conjuncti…  · Web view3. Many women watch television soap operas. The love scenes are often too...

Name: ____________________________________ Due Date: _______ Conjunction Exercises In the following sentences, circle the conjunctions and underline the words they connect. 1. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. 2. Did you remember to buy paper and pencils for school? 3. We are having macaroni and cheese for lunch. 4. Do you want to go or stay home? 5. She jumped and tumbled on the trampoline. 6. Do you walk or ride the bus to school? 7. The apple is red and shiny. 8. Grapes are purple or green. 9. The train clattered and rattled on the tracks. 10.

Transcript of conjuncti…  · Web view3. Many women watch television soap operas. The love scenes are often too...

Page 1: conjuncti…  · Web view3. Many women watch television soap operas. The love scenes are often too realistic. _____ 4. There is now a new president in the United States. There was

Name: ____________________________________ Due Date: _______

Conjunction Exercises In the following sentences, circle the conjunctions and underline the words they connect.

1. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.

2. Did you remember to buy paper and pencils for school?

3. We are having macaroni and cheese for lunch.

4. Do you want to go or stay home?

5. She jumped and tumbled on the trampoline.

6. Do you walk or ride the bus to school?

7. The apple is red and shiny.

8. Grapes are purple or green.

9. The train clattered and rattled on the tracks.

10. We are going to Texas or Florida on vacation.

11. It is raining cats and dogs.

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12. Children swing or slide at the playground

Name__________________ Due Date:________________

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Using the correct coordinating conjunction, combine the following sentences to make compound sentences. Rewrite the sentences using a conjunction that fits.Most common conjunctions are : and, or, but; however, there are many others.Be sure to use a comma before the conjunction.

1. John can teach English. He can teach web design. (He can't do both.) __________________ ________________________________________

2. Bobby played drums. Judy played the piano.


3. Jim likes sports. His brother likes reading. ___________________________________________________________

4. The trip may take several days. It must be taken anyway. ___________________________________________________________

5. Mitch ran home quickly. He was worried about his mother. ___________________________________________________________

Join the following pairs of sentences with suitable conjunctions.  Be sure to use the correct punctuation.  Write the joined sentences on the lines.

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1. Louis liked reggae music.  Carla preferred classical music.____________________________________________________________

2. The horse galloped toward the barn.   A rabbit suddenly ran out of the tall grass.____________________________________________________________

3. Many women watch television soap operas.  The love scenes are often too realistic.____________________________________________________________

4. There is now a new president in the United States.  There was much confusion in counting the votes.


Conjunctions. Memorize: A conjunction is a word used to connect words*, phrases or clauses in a sentence. The principal coordinate conjunctions are and, but, or, nor.

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In the following sentences, please circle the conjunctions and underline the words they connect. Conjunctions connecting Subjects: 1. You or she may erase the chalkboard. 2. The mother cat and her kittens snuggled in their cozy box. 3. Did Clare or Charles finish cleaning the closet? 4. Adam and Eve were our first parents. Conjunctions connecting Predicates: 5. The kitty pawed and pulled the string. 6. The rickety boat creaked and groaned as it rocked on the rough sea. 7. The boys whooped and hollered as their favorite team scored a touchdown. 8. Jesus suffered and died for us. Conjunctions connecting Modifiers: 9. Always do your assignment neatly and promptly. 10.She wore her red and blue dress to the party. 11.The bell rang loudly but joyfully. 12.Dad is a skillful and careful driver.


Please provide a conjunction in the following sentences. 1. Either Andrew ____________________ Peter will help our pastor. 2. The farmer planted __________________ harvested his wheat. 3. Did the team win ____________________ lose? 4. The team tried hard _______________________ still lost the game. 5. The police officer spoke politely __________________ firmly. 6. Mom ____________________ Dad celebrated their wedding anniversary. 7. The stars twinkled ___________________ sparkled. 8. The story was long __________________ interesting. 9. Throughout the day, the young puppy either sleeps __________________ eats. 10.Tom __________________ Chris, your science project took first

Conjunctions hold parts of a sentence together,  kind of like glue.  As with glue, however, there are several types of conjunctions, each one with its own specific use.AND: And is used to add things or ideas together - one thing plus another thing.  For longer lists, and is used between the last two items.  And is a joining conjunction.

