Connect Magazine

Connect Magazine issue#1 Religion Of Islam


"Islam Connects - Publication Project" brings together 11 Arts and Social Science students at the University of Hong Kong [HKU] to promote cultural exchange in the community. With the support of Serving Islam Team (SIT) Hong Kong, the team has established a new magazine - "Connect". It aims to enhance communication and at the same time dispel stereotypes of Islam. 「繫」出版計劃集合了11位來自香港大學文學院和社會科學院的學生,致力推動香港不同文化的交流。在Serving Islam Team (SIT)的支持下,學生小組創辦了一本雜誌 -《伊繫》,希望加強大眾對伊斯蘭教文化的了解,同時消除以往的誤解和偏見。

Transcript of Connect Magazine



Religion Of Islam

Connect m

agazine issue#1



chief editor /Wael Mohamed Ibrahim /Wong Lok Yin, Shirley

editorial team/Chow Yuk Ki, Laura

/Choy Si Yan, Tiffany/Fong Lok Lam, Joyce

/Lee Cheuk Hei, Jeffrey/Leung Ka Kin, John

/Leung Wan Chi, Queenie/Ng Ho In, Joyce

/Tam Chun Kui, Willy /Tsang Chun Hei, Jason/Tse Wing Tung, Jamie

/Wong Shun Yan, Yandi/Wong Joe Li, Juilet

designer/Chan Yin Yee, Hayrunnisa

publishing by/Serving Islam Team

address/340-342 Hennessy Road,Kuo Wah Building,

7th/F Room No 707,Wanchai ,Hong Kong


Religion Person Person Person Religion Person Religion Religion Person Religion Person Person Religion Person Person Religion Religion Person Person Person Religion Person Person Religion Person Religion Person Person Person Religion Religion Person Religion Person Religion ReligionNot easy, isn’t it? ;)

Try this: say “Islam” when you see “religion”,say “Muslim” when you see “person”

Answer“Islam” and “Muslim” are Arabic termsIslam = ReligionMuslims = people believing in the religion Islam

Matching Game



A person

A religion


Basic Information

They can also be found in the Bible!Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Muhammad is the greatest and the last of all prophets sent by God.

The God is one and incomparable.Same God for Muslims, Jews and Christians?Yes, they believe in the same God, but they perceive Him differently.

Quran:The verbatim word of God and the final revelation, the central religious text of Islam.

Previous scriptures.

Created to serve Allah entirely without free will.

All mankind will be judged by Allah on their good and bad deeds.

Everything is pre-determined.We have free will to judge right and wrong and make decisions. We are responsible forour own actions.

So what do Muslims believe in actually?

Prophets sent by Allah




Judgment Day Predestination


Basic Information

3. It’s just like if you do not believe in Islam, I cannot force you to do so, right? You’re not Muslim, so you can eat pork, just like my parents. You can go your own way, so why not me? After all, it is all about respect.

2. It’s really difficult to find a place for Salat in Central! There’re OLs everywhere! Imagine how hard I tried just to put down a blanket in Statue Square! Haha! So you know, people are in an endless stream that all of them will be taken aback! They will be totally at a loss, wondering “Oh, what is this weird woman doing here?!” You see? That’s why I’ve tried praying at the rear stairs but it will only make me creepier when someone pops in.

1. Well, I feel comfortable to wear Hijab. And people often find it interesting that why I can speak fluent Cantonese! It somehow helps us to start chit-chats, like the taxi drivers and I always have lots to talk about, just because of Hijab. So I really enjoy wearing it.

Some sharings from Muslims


Basic Information

I wear Hijab, Because I am a Muslim. •It is the symbol of Muslim women.•It is a religious obligation to protect one’s chastity.

I wear Hijab, Because the society tells me to. •Social pressure: some countries still discriminate women who do not wear Hijab. Women are under public pressure to conform to the mainstream of the Muslims. In this case, Hijab loses its function of being a religious icon.

I do not wear Hijab, Because the society discourages me to.•Some women choose not to wear Hijab due to Western influence.

