Consensus Paper: Roles of the Cerebellum in Motor Control...

REVIEW Consensus Paper: Roles of the Cerebellum in Motor ControlThe Diversity of Ideas on Cerebellar Involvement in Movement Mario Manto & James M. Bower & Adriana Bastos Conforto & José M. Delgado-García & Suzete Nascimento Farias da Guarda & Marcus Gerwig & Christophe Habas & Nobuhiro Hagura & Richard B. Ivry & Peter Mariën & Marco Molinari & Eiichi Naito & Dennis A. Nowak & Nordeyn Oulad Ben Taib & Denis Pelisson & Claudia D. Tesche & Caroline Tilikete & Dagmar Timmann Published online: 13 December 2011 # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011 Abstract Considerable progress has been made in devel- oping models of cerebellar function in sensorimotor control, as well as in identifying key problems that are the focus of current investigation. In this consensus paper, we discuss the literature on the role of the cerebellar circuitry in motor control, bringing together a range of different viewpoints. The following topics are covered: oculomotor control, classical conditioning (evidence in animals and in humans), cerebellar control of motor speech, control of grip forces, control of voluntary limb movements, timing, M. Manto : N. Oulad Ben Taib Unité dEtude du Mouvement (UEM), FNRS, ULB Erasme, 808 Route de Lennik, 1070 Brussels, Belgium J. M. Bower Computational Biology, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA A. B. Conforto : S. N. F. da Guarda Department of Neurology, Clinics Hospital/São Paulo University, São Paulo, Brazil A. B. Conforto Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil J. M. Delgado-García División de Neurociencias, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville 41013, Spain M. Gerwig : D. Timmann Department of Neurology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Hufelandstrasse 55, 45147 Essen, Germany C. Habas Service de NeuroImagerie, CHNO des Quinze-Vingts, UPMC, Paris, France N. Hagura ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan N. Hagura Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, London, UK R. B. Ivry Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA P. Mariën Department of Neurology, ZNA Middelheim General Hospital, Lindendreef 1, 2020 Antwerp, Belgium P. Mariën Department of Neurolinguistics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium M. Molinari IRCCS S. Lucia Foundation, via del Fosso di Fiorano 65, 00143 Rome, Italy E. Naito National Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Research Department 1, Kobe Advanced ICT Research Center, Biophysical ICT Group, Kyoto, Japan E. Naito ATR Cognitive Mechanisms Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan Cerebellum (2012) 11:457487 DOI 10.1007/s12311-011-0331-9

Transcript of Consensus Paper: Roles of the Cerebellum in Motor Control...

Page 1: Consensus Paper: Roles of the Cerebellum in Motor Control · Control—The Diversity of Ideas on Cerebellar


Consensus Paper: Roles of the Cerebellum in MotorControl—The Diversity of Ideas on CerebellarInvolvement in Movement

Mario Manto & James M. Bower & Adriana Bastos Conforto &

José M. Delgado-García & Suzete Nascimento Farias da Guarda & Marcus Gerwig &

Christophe Habas & Nobuhiro Hagura & Richard B. Ivry & Peter Mariën &

Marco Molinari & Eiichi Naito & Dennis A. Nowak & Nordeyn Oulad Ben Taib &

Denis Pelisson & Claudia D. Tesche & Caroline Tilikete & Dagmar Timmann

Published online: 13 December 2011# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract Considerable progress has been made in devel-oping models of cerebellar function in sensorimotorcontrol, as well as in identifying key problems that are thefocus of current investigation. In this consensus paper, wediscuss the literature on the role of the cerebellar circuitry

in motor control, bringing together a range of differentviewpoints. The following topics are covered: oculomotorcontrol, classical conditioning (evidence in animals and inhumans), cerebellar control of motor speech, control of gripforces, control of voluntary limb movements, timing,

M. Manto :N. Oulad Ben TaibUnité d‘Etude du Mouvement (UEM), FNRS, ULB Erasme,808 Route de Lennik,1070 Brussels, Belgium

J. M. BowerComputational Biology,University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio,San Antonio, TX, USA

A. B. Conforto : S. N. F. da GuardaDepartment of Neurology, Clinics Hospital/São Paulo University,São Paulo, Brazil

A. B. ConfortoInstituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein,São Paulo, Brazil

J. M. Delgado-GarcíaDivisión de Neurociencias, Universidad Pablo de Olavide,Seville 41013, Spain

M. Gerwig :D. TimmannDepartment of Neurology, University of Duisburg-Essen,Hufelandstrasse 55,45147 Essen, Germany

C. HabasService de NeuroImagerie, CHNO des Quinze-Vingts, UPMC,Paris, France

N. HaguraATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories,Kyoto, Japan

N. HaguraInstitute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London,London, UK

R. B. IvryDepartment of Psychology, University of California,Berkeley, CA, USA

P. MariënDepartment of Neurology, ZNA Middelheim General Hospital,Lindendreef 1,2020 Antwerp, Belgium

P. MariënDepartment of Neurolinguistics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel,Pleinlaan 2,1050 Brussels, Belgium

M. MolinariIRCCS S. Lucia Foundation,via del Fosso di Fiorano 65,00143 Rome, Italy

E. NaitoNational Institute of Information and Communication Technology,Research Department 1, Kobe Advanced ICT Research Center,Biophysical ICT Group,Kyoto, Japan

E. NaitoATR Cognitive Mechanisms Laboratories,Kyoto, Japan

Cerebellum (2012) 11:457–487DOI 10.1007/s12311-011-0331-9

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sensorimotor synchronization, control of corticomotorexcitability, control of movement-related sensory data acqui-sition, cerebro-cerebellar interaction in visuokinesthetic per-ception of hand movement, functional neuroimaging studies,and magnetoencephalographic mapping of cortico-cerebellardynamics. While the field has yet to reach a consensus on theprecise role played by the cerebellum in movement control,the literature has witnessed the emergence of broad proposalsthat address cerebellar function at multiple levels of analysis.This paper highlights the diversity of current opinion,providing a framework for debate and discussion on the roleof this quintessential vertebrate structure.

Keywords Cerebellum . Cortex . Nuclei . Purkinjeneurons . Eye movements . Stability . Classicalconditioning .Motor speech . Network . Grip force .

Grasping . Predictive . Dysmetria . Torques . Timing .

Synchronization . Excitability . Sensory . fMRI .

Magnetoencephalography (MEG)


Research on cerebellar functions has expanded tremen-dously during these last decades. Several new ideas have

been proposed to explain the roles of the cerebellar circuitryin motor control. These concepts suggest that the cerebel-lum contributes to timing and sensory acquisition and isinvolved in the prediction of the sensory consequences ofaction. These theories explain to some extent the clinicaldeficits exhibited by cerebellar patients and which arecharacterized by disturbances in accuracy and coordination:disorders of eye movements, disorders of speech, disordersof limb movements, impairments of posture/gait as well ascognitive deficits (which are outside the scope of thisarticle). The cerebellar structures controlling eye move-ments include the so-called oculomotor vermis (lobules VIand VII) and fastigius nucleus, crus I–II of ansiform lobule,flocculus and paraflocculus, uvula, and nodulus. Speech iscontrolled by the superior paravermal region, the interme-diate cerebellar cortex, and the dentate nucleus. Limbmovements are under the supervision of the dentatenucleus, the interpositus nucleus, the intermediate cerebel-lar cortex, and the lateral cerebellar cortex. Stance/gait iscontrolled by the medial and intermediate cerebellum.Cognitive operations are mainly controlled by the posteriorlobe (posterolateral cerebellum) and cerebellar nuclei(mainly parts of dentate nuclei).

The primary objective of the present consensus paper isto summarize the key concepts which have been proposedto explain the roles of the cerebellar circuits, in the line ofconsensus papers of the journal. We focus the discussion ona state-of-the-art in the field of motor control, moreparticularly on human studies (with the exception ofclassical conditioning given its importance in the field andconverging findings in human and animal studies). Thecerebellum has traditionally been viewed as a motor controlstructure. While the roles now being proposed for thecerebellum continue to expand, including, for example,proposals for involvement in higher order cognitivefunction, ideas even for its role in traditional motor controlhave also been expanding. We therefore felt that it would beof value to the community to assemble in one place briefdescriptions of current thinking about cerebellar involve-ment in motor function. To this aim, we have gatheredcontributions from experts in various areas of motorcontrol, providing a range of different, sometimes evencontroversial viewpoints. Although a final consensuscannot be reached yet, we believe that it is likely that a newconsensus on the function of the cerebellum will eventuallyemerge from some combination of the ideas presented here.

The Role of the Cerebellum in Oculomotor Control(D. Pelisson, C. Tilikete)

Our understanding of the cerebellar control of eye move-ments comes from neurophysiological data as well as from

D. A. NowakNeurologische Fachklinik Kipfenberg,Kipfenberg, Germany

D. A. NowakNeurologische Universitätsklinik, Philipps-Universität Marburg,Marburg, Germany

D. Pelisson : C. TiliketeINSERM U1028, CNRS UMR5292,Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, IMPACT (Integrative,Multisensory, Perception, Action and Cognition) Team,69676 Lyon, France

D. Pelisson : C. TiliketeUniversity Lyon 1,Lyon, France

C. D. TescheDepartment of Psychology, University of New Mexico,Albuquerque, NM, USA

C. TiliketeHospices Civils de Lyon,Unité de Neuro-ophtalmologie and Service de Neurologie D,Hôpital Neurologique,Bron 69677, France

M. Manto (*)Unité d’Etude du Mouvement (UEM), FNRS ULB Neurologie,808 Route de Lennik,1070 Brussels, Belgiume-mail: [email protected]

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the results of focal lesions in primate models and patientswith cerebellar lesions. The cerebellum is involved in allclasses of eye movements and gaze fixation. Although nottotally determined, two main anatomical subdivisions of thecerebellum correspond mainly to the control of differentclasses of eye movements, the vestibulocerebellum and theoculomotor cerebellum. The vestibulocerebellum (floccu-lus, paraflocculus, nodulus, uvula, tonsil, and cerebellarpyramid) is important for steady gaze holding, smoothpursuit, and the vestibulo-ocular reflex [1]; the oculomotorcerebellum (dorsal vermis—lobules VI and VII—and theunderlying fastigial nucleus, as well as ansiform lobe—crusI and crus II) is mainly involved in the control of saccadesbut also contributes to smooth pursuit and vergence(Table 1). It has been shown in primate that the cerebellarhemispheric region around lobule VII is involved in thecontrol of smooth pursuit and saccadic eye movements [2].There is also a participation of the cerebellar paraflocculusin smooth pursuit eye movement control [3].

