enactment ratified by a majority of theelectors voting thereon at a general or special election, theLegislature may authorize the issuance of bonds on behalf of theState at such times and in such amounts and for such purposes asapproved by such action; but this shall not be construed torefer to any money that has been, or may be deposited with thisState by the Government of the United States, or to any fundwhich the State shall hold in trust for any Indian tribe.Whenever ratification by the electors is essential to thevalidity of bonds to be issued on behalf of the State, thequestion submitted to the electors shall be accompanied by astatement setting forth the total amount of bonds of the Stateoutstanding and unpaid, the total amount of bonds of the Stateauthorized and unissued, and the total amount of bonds of theState contemplated to be issued if the enactment submitted tothe electors be ratified. For any bond authorization requiringratification of the electors pursuant to this section, if anybonds have not been issued within 5 years of the date of (5 of 9) [8/18/2005 5:40:58 PM]

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ratification, then those bonds may not be issued after thatdate. Within 2 years after expiration of that 5-year period, theLegislature may extend, by a majority vote, the 5-year period foran additional 5 years or may deauthorize the bonds. If theLegislature fails to take action within those 2 years, the bondissue shall be considered to be deauthorized and no further bondsmay be issued. For any bond authorization in existence onNovember 6, 1984, and for which the 5-year period followingratification has expired, no further bonds may be issued unlessthe Legislature, by November 6, 1986, reauthorizes those bonds bya majority vote, for an additional 5-year period, failing whichall bonds unissued under those authorizations shall beconsidered to be deauthorized. Temporary loans to be paid outof moneys raised by taxation during any fiscal year shall notexceed in the aggregate during the fiscal year in question anamount greater than 10% of all the moneys appropriated,authorized and allocated by the Legislature from undedicatedrevenues to the General Fund and dedicated revenues to theHighway Fund for that fiscal year, exclusive of proceeds orexpenditures from the sale of bonds, or greater than 1% of thetotal valuation of the State of Maine, whichever is the lesser.

Section 14-A. Authority to insure industrial, manufacturing,fishing, and agricultural mortgage loans. For the purposes offostering, encouraging and assisting the physical location,settlement and resettlement of industrial, manufacturing,fishing, agricultural and recreational enterprises within theState, the Legislature by proper enactment may insure thepayment of mortgage loans on real estate and personal propertywithin the State of such industrial, manufacturing, fishing,agricultural and recreational enterprises not exceeding in theaggregate $90,000,000 in amount at any one time and may alsoappropriate moneys and authorize the issuance of bonds on behalfof the State at such times and in such amounts as it maydetermine to make payments insured as aforesaid. For thepurposes of this section, a documented fishing vessel or a vesselregistered under state law shall be construed as real estate.

Section 14-B. Authority to insure revenue bonds of the MaineSchool Building Authority. In order to encourage and assist inthe provision and construction of public school buildings in theState, the Legislature by proper enactment may insure the paymentof revenue bonds of the Maine School Building Authority on schoolprojects within the State not exceeding in the aggregate$6,000,000 in amount at any one time and may also appropriatemoneys and authorize the issuance of bonds on behalf of the Stateat such times and in such amounts as it may determine to makepayments insured as aforesaid.

Section 14-C. Authority to insure mortgage loans for Indianhousing. For the purpose of fostering and encouraging theacquisition, construction, repair and remodeling of houses owned (6 of 9) [8/18/2005 5:40:58 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Article 9

or to be owned by members of the 2 tribes on the several Indianreservations, the Legislature by proper enactment may insure thepayment of mortgage loans on such houses not exceeding in theaggregate $1,000,000 in amount at any one time and may alsoappropriate moneys and authorize the issuance of bonds on behalfof the State at such times and in such amounts as it maydetermine to make payments insured as aforesaid.

Section 14-D. Authority to insure Maine veterans' mortgageloans, and to appropriate moneys and issue bonds for the paymentof same. For the purposes of recognizing the services andsacrifices of Maine's men and women who have served their stateand country through honorable service in the Armed Forces of theUnited States in time of war or national emergency; enlargingthe opportunities for employment of Maine's veterans; insuringthe preservation and betterment of the economy of the State ofMaine; and stimulating the flow of private investment funds toMaine's veterans, the Legislature by proper enactment may insurethe payment of any mortgage loan to resident Maine veterans ofthe Armed Forces of the United States, including a businessorganization owned in whole or in part by a resident Maineveteran, when such loans are made in connection with suchlegitimate purposes and under such terms and conditions as theLegislature may determine, not exceeding in the aggregate$4,000,000 in amount at any one time and may also appropriatemoneys and authorize the issuance of bonds on behalf of theState at such times and in such amounts as it may determine tomake payments insured as aforesaid.

Section 15. Municipal borrowing regulated by Legislaturethrough general law. The Legislature shall enact general lawregulating the total borrowing capacity of municipalcorporations.

Section 16. Seat of government. Augusta is hereby declared tobe the seat of government of this State.

Section 17. Continuity of Government in case of enemy attack.Notwithstanding any general or special provision of thisConstitution, the Legislature, in order to insure continuity ofstate and local governmental operations in periods of emergencyresulting from disasters caused by enemy attack, shall have thepower and the immediate duty to provide for prompt and temporarysuccession to the powers and duties of public offices, ofwhatever nature and whether filled by election or appointment,the incumbents of which may become unavailable for carrying onthe powers and duties of such offices, and to adopt such othermeasures as may be necessary and proper for insuring thecontinuity of governmental operations including but not limitedto the financing thereof. In the exercise of the powers herebyconferred the Legislature shall in all respects conform to therequirements of this Constitution except to the extent that in (7 of 9) [8/18/2005 5:40:58 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Article 9

the judgment of the Legislature so to do would be impracticableor would admit of undue delay.

Section 18. Limitation on use of funds of Maine StateRetirement System. All of the assets, and proceeds or incometherefrom, of the Maine State Retirement System or any successorsystem and all contributions and payments made to the system toprovide for retirement and related benefits shall be held,invested or disbursed as in trust for the exclusive purpose ofproviding for such benefits and shall not be encumbered for, ordiverted to, other purposes. Funds appropriated by theLegislature for the Maine State Retirement System are assets ofthe system and may not be diverted or deappropriated by anysubsequent action.

Section 19. Limitation on expenditure of motor vehicle andmotor vehicle fuel revenues. All revenues derived from fees,excises and license taxes relating to registration, operationand use of vehicles on public highways, and to fuels used forpropulsion of such vehicles shall be expended solely for cost ofadministration, statutory refunds and adjustments, payment ofdebts and liabilities incurred in construction andreconstruction of highways and bridges, the cost of construction,reconstruction, maintenance and repair of public highways andbridges under the direction and supervision of a statedepartment having jurisdiction over such highways and bridges andexpense for state enforcement of traffic laws and shall not bediverted for any purpose, provided that these limitations shallnot apply to revenue from an excise tax on motor vehiclesimposed in lieu of personal property tax.

Section 20. Mining Excise Tax Trust Fund. The principal amountof the Mining Excise Tax Trust Fund or any successor fund maynot be expended unless the expenditure is approved in a separatemeasure by a 2/3 vote of all the members elected to each Houseof the Legislature and by the Governor.

Section 21. State mandates. For the purpose of more fairlyapportioning the cost of government and providing local propertytax relief, the State may not require a local unit of governmentto expand or modify that unit's activities so as to necessitateadditional expenditures from local revenues unless the Stateprovides annually 90% of the funding for these expenditures fromState funds not previously appropriated to that local unit ofgovernment. Legislation implementing this section or requiring aspecific expenditure as an exception to this requirement may beenacted upon the vote of 2/3 of all members elected to eachHouse. This section must be liberally construed.

Section 22. Revenues generated by fisheries and wildlifemanagement. The amount of funds appropriated in any fiscal yearto the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, or any (8 of 9) [8/18/2005 5:40:58 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Article 9

successor agency responsible for fisheries and wildlifemanagement, other than commercial marine fisheries management,may not be less than the total revenues collected, received orrecovered by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, orsuccessor agency, from license and permit fees, fines, the sale,lease or rental of property, penalties, and all other revenuesources pursuant to the laws of the State administered by thedepartment or successor agency, except that revenues receivedfrom the Federal Government may be allocated as provided byfederal or state law and the Legislature may establish specialfunds and deposit revenues collected, received or recovered bythe department or successor agency into those special funds,provided that the revenues are allocated and expended only forthe purposes of those special funds as provided by law.

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Maine Constitution - Article 10

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As Amended and Revised by the Chief Justice, 1993

Article X. Additional Provisions.

Section 1. (See Section 7 and Note.)Section 2. (See Section 7 and Note.)Section 3. Laws now in force continue until repealed.Section 4. Amendments to Constitution.

Section 5. (See Section 7 and Note.)Section 6. Constitution to be arranged by Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court; Constitution to be enrolled and printed with laws; supreme law of the State.Section 7. Original sections 1, 2, 5, of Article X not to be printed; section 5 in full force.

Article X. Additional Provisions.

Section 1. (See Section 7 and Note.)

Section 2. (See Section 7 and Note.)

Section 3. Laws now in force continue until repealed. Alllaws now in force in this State, and not repugnant to thisConstitution, shall remain, and be in force, until altered orrepealed by the Legislature, repeal or shall expire by their ownlimitation.

Section 4. Amendments to Constitution. The Legislature,whenever 2/3 of both Houses shall deem it necessary, may proposeamendments to this Constitution; and when any amendments shallbe so agreed upon, a resolution shall be passed and sent to theselectmen of the several towns, and the assessors of the severalplantations, empowering and directing them to notify theinhabitants of their respective towns and plantations, in themanner prescribed by law, at the next biennial meetings in themonth of November, or to meet in the manner prescribed by lawfor calling and holding biennial meetings of said inhabitantsfor the election of Senators and Representatives, on the Tuesdayfollowing the first Monday of November following the passage ofsaid resolve, to give in their votes on the question, whethersuch amendment shall be made; and if it shall appear that amajority of the inhabitants voting on the question are in favor (1 of 2) [8/18/2005 5:41:02 PM]

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Maine Constitution - Article 10

of such amendment, it shall be come a part of this Constitution.

