Congratulations Students of the Week! · Kynan J - K/1R Eva C – ID ... Christmas decorations,...

Principals Message What an awfully sad and sobering weekend that we have just had. I struggled with trying to help my own daughters make sense of the events in Paris and Beirut over the weekend, let alone all of our students. We rightfully teach our students about how to show respect and tolerance for one another’s beliefs, cultural background and religion. However, when confronted with real life events where the opposite takes place, where opposing beliefs actually lead to horrific acts of violence against otherwise innocent people it’s hard to rationalise. The best I can offer, is that events like this probably reinforce better than anything what our world might be like if the majority of people didn’t show respect and tolerance towards one another. I do hope that our world’s leaders have the collective wisdom and restraint to tackle the problem of terrorism with wisdom and peaceful solutions in mind. As you would know, the P&C’s Annual General Meeting was held last Wednesday night. As always, it becomes apparent at the AGM how lucky we are at Cardiff South to have such a dedicated and hard-working group of parent volunteers on our P&C. They have had another successful year of fundraising which has led to the installation of new aluminium seating in the 3-6 playground, a $5,000 bulk purchase of guided reading texts for classroom use and they will also be contributing to the purchase of aluminium seating for the students in K-2 before the end of the year. I’d like to take this opportunity thank all our P&C members (capably led by Mrs Cassandra Vizintin) for their ongoing support this year and I look forward to working with them again in 2016. You can see the names of those re-elected to positions for next year further on. Finally, I wish those Year 5 students, nominated for 2016 School Captain positions, all the very best as they deliver their speeches to the whole school assembly on Thursday. Regardless of the outcome, you have each handled yourselves and this process remarkably well and I think you’re awesome! Enjoy the sunshine this week that seems to have reappeared. David Holland Term 4, Week 7 Tuesday 17 th November 2015 Congratulations Students of the Week! Junior Student Award Dylan Tangye K/1Red Senior Student Award Brandon Cannon 3/4BG

Transcript of Congratulations Students of the Week! · Kynan J - K/1R Eva C – ID ... Christmas decorations,...

Page 1: Congratulations Students of the Week! · Kynan J - K/1R Eva C – ID ... Christmas decorations, small toys and novelty items. We would love it if each class container could be filled

Principals Message

What an awfully sad and sobering weekend that we have just had. I

struggled with trying to help my own daughters make sense of the events

in Paris and Beirut over the weekend, let alone all of our students. We

rightfully teach our students about how to show respect and tolerance for

one another’s beliefs, cultural background and religion. However, when

confronted with real life events where the opposite takes place, where

opposing beliefs actually lead to horrific acts of violence against otherwise

innocent people it’s hard to rationalise. The best I can offer, is that events

like this probably reinforce better than anything what our world might be

like if the majority of people didn’t show respect and tolerance towards

one another. I do hope that our world’s leaders have the collective

wisdom and restraint to tackle the problem of terrorism with wisdom and

peaceful solutions in mind.

As you would know, the P&C’s Annual General Meeting was held last

Wednesday night. As always, it becomes apparent at the AGM how lucky

we are at Cardiff South to have such a dedicated and hard-working group

of parent volunteers on our P&C. They have had another successful year of

fundraising which has led to the installation of new aluminium seating in

the 3-6 playground, a $5,000 bulk purchase of guided reading texts for

classroom use and they will also be contributing to the purchase of

aluminium seating for the students in K-2 before the end of the year. I’d

like to take this opportunity thank all our P&C members (capably led by

Mrs Cassandra Vizintin) for their ongoing support this year and I look

forward to working with them again in 2016. You can see the names of

those re-elected to positions for next year further on.

Finally, I wish those Year 5 students, nominated for 2016 School Captain

positions, all the very best as they deliver their speeches to the whole

school assembly on Thursday. Regardless of the outcome, you have each

handled yourselves and this process remarkably well and I think you’re


Enjoy the sunshine this week that seems to have reappeared.

David Holland

Term 4, Week 7

Tuesday 17th November


Congratulations Students of the Week!

