Connection of EarThing Circuits in Hv Systems

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EarThing Circuits

Transcript of Connection of EarThing Circuits in Hv Systems

  • 0. Introduction 3

    1. General screen connection principles 5

    2. Earthing circuit conditions and tests 13

    3. Standardized screen connection diagrams 15

    4. Elements making up the screen circuit 18

    5. Multiple circuits 43

    6. Tests 44

    7. Earthing of lightning arresters 49



  • This Engineering Recommendation deals with the earthing of cable screens which constitute

    an insulated three phase line, installed either in a service gallery, in an indoor installation

    or directly buried. To reduce the losses on the line and optimize the transport capacity,

    connection systems tend to be adopted which reduce the intensity of the currents induced

    on the screens. These systems involve specific connections of the screens to each other

    and to earth and give rise to permanent current and current surges on the screen circuits

    which must be considered.

    0.1 SCOPE

    This Recommendation describes the systems and components used in the connections

    of the screen circuits of three phase power lines for voltages equal to or greater than 66

    kV, made up of single-core cables with metallic screen and insulating sheath. Specific

    means may be required to withstand the permanent current and current surges which can

    occur between different parts of the screen circuit, and between the same and the earth,

    and the testing and checking of the continuity of this circuit should be allowed.


    This Recommendation uses the definitions of the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary

    (publication CEI 50), and in Appendix A of "The Design of Specially Bonded Cable Systems,

    (part 1)" of Electra no. 28, of May 1973.

    The following definitions are moreover added:

    Screen. Continuous concentric conductor which surrounds the main conductor and

    insulation, aimed at confining the electric field and at conducting the possible short-

    circuit currents. It can be made up of a continuous metallic covering or a corona of

    wires possibly complemented with metallic tapes. It should be connected to earth

    directly or indirectly.

    Sheath Voltage Limiters (SVL). Devices with two terminals of strongly non-linear

    voltage-current characteristic, aimed at limiting the differences of transitory potential

    which, on the occasion of impulse, atmospheric or manoeuvring surges, can appear

    between elements of the screen circuit with limited dielectric strength.

    Connection box. Blockable box(1), built to house the connections of the screens, of

    the earthing cables and the associated SVL when they exist. It should be connected

    to earth if it is metallic.


    (1) Which requires a tool or a key to open it


  • Indirect earthing Earthing of the screens of the cables, or of a section of them, so that

    the screen circulation currents that would otherwise occur are reduced or eliminated.

    Other sections of screen from the same or another phase may be involved in series in

    this connection between a screen and an earth electrode. Indirect earthing causes small

    permanent current at some points of the screens or at the terminal.


  • In an alternating current line, the whole formed by the screens and their connections

    constitutes a secondary circuit strongly coupled to the primary circuit, formed by the main

    conductors subjected to mains voltage. For this reason, considerable intensities can

    appear on the screen circuit during the normal operation of the line. The added losses

    and heating for this reason should be taken into account, and in many cases measures

    should be taken to minimize them. This Recommendation distinguishes between two

    screen earthing diagram types:

    Rigid earthing systems

    Special earthing systems

    The following conditions should be fulfilled in both systems:

    During the normal operation the capacitive currents should be conducted to earth,

    maintaining the screens at a potential close to that of earth.

    During the time a short-circuit lasts, both external to the line and occurring in the same

    or on one of its elements, the fault currents which can travel along the screen circuit

    should not cause excessive voltage between screens and earth and between parts of

    the screen circuit. The strength of the insulation between screen and earth (cable sheath)

    and of the separation insulation between sections of screen should be sufficient to

    withstand these voltages.

    At the points in which the current surges of atmospheric or manoeuvring origin could

    cause inadmissible dielectric stress on the screen circuit, there should be adequately

    sized voltage limiting devices.

    The adoption of measures to cancel or minimize the permanent intensities on the screens

    associated with the operation of the line under normal conditions can cause another type

    of problem, mainly the appearance on the screen circuit of high voltages during short-

    circuits or current surges on the mains. This Recommendation regulates the procedures

    to maintain these surges within acceptable limits.




