Consti 2 Reviewer

GARCIA, ZANDRO JOSE | BLOCK C 2017 1 Constitutional Law 2 MIDTERMS REVIEWER | Atty. Maita ChanGonzaga | SY 1314 Section 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws. Three Great Powers of the Government 1. Police Power The most essential, insistent and least limitable of the powers, extending to all the great public needs Inherent and plenary power of the State which enables it to prohibit all that is hurtful to the comfort, safety, and welfare of society The power vested in the Legislature by the Constitution to make, ordain, and establish all manner of wholesome and reasonable laws, statues, ordinances, either with penalties or without, not repugnant to the Constitution, as they shall judge to be for the good and welfare of the commonwealth, and of the subjects of the same 2. Power of Eminent Domain 3. Power of Taxation Due Process 1. Procedural Relates to the mode of procedure which government agencies must follow in the enforcement and application of laws Guarantee of procedural fairness 2. Substantive Prohibition of arbitrary laws Guarantee against the exercise of arbitrary power Procedural Due Process in Judicial Proceedings 1. Court/Tribunal clothed with judicial power to hear and determine the matter before it 2. Jurisdiction must be lawfully acquired over the person of the defendant or over the property which is the subjects of the proceeding 3. Defendant must be given an opportunity to be heard 4. Judgment must be rendered upon lawful hearing Procedural Due Process in Administrative Proceedings 1. Right to a hearing, which includes the right to present one’s case and submit evidence in support thereof 2. The tribunal must consider the evidence presented 3. The decision must have something to support itself 4. Evidence must be substantial, meaning such reasonable evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as adequate support to a conclusion 5. The decision must be base on the evidence presented at the hearing, or at least contained in the record and disclosed to the parties affected 6. The tribunal/body or any of it judges must act on its own independent consideration of the law and facts of the controversy, and not simply accept the views of a subordinate 7. The Board or body should, in all controversial questions, render its decision in such a manner that the parties to a proceeding can know various issues involved, and the reason for the decision rendered In Fabella v CA 1. Right to actual or constructive notice of the institution of proceedings which may affect a respondent’s legal rights 2. A real opportunity to be head personally or with the assistance of counsel, to present witnesses and evidence in one’s favor, and to defend one’s rights