Junior Student Award

Dylan Tangye


Senior Student Award

Brandon Cannon


Page 2: Congratulations Students of the Week! · Kynan J - K/1R Eva C – ID ... Christmas decorations, small toys and novelty items. We would love it if each class container could be filled

Financial Roll Over Schools’ financial roll over is the 30th November. To help this process proceed smoothly, we are asking that all

payment be finalised by November 27. Some of the outstanding amounts might be for bookpacks, either this

year and/or previous years, preschool fees or the upcoming events such at Party Day. Payments can be made

over the phone using your credit card or by by coming into the office with cash or eftpos. Thank you for your


Presentation Day 2015

Cardiff South Public School’s annual Presentation Day assembly is planned to commence at 9:30am on Tuesday

8th December. It will be a great opportunity to celebrate many of our student’s successes throughout the 2015

school year. Parents have always told us that it is extremely helpful if they are given advanced notice that their

child is receiving an award during this special assembly. If your child will be receiving an award at the

Presentation Day assembly, you will be notified via a letter in the mail later this week. We do this as a courtesy,

so that you have time to make arrangements to attend if you are able, however, we do ask all families to show

restraint and discretion by not informing your children or by discussing that your child is getting an award with

other parents. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Staffing Update

There are a couple of staffing changes to be aware of over the next few weeks. Ms Ellis will return from long

service leave next Monday to recommence teaching 5E and we thank Mrs Winterbine for doing a wonderful job

of teaching and caring for 5E throughout Semester 2. Mr Carlin will start 2 weeks of leave next Monday and Mrs

Winterbine will take over the responsibility of teaching 6C in his absence. Mrs Beever has also commenced 3

weeks of leave, Mrs Gallagher has kindly agreed to maintain the teaching in 3/4BG on a Thursday and Friday

whilst she is away.

Finally, some sad news - after 35 years’ service at Cardiff South PS, Mrs Beever has made the difficult decision to

retire at the end of this year. She has loved working in our school and will clearly miss teaching, but it would

appear that she feels the time is right. We will have the opportunity as a school community to say a proper

farewell to Mrs Beever at our presentation day assembly, but for now we thank her for her wonderful service to

our school and look forward to enjoying a few more weeks working with her between now and the end of the


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Wk 7. 16.11 17.11 18.11 $$Payment due – Choir $$Payment due – Pizza Day

19.11 9.15am 2016 School Captain speeches (hall) Assembly 2pm – 2L

20.11 Book Club Closes Today

K-2 Swimming

3-6 Basketball

Wk 8. 23.11 Snr and Jnr Choir performing at Amaroo Aged Care & Charlestown Square

24.11 25.11

26.11 Pizza Day Choralfest Workshop Assembly 2pm – School Captains

27.11 K-2 Swimming 3-6 Basketball

Wk 9. 30.11 School Council – 5pm

1.12 Kinder Orientatin #3

2.12 Year 7 Orientation - Cardiff High

3.12 Assembly 2pm – 3S

4.12 K-2 Swimming

Southy Stars – Week 6

Bailey S - 1D Kynan J - K/1R Eva C – ID

Page 3: Congratulations Students of the Week! · Kynan J - K/1R Eva C – ID ... Christmas decorations, small toys and novelty items. We would love it if each class container could be filled

P&C Annual General Meeting

Congratulations to be following parents who were re-elected to positions on the P&C executive for 2016:

President – Cassandra Vizintin

Vice Presidents – Stephen Nash & Alison Spamer

Secretary – Lisa Robertson

Treasurer – Jacalyn Weir

We appreciate your willingness to serve our students and school.

Uniform Shop – Sale

The uniform shop currently has a limited supply of sports house shirts which are ‘factory seconds’ that will be

offered on sale for $5 each from this Wednesday onwards. Unfortunately, because they are factory seconds,

they are only available for Myall, Trawalla and Wallaroi – there were no factory seconds received for Arunta.

These will be available on a first in - best dressed basis. Once they’re sold that’s it. The uniform shop is open

every Wednesday morning between 8:30-9:30am.

2015 School Captain Election

Just a reminder - that the nominees for our 2016 School Captains will deliver a speech to the whole school

assembly on Thursday morning at 9:15am. The students from Years 1-6 and teachers will vote immediately

afterwards. Family and friends are welcome to join us in the hall for this special assembly.

