CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935:...

CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg Laws” strip German Jews of citizenship 1936: Remilitarization of the Rhineland March 1938: Anschluss with Austria September 1938: At the Munich Conference, Great Britain and France “appease” Hitler with the Sudetenland September 1939: Germany starts the Second World War by attacking Poland

Transcript of CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935:...

Page 1: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.


February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state

1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg Laws” strip German Jews of citizenship

1936: Remilitarization of the Rhineland

March 1938: Anschluss with Austria

September 1938: At the Munich Conference, Great Britain and France “appease” Hitler with the Sudetenland

September 1939: Germany starts the Second World War by attacking Poland

June 1941: Germany invades the Soviet Union, and the mass murder of six million Jews begins

Page 2: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

The “Cabinet of National Renewal,” appointed onJanuary 30, 1933: Only 3 of 11 ministers were Nazis, but Papen allowed Hitler to control the Prussian police & hold


Page 3: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

“The Reich will never be destroyed, if you remain

united and faithful” (February 1933)

“In the hour of greatest need, Hindenburg chose

Adolf Hitler as Reich Chancellor”

Page 4: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

Berliners watch the Reichstag burn, 27 February 1933

(Hitler responded by outlawing the Communist Party)

Page 5: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

SA round-up of Communists

Page 6: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

Stormtroopers guard the new “concentration camp”at Oranienburg, 1933

Page 7: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

A newly deputized SS

trooper patrols the

streets with a Prussian

policeman on election day,

5 March 1933

Page 8: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

Torchlight victory parade by the SA and Stahlhelmafter the government parties won 52% of the vote

Page 9: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

“Der Tag von Potsdam,”

March 21, 1933:The Corporal

greets the Field Marshall

Page 10: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

Hindenburg’s speech to the new Reichstag:

“The place where we are assembled today summons

us to look back on old Prussia, which became great through fear of God, dutiful work, never failing courage,

and devoted love of the fatherland, and which united

the German tribes on this basis. May the old spirit of this place inspire today’s generation, may it free us

from selfishness and partisan quarrels, may it bring us

together in a national revival and spiritual renewal for the sake of a united, free, proud


Page 11: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

Hitler demands an Enabling Act, 23 March 1933:All parties but the SPD agreed to give him full

legislativepowers for four years….

Page 12: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

The occupation of the Berlin headquarters of the Free Trade Unions, May 2, 1933

Page 13: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

Reichstag delegates hail their Leader,January 30, 1934

Page 14: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

Likewise German soldiers (when Hindenburg died in 1934, Hitler declared himself President and demanded a loyalty oath

from all soldiers)

Page 15: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

The Animals’ Friend (postcard, 1934)

Page 16: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

“Youth serves the Führer. All ten-year-olds into the Hitler

Youth”“The NSDAP Protects

the National Community”

Page 17: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

Nazi poster from 1934 to explain the need for rearmament

Page 18: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

Hitler restored military

conscription in March 1935.

Here new bombers and tanks parade

at the Nuremberg

Party Congress that September

Page 19: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

All Jews lost German citizenship under the “Nuremberg Laws” of September 1935

Page 20: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

German troops reoccupy the Rhineland in March 1936,

in defiance of the Versailles Treaty

Page 21: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

National Income of the Great Powers in 1937 (billions of 1987 dollars) and Percentage Spent

on Defense

National Income

Percentage for Defense

USA 68 1.5%

British Empire 22 5.7%

France 10 9.1%

Germany 17 23.5%

Italy 6 14.5%

USSR 19 26.4%

Japan 4 28.2%

Page 22: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

Hitler greeted by cheering throngs as he enters Vienna

on March 14, 1938,and a poster urging voters to

approve the Anschluss

“One People, One Reich, One Leader”

Page 23: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

The ethnically German Sudetenland andthe Magyar-speaking portion of Slovakia

Page 24: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

The heads of government in Munich, 29 September 1938:Neville Chamberlain, Edouard Daladier, Hitler, & Mussolini

Page 25: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

German troops occupy Prague, 15 March 1939:This event made Chamberlain renounce appeasement, and Great Britain and France “guaranteed” Polish independence

Page 26: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

Molotov & Ribbentrop sign the Hitler-Stalin Pact, August 23, 1939

Page 27: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.

The first Blitzkrieg: The German conquest of Poland

Page 28: CONSEQUENCES OF THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER February—May 1933: Creation of a one-party state 1935: Nazis restore universal military conscription; the “Nuremberg.


expansion, 1936-39