Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)

download Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)

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Transcript of Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)

  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)




    W E, THE P EO PLE O F I ND IA , h avi ng s ol emn ly r es ol ve d o!onsi "e India ino a #O$EREI%N #O&IALI#T #E&'LAR DEMO&RATI&

    REP'BLI& and o se!"re o al l i s !i i(ens)

    *'#TI&E, so!ial , e!onomi! and +oli i!al

    LIBERT- o. ho"gh, e/+ression, 0elie., .ai h and 1orshi+

    E2'ALIT- o. sa"s and o. o++or"niy

    and o +romoe among hem all

    FRATERNIT- ass"ring he digni y o. he individ"al and he "ni y

    and inegri y o. he Naion

    IN O 'R &O N#TIT 'E NT A ##E MBL- h is 1en y 3 si / h d ay o .  

     Novem0er, 4565, do HEREB- AD OPT, ENA&T AN D %I $E TOO'R#EL$E# THI# &ON#TIT'TION7


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    PART I


    1. Name and territory of the Union. 894: India, ha is Bhara , shall 0ea 'nion o. #aes7

    9;: The #aes and he err i or ies hereo. shal l 0e as s+e!i . ied in he Firs #!hed"le7


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    he l a1 a nd ma y a ls o ! on a in s" !h s "+ +l em en al , i n! id en a l a nd

    !onse="en ia l + rov i s ions 9 in!l"d ing + rovi s ions as o re+resen a ion inPar l iamen and in he Leg i sl a " re o r Legi s la " res o . he # a e o r # a esa..e!ed 0y s"!h la1: as Parl iamen may deem ne!essary7

    ( ; )  No s"!h la1 as a.oresaid shal l 0e deemed o 0e an amendmen o. h is

    &onsi "ion .or he +"r+oses o. ar i!le

  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)




    . C i ti / en shi+ a t t h e * omme n* e me n t o f t he Cons t it % tion. 8A he!ommen!emen o. h is &ons i " ion, every +erson 1ho has his domi!i le in

    he err i ory o. India and8 

    (a)  1ho 1as 0orn in he erri ory o. India or 

    (b)  e i her o. 1hose +arens 1as 0orn in he err i ory o. India or  (c)  1ho has 0een ordinari ly res iden in he err i ory o. India .or no

    less han . ive years immediaely +re!eding s"!h !ommen!emen ,

    shall 0e a !i i(en o. India7

    0 . R i'ht s o f * i t i/ en shi+ o f * er t ain + er sons "h o h a,e mi'r ate d t o

    India from Paistan . 8No1ihs anding anyhing in ar i! le , a +erson1ho has migraed o he err i ory o. India .rom he err i ory no1 in!l"dedin Pa>is an shal l 0e deemed o 0e a !i i(en o. India a he !ommen!emen

    o. his &onsi "ion i.8 

    (a)  he or ei her o. h is +arens or any o. h is grand+arens 1as 0orn inInd ia as de.ined in he %overnmen o . Ind ia A! , 45 is an sha l l no 0e deemed o 0e a ! i i(en o .  India)

    Provided ha nohing in h is ar i! le shal l a++ly o a +erson 1ho, a. er  

    having so migraed o he err i ory no1 in!l"ded in Pa>is an, has re"rnedo he erri ory o. India "nder a +ermi .or rese lemen or +ermanen re"rn

    iss"ed 0y or "nder he a"hori y o. any la1 and every s"!h +erson shal l .or  he +"r+oses o. !la"se 9 b: o . a r i ! le 0e deemed o have migra ed o heerri ory o. India he nineeenh day o. *"ly, 4567



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    4. Ri'hts of * i t i/enshi+ of *er ta in +ersons of Indian or i' in res id in'

    o%tside India.3  No1i hs anding anyhing in ar i! le , any +erson 1ho or  ei her o. 1hose +arens or any o. 1hose grand+arens 1as 0orn in India asde.ined in he %overnmen o. India A! , 45e an y + rov is i on 1 i h r e s+ e! o he a!=" i si io n and

    erminaion o. !i i(enshi+ and all oher maers rela ing o !i i(enshi+7


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    12. Definit ion. 8In his Par , "nless he !one/ oher1ise re="ires, C he# a e i n!l "d es he %o ve rn me n a nd P ar li am en o . I nd ia an d he

    %overnmen and he Legisla"re o. ea!h o. he #aes and al l lo!al or o her  a " ho ri i es 1 i hi n he er ri o ry o . I nd ia o r " nd er he ! on r ol o . he%overnmen o. India7

    1 #. ) a" s i n* on si st e nt " i th o r i n d er o' a ti o n o f t he f %n da me nt a !

    ri'hts. 894: Al l la1s in .or!e in he err i ory o. Ind ia immediaely 0e.ore

    he !ommen!emen o. h is &ons i " ion, in so .ar as hey are in!onsis en1i h he +rovis ions o. h is P ar , shal l , o he e/en o. s"!h in!onsis en!y,

     0e void79;: The #ae shal l no ma>e any la1 1hi!h a>es a1ay or a0ridges he

    r igh s ! red 0y h i s Par and any l a1 made in !on raven ion o . h i s!la"se shall , o he e/en o. he !onravenion, 0e void7


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    (b)   he "se o. 1el ls , an>s , 0ahing ghas , roads and +la!es o. +"0l i!

    resor mainained 1hol ly or +ar ly o" o. #ae ."nds or dedi!aed o he"se o. he general +"0li!79 in g an y

    s+e!ial +rovision .or 1omen and !hildren7

    96: Nohing in h is ar i! le or in !la"se 9;: o. ar i! le ;5 shal l +reven he# a e . rom ma> i ng an y s +e! ia l + rov is i on .o r h e ad van !emen o . an ys o! ia ll y a nd e d" !a i on al ly 0 a! >1 ar d ! la ss es o . ! i i( en s o r . or he

    #!hed"led &ases and he #!hed"led Tri0es7

    10. E-%a! i ty of o++ort%nity in matters of +%! i* em+!oyment . 894:There shal l 0e e="al i y o. o++or"ni y .or al l ! i i(ens in ma ers rela ing o

    em+loymen or a++oinmen o any o..i!e "nder he #ae7

    9;: N o ! i i ( en s ha l l, o n g ro" nd s o n ly o . r e li gi o n, r a!e , ! a s e , s e/,d es!en , + l a!e o . 0 ir h , r e si d en !e o r an y o . hem, 0 e i n el i gi 0 le .o r, o r  

    d i s!r imina ed aga ins in res+e! o . , any em+loymen o r o . .i !e "nder he#ae7

    9ing any la1

     +res!ri0ing, in regard o a !lass or !lasses o. em+ loymen or a++oinmen o an o .. i !e " n de r h e % o v ern men o ., o r an y l o !a l o r o he r a" h o ri y1ihin , a #ae or 'nion err i ory , any re="iremen as o res iden!e 1i hin

    ha #ae or 'nion erri ory +rior o s"!h em+loymen or a++oinmen7

    96: N o hi n g i n hi s a r i ! le s h al l + r ev en h e # a e . ro m ma> in g an y +rovision .o r he reservaion o. a++o inmens or +oss in .avo"r o . any 0a!>1ard !lass o. !i i(ens 1hi!h, in he o+in ion o. he # ae , i s no

    ade="aely re+resened in he servi!es "nder he #ae796A: Noh ing in h i s a r i ! l e sha l l + reven he # a e . rom ma>ing any

     +rovision .o r reserva ion in ma ers o. +romo ion, 1ih !onse="eni al

    seniori y, o any !lass or !lasses o. +oss in he servi!es "nder he #ae in.avo"r o . he #!hed" led &as es and he #!hed" led Tri0es 1hi!h , in heo+inion o. he #ae , are no ade="aely re+resened in he servi!es "nder  

    he #ae7

    96B: Nohing in h is ar i! le shal l +reven he #ae .rom !onsidering any"n.i l led va!an!ies o. a year 1hi!h are reserved .or 0eing . i l led "+ in ha

    year in a!!ordan!e 1i h any + rov i s ion .o r reserva ion made "nder ! l a"se96: o r ! l a"se 96A: as a se+ara e ! l ass o . va!an!ies o 0e . i l l ed "+ in anys "! !e ed in g y ea r o r y ea rs a nd s "! h ! la ss o . v a! an !i es s ha ll n o 0 e

    !onsidered ogeher 1i h he va!an!ies o. he year in 1hi!h hey are 0eing.i l led "+ .or deermining he !ei l ing o. . i . y +er !en 7 reserva ion on o aln"m0er o. va!an!ies o. ha year7

    9 : Noh ing in h i s a r i ! l e sha l l a . .e! he o+era ion o . any l a1 1hi!h +rovides ha he in!"m0en o . an o..i!e in !onne!ion 1i h he rs o. any religio"s or denominaional insi "ion or any mem0er o. he governing


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     0ody hereo. shall 0e a +erson +ro.essing a +ar i!"lar rel igion or 0elonging

    o a +ar i!"lar denominaion71. Ao!it ion of Unto%*hai! ity. 8C'no"!ha0i l i y is a0oli shed and i s

     +ra!i!e in any .orm is .or0idden7 Th e en.or!emen o. any disa0i l i y ar isingo" o. C'no"!ha0i l i y shal l 0e an o..en!e +"nisha0le in a!!ordan!e 1i h


    14. Ao! i tion of t i t !e s. 894: No i le , no 0eing a mil i ary or a!ademi!dis in!ion, shall 0e !on.erred 0y he #ae7

    9;: No !i i(en o. India shal l a!!e+ any i le . rom any .oreign #ae 7

    9< : No +erson 1ho i s no a ! i i (en o . Ind ia sha l l , 1hi le he ho lds anyo.. i!e o. +ro.i or r"s "nder he #ae , a!!e+ 1i ho" he !onsen o. he

    Pres iden any i le . rom any .oreign #ae 7

    96: No +erson holding any o.. i!e o. +ro.i or r"s "nder he #ae shal l ,1i ho" he !onsen o . he Pres iden , a!!e+ any + resen , emol"men , o r  

    o..i!e o. any >ind .rom or "nder any .oreign #ae7

     Ri&ht to reedom

    15. Prote*t ion of *ertain r i'hts re'ardin' freedom of s+ee*h$ et* .3 94:Al l ! i i(ens shal l have he r igh8 

    (a) o .reedom o. s+ee!h and e/+ress ion

    (b) o assem0le +ea!ea0ly and 1i ho" arms

    (c) o .orm asso!iaions or "nions

    (d) o move .reely hro"gho" he erri ory o. India

    (e) o res ide and se le in any +ar o. he err i ory o. India and

    ( & ) o +ra! ise any +ro.ess ion, or o !arry on any o!!"+a ion, radeor 0"siness7

    9;: Nohing in s"03!la"se 9 a : o. !la"se 94: shal l a..e! he o+era ion o.  any e/ i s ing l a1, o r + reven he # a e . rom ma>ing any l a1, in so .a r as

    s " !h l a1 i m+ o ses r eas o na0 le r e s r i! io n s o n he e/e r!i s e o . h e r i gh ! red 0y he sa id s"03! la"se in he in e res s o . he sovere ign y andinegri y o. India, he se!"ri y o. he #ae , . r iendly rela ions 1i h .oreign

    #a es , +"0 l i ! o rder , de!en!y o r moral i y, o r in re l a ion o !on em+ o .  