At a fundamental level, the specific cerebellar contribu-tion, relative to most other oculomotor structures, is toensure the best calibration of the eye movement system andto reduce eye instability. At a physiological level, this isachieved by a cerebellar side-loop control of sensorimotortransforms through inhibitory projections of Purkinje cellsonto deep cerebellar and vestibular nuclei. Calibration isachieved both by immediate, online control and by aniterative (short- to long-term) sensorimotor adaptationprocess. The visuomotor aspect of this sensorimotor controlis predominant and has received the great interest in the lastdecades. At a clinical level, analyses of eye movementdisorders help to establish models of cerebellar dysfunctionand give further insights in the specific cerebellar areasinvolved. In the following sections, we will illustrate thecerebellar role in the control of eye stability and in theonline and adaptive control of eye movements.

Eye Stability Control

The control of eye stability corresponds to gaze holdingprocessing, slow phase (VOR, smooth pursuit) instabilitycontrol, and inhibition of unwanted saccades. The bestinsight into the role of the cerebellum in eye stabilitycontrol is illustrated by the appearance of gaze-evokednystagmus, periodic alternating nystagmus, and squarewave saccadic intrusion (SWSI) following cerebellardysfunction.

Gaze-evoked nystagmus occurs in the eccentric eyeposition in the orbit, showing centripetal slow phasefollowed by quick phases toward the desired eye position.It can occur in horizontal, vertical, or both dimensions andits occurrence is linked to a defective neural integrator [4].

While animal data suggested a major role of flocculus in thegaze-holding neural integrator network [5], recent data inpatients with cerebellar lesions indicate that structures ofthe cerebellar vermis such as the pyramid, the uvula, andthe tonsil are involved in the horizontal gaze-holdingsystem [6].

Periodic alternating nystagmus (PAN) corresponds to ahorizontal jerk nystagmus with regularly alternating beatingphases. PAN results from ablation of the nodulus inmonkeys [7], as well as lesions of the same areas inhumans [8]. PAN probably arises from an alteration of aform of “memory” for persistent vestibular stimuli referredto as “velocity storage”. The nodulus appears to governvelocity storage through inhibitory GABAergic projectionsto the vestibular nuclei [9, 10]. This hypothesis isreinforced by the dramatic GABAergic effect of baclofenin both monkeys and patients [11, 12] and by a case reportshowing PAN in the context of anti-GAD antibodies [13].

SWSIs consist of two consecutive saccades separated byapproximately 200 ms [14]. Although they may occur innormal individuals, SWSIs appear in increased frequency inpatients with spinocerebellar ataxia with saccadic intrusion[15] or in increased amplitude in ataxia-telangiectasia [16].It is assumed that unwanted saccadic signals arriving at thefastigial nucleus via mossy fibers, which are normallysuppressed by inhibition from the cerebellar cortex, wouldbe expressed in cases of cortical cerebellar degeneration[15, 16].

Online and Adaptive Control of Eye Movement

Both the baseline gain and variability of eye movements areunder cerebellar control, as well as their plastic modifica-tions (adaptation, learning, and compensation) [17, 18].Indeed, lesion studies demonstrate that eye movements canstill be triggered with near normal latency but are oftendysmetric (hypermetric if lesion confined to cerebellarcortex), are more variable, and can no longer be adaptivelymodified to new environmental conditions (see Table 1)[19–24]. In agreement with physiological data, this indi-cates that the cerebellar cortex exerts an inhibitory controlwhich partly compensates for (1) moment-to-momentfluctuations (motor noise) of extra-cerebellar oculomotordrive signals and (2) sustained environmental (visual) orinternal (physiological, pathological) alterations of baselineoculomotor behavior. When progressive re-calibration ofeye movement gain is required, this inhibitory activity ismodulated through plastic changes of synaptic efficacy(LTD and LTP) between parallel fibers and Purkinje cells,in agreement with the pioneering theory of Marr-Albus oncerebellar processing. However, the multiple plasticity lociinvolved within and outside the cerebellum and the origin

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and operating mode of the error signals leading to suchplastic neural changes remain debated [23, 25–30]. Atfunctional/computational levels, a current theory states thatthe cerebellum steers motor responses by implementinginternal models of the controlled body part. First proposedfor skeletomotor responses [31], this notion is also appliedto all oculomotor responses used as models of sensorimotorplasticity, namely VOR, smooth pursuit, and saccadic eyemovements [18, 32].

Classical Conditioning—Eyeblink Conditioning:Evidence in Animals (JM. Delgado-Garcia)

The classical conditioning of eyelid responses has a longtrajectory going back to the 1930s of the past century [33–35]. Those early studies carried out in human volunteersprovided basic information regarding the different types ofeyelid response evoked by the conditioning (true condi-tioned responses, sensitization, pseudoconditioning, alpharesponses, etc.) depending on the selected conditioned (CS)and unconditioned (US) stimuli or on their temporalrelationships. For example, in delay conditioning, the USis presented in the presence of the CS and co-terminateswith it, while in trace conditioning there is a time intervalbetween the end of the CS and the beginning of the US.The latter has the advantage of allowing the formation ofthe conditioned response in the absence of any sensorystimulus [36, 37], although in this regard, it is frequentlyoverlooked that sensory receptors are activated by changesin the stimulus presented to them and not by its sustainedpresence. Thus, delay conditioning could be considered aparticular case of trace conditioning.

Gormezano’s group and many others popularized theclassical conditioning of the nictitating membrane/eyelidresponse in animals (mostly rabbits) during the 1960s [37].In a seminal paper, Schneiderman et al. [38] had alreadynoticed that the eyelid reflex can easily be conditionedusing Pavlovian procedures (Fig. 1), although they did notmention that facial muscles belong to a special type ofvisceral muscle, a fact that could explain why eyeblinks areso easily conditioned as compared with other types ofmotor response involving skeletal muscles.

Indeed, both the orbicularis oculi (the muscle that closesthe eyelids) and the retractor bulbi (the muscle retractingthe eye in the orbit, allowing the passive displacement ofthe nictitating membrane in mammals) are peculiar in thesense that they are devoid of a stretch reflex (they have noproprioceptors). As a consequence, motoneurons receive nosignal indicating the position of the lids on the eye [39].Finally, these muscles have a constant mass (no extraweights on them), and their innervating motoneurons haveno axon collaterals and control eyelid velocity only during

reflexively evoked blinks [39]. Although the recording ofnictitating membrane responses has provided valuableinformation about the biomechanics of eyeblink condition-ing, it has been the use of the search coil in a magnetic fieldtechnique that has allowed a quantitative study of reflex andconditioned eyelid responses in humans [40], cats [41], andrabbits [42]. Recently, the magnetic distance measurementtechnique has enabled similar studies in the small eyelid ofbehaving mice [43]. Those quantitative studies of eyeblinkkinematics have allowed the determination of the mainsequence of eyelid responses [40–42] and of their oscilla-tory properties. The latter are dependent on eyelid mass andcompliance [43] and are nicely tuned to the firing propertiesof facial motoneurons [39]. It should be stressed that aproper understanding of eyelid kinematics and of the firingproperties of innervating facial and accessory abducensmotoneurons is necessary to understand how acquiredeyeblinks are generated and the functional possibilitiesoffered by this motor system for the acquisition of newmotor responses [44]. Another important requisite forunderstanding the organization of the eyelid motor systemis knowing the location of the neural premotor systemcontrolling spontaneous, reflex, and acquired eyelidresponses. This was achieved recently using attenuatedrabies virus injected as a transneuronal retrograde tracer inthe orbicularis oculi muscle of the adult rat [45]. Asexpected, many brainstem, cerebellar, and cerebral cortexstructures mediating reflex, voluntary, and limbic related

Fig. 1 Mean percentage of responses collected in rabbits duringclassical conditioning of the nictitating membrane response. Theconditioned stimulus (CS) consisted of an 800-Hz, 72-dB tone lastingfor 600 ms. The unconditioned stimulus consisted of a 100-ms air puffdirected at the right cornea. Nictitating membrane responses wererecorded with the help of a potentiometer attached to the ipsilateralnictitating membrane. Experimental groups were as follows: the CS–UCS group received paired CS–UCS presentations. CA-A and UCS-Agroups received sole presentations of CS or UCS stimuli, respectively.CS-R and UCS-R groups received unpaired presentations of CS andUSC stimuli. Figure taken with permission from [33]

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eyelid responses were labeled, indicating the neuronalcomplexity of this apparently simple motor system.

While a large number of neural regions are implicated invarious aspects of eyelid responses, the cerebellum hasbeen the primary focus in the study of eyeblink condition-ing. Indeed, hundreds of research studies and reviews havebeen devoted to determining the involvement of cerebellarstructures in the acquisition and storage of this type ofassociative learning [46–49]. In an influential series ofstudies, Thompson’s group has popularized a basic brain-stem–cerebellar circuit certainly involved in the generationand control of classically conditioned eyelid responses [46,49] that is not completely in agreement with anatomical[45], kinematic [41], and electrophysiological and pharma-cological [50, 51] findings. For example, the precise latencyanalysis (using both delay and trace conditioning para-digms) of identified cerebellar interpositus neurons indi-cates that they start firing after the beginning of the eyelidconditioned response [50]. Moreover, it is still underdiscussion whether cerebellar structures are involved inlearning (i.e., in the acquisition and storage of newlyacquired eyelid responses) or in the proper performance ofeyelid responses independently of their reflex or acquirednature [51–54]. As illustrated in Fig. 2, learning andperformance of conditioned eyeblinks can easily bedifferentiated in alert behaving cats [51]. Recently, it hasbeen proposed [55] that the cerebellar output represented bythe activity of interpositus neurons plays a modulating rolein the dynamic control of eyeblink learned responses, i.e.,they could be considered a phase-modulating devicehelping to reinforce, as well as to damp, the oscillatoryproperties of facial motoneurons (Fig. 3).

Even if the debate about the contribution of cerebellarcircuits to the acquisition of new eyelid responses remainsopen for a while, we should keep in mind that many other brainstructures, such as the hippocampus [44] or the amygdala [56],are also involved in this type of associative learning, and that,surprisingly, only a few studies have been devoted to themost important center for the generation of voluntary andacquired movements namely, the motor cortex [57].

