CONSO'LIDAT~I) WAY~E ~ wriH THE-' wAYNE … Herald...

VOL 27, NO 36 wriH THE-' REPUBLICAN ! wAYNE EDUCATO&;lN= - M!.J _ ,.-:-::.:;;

Transcript of CONSO'LIDAT~I) WAY~E ~ wriH THE-' wAYNE … Herald...


wAYNE EDUCATO&;lN= - M!.J _ ·_u.tu~::ns _--liEGlf1iA-K:S_m~ -l:MAN~-uowlfnf~_B_-- ,.-:-::.:;;

.":-- kins. Iday 'visit. with r~latives. .- ­

:. ·Mrs......a...:E.-Eiliott went to O"maha :\lr;;. F. R. Ciark went to Sioux::::"~"'~Ftfciay for an o,,~r Sut!day "isit with Ci!~...Frida~· to' remain_foT an· <Wer~datives;:===-=-------===~~. ~'_.~._ ..-,-~~!""with-t-ela-tiTtt-

expensive tile roof on a temporarysod_-_" _c:::.~·=holls~~·~=~-=-"~_·_-~_-~_- _

t.IlFollowingtne same Iineof-reasolling,-=.- you \V_ould not 4esire to1\~y for•.Q~!:...

unprotected sheet steel or sheet iron~ -.... -...range body, which at best, can lastbut

_ l OL_ _ _ ----The cQrnbinationfs-conSisfenf-­

The wo;-~ri.'~lHlaY.~l."-ft{t- mattw whAt ,tl;l~Ysay.come and ....e it -and we'll see wl!at you say. . - - .


OP1'OSlTE P08'I'OI'~

~ '. ~ ,

--c-c~-o--::-.-.-.-.-_- --' _~- :- -~~ _ ~~ ".. .......... ~

. - ..,~- - THB'VfA-YNE--'Haw~A_NV~;lg~ ' tj~~.;;....::. --~-_.-_.---~~ ~~]~~;j


ofa-bright·Scarletcolor. nel_grow ship-tWeii~e (Twp.:~) North

~ail from 9Ur old friend, -Hon. A. In the district co~rt .of WayneH. Norris, w1fo is. now in Spring county, Nebraka.._ _L

F::~~~e~~~:~:-u::;~ ofI~/~~n:~tt~r ~~:;:~;:at~~_~ral sampies of tRaJ!!!l1oth._~le m~~trator~ft~e estate .of ~olin--.!~tio , '. - schlager: dens,en iW Ihim---9n the-l-I-tb-inst'.l. W1Iile- r-esting to sell real estat~. .under the shade of an or.ange tree. _..o..On this 2nd day ()~ January, 1915,The mime o{the Florida p~uction "this 'c3!1se came on for hearing uponsent us is ·the Psc:odoricas Mattus· th'-petition, u~d.r oath, 'of Feriti­magistensitobalcolum. It is _.fa- !;Ii-.Dd L. 'Wollschiager,<nhninistrato.t:

.. ·:1mo'i'm:Jn-----=ibis-count -b of·the estate of ~o.lin~_W:Q!h.chla.

the name of· Magn'u$" FloradenSiSti:- ger, dec~ed, p-raying fo,Qice~e to'culastaraca~ulus. .'fbe podS ,are ~11 the d~ribed. reat d~bout· fourtetn inches. long, ,nd tafe of the. said Caroline Wollschla ~

shaped like a c-'n~ or coffin. The et.~e«Ued•.to~it: The north half of--- -- areilnmcn'on ----.rr section-nineteen. ; 19 town'"

riot:fOr Us4 ,.W.hen Mr•..Ron -0.. ~.; L- and_~ to -,!ill the nortll-.thelltll""insL,'~ng'from the w.est'quarter 'of secti~ll·tWenty eN..? .. __~ ...,.. '-heat_and burdeJ!....QL~Il~JlJ1-~~-SH:-"'I).·,nd tk~"uJ!.bl.:.. _ _ ~ _-_-_.._-~""--""--""-- __""!",=,,,,,