    !o"r , de.amaion or in!iemen o an o..en!e79

  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    ma>ing any la1 im+osing, in he in eres s o. he sovereigny and in egri y

    o. India or +"0l i! order or moral i y , reasona0le res r i! ions on he e/er!iseo. he righ !on.erred 0y he said s"03!la"se7

    9: Nohing in s"03!la"ses 9 d : and 9e: o. he said !la"se shal l a..e! heo+era ion o. any e/is ing la1 in so .ar as i im+oses , or +reven he #ae

    .rom ma>ing any la1 im+osing, reasona0le res r i! ions on he e/er!ise o.  any o. he r ighs !on.erred 0y he said s"03!la"ses ei her in he in eres s o.  he general +"0l i! or .or he +roe! ion o. he in eres s o. any #!hed"led


    9: Nohing in s"03!la"se 9 & : o. he said !la"se shall a..e! he o+eraiono . an y e/ i s i ng l a1 i n s o . a r a s i i m+ o ses , o r + r ev en h e # a e . rom

    ma>ing any la1 im+osing, in he in eres s o. he general +"0l i! , reasona0leres r i! ions on he e/er!ise o. he r igh !on.erred 0y he said s"03!la"se,

    and, in +ar i!"lar , nohing in he said s"03!la"se shal l a..e! he o+era iono . an y e/ i s i n g l a1 i n s o . a r a s i r e l a e s o , o r + r ev en h e # a e . ro mma>ing any la1 relaing o,8 

    9 i: he + ro .e ss io na l o r e! hn i! al = "a li .i !a i on s n e! es sa ry . or  

     +ra!ising any +ro.ession or !arrying on any o!!"+a ion, rade or  0"siness, or 

    9 i i: he !a rryi n g o n 0 y h e # a e , o r 0 y a !or+ ora i o n o 1 ned o r  

    !o n ro l led 0 y he # a e , o . an y r ad e , 0 "s in ess , i nd " s ry o r s erv i!e,1heher o he e/!l"sion, !om+lee or +ar ial , o. !i i(ens or oher1ise7

    26. Prote* tion in res+e*t of *on,i* t ion for of fen*es .3 94 : No +ersonshal l 0e !onvi!ed o. any o..en!e e/!e+ .or v iola ion o. a la1 in .or!e a

    h e i me o . h e !o mmi s si o n o . he A ! !h arged a s an o .. en !e, n or 0 es"0 Ge! ed o a +ena l y g rea e r han ha 1hi!h migh have 0een in . l i ! ed"nder he la1 in .or!e a he ime o. he !ommission o. he o..en!e7

    9; : No +erson sha l l 0e + rose!" ed and +"n i shed .o r he same o. .en!emore han on!e7


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    d e a i ned i n !" s od y 0 eyo n d h e s a id + er i od 1 i h o" h e a" h or i y o . a

    magisrae79ing any s"!h

    order as i s r e.erred o in ha ! la"se o dis!lose .a!s 1hi!h s"!h a"hori y!onsiders o 0e agains he +"0li! ineres o dis!lose7

    9@: Parl iamen may 0y la1 +res!ri0e8 

    9a: he !i r!"msan!es "nder 1hi!h, and he !lass or !lasses o. !asesi n 1 hi !h, a + er s on may 0 e d e a i ned .or a + e ri o d l o n ge r han hr eemon hs " n de r an y l a1 + ro v id i ng .o r + r ev en iv e d e en io n 1 i h o"

    o 0 a in i ng h e o + in io n o . an Ad vi s ory Boa rd i n a!!o rdan !e 1 i h h e +rovisions o . s"03!la"se 9a: o. !la"se 96:

    9b: he ma/im"m +er iod .o r 1hi!h any +erson may in any ! lass o r  ! l asses o . !ases 0e de ained "nder any l a1 +rovid ing .o r + reven ive

    deenion and

    9c: he +ro!ed"re o 0e .ol lo1ed 0y an Advisory Board in an in="iry"nder s"03!la"se 9a : o. !la"se 96: 7

     Ri&ht a&ainst "xp#oita tion

    2#.   Prohi i t ion of traff i* in h%man e in's and for*ed !ao%r. 894:

    Tra..i! in h"man 0eings and be&ar  and oher s imi lar .orms o. .or!ed la0o"r are +rohi0i ed and any !onraven ion o. h is +rovis ion shal l 0e an o..en!e +"ni sha0le in a!!ordan!e 1ih la17


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    9 ;: N o hi ng i n hi s a r i! le s ha ll + re ve n he # a e . ro m i m+ os in g

    !om+"lsory servi!e .or +"0l i! +"r+oses , and in im+osing s"!h servi!e he#ae shal l no ma>e any dis!r imina ion on gro"nds only o. rel ig ion, ra!e,!ase or !lass or any o. hem7

    2(. Prohiit ion of em+!oyment of *hi!dren in fa*tories$ et* .  8No !hi ld

     0elo1 he age o. .o"reen years shal l 0e em+loye d o 1or> in any .a!oryor mine or engaged in any oher ha(ardo"s em+loymen7

     Ri&ht to reedom o! Re# i&ion

    2 . F re ed om o f *o ns *i en *e a nd f re e + ro fe ss io n$ + ra *t i* e a nd

    +ro+a'ation of re! i'ion. — 94: #"0Ge! o +"0l i! order , moral i y and heal hand o he oher +rovis ions o. h is Par , a l l +ersons are e="al ly en i led o

    . re ed o m o . ! on s! ie n! e a nd he r ig h . re el y o + ro .e ss , + ra ! is e a nd +ro+agae rel igion 7

    9;: Nohing in h is ar i! le shal l a..e! he o+era ion o. any e/is ing la1or +reven he #ae .rom ma>ing any la18 

    9a: reg"la ing o r res r i ! ing any e!onomi! , . inan! ial , +o li i !a l o r  

    oher se!"lar a!iviy 1hi!h may 0e asso!iaed 1ih rel igio"s +ra!i!e

    9b: +roviding .or so!ial 1el.are and re.orm or he hro1ing o+en o.  H in d " r e li gi o" s i ns i " io ns o . a + "0 li ! !ha ra! er o a l l ! l as se s and

    se!ions o. Hind"s7

     "xp #anation $. The 1earing and !arrying o. kirpans   shal l 0e deemed o 0e in!l"ded in he +ro.ession o. he #i>h rel igion7

     "xp #anation $$ . In s"03!la"se 9b: o. !la"se 9;: , he re.eren!e o Hind"s

    shal l 0e !ons r"ed as in!l"ding a re.eren!e o +ersons +ro.ess ing he #i>h,*aina or B"ddhis rel ig ion, and he re.eren!e o Hind" rel ig io"s ins i " ionsshall 0e !onsr"ed a!!ordingly7

    20 . Fre e dom t o man a'e r e! i' io% s a f fa i rs .3  #"0Ge! o +"0 li ! o rder ,moral i y and heal h , every rel ig io"s denomina ion or any se! ion hereo.  shall have he righ8 

    9a: o es a0l ish and mainain ins i " ions .or rel ig io"s and !hari a0le +"r+oses

    9b: o manage i s o1n a..airs in maers o. rel igion

    9c: o o1n and a!="ire mova0le and immova0le +ro+ery and

    9d : o adminiser s"!h +ro+ery in a!!ordan!e 1ih la17

    2. Freedom as to +ayment of ta&es for +romot ion of any +art i*%!ar

    re!i'ion.3  No +erson shall 0e !om+elled o +ay any a/es, he +ro!eeds o. 1 hi !h a re s +e !i .i !a ll y a ++ ro +r ia e d i n + ay me n o . e /+ en se s . or he

     +romo ion or mainenan!e o. any +ar i!"lar rel igion or rel igio"sdenominaion7


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    24 . Fr ee d om as t o a t te n dan *e a t r e! i' io% s in st r %* t ion or r e! i' io% s

    "orshi+ in *ertain ed%*ationa! inst it%t ions.3 94: No rel ig io"s ins r"! ionshal l 0e +rovided in any ed"!a ional ins i " ion 1hol ly mainained o" o.  #ae ."nds 7

    9;: Nohing in !la"se 94: shal l a++ly o an ed"!a ional ins i " ion 1hi!h

    is adminis ered 0y he #ae 0" has 0een es a0l ished "nder any endo1menor r"s 1hi!h re="ires ha rel ig io"s ins r"! ion shal l 0e im+ared in s"!hinsi "ion7

    9< : No +erson a end ing any ed"!a iona l ins i " ion re!ogn i sed 0y he#a e o r re!e iving a id o" o . # a e ."nds sha l l 0e re=" i red o a>e +ar inany re l ig io"s ins r"! ion ha may 0e im+ar ed in s"!h ins i " ion o r o

    aend any religio"s 1orshi+ ha may 0e !ond"!ed in s"!h insi "ion or inany + remises a a!hed here o "n less s"!h +erson o r , i . s"!h +erson i s a

    minor, his g"ardian has given his !onsen hereo7

    Cu#tura# and "ducationa# Ri&hts

    25 . Pr ot e *t ion o f in te r es t s o f minor i ti e s.3  9 4: An y s e! i on o . he

    ! i i ( en s r e si d in g i n h e e rr i o ry o . In di a o r an y + a r h ereo. h avi n g ad i s in ! l an g "age , s !r i + o r !" l "r e o . i s o 1n s h al l h ave h e r ig h o!onserve he same7

    9;: No !i i(en shal l 0e denied admiss ion in o any ed"!a ional ins i " ionmainained 0y he #ae or re!eiving aid o" o. #ae ."nds on gro"nds onlyo. rel igion, ra!e, !ase, lang"age or any o. hem7

    # 6. R i 'h t o f m in or it ie s t o e st a !i s h a nd a dm in is t er e d% *a ti o na !

    inst i t%t ions .  8 94: Al l minori ies, 1h eher 0ased on rel ig ion or lang"age,shal l have he r igh o es a0l ish and adminis er ed"!a ional ins i " ions o.  

    heir !hoi!e7

    94A: In ma>ing any la1 +roviding .or he !om+"lsory a!="is i ion o. any +ro+ery o . an ed"!aional ins i " ion esa0lished and admi nis ered 0y aminori y , re.erred o in !la"se 94: , he #ae shal l ens"re ha he amo"n

    . i/ed 0y or deermined "nder s"!h la1 .or he a!="is i ion o. s"!h +ro+eryi s s"!h as 1o"ld no res r i ! o r a0 rogae he r igh g"aran eed "nder ha !la"se7

    9;: T he # a e s ha l l n o , i n g r an in g a id o ed" !a i on a l i ns i " i on s ,d i s!r imina e aga ins any ed"!a iona l ins i " ion on he g ro"nd ha i i s" nd er he m an ag em en o . a m in or i y, 1 he h er 0 as ed o n r el ig io n o r  



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    #1. *Compu#sory ac'u i s it ion o ! proper ty .] Rep . by the Const i tut ion(orty-!ourth Amendment) Act 45@, s 7 9 w.e.!.   ;K3345@5:7

    Sa+in& o! Certain ,aws

    # 1A . S a, i n' o f ! a" s + ro ,i di n ' f or a *- %i s it io n o f e st at es $ e t* . — 

    94: No1ihs anding anyhing !onained in ar i! le 4es a1ay or a0ridges any o. he r ighs !on.erred 0y ar i! le 46 or ar i! le


      Prov ided ha 1here s"!h l a1 i s a l a1 made 0y he Leg i s la " re o . a#ae , he +rovis ions o. h is ar i! le shal l no a++ly hereo "nless s"!h la1,

    having 0een reserved .or he !onsidera ion o. he Pres iden , has re!eivedhis assen)

      Prov ided ." r her ha 1here any l a1 ma>es any + rovi s ion .o r he

    a!="isi ion 0y he #ae o. any esae and 1here any land !om+rised hereinis held 0y a +erson "nder his +ersonal !"l iva ion, i shal l no 0e la1."l .or  he #ae o a!="ire any +or ion o. s"!h land as i s 1i hin he !ei l ing l imi

    a++l i!a0le o him "nder any la1 .or he ime 0eing in .or!e or any 0"i lding

    or sr"!"re sanding hereon or a++"renan hereo, "nless he la1 relaingo he a!="is i ion o. s"!h land, 0"i ld ing or s r"!"re, +rovides .or +aymen

    o. !om+ensa ion a a ra e 1hi!h sha l l no 0e l es s han he mar>e va l"ehereo.7

      9;: In h is ar i! le ,8 

    9a: he e/+ression esae shall , in rela ion o any lo!al area, have

    he same mean ing as ha e/+ress ion o r i s lo!a l e=" iva len has in he


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    e/is ing la1 rela ing o land en"res in .or!e in ha area and shal l a lso

    in!l"de8 9 i: an y   a&ir , i na m or m ua ! i or o her s imi la r g ran and in he

    #aes o. Tamil Nad" and erala, any  anmam righ

    (i i : any land held "nder ryo1ari se lemen

    (i i i)   any l an d h e ld o r l e . or + "r+ os es o . agr i !" l " r e o r .o r  

     +"r+oses an!i l lary hereo , in!l"ding 1ase land, .ores land, land.or +as " re o r s i es o . 0" i ld ings and o her s r"! " res o!!"+ ied 0y

    !"l ivaors o. land, agri!"l"ral la0o"rers and vil lage ar isans

    9b: he e/+ress ion r ighs , in rela ion o an es ae , shal l in!l"deany r igh s ves ing in a + ro+r ie o r , s"03+ro+r ie o r , "nder 3+ro+rie or ,en"re3holder , raiyat under-raiyat or oher in ermediary and any r ighs

    or +rivileges in res+e! o. land reven"e7#17. 8a!idation of *ertain A*ts and Re'%!at ions. 8Wi ho" +reG"di!e o

    he general i y o. he +rovis ions !onained in ar i! le

  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    9;: The #"+reme &o"r shal l have +o1er o i ss"e di re! ions or orders or  

