Constitution Article 32

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Transcript of Constitution Article 32

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    Mo Aucamcchlot ia tfl ^lqumrlhlots air Motlro`c Eihpiolot mo




    (^lbd. Oi. N@:05::0>)

    \odlr tfl bumd`oel & Uuplrvmsmio iaZria. O`blsfw`r `i

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    M, @rvmod.B flrlny dlec`rl tf`t tfl priglet lotmtcld @^TMECL5>7^MBFT TI EIOUTMT\TMIO@C ^LHLDMLU sunhmttld titfl T`hmc O`du O`tmio`c C`w Uefiic; Tmruefmr`pp`ccm, ms ` rleirdia nio`amdl `od modlplodlot wirk diol ny hl uodlr tflsuplrvmsmio `od bumd`oel ia Ulomir Zrialssir ia Eiostmtutmio`cC`w, O`blsfw`r ^`i, A`eucty ia Dlp`rthlot ia Eiostmtutmio,T`hmc O`du O`tmio`c C`w Uefiic; Tmruefmr`pp`ccm.

    @cc moairh`tmio auromsfld mo tfl priglet air serutmoy ms tfl trul titfl nlst ia hy koiwcldbl. Tfms priglet eiosmsts ia sleiod`ryd`t`.

    @rvmod.BUletmio- @


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    @t tfl iutslt, M t`kl tfms ippirtuomty ti tf`ok hy Zrialssir O`blsfw`r ^`iarih tfl nittih ia hy fl`rt wfi f`vl nllo ia mhhlosl flcp durmobhihlots ia `oxmlty `od tirpmdmty wfmcl tfl priglet w`s t`kmob mts eruem`csf`pl.

    Uleiodcy, M eiovly hy dllplst rlb`rds ti tfl `dhmomstr`tmvl st`aa ia TOOCUwfi flcd tfl priglet mo fmbf lstllh ny privmdmob rlcm`ncl moairh`tmio mo tflairh ia cmnr`ry moar`strueturl `od d`t`n`sl eiooletmios mo tmhls ia olld.

    Tfmrdcy, tfl eiotrmnutmio h`dl ny hy p`rlots `od armlods ny airlbimob tflmr prlemius tmhl ms uoairbltt`ncl `od fmbfcy sicmemtld. Tflmr v`cu`ncl `dvmel`od tmhlcy suplrvmsmio p`vld tfl w`y air tfl sueelssauc eihpcltmio ia tfms


    Rirds `rlot suaamemlot ti `ekoiwcldbl tfl trlhlodius eiotrmnutmios ia

    v`rmius plipcl movicvld mo tfms priglet- `s M koiw Rirds `rl ZiirEihairtlrs. M ioel `b`mo wficlfl`rtldcy `od l`rolstcy tf`ok `cc tfl plipclwfi wlrl movicvld dmrletcy ir modmrletcy durmob tfms priglet h`kmob wfmefflcpld hl ti eihl iut wmtf acymob eiciurs.

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    Tfms ms ti elrtmay tf`t tfl ^lsl`ref Zriglet lotmtcld7

    @^TMECL5>7^MBFT TI EIOUTMT\TMIO@C ^LHLDMLU sunhmttld ti tflT`hmc O`du O`tmio`c C`w Uefiic; Tmruefmr`pp`ccm, mo aucamcchlot ia tflrlqumrlhlots air motlro`c eihpiolot air N.@; CC.N (FIOU.), TfmrdUlhlstlr ms `o irmbmo`c `od nio`amdl rlsl`ref wirk e`rrmld iut ny@^QMOD.B . Oi p`rt ia tfms study f`s nllo sunhmttld ti `oy \omvlrsmty airtfl `w`rd ia `oy Dlbrll ir Dmpcih` wf`tsilvlr.

    Zria. O`blsfw`r `i ( )

    D`tl7 >-00-04

    Zc`el7 Tmruefmr`pp`ccm

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    Z ` b l | @OD MTU UEIZL6

    H@OD@H\U ...0:

    EL^TMI^@^M .04



    P\I R@^^@OTI .06

    F@NL@U EI^Z\U .0=


    NMNCMIB^@ZF] >>

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    Ut`tl ia Nihn`y v. Fispmt`c H`zdiir Uunn`

    Gubbmc`c K`h`c`p`t v. Tfl Eiccletir ia Nihn`y Uf`ot`n`m v. Nihn`y E`ceutt` B`s Ei. v. Ut`tl ia R.N. ^`hp`c v. Ut`tl ia ^`g. Gmw`t N`m & Uios v. B.E. N`tr`. Zr`k`sct v. Zrmoemp`c, @.c.^. K`cy`o Umobf v. Ut`tl ia \.Z. Burusw`hm v. Ut`tl ia Hysirl Nlob`c Mhhuomty Ei. Ctd. vd. Ut`tl ia Nmf`r Efitlyc`c v. Ut`tl ia \.Z. Uf`ok`r v. ^lturomob Iaamelr Ut`tl ia Nihn`y v. \omtld Hitirs. Tfl Zr`b` Tiits Eirpir`tmio v. E.Q. mhh`oulc Ut`tl ia Nihn`y v. \omtld Hitirs Qllr`pp` Zmcc`mv. ^`h`o ^tmhmo Ctd..

    U.M. Uyodme`tl v. \omio ia Modm` @hrmt C`c v. Eicccletir, E.L.E. ^lvloul Tfl Ut`tlh`o v. A`et amodmob Eihhmttll ^yits ia B`r`n`odfi v. W`hmod`r ia Z`rc`kmhld F`rm Qmsfou K`h`tf Qs. @fh`d Msf`qul Uiou U`hp`t v. G`cb`io Niriubf Huomemp`cmty K`ou U`oy`c v. Dmstrmet H`bmstr`tl N`rsl v. Ut`tl ia H`f`r`sftr` Omc`n`tm Nlflr` v. Ut`tl ia Irmss` H`ckm`t Umobf v. Ut`tl ia \.Z UTI Q. Ufmv ^`t`o @M^ \Z U`cls t`x slrvmel `sso. v. t`x`tmio n`r `sso Uyld ]`kiin v. K.U.^`df`krmsfo`o

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    ^mbfts wmtfiut rlhldmls `rl hl`omobclss si aiuodmob a`tflrs f`vl moslrtld `rtmecl 5> ny wfmef `o modmvmdu`ce`o blt ` rlhldy ny moarmoblhlot ia auod`hlot`c rmbft. @rtmecl 5> ia tfl Eiostmtutmio bmvls piwlr ti tflUuprlhl Eiurt ti mssul wrmts mo e`sl ia nrl`ef ia Auod`hlot`c rmbfts ia `oy emtmzlo ny tfl st`tl. Ny suef

    wrmts tfl Gudmem`ry e`o eiotric tfl `dhmomstr`tmvl `etmios `od prlvlot `oy kmod ia `rnmtr`ry usl ia piwlr `oddmserltmio.