Section 5. (See Section 7 and Note.)

Section 6. Constitution to be arranged by Chief Justice of theSupreme Judicial Court; Constitution to be enrolled and printedwith laws; supreme law of the State. The Chief Justice of theSupreme Judicial Court shall arrange the Constitution, asamended, under appropriate titles and in proper articles, partsand sections, omitting all sections, clauses and words not inforce and making no other changes in the provisions or languagethereof, and shall submit the same to the Legislature; and sucharrangement of the Constitution shall be made and submitted tothe regular session of the Legislature in 1973 and every 10years thereafter unless sooner authorized by the Legislature;and the draft and arrangement, when approved by the Legislature,shall be enrolled on parchment and deposited in the office of theSecretary of State; and printed copies thereof shall be prefixedto the books containing the Revised Statutes of the State. Andthe Constitution, with the amendments made thereto, inaccordance with the provisions thereof, shall be the supreme lawof the State.

Section 7. Original sections 1, 2, 5, of Article X not to beprinted; section 5 in full force. Sections 1, 2 and 5, ofArticle 10 of the Constitution, shall hereafter be omitted inany printed copies thereof prefixed to the laws of the State; butthis shall not impair the validity of acts under those sections;and said section 5 shall remain in full force, as part of theConstitution, according to the stipulations of said section, withthe same effect as if contained in said printed copies. Note:The omitted sections may be found in the text of the Constitutionprefixed to the official publication of the laws passed by thefirst Legislature of the State, which convened May 31, 1820,pages xxiv-xxvii, and pages xxviii-xxxi; in the text of theConstitution prefixed to the publication of the Laws of Maine,authorized by Resolve of March 8, 1821, Volume 1, pages 41-50,and in such text prefixed to the Revised Statutes of 1841, 1857and 1871.

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Maine Constitution - Index: A-I

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Index to the Maine Constitution - A through I

