Congregational Cared5e9c61012e10c041d0e-8110f85443f25cb0a250353799797743.r79.cf2… · 2019. 2....

Gary United Methodist Church Affiliated with Winfield Community United Methodist Church 224 N. Main, Wheaton, IL 60187 Phone: (630) 668-3100 / Fax: (630) 668-8279 Email: [email protected] Website: Congregational Care Please remember these individuals and families in your prayers this week. Jan Adair, Jessica Bianco, Heidi Brewer, Pat Davisson, Jim & Carol Eaton, Dixie Hawthorne, Barbara Heeley, Pat Hill, Betty Jeppsen, Mike Krueger, Chris Loken, Dan Meeks, Tom Miller, Cubby Minauskas, Jennifer Ruth, Jim Trieschmann, Jack & Shirley Williamson Today’s altar flowers are given by Dave, Leigh Ann & Carter Gaul in celebration of Faith’s 13th birthday Serving Today 9 a.m. Service Greeters Gene & Deb Green, Jack, Lisa & Zoe Rozwat, Nancy Turner Welcome Desk Dirk & Shelley Schilling, Penny Gillen Acolytes Chase Mann, Sydney Schilling Ushers Dave Gaul, Stan Diddams, Carter Gaul, Faith Gaul, Andy Tooley, Teddy Tooley, Len Witte 11 a.m. Service Greeters Brooks & Sharon Harder, Allene Harding Welcome Desk Gil & Lola Lehman Acolytes Zoey Bohmer, Andrew McCluskey Ushers Bob Drake, Patty Affett, Vickie Austin, John Hamilton, Don Kenyon, Andy Majernik, Luke Majernik, Bethany Majernik, Dick Seloover Musicians: Kevin Lange (organ, piano), Kristin Kalitowski-Kowal (Good News Ringers), Anthony Quaranta (cantor), Jennifer Whiting (Chancel Choir) Sound Technicians: Kevin Carlson, Phil Johnson, Alyn Mann, Dave Mann, Tony Venezia Staff Ministry Team: Rev. Dr. Chris Pierson, Rev. Brian Felker Jones, Rev. Bruce Anderson, Jennifer Whiting, Kevin Lange, Carey Bebar, Kim Austin, Alexa Isaac, Becky Lemna, Pam Keller, Raven Larkin, Deb Evans, Deb Hafner, Mike & Donna Capra Mission Statement Grow in faith, knowledge, and understanding of Christ as Lord and Savior Serve our community and the world by sharing time, gifts, talents Nurture one another through worship, fellowship, love Demonstrate our discipleship to Christ Proclaim God's grace and Good News Welcome Guests! We are delighted you have joined us for worship. We invite you to complete the Welcome Card in the pew pocket, and stop by the Welcome Desk on the main level outside the west Sanctuary entrance to receive a gift and more information about our ministries. Hearing aid devices are available (including the neck loop for telecoil programs). Large print song sheets are also available. Please see an usher for assistance. Next Week’s Lectionary Readings We invite you to include the lectionary readings in your devotion times. Readings for next week are Isaiah 6:18, Psalm 138:913, 1 Corinthians 15:111, and Luke 5:111. Today at Gary Church Adult Ministries at 10 a.m. New Reformation In the Anderson Room, led by Christy Grace Using the book New Reformation: From Luther’s World to Ours by Rob Fuquay, we complete our exploration of Martin Luther and how to embrace reformation in our church and in our life today. A Doubter's Guide to Jesus | A Facilitated Conversation In the Chapel This book by John Dickson is described as an introduction to the major portraits of Jesus found in the earliest historical sources. Portraits because our best information points not to a tidy, monolithic Jesus, but to a complex, multi-layered and, at times, contradictory figure.” Several Gary members who have read the book will provide an overview and share what they found interesting as well as challenging in the images of Jesus found in the first sources. Books will be available outside of the Church Office for those who wish to read it for themselves. Gary Kids & Gary Youth Gary Kids’ Worship following the Children’s Time Preschool 3’s–4’s meet in the Preschool Room on the lower level KindergartenGrade 3 meet in the Lower Level Lobby 10 a.m. Sunday School Preschool 3’s–4’s meet in the Preschool Room KindergartenGrade 5 meet in Gamon Hall Grades 67 meet in the Heritage Room Confirmation (Grade 8) meets in the Jr. High Room Grades 912 meet in the Sr. High Room

Transcript of Congregational Cared5e9c61012e10c041d0e-8110f85443f25cb0a250353799797743.r79.cf2… · 2019. 2....