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"Michael and Sarah went to the movies."  Michael went ... Sarah went ... they both went to the movies,

"Thomas slipped and fell on the ice."  Thomas did two things - he slipped, then he fell.  And joins the actions.

"I pulled out the weeds and Jane watered the flowers."  Two people each did different things while working in the garden.  The two parts could stand alone as sentences - "I pulled out the weeds."  "Jane watered the flowers."  Since the ideas in the sentences are related to each other, they can be joined by and to form one compound sentence.

"We went to the store to buy milk, bread, oranges, dog food and coffee."  When you write a series in a sentence, use commas between all the items except the last two - there you need to use a conjunction.  A comma in front of the and is optional.

OR:  Or is used between  things or ideas about which there is a choice or when we don't know the answer.   Or is a selective conjunction.

"Michael or Sarah went to the movies."  One of them went, but not both. We don't know which one.

"Thomas slipped or fell on the ice."  Thomas had a problem on the ice.  Did he slip?  Did he fall?  We don't know, but he did one of them.

"I will pull out the weeds or Jane will water the flowers."  For some reason, these two people cannot both work in the garden.  One of them can.  Will it be I?  Will it be Jane?  I don't know.  Or tells us that only one of the things will take place.

"We need to buy milk, juice, iced tea or soda at the store."  We evidently need something to drink, but it doesn't matter what it is.  We need to choose one of the items in the list.  That is what or is telling us. 

BUT: But is used to let us know that something happened in a sentence that we did not expect or to prepare us for an excuse.  But is a conjunction of differences.

"Michael went to the movies, but Sarah stayed home."  It would have been normal for Sarah to go to the movies with Michael.  This time she did something different - she stayed home.  But introduces such a difference.

"Thomas slipped on the ice, but he did not fall."  We would expect Thomas to fall when he slipped on the ice.  He did something different - he did not fall.  But introduces that difference.

"We were going to pull out the weeds, but Jane decided to water the flowers instead."  Jane and I had planned to pull weeds.  For whatever reason, Jane began to water the flowers instead.  She did something different from what I had expected.  But introduces that difference.

"We found everything we needed for the camping trip but the first aid kit."  The first aid kit was different - it could not be found.  But introduces that difference.

"I did my homework last night, but the dog ate it."  But is used quite often to introduce a reason why we did not do something we were supposed to do, like turn in our homework. 

SO: So is used to introduce something that follows or is a result of something else.  So is a conjunction of consequences.

"Michael went to the movies, so Sarah went to visit her friend."    As a result of Michael's going out by himself, leaving Sarah alone, she decided to go out as well. If Michael had

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stayed home, Sarah would have stayed home, also.  SO introduces the consequence of Michael's action.

"Thomas slipped and fell on the ice, so he was limping when he arrived home."  As a result of slipping and falling, Thomas hurt himself and had to walk with a limp.  So introduces the results of the fall.

"Jane watered the flowers so it would be easier for me to pull out the weeds."  Watering softened the soil, with the result that it was easier to pull the weeds out by their roots.  SO introduces the result of the watering.

"We  found the first aid kit, so we could finally leave for the camping trip."  For reasons of safety, we did not want to go camping without a first aid kit.  We finally found it, with the result that we could leave at last.  SO introduces that result.

YET: Yet is also used to introduce a result that is different or opposite from what we expected or what would be normal.  The different result can be positive or negative. Yet is a conjunction of unexpected difference.  (Yet can also be used as an adverb referring to a time or an event that has not occurred, so be careful.  "Jack has not yet finished his chores.")

"Michael and Sarah went to the movies, yet she was worried about leaving the baby with a sitter." Sarah should have been having a good time, but the truth was different from what we would expect because of her worry.

"Thomas slipped and fell on the ice, yet he did not get hurt."  You would expect a person to be hurt after falling on the ice, but Thomas wasn't.  That different result is introduced by yet.

"Jane and I pull the weeds in the garden every week, yet there are always more to pull the next week."  One would expect, or at least hope, that if all the weeds were pulled from the garden this week, there would not be any left to pull next week.  Alas, nature is not like that.  In this case, yet introduces a result that is different from what Jane and I hoped for.