Classical Conditioning—Eyeblink Conditioning:Evidence in Humans (M. Gerwig, D. Timmann)

The role of the cerebellum in eyeblink conditioning hasbeen examined in great detail from the behavioral to themolecular level in animal models. It has been of earlyinterest whether or not findings in animals can be translatedto humans. Both cerebellar lesion and functional brainimaging data provide evidence that findings in humans arein very good agreement with those in other mammals [58,59]. Most human studies examined delay eyeblink condition-

ing. Patients with various cerebellar disorders are impaired intheir ability to acquire classically conditioned eyeblinkresponses. This is true for patients with cerebellar degenera-tion and patients with focal cerebellar disorders due to strokeor cerebellar tumors [60–63]. Acquisition of conditionedresponses is impaired even after multiple sessions ofconditioning (Fig. 4) [64, 65]. Whereas in patients withcerebellar cortical degeneration the incidence of conditionedresponses (CR) is commonly close to the spontaneous blinkrate, conditioned responses can be acquired to some extent inpatients with focal cerebellar lesions [65]. Differences inlesion localization are a likely reason.

The use of high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) has helped to outline the cerebellum-related neuronalnetworks in humans. Both human lesion and brain imagingstudies indicate that the cerebellar cortex is criticallyinvolved in CR acquisition. Woodruff-Pak and coworkersfound a significant correlation between cerebellar volumeand the ability to acquire conditioned responses in healthysubjects [66]. A more recent study in healthy subjectsshowed that the number of acquired conditioned eyeblinkresponses was significantly related to the volume of thegray matter of the posterior lobe (including lobule VI), but

Fig. 2 Effects of muscimol injection in, and microstimulation of, theposterior interpositus nucleus on the percentage and amplitude ofconditioned eyelid responses (CRs) collected from alert behaving cats.a Diagram illustrating the experimental design. Animals wereimplanted with electromyographic recording electrodes in the orbicu-laris oculi muscle (O.O. EMG) and with a chronic guide cannula in theposterior interpositus nucleus (PIN) allowing neuronal recording(Rec), microstimulation (St), and microinjection (Inj). Animals werealso implanted with stimulating electrodes in selected brain sites forantidromic identification of recorded facial motoneurons and posteriorinterpositus neurons [46, 50]. Delayed eyeblink conditioning wasachieved by the paired presentation of a 370-ms tone used as aconditioned stimulus (CS), followed 270 ms from its start by a 100-msair puff as an unconditioned stimulus (US). b Representative examplesof CRs evoked by the sole CS presentation, collected from the fourth,fifth, and seventh conditioning sessions. Muscimol (a GABAA

agonist, 1.25 μg/kg) was injected 20 min before the fifth session.The double-arrowed line (a) indicates CR amplitude. c Quantitativeanalysis of data collected from three animals (mean ± SEM).Muscimol was injected before the fifth and sixth sessions. Note that,according to the selected CR criterion [dashed blue line in b], theexpected percentage of CRs (blue circles and dotted line) was notmodified by muscimol, but the amplitude of the evoked CRs (redcircles and dashed line) was significantly decreased (***p<0.001;ANOVA). d Representative examples of CRs evoked by single CSpresentations without (fourth and seventh sessions) and with (fifthsession) microstimulation (20 Hz for 1 s; pulses of 50 μs and 50 μA)of the posterior interpositus nucleus. e Quantitative analysis of datacollected from three animals (mean ± SEM). Microstimulation wasapplied during the fifth and sixth sessions in trials in which the CSwas presented alone. Note that, according to the selected CR criterion,the expected percentage of CRs (blue circles and dotted line) was notmodified by the microstimulation, but the amplitude of the evokedCRs (green circles and dashed line) was significantly increased (**p<0.01; ANOVA). Data collected from [46]. Figure reproduced withpermission from [39]

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not to the volume of the gray matter of the anterior lobe, thecerebellar white matter, or cerebrum [67].

More detailed information has been gained examiningpatients with focal cerebellar lesions. Early case reports andgroup studies have shown that eyeblink conditioning isreduced on the affected side in patients with unilateral

cerebellar lesions [62, 68]. A study by Gerwig et al. [63]found that eyeblink conditioning was significantly reducedon the ipsilesional side in subjects with lesions (most ofthem due to stroke) within the common territory of thesuperior cerebellar artery (lobule crus I and above), butwithin normal limits on the contralesional side. In subjects

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with lesions restricted to the common territory of theposterior inferior cerebellar artery (crus II and below), nosignificant difference in eyeblink conditioning was ob-served comparing the affected and unaffected side. Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping (VLSM) analysis revealedthat learning rate was significantly reduced in subjects withfocal lesions including superior parts of the posterior lobe,in particular hemispherical lobule VI [69]. Likewise,functional MRI studies (fMRI) report eyeblink conditioning-related activation of lobule VI in healthy subjects [70, 71].Findings are in good accordance with animal data whichemphasize the role of lobule VI [72]. Other groups, however,

point out the importance of the anterior lobe (that is lobulesI–V with a focus on lobule V; [73]).

As yet, there is little information about the importance ofthe cerebellar nuclei in humans. Animal experiments showthat the interposed nuclei, but not the dentate or fastigialnuclei, are critically involved [74]. Human data are sparsebecause human lesion models with circumscribed damageof the cerebellar nuclei are lacking [75]. None of the fMRIstudies has reported activations of the cerebellar nucleiduring eyeblink conditioning, most likely because ofmethodological limitations [70, 71]. Recently improvedmethods of fMRI of the cerebellar nuclei may permit

Fig. 3 Schematic representationof the reinforcing–modulatingrole of cerebellar interpositusneurons (IP n) during theacquisition of an associativelearning task such as theclassical eyeblink conditioning.This representation is based ondata published elsewhere [23].The experimental design isillustrated in Fig. 2. Neuronalinputs (green set of premotornuclei) arriving at the orbicularisoculi motoneurons (OO MNs)and carrying eyeblinkconditioned signals p(t) need thereinforcing–modulating role ofcerebellar nuclei signals m(t). Inorder to be efficient, IP neuronalsignals need to go through alearning process in order tobecome 180° out-of-phase withOO MN firing. Thus, IPneuronal activities (following arelay in the red nucleus) reachOO MNs right at the moment ofmaximum motoneuronalhyperpolarization [34], and IPneurons facilitate a quickrepolarization of OO MNs,reinforcing their tonic firingduring the performance of thoseclassically conditioned eyelidresponses. Abbreviation: VIInfacial nucleus. Figurereproduced with permissionfrom [50]

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investigation of interposed nucleus activation in the future[76].

Beyond acquisition, appropriate CR timing has been founddisrupted in patients with cerebellar disorders [69]. CRs occursignificantly earlier in subjects with cerebellar corticaldegeneration and with lesions of superior parts of thecerebellar hemisphere compared to healthy controls. Disor-dered timing has also been reported in alcoholic patients andin abstinent chronic alcoholics in whom cortical degenerationof the anterior cerebellar lobe is to be expected [77].Corresponding to animal findings of Mauk’s group [73],VLSM analysis in focal cerebellar patients revealed thatCR onset was significantly earlier in subjects withcortical lesions including parts of the ipsilateral anteriorlobe, in particular hemispherical lobule V [69].

Good agreement between animal and human data and itscomparatively simple application allow for universal usageof eyeblink conditioning as a model of cerebellar learning.Eyeblink conditioning can be used for direct comparison ofcerebellar dysfunction in animal models of cerebellardisease and the corresponding human patient populations.For example, there are increasing numbers of mousemodels of hereditary cerebellar disease. Furthermore, eye-blink conditioning is helpful to search for cerebellardysfunction in various neurological diseases. In essentialtremor [78], dystonia [79], fragile X syndrome [80], andneuropsychiatric disorders (including autism, schizophrenia,dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [81, 82]),impaired CR acquisition has been interpreted in favor of acerebellar role in the pathogenesis of these disorders.

Cerebellar Control of Motor Speech (P. Mariën)

The articulation of speech is a highly complex process and aunique human capacity that poses high demands on themechanisms ofmotor control. At themotor level, linguistically

meaningful sound production in human communicationinvolves an estimated 80 muscles (many of which are paired)to realize rapid, highly coordinated and smooth buccolabio-lingual movements which are meticulously synchronized tolaryngeal and respiratory activity. The production of speechinvolves an estimated 1,400motor commands per second [83].

At least two distinct neural networks have beenidentified to subserve human speech sound production[84, 85]. The first network consists of a phylogeneticallyancient motor pathway for primitive vocalizations such asinnate vocal reactions to painful stimuli. This networkencompasses the anterior cingulate gyrus and the adjacentmesiofrontal regions and projects via midbrain (tegmentumand periaquaductal gray), basal ganglia, and pons (centralpattern generator) to cranial nerve motor nuclei in the lowerbrainstem that are responsible for the innervation of thevocal tract musculature. The second, more extensive neuralnetwork subserves more complex forms of motor speechproduction such as linguistically meaningful sounds, words,and phrases. At the cortical level, this second pathwayinvolves the lateral and medial premotor regions—amongwhich are the Broca’s area and the supplementary motorarea—the primary motor cortex and the anterior insula. Atthe subcortical level, the basal ganglia and the cerebellumare crucially involved in this network [86].

In his classic 1917 paper on the effects of gunshotwounds in victims of the First World War, Gordon Holmesdescribed disturbed muscular control of speech productionafter cerebellar lesions and added evidence to the view thatthe cerebellum plays an important role in motor speechcontrol [87]. Holmes characterized motor speech symptomsfollowing cerebellar damage as typically slow, monotonous,staccato, scanned, indistinct, remarkable irregular, jerky,explosive, slurred, and labored. Darley, Aronson, andBrown designated these alterations in phonation andarticulation as “ataxic dysarthria” and identified theimprecise production of consonants and vowels, irregular

Fig. 4 a–c Acquisition of conditioned eyeblink responses across3 days in patients with pure cerebellar degeneration compared tohealthy controls. Mean percentage CR incidence and standard errors(SE) in paired trials (CS = tone; US = air-puff) are shown per block of

ten trials and per session of 100 paired trials (total = mean totalpercentage CR incidence). In the group of patients, CR incidenceswere significantly reduced. No clear increase could be observed acrossthe 3 days (adapted from [60])

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articulatory breakdowns, excess and equal stress, and harshvoice quality as the cardinal symptoms of cerebellar motorspeech disorder [88]. Holmes, as well as many investigatorsafter him, maintained that the causative lesion for ataxicdysarthria could be situated in either one or both cerebellarhemispheres [87, 89]. By contrast, Lechtenberg and Gilmanfound that ataxic dysarthria mainly follows from damage tothe superior anterior vermal and paravermal regions andalso showed that motor speech deficits resulted morefrequently from left than right cerebellar lesions [90].However, anatomoclinical studies investigating the topo-graphic correlates of ataxic dysarthria have not been able toprovide a coherent picture with regard to lateralization norlocalization of the causative lesion within the cerebellum[91, 92].