•The clothes should not be transparent or very glamorous to avoid attracting the opposite sex. •The clothes should be loose and not very right so as to avoid revealing the figure.•Females should not dress like male. •Women can decide whether they cover their face.

Some do not wear it, but they know one day they are going to make that decision.

Must Muslim females wear hijab?

To wear hijab or not to wear, this is the question

What kind of clothes?


Basic Information

What is love to you?



One loves whom he loves. One hates whom he hates. Simple as this, we nevertheless can’t help asking. Ah! How difficult it is to love!

Four years already, this story of mine involves him as one of the main characters. It was him who introduced me to Islamic religion- an unusual turn in an ordinary story. Ordinary I was, I studied in a Christian primary school. I prayed when I was asked to. And I commemorated the ancestors when I was told to. Muslims were to me terrorists. I am not overwhelmingly intelligent, really. But life has been good to me. All of a sudden, I became an accountant. All of a sudden, I was in London, practicing accounting. Those were the years of no regret. I tried so hard to shake off the straitjacket of conventions. But what does life mean to me? I didn’t know.

All of a sudden...



I once against discriminated the unfamiliar, all because of my prejudice. I can still recall walking at the riverside one day. I was just walking. And suddenly someone yelled “Chinese pig!” It was then I understood what “discrimination” meant. Funny, isn’t it?

Life wasn’t so funny then: the collapse of Lehman Brothers, my uncle dying from cancer.Things come and go so easily. I was lost. Religion was naturally what I sought for. At first I chose Christianity which I was more familiar with. Half-year of churchgoing proved me wrong. It was then I picked up the Quran that my friend gave me. My first reading only provided me with superficial knowledge but little interest of the religion, like my first encounter with him. He was just back from the US.

I watched some video clips on Quran online. I learnt something about its historical background. And I started to accept it, agree with it, and have faith in it that it would lead me out of storms in life. So I believed in Islam, but daren’t so officially.

So he proposed to me, after having met for three times in ten days. And we got married.Straightforwardness saves time, doesn’t it? Love doesn’t necessarily have to involve lots of drama. It is about being together in life.

Funny, indeed. I once rejected Islamic religion.



All these happened without my family’s knowing. When I went back to Hong Kong, My parents naturally could not accept it. From my Muslim faith; my non-Chinese, my beardy husband; my refusal to eat pork and to commemorate my ancestors; to my daily prayers--- all these were completely rejected by my parents. He was a good husband though, facing my parents with utmost consideration. When I moved out of home, my mother wept until her eyes turned red. He hugged her, comforted her. She struggled and pushed him away. Only time will tell, I thought. He understood, and so did I. We both understood, even if others didn’t.

Actually, we seldom spent time together. We were often parted due to work. But this love, this marriage was real to us. As for my mother who speaks no English, she asked my uncle to observe us. His comments were positive. Nevertheless, she has never treated me as a married woman, as we did not organize any grand feast in the traditional way.

I became his wife and officially a Muslim on the same day in Japan.



Even so, marriage has changed the way I see life.I learnt how to prioritize my life. I even had the courage to quit my job. I was unemployed for eight months. After working in several companies, I now work as a financial manager at “the Mother’s Choice” to help the unmarried mothers and their children. I love my job. And I know what my life is about. Without him, without religion, I would not be who I am today.

Unfortunately, he has his work, and I have my life. Ah! How difficult it is to love! Our marriage lasted only for four years. If being together brings so much troubles, even if there is love, and precisely because of love, why not let go?

Allah stays with me though, now and for years to come. I believe in destiny.What comes will come. What is yours will be yours. What goes will go. What is not yours will never be yours. And I believe, this story is yet to be finished.