Page 1: Congregational Cared5e9c61012e10c041d0e-8110f85443f25cb0a250353799797743.r79.cf2… · 2019. 2. 2. · Greeters Gene & Deb Green, Jack, Lisa & Zoe Rozwat, Nancy Turner Welcome Desk

Gary United Methodist Church

— Affiliated with Winfield Community United Methodist Church —

224 N. Main, Wheaton, IL 60187

Phone: (630) 668-3100 / Fax: (630) 668-8279

Email: [email protected] Website:

Congregational Care Please remember these individuals and families in your prayers this week.

Jan Adair, Jessica Bianco, Heidi Brewer, Pat Davisson, Jim & Carol Eaton, Dixie Hawthorne, Barbara Heeley, Pat Hill, Betty Jeppsen, Mike Krueger, Chris Loken, Dan Meeks, Tom Miller, Cubby Minauskas, Jennifer Ruth, Jim Trieschmann, Jack & Shirley Williamson Today’s altar flowers are given by Dave, Leigh Ann & Carter Gaul in celebration of Faith’s 13th birthday

Serving Today 9 a.m. Service Greeters Gene & Deb Green, Jack, Lisa & Zoe Rozwat, Nancy Turner Welcome Desk Dirk & Shelley Schilling, Penny Gillen Acolytes Chase Mann, Sydney Schilling Ushers Dave Gaul, Stan Diddams, Carter Gaul, Faith Gaul, Andy Tooley, Teddy Tooley, Len Witte 11 a.m. Service Greeters Brooks & Sharon Harder, Allene Harding Welcome Desk Gil & Lola Lehman Acolytes Zoey Bohmer, Andrew McCluskey Ushers Bob Drake, Patty Affett, Vickie Austin, John Hamilton, Don Kenyon, Andy Majernik, Luke Majernik, Bethany Majernik, Dick Seloover Musicians: Kevin Lange (organ, piano), Kristin Kalitowski-Kowal (Good News Ringers), Anthony Quaranta (cantor), Jennifer Whiting (Chancel Choir) Sound Technicians: Kevin Carlson, Phil Johnson, Alyn Mann, Dave Mann, Tony Venezia Staff Ministry Team: Rev. Dr. Chris Pierson, Rev. Brian Felker Jones, Rev. Bruce Anderson, Jennifer Whiting, Kevin Lange, Carey Bebar, Kim Austin, Alexa Isaac, Becky Lemna, Pam Keller, Raven Larkin, Deb Evans, Deb Hafner, Mike & Donna Capra

Mission Statement

Grow in faith, knowledge, and understanding of Christ as Lord and Savior Serve our community and the world by sharing time, gifts, talents Nurture one another through worship, fellowship, love Demonstrate our discipleship to Christ Proclaim God's grace and Good News

Welcome Guests! We are delighted you have joined us for worship. We invite you to complete the Welcome Card in the pew pocket, and stop by the Welcome Desk on the main level outside the west Sanctuary entrance to receive a gift and more information about our ministries. Hearing aid devices are available (including the neck loop for telecoil programs). Large print song sheets are also available. Please see an usher for assistance.

Next Week’s Lectionary Readings We invite you to include the lectionary readings in your devotion times. Readings for next week are Isaiah 6:1–8, Psalm 138:9–13, 1 Corinthians 15:1–11, and Luke 5:1–11.

Today at Gary Church Adult Ministries at 10 a.m. New Reformation In the Anderson Room, led by Christy Grace Using the book New Reformation: From Luther’s World to Ours by Rob Fuquay, we complete our exploration of Martin Luther and how to embrace reformation in our church and in our life today. A Doubter's Guide to Jesus | A Facilitated Conversation In the Chapel This book by John Dickson is described as “an introduction to the major portraits of Jesus found in the earliest historical sources. Portraits because our best information points not to a tidy, monolithic Jesus, but to a complex, multi-layered and, at times, contradictory figure.” Several Gary members who have read the book will provide an overview and share what they found interesting as well as challenging in the images of Jesus found in the first sources. Books will be available outside of the Church Office for those who wish to read it for themselves. Gary Kids & Gary Youth Gary Kids’ Worship following the Children’s Time