ABSENT MEMBERS Article IV, Part Third, Section 3ABSENTEE VOTING Article II, Section 4ABUSING (CONTEMPT OF THE HOUSE OR SENATE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 6ACADEMIES Article VIII, Part First, Section 1ACCUSED Article I, Section 6ACT (DEFINITION OF "MEASURE") Article IV, Part Third, Section 20ACTS Become effective in 90 days after recess Article IV, Part Third, Section 16 People's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 17 Records kept by secretary Article V, Part Second, Section 4ADHERING TO ITS ENEMIES Article I, Section 12ADJOURNMENT Article IV, Part Third, Section 2 Article IV, Part Third, Section 3 Governor Article V, Part First, Section 13 House and Senate Article IV, Part Third, Section 12 Recess definition Article IV, Part Third, Section 20ADJUTANT GENERAL Article VII, Section 3 Incompatible offices Article IX, Section 2AFFIRMATION (OATH OF OFFICE) Article IX, Section 1AGE OF 18 YEARS (ELECTORS) Article II, Section 1AGE OF 21 YEARS (HOUSE MEMBERS) Article IV, Part First, Section 4AGE OF 25 YEARS (SENATORS) (1 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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Article IV, Part Second, Section 6AGE OF 30 YEARS (GOVERNOR) Article V, Part First, Section 4AGRICULTURAL (MORTGAGE LOANS) Article IX, Section 14-AAGRICULTURAL LANDS (ASSESSMENT) Article IX, Section 8AID AND COMFORT Article I, Section 12ALLOCATIONS (TREASURER) Article V, Part Third, Section 4AMENDING THIS CONSTITUTION Article IV, Part Third, Section 15AMENDMENT OF THE STATE CONSTITUTION (NOT SUBJECT TO INITIATIVE Article IV, Part Third, Section 18AMENDMENTS Article IV, Part Third, Section 9AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION Article X, Section 4APPOINTED OFFICIAL (OATHS) Article IX, Section 1APPOINTMENT Adjutant general Article VII, Section 3 Attorney general vacancy Article IX, Section 11 Enemy attack Article IX, Section 17 Judges and registers of probate, vacancies Article VI, Section 6 Military officers Article VII, Section 1APPOINTMENT OF NOMINEE (BY GOVERNOR) Article V, Part First, Section 8APPORTIONMENT (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES) Article IV, Part First, Section 2APPORTIONMENT COMMISSION Article IV, Part First, Section 3 Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-A Senate Article IV, Part Second, Section 2APPORTIONMENT PLAN House of Representatives Article IV, Part First, Section 3 Senate Article IV, Part Second, Section 2APPROPRIATION And sale of bonds Article V, Part Third, Section 5 Treasurer (2 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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Article V, Part Third, Section 4ARMAMENT (MILITIA) Article VII, Section 4ARMED FORCES Article II, Section 4ARMS. Article I, Section 16ARMY Governor is commander in chief Article V, Part First, Section 7 No standing Article I, Section 17ARMY OR NAVY Article I, Section 14 Article I, Section 7ARREST (MEMBERS EXEMPT FROM) Article IV, Part Third, Section 8ARREST ON THE DAYS OF ELECTION Article II, Section 2ASSAULTING (CONTEMPT OF THE HOUSE OR SENATE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 6ASSEMBLE Article I, Section 15ASSESSMENT OF CERTAIN LANDS Article IX, Section 2ASSESSORS (AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION) Article X, Section 4ATTAINDER Article I, Section 11ATTESTED COPIES OF VOTING LISTS BY THE CLERKS (SENATE ELECTION) Article IV, Part Second, Section 3ATTORNEY GENERAL Article IX, Section 11 Incompatible offices Article IX, Section 2AUGUSTA (SEAT OF GOVERNMENT) Article IX, Section 16BAIL Article I, Section 9BAILABLE OFFENSES; Article I, Section 10BALLOT Article II, Section 1 Election of secretary of state Article V, Part Second, Section 1 Election of treasurer Article V, Part Third, Section 1 Gubernatorial election Article V, Part First, Section 3BARRACK OR MILITARY PLACE (3 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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Article II, Section 1"BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MAINE." Article IV, Part First, Section 1BEAR ARMS Article I, Section 16BEHAVIOR Contempt of the House or Senate Article IV, Part Third, Section 6 House and Senate members Article IV, Part Third, Section 4BEST USE Article IX, Section 8BILL OF ATTAINDER Article I, Section 11BILLS Citizen initiative Article IV, Part Third, Section 18 Definition of "measure" Article IV, Part Third, Section 20 Either House may originate Article IV, Part Third, Section 9 People's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 17 Revenue Article IV, Part Third, Section 9 To be signed by the Governor Article IV, Part Third, Section 2BILLS, ORDERS OR RESOLUTIONS Article IV, Part Third, Section 9BOATS (TAXATION) Article IX, Section 8BOND (TREASURER) Article V, Part Third, Section 2BONDING REGULATIONS (TREASURER) Article V, Part Third, Section 5BONDS Article IX, Section 14 Article IX, Section 14-A Education Article VIII, Part First, Section 2 Indian housing Article IX, Section 14-C Maine school building authority Article IX, Section 14-B Veterans mortgage loans Article IX, Section 14-DBOUNDARIES (HOUSE DISTRICTS) Article IV, Part First, Section 2BREACH OF THE PEACE Article IV, Part Third, Section 8 (4 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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BRIBERY AT ELECTIONS Article IX, Section 13BRIDGES (HIGHWAY FUND) Article IX, Section 19BUDGET DOCUMENT Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-ABUDGET FOR THE APPORTIONING COMMISSION Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-ABUILDINGS FOR INDUSTRIAL USE Article VIII, Part Second, Section 2CANDIDATES (GOVERNOR VACANCY) Article V, Part First, Section 14CAPITAL OFFENSES Article I, Section 10CAPITAL OR INFAMOUS CRIME Article I, Section 7CENSUS Article IV, Part First, Section 2CERTIFICATE OF THE OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED BY LAW TO MAINTAIN THE VOTING LIST Article IV, Part Third, Section 20CERTIFICATION OF PETITIONS Article IV, Part Third, Section 20CHAIRPERSON (OF POLITICAL PARTIES, APPORTIONMENT COMMISSION) Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-ACHANGE OF USE Article IX, Section 8CHARTERS Article VIII, Part Second, Section 1CHIEF JUSTICE Arranges constitution Article X, Section 6 Temporary disability of Governor Article V, Part First, Section 15 Oaths of office Article IX, Section 1CIRCULATOR (DEFINITION OF) Article IV, Part Third, Section 20CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES OF THE AGE OF 18 YEARS AND UPWARD Article II, Section 1CITY AND TOWN CLERKS (HOUSE ELECTIONS) Article IV, Part First, Section 5CITY CLERKS (SENATE ELECTIONS) Article IV, Part Second, Section 3CITY COUNCIL MAY ESTABLISH DIRECT INITIATIVE AND PEOPLE'S VETO Article IV, Part Third, Section 21CIVIL OFFICE (REMOVAL) Article IX, Section 5 (5 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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CIVIL OFFICERS (MANNER OF SELECTION) Article V, Part First, Section 8CIVIL RIGHTS Article I, Section 6-ACIVIL SUITS Article I, Section 20CLEMENCY Article V, Part First, Section 11CLERK OF THE HOUSE Article IV, Part First, Section 3 Article IV, Part First, Section 7CLERKS OF THE CITIES AND TOWNS House elections Article IV, Part First, Section 5 Senate elections Article IV, Part Second, Section 3CLERKS OF THE JUDICIAL COURTS (INCOMPATIBLE OFFICES) Article IX, Section 2COLLEGES Article VIII, Part First, Section 1COLOR OF AMENDMENT Article IV, Part Third, Section 9COMMANDER IN CHIEF (GOVERNOR) Article V, Part First, Section 7COMMERCIAL MARINE FISHERIES MANAGEMENT Article IX, Section 22COMMISSION (APPORTIONMENT) Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-ACOMMISSION (OATHS) Article IX, Section 1COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF THE MILITIA Article VII, Section 1COMMISSIONS Article IX, Section 3COMMON GOOD Article I, Section 15COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT (TAX POWER) Article IX, Section 8COMMUTATIONS Article V, Part First, Section 11COMPENSATION For taking private property Article I, Section 21 Governor Article V, Part First, Section 6 Judges Article VI, Section 2 Senators and Representatives Article IV, Part Third, Section 7 Temporary disability of Governor (6 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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Article V, Part First, Section 15COMPETING MEASURES (CITIZEN INITIATIVE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 18COMPLAINT (REMOVAL OF SHERIFFS) Article IX, Section 10CONFESSION IN OPEN COURT Article I, Section 12CONFIRMATION (GOVERNOR APPOINTEES) Article V, Part First, Section 8CONGRESS Article IV, Part Third, Section 11 Incompatible offices Article IX, Section 2CONSCIENCES Article I, Section 3CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE Article I, Section 22CONSTITUTION Amendments Article IV, Part Third, Section 15 Article X, Section 4 Arranged by chief justice Article X, Section 6 Enrolled Article X, Section 6 Omitted sections Article X, Section 7CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS Article IV, Part Third, Section 15CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS FOR INDUSTRIAL USE Article VIII, Part Second, Section 2CONTAGIOUS SICKNESS (AND LEGISLATIVE ADJOURNMENT) Article V, Part First, Section 13CONTEMPT (OF THE HOUSE OR SENATE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 6CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT IN CASE OF ENEMY ATTACK Article IX, Section 17CONTRACT-IMPAIRMENT LAWS PROHIBITED Article I, Section 11CONTROVERSIES CONCERNING PROPERTY Article I, Section 20CONVENE (LEGISLATURE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 1CONVENES THE LEGISLATURE ON EXTRAORDINARY OCCASIONS Article V, Part First, Section 13CONVENTION Attorney general election Article IX, Section 11 Constitutional Article IV, Part Third, Section 15 Election of secretary of state (7 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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Article V, Part Second, Section 1 Election of treasurer Article V, Part Third, Section 1CONVICTIONS Article I, Section 7CORONERS Article IV, Part Third, Section 11CORPORAL PUNISHMENT UNDER MILITARY LAW Article I, Section 14CORPORATION Emergency bills Article IV, Part Third, Section 16 Municipal bonds for local industrial development Article VIII, Part Second, Section 2CORPORATIONS Article IV, Part Third, Section 14CORRUPTION OF BLOOD Article I, Section 11COST-SHARING FORMULA (SCHOOL TAXES) Article IX, Section 8COUNSEL Article I, Section 20COUNSEL TO THE ACCUSED Article I, Section 6COUNTIES Electing judges Article VI, Section 6 Electing registers of probate Article VI, Section 6 Sheriff tenure Article IX, Section 10COURTS Article VI, Section 1CREDIT OF THE STATE Article IX, Section 14CRIME Article I, Section 7CRUEL OR UNUSUAL PUNISHMENTS PROHIBITED Article I, Section 9CURRENT USE Article IX, Section 2DANGER Article I, Section 14 And legislative adjournment Article V, Part First, Section 13DAY OF ELECTION Article II, Section 2 Article II, Section 3DEATH Governor Article V, Part First, Section 14 (8 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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House members Article IV, Part First, Section 6 Judges and registers of probate Article VI, Section 6 Senators Article IV, Part Second, Section 5DECLARATION OF RIGHTS Article IDEFENSE PreambleDEFINITION OF "ELECTORS," "PEOPLE," "RECESS OF LEGISLATURE" Article IV, Part Third, Section 20DELINQUENCY (PARDONS) Article V, Part First, Section 11DEPARTMENTS (RECORDS) Article V, Part Second, Section 4DEPUTIES (INCOMPATIBLE OFFICES) Article IX, Section 2DEPUTY SECRETARIES OF STATE Article V, Part Second, Section 1-A Article V, Part Second, Section 2 Article V, Part Second, Section 3 Commissions Article IX, Section 3DEPUTY TREASURER (TREASURER VACANCY) Article V, Part Third, Section 1-ADIRECT INITIATIVE Article IV, Part Third, Section 18 People's veto, municipal Article IV, Part Third, Section 21 Written petitions Article IV, Part Third, Section 20DIRECT INITIATIVE, THE ELECTION OFFICERS Article IV, Part Third, Section 22DISABILITY OF THE GOVERNOR Article V, Part First, Section 14DISABILITY OF THE GOVERNOR (TEMPORARY) Article V, Part First, Section 15DISCRIMINATION AGAINST PERSONS PROHIBITED Article I, Section 6-ADISEASE (AND LEGISLATIVE ADJOURNMENT) Article V, Part First, Section 13DISORDERLY BEHAVIOR Contempt of the House or Senate Article IV, Part Third, Section 6 House and Senate members Article IV, Part Third, Section 4DISQUALIFICATIONS (GOVERNOR) Article V, Part First, Section 5DISQUALIFIED TO BE MEMBERS (9 