Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of...

N F. NLl, 14.1{( '·VllI.IV I 01 .03. o r Shri ',I) Singh, II'"S - hairrnlll1 Addl. I ir l.:tor J 'J1lolral ( , !IlrAI) Minit'll'Y vI' 11111 'Ill, F r 'Is Hlld :lillJalu 'tlrl!lg\:: Nllrlhlll'li J{ , 'inmtl C>ffi hfilldi ',111'11 'hri K.Z Rhutia Mt'l11b I' l1y,lnspl.::clm 1l.:llllnll Dr 1'"(lI'usts (C \mlnll) 3 SllI'i Salish KUIll:u' Shanllil "NUll olTicialllll.:lllb 'I' I rOlls no. 2342, 5-' 'handigrh- 160035 4 Shd Gaurav GaUl' -NOll official Assistant Professor, Centre for, 'oeial Work Punjab University, NOlth Campus, Slx:lur 14, Challuigarh UT- 160014 5 hd Neeraj Gupta, -Non officia I lllCIlI bel' 1002, Sector I I-C, Chand igarh- 1600 I I 6 Shri R.K. Mishra, IFS, Nodal Orticer-cum-Addl. PI'. Chief -Special invitec Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Punjab, Forest Deparlmenl Foresl Complex, Seclor-68 SAS Nagar Mohali-160062, Punjab 7 SIti'l Vhlod Bhatia, I , Nodal Ord er-t:Url - Lhlef -!)peclal invitee Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 8 The Nodal Officer (FC) -Special invitee 0/0 PI'. Chief Conservator of Forests Van Bhawan, Near Gumat Jammu, J &K 9 The Regional Wildlife Warden & Nodal Officer (FC) -Special invitee Department of Wildlife Protection Ladakh, UT 8 Special Secretary to the Government of Punjab, -Special invitee Revenue Department (e-mail: [email protected],in) 9 Special Secretary to the Government of Haryana, -Special invitee Revenue Department (e.mail: [email protected]) Sub: NOTICE for 31 st 'Regional Empowered Committee' Meeting on 12.03.2020 at 10:30 hI'S in the Conference Hall of NRO, Chandigarh-reg. Sir, In continuation to this office letter of even no. dated 02 nd March, 2020, it is intimated that proposals for diversion of forest land for non-forestry purpose of the

Transcript of Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of...

Page 1: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :


F. NLl, 14.1{( '·VllI.IV I 01 d~ .03. o r

Shri ',I) Singh, II'"S - hairrnlll1 Addl. I ir l.:tor J 'J1lolral ( , !IlrAI)

Minit'll'Y vI' 1~llvir 11111 'Ill, F r 'Is Hlld :lillJalu 'tlrl!lg\::

Nllrlhlll'li J{ , 'inmtl C>ffi • hfilldi ',111'11

'hri K.Z Rhutia Mt'l11b I'

l1y,lnspl.::clm 1l.:llllnll Dr 1'"(lI'usts (C \mlnll)

3 SllI'i Salish KUIll:u' Shanllil "NUll olTicialllll.:lllb 'I' I rOlls no. 2342, ~t:l.:tnr 5-' 'handigrh- 160035

4 Shd Gaurav GaUl' -NOll official nwrnb~r

Assistant Professor, Centre for, 'oeial Work Punjab University, NOlth Campus, Slx:lur 14, Challuigarh UT- 160014

5 hd Neeraj Gupta, -Non officia I lllCIlI bel' 1002, Sector I I-C, Chand igarh- 1600 I I

6 Shri R.K. Mishra, IFS, Nodal Orticer-cum-Addl. PI'. Chief -Special invitec Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Punjab, Forest Deparlmenl Foresl Complex, Seclor-68 SAS Nagar Mohali-160062, Punjab

7 SIti'l Vhlod Bhatia, I , Nodal Ord er-t:Url - Lhlef -!)peclal invitee Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009

8 The Nodal Officer (FC) -Special invitee 0/0 PI'. Chief Conservator of Forests Van Bhawan, Near Gumat Jammu, J &K

9 The Regional Wildlife Warden & Nodal Officer (FC) -Special invitee Department of Wildlife Protection Ladakh, UT

8 Special Secretary to the Government of Punjab, -Special invitee Revenue Department (e-mail: [email protected],in)

9 Special Secretary to the Government of Haryana, -Special invitee Revenue Department (e.mail: [email protected])

Sub: NOTICE for 31st 'Regional Empowered Committee' Meeting on 12.03.2020 at 10:30 hI'S in the Conference Hall of NRO, Chandigarh-reg.

Sir, In continuation to this office letter of even no. dated 02nd March, 2020, it is

intimated that proposals for diversion of forest land for non-forestry purpose of the

Page 2: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :


· tn Lt·, will til:' ·u , lIid I ~

lIn 1 I'\J p011l:OU to be l uf L

I '\v1tJ I for' Ilrly r~' [ III .

