Consortium 2010 - Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and ... · ๏Seismic applications are: ... Java...

SLIM University of British Columbia Consortium 2010 Henryk Modzelewski Software releases and architecture Thursday, December 9, 2010

Transcript of Consortium 2010 - Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and ... · ๏Seismic applications are: ... Java...

Page 1: Consortium 2010 - Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and ... · ๏Seismic applications are: ... Java • C/C++/FORTRAN ... L1 migration with active contribution from surface ‐ ...




Software releases and architecture

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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• Challenges

• Developmentenvironment

• Knowledgetransfer

• Pastsoftwarereleases

• Nextsoftwarerelease

• Conclusions


Thursday, December 9, 2010

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๏ Seismicapplicationsare:• memorydemanding• computationallyintensive• IOintensive• weuselarge‐scale‐optimizationiterativealgorithms

๏ SLIM’stechnologyisdrivenbymulti‐d(d>2)non‐separabletransforms

๏Academicenvironmentcallsfor• codereuse&reproducibility• fastlearningcurves


Thursday, December 9, 2010

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๏ In‐corecomputations:• MatlabandJava• C/C++/FORTRANforlow‐levelimplementations

๏Seismictoolsfordatainput/output:• SeismicUnix,Delphi,SegyMAT,Madagascar (RSF)

๏Scriptingtools:• Unixshells,SCons,Python

๏Parallelism• MATLABandJava(forparallelIO)

Programming tools

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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๏Desktops(forsmall‐problemprototyping)๏Cluster(forparalleldevelopmentandcomputations• 288CPUcores(Intel2.66GHz)• 16TBofdiskspace• Funding:‐ contributiontoinitialpurchase(2006)‐ departmentalefforttoupgrade(2009)


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๏MATLABintroducedthecapabilitiesthatallowmoreefficientalgorithmdevelopment:• supportforparallelcomputations• supportfordistributedarrays/vectors• MATLABinterfaceswithotherlow‐levellanguages


Development in MATLAB

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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๏MATLABaddressesourmajorchallenges:• massiveparallelcomputations• capabilitytohandlelargememoryfootprint• fasterlearningcurve(lesssoftwaretolearn)


Development in MATLAB

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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๏ Thereisstillneedtobuiltorutilizeefficientlow‐levelroutinesandinterfacethemwithMATLAB,like:• 3Dparallelcurvelettransform

๏ SomeoftheexistingMATLABcodeisbeingconvertedorextendedtoallowparallelcomputations,like:• SPOT• SPGL1

๏ Thereisstillneedtoimplementutilitiesforout‐of‐coreprocessinganddatainput/output

Development in MATLAB

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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๏ Currentsoftwareprojects:

• SPOTextensionsforparallelprocessingusingpSPOT

• pSPOT:parallelextensionstoSPOT

• botharesubjectsofthenextpresentations

Development in MATLAB

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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๏ Futureprojects:

• furtherdevelopmentofpSPOT

• improvementstointerfacingout‐of‐coredata

‐ investigatingJavaSeis(

‐ improvementstoRSF‐MATLABinterface

• MATLABimplementationofparallel3Dcurvelets

• nSPOT:non‐linearextensionstoSPOT

Development in MATLAB

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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๏Weintendtomaintain4positionstoaccommodate• part‐timeseniorprogrammer• 2full‐timejuniorprogrammers• part‐timesystemadministrator


Programming staff (future)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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• Publications• Softwarereleases‐ algorithms‐ applications’demos

• Webinars(monthly/bi‐monthly)‐ presentations‐ softwaredemonstrations‐ softwaretutorials

Knowledge transfer

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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๏Accessibleonlytoconsortiummembers• ([email protected])

Past software releases

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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• 1releasein2006• 2releasesin2007• 1releasein2008• 1releasein2010

Past software releasesWhen:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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• Wavefieldreconstruction• Wavefieldseparation• Modelling• Imaging• Solvers(ISTc,SPGL1)• Transforms(Curevelets,Surfacelets,...)

• seeWebPagesformoredetails

Past software releases:Categories:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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• Weplanthenextreleaseinearly2011• Weintendtounifythesoftwarereleaseasmuchaspossibleto:‐ clearlyseparatealgorithmsformapplications‐ packagetogetherasmanyexternalsoftwarepackagesaspossible

‐ includeautomaticdependencies/unittests‐ streamlineinstallationandimplementationofoursoftwareinthecompanies

Next software release

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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• Weplanthenextreleaseinearly2011• Thesoftwarereleasewillcontainthefollowingapplications:‐ L1migrationwithactivecontributionfromsurface‐relatedmultiples

‐ CompressSensingofFull‐waveforminversiongradients‐ CurveletMatchedEstimationofPrimariesviaSparseInversion

‐ Estimationofsurface‐relatedprimarieswithL1inversionandinformedblinddeconvolutiontechniques(update)

‐ ...

Next software release

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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๏Wehave:• builtalargesoftwareframeworkforseismic‐imagingapplications.

• implementednewalgorithmsinthisframework.• buildanumberoflow‐leveltoolstosupportthosealgorithms.

• successfullystartedeffortstointroduceMATLABasourmainresearchanddevelopmentenvironment.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

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Thursday, December 9, 2010