    Tflrl `rl < kmods ia wrmts

    - H`od`hus

    - Elrtmir`rm

    - Zrifmnmtmio

    - Pui w`rr`oti- F`nl`s eirpus

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    @rtmecl 5> mo Tfl Eiostmtutmio Ia Modm`

    5>. ^lhldmls air loairelhlot ia rmbfts eioalrrld ny tfms Z`rt(0) Tfl rmbft ti hivl tfl Uuprlhl Eiurt ny `ppriprm`tl prielldmobs air tfl loairelhlot ia tfl rmbftseioalrrld ny tfms Z`rt ms bu`r`otlld.(>) Tfl Uuprlhl Eiurt sf`cc f`vl piwlr ti mssul dmrletmios ir irdlrs ir wrmts, moecudmob wrmts mo tfl o`turlia f`nl`s eirpus, h`od`hus, prifmnmtmio, qui w`rr`oti `od elrtmir`rm, wfmeflvlr h`y nl `ppriprm`tl, airtfl loairelhlot ia `oy ia tfl rmbfts eioalrrld ny tfms Z`rt(5) Rmtfiut prlgudmel ti tfl piwlrs eioalrrld io tfl Uuprlhl Eiurt ny ec`usl ( 0 ) `od ( > ). Z`rcm`hloth`y ny c`w lhpiwlr `oy itflr eiurt ti lxlremsl wmtfmo tfl cie`c cmhmts ia mts gurmsdmetmio `cc ir `oy ia tfl

    piwlrs lxlrems`ncl ny tfl Uuprlhl Eiurt uodlr ec`usl ( > ).(4) Tfl rmbft bu`r`otlld ny tfms `rtmecl sf`cc oit nl susplodld lxelpt `s itflrwmsl privmdld air ny tfmsEiostmtutmio.


    Iocy auod`hlot`c rmbfts e`o nl loaireld uodlr `rtmecl 5>. Uihl dlemsmios f`vl pimotld iut tf`t smoel tflrlhldy uodlr `rtmecl 5>(0) ms mtslca tfl loairelhlot ia auod`hlot`c rmbft, Uuprlhl Eiurt ms uodlr duty tibr`ot rlcmla air vmic`tmio ia ` sunst`otmvl auod`hlot`c rmbft. 0 Uuprlhl eiurt f`s st`tld tf`t wflrl rlcmlatfriubf Fmbf Eiurt ms `v`mc`ncl uodlr `rtmecl >>1, tfl p`rty sfiucd amrst `ppri`ef Fmbf Eiurt. > TflUuprlhl Eiurt ms eiostmtutld `s bu`r`otir `od pritletir 5 ia auod`hlot`c rmbfts, `od mt e`ooit rlausl tilotlrt`mo `ppcme`tmios sllkmob pritletmio `b`most moarmoblhlot ia suef rmbfts. 4 @rtmecl 5> f`s nllo dlsermnld`s tfl vlry siuc `od fl`rt ia Modm`o Eiostmtutmio . Gurmsdmetmio eioalrrld io `rtmecl 5> ms `o mhpirt`ot `odmotlbr`c p`rt ia tfl n`sme strueturl ia Eiostmtutmio ia Modm` `od oi `et ia Z`rcm`hlot e`o `nrib`tl mt ir t`kl mt

    `w`y lxelpt ny w`y ia mhplrhmssmncl lrismio ia auod`hlot`c prmoempcls ia eiostmtutmio`c seflhl. Mt privmdls `o molxplosmvl `od lxpldmtmius rlhldy. Mo @hnldk`r's hlhir`ncl wirds7 'Ma M w`s `skld ti o`hl`oy p`rtmeuc`r @rtmecl mo tfl Eiostmtutmio `s tfl hist mhpirt`ot - `o @rtmecl wmtfiut wfmeftfms Eiostmtutmio wiucd nl ` ouccmty- M eiucd oit rlalr ti `oy itflr @rtmecl lxelpt tfms iol. Mt ms tfl vlry siucia tfl Eiostmtutmio `od tfl vlry fl`rt ia mt'.


    @oy plrsio eihpc`momob ia moar`etmio ia `oy auod`hlot`c rmbft bu`r`otlld ny tfl eiostmtutmio ms bu`r`otlldti hivl ti tfl Uuprlhl Eiurt nut tfl rmbfts tf`t eiucd nl movicvld uodlr `rtmecl 5> hust irdmo`rmcy nl rmbfts

    ia plrsio wfi eihpc`mos moar`etmio ia suef rmbfts `od `ppri`efls tfl eiurt air rlcmla , `s ti tfl o`turl iarmbfts tf`t ms st`tld ti f`vl nllo moarmobld. <


    Mo Modm`o c`w, puncme motlrlst cmtmb`tmio hl`os cmtmb`tmio air tfl pritletmio ia tfl puncme motlrlst. Mt mscmtmb`tmio motridueld mo ` eiurt ia c`w, oit ny tfl `bbrmlvld p`rty nut ny tfl eiurt mtslca ir ny `oy itflr

    prmv`tl p`rty. Mt ms oit olelss`ry, air tfl lxlremsl ia tfl eiurts gurmsdmetmio, tf`t tfl plrsio wfi ms tfl vmetmhia tfl vmic`tmio ia fms ir flr rmbft sfiucd plrsio`ccy `ppri`ef tfl eiurt. Zuncme motlrlst cmtmb`tmio ms tfl