On the other hand, perceptual and parametric studies ofataxic dysarthria have consistently shown a reduction of themaximum speaking rate as well as a distorted coordinationand slowed execution of articulatory movements [93, 94].Based upon these findings, the functional contribution ofthe cerebellum to motor speech production has primarilybeen defined as a major regulator of the temporal, onlinesequencing and adaptation of overlearned, basic speechmovement patterns (mental syllables) into linguisticallylarger segments such as words, phrases, and sentencesduring overt speech production [84, 92].

Functional neuroimaging studies of healthy persons andpatients with cerebellar disorders substantially added to thisview demonstrating crucial involvement of the fronto-cerebellar network at the prearticulatory stage of silent(covert, internal) speech as well [95]. In addition, aconsistent lateralized distribution of metabolic or hemody-namic responses located in the prefrontal areas of thelanguage dominant hemisphere and the anatomicallyconnected contralateral cerebellar hemisphere has beenobserved during various conditions of internal speechprocessing [96, 97]. In line with these insights, clinicalstudies reported patients with apraxic speech disorders(such as developmental apraxia of speech and foreignaccent syndrome) as well as patients with apraxic agraphiafollowing disruption of the cerebello-cerebral networkcrucially implicated in the processing of oral and writtenlanguage planning [98–102].

Involvement of the cerebellum in the sequencing phaseof silent speech computation is in agreement with therecently acknowledged role of the cerebellum in a broadvariety of nonmotor cognitive and linguistic functions.Indeed, during the last three decades, advances in theunderstanding of the neuroanatomy subserving thecerebello-cerebral network combined with evidence fromfunctional neuroimaging, neurophysiological, and neuro-psychological research have substantially extended thetraditional view on the cerebellum from a mere coordinator

of automatic and somatic motor functions to a topograph-ically organized and highly specialized neural mechanismcrucially implicated in a variety of nonmotor cognitive,linguistic, and affective processes [103–107].

Control of Grip Forces (D.A. Nowak)

The cerebellum plays a major role in the predictive timingand coordination of isometric grip forces when graspingand handling objects in the environment. The involvementof the cerebellum in predictive grip force control originatesfrom its peculiar role in the anticipatory tuning of muscleactivity during voluntary motor actions [108]. The exquisitecontrol of grip forces when manipulating objects is anessential part of our daily motor repertoire. Skilled controlof grip force involves different modes of control that relyon prediction and sensory feedback to different extents[109]. When we handle objects in the environment thatexhibit stable properties, predictive control mechanisms caneffectively be exploited. When, for example, the load of ahandheld object is increased by a self-generated action,such as moving the arm to transport the object or droppinga weight from one hand into a receptacle held by theopposite hand, grip forces increase in parallel with loadforces without an obvious time delay [110, 111]. When, onthe other hand, we handle objects with unpredictablebehavior, such as catching a weight that is unexpectedlydropped from another person into a handheld receptacle,sensory feedback provides the most useful source to signala change in load with the consequence that grip forces tendto lag behind load [111].

Subjects with cerebellar disorders show deficits ofpredictive grip force control, whereas reactive controlmechanisms are relatively unimpaired [112–115]. Figure 5illustrates the control of grip forces during discrete upwardand downward directed movements of a handheld object forthree healthy control subjects in comparison to a subjectwith cerebellar agenesis [116]. Impaired predictive gripforce control in cerebellar disorders has been documentedfor a variety of manipulative tasks, such as lifting an object,catching a weight, and transporting an object [112, 114,115, 117, 118]. In particular, damage to the dentate nucleusand to the Purkinje cells of the cerebellar cortex has beenassociated with deficits in predictive grip force control[117].

Commonly, subjects with cerebellar disorders exertexcessive grip force levels when grasping, lifting, andtransporting objects in the environment [114, 115, 117].The force overshoot observed in subjects with cerebellarpathologies has been interpreted to reflect an acquiredstrategy to ensure a stable grasp in situations the motorsystem works suboptimally [116]. In contrast, the timing

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deficits in grip force modulation reflect impaired predictionof external loads arising from voluntary object manipula-tion [112, 113, 115, 117]. However, the correlation betweenthese impairments and clinical ataxia rating scales, such asthe International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Score sub-scales [119], appears to be weak, implying that kineticmeasures may serve as a valuable adjunct measure fortesting dexterity in cerebellar disorders [115].

The predictive coupling between grip and load forceprofiles has been interpreted within the theoretical conceptof internal models [109]. Figure 6 illustrates the theoreticalconcept of an internal forward model within the context ofgrip force control. Predictions of the consequences ofvoluntary motor actions are necessary as the cerebral motorcortex cannot respond on the basis of slowly evolvingsensory and somatosensory feedback. The latter wouldproduce essential time delays of around 100 ms [109].

Given the regular anatomical cytoarchitecture of thecerebellar cortex and the well-characterized functionalcircuitry with only one output cell and four main classesof interneurons, the cerebellum has been considered toincorporate such internal forward models [120–122]. Thecerebellum may function similar to a forward model byusing efference copies of motor commands to predict thesensory effects (corollary discharge) of voluntary actions.Accurate predictions reduce the dependence on time-delayed somatosensory feedback. Cerebellar circuitrywould be necessary to learn how to establish accuratepredictions using error information about the discrepanciesbetween actual and predicted sensory consequences(prediction error) of voluntary actions. Given its anatom-ical connections, the cerebellum is well suited to computeexpected sensory outcomes of voluntary motor actions.Data from functional brain imaging have provided

Fig. 5 Average data ofgrip force, load force, andacceleration obtained fromvertical movements performedby three healthy subjects (a)(female, right-handed, aged 59,63, and 65 years) and subject H.K. with cerebellar agenesis (b).Subjects moved a handheldinstrumented object upward anddownward. The handheld objectincorporates a grip force sensorand three linear accelerationssensors registering accelerationin three dimensions includinggravity. In healthy subjects, gripforce starts to rise early inupward and late in downwardmovements (arrows). Grip andload force profiles change inparallel and peaks in load forcecoincide with peaks in grip forcesuggesting predictive forceplanning, regardless ofmovement direction. In H.K.,the grip force profile does notexactly match the profile inload. Grip force starts to rise atmovement onset, regardless ofwhether the movement isdirected upward or downward(arrows). Peak grip force lagsbehind peak load force forupward movements, butprecedes peak load force fordownward movements. Thesefindings indicate that H.K. wasunable to plan and process thegrip force output differentially tothe direction-dependent loadingrequirements of the upcomingmovement

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additional support to the idea that the cerebellum isrelevant for implementing the equivalent of internal forwardmodels within the central nervous system [123–125].

Dysfunction of Voluntary Limb Movementsin Cerebellar Patients (M. Manto, N. Oulad Ben Taib)

Limb movements in cerebellar patients are characterized byovershooting/undershooting, increased variability from trialto trial, impaired timing, overall slowness, and increasedcurvature of trajectories. Direction and gravity are twofactors influencing the severity of these deficits [126]. Bothmovement initiation and termination are impaired. Errors inposition, directional tuning, and velocity profiles arecommon, supporting the general hypothesis that thekinematic parameters of movements are affected in cere-bellar disorders. Patients with cerebellar damage showdifficulties with predictive motor timing [127]. Muscle tonemay be decreased [128], although this is often subtle.

Control of Single-Joint Movements

Hypermetria is a classic sign of a lesion of the cerebellumor in the cerebellar connections. The term refers to theovershoot of a target when the patient makes a voluntarymovement towards the target [129]. When a single-jointmovement such as a wrist or elbow movement is performedquickly, a triphasic burst of electromyographic (EMG)

activity can be identified: a first burst of activity in theagonist muscle launches the movement. This burst isfollowed by a second burst of EMG activity in theantagonist muscle to provide the braking torque [129].This is often followed by a third burst at the level of theagonist muscle to reach the final position. The mostprominent EMG defect associated with cerebellar hyper-metria is a delayed onset latency of the antagonist activity[130, 131]. However, other defects have been identified,and cerebellar patients may show various combinations ofthe following elemental abnormalities: decreased intensitiesin both the agonist and the antagonist EMG activities,decreased rate of rise in the antagonist EMG activity, andinability to adapt appropriately the intensity of EMGactivities to an increased inertia of the moving limb [132].Indeed, hypermetria is larger when inertial loads are addedto the moving hand, as a consequence of the inability toadequately tune the intensity of the antagonist activity.Cerebellar patients may also show impairments in theadaptation to external damping during fast reversal move-ments [133]. Dysmetria may be associated with a kinetictremor, which predominates in visually guided tasksperformed at slow or moderate velocities. Tremor may beobvious during maintenance of limbs against gravity.

Control of Multi-joint Movements

The investigation of unrestrained vertical arm movementsexecuted at different movement velocities has shown that

Fig. 6 Internal forward models enable a parallel modulation of gripforce with the movement-induced loads when transporting a handheldobject. The motor system generates a descending motor command thatresults in sensory feedback (reafference). A forward model of thissystem uses a copy of the descending motor command (efferencecopy) and generates an estimate of the sensory feedback likely to

result from the movement (corollary discharge). The cerebellumcomputes an estimate of the sensory feedback. A mismatch betweenthe predicted and actual sensory outcomes (prediction error) triggersforce corrections along with an updating of the relevant internalmodels

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hypermetria of multi-joint movements is associated withsmaller peak muscular torques, and smaller rates of torquechange at elbow and shoulder joints [134]. In patientsperforming forward pointing movements, peak musculartorques at the elbow are reduced during the initial phase ofthe movement when simultaneous shoulder joint anteflex-ion generates extension upon the elbow joint. Impairmentin generating appropriate muscular torques significantlycontributes to the patients’ difficulties in controlling themechanical consequences of dynamic interaction forcesduring multi-joint movements [134].

During throwing, patients with ataxia exhibit morevariable hand trajectories and increased variability intiming/amplitude/velocity of finger opening [135, 136].The increased timing variability of finger opening cannotbe explained by an impairment in the generation of torquesat the fingers level.