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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Article IV, Part Third, Section 11DISRESPECTFUL OR DISORDERLY BEHAVIOR (CONTEMPT OF THE HOUSE ORSENATE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 6DISTRIBUTION OF POWERS Article IIIDISTRICT ATTORNEY (INCOMPATIBLE OFFICES) Article IX, Section 2DISTRICTS Apportionment commission Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-A House of Representatives Article IV, Part First, Section 2 Senate Article IV, Part Second, Section 2 Voting Article IX, Section 12DOUBLE JEOPARDY. Article I, Section 8DUE COURSE OF LAW Article I, Section 19DUE NOTICE (REMOVAL OF SHERIFFS) Article IX, Section 10DUE PROCESS OF LAW Article I, Section 6-ADUTY Article I, Section 22EDUCATION Article VIII, Part FirstEFFECTIVE DATE OF ACTS Article IV, Part Third, Section 16EFFECTIVE DATE OF MEASURES (INITIATIVE/REFERENDUM/PEOPLE'S VETO) Article IV, Part Third, Section 19ELECTED OFFICIAL (OATHS) Article IX, Section 1ELECTION Amendments to constitution Article X, Section 4 Bribery Article IX, Section 13 Citizen initiative Article IV, Part Third, Section 18 Definition of statewide Article IV, Part Third, Section 20 Electing judges and registers of probate Article VI, Section 6 Electors Article II Enemy attack Article IX, Section 17 (10 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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Governor Article V, Part First, Section 3 Governor vacancy Article V, Part First, Section 14 January, legislature Article IX, Section 4 Judges Article VI, Section 6 Municipal initiative and people's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 21 Officers and officials Article IV, Part Third, Section 22 Officials of the various towns, for House elections Article IV, Part First, Section 5 People's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 17 Representatives Article IV, Part First, Section 5 Secretary of state Article V, Part Second, Section 1 Senators Article IV, Part Second, Section 3 Sheriffs Article IX, Section 10 State debt Article IX, Section 14 Time of Article II, Section 4 Treasurer Article V, Part Third, Section 1 Voting districts Article IX, Section 12ELECTORS Article II Definition of Article IV, Part Third, Section 20 Exempt from arrests on election days Article II, Section 2EMERGENCY BILL DEFINED Article IV, Part Third, Section 16EMERGENCY LEGISLATION (INITIATIVE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 18EMINENT DOMAIN Article IX, Section 8EMPLOYMENT OF MAINE'S VETERANS Article IX, Section 14-DENEMIES Article I, Section 12ENEMY (AND LEGISLATIVE ADJOURNMENT) Article V, Part First, Section 13ENTERPRISES (11 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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Article VIII, Part Second, Section 2EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS Article I, Section 6-AEQUALLY UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE LAWS Article I, Section 3ESTATE Article I, Section 11ESTATES Taxation Article IX, Section 8 Valuation Article IX, Section 7EVIDENCE Article I, Section 4EVIDENCE AGAINST HIMSELF OR HERSELF Article I, Section 6EX POST FACTO Article I, Section 11EXCISE TAX Article IX, Section 8 Watercraft, taxation Article IX, Section 8EXCISE TAX TRUST FUND (MINING) Article IX, Section 20EXCISES (HIGHWAY FUND) Article IX, Section 19EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENTS (RECORDS) Article V, Part Second, Section 4EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY Article V, Part First, Section 11EXECUTIVE OFFICIAL (OATHS) Article IX, Section 1EXECUTIVE POWER Article V, Part FirstEXEMPTION FROM MILITARY DUTY Article II, Section 3EXPEL MEMBERS Article IV, Part Third, Section 4EXPENDITURES (TREASURER) Article V, Part Third, Section 5EXPENSES (SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES) Article IV, Part Third, Section 7EXTRAORDINARY OCCASIONS Article V, Part First, Section 13FARMS (ASSESSMENT) Article IX, Section 8FEDERAL REVENUES (FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE) Article IX, Section 22FEES Fisheries and wildlife Article IX, Section 22 (12 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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Highway fund Article IX, Section 19FELONY Article IV, Part Third, Section 8FELONY OR BREACH OF THE PEACE Article II, Section 2FINES Article I, Section 9 Fisheries and wildlife Article IX, Section 22FIRST DEPUTY SECRETARY OF STATE Article V, Part Second, Section 1-AFISHERIES AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT REVENUES Article IX, Section 22FISHING (MORTGAGE LOANS) Article IX, Section 14-AFISHING VESSEL Article IX, Section 14-AFLOOR LEADER OF THE HOUSE (APPORTIONMENT COMMISSION) Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-AFLOOR LEADER OF THE SENATE (APPORTIONMENT COMMISSION) Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-AFORFEITURE OF ESTATE Article I, Section 11FRANCHISE OR A LICENSE (EMERGENCY BILLS) Article IV, Part Third, Section 16FREE Article I, Section 1FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATE PreambleFREEDOM OF DEBATE Article IV, Part Third, Section 8FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND PUBLICATION Article I, Section 4FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Article I, Section 4FUEL REVENUES Article IX, Section 19GAME MANAGEMENT (ASSESSMENT) Article IX, Section 8GARRISON, BARRACK OR MILITARY PLACE Article II, Section 1GENERAL FUND And bond interest Article V, Part Third, Section 5 Temporary loans Article IX, Section 14GENERAL OR SPECIAL ELECTION (STATE DEBT) (13 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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Article IX, Section 14GOD Article I, Section 3 PreambleGOOD BEHAVIOR Article I, Section 23GOSPEL Article VII, Section 5GOVERNMENT Continuity in case of enemy attack Article IX, Section 17 Seat of Article IX, Section 16GOVERNOR Article V, Part First Adjourns the legislature Article V, Part First, Section 13 Age requirement Article V, Part First, Section 4 Appoints adjutant general Article VII, Section 3 Appoints judicial officers Article V, Part First, Section 8 Approval, apportionment plan for House Article IV, Part First, Section 3 Approval, Senate reapportionment Article IV, Part Second, Section 2 Attorney general vacancy Article IX, Section 11 Bill approval and disapproval Article IV, Part Third, Section 2 Commander in chief Article V, Part First, Section 7 Commissions militia officers Article VII, Section 1 Commissions Article IX, Section 3 Compensation Article V, Part First, Section 6 Convenes the legislature on extraordinary occasions Article V, Part First, Section 13 Disqualifications Article V, Part First, Section 5 Election Article V, Part First, Section 3 Examines lists of votes for Representatives Article IV, Part First, Section 5 Examines lists of votes for Senators Article IV, Part Second, Section 4 House elections Article IV, Part First, Section 5 (14 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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Incompatible offices Article V, Part First, Section 5 Judges and registers of probate vacancies Article VI, Section 6 May change the place of legislature's meeting Article V, Part First, Section 13 May require information Article V, Part First, Section 10 Mental or physical disability, temporary Article V, Part First, Section 15 Mental or physical disability Article V, Part First, Section 14 Militia administration Article VII, Section 4 Mining tax trust fund Article IX, Section 20 Oath of office Article IX, Section 1 People's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 17 Power to appoint officers Article V, Part First, Section 8 Power to pardon Article V, Part First, Section 11 Proclamation date following initiative/referendum/People's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 19 Qualifications Article V, Part First, Section 4 Reelection eligibility Article V, Part First, Section 2 Removal of officers Article IX, Section 5 Removal of sheriffs Article IX, Section 10 Requires supreme judicial court opinion Article VI, Section 3 Shall enforce the laws Article V, Part First, Section 12 Shall issue a proclamation for special Senate electionArticle IV, Part Second, Section 5 State of the state message Article V, Part First, Section 9 10 days to act on legislation Article IV, Part Third, Section 2 Tenure of civil officers Article IX, Section 6 Term limit Article V, Part First, Section 2 Term of office Article V, Part First, Section 2 Time of election (15 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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Article II, Section 4 Vacancy Article V, Part First, Section 14 Article IX, Section 4 Veto power limited for initiative/referendum/People's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 19GRAND JURY Article I, Section 7GRIEVANCES Article I, Section 15GUARDIANSHIP FOR REASONS OF MENTAL ILLNESS Article II, Section 1HABEAS CORPUS Article I, Section 10HAPPINESS Article I, Section 1 Article I, Section 2HEALTH OR SAFETY (EMERGENCY BILLS) Article IV, Part Third, Section 16HEARING Removal of civil officers Article IX, Section 5 Removal of sheriffs Article IX, Section 10HEARINGS ON ANY PLAN FOR APPORTIONMENT Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-AHEREDITARY DISTINCTION, PRIVILEGE, HONOR OR EMOLUMENT Article I, Section 23HIGHER EDUCATION Article VIII, Part First, Section 2HIGHER USE Article IX, Section 8HIGHEST AND BEST USE Article IX, Section 8HIGHWAY FUND Article IX, Section 19 Temporary loans Article IX, Section 14HOME RULE Article VIII, Part SecondHOME RULE FOR MUNICIPALITIES Article IV, Part Third, Section 16HOUSE MEMBERS see RepresentativesHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Article IV, Part First Adjournments Article IV, Part Third, Section 12 Amendments to constitution (16 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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Article X, Section 4 Apportionment commission Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-A Choose own officers Article IV, Part First, Section 7 Confirmation procedure for Governor appointees Article V, Part First, Section 8 Gubernatorial election Article V, Part First, Section 3 Impeachment Article IV, Part First, Section 8 Journal Article IV, Part Third, Section 5 Journal, removal of civil officers Article IX, Section 5 Judge of its elections Article IV, Part Third, Section 3 Majority Article IV, Part Third, Section 3 May originate bills Article IV, Part Third, Section 9 May punish and expel members Article IV, Part Third, Section 4 Originates revenue bills Article IV, Part Third, Section 9 Quorum Article IV, Part Third, Section 3 Records kept by secretary Article V, Part Second, Section 4 Requires supreme judicial court opinion Article VI, Section 3 Rules Article IV, Part Third, Section 4 To fill Governor vacancy Article V, Part First, Section 14 Vacancies Article IV, Part First, Section 6HOUSING (INDIAN, MORTGAGE LOANS) Article IX, Section 14-CIMMUNITIES Article I, Section 19IMPARTIAL TRIAL Article I, Section 6IMPEACHMENT Article I, Section 6 Article I, Section 7 House Article IV, Part First, Section 8 Judicial officers Article VI, Section 4 No pardon power (17 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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Article V, Part First, Section 11 Senate role Article IV, Part Second, Section 7IMPEACHMENT OR ADDRESS Article IX, Section 5IMPRISONMENT (CONTEMPT OF THE HOUSE OR SENATE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 6INCAPACITATED (FOR VOTING) Article II, Section 4INCOMPATIBLE OFFICES Article IX, Section 2 Governor Article V, Part First, Section 5 House and Senate members Article IV, Part Third, Section 10 Judicial Article VI, Section 5INDEPENDENT Article I, Section 1INDIAN HOUSING (MORTGAGE LOANS) Article IX, Section 14-CINDIAN TRIBE (STATE DEBT) Article IX, Section 14INDIANS. Article II, between Section 1 and 2INDICTMENT Article I, Section 7INDICTMENT OF A GRAND JURY Article I, Section 7INDUSTRIAL (MORTGAGE LOANS) Article IX, Section 14-AINDUSTRIAL USE Article VIII, Part Second, Section 2INFAMOUS CRIME Article I, Section 7INITIATIVE Article IV, Part Third, Section 18 Effective date Article IV, Part Third, Section 19 Election officers Article IV, Part Third, Section 22 People's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 17 People's veto, municipal Article IV, Part Third, Section 21 Petition timetable Article IV, Part Third, Section 20 Written petitions Article IV, Part Third, Section 20INJURIES. Article I, Section 19 (18 of 19) [8/18/2005 5:41:10 PM]