Preschool 3’s–4’s meet in the Preschool Room on the lower level

Kindergarten–Grade 3 meet in the Lower Level Lobby

10 a.m. Sunday School

Preschool 3’s–4’s meet in the Preschool Room

Kindergarten–Grade 5 meet in Gamon Hall

Grades 6–7 meet in the Heritage Room

Confirmation (Grade 8) meets in the Jr. High Room

Grades 9–12 meet in the Sr. High Room

Page 2: Congregational Cared5e9c61012e10c041d0e-8110f85443f25cb0a250353799797743.r79.cf2… · 2019. 2. 2. · Greeters Gene & Deb Green, Jack, Lisa & Zoe Rozwat, Nancy Turner Welcome Desk

Gary United Methodist Church

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany February 3, 2019 9 & 11 a.m.

*Please stand as you are able.

Congregation reads bold print.

Congregational song book is the hard cover Hymnal found in the pew racks. Prelude Fantasia, BWV 572 J. S. Bach Mission and Ministry at Gary Church *Call to Worship

We come together in Christ to live and share God’s love in the world.

We come together to bring patience into a world full of impatience;

to bring understanding and concern where there is darkness and pain;

and to bring strength and courage that we may all grow in the Lord. We do all this because God first loved us through Jesus our Savior.

Blessed be the name of the Lord! *Hymn God, Whose Love Is Reigning o’er Us 100 (Stanzas 1, 4, and 5)

(9 a.m.) During the hymn, children Preschool 3’s–Grade 3 are invited to come forward to proceed with their leaders to the lower level for Kids’ Church. Children will return to the Sanctuary during the hymn prior to Communion.

(11 a.m.) Children are invited to worship with their families during this service. Children’s bulletins and activity bags are available from the ushers.

Childcare is available for newborn–2 yrs. from 8:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the lower level. Opening Prayer

God of hope and love, let your love shine upon us this day. Let your patience and kindness flow through us, inspiring us to new depths of love and hope. Transform our love, that we might overcome envy and resentment, and rejoice in justice and righteousness. Envelop us in your love, that believing, hoping, and enduring may become our way of life on the path of love. In loving hope, we pray. Amen. † *Scripture (read responsively) From 1 Corinthians 13

Readers: Bob Barnes (9 a.m.), Andy Majernik (11 a.m.)

If I speak in the tongues of people and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.

When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became an adult, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. This is the word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God!

*Hymn of Faith The Gift of Love 408 Sermon “The Way of Love” Rev. Dr. Chris Pierson Pastoral Prayer Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Dedication of Our Tithes and Offerings (9 a.m.) If Ye Love Me Thomas Tallis Chancel Choir John 15:14–17

If ye love me, keep my commandments, and I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter that he may bide with you forever, e’en the spirit of truth.

(11 a.m.) This Is My Father's World TERRA BEATA Glory Ringers arr. Michael Helman

*Hymn There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy 121

(9 a.m.) During the hymn, children Preschool 3’s–Grade 5 will return to the Sanctuary to join their families. Invitation Christ our Lord invites to his table all who love him, who earnestly repent of their sin and seek to live in peace with one another. Therefore, let us confess our sin before God and one another. Prayer of Confession

Divine Lord, our words often betray us. Our speech does not convey the harmony and love you call us to live in our lives. Today we ask you to bridle our tongues, that we may speak words of faith and justice—the love languages of our age. Even when we fail, we know your love doesn’t. Lead us into the path of maturity, that we may grow up as men and women called to follow the most excellent way.†† The Great Thanksgiving 13 Sharing the Bread and the Cup Communion Hymns

The congregation is invited to sing the communion hymns or to meditate silently.

What Wondrous Love Is This 292 My Faith Looks Up to Thee 452 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus 349 Grace Greater than Our Sin 365 More Love to Thee, O Christ 453 *Hymn Love Divine, All Loves Excelling 384 (Stanzas 1, 2, and 4) *Benediction *Postlude Fantasia on EBENEZER (“Thy Strong Word”) Richard I. Purvis †From The Abingdon Worship Annual edited by Mary J. Scifres. © 2016. Abingdon Press. Used with permission. ††From The Abingdon Worship Annual edited by Mary J. Scifres and B.J. Beu, © 2016. Abingdon Press. Used with permission