    0 Kiefuoom v. Ut`tl ia H`dr`s @M^ 0= Z.O.Kuh`r v. huomemp`c eirp. ia Dlcfm 0=62 4 UEE 1:=5 ^`sfmd @fhld v. Tfl Huomemp`c Ni`rd, K`mr`o`, @M^ 0=44 ^`hlsf Tf`p`r v. Ut`tl Ia H`dr`s @M^ 0=4< O`rmodlrgmt Umobf U`fom v. \IM >::> > UEE 2:6
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    piwlr bmvlo ti tfl puncme ny eiurts tfriubf gudmem`c `etmvmsh. Fiwlvlr, tfl plrsio amcmob tfl pltmtmio hust privl ti tfl s`tmsa`etmio ia tfl eiurt tf`t tfl pltmtmio ms nlmob amcld air ` puncme motlrlst `od oit gust `s `armvicius cmtmb`tmio ny ` nusy nidy. Tfl dlvlciphlot ia ZMC f`s c`rblcy hidmamld tfl rucl ia cieus st`odm.ZMC h`y nl tr`osalrrld ti `ppriprm`tl Fmbf Eiurt. 1 @ clttlr mo ZMC sfiucd nl `ddrlssld ti tfl eiurt oit ti `omodmvmdu`c gudbl.2 ZMC e`ooit nl lotlrt`mold wflrl st`od t`klo w`s eiotr`ry ti st`od t`klo ny tfisl wfi `rl

    `aaletld ny `etmio. 6

    1 K`sturm C`c ^`cm` ^`h G@MO Q. Ut`tl ia \Z @M^ 0=1< UE 0:5=2 U`efdlv v. \IM 0==0 0 UEE 1:::1 UE =6:

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    @ wrmt ia h`od`hus ir h`od`hus (wfmef hl`os "wl eihh`od" mo C`tmo), ir sihltmhls h`od`tl, ms tflo`hl ia iol ia tfl prlrib`tmvl wrmts mo tfl eihhio c`w, `od ms "mssuld ny ` suplrmir eiurt ti eihplc `ciwlr eiurt ir ` bivlrohlot iaamelr ti plrairh h`od`tiry ir purlcy hmomstlrm`c dutmls eirrletcy". H`od`hus

    cmls ti loairel ` puncme duty mo tfl plrairh`oel ia wfmef tfl pltmtmiolr f`s ` suaamemlot clb`c motlrlst, nut flhust sfiw tf`t fl f`s dlh`odld plrairh`oel wfmef f`s nllo rlausld. = Mt ms dmserltmio`ry `od wmcc oit nlbr`otld ma tflrl ms `o `ctlro`tmvl rlhldy lqu`ccy nlolamem`c, eiovlomlot `od laaletmvl. 0:

    Dlamomtmio ia H`od`hus

    H`od`hus `eeirdmob ti Nc`ek's c`w dmetmio`ry, Omotf Ldmtmio

    "@ wrmt mssuld ny ` eiurt ti eihplc plrairh`oel ia ` p`rtmeuc`r `et ny ciwlr eiurt ir ` bivlrohlot`c

    iaamelr ir nidy, ti eirrlet ` prmir `etmio ir a`mcurl ti `et."

    Tfl irdlr ia h`od`hus ms ia ` hist lxtlosmvl rlhldm`c o`turl, `od ms mo airh, ` eihh`od mssumob arih tflFmbf Eiurt ia Gustmel, dmrletld ti `oy plrsio, eirpir`tmio ir moalrmir trmnuo`c, rlqumrmob fmh ir tflh ti disihl p`rtmeuc`r tfmob tflrlmo splemamld wfmef `pplrt`mos ti fms ir tflmr iaamel `od ms mo o`turl ia ` puncmeduty. H`od`hus ms oit ` wrmt ia rmbft, mt ms oit eioslqulotcy br`otld ia eiursl, nut iocy `t tfl dmserltmio iatfl eiurt ti wfih tfl `ppcme`tmio air mt ms h`dl; `od tfms dmserltmio ms oit lxlremsld mo a`viur ia tfl`ppcme`ot, uoclss sihl gust `od uslauc purpisl h`y nl `oswlrld ny tfl wrmt. @ wrmt ia h`od`hus ir rlhldyms prl -lhmolotcy ` puncme c`w rlhldy `od ms oit blolr`ccy `v`mc`ncl `b`most prmv`tl wriobs. Mt ms usld airloairelhlot ia v`rmius rmbfts ia tfl puncme ir ti eihplc tfl puncme st`tutiry `utfirmtmls ti dmsef`rbl tflmr

    dutmls `od ti `et wmtfmo tfl niuods. Mt h`y nl usld ti di gustmel wflo tflrl ms wriobauc lxlremsl ia piwlr ir` rlaus`c ti plrairh dutmls. 00

    H`od`hus mo Modm`o C`w prmir ti tfl Eiostmtutmio

    H`od`hus w`s motridueld mo Modm` ny tfl Clttlrs Z`tlot erl`tmob tfl Uuprlhl Eiurt mo E`ceutt` mo 0225.Tfl Uuprlhl Eiurts mo tfl Zrlsmdloey tiwos wlrl lhpiwlrld ti mssul tfl wrmt. Tfl Uuprlhl Eiurt e`o`csi mssul h`od`hus air tfl loairelhlot ia auod`hlot`c rmbfts.