"We had finally loaded everything we would need for the camping trip, including the first aid kit, yet we could not leave because the car's battery was dead."  Not being able to leave was an unexpected result after all the stuff was loaded back into the car.  This unexpected result is introduced by yet.

ALTHOUGH: Although (which can also be an adverb)  introducing a condition or situation that was contrary to the first part of the sentence.  It is  a conjunction of contrariness.

"Michael and Sarah went to the movies, although the heavy snow made it dangerous to drive."  It was probably not  wise or  safe to drive in the heavy snow just to see a movie.  Michael and Sarah did it anyway, which was an action different from what we might expect.  Although introduces that difference.

"Thomas slipped and fell on the ice although he was wearing rubber boots."  We would expect the rubber boots to keep Thomas from slipping, but they didn't.  Although introduces a result different from our expectations.

"I pulled out many weeds from the garden, although Jane had done the same a few days before."   Either Jane had not done a very good job pulling weeds or the weeds grew very fast.  Whatever the reason, the fact that there were many weeds for me to pull a few days after Jane pulled them was not expected.

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"We spent $30 at the grocery store although we only went to buy a gallon of milk."  Our expectation had been to spend less than $3.00 at the grocery store, but instead we spent $30.  The difference between what we expected and what actually happened is connected by the conjunction although. 

SINCE: Since can be an adverb, a preposition or a conjunction.  As a conjunction, it means "during a period following a time when", "continuously from some time in the past", or "because".

"Sarah went to see "Titanic" by herself since Michael did not like love stories."  You could substitute because for since in this sentence.  It introduces or connects the reason why Sarah went to the movies alone.

"Thomas had not fallen on the ice since he was a little boy."   Since refers to the continuous time from his childhood during which Thomas didn't fall on the ice, until now.

"The weeds had grown wildly since I pulled them out last week."  I pulled out the weeds last week, but from then until now they grew rapidly.  Since refers to the time period following the last time I pulled out the weeds.

"We went to the store to buy extra food since we were expecting company for the weekend."  The conjunction since means because in this sentence.  It introduces the reason why we were buying extra food.

BECAUSE: Because is used to introduce a reason for another action or event.  It is a conjunction answering the question 'why?'.

"Michael and Sarah went to the movies because there was nothing good on television."  Because connects the reason for Michael and Sarah's action with the action itself.

"Thomas slipped and fell because the sidewalk was covered with ice."  Because connects the reason why Thomas fell with the act of slipping and falling.

"I pulled out the weeds because Jane was allergic to them."  Because introduces the reason why Jane did not help me pull out the weeds.

"We went to the new supermarket for groceries because it was having a sale on fresh fruit."  Because introduces the reason why we went to the new store instead of the one we usually went to.

ADDITIONAL CONJUNCTIONS:  nor, thus, therefore, whileExercise A: Change the conjunctions in the following sentences to  different ones.  Notice how the meanings of the sentences change.  Write your answers on the lines.1. Mr. Johnson and his wife went to Atlantic City once a month._______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. When Scott signed up for karate classes, he had to bring a note from a parent or a guardian._______________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Sandra ran to the bus stop, but the bus had already gone.________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. I had checked all of my answers with a calculator,  so I was surprised when I failed the test.

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_________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. The Roberts family was ready to go on a picnic, yet the rain continued to fall.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. Although the salesman was very good at his job, he couldn't convince the minister to buy the old purple car.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. Tony is still working at the same job since his family owns the company.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. John was not able to get a good job because he refused to take a shower.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________Exercise B:  Circle all the conjunctions in the following sentences.  Be careful, because many of the conjunctions can also be adverbs or prepositions. 1. Hamburgers, pizzas and fried chicken are the most popular, although least healthy,  fast foods.2. Since last August, the stock market has been falling, but our economy is still very strong.3. Everybody but Brenda passed the math test, although she was usually the best student.4. Henry's car stalled a lot and made funny noises, so he took it to the garage.5. George offered Alice a ride since he was going in that direction anyway.6. We did not have any vinegar or lettuce, yet I was told to make a salad.7. The policeman was tired and sick, yet he still had to direct traffic around the accident scene.  Examination:  Join the following pairs of sentences with suitable conjunctions.  Be sure to use the correct punctuation.  Write the joined sentences on the lines.1. Louis liked reggae music.  Carla preferred classical music._______________________________________________________________________________________________________2. The horse galloped toward the barn.   A rabbit suddenly ran out of the tall grass.________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Many women watch television soap operas.  The love scenes are often too realistic.________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. There is now a new president in the United States.  There was much confusion in counting the votes.________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. We eat a lot of ice cream in this country.  There are many overweight people.________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. Walter had bad breath.  He ate garlic every day.___________________________________________________________________________