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INLAND FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE Article IX, Section 22INSURE MORTGAGE LOANS (AUTHORITY TO) Article IX, Section 14-AINSURRECTION (STATE DEBT) Article IX, Section 14INTANGIBLE PROPERTY Article IX, Section 8 School taxes Article IX, Section 8INTEREST (AND BONDS) Article V, Part Third, Section 5INVASION Article I, Section 10 State debt Article IX, Section 14

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JEOPARDY OF LIFE OR LIMB Article I, Section 8JOINT BALLOT Election of secretary of state Article V, Part Second, Section 1 Election of treasurer Article V, Part Third, Section 1JOINT RESOLUTION Article IV, Part Third, Section 16 Governor vacancy Article V, Part First, Section 14JOURNAL Article IV, Part Third, Section 5JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE (REMOVAL OF CIVIL OFFICERS) Article IX, Section 5JOURNALS Article IV, Part Third, Section 2JUDGE OF ITS ELECTIONS (EACH HOUSE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 3JUDGE OF PROBATE Incompatible offices Article IX, Section 2 Manner of selection Article V, Part First, Section 8JUDGES Compensation Article VI, Section 2 Election, tenure, vacancies Article VI, Section 6 Incompatible offices Article IX, Section 2 Article VI, Section 5 Sheriffs removed in same manner as Article IX, Section 10JUDICIAL COUNCIL (INCOMPATIBLE OFFICES) Article VI, Section 5JUDICIAL OFFICERS Governor appoints Article V, Part First, Section 8 Impeachment Article VI, Section 4 (1 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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Removal Article VI, Section 4 Retirement age Article VI, Section 4 Tenure Article VI, Section 4JUDICIAL OFFICIAL (OATHS) Article IX, Section 1JUDICIAL POWER Article VIJUDICIAL REVIEW (PETITION VALIDITY) Article IV, Part Third, Section 22JURIES Article I, Section 7 Article I, Section 20JURY DETERMINES LAW AND FACT Article I, Section 4JURY OF THE VICINITY Article I, Section 6JUST COMPENSATION Article I, Section 21JUST VALUE Article IX, Section 8JUSTICE PreambleJUSTICE (SHALL BE ADMINISTERED FREELY) Article I, Section 19JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Article I, Section 7 Article IV, Part Third, Section 11 Incompatible offices Article VI, Section 5 Manner of selection Article V, Part First, Section 8 Removal of judicial officers Article VI, Section 4JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT Attorney general vacancy Article IX, Section 11 Compensation Article VI, Section 2 Incompatible offices Article IX, Section 2 Article VI, Section 5 Military deferments Article VII, Section 5 Oaths of office Article IX, Section 1JUVENILE DELINQUENCY (PARDONS) Article V, Part First, Section 11KEEP AND BEAR ARMS (2 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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Article I, Section 16LANDS (ASSESSMENT) Article IX, Section 2 Article IX, Section 8LAW ENFORCEMENT Article V, Part First, Section 12LAW OF THE LAND Article I, Section 6LAWS (PEOPLE'S RIGHT TO PROPOSE) Article IV, Part First, Section 1LAWS AND ACTS (STYLE OF) Article IV, Part First, Section 1LAWS NOW IN FORCE CONTINUE UNTIL REPEALED Article X, Section 3LAWS SHALL NOT BE SUSPENDED BUT BY THE LEGISLATURE Article I, Section 13LEARNING Article VIII, Part First, Section 2LEGISLATION Citizen initiative Article IV, Part Third, Section 18 Private and special Article IV, Part Third, Section 13LEGISLATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE IN 90 DAYS AFTER RECESS Article IV, Part Third, Section 16LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE (CONFIRMATION PROCEDURE) Article V, Part First, Section 8LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Article IV, Part First, Section 1 Records Article V, Part Second, Section 4LEGISLATIVE POWER Article IV, Part First, Section 1 Article IV, Part ThirdLEGISLATIVE PRIVILEGE Article IV, Part Third, Section 8LEGISLATIVE REGULAR SESSION Article IV, Part Third, Section 1LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS (LENGTH) Article IV, Part Third, Section 1LEGISLATURE Amendments to constitution Article X, Section 4 Attorney general vacancy Article IX, Section 11 Constitution printing Article X, Section 6 Continuity of government (3 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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Article IX, Section 17 Convenes Article IV, Part Third, Section 1 Education Article VIII, Part First, Section 1 Education funding Article VIII, Part First, Section 2 Election bribery Article IX, Section 13 Election of secretary of state Article V, Part Second, Section 1-A Election of treasurer Article V, Part Third, Section 1 Establishes courts Article VI, Section 1 Extraordinary occasions Article V, Part First, Section 13 Fisheries and wildlife revenues Article IX, Section 22 Indian housing, mortgage loans Article IX, Section 14-C Laws in force until repeal Article X, Section 3 Local property tax relief Article IX, Section 21 Maine school building authority Article IX, Section 14-B Maine state retirement system Article IX, Section 18 May provide a uniform method for municipal referenda Article IV, Part Third, Section 21 Militia officer qualifications Article VII, Section 2 Mining tax trust fund Article IX, Section 20 Mortgage loans Article IX, Section 14-A Municipal borrowing Article IX, Section 15 Municipal charters Article VIII, Part Second, Section 1 Power of taxation Article IX, Section 9 Recess, definition Article IV, Part Third, Section 20 Records kept by secretary Article V, Part Second, Section 4 Removal of civil officers Article IX, Section 5 Removal of judicial officers Article VI, Section 4 (4 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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Removal of justices of the peace Article VI, Section 4 Sale of bonds Article V, Part Third, Section 5 State debt Article IX, Section 14 Taxation Article IX, Section 8 Treasurer bond Article V, Part Third, Section 2 Treasurer vacancy Article V, Part Third, Section 1-A Vote on Senate reapportionment Article IV, Part Second, Section 2 Voting districts Article IX, Section 12LEGISLATURE OF MAINE Article IV, Part First, Section 1LENGTH OF THE LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS Article IV, Part Third, Section 1LEVYING WAR AGAINST IT Article I, Section 12LIBEL Article I, Section 4LIBERTIES OF THE PEOPLE (AND EDUCATION) Article VIII, Part First, Section 1LIBERTY Article I, Section 1 PreambleLIBERTY OR PROPERTY Article I, Section 6-ALIBERTY, PROPERTY OR PRIVILEGES Article I, Section 6LICENSE (EMERGENCY BILLS) Article IV, Part Third, Section 16LICENSE AND PERMIT FEES (FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE) Article IX, Section 22LICENSE TAXES (HIGHWAY FUND) Article IX, Section 19LIFE AND LIBERTY Article I, Section 1LIFE, LIBERTY OR PROPERTY Article I, Section 6-ALIFE, LIBERTY, PROPERTY OR PRIVILEGES Article I, Section 6LISTS OF VOTES Election of Governor Article V, Part First, Section 3 Election of Representatives Article IV, Part First, Section 5 (5 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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Election of Senators Article IV, Part Second, Section 3 Election of Senators, Governor examines Article IV, Part Second, Section 4LITERARY INSTITUTION Article VIII, Part First, Section 1LOANS Indian housing Article IX, Section 14-C Maine students Article VIII, Part First, Section 2 Mortgage Article IX, Section 14-A State debt Article IX, Section 14 Veterans mortgage Article IX, Section 14-DLOCAL GOVERNMENTAL CONTINUITY IN CASE OF ENEMY ATTACK Article IX, Section 17LOCAL PROPERTY TAX RELIEF Article IX, Section 21MACHINES (FOR VOTING) Article II, Section 5MAINE REVISED STATUTES Article X, Section 6MAINE SCHOOL BUILDING AUTHORITY Article IX, Section 14-BMAINE STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM Article IX, Section 18MAJORITY (HOUSE AND SENATE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 3MANDATES Article IX, Section 21MANDATORY RETIREMENT AGE (JUDICIAL OFFICERS) Article VI, Section 4MANUFACTURING (MORTGAGE LOANS) Article IX, Section 14-AMANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES Article VIII, Part Second, Section 2MARINE FISHERIES MANAGEMENT Article IX, Section 22MARINE SERVICE Article II, Section 1MARTIAL LAW Article I, Section 6MEASURE (DEFINITION OF) Article IV, Part Third, Section 20MECHANICAL DEVICES FOR VOTING Article II, Section 5 (6 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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MEETINGS Amendments to constitution Article X, Section 4 Election of Governor Article V, Part First, Section 3 Election of Representatives Article IV, Part First, Section 5 Election of Senators Article IV, Part Second, Section 3MEMBER OF CONGRESS Article IV, Part Third, Section 11MEMBERS Exempt from arrest Article IV, Part Third, Section 8 House of Representatives Article IV, Part First, Section 2 Not to be appointed to certain offices Article IV, Part Third, Section 10 Punish and expel Article IV, Part Third, Section 4MENTAL ILLNESS Article II, Section 1MENTAL OR PHYSICAL DISABILITY OF THE GOVERNOR Article V, Part First, Section 14 Temporary Article V, Part First, Section 13MILITARY Article I, Section 17 Article II, Section 1 Article VIIMILITARY (ORGANIZATION, ARMAMENT, DISCIPLINE) Article VII, Section 4MILITARY DUTY Article II, Section 3 Deferments Article VII, Section 5MILITARY LAW Article I, Section 14MILITARY OFFICER Article V, Part First, Section 10 Manner of selection Article V, Part First, Section 8MILITARY OFFICIAL (OATHS) Article IX, Section 1MILITARY PLACE Article II, Section 1MILITARY SERVICEMEN Article II, Section 1MILITIA (7 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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Article I, Section 14 Article I, Section 7 Article IV, Part Third, Section 11 Armament Article VII, Section 4 Commissioning of officers Article VII, Section 1 Day of election Article II, Section 3 Discipline Article VII, Section 4 Governor is commander in chief Article V, Part First, Section 7 Military deferments Article VII, Section 5 Organization Article VII, Section 4 Qualifications Article VII, Section 2MINERALS Article IV, Part Third, Section 23 Assessment Article IX, Section 8MINING Article IX, Section 8MINING EXCISE TAX TRUST FUND Article IX, Section 20MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL (MILITARY DEFERMENTS) Article VII, Section 5MISDEMEANOR IN OFFICE Article IX, Section 5MORTGAGE LOANS Article IX, Section 14-A Indian housing Article IX, Section 14-C Veterans Article IX, Section 14-DMOTOR VEHICLE FUEL REVENUES Article IX, Section 19MOTOR VEHICLES (HIGHWAY