2. TLt d ,ll;;, tim


Copy 10:

I. The Deputy Director General or ';oresl (','C) Ministry of F:nvil'OnI11L~llt, Forests and CI imnll,;

Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, .lor l3agh Road, A1iganj, New Delhi I 10003 fOl" illfol"lllation please.

2. The Nodal Officer-cum-Adell. PI'. hid',onservator of Forests (F ), (iovernrnenl of Punjab, Forest Department Forest Cornplex, Scctor-68, SAS Nagar Mohali-160062, Punjab with a request to direct all the User Agencies to attend the meeting and present their case if they su t1csin~.

3. Nodal Officer-cum-Chief Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of' lolaryana, Foresl Department, Sector-6, Van Shawan, Panch kula, Haryana. 134009 with a request to direct all the User Agencies to attend the meeting and present theil' case if they so desire.

Page 3: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :

Lisl of it an ill Ih ' ugt'Udll ror Jill) RII: 'm' ·(jlll or th NR , 'llIlIuU 'urh 1,0 lie lu.~ld Uf!

1~.O.}'2U U



ha ( 2.I. 1

hfl in 'l'i Murl"Ul" ahib for" t c1ivi::;ion) or lore t land in favour of "eneral M In'~l' (Teeh), PI' jeet Dir'l.:tor, NHAI PIU. Bathind 1'01' wid011illg and sIren ,thcning or Bathinda-Malout road krn. 06-23.500 BI:) Bflthinda to Malout Section NH-07 to 4-lanc with paved $houlder from existing chnnve 123.2/8 (deSign chillage km. 0.000) to existing chainage km. 84.600(design change km. 38.664) under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package-I) in the state of Punjab on Hybrid Annuity Mode, under for st division and distt Bathinda and Sri Muktsar Sahib, Pun'ab

2. -PBA32212020 FP/PB/Raill Diversion of 132.21537 ha. of forest 132.215 CHA 41970/20] 9 land in favour Northern Railway for 37 ha

the construction of Railway Line from Mukerian-Talwara between of block section is 27.70 Km, under forest division and District Dasu a, Pun'ab

Fil NlJfllb'l'

Div I'siOI1 uf 77. in nalhinda for'st divisioll

h 44.4022

Page 4: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :

F \( "f SI L~;JI:'I' Ojt' TlIEPHOl 0,' I,

Nnl!ll' Ill' 111l' proposal I iv n~i'l\ uf 77.' {j h,J ~.( 6 . llli ill Balhilld(;\ fill' .-I divi1'lilll I·

flt1. In 1 ilu ill Sri MLlrl:Klr S IllilJ f'ur's livisi n) 01 lor' t Inml in [~vllur or (I 'Ilel'll! MUII[I. J 'J' (TL: 'h), l'n i ~L:I DireL:l.or. NI TAl Pill, J tllhilldu r I' wic.kllin f11IJ, U' '1IL'111 'Ilill or I f1lhincJ I M~d III l'()~ldJ

kIll, 06- •. SClO /3/s l1'ILldllcl,1 to M:I!Clul cclion NH-07 10 1,·11I1l wiL/) puv 'd ~holrlJt:r fl'\,)lll '.-i.-lill', '[1'111 123,218 (c.k.'·i JIl <,;bina ' ) 11. 0.(00) IU'xislill I c.:lwillu'· kl,11. 84.600(c.k:sigll chung' J\lII.

R.6(4) Ult k:r HhHl'almalu l"lriy j,UH (l'nckaoc-l) in Ill, st.at' lIf I U!lj ii, IJIl ITylJliJ AlUlltiLy Mow!;, IJIU '( fl!I'L;SI divi:-:iull I:IlHJ JUL

"llhil1d,t ;:If'ld Sri M d 1';]J Sallib. Punjab

I. Tlli~ rrol oS;l1 Wfl dis us 'cd in P ~.. ' meeting held un 2l:L02.2020 anel tbe commillL:l:, I'llI'

walll oC rot.lowing inl(>l'IIJaliul1, ddem.:d the proposal ['ar n ~ '1I11ceting:­

I. DFOs should revisit UIl: C/\. site and optimization or'/\. sites and accordingly sublllit nNis(;d KML file and DGPS rnap.

II. Revi:-;cd site specilic CA scheme be prepared for planting appropriate species along the railway track i.e., dwarf species in first row and then gradually taller plants in subscqul::nL rows.

III. Correction be made in details of proposal seeking prior approval of central government under lIlU uul flll divul':.Jiun uf fUlU:Jl lund fur lllu J,)JujUL:lllil'ulll.ly :JuuIIlillud in lllu 1-'1I:.Jl UU upluudud

under column B-l of part-I.

2. Accordingly this office sought the above information from State Government on 09.03.2020.

3. The fact sheet of the case is also enclosed.


Page 5: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :

L II) Fill' No, h) (.111 II I PI'opu.'wl NI).