Christianity (Catholic, Orthodox And Protestant)

Islam (Sunni, Shi'ite And Other)


Other Religion (Chinese Religion, Other Buddhism And Nature Religion)


World Of Religion

Refer By Wiki










我相信,緣到緣盡自有安排:是來了、屬於你的 - 擋不住、總會來臨的;是完了、不屬你的 - 留不住、總會溜走的。
















愛情本身應該不含任何雜質 - 愛就愛,不愛就不愛。奈何現實生活中愛情總不能獨善其身。愛與不愛 - 牽涉的東西太多了。










我戴頭巾是因為社會要我這樣做。•社會輿論壓力:某些國家對不戴頭巾的女性仍存有偏見,這促使她們因為社 會壓力才戴頭巾,令頭巾喪失了宗教認同的標誌。


我作為一個穆斯林,我必須戴頭巾。 •這是穆斯林女性的象徵。•這是宗教義務,用來保護女性的貞潔。







Basic Information

3.等如你地唔係信教,咁我唔可以迫你架嘛,你食豬肉咪食豬肉囉, 我阿爸阿媽都係我面前食豬肉架啦,係咪先?即係要互相尊重囉。

2.但我真係覺得係中環原來搵一個地方禮拜係好難,原來周圍都係 白領儷人,真係好難鋪張氈係皇后像廣場果度,雖然我試過,(笑) 但你一路來,一路有人行過,你會覺得好驚呀,點算呢,以為我 撞邪,以為我係度做咩,咁我又試過後樓梯,後樓梯就好驚有人 經過點算。

1.咁我就覺得戴左頭巾都無乜野喎,D人就覺得咁搞笑嘅,你講廣東 話咁正嘅?反而打開左個話題呀,反而而家我會好enjoy我咁嘅裝 束出街,其實好多話題嘅,我搭的士,D司機成日同我傾計呀。



Basic Information








古蘭經:完整地記錄真主的原話和 祂的啟示,是伊斯蘭教 最重要的經籍。聖訓






Basic Information


宗教 信徒 信徒 信徒 宗教 信徒 宗教 宗教 信徒 宗教 信徒 信徒 宗教信徒 信徒 宗教 信徒 宗教 信徒 信徒 信徒 宗教 信徒 信徒 宗教 信徒宗教 信徒 信徒 信徒 信徒 信徒 宗教 宗教 信徒 宗教 信徒 宗教 宗教沒有想象中那麼容易吧。


答案伊斯蘭和穆斯林都是阿拉伯文伊斯蘭 = 宗教穆斯林 = 伊斯蘭教徒







Basic Information



chief editor /Wael Mohamed Ibrahim /Wong Lok Yin, Shirley

editorial team/Chow Yuk Ki, Laura

/Choy Si Yan, Tiffany/Fong Lok Lam, Joyce

/Lee Cheuk Hei, Jeffrey/Leung Ka Kin, John

/Leung Wan Chi, Queenie/Ng Ho In, Joyce

/Tam Chun Kui, Willy /Tsang Chun Hei, Jason/Tse Wing Tung, Jamie

/Wong Shun Yan, Yandi/Wong Joe Li, Juilet

designer/Chan Yin Yee, Hayrunnisa

publishing by/Serving Islam Team

address/340-342 Hennessy Road,Kuo Wah Building,

7th/F Room No 707,Wanchai ,Hong Kong

Connect m

agazine issue#1



We read and read, we sympathize and associate with each other’s' story to such a point that we have the desire to write the same story together. Curiosity is always the starting point of love, because you won’t start reading if you are not curious.


t is


?Love is reading.

Why do we something for each other for no reasons. Perhaps love cannot be explained. We will know when certain feelings/affections come.

That you are strongly attached to someone. In most cases, you hope that the person can love you back and you have the desire to be close with him/her.

The word “love” explains without explaining.

Love is not restricted to love between a man and a woman. It is to be spread and shown to all the creation of God Almighty. There is love for Allah the Almighty, the Messenger of Allah, the Companions of the Prophet PBUH and the love of good and righteous people. There is love for the religion of Islam, and of course love between spouses to make a successful marriage and a happy family.

Love is a powerful force. It could be constructive by giving us motivations. But it can also be destructive when love goes to an extreme.

Love is a feeling.
