    In these systems the screens of the three phases are connected together directly and to

    earth so that, at all points of the line, the voltages of the screens between each other and

    in relation to earth are maintained close to zero. No provision is adopted to prevent the

    circulation of currents along the screens under a permanent regime. These currents, induced

    by the main conductors, will give rise to an additional production of heat, with the consequent

    reduction of the lines transport capacity.

    The screens should be joined together and to earth at both ends of the lines. If necessary,

    with the aim of limiting the screen voltages which could appear in the event of a defect on

    the line itself, the screens will be joined together at other points, which can also be earthed.(2)

    Generally speaking, single-core cables which constitute a three phase line are arranged

    in a triangle as close as possible, to reduce the currents on the screens, which increase

    on increasing the separation between phases.

    With this arrangement, the transpositions of phases along the line are only useful to reduce

    their inductive influence on adjacent cables. When the arrangement is flat, or in some other

    way asymmetric, the transposition of conductors can moreover achieve the equality of

    currents on the screens, and thus obtain the minimum value of losses in this type of

    connection. Under no circumstances can the transposition of conductors be used to cancel

    the currents on the screens.


    Fig. 1Rigid earthing system


    (2) It is prudent to connect the screens together and to earth every 2 to 3 km, but this is only requiredif the voltages generated between phases or between phase and earth due to voltage drop becauseof the circulation of fault current exceeds the perforation voltage of the sheath.

  • 1.2.5 Sheath voltage limiters (SVL)

    The limiting devices indicated in the previous section, also called surges dischargers, are

    strongly non-linear zinc oxide conductor elements. They present a very high resistance to

    the reduced voltages that appear under normal operating conditions, and they do not

    therefore modify the screen circuit diagram. They weakly conduct the industrial frequency

    voltages originated during mains failures, without having any limiting effect on these voltages.

    On the other hand, they conduct intensely for the short disturbances of atmospheric or

    manoeuvring origin which would cause very high voltages at the ends and at the discontinuity

    points, limiting these voltages to admissible values. This conduction is accompanied by

    production of heat in the discharger, for which the latter has a reduced storage capacity.

    For this reason, they are only adequate to limit surges of an order of duration lower than

    1 ms, being able to be destroyed if an industrial frequency voltage, even of short duration,

    exceeds their free conduction threshold.

    It is necessary to limit the voltages which appear between screens and the local earth and

    which subject the insulating sheath of the cable and the supporting insulators of the

    terminals to dielectric stress, and the voltages that are presented between the two ends

    of the screen which concur at the same joint with screen discontinuity, which must be

    withstood by a very small thickness of insulating material inside the joint.


    To allow periodic verifications of insulation and continuity of the screen circuit, the connections

    between screens, to earth and to the SVL are carried out using detachable elements(3). The

    connection of the SVL must also be detachable.

    These connections and the SVL must be placed out of reach of unauthorized people, either

    in adequate boxes, with insertion of physical barriers, or next to the external terminal base

    if they are not accessible from the ground.


    (3) The detachable connections are connected by means of blades or screws and can easily beremoved and replaced, without subjecting the elements of the circuit to stress or bending.


    All the direct connections between screens and between the latter and earth must be

    carried out using detachable links. The connections between screens and between the

    latter and earth carried out using SVL must be disconnectable. During the operation of the

    line, these elements must be considered as live elements and the same precautions shall

    be established to access them as for the live parts of the installation.


    The direct earthing of the screens shall be carried out taking into account the following


    In the cases in which the screens must be earthed at one of the ends of the line, the

    connection will be carried out to the general earth electrode of the substation and at the

    same point where the earth bonding conductor, if it exists, is connected.

    In the cases in which the screens are earthed at intermediate points of the line, they will

    also be connected to the bonding conductor, if it exists.

    If there is no bonding conductor, and in the location there is a local earth system intended

    for other uses, to carry out the connection of the screens to this system at intermediate

    points of the line it will be necessary to justify that it can accept the impulses of intensity

    which would originate in the event of atmospheric or manoeuvring discharge, the industrial

    frequency intensities that would appear in the event of short-circuit at any point of the

    line or external to it and the permanent industrial frequency intensities that may occur

    due to asymmetries of the line or other causes, always ensuring the safety of people and



    In the situations in which the SVL devices are connected in a star, the centre of the star

    can be earthed in the following cases:

    In the cases in which the SVL must be connected at one of the ends of the line, the

    connection will be carried out to the general earth electrode of the substation and at the

    same point where the earth continuity conductor, if it exists, is connected.