? NIIJlH' of 11/1' 111111 III IIJ

J Nauu' or th{' (I,~{'l' AgclIl..'y

.1 I ,II('lI nOli


i) NalllC oj' IllL: J"(lre~1

ii) I)i,slricl iii)Stale Particulal"s of Forest


n FIII'I1/;I,.\ mil i Ilvnlvr,r1

ii) Legal status iii) Vegetation density iv) Map of project site

v) Layout plan of the project site

6 Item wise break-up of the fOl'est area involved and area calculation

7 'l'otul Number 01 ti'\:t::s Lo bl:: felled

i) Abotraot of tl'003

ii) Enumeration List

8 Violation of Act

lUlI.O()-2 .500 His I3;ltlIimlu Ln Mulnllt Section NII-()7 to 4-lane with pavl,;d ~1\lHJlder

1'l'U1lI existing change 123.21 g (dc~ign

chinagc km. 0.000) to exi::;ting ChUll1uge km. R4.600

BalhiJH.Ja 13athinda Punjab

77.J6.:J~ hB

Protected Forest 0.02 llathinda

Attached in the proposal and uploaded in part-I Attached in the proposal

At p-27-28/c

7133 trees (1569< lilll··1118( :< .)11 ' oOCI11)

1133 trees and 3Y3 poles

Attached with proposal


Sri Muktsar Sahib Attached in the proposal and uploaded in part-l

Attached in the proposal

At p-145-147/c

5910 trees (1169< \lOom &, 'I/ill ... bUcm) )~ 10 trees and 51() poles & 3900 Bamboo Plants Attached with proposal

9 Whethel' area is significant form wildlife N.A point of view/comments of

Page 6: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :


I II ('O!llIIl1Il,~lllill~Y nOl'11 '11(1011 I f1'"rllllrhlll II

ii)/\ddl ('/\ ,,,ilL:

iii)ArealNo. of plants to be planted iv)AddJ CA Plantation v)Site M<lp

vi)Comprehensive Scheme

vii)Site suitability certificate

viii)Total amount for C.A. ix)Total amount of Addl CA x)Total amount for NPV xi)Whether amount of CA & NPV

Realized from user agency

11 Cost Benefit analysis

12 Site Inspection Report of DFO & CF

13 Site Inspection Report of CF

14 Recommendation of i) DFO ii) PCCF iii) State Govt.

Ihlll I Ill,





i) H!lthinda­Ilrlllllll1angarh R(lilwny I inc Krn. 35-3G B/s nir 'I'alah Range, 1 'hsll Dlstl'l~l


65.713 Ha (CA) 1.572 ha (ACA) Attnchcd with the proposal Attached with the proposal and uploaded in part II Attached with the proposal Rs.3,21,06,4491­Rs.5,31,336/­Rs.2,92,3 8,447/­No


Nd Mull! . illlUI I) Illll/ll\dll

111I1l1I!11I1I1111 1{1I1111

I{II I\VlI' 1111' I tlllIld 111111, III , it hill I l,h'r1l1r Iluf 11 ' I J • 1lIIIIhi


ii) Illllldll":I' Illlldllllllllklli 1{lIi IWII lilll:

Hnrlt!lId I'I'C'dl'l' 11\

.I111)(lwolll (ihllll1j"nl IIl1k 1'I111l1

holh .. Id " iii) 1\11 Ihil1dl!

II ilidullllllldli l{lIilwlIY lin' 1<111, 50 to f'llll<" i !;I 111\111 [lulh sid . (2~UUlI'l

Jill 1'111 (1/\ On 1111. ."j I(~)

i) Ilathillel... Ilindul11fllkol ({ailway lilll: knl. 50 1n pnkki :;Inlioll [30th side (2.3()() hn I1J1' ACA illl II I. ~itc),

ii) Bathinda­llindlllllalko( Railway lillL: .landwala-( ;urm iara Iink road to Mahavccr Gaushala SIs Malollt Range

88.805 Ha (CA) 17.716 Ha (ACA) Attached with proposal

Attached with the proposal and uploaded in part II Attached with the proposal Rs.4,32,48,035/­Rs.59,88,008/­Rs.3,93,84,755/­

Attached with proposal and uploaded online in part II N.A

} All recommended for approval

Page 7: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :

(I) J)ro.l~ 'l Sil ':

i) Analysis or KML uf' I;')ridkllll i 111 II P11rliIJIl Illl I )Ss indi al'd IlllIl dUll lhl! prl)'· 'f Sill,) plalllHlions hllv 'b II rilis 'd In Ih I'~LiI.

ii) 1L i:i possibk Ihn! Ihe prop. 'd Irl: l for div"rsioll could also ell"!,;.!' ~I\ :II' '1\ ill llllthincia Divison.

h) <'A sill': i) DSS Hnalysis sh W$ lhnt'A sill;s IHiV ' ollly J 56.57 hll men avtli!abJ ' 1'01' till' ','(

plantationof 17J,80~ hu, Addilionnl 17,2 8 ha area is rcquirt;;d for tar 't plUlllulioll,

Page 8: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :

"11 r {I r1'


. I q.