ConjunctionsA conjunction is a word that "joins". A conjunction joins two parts of a sentence.Here are some example conjunctions:

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Coordinating Conjunctions Subordinating Conjunctions

and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so although, because, since, unless

We can consider conjunctions from three aspects.


Conjunctions have three basic forms:

Single Wordfor example: and, but, because, although

Compound (often ending with as or that)for example: provided that, as long as, in order that

Correlative (surrounding an adverb or adjective)for example: so...that


Conjunctions have two basic functions or "jobs":

Coordinating conjunctions are used to join two parts of a sentence that are grammatically equal. The two parts may be single words or clauses, for example:- Jack and Jill went up the hill.- The water was warm, but I didn't go swimming.

Subordinating conjunctions are used to join a subordinate dependent clause to a main clause, for example:- I went swimming although it was cold.


Coordinating conjunctions always come between the words or clauses that they join.

Subordinating conjunctions usually come at the beginning of the subordinate clause

Coordinating ConjunctionsThe short, simple conjunctions are called "coordinating conjunctions":

and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so

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A coordinating conjunction joins parts of a sentence (for example words or independent clauses) that are grammatically equal or similar. A coordinating conjunction shows that the elements it joins are similar in importance and structure:


Look at these examples - the two elements that the coordinating conjunction joins are shown in square brackets [ ]:

I like [tea] and [coffee]. [Ram likes tea], but [Anthony likes coffee].

Coordinating conjunctions always come between the words or clauses that they join.When a coordinating conjunction joins independent clauses, it is always correct to place a comma before the conjunction:

I want to work as an interpreter in the future, so I am studying Russian at university.

However, if the independent clauses are short and well-balanced, a comma is not really essential:

She is kind so she helps people.

When "and" is used with the last word of a list, a comma is optional: He drinks beer, whisky, wine, and rum. He drinks beer, whisky, wine and rum.

The 7 coordinating conjunctions are short, simple words. They have only two or three

letters. There's an easy way to remember them - their initials spell:


For And Nor But Or Yet So

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Subordinating ConjunctionsThe majority of conjunctions are "subordinating conjunctions". Common subordinating conjunctions are:

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after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once, since, than, that, though, till, until, when, where, whether, while

A subordinating conjunction joins a subordinate (dependent) clause to a main (independent) clause:


Look at this example:main or

independent clausesubordinate or

dependent clause

Ram went swimming although it was raining.


A subordinate or dependent clause "depends" on a main or independent clause. It cannot exist

alone. Imagine that somebody says to you: "Hello! Although it was raining." What do you

understand? Nothing! But a main or independent clause can exist alone. You will

understand very well if somebody says to you: "Hello! Ram went swimming."

A subordinating conjunction always comes at the beginning of a subordinate clause. It "introduces" a subordinate clause. However, a subordinate clause can sometimes come after and sometimes before a main clause. Thus, two structures are possible:


Ram went swimming although it was

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Although it was raining, Ram went swimming.

Sample Exercises for Teaching ConjunctionsUse coordinating conjunctions to connect these words, phrases, or clauses:1. The boy has a red coat. The boy has a blue coat.2. The man was nice. The man had a good sense of humor.3. The teachers are on strike. The students do not have school.4. The dog ran down the street. The cat ran down the street

Use correlative conjunctions to connect these words, phrases, or clauses:1. The boy went to school. The boy was late.2. My daughter went to the party. My son went to the party.3. I ate spaghetti. I ate salad.4. The dog ran across the street. The dog did not run in front of a car.

Use subordinating conjunctions to combine these sentences:1. The car drove by. We saw cows in the pasture.2. The teacher failed me. I did not take my final.3. I went to school. I was late.4. I called the police. There was a strange man outside. 