    To the earth continuity conductor, if it exists.

    If there is no earth continuity conductor, and there is no adequate earth network, the

    connection may be carried out to an electrode formed by four earth rods with a length

    no shorter than 1.2 m, connected parallel and situated in the four corners of the enclosure

    where the SVL are housed, provided that this electrode is electrically independent from

    any other local earth system of the installation.



  • If there is no earth continuity conductor, and in the location there is a local earth system

    intended for other uses, to carry out the connection to this system it will be necessary

    to justify that it can accept the impulses of intensity which would originate in the event

    of atmospheric or manoeuvring discharge and the industrial frequency intensities that

    would appear in the event of action of one of the SVL ensuring the safety of people and


    If none of the possibilities indicated in the above hypotheses is available, the centre of

    the star of the SVL will not be earthed. In these cases, the connection of the SVL in a

    triangle is preferred.



    With this system the screens are directly joined to each other and to earth at both ends

    and, possibly, at some intermediate point, without there being any interruption in their

    continuity. Fig.1 illustrates the general case, in which both ends of the line and possibly

    the joint points are directly earthed.



    Fig. 1Rigid earthing system


    Fig. 2 describes the diagram to be used in the event of a major single section and Fig. 5

    in the event of two major sections. With this system surge limiting devices are only necessary

    at the intermediate points of discontinuity of the screens.

    Fig. 2Cross bonting system

    (1 Major section, 3 minor sections)

    Minor sectionMinor section Minor section

    Major section


    Cross bondinglink boxeswith SVL

  • The SVL can be connected in the following manners (see Fig 9):

    In a triangle, each of them being parallel with the continuity interruption space of each


    In a star, with its centre connected to a local earth system or to the bonding conductor

    (or to one of the conductors), if it exists (see section 2.3).

    In a star, with its centre insulated.

    Major section Major section

    Fig. 3Continuous cross bonding system

    (2 major sections, 6 minor sections)


    Cross bonding link boxes with SVL

    Fig. 9Detail of SVL box and screen crossing

    Cross bondinglink boxwith SVL

    SVL instar

    SVL intriangle


    These systems, which can be made up of one or several sections, are characterized by the

    discontinuity of the screens in some (or in all) the changes of section and by the joining

    of the screens to each other and to earth in a single point within each section. Surge limiting

    devices assembled in a star with centre earthed must be installed at each end of section

    which does not coincide with the point of its earthing. There must be an earth continuity

    conductor, and the earth connections, both of the screens and of the surge limiting devices,

    must be carried out directly to this conductor (Figs. 6, 7 and 8).


    Fig. 6Single point bonded system

    (Earthing at one end)

    Fig. 7Single point bonded system(Earthing at the middle point)

    Earth continuity conductor

    SVLlink boxes

    Earth continuity conductor

    Fig. 8Single point bonded system

    (Earthing at both ends with interruptionof screen at the middle point)

    SVLlink box

    SVLlink box

    Earth continuity conductor SVLlink box


    (4) The connection boxes are of a watertight horizontal type, and are used in chests or galleries.The cupboards are of vertical type protected against the elements and used fastened to walls ofsubstations or metallic structures (pylons or towers).(5) An internal short-circuit generates a very considerable excess pressure. If the box breaks, thisexcess pressure will be transmitted to the chest (of small volume) and may be sufficient to pull offthe cover and cause an accident.


    The elements necessary to establish the connections between the elements of the screen

    circuit that each system requires, and for the subsequent verification of the screens, are

    described below.


    The ends of the junction cables and of the SVL (except the SVL connected directly between

    sectioning insulation on terminals of equipment with metallic casing or on external terminals

    see section 4.5.1), will be enclosed in connection boxes capable of containing the effects

    of thermal or electric failure of any of the elements housed without damage being caused

    to neighbouring external elements. In the cases of boxes installed in chests or enclosures

    of small volume it is recommended that they should be capable of containing the effects

    of an internal short-circuit.(5)

    In the case of voltages of 245 kV upwards, with their corresponding high fault levels, it is

    accepted that, in certain situations, the insulation of the SVL and of the connections may

    not be capable of withstanding the conditions to which they are subjected in the event of

    an internal fault of the line itself. When this situation is foreseen, additional measures should

    be adopted to confine the consequences of this type of fault.