Sllb: uivcrsluo of 77.3(iSS hn (32.9,33 hn ill Buthindll forest divisil)1I + 44.4022 hn ill Sri MIIl'lsar Snhih fOI" 'sl division) of fore.sl 1111111 ill favour or General Mana~llr (Tach), P['ujcd Ujro 'lor, NHAI PHJ, Bathindn [01' widenillll fll\ll ,stl'eugthenin~ of Bllthinda-Mfalout mucllun. 06-23. on Bls UlIlbinda to Maloul SediOIl NIl-IJ7 10 4-I:\I1l\ wHh paVt~r1 shpulllt;r from 1\ 'l,lill' 'hunlll.\ I .2. I tl ~d 'si~1! ehinngo kill. n.(HIlI) to existing chllillagc lun. 84. ,tln(dcsign change lUll. 38.ClG4) under UhuJ'lItmalli l'aJ"iyojall:l (PlICkllgll-l) ill (he state of J)unjllb on lIybrid Anllllity Much:, IIlIder rUI'cst division Hnd disU llnthillllu and Sri Mul<tsar Sahib, Punjab. (Online proposal No. fl P/PB/Rolld/3883S/20 19)-rcgarelillg

i) rf;:in +n7lm.'. ~ T.P-r ~ rCI\! 11)1)0/ 9-40/20 19/873 ~ 18.02.2020 i i) 1\1 illlll,,~ \)f' REC 1I1~l:lit1g Ikld 011 L8,ULW1()

diT'T<TiT 2:.m;; ~ ~m B- fr"mf 1R'~~ t0f ~ ~ ~. Cl1f f.fcf!lT gzrr ~, fm:rit "I"f

(B"tl:'fur) 3mrr~, 1980 cFl' ClT{f- 2 ~ 31rJflT{·fIT r.rrf.tcf,l \3"%:Q1:f ~~ 77.3655 WR<R OR·~ ~ m.r -11'

IT'{' ~ I

2. ~ff >ffifTCf cit 28.02.2020 ~ Regional Empowered Committee meeting it 'i:fi'lf cf.T <r~ 3th: REC iITU

frl hi Pi f7'9\i 3lJCf!?<lcn \ij l'i 'hl:n ~)-;;;;:r cf.T 1iilT cIit ~:-

a) DFOs .c;hmdd revisit the CA (jitu UIlJ oplimization of CA siles and accOl'dingly submit revised KML file and DGPS map.

b) R.evised site specific CA scheme be prepared for planting appropriate species along the railway track i.e., dwarf species in first row and then gradually taller plants in subsequent rows.

e) Correction be made in details of proposal seeking prior approval of central government under the act for diversion of forest land for the project already submitted in the past be uploaded under column B-1 of part-I.

3. ~ \ij I '1CfiI a, ~~ ~ \JfrtT ~~ '1s:<rrG 30 K<fr ~ mw mwr cR" I~~., m cIi't ~

~ an:rrcr it ~~~ ~ fif;<rr \1lT ~~ I

SlfdPtR1: I. errr~~,Cfil~ ~3ih:»ft~~, ~I 2. PlU Bathinda NHAl, #16308, Street No 13/9, Dhillon Colony, Barnala Road, Bathinda.

~ ;:f.24-25, itcR:?:-31r[, ~-160030 / Bays No. 24-25, Sector-31 A, Chandigarh-160030

~lrel No: 0172-2638061 Fax No: 0172-2638135 Email: [email protected]

Page 9: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :


FA '

I. n) J1'lJ No. b) nlin -1'1'01'01>111 No.

2 NO 11' of Iht PI'Ollll , I

3 Name of thC' USCI' AgC'IH'y

4 Lnt':! lio 11

i) Name of the Forest Division

ii) District iii) 'tatc

~ Pfirllcllhlr8 or}'orest i) Forest Area involved

ii) Legal status iii) Vegetation density iv) Map of project site v) Layout plan of the project site

6 Item wise break-up of the forest area involvcd and al'ca calculation

7 Total Number of trees to be felled

i) Abstract of trees ii) Enumeration List

8 Violation of Act

9 Whether area is significant form wildlife point of view/comments of CWLW

10 Compensatol")' Afforestation i) Plantation site

ii)Addl CA site

iii)Area/No. of plants to be planted iv)Addl CA Plantation v)Site Map vi)Comprehensive Scheme vii)Site suitability certificate viii)Total amount for C.A.