Lesion-Symptom Mapping for the Control of LimbMovements

Correlations between clinical/behavioral deficits associatedwith motor coordination as well as motor learning andhigh-resolution MRI have been investigated both in patientswith degenerative disorders and in those with focal lesions[137]. In patients with cerebellar cortical atrophy, thedeficits in limb movements correlate with the atrophy ofthe intermediate and lateral cerebellum. In case of acutecerebellar lesion, upper limb ataxia is correlated withlesions of lobules IV–VI, whereas lower limb ataxia iscorrelated with lesions of lobules III and IV, in agreementwith the somatotopic organization of two homunculoidrepresentations revealed by fMRI, with the more extendedlocated upside down in the superior cerebellum [138]. Limbataxia is correlated with lesions of the interposed and partof the dentate nuclei [139].

In terms of recovery of dysmetria following an acutecerebellar lesion, there is a trend toward a lower degree ofrecovery when cerebellar nuclei are involved. Lesions ofthe cerebellar nuclei are not fully compensated at any ageand are independent of the pathology [139].

The Cerebellum and Timing (R. Ivry)

Understanding cerebellar function requires consideration ofthe temporal domain. The roots of this idea are found in theclinical literature. The cardinal feature of ataxia is thebreakdown of the temporal patterning of coordinatedmovement. Patients with ataxia are unable to preciselycontrol the timing essential for producing rapid movements[140] or coordinate dynamic interactions that arise in multi-joint movements [141].

These clinical observations inspired the experimentalanalysis of temporal control. Patients with cerebellarpathology have difficulty producing well-timed movements[142], especially if the damage encompasses superiorcerebellar regions [143]. Similarly, cerebellar dysarthria isprominent for phonological features that rely on the precisetiming of articulatory gestures; the deficit is less evident ifthe phonological contrasts are based on the configuration ofthe articulators [84, 144].

Reports of temporal processing deficits on perceptual tasksexpanded the functional domain of cerebellar timing beyondmotor control (Fig. 7). Patients with cerebellar degenerationhave difficulty making perceptual judgments when thecritical information requires fine temporal discrimination[142, 145]. Interestingly, this deficit is pronounced when theperceptual judgments are based on simple temporal featuressuch as duration, but not for more complex rhythms,indicating that extracerebellar structures support abstract,hierarchical representations of time [146]. Cerebellar activa-tion is also a consistent feature of neuroimaging studies ofperceptual timing, although meta-analyses underscore theinconsistency of these data [147]. A cerebellar role indetecting violations of sensory expectancies is especiallypronounced for temporal violations [148, 149].

Two issues have engendered considerable debate concerninghow to characterize temporal processing within the cerebellum.The first centers on the distinction between event and emergenttiming [150, 151]. Cerebellar pathology produces markedimpairments on tasks in which movements are time-locked tospecific events. Eyeblink conditioning serves as a model taskof event timing; the animal learns to produce a singularresponse in anticipation of the unconditioned stimulus.Movements marked by the anticipation of precisely timedsensory inputs [152] or in which sequential transitions must beprecisely coordinated [153] can also be viewed as event-based. In contrast, patients with cerebellar deficits showreduced deficits when temporal regularities are not associatedwith salient events [154], leading to the hypothesis that timingin such tasks is an emergent feature, reflecting the operation ofother control parameters. For example, to produce continuousmovements at a constant rate (e.g., circle drawing at 1 Hz),consistent timing can be achieved by maintaining a constantangular velocity.

The second issue centers on the question of absoluteversus relative temporal representation. Computationalmodels of cerebellar timing have focused on the represen-tation of absolute intervals, for example, asking how ananimal learns the precise interval between a CS and US.Models of absolute time naturally incorporate the idea thatthe temporal range of the cerebellum may be limited to thesubsecond range. For longer intervals, extracerebellarstructures either are sufficient, or interact with the cerebel-lum to provide a memory system for time [155, 156]. The

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idea of absolute interval timing was at the core ofBraitenberg’s seminal conjecture concerning the cerebellumas a millisecond timer [157]. While experimental analysesrevealed shortcomings with a fixed delay line model,subsequent computational studies have explored alternativemechanisms to provide interval-based representations[158]. Consensus is emerging from this work that temporalencoding arises from processing within the granular layerof the cerebellar cortex [159].

Alternatively, an orderly succession of states may serveas “trigger points” during the production of a skilledmovement, even though the overall rate of the movementmay vary from one instantiation to the next (Fig. 8). Models

in which the cerebellum is viewed as a state estimatorhighlight how this structure imposes temporal regularitieswith relative rather than absolute timing [160, 161]. Thisformulation captures the flexible nature of skilled behavior,providing a compelling account of how the cerebellumcontributes to tasks such as ball throwing [135], in whichthe action of one effector (e.g., the wrist) is dependent onthe state of another effector (e.g., the rotating arm). Thetemporal processing capabilities of the cerebellum imposethe dynamics that allow a desired action to unfold in asmooth, coordinated manner.

In summary, consensus holds for three core ideasconcerning the cerebellum and timing. First, the represen-

Fig. 7 Representative tasks associated with timing deficits in patientswith cerebellar pathology. a Sensorimotor prediction task: SCApatients were highly variable in timing a button press to release amissile to intercept a moving target. b Temporal learning: theconditioned response is either abolished, takes longer to learn, or is

produced without the appropriate delay. c A larger difference isrequired for the comparison interval. d Speech discrimination isdisrupted when the phonetic contrast is based on the duration of asilent period (a from [122], c from [160], d from [140])

Fig. 8 Absolute and relative timing. Participants are trained to makean action composed of two parts, an arm reach and a thumb buttonpress. During training, the reach lasts 350 ms and the button presseither precedes the onset of the reach (negative values), occurs duringthe reach (50–350 ms), or occurs after the reach is terminated(700 ms). At transfer, the participant is told to slow down the reaching

movement. When the actions are successive, the absolute timingbetween the components is maintained. When the actions arecoordinated (overlap), the timing of the thumb press is delayed tomaintain relative timing. fMRI revealed a cerebellar response for thecoordination condition compared to either component alone (adaptedfrom [156])

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tation of time has proven to be a core concept forexperimental and theoretical studies of the cerebellum.Second, while all brain activity is, at its core, aboutprediction, the cerebellum is critical for behaviors requiringreal-time prediction. Third, activity in the granular layer ofthe cerebellar cortex is critical for temporal encoding.

We can also agree on issues that remain open questions:Are certain forms of temporal representation uniquelyperformed by specific brain structures such as the cerebel-lum, or is temporal encoding a ubiquitous and genericfeature of neural activity [150, 162]? Does timing provide acharacterization of the cerebellum at a functional level, or isaccurate timing required for cerebellar-specific computa-tions such as error detection? Are there unique features ofcerebellar anatomy and physiology that support temporalprocessing [159]?

Sensorimotor Synchronization (M. Molinari)

Sensorimotor synchronization (SMS) is a form of referen-tial behavior in which an action is coordinated temporallywith a predictable external event—the referent [163].Usually, the term SMS refers to a situation in which boththe action and referent are periodic, such that thepredictability of the referent arises from its regularrecurrence.

Studies on the neurophysiological basis of SMS inhumans have implemented various protocols. In general,testing is required to decode the time information fromdifferent sensory modalities to guide the motor response asmovement timing (e.g., in tapping) or interception time(e.g., in reaching paradigms). Cerebellar involvement insensory processing and time perception is well estab-lished [164, 165], and both areas focus on the cerebellumas the key structure in SMS.

Tapping protocols require one to produce a motorresponse in a time-locked manner with a sensory rhythmicstimulus. To achieve this goal, time information that isembedded in the sensory stimulus must be extracted andinserted into the motor output. This information must beprocessed to allow the motor commands to anticipate thesensory input—i.e., to synchronize the actions, the planningmust be based on the prediction of an incoming input.Similarly, to intercept an object successfully, a motorsystem must be provided with all of the information thatis needed to predict the interception point. Predictions thatare based on sensory analyses constitute the crux ininterpreting cerebellar processing for motor control learningwhen no SMS is required [166].

But how it is possible to predict something and howdoes cerebellar processing intervene? One explanationimplicates cerebellar importance in sequence processing

[167]. If events are organized in fixed sequences, then, afterrecognition of the initial elements, it would be possible topredict the elements that follow.

Convergent neuroimaging, neurophysiological, behav-ioral, and lesion data indicate the importance of cerebellarsequence recognition in SMS [168–170]. Neurophysiolog-ical data in humans have shed light on the cerebellarmechanisms of detecting expected and unexpected somato-sensory events. In magnetoencephalographic (MEG)recordings, Tesche and Karhu [171] demonstrated that thecerebellar response to a time-locked somatosensory stimu-lus is higher when an expected stimulus is not presentedcompared to when it is perceived as expected. Theimportance of cerebellar processing in alerting the cerebralcortex to incoming sensory inputs has also been confirmedusing time-based mismatch negativity (MMN) paradigms[148].

Cerebellar damage also impairs sequence recognitionwhen the sequences are based on spatial, linguistic, orbehavioral information [172]. Neurophysiological cerebel-lar function in discerning expected and unexpected con-ditions has been also demonstrated in a spatial MMNparadigm [173], in which the spatial location stimulus waschanged at random within a time regular sequence ofstimuli. Under this condition, the MMN cortical responsedeveloped only if cerebellar processing was preserved.Thus, cerebellar damage deprives the cerebral cortex of itscapacity to react to changes in the spatial location ofsomatosensory stimuli.

The importance of recognizing the next item in asequence and predicting what comes next based onexperience has been also analyzed using ad hoc cart sortingtests that are based on spatial, verbal, or behavioral content.All patients with focal or atrophic cerebellar damage hadimpaired sequence detection, irrespective of the content; thesole differences in performance were related to thetopography of cerebellar lesions [174]. In particular,behaviorally relevant scenes were ordered incorrectly bysubjects with left cerebellar damage, and verbal sequenceswere ordered incorrectly by those with right cerebellardamage.

In a broader sense, SMS can be considered the ability tomodulate motor behavior not only in the time domain but ingeneral according to predictable environmental changes. Atpresent, no direct experiments have been performed toanalyze the cerebellar role in SMS to nontime-relevantstimuli. Nevertheless, cerebellar involvement in the detec-tion of behaviorally relevant scenes [174] and its hypoth-esized importance in behavioural disturbances, such asautism [175] and schizophrenia [176], suggest that cerebel-lar synchronization functions must be considered in a widerscenario. If someone recognizes a known sequence ofevents, he can synchronize or adapt his behavior to a

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specific context and thus promptly and correctly react tosensory stimuli. This hypothesis is particularly relevant,considering the holistic view of human motor cognition [177].