    Metallic connection boxes should always be earthed, by means of a connection independent

    from the earthing of the elements contained inside them (connections of the screens or of

    the SVL) with a sufficient level of insulation. The internal insulation of the connection boxes

    should fulfil the conditions of section 6.3.

    The boxes or cupboards should be equipped with some means to prevent incorrect

    connection positions and shall be equipped with a label which shows the normal connection


    The connections of the terminals, junction cables and SVL must be designed so that they

    can achieve and easily maintain the contact resistances of section 6.6 (d). The terminals

    and junction cables must also fulfil the short-circuit resistance conditions given in the Table

    of section 4.2.

  • 4.1.1 Watertight connection boxes

    They must fulfil protection grade IP68. Those which contain SVL and which are assembled

    at ground level must be of a horizontal type, with covers equipped with adequate bolts for

    installation in not very deep chests under the surface of the ground. The highest point of

    the box assembled in a chest (without considering the lifting eyes) should not be more than

    1 m below the level of the ground, to aid handling.

    The boxes foreseen for external installation must be weatherproof and adequate for assembly

    on watertight terminal support structures.

    The metallic boxes must be earthed by means of connection to adjacent main earth

    electrodes or to the earth bonding conductor. They can also be connected just to a local

    earth system, independent from the main system, if the internal insulation of the box

    guarantees an adequate safety level.

    Each box should contain the elements of just one circuit.

    4.1.2 Protected connection cupboards or boxes

    All these boxes should fulfil protection grade IP54. When they are in vertical position they

    are called cupboards. The cupboards should fulfil the following conditions:

    (1) The back part of the cupboard should be a fixed panel.

    (2) The door(s) should be closed by means of a security lock or an alternative method. When

    the cupboard has two doors, only one of them needs to be blockable; the other door can

    be secured by means of internal espagnolette bolts on the upper and lower part.

    (3) Each circuit should have its own cables for connection to screens and to earth, SVL

    and earth cables. These elements cannot be shared by two circuits.

    When the cupboard is situated within the area of an important earth network (for example

    of a substation), the internal earth bar should be connected to this network. If the cupboard

    is metallic, it should also be connected to this earth network, it being possible to carry out

    this connection to the earth bar inside it.

    When the box is not situated thus (for example at joint points all along the cable run), the

    earth bar to which the connecting cables are connected (by SVL, in the appropriate cases)

    in normal operation should be connected to the earthing system of the location of the joint.

    The box, if it is metallic, should be connected to its own local earth. The insulation between

    the internal earth bar and the box should be adequate to resist the test level between

    junction cable and earth specified under Point 6.3. The insulation between the casing of

    the SVL and the box should also fulfil this condition.

    When the box is metallic, its earth connection terminal shall be independent from the

    elements housed in it. The set of connection devices may be covered by a transparent

    methyl methacrylate insulating screen, or by another suitable material.


  • If higher values are foreseen in a specific installation, suitable larger sections should be adopted.

    The connecting cables to be used should be:

    In cable systems with rigid connection: All the connecting cables will be single-core.

    In cable systems with special connection: Except in the cases which are indicated below,

    all the connecting cables shall be concentric. In a joint with screen sectioning, the conductors

    on both sides of the sectioning shall be the inside and the outside of the connecting cable.

    In the terminals, the junction cables connected to the screens of the cables should be the

    interior conductors of the concentric cables; the exterior conductors of the aforementioned

    cables shall be connected in all cases to the metallic parts of the terminal support structures.

    If metallic connection boxes are used, the exterior conductors of the concentric cables of

    the terminals shall be connected in all cases to the metallic box.