-1'1 A / 0 O~ IiA I' P/PI MuillJl 1(70/ () 1 I) v(w~h.lO 0 1 :2. 7 lin, of Inr . t hUu) ill 1'1Ivuur North 'r" ,UWfiy for 1110 'onst:t'll 'tiou of Rnllwfty ill from M I 'I inil-, ahVlll"lt It 'hv(' -n 01 bl.. k N {~tiun is 27.70 I m. I "1' forcs;· division anet District nnsuyH, Punjab Dy. hi fEn im;t;r I1St. I, Northern R ilway. htll1di arh Mukcrian~Talwartl -tw"C'n ()f block sc -tion i 27.70 Km

Dasuya HoshiMplIr Punjab

132.21537 ha

Protected Forest 3 Attached in the proposal (p-50-53/c) Attached in the proposal (p-33-45/c)

At p-46-48/c

7240trees (4239< 60cm & 886> 60cm)

7240 trees P-63-207/c



CA i) Jalandhar-Pathankot Railway Line B/s (under Mukerian 75 ha + 40 ha under Dasuya Range) ii) Haler Dalpat iii) Kandi Canal (T 1 Range) iv) Bindraban C-10 v) R-IV Kuranpur C-30 vi) C-Y vii) Nandbir C-2 viii) Kandi Canal ix) Dhushi Band x) rvlllln da plnd toreEJt JU) Manak rorest xll) Nandbir C-9 ACA-NA

264.4306 Ha (CA) NA Attached with the proposal Attached with the proposal P-248-250/c Attached with the proposal p-212-213/c Rs. 14,16,48,782.33/­

Page 10: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :

ix)Totalllllll)Unt of Add! '1\ NA x "\ lui iill!()ll\lt for NPV l~~l. 11 7. 74,971.10/­xl)Wh III r flrnQlIJllof A ( NJIV NI

H flllz I Cr'om us\,;r a ~flln 'y

1,1 Co, l Bouefll analysis N,A

12 'it . 11\. I' . 'tillll Report of 0 FO 'F AU I.;hd with lh prop, fli p- 08/c

U Sitll Inspc~:Ii()11 Report of '11' N,/\

14 J{' -'ummolldfltion of i) D"O ii) per:: AII l'ucoll1n1cndecl 101' HpprQvnl iii) State Govt.

15. This proposal was examined in the Ihwiollal Oftice on 03.02.2020 And following short comings are found.

(i) ··pccies-wise local/sciontific nameS and girth-wise enumeration of tr!;1\;iS is shown :I::) 8382 tre.es instead of 7240 trees under co!t,n1tl 4( ii) of Part-II.

(ii) After analysis the all CA sites on DSSanci found that out of 2C>4.4306 ha only 166.46 ha space is vacant. Alternate CA site for 97.96 ha is required for target plantation.

16. Site inspection of project has been conducted on 08.03.2020

17. Reply is still pending with State Government.


Page 11: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :


SulJ: Diversion of 132.21537 hn. of forcst land in favour Northorn Railway for tbe construction of Railway Lille h'om Mul\crian-T~tlwal'a betwecn of block section is 27.70 Kill, under forc:st divisioll lind District Oasuya, Punjab. (Online proposal No. F['/PUllbil/41970/20(9)-rcgunHng

fi~i: ~~, ep ~ . :rTf A/J980n07/2019/8l:i5 ~1q';24.02.2020

~ 31fqCfiT ~<nrT \3q 1ft> ~ it ~ BG~ l1?f ~ 3lR fu;rR tlif '~!?T g31T ~, ~

qrr (m?,111T) ~, 1980 cf,f ~ITU- 2 ~~ 1h:" cn'PlcRl' ~!r1;f ~ ~ 132.21537 WR crrr ~ eFt TfilT cfpT{ ~ I

(i) Species-wise local/scientific names and girth-wise enumeration of trees is shown as 8382 trees instead of 7240 tre~s IInrlp,r ~oltlmn 4(ii) of Part II.

(ii) After analysis the all CA sites on DSS and fOlWd that Ollt nf?fi4410(\ h~ 0nly 166/16 hn space is vacant. Alternate CA site for 97 .96 ha is required for target plantation.

J. \:itR'Rr. \511 ~. PI'D, ~\I q~~"j \5frtt cl. ~ ~ "Cf1Zm 30 t-~;:fl ~. '+1m ~~ I~~ <f m *T ~r~' ~. ~mer if w ~ em-~ f*<n \iff Wf1CIT ~ I

SlRlRlRi: 1. crrr~~,crrr~ ~*Dasuya, ~I 2. Deputy Chief Engineer, Construction Northern Railway Chamligarh.