Paired Conjunctions

Match the sentence halves to make a complete sentence. Sentence Half A

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Both Peter Not only do we want to go Either Jack will have to work more hours That story was Students who do well not only study hard In the end he had to choose Sometimes it is I would love to take

Sentence Half B

but we have enough money. neither true nor realistic. not only wise to listen to your parents but also interesting. and I are coming next week. either his career or his hobby. both my laptop and my cell phone on holiday. but also use their instincts if they do not know the answer. or we will have to hire somebody new.

Combine the following sentences into one sentence using paired conjunctions: both ... and; not only ... but also; either ... or; neither ... nor

We could fly. We could go by train. She will have to study hard. She will have to concentrate to do well on the exam.

Jack is not here. Tom is in another city.

The speaker will not confirm the story. The speaker will not deny the story.

Pneumonia is a dangerous disease. Small pox is a dangerous illness.

Fred loves traveling. Jane wants to go around the world.

It might rain tomorrow. It might snow tomorrow.

Playing tennis is good for your heart. Jogging is good for your health.

To the teacher: Read the following aloud and have students use paired conjunctions to respond. Example: You know Peter. Do you know Bill? Student: I know both Peter and Jack.

You like tennis. Do you like golf? You don't know Jane. Do you know Jack?

You are studying Math. Are you studying English?

You need to work on the weekend. Do you need to work in the evening?

You don't eat fish. Do you eat beef?

I know your country has good universities. Does England have good universities?

He collects money. Does he collect stamps?

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They haven't visited Rome. Have they visited Paris?

Conjunctions Practice WorksheetA. Match the sentence halves to make a complete sentence. Draw lines between the two.

Both Peter

Not only do we want to go Either Jack will have to work more hours That story was Students who do well not only study hard In the end he had to choose

but we have enough money.

neither true nor realistic. and I are coming next week.

either his career or his hobby. but also use their instincts if they do not

know the answer. or we will have to hire somebody new.

B. Combine the following sentences into one sentence using paired conjunctions (conjunctions that go together). Choose from the following options: both ... and; not only ... but also; either ... or; neither ... nor

1. We could fly. We could go by train.


2. She will have to study hard. She will have to concentrate to do well on the exam.


3. Jack is not here. Tom is in another city.


4. The speaker will not confirm the story. The speaker will not deny the story.


5. Pneumonia is a dangerous disease. Small pox is a dangerous illness.


6. Fred loves traveling. Jane wants to go around the world.


7. It might rain tomorrow. It might snow tomorrow.


8. Playing tennis is good for your heart. Jogging is good for your health.


C. Below you will find clauses that need a conjunction to create a compound sentence. Choose the conjunction that makes the most sense in the sentence.