    1ri s , in !l"d ing 1ri s in he na " re o. h a beas co rp us m an d am u s +rohi0i ion,   'uo warranto   a nd certiorari   1hi!hever may 0e a++ro+riae ,.or he en.or!emen o. any o. he r ighs !on.erred 0y h is Par 7

    9e la1s8 

    9 i: 1i h res+e! o any o. he ma ers 1hi!h "nder !la"se 9

  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    9 i i: . or + re s! ri 0i ng + "n is hm en . or ho se a ! s 1h i! h a re

    de!lared o 0e o..en!es "nder h is Par and Parl iamen shal l , as soon as may 0e a. er he !ommen!emen o. h is&ons i " ion, ma>e la1s .or +res!ri0ing +"nishmen .or he a!s re.erredo in s"03!la"se 9 i i:

    9b: any la1 in .or!e immediaely 0e.ore he !ommen!emen o. h is&ons i " ion in he err i ory o. India 1i h res+e! o any o. he ma ersre .er red o in s"03! la"se 9 i : o . ! l a"se 9 a: or +roviding .or +"nishmen

    .or any a! re.erred o in s"03!la"se 9 i i : o. ha ! la"se shal l , s"0Ge! ohe erms hereo. and o any ada+a ions and modi. i!a ions ha may 0emad e he rei n " nd e r a r i ! le < @ ;, !on in " e i n .o r!e " n il a l e r ed o r  

    re+ealed or amended 0y Parl iamen 7

     "xp #anation . 8In his ar i! le , he e/+ression la1 in .or!e has he samemeaning as in ar i! le

  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    #0. Definit ion. 8In his Par , "nless he !one/ oher1ise re="ires, he

    #ae has he same meani ng as in Par III7# . A+ +! i* at io n o f t he + ri n* i+ !es * on ta in ed i n t hi s P ar t. 8Th e

     +rovisions !onained in his Par shall no 0e en.or!ea0le 0y any !o"r , 0" h e + r in ! i+ le s he rei n l a id d o 1n a re n eve r h e le ss ." nd amen a l i n he

    governan!e o . he !o"n ry and i sha l l 0e he d" y o . he # a e o a++ lyhese +rin!i+les in ma>ing la1s7

    #4. State to se*%re a so* ia ! order for the +romot ion of "e ! fare of the

    +eo+!e . 894: Th e #ae shal l s rive o +romoe he 1e l.are o. he +eo+le 0yse!"r ing and + ro e! ing as e . .e! ive ly as i may a so! ia l o rder in 1hi!h G"s i!e, so!ial , e!onomi! and +oli i!al , shall in .orm all he ins i " ions o. 

    he naional l i.e7

    9;: The #ae shal l , in +ar i!"lar , s r ive o minimise he ine="al i ies inin!ome, and endeavo"r o e l imina e ine="al i i es in s a "s , .a! il i ies and

    o++or "n i ies , no on ly amongs ind iv id"a l s 0" a l so amongs g ro"+s o .   +eo+le res iding in di..eren areas or engaged in di..eren vo!a ions7

    #5 . Ce r t ain + rin *i+ !es o f + o !i * y t o e f o !!o"ed y t h e S ta t e. 8Th e

    #ae shall , in +ar i!"lar, dire! i s +oli!y o1ards se!"ring8 

    (a)   ha he ! i i (ens , men and 1omen e="ally, have he r igh o anade="ae means o. l ivelihood

    ( b ) ha he o1nersh i+ and !on ro l o . he maer i al reso"r!es o . he

    !omm"niy are so disri0"ed as 0es o s"0serve he !ommon good

    (c)   ha he o+era ion o. he e!onomi! sys em does no res"l in he! on !e n ra i on o . 1e al h a nd me an s o . + ro d" ! io n o he ! om mo nderimen

    (d)   ha here is e="al +ay .or e="al 1or> .or 0oh men and 1omen

    (e)   ha he heal h and s rengh o. 1or>ers , men and 1omen, and heender age o. !hi ldren are no a0"sed and ha ! i i(ens are no .or!ed 0y

    e!onomi! ne!essiy o ener avo!aions "ns"ied o heir age or srengh

    ( !)   ha !hildren are given o++or"ni ies and .a!il i ies o develo+ in ah eal h y man n er an d i n !on di io ns o . . reedo m and d ig n i y and ha !hildhood and yo"h are +roe!ed agains e/+loia ion and agains moral

    and maerial a0andonmen7

    #5A. E-%a! :%st i*e and free !e'a! aid. 8The #ae shal l se!"re ha heo +e ra i on o . he l eg al s ys e m + ro mo e s G "s i !e , o n a 0 as is o . e =" al

    o++or "n i y, and sha ll , i n +ar i !" la r , + rov ide . ree l egal a id, 0y s" i a0 lelegis laion or s!hemes or in any oher 1ay, o ens"re ha o++or"ni ies .or  se!"r ing G"s i !e a re no den ied o any ! i i (en 0y reason o . e!onomi! o r  

    oher disa0il i ies7

    (6. Or'anisat ion of ,i ! !a'e +an*hayats. 8The #ae shall a>e s e+s oo rg an is e v il la ge + an !h ay a s a nd e nd o1 he m 1 i h s "! h + o1e rs a nd



  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    a"hori y as may 0e ne!essary o ena0le hem o ."n! ion as "ni s o. sel .3

    governmen7(1. Ri'ht to "or$ to ed%*at ion and to +%! i* ass is tan*e in *er ta in

    *ases. 8The #ae shall , 1ihin he l imis o. i s e!onomi ! !a+a!i y anddevelo+men , ma>e e. .e! ive + rov i s ion .o r se!"r ing he r igh o 1or> , o

    ed"!a ion and o +"0l i ! assi s an!e in !ases o . "nem+loymen, o ld age ,si!>ness and disa0lemen, and in oher !ases o. "ndeserved 1an7

    (2. Pro,is ion for :%st and h%mane *ondit ions of "or and maternity

    re!ief . 8The #ae shal l ma>e +rovision .or se!"ring G"s and h"mane!ondi ions o. 1or> and .or maerniy rel ie.7

    (# . ) i,in ' "a'e$ e t *. $ f or "or e rs . 8The #ae shal l endeavo"r o

    se!"re , 0y s" i a0 le l eg i s l a ion o r e!onomi! o rgan i sa ion o r in any o her  1ay , o a l l 1or>ers , ag r i !" l " ra l , i nd"s r i a l o r o her1ise , 1or> , a l iv ing1 ag e, !on d i io n s o . 1 or> en s" r in g a d e!en s and a rd o . l i .e an d ." l l

    e nG oy me n o . l ei s" re a nd s o! ia l a nd ! "l " ra l o ++ or " ni i es a nd , i n +ar i!"lar, he #ae shal l endeavo"r o +romoe !o age ind"sries on anindivid"al or !o3o+eraive 0asis in r"ral areas7

    (#A. Part i *i+ at ion o f "or e rs in man a'emen t o f in d% s tr i es . 8The#ae shal l a>e s e+s , 0y s"i a0le legis la ion or in any oher 1ay, o se!"re he + ar i !i +a i on o . 1o r> er s i n he m an age me n o . " nd er a >i ngs ,

    esa0lishmens or oher organisaions engaged in any ind"sry7

    ((. Uniform * i, i ! *ode for the * i t i/ens . 8The #ae shall endeavo"r ose!"re .o r he ! i i (ens a "n i .o rm ! iv i l !ode h ro"gho" he e r r i o ry o .  India7

    (. Pro,is ion for free and *om+%!sory ed%*at ion for *h i !dren . 8The#a e sha l l endeavo"r o + rov ide , 1i h in a +er iod o . en years . rom he!ommen!emen o. h is &ons i " ion, .or . ree and !om+"lsory ed"!a ion .or  

    al l !hildren "ni l hey !om+lee he age o. .o"reen years7

    (0. Promot ion of ed%*at iona! and e*onomi* interest s of S*hed%!ed

    Castes $ S*hed%!ed Tries and other "eaer se* t ions . 8The #ae shall

     +romo e 1ih s+e!ial !are he ed"!aional and e!onomi ! ineress o. he1ea>er se! ions o. he +eo+le, and, in +ar i!"lar , o. he #!hed"led &asesand he #!hed"led Tri0es , and shal l +roe! hem .rom so!ial in G"s i!e and

    all .orms o. e/+loia ion7

    (. D%ty of the State to ra ise the !e,e ! of n%tr i t ion and the s tandard

    o f ! i, in ' a nd t o i m+ ro ,e + % !i * h ea ! th . 8The #ae shall regard herais ing o. he level o. n"r i ion and he s andard o. l iv ing o. i s +eo+le and

    h e i m+ rov emen o . + "0 li ! h ea l h a s amo n g i s + r imary d " i es and , i n +ar i!"lar, he #ae shall endeavo"r o 0ring a0o" +rohi0i ion o. he

    !ons"m+ion e/!e+ .or medi!inal +"r+oses o. in o/i!a ing drin>s and o.  dr"gs 1hi!h are inG"rio"s o healh7

    (4. Or'anisat ion of a'r i*% ! t%re and anima! h%sandry. 8The #aeshal l endeavo"r o organise agri!"l "re and animal h"s0andry on modern


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    and s!ien i . i! l ines and shal l , in +ar i!"lar , a>e s e+s .or +reserving and

    im+roving he 0reeds, and +rohi0i ing he sla"gher, o. !o1s and !alves andoher mil!h and dra"gh !a le7

    (4A. Prote* t ion and im+ro,ement of en,ironment and safe'%ardin'

    of forests and "i!d ! i fe . 8The #ae shal l endeavo"r o +roe! and im+rove

    he environmen and o"ard he .oress and 1ild l i.e o. he !o"nry7

    ( 5. P ro te *t io n o f m on %m en ts a nd + !a *e s a nd o : e* ts o f n at i on a!

    im+ortan*e.3 I s ha ll 0 e he o 0l ig a io n o . he # a e o + ro e ! e ve ry

    mon"men or + la!e or o0Ge! o. ar i s i! or h is or i! in eres , de!lared 0y or  " nd er l a1 ma de 0 y P ar li ame n o 0 e o . n a io na l i m+ or a n! e, .r oms+ol ia ion, d is. ig"remen , des r"! ion, removal , d is+osal or e/+or , as he

    !ase may 0e7

    6. Se+aration of :%di*iary from e&e*%ti,e . 8The #ae shal l a>e se+so se+ara e he G"d i! ia ry . rom he e/e!" ive in he +"0 l i ! se rv i!es o . he


    1. Promot ion of in ternat iona! +ea*e and se*%r i ty.3 The #a e sha l lendeavo"r o8 

    (a)   +romoe inernaional +ea!e and se!"riy

    (b) mainain G"s and honora0le rela ions 0e1een naions

    (c)   .os er res+e! .or in erna ional la1 and reay o0l iga ions in hedealings o. organi(ed +eo+les 1ih one anoher and

    (d)   en!o"rage se lemen o. inernaional dis+"es 0y ar0ira ion7

    PART I8A

    PART I8A


    1A. F%ndamenta! d%ties.3 I shal l 0e he d"y o. every !i i(en o. India 8 


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    (a)   o a 0i de 0 y he & on s i " io n a nd r es +e ! i s i de al s a nd

    insi "ions, he Naional Flag and he Naional Anhem(b)   o ! he ri sh a nd . ol lo 1 he n o0 le i de al s 1 hi !h i ns +i re d o "r  

    naional sr"ggle .or .reedom

    (c)   o "+ho ld and + ro e! he sovere ign y, "n iy and in egri y o .  