~;:f .24-25, i/w:?:-31<[, mw-160030 / Bays No. 24-25, Sector-31 A, Chandigarh-160030

~/(el No: 0172-2638061 Fax No: 0172-2638135 Email.: [email protected]

Page 12: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :

ndl rh '0 b

)lllil1l' PI 1{, II 1 Fill' (

1\1' ')Ida 1111, lalld iL'1n I;il' No. ['I1\\jlU •

NL t b <liv -rt 'd

I iv>rsi 11 Ill' I.X. htl of for 'sf lallr1 (do 'd LIII luI' sel:liull 4 I ') of' P 1/\ I 00)

9­ ,I'PIII RIOt hersl in fnvollr pl- AJdl. I ivisim1al Man\' '1\

111\ l ()u:liLULU~ tJ I ()INI1U J I) IluryaniJ T llJl'is!lI 'nrporatioll, ,'ul1bird. I.X Ita '[ 11\ IIrtl.jkllnd ('or r' lIV 'nillion of Bnd.k:11 1.::Ik

ill Villa J • I <tdkh d. 1I11tlt:r I;or~::;l [ ivisinn and Dislrict I; ridah,Il!, Ilclryana

& Diversion or O.•l - ha of forest land in favour of r::xecliliv' Engineer, H VP,

9­ j;P/HRJ I.-I Jrticu!tun.: Division, Faridabad for laying O. 59 ha l·:IRBO 14/20_0­ Pipclind413481 of treated water supply line from Sector 21 ClIA _019 A STP to Baclkhal Lake, under forest

Division and I islrict Faridabad, Haryana

Page 13: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :

(ill\! 1IIIII'UII)lllIdi,\

M III, Ii Y III l~lIvhl1llm Ill. 1'111 'It '., 'Ii!lHII' ( 'II lill'. '

NO,lIl I'll 1\ ',lllllId ( >1111'1 , ('lIulldl IlI'h,

IlJ<:VL'F;U J';\ '~11l':1':1' ()I~ ('J,lJlfU I,D I'IH )puS l.~

l. a) 1,'11 ' Nil.

b) Olllilli PI'0I'0~1I1 No,

(') l'i111' of ,'en'll'l

2 Nllruc III' Ihl' IJt'0l'o~;1I i)

III (1

il) J)iv Tsillll Ill' O. _\1) ha of for'sl IlIlld ill J'aVllllr oj' 1'\ 'uli\!\; 1:11 ,;illl':l.:r. IISVP, 1101'1 iCIIIIIIJ'(' 1)iviliioJ1. FUl'idnl (HI fIJI' Inyil) '. of 11\' II • I walcr 'IIPII)' lin,: rl'( III <;;, !'It!' .~, II "iT!' III 1I111111hoi Jill fI III'!!"!' Flln":f \)i iSIOIi :\IlJ I i~,lri 'I VlriJ,lbad, JILlx ;11\;1

J Nnll1c of 1I1l~ USCI' A~cllcy Addl. /)lv15101lal Maml"ur, Ilaryana 1 uul'lsin \ 'OlppUI',illun, ,'llllhir J lind ex 'utiv' J':nginut:r. lISVI', Fal'idabad

4 LO('illioll 8adkal Lake in Villag . B<ldkhal

i) Nmlll.: of Ihc ),'nrcsi Division ii) DiSlriL:1 iii Stale

1;,lridabnd hlridabad IJaryana

5 Particulars of jI'orcSI i) Forc" Area involved Ii) Ll.:gal status iii) \I"C,"I'ltinn rlrn<it),

31,8:13 ha SectiOJl 4 & 5 of PLPA I

IV) Map of project site v) Layout plan ot the project sIte vi) [(M L ti Ie of project site vii) UvIJ~ rTlap 0( pl'oJect site

Uploaded under column C(iii) part-I Attached Uploaded under column C (ii) part-I Uploadeu ulluer colunlll C(lv) Pall-I

6 Item WISf hrC111f-ltp of (ht' fpfell( area involved and area calculation

ArlIn r.nlculntion i!; ~';ivul1 at p- :17/c. Area = length X widh AI (Dam) = 31.686 h3 A2 (Staircase & Ramp) = 0.119 ha A3 (Staircase) = 0.028 ha

5 Total Num bel' of trees to be felled i) Abstract of trees ii) Enumeration List

196 tree and 26,353 plants Attached Not given

8 Violation of Act No

9 Whether area is significant form wildlife point of view/comments of CWLW


10 Compensatory Afforestation XIII. Plantation site (CA and

rA) Addl i)


Gothra Mohbtabad section 4&~PI.PA

Aukhir s~L:tiull 4 & .3 v[ PLPA Mewla Maharajpur

XIV. Area/No. of plants to be planted 63,666 plants

xv. Addl CA Plantation 52,706 plants

xvi. Site Map

xvii. KML file of CA site

Uploaded under column 13(iv), part-II Uploaded under column 13 (i), part

0,359 ha Strip PF 4

Uploaded under columll C (iii) Al\aL:heu Uploaded under column C (ii) UIJIUcll.lt:d WILl!;;1 l.ulullIlI(iv)

Area cakuhllJull is givcn ArCH =

length X widh A= 2991,63 X 1,2 sqm = 3590 sqm

53 trees Attached Attached



Gothra Mohbtabad section 4 & 50fPLPA

718 plants

Uploaded under column 13(iv)