愛=摯情動於心中 + 憐憫







Prophet Muhammad PBUH: “ By Him in Whose Hand my soul is, you will not enter Paradise unless you believe, and you will not believe unless you love each other. Should I direct you to something that if you constantly did it, you would love each other? Spread the g�eetings of peace among you.” [Muslim]

Love is Impor�ant.

Love= Deep affection + Mercy

We should ex�ress our love by telling one another of the feelings we have.

Prophet Muhammad PBUH: “ When a man loves his brother, he should tell him that he loves him.” [Abu Daawood and At-Tir�ithi]

Example from Prophet Muhammad PBUH

He used to drink from the same cup, the same spot from which his wife ‘Aa’ishah drank. During his final illness, he prefer�ed to die resting against his wife’s chest, bet�een her neck and bosom.

In Is


Love alone is not sufficient to establish a solid relationship, it has to be accompanied by mercif�l hear�s to forgive and let go of life’s challenges and sad moments. So even if love disappears sometimes aster mar�iage, one should be patient and look at the matter from a different perspective. For example, Ummar Ibn Al Khattab, the companion of the Prophet once said in his speech to women: “ If one of you does not love her husband, she should not tell him about this, because only a few homes are based on love; rather, people live together by vir��e of good morals and Islam.”

In Is

lamWealth, noble descent, beaut� and religion

The Messenger of Allah: “ A woman (or man) may be mar�ied for four things: for her (/his) wealth, for her (/his) noble descent, for her (/his) beaut� or for her (/his) religion. Choose the one who is religious, lest your hands be r�bbed with dust! ”

Ar�anged mar�iage:

Ar�anged mar�iages are allowed and promoted as long as they are accepted by both the bride and the g�oom. The parents have the responsibilit� to ensure that the couples are compatible. They should not ar�ange a mar�iage merely for their own social or personal reasons.

The Prophet of Allah has given the st�ictest order in relation to the rights of others: “Tr�ly Allah has totally forbidden disobedience (and the subsequent hur�) to mothers, bur�ing alive daughters, with-holding the rights of others, and demanding that which is not your right.”However, silence is regarded as consent.

The couple should not go against their parents’ wish and mar�� secretly. Love mar�iages are acceptable but unlawf�l: Love mar�iage occurs when t�o persons of the opposite sex star� a relationship and then decide whether to mar��. When this happens, the couple should either separate or get mar�ied immediately to save themselves from sin. The father/mother should also ensure that mar�iage takes place as soon as possible. Abu Hurairah for example nar�ates that the Messenger of Allah said, “ when one with whose religion and character you are satisfied asks your daughter in mar�iage then accede to his request. If you do not do so then there will be temptation in the ear�h and ex�ensive cor��ption.”

The Will of the Father is the Will of Allah:


[Hadith Muslim 4257. Recorded by Mughirah b. Shuba]

[Bukhari and Muslim]






在新郎與新娘的願意的情況下,安排婚姻是可以接受的。為人父母有責任保證新人能相容,好好相處,而非設計一段只為他們社交與個人利益著想,罔顧子女的婚姻。安拉真主就人在一段關係的權益上,給予過嚴格的戒命:真主確已完全禁止忤逆母親,活埋女兒,控制他人的權利,並要求不屬於你的權利。父親的旨意就是安拉真主的旨意: 新人不應忤逆父母之意思,私定終生。只不過,對婚事保持緘默卻也被當作同意。












有些人,在真主之外,別有崇拜,當做真主的匹敵;他們敬愛那些匹敵,象敬愛真主一樣――信道的人們,對於敬愛真主,尤為懇摯──當不義的人,看見刑罰的時候,假若他們知道一切權力都是真主的,真主是刑罰嚴厲的……。 (古蘭經2:165)


如果一個人具備了三件事情,他就嚐到了信仰的甘甜(好處):1 ─ 喜愛安拉和他的使者超越喜愛任何人及任何事物;2 ─ 當一個人愛一個人是為了真主;3 ─ 一個人厭惡返回到不信之中,猶如厭惡被投入火獄之中。

In Is


Whoever leaves my Sunnah is not from amongst me [Kitabus Sunan- Mishkat]

Love and mar�iage is intended by the Creator of all. It is a sacred bond bet�een a man and a woman. And it is filled with happiness, securit�, love, understanding and compassion.