Such an approach stresses the idea that the sameprocesses that mediate the production of actions mediateperceptual, conceptual, lexical, and behavioral processing.Within this framework, SMS and cerebellar processing canbe considered the basis of human adaptation to environ-mental changes—not only at the motor level but forvirtually all human abilities in general, given the widerange of cerebellar functional domains [178].

In closing, it is important to emphasize that SMS isachieved not only by processing within the cerebellum.Implicit SMS, at least in the time domain, can also beattained after cerebellar damage [179]. Similarly, precer-ebellar sensory processing for motor control has beenrecently and elegantly demonstrated in dorsal columnnuclei [180].

Thus, as is often the case in neuroscience, SMS appearsto be a more complex event than believed. SMS can link amotor response to a sensory stimulus in the absence ofcerebellar processing. Conversely, the synchronization ofhuman motor cognition with the environment, as perceivedby our senses, requires the recognition of specific complexmultisensory patterns. The cerebellum represents the onlystructure of the brain in which actual sensory informationand previously experienced complex patterns can becompared and thus recognized. Cerebellar research isadvancing rapidly, and soon, our knowledge of thecerebellar mechanisms that are involved in complex SMSwill help us address pathologies, such as autism andschizophrenia.

The Cerebellum and Control of CorticomotorExcitability (AB. Conforto, SN. Farias da Guarda)

The cerebellum receives information from the contralateralmotor cortex (M1), sensory cortex, and spinal cord. Thisinformation is integrated, processed, and relayed to thecontralateral M1 [181]. The cerebellum has a putativefacilitatory effect on excitability of the opposite M1 throughdentothalamocortical projections [182]. Here, we reviewevidence from transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) andtranscranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) studies,showing that cerebellar input regulates excitability of M1in humans. The basic modes of action of TMS will not bediscussed here (see also [183, 184]).

Cerebellar Modulation of M1 in Healthy Subjects

When TMS of M1 is preceded by TMS of the contralateralcerebellar hemisphere by 5–7 ms, motor-evoked potential

(MEP) amplitudes decrease, compared to MEP amplitudesobtained by TMS of M1 alone. This phenomenon is calledcerebellum–brain inhibition (CBI) and is likely mediated byexcitation of Purkinje cells by TMS. Purkinje cells sendinhibitory projections to deep cerebellar nuclei that in turnsend excitatory projections to thalamic nuclei. Therefore,inhibition of the dentatothalamic excitatory projection leadsto decrease in M1 excitability, reflected in decreased MEPamplitudes [185, 186].

Repetitive administration of pulses (repetitive TMS,rTMS) administered over several minutes can have effectsthat outlast the stimulation period. For example, 1-HzrTMS often decreases neuronal excitability; 1-Hz rTMS ofthe cerebellum decreases CBI for 30 min [187]. A variant ofrTMS is theta-burst stimulation (TBS) consisting ofrepetitive bursts of three TMS pulses delivered at afrequency of 50 Hz, every 200 ms. When administeredcontinuously, TBS of the cerebellum also reduces CBI[188, 189].

In tDCS, anodal stimulation usually increases neuronalexcitability while cathodal stimulation has the oppositeeffect [188]. Cathodal tDCS of the cerebellum decreasesCBI and anodal tDCS enhances CBI [185]. It has beenshown that peripheral electrical somatosensory stimulationincreases contralateral M1 excitability reflected in increasedMEP amplitudes in healthy humans and animals [190, 191].In rodents, this effect is blocked by cerebellar lesions [191–193] indicating that the cerebellum facilitates this type ofplasticity.

Modulation of M1 in Patients with Cerebellar Lesions

Resting motor threshold (rMT), short-interval intracorticalinhibition (SICI), intracortical facilitation (ICF), and long-interval intracortical inhibition (LICI) are measures of M1excitability. When a subthreshold magnetic stimulus isfollowed 1–6 ms later by a suprathreshold stimulusdelivered to the same M1, there is a decrease in M1amplitude (SICI). When the interval is larger (10–15 ms),MEP amplitudes increase (ICF). When two suprathresholdstimuli are delivered at an interval of 50–200 ms, LICI isobserved [194–196]. SICI is believed to be mediated byGABAA and LICI, by GABAB interneurons [197]. Table 2summarizes TMS measures of excitability in patients withcerebellar lesions. In patients with unilateral cerebellarinfarcts, SICI of the contralateral M1 is increased at anearly phase (<2 weeks) [198] and decreases at later stages[198, 199].

Degenerative and paraneoplastic cerebellar ataxias leadto heterogeneous clinical syndromes with different abnor-malities in corticomotor excitability. While Friedreichataxia is an autosomal recessive disorder, spinocerebellarataxias (SCA) include autosomal dominant, recessive, or X-

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linked disorders characterized by progressive degenerationof the cerebellum and its connections. There is a correlationbetween genetic defects and corticomotor excitabilitychanges [200–202]. For instance, SICI is normal in patientswith sporadic cerebellar syndrome and paraneoplasticcerebellar degeneration, but LICI is increased in bothconditions [200, 201]. rMT has been found to increase inSCA1 and remains unchanged in other conditions.

Also, absence of CBI occurs in patients with lesions inthe cerebellar efferent pathways from different etiologiessuch as SCA3, SCA6, paraneoplastic cerebellar corticalatrophy, and cerebellar stroke [203]. Therefore, eventhough some measures of cortical excitability are affectedin different ways by conditions that affect the cerebellum,CBI absence is common to various syndromes that sharedefective cerebellar output.

Altogether, these results suggest that cerebellar outputinfluences different neuronal populations in M1 and thattiming and etiology of cerebellar lesions impact theireffects on M1 excitability. Novel treatment strategies areexpected to target specific abnormalities of M1–cerebelluminteractions.

The Cerebellum and the Control of Movement-RelatedSensory Data Acquisition (J. Bower)

The proposal that the cerebellum is directly and primarilyinvolved in coordinating movement has been the dominanttheory of cerebellar function since the mid-eighteenthcentury when Marie Jean Pierre Flourens observed thatcerebellar ablation in rabbits resulted in the loss of motorcoordination [204]. The majority of the mechanistictheories supporting this hypothesis since have assumed thatcerebellar circuitry itself computes some function that thendirectly creates or modifies the patterns of muscle activa-tions and synergies that underlie coordinated movement[205, 206]. In distinct contrast, we have proposed thatcerebellar circuitry is not concerned with the coordinationof smooth movement at all, but instead coordinates theacquisition of sensory data on which motor systems, and infact, all other brain systems depend [166]. While in some,

maybe even most brain systems, the cerebellum effects itscontrol over sensory data acquisition through an influenceon the physical position of sensory surfaces and thusthrough motoneurons (the extraoccular eye muscles as partof the vestibulo-occular reflex, for example), computation-ally, the cerebellum’s influence on those motoneuronssubtly controls the position of sensory surfaces (the retinafor example in the case of the VOR) and, therefore, reflectsa concern for the quality of the sensory data being obtained(in the case of the VOR minimizing retinal slip). Compu-tationally, this control over sensory data acquisition ispredicted to directly affect the efficiency and thus theprocessing power of other brain systems (the rest of thevisual system in the case of the VOR) enhancing itsperformance (for the VOR, the maintenance of visual acuitywith self movement). For the axial movements that havebeen assumed for 150 years to be coordinated by thecerebellum, this hypothesis therefore predicts that disrup-tion in the timing or pattern of movements does not reflect adirect involvement of the cerebellum in calculating musclesynergies, but instead is a secondary consequence of thedegradation in the quality of the sensory data motor cortex,the basal ganglia, the spinal cord, and the rest of theprimary motor system used to coordinate patterns of muscleactivation to produce coordinated movement.

The idea that the cerebellum is a sensory data acquisitionand not a motor coordination device emerged from thestudy of the spatial pattern of tactile projections to thelateral hemispheres of the rat cerebellum [207] as well asthe pattern of cerebellar cortical responses to those inputs[208]. The hypothesis, however, sheds a different light onseveral very basic cerebellar properties:

1. In order to continually assess the quality of sensorydata, the cerebellum should receive direct and rapidprojections from sensory structures collecting datarelevant to movement. The spinocerebellar propriocep-tive and tactile pathways are the most rapidly conduct-ing pathways in the brain and provide extensive inputto the cerebellum [209].

2. In order to coordinate sensory data acquisition, cere-bellar output should directly influence the transduction

Table 2 Corticomotor excitability in cerebellar diseases

Measures of M1excitability

Unilateral cerebellarinfarct, early stage

Unilateral cerebellarinfarct, chronic stage


rMT ↑↓ n ↑ n n n n n n

SICI ↑ ↓ n n n n n n n

ICF ↓ n n ↓ ↓ n n n n

M1 primary motor cortex, rMT resting motor threshold, SICI short intracortical inhibition, ICF intracortical facilitation, ↑ enhanced, ↓ reduced,n normal, SCA spinocerebellar ataxias, FA Friedreich ataxia, SCS sporadic cerebellar syndrome, PCD paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration

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of sensory information at the earliest stages. Outputsfrom the cerebellum projecting via the red nucleus[210] directly influence the fusimotor system responsi-ble for controlling sensory transduction in musclespindles [211, 212].

3. Careful examination of specific movement-relatedeffects of cerebellar lesions, like for example, the longknown inability of cerebellar patients to respond topostural perturbations [213], should reveal specificdeficits in the control of sensory surfaces either duringor prior to movement onset. Experiments of this typehave demonstrated a specific inability to use predictivefeed-forward control to establish the correct “centralsensory set” for upcoming movements [214].

4. This sensory acquisition theory also suggests that theparticular influence of cerebellar deficits on complexmulti-joint movements reflects those movementsheightened requirement for the coordination of sensorydata across multiple sensory surfaces, rather than aspecific breakdown in active cerebellar involvement inmotor control. Accordingly, the finding that cerebellarpatients break complex movements into a series ofsimpler movements [141] can be viewed as an adaptivestrategy to deal with the lack of coordinated sensorydata.