Uploaded under colwnn 13 (i)

Page 14: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :

,'Y ii. I JI'.' III" I 1\ ',i((' '« cf \lr1d r CUllllllJl I iii), purl pili IfI IlInll r ' hll1ll1 I l(li i)

J ~. I p]UliJ Ii IIII(J l'lullulIO 1.1( i i)

Ih ,I H, IJ 1/. Nl'

" "I{A \:tlI'fllkllf(' NIlI I!rovilk f,llld IIpll/,llkd NOI provid d IIlid upload' I

12 Sill' Iil.~pl'l'lioll l{cpol'l of l.)FO I Jpl IIdt;L! und I' ~:nllllllil 15 in pHrt II I Jpl-IOdl.:d 1I11d '1' C 1t11111l l:i ill parI II

UI{CCl/IIIIIII'lIdlltioll of i) DH) ii) PC 'I' } 1\11 huvt; 1\;('OIlIlIH,:rnJ'd [ill' approval iii) Slull.: (jov!.

14. Alk,/' l,;xan1ining the proposal, this ollit:<.: s(lli!~ht f(lilowing information from the stale [1.1)V01'11f)j~nl

on 13.02,20:20:

i) Since the proposal involves diversil)n Ill' fore~t land (deemed forest) i.c., urea c!USl;;U Ulldl;lr Section 4 & 5 of PLPA in Faridabad Disl/'ld wherein on the advice 01 ' .. " lIll;; pflJjJosuls

non-public utility have been kept pending till the final decision of Hon'ble Supreme ('nurl, Inurc so. as the User Agency is a profit making organi7,ation (State PSU). Please comment.

ji) fl ;3 propo:;od to fill tho Badkh:ll Ulke with waste w<lter aftF.r trF.!'ltment as available from Sedor 21 A, raridabad and the user Agency has mentioned in part-l the EC is not applicable, Please elucidate the mechanism for maintaining water quality,

iii) The exact lake area, main bund area and left over catchment area are not defined in the project report. The entire vegetation is proposed to be removed without mentioning state of vegetation on periphery/bund side of the lake and remaining catchment area. Please comment.

iv) Staircases & ramp area (0.147 hal) as proposed seem to be permanent structures which should be temporary and eco friendly. Please comment.

v) No CAT plan activities have been proposed and no participation of technical departments like forest, soil conservation, fisheries etc. and local village residents/Resident Welfare Societies is proposed in the project report. Please comment.

vi) The User Agency is not exempted from providing equivalent non-forest land, hence equivalent non for(':5t lanrl hf: prcwinen for (;A.

15. Though the User Agency through Nodal Officer, Haryana have not submited the reply but as the representative of the User Agency was present in the REC meeting held on 28.02.2012, the Committee considered this proposal.

16. The Committee discussed the proposal and during the presentation, the User Agency informed that another project proposal no. FP/HR/ Pipeline/41348/2019 titled" Diversion of 0.359 ha of forest land in favour of Executive Engineer, HSVP, Horticulture Division, Faridabad for laying of treated water supply line from sector 21 A STP to Badkhal Lake, under Forest Division and District Faridabad" be linked with this proposal. The committee agreed to club the above referred proposal with the current proposal.

17. DSS analysis report of the project sites and CA sites:

A) Of online proposal no. FPIHRIOhers/41689/2019:

i) Project site: On DSS analysis, no issue observed in pOl'posed project site.

ii) CA site: Three CA sites are proposed by the State Government in different components of Faridabad range. On DSS analysis it was found that out of 116.372 ha, only 55.6 ha vacant space is available and remaining 60.772 ha more vacant space is required for target plantation.

Page 15: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :

i) I 1).1 'l'l ,;j 1'\; t 11 I:):~ :111111 i.

ii) ~I' htJw, 111:11 '111'1" I . )lIrdl"at . ~It' '/\ :-lit \ IIl1d I ' hilllll !.I(iii) fir pull 11 i. 1101

I H, Tit ( 'Oll II II iu ' , dir "1t:1I \1, 'f' A II 'y/S1Htl; r illV "J'IIII I 'nl III 1'1' Il,hl ' Iht; iuz II ' NOli/1 'uti! n/Fx, '1llivt,; rdul'vl' WII 'r. hip/I'l ' 'S!-iilllllll' Hallklwllll"\.: lJ ,rur' iii II X( Ill' 'ling,

19, This (I Ilil;'" S U Illl UIL: ubuv ' said qu'r)' 1.'ron1 Stall: liov 'I'11111l,.:111 011 OI),OJ IU),

20, '1'111.: Ori! jnaJ I'al;l sh '0l uf' til, as F\l/IIIU bl:rs/416891 () II) j::-: 'J1:::() '11 '10:; 'd,

Page 16: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :


1. a) Filt- No. h) Online PWllllsal Nci. (.) l)atQ of n'n'ipl

J Name of the lI::ocl" Ag'~/Iq

4 Location

i) Name of the Fl)resl Division ii) District iii)State

5 Particulars of FOI"cst i) Forest Area involved ii) Legal status iii) Vegetation density

iv) Map of project site v) r,Flyout rl:jn of the project Bito vi) KML file of project sito vii) DGPS map of project site

6 Item wise break-up of the forest area involved and area calculation

5 Total Number of trees to be felled i) Abstract of trees ii) Enumeration List

8 Violation of Act

9 Whether area is significant form wildlife point of view/comments of CWLW

10 Compensatory Afforestation i. Plantation site (CA and Add} CA)

11. Area/No. of plants to be planted lll. Addl CA Plantation

IV. Site Map v. KML file ofCA site VI. DGPS map of CA site vii. Comprehensive Scheme

()-IIR '003/ o20-nJA rl'/lliV _thcl's/41 (18l)/ .0 I Ii

I.() I. 0 0

[iv I'SiulI uC 1,1> !In or ('(lrl;;~llalld (.J SlJd under s 'elion 4 & • or PI.PA 1900) in fllvnur ur Addl. Uivi!:ij lIHII Malia ur, l.IurYfl,n I Tlmrisrn , rppl)(lIlioll. SlIlIbird SlIntikllnd fill' r~'lIv'Ulation

or IJ~HJkal I,dku in Villu'l,; Badkhal. lJudur lilll"est Divi~illll and f)islrkt liarictabad. Haryann

Addl. Uivisillllal MHII;l/~l:r. llaryana TOlirislI1 Corpporalion, Slinbird Badkal tnlw in Villagt;; Badkhal

fiaridabad Fnrjrbhllrl Haryana

31.833 ha Section 4 & 5 of PLPA I

Attached (p-45/c) AttllGh0d (p-47/t.;) UploaJtu Attached (p-47/c) and uploaded

Area calculation is given at p- 47/c. Area = length x widh AI= 31.686 ha A2= 0.119 ha A3= 0.028 ha

196 tree and 26353 plants Attached (p-63/c) Not given



i) Gothra Mohbtabad section 4 & 5 PLPA ii) Ankhir section 4 & 5 of PLPA iii) Mewla Maharajpur

63666 plants 52706 plants

Uploaded Uploaded Uploaded Attached (p-69-73/c)

Page 17: Drforestsclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/meeting... · Conservator of Forests (FC), Government of Haryana, Forest Department, Sector-6, Van Bhawan, Panchkula, Haryana, 134009 ; 8 :

viiI. SilL- slIitllbility I.: rlifl II lie T lal lIJl1llUJ)' fIll' r i\ mId i\ Jdl. ('/\

T 1tI11ll111111111 101' t\ I II. I A l. Tt1htl /I11)llunt for NI'V

.': i i. Wh'tller amolllli ,. 'i\ Ii'· NI'V N() Roulized from II I' UI II'y

II filA I;Qrtificatc Nol proviLktl nlld upl():ukd

.2 Sill~ IJlllpcction Replll'. Ilf DIi'()

1J l{ccommClldatioll of

J. oro 11. P CF } All haY re 'OJIiIl111lldcd for npprovul III. State Govl.,

An r C;, lunining the propu ttl, 11\1 "mC(' ~oughl followlIll:J Infor li'illl' froll1 '110 still' gnvcrullli'm flil


i) Since the proposal involves divL:r~iol1 of forest land (dccrl1L:d forest) I.e" un.:a do· d lind '1'

Section 4 & 5 of PLPA in Faridabad District wherein on the advice of CE (c py enclosed), the proposals uftlon-public utility have been kept pending tilllhe final d~ci~ion

of Hon'ble Supreme Court, ' more so as the the User Agency is a profit making organization (State PSU). Please conunent.

ii) It '" prnpnf-wd '.ll fiJI till.: B<1dk.hal Luke with waste waleI' nfkr tr-,Hlmenl 'l' available from Sector· 21 A, Faridabad and the u:;er Agency has mentioned In part-l the E i~ iJot applicable. Please elucidate the mechanism for maintaining water quality.

iii) The exact lake area, main bund area and lef1 over catchment area are not defined in the project report. The entire vegetation is proposed to be removed without mentioning state of vegetation on periphery/bund side of the lake and remaining catchment area. Plc<'lse comment.

iv) Staircases & ramp area (0.147 hal) as proposed seem to be permanent stmctures shieh .Dhould b@ temp0f(lry ~lnrl r.~o fri~ndly, Please comment.

v) No CAT plan activities have been proposed and no participation of techmcal depanmerHs like forc3t, 30il conservation, fishe:ries etc. and local village residents/Resident Welfare Societies is proposed in the project report. Pleaee comment.

vi) The User Agency is not exempted from providing equivalent non-forest land, hence equivalent non forest land be provided for CA.

IS. The reply from the State government is still awaited.