    (d)   o de.end he !o"n ry and render na iona l se rv i!e 1hen !a l l ed"+on o do so

    (e)   o + romo e h a rmon y and h e s + ir i o . !o mmon 0 ro he rho od

    amongs a l l he +eo+ le o . Ind ia rans!end ing re l ig io"s , l ing" i s i ! andregional or se! ional d ivers i ies o reno"n!e +ra! i!es derogaory o hedigniy o. 1omen

    ( !)   o val"e and +reserve he ri!h heri age o. o"r !om+osie !"l"re

    (&)   o +roe! and im+rove he na"ral environmen in!l"ding .oress,la>es, rivers and 1ild l i.e, and o have !om+assion .or l iving !rea"res

    (h)   o deve lo+ he s! ien i . i ! em+er , h"manism and he s+ i ri o .  

    in="iry and re.orm

    ( i)   o"ard +"0li! +ro+ery and o a0G"re violen!e

    ( )   o s ri v e o 1ards e/!el l en !e i n a l l s + h ere s o . i nd iv id " al an d!ol le! ive a! iv i y so ha he na ion !onsan ly r i ses o higher levels o .  

    endeavo"r and a!hievemen7

    PART 8



    The 3resident and 4ice-3resident 



  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    2. The President of India.3 There shal l 0e a Pres iden o. India7

    # . E &e* %t i,e + o"e r o f t h e Un ion. 894: Th e e/e!"ive +o1e r o. he'nion shal l 0e ves ed in he Pres iden and shal l 0e e/er!ised 0y him ei her  d i re! ly o r h ro"gh o . . i !ers s"0ord ina e o h im in a!!ordan!e 1i h h i s&onsi "ion7

    9;: Wiho" +reG"di!e o he general i y o. he .oregoing +rovis ion, hes"+reme !ommand o. he De.en!e For!es o . he 'nion sha l l 0e ves ed inhe Presiden and he e/er!ise hereo. shall 0e reg"laed 0y la17


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)

    22/87 he year ;K; have 0een +"0lished, 0e !onsr"ed as a re.eren!e o he 45@4 !ens"s7

    0. Term of offi*e of President.3 94: The Presiden shall hold o..i!e .or a erm o. .iveyears .rom he dae on 1hi!h he eners "+on his o..i!e)

    Provided ha8 

    (a)   he Pres iden may , 0y 1r i ing "nder h i s hand addressed o he

    $i!e3Presiden, resign his o..i!e

    (b)   he Pres iden may, .or v iola ion o. he &ons i " ion, 0e removed.rom o..i!e 0y im+ea!hmen in he manner +rovided in ar i!le 4

    (c)   he Pres iden shal l , no1i hs anding he e/+ira ion o. h is erm,

    !onin"e o hold o..i!e "ni l his s"!!essor eners "+on his o..i!e7

    9;: Any resignaion addressed o he $i!e3Presiden "nder !la"se (a) o. he +roviso o!la"se 94: shall .orh1ih 0e !omm"ni!aed 0y him o he #+ea>er o. he Ho"se o. he Peo+le7

    . E!i'ii!ity for re

  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    9;: The Presiden shall no hold any oher o..i!e o. +ro.i 7

    9e and s"0s!ri0e in he +resen!e

    o. he &hie. *"s i !e o . Ind ia o r , in h i s a0sen!e , he sen io r 3mos *"dge o .  he #"+reme &o"r avai la0le , an oah or a.. i rma ion in he .ol lo1ing .orm,ha is o say8 

      I , A 7B7 , do s1ear i n he name o. %od ha   I 1i l l .ai h."l ly e/e!"eso l emnly a . . i rm

    he o ..i!e o. Presiden 9or dis!harge he ."n!ions o. he Presiden: o. India and 1ill o he 0es o. my a0iliy

     +reserve, +roe! and de.end he &onsi"ion and he la1 and ha I 1ill devoe mysel. o he servi!e and 1ell30eingo. he +eo+le o. India77

    0 1. P ro *e d% re f or i m+ ea *h me nt o f t he P re si d en t. 3  94: When a

    Pres iden i s o 0e im+ea!hed .or v iola ion o. he &ons i " ion, he !hargeshall 0e +re.erred 0y eiher Ho"se o. Parl iamen7

    9;: No s"!h !harge shall 0e +re.erred "nless8 

    (a)   he + ro+osa l o + s"!h !harge i s !ona ined in a reso l" ion

    1hi!h has 0een moved a. e r a l eas .o"r een days no i !e in 1r i ingsigned 0y no less han one3.o"rh o. he oal n"m0er o. mem0ers o. he

    Ho"se has 0een given o. heir inenion o move he resol"ion, and

    (b)   s"!h resol" ion has 0een +assed 0y a maGor i y o . no l es s han1o3hirds o. he oal mem0ershi+ o. he Ho"se7


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    laer han si/ monhs .rom, he dae o. o!!"rren!e o. he va!an!y and he +erson ele!ed o

    .ill he va!an!y shall, s"0Ge! o he +rovisions o. ari!le , 0e eniled o hold o..i!e .or he

    ."ll erm o. .ive years .rom he dae on 1hi!h he eners "+on his o..i!e7

    0#. The 8i*e

  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


     "xp #anation . For he +"r+oses o . h i s a r i ! l e , a +erson sha l l no 0e

    deemed o hold any o.. i!e o. +ro.i 0y reason only ha he is he Pres ideno r $ i!e 3 P re si d en o . h e ' n io n o r h e % ov e rn o r o . an y # a e o r i s aMiniser ei her .or he 'nion or .or any #ae7

    0. Term of of f i*e of 8i*e e and s"0s!ri0e 0e.ore he Presiden, or some +erson a++oined

    in ha 0ehal. 0y him, an oah or a..irmaion in he .ollo1ing .orm, ha is o say8 

      I , A7B7, do s1ear in he name o. %od ha I 1il l 0ear r"e .ai h and  so l emnly a . . i rm

    al legian!e o he &ons i " ion o. India as 0y la1 es a0l ished and ha I 1i l l

    .ai h."lly dis!harge he d"y "+on 1hi!h I am a0o" o ener7

    6. Dis*har'e of President>s f%n*tions in other *ontin'en*ies.3 Parliamen may ma>es"!h +rovisions as i hin>s .i .or he dis!harge o. he ."n!ions o. he Presiden in any!oningen!y no +rovided .or in his &ha+er7

      1. ; a tt er s r e! at i n' t o$ o r * o nn e* te d " i t h$ t he e !e *t io n o f a

    President or 8i*e

  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    in=" i red in o and de! ided 0y he #"+reme &o"r 1hose de! i s ion sha l l 0e

    .inal 79;: I. he ele!ion o. a +erson as Presiden or $i!e3Presiden is de!lared void 0y he

    #"+reme &o"r, a!s done 0y him in he e/er!ise and +er.orman!e o. he +o1ers and d"ies o. he o..i!e o. Presiden or $i!e3Presiden, as he !ase may 0e, on or 0e.ore he dae o. he

    de!ision o. he #"+reme &o"r shall no 0e invalidaed 0y reason o. ha de!laraion7


    la1s .or ha #ae s"!h e/e!"ive +o1er or ."n!ions as he #ae or o..i!er or a"hori y hereo. !o"ld e/er!ise immediaely 0e.ore he !ommen!emeno. his &onsi "ion7


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    Counci# o! 0inisters

      ( . Co%n * i! o f ;in is t er s t o a id an d ad , i se Pr e sid en t .3  94 : Thereshal l 0e a &o"n!i l o. Minis ers 1i h he Prime Minis er a he head o aidand advise he Pres iden 1ho shal l , in he e/er!ise o. h is ."n! ions , a! ina!!ordan!e 1ih s"!h advi!e)

      Prov ided ha he Pres iden may re=" i re he &o"n!i l o . Min is e rs ore!ons ider s"!h adv i!e , e i her genera l ly o r o her1ise , and he Pres idenshall a! in a!!ordan!e 1ih he advi!e endered s"!h re!onsideraion7

      9;: The ="esion 1heher any, and i . so 1ha , advi!e 1as endered 0yMinisers o he Presiden shall no 0e in="ired ino in any !o"r 7

      . Other +ro,is ions as to ;inisters .3 94: The Prime Minis er shal l 0e a++oined 0y he Presiden and he oher Minis ers shall 0e a++oined 0y

    he Presiden on he advi!e o. he Prime Miniser794A: The o al n"m0er o. Minis ers, in!l"ding he P rime Minis er , in he

    &o"n!i l o. Minis ers shal l no e/!eed . i .een +er !en 7 o. he o al n"m0er 

    o. mem0ers o. he Ho"se o. he Peo+le794B: A mem0er o . ei her Ho"se o. Parl iamen 0elonging o any +ol i i!al

     +ary 1h o is dis="al i.ied .or 0eing a me m0er o. ha Ho"se "nder 

     +aragra+h ; o. he Tenh #!hed"le shal l a lso 0e di s="ali. ied o 0ea ++ oi n ed a s a M in is e r " nd er ! la "s e 9 4: . or d "r a io n o . he + er io d!ommen!ing .rom he dae o. h is d is="al i .i!a ion i l l he dae on 1hi!h he

    erm o. his o.. i!e as s"!h mem0er 1o"ld e/+ire or 1here he !ones s anyele! ion o ei her Ho"se o. P arl iamen 0e.ore he e/+iry o. s"!h +eriod, i l lhe dae on 1hi!h he is de!lared ele!ed, 1hi!hever is earl ier7

      9;: The Minisers shall hold o..i!e d"ring he +leas"re o. he Presiden7

      9< : The &o"n!i l o . Min i s e rs sha l l 0e !o l l e! ive ly res+ons i0 le o heHo"se o. he Peo+le7

      9 6: B e. or e a M in is e r e n er s " +o n h is o .. i! e, he P re si de n s ha lladminis er o him he oahs o. o.. i!e and o. se!re!y a!!ording o he .ormsse o" .or he +"r+ose in he Third #!hed"le7

      9 : A Min i s e r 1ho .o r any +er iod o . s i/ !onse!" ive monhs i s no a

    mem0er o. ei her Ho"se o. Parl iamen shal l a he e/+ira ion o. ha +eriod!ease o 0e a Miniser7

     9: The salar ies and al lo1an!es o. Minis ers shal l 0e s"!h as Parl iamen

    ma y . ro m ime o im e 0 y l a1 d e er mi ne a nd , " n il P ar li am en so

    deermines, shall 0e as s+e!i.ied in he #e!ond #!hed"le7The Attorney-%enera# !or $ndia

      0. Attorney

  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    ime o ime 0e re.erred or assigned o him 0y he Presiden, and o dis!harge he ."n!ions

    !on.erred on him 0y or "nder his &onsi"ion or any oher la1 .or he ime 0eing in .or!e7  9en in he name o. he Presiden7

      9;: Orders and oher insr"mens made and e/e!"ed in he name o. he Presiden shall 0e

    a"heni!aed in s"!h manner as may 0e s+e!i.ied in r"les o 0e made 0y he Presiden, andhe validiy o. an order or insr"men 1hi!h is so a"heni!aed shall no 0e !alled in ="esion

    on he gro"nd ha i is no an order or insr"men made or e/e!"ed 0y he Presiden7  9e r"les .or he more !onvenien ransa!ion o. he 0"siness o. 

    he %overnmen o. India, and .or he allo!aion among Minisers o. he said 0"siness7

      4. D%ties of Prime ;inister as res+e*ts the f%rnishin' of information to the

    President$ et*. 8I shall 0e he d"y o. he Prime Miniser8 

      (a) o !omm"ni!ae o he Pres iden al l de!is ions o. he &o"n!i l o.  Minis ers rela ing o he adminis ra ion o. he rs o. he 'nion and

     +ro+osals .or legisla ion

      (b )   o ."rnish s"!h in.ormaion rela ing o he adminisra ion o. rs o. he 'nion and +ro+osals .or legis la ion as he Pres iden may

    !al l .or and

      ( c ) i . he Pres iden so re="ires , o s"0mi .or he !onsidera ion o.  he &o"n!i l o. Minis ers any ma er on 1hi!h a de!is ion has 0een a>en 0y a Mini ser 0" 1h i!h has no 0een !onsidered 0y he &o"n!i l 7



      5. Constit%tion of Par!iament.3 There shall 0e a Parliamen .or he 'nion 1hi!h shall

    !onsis o. he Presiden and 1o Ho"ses o 0e >no1n res+e!ively as he &o"n!il o. #aes andhe Ho"se o. he Peo+le7

      46. Com+osition of the Co%n*i! of States.3 94: The &o"n!il o. #aes shall !onsis o.8 

      (a) 1elve mem0ers o 0e nominaed 0y he Presiden in a!!ordan!e 1ih he

     +rovisions o. !la"se 9

  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


      9no1ledge or +ra!i!al e/+erien!e in res+e! o. s"!hmaers as he .ollo1ing, namely)8 

      Liera"re, s!ien!e, ar and so!ial servi!e7

      96: The re+resenaives o. ea!h #ae in he &o"n!il o. #aes shall 0e ele!ed 0y he

    ele!ed mem0ers o. he Legislaive Assem0ly o. he #ae in a!!ordan!e 1ih he sysem o.  +ro+orional re+resenaion 0y means o. he single rans.era0le voe7