1. You can come to the meeting ____ you can hear all the information.a. So

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b. Because

c. While

d. Until

e. Nevertheless

2. I’m not leaving _____ I get an apology from you.

a. So

b. Because

c. While

d. Until

e. Nevertheless

3. I came here _____ you could give me an explanation.

a. So

b. Because

c. While

d. Until

e. Nevertheless

4. Bob is very tall _____ Bill is very short.

a. So

b. Because

c. While

d. Until

e. Nevertheless

5. You look frightened _____ there is nothing to be scared of.

a. So

b. Because

c. While

d. Until

e. But

6. I refuse to pay anything _____ you do the work properly.

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a. So

b. Because

c. While

d. Until

e. But

7. I’m going shopping for food this evening _____ I am having guests for dinner.

a. But

b. While

c. Until

d. Because

e. So

8. You seem happy _____ you are smiling all the time.

a. But

b. While

c. So

d. Because

e. Nevertheless

9. I don’t mind if you go out for lunch _____ we will take a break at noon.

a. So

b. Because

c. While

d. Until

e. Therefore

10. I don’t think she’s perfect for the job; _____ she’s certainly better qualified than Steve.

a. Until

b. Nevertheless

c. While

d. So

e. Therefore

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Types of Conjunctions

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A conjunction is a word that links words, phrases, or clauses. There are three types of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, and subordinating conjunctions. Coordinating Conjunctions may join single words, or they may join groups of words, but they must always join similar elements such as subject+subject, verb phrase+verb phrase, or sentence+sentence. When a coordinating conjunction is used to join elements, the element becomes a compound element.Examples: and, but, or, yet, for, nor, so Correlative Conjunctions also connect sentence elements of the same kind, however, unlike coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions are always used in pairs.Examples:both - andnot only - but alsonot - buteither - orneither - norwhether - oras - asSubordinating Conjunctions: These are the largest class of conjunctions. They connect subordinate clauses to a main clause. They are adverbs used as conjunctions.Examples:Time: after, before, since, when, while, untilReason: because, since, so that, whyPlace: where, whereverCondition: if, unless, until, in caseManner: as if, as though, how

Directions: Write five example sentences for each of the conjunction types. In the following questions, choose a conjunction (or, but, before, after, because, when,

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and, or so) to combine the pair of sentences. As a homework, read a book and find conjunctions and identify their types.

Q 1: The sun came out. The day was still cold.

The sun came out after the day was still cold.

The sun came out or the day was still cold.

The sun came out, but the day was still cold.

Q 2: Winning was a challenge. Our team could do it.

Winning was a challenge because our team could do it.

Winning was a challenge, but our team could do it.

Winning was a challenge or our team could do it.

Q 3: The bear came closer. We began to feel threatened.

We began to feel threatened when the bear came closer.

We began to feel threatened so the bear came closer.

We began to feel threatened or the bear came closer.

Q 4: Dolphins live underwater. Sharks live underwater.

Dolphins, but Sharks live underwater.

Dolphins or Sharks live underwater.

Dolphins and Sharks live underwater.

Q 5: Animals all need water. They may die without it.

Animals all need water or they may die without it.

Animals all need water, but they may die without it.

Animals all need water when they may die without it.

Q 6: Winning was hard. Our team did not know much.

Winning was hard before our team did not know much.

Winning was hard because our team did not know much.

Winning was hard or our team did not know much.

Q 7: I wanted to go to the party. I got sick.

I wanted to go to the party, but I got sick.

I wanted to go to the party or I got sick.

I wanted to go to the party because I got sick.

Q 8: The sun came out. The ice began to melt.

The sun came out and the ice began to melt.

The sun came because the ice began to melt.

The sun came out or the ice began to melt.

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Commas With Conjunctions Worksheet

Remember that a subordinate conjunction may be added to a sentence, which must then be attached to an independent sentence. If either sentence begins with a subordinate conjunction, then the expression is not a comma splice. Identify the sentences below by marking them C (Correct) or CS (Comma Splice). Underline the subordinate conjunction at the beginning of the dependent word group.

_____ 1. Since my roommate became known as “Mrs. Clean,” I have a new problem.

_____ 2. You guessed it, now Claire stays on my back about being messy.

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_____ 3. She hides my shoes and clothing when I don’t put them away immediately.

_____ 4. Although I try to keep things picked up, I am sometimes too tired to put my things away.

_____ 5. Claire waits until I leave the room, then she hides my shoes.

_____ 6. I think I was happier before I taught Claire her lesson.

Each of the sentences below is either a comma splice or a run-on. Correct the sentences in three different ways:

1. With a period and a capital letter

2. With a coordinate conjunction (but, and, or, yet, for, nor, so) preceded by a comma

3. With a subordinate conjunction added before one of the clauses (you may need to reverse the order of the clauses).

EXAMPLE: Dad heard what I had done, he was furious.

1. Dad heard what I had done. He was furious.

2. Dad heard what I had done, and he was furious.

3a. When Dad heard what I had done, he was furious. OR

3b. Dad was furious when he heard what I had done.

A. My father was in the Air Force, we moved often.

B. The baby was frightened, he thought a monster was hiding in the shadows.

Page 24: conjuncti…  · Web view3. Many women watch television soap operas. The love scenes are often too realistic. _____ 4. There is now a new president in the United States. There was

C. I have never had to do my own laundry before, my mother did it for me.

D. The kid using the other machine had the same problem he was folding ten pairs of pink jockey shorts and a pair of maroon socks.

E. I saw his laundry, I decided that one rule for doing laundry is “Sort carefully.”

F. I still hate doing laundry, I can do it if I want to, though.