FUND) Article IX, Section 19MUNICIPAL BORROWING Article IX, Section 15MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES (HOUSE DISTRICTS) Article IV, Part First, Section 2MUNICIPAL CHARTERS Article VIII, Part Second, Section 1MUNICIPAL CLERKS (SENATE ELECTIONS) Article IV, Part Second, Section 3MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS (8 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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Article IV, Part Third, Section 14MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MAY ESTABLISH DIRECT INITIATIVE AND PEOPLE'S VETOES Article IV, Part Third, Section 21MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENTAL CONTINUITY IN CASE OF ENEMY ATTACK Article IX, Section 17MUNICIPAL HOME RULE Article VIII, Part SecondMUNICIPAL OFFICIALS (AND HOUSE ELECTIONS) Article IV, Part First, Section 5MUNICIPAL PROPERTY TAX RELIEF Article IX, Section 21MUNICIPALITIES Amendments to constitution Article X, Section 4 Education Article VIII, Part First, Section 1 Home rule Article IV, Part Third, Section 16 Property tax revenue loss Article IV, Part Third, Section 23 Voting districts Article IX, Section 12 Watercraft, taxation Article IX, Section 8NATIONAL ELECTIONS (VOTING DISTRICTS) Article IX, Section 12NATURAL BEAUTY Article IX, Section 8NATURAL RIGHTS Article I, Section 1NAVAL OR MARINE SERVICE Article II, Section 1NAVY Article I, Section 14 Article I, Section 7 Governor is commander in chief Article V, Part First, Section 7 Organization, armament, discipline Article VII, Section 4NOBILITY Article I, Section 23NOMINATION BY GOVERNOR Article V, Part First, Section 8NOTARIES PUBLIC Article IV, Part Third, Section 11NOTARY PUBLIC AND PETITION CIRCULATOR OATHS Article IV, Part Third, Section 20NOTICE (REMOVAL OF SHERIFFS) (9 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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Article IX, Section 10OATH OF THE CIRCULATOR Article IV, Part Third, Section 20OATH OR AFFIRMATION Article I, Section 5 Impeachment Article IV, Part Second, Section 7OATHS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Article IX, Section 1OBJECTS OF GOVERNMENT PreambleOBSTRUCTING (CONTEMPT OF THE HOUSE OR SENATE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 6OFFICE (OATH OF) Article IX, Section 1OFFICE OF PROFIT Article IV, Part Third, Section 11OFFICERS Election officials Article IV, Part Third, Section 22 Executive department Article V, Part First, Section 10 Governor has power to appoint Article V, Part First, Section 8 House of Representatives Article IV, Part First, Section 7 Manner of selection Article V, Part First, Section 8 Military Article V, Part First, Section 10 Militia Article IV, Part Third, Section 11 Article VII, Section 1 Militia, military deferments Article VII, Section 5 Militia, qualifications Article VII, Section 2 Senate Article IV, Part Second, Section 8OFFICES Oaths Article IX, Section 1 Tenure of Article I, Section 23 Tenure of sheriffs Article IX, Section 10OFFICES INCOMPATIBLE WITH EACH OTHER Article IX, Section 2OFFICIAL (OATHS) Article IX, Section 1 (10 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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OFFICIAL ACTS (RECORDS KEPT BY SECRETARY) Article V, Part Second, Section 4OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED BY LAW TO MAINTAIN THE VOTING LIST Article IV, Part Third, Section 20OFFICIAL CONDUCT OF PEOPLE IN PUBLIC CAPACITY Article I, Section 4OFFICIALS Election Article IV, Part Third, Section 22 Municipal, House elections Article IV, Part First, Section 5 Municipal, Senate elections Article IV, Part Second, Section 3OPEN SPACE LANDS (ASSESSMENT) Article IX, Section 8ORDERS OR RESOLUTIONS Article IV, Part Third, Section 9 Effective date Article IV, Part Third, Section 16ORDINANCE (MUNICIPAL INITIATIVE AND PEOPLE'S VETO) Article IV, Part Third, Section 21OVERRIDES Article IV, Part Third, Section 2PARDON Article V, Part First, Section 11PARENTS Article VIII, Part First, Section 2PARTIES (APPORTIONMENT COMMISSION). Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-APAYMASTER GENERAL Article VII, Section 3PEACE Article I, Section 17PEACE, HEALTH OR SAFETY (EMERGENCY BILLS) Article IV, Part Third, Section 16PEERS Article I, Section 6PENALTIES Fisheries and wildlife Article IX, Section 22 For absent House and Senate members Article IV, Part Third, Section 3 Pardon power Article V, Part First, Section 11PENALTIES AND PUNISHMENTS Article I, Section 9PENALTY (ASSESSMENT) Article IX, Section 8 (11 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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PENALTY ON CHANGE TO HIGHER USE Article IX, Section 8PEOPLE (DEFINITION OF) Article IV, Part Third, Section 20PEOPLE'S VETO Article IV, Part Third, Section 17 Effective date Article IV, Part Third, Section 19 Municipal Article IV, Part Third, Section 21 Petition timetable Article IV, Part Third, Section 20 Written petitions Article IV, Part Third, Section 20PEOPLE'S VETO AND DIRECT INITIATIVE, THE ELECTION OFFICERS Article IV, Part Third, Section 22PER DIEM (APPORTIONMENT COMMISSION) Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-APERMIT FEES (FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE) Article IX, Section 22PERSONAL AND INTANGIBLE PROPERTY (SCHOOL TAXES) Article IX, Section 8PERSONAL PROPERTY Legislature can insure mortgage loans Article IX, Section 14-A Watercraft, taxation Article IX, Section 8PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX (HIGHWAY FUND) Article IX, Section 19PERSONS DISQUALIFIED TO BE MEMBERS. Article IV, Part Third, Section 11PERSONS UNDER GUARDIANSHIP FOR REASONS OF MENTAL ILLNESS Article II, Section 1PETITION FORMS SHALL BE FURNISHED OR APPROVED BY THE SECRETARY Article IV, Part Third, Section 20PETITION OF THE ELECTORS Article IV, Part Third, Section 1PETITION OR REMONSTRANCE Article I, Section 15PETITION PROCEDURE (INITIATIVE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 18PETITIONS (TIMETABLES FOR INITIATIVE/ REFERENDUM/PEOPLE'S VETO) Article IV, Part Third, Section 20PETITIONS (VALIDITY) Article IV, Part Third, Section 22PETITIONS FOR PEOPLE'S VETO (12 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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Article IV, Part Third, Section 17 Article IV, Part Third, Section 20PHYSICAL DISABILITY OF THE GOVERNOR Article V, Part First, Section 14 Temporary Article V, Part First, Section 15POCKET VETO Article IV, Part Third, Section 2POLITICAL PARTIES (APPRORTIONMENT COMMISSION) Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-APOLITICAL SUBDIVISION LINES (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES) Article IV, Part First, Section 2POPULATION FIGURE FOR EACH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT Article IV, Part First, Section 2POST OFFICERS Article IV, Part Third, Section 11POSTERITY PreamblePOWER INHERENT IN PEOPLE Article I, Section 2POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN Article IX, Section 8POWER OF IMPEACHMENT (HOUSE) Article IV, Part First, Section 8POWER OF TAXATION Article IX, Section 9POWER TO CALL THE SENATE INTO SESSION Article V, Part First, Section 8PRESENTMENT OR INDICTMENT OF A GRAND JURY Article I, Section 7PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH OR SAFETY (EMERGENCY) Article IV, Part Third, Section 16PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE Article IV, Part Second, Section 8 Apportionment commission Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-A Confirmation procedure for Governor appointment Article V, Part First, Section 8 Convenes legislature Article IV, Part Third, Section 1 Governor vacancy Article V, Part First, Section 14 Temporary disability of Governor Article V, Part First, Section 15PRESS Article I, Section 4 (13 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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PRIMARY ELECTION (GOVERNOR VACANCY) Article V, Part First, Section 14PRINCIPAL (AND BONDS) Article V, Part Third, Section 5PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LEGISLATION Article IV, Part Third, Section 13PRIVATE PROPERTY, WHEN TO BE TAKEN Article I, Section 21PRIVILEGE Article IV, Part Third, Section 8PRIVILEGES Article I, Section 6PROBABLE CAUSE Article I, Section 5PROBATE COURT SYSTEM Article VI, Section 6PROCEEDINGS (RECORDS KEPT BY SECRETARY) Article V, Part Second, Section 4PROCESS FOR OBTAINING WITNESSES Article I, Section 6PROCLAMATION By Governor, citizen initiative Article IV, Part Third, Section 18 By secretary of state, citizen initiative Article IV, Part Third, Section 18 Effective date of initiative/referendum/People's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 19 People's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 17 To fill Governor vacancy Article V, Part First, Section 14PROPERTY Article I, Section 1 Article I, Section 20 Article I, Section 6-A Article IX, Section 8 Legislature can insure mortgage loans Article IX, Section 14-A Or immunities Article I, Section 19 Or privileges Article I, Section 6 School taxes Article IX, Section 8 Watercraft, taxation Article IX, Section 8 When to be taken Article I, Section 21PROPERTY TAX (WATERCRAFT) Article IX, Section 8PROPERTY TAX RELIEF (14 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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Article IX, Section 21PROPERTY TAX REVENUE LOSS Article IV, Part Third, Section 23PUBLIC (APPORTIONMENT COMMISSION) Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-APUBLIC (BRIEFS REGARDING HOUSE REAPPORTIONMENT) Article IV, Part First, Section 3PUBLIC AND IMPARTIAL TRIAL Article I, Section 6PUBLIC DANGER Article I, Section 14 Article I, Section 7 Article II, Section 3PUBLIC HEARINGS ON ANY PLAN FOR APPORTIONMENT Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-APUBLIC INFORMATION Article I, Section 4PUBLIC OFFICES (ENEMY ATTACK) Article IX, Section 17PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH OR SAFETY (EMERGENCY BILLS) Article IV, Part Third, Section 16PUBLIC SAFETY Article I, Section 10PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDINGS Article IX, Section 14-BPUBLIC SCHOOLS Article VIII, Part FirstPUBLIC TEACHERS Article I, Section 3PUNISH AND EXPEL MEMBERS Article IV, Part Third, Section 4PUNISHMENT UNDER MILITARY LAW. Article I, Section 14QUAKERS (MILITARY DEFERMENTS) Article VII, Section 5QUALIFICATION FOR ANY OFFICE OR TRUST Article I, Section 3 Governor Article V, Part First, Section 4 Militia officers Article VII, Section 2 Senators Article IV, Part Second, Section 6QUALIFICATIONS OF ELECTORS Article II, Section 1QUALIFICATIONS OF THOSE WHO ARE CANDIDATES FOR THE SUFFRAGES Article I, Section 4 (15 of 16) [8/18/2005 5:41:19 PM]