    These cables must be made up of stranded copper conductors insulated with XLPE, andshould be one of the following types:

    (i ) Single-core construction, in accordance with Table 1A.(ii) Concentric construction, in accordance with Table 1B.Tables 1A and 1B show the minimum section of connecting conductor associated with thenominal voltages and with the systems short-circuit current levels. The connecting cablesmust comply with the conditions of UNE-HD-603 in everything which is applicable to them,except as regards the testing voltages, which shall be those indicated under Point 6.4 ofthis recommendation.

    The section of the connecting cables, both for the interior and exterior conductors of theconcentric cables and for the single-core cables in any type of connection, shall be determinedby the maximum value of the short-circuit current foreseen for the installation. Dependingon the highest voltage for the material, the minimum levels of this current to be taken intoaccount in the design of the connecting conductors are established in Tables 1A and 1B,as follows:


    U 72,5 kV 16 kA for 1 second

    72,5 kV < U 145 kV 25 kA for 1 second

    145 kV < U 245 kV 40 kA for 1 second

    245 kV < U 63 kA for 1 second

  • The SVL and their detachable connections can be situated directly on the pylon or metallic

    support structure.

    The connections should be designed to minimize the length of the cables. Whenever

    possible, no concentric type connecting cable should be more than 10 m long.

    Joints will not be accepted in the connecting conductors in new installations, but they can

    be accepted in subsequent interventions, for example in maintenance or repair work.

    The exceptional cases in which single-core connecting cables can be used in systems with

    special screen connection are:

    Junction cables used for the earthing of the screens of the cables at the common earthing

    point of two sections with single-point connection, as shown in Fig. 7.


    Fig. 7Single point bonded system(Earthing at the middle point)

    Earth continuity conductor

    Junction cables used in terminals normally earthed.

    Junction cables used for earthing or other connections in the terminals in equipment

    with metallic casings, as in Figs. 20, 21 and 22.

    SVLlink box

    SVLlink box

  • Fig. 10 Screen connection diagram in terminals with metallic casing

    (Direct earthing)


    Connections close to metallic casings

    Blockableconnection box

    assembledon frame

    Main earth of the system orearth continuity conductor

    The bridges must be connected directly to both sides of theseparation insulation and the metallic casings must beconnected to the main earth of the system.


    Connection function:Element:Applicable to:

    Direct earthingTerminal of the cableFor direct earthing in systems with class SF61insulated screen.

  • 23

    Fig. 11Screen connection diagram in terminals with metallic casing

    (Direct earthing)

    Connections far from metallic casings

    Blockableconnection box

    on frame

    Connecting cableto pass through theCT (if appropriate)

    Main earth of the system orearth continuity conductor

    The SVL must be connected directly to both sides of theseparation insulation and the metallic casings must beconnected to the main earth of the system.


    Connection function:Element:Applicable to:

    Direct earthingTerminal of the cableDirect earthing in systems with class SF62insulated screen.

  • 46


    The routine and maintenance tests on finished assemblies shall be as follows:

    Zinc oxide units

    The voltage test at AC 50Hz must be adapted to give a peak test intensity of

    1.6 mA and the voltage measured must be within the range given below.

    In the finished installation tests the visual examination must show that the junction cables

    and the external surface of the unit or of the container are free from important protuberances

    or from other signs of deterioration.

    (a) Internal insulation resistances for SVL enclosures with earth cables.

    The resistance between the earth cables and any metallic case should not be less than

    10 M measured with a 1000 V megaohmmeter.

    Type of limiter Peak voltage Peak voltage/2

    (kV) (kV)

    CPA-03 5,05 5,56 3,57 3,93

    CPA-06 10,10 11,12 7,14 7,86


    (a ) After installing a complete circuit tests shall be performed to ensure that the

    screen and the sectioning insulation of the screen at all points are capable of

    withstanding a rigidity test at direct voltage of 10 kV for 1 minute. The SVL should

    be disconnected on performing these tests.

    The connections and the earthing of the screens should also be checked.

    (b ) It is recommended, at regular intervals, to test the integrity of the screen-earth

    insulation at a direct voltage of 5 kV for 1 minute. The SVL should be checked

    at the same time, in accordance with Point 6.5.