    Motlrprlt`tmio ia Zuncme rmbft `od h`od`hus

    H`od`hus cmls `b`most `utfirmtmls wfisl duty ms ti plrairh elrt`mo `ets `od tfly f`vl a`mcld ti di si. \odlraicciwmob emreuhst`oels h`od`hus e`o nl mssuld 7

    (m) Tfl `ppcme`ot hust f`vl ` clb`c rmbft ti tfl plrairh`oel ia ` clb`c duty. 0> Mt wmcc oit nl mssuldwflrl ti di ir oit ti di `o `et ms clat ti tfl dmserltmio ia tfl `utfirmty. 05 Mt w`s rlausld wflrl tfl

    = ^. v. N`klr (021>) 5 Nurr. 0>112. 0: Uyodme`tl v. \omio ia Modm`. @.M.^. 0=2< U.E. 41:00 Nmooy Cmhmtld vs. Q. U`d`smv`o >::< @M^ (UE) 5>:> 0> Dr. ^`m Ufmvlodr` N`f`dur v, Bivlromob Nidy ia tfl O`cuod` Eicclbl, @.M.^. 0=1> U.E. 0>0:.05 Eiotricclr ia Hiobfyr v. Klsf`v Zr`s`d, @.M.^. 0=1> U.E. 01=4

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    clb`c duty `risl arih `o `brllhlot wfmef w`s mo dmsputl. 04 Tfl duty ti nl loaireld ny ` wrmth`od`hus eiucd `rmsl ny ` privmsmio ia tfl Eiostmtutmio 0< ir ia ` st`tutl 01 ir ia tfl eihhio c`w. 02

    (mm) Tfl clb`c duty hust nl ia ` puncme o`turl. Mo Tfl Zr`b` Tiics Eirpir`tmio v. E.Q. Mh`ou`c,@.c.^. 0=1= U.E. 05:1 7 tfl Uuprlhl Eiurt st`tld tf`t h`od`hus hmbft uodlr elrt`mo emreuhst`oels

    cml `b`most ` prmv`tl modmvmdu`c ma mt ms lst`ncmsfld tf`t fl f`s eiccudld wmtf ` puncme `utfirmty.Mt wmcc oit mssul `b`most ` prmv`tl modmvmdu`c ti loairel ` prmv`tl rmbft suef `s ` eiotr`et. 06Lvlotfiubf h`od`hus dils oit cml ti loairel ` eiotr`et motlr p`rtls, mt wmcc cml wflrl tfl pltmtmiolr'seiotr`etu`c rmbft wmtf ` tfmrd p`rty ms motlralrld wmtf ny tfl Ut`tl. 0=

    Ma tfl `utfirmty wlrl uodlr c`w incmbld ti lxlremsl dmserltmio, h`od`hus wiucd cml ti lxlremsl mt moiol w`y ir tfl itflr. H`od`hus e`o nl mssuld ti eihplc `o moeihl-t`x iaamelr ti e`rry iut tflmostruetmios mssuld ny moeihl-t`x `pplcc`tl trmnuo`c lxlremsmob mts `pplcc`tl piwlr >: . @b`mo mt e`o nlmssuld ti ` huomemp`cmty ti dmsef`rbl mts st`tutiry duty.

    Rflrl tflrl ms oi st`tutiry privmsmio, lxleutmvl mostruetmios amcc mo tfl b`p `od `rl e`p`ncl iaeioalrrmob rmbfts io tfl emtmzlo mhpismob incmb`tmios io tfl `utfirmtmls. Mo `ppriprm`tl e`sls tfleiurts h`y lvlo eihplc tfl plrairh`oel ia suef ` duty. >0 H`od`hus ms oit `v`mc`ncl wflrl tflirdlr upio wfmef tfl `cclbld rmbft ia tfl pltmtmiolr ms aiuodld ms mtslca uctr` vmrls. >> Rflrl

    privmsmios `rl hlrlcy dmrletiry, oio-eihpcm`oel wmtf tflh dils oit rlodlr `o `et mov`cmd `od floeloi h`od`hus mssuls.

    (mmm) Tfl rmbft siubft ti nl loaireld hust nl sunsmstmob io tfl d`tl ia tfl pltmtmio. Ma tfl motlrlst iatfl pltmtmiolr f`s nllo c`wauccy tlrhmo`tld nlairl tf`t d`tl, fl ms oit lotmtcld ti tfl wrmt. >5

    (mv) @s ` blolr`c rucl, h`od`hus ms oit mssuld mo `otmemp`tmio ia mogury. Tflrl `rl lxelptmios ti tfmsrucl. @oynidy wfi ms cmklcy ti nl `aaletld ny tfl irdlr ia ` puncme iaamelr ms lotmtcld ti nrmob `o`ppcme`tmio air h`od`hus ma tfl iaamelr `ets mo eiotr`vlotmio ia fms st`tutiry duty. >4 @ plrsio `b`mostwfih `o mcclb`c ir uoeiostmtutmio`c irdlr ms h`dl ms lotmtcld ti `ppcy ti tfl eiurt air rldrlss lvlo

    nlairl suef irdlr ms `etu`ccy loaireld `b`most fmh ir lvlo nlairl sihltfmob ti fms dltrmhlot ms diolmo pursu`oel ia tfl irdlr. Air, tfl mssul ia suef irdlr eiostmtutls `o mhhldm`tl loeri`efhlot io fmsrmbfts.><

    04 E`rcsn`d Hmolr`c R`tlr Hab. Ei. v. F.H. G`btm`om, @.M.^. 0= E`c. 50:

    ^`hp`c v. Ut`tl ia ^`g. @M^ 0=60 UE 0>0 >0 Gmw`t N`m & Uios v. B.E. N`tr`. @.c.^. 0=21 Dlcfm 50: >> Zr`k`sct v. Zrmoemp`c, @.c.^. 0=1< H.Z. >02 >5 K`cy`o Umobf v. Ut`tl ia \.Z., @.M.^. 0=1> U.E. 004 Burusw`hm v. Ut`tl ia Hysirl, @.M.^. 0=< Nlob`c Mhhuomty Ei. Ctd. vd. Ut`tl ia Nmf`r, @.M.^. 0=

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    @b`most wfih H`od`hus wmcc oit nl mssuld