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QUARTERING OF SOLDIERS ON CITIZENS Article I, Section 18QUARTERMASTER GENERAL Article VII, Section 3QUORUM Apportionment commission Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-A House and Senate Article IV, Part Third, Section 3

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RATIFICATION BY THE ELECTORS (STATE DEBT) Article IX, Section 14RATIFIED BY VOTE OF A MAJORITY (MUNICIPAL INITIATIVE AND PEOPLE'S VETO) Article IV, Part Third, Section 21REAL ESTATE Assessment Article IX, Section 8 Emergency bills Article IV, Part Third, Section 16 Legislature can insure mortgage loans Article IX, Section 14-AREAL, PERSONAL AND INTANGIBLE PROPERTY (SCHOOL TAXES) Article IX, Section 8REAPPORTIONMENT (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES) Article IV, Part First, Section 2 Article IV, Part First, Section 3REAPPORTIONMENT COMMISSION Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-AREAPPORTIONMENT COMMISSION (SENATE) Article IV, Part Second, Section 2REAPPORTIONMENT PLAN (SENATE) Article IV, Part Second, Section 2REBELLION OR INVASION Article I, Section 10RECESS OF LEGISLATURE (DEFINITION OF) Article IV, Part Third, Section 20RECORDS OF DEPARTMENTS Article V, Part Second, Section 4RECORDS OF STATE Article V, Part Second, Section 2RECREATION Article IX, Section 8RECREATIONAL ENTERPRISES (MORTGAGE LOANS) (1 of 15) [8/18/2005 5:41:24 PM]

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Article IX, Section 14-AREDISTRICTING (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES) Article IV, Part First, Section 2REDRESS FOR INJURIES. Article I, Section 19REDRESS OF THEIR WRONGS AND GRIEVANCES Article I, Section 15REELECTION ELIGIBILITY (GOVERNOR) Article V, Part First, Section 2REFERENDUM Direct initiative of legislation) Article IV, Part Third, Section 18 Effective date Article IV, Part Third, Section 19 Municipal affairs Article IV, Part Third, Section 21 People's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 17 Petition timetable Article IV, Part Third, Section 20REGISTER OF DEEDS (INCOMPATIBLE OFFICES) Article IX, Section 2REGISTER OF PROBATE Election, tenure, vacancies Article VI, Section 6 Incompatible offices Article IX, Section 2 Sheriffs removed in same manner as Article IX, Section 10REGULAR SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE Article IV, Part Third, Section 1REGULATIONS (PARDONS) Article V, Part First, Section 11RELIGIOUS DEFERMENTS Article VII, Section 5RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Article I, Section 3RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES Article I, Section 3RELIGIOUS TEACHERS Article I, Section 3RELIGIOUS TEST Article I, Section 3RELIGIOUS TESTS PROHIBITED Article I, Section 3REMEDY BY DUE COURSE OF LAW (2 of 15) [8/18/2005 5:41:24 PM]

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Article I, Section 19REMONSTRANCE Article I, Section 15REMOVAL (GOVERNOR) Article V, Part First, Section 14REMOVAL BY IMPEACHMENT OR ADDRESS Article IX, Section 5REMOVAL FROM THE STATE (SENATORS) Article IV, Part Second, Section 5REMOVAL OF SHERIFFS Article IX, Section 10REPEAL (LAWS IN FORCE UNTIL) Article X, Section 3REPRESENTATIVES Age requirement Article IV, Part First, Section 4 Apportionment commission Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-A Attorney general election Article IX, Section 11 Choose own officers Article IV, Part First, Section 3 Compensation and expenses Article IV, Part Third, Section 7 Election and constitutional amendments Article X, Section 4 Election of secretary of state Article V, Part Second, Section 1 Election of treasurer Article V, Part Third, Section 1 Exempt from arrest Article IV, Part Third, Section 8 Impeachment Article IV, Part First, Section 8 Incompatible offices Article IV, Part Third, Section 10 Number of Article IV, Part First, Section 2 Oath of office Article IX, Section 1 Time of election Article II, Section 4 Vacancies Article IV, Part First, Section 6REPRIEVES Article V, Part First, Section 11REPUGNANT TO THIS CONSTITUTION Article X, Section 3REPUTATION, PROPERTY OR (3 of 15) [8/18/2005 5:41:24 PM]

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IMMUNITIES Article I, Section 19RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT Electors Article II, Section 1 Governor Article V, Part First, Section 4 House of Representatives) Article IV, Part First, Section 4 Petition circulators Article IV, Part Third, Section 20 Senators Article IV, Part Second, Section 6RESIDENT (DEFINED FOR REQUESTING PETITION FORMS) Article IV, Part Third, Section 20RESIGNATION Governor Article V, Part First, Section 14 House members Article IV, Part First, Section 6 Judges and registers of probate Article VI, Section 6 Senators Article IV, Part Second, Section 5RESOLUTION Article IV, Part Third, Section 9 Citizen initiative Article IV, Part Third, Section 18 Definition of "measure" Article IV, Part Third, Section 20 Effective date Article IV, Part Third, Section 16 People's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 17RESOLVE Definition of "measure" Article IV, Part Third, Section 20 Citizen initiative Article IV, Part Third, Section 18 Constitutional amendment Article X, Section 4 People's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 17RETIREMENT AGE (JUDICIAL OFFICERS) Article VI, Section 4RETIREMENT SYSTEM Article IX, Section 18REVENUE (FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE) Article IX, Section 22REVENUE BILLS (4 of 15) [8/18/2005 5:41:24 PM]

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Article IV, Part Third, Section 9REVENUES (AND BOND INTEREST) Article V, Part Third, Section 5REVISED STATUTES OF THE STATE (CONSTITUTION PRINTING) Article X, Section 6RIGHT AND JUSTICE SHALL BE ADMINISTERED FREELY Article I, Section 19RIGHT OF HOME RULE FOR MUNICIPALITIES Article IV, Part Third, Section 16RIGHT OF PETITION. Article I, Section 15RIGHT OF REDRESS FOR INJURIES Article I, Section 19RIGHT OF SECRET VOTING Article II, Section 5RIGHT OF SUFFRAGE Article II, Section 1 Article IX, Section 13RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY Article I, Section 20RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE Article I, Section 15RIGHT TO BE HEARD BY THE ACCUSED Article I, Section 6RIGHT TO INSTITUTE GOVERNMENT Article I, Section 2RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS Article I, Section 16RIGHT TO WORSHIP ALMIGHTY GOD Article I, Section 3RIGHTS Article I, Section 1RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES OF THE PEOPLE (AND EDUCATION) Article VIII, Part First, Section 1RIGHTS NOT IMPAIRED Article I, Section 24RIGHTS OF PERSONS ACCUSED. Article I, Section 6RIGHTS RETAINED BY THE PEOPLE Article I, Section 24RULES (OF THE HOUSE AND SENATE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 4SAFETY Article I, Section 10 (5 of 15) [8/18/2005 5:41:24 PM]

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Emergency bills Article IV, Part Third, Section 16SAFETY AND HAPPINESS Article I, Section 1 Article I, Section 2SANGUINARY LAWS Article I, Section 9SCENIC NATURAL BEAUTY Article IX, Section 8SCHOOL BUILDING AUTHORITY Article IX, Section 14-BSCHOOL DISTRICTS (TAX POWER) Article IX, Section 8SCHOOLS Article VIII, Part FirstSEAL OF THE STATE Article IX, Section 3SEARCHES Article I, Section 5SEAT OF GOVERNMENT Article IX, Section 16SECRECY (HOUSE AND SENATE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 5SECRET VOTING Article II, Section 5SECRETARY OF STATE Article V, Part Second Ballot language Article IV, Part Third, Section 20 Citizen initiative Article IV, Part Third, Section 18 Commissions Article IX, Section 3 Constitution printing Article X, Section 6 Election Article V, Part Second, Section 1 Governor vacancy Article V, Part First, Section 14 Gubernatorial election Article V, Part First, Section 3 House elections Article IV, Part First, Section 5 Judicial review of petitions Article IV, Part Third, Section 22 Official records Article V, Part Second, Section 4 People's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 17 Petition forms Article IV, Part Third, Section 20 (6 of 15) [8/18/2005 5:41:24 PM]

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Records of state Article V, Part Second, Section 2 Senate elections Article IV, Part Second, Section 3 Shall attend the Governor Article V, Part Second, Section 3 Shall attend the House Article V, Part Second, Section 3 Shall attend the Senate Article V, Part Second, Section 3 Temporary disability of Governor Article V, Part First, Section 15 Vacancy Article V, Part Second, Section 1-A Written petitions for a people's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 20SECRETARY OF THE SENATE Article IV, Part Second, Section 8 Apportionment plan Article IV, Part Second, Section 2SECTS EQUAL Article I, Section 3SELECTMEN (AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION) Article X, Section 4SEMINARIES Article VIII, Part First, Section 1SEMINARY OF LEARNING Article II, Section 1SENATE Article IV, Part Second Adjournments Article IV, Part Third, Section 12 Amendments to constitution Article X, Section 4 Apportionment commission Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-A Call into session Article V, Part First, Section 8 Confirmation procedure for Governor appointees Article V, Part First, Section 8 Gubernatorial election Article V, Part First, Section 3 Journal Article IV, Part Third, Section 5 Judge of its elections Article IV, Part Third, Section 3 Majority Article IV, Part Third, Section 3 May originate bills (7 of 15) [8/18/2005 5:41:24 PM]

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Article IV, Part Third, Section 9 May punish and expel members Article IV, Part Third, Section 4 Members exempt from arrest Article IV, Part Third, Section 8 Quorum Article IV, Part Third, Section 3 Records kept by secretary Article V, Part Second, Section 4 Requires supreme judicial court opinion Article VI, Section 3 Rules Article IV, Part Third, Section 4 To fill Governor vacancy Article V, Part First, Section 14 Vacancies Article IX, Section 4SENATORS Age requirement Article IV, Part Second, Section 6 Attorney general election Article IX, Section 11 Compensation and expenses Article IV, Part Third, Section 7 Districts Article IV, Part Second, Section 2 Election and constitutional amendments Article X, Section 4 Election of secretary of state Article V, Part Second, Section 1 Election of treasurer Article V, Part Third, Section 1 Election of Article IV, Part Second, Section 3 Incompatible offices Article IV, Part Third, Section 10 Number of Article IV, Part Second, Section 1 Oath of office Article IX, Section 1 Qualifications Article IV, Part Second, Section 6 Term Article IV, Part Second, Section 1 Time of election Article II, Section 4SEPARATION OF POWERS Article III, Section 2SERVICE IN TIME OF WAR OR PUBLIC DANGER Article I, Section 14 (8 of 15) [8/18/2005 5:41:24 PM]

