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    Faculty are the heart of the student experience in education, contributing actively to

    teaching and research, thereby providing students with a positive educational experience.

    Interaction with faculty outside the classroom is one of the key knowledge experiences

    associated with student development. Positive and close interactions between students and their

    faculty precipitate students favorable educational experiences as well as greater academic and

    personal development. Positive relationship between student-faculty interaction and a broad

    range of student educational outcomes, including academic achievement, educational aspirations,

    intellectual growth, and academic satisfaction.The positive benefits of interaction are not limited

    to classroom and need to be extended beyond the classroom due to few constraints.

    There may be students in class who are hesitant to participate in classroom discussion.

    Such students require a platform where they can interact with the faculty on daily basis. The

    interaction beyond the classroom caters to this need and eventually helps in transforming the

    behavior of such students. Frequent interactions with faculty beyond the classroom makes them

    more approachable to receive guidance in topics related to live projects, research papers and

    student publications which add value to quality education. The tutorials beyond formal

    classroom interactions can help in providing in depth understanding in few topics of interest by

    students which would not have been feasible in formal classroom sessions due to time

    constraints. The experience gained by faculty often helps to imbibe more knowledge into

    students through beyond classroom interactions. Internships and other forms of experiential

    learning are a valuable learning opportunity and resource for many students and perhaps even

    more so for those with special needs. Such students might need assistance from faculty outside

    the classroom. The outside classroom interaction also provides platform to educate students

    about cultures, ethics and motivate them, which usually is not feasible in formal classroom


    In the present scenario education is seen as an indispensable investment in creating a

    knowledgeable workforce, producing broad national benefits and increased personal fulfillment

    for our citizens. The retention of faculty in such cases has become more difficult and encounters

    high student faculty ratio. This ratio being high indicates that a teacher has to monitor more

    number of students under the same roof. This hinders the individual attention of the faculty on

    students in class. Faculty tend to be less engaged with students and cut down on activities that

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    might have been feasible in small class size. In such cases virtual classrooms and online

    interactions through social networking sites outside classroom nurtures engagement between

    faculty and students.

    Learning beyond the classroom offers a whole host of opportunities one struggles to find

    within confined classrooms four walls. The faculty-student interaction outside the classroom

    makes learning more engaging and relevant by assigning live projects and concepts which seem

    too difficult to get a grasp of in the classroom. The interaction through educational and

    recreational trips beyond classroom nurtures the creativity and imagination of students. Faculty

    assistance in engaging students into extracurricular activities develops learning through play and

    experimentation. The motivation and timely interactions reduces absenteeism and student

    behavior problems. The guidance from faculty exposes students to wide opportunities. The

    faculty-student out-of-classroom interaction has a positive impact on student outcomes such as

    academic achievement, retention, and satisfaction with the collegiate environment.

    Committees and clubs(academic and non-academic

    Committees and clubs are eminent part of any college. They not only help students to interact with each

    other but also with competitions, forums, workshops etc provides students a platform to showcase their

    talent, learn and reciprocate. Present structure of committees and clubs in IIM Lucknow does not have

    any staff counsellor or faculty interaction. Involvement of faculty in clubs and committees will help such

    forums to improvise on insights from experienced faculty we have. These interactions will also bridge gap

    between the two. These forums being informal will provide a better platform for both faculty and students

    to know each other. Improvisation on events, involvement of guest faculty, insights of practices followed

    in foreign universities et al will increase when interested faculty members will be on board of such forums.

    Faculty interaction in academic forums will help students to engage in research or publish papers. This

    will improve the academic intellect of IIM Lucknow. On the other hand involvement of faculty in non-

    academic forums will help students learn better soft skills. Such hobby clubs will help us diversify our

    current cultural presence. As faculty members have their connections with eminent personalities in

    various fields, students may cash such opportunities to showcase their ideas on global platforms. After all

    its not just about studies, its about all round development we are here for.

    Online interaction:

    Our curriculum has claroline for teacher- students interaction which fulfils basic requirement of

    assignment submissions and lectures in pdf or ppt formats. Ppt and pdfs sometimes does not fully

    satisfy needs of students. So to improve the retention of lectures and better understanding, online

    interaction between teachers and students need to be emphasised.

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    To improve the online interaction foremost thing we can do isMake lectures available online.

    National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)- a government of India and IITs

    initiative, where video lectures on various engineering courses are available on youtube help

    engineering students to go through the lectures and clear their doubts. Such platform can be initiated in

    IIM Lucknow and later can be collaborated with other IIMs and premier B-Schools.