      9: The re+resenaives o. he 'nion erriories in he &o"n!il o. #aes shall 0e !hosen in

    s"!h manner as Parliamen may 0y la1 +res!ri0e7

      41. Com+osition of the Ho%se of the Peo+!e.3 94: #"0Ge! o he +rovisions o. ari! he year ;K; have 0een +"0lished, 0e !onsr"ed,  3 

    9i: .or he +"r+oses o. s"03!la"se 9a: o. !la"se 9;: and he +roviso o ha !la"se, as are.eren!e o he 45@4 !ens"s and

    9ii: .or he +"r+oses o. s"03!la"se 9b: o. !la"se 9;: as a re.eren!e o he ;KK4 !ens"s7

      42. Read:%stment after ea*h *ens%s.3 '+on he !om+leion o. ea!h !ens"s, heallo!aion o. seas in he Ho"se o. he Peo+le o he #aes and he division o. ea!h #ae inoerriorial !onsi"en!ies shall 0e readG"sed 0y s"!h a"horiy and in s"!h manner asParliamen may 0y la1 deermine)

      Provided ha s"!h readG"smen shall no a..e! re+resenaion in he Ho"se o. he Peo+le"nil he dissol"ion o. he hen e/ising Ho"se)


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


      Provided ."rher ha s"!h readG"smen shall a>e e..e! .rom s"!h dae as he Presiden

    may, 0y order, s+e!i.y and "nil s"!h readG"smen a>es e..e!, any ele!ion o he Ho"se may 0e held on he 0asis o. he erriorial !onsi"en!ies e/ising 0e.ore s"!h readG"smen)

      Provided also ha "nil he relevan .ig"res .or he .irs !ens"s a>en he year ;K;

    have 0een +"0lished, i shall no 0e ne!essary o readG"s 3   9i: he allo!aion o. seas in he Ho"se o. Peo+le o he #aes as readG"sed on

    he 0asis o. he 45@4 !ens"s and

    9ii: he division o. ea!h #ae ino erriorial !onsi"en!ies as may 0e readG"sedon he 0asis o. he ;KK4 !ens"s,

    "nder his ari!le7

    4#. D%rat ion of Ho%ses of Par ! iament .3 94 : The &o"n!i l o . # a es

    shal l no 0e s"0Ge! o dissol" ion, 0" as nearly as +oss i0le one3hi rd o.  he mem0ers hereo. sha l l re i re as soon as may 0e on he e/+ i ra ion o .  

    every se!ond year in a!!ordan!e 1i h he +rovis ions made in ha 0ehal. 0yParliamen 0y la17

      9;: The Ho"se o. he Peo+le, "nless sooner dissolved, shal l !on in"e.or . ive years . rom he da e a++o in ed .o r i s . i r s meeing and no longer  

    an d h e e/+ i ra io n o . h e s a i d + e r i od o . . iv e y ea r s s h al l o + era e a s adissol"ion o. he Ho"se)

      Provided ha he said +eriod may, 1hi le a Pro!lama ion o. Emergen!y

    i s i n o +e ra i on , 0 e e / en de d 0 y P ar li am en 0 y l a1 . or a + er io d n oe/!eeding one year a a ime and no e/ending in any !ase 0eyond a +eriodo. si/ monhs he Pro!lamaion has !eased o o+erae7

    4(. =%a! if i*at ion for memershi+ of Par ! iament .3 A +erson shal l no

     0e ="ali .ied o 0e !hosen o .i l l a sea in Parl iamen "nless he8 (a) i s a ! i i ( en o . In di a , and ma>es and s "0 s! r i0 es 0 e.ore s o me

     +erson a"horised in ha 0ehal. 0y he Ele! ion &ommission an oah or 

    a . . i rma ion a!!ord ing o he .o rm se o" .o r he +"r+ose in he Th i rd#!hed"le

    ( b ) i s , i n he !ase o . a sea in he &o"n!i l o . # a es , no l es s han

    hi r y years o. age and, in he !ase o. a sea in he Ho"se o. he Peo+le,no less han 1eny3 .ive years o. age and

    ( c )  +ossesses s"!h oher ="al i.i!a ions as ma y 0e +res!ri0ed in ha 0ehal. 0y or "nder any la1 made 0y Parliamen 7

    4 . S e ss ion s o f Par! iame n t$ + roro'at ion an d d i sso !%t ion.3  94 : T he

    Presiden sha ll . rom ime o ime s"mmon ea!h Ho"se o . Par l i amen omee a s "!h i me and + la!e a s h e h i n >s . i , 0 " s i / mo n h s s h a l l n o

    in ervene 0e1een i s las s i ing in one sess ion and he dae a++oined .or  i s .irs si ing in he ne/ session7

    9;: The Pres iden may .rom ime o ime8 

    (a)  +rorog"e he Ho"ses or ei her Ho"se

    (b) dissolve he Ho"se o. he Peo+le7


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    40. Ri'ht of President to address and send messa'es to Ho%ses .3 94:

    T he P res id en may add res s e i h e r H o" s e o . Pa rl i amen o r 0 o h H o "s esa ss em0 le d og e he r, a nd . or ha + "r +o se r e= "i re he a en da n! e o .  mem0ers7

    9; : The Pres iden may send messages o e i her Ho"se o . Par l iamen ,

    1heher 1i h res+e! o a Bi l l hen +ending in Parl iamen or o her1ise, anda Ho"se o 1hi!h any message is so sen shal l 1i h al l !onvenien des+a!h!onsider any maer re="ired 0y he message o 0e a>en ino !onsideraion7

    4. S+e*ia! address y the President . 894: A he !ommen!emen o. he. i rs sess ion a. er ea!h general e le! ion o he Ho"se o. he Peo+le and ahe !ommen!emen o . he . i r s sess ion o . ea!h year he Pres iden sha ll

    a dd re ss 0 o h H o" se s o . P ar li am en a ss em 0l ed og e he r a nd i n. or mParliamen o. he !a"ses o. i s s"mmons7

    9; : Prov i s ion sha l l 0e made 0y he r" les reg" la ing he + ro!ed"re o .  

    ei her Ho"se .or he al lomen o. ime .or dis!"ssion o. he maers re.erredo in s"!h address7

    44. Ri'hts of ;inisters and Attorney

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    51 . Po"e r o f t h e De + % t y Ch a ir man or o t h e r + e r son t o + e r f or m t h e

    d%t ies of the of f i*e of $ or to a* t as $ Chairman.3 94:While he o.. i!e o.  &hairman is va!an , or d"ring any +eriod 1hen he $i!e3Pres iden i s a! ingas , or d is!harging he ."n! ions o. , Pres iden , he d" ies o. he o.. i!e shal l

     0e +er.ormed 0y he De+"y &hairman, or, i . he o..i !e o. De+"y &hairmanis a l so va!an , 0y s"!h mem0er o . he &o"n!i l o . # a es as he Pres iden may a++oin .or he +"r+ose7

    9;:   D"ring he a0sen!e o. he &hairman .rom any s i ing o. he &o"n!i l

    o. #aes he De+"y &hairman, or , i . he is a lso a0sen , s"!h +erson as may 0e deermined 0y he r"les o. +ro!ed"re o. he &o"n!i l , or, i . no s"!h

     +erson i s +resen, s"!h oher +erson as ma y 0e deermi ned 0y he &o"n!il ,shall a! as &hairman7

    52 . T h e Ch air man or t h e De +% t y Ch a ir man n ot t o + r es id e "h i !e a

    reso!%t ion for h is remo,a! from of f i*e i s %nder *onsiderat ion .3 94:  Aany si ing o. he &o"n!il o. #aes, 1hile any resol"ion .or he removal o. he $i!e3Pres iden .rom his o.. i!e i s "nder !onsidera ion, he &hairman, or  1hile any reso l" ion .o r he removal o . he De+"y &hai rman . rom h i s

    o.. i!e i s "nder !onsidera ion, he De+"y &hairman, shal l no , ho"gh he is +resen, +reside, and he +rovis ions o . !la"se 9;: o. ar i!le 54 shall a++ly

    in rela ion o every s"!h s i ing as hey a++ly in rela ion o a s i ing .rom1 hi !h he &ha i rman , o r, a s he !as e may 0 e, h e D e+ " y &h ai rman , i sa0sen 7

    9;:  The &hairman shal l have he r igh o s+ea> in , and oher1ise o a>e

     +ar in he +ro!eedings o ., he &o"n!i l o. #aes 1h ile any resol" ion .or he removal o. he $i!e3Pres iden .rom his o.. i!e i s "nder !onsidera ion in

    he &o"n!i l, 0" , no 1i hsanding any h ing in a r i! l e 4KK , sha ll no 0een i led o voe a a l l on s"!h resol" ion or on any oher ma er d"ring s"!h +ro!eed ings7

    5#. The S+eaer and De+%ty S+eaer of the Ho%se of the Peo+!e .3

    The Ho"se o. he Peo+le shal l , as soon as may 0e, !hoose 1o mem0ers o.  he Ho"se o 0e res+e! ively #+ea>er and De+"y #+ea>er hereo. and, soo . en a s he o .. i!e o . #+ ea>e r o r D e+ " y #+ea>e r 0 e!o mes v a!an , he

    Ho"se sha ll !hoose ano her mem0er o 0e #+ea>er o r De+"y #+ea>er, ashe !ase may 0e7

    5( . 8a* ation an d r es i'nat ion o f $ an d r emo,a ! f rom$ t h e o f fi * es o f  

    S+eaer and De+%ty S+eaer.3 A mem0er ho ld ing o . . i !e as #+ea>er o r  

    De+"y #+ea>er o. he Ho"se o. he Peo+le8 (a) shal l va!ae his o.. i!e i . he !eases o 0e a mem0er o. he Ho"se

    o. he Peo+le

    (b) may a any ime, 0y 1r i ing "nder h i s hand addressed , i . s"!hmem0er i s he #+ea>er , o he De+"y #+ea>er , and i . s"!h mem0er i she De+"y #+ea>er, o he #+ea>er, resign his o..i!e and


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    (c) may 0e removed .rom his o.. i!e 0y a resol" ion o. he Ho"se o.  

    he Peo+le +assed 0y a maGori y o. al l he hen mem0ers o. he Ho"se)Provided ha no resol" ion .or he +"r+ose o. !la"se (c ) shal l 0e moved

    "nless a l eas .o"r een days no i !e has 0een g iven o . he in en ion omove he resol"ion)

    Provided ."rher ha , 1henever he Ho"se o. he Peo+le is dissolved, he#+ ea> er s h al l n o v a!a e h i s o .. i!e " n i l i mmedi a e l y 0 e .o re h e . ir s meeing o. he Ho"se o. he Peo+le he dissol"ion7

    5 . Po"er o f t h e De +% ty S + ea er or o t he r + er son t o + e rf or m t he

    d % t ie s o f t h e o f f i * e o f $ or t o a* t a s $ S + e a e r .3  94 : Whi le he o . . i !e o .  #+ea>er is va!an, he d"ies o. he o..i!e shall 0e +er.ormed 0y he De+"y

    #+ea>er or , i . he o.. i!e o. De+"y #+ea>er i s a lso va!an , 0y s"!h mem0er o. he Ho"se o. he Peo+le as he Presiden may a++oin .or he +"r+ose7

    9;: D"ring he a0sen!e o. he #+ea>er .rom any s i ing o. he Ho"se o.  he Peo+le he De+"y #+ea>er or , i . he is a lso a0sen , s"!h +erson as may

     0e deermined 0y he r"les o. +ro!ed"re o. he Ho"se, or, i . no s"!h +ersonis +resen , s"!h oher +erson as may 0e deermined 0y he Ho"se, shal l a!

    as #+ea>er7

    5 0. T he S +e a er o r t he D e+ %t y S +e a er n ot t o + re si d e " hi !e a

    reso!%t ion for h is remo,a! from of f i*e i s %nder *onsiderat ion .3   94:  Aany si ing o. he Ho"se o. he Peo+le, 1hile any resol"ion .or he removal

    o. he #+ea>er .rom his o.. i!e i s "nder !onsidera ion, he #+ea>er , or 1hi leany reso l" ion .o r he removal o . he De+"y #+ea>er . rom h i s o . . i !e i s"nder !onsidera ion, he De+"y #+ea>er , shal l no , ho"gh he is +resen ,

     +res ide, and he +rovisions o. !la"se 9;: o. ar i! le 5 shall a++ ly inre la ion o every s"!h s i ing as hey a++ ly in re la ion o a s i ing . rom1hi!h he #+ea>er, or, as he !ase may 0e, he De+"y #+ea>er, is a0sen7