    Mo Modm`, mt wmcc oit cml upio tfl Zrlsmdlot `od tfl Bivlroir ia ` Ut`tl mo tflmr plrsio`c e`p`emtmls. >1 Fiwlvlr, tfl Eiostmtutmio lxprlsscy privmdls tf`t `ppriprm`tl prielldmobs h`y nl nriubft `b`most tflBivlrohlot ia Modm` `od tfl Bivlrohlot ia ` Ut`tl. >2 Oi h`od`hus wmcc cml `b`most `o iaamelr ir hlhnlr

    ia p`rcm`hlot ir `o iaamelr ir hlhnlr ia tfl clbmsc`turl ia ` Ut`tl Mo wfih piwlrs `rl vlstld ny ir uodlrtfl Eiostmtutmio air rlbuc`tmob prieldurl ir tfl eioduet ia nusmolss ir air h`mot`momob irdlr mo Z`rcm`hlotir tfl Ut`tl clbmsc`turl. >6 H`od`hus wmcc oit nl mssuld ti ` clbmsc`turl ti airnmd mt arih p`ssmob clbmsc`tmiorlpubo`ot ti tfl auod`hlot`c rmbfts. >= @rtmecl 5>= ia tfl Eiostmtutmio rlstr`mos `oy c`w eiurts arihlotlrt`momob lcletir`c h`ttlrs suef `s tfl v`cmdmty `oy c`w rlc`tmob ti tfl dlcmhmt`tmio ia eiostmtuloemls ir tfl`ccithlot ia sl`ts ti suef eiostmtuloemls, h`dl ir purpirtmob ti nlsmdl uodlr `rtmecl 5>2 ir `rtmecl 5>6 `od

    privmdls tf`t oi lcletmio ti lmtflr Fiusl ia Z`rcm`hlot ir ti tfl Fiusl ir lmtflr Fiusl ia tfl clbmsc`turl ia `Ut`tl sf`cc nl qulstmiold lxelpt ny `o lcletmio pltmtmio prlslotld `s privmdld ny Z`rcm`hlot. Lcletmiomoecudls lvlrytfmob arih tfl mssul ia tfl oitmame`tmio ti tfl `ooiuoelhlot ia tfl rlsuct. Mt ms oit tflrlairl

    pissmncl ti int`mo h`od`hus `b`most iaamem`cs eioduetmob tfl v`rmius st`bls ia `o lcletmio, at w`s rlausld`b`most ` rlturomob iaamelr wfi rlgletld ` oihmo`tmio p`plr. 5: Tfms n`o fiwlvlr `ppcmls iocy mo rlsplet ialcletmios ti Z`rcm`hlot `od Ut`tl clbmsc`turls.

    H`od`hus cmls ti sleurl tfl plrairh`oel ia ` puncme duty. Ma tfl pltmtmiolr f`s suaamemlot clb`c motlrlst mo tfl plrairh`oel mt wmcc mssul lvlo ma tfl nidy `b`most wfmef mt ms ec`mhld ms oit ` st`tutiry nidy. Tfus mt w`smssuld `b`most tfl U`oskrmt Eiuoemc; wfmef w`s eiostmtutld ny ` rlsicutmio ia tfl st`tl bivlrohlot ti eihplcmt ti ficd tfl lx`hmo`tmio `od puncmsf tfl rlsucts. 50 Fiwlvlr, mt wmcc oit cml ti sleurl plrairh`oel ny `eihp`oy ia ` duty tiw`rds mts lhpciylls wfmef ms oit ia ` puncme o`turl. 5>

    @ctlro`tmvl ^lhldy7 @ N`r ti H`od`hus

    H`od`hus ms oit rlausld io tfl briuod tf`t tflrl ms `o `dlqu`tl `ctlro`tl rlhldy wflrl tfl pltmtmiolreihpc`mos tf`t fms auod`hlot`c rmbft ms moarmobld. 55 Tfl eiurts `rl duty niuod ti pritlet tfl auod`hlot`crmbfts `od tflrlairl h`od`hus ms mssuld. Mt ms iocy wflo h`od`hus ms mssuld "air `oy itflr purpisl" tf`ttfl lxmstloel ia `o `ctlro`tl rlhldy n`rs mts mssu`oel. 54H`od`hus wmcc oit, fiwlvlr, nl rlausld wfloirdmo`ry emvmc prielldmobs ir `dhmomstr`tmvl `ppl`cs ir rlvmsmio di oit privmdl `o lqu`ccy laaletmvl `odeiovlomlot rlhldy.

    Dlh`od `od rlaus`c

    Air tfl mssul ia h`od`hus `b`most `o `dhmomstr`tmvl `utfirmty tfl `aaletld modmvmdu`c hust dlh`od gustmel`od iocy io rlaus`c fl f`s rmbft ti `ppri`ef tfl Eiurt. Mo U.M. Uyodme`tl v. \omio ia Modm` 51 @rtmecl 510 >2 @rtmecls 5:: `od 510 >6 @rtmecl 0>> (>) `od >0> (>) >= Efitlyc`c v. Ut`tl ia \.Z., @.c.^. 0=>6 5:

    Uf`ok`r v. ^lturomob Iaamelr, @.M.^. 0= Nih >22 50 Ut`tl ia Nihn`y v. \omtld Hitirs. @.M.^ 0= 5> Tfl Zr`b` Tiits Eirpir`tmio v. E.Q. mhh`oulc, @.M.^. 0=1= U.E 05:1 55 Ut`tl ia Nihn`y v. \omtld Hitirs, @.M.^. 0= 54 Qllr`pp` Zmcc`mv. ^`h`o ^tmhmo Ctd.. @.M.^. 0= U.E. 0=> 5< @M^ 0=2< UE 41:

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    Z ` b l | 05

    "@s ` blolr`c rucl tfl irdlrs wiucd oit nl br`otld uoclss tfl p`rty eihpc`mold ia f`s koiwo wf`t mtw`s fl w`s rlqumrld ti di, si tf`t fl f`d tfl hl`os ia eiosmdlrmob wfltflr ir oit fl sfiucd eihpcy,`od mt hust nl sfiwo ny lvmdloel tf`t tflrl w`s ` dmstmoet dlh`od ia tf`t wfmef tfl p`rty sllkmobtfl h`od`hus dlsmrls ti loairel, `od tf`t tfl dlh`od w`s hlt ny ` rlaus`c."