-~i;~~lEI~'ii' ~~~~~~N~~ll.... ; POLAND CHINA BR~D SOW SALE .-S~

>iIt«n ..bbit~;n on, d.y . iWCIlJle,----Neb., .'flntrS~, F--ebru-~~_~~~I~;;~;~~~~!;~~lt~~t~~ ~~_ ----=~:S:ALE .P.AVILION (TO BE HEATED) ONE O'CLOCK p~G~::;iit~~~i -=:-.:c=-=-__---------.c.~-====::;==~:;;:=:;=;:;:;;;:;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;::;~~::::==~;.:::::;.;:::;=~

\ son ....... bom to Nr. and Mrs.~897~1 ClaW"Surutay' January 24':1 HERD BOARS:

Proft'ssor Keller g:we a fa,~~cll

musicale in the -Hotel -Bo)"d par--l10.... _ I.~~~~~K-rt~%~~~1897. I

Florence \\'deh entertained a1!l.rgenu1llber--of her little friend,s ~t

a birthet€y party. ~f

;c;~}':=========11 Mrs. P. ~. :-.'d;lon---=i!tcl----;tt-her-I -K-ing'-s Equal-53--

€RAVEN J:.9.1.11 f six ITl,il~S _e~~~ of Wa>~j_~. ~,,;:3?~ _

::-.~:= -_-__·__-=------'-~-'~-~-_-.J.I ~1t~4lZ;~~~~1 ~~~;_,

----'-----~.--;CaItOn;.~-- of- theraifrOid ----are-blOcked '.nth -:-no )'ou'koow that of all the minorsnoW:--EVery.cut. is kvet. fUll-.~.ndailments,-colds. art." .1lYfar the mostWm. Piepenstock the-trains are ha\·ing-a-v:eaTj· time dangerous? It IS not the colds tbem-

===~~cPD1'~--~th!";·=-"""f-e!l-""'.-='''''' seh':es...that..)·ou need to fear but tbeh fo~- _1n_ m m asll _._-- - serIC}us diseases lhaCtb~O=often

. '. s.' ~ .


II!c1udingViolet~.andu-Delhert--McD~rmitt. IN

,-,-------,-[ c---~'TnE- ¥Rnu-SHE ~AI[)~~~_I •

~Befter;thanthe-book-by l)avi~GrahamPhiUips----Magnifi~ent&eQic"Produdion. - L.argeandSPIe~ia-Comp~ny.Sele~tConcert 6r~hestra.- .

-PositivelrF1winStrong's Mostj>r~teJ.1tious Offering~ Reserved seat sale at The Roberts_Drug Store

====--~=:_o-~~,~35,-S&~~~__-~,cPheRet ~aW ~~l)~~4wwl---~~~--~-

~-- ---- .~~ ~-¥-.__ III--~, .- ,~!!