    (c ) If there is an internal defect in a cable system with special connection, the tests

    referred to in section (b) above should be carried out and the continuity of the

    screen-earth metallic path should be checked before putting the cable back in


    (d ) After the installation a measurement should be taken of the resistance of all the

    contacts of the junction cables of the screens in each connection box or cupboard,

    using a digital microhmmeter. The contact resistance should not be greater than

    20 .

    The contact resistance of the SVL connections in the boxes or cupboards should

    be measured in a similar manner and should not be greater than 50 .

    When possible the contact resistance of the external earth cable should be

    measured in a similar manner, and should not be greater than 50 .


    If a fault current has circulated through a cable system with special connection,

    it is recommended at the first opportunity available to check the integrity of the

    screen-earth insulation, the integrity of the connection cables and the characteristics

    of the SVL.


  • 48

    Table 1A


    *Also for connections of 132kV and 275kV systems not subjected to the short-circuit current, for example connections to SVL.

    Table 1B


    12,8 13,3 17,8 18,7 20,2 21,0 26,4 28,0

    1,2+2,0 19,2 20,7 1,7+1,0 23,4 25,3 1,8+1,0 25,8 27,9 2,2+3,0 36,8 39,7

    24,4 26,4 33,6 36,3 36,0 38,9 47,4 51,2

    1,8 28,4 30,7 1,8 37,6 40,6 2,1 40,6 43,8 2,4 52,6 56,8


    Nominal sectionof the conductor

    Voltage of the as-sociated system

    Central conductor

    XLPE Insul. +PVC internal sheath

    30 up to 66 kV 132 kV 275 kV 400 kV

    120* mm2 240 mm2 300 mm2 500 mm2


    PE external sheath

    Thickness Diameter

    Min Max

    Thickness Diameter

    Min Max

    Thickness Diameter

    Min Max

    Thickness Diameter

    Min Max

    12,8 13,3 17,8 18,7 20,2 21,0 26,4 28,0

    1,2+1,5 18,2 19,7 1,7+1,7 24,6 26,6 1,8+1,8 27,4 29,6 2,2+2,0 35,3 38,1

    Thickness Diameter



    Nominal sectionof the conductor

    Voltage of the as-sociated system


    XLPE Insul. +PVC Sheath


    30 up to 66 kV 132 kV 275 kV 400 kV

    120 mm2 240 mm2 300 mm2 500 mm2

    Thickness Diameter

    Min Max

    Thickness Diameter

    Min Max

    Thickness Diameter

    Min Max

  • 49



    The object of this chapter is to determine how lightning arresters should be connected to

    earth in high voltage circuits.

    The earthing is standardized by the substation regulation MIE RAT 13 Earthing installations

    of the Regulation on Technical Conditions and Safety Guarantees in Electric Power Plants,

    Transformer Stations and Substations. To summarize, this regulation says:

    - In an installation there cannot be a live accessible point which can damage people,

    whether under conditions of normal operation or in short-circuit. Consequently, any

    cable which conducts current should be insulated.

    - The earthing circuit cables which connect the electrodes should be bare, resistant

    to corrosion and preferably visible.

    - The dischargers have to be connected to the earth of the accessory that they


    - The earth circuits should be straight without forced bends and as short as possible.

    The earthing of lightning arresters (insulated cable or bare conductor) is not determined.

    There is no reason to use one or another type of conductor.

    Taking the case of a lightning arrester at the top of a support. The earth connection can

    be carried out with an insulated cable or with a bare conductor, and in actual fact is carried

    out in both ways depending on what the customer decides. It should be taken into account


    - It is preferable to use an insulated cable, which is on the safety side.

    - In any case the customer can make any decision without it affecting the safety of

    the circuit.

    - We can opt for a bare cable, linked electrically and mechanically to the support

    in short sections, which will not have problems of perforation of insulation in the event

    of an important impulse.

  • 50


    The connection of the different earthings indicated (direct earthing, earthing of the

    discharger, earthing of the lightning arresters) will be carried out as follows:

    The lightning arrester earthing cable can be the same for the three lightning arresters of

    a circuit.

    The same cable cannot be used for lightning arresters of different circuits.

    The earth connection will be carried out to the earth cable indicated by the customer.

    The connection elements must be suitable for the section of the conductor connected.

    The project completion documentation must indicate where the connection of each circuit

    is carried out.