    Video Lectures:

    Video Lectures may not require any extra effort from faculty point of view. We just need to make sure

    proper equipment is available for recording the lectures.

    Importance of Video Lectures:

    Video Lectures will help students to refer the portion that they have skipped in class. This will also help

    in better revision and retention of lectures. This may further lead to healthy interaction in class as

    students participation level will tend to improve. These online video lectures will be advantageous not

    only for students but faculty also. This will help faculty to get instant feedback and also help them to


    The forum can include expert videos, interactive excercises, writing and audio expamples,

    checklists, and templates, and each section concludes with an exam. Available as a complete

    course or in sections.

    Online Courses offer a comprehensive introduction to each subject area and allow students to

    build a

    solid foundation for business education. They can be used as pre-matriculation requirements for

    MBA candidates

    or assigned as coursework in MBA or advanced undergraduate business courses.

    Online course can include course description, syllabus, course outline, reference books and

    learning objectives.

    College should have a blog where interesting and meaningful artiucles are written and shared

    with students

    to make the student aware about the happenings aroung the world.

    We bring together teaching techniques that are proven to have consistently delivered the

    desired outcomes, to create multimedia content expertly designed to enhance the experience of

    learning and the effectiveness of delivery. In providing advice for developing material best suited

    for the online environment, QuScient finds itself on firm ground. The intellectual property created

    through the processes of curriculum and course development will entirely belong to you.

    video conference, chat sessions, electronic discussion forums

    *online courses allows professors and students to develop new practices based on the evelving


    Students will be able to read the material based on their convenience or when they have

    enough time.

    With the help of practical implications, students will be able to integrate what they had learned to


    much quickly than before.

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    it will facilitate sharing of information,

    it can be one place where students can meet and learn from each other.

    Both students and professors get more time to think before responding to questions in online


    Some studetns participate more online thatn they do in class. Some students feel intimidated to

    speak out in

    class but they are comfortable puting their thoughts in written format.

    lso, because the time is less limited, in the sense that they are not limited to a onehour session

    as in many classrooms, some students are more inclined to ask questions without worrying

    about interfering with the progress of the course. Several professors also made the point that in

    online courses they spent more time discussing things with individual students.

    There are several other dynamics of online courses that change the nature of class. One

    dynamic is there is a record of what was said in the course. This has some positive aspects

    such as students can see the questions asked and comments made by other students. Also, if

    the professor wants to leave a message for students it can be placed in a permanent place on

    the course Web page

    Web page where everyone can see it, whereas in class students sometimes miss important


    Many colleges have created online platform to facilitate sharing of assignments among

    students. Online platform of IIM Lucknow is called Claroline, it consists of subject wise sub

    sections. Professors and students use it to share important information and upload

    assignments. It is useful in case students miss out on important announcements in class.

    However, there are several other aspects that can further improve Claroline. It can include

    expert videos, course description, syllabus and a forum for posting queries of students. Postingqueries online will give more time to professors to think before responding to questions. Also it

    can be used to share interesting articles and as a forum for healthy discussions. It will

    encourage participation from the students who feel intimidated to speak out in class. Since

    time is less limited, in the sense that they are not limited to a onehour session as in many

    classrooms, some students are more inclined to ask questions without worrying about

    interfering with the progress of the course. Moreover, there is a record of what was said in the

    course. This has some positive aspects such as students can see the questions asked and

    comments made by other students. Also, if the professor wants to leave a message for students

    it can be placed in a permanent place on the course Web page. Expert videos and articles

    regarding practical implication of every field will enable students to integrate what they hadlearned to workplace.

    Student teacher interaction can be taken a step further by initiating Mentorship Programme,

    through which students will be associated with teachers to give the former access to guidance

    that shall help them realise their innate potential. Students will be mapped on the basis of their

    interest and specialisation. The programme can be launched on an online platform of college.
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    Even retired professors can be approached to be a part of this programme as they will have

    more experience and time. It will gives students an exposure to diverse perspectives and

    experiences and will help them identify their skill gaps. Teachers will act as a support system

    during critical stages of career development. Also students can share their personal problems

    with their mentors. Through this programme teachers will be able to give more attention to

    students, which is generally not possible in classrooms due to limited time and large number ofstudents.

    Stages of the Interaction

    Faculty student interaction is the core requirement for effective learnings of the students whether at

    college level or even at the school level. While Faculty regularly communicates with all the students

    during the classroom sessions, out of class interactions is necessary if close inter personal relations

    between teachers and students are to develop. Class room hours are not sufficient to respond to all the

    needs of the students. There can be various types of faculty student interactions. Here is brief detail

    about the different stages of interactions

    Disengagement:This is the case where there is minimal interaction during the class room hours and no

    interaction outside the class rooms. Students may not be willing to approach the faculty or the faculty

    may not be available after the class room. Even when they are present in the same rooms, faculty and

    students tend to interact within themselves. This is a very serious situation and must be resolved as fast

    as possible. The administration can initiate the process by fixing a minimum number of hours for the

    informal interaction between the faculty and students.