12 Head of Horses-Gray Gelding 8 years old, weight 1,600;- roan gelding 7 Yt"ars ?!d,wt"ight 1,400; grey mare 11

~~~~~~~!i~I~~K~~~itn;l~c~~~~[;--~~~r~n~r::- ~@;I~~e~J-~'~~; ~::-~a;,eW~{~~,~~~~ _" _b):<.ck gelding coming 4 yell':> old. weight 1,000; bay geldin.g coming 3 yea~:.9_1~ v(~~l,200; -'--~

~-gr~r~mare-S-Ye~_ogr'=2y~ij:'ht 950; !\\-'-o-Z-year.ofd coIts-: -

_~. LAAS&-_Dealer__------ ------------

-- _Wayne,-N~l.J ..~

atWayne· Pav~~nSatlirdaY;Jan. 30---=--

~ ._ _gl~i ~elief is provided. _~~~h_lM~ d~~as~s were ad~-!,!~d: aad.tlS0:eO~ft~~eB;~~;\i~:I~It:;:~due 7. r~~~utfoh:S~~il~~ei~hOv~~?ts u:~ ;::~;~nf~rhd~:i~fe~~io~~sP'ta un '.L;"?~~this county, and without the eorpor- 'CUI' therein has co~leldr recove~ed qU:J.rantined households to avoid the 0T! motion the .following pemmt-~_~_,;t~~i.

---limits-of--any.--:city---oi'villagei-' -~d is ready for£eCllOn. pro."Mi- danger of .t.h.e.-well_ a~Mre~p~~ec!as rocmben of---':'c-,-_.;c'·-=~rs ~. baving--s~al ing_ho:we\'erthaL~ ~a:se_?J_extr'(~_e H... _.~h~_!L.ilLtI1C---.OPiniO[Lj)f the .th~ _countY_,.Bo,ard or ,H--

__ As-j-hay~·~ented my rm I will sell at I;ublic au-ction on -my---ptm;e, -tw~~ ---.:::c~~and one-half_west and one ana one-:balr-miles south of Concord. t~o__and OJle:- _

h Ill1 es ewit and fO\Injj'filffrn"hltlf-mites-sdu!lt-of-cb........~81Ill-eight roUes _:north and one mile-west of Wayne, on

Twenty-fiye head of hogs of which twenty are~brood sows.

Two lumber wagons l good carriage. pair _of bobsleds, Cloverleaf manure- --spreader. John Deere Gang -plow, sixteen-inch_ walkin&---P1Dw.-:-.::Jmlrt~I!:fOfJ!=:.....

---:- -seeder,Jdtag, John Deere disc, corn planter and_ Satley plant-er;-----each __ with 120- Tods of-wire; John Deere Double roW cultivator, New Century riding eulti

"disc cultivator,__walkiilg cultivator. lister, two-row"listed corn cultivator•.o-~~t McCormtck1}illder, grass mower,-rake~ KeY8toneSixte-en~lIlc1Ldlsc, w-- bay stacker and sweep, -one hog and hay rack combined, two sets work harness.

bay stack cover" canvas, faoI!ing mill, and art~cles not here mentioned. _

'~;:.;~,Wasson's Patent,~~ubbin Post

and Solid i>etroJeumDip-'­Jt_ .

cures the ntan.eandkeepstllF_skin of swine inahealthy condition

-Now is the time to put ~

in· your of e

SO.OO 'l'o-keep your m,oney in this, strong ~afe bank s\lbjeet at alttHau_=====- 2O'OO_..-----Jo Y0!l[ clreckS -

.;b~~;::':;;:;;:;;;:;~;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;----12~1~~:~~I+-:.:...,~The person .of small-means finds us as attentive to his needs... as--6 $ the man~tuest:::.__~~_~~~--+~

"_._"- I An important functio!l; of this bank is to do what it can

---'~~~~~;;;::;;;;;;;==::--:-?3'~~T?:iTj~=:-T----------="-=-=~=-C"-=-_~=-=-=.::,::=--...,-="==;:=,,="=-=--=._;--~~--~~"'=S=~~~-~"t=-'_'_O aid.Jts ('Ie.positors in their.JinanCiaLgm:.•"","-,,,"",",L"-l='-~---l-'-It·s a 1 et) simple matter toQ~"- --- -"~mosm"

s-shi inK...!.!:!is -week are as

~1r. and :'Ilr;'. Tholl1a.s.--J~~s ~~ Frt:<I. \\'illia:msc!!_ ha\"c all_been laid_ _ _ _WAKEFIEIJ:) -01. carrte"'<n-"Omaha-}J.onda)·; H. L.C"rroll:wcre \\"iIl5iu~' visitors Wed-' up from hauling ice, the "tirst two + + +-+ ++. ++. +•• ++ 4:'. Hmds. car of cattle to Omaha,.,Mon.:.!~csJayafien{oo11. ------=-- - - - - - ---;wiJh-\.."reti~heU-b:Ic~s=d thdatt-er-e-.-~-~ BHELLING'1'ON -- -d"!~:..;..-Hans..J~ralliD\t., H._.:c0~l:.i~

.- Lwil11 ;\ n~shed toe. • + Eaitor of the Wakefield- de·. melr, car of hogs to Sltmx -£~ --­iss'~ Iverson and Harr).' _ P