Conjugate Periodization Matt R. Wenning, MS Mountain Athlete Warrior (MAW) U.S. Army: 2010 to...


Transcript of Conjugate Periodization Matt R. Wenning, MS Mountain Athlete Warrior (MAW) U.S. Army: 2010 to...

Conjugate Periodization

Matt R. Wenning, MS

Mountain Athlete Warrior (MAW) U.S. Army: 2010 to

Present• Director and Co Founder of MAW• Implemented a state of the art

training protocol, portable facilities, and conditioning over an entire brigade in Ft. Carson, CO

Strength Coordinator Fire Department 2008-

PresentWashington Township

Dublin, OH

• Decreased injury rate by over 70%, lowered diabetes and hypertension medications in 3 years

• Increased strength with conjugate system and structured workouts around

- Previous chronic/acute musculoskeletal issues

- Different age and experience levels (22-60 years of age)

Opening Remarks

• Constant Use of one training method causes it to become habitual and yields a lesser training effect - A.S. Medvedyev, 1986

• “Training is efficient if the highest level of physical result is achieved with the least expense of time and energy” - Thomas Kurz, 2001

What is Conjugate Periodization?

• Conjugate periodization by practice and definition is…

Conjugate Periodization

The model of training in which multiple methods are used in an educated fashion to elicit

great results in many abilities both in general and specific

First designed by the Former Soviet Union

How Is/Was the System Utilized/Discovered?

• The system follows biological rules and training guidelines that were discovered in controlled training groups over many years (10,000 plus athletes) in the USSR (from 1960s to 1980s)

• As more exercises/methods were introduced, strength increased by allowing volume and intensity to stay higher

• System first started with 6 exercises and developed to over 60 variations of the clean and jerk/snatch

- This allowed much heavier loading over much longer periods of time

Vasili Alexiev and the Dynamo Club: 1960s to 1980s - 80+ world records by him alone

Conjugate PeriodizationHow it Works

• Switching exercises/abilities regularly– Allowing overtraining to be avoided–Makes the training effect more transferable by

getting stronger/powerful in more environments

• Training with optimal volume and intensities– Allowing the body to gain constantly rather

than over train–Makes workouts optimal in time and energy

output to save for other developments (power, strength, general physical preparedness)

Training Guidelines

Guideline 1 Biological rules, the

conjugate periodization manipulates

• Law of Accommodation: This law states that anything that is used for too long will not create a greater training effect (1-3 weeks)

• Law of Specificity: This law states that if you want an exercise to help you in something else it must be similar enough or be combined with other stimuli that make it transfer

- V.M. Zatsiorsky

Guideline 2Training Tips

• Weak link training • Always train your weakest point to create less

injury and better performance

• Ample recover time/training intensities

• Muscles trained too often (72 hour rule)

• Proper preparation for increasing volume/intensity

• 10 years (10,000) hours GPP/SPP

Weak Link Training

• This theory states that an athletes’ limitations will be dictated by their weaknesses

Volume/Intensity Control• Proper volume in workouts is a key

factor to making progress, and inhibiting overtraining

AS Prilepin’s Table of Volume (a starting point for understanding loading)

3 Methods of Training Weights

(VM Zatsiorsky)• Maximal effort method– 4 times per month lower– 4 times per month upper

• Dynamic effort method– 90-120 reps per month each

(lower and upper body)

• Repetition effort method– Dependent on fitness level