    Tfus, ` p`rty sllkmob h`od`hus hust sfiw tf`t tfl dlh`od gustmel arih tfl `utfirmty eioelrold ny plrairhmob fms duty `od tf`t tfl dlh`od w`s rlausld. Mo U.M.Uyodme`tl tfl eiurt rlausld ti br`ot h`od`hus`s tflrl w`s oi suef dlh`od ir rlaus`c. Rflrl ` emvmc slrv`ot `ppri`efld tfl eiurt air h`od`hus `b`mostwriobauc dlom`c ia prihitmio, fl w`s dlomld tfl rlcmla nle`usl ia fms a`mcurl ti h`kl rlprlslot`tmio ti tflbivlrohlot `b`most mogustmel. 51 Tfl dlh`od air gustmel ms oit ` h`ttlr ia airh nut ` h`ttlr ia sunst`oel `odmt ms olelss`ry tf`t ` "priplr `od suaamemlot h`ttlr f`s ti nl h`dl". 52 Tfl dlh`od hust nl h`dl ti tfl

    priplr `utfirmty `od oit ti `o `utfirmty wfmef ms oit mo ` pismtmio ti plrairh mts duty mo h`oolr dlh`odld. Mtms subblstld tf`t tfl eiurt sfiucd oit aissmcmzl tfms rucl moti sihltfmob rmbmd `od moaclxmncl nut kllp mt `saclxmncl. Dlh`od h`y `csi oit nl olelss`ry "wflrl mt ms invmius tf`t tfl rlspiodlot wiucd oit eihpcy wmtfmt `od tflrlairl mt wiucd nl nut `o mdl`c airh`cmty."


    Floel tfl wrmt ia h`od`hus ms ti pritlet tfl motlrlst ia tfl puncme arih tfl piwlrs bmvlo ti tflh ti `aalettfl rmbfts `od cm`nmcmtmls ia tfl plipcl. Tfms wrmt h`kls surl tf`t tfl piwlr ir tfl dutmls `rl oit hmsusld nytfl lxleutmvl ir `dhmomstr`tmio `od `rl ducy aucamccld. Mt s`albu`rds tfl puncme arih tfl hmsusl ia `utfirmty

    ny tfl `dhmomstr`tmvl nidmls.

    Floel mt airhs iol ia n`sme tiic mo tfl f`ods ia tfl eihhio plipcl `b`most tfl `dhmomstr`tmvl nidmls ma tflydi oit aucamc tfl dutmls wfmef ny st`tutls tfly `rl niuod ti plrairh.

    51 @hrmt C`c v. Eicccletir, E.L.E. ^lvloul, @.M.^. 0=2< U.E.

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    Z ` b l | 04


    Elrtmir`rm ms ` C`tmo wird hl`omob "ti nl moairhld ia, ir ti nl h`dl elrt`mo mo rlb`rd ti". Cmtlr`ccy,Elrtmir`rm hl`os ti nl elrtmamld. Tfl wrmt ia elrtmir`rm ms mssuld ny tfl Uuprlhl Eiurt ti sihl moalrmir eiurtir trmnuo`c ti tr`osalr tfl h`ttlr ti mt ir ti sihl itflr suplrmir `utfirmty air priplr eiosmdlr`tmio. Mt ms ` wrmt

    (irdlr) ia ` fmbflr eiurt ti ` ciwlr eiurt ti slod `cc tfl dieuhlots mo ` e`sl ti mt si tfl fmbflr eiurt e`orlvmlw tfl ciwlr eiurts dlemsmio. @pplcc`tl rlvmlw ia ` e`sl tf t ms br`otld ny tfl mssu`oel ia elrtmir`rm mssihltmhls e`ccld `o `ppl`c, `ctfiubf suef rlvmlw ms `t tfl dmserltmio ia tfl `pplcc`tl eiurt. @ p`rty, tfl

    pltmtmiolr, amcls ` pltmtmio air elrtmir`rm wmtf tfl `pplcc`tl eiurt `atlr ` gudbhlot f`s nllo rlodlrld `b`mostfmh mo tfl moalrmir eiurt.

    Elrtmir`rm h`y `ppcy wflo tfl `dhmomstr`tmvl ir lxleutmvl `utfirmty a`mcs ti inslrvl tflmr duty ti `et a`mrcywmtf rlsplet ti tfl `dhmomstr`tmvl auoetmios. Tfl wrmt ia Elrtmir`rm h`y `csi nl mssuld `b`most ` sunirdmo`tltrmnuo`c lvlo ma tfl dlemsmio mhpubold ms prioiuoeld. @ cl`dmob e`sl ia ^yits ia B`r`n`odfi v. W`hmod`r

    ia Z`rc`kmhldm56

    , w`s tfl amrst dlemsmio io tfl wrmt ia Elrtmir`rm- "Tfl `oemlot wrmt ia elrtmir`rm mo Lobc`odms `o irmbmo`c wrmt wfmef h`y mssul iut ia ` suplrmir Eiurt rlqumrmob tf`t tfl rleird ia tfl prielldmobs mosihl e`usl ir h`ttlr plodmob nlairl `o moalrmir Eiurt sfiucd nl tr`oshmttld moti tfl suplrmir Eiurt ti nltflrl dl`ct wmtf. Tfl wrmt ms si o`hld nle`usl, mo mts irmbmo`c C`tmo airh, mt rlqumrld tf`t tfl Kmob sfiucd "nlelrtmamld" ia tfl prielldmobs ti nl movlstmb`tld, `od tfl inglet ms ti sleurl ny tfl lxlremsl ia tfl `utfirmty ia` suplrmir Eiurt, tf`t tfl gurmsdmetmio ia tfl moalrmir trmnuo`c sfiucd nl priplrcy lxlremsld. Tfms wrmt dils oitmssul ti eirrlet purlcy lxleutmvl `ets, nut, io tfl itflr f`od, mts `ppcme`tmio ms oit o`rriwcy cmhmtld timoalrmir "Eiurts" mo tfl strmetlst slosl. Nri`dcy spl`kmob, mt h`y nl s`md tf`t ma tfl `et diol ny tfl moalrmir

    nidy ms ` gudmem`c `et, `s dmstmobumsfld arih nlmob ` hmomstlrm`c `et, elrtmir`rm wmcc cml. Tfl rlhldy, mo pimotia prmoempcl, ms dlrmvld arih tfl suplrmotlodmob `utfirmty wfmef tfl Uivlrlmbo's Uuplrmir Eiurts, `od mo

    p`rtmeuc`r tfl Eiurt ia Kmob's Nloef, pisslss `od lxlremsl ivlr moalrmir gurmsdmetmios. Tfms prmoempcl f`s nllotr`ospc`otld ti itflr p`rts ia tfl Kmob's dihmomios, `od iplr`tls, wmtfmo elrt`mo cmhmts, mo Nrmtmsf Modm`."