5. In fact, the rather remarkable ability of motor coordi-nation to recover from cerebellar ablations, which maybe the best kept secret of cerebellar motor studies, webelieve reflects the ability of the structures that are, infact, responsible for motor coordination (motor cortex,the basal ganglia, the spinal cord) to develop newcomputational strategies to work around poorly coor-dinated sensory data at the cost that movements areslower, less complex, and less efficient. Consistent withthis idea, the most commonly found clinical effect ofcerebellar lesions is the general slowing down ofbehavioral execution [141, 215]. Again, the sensoryacquisition theory predicts that this slow down reflectsthe additional computational time necessary to organizebehavior using poorly coordinated sensory data, aprediction consistent with evoked potential studies[216].

6. Finally, the cerebellum receives projections from allknown sensory surfaces and is structurally, and there-fore almost likely computationally, uniform [164].Accordingly, any proposed theory of cerebellar func-tion will eventually need to extend to all sensorysystems. The theory of sensory data acquisition clearlymeets this standard, predicting that behavioral perfor-mance deficits associated with cerebellar removal ordysfunction will be manifested in all other sensorysystems and attributable to disruptions in sensory dataacquisition control (c.f. [173, 217]). Of course, it has

been known for a many years that cerebellar lesionsdisrupt the performance of visual tracking systems,including the vestibular ocular reflex [218]. As men-tioned briefly above, while executed through theactivation of ocular motor muscles, these cerebellar-related mechanisms are functionally sensory, as theyare responsible for increasing overall visual acuity byfine-tuning the position of the retina [219, 220]. No onehas ever claimed that the cerebellum is involved invisual object recognition because disruption of theVOR results in a decrease in visual acuity. In a specifictest of the idea that the cerebellum provides the samefunction for all sensory systems, it has recently beendemonstrated that cerebellar patients have significantauditory deficits, for example, in pitch perception[221], even though data acquisition in the auditorysystem is not dependent on the movement of axialmuscles. Again, it has never been suggested that thecerebellum is responsible itself for pitch perception. Bydirect analogy, it makes a little sense to suggest that thecerebellum is involved in coordinating smooth move-ments through influencing sensory processing.

In summary and put as simply as possible, the corequestion is whether the cerebellum itself computes how tomake movements smooth and coordinated and drives motorneurons accordingly, or instead works to assure that themotor system has the best sensory data with which tocalculate and execute behavior, including smooth andcoordinated movements. While this distinction may at firstseem somewhat subtle, it is not subtle at all with respect tothe analysis of cerebellar cortical circuitry and what thatcircuitry actually computes [164], or with respect tounderstanding how the cerebellum is involved in the myriadand growing number of behaviors and systems beyondthose traditionally associated with motor control nowsuggested to involve the cerebellum [106, 222].

Cerebro-cerebellar Interaction in VisuokinestheticPerception of Hand Movement (N. Hagura, E. Naito)

Extracting the continuously changing spatial location of aneffector during movement is essential for accurate motorcontrol of that effector (limbs). The sensory afferentinformation the brain utilizes for inferring the state(position/movement) of the limbs is primarily the kines-thetic/proprioceptive information signaled by the firing ofmuscle spindles, cutaneous and joint receptors [223–229].Also, visual information of the limb is often available toindicate its state to the brain [230–233]. Since sensory inputfrom the two different sources is potentially conflicting,combination of visual and kinesthetic information is a

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critical step for the brain to identify the unified spatial stateof the limb.

Classically, it has been regarded that areas in the cerebralcortex take dominant role in this visuokinesthetic integra-tion. Clinical studies have reported that brain lesions infrontal and parietal cortices, especially lesions in the rightside, elicit severe deficit in body localization and ownershipof the body [234–236]. Bimodal neurons found in theseareas of nonhuman primates that respond to both tactile andvisual information at the same spatial location alsosupported this view [237, 238]. However, it is still unclearwhether and how the cerebellum is involved in thismultisensory processing.

From the studies of motor control, evidence has beenaccumulated that the cerebellum is an important locus forthe process of predicting the sensory consequence of action[31] and for the estimation of the effector state for onlinecorrection of action [160]. It has also been shown thatcerebellar damage disturbs matching of visual and kines-thetic information when making continuous movements[239, 240]. From the sensory processing side, it is knownthat in nonhuman primates, visual [240–244] and kines-thetic [245–247] inputs reach the cerebellum, eitherindirectly via the cerebro-pontine-cerebellar pathway ordirectly via the spinocerebellar pathway. Since sensoryfunction of the cerebellum has been also highlighted [248,249], it is plausible to assume that the cerebellum is alsoinvolved in the visuokinesthetic integration process thatenables humans to estimate the current bodily state. Inparticular, regarding the literature published in the motorcontrol field, one may infer that the cerebellum is involvedin the visuokinesthetic integration under a dynamicalsituation (during movement), where continuous onlinecombination of the two sensory input channels is required.Results from a recent study [250] support this view andfurther suggest the importance of cerebro-cerebellar inter-action during this computation.

In this study, healthy volunteers experienced kinestheticillusion of hand flexion movement elicited by tendonvibration of wrist extensor muscle [251] while they viewedeither flexion (CONG) or extension (INCONG) of theirvideo-recorded hand motions (Fig. 9a). When the effect ofvisual velocity of hand motion on kinesthetic perceptionwas examined in each condition (CONG or INCONG), theamount of illusory experience was graded by the visualvelocities only in the CONG condition (Fig. 9b). Thus, thebrain appeared to continuously match and combine visualand kinesthetic information, only when movement direc-tions sensed by vision and kinesthesia were matched.

When brain activity was measured with fMRI, only theleft posterolateral cerebellum was specifically recruitedunder the CONG condition (Fig. 10c, d), and the degreeof left cerebellar activity was well correlated with the

participants’ perceived intensity of illusory hand movementunder the CONG condition (Fig. 10c, e). This cerebellaractivation was not observed when people experienced theillusion with their eyes closed [251]. Another finding wasthat the cerebellar activation was lateralized to the leftirrespective of the hand (left or right) side (Fig. 10c). Thisfinding contrasted with the right-dominant cerebral activa-tions (Fig. 10a, b) normally observed during kinestheticillusions irrespective of the left and right hands [251] andfrom the broad literature showing importance of the rightcerebral cortex in bodily related sensory processing inhumans [234–236]. From the nonhuman primate anatomi-cal studies, it is now evident that the cerebral cortex and thecerebellum are mainly contralaterally interconnected (cere-bellar projection to the cerebral cortex via the thalamus orprojection from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum via the

Fig. 9 Conditions (a) and behavioral results (b) in the experiment[245]. a Participants experienced illusory flexions of their right handswhile viewing their video-recorded hand flexion (CONG) or extensionmotion (INCONG). Crosses on the wrist joints indicate fixation points.Open arrow indicates the direction of illusory movement, and solidarrows indicate the directions of visual hand motions. Three differentvelocities were used for each condition. b Filled bars represent themean illusory angles across all participants under the CONGcondition and open bars indicate those under the INCONGcondition. Error bars indicate the standard errors of means acrossparticipants. *p<0.05

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pontine nuclei) [252–255]. Thus, the recruitment of the leftcerebellum for this multisensory processing may bereflecting the communication with the bodily informationprocessing areas of the right cerebral cortex. Functionalconnectivity analysis provided supportive data for this idea;we found that the activity of the left cerebellum enhancedits coupling with that of the right inferior parietal lobe (IPL;Fig. 10a, b), only when visual and kinesthetic informationwas combined (CONG; Fig. 10f).

The study demonstrated that the left cerebellum, workingclosely together with the anatomically connected high-orderbodily region of the right parietal cortex, participates inonline combination of exteroceptive (vision) and interocep-tive (kinesthesia) information to maintain perceptual coher-ence of momentarily updated hand position, presumably, tomaintain the unified bodily state. The cerebellum may playparticularly important roles in visuokinesthetic combinationwhen the bodily movement is sensed, allowing prediction

Fig. 10 Results from thefMRI experiments [245]. a, bRight-dominant cerebralactivations (a top view, b lateralview) during visuokinestheticprocessing in the CONG andINCONG conditions. c Leftcerebellar activations exclusivelyunder the CONG condition.Orange and blue sectionscorrespond to the results obtainedfrom the right and left hands,respectively. Red sectionrepresents the area wherestrength of activity correlatedwith the subjective experience ofhand movement. The horizontalplane (z=−27) is displayed. dThe size of effects of leftcerebellar activation (orange in c)across conditions. Bars indicatethe means of contrast parameterestimates (size of effect inarbitrary units) for the leftcerebellar activation (−27, −69,−30) during the CONG (orangebar), INCONG (black bar), andother control conditions (openbars; see [245] for details). Errorbars represent standard errors ofmeans across participants.e Significant correlation betweenthe behavioral ratings (illusionscores) and the left cerebellaractivity (red in c; r=0.57, df=34,p<0.001 one-tailed). The illusionscores are mean-corrected.f Relationship of activitiesbetween the right IPL (Dashedyellow circle in panel b) and theleft cerebellum in a representativeparticipant, revealed by functionalconnectivity analysis. Theregression slopes were 0.52 and0.29 for the CONG and INCONGconditions, respectively. Theactivities (x-axis for right IPL;y-axis for left cerebellum) aremean-adjusted (arbitrary units)

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and updating of the bodily state, for online correction ofongoing action. The roles of the cerebellum in the build-upof action–perception linkage will be an important issue forfuture studies.

Functional Neuroimaging Studies (C. Habas)

Functional imaging studies (fMRI and PET) have substan-tiated the role of the cerebellum in motor control,automation, and learning (motor skill acquisition).Resting-state functional connectivity studies have showedthat the (sensori-)motor cerebellar system is intrinsicallyconnected and encompasses (Fig. 11) the sensorimotor,lateral premotor, supplementary motor, anterior cingulate,and insular cortices, striatum, ventral thalamus, red nucleus,and cerebellum including the dentate nuclei (DN) andcerebellar cortex [256]. The cerebellar motor cortex

includes the hemispheres of lobules V/VI/VIII, especiallytheir paravermian part, and the anterior vermis [256–259].These cerebellar regions must correspond to the handrepresentation of the anterior (lobules V/VI) and posteriorcerebellar homunculi (lobule VIII), revealed in fMRIstudies [138, 260]. A third cerebellar homunculus has beenpostulated in the cerebellar pyramis, which is specificallyactivated on the right side during self-paced movements.Lobule VII can also be recruited during self-initiated andcomplex rhythmic movements [261, 262] and, in conjunc-tion with lobule VIII, during different conditions of tool use[263]. Recently, another motor domain specifically devotedto ipsilateral and bilateral complex movements has beendescribed in lobules VI and VIIA [264].