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SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE Article IV, Part Third, Section 1SHAKERS (MILITARY DEFERMENTS) Article VII, Section 5SHERIFFS Incompatible offices Article IX, Section 2 Removal Article IX, Section 10 Tenure Article IX, Section 10 Vacancies Article IX, Section 10SICKNESS (AND LEGISLATIVE ADJOURNMENT) Article V, Part First, Section 13SIGNATURES FOR WRITTEN PETITIONS (DEFINITION OF "CIRCULATOR") Article IV, Part Third, Section 20SIGNATURES NECESSARY ON DIRECT INITIATIVE PETITIONS Article IV, Part Third, Section 18SOLDIERS Article I, Section 18SOLEMN OCCASIONS Article VI, Section 3SOVEREIGN RULER OF THE UNIVERSE PreambleSPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Article IV, Part First, Section 7 Apportionment commission Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-A Convenes legislature Article IV, Part Third, Section 1 Governor vacancy Article V, Part First, Section 14 Temporary disability of Governor Article V, Part First, Section 15SPECIAL ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE Article IV, Part Third, Section 14SPECIAL ELECTION Citizen initiative Article IV, Part Third, Section 18 People's veto Article IV, Part Third, Section 17 State debt Article IX, Section 14SPECIAL LEGISLATION Article IV, Part Third, Section 13SPECIAL SESSIONS OF THE LEGISLATURE Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-A (9 of 15) [8/18/2005 5:41:24 PM]

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SPEEDY, PUBLIC AND IMPARTIAL TRIAL Article I, Section 6STANDING ARMIES Article I, Section 17STATE ELECTIONS (VOTING DISTRICTS) Article IX, Section 12STATE EXCISE TAX Article IX, Section 8STATE GOVERNMENT CONTINUITY IN CASE OF ENEMY ATTACK Article IX, Section 17STATE MANDATES Article IX, Section 21STATE OF MAINE PreambleSTATE OF THE STATE Article V, Part First, Section 9STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM Article IX, Section 18STATEWIDE ELECTION (DEFINITION OF) Article IV, Part Third, Section 20STUDENTS Article II, Section 1 Article VIII, Part First, Section 2STYLE OF ACTS Article IV, Part First, Section 1SUBSCRIPTIONS Article IX, Section 1SUCCESSION Governor Article V, Part First, Section 14 Secretary of state Article V, Part Second, Section 1-A Treasurer Article V, Part Third, Section 1-ASUFFRAGE (ELECTION BRIBERY) Article IX, Section 13SUITS Article I, Section 20SUMMONS (GOVERNOR ISSUES TO ELECTED HOUSE MEMBERS) Article IV, Part First, Section 5SUMMONS OF PERSONS WHO APPEAR TO BE ELECTED For House Article IV, Part First, Section 5 For Senate Article IV, Part Second, Section 4SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Article IV, Part Third, Section 2SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT (10 of 15) [8/18/2005 5:41:24 PM]

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Article VI, Section 1 Article X, Section 6 Governor vacancy Article V, Part First, Section 14 Oaths of office Article IX, Section 1 Opinion to Governor, etc. Article VI, Section 3 Reapportionment of House Article IV, Part First, Section 3 Reapportionment plan, Senate Article IV, Part Second, Section 2 Temporary disability of Governor Article V, Part First, Section 15SUPREME LAW OF THE STATE Article X, Section 6SURETY BOND (TREASURER). Article V, Part Third, Section 2SUSPENSION OF LAWS Article I, Section 13TAX RELIEF (STATE MANDATES) Article IX, Section 21TAX TRUST FUND (MINING) Article IX, Section 20TAXATION Article IX, Section 8 Power of Article IX, Section 9 State debt Article IX, Section 14 Watercraft Article IX, Section 4TAXES Article I, Section 22 Highway fund Article IX, Section 19TENURE Judges Article VI, Section 6 Judicial officers Article VI, Section 4 Sheriffs Article IX, Section 10TENURE OF OFFICE Article I, Section 23 Article IX, Section 6TERM Governor Article V, Part First, Section 2 Representatives Article IV, Part First, Section 2 (11 of 15) [8/18/2005 5:41:24 PM]

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Senators Article IV, Part Second, Section 1TERM LIMITS (GOVERNOR) Article V, Part First, Section 2TERM OF OFFICE (JUDICIAL OFFICERS) Article VI, Section 4TESTIMONY OF 2 WITNESSES Article I, Section 12THREATENING (CONTEMPT OF THE HOUSE OR SENATE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 6TIE (GUBERNATORIAL ELECTION) Article V, Part First, Section 3TIMBERLANDS (ASSESSMENT) Article IX, Section 8TIME OF STATE ELECTION Article II, Section 4TIME OF WAR OR PUBLIC DANGER Article II, Section 3TIMING OF ELECTIONS (CITIZEN INITIATIVE) Article IV, Part Third, Section 18TITLE OF NOBILITY PROHIBITED Article I, Section 23TOWN CLERKS House elections Article IV, Part First, Section 5 Senate elections Article IV, Part Second, Section 3TOWN COUNCIL MAY ESTABLISH DIRECT INITIATIVE AND PEOPLE'S VETO Article IV, Part Third, Section 21TOWNS And education Article VIII, Part First, Section 1 Voting districts Article IX, Section 12TRAFFIC LAWS (HIGHWAY FUND) Article IX, Section 19TRANQUILITY PreambleTRAVEL EXPENSES (APPORTIONMENT COMMISSION) Article IV, Part Third, Section 1-ATRAVELING EXPENSES (SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES) Article IV, Part Third, Section 7TREASON Article I, Section 12 Article IV, Part Third, Section 8TREASON, FELONY OR BREACH OF (12 of 15) [8/18/2005 5:41:24 PM]

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THE PEACE Article II, Section 2TREASURER Article V, Part Third Deputy Article V, Part Third, Section 1-A Election Article V, Part Third, Section 1 Incompatible offices Article IX, Section 2 Not to engage in trade Article V, Part Third, Section 3 Vacancy Article V, Part Third, Section 1-ATREASURY (NO MONEY DRAWN EXCEPT BY LAW) Article V, Part Third, Section 4TRIAL BY JURY Article I, Section 20TRIALS Article I, Section 6TRIALS BY MARTIAL LAW OR IMPEACHMENT Article I, Section 6TRIBAL RESERVATIONS Article II, between Sections 1 and 2TRUST FUND (MINING) Article IX, Section 20TRUTH GIVEN IN EVIDENCE Article I, Section 4UNREASONABLE SEARCHES PROHIBITED Article I, Section 5VACANCY Attorney general Article IX, Section 11 Governor Article V, Part First, Section 14 House members Article IV, Part First, Section 6 Judges Article VI, Section 6 Order of filling Article IX, Section 4 Secretary of state Article V, Part Second, Section 1-A Senate Article IV, Part Second, Section 5 Treasurer Article V, Part Third, Section 1-AVALUATION Article IX, Section 7 (13 of 15) [8/18/2005 5:41:24 PM]

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Article IX, Section 8VALUATION OF THE STATE OF MAINE Article IX, Section 14VEHICLE FUEL REVENUES Article IX, Section 19VESSEL REGISTERED UNDER STATE LAW Article IX, Section 14-AVETERANS' MORTGAGE LOANS Article IX, Section 14-DVETO Of bills Article IV, Part Third, Section 2 Pocket Article IV, Part Third, Section 2VETO POWER (OF GOVERNOR LIMITED IN INITIATIVE/ REFERENDUM/PEOPLE'S VETO) Article IV, Part Third, Section 19VOTES Bonds for local industrial development Article VIII, Part Second, Section 2 Electing judges and registers of probate Article VI, Section 6 Examined by Governor, Senate elections Article IV, Part Second, Section 4 Gubernatorial election Article V, Part First, Section 3 Lists for election of Representatives Article IV, Part First, Section 5 Lists of, Senate elections Article IV, Part Second, Section 3 Received, sorted, counted and declared and recorded, gubernatorial elections Article V, Part First, Section 3 Received, sorted, counted and declared, House elections Article IV, Part First, Section 5 Received, sorted, counted, declared and recorded, Senate elections Article IV, Part Second, Section 3 Sheriff elections Article IX, Section 10 Tabulation method Article IX, Section 12VOTING (ELECTION BRIBERY) Article IX, Section 13VOTING DISTRICTS Article IX, Section 12VOTING LIST OF THE CITY, TOWN OR PLANTATION Article IV, Part Third, Section 20 (14 of 15) [8/18/2005 5:41:24 PM]

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VOTING MACHINES Article II, Section 5WAR Article I, Section 12 State debt Article IX, Section 14WAR OR PUBLIC DANGER Article I, Section 14 Article I, Section 7 Article II, Section 3WARRANT TO SEARCH Article I, Section 5WATERCRAFT (TAXATION) Article IX, Section 8WELFARE PreambleWILDLIFE MANAGEMENT REVENUES Article IX, Section 22WILDLIFE SANCTUARIES (ASSESSMENT) Article IX, Section 8WITNESSES AGAINST THE ACCUSED Article I, Section 6WOODLANDS (ASSESSMENT) Article IX, Section 8WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS Article I, Section 10WRITTEN PETITION (DEFINITION OF) Article IV, Part Third, Section 20WRITTEN PETITIONS FOR DIRECT INITIATIVE Article IV, Part Third, Section 20WRITTEN PETITIONS FOR PEOPLE'S VETO Article IV, Part Third, Section 20WRONGS AND GRIEVANCES Article I, Section 15YEAS AND NAYS Article IV, Part Third, Section 5YOUTH OF MAINE Article VIII, Part First, Section 2Z - (no entries)

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