    9;: The #+ea>er shal l have he r igh o s+ea> in , and oher1ise o a>e +ar in he +ro!eedings o., he Ho"se o. he Peo+le 1hi le any resol"ion .or h i s removal . rom o. . i!e i s "nder !onsidera ion in he Ho"se and sha l l ,

    no1ihsanding anyhing in ar i!le 4KK, 0e eni led o voe only in he .irsins an!e on s"!h resol" ion or on any oher ma er d"ring s"!h +ro!eedings 0" no in he !ase o. an e="ali y o. voes7

    5. Sa!aries and a ! !o"an*es of the Chairman and De+%ty Chairman

    an d t h e S + ea er and De +% t y S + ea er.3   T he re sh al l 0 e + ai d o he&hai rman and he De+"y &hai rman o. he &o"n!i l o . # a es , and o he

    #+ea>er and he De+"y #+ea>er o. he Ho"se o. he Peo+le, s"!h salar iesand a l lo1an!es as may 0e res+e! ive ly . i/ed 0y Par l i amen 0y l a1 and ,"n i l +rovis ion in ha 0ehal. i s so made, s"!h salar ies and al lo1an!es as

    are s+e!i.ied in he #e!ond #!hed"le7

    54. Se*retariat of Par ! iament .3   94 : Ea!h Ho"se o . Par l iamen shal lhave a se+arae se!rearial sa..)


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    Provided ha nohing in h is !la"se shal l 0e !ons r"ed as +reven ing he

    !reaion o. +oss !ommon o 0oh Ho"ses o. Parl iamen79;: Parl iamen may 0y la1 reg"lae he re!r"i men , and he !ondi ions

    o. servi!e o. +ersons a++oined, o he se!rear ial s a.. o. ei her Ho"se o.  Parl iamen7


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    he va!a ion 0y a +erson 1ho i s !hosen a mem0er o . 0o h Ho"ses o . h i s

    sea in one Ho"se or he oher79; : No +erson sha ll 0e a mem0er 0o h o . Par l iamen and o . a Ho"se o .  

    h e L eg i s l a " r e o . a # a e , an d i . a + e r s o n i s !h o s en a mem0 er 0 o h o .  Pa rl iamen an d o . a H o" s e o . h e L egi s la "r e o . a # a e , h en, a h e

    e /+ ir a io n o . s "! h + er io d a s m ay 0 e s +e !i .i ed i n r "l es m ad e 0 y hePres iden , ha +ersons sea in Parl iamen shal l 0e!ome va!an , "nless hehas +revio"sly resigned his sea in he Legisla"re o. he #ae7

    9 e r , a s h e !a s e may 0 e , an d h i s r e s i g n a i o n i sa!!e+ed 0y he &hairman or he #+ea>er, as he !ase may 0e,

    his sea shall here"+on 0e!ome va!an)

    Provided ha in he !ase o. any res igna ion re.erred o in s"03!la"se 9 b : ,

    i . . rom in.orma ion re!eived or o her1ise and a. er ma>ing s"!h in="iry ashe h in>s . i , he &hairman or he #+ea>er , as he !ase may 0e, i s sa is . ied

    ha s"!h res igna ion is no vol"nary or gen"ine, he shal l no a!!e+ s"!hresignaion7

    96: I. .or a +eriod o. s i/ y days a mem0er o. ei her Ho"se o. Parl iameni s 1i ho" +ermiss ion o . he Ho"se a0sen . rom a l l mee ings hereo., he

    Ho"se may de!lare his sea va!an)

    Provided ha in !om+"ing he said +eriod o. si/y days no a!!o"n shall 0e a>en o. any +eriod d"ring 1hi!h he Ho"se is +rorog"ed or is adGo"rned

    .or more han .o"r !onse!"ive days7

    162. D i s- % a! i f i* a tion s f or me m e rsh i+.3 94: A +erson shall 0edis="al i . ied .or 0eing !hosen as , and .or 0eing, a mem0er o. ei her Ho"se

    o. P arl iamen8 

    (a) i . he holds any o..i!e o. +ro.i "nder he %overnmen o. India or  he %o ve rn me n o . a ny # a e , o h er ha n an o ..i !e d e! la re d 0 yParliamen 0y la1 no o dis="ali.y i s holder

    (b) i . he is o. "nso"nd mind and s ands so de!lared 0y a !om+een!o"r

    (c) i . he is an "ndis!harged insolven(d) i . he i s no a ! i i (en o . Ind ia , o r has vo l"n ar i ly a!=" i red he

    ! i i ( en s hi + o . a .o re i gn # a e , o r i s " n de r an y a!> n o1 led gmen o .  al legian!e or adheren!e o a .oreign #ae

    (e) i . he is so dis="ali.ied 0y or "nder any la1 made 0y Parliamen7

     "xp #anation .  — F or he + "r +o se s o . hi s ! la "s e a + er so n s ha ll n o 0 e

    deemed o ho ld an o . . i !e o . + ro . i "nder he %overnmen o . Ind ia o r he


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    %overnmen o. any #ae 0y reason only ha he is a Minis er ei her .or he

    'nion or .or s"!h #ae79;: A +erson shal l 0e dis="al i. ied .or 0eing a mem0er o. ei her Ho"se o.  

    Parl iamen i. he is so dis="ali.ied "nder he Tenh #!hed"le7

      16# . De *i s ion on - %e s tions as t o d i s- % a! i f i* a tion s o f mem er s .

     3 94 : I . any ="es ion a r i ses as o 1heher a mem0er o . e i her Ho"se o .  Parl iamen has 0e!ome s"0Ge! o any o. he dis="al i . i!a ions men ioned in!la"se 94: o. ar i! le 4K;, he ="es ion shal l 0e re.erred .or he de!is ion o.  

    he Presiden and his de!ision shall 0e .inal 7

      9; : Be.ore g iv ing any de! i sion on any s"!h ="es ion , he Pres iden shall o0ain he o+inion o. he Ele!ion &ommission and shall a! a!!ording

    o s"!h o+inion7

      1 6( . P ena !t y f or s it ti n' a nd , ot in ' ef or e ma i n' o at h o raff irmation %nder art i* !e 55 or " hen not -%a!if ied or "hen dis-%a!if ied.

     3 I . a + e rs on s i s o r v o e s a s a mem0 er o . e i h er H o "s e o . Pa rl i amen

     0e.ore he has !om+ lied 1i h he re="ireme ns o . ar i! le 55, or 1hen he>no1s ha he i s no ="a l i . i ed o r ha he i s d i s="a l i . i ed .o r mem0ersh i+

    hereo. , or ha he is +rohi0i ed .rom so doing 0y he +rovis ions o. any la1made 0y Parl iamen , he shal l 0e l ia0le in res+e! o. ea!h day on 1hi!h heso s i s o r vo es o a +ena l y o . . ive h"ndred r"+ees o 0e re!overed as a

    de0 d"e o he 'nion7

     3owers 3ri+i#e&es and $mmunities o! 3ar#iamentand i ts 0embers

    16. Po"ers $ +r i, i !e'es $ e t* . $ o f the Ho%ses of Par ! iament and of the

    memers and *ommittees thereof .3 94: #"0Ge! o he +rovis ions o. h is

    &ons i " ion and o he r"les and s anding orders reg"la ing he +ro!ed"reo. Parl iamen , here shal l 0e .reedom o. s+ee!h in Parl iamen 7

    9;: No mem0er o. Parl iamen shal l 0e l ia0le o any +ro!eedings in any

    !o"r in res+e! o. any hing said or any voe given 0y him in Parl iamen or any !ommi ee hereo., and no +erson sha ll 0e so l i a0le in res+e! o . he +"0li!aion 0y or "nder he a"horiy o. ei her Ho"se o. Parl iamen o. any

    re+or , +a+er, voes or +ro!eedings7

    9< : In o her res+e! s, he +o1ers, + r ivi l eges and imm"ni i es o . ea!hH o" s e o . Pa rl i amen , and o . h e mem0 er s an d h e !ommi ee s o . ea!h

    Ho"se, shal l 0e s"!h as may .rom ime o ime 0e de.ined 0y Parl iamen 0yla1, and, "n i l so de.ined, shal l 0e hose o. ha Ho"se and o. i s mem0ersand !ommi ees immediaely 0e.ore he !oming ino .or!e o. se! ion 4 o.  

    he &onsi "ion 9Fory3.o"rh Amendmen: A!, 45@7

    96: The +rovis ions o. !la"ses 94: , 9;: and 9 in, and


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    oher1ise o a>e +ar in he +ro!eedings o. , a Ho"se o. Parl iamen or any

    !ommiee hereo. as hey a++ly in rela ion o mem0ers o. Parl iamen7160. Sa!ar ies and a ! !o"an*es of memers .3 Mem0ers o. ei her Ho"se

    o. Parl iamen shal l 0e en i led o re!eive s"!h salar ies and al lo1an!es asmay . rom i me o i me 0 e d e e rmi n ed 0 y Pa rl i amen 0 y l a1 an d, " n i l

     +rovision in ha res+e! is so ma de, allo1a n!es a s"!h raes and "+ons"!h !ondi ions as 1ere immedia e ly 0e.ore he !ommen!emen o . h i s&onsi "ion a++li!a0le in he !ase o. mem0ers o. he &onsi "en Assem0ly

    o. he Dominion o. India7

     ,e&is#at i+e 3ro cedure

    16. Pro,is ions as to introd%*t ion and +ass in' of 7i ! ! s .3 94: #"0Ge!

    o he +rovis ions o. ar i! les 4K5 and 44@ 1i h res+e! o Money Bi l ls andoher .inan!ial Bil ls , a Bil l may originae in ei her Ho"se o. Parl iamen7

    9;: #"0Ge! o he +rovis ions o. ar i! les 4K and 4K5, a Bi l l shal l no 0edeemed o have 0een +assed 0y he Ho"ses o. Parl iamen "nless i has 0een

    a gr ee d o 0 y 0 o h H o" se s, e i he r 1 i ho " a me nd me n o r 1i h s "! hamendmens only as are agreed o 0y 0oh Ho"ses7

    9 en o . any + e ri od d "r i ng 1 hi !h h e H o " red o in s"03! la"se 9 c: o . ha ! l a"se i s + ro rog"ed o r ad Go"rned .o r  more han .o"r !onse!"ive days7


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    9< : Where he Pres iden has "nder ! l a"se 94 : no i . i ed h i s in en ion o .  

    s " mmon i ng he H o" s es o mee i n a G oi n s i in g, n e i he r H o "s e s h al l +ro!eed ."rher 1ih he Bi l l , 0" he Presiden may a any ime hedae o. his noi.i!aion s"mmon he Ho"ses o mee in a Goin si ing .or he

     +"r+ose s+e!i.ied in he noi.i!a ion and, i. he does so , he Ho"ses shal lmee a!!ordingly7

    9 6: I . a he G oi n s i i ng o . he 1o H o" se s he B il l, 1i h s "! h

    a me nd me n s, i . a ny, a s a re a gr ee d o i n G oi n s i i ng , i s + as se d 0 y amaG o ri y o . h e o a l n " m0 er o . mem0 ers o . 0 o h H o "s es + re s en andvo ing , i sha l l 0e deemed .o r he +"r+oses o . h i s &ons i " ion o have

     0een +assed 0y 0oh Ho"ses)

    Provided ha a a Goin si ing8 9a: i . h e B i l l, h av in g 0 een + ass ed 0 y o n e H o " se , h a s n o 0 een

     +assed 0y he oher Ho"se 1i h amendmens and re"rned o he Ho"sein 1hi!h i or ig inaed, no amendmen shal l 0e +ro+osed o he Bi l l o her  han s"!h amendmens 9 i . any: as are made ne!essary 0y he delay in he

     +assage o. he Bil l 9b: i . h e B il l h as 0e en so +as se d and re "rn ed, onl y s"! h

    amendmens as a .o resa id sha l l 0e + ro+osed o he Bi l l and s"!h o her  

    amendmens as a re re levan o he ma e rs 1i h res+e! o 1hi!h heHo"ses have no agreed

    and he de! is ion o . he +erson + res iding as o he amendmens 1hi!h a re

    admissi0le "nder his !la"se shall 0e .inal 7

    9 : A G o i n s i in g may 0 e h e ld " nd e r h i s a r i ! le and a B il l + a ss edherea , no1i hs anding ha a d issol" ion o. he Ho"se o. he Peo+le has

    inervened s in!e he Pres iden no i . ied his in en ion o s"mmon he Ho"seso mee herein 7