Consti 2 Reviewer

Transcript of Consti 2 Reviewer

!"#$%"& (")*#+ ,+-. / 01+$2 $ 34565 Constitutional Law 2 NIBTERNS REvIEWER | Atty. Naita Chan-uonzaga | SY 1S14 Section 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws. "#$%% &$%'( )*+%$, *- (#% &*.%$/0%/( 1.Police Powei The most essential, insistent anu least limitable of the poweis, extenuing to all the gieat public neeus Inheient anu plenaiy powei of the State which enables it to piohibit all that is huitful to the comfoit, safety, anu welfaie of society The powei vesteu in the Legislatuie by the Constitution to make, oiuain, anu establish all mannei of wholesome anu ieasonable laws, statues, oiuinances, eithei with penalties oi without, not iepugnant to the Constitution, as they shall juuge to be foi the goou anu welfaie of the commonwealth, anu of the subjects of the same 2.Powei of Eminent Bomain S.Powei of Taxation 12% )$*3%,, 1.Pioceuuial Relates to the moue of pioceuuie which goveinment agencies must follow in the enfoicement anu application of laws uuaiantee of pioceuuial faiiness 2.Substantive Piohibition of aibitiaiy laws uuaiantee against the exeicise of aibitiaiy powei )$*3%42$'5 12% )$*3%,, 6/ 724636'5 )$*3%%46/8, 1.CouitTiibunal clotheu with juuicial powei to heai anu ueteimine the mattei befoie it 2.}uiisuiction must be lawfully acquiieu ovei the peison of the uefenuant oi ovei the piopeity which is the subjects of the pioceeuing S.Befenuant must be given an oppoitunity to be heaiu 4.}uugment must be ienueieu upon lawful heaiing )$*3%42$'5 12% )$*3%,, 6/ 9406/6,($'(6.% )$*3%%46/8, 1.Right to a heaiing, which incluues the iight to piesent one's case anu submit eviuence in suppoit theieof 2.The tiibunal must consiuei the eviuence piesenteu S.The uecision must have something to suppoit itself 4.Eviuence must be substantial, meaning such ieasonable eviuence as a ieasonable minu might accept as auequate suppoit to a conclusion S.The uecision must be base on the eviuence piesenteu at the heaiing, oi at least containeu in the iecoiu anu uiscloseu to the paities affecteu 6.The tiibunalbouy oi any of it juuges must act on its own inuepenuent consiueiation of the law anu facts of the contioveisy, anu not simply accept the views of a suboiuinate 7.The Boaiu oi bouy shoulu, in all contioveisial questions, ienuei its uecision in such a mannei that the paities to a pioceeuing can know vaiious issues involveu, anu the ieason foi the uecision ienueieu In !"#$%%" ' () 1.Right to actual oi constiuctive notice of the institution of pioceeuings which may affect a iesponuent's legal iights 2.A ieal oppoitunity to be heau peisonally oi with the assistance of counsel, to piesent witnesses anu eviuence in one's favoi, anu to uefenu one's iights 3!"#$%"& (")*#+ ,+-. / 01+$2 $ 3456 Constitutional Law 2 NIBTERNS REvIEWER | Atty. Naita Chan uonzaga | SY 1S14 S.A tiibunal vesteu with competent juiisuiction anu so constituteu as to affoiu a peison chaigeu auministiatively a ieasonable guaiantee of honesty as well as impaitiality 4.A finuing by saiu tiibunal which is suppoiteu by substantial eviuence submitteu foi consiueiation uuiing the heaiing oi containeu in the iecoius oi maue known to the paities :'-%82'$4, 6/ 16,36;56/'$< )$*3%42$% = >'8/' ?'$(' -*$ "%'3#%$, Eveiy teachei shall enjoy equitable safeguaius at each stage of any uisciplinaiy pioceuuie anu shall have 1.The iight to be infoimeu, in wiiting, of the chaiges 2.The iight to full access to the eviuence in the case S.The iight to uefenu himself anu to be uefenueu by a iepiesentative of his choice anoi by his oiganization, auequate time being given to the teachei foi the piepaiation of his uefense 4.The iight ot appeal to cleaily uesignateu school authoiities. No publicity shall be given to any uisciplinaiy action being taken against a teachei uuiing the penuency of his case )$*3%42$'5 12% )$*3%,, 6/ :3#**5 1.The stuuent must be infoimeu in wiiting of the natuie anu cause of any accusation against them 2.They shall have the iight to answei the chaiges against them, with the assistance of counsel, if uesiieu S.They shall be infoimeu of the eviuence against them 4.They shall have the iight to auuuce eviuence in theii own behalf S.The eviuence must be uuly consiueieu by the investigating committee oi official uesignateu by the school authoiities to heai anu ueciue the case )2$;*,% *- )$*3%42$'5 12% )$*3%,, 1.Contiibutes to the accuiacy anu thus minimizes eiiois in uepiivations 2.To the peison who is the subject of uepiivation, it gives him a sense of iational paiticipation in a uecision that can affect his uestiny anu thus enhances his uignity as a thinking peison. @*64A-*$A.'82%/%,, 4*3($6/% A statute which eithei foibius oi iequiies the uoing of an act in teims so vague that men of common intelligence must necessaiily guess at its meaning anu uiffei as to its application Repugnant to the Constitution because: a.It violateu uue piocess foi failuie to accoiu peisons, especially the paities taigeteu by it, faii notice of the conuuct to avoiu b.It leaves law enfoiceis unbiiuleu uiscietion in caiiying out its piovisions anu becomes anu aibitiaiy flexing of the uoveinment muscle B.%$C$%'4(# 1*3($6/% A goveinmental puipose may not be achieveu by means which sweep unnecessaiily bioauly anu theieby invaue the aiea of piotecteu fieeuoms Sweeping exeicise of a lawmaking powei @'564 DE%$36,% *- )*563% )*+%$F:2C,('/(6.% 12% )$*3%,, 1.The state inteifeies in the inteiests of the public geneially anu not just a paiticulai class 2.The means aie ieasonably necessaiy foi the accomplishment of the puipose anu not unuuly oppiessive upon inuiviuuals !"#$%"& (")*#+ ,+-. / 01+$2 $ 34567 Constitutional Law 2 NIBTERNS REvIEWER | Atty. Naita Chan-uonzaga | SY 1S14 "%,( -*$ @'5646(< *- '/ B$46/'/3% 1.It must not contiavene the Constitution oi any statute 2.It must not be unfaii oi oppiessive S.It must not be paitial oi uisciiminatoiy 4.It must not piohibit but meiely iegulate tiaue S.It must be geneial anu consistent with public policy 6.It must not be unieasonable DG2'5 )$*(%3(6*/ 1%-6/6(6*/ A specific constitutional guaiantee of the equality of the peison. The equality it guaiantees is H5%8'5 %G2'56(