Kumaridha AECG Meeting

The next meeting of our local Kumaridha AECG is scheduled for this Wednesday (18/11) at Warners Bay Public

School. The meeting commences at 5:00pm for members, visitors and associate members are invited to join the

meeting at 5:45pm.

Lake Macquarie Council - Name Cardiff’s Creatures Competition

Lake Macquarie Council has some new sculptures that will live

along the Cardiff Streetscape on Main Road, in the centre of

Cardiff. Our school has been asked to suggest 5 names from,

which they can select from. Our sculpture to name is ‘The Eastern

Quoll enjoying a cappuccino’. The SRC is conducting surveys in

their classes to decide on a name for our sculpture. The successful

name will be placed on a plaque with the sculpture. Put on your

creative thinking caps and let’s see what we can name our

sculpture. Students can give their suggestions to their class

teacher. The decision will be made at our next SRC meeting in

Week 7.


This week will be our last week of borrowing for the year. The following week all books will need to be returned

in readiness for stocktake. Students will begin to receive weekly overdue notices. Missing library books are a

significant loss to the school, so please take the time to look for and return missing books.

Thank you, Mrs Conrick

Page 4: Congratulations Students of the Week! · Kynan J - K/1R Eva C – ID ... Christmas decorations, small toys and novelty items. We would love it if each class container could be filled

Cardiff South Pubic School Giant Christmas Hamper Raffle 2015 The Cardiff South Public School P&C Committee are organising a mega Christmas raffle with

a minimum of 13 prizes to win. To help us make this a huge success we need your kind,

wonderful Christmas hamper donations to fill the containers in your child’s classroom.

Some ideas of donations are: Christmas food, Christmas decorations, small toys and novelty


We would love it if each class container could be filled before Wednesday 9th December so

that it is ready for the raffle on Thursday 10th December, which is going to be drawn in the

Hall at 2pm.

Getting to know…… Harrison B

Class: 3/4BG

What do you want to be when you grow up? An accountant

How many sibblings do you have? 2 sisters & 1 brother

Do you have any hobbies? Touch Football

What’s your favourite CSPS memory? Sydney Aquarium

Favourite food? Dark chocolate


Annalise R 6G 19th November

Jack W 1/2Z 19th November

Talan W 5E 21st November

Summah M 3/4BG 22nd November

Drew G 3/4BG 24th November

Emalee M 4G 24th November

Lunch on Us Last week’s winner was….

Zophie Zarzycki-Cooke


Canteen Roster

Wednesday 18 Friday 20 Monday 23

A. Firman J. Catalozski D. Reilly

K. Lambert E. Daly N. Johns

P. Thompson J. Pilarski T. Ritchie

Page 5: Congratulations Students of the Week! · Kynan J - K/1R Eva C – ID ... Christmas decorations, small toys and novelty items. We would love it if each class container could be filled

Public ICE Forum We have been informed that Newcastle’s ‘Community Drug Action Team’ is hosting a public forum on the drug

‘ICE” between 6:30-8:00pm on the 24th November at Newcastle City Hall. The action team is seeking input from

the community on how they can address this problem in our city. If you are interested in attending, please rsvp

to Tony Brown at [email protected] by the 18th November.

What’s happening at Cardiff High?

Alice in wonderland Tea Party

In Term 3, 7L studied Alice in Wonderland and also watched the

film. At the end of the term 7L had a Mad Hatter’s tea party to

celebrate yet another won‐ derful term. We set up the classroom in

an Alice in Won‐derland theme with balloons everywhere that

looked like caterpillars. We also had quotes written on the white

board from the book and we had flags up that also had some

quotes from the book. We ate yummy lollies and delicious chips and we drank

very tasty soft drink. It was loads of fun. Year 7L, English, Georgia Barwick

Page 6: Congratulations Students of the Week! · Kynan J - K/1R Eva C – ID ... Christmas decorations, small toys and novelty items. We would love it if each class container could be filled
Page 7: Congratulations Students of the Week! · Kynan J - K/1R Eva C – ID ... Christmas decorations, small toys and novelty items. We would love it if each class container could be filled
Page 8: Congratulations Students of the Week! · Kynan J - K/1R Eva C – ID ... Christmas decorations, small toys and novelty items. We would love it if each class container could be filled