Specific activation of lobules V/VI/VIII is observedduring simple right-handed finger movement tasks, such asflexion–extension or tapping [265], abduction–adduction[261], pronosupination [266], and index pointing towards a

Fig. 11 The intrinsicallyconnected motor network at rest(from [251]). a Axial slices(Arabic numbers indicatez-coordinates). b Coronal slicespassing through the cerebellum(Arabic numbers indicatey-coordinates). Abbreviations:LN lentiform nucleus(pallidum), M1 motor cortex,PMC lateral premotor cortex(clusters also includeinsula/claustrum), SMAsupplementary motor cortex,THAL thalamus

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visual target [267]. All kinds of movements are accompa-nied by anterior lobe activation (except oculomotor andphonation that specifically activated vermis of lobules VI/VII and lobule VI/crus I, respectively). However, theamount of cerebellar activation and the recruitment ofdentate nuclei and posterior lobe are related to thecomplexity of the motor performance. First, for instance,lobule VIII [138, 261, 268, 269] and anterior and posteriorvermis [266] are preferentially involved in unilateral orbilateral, simultaneous or rhythmic movements. Second,DN activation remained weak during simple motor task[270] and increases in parallel with the complexity of thetask, reaching a maximum during tactile sensorimotordiscrimination tasks (reviewed in [271]).

Cerebellar activation (especially, anterior lobe) is stronglycorrelated with (reviewed in [272, 273]) (1) movementfrequency (in relationship with the premotor cortex [266]),(2) movement quantity, (3) speed [275, 276], (4) spatialand temporal complexity [267, 274], and (5) movementuncoupling [277]. Vermis of lobule VI is preferentiallyactivated during discrete movements whereas its lateralpart is activated in a similar manner during discrete andcontinuous movements [278]. Lobule V takes part in astate-dependent control during which a predicted stateestimation of an effector is needed to coordinate actions ofanother [161]. Left lobule V activation is also increasedwith decreasing movement rate and strongly correlatedwith force error detection/correction [279]. The cerebellumappears to subserve spatiotemporal motor coordinationand kinematical/dynamical implementation or controlbased on online sensory feedback for slow movementsor on efferent copy for ballistic movements. Moreover,anterior lobe activations partially overlap during execu-tion and imagination of the same movement, even iflobular VI(−VII) activation appears more posterior andlateral [280].

The cerebellum is differentially engaged in the succes-sive phases of motor sequence learning (procedural mem-ory) and automation. During the learning process,cerebellar activation progressively decreased while DNactivation increased, suggesting transfer of plasticity ofthe motor engram from cortical to deep nuclear zones [281–283]. In the overlearning phase, DN activation diminishedso that activation of the cerebellar motor activation is partlysuperseded by the striatal one. Lobule VII can be recruitedduring the late stage of the performance, likely due toexecutive requirement rather than motor control per se[265]. Therefore, increasing performance and movementautomaticity is globally associated with decreasing anteriorcerebellar activation. As activation of lobules V/VI and rednuclei is positively correlated with errors in performance,the anterior cerebellum may intervene in error-driven motoradjustments and learning [276].

In conclusion, the cerebellar motor system consists of anintrinsically connected network involved in kinematical,dynamical, and temporal planning and in error-drivenonline adjustments necessary to optimize movement per-formance, especially for complex, ballistic movements andduring the early phases of motor learning. This cerebellarcommand can rely on sensory feedbacks during slowexploratory movements, or can remain independent of themand/or may subserve state estimation based on forward andinverse models. This network centered on lobules V/VI/VIII can also recruit neocerebellar regions (lobule VII)when executive/cognitive functions are required to executevery complex movements.

Magnetoencephalographic Mappingof Cortico-cerebellar Dynamics (C. Tesche)

Noninvasive neurophysiological methods have the capacityto reveal the dynamics of cortico-cerebellar interactions inboth normal human subjects and patient populations withexquisite temporal resolution. Although scalp EEG record-ings have long contributed to the understanding of motorplanning and execution in the cerebral cortex, elucidation ofcortico-cerebellar network dynamics has emerged onlyrecently following the development of MEG arrays. Earlyrecordings of isolated turtle cerebellum in vitro revealedstrong neuromagnetic signals attributed to postsynapticcurrent flow in Purkinje cells [284]. Detailed whole-scalpMEG mapping of neuronal population dynamics elicited bymedian nerve stimulation demonstrated the feasibility ofcharacterization and interpretation of both evoked andongoing oscillatory activity in human cerebellum [171,284–286].

Coherent oscillatory activity is believed to play a criticalrole in the sculpting and coordination of disparate neuralpopulations in the sensorimotor system [287, 288]. Pre- andpost-central cortical oscillations have been detected byMEG arrays in the alpha- (8–12 Hz), beta- (15–30 Hz), andhigh-frequency gamma-band (65–100 Hz) ([289]; for areview, see [290]). Changes in movement-related oscillatoryactivity begin as early as 1,500 ms before the initiation of amovement and endure for up to several seconds followingcessation of movement. Specific sensorimotor areas partic-ipating to movement planning and execution may showincreases in oscillatory power, whereas noninvolved areastypically display a reduction in power [291].

MEG has been used to characterize oscillatory activity inthe motor system in normal individuals and patients withParkinson’s disease and hepatic encephalopathy ([292–294;for a review, see [295]). Data reveal that precise motorcontrol is mediated by an 8-Hz oscillatory drive of spinalmotor neurons that is coherent with oscillations in the

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cerebellum, thalamus, and premotor and motor cortex. Inparkinsonian resting tremor, a more extensive network,including the basal ganglia, posterior parietal cortex,secondary somatosensory cortex, and supplementary motorcortex, is recruited into coherent oscillation, with cortico-muscular entrainment at 8 and 16 Hz and coupling ofsensorimotor areas emerging at 10 Hz. Abnormalities inoscillatory network level activity observed in patients withmini-asterixis due to hepatic encephalopathy include aslowing of cortico-muscular drive. These observationsdemonstrate that MEG can reveal abnormalities in cortico-cerebellar dynamics in patients with movement disorders.

An adaptive functional role for coherence within cortico-cerebellar networks in normal subjects is supported by theassociation of increased intercerebellar coupling and alpha-and beta-band coherence in bilateral cerebello-thalamo-cortical networks with reduced variability during rhythmicbimanual finger tapping [296]. In adults, the cerebellumand SMA are typically engaged in more difficult bimanualmovements and auditory pacing tasks. Interestingly, chil-dren from 8 to 15 years old, who have less maturecerebello-frontal circuitry, also recruit SMA and cerebellumin the performance of simple unilateral flexion–extensiontasks [297]. A detailed study of the maturation of coherencein the sensorimotor system of typically developing adoles-cents may provide insights into developmental transitionsin cortico-cerebellar networks which falter in disorders suchas autism and schizophrenia.

MEG responses to tactile stimulation have been recorded inadolescents with psychosis [297]. Differences in the modu-lation of alpha- and gamma-band activity between patientsand controls were observed in post-central gyrus and in theleft and right cerebellar cortex, supporting the notion thatabnormal connectivity and function within cortico-thalamiccerebellar-cortical loops may be a contributing factor to thedevelopment of schizophrenia [298, 299]. MEG has alsobeen used to characterize oscillatory activity and long-rangesynchronization in individuals with autism. Although anal-ysis of waveforms recorded by individual MEG sensors doshow differences in oscillatory activity and synchronizationover the parietal and frontal cortex, measures of cerebellardynamics and cortico-cerebellar coupling have yet to beextracted from these data [300].

Transcranial TBS of cerebellar vermis shows potentialfor the modulation of emotion and affect in individuals withschizophrenia [301]. The development of noninvasivetranscranial stimulation for both research and clinicalapplications motivates continued efforts to image cortico-cerebellar dynamics within the broader context of sensoryprocessing and attention, working memory, classical con-ditioning and emotional learning and affect in bothnormally developing children and adults and individualswith developmental disorders. Research studies have been

initiated on attention to temporal cues [171, 302], musicaltraining [303], decision making [304], the human mirrorneuron system [305], and epilepsy [306, 307]. Clearly,much work remains to be done.


In this consensus paper, we have attempted to capture thediversity of the current opinions on the involvement of thecerebellum in sensorimotor control, by gathering contribu-tions from a panel of experts. While a definite consensusstatement on the roles of the cerebellum in motor controlhas not yet been reached, these contributions clearlyhighlight the broad range and diversity of current cerebellarstudies.

The exact nature of the basic operations performed bythe cerebellum remains unknown. Several major theorieshave emerged these last decades. The cerebellum copeswith the highly complex nonlinear biomechanical featuresof the body. The hypothesis of Marr-Albus suggests that theclimbing fiber input carries an error signal weakening thestrength of a subset of parallel fibers/Purkinje neuronsynapses in the cerebellar cortex, so that the cerebellumwould gain the control of movement through trial-and-errorpractice. Because expectations and estimates of futuremotor states are essential to perform fast movements anddue to the intrinsic time delay of sensory feedback relatedto motion, it has been suggested that the cerebellumcontains internal models to emulate movements. Clumsi-ness and errors in motion would result from a distortedpredictive control. Another influential theory relates to theinverse models that would be lodged in the cerebellum, theinput being the aimed trajectory and the output the motorcommand. Both forward models and inverse models can beviewed as inter-related. Acquisition of a motor act wouldrequire forward models. The acquisition process itselfwould create an inverse model to allow an unconsciousskilled movement.

What is the clinical relevance of these insights to theunderstanding of the exact cerebellar contributions in termsof cerebellar symptoms? The literature shows that theleading theories reviewed in this paper can explain to someextent the clinical deficits encountered in daily practice:

– Oculomotor deficits: disorders in timing– Speech deficits: disorders in timing, sensory acquisition,

and motor predictions– Limb deficits: disorders in timing, sensory acquisition,

sensorimotor synchronization, control of corticomotorexcitability, visuokinesthetic cerebro-cerebellar interactions

– Ataxia of stance/gait: disorders in timing, sensoryacquisition, and motor predictions

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We would like to underline that these theories do notnecessarily exclude each other. We have not discussedhere the contributions of the cerebellum in cognitiveoperations. Analogies exist with the mechanisms under-lying these deficits and those involved in motor control,the cerebellum encoding internal models reproducing theessential properties of mental representations in thecerebral cortex [308].

Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflictof interest.


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