    165. S+e* ia ! +ro*ed%re in res+e*t of ;oney 7i ! ! s .3 94: A Money Bi l lshall no 0e inrod"!ed in he &o"n!il o. #aes7

    9; : A. e r a Money Bi l l has 0een +assed 0y he Ho"se o . he Peo+ le i shal l 0e ransmi ed o he &o"n!i l o. #aes .or i s re!ommenda ions andhe &o"n!i l o. #aes shal l 1i hin a +eriod o. .o"reen days .rom he dae

    o. i s re!ei+ o. he Bi l l re"rn he Bi l l o he Ho"se o. he Peo+le 1i h i sre!ommenda ions and he Ho"se o. he Peo+le may here"+on ei her a!!e+or reGe! a l l or any o. he re!ommenda ions o. he &o"n!i l o. #aes 7


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    9: I. a Money Bi l l +assed 0y he Ho"se o. he Peo+le and ransmi ed o

    he &o"n!i l o. #aes .or i s re!ommenda ions is no re"rned o he Ho"seo. he Peo+le 1i hin he said +eriod o. .o"reen days , i shal l 0e d eemed ohave 0een +assed 0y 0oh Ho"ses a he e/+ira ion o. he said +eriod in he

    .orm in 1hi!h i 1as +assed 0y he Ho"se o. he Peo+le7

    116 . De fin it ion o f ;on e y 7 i !! s > >.3  94 : F or h e +"r +o se s o . hi s&h a+ e r , a B i l l s h a l l 0 e d eemed o 0 e a Mo n ey B i l l i . i !o n a i n s o n l y +rovisions deal ing 1ih al l or any o. he .ollo1ing ma ers , name ly)8 

    9a: he im+osi ion, a0ol i ion, remiss ion, a l era ion or reg"la ion o.  any a/

    9b: he reg" la ion o . he 0or ro1ing o . money o r he g iv ing o . any

    g"aranee 0y he %overnmen o. India, or he amendmen o. he la1 1ihres+e! o any . inan!ial o0l iga ions "ndera>en or o 0e "ndera>en 0yhe %overnmen o. India

    9c: he !"sody o. he &onsolidaed F"nd or he &oningen!y F"nd o. 

    India, he +aymen o. moneys ino or he 1ihdra1al o. moneys .rom anys"!h F"nd

    9d : he a++ro+r ia ion o . moneys o" o . he &onso l idaed F"nd o .  


    9e: he de! la r ing o . any e/+end i " re o 0e e/+end i " re !harged onhe &onsol idaed F"nd o. India or he in!reas ing o. he amo"n o. any

    s"!h e/+endi"re

    9 ! : h e r e!e i + o . mo n ey o n a!!o " n o . h e &o n s o l i d a ed F" n d o .  In d i a o r h e + " 0 l i ! a!!o " n o . In d i a o r h e !" s o d y o r i s s " e o . s " !hmoney or he a"di o. he a!!o"ns o. he 'nion or o. a #ae or 

    9 & : an y ma e r i n !i den a l o an y o . h e ma e r s s + e! i .i ed i n s "0 3!la"ses 9a: o 9 ! : 7

    9;: A Bil l shal l no 0e deemed o 0e a Money Bi l l 0y reason only ha i

     +rovides .or he im+ osi ion o. . ines or oher +e!"niary +enal ies, or .or hedemand or +aymen o. .ees .or l i!en!es or .ees .or servi!es rendered, or 0yreason ha i +rovides .or he im+osi ion, a0ol i ion, remiss ion, a l era ion

    or reg"laion o. any a/ 0y any lo!al a"horiy or 0ody .or lo!al +"r+oses7

    9< : I . an y = " es i o n a r i s e s 1 h e h e r a B i l l i s a Mo n ey B i l l o r n o , h ede!ision o. he #+ea>er o. he Ho"se o. he Peo+le hereon shall 0e .inal 7

    96: There shal l 0e endorsed on every Money Bi l l 1hen i i s ransmi ed

    o he &o"n!i l o. #aes "nder ar i! le 4K5, and 1hen i i s +resened o hePres iden .or assen "nder ar i! le 444, he !er i . i!ae o. he #+ea>er o. heHo"se o. he Peo+le signed 0y him ha i is a Money Bill 7

    111. Assent to 7i ! ! s .3 W h en a B i l l h a s 0 een + as s ed 0 y h e H o " s es o .  Parl iamen , i shal l 0e +resened o he Pres iden , and he Pres iden shal ld e!l a re e i h e r h a h e a s sen s o he B i ll , o r ha h e 1 i h ho l ds a ss en



  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    P ro vi de d ha he P re si de n ma y, a s so on a s + os si 0l e a . er he

     +resenaion o him o. a Bil l .or assen , re"rn he Bi l l i . i is no a MoneyBil l o he Ho"ses 1i h a message re="es ing ha hey 1i l l re!onsider heBill or any s+e!i.ied +rovisions hereo. and, in +ar i!"lar, 1il l !onsider he

    desi ra0i l i y o. in rod"!ing any s"!h amendmens as he may re!ommend inhis message, and 1hen a Bil l is so re"rned, he Ho"ses shall re!onsider heBi l l a!!ord ing ly , and i . he Bi l l i s +assed aga in 0y he Ho"ses 1i h o r  

    1i ho" amendmen and +resened o he Pres iden .or assen , he Pres idenshall no 1ihhold assen here.rom7

     3roc edure in inancia# 0atters

    112. Ann%a! f inan*ia! statement.3 94: The Pres iden shal l in res+e! o.  every . inan!ial year !a"se o 0e laid 0e.ore 0oh he Ho"ses o. Parl iamen

    a s aemen o. he es imaed re!ei+s and e/+endi "re o. he %overnmen o.  I nd ia . or ha ye ar , i n hi s P ar r e. er r ed o a s he an n" al . in an !i alsaemen 7

    9 ;: T he e s i ma es o . e/ +end i " r e em0 o di ed i n he ann " al . in an! i al

    saemen shall sho1 se+araely8 9a: he s "ms r e= "i re d o m ee e/ +e nd i" re d es !r i0 ed 0 y hi s

    &ons i " ion as e/+end i " re !harged "+on he &onso l ida ed F"nd o .  

    India and9b: he s"ms re="ired o mee o her e/+endi "re +ro+osed o 0e made

    .rom he &onsolidaed F"nd o. India,

    a nd s ha ll d is in g" is h e /+ en di " re o n r ev en "e a !! o" n . ro m o h er  e/+endi"re7

    9er o. he Ho"se o. he Peo+le9c: de0 !harges .or 1hi!h he %overnmen o. India is lia0le in!l"ding ineres,

    sin>ing ."nd !harges and redem+ion !harges, and oher e/+endi"re relaing o he raisingo. loans and he servi!e and redem+ion o. de0

    9d : 9i: he salaries, allo1an!es and +ensions +aya0le o or in res+e! o. *"dges o. he#"+reme &o"r

    9ii: he +ensions +aya0le o or in res+e! o. *"dges o. he Federal &o"r9iii: he +ensions +aya0le o or in res+e! o. *"dges o. any High &o"r 1hi!h

    e/er!ises G"risdi!ion in relaion o any area in!l"ded in he erriory o. India or 1hi!h a

    any ime 0e.ore he !ommen!emen o. his &onsi"ion e/er!ised G"risdi!ion in relaiono any area in!l"ded in a %overnors Provin!e o. he Dominion o. India

    9e: he salary, allo1an!es and +ension +aya0le o or in res+e! o. he &om+roller and

    A"dior3%eneral o. India


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    9 ! : any s"ms re="ired o sais.y any G"dgmen, de!ree or a1ard o. any !o"r or ar0iral

    ri0"nal9 & : any oher e/+endi"re de!lared 0y his &onsi"ion or 0y Parliamen 0y la1 o 0e

    so !harged7

    11#. Pro*ed%re in Par!iament "ith res+e*t to estimates.3 94: #o m"!h o. he esimaes

    as relaes o e/+endi"re !harged "+on he &onsolidaed F"nd o. India shall no 0e s"0miedo he voe o. Parliamen, 0" nohing in his !la"se shall 0e !onsr"ed as +revening hedis!"ssion in eiher Ho"se o. Parliamen o. any o. hose esimaes7

     9;: #o m"!h o. he said esimaes as relaes o oher e/+endi"re shall 0e s"0mied in he

    .orm o. demands .or grans o he Ho"se o. he Peo+le, and he Ho"se o. he Peo+le shallhave +o1er o assen, or o re."se o assen, o any demand, or o assen o any demands"0Ge! o a red"!ion o. he amo"n s+e!i.ied herein7


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    made .or he a"horisaion o. a++ro+riaion o. moneys o" o. he &onsolidaed F"nd o. India

    o mee s"!h e/+endi"re or gran7110. 8otes on a**o%nt$ ,otes of *redit and e&*e+tiona! 'rants.3 94: No1ihsanding

    anyhing in he .oregoing +rovisions o. his &ha+er, he Ho"se o. he Peo+le shall have +o1er8 

    9a: o ma>e any gran in advan!e in res +e ! o. h e es i ma e d e/ +e nd i "r e .o r a +ar o . any . inan! ia l year +end ing he !om+le ion o . he + ro!ed"re +res!ri0ed in ar i! le 44< .or he vo ing o. s"!h gran and he +ass ing o. 

    he l a1 in a!!ordan!e 1i h he + rov i s ions o . a r i ! l e 446 in re la ion oha e/+endi"re

    9b: o ma> e a g r an .o r mee i n g an " n e/ + e! ed d eman d " + o n h ereso"r!es o . Ind ia 1hen on a!!o"n o . he magni "de o r he inde. in i e!hara! e r o . he serv i!e he demand !anno 0e s a ed 1i h he de a i l s

    ordinari ly given in an ann"al .inan!ial saemen9c: o ma>e an e/!e+ ional gran 1hi!h .orms no +ar o. he !"rren

    servi!e o. any .inan!ial year

    and Par l i amen sha l l have +o1er o a" hor ise 0y l a1 he 1i hdra1al o .  moneys .rom he &onsol idaed F"nd o. India .or he +"r+oses .or 1hi!h he

    said grans are made7

    9;: The +rovisions o. ar i!les 44< and 446 shall have e..e! in rela ion ohe ma>ing o. any gran "nder !la"se 94: and o any la1 o 0e made "nder  

    ha ! l a"se as hey have e . .e! in re l a ion o he ma>ing o . a g ran 1i hregard o any e/+endi "re men ioned in he ann"al . inan!ial s aemen andhe la1 o 0e made .or he a"horisa ion o. a++ro+ria ion o. moneys o" o.  

    he &onsolidaed F"nd o. India o mee s"!h e/+endi"re7

    11. S+e*ia! +ro,isions as to f inan*ia! 7i! !s .3 94: A Bi l l or amendmenma>ing +rovis ion .or any o. he ma ers s+e!i . ied in s"03!la"ses 9 a: o 9 ! :

    o. !la"se 94: o. ar i! le 44K shal l no 0e in rod"!ed or moved e/!e+ on here!ommenda ion o . he Pres iden and a Bi l l ma>ing s"!h + rov i s ion sha l lno 0e inrod"!ed in he &o"n!il o. #aes)

    Provided ha no re!ommenda ion shal l 0e re="ired "nder h is !la"se .or  

    he m ov in g o . a n a me nd me n m a> in g + ro vi si on . or he r ed "! i on o r  a0oli ion o. any a/7

    9;: A Bi l l or amendmen shal l no 0e deemed o ma>e +rovis ion .or any

    o. he ma ers a.oresaid 0y reason only ha i +rovides .or he im+osi iono. . ines or o her +e!"niary +enal ies , or .or he demand or +aymen o. .ees

    .or l i!en!es or .ees .or servi!es rendered, or 0y reason ha i +rovides .or  he im+osi ion, a0ol i ion, remiss ion, a l era ion or reg"la ion o. any a/ 0yany lo!al a"horiy or 0ody .or lo!al +"r+oses7


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


     3ro cedure %enera# #y

    114 . R% !e s o f + ro* ed % re .3 94 : E a!h H o" s e o . Pa rl i amen may ma> er" les .o r reg"la ing , s"0 Ge! o he + rovi s ions o . h i s &ons i" ion , i s

     +ro!ed"re and he !ond"! o. i s 0"siness7

    9; : 'n i l r" les a re made "nder ! l a"se 94 : , he r" les o . + ro!ed"re ands and ing o rders in .o r!e immediae ly 0e.ore he !ommen!emen o . h i s

    &ons i " ion 1i h res+e! o he Legis la"re o. he Dominion o. India shal lhave e . .e! in re l a ion o Par l iamen s"0 Ge! o s"!h modi .i !a ions andad a+ a i o n s a s may 0 e mad e h e re i n 0 y h e &h a i rman o . h e &o " n ! i l o .  