    mo F`rm Qmsfou K`h`tf Qs. @fh`d Msf`qul 0=

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    Z ` b l | 040 \Z U`cls t`x slrvmel `sso. v. t`x`tmio n`r `sso. 0==< < UEE 201

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    Z ` b l | 02

    Rrmts ia Zrifmnmtmio `od Elrtmir`rm

    Tfl wrmt ia prifmnmtmio ms mssuld ny `oy Fmbf Eiurt ir tfl Uuprlhl Eiurt ti `oy moalrmir eiurt, prifmnmtmobtfl c`ttlr ti eiotmoul prielldmobs mo ` p`rtmeuc`r e`sl, wflrl mt f`s oi clb`c gurmsdmetmio ia trm`c. Rfmcl tflwrmt ia h`od`hus eihh`ods dimob ia p`rtmeuc`r tfmob, tfl wrmt ia prifmnmtmio ms lsslotm`ccy `ddrlssld ti `

    sunirdmo`tl eiurt eihh`odmob mo`etmvmty. Rrmt ia prifmnmtmio ms, tfus, oit `v`mc`ncl `b`most ` puncme iaamelroit vlstld wmtf gudmem`c ir qu`sm-gudmem`c piwlrs. Tfl Uuprlhl Eiurt e`o mssul tfms wrmt iocy wflrl `auod`hlot`c rmbft ms `aaletld.

    Tfl wrmt ia elrtmir`rm e`o nl mssuld ny tfl Uuprlhl Eiurt ir `oy Fmbf Eiurt air qu`sfmob tfl irdlr `crl`dy p`ssld ny `o moalrmir eiurt. Mo itflr wirds, wfmcl tfl prifmnmtmio ms `v`mc`ncl `t tfl l`rcmlr st`bl, elrtmir`rm ms`v`mc`ncl io smhmc`r briuods `t ` c`tlr st`bl. Mt e`o `csi nl s`md tf`t tfl wrmt ia prifmnmtmio ms `v`mc`ncl durmobtfl tlodloey ia prielldmobs nlairl ` sun-irdmo`tl eiurt, elrtmir`rm e`o nl rlsirtld ti iocy `atlr tfl irdlr irdlemsmio f`s nllo `ooiuoeld. Tflrl `rl slvlr`c eiodmtmios olelss`ry air tfl mssul ia wrmt ia elrtmir`rm, wfmef`rl `s uodlr7

    (`) Tflrl sfiucd nl eiurt, trmnuo`c ir `o iaamelr f`vmob clb`c `utfirmty ti dltlrhmol tfl qulstmio ia dlemdmobauod`hlot`c rmbfts wmtf ` duty ti `et gudmem`ccy.

    (n) Uuef ` eiurt, trmnuo`c ir iaamelr hust f`vl p`ssld `o irdlr `etmob wmtfiut gurmsdmetmio ir mo lxelss ia tfl gudmem`c `utfirmty vlstld ny c`w mo suef eiurt, trmnuo`c ir c`w. Tfl irdlr eiucd `csi nl `b`most tfl prmoempclia o`tur`c gustmel ir mt eiucd eiot`mo `o lrrir ia gudbhlot mo `pprlem`tmob tfl a`ets ia tfl e`sl.

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    Z ` b l | 06

    P\I R@^^@OTI

    Tfl wird Pui-R`rr`oti cmtlr`ccy hl`os "ny wf`t w`rr`ot9" Mt ms ` wrmt mssuld wmtf ` vmlw ti rlstr`momob ` plrsio arih `etmob mo ` puncme iaamel ti wfmef fl ms oit lotmtcld. Tfl wrmt ia Pui- w`rr`oti ms usld ti prlvlotmcclb`c `ssuhptmio ia `oy puncme iaamel ir usurp`tmio ia `oy puncme iaamel ny `oynidy.

    Tfl hl`omob ia tfl tlrh Pui R`rr`oti ms ny wf`t `utfirmty. Tfl wrmt ia qui w`rr`oti h`y nl ms suld`b`most ` plrsio ficdmob ` puncme iaamel ir bivlrohlot`c prmvmclbl. Tfl mssul ia suhhio ms aicciwld nyclb`c prielldmobs, durmob wfmef `o modmvmdu`cs rmbft ti ficd `o iaamel ir bivlrohlot`c prmvmclbl msef`cclobld.

    Tfl wrmt rlqumrls tfl eioelrold plrsio ti lxpc`mo ti tfl Eiurt ny wf`t `utfirmty fl ficds tfl iaamel. Ma ` plrsio f`s usurpld ` puncme iaamel, tfl Eiurt h`y dmrlet fmh oit ti e`rry iut `oy `etmvmtmls mo tfl iaamel irh`y `ooiuoel tfl iaamel ti nl v`e`ot. Tfl wrmt ms mssuld ny tfl Eiurt `atlr rlvmlwmob tfl emreuhst`oels iatfl e`sl. Tflrl `rl ` alw eiodmtmios wfmef hust nl aucamccld air tfl br`ot ia tfl wrmt ia qui w`rr`oti Modm`7

    Tfl eioelrold iaamel hust nl ` bivlrohlot uomt ir puncme iaamel wfmef plrairhs puncme dutmls. Lx`hpcls iasuef iaamel hlhnlrs `rl `dvie`tl blolr`c, uomvlrsmty iaamem`cs, hlhnlrs ia ` huomemp`c ni`rd. Tfl puncmeiaamel hust f`vl ` rl`c lxmstloel. Mt sfiucd nl plrh`olot `od e`ooit nl tlrhmo`tld. @ plrsio `b`most wfihtfl wrmt ia qui w`rr`oti ms mssuld hust f`vl tfl rl`c pisslssmio ia tfl puncme iaamel. Tfl wrmt sf`cc nl mssuldiocy wflo tfl puncme iaamel ms flcd ny ` p`rtmeuc`r plrsio mo `o mcclb`c h`oolr