" And of His Sig�s is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find t�anquilit� in them; and He placed bet�een you affection and mercy."[Quran 30:21]

Protects us from immoralit�The Prophet of Allah said as nar�ated by Ibn Masud: " Young men, those of you who can suppor� a wife should mar��, for it keeps you from looking at non-per�issible females and protects you from immoralit�. However, those who cannot should devote themselves to fasting, for it is a means of suppressing sex�al desire."

God said in the Qur’an: "…there are men who take (for worship) others besides Allah, as equal (with Allah): They love them as they should love Allah. But those of Faith are overflowing in their love for Allah…"[Qur’an 2:165]

That’s why the Prophet Muhammad PBUH mentioned that the sweet�ess of faith is found in loving God Almight� more than any�hing else. He said: " Three things if found in one’s hear�, he will be able to taste the sweet�ess of faith: 1 when Allah and His messenger become dearer to you more than any�hing else, 2- when a person love someone for the sake of Allah, and 3- to hate to go back to unbelief as if you hate to be thrown into Hellfire."

[Bukhari and Muslim]

Prophet Muhammad PBUH was: “O Allah I ask of you Your love, and the love of those who loved you, and to love a deed that would bring me closer to Your love. O Allah if You have provided me with something that I love, then make it a powerf�l tool to be used in that which you love, and if You have taken something from me which I used to love, then substit�te it with something else which You love”









To save the tears and trouble of separation, to avoid loneliness and insecurity

To build their own family, to have kids legitimately

To be publicly and officially recognized

To make a life-time commitment to each other

They feel that they are ready to take up a greater responsibility in the relationship (e.g. take care of each other’s family)

To mark a new stage of life

Nowadays, things are a bit different. Marriage is no longer considered necessary.Couple could last forever and have their own children eventhough they are not married.But I think if you really love someone, it is better to show your commitment and get married.




le m

















You don’t choose someone. The right person comes to you naturally.As long as we consider each other as the "right person", as long as we love, care for and support each other, that's great enough.

Personal characters are more important considerations that appearance. I value those who havethe motivation to work hard.

We should be happy together. We should understand and respect each other. And we should have common interest.

It is very difficult to find a soulmate as your lifelong companion. Appearance therefore is a very important factor in choosing one’s boyfriend/girlfriend.

How do you express your love?

Reciprocal: He has to love me more than he loves himself, and I too love him more than I love myself.Only so can we enter each other’s life and build mutual understanding and respect.

Day-to-day caring of another person

Sharing his/her burden, happiness and tears

Words And Texts

Love should be experienced in silence. Any form of expression other than words will be ideal.

Love could be suffocating if expressed inappropriately. Therefore, I love others silently and avoid giving them pressure. Love should be conveyed subtly.

We should not only play lip-service. We should take the initiative to care, to listen and to understand others from their perspectives instead of our own.

He or she should point out my flaws and make an impact in my life.

Factors that I consider when choosing my husband/wife















What is love?

Love has no reason; one loves someone because they do.

Human beings are social beings. We often have to interact with other people. If love reduces conflicts and makes life easier, why not love?

Love is what we need in our life. It makes our lives complete.

I love because it is a natural thing to do. We naturally develop strong emotions towards someone or something that we find important in our lives. It is almost like an inborn nature of human beings.

The world is complicated. Love is a shelter for us. It makes us strong. It gives us a sense of security. And it motivates us to face the numerous challenges ahead.

Love brings us great happiness and pleasure.

Love should be selfless.

Love is not quantifiable.

Love is the highest virtue of human. It is what human needs to be happy.

Some people are manipulative. They treat their partner as possessions.

Love is a fever, a disease. It drives us mad and causes us to be irrational.

When we love someone, we accept even his/her flaws and imperfections. So I think love is beautiful.

Why do we love?