    Incidental interaction: These interactions are also called unintentional interactions. These interactions

    mainly constitute wishing the faculty, or a small chat during a social gathering, or a polite greeting ormay be just a wave of hand. These interactions occur mostly in the corridors of University, some

    gathering in the college or may even occur outside college as in a market place.

    The value of these types of interaction is that they serve as the start point for the functional or the

    personal interaction. During these small chats students can ask for an appointment with the faculty.

    They even tend to discover the common area of interests. Moreover these interactions create an

    impression in the minds of the students that the faculty is interested in interacting outside the class

    room. Here both faculty and student are in equal control of the topic being discussed as compared to

    the class room where the faculty strictly follows the course curriculum.

    Functional interaction: This is the by far the most important and the prevalent form of the interaction

    between students and faculty. Students usually go to the faculty after the class room hours to clear

    doubts related to the contents of the class. Few students ask for extra classes preferably on one to one

    basis to understand the difficult topics. Professors usually distribute the problem sets in class room and

    upload the solution sets. If the students find difficulty in solving the problem set, they approach faculty

    for tutorials. There is a tremendous amount of faculty student interaction for academic/non-academic

    projects. Faculty act as a guide or a mentor in this case.
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    The value of this type exchanges is that they frequently lead to much more intense interaction. Faculty

    and students discover some common interest or area, or the explanation to the first question leads to

    the second question and further more discussion. Here the ideas are exchanged not for the evaluation

    purpose but more out of the intrinsic motivation in contrast to the class participation in class room

    where intention is to get good evaluation.

    Personal interaction: these types interaction are usually second stage of the functional interaction.

    These type of interactions are usually nonacademic in nature. The students feel important and valued

    when the Professor invites them to lunch or tea, and discusses with him about his interest in their area

    of expertise or just talks about various issues related to college and personal life. During these types of

    interactions topics discussed are not professional in nature. It is a very informal discussion where

    students discuss about problems faced in campus, hostel, or even may be any personal issue.

    The value of these types of interaction is that they tend to humanize students and the faculty. Students

    are not concerned about evaluation/grading during these conversations, hence are more open and

    extrovert. It may even help the faculty to know about the current trends in the student life and may help

    the Professor to improve on the system.

    Mentoring: This can be categorized as the highest form of the interaction. Here the faculty provides

    direct assistance in the professional and carrier development, provides psychological and emotional

    support and acts as role model for the students. These interactions are not limited to just the college life

    of the student and the faculty but last throughout the life. These areexclusively one to one interactions.

    These interactions develop more strongly in the fully residential universities.

    The value of this type of interaction is that students see the faculty members as a real "person" who

    would like to emulate in their life, instead of perceiving them as professorial pedagogue (or may be even

    demigod) whom they should be fear.



    Working with professors on research projects

    Professors are more than lecturers and instructors; they have real life experiences to share. They can

    correctly figure which subjects you are good at and help you figure out your strengths and weaknesses.

    They can offer you career guidance and can act as your mentor. They shape your goals as a student and

    a professional and help you discover your passions. They can help you with letter of recommendations

    when you apply for jobs or internships or higher studies. Students who make an effort to get to know

    their professors outside classroom are more likely to make the best use of college resources.

    A student could explore his areas of interest and look for professors whose areas of research matches

    with him. One could approach the professor requesting for a research project. Professors love talking

    about their research and most of them are more than willing to share the knowledge. The more creative

    and enthusiastic you are, professors would love working with the student. Professors feel proud and

    happy to see a student developing interest through his teaching. Working with experts in the area help

    you gain more knowledge and understanding of the subject. You can discover interesting methodologies
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    and this forms the foundation for inventions. A professor can assist you with advanced research

    methodologies and research opportunities. The experience of working with a professor in a research lab

    is completely different from a classroom environment. You get a chance to experiment, work on non-

    traditional methods and the professor is always there to help you when you falter. Most of the

    professors work closely with corporations by providing their valuable consulting services. A student can

    team up with the professor to work on live projects in the industry. These are wonderful opportunitiesto understand the corporate world and its working during college. This could help you prepare better

    before stepping into the industry. Careful attention in classrooms would help you explore new

    opportunities to experiment with outside the classroom and make the student-teacher interaction an

    enriching experience.