    #aes or he #+ea>er o. he Ho"se o. he Peo+le, as he !ase may 0e7

    9er o . he Ho"se o . he Peo+ le , may ma>e r" les as o

    h e + ro!ed" re 1 i h r e s+ e! o G oi n s i in g s o . , and !o mm"n i !a io n s 0e1een, he 1o Ho"ses 7

    96: A a Go in s i ing o. he 1o Ho"ses he #+ea>er o. he Ho"se o. hePeo+ le , o r in h i s a0sen!e s"!h +erson as may 0e de e rmined 0y r" les o .  

     +ro!ed"re made "nder !l a"se 9< :, shall +reside7

    115. Re'%!ation y !a" of +ro*ed%re in Par!iament in re!ation to finan*ia! %siness.3 

    Parliamen may, .or he +"r+ose o. he imely !om+leion o. .inan!ial 0"siness, reg"lae 0y

    la1 he +ro!ed"re o., and he !ond"! o. 0"siness in, ea!h Ho"se o. Parliamen in relaion oany .inan!ial maer or o any Bill .or he a++ro+riaion o. moneys o" o. he &onsolidaedF"nd o. India, and, i. and so .ar as any +rovision o. any la1 so made is in!onsisen 1ih any

    r"le made 0y a Ho"se o. Parliamen "nder !la"se 94: o. ari!le 44 or 1ih any r"le or sanding order having e..e! in relaion o Parliamen "nder !la"se 9;: o. ha ari!le, s"!h

     +rovision shall +revail7

    126. )an'%a'e to e %sed in Par!iament.3 94: No1ihsanding anyhing in Par Q$II, 0" s"0Ge! o he +rovisions o. ari!le er o. he Ho"se o. he Peo+le,

    or +erson a!ing as s"!h, as he !ase may 0e, may +ermi any mem0er 1ho !anno ade="aelye/+ress himsel. in Hindi or in English o address he Ho"se in his moher3ong"e7

    9;: 'nless Parliamen 0y la1 oher1ise +rovides, his ari!le shall, he e/+iraion o. a

     +eriod o. .i.een years .rom he !ommen!emen o. his &onsi"ion, have e..e! as i. he1ords Cor in English 1ere omied here.rom7

    121. Restri*tion on dis*%ssion in Par!iament.3  No dis!"ssion shall a>e +la!e in

    Parliamen 1ih res+e! o he !ond"! o. any *"dge o. he #"+reme &o"r or o. a High &o"rin he dis!harge o. his d"ies e/!e+ "+on a moion .or +resening an address o he Presiden +raying .or he removal o. he *"dge as +rovided7

    122. Co%rts not to in-%ire into +ro*eedin's of Par!iament.3 94: The validiy o. any

     +ro!eedings in Parliamen shall no 0e !alled in ="esion on he gro"nd o. any allegedirreg"lariy o. +ro!ed"re7


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    9;: No o..i!er or mem0er o. Parliamen in 1hom +o1ers are vesed 0y or "nder his

    &onsi"ion .or reg"laing +ro!ed"re or he !ond"! o. 0"siness, or .or mainaining order, inParliamen shall 0e s"0Ge! o he G"risdi!ion o. any !o"r in res+e! o. he e/er!ise 0y him o. hose +o1ers7


    12#. Po"er of President to +rom%!'ate Ordinan*es d%rin' re*ess of Par!iament.3 94:I. a any ime, e/!e+ 1hen 0oh Ho"ses o. Parliamen are in session, he Presiden is sais.ied

    ha !ir!"msan!es e/is 1hi!h render i ne!essary .or him o a>e immediae a!ion, he may +rom"lgae s"!h Ordinan!es as he !ir!"msan!es a++ear o him o re="ire7

    9;: An Ordinan!e +rom"lgaed "nder his ari!le shall have he same .or!e and e..e! as anA! o. Parliamen, 0" every s"!h Ordinan!e8 

    9a: shall 0e laid 0e.ore 0oh Ho"ses o. Parliamen and shall !ease o o+erae a hee/+iraion o. si/ 1ee>s .rom he reassem0ly o. Parliamen, or, i. 0e.ore he e/+iraion o. ha +eriod resol"ions disa++roving i are +assed 0y 0oh Ho"ses, "+on he +assing o. he

    se!ond o. hose resol"ions and

    9b: may 0e 1ihdra1n a any ime 0y he Presiden7

     "xp #anation . 8Wh ere he Ho"ses o. Par l iamen are s"mmoned oreassem0le on d i . .e ren da es , he +er iod o . s i/ 1ee>s sha l l 0e re!>oned

    .rom he laer o. hose daes .or he +"r+oses o. his !la"se7


  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    9;A: The age o . a *"dge o . he #"+reme &o"r sha l l 0e de e rmined 0y

    s"!h a"horiy and in s"!h manner as Parl iamen may 0y la1 +rovide79< : A +erson sha l l no 0e ="a l i . i ed .o r a++o in men as a *"dge o . he

    #"+reme &o"r "nless he is a !i i(en o. India and8 

      9a: has 0een .or a leas . ive years a *"dge o. a High &o"r or o. 1o

    or more s"!h &o"rs in s"!!ession or 

      9b : has 0een .or a leas en years an advo!ae o. a High &o"r or o.  1o or more s"!h &o"rs in s"!!ession or 

      9c: is , in he o+inion o. he Presiden, a dis ing"ished G"ris 7

     "xp #anation $ 78In his !la"se High &o"r means a High &o"r 1hi!he /e r! is es , o r 1h i! h a a ny ime 0 e. or e he ! om men !e me n o . hi s&onsi "ion e/er!ised, G"risdi!ion in any +ar o. he erri ory o. India7

     "xp #anation $$ 78In !om+" ing .or he +"r+ose o. h is !la"se he +eriod

    d"r ing 1hi!h a +erson has 0een an advo!a e , any +er iod d"r ing 1hi!h a +erson has held G"di!ial o..i!e no io r o ha o . a disr i! G"dge he 0e!ame an advo!ae shal l 0e in!l"ded7

    96: A *"dge o. he #"+reme &o"r shal l no 0e removed .rom his o.. i!ee/!e+ 0y an order o. he Pres iden +assed a. er an address 0y ea!h Ho"seo . Pa rl i amen s "+ +o r ed 0 y a maG o ri y o . h e o a l mem0 er s hi + o . h a

    Ho"se and 0y a maGori y o. no less han 1o3hi rds o. he mem0ers o. haHo"se +resen and vo ing has 0een +resened o he Pres iden in he sames es si on . or s "! h r emo va l o n he g ro "n d o . + ro ve d m is 0e ha vi o" r o r  


    9: Parl iamen may 0y la1 reg"lae he +ro!ed"re .or he +resena ion o.  an ad dre ss and .or h e i n v es i ga io n and + ro o . o . he mis 0 eh avi o "r o r  

    in!a+a!i y o. a *"dge "nder !la"se 96: 7

    9 : Every +erson a++o in ed o 0e a *"dge o . he #"+reme &o"r sha l l , 0e.ore he en ers "+on his o..i!e, ma>e and s"0s!ri0e 0e.ore he Presiden ,

    o r some +erson a++o in ed in ha 0eha l . 0y h im, an oa h o r a . . i rma iona!!ording o he .orm se o" .or he +"r+ose in he Third #!hed"le7

    9@: No +erson 1ho has held o.. i!e as a *"dge o. he #"+reme &o"r shal l +lead or a! in any !o"r or 0e.ore any a"horiy 1ihin he erri ory o. 


    12. Sa!aries$ et* . $ of @%d'es.3 94: There shal l 0e +aid o he *"dges o.  he #"+reme &o"r s"!h sa la r i es as may 0e de e rmined 0y Par l i amen 0y

    la1 and , "n i l + rov i s ion in ha 0eha l . i s so made , s"!h sa la r i es as a res+e!i.ied in he #e!ond #!hed"le7

    9;: Every *"dge shal l 0e en i led o s"!h +rivi leges and al lo1an!es and

    o s"!h r ighs in res+e! o. leave o. a0sen!e and +ension as may .rom imeo ime 0e de e rmined 0y o r "nder l a1 made 0y Par l i amen and , "n i l sode ermined , o s"!h + r iv i l eges , a l lo1an!es and r igh s as a re s+e! i . i ed in

    he #e!ond #!hed"le)



  • 8/20/2019 Constititution of India Article 1-242 (1-88)


    Provided ha neiher he +rivileges nor he al lo1an!es o. a *"dge nor his

    r i gh s i n r e s+ e! o . l e av e o . a0 sen!e o r + en s io n s h al l 0 e v ar i ed o h isdisadvanage his a++oinmen7

    120. A++ointment of a* t in' Chie f @%st i*e .3 When he o . . i !e o . &hie.  *"si!e o. India is va!an or 1hen he &hie. *"si!e is , 0y reason o. a0sen!e

    or oher1ise, "na0le o +er.orm he d" ies o. h is o.. i!e, he d" ies o. heo.. i!e shal l 0e +er.ormed 0y s"!h one o. he oher *"dges o. he &o"r ashe Presiden may a++oin .or he +"r+ose7

    12. A++ointment of ad hoc   @%d'es 7894: I . a any ime here sho" ldno 0e a ="or"m o. he *"dges o . he #"+reme &o"r ava i l a0 le o ho ld o r  !on in"e any sess ion o. he &o"r , he &hie. *"s i!e o. India may, 1i h he

     +revio"s !onsen o. he Pres iden and !ons"l a ion 1ih he& hi e. * "s i !e o . he H ig h & o" r ! on !e rn ed , r e= "e s i n 1 ri i ng he

    a endan!e a he s i ings o. he &o"r , as an ad hoc   *"dge, .or s"!h +erioda s m ay 0 e n e! es sa ry, o . a * "d ge o . a H ig h & o" r d "l y = "a li .i ed . or  a++oinmen as a *"dge o. he #"+reme &o"r o 0e des ignaed 0y he &hie.  *"s i!e o. India7

    9; : I s h a l l 0 e h e d " y o . h e * " d g e 1 h o h as 0 een s o d es i g n a ed , i n +r iori y o oher d"ies o . h is o ..i !e, o a end he si ings o. he #"+reme&o"r a he ime and .or he +eriod .or 1hi!h his a endan!e is re="ired,

    an d 1 hi l e s o a en di n g h e s ha l l h av e a l l h e G " ri sd i ! io n, + o1 er s and +rivil eges , and shall dis!harge he d"ies, o. a *"dge o. he #"+reme &o"r 7

    124. Attendan*e of ret ired @%d'es at s it t in's of the S%+reme Co%rt .

     3  No1i hsanding any hing in h is &ha+er, he &hie. *"si!e o. Ind ia ma y

    a any ime, 1i h he +revio"s !onsen o. he Pres iden , re="es any +erson1ho has held he o.. i!e o. a *"dge o. he #"+reme &o"r or o. he Federal

    &o"r o r 1ho has he ld he o . . i !e o . a *"dge o . a High &o"r and i s d" ly="al i . ied .or a++oinmen as a *"dge o. he #"+reme &o"r o s i and a! asa *"dge o . he #"+reme &o"r , and every s"!h +erson so re="es ed sha l l ,

    1hi le so s i ing and a! ing, 0e en i led o s"!h al lo1an!es as he Pres idenmay 0y order deermine and have all he G"risdi!ion, +o1ers and +rivilegeso., 0" shall no oher1ise 0e deemed o 0e, a *"dge o. ha &o"r)

    Provided ha nohing in h is ar i! le shal l 0e deemed o re="ire any s"!h +erson as a.oresaid o si and a! as a *"dge o. ha &o"r "nless he!onsens so o do7

    125. S%+reme Co%rt to e a *o%rt of re*ord.3 The #"+reme &o"r shal l

     0e a !o"r o. re!ord and shall have al l he +o1ers o. s"!h a !o"r in!l"dinghe +o1er o +"nish .or !onem+ o. i sel.7

    1#6. Seat of S%+reme Co%rt .3 The #"+reme &o"r shal l s i in Delhi or  

    in s"!h o her + la!e o r + la!es, as he &hie. *"s i !e o . India may , 1i h