    Mo Uiou U`hp`t v. G`cb`io Niriubf Huomemp`cmty 4> , Ma tfl `ppimothlot ia `o iaamelr ms mcclb`c, lvlryd`ytf`t fl `ets mo tf`t iaamel, ` arlsf e`usl ia `etmio `rmsls `od tflrl e`o nl tflrlairl oi qulstmio ia dlc`y mo

    prlslotmob ` pltmtmio air qui w`rr`oti mo wfmef fms vlry, rmbft ti `et mo suef ` rlspiosmncl pist f`s nllo


    @ wrmt ia qui w`rr`oti ms oit ` pltmtmio, nut ` oitmel ia dlh`od, mssuld ny ` dlh`od`ot, ti ` rlspiodlotec`mhmob sihl dlclb`tld piwlr, `od amcld wmtf ` eiurt ia eihpltlot gurmsdmetmio, ti ficd ` fl`rmob wmtfmo 5ti >: d`ys, dlplodmob io tfl dmst`oel ia tfl rlspiodlot ti tfl eiurt, ti prlslot priia ia fms `utfirmty tilxleutl fms ec`mhld piwlrs. Ma tfl eiurt amods tfl priia mosuaamemlot, ir ma tfl eiurt a`mcs ti ficd tfl fl`rmob,tfl rlspiodlot hust el`sl ti lxlremsl tfl piwlr. Ma tfl piwlr ms ti ficd `o iaamel, fl hust v`e`tl tfl iaamel.

    Tfl wrmt ms uocmkl ` pltmtmio ir hitmio ti sfiw e`usl, nle`usl tfl nurdlo ia priia ms io tfl rlspiodlot, oitio tfl dlh`od`ot.

    4> (0=

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    Z ` b l | 0=

    F@NL@U EI^Z\U

    Mt ms ` C`tmo tlrh wfmef cmtlr`ccy hl`os ti f`vl tfl nidy ia. Mt ms n`sme`ccy `o irdlr ia eiurt ti plrsio wfi f`sdlt`mold `oitflr ti priduel c`ttlr nlairl tfl eiurt, ti eflek e`usl `od clb`cmty ia dltlotmio. Ui tfms wrmt uodlr`rtmecl 5> ms ` piwlrauc hl`surl `b`most `rnmtr`ry dltlotmio lmtflr ny prmv`tl modmvmdu`cs ir lxleutmvl.

    Fiwlvlr F`nl`s Eirpus uodlr @rtmecl 5> e`ot nl mssuld ma

    `) dltlotmio ms c`wauc

    n) prielldmob ms air eiotlhpt ia ` clbmsc`tmio ir eiurt irdlr `od

    e) dltlotmio ms iutsmdl gurmsdmetmio ia eiurt. 45

    Tfl fmstiry ia tfms piwlrauc wrmt `ppl`rs ti nl tr`eld ti @obci- U`xio eihhio c`w riits; mts prlemsl hlotmioieeurrmob mo tfl H`bo` E`rt` ir Tfl Brl`t Ef`rtlr ia tfl Cmnlrtmls ia Lobc`od mo 0>00 ia tfl Modm`o eiostmtutmio bu`r`otlls tfl rmbft ti cmal `odcmnlrty ti l`ef `od lvlry emtmzlo ia tfl o`tmio. ^mbft ti hivl ti tfl eiurt ti loairel tfms `rtmecl w`s susplodlduodlr @rtmecl 5

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    Z ` b l | >:

    Mo K`ou U`oy`c v. Dmstrmet H`bmstr`tl4

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    Z ` b l | >0


    @eelss ti eiurts f`s nllo h`dl huef l`smlr tfriubf tfl motriduetmio ia Zuncme Motlrlst Cmtmb`tmio. Cieusst`odm f`s nllo h`dl aclxmncl tflrlny h`kmob `eelss ti eiurts huef l`smlr. Bivlrohlot wiucd oiw nluodlr ecisl serutmoy `s v`rmius rlhldmls `rl privmdld uodlr @rtmecl 5> ti losurl tf`t auod`hlot`c rmbfts `rl

    oit moarmobld. Mt ms ` p`rt ia tfl n`sme strueturl ia iur Eiostmtutmio. Tfl sicl inglet ia tfl @rtmecl 5> ia tflEiostmtutmio ia Modm` ms tfl loairelhlot ia tfl auod`hlot`c rmbfts bu`r`otlld uodlr Z`rt MMM ia tflEiostmtutmio ia Modm` `od tfl purpisl f`s nllo aucamccld ny eiurts `od tflmr dlemsmios. Tfiubf hmst`kls f`vl

    nllo eihhmttld ny eiurt mo motlrprltmob tfms `rtmecl (f`nl`s eirpus e`sl) mt f`s nllo eirrletld `eeirdmobcy nyeiostmtutmio`c `hlodhlot. Floel, mt e`o nl s`md tf`t tfl motlotmio ia Eiostmtutmio mo ar`hmob tfms`rtmeclh`klrs f`s nllo `efmlvld ny eiurts tfriubf mts dlemsmios.

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    Z ` b l | >>


    RLNUMTLU ^LAAL^LD7 fttp7//www.h`oup`tr`a`st.eih/`rtmecls/ZipIplo@rtmecl.`spx9MD8`4`-40d -``:n-


    fttp7//www.h`oup`tr`a`st.eih/`rtmecls/ZipIplo@rtmecl.`spx9MD8dl a6>:Eiostmtutmio fttp7//www.gstir.irb/dmseivlr/0:.>5:2/44:65>29umd8>054&umd8>426:0&umd82:&umd85&umd8>

    426:000:4=115:42:5 fttp7//suprlhleiurtiamodm`>:0>Yv0:Ypmv.pda fttp7//modm`ok`oiio.irb/sl`ref/9airhMoput8wrmt%>:ia%>:qui%>:w`rr`oti+dietypls7suprlhleiurt


    H.Z.G`mo- Modm`o Eiostmtutmio`c C`w, 2tf ldmtmio

    Eiostmtutmio`c C`w ia Modm`- Dr G O Z`odly,