    Types of interactions across geographies

    The quality of education in developing countries is found to be much lower when compared with

    developed countries. In India, except for a few renowned colleges, there are no proper labs and

    research labs, thus making it difficult both for the student and the professor to expand their horizon of

    knowledge. In developed nations, students and teachers help each other in exploring and developing

    new technologies. This leads to increased interactions and sharing of knowledge. Lack of infrastructure

    and resources could be a major reason for decreased student-teacher interaction. In India( especially

    rural areas) teachers are strict and students find it difficult to approach the teacher. Teacher must be

    friendly and warm towards the student. They must encourage questions and out-of-the-box thinking.



    Do Teachers Affect Learning in Developing Countries?:Evidence from Matched Student-Teacher Data

    from China* - Paper prepared for the conference Rethinking Social Science Research on the Developing

    World in the 21stCentury Social Science Research Council, Park City Utah, June 7-11, 2001April 2002

    Video Tutorials

    Video tutorials can enhance outside classroom learning experience of students by providing a flexible

    schedule allowing him/her to learn at his own pace. Recorded tutorials provides teacher an opportunity

    to be direct and have a more personal touch than a book would provide. The content of the tutorial

    being consistent provides a similar learning experience at a stated time and time again. Video tutorials

    can be considered as a condensed lecture focusing on particular difficult topics which require more


    The scope of video tutorials is not necessarily required to be specific to the curriculum but can include

    additional supplementary topics that are difficult to cover in classroom but can enhance a deeper

    understanding of the subject, co-curricular preparatory lectures that can help students in preparation of

    competitions, placements etc. This approach can provide an incentive to the students to gain from the
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    experience and worldly knowledge of the teacher in addition to his expertise in the related field of


    NPTEL initiative:

    National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) - a government of India and IITs

    initiative, where video lectures on various engineering courses are available on YouTube helpengineering students to go through the lectures and clear their doubts. Such platform can be initiated in

    IIM Lucknow and later can be collaborated with other IIMs and premier B-Schools.

    Scope of implementation at IIM Lucknow:

    We can have two specific type of video tutorials:

    1. Classroom lecture videos: Preparing these type of lectures may not require the faculty to make

    an extra effort. We just need to make sure that required equipment are available for recording

    the lectures.

    2. Supplementary tutorials: These lectures can be prepared by the faculty in order to provide

    supplementary studies which cannot be covered in class. These videos can be prepared byfaculty in their office or at home.

    IIM Lucknow has its portal Claroline which covers the basic requirement of assignment submissions

    and availability of the lectures in pdf or PowerPoint presentation format. Also the Gyanodaya library

    portal also have a facility to access audio-video materials from the available collection. These two

    facilities can be collectively used as a database to provide video tutorials.

    Claroline can be used to upload classroom lecture videos as it has an option of enrolling to specific

    courses and Gyanodaya library portal can be used for storing the supplementary tutorials that can

    be accessed by all students.

    Educational and Recreational trips

    The educational trips can be made an integral part of a course or can be included as a separate

    course to provide an incentive to students to understand the practical understanding of their

    learnings in the classroom. Many a times it has been pointed out that Indian institutes impart good

    theoretical knowledge but lag behind international universities in terms of industrial or practical

    learning part of their field. The students can incentivize from such trips to get a motivation of

    learning beyond classroom. It would help a student in having a sense of comfort in relating to the

    subject and an ability to implement it readily in real-world problems.

    Recreational trips can both help in creating a sense of social responsibility among students as well as

    break the ice between faculty and students by including them in informal activities.

    Social responsibility incentive: An initiative by IIM Indore to include a trip of students and faculty to

    the extremely backward villages have been appreciated not only by civil society but by their

    students as well. They term it as a transformational experience and motivated them to be a

    responsible citizen. The help from the faculty they receive in understanding the issues and

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    addressing those issues by coming up with their own innovative solutions do provide a great

    learning experience.

    Also such trips help in having a more informal and healthy atmosphere of interaction and reducing

    reluctance of students in approaching their faculty.


    Bias: Outside-classroom interactions cannot be specifically termed as formal or personal. This

    dilution of boundary between the two may cause a bias or at least a sense of bias among students

    and faculty. Some students might fell a faculty favoring a particular section of student or a specific

    student with whom he has a healthy interaction outside-class.

    A remedy to such issues can be taken up by the institute. They can provide specific norms and

    expected ethical behavior required to be followed by the students and faculty members in their

    interactions on similar basis as expected within classroom to prevent